
强化初中英语听力训练 提高初中英语实用性



周计划英语听力强化训练100篇全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Intensive English Listening Training Plan for a Week with 100 ExercisesIntroduction:Improving English listening skills is essential for language learners to enhance their overall language proficiency. In this document, we will provide a comprehensive weekly plan aimed at strengthening English listening abilities through 100 exercises.Day 1: Basic Listening ComprehensionExercise 1-20: Listen to short dialogues and answer comprehension questions.Exercise 21-30: Listen to news broadcasts and summarize key points.Day 2: Intermediate Listening PracticeExercise 31-50: Listen to podcasts or TED talks on various topics and take notes.Exercise 51-60: Watch a documentary or a movie with subtitles and try to follow along without reading.Day 3: Advanced Listening SkillsExercise 61-80: Listen to radio shows or interviews with native speakers and analyze their speech patterns.Exercise 81-90: Engage in listening activities that focus on specific language skills such as pronunciation, intonation, and word stress.Day 4: Listening for Academic PurposesExercise 91-100: Listen to academic lectures or presentations on different subjects and write a summary of the main points.Conclusion:By following this intensive English listening training plan for a week, learners can significantly improve their listening skills and become more proficient in understanding spoken English. Consistent practice and exposure to various listening materials are key to successful language learning.篇2Title: Intensive Training Plan for English Listening Skills - 100 SessionsIntroductionEnglish listening skills are essential for communication, academic success, and career advancement. To help improve these skills, a comprehensive training plan has been developed consisting of 100 intensive listening sessions. The plan aims to enhance listening proficiency through a structured and systematic approach.Session 1-10The first ten sessions will focus on basic listening comprehension skills, including identifying main ideas, supporting details, and inferences. Various listening materials such as dialogues, interviews, and lectures will be used to provide exposure to different accents and speech patterns.Session 11-30Sessions 11 to 30 will delve deeper into listening strategies such as predicting, summarizing, and note-taking. Students will practice listening to longer and more complex audio clips, with a focus on understanding implied meanings and contextual clues.Session 31-50In sessions 31 to 50, students will work on improving their listening speed and accuracy. Exercises involving dictation,shadowing, and transcription will be used to enhance listening fluency and comprehension. Emphasis will be placed on listening for specific information and details.Session 51-70During sessions 51 to 70, students will engage in listening activities that require critical thinking and analysis. They will listen to debates, discussions, and opinion pieces to practice evaluating arguments, identifying biases, and drawing conclusions.Session 71-90Sessions 71 to 90 will focus on listening for academic purposes, with a focus on understanding lectures, presentations, and academic discussions. Students will learn how to follow complex arguments, take effective notes, and participate in academic debates.Session 91-100The final ten sessions will be dedicated to exam preparation and test-taking strategies. Students will practice listening to sample tests, simulations, and mock exams to simulate real exam conditions. They will learn how to manage time effectively, eliminate distractors, and maximize their listening score.ConclusionThe 100-session intensive training plan for English listening skills offers a systematic and comprehensive approach to improving listening proficiency. By following this structured plan, students can enhance their listening comprehension, fluency, and accuracy, ultimately leading to improved communication skills and academic success.篇3Title: Intensive Training Plan for English Listening SkillsIn today's globalized world, English has become an essential skill in various aspects of life. Whether it is for studying, working, or traveling, having good English listening skills is crucial. To help improve English listening abilities, a weekly training plan with 100 intensive exercises has been designed.The training plan consists of a variety of listening exercises such as listening to news reports, podcasts, dialogues, and speeches. Each exercise aims to improve listening comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Additionally, the exercises cover a wide range of topics including technology, business, environment, culture, and more to enhance overall English language proficiency.To ensure effective learning, it is recommended to do one exercise per day. Prior to starting each exercise, take a few minutes to read the questions and familiarize yourself with the topic. While doing the exercises, try to listen carefully and take notes if needed. After completing each exercise, review the answers and compare them to your own responses to identify areas for improvement.By following this intensive training plan consistently, learners can significantly enhance their English listening skills. This will not only boost their confidence in understanding English speakers but also open up opportunities for academic and career advancement.In conclusion, improving English listening skills requires dedicated practice and perseverance. By committing to the weekly training plan with 100 exercises, learners can achieve significant progress in their language proficiency. Remember, practice makes perfect!。

老师在听力训练前告诉学生听力材料的标题,要求学生分析标题来预测段落内容, 并在老师的帮助下运用经验来推论结果。
接着, 通过听来验证学生的预测并对比检测结果; 强化学生的预测判断能力, 加强听力的目的性, 保证听力训练的效度。
如听力材料: Pollution。
第一步, 老师首先板书听力材料的主题———Pollution。
第二步, 师生设问和讨论预测内容并推导结论:What’s Pollution? How many kinds? Where is it fromin your opinions? How to stop different kinds of pollution?第三步, 听录音验证假设。
该方法要求学生在听懂的基础上, 利用输入的语言信息去完成一项任务或多项任务。
这些任务是老师围绕听力材料所提供的语言情景和语言信息预先设计的, 通过任务的完成和此后的评价来检验学生的理解程度。
( 1) 录音填表格。
( 略)( 2) 听后画图。
初级听力训练阶段需要学生运用抽象思维能力, 更需要学生运用形象思维能力。
( 3) 听后写( 通知、信、邀请函等) 。
老师选用部分应用文体做听力材料, 既培养学生信息的转换能力, 又强化四会技能的相互渗透。
听是写和说的基础, 说和写是听的提高。
( 4) 听后回答, 重述, 转述。
听后回答可采用四种问答方式: ①一般疑问句问答, 弄清人物的职业身份; ②围绕where、when、what 来设计问答,弄清事情经过及发生的时间地点; ③围绕how、why来设计问答, 弄清事情的前因后果及方式方法; ④围绕标题内容来设计, 目的是帮助学生理解言外之意, 促使学生能运用自己的综合语言能力进行创造性问答。


知识梳理测试应试技巧1、快速读题有目的“听” 借用英语中“As soon as”的句型,聪明的考生一旦拿到试卷,就应该利用一切可能的时间进行听力测试的快速读题,对将可能听到的信息或考核内容进行预测,并可适当地做一些标记,带着问题听,带着预测去搜索答案,也即有目的地“听”。
题型分析与解题要点1、听句选图以2003 年中考听力第一大题为例,它由2002 年的 6 幅图等量选择,改为从7 幅图中选6 幅,相对提高了试题的区分度。
例:(1)A.At7:15 B.At1:30 C.At6:35 D.At7:10 分析:通过读题分析,本题所问问题为事情发生的时间。


1 营造和谐氛围,扩大听的渠道传统教学中听的活动一般局限在以句型、对话为中心的教学中,着重于语言形式的听辨和记忆,信息的输入量明显不足。


中考英语听力强化训练1000题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇11000 English Listening Practice Questions for Middle School Entrance ExamsHey there, awesome English learners! Are you getting ready to take the big middle school entrance exam? If listening comprehension makes you a little nervous, don't worry – I've got your back! Let's dive into 1000 super useful English listening practice questions to get you totally prepared.We'll start off nice and easy. Listen carefully to these short conversations and answer the question:Girl: I'm so hungry!Boy: Me too. Should we get pizza or burgers for lunch?Girl: Mmm, pizza sounds amazing. Let's do that!What did the boy and girl decide to eat?Pretty simple, right? You got this! Okay, let's keep going with some more listening questions just like that. Don't be afraid to rewind and listen again if you need to....(100 more very basic listening comprehension questions following a similar conversational format)How are you feeling so far? Getting the hang of it? Amazing! You're already 10% of the way through these practice questions. Let's kick it up a notch with some longer conversations:Teacher: Okay class, who can tell me what the capital of Australia is?Student 1: I think it's Sydney.Student 2: No, that's not right. I'm pretty sure it's Melbourne.Student 3: You're both wrong! The capital is Canberra.Teacher: That's correct, well done!What city is the capital of Australia?(200 more questions based on longer conversations between 3-5 speakers)Wow, you made it through those tough ones like a champ! I bet your listening skills are getting stronger by the minute. Before we move on, let me just say - you're doing awesome! Getting lots of practice listening to real English conversations is super important.Alright, next up we've got some listening passages. These are a little longer, but you can totally handle it. Listen carefully and answer the questions at the end:Listening Passage: The Amazon rainforest is one of the most amazing places on Earth. Covering over 2 million square miles, it is the largest rainforest in the world... (300 word passage about the Amazon rainforest)Questions:Approximately how large is the Amazon rainforest?What percentage of the world's species live in the rainforest?Name one fact mentioned about how the rainforest helps the environment.(200 more passages of varying lengths from 250-500 words, with 2-5 comprehension questions each)...You're an absolute listening master now! I'm so proud of how far you've come. We've got just a couple more types of listening practice, and then you'll be more than ready to ace that exam.The next questions require listening to recordings and taking notes on important details. This is a crucial skill! Let's give it a try:Listen to the recording about Benjamin Franklin's life and jot down 5 key facts you learn.(50 more opportunities to practice listening for details and note-taking)Finally, let's go over some lectures and presentations. These are long-form listening exercises that really put your focus to the test:Listen to this 8 minute lecture on the causes of the American Revolution and...(250 more lectures/presentations ranging from 5-15 minutes with corresponding comprehension questions)Whew, that was an epic listening workout! If you made it through all 1000 of those practice questions, you deserve a huge congratulations. Your English listening skills must be incredibly strong now.With all this preparation under your belt, I just know you're going to blow that middle school entrance exam out of the water. Stay confident, keep practicing, and you'll do amazing! Let me know if you need any other study tips along the way. You're going to rock this!篇2English Listening Skills - My Journey to 1000 Practice QuestionsHi there! My name is Lucy and I'm a 6th grader who really wants to ace the English listening part of the Zhongkao exam. I know it's going to be super important for getting into a great junior high school. That's why I've been working really hard on building up my English listening skills.At first, it felt kind of overwhelming. Trying to understand what was being said in those fast recordings was tough! The vocabulary was unfamiliar and the speech seemed to blur together. But my English teacher Mr. Wang gave our class a great tip - the more listening practice we did, the better we'd get at it.That's when I decided to take on the crazy challenge of doing 1000 English listening comprehension practice questions!It seemed like a huge mountain to climb, but I knew it would really help get my ears trained.I started slowly, maybe doing 10 questions a day after school. The first few sets were pretty basic - just identifying vocabulary words or recognizing simple phrases. But I still got some wrong because my listening wasn't quite tuned in yet.Gradually, the practice questions got harder. There were longer dialogues to listen to, with more contextual clues to pick up on. Or recordings about specific topics like science or history facts. Those really tested whether I understood the overall gist or just caught the odd word here and there.Some days were definitely harder than others. Like when I was tired from extracurriculars or my baby brother was crying loudly during my practice time. But I tried to stick with it as much as I could. Even if I just did a few questions, it was way better than skipping practice altogether.My parents were so supportive through this process! They helped me find useful listening websites and podcasts for kids. We also watched some English movies and shows together to get more exposure. Whenever I felt frustrated about a tricky recording, they encouraged me to take a break and try again later with fresh ears.As the weeks and months went by, I could feel my listening skills gradually improving. Sentences that used to sound like an incomprehensible blur started to become clearer. I picked up on context clues and intonation better. My scores on the practice tests were getting higher and higher!Finally, after what felt like an endless slog, I made it all the way to question 1000! I'll never forgot that feeling of accomplishment when I submitted the final practice quiz. Even though listening will always be a work in progress, I know that doing those 1000 questions really leveled up my skills.In the end, I was really proud of how well I did on the English listening section. All that hard work of tackling 1000 practice questions had paid off! While it was a grind at times, it's an approach I'd definitely recommend for my fellow English language learners.I'm now getting ready to start junior high, and I know my listening abilities will keep being so important. But this1000-question challenge showed me that consistent practice and perseverance can lead to amazing results. Just don't lose hope during the tough stretches!So keep listening, keeping practicing, and stay motivated. Those listening skills will become stronger day by day. You've got this!篇31000 Middle School English Listening Enhancement Practice QuestionsWow, 1000 questions? That's a lot! But hey, practice makes perfect, right? If I want to ace my middle school English listening exams, I gotta train hard. Let me tell you all about this awesome book of listening practice questions.It's not just any old boring book though. This one is filled with fun stories and dialogues about kids like me. There are conversations about playing sports, going on field trips, doing school projects and so much more. The situations are super relatable and interesting.Each dialogue or story is followed by multiple-choice questions that test how well I understood what I listened to. The questions ask about details like names, places, opinions, reasons, and sequence of events. Some of them are pretty tricky too! But that's good because it really makes me pay close attention.What I love most is that the recordings sound just like real people talking, not all stiff and unnatural. The voices include kids my age, teens, adults, men and women. There are even different accents like American, British, Australian and more. Listening to all those varied voices is great practice for the real world.After every 10 questions or so, there are useful tips on listening strategies. Things like predicting content, listening for key words, making inferences and taking notes. Applying those techniques has definitely helped me improve my listening comprehension over time.The book is divided into sections targeting different skills like understanding gist, details, intention, attitude and implied meaning. I can choose to practice whatever I need to work on most. There are also review tests after every few units so I can track my progress. Solid motivation to keep grinding!Best of all, the audio is available online so I can practice anywhere - at home, in the car, even while out for a walk. Having the flexibility to listen on my phone or computer whenever I want is super convenient.With all these stories, questions, strategies and awesome audio resources packed into one book, my English listening abilities are rapidly improving. I'm feeling way more confidentabout understanding instructions, conversations and multimedia in my upcoming exams. Wish me luck!If you're a middle schooler looking to seriously boost your English listening skills, this 1000 question book is a fantastic tool. The relatable content, helpful tips and high-quality audio resources make practicing so much fun. Just doing a few sections daily has already made a huge difference for me. I'm determined to master this and hope you'll join me on this challenging but rewarding listening adventure!篇4My English Listening Super Skills Book!Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm going to be your listening practice buddy. English listening can be really hard sometimes, but don't worry - I've got 1000 awesome questions to help you get super good at it!Let's start with some easy ones about animals. What sound does a dog make? Woof woof! A cat? Meow meow! See, you're already doing great. Now let's try some a little harder.Listen carefully: "The big brown bear was eating honey." What animal was it? That's right, a bear! What color was the bear?Yup, brown. And what was he eating? Good job if you said honey.Okay, let's keep going with some questions about people. "Sarah has red hair and green eyes." What's Sarah's hair color? Red! And her eye color? You got it - green. This listening thing is easy, right?How about this one: "Tom's favorite subject is math, but he also likes science." What does Tom like best? Math is his favorite. But what other subject does he enjoy? Yes, science! You're a listening superstar.Want to try some questions about places? Here goes: "Central Park is a huge park in New York City." Where is Central Park located? New York City. And what kind of place is it? A park! More specifically, a huge park. Nailed it!We're just getting warmed up. Get ready for some harder ones about actions. "Every morning, Jake brushes his teeth and combs his hair." What two things does Jake do each morning? He brushes his teeth and combs his hair. Good listening!Here's another one: "After school, Emily always plays soccer with her friends." What sport does Emily play? Soccer. And when does she play it? After school. You're doing awesome!Now let me give you a tricky question with multiple details: "For summer vacation, the Williams family traveled to Florida, went to the beach every day, and visited Walt Disney World." Where did they go? Florida. What did they do at the beach? They went there every day. And what other place did they visit? Walt Disney World. Boom! You crushed that one.We've covered animals, people, places, actions, and some combined details. But there's more to come! How about this: "The teacher asked the students to take out their books, read page 22, and answer the questions at the end." What did the teacher want the students to do first? Take out their books. Then what? Read page 22. And after that? Answer the questions at the end. Your ears are getting super powerful!Want to try one about giving instructions? Listen up: "First, preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, mix the flour, sugar, and eggs in a bowl. Then, pour the batter into a greased baking pan and bake for 30 minutes." What's the first step? Preheat the oven to 375. What do you do next? Mix the flour, sugar, and eggs. Then what? Pour the batter into a greased pan. And finally? Bake it for 30 minutes. You make a great baker and listener!I'll give you one more for today, and it's a tough one: "According to the movie review, the new superhero film has impressive visual effects, a talented cast of actors, and an exciting but predictable plot." What did the review say about the visual effects? They were impressive. How about the cast? Talented actors. And the plot? It was exciting but predictable. Phew, you did it!That's all for today's practice, but don't worry - we've still got 989 more questions to go! Keep working on your listening skills and you'll be a master in no time. Having a buddy like me makes it way more fun, right? See you next time for another round!篇51000 Questions for Strengthening Listening Skills for the Middle School Entrance ExamHey there, buddies! Are you getting ready to take the big middle school entrance exam? Don't worry, I've got your back! Listening skills are super important for this test, and I've put together a collection of 1000 awesome questions to help you practice and become a listening pro!Now, I know what you're thinking: "1000 questions? That's a lot!" But trust me, it's going to be so much fun. We'll go throughall sorts of topics, from everyday conversations to stories and even some jokes (because who doesn't love a good laugh while studying?).Before we dive in, let me give you some tips to make the most out of these listening practice questions:Listen carefully! This might seem obvious, but it's so important to pay close attention to every word, pause, and intonation. The details matter!Don't panic if you miss something. It happens to everyone! Just keep going and try to catch the overall meaning.Repeat after the audio. Saying the words out loud can help you remember them better.Take notes if you need to. Jot down key words or phrases that you find tricky.Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're stuck on a question, ask your teacher or a friend to explain it to you.Alright, are you ready to get started? Let's go!The first 100 questions will focus on simple conversations. You'll hear things like people greeting each other, making plans,or ordering food at a restaurant. These are great for practicing basic listening comprehension skills.Next up, we have 200 questions about storytelling. You'll listen to short stories and answer questions about the characters, setting, and plot. These will help you follow narratives and understand details.Then, we'll move on to 150 questions about giving and following instructions. You might hear directions for getting somewhere or steps for completing a task. These will test your ability to understand and follow multi-step processes.After that, we've got 200 questions focused on understanding different accents and dialects. You'll hear speakers from various regions and backgrounds, which will help prepare you for real-world situations.The next 150 questions will be all about idioms and figurative language. You'll learn to recognize and interpret common expressions and metaphors in English.And finally, we'll end with 200 questions that mix up all the different types of listening tasks we've covered. This will give you a chance to practice your comprehensive listening skills.Phew, that's a lot of questions! But don't worry, we'll take it step by step. And remember, the more you practice, the better you'll get. Plus, it's going to be a lot of fun exploring all these different topics and scenarios.So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started on the first set of questions and start building those listening muscles!篇61000 Questions for Making My Ears Awesome at English!Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm a 5th grader who really loves learning English. I know listening is super important for getting good at any language. That's why I've been doing these cool listening exercises to train my ears.The exercises have 1000 different questions! That sounds like a ton, but they are short questions that make practicing listening fun. The questions cover all sorts of everyday topics like friends, school, hobbies, food, and more. By listening to so many different questions, I'm getting better at understanding all the little words and sounds in English.At first, some of the questions were pretty hard for me. The speakers would say sentences using words or phrases I didn'tknow yet. But my teacher said it's okay if I don't understand everything at first. The important thing is to keep listening closely and trying my best.After doing the exercises for a few weeks, I started picking up more and more words. My ears were like little sponges soaking up all the English. It felt like a little light went on in my brain each time I learned a new word or expression from the listening questions. Awesome!Some of the questions have people speaking in different accents or at different speeds. That was tough at first, but it's helped me prepare for understanding all kinds of English speakers. Now my ears are super strong!The questions also cover different situations, like someone giving directions, ordering food, or talking about their day. Listening to these different real-life examples makes the English feel more alive and realistic, not just boring textbook stuff.My favorite part is when the exercises mix things up with longer conversations, stories, or even songs. Listening to the rhythms and melodies of English dialogue and music is such a great way to get used to how the language really sounds and flows. I find myself tapping my foot or humming along sometimes. English is fun!Doing all these listen exercises isn't just helping me in class either. When I watch movies or shows in English now, I can understand so much more of what's being said. I'm catching jokes and cultural references that went right over my head before. My parents have noticed a big improvement in my English listening too.The best part is, as my ears get stronger, I feel more confident in speaking English. Hearing the language so much makes it easier to find the right words and phrases to express myself. I don't mind asking follow-up questions if I miss something either. Building this listening power is making me a much better English speaker and learner overall.With 1000 listening questions to go through, I know my English ears are going to keep getting stronger and stronger. I'm looking forward to conquering the whole set and becoming an awesome listener. Then I'll be ready to take on the next big listening challenge!Does anyone else love doing listening exercises as much as me? Let me know if you have any favorites or fun tips for training your ears. The more we listen, the better we'll get!。

如:“i lost your cat”,这句话,有的人会觉得无关紧要,但是有的人会觉得发生了一件大事,因为“cat”是一种宏物,把它弄丢了,是一件很遗憾的事。

要注意首句、关键词或关键句,把听音的重点放在意群上,并迅速在草稿纸上记下文中提到的相关信息,特别是与who, what,where, which, why等有联系的信息,切勿“眉毛胡子一把抓”,连猜带蒙碰运气。
英语听力提高方法2我们每个人都有学习唱歌的体会,要想学会一首歌,我们会反复去听,直到熟悉音乐的旋律,记住歌词为止,对有些乐感好的人来说听几遍就会了,但对乐感不好的人可能要听很多遍才行,但还是会在K 歌时跑调,提高的唯一办法只有多听,多模仿。

(共5分,每小题1分)1. A. Yes, I think so. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you, too!2. A. Good idea. B. Yes, please. C. Never mind.3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Thank you for your help. C. Yes, I’d love to.4. A. The same to you. B. Have a good time. C. You’re so kind.5. A. You’re e. B. That’s right. C. I’m afraid not.Ⅱ.对话理解根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。
(共10分,每小题1分)6. A. To ask for help. B. To say “hello". C. To visit her friend.7. A. In a restaurant. B. At home. C. In the street.8. A. He is a child. B. He thinks the novel is boring.C. He likes the novel very much.9. A. Before he came to the UK. B. Before he came to China.C. After he came to China.10. A. He is easy-going. B. He is humorous. C. He is helpful.听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。
11. A. $1,000,000 B. $100,000 C. ¥1,000,00012. A. Buy a car. B. Go travelling. C. Raise money for charity.听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。

6、经典听力材料VOA 特别英语:主要是新闻、文化方面的内容,语速90词每分钟,最适合有一定词汇量的听力初学者进行听力锻炼。
我听的时候这个节目的时间段是晚上9点半到10点,我每晚的这个时间都给了SPECIAL ENGLISH,持续了3个月。

()1. Why can’t the man get to sleep?A. He has got sleepless.B. He doesn’t feel well.C. He has to work till late in the evening.D. He has got a headache.()2. What is the doctor’s advice?A. He needs to take some medicine.B. He needs to take enough exercise.C. He needs to work hard.D. He needs to change his timetable.()3. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man doesn’t like to take any exercise.B. The man has lost his job.C. The job is more important than health to the man.D. The man has to start work very early in the morning.听第2段材料,回答第4至第6题。
()4. What was the cause of the accident?A. The truck went through the traffic lights when they were still red.B. The truck moved so fast.C. The car driver had no time to stop when he saw the truck crossing the street.D. The car drove too fast.()5. What about the speed did the truck move?A. About 80 miles per hour.B. About 40 miles per hour.C. About 20 miles per hour.D. About 10 miles per hour.()6. What color was the car?A. Red.B. Blue.C. Yellow.D. Black.听第3段材料,回答第7和第8题。
牛津版英语九年级上—U4强化 原因让步状语从句—阅读—考纲词汇season_simple—听力训练3

1. 9A U4基础强化Practice1.Which of the following match the sound / rek3gnaiz/?A. realizeB. recognizeC. reorganizeD. raise2.We put disks into the ______ in the main unit.A. mouseB. monitorC. speakersD. drivers3.. A: I need _______ to help me register(注册) a QQ account?B: Are you kidding me? Everybody knows HOW!A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyD. everybody4.We are doing much better ______ English ______ our teacher’s help.A. in, atB. at, inC. in, withD. with, with5.These Teddy Bears look ________. Most of us want to buy one.A. nicelyB. wellC. beautifullyD. lovely6.Tu Yoyo was awarded the Nobel Prize in her _______.A. eightiesB. eightyC. eightiethD. eightieths7.I have enough money on me to ______ the postage.A. costB. payC. takeD. spend8.– Must parents help do everything for their children?– No, they ______.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. may not9.Suddenly he ______ from the chair and ______ his voice.A. rose, raisedB. raised, roseC. raised, raisedD. rose, rose10.The baby just stood before the car. He ______ the danger.A. aware ofB. unaware ofC. didn’t aware ofD. wasn’t aware of11.I will go on a business trip. Now I ________ the Internet to search a hotel.A. am surfingB. had surfedC. surfD. will surf12.If Jackie ________ tomorrow, we ________ him to get more information.A. comes ... will interviewB. will come ... will interviewC. comes ... interviewD. will come ... Interviewputers rarely give wrong answers, ______.A. do theyB. don’t theyC. does itD. doesn’t it14.______ important piece of information it is!A. What anB. HowC. WhatD. How15.They will spend as much money as they can ______ the building.A. rebuildingB. rebuildC. to rebuildingD. be rebuilt16.You’d better set off right now, ________ you’ll be late for the film.A. andB. butC. orD. so17.I have many hobbies, ______, I like collecting stamps and listening to pop music.A. likeB. such asC. asD. for example18.Can the computer tell you ______ next?A. how to doB. what to doC. what to do itD. to do what19.Mary as well as her parents ______ waiting ______ the luggage claim area.A. is, forB. are, atC. is, atD. are, for20.Who knows ______?A. why do we call computers electronic brainsB. why we call computers electronic brainsC. that we call computers electronic brainsD. do we call computers electronic brainsII. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。

并不失时机地向学生介绍与所学材料有关的背景知识、英美国家的历史、地理、文化、习俗、趣闻等,有必要的话还要借助于body language表情达意。
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加油!第一节.听句子,选择最佳答语( )1.A.Swimming B. Reading C. Cooking( )2.A. I’m happy B. It’s cold C. He’s great( )3.A. My hobby is listening to musicB. I’ve bought some milkC. I want to have a rest( )4.A. Thank you very much B. With pleasure C. Not at all( )5.A. To search some information about LeiFengB. I get up at six in the morningC. I like oranges best第二节听力理解听下面一段材料,回答6-7两个小题( )6.What does the boy search the information for?A.For his examB. For his compositionC. For his report( )7.Who will probably help the boy?A. His fatherB. His motherC. His sister听下面一段材料,回答8-9两个小题( )8.How many times has Tracy climbed the Eiffel Tower?(埃菲尔铁塔)A. Many timesB. Only onceC. Never( )9.How did the boy get the chance?A.He won the first prize in the speech competitionB.His parents took him thereC.He took part in the English competition听下面一段材料,回答10-12两个小题( )10.What does Mike do?A.He is a studentB. He is a teacherC. He is a traveler.( )11.What is TRUE about Mr. Green?A. He is very tallB. He doesn’t like travelingC. He is good at his work 听下面一段材料,回答13--15两个小题( )13.Where did Jack spend his summer vacation?A. In ChicagoB. In CanadaC. In Chile( )14.How long did Jack stay there?A. At homeB. At schoolC. In a bank( )15.Where may the speakers be?A. At homeB. At schoolC. In a bank第三节,听取信息,填写空格!完形填空When I was a child, I liked to watch my friends play. I would ___1____ them sometimes, but I preferred watching most of the time.Every day, we would see an old man walking by our playground and ___2____ an umbrella. He had big ears but had no hair. No matter when my friends saw him pass by, they would____3_____, “Hey, deaf(聋子) and dumb(哑巴), what’s the time?” They told me that he could neither hear nor___4______.It was ___5____ evening of the day, I was standing at the gate of my___6____ when I saw the old man coming. I was ____7____. There were no friends around to shout the ____8____ words of “greeting”.But how could I let this man walk by without ___9____ anything? So for the first time, I asked, “Hey, deaf and dumb, what’s the time?”The old man looked at me. Then he looked at his__10_____ and replied, “It’s 5:30.”I ran inside the house and never shouted at the old man after that day.( )1.A. watch ( )2.A. carrying ( )3.A. sing ( )4.A. speak ( )5.A. late ( )6.A. room ( )7.A. afraid ( )8.A. usual ( )9.A. saying ( )10.A. umbrella B. joinB. sellingB. funB. seeB. deepB. houseB. aloneB. ordinaryB. takingB. homeC. askC. seeingC. shoutC. answerC. earlyC. schoolC. coldC. normalC. gettingC. watch三.词组1.抛掉2.而不是3.对...产生重大影响4.试用5.计算出6.首先7.顺便拜访8.也9.同…一样10.某天11.而不是12.在…的开始13.对…造成伤害14.用手工15.一次16.浏览17.代表,象征18.创立19.首先20.数百万的21.成长初三英语听力强化训练(第十周)先阅读题目做到心中有数,听力就是so easy.第一节:听句子,选择最佳答语( )1.A.Well, pretty good. I like it B. It sounds good C. OK. I’d love to ( )2.A. Congratulations to him. B. Bad luck C. Sorry, I have no idea ( )3.A. Thanks for telling me B. Don’t be nervous C. Sorry to hear that ( )4.A. That’s all right B. With pleasure C. That’s OK( )5.A. It’s hard to say B. That’s news to me C. Karen is fine第二节听力理解:听下面一段材料,回答第6—7两个小题( )6.How many dream jobs are mentioned by the girl?A. 2B. 3C. 4( )7.Who would like to work for children?A. JackB. KateC. Tony听下面一段材料,回答第8—9两个小题( )8.Where is the old lady?A. On the streetB. Outside a doorC. On the floor( )9.What will they probably do?A. Call her family right nowB. Call 120 at onceC. Stop a taxi and take the old lady to the hospital at once听下面一段材料,回答第10—12三个小题( )10.How many pandas have been sent abroad all together?A. 16B. 13C. 8( )11.Where have Kaikai and Xinxin been sent?A. Hong KongB. MacaoC. The USA( )12.Which statement is TRUE about Kaikai and Xinxin?A.They arrived in Macao on November 18, 2010B.Their names are given by the governmentC.They are a boy panda and a girl panda听下面一段材料,回答第13—15两个小题( )13.Who are good at shopping online?A. StevenB. BettyC. Both Steven and Betty( )14.When does the dialogue probably happen?A. At the beginning of the termB. In the middle of the termC. At the end of the term( )15.What did they buy at the end of the dialogue?A.They bought what they needB.They bought a shirtC.They bought a dress and a bag“Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell.”This may sound like something someone would say today. But in fact, an unknown person who lived in Rome in AD(公元) 53 wrote it.We all love new inventions. They are exciting, amazing and can even change our lives. But having all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?Picture this. You are rushing to finish your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings, a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen, and the noise from the television is getting louder and louder. Suddenly the computer goes black and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel?Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leaves up feeling stressed(紧张的) and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities, who have no telephones, no car, not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live in simpler lives.One family in the UK went “back in time”to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10, and Thomas, 7, spent nine weeks in a 1940s house. They had no washing machine, microwave, computer or mobile phones.The grandmother, Lyn, said, “The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes.”The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over, such as their computer. Ben also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a “trendy (时髦的) beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked food.”1.Who wrote “Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell.”______________________________________________________________2.Why do we love new inventions?_____________________________________________________________________3.Who live happier, people live in the city or people who live far from city?_________________________________________________________________4.Where did the family choose to spend nine weeks without modern inventions?______________________________________________________________5.What is the passage mainly about? __________________________________初三英语听力强化训练(第十一周) 姓名______________ 分数____________ 先阅读题目做到心中有数,听力就是so easy.听的时候心里重复所听的内容。