
Chinese original: 三是提高基本医疗保障水平。稳定提高城镇职工、居 民医保参保率和新农合参合率。 English version: Third, we will raise the level of basic medical insurance. We will steadily cover more working and non-working urban residents under the medical insurance system and more farmers under the new rural cooperative medical care system.
clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses 菜篮子vegetable basket( non - staple foodsupply)
基层at the prim ary levels (原译) 试译: at the grassroots levels Grassroots, 直译就是流行用语草根。这 种说法始于19世纪处于淘金热的美国, 当
化、经济、政治发展状况。然而, 外宣翻译中 存在着大量中国文化特色和政治特色的词语。
由于大多数外国受众对中国的文化、政治等知 之甚少或一无所知, 所以对这类词语他们感到 很陌生。为此, 译者必须充分考虑外国读者的 认知语境知识,采取补偿策略, 即通过解释、交 代背景知识, 使外国读者取得最大关联效果。 否则, 势必会影响到交际的成功。
合”。汉语句子结构呈“竹状”, 节节延伸, 语义 环
环相扣; 英语句子呈“树状”结构, 多用主从句或 分词结构, 枝杈蔓生但逻辑严谨。此外, 汉语有时 达到加强气势的效果, 往往采用对比、排比等手 段。尤其在政府工作报告中, 多小句, 多用并列词 组或并列谓语, 一逗到底, 缺少链接成分, 逻辑层 次不明。

比如,“供给侧结构性改革”(supply-side structural reform)这一词汇被广泛用于描述中国当前经济发展的重点,旨在调整供需结构,提高供给效率。
在翻译时,可以采用功能对等视角将其译为“supply-side structural reform”。
另一个例子是“节能减排”(energy conservation and emission reduction)。
在翻译时,我们可以将其译为“energy conservation and emission reduction”,这样的翻译不仅能够准确传达政府在环境保护方面的决心,也能够传达出中国政府在应对气候变化方面的积极态度。
例如,“创新驱动发展”(innovation-driven development)是中国政府倡导的重要经济发展理念之一。
在翻译时,根据上下文的不同,可以将其译为“innovation-driven development”或者“development driven by innovation”。


1.1 功能对等功能对等即根据源语言和目标语言的差异,保持信息传达的一致性和效果,而采取不同的表达方式。
1.2 特色词汇特色词汇指《中国政府工作报告》中特定的词汇,反映了当前社会经济发展的热点问题和政策导向,具有一定的独特性。
二、特色词汇翻译分析2.1 新发展格局"新发展格局"是《中国政府工作报告》中频繁出现的词汇。
在翻译时,可以采用"new development pattern"或"new development paradigm"来传达这一概念。
2.2 双循环"双循环"是《中国政府工作报告》中提到的重要的经济发展模式。
在翻译时,可以使用"double circulation"或"dual circulation"来传达这一概念。

大家都在找年政府工作报告双语全文,当你浏览全文时候是否想着看看年政府工作报告双语全文解读版的呢!年政府工作报告双语全文解读详细内容【中英双语版】一、年工作回顾A review of our work in经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好;The economy has registered a slower but stable performance with good momentum for growth.国内生产总值达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7%;GDP reached 74.4 trillion yuan, representing 6.7-percent growth.居民消费价格上涨2%;The CPI rose by 2 percent.工业企业利润由上年下降2.3%转为增长8.5%;With an 8.5-percent increase in profits, industrial enterprises reversed the previous year's negative growth of 2.3 percent.就业增长超出预期;Employment growth exceeded projections.全年城镇新增就业1314万人;A total of 13.14 million new urban jobs were added.年末城镇登记失业率4.02%,为多年来最低;The registered urban unemployment rate stood at 4.02 percent at year-end , the lowest level in years.供给侧结构性改革初见成效;Initial success was achieved in supply-side structural reform.服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重上升到51.6%;The value created by the service sector rose to 51.6 percent of GDP.大众创业、万众创新广泛开展;People were busy launching businesses or making innovations.全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长6.3%;Personal per capita disposable in e increased by 6.3 percent in real terms.农村贫困人口减少1240万;The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was r ced by 12.4 million.出境旅游超过1.2亿人次;Overseas trips exceeded 120 million.广义货币M2增长11.3%,低于13%左右的预期目标;The M2 money supply increased by 11.3 percent, below our projected target of around 13 percent.深入推进“互联网+”行动和国家大数据战略;We took further steps to implement the Inter Plus action plan and the national big data strategy.74个重点城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)年均浓度下降9.1%;A 9.1-percent drop in the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) was seen in 74 major cities.二、年工作总体部署What the ernment will do in今年发展的主要预期目标是:Key projected targets for development this year:国内生产总值增长6.5%左右,在实际工作中争取更好结果;GDP growth of around 6.5 percent, or higher if possible in practice.居民消费价格涨幅3%左右;CPI increase kept around 3 percent.城镇新增就业1100万人以上,城镇登记失业率4.5%以内;Over 11 million new urban jobs, and a registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5 percent.继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。


In our work this year, we must make economic stability our top priority and pursue progress while ensuring stability. In the face of new downward pressure, the task of ensuring stable growth needs to occupy an even more prominent position. All localities and government departments should fulfill their responsibilities for maintaining stable macroeconomic performance by proactively introducing pro-stability policies. We should take coordinated moves to keep growth stable, promote structural adjustment, and carry out reform. We should work faster to transform the growth model, and say no to an extensive development model. We should follow a fact-based approach, and bear in mind the fundamental dimension of China’s national context, that is, it is still in the primary stage of socialism. We should manage our own affairs well, and respect the laws of development, the reality on the ground, and the needs of the people. We should work in creative ways in light of actual conditions and motivate all stakeholders to pursue development endeavors.翻译解析及短语归纳本段属于宏观层面的方针原则,官方均用增主句“wemust/should…”结构处理。

This year, central government expenditureswill rise by 3.9 percent, but the budgetary spending of central governmentdepartments will continue to registernegative growth. Central governmenttransfer payments to local governments willcome to close to 9.8 trillion yuan. This figure represents a growth of 18 percent, or around1.5 trillion yuan, and is the largest increase in recent years. The central government willplace more budgetary funds under the mechanism for direct allocation toprefecture- and county-level governments,and provincial-level governments shouldalso provide additional fiscal support tothese levels. It is imperative that local governments are both able and motivated tocarry out policies that will benefit businessesand people.翻译解析及短语归纳1. 今年安排中央本级支出增长3.9%,其中中央部门支出继续负增长。

Government Work ReportIntroductionThe Government Work Report is an annual report presented by the Chinese government to the National People’s Congress (NPC) every year. It is a significant document that outlines the government’s policies, achievements, and plans for the future. This report plays a crucial role in the governance and development of the country as it provides a comprehensive overview of the government’s actions and goals.Key HighlightsEconomic DevelopmentThe Chinese government has made significant progress in promoting economic development. In the past year, the economy has maintained steady growth despite various challenges. The report states that China’s GDP growth rate reached X% in the previous year, which demonstrates the economic stability and resilience of the country.To sustain economic growth, various measures have been implemented, such as tax reductions, increasing domestic consumption, and promoting innovation and technology. The government has also emphasized the importance of ecological conservation and considered it as a critical factor for long-term sustainable development.Poverty AlleviationPoverty alleviation remains a top priority for the government. Tremendous progress has been made in reducing poverty and improving living standards in rural areas. The report highlights the achievements in poverty reduction and reveals the government’s commitment to eradicating absolute poverty in China by the target year.The government has implemented several poverty alleviation measures, including targeted poverty alleviation programs, rural infrastructure development, and vocational training to uplift the disadvantaged communities. These efforts have resulted in a significant decrease in poverty rates and an improvement in the overall quality of life in rural areas.Social Welfare and Public ServicesThe report emphasizes the importance of social welfare and public services for the well-being of the citizens. The government has taken steps to enhance thequality and accessibility of education, healthcare, housing, and social security systems.Investment in education has been increased to improve the quality of education and ensure equal educational opportunities for all citizens. The healthcare system is being upgraded to provide better medical services to the people. Efforts are being made to provide affordable housing options and enhance the social security system to protect vulnerable groups.Environmental ProtectionAddressing environmental challenges has been a significant focus of the Chinese government. The report highlights the importance of environmental protection and the implementation of green development strategies for a sustainable future.Efforts have been made to reduce air pollution, promote clean energy, and increase the use of renewable resources. The government has also taken measures to strengthen environmental monitoring and enforcement to ensure strict compliance with environmental regulations. The report reflects the government’s commitment to building an eco-friendly society for the benefit of future generations.ConclusionThe Government Work Report provides a comprehensive overview of the Chinese government’s actions, achievements, and plans for the future. It highlights the government’s efforts in various areas such as economic development, povert y alleviation, social welfare, and environmental protection.The report reflects the government’s commitment to improving the lives of its citizens and building a prosperous and sustainable future for China. It serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and the general public in understanding the government’s policies and actions.Through continuous efforts and effective implementation of policies, the Chinese government aims to achieve the goal of national rejuvenation and create a harmonious and prosperous society for all its citizens.。

政府工作报告翻译The government work reportThe government work report is a summary of the work done by the government over the past year and the plans for the coming year. It is an important document that outlines the government's policies and priorities.The government work report covers a wide range of topics, including economic development, social issues, and environmental protection. It provides an overview of the state of the economy, including GDP growth, employment rates, and inflation. It also discusses efforts to reduce poverty, improve education and healthcare, and strengthen social security.In addition, the government work report outlines the government's plans for the coming year. This includes specific targets for economic growth, as well as measures to address key challenges, such as pollution and inequality. It also includes policies to support innovation, promote high-quality development, and stimulate domestic consumption.The government work report is presented by the Premier at the National People's Congress, which is the highest organ of state power in China. It is debated and approved by the members of the Congress, and serves as a guideline for government departments and local authorities.In recent years, the government work report has emphasized the need to shift from high-speed growth to high-quality development.This includes measures to reduce overcapacity, improve the business environment, and deepen market-oriented reforms. It also includes efforts to promote the integration of rural and urban development, and reduce regional disparities.Overall, the government work report is an important tool for communicating the government's plans and policies to the public. It provides a comprehensive overview of the government's work, and helps to ensure transparency and accountability in governance. In conclusion, the government work report is a crucial document that outlines the government's work over the past year and its plans for the future. It covers a wide range of topics and provides a comprehensive overview of the government's policies and priorities. By presenting the report to the National People's Congress, the government ensures transparency and accountability in governance.。

We encourage advances in science and technology that promote people’s wellbeing, such as breakthroughs in the prevention and control of diseases. We also encourage opening up and international cooperation in the science and technology sector, and we are firmly committed to protecting intellectual property. We will heighten awareness of research integrity, promote the spirit of science, and create a favorable ecosystem for innovation. Basic research is the wellspring of scientific and technological innovation. So we will ensure the stable functioning of funding mechanisms for basic research and boost spending in this area by a considerable sum. Central government expenditures on basic research will increase by 10.6 percent. Research institutes will have more say about how funds should be used, and the mechanisms for project applications, assessments, fund management, and personnel evaluations and incentives will be refined. We will work hard to help researchers get rid of undue burdens and enable them to fully devote their time and energy to making scientific explorations and major breakthroughs in key technologies, just as a blacksmith in the past would spendyears forging the perfect sword.翻译详解及短语归纳1. 发展疾病防治攻关等民生科技We encourage advances in science and technology that promote people’s wellbeing, such as breakthroughs in the prevention and control of diseases.(1)“增主增谓”处理:We encourage…;“发展”做“动转名”处理;“民生科技”即“推动民生发展的科技”;“攻关”即“突破或重大进展”(2)“疾病防治攻关”属于“民生科技”中的某项内容,所以被处理为“such as…”结构(3)本句中,“encourage=promote= make sth more likely to happen or develop”2. 促进科技开放合作We also encourage opening up and international cooperation in the science and technology sector.(1)也可处理为“We will promote open cooperation in science and technology.”3. 加强知识产权保护 we are firmly committed to protecting intellectual property.(1)也可处理为“We will enhance/strengthen the protection of intellectual property.”4. 加强科研诚信建设,弘扬科学精神,营造良好创新生态We will heighten awareness of research integrity, promote the spirit of science, and create a favorable ecosystem for innovation.(1)加强科研诚信建设:heighten awareness of research integrity(加强这种意识)注:也可以处理为“promote research integrity” (“建设”是范畴词)(2)弘扬promote/carry forward/advance and enrich/develop and expand(3)良好创新生态 a favorable ecosystem for innovation5.源头wellspring (a supply or source of a particular quality, especially one that never ends (永不枯竭的)源泉,来源)6. 要健全稳定支持机制,大幅增加投入we will ensure the stable functioning of funding mechanisms for basic research and boost spending in this area by a considerable sum.(1)整句也可处理为“We will ensure a sound and stable mechanism for supporting basic research and boost spending in this area by a considerable/large amount”,通过语境可知,这里的“投入”是指“支出;开支”。


一. 出现中式英语倾向的原因由于中国与英语国家的历史背景、政治经济体制、社会文化形态的不同,以及中国人与英语国家人们思维方式和语言习惯的差异,汉译英易产生“中式英语”,就像英译汉易出现“洋腔洋调”一样。
“三个代表”译为Three Represe nts,用动词repr esent体现原文“代表”的动态词性,用数量次、复数和大写来满足“三个代表”简称的名词需要,译文与原文在形式上也很对称。
但ThreeReprese nts听起来又点怪,仍有中式英语味道,因为用数次修饰动词是违反英文语法的。
今年《政府工作报告》译为three-stage guarant ees,后又根据上下文做解释性翻译(ensurin g payment of the livingallowan ces for workers laid off from state-owned enterpr ises, unemplo ymentinsuran ce and subsist ence allowan ces for the urban poor)。

2019年英语口译高级:政府工作报告中英翻译(5)对今年政府工作的建议III. Suggestions for the Work of the Government This Year结合过去十年特别是近五年工作的体会,对今年政府主要工作提出以下建议。
Based on an understanding of the work of the past ten years, especially of the past five years, I wish to make the following suggestions for the government's main work this year.(一)加快转变经济发展方式,促动经济持续健康发展。
1. Accelerating the change ofthe growth model and promoting sustained and sound economic development我国社会主义现代化建设取得的一切成就都建立在经济持续健康发展的基础之上,经济不发展,什么事情都办不成。
All the achievements we havemade in China's socialist modernization are attributable to sustained and sound economic development, without which we would have accomplished nothing.我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段的基本国情没有变,人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾这个社会主要矛盾没有变,我国是世界上发展中国家的国际地位没有变,发展仍是解决我国所有问题的关键。
China is still in the primary stage of socialism andwill remain so for a long time. This basic national conditionhas not changed; nor has the principal problem in our society, that is, production falls short of the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people, or China's international position as the largest developing country in the world. Development is still the key to solving all our problems.必须坚持以经济建设为中心,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。
政府工作报告 英文

政府工作报告英文Government Work ReportThe Government Work Report is an annual report presented by the Chinese government to the National People's Congress, which serves as a comprehensive summary of the government's achievements and plans for the coming year. The report covers various aspects of governance, including economic development, social welfare, environmental protection, and national security.The Government Work Report is an essential document that outlines the priorities and goals of the Chinese government. It reflects the government's commitment to improve the lives of its citizens and address the challenges faced by the country.In recent years, the Chinese government has made significant progress in various areas. The economy has continued to grow at a steady pace, lifting millions of people out of poverty and providing them with better opportunities. The government has implemented various measures to ensure sustainable development, such as reducing carbon emissions and promoting clean energy. Furthermore, the government has prioritized social welfare by strengthening the social security system, providing better healthcare services, and improving education. Efforts have also been made to reduce income inequality and improve the living conditions of low-income households.Additionally, the government has placed high importance on environmental protection and ecological conservation. It hasimplemented stricter regulations to curb pollution and promote environmental sustainability. The government has also invested heavily in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. In terms of national security, the government has taken measuresto maintain social stability and protect national interests. It has strengthened law enforcement and cracked down on criminal activities. The government has also actively engaged in international cooperation and diplomacy to maintain peace and stability in the region.Looking ahead, the Chinese government has set ambitious goalsfor the future. It aims to further strengthen economic development and innovation, with an emphasis on technological advancements and digital transformation. Efforts will also be made to improve social welfare, such as providing affordable housing and improving social security benefits.Environmental protection will remain a top priority, with the government aiming to reduce pollution and promote the sustainable use of resources. National security will also be strengthened, with a particular focus on cybersecurity and counterterrorism.In conclusion, the Government Work Report is a crucial document that reflects the Chinese government's commitment to improving the lives of its citizens and addressing the challenges faced by the country. It outlines the government's achievements in various areas and sets ambitious goals for the future. With the government's strong determination and comprehensive strategies, it is expectedthat China will continue to make significant progress and contribute to global development.。

汉语中存在着大量的修饰语, 意在加强语气。如果将这 些直译成英语, 可能不符合逻辑, 甚至造成语意曲解。 当然, 译与不译要视情况而定, 要推敲上下文的逻辑关 系, 力求信息准确又符合情理,避免用词堆砌, 使译文流 于空洞庸俗之感。汉语句子结构往往重整体, 重综合, 免不了会出现一些评论性话语, 常使用”情况”、”问
This time last year witnessed severe recession of world s' economy resulting from the spread of global financial crisis. Our economy was severely affected featured by sudden slowdown of economic growth,exports and operating difficulties in many enterprises, even some of which suspended or closed down. The number of unemployed people increased sign ificantly, and many migrant workers had to return to their home villages.
政论文大多主题明确,议论生动,体不诡异, 辞不险怪,体现出“意与理胜”的特点。一年一 度的《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所 做的工作总结和工作部署。总结的是建设中国特色 社会主义所取得的新成就,部署的是国家针对国情 的大政方针和政策措施。作为政论文的典型文本, 《政府工作报告》所具有的特点不仅是具体的,而 且也是政论文的基本共性所在。
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• 加快“引进来、走出去”步伐。优化发展环境,创新招商机制,以招大引强 加快“引进来、走出去”步伐。优化发展环境,创新招商机制, 为中心,吸引更多实力雄厚的国内外大企业和大商家来邕发展。 为中心,吸引更多实力雄厚的国内外大企业和大商家来邕发展。发挥我市作 为中国—东盟自贸区节点城市、国家加工贸易梯度转移重点承接地的优势, 为中国—东盟自贸区节点城市、国家加工贸易梯度转移重点承接地的优势, 积极承接产业、资金、技术、人才转移,千方百计扩大我市利用外资规模; 积极承接产业、资金、技术、人才转移,千方百计扩大我市利用外资规模; 抓住桂台经贸合作论坛再次在台北举办之机,加大入岛招商引资力度, 抓住桂台经贸合作论坛再次在台北举办之机,加大入岛招商引资力度,提升 邕台经贸合作水平。 邕台经贸合作水平。 • We will speed up the implementation of “bringing in and going global” strategy. We will make greater effort to attract more large and strong enterprises home and abroad to invest in Nanning by optimizing our development environment, and innovating investment introducing mechanism. We will make full use of Nanning’s advantages as a node city of CAFTA and a key industrial receiver of the nation’s processing trade gradient transference, and actively accept displaced industries, capital, technologies and talents from the coastal areas, so as to expand the City’s foreign investment scale. We will seize the Guangxiopportunity of the Guangxi-Taiwan Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum to be held again in Taipei this year to invite capital and investment from Taiwan, enhancing the level of economic and trade cooperation between the two sides.
• 引导扶持更多的企业“走出去”,到境外特别是东盟国家投资 引导扶持更多的企业“走出去” 办厂、设立营销网点和售后服务机构, 办厂、设立营销网点和售后服务机构,开展境外承包工程等国 际经济合作业务。积极调整优化出口产品结构,提高机电产品、 际经济合作业务。积极调整优化出口产品结构,提高机电产品、 高新技术产品出口比重,加快发展加工贸易和转口贸易, 高新技术产品出口比重,加快发展加工贸易和转口贸易,不断 扩大市场份额与出口规模。 扩大市场份额与出口规模。 • In the meantime, we will provide service in guiding and supporting local enterprises to “go global”, to invest and establish factories, to set up marketing network and after sales service agencies as well as to undertake overseas contracted projects abroad, particularly in AEASN countries. We will optimize production structure for export, increasing the proportion of hielectromechanical exports and hi-tech products, accelerating the development of processing trade and entrepot trade and enlarging our market share and export scales.
• 大力发展和积极引导非公有制经济。各级政府要抓紧清理和修订限制非公有 大力发展和积极引导非公有制经济。 制经济发展的法规和政策,落实放宽市场准入的措施。 制经济发展的法规和政策,落实放宽市场准入的措施。进一步研究制定鼓励 非公有制企业参与国有企业改组改造,进入基础设施、 非公有制企业参与国有企业改组改造,进入基础设施、公用事业及其他行业 和领域的具体办法。在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面, 和领域的具体办法。在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面,采取措 施保障非公有制企业与其他企业享受同等待遇。 施保障非公有制企业与其他企业享受同等待遇。保护非公有制企业的合法权 改进服务和监管,支持和鼓励有条件的企业做强做大。 益,改进服务和监管,支持和鼓励有条件的企业做强做大。加快推进现代产 权制度建设。 权制度建设。 • We will vigorously promote the development of the non-public sector of the economy and actively guide it. Governments at all levels must promptly eliminate or revise regulations and policies that restrict the development of this sector and implement measures that relax market access. We will conduct further studies and formulate specific methods to encourage non-public enterprises to participate in the reorganization of state-owned enterprises and expand into infrastructure development, public utilities and other industries and domains. We will take measures to ensure that non-public enterprises receive the same treatment as other enterprises in investment, financing, taxation, land use and foreign trade. We will protect their legitimate rights and interests and improve government service to and oversight over them, so as to support and encourage qualified non-public enterprises in their efforts to grow stronger and larger. We will speed up the establishment of a modern system of ownership.
(八)以扩大开放合作为依托,努力提升城市竞争力和影响力 以扩大开放合作为依托, 在中国—东盟自贸区建成背景下,大力开展“发展环境建设年”活动, 在中国—东盟自贸区建成背景下,大力开展“发展环境建设年”活动, 积极营造商机无限的投资环境、廉洁高效的政务环境、 积极营造商机无限的投资环境、廉洁高效的政务环境、民主公正的法治环 规范守信的市场环境、健康向上的人文环境、舒适便利的生活环境、 境、规范守信的市场环境、健康向上的人文环境、舒适便利的生活环境、 安全稳定的社会环境和可持续发展的生态环境,促进经济社会全方位、 安全稳定的社会环境和可持续发展的生态环境,促进经济社会全方位、宽 领域、多层次对外开放。 领域、多层次对外开放。 8. Focusing on Enhancing Opening up and Cooperation Level, and Promoting the City’s Competiveness and Influence Upon the establishment of CAFTA, we will vigorously launch the program of the “Year of Development and Environmental Construction”, focusing on the construction of an investment environment with boundless business opportunities, a clean administrative environment with high efficiency, a legal environment with democracy and justice, a trading environment with proper market standardization and commercial morality, and a healthy humanity environment, a convenient living environment, a ecosafe and stable social environment and a sustainable ecoomniwideenvironment, promoting an omni-directional, wide-range multiopeningand multi-level pattern of opening-up in the coming year.