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1) alienate from=separate from隔离,疏离

2) acquaint with=be familiar with熟悉,了解

3) account for=explain解释

4) allergic to =oversensitive to sth.对…过敏

5) after all=on earth毕竟,终究;到底

6) associated with=connected with=related to与…有关

7) be aware of=conscious of意识到

8) at ease=relaxed放松,轻松

9) agree with= accustomed to (food/climate)适应...

10) a poor memory=forgetful健忘

11) back up=support支持

12) based on(upon)=on the basis of在…基础上

13) book up=sold out(票)订光了

14) by means of=with the help of通过…方式

15) be bound to do sth.=certain to do sth.肯定会做某事

16) be around= appear出现,露面

17) be fond of=keen on喜爱

18) bring sb up to date on sth. =help sb.to catch up帮助某人(在学习,工作)赶上

19) bring in=turn in上交

20) chip in=contribute money捐献,做贡献

21) concentrate on sth.=pay all attention to sth.专心致志做某事

22) contribute to sth.=give help to sth.帮助,增强

23) come out of…alive=survived从...中幸存

24) cope with = deal with=handle应付,对付

25) count on =depend on=rely on依靠,指望

26) control the conversation=carry on conversation滔滔不绝地说

27) call off=cancel取消

28) dog tired=run down特别累

29) do sb. a favour=give sb. a hand帮某人一个忙

30) delay=postpone=put off推迟,延迟

31) decide on doing sth.=make up one’s mind下决心做某事

32) die out=disappear消失,灭绝

33) drive sb. up the wall =drive sb. out of one’s mind 让某人发疯

34) do sb. good=bring benefits to a person给某人带来好处

35) food for thought = thought-provoking令人思考的


36) fill one's shoes=take one’s place很好地顶替;令人满意地替代

37) full of=(be)filled with装满,填满

38) fed up with=tired of厌倦

39) get nowhere=make no progress毫无进展

40) get over= recover from(病/情绪)恢复

41) get a real bargain=buy sth .cheap买到便宜货

42) give rise to=lead to引起,导致

43) give sb.a ride=give sb. a lift让某人搭车

44) at one’s convenience=sb. free在某人方便的时候

45) at no charge =for nothing免费

46) have intention of doing sth. =plan to do sth.打算做某事

47) hear from=receive a letter from sb.收到…来信

48) have one’s hand full with sth. = be busy doing sth.忙于做…

49) have an impact on sth.=have an influence on sth.对…产生影响

50) interfere with=affect影响

51) justify in doing sth.=have a good reason to do sth.有理由

52) keep in touch with sb.=correspond with sb.与…保持联系

53) keep out =borrow借出

54) keep one eye on= take care of照顾,照看

55) let out=stop结束

56) lay off=fire sb.=let sb. go解雇

57) look forward to doing sth. = be eager to do sth.渴望做某事

58) lose heart=lose confidence失去信心

59) make a living=earn a living谋生

60) meet one’s needs=supply sb. with sth.满足某人的需要

61) on behalf of=representing =in one's place=fill in for sb.代表

62) originate from=start from起源于…

63) proud of=take pride in为…感到自豪

64) run out of= use up用光,用尽

65) reside in=live in居住在…

66) rule out=get rid of排除,除掉

67) raise money=pool money集资

68) slip one’s mind=forget忘记

69) stand=bear=put up with容忍,忍受
