



文献综述题目_高分辨率手机镜头的光学设计与性能仿真学生姓名洪鑫专业班级电子科技13-01 学号************院(系)物理电子工程学院指导教师(职称)运高谦(讲师)完成时间2017年5月30日高分辨率手机镜头的光学设计与性能仿真摘要:手机的数码相机功能指的是手机是否可以通过内置或是外接的数码相机进行拍摄静态图片或短片拍摄,作为手机的一项新的附加功能,手机的数码相机功能得到了迅速的发展。











基于ZEMA的手机摄像镜头设计1. 本文概述本研究论文旨在探讨基于ZEMA(假设为一种先进的光学设计与仿真技术)的手机摄像镜头设计方法与实践应用。







2. 技术在手机摄像镜头中的应用原理随着科技的不断进步,手机摄像镜头的设计和应用已经达到了一个新的高度。



通过使用Zemax (ZEMA) 软件,设计师可以模拟和优化镜头的光学性能,包括分辨率、对比度和色彩还原等。












76 之间.中心视场MTF@160lp/mm值为0.52.边缘视场MTF@120lp/mm值为0.53。

关键字:可拍照手机镜头小型化ZEMAX 优化。

目录摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)目录 (1)1 绪论 (1)1。

1 研究的目的和意义 (1)1。

2 可拍照手机和镜头设计的国内外发展 (1)1。


1 可拍照手机国内外发展状况 (1)1。


2 现今镜头设计的国内外发展状况 (2)2 手机照相镜头的成像原理介绍 (3)2.1 可拍照手机照相原理....................................... (3)2。

2 感光元件简介............................................. (3)2。

3 镜头结构分类及选择........................... (3)2.4手机镜头的性能指标和相关术语 (4)2.4。

1镜头类型选择的依据[7] (4)2.4.2数码镜头鉴别率 (4)2。


3光圈范围 (4)2. 4. 4影响像质的几个因素 (5)3光学系统设计 (6)3。

1光学设计软件简介 (6)3.1.1 ZEMAX MTF函数 (6)3。

1.2缺省的评价函数及优化 (6)3。

1. 3归一化的视场和光瞳坐标 (7)3。

2设计要求及分析 (7)3.3初始结构的选择 (8)3。



常见组立方式:点胶固定和热压固 定
1、点胶固定:是指镜片组装完毕后, 使用点胶的方式将固定环/IR与 Barrel结合,保证整组镜片结构稳定; 优点:Barrel模具制造容易,点胶作 业不会对LENS影象品质造成影响, 设备通用性好。 缺点:胶量控制比较困难,成品结 构不如热压牢固。
手机摄像头的基本光学知识和应用 OpticsofMobilePhone
组成元件之三:红外截止率光片 ( INFRA-RED CUT FILTER )
1、IR片主要作用是通过减少红光/红 外线进入Sensor来防止图象色偏; 2、IR片的具体特性由Sensor确定, 不同的Sensor对IR片的要求会有差 异,OV sensor通常要求T=50% 650+/-10nm; 3、IR片的结构组成如左图,其中玻 璃基板的厚度因不同使用条件而有所 差异,CCM LENS使用的IR厚度通常 为0.4MM,主要供应商为德国肖特公 司; 4、不同的IR片供应商,IR膜系的构 成有差异,常见的IR膜系有从6层到 十几层,通常层数较多的效果较好, 层数较少时,红外部分会有部分频率 截止效果不好。; 5、IR片装在LENS最后一面,接近 手机摄像头的基本光学知识和S应e用nsor表面。因此IR片的表面质量 OpticsofMobilePhone对影象品质影响较大。
手机摄像头的基本光学知识和应用 OpticsofMobilePhone
1.3. 2、常见组立方式:前组立与后组立




Open Access Library JournalDesign of a 16.5 Megapixel Camera Lens fora Mobile PhoneYuke Ma, V. N. BorovytskyDepartment of Optical and Optoelectronic Devices, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv, UkraineEmail: sherry_rain@Received 15 February 2015; accepted 2 March 2015; published 6 March 2015Copyright © 2015 by authors and OALib.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY)./licenses/by/4.0/AbstractA 16.5 megapixel camera lens for a mobile phone is designed. The lens consists of 3 plastic as-pheric lenses, one glass spheric lens and an infrared glass filter. CMOS OV16850 with a pixel size of1.12 micrometers from Omni Vision is used as an image sensor. The lens has an effective focal lengthof 4.483 mm, a F-number of 2.50, a field-of-view (FOV) of 76.2 degree, and a total length of 5.873 mm.The maximum distortion of the lens is less than 2.0%. The minimum value of all field relative il-lumination is over 39.8%.KeywordsMobile Phone Camera Lens, 16.5 Megapixel Sensor, ZemaxSubject Areas: Mobile Computing Systems, Optical Communications1. IntroductionOn 7 October 2014, Omni Vision Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ:OVTI) announced a 16.5 megapixel digital im-age sensor OV16850 [1]. To design a 16-megapixel camera lens in a compact size is not a trivial task [2]. In the published papers, Song et al. (2010) [3] studied a 5 megapixel camera lens for mobile phone by a structure of 4 pieces of plastic aspheric lens. Recently, Peng (2013) [4] investigated a 8 megapixel camera lens for cell phone by using 1 glass and 3 pieces of plastic aspheric lens (1G3P) to complete the optical system. Yin et al. (2014) [5] investigated a 13 megapixel camera lens for mobile phone by choosing a 5 pieces of plastic aspheric lens (5P) structure configuration.This paper presents a detailed design of a 16.5 megapixel camera lens by a 1P1G2P lens configuration for the first time to our knowledge.Sensor OV16850 has the following specifications: pixel size of 1.12 micrometers, resolution of 5408 pixel × 3044 pixel, diagonal length of 6.95 mm or the image height, and the chief ray angle (CRA) of 33.4 degree. Ny-quist sampling frequency of the sensor can be calculated via 1000/(2 × 1.12) = 446 lp/mm. So the limited reso-Y. K. Ma, V. N. Borovytsky lution of the camera lens should be better than 446 lp/mm. An image height of 6.95 mm and a FOV of 76.2 de-gree of lens determine a focal length of 4.432 mm. We set the effective focal length (EFFL) of the lens to be less than 4.5 mm, so the total optical length (TOL) of a camera lens for a mobile phone can be confined to 5.90 mm. The specification parameters for a 16.5 M pixel mobile phone camera lens are summarized in Table 1.2. Design Method2.1. Optical MaterialsOptical resin E48R from Zeonex [6] is used in this design. The optical resin offers high transparency, low fluo-rescence, low birefringence, low water absorption, low cost, high heat resistance, and easy molding for massive production. Since the lens has a large FOV, and its high order optical aberrations such as high order spherical aberration, astigmatism, coma, high order chromatic aberrations, etc., is rather large, in order to have a more steady and clear picture, one element of the lens is set to be an aspheric glass lens, the material of the 2nd ele-ment is SF56A with a optical refractive index of 1.785 and a dispersion coefficient of 26.08, the first, the third and the fourth element of the lens are chosen to be E48R, whose optical refractive index is 1.531 and the cor-respondent dispersion coefficient is 56.0, the fifth element is an infrared filter (IR), and the last is a cover glass BK9.2.2. Design ProceduresZemax [7] is used to simulate the lens optical system. Considering low price and massive production, an initial configuration 1P1G2P of the lens is chosen for the design by trial and error process. There are 6 elements in this lens, the first to the fourth element is the aspheric lens respectively, the fifth element is an IR filter and the sixth is a glass cover of the sensor. All the surfaces of the element 1 to 4 are set to even aspheric profiles, the fifth and the sixth elements are plane. Radius, thickness of each surface from 1 to 8 is set to be variable, all surface conic constants as well as aspheric coefficients are set to be variable either.2.3. Optimization ProceduresThe optimization procedure includes three steps.Step 1 1) Using operand EFFL to define the effective focal length of the lens, using operand TOTR to confine the total optical length of the lens system, using operand RAID to confine the CRA, using operand REAY to de-fine the image height; 2) The merit function also consisted of operands MNCA, MXCA and MNEA to define the air thickness and air boundary constrains, meanwhile operands MNCG, MXCG and MNEG are used to glass case either; 3) Initially, operand LONA is used to control the spherical aberration, LACL is used to control the lateral color for this focal system. TRAY and SUMM are used to control the coma, and operand DIMX is used to control the distortion of each field of view; 4) Using operand TRAY, DIFF, RAGC, ACOS and TANG to control tangential curvature; 5) Using operand TRAY, DIFF, RAGC, ACOS, TANG, CONS and PROD to con-trol sagittal curvature; 6) Operand TRAC is used to control the spot size of each field of view for the whole wa-velength.Step 2 After the initial optimization, high order controlling operands are added in the merit function, i.e., 1) Using operand TRAY, RAGC, ACOS, TANG, DIVI and DIFF to control the axial and longitudinal chromatic aberrations; 2) Using operand TRAY, RAGC, ACOS, TANG, DIVI, CONS, PROD and DIFF to control the high order spherical aberration; 3) Using TRAY, DIVI and DIFF to control the high order chromatic spherical aber-ration; 4) Using FCGT, FCGS, DIFF and SUMM to control the astigmatism.Step 3 Siedel coefficients are observed after each optimization completed, the layout is watched to show a reasonable configuration. At last, 1) Both MTFS, MTFT is added to the merit function to improve the lens reso-lution; 2) Meanwhile TRAC is replaced by operand OPDX; 3) Weight in merit function is always ready to change to optimize some heavy contribution items in order to get a reasonable lens configuration.Table 1.The specification parameters for a mobile phone camera lens of 16.5 megapixels.EFFL TOL FOV F-number Image height CRA Relativeillumination distortionBack focal length<4.5 mm <5.9 mm 76.2 degree 2.50 >6.95 mm <33.4 degree >35% <2% >0.2 mmY. K. Ma, V. N. Borovytsky3. ResultsThe optimized lens configuration is shown in Figure 1, the correspondent lens data are listed in Table 2 and Table 3. The lens has a total track of 5.873 mm, with an effective focal length of 4.483 mm, and of a back focal length 0.207 mm. The lens has a FOV of 76.2 degree, the image height is 6.97 mm which is a little larger than the CMOS sensor size and implies an easy installation of the CMOS sensor to the lens module. The CRA is less than 33.4 degree; a good coupling between the optics and the COMS is expected.The Spot Diagram, MTF, curvature and distortion, lateral color, chromatic focal shift, and relative illumina-tion can be used to evaluate the lens design. The RMS radius of spot size shall be less than three times of the pixel size (Yu [8]), to this design, it is 3.36 micrometer. The RMS spots of all fields are shown in Figure 2. The RMS spot radius of fields 1 - 6 (FOV 0.000 to FOV 0.787) is 2.545 μm, 2.761μm, 2.662μm, 2.856 μm, 2.337 μm, and 2.091μm respectively, much less than the imaging needs of the CMOS sensor, meanwhile the radius of spot size of field 7 (FOV 0.92) is 5.641 μm and that of field 8 (FOV 1.0) is 4.985μm, very close to this need, that is to say that the whole FOV can image very clearly.Table 2. Lens configuration data.Surf: type Radius Thickness Glass Semi-diameter Conic OBJ Standard Infinity Infinity Infinity 0.000STO Even asphere 3.134 1.413 E48R 1.077 4.1312 Even asphere −3.115 0.021 1.233 1.6043 Spheric −2.252 0.445 SF56A 1.219 0.0004 Spheric −9.057 0.512 1.346 0.0005 Even asphere −4.306 1.378 E48R 1.409 4.8686 Even asphere −2.443 0.938 1.823 −1.2047 Even asphere −2.310 0.354 E48R 2.167 −8.7898 Even asphere −5.332 0.300 3.174 1.6419 Standard Infinity 0.313 BK7 3.222 0.00010 Standard Infinity 0.200 3.344 0.000IMA Standard Infinity 3.485 0.000 Table 3. Aspheric coefficients of each correspondent surface. Aspheric coefs A B C D E F G HSTO Evenasphere 0.050 −0.015 −5.30E-003 −3.136E-003 −3.048E-003 0.000 0.000 0.0002 Evenasphere −0.043 −0.015 −0.012 3.559E-003 −2.045E-003 0.000 0.000 0.0003 Evenasphere 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0004 Evenasphere 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0005 Evenasphere 0.093 −0.033 −1.072E-003 −3.462E-003 −4.413E-004 0.000 0.000 0.0006 Evenasphere −0.060 9.480E-003 −2.006E-003 −9.711E-004 −1.576E-004 1.665E-003 0.000 0.0007 Evenasphere −0.101 −6.280E-003 1.653E-003 −1.796E-003 3.519E-004 4.051E-005 −9.441E-006 0.0008 Evenasphere 0.196 −0.012 1.030E-003 3.686E-007 −1.956E-006 −4.296E-007 5.719E-008 −3.874E-010Y. K. Ma, V. N. BorovytskyFigure 1. 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens layout.Figure 2. 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens spot diagram.Y. K. Ma, V. N. Borovytsky MTF is a comprehensive standard to evaluate the imaging nature of a lens. In this design, the MTF value of central field at 223 lp/mm is 53.4% and 21.4% at 446 lp/mm. For FOV 0.8 zone, MTF value at 223 lp/mm is more than 37.6% in sagittal plane and more than 32.6% in tangential plane, at 446 lp/mm, MTF value is more than 14% in sagittal plane and more than 2% in tangential plane. The MTF curve is shown in Figure 3.The curvature and distortion of the lens is shown in Figure 4; it is shown in Figure 4 that the lens has a low field curvature; it is within 0.05, much less than the imaging need 0.1, and the distortion is less than 2%. It meets the design need.Figure 3.16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens MTF curve.Figure 4. Field curvature and distortion of a 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens.Y. K. Ma, V. N. Borovytsky Both the lateral color and chromatic focal shift of the lens revealed a nearly diffraction limited design of this 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens. They are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6 respectively. In Figure 5, the lateral color of the maximum field is within the Airy disk which implies a diffraction limited design.It is also indicated in Figure 6that the chromatic focal shift of the lens is within diffraction limited. Relative illumination of the lens should be checked; it is shown Figure 7. It can be found in Figure 7that the minimum of the relative illumination value is 40%. Both an auto gain controlling circuit and an auto balance controlling circuit can keep a uniform brightness of the image. It is concluded that this design of a 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens can meet the design needs.Figure 5.The lateral color of a 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens.Figure 6.Chromatic focal shift of a 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens.Y. K. Ma, V. N. BorovytskyFigure 7.Relative illumination of a 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens.At last, a tolerance analysis was made and the results show that a 5 μm deviation in radius, thickness, a 10μm deviation in decenter, and a 0.2 degree in tilt are permitted. It is also shown in Table 2 that the smallest thick-ness of the plastic piece is 0.354 mm which means that a precision injection molding for massive production of the plastic lens elements can be expected. The glass element for this design is set to be a standard spheric surface for an easy production consideration.In conclusion, this 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens is a practical design.4. ConclusionBy using Zemax, a 16.5 M pixels mobile phone camera lens is designed. The lens consists of 3 plastic aspheric lenses, one glass spheric lens and an infrared glass filter. OV16850 whose pixel size of 1.12 micrometer from Omnivision is used as a image sensor. The lens has an effective focal length of 4.483 mm, a F-number of 2.50, a field-of-view (FOV) of 76.2 degree, and a total length of 5.873 mm. This is a practical design for a 16.5 M pix-els mobile phone camera lens.References[1]Geary, J.M. (2002) Introduction to Lens Design with Practical Zemax Example. Willmann-Bell Inc., Richmond.[2]Zhang, P., et al. (2009) Design of a 5 Megapixel Mobile Phone Camera Lens. Journal of Applied Optics, 30, 934-938.[3]Song, D.F., et al. (2010) Design of Lens for 5 Mega-Pixel Mobile Phone Cameras. Journal of Applied Optics, 31, 34-38.[4]Peng, X.F. Design of High Pixel Mobile Phone Camera Lens. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering andTechnology, 6, 1160-1165.[5]Yin, Z.D., et al. (2014) Optical Design of a 13 Megapixel Mobile Phone Camera Lens. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress,51, 163-168.Y. K. Ma, V. N. Borovytsky[6]World’s Foremost Optical Polymer for Precision-Molded Optics. /optics.aspx[7][8]Yu, D.Y. (1999) Engineering Optics. China Mechanical Press, Beijing.。

【VIP专享】800 万像素手机镜头的zemax设计

【VIP专享】800 万像素手机镜头的zemax设计



5 公差分析




6 结论













1.1 光学系统参数优化镜头设计的首要任务是通过调整其几何参数,实现目标光束的聚焦和形状调整。



1.2 色差校正色差是一种在光学系统中常见的问题,它导致被成像物体的边缘出现彩虹色边缘或色散现象。




1.3 畸变矫正光学系统中的畸变是指成像图像与原始物体之间存在形状或尺寸不匹配的情况。





在镜头设计中,光学模拟技术发挥着关键作用,具有以下应用:2.1 光线追迹光线追迹是光学模拟技术中常用的方法之一,通过跟踪入射光线的路径和折射规律,可以计算出光线在光学系统中的传播路径和相位信息。



第一部分最基本的术语及英汉对照翻译1、时谱:time-spectrumIn this paper, the time-spectrum characteristics of temporal coherence on the double-modes He-Ne laser have been analyzed and studied mainly from the theory, and relative time-spectrum formulas and experimental results have been given. Finally, this article still discusses the possible application of TC time-spectrum on the double-mode He-Ne Iaser.本文重点从理论上分析研究了双纵模He-Ne激光时间相干度的时谱特性(以下简称TC 时谱特性),给出了相应的时谱公式与实验结果,并就双纵模He-Ne激光TC时谱特性的可能应用进行了初步的理论探讨。

2、光谱:SpectraStudy on the Applications of Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectra in Natural Medicine Analysis共振瑞利散射光谱在天然药物分析中的应用研究3、光谱仪:spectrometerStudy on Signal Processing and Analysing System of Micro Spectrometer微型光谱仪信号处理与分析系统的研究4、单帧:single frameComposition method of color stereo image based on single fram e image基于单帧图像的彩色立体图像的生成5、探测系统:Detection SystemResearch on Image Restoration Algorithms in Imaging Detection System成像探测系统图像复原算法研究6、超光谱:Hyper-SpectralResearch on Key Technology of Hyper-Spectral Remote Sensing Image Processing超光谱遥感图像处理关键技术研究7、多光谱:multispectral multi-spectral multi-spectrumSimple Method to Compose Multi spectral Remote Sensing Data Using BMP Image File用BMP 图像文件合成多光谱遥感图像的简单方法8、色散:dispersionResearches on Adaptive Technology of Compensation for Polarization Mode Dispersion偏振模色散动态补偿技术研究9、球差:spherical aberrationThe influence of thermal effects in a beam control system and spherical aberration on the laser beam quality光束控制系统热效应与球差对激光光束质量的影响10、慧差:comaThe maximum sensitivity of coma aberration evaluation is about λ/25;估值波面慧差的极限灵敏度为λ/25;11、焦距:focal distanceAbsolute errors of the measured output focal distance range from –120 to 120μm.利用轴向扫描法确定透镜出口焦距时的绝对误差在–120—120μm之间。



外文文献翻译完整版字数4366字(含:英文原文及中文译文)文献出处:Hongfei, Xiaoping. Temperature Control System with Multi-closed Loops for Lithography Projection Lens[J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2009, 22(2):207-213.中文译文用于光刻投影镜头的多闭环温度控制系统Hongfei , Xiaoping摘要图像质量是光学光刻工具的最重要指标之一,尤其易受温度、振动和投影镜头(PL )污染的影响。

本地温度控制的传统方法更容易引入振动和污染,因此研发多闭环温度控制系统来控制PL 内部温度,并隔离振动和污染的影响。

一个新的远程间接温度控制(RITC )方案,提出了利用冷却水循环完成对PL 的间接温度控制。

嵌入温度控制单元(TCU )的加热器和冷却器用于控制冷却水的温度,并且, TCU 必须远离PL, 以避免震动和污染的影响。

一种包含一个内部级联控制结构(CCS )和一个外部并行串联控制结构(PCCS )的新型多闭环控制结构被用来防止大惯性,多重迟滞,和RITC 系统的多重干扰。

一种非线性比例积分(PI )的算法应用,进一步提高收敛速度和控制过程的精度。



该方法已成功地应用于光学光刻工具,制作了临近尺寸(CD ) 100纳米的模型,其性能令人满意。

关键词:投影镜头,远程间接温度串级控制结构,并行串连控制结构,非线性比例积分(PI )的算法1引言由于集成电路缩小, 更小的临界尺寸(CD ) 要求, 生产过程的控制越来越严格。




结构简洁的800万像素手机镜头优化设计汤备;陈丽;刘峰;何贤飞【摘要】Owing to the market demand for high-pixel mobile phone lens , it presents the design of 8 Mega-pixel high-quality phone cameras in compliance with the current trend with the software Zemax . Based on the optimal control of its total thickness , the thickness is reduced to5.7mm.The MTF value and aberration are well controlled .The tolerance meets the practical requirements .%结合市场对高像素手机镜头的需求,利用Zemax软件,设计了一款800万像素手机镜头.所设计的镜头采用了4片塑料非球面镜片以及一片红外滤光片,并对其总厚度进行重点优化控制.结果表明,与同类型镜头相比,不仅厚度得以减小,镜头总长度小至5.7 mm,且系统成像质量好,公差相对宽松.【期刊名称】《广东工业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(000)004【总页数】5页(P98-102)【关键词】手机镜头;光学设计;非球面透镜;Zemax软件【作者】汤备;陈丽;刘峰;何贤飞【作者单位】广东工业大学物理与光电工程学院,广东广州510006;广东工业大学物理与光电工程学院,广东广州510006;广东工业大学物理与光电工程学院,广东广州510006;广东工业大学物理与光电工程学院,广东广州510006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN942.2随着3G 智能手机的快速发展,手机的附加功能也得到迅速提升.拍照效果作为手机一项重要的性能指标,得到了业界越来越多的关注.从最早的11 万像素的手机镜头,发展到现在的500 万、800万、1 200 万等高像素的镜头,像素越来越高,成像质量也越来越好[1-4].一般来说,镜头像素越高,感光器件越大,手机会越笨重,生产成本也会增加,同时,为了配合更高像素照片的传输,处理器和内存等部件更会影响到手机的待机和散热,影响手机的整体性能,并且基于1 200 万等更高像素手机出货产能小的原因,各大手机生产厂商仍将研发重点放在800 万像素.同时,智能手机更薄的趋势化,感光器件的选择和手机镜头的厚度成为重要考量参数.常用的感光器件有CCD 和CMOS 两种,CCD 成像质量比CMOS 较高,而CMOS 的生产价格比较低,成像质量也越来越好.现在的数码产品更新换代快,照相手机更是如此,每个月都有大量新的手机产品投入市场,手机镜头的成本不能过高,故目前大多数手机镜头都是使用CMOS 作为感光器件.但现在的高像素手机镜头存在厚度和感光器件选择不够小的问题,如李广等[3]优化的800 万像素手机镜头镜片较多,厚度超过7 mm,且MTF 曲线优化不够好,彭雪峰[4]基于Codv V 优化的800 万像素手机镜头选用的感光器件较大,不适合现在的主流趋势.好的镜头通常需要一个合适的初始结构,它关系到设计的成功与否.通常构造初始结构有两种,一种是直接查阅专利或者专业文献,另一种就是凭借自己丰富的设计经验,构造出来.前者对于光学设计者来说是最快捷的方式,而且也能够优化出一个很好的镜头.后者对设计者的要求很高,需要设计者多年的研究经历,因为它要求设计者掌握各种象差理论和具备良好的数学基础[5].鉴于此,本文选用一个合理的美国专利作为初始结构,和最小象元尺寸为1.4 μm×1.4 μm 的感光器件,对厚度参数进行重点优化,设计了一款较好地控制了像差且长度小至5.7 mm 的800 万像素手机镜头.1 设计思路1.1 感光器件选取本文采用Omnivision 公司的型号为OV8830(1/3.2inch,8M)的感光器件,OV系列感光器件因为价格便宜,在国内运用很广泛,OV8830 感光器件的最高分辨率为3 264 ×2 448,最小的像素尺寸为1.4 μm ×1.4 μm,对角线尺寸为5.712 mm,所以要求镜头像高达到5.712 mm 以上,才不会造成sensor 面边缘出现黑影.本设计的预计像高必须大于5.712 mm.1.2 镜头重要参数确定因为手机比较小巧,故镜头必须小型化.与数码相机相比,手机镜头的长度受空间的制约比较大.在其他条件不变的情况下,通常镜头的长度是与成像质量成正比的,也就是长度越长成像质量越好,而在手机镜头上,因为长度要制造得非常小,就必须在其他参数上做补偿[6].本设计重点对手机厚度进行优化,光学总长控制在5.7 mm 以内.根据目前市面上主流手机镜头的镜头参数作为参考,本设计镜头的光圈值为2.45,视场角为60°.由于CMOS 器件对镜头出射面主光线角度有一定的限制,该专利采用的OV8830(1/3.2inch,8 M)感光器件要求主光线出射角小于31°.镜头的后工作距离应该尽可能地大,防止产生碰撞,而对感光器件造成损伤,通常要求不小于0.3 mm,具体参数如表1所示.表1 设计指标Tab.1 Design specification后工作距离像高主光线角视场角光圈畸变相对照度光学总长>0.3 mm>5.712 mm<31°60°2.45<2%>50%≤5.7mm1.3 材料选取在手机镜头材料的选取上,光学塑料镜片比玻璃镜片便宜,适合应用在手机镜头上,这样可以节省生产成本.本设计第二片透镜采用OKP4HT 材料,折射率为1.632,阿贝数为23.第一、三、四片透镜采用APL5014DP 材料,折射率为1.54,阿贝数为56.1.第五片透镜为滤光片,采用K9 材料,折射率为1.516,阿贝数为64.1,主要滤掉近红外光的干扰.为了满足实际生产的需要,塑料镜片的厚度一定要方便制造,不能做得太小,过小的镜片容易变形、损坏.一般来讲,塑料材料的中心和边缘厚度都应大于0.3 mm.手机镜头一般比较短,镜片要放在镜头里面,自然要受镜头长度的限制,所以镜片的厚度不应做得太大,尽量在0.3 ~0.5 mm 之间为好.1.4 初始结构选取本设计的初始结构是由一个美国专利(US7692877)而来的,挑选原则是相符合的光圈数和视场角,其视场角为67°,光圈值为2.45,光学结构总长为7 mm[7].2 优化过程对于拍照手机镜头,为了达到工作需要的进光量,必须要有足够大的相对孔径,视场也需要比较大,要达到60°左右,一般来讲,视场越大,像散、场曲、畸变等象差也会随之变大[8].由于衍射极限的存在,每一个镜头系统一定会存在像差,通常会根据CMOS 分辨率NA 来确定像面上形成的弥散斑半径大小Δd,以衡量系统的成像质量,有关系式本设计采用的CMOS 传感器,最小像元尺寸是1.4 μm,故即镜头分辨率为357 lp/mm.又CMOS 分辨率和镜头分辨率必须匹配,所以NA为357 lp/mm,代入公式(1),得Δd=3.36 ~4.2 μm,即说明像面上的弥散斑半径最大不能超过4.2 μm.对于高像素手机镜头,为了成像清晰,畸变要求不得超过2%.用Zemax 进行优化,具体优化过程如下:(1)变量的设定:把各个镜片的曲率半径、厚度、圆锥系数、非球面系数等都设为变量.(2)评价函数的设定:使用操作符TOTR 或者TTHI 控制镜片的总长,使用操作符TRAY 和RSRE来控制各个视场的弥散斑半径,使用操作符MTFS和MTFT 来控制弧矢MTF 和子午MTF[9],按RMSSpot Radius-Centroid 形式,设定默认评价函数.(3)进行全局优化.一般来说优化过程会出现各类问题,如两片镜片发生重叠,某一片镜片的曲率半径变得很大,主光线出射角过大等问题,要经过多次反复调试才能得到令人满意的结果[10].3 优化结果与分析经过优化,获得了一款结构比较简洁的手机镜头,其光学总长度为5.7 mm,焦距和后工作距离分别为4.4 mm 和0.35 mm,视场为60°,像高为5.72 mm,主光线出射角小于31°,满足感光器件CMOS 的耦合条件.设计结构如图1所示:图1 系统结构图Fig.1 System structure3.1 光学调制传递函数光学传递函数评价光学系统的成像质量,是基于把物体看做是由各种频率的谱组成,也就是把物体的光场分布函数展开成傅里叶级数或傅里叶积分的形式,它能够全面地评价一个镜头的成像质量[11].光学传递函数能够反映光学系统对物体不同频率成分的分辨能力,对目视光学系统来说,看重决定细节的高频部分,对摄影系统来说,看重决定轮廓的低频部分.手机镜头属于摄影系统,对传递函数低频部分有更高的要求[12].如图2所示,在最大分辨率358 lp/mm 处,0°视场达到0.37,非常接近衍射极限,而其他视场都达到了0.2,完全满足拍照要求.如图3所示,在最大分辨率的一半180 lp/mm 处,可以看到全部视场都能达到0.5 以上,远超过一般要求的0.3,可以说成像质量是非常好的.图2 358 lp/mm MTF 曲线图Fig.2 358 lp/mm MTF graph图3 180 lp/mm MTF 曲线图Fig.3 180 lp/mm MTF graph3.2 点列图在几何光学的成像过程中,由一点发出的许多条光线经过光学系统成像后,由于像差的存在,使其在像面不再集中为一点,而是形成一个分布在一定范围内的弥散斑,这就是点列图,利用这些点的密集程度来衡量光学系统的成像质量的方法称之为点列图法[13],如图4所示,从图4 可以看到0°视场的RMS 为1.15 μm,小于1.4 μm,符合设计要求.全部视场的最大RMS 为2 μm,小于4.2 μm,也满足镜头设计要求.3.3 场曲和畸变当存在场曲时,在高斯像平面上超过近轴区的像点都会变得模糊,平面物体所成的像变成回转的曲面,在任何像平面处都得不到一个完善的物平面的像,所以镜头对场曲有严格要求.畸变表示像与成像物的相似程度,畸变越大,像就会变形,不能很好地还原成像物.从图5 可以看出,场曲矫正在0.02 mm 范围内,畸变控制在2% 范围内,都符合设计要求.3.4 主光线出射角为了很好的与传感器耦合,主光线出射角必须在传感器要求的范围内,通过查询OV8830 规格书,主光线出射角最大不超过31°.从图6 可以看出,主光线最大出射角为30°,满足感光器件的耦合条件.3.5 相对照度手机镜头的相对照度随视场增大而减小,如果边缘视场相对照度过低的话,夜间拍照可能会模糊[14].对手机镜头的照度要求是,在全视场下大于0.5.由图7 可以看到成像面的最低相对照度都大于0.67,完全满足照度要求.图4 点列图Fig.4 Spot diagram图5 场曲和畸变Fig.5 Field curvature and distortion图6 主光线出射角Fig.6 Chief ray angle图7 相对照度Fig.7 Relative illumination4 公差分析光学设计结构出来后,还需要用Zemax 软件进行公差分析.所谓公差分析就是结合当前的加工塑料镜片仪器的工艺要求,使得加工出来的镜片与设计时镜片的中心厚、边厚、外径等参量的差别在一定的范围内,使得镜头的成像效果还是符合要求的[15].本文所使用的镜片按照当前的工艺要求,可允许的塑料镜片的直径公差为±0.005 mm,厚度的公差为±0.005 mm,镜片的偏轴公差为±0.003 mm,倾斜角度公差为±0.08°.确定好镜片各个参数的公差范围,就可以使用Zemax 软件模拟公差进行分析,得出的分析数据符合实际生产需要.5 结论本文通过选择合理的初始结构和主流的CMOS感光器件OV8830,设计了一款800 万像素手机镜头.所设计的镜头采用了四片塑料非球面镜片以及一片红外滤光片,与其他同类型镜头相比,优化设计主要体现在其厚度变薄,厚度只有5.7 mm,结构简洁,能够适用于更薄的手机.同时,系统全视场MTF值在最大空间频率处大于0.2,相对畸变小于2%,全视场相对照度大于0.67,说明系统成像质量好,公差相对宽松.因此,此款镜头生产成本低,实用性强,符合现在手机发展的主流趋势,且能够满足生产条件.参考文献:[1]王小羊,沈为民.内置式高像素折衍混合式手机镜头的设计[J].苏州大学学报,2012,28(1):64-71.Wang X Y,Shen W M.Optical design of built-in high mega pixel hybrid mobile phone lens[J].Journal of Soochow University,2012,28(1):64-71.[2]朱勇建,陈逢军,尹韶辉,等.基于玻璃非球面镜片的手机镜头设计[J].中国科技论文在线,2011,6(8):557-562.Zhu Y J,Chen F J,Yin S H,etal.Design of cell phone camera lens based on glass asperic lense[J].Sciencepaper Online,2011,6(8):557-562.[3]李广,汪建业,张燕.800 万像素手机镜头的设计[J].应用光学,2011,32(3):421-424.Li G,Wang J Y,Zhang Y.Design of 8 mega-pixel mobile phone camera[J].Journal of Applied Optics,2011,32(3):421-424. 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高分辨率手机镜头的光学设计与性能仿真-毕业设计论文郑州轻工业学院本科毕业设计,论文,题目高分辨率手机镜头的光学设计与性能仿真学生姓名专业班级电子科技13-01学号院 (系) 物理电子工程学院指导教师(职称)完成时间 2017年5月30日目录中文摘要英文摘要1 绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 手机镜头与数码相机镜头比较 (1)1.3 拍照手机国内外发展状况 (2)1.4 手机镜头未来趋势 ............................... 4 2 手机照相理论基础 (6)2.1 手机镜头成像原理 (6)2.2 手机镜头基本术语 (6)2.2.1 焦距 (6)2.2.2 光圈 (7)2.2.3 像素 (7)2.2.4 分辨率 (8)3 手机镜头像差理论与优化设计 (9)3.1 手机镜头像差理论 (9)3.2 光学系统的优化设计 (11)4 8百万像素手机镜头光学系统设计 (13)4.1 镜头设计指标 (13)4.2 设计结果 (13)致谢 (18)参考文献 (19)高分辨率手机镜头的光学设计与性能仿真摘要快速发展的手机照相功能,让我们对照片的清晰度要求越来越高,一些低端的数码相机早已逐步由拥有高分辨率的手机摄像头逐渐取代了,但在目前市场照相手机中高像素拍照手机的占绝大部分,800万像素的手机在市场中高比率占有正式因为这样,对研究高分辨率手机镜头有着重大的意义。



关键词: 手机镜头;800万像素;塑料非球面;ZEMAXIOPTICAL DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE SIMULATION OFHIGH RESOLUTION MOBILE PHONE LENSABSTERACTThe rapid development of mobile phone camera function, so that weare more and more demanding on the photos, some low-end digital camera has long been gradually replaced by a high-resolution mobile phone camera, but in the current market camera phone high pixel camera phone Of the vast majority of the 8 million pixel mobile phone market in the high proportion of possession of the formal because of this, the study of high-resolution mobile phone lens has great significance. The article summed up the development of mobile phone at home and abroad on the basis of the combination of optical aspheric and aberration theory, the use of ZEMAX software, optical design has been a 8 million pixel ultra-thin mobile phone lens. The lens consists of four optical plastic aspherical lenses that are optimized by the function of the ZEMAX software and eventually get a high pixel ultra-thin imaging structure with a total length of only 3.21mm and with excellent performance, low cost to meet the design requirements of the phone lens.KEY WORDS mobile phone lens; eight million pixels; plastic aspheric; ZEMAXII1 绪论1.1 引言在当今社会,手机已成为人们日常生活的必需品。



基于ZEMAX的手机镜头设计作者:于雯雯来源:《科技视界》2016年第03期【摘要】利用ZEMAX光学设计软件,设计一款手机镜头,该镜头由4片非球面塑料透镜和一片玻璃滤光片组成,镜头总长度为3.26mm,光圈值F为2.08,视场角为60°,焦距为2.10 mm,后焦距为0.33 mm。

该镜头在192lp/ mm 处的MTF值大于0.6,像差在0-0.07mm 内,畸变小于0.5%。

【关键词】手机镜头;光学设计;ZEMAX【Abstract】A mobile phone lens assembly composed of 4 plastic aspheric lenses and an IR filter was designed by use of ZEMAX ( optical engineering software). The F-number and FOV ( field-of-view )of the camera are 2.08 and 60° respectively. The effective focal length and back focal length are 2.10 mm and 0.33 mm respectively. The total lens length is 3.26mm. The MTF value is more than 0.6 in the center fields of view at 192lp/ mm . Distortion is less than 0.5%.【Key words】Lens of mobile phone; Optical design; ZEMAX0 引言自从手机具备拍照功能以来,人们就在提高手机像素,减小相机体积等提高手机拍照水平领域不断探索,尤其是智能手机出现以后,人们对手机照相的要求更是越来越高。



CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS VOL.38,NO.2-I APRIL2000 High Voltage and High Current Density Objective LensA.S.A.AlamirDepartment of Physics,Assiut University,Assiut,Egypt(Received June29,1999)Iron-free objective focal properties have been computed as a function of the current density, which is the limiting factor.Practical lenses with of low aberration coefficients have beensuggested for use in high resolution and high voltage electron microscopes.PACS.41.80.-p–Beam optics.I.IntroductionA magnetic objective lens should have a small aberration coefficient to achieve high reso-lution and,if possible,a large space must be available around the specimen to allow for specimen manipulation.To do this,one should design a lens with the highest possible axial flux density and the smallest half width of the axial field distribution.The limiting factor for the axial flux distribution B z,of a given magnetic lens,is the current density¾that can be supported by the energizing coil.Hence,for a specific ratio(D2=D1)of the outer to inner diameter,and S=D M,the ratio of the axial thickness to the mean diameter,the actual size of the coil and hence of a lens of given shape,will be decided by the current density in the winding,since in electron optics the excitation NI is usually a given quantity[1].For better resolution,the required lens performance can be achieved only by the use of iron polepieces separated by an extremely small gap and bore,usually on the order of a millimeter[2].This in turn leads to difficulties with specimen manipulation[3]and in the extraction of X-rays and secondary electrons from the specimen.The resolution of both single and double polepiece lenses is approximately the same.Moreover,an improvement in the resolution may not be worthwhile in practice,for a current density¾greater than about105A/cm2[3,4].An iron-free coil offers new possibilities for overcoming these disadvantages.In principle,an iron-free objective lens provides a lower aberration coefficient at very much higher current density¾than is possible with an iron-polepieces lens[5].Open coils are relatively easy to make,but it has proven to be very difficult to achieve the necessary rotational symmetry in these small coils.As a result such lenses suffer from excessive astigmatism[6].It should be mentioned that pancake coils,as proposed by[7]for room temperature lenses,show a much better performance if constructed from superconductors[8].It is more practical to determine the optical properties and dimensions by choosing the value of¾that corresponds to the desired minimum aberration[9].One advantage of iron-free coils is their size reduction with respect to the iron circuit lenses. It is therefore desirable to describe some recent investigations of iron-free objective lenses that offer the possibility of developing electron optical instruments,both with and without the use of superconducting windings.139c°2000THE PHYSICAL SOCIETYOF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA140HIGH VOLTAGE AND HIGH CURRENT ¢¢¢VOL.38II.The axial flux densityThe axial flux density B (z )of an iron-free coil Fig.1is given by [5]:B (z )=¹0NI 26664(S ¡z )ln R 2+µR 22+(z ¡S )2¶1=2R 1+µR 21+(z ¡S )2¶+(S +z )ln R 2+µR 22+(z +S )2¶1=2R 1+µR 21+(z ¡S )2¶37775;(1)where,¹0=4¼£10¡7Hm and 1=R 2¡R 1.R 1,R 2,S and z are in meters,NI is in ampereturns and B (z )is in teslas.Since¾A =NI;(2)where ¾is the current density and A =°1S is the cross-sectional area of the energizing coil,which is given by:A =°(R 2¡R 1)s =°1s;(3)where °is the packing factor (°=0:9,for copper tape windings),the axial flux densityB (z )takes theform:FIG.1.Iron-free rectangular cross-sections.With an inner radius R 1,outer radius R 2,and coil thicknessmean radius R M =(R 1+R 2)=2.VOL.38 A.S.A.ALAMIR141FIG.2.The variation of the spherical aberration coefficient C s of an iron-free coil with current density ¾(Z=0;V=1000KV).B(z)=¹0¾26664(S¡z)ln R2+µR22+(z¡S)2¶1=2R1+µR21+(z¡S)2¶+(S+z)lnR2+µR22+(z+S)2¶1=2R1+µR21+(z¡S)2¶37775:(4)peak value B0of the axial flux density can be expressed as:B0=¹0S226664ln R2+µR22+(S2)2¶1=2R1+µR21+(S)2¶1=237775¾:(5)Therefore,the maximum axial flux density B0of an iron-free coil varies with¾,in other words the aberrations of the iron-free coils vary as¾¡1.III.Focal propertiesFor an objective lens,spherical and chromatic aberrations have the largest effect.These aberrations can be reduced by reducing the focal length.In pratice,the most suitable objective lenses for high resolution work are those having the shortest possible focal lengths.The results for the focal properties of such lenses are putations have been carried out for an electron beam of1MV entering a paraolel to the optical axis lens,with D2=D1=38:7and different values of S=D M.The beam intersects the optical axis at the center of the coil(at the specimen position,i.e z=0).142HIGH VOLTAGE AND HIGH CURRENT¢¢¢VOL.38FIG.3.The variations of the chromatic aberration coefficient C s of an iron-free coil with current density ¾(Z=0;V=1000KV).First,we examine spherical aberration.Fig.2shows a log-log plot of the spherical aberration coefficients for such lenses,as a function of the current density¾.This kind with plot shows the variation of above coefficients more clear than a linear plot can.The lens with S=D M=0:3has the smallest C s value.Fig.3shows that the S=D M=1lens has smallest value for the chromatic aberration coefficient C c.Calculations of the objective focal length f0show that the S=D M=1:4lens has the shortest objective focal length f0.It can be seen that the focal properties of the iron-free lenses improve with increasing¾,there is no optimum value for¾at which C s or C c is a minimum.The improvement of a lens is therefore largely limited by the technology and engineering of the high current density windings.The shape represented by the ratio D2=D1,was studied for S=D M=0:3.Calculations were made for lenses of D2=D1=19,38.7,and999.The results are shown in Fig.4,which gives the spherical aberration coefficient as a function of the current density¾.The spherical aberration coefficient C s gets smaller as the ratio D2=D1gets larger for a given S=D M.IV.Practical lensThe axial field distribution of a coil with D2=D1=54:5cm/2.7cm=19and S=D M=0:3operating at1MV is shown in Fig.5this is a typical working lens for a million-volt electron microscope.This lens is used as a condenser-objective at the current density¾=20000A/cm2(the value of¾=20000A/cm2 has been adopted as the point beyond which the use of a superconducting winding can not be avoided).Fig.6shows that both the spherical and chromatic aberration coefficients decrease with increasing current density¾.The characteristics of this lens are shown in Fig.7,for different current density values¾.As¾increases the,D M of the1MV lens decreases in the same manner as C s and S.At¾=20000A/cm2, the lens size is suitable,the maximum field density is B0=2:46Tesla,and the resolution power is ±(=0:7(Cs¸3)1=4),¸being the electron wave length)=1.35A0.VOL.38 A.S.A.ALAMIR143FIG.4.The spherical aberration coefficient for an iron-free lens with D1=D2==999,38.7,19and S=D M=0:3as a function of the current density.FIG.5.The axial flux density of an iron-free condenser-objective lens.(D2=D1=19;S=D M=0:3).144HIGH VOLTAGE AND HIGH CURRENT¢¢¢VOL.38FIG.6.Objective focal properties of a1MV condenser-objective iron-free lens(D2=D1=19, S=D M=0:3)as a function of the current density¾.At high current densitv values(103<¾<107),a region favourable for iron-free lenses,the resolution is of the order0.75-0.55A0,but the corresponding out sick diameter of the lens is impracticaly small.The mechanical design of such lenses becomes easier as the accelerating voltage increases.Practical applications for such lenses have only been considered for very high beam voltages»3MV[10].For the same value of¾(20000A/cm2),the lens in Fig.5is used as a condenser-objective lens at an accelerating voltage of1.4MV.This lens has the following dimensions:D2=58:5mm,D1=3 mm(to permit the specimen holder to be introduced on the electron source side),S=D M=0:3,with a maximum field density of B0=2:64Tesla.The calculated focal properties of this lens are f0=8:3mm, C s=2:2mm,C c=4:9mm with a resolution power of±=0:1nm.These excellent aberration properties are accompanied by a considerable reduction in lens size compared with conventional lenses.The designs shown here are not intended to show the limits of performance of such lenses,but to indicate that good electron optical properties,comparable with those of the best conventional lenses,may be achieved even at modest flux densities and with simple construction.VOL.38 A.S.A.ALAMIR145FIG.7.The mean diameter D M,the thickness of the coil S,the spherical aberration coefficient C s together with the resolution power±,as function of the current density¾(D2=D1=19).V.ConclutionThe focal properties of iron-free lenses have been improved continuously by increasing the current density.There is no limit to lens improvements except that set by the maximum permissible current density in the winding.The chief benefits of such lenses are likely to be realized in high voltage,high resolution electron microscopes using superconducting windings.References[1]I.S.Al-Nakeshili,Ph.D.thsis,Univ.of Aston in Birrningham,U.K.(1986).[2]T.Mulvey,Magnetic electron priprrties,ed(Hawkes,P.W.Springer.1982),Ch.5.[3]I.S.Al-Nakeshili,S.A.Juma,and T.Mulvey,in Electron Microscopy1eds.Roshlich and Dszabo(Budapest Program Cornmmittee of8th Eur.Cong.on Elect.Micros.)21,(1984b).[4]I.S.Al-Nakeshili,S.A.Juma,and T.Mulvey,in Electron Microscopy and nalysis ed.P.Diog,Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser.68,475(1984a).[5] A.S.A.Alamir,J.phys.D.Appl.Phys.25,1039(1992).[6]P.W.Hawkes and U.V aldre,J.Phys.E309(1977).[7]T.Mulvey and C.D.Newman,in proc.5th Eur.Cong.on Electron Microscopy,Manchester,116(1969).[8] D.Genotel,C.Severin,and berrigue,J.microscopy6,933(1967).[9] A.S.A.Alamir,J.of Microscopy179,137(1994).[10]G.Lefranc,E.Knapek,and I.Dietrich,Ultramicroscopy10,111(1982).。



高分辩率数码相机光学设计Optical design of a high-resolution digital camera摘要本文研究了数码相机光学系统的结构特点、光学特性;研究了照相物镜设计的一般方法和像差特性;介绍了一个高分辩率数码相机光学系统的设计过程,通过分析比较,选择确定了光学系统的初始结构,并根据要求的技术指标,通过实践应用ZEMAX,对其进行了修改和优化设计。



镜头主要光学参数为:接收器光敏感范围直径为Φ7.4mm,F数为3,视场角为54°,波长范围为0.44um到0.65um,系统总长小于45mm,后截距为4.66mm,畸变1.9%,0视场时,在180线对/毫米处,MTF 达到0.25, 在0.5视场,150线对/毫米处,MTF达到0.25, 0.8视场时,在100线对/毫米处,MTF达到0.25,达到分辩率要求,系统结构选用6片。

关键词:光学设计数码相机照相物镜分辩率ABSTRACTIn this paper, typical optical configurations and lens characteristics for digital cameras were studied, and also the general methods and aberration peculiarity of the design of the photographic objectives were studied. It was introduced the design process of optical system of a digital camera which had a high resolution. Though be analyzed and compared, the initial structure of the optical system was decided. And according to the technology target, it was revised and optimized by using ZEMAX in practice. Theappraised results of the image quality show that it was already succeed. The major optical specifications of lens is: the max image circle is Φ7.4mm, F number is 3.0, the full field of view is 54°, wave band is 0.44~0.65um, the overall length is 12.2mm, back focus length is 4.66mm,distortion is 1.9%. When the spatial frequency for 0 field position is 180lps/mm, MTF value has achieved 0.25 . When the spatial frequency for 0.5 field position is 150lps/mm, MTF value has achieved0.25 . When the spatial frequency for 0.8 field position is 100lps/mm, MTF value has achieved 0.25 and has attained resolution requirements. Optical system configuration has 6 elements.Keywords:optical design,digital cameras,photographic objectives目录第一章绪论61.1数码相机概况61.2数码相机的定义、组成、原理71.3论文目的及内容101.4 技术指标10第二章数码相机的分辩率112.1数码相机镜头112.2数码相机镜头及CCD的分辩率122.3数码相机中CCD尺寸的含义14第三章照相物镜153.1照相物镜的光学特性153.2照相物镜的像差203.3照相物镜的结构特点223.4照相物镜的基本类型243.5照相物镜的设计方法29第四章光学系统初步设计324.1技术指标分析324.2 ZEMAX软件简介344.3初始结构的选定35第五章光学系统优化设计415.1 优化分析415.2最终结果50第六章像质评价516.1点列图516.2应用光学传递函数评价系统像质53结论58致谢错误!未定义书签。



基于ZEMAX的1300万像素手机镜头高兴宇;陈朋波【摘要】为了满足市场对高像素手机镜头的需求,结合光学设计和非球面理论,利用ZEMAX光学设计软件,设计了一款1300万像素的手机镜头.该手机镜头由4片非球面塑料镜片、1片滤光镜和1片保护玻璃组成,镜头光圈值为2.8,视场角为76.,有效焦距为4.4 mm,后焦距为0.58 mm,镜头总长为5.6 mm.中心视场处的MTF值大于0.5,且畸变小于1.8%,成像效果良好,满足使用要求.【期刊名称】《桂林电子科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(036)004【总页数】5页(P284-288)【关键词】光学设计;手机镜头;非球面;ZEMAX【作者】高兴宇;陈朋波【作者单位】桂林电子科技大学机电工程学院,广西桂林541004;桂林电子科技大学机电工程学院,广西桂林541004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN942.2自2000年日本夏普公司推出全球首款照相手机以来,拍照成为手机必不可少的一个功能。


2006年,朱日宏等[1]设计了一款光圈值3.2、视场角55°、160万像素的镜头,此镜头的系统总长为5 mm。

2008年,刘茂超等[2]设计了一款光圈值2.85、视场角62°、300万像素的镜头,此镜头的系统总长为5.26 mm。

2009年,李文静等[3]设计了一款光圈值2.8、视场角65°、500万像素的手机镜头,此镜头的系统总长为5.8 mm。

2011年,李广等[4]设计了一款光圈值2.45、视场角68°、800万像素的手机镜头,该镜头总长为7 mm。

在图像传感器CMOS未发展前,要把高像素的手机镜头集成在手机中是非常困难的,而且镜头的长度一般大于1 cm。

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文献翻译题目1650万像素手机镜头的设计学生姓名洪鑫专业班级电子科技13-01 学号541311010111院(系)物理电子工程学院指导教师(职称)运高谦(讲师)完成时间2017年5月30日1650万像素手机镜头的设计Yuke Ma, V. N. BorovytskyDepartment of Optical and Optoelectronic Devices, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Email: sherry_rain@Received 15 February 2015; accepted 2 March 2015; published 6 March 2015Copyright © 2015 by authors and OALib.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).摘要:设计了用于移动电话的1650万像素摄像机镜头。


来自Omni Vision的具有1.12微米的像素尺寸的CMOS OV16850用作图像传感器。




关键词:手机相机镜头,1650万像素传感器,Zemax主题领域:移动计算系统,光通信1.介绍:2014年10月7日,Omni Vision Technologies公司(NASDAQ:OVTI)宣布推出一款1650万像素数字图像传感器OV16850[1]。

在已发表的论文中,Song et al[2]要设计一个1600万像素的相机镜头在紧凑的尺寸不是一件简单的任务(2010)。


(2013)[4] Yin等人通过使用1个玻璃和3个塑料非球面透镜(1G3P)完成了光学系统,研究了用于手机的800万像素摄像机镜头。




传感器的奈奎斯特采样频率可以通过1000 /(2×1.12)= 446lp / mm计算。

因此,相机镜头的有限分辨率应该优于446lp / mm。






由于透镜具有大的FOV,并且其诸如高阶球面像差,像散,慧差,高阶色差等的高阶光学像差相当大,为了具有更稳定和清晰的图像,第一个元件被设置为非球面玻璃透镜,第二元件的材料是具有光学折射率为 1.785和色散系数为26.08的SF56A,透镜的第一,第三和第四元件选择为 E48R,其光学折射率为1.531,相应的色散系数为56.0,第五个元件是红外滤光片(IR),最后一个是覆盖玻璃BK9。






2.3.优化过程优化过程包括三个步骤:步骤1:1)使用操作数EFFL定义透镜的有效焦距,使用操作数TOTR限制透镜系统的总光学长度,使用操作数RAID限制CRA,使用操作数REAY来定义图像高度;2)优值函数还包括操作数MNCA,MXCA和MNEA以定义空气厚度和空气边界约束,同时操作数MNCG,MXCG和MNEG用于玻璃壳; 3)最初,操作数LONA用于控制球面像差,LACL用于控制该焦点系统的横向色彩。

TRAY和SUMM用于控制彗差,而操作数DIMX用于控制每个视场的失真; 4)使用操作数TRAY,DIFF,RAGC,ACOS 和TANG控制切向曲率; 5)使用操作数TRAY,DIFF,RAGC,ACOS,TANG,CONS 和PROD来控制矢状曲率; 6)操作数TRAC用于控制整个波长的每个视场的光点大小。

步骤2:在初始优化之后,在优值函数中添加高阶控制操作数,即1)使用操作数TRAY,RAGC,ACOS,TANG,DIVI和DIFF来控制轴向和纵向色差; 2)使用操作数TRAY,RAGC,ACOS,TANG,DIVI,CONS,PROD和DIFF控制高阶球面像差; 3)使用TRAY,DIVI和DIFF控制高阶色球差; 4)使用FCGT,FCGS,DIFF和SUMM控制散光。


最后,1)将MTFS,MTFT都加到优值函数中以提高透镜分辨率; 2)同时TRAC被操作数OPDX 替代; 3)优值函数中的权重总是准备改变以优化一些重要贡献项目,以获得合理的透镜配置。

表1 1650万像素的手机相机镜头的规格参数3.结果优化的透镜配置如图1所示,相应的透镜数据列在表2和表3中。

透镜具有5.873mm的总轨迹,有效焦距为4.483mm,后焦距为0.207mm 。

该透镜具有76.2度的FOV,图像高度为6.97mm,其比CMOS传感器尺寸稍大,并且意味着CMOS 传感器容易安装到透镜模块。





场1至6(FOV 0.000至FOV 0.787)的RMS光斑半径分别为2.545μm,2.761μm,2.662μm,2.856μm,2.337μm和2.091μm,远小于CMOS传感器的成像需要,同时场7的光斑尺寸的半径(FOV 0.92)为5.641μm,场8(FOV 1.0)的光斑尺寸的半径为4.985μm,非常接近这种需要,也就是说整个FOV可以非常清晰地成像。

表2镜头配置数据表3 每个相应表面的非球面系数图1 1650万像素手机相机镜头布局图2 1650万像素手机相机镜头点图MTF是评估镜片成像性质的综合标准。

在该设计中,中心场在223lp / mm的MTF值为53.4%,在446lp / mm下为21.4%。

对于FOV 0.8区,223p / mm 的MTF值在矢状面中大于37.6%,在切平面大于32.6%,在446lp / mm处,在矢状面中MTF值大于14%,大于2%在切平面。


镜片的曲率和畸变如图4所示; 在图4中示出透镜具有低场曲率; 它在0.05以内,远远小于成像需要0.1,并且失真小于2%。


图3 1650万像素手机相机镜头的MTF曲线图4 16.5 M像素手机相机镜头的场曲和畸变透镜的横向色彩和色差焦点偏移揭示了该16.5M像素移动电话摄像机镜头的几乎衍射限制的设计。




应检查镜头的相对照明; 在图7中可以看出,相对照明值的最小值为40%。



图5 一个1650万像素手机相机镜头的横向颜色图6 1650万像素手机相机镜头的色差移动图7 1650万像素手机相机镜头的相对照度最后,进行公差分析,结果表明允许半径,厚度偏差为5μm,偏心偏差为10μm,倾斜度为0.2度。









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