


1 、在非限制性定语从句中which 可以作主语,as 则一般不用作主语;

2 、在状语从句中用来表示“一……就”的习惯搭配有hardly /scarely ...,no sooner …than ;

3 、可以引导原因状语从句的符合连词有in that ,now that 。seeing that ,considering that …等;

4 、在名词性从句中应该注意whether 和if 的区别。Whether 引导的从句可以放在句首,而if 则不行;if 引导的从句可以有否定的形式,而whether 从句就不行;whether 和or not 可以连起来用,但if 和0r not 就不能连用,or not 必须放在句末。


And _______fifty years ago “being employed”meant working as a factory labour or as a farmhand ,the employee of today is increasingly a middle class person with a substantial formal education ,holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills .

A .when

B .which

C .as

D .that

抛开前面的从句先不看,后面主句的意思是今天雇员越来越多地成为中产阶级,受过扎实的正规教育,担任需要智力和技能的专业工作或管理工作。从句的意思是50 年前,被雇佣就意味着在工厂或农场里当劳力。显然前后句所表达的并非同一个概念,空格中应该填入表示让步的连词,引导从句。when 在这里的用法比较特殊,它可以代替although ,所以正确答案是A 。又如:You describe the boy as stupid ,when in fact he is very smart .你把那个男孩说得很笨,但是实际上他非常聪明。


英语中最常见以及常考的时态是一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时、现在进行时等八种。这些时态我们几乎在每次使用英语的时候,无论是说话或者是写作,都会遇到,一般用法早已熟记于心了,复习的时候只要留心他们的一些特殊用法,这里以现在完成时和现在( 完成) 进行时为例。


l 、在this is(it is)the first time that …句型中,从句常用完成时态。如:It is the second time he has been out with her .



A.从介词开始到其后跟的名词结束 B.从介词开始到动名词结束 C.从介词开始到动名词的宾语结束2018年12月大学英语四六级语法精讲课程讲义 一、识别句子成分必须记住的原理 1.衡量是否是一个句子的标准:是否有动词,有动词就是句子,反之不是句子。 2.英语构句原则规定:一个简单句中只能有一个谓语动词 3.长难句的构成:主句、从句、介词短语、非谓语动词 (1)主句的辨识:谓语动词 (2)从句的辨识:连词+与之匹配的谓语动词 (3)介词短语: (4)非谓语动词:4.衡量长难句划分是否正确的标准:整个句子中谓语动词的个数比连词多一个 5.长难句划分方法:连动切割法 ·连动切割法:将句子中的所有连词和动词(连词、动词的排列不分先后)作为切割长难句的基 础,断开主句和从句。 ·长难句划分的具体步骤: 【第一步】断开主句和从句 通读整个句子找出所有的连词或动词,并将连词和动词匹配起来(主要是针对从句而 言,主句不存在连词,从句连词和动词的匹配遵守就近原则),然后再给动词匹配主 语(主句的主语在谓语之前找;从句的主语在连词和与之匹配的谓语动词中间找,如 果它们中间没有任何词语,那么连词本身就是这个从句的主语。) 动名词(doing ) 动词不定式(to do ) 现在分词(doing ) 过去分词(done )

【第二步】断开介词短语和非谓语动词 二、总结复习句子的主要成分 1、主语 (1)定义:主语是动作的发出者。 (2)位置:在谓语动词之前。 (3)什么可以充当主语: 2、谓语 (1)定义:述说主语的动作或状态。 (2)位置:在主语之后。(3)什么可以充当谓语:实意动词。 3、宾语 (1)定义:(2)位置: (3)什么可以充当宾语:4、表语 (1)定义:表述主语的身份特征,性质状态的 (2)位置:在系动词之后 (3)什么可以充当表语: A.名词: B.代词: C.介词短语: D.非谓语动词: E.句子:A.动作的承受者B.介词所联系的对象,即介词宾语(简称介宾) A.名词: B.代词: C.介词短语: D.非谓语动词: E.句子: A.名词: B.代词: C.形容词 D.介词短语: E.非谓语动词: F.句子:A.在谓语动词之后B.在非谓语动词之后C.在介词之后


初中英语语法——三大从句汇总 在英语中,主要有三大从句,即名词性从句(包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)、形容词性从句(即定语从句)、副词性从句(即 状语从句,包括时间、条件、结果、目的、原因、让步、地点、方式等)。以 下是一些基本的从句的语法知识点 A、定语从句专项讲解与训练 一、定语从句概念 定语从句(attributive clause),顾名思义,就是一个句子作定语从属 于主句。定语一般是由形容词充当,所以定语从句又称作形容词从句。另外, 定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的,故又称作关系从句。 定语从句一般放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后,这种名词或代词被称作先 行词。请看示例: The woman who lives next door is a teacher. 先行词定语从句 在所有的从句中,算定语从句最难掌握,因为汉语里没有定语从句,汉语 里只有定语,而且总是放在名词之前来修饰名词。 二、关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词代替前面的先行词,并且在定语从句中充当句子成分,可以作主语、宾语、定语等。常见的关系代词有:who, that, which。它们的主格、宾格和所有格如下表所示: 先行词主格宾格所有格 人 who whom whose 物 which which whose of which 人、物 that that — (一)关系代词who, whom和 whose的用法 who代替人,是主格,在定语从句中作主语。例如: An architect is a person who designs buildings. 建筑师是设计房屋的人。 I will never forget the teacher who taught us chemistry in the first


Ol.The man ager put forward a suggesti on ____ we should have an assista nt. There is too much work to do. A.whether B.that C.which D.what 解析: 正确答案:B 首先此题并非考查定语从句,因为我们无法找到能与从句建立关系的先行词,所以排除which。本题实为同位语从句。同学可能会误选A,中文解释看起来似乎通顺,经理给我们提出建议是否应该 用助手。但是仔细分析句子结构和含义,给出的建议应该是一个肯定性的句子而非whether引导的一般疑问句的同位语从句。句意:经理建议我们应该用助手因为工作太多了。所以选择that 02.lt was the culture, rather tha n the Ian guage, ___ made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad. A.which B.why C.that D.what 解析: 正确答案:C 句意:是文化,而不是语言,使得他很难适应国外的新环境。去掉插入语部分可能更好的看清句子 主体。本句这个句子中含有it was,首先要考虑所给题目是不是一个强调句,还是定语从句。把It was 和横线去掉,发现句意仍然完整清楚,The culture made it hard for him to ad apt to the new environment abroad.所以说这里就是一个强调句而不是定语从句,故选C。 03.I t's much easier to make friends _____ y ou have similar in terests. A.who B.whe n C.whom D.that 解析: 正确答案:B 值得注意的是本题题干并不是定语从句,而是when引导的状语从句。学生容易误认为是定语从句, 先行词为friends,而错选。其实,后半句you have similar interests 并不修饰friends。句意:当你们兴趣相投的时候,交朋友就容易多了。这里用when引导时间状语从句。 04.Look out! Don't get too close to the house ____ window is broke n. A.whose B.which C.of which D.that 解析: 正确答案:A 当心!不要靠那所窗户破了的房子太近。首先判断题目中的先行词为house,然后判断从句和先行词的关系,window和house是所属关系,故用whose作为定语从句关系代词。 05.You should make it a rule to leave things _____ you can find them again. A.whe n B.where C. that D.there 解析:


英语语法: 英语从句完全汇总 一.主语从句 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it 代替,而本身放在句子末尾。 1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that。被强调部分指人是也可用who/whom。例如: It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film. It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is John that broke the window. 2. 用it 作形式主语的结构 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …事实是… It is an honor that …非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that …是常识 (2) it is +形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It is strange that…奇怪的是… (3) it is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…似乎… It happened that…碰巧… (4) it +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…据报道… It has been proved that…已证实… 3. 主语从句不可位于句首的五种情况 (1) if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。 (2) It is said , (reported) …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week. (right) That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said. (wrong) (3) It happens…, It occurs…结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: It occurred to him that he failed in the examination. (right) That he failed in the examination occurred to him. (wrong) (4) It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前。例如: It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not. (right) Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter. (wrong) (5) 含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前。例如: Is it likely that it will rain in the evening? (right) Is that will rain in the evening likely? (wrong) 4. What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别 What 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不


从句 从句按其在主句中的句法功能可分为三类: 即名词性从句、形容词性从句(即定语从句)和副词性从句(即状语从句)。 引导从句的词称作关联句. 一、名词性从句 引导这些名词性从句的关联词包括: 从属连词that, if, whether; 连接代词 who,whoever,whom,whomever,which,whichever,what,whatever,wh ose; 连接副词where, when, why, how。 其中, 从属连词只起连接作用, 在从句中不充当任何句法成分, 而连接代词和连接副词既起连接作用, 在从句中又充当一定的成分. That Owen should have married his cousin is not at all surprising. The fact is that he didn't go to the dinner party. I don't know if he will attend the meeting. Have you heard the news that Mary is going to marry Tom? 你听说玛丽要和汤姆结婚的消息了吗?(that引导同位语从句) [提示]

1. 在含有主语从句的复合句中, 为保持句子平衡, 常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语从句置于句末. It's well-known that water is indispensable to life.(形式主语) 2. 为保持句子平衡, that引导的宾语从句也常用it代替, 而将真正的宾语从句置于主句句末。这常常出现在主句有形容词或分词作宾语补足语的情况下。 He made it quite clear that he preferred to live here. 3. 从属连词whether和if都作“是否…”解, 但if不可引导主语从句和表语 从句。whether可与or(not)连用, 而if不可以。 I don't know whether (if) she is at home. Whether she comes or not makes no difference. 4. that和what引导名词性从句的区别: that在从句中不充当成分,而what在从句中充当一定的成分, 如主语、表语、宾语等。that可省略, what则不可省。 He always means what he says. She suggested (that) he do it at once. 5. 同位语从句大多由从属连词that引导, 常跟在下列名词后面, 如fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, belief等, that不可省。同位语从句一般用来解释说明这些名词的具体含义和内容。 We are familiar with the idea that all matter consists of atoms. The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging.


大学四六核心语法 引言: 1.为什么学语法? 语法(英语:Grammar)是指任意自然语言中控制子句、词组以及单词等结构的规则。 2.怎么学语法? at table at the table in prison in the prison at school at the school out of question out of the question We have been roasting the chicken for over 30 years. I really can't imagine how crisp it will be.

第一章动词概述 一、谓语动词 1.英语时态 The first president of the US was George Washington, the second was John Adams, the third was Thomas Jefferson, and the sixteenth was Abraham Lincoln. Who is the president of the US? A.George Washington B.Abraham Lincoln C.Thomas Jefferson D.None of the above 某一时间某一动作所呈现的状态。 我们学英语。 我们学过英语。 我们在学英语。 我们将学英语。

一般进行完成完成进行 现在do/does is/am/are doing have/has done have/has been doing 过去did Was/were doing Had done Had been doing 将来will do Will be doing Will have done Will have been doing 过去将来0would study Would be doing Would have done Would have been doing 一般现在时


(精华版)初中英语语法基本从句汇总从句的共同特点 从句是指在一个句子中充当一个成分的句子,充当什么成分就叫什么从句,如:充当宾语就叫宾语从句,充当定语成分就叫定语从句。 从以上定义中我们可以得出关于从句的一个最大特点:从句是句子。 从句的共同特点:1.从句都有自己的连接词2.从句都是陈述语序(陈述语序就是主语在前,谓语在后,如:He is a teacher主语He在谓语is之前,因此是陈述语序,而Is he a teacher?主语He在谓语is之后,因此不是陈述语序。) 1宾语从句 宾语从句是指在一个句子中充当宾语的句子,如:He said that he wanted to be a teacher when he grew up. 宾语从句的特点: ①宾语从句有自己的连接词 ②宾语从句用陈述语序 ③宾语从句的时态 1

①宾语从句的连接词:宾语从句的连接词包括that、if/whether(是否)、特殊疑问词。 ②宾语从句的语序; A.宾语从句的连接词后加陈述语序(主语在前,谓语在后),如:I want to know if he can come tomorrow B.当连接词本身又是宾语从句的主语时,后面直接加谓语动词,如:She asked me who had helped him. ③宾语从句的时态,只要记住以下口诀就可以了“主现则从任,主过则从过,客观真理一般现” A.主现则从任:主句如果是一般现在时,则从句根据时间状语需要从八种时态中任选一种,如:1.He tells me he likes English very much(一般现在时) B.主过则从过:主句如果是一般过去时,则从句根据时间状语需要从四种带“过”字的时态中任选一种,带“过”字的时态分别是如:一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。 如:He told me that he liked playing football(一般过去时) C.客观真理一般现:客观真理永远用一般现在时。 如:1.He says the moon goes around the earth. 2状语从句 2


初中英语语法宾语从句讲解 小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词;主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时;陈述转化that引,一般疑问用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一.基本讲解来源:直接引语变间接引语 概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 Eg: He said,“I am good at drawing”. He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) 1.引导词 (1) that引导宾语从句时,通常用陈述句充当, that可省略。 Eg: She said,“I want to go there ”She said (that) she wanted to go there. (2) whether 或if 引导的宾语从句,由一般疑问句/选择疑问句充当,陈述语序。 Eg: “Are you interested in geography?” she said. She asked if/whether I was interested in geography. I wonder if /whether she has told the new to Li Lei . I’m not sure whether he will come or not. 注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外 a. 介词短语后只用whether 不用if eg: We are talking about whether we'll go on the panic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或or not 连用时,只用whether. eg:I can?t say whether or not he will come on time c. if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,表示‘如果’,不能用whether. Eg: If you want to be a good teacher, it will take times. Whether you can succeed depends on how much effort you pay. (3).特殊疑问词引导宾语从句时,不可省略,陈述句语序。 特殊疑问词为:how , when, where, why ,which whose. E.g. …What do you want?? He asked. He asked me what I wanted. I have no idea where he is now. I don?t know how to deal with it. He asked whose handwriting is the best in the class. 2.宾语从句时态 a.主句为一般现在时,从句不受主句的限制 eg: Do you know if/whether he has seen the film? I?m sorry to hear that your father is ill. She says she is going to go to Beijing next week. He tells me that his sister came back yesterday. b.当主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的相应某种时态 She didn?t know why the boy was late again. (过去一般) I didn't know if/whether he had seen the film.(过去完成) I wondered when she was going to America.(过去将来) 注意:当主句是一般过去时,而从句表示的是客观真理,自然现象,科学原理,格言等,从句仍然要用一般现在时。例如: Eg: He said (that the earth moves round the sun. / that light travels much faster than sound.)The teacher told us (seeing is believing.)


大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.I feel that his subject gains a lot from the attractive A. presentation B. preparation C. preference D. potential 2.If you ask an agent to help you find an apartment, you have to pay him a before e you can rent the house. A. fine B. premise D. visit 3.A A. predominant B. premature C. preferable D. preliminary 4.Age alone will not as a candidate. A. preclude B. precede C. precipitate D. predict 5.There are still some people who A. conform B. preach C. project D. pound 6.Anne is so calm and A. practicable B. applicable C. practical D. appreciable 7.The book Black Beauty____ A. postulates B. ponders 8.His eyes almost when he saw that he had won. A. popped B. poked ed D. plugged 9.If we


高中英语语法定语从句总复习 郴州资兴三中李俊才 定义:用来说明主句中某一名词或代词(有时也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而起定语作用的句子叫 作定语从句。 一、关系带词引导的定语从句 1. 关系代词用来指代先行词是人或物的名词或代词 句子成分用于限制从句或非限制性从句只用于限制性从句 代替人代替物代替人或物主语Who which 主语Whom which that 宾语Whose (=of whom) Whose (=of which) that 例1:This is the detective who came from London. 例2:The book which I am reading is written by Tomas Hardy. 2.关系代词的用法 (1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如: All the people that are burst into tears.(所有人都迸出眼泪。) (2) 如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, most, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which, who,或whom。 (3) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。 There are about seven million people taking part in the election, most of whom、are well educated. (4) which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分 概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思是与and this 相似,并可以指人。例如: He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy. (5) that可指人或物,在从句中作表语,(指人作主语时多用who)仅用于限制性定语从句中。


语法内容----从句 一.从句的分类 主语从句(谓语之前)This is what he told me last night. 表语从句(系动词之后)What he said is true. 宾语从句(实意动词之后)Tell me what he said at the meeting. 同位语从句名词之后,与名词是等同关系)The news that he will come makes me happy.(解释the news) 定语从句(修饰名词或代词)The news that he tole me is true 状语从句(修饰动词) 1.)时间.....I stayed home while ha was away.(说明呆家的时间) 2.)地点....You should put the book where it was.(说明放的位置) 3. 原因....He didn’t come because he was ill.(说明没来的原因) 4.)结果...He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch cup him(他跑得快 导致的结果) 5.) 目的...We left early so that we could catch the first train.(说明 我们早出发的目的) 6.) 条件...I will not lend the book to you unless you return it in

time.(说明我借书给你的前提条件) 7.)让步...(Although he may have told you, I still think she is not to be trusted.(说明就算退一步讲,我也不信任她) 8.)方式...You should do as I tell you.(说明你要做的方式) 9.)比较...The room is bigger than that one.(形容/副词的比较用法) 二、从句的连接词(根据从句类型来用) 1.名词性从句- 主语从句陈述句(that) 宾语从句-----根据从句类型一般疑问句(weather/if) 表语从句特殊疑问句(what/how/when/ 同位语...- where/why/who.)以宾从为例陈述句:He said that he could help me.(I can help you) 一般问句He asked weather/if I could help him.( Can you help me?)特殊问句:He asked what I was doing.( What are you doing? He asked how I did it?.( How did you do it?)


大学英语六级语法 导学部分 误区: ●四六级不考语法 ●语法=单选题 语法? ●语言的规矩和法则 ●连词成句 语言语法句子 四六级语法学什么? 句子 句子的结构 一个句子多个句子的连接 (一件事)(多件事) 简单句并列句/复合句 第一章:简单句的核心 第一部分:简单句 第二章:简单句的补充 第二部分:并列句 基础语法 四六级语法第三部分:复合句 强调 第四部分:特殊用途的句子倒装 虚拟 真题应用长难句分析(全真题讲解) 第一部分:简单句 第一章:简单句的核心 一、简单句的核心构成 简单句一个句子(一件事) 世界是物质的,物质是运动的

n. + v. 主语+ 谓语 1 1 n. + 谓语v. 一主一谓,谓语动词的不同决定简单句的不同构成。 例子: I swim. I like English. 区分vt./vi. 1)意思 2)介词(prep.) ● I like English. ●The bride kissed the groom. ●Birds fly in the sky. ●We walked on the street yesterday. ●You look at me. 介宾结构 ● ●They offered a vacant post to me. I bought a present for you. I find HongKong ??? I find HongKong very beautiful. I find HongKong a place for shopping.

●我非常高兴。 ●I very happy. ??? I am very happy. 主系表 系动词 1.be动词(单独) 2.“变得” get become turn go grow 3.感官动词look sound smell taste feel “看/ 听/ 闻/ 尝/ 感觉起来……” 4.keep remain / seem appear 1. I ask you a question. 主谓双宾 2. You answer. 主谓 3. I love you. 主谓宾 4. You make my life complete.主谓宾补 5. I am happy. 主系表 主语+ 谓语 二、简单句的核心变化 (一)谓语动词的变化: 1. 时态:


定语从句 1.1 定语从句的两个重要概念:先行词和关系词: 先行词:被定语从句所修饰的对象称为先行词。 关系词:重复指代先行词,起连接主句和从句的作用,并且在定语从句中充当一定成分的连接词称为关系词。关系词有两个作用: 1.代词的作用:重复指代先行词并且在定语从句中充当一定成分,比如I don’t like people who never keep their word.中的who指代people并且作从句的主语。 2.连接作用:即连接主句和从句,如上句who起着连接主句I don’t like people和从句who never keep their word 的作用 1.2 关系词在定语从句充当的成分 在上一节中,在谈到关系词的“代词作用”时,提到它“重复指代先行词并且在定语从句中充当一定的成分”。因此接下来的分析思路是,以关系词为出发点,从两个角度来谈定语从句:一是关系词在从句中所能充当的各种不同成分;二是关系词与先行词的对应关系,即不同的先行词要由不同的关系词来指代。 1.2.1 关系词用作从句的主语 1. I like guys and they have a good sense of humor. ↓ 2. I like guys w h o have a good sense of humor. 点睛:这里的关系词who取代and they,来引导定语从句who have a good sense of humor,修饰名词guys。这个guys就是先行词。 翻译:我喜欢有幽默感的男生。 3. Anger is a thief who steals away the nice moments. 翻译:愤怒就如同一个窃贼,盗取了我们的幸福时光。 4. He who is not handsome at twenty, nor strong at thirty, nor rich at forty, nor wise at fifty, will never be handsome, rich or wise. 翻译:一个人若在20岁时不俊美,30岁不健康,40岁不富有,50岁时不明智,那么他将永远不会拥有这些。 5. There is this difference between happiness and wisdom: the person who thinks himself the happiest man really is so ; but the person who thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool. 翻译:幸福与智慧区别于此:认为自己是最幸福的,他真的就是最幸福的;而认为自己是最有智慧的,他却往往是最大的傻瓜。 6. Of course I am not talking about easy-come-easy-go friendship. I’m talking about friends who care deeply about each other, who support each other, who make life worth living. 翻译:当然了,我这里所说的的友谊不是那种“来的快去的也快”的泛泛之交,而是那种彼此之间能真正互相关心的朋友,就能够互相支持的朋友,能够让你的人生更有意义的朋友。 1.2.2 关系词用作从句动词的宾语(relative pronoun as object of verb) 关系词除了像上面讨论的在定语从句中作主语外,还可以在从句中作宾语。


初中英语语法状语从句讲解专项练习选择合适的连接词,完成下列句子。 spends a lot of money on books______he is not rich. fell into sleep ______she was listening to the music. David at school today ----No. He is at home ______he has a bad cold. , won't have supper ______my mother comes back. to him slowly ______he may understand you better. 6. ______ she doesn't come on Sunday, I'll go fishing by myself. is four years ______I had left that small village. 8. ______the air moves, it is called wind. will go to the park ______it doesn't rain tomorrow. boys did ______much work. are few new words in the passage ______we can't understand it. ? back ______you come from. reached the station ______the train had left. you have a swimming pool ----No, we don't. At least, not ______big ______yours. me your paper ______you have finished it. is raining hard, ______we have to stay at home. 17. ______you work harder, you'll never pass the final exam. after the children ______I am out. ' village is ______far away ______I can't get there on foot. is ______an interesting book ______I can't stop reading it. 能力提高练习 1 ( ) 1 The meeting didn't start___ everyone was there. A. because B. until C. why D. if ( ) 2 The boy ___ to bed ___ his mother came in. A. went not; until B. didn't go; after C. went; until D. didn't go; until ( ) 3 I won't believe you___ I have seen it with my own eyes. A. before B. until C. after D. when ( ) 4 He ___ home ___ she was satisfied ___ his answer yesterday. A. didn't go; until; with B. wasn't go; after; to C. doesn't go; before; with D. didn't go; until; to ( ) 5 He ___ back until the work ___ done. A. isn't; will be B. isn't; is C. won't be; will be D. won't be; is ( ) 6 They didn't start the work ___ their teacher came back. A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if 2 ( ) 1 Tom will call me as soon as he ___ Shanghai. A. arrives B. will reach C. arrives in D. get to ( ) 2 I'm sure he'll come to see me before he ___ Beijing. A. will leave B. is leaving C. leave D. leaves ( ) 3 I will tell him the news as soon as he___ back. A. come B. comes C. will come D. came 3 ( ) 1 Tom has got a watch. He ___ it for two years. It _______ by his father. A. has bought; was bought B. has got; is bought , C. was bought; has bought . D. has had; was bought "' ( ) 2 When he got to the station, the train ___. A. left B. had left C. leaves D. has left


2019年12月大学英语四六级语法讲义 一、识别句子成分必须记住的原理 1.衡量是否是一个句子的标准:是否有动词,有动词就是句子,反之不是句子。 2.英语构句原则规定:一个简单句中只能有一个谓语动词。 3.长难句的构成:主句、从句、介词短语、非谓语动词。 (1)主句的辨识:谓语动词 (2)从句的辨识:连词+与之匹配的谓语动词 (3)介词短语:(4)非谓语动词:4.衡量长难句划分是否正确的标准:整个句子中谓语动词的个数比连词多一个5.长难句划分方法:连动切割法 ·连动切割法:将句子中的所有连词和动词(连词、动词的排列不分先后)作为切割长难句的基础, 断开主句和从句。 ·长难句划分的具体步骤: 【第一步】断开主句和从句 通读整个句子找出所有的连词或动词,并将连词和动词匹配起来(主要是针对从句而 言,主句不存在连词,从句连词和动词的匹配遵守就近原则),然后再给动词匹配主 语(主句的主语在谓语之前找;从句的主语在连词和与之匹配的谓语动词中间找,如 果它们中间没有任何词语,那么连词本身就是这个从句的主语。) 【第二步】断开介词短语和非谓语动词 A.从介词开始到其后跟的名词结束 B.从介词开始到动名词结束 C.从介词开始到动名词的宾语结束动名词(doing ) 动词不定式(to do ) 现在分词(doing ) 过去分词(done ) 在进行第一步的时候注意以下5种情况: 1如果动词前没有任何(落单的)连词,那么该动词应该是主句的谓语。 2如果动词前有两个或两个以上的连词,那么动词和连词的匹配遵守就近原则。 3如果动词比连词多两个或两个以上,说明有连词省略了或者把过去分词错当 成谓语动词。 4切割嵌套的从句:从句往往从连词开始到从句中的第二个谓语动词出现之前 结束。 5有些词既可以是连词,也可以具有别的词性 例如:that :既可以是连词,也可以是代词或者限定词; than 、before 、after 、until 等既可以是连词也可以是介词
