
★ 形容词:1.贫困的: poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2.富饶的: rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off3.优异的: excellent = eminent = top = outstanding4.踊跃的,好的: good = conducive =beneficial=advantageous5.悲观的,不良的: bad = detrimental= baneful=undesirable6.显然的: obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7.健康的 : healthy = robust = sound = wholesome8.惊人的: surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9.漂亮的: beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10.有活力的: energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated11.流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive★ 动词:1.提升,增强: improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2.惹起: cause = trigger = endanger3.解决: solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4.拆掉: destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5.培育 : develop = cultivate = foster = nurture6.激发,鼓舞: encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur7.以为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue8.达成: complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9.保存: keep = preserve = retain = hold10.有害于: destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11.减少 : ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten★ 名词:1.影响: influence= impact2.危险: danger = perils =hazard3.污染:pollution = contamination4.人类:human beings= mankind = human race5.老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged =senior citizens6.幸福: happiness = cheerfulness = well-being7.老师: teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8.教育: education = schooling = family parenting =upbringing9.青少年: young people = youngsters = youths =adolescents10.长处: advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11.责任: responsibility = obligation = duty = liability12.能力: ability = capacity = power = skill13.职业: job = career = employment = profession14.娱乐: enjoyment = pastimes = recreation=entertainment15.孩子: children = offspring = descendant= kid★ 短语:1.充满了: be filled with = be awash with = be inundatewith = be saturated with2.努力: struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spareno efforts for3.从事: embark on = tap = set about = go in for4.在今世 : in contemporary society = in present-daysociety= in this day and age5.大批的 : a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of=a vast amount of,characters, folks替代(people ,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的) ,perfect, pleasurable ,excellent, outstanding, superior替代good3: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替代bad, 假如 bad 做表语,能够有be less impressive替代4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,ahost of, many, if not most)替代many.注:用 many, if not most必定要当心,many后必定要有词。

英语作文常用高级词汇★形容词:1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive★动词:1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur7. 认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten★名词:1. 影响:influence= impact2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard3. 污染:pollution = contamination4. 人类:human beings= mankind = human race5. 老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens6. 幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8. 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11. 责任: responsibility = obligation = duty = liability12. 能力: ability = capacity = power = skill13. 职业: job = career = employment = profession14. 娱乐: enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment15. 孩子: children = offspring = descendant= kid★短语:1. 充满了:be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with2. 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for3. 从事: embark on = tap = set about = go in for4. 在当代: in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age5. 大量的: a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of1.individuals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable ,excellent, outstanding, superior替换good3: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad, 如果bad 做表语,可以有be less impressive替换4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。

1 v. 变更,改动,变更2 . 突然发生,爆裂3 . 除掉;处置;解决;处理()4 n. 爆炸;气流 . 炸,炸掉5 v. 消耗,耗尽6 v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的7 v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃8 v. 溢出,溅出,倒出9 v. 滑动,滑落;忽视10 v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片11 n. 细菌12 n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔13 n. 预算v. 编预算,作支配14 n. 候选人15 n. 校内16 a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17 v. 转变,变革;变换18 v. 传播,播送;传递19 v. 移植20 . 运输,运输n. 运输,运输工具21 v. 转移;转动;转变22 v. 变更,变更;使多样化23 . 歼灭,不见24 v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子25 n. 怀疑,疑心26 a. 怀疑的,可疑的27 a. 暖和的,温煦的;温顺的,味淡的28 a. 温顺的;脆弱的29 n. 损害,妨害,厌烦(的人或事物)30 a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31 . 加速,促进32 a. 肯定的,无条件的;完全的33 n. 分界线,边界34 n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车)35 n. 书目(册)v. 编目36 a. 模糊的,不明确的37 n. 徒劳,白费38 a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39 a. 不平常的,特殊的,非凡的40 a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分41 n. 代理人,代理商;动因,缘由42 n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精43 . 呼吁,请求44 . 重视,赏识,观赏45 v. 赞成,同意,批准46 . 刺激,激励47 . 取得,获得;学到48 .完成,到达;实行49 n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50 n. 潮汐;潮流51 a. 整齐的,整齐的52 . 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹53 . 拷打,熬煎54 . 漫游,闲逛55 n. 蜡56 v. 织,编57 v. 爱护,保存,保持,维持61. v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. a. 学术的;高等院校的;探讨院的63. n. (高等)专科院校;学会64. n. 电池(组)65. n. 障碍;棚栏66. n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. n. 生涯,职业68. n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. a. 垂直的70. v. 迫使,责成;使感谢71. a. 阴暗,模糊72. n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的74. a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. n. 汽油76. n. 石油77. . 推迟,延误,耽搁78. . 腐烂,腐朽79. a. 像样的,风光的80. n. 路;路途;航线81. v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[.]废墟82. n. 原因,理由83. n. 卫星84. n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度85. n. 庙宇86. a. 乏味道,单调的,87. .易于,趋向88. n.趋向,趋势89. a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端90. v. 经验,遭遇91. a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的92. v. 收养;接受;接受93. . 适应,适合;改编,改写 . 使适应94. n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉95. a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96. n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕获97. a. 空的,未占用的98. n. 真空,真空吸尘器99. a. 口头的,口述的,口的100. n. (单、复数同形)光学101. n. 器官,风琴102. n. 过分,过量,过剩103. v. 驱除,开除,赶出104. v. 消费105. n. 支出,消费;经费106. n. 开销,费用107. a. 花钱多的;价格名贵的108. v. 扩大,扩张;绽开,膨胀109. n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀110. a. 私人的,个人的111. a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体112. a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的114. n. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门115. 太平洋116. 大西洋117. 北冰洋118. 南冰洋119. . 授予,同意,准予119. a. 雄宏大,壮美的,重大的120. v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭121. n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的122. v. 承认;致谢123. n. 阳台124. . 计算,核算125. n. 日历,月历126. a. 乐观127. a. 可以任选的,非强制的128. a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的129. n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出130. n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入131. . 把...加强();接受,利用132. n. 宗教,宗教信仰133. a. 宗教的134. n. 牺牲品,受害者135. n. 电视,视频a. 电视的,录像的136. n. 录像磁带v. 把...录在录像带上137. v. 冒犯,触犯138. v. 打扰,麻烦139. v. 干涉,干扰,阻碍140. a. 内部的,国内的141. . 预先,事先142. a. 人种的种族的143. n. 放射物,辐射144. a.根本的;激进的145. n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动146. n. 惊异,奇迹v. 想知道,对...感到怀疑147. . 使隔离,使孤立148. n. 问题,争辩点;发行,(报刊)一期149. a. 空的,中空的,空虚道150. n. 钩 . 钩住151. a. 适当地;足够152. . 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持153. . 取缔,禁止154. . 俘虏,捕获155. a. 有效的,有依据的;正值的156. n. 山谷,峡谷157. a. 坚实定;一样的,始终如一的158. a. 接着的,连续(不断)的159. a. 不断地,常见的160. v. 爆炸;爆发;激增161. v. 剥削;利用,开采162. v. 勘探163. n. 爆炸;爆发;激增164. a. 爆炸的;极易引起争辩的165. a. 遥远的,偏僻的166. n. 除去,消退167. . 使得,致使167. 说明比较长,可要细致体会啊!1. ( ) ;( ) 赐予某物作为报偿或用以交换;回报;归还.表示敬意、听从、效忠等:a 服务的酬金以德报怨以羞辱对羞辱a a 为某人服务向灾民供应救济感谢上帝2. ( ) 递交或开出(帐单):$50 开出50美元的帐单3. () a 使(某人[某事物])处于某种状况:因出事故而手足无措.你们的这种做法导致双方的合同失败。

英语单词高级词汇1. Abhorrent: Adjective; arousing disgust or hatred.2. Abstemious: Adjective; displaying restraint in consumption of especially food and drink.3. Admonish: Verb; scold or reprimand.4. Amenable: Adjective; inclined to be persuaded; agreeable or responsive to suggestion.5. Animosity: Noun; a feeling of hostility or ill will.6. Appease: Verb; to make calm or quiet; pacify.7. Ascendancy: Noun; the dominance of one power over another.8. Assuage: Verb; make milder or less severe; relieve; ease.9. August: Adjective; awe-inspiring; impressive.10. Autonomous: Adjective; self-governing; independent.11. Banal: Adjective; lacking originality; dull.12. Bemoan: Verb; to express or feel deep sorrow for; to lament.13. Blandish: Verb; to coax or flatter by soft words or expressions of admiration.14. Blighted: Adjective; suffering from a disease that destroys or hinders growth; ruined.15. Bolster: Verb; to support; to give a boost to.16. Boorish: Adjective; rude, crude, or insensitive.17. Calumny: Noun; a false and malicious accusation.18. Candor: Noun; the quality of being open and honest.19. Censure: Verb; to express strong disapproval of; criticize.20. Chastise: Verb; to scold; reprimand.21. Cognizant: Adjective; aware; conscious.23. Condone: Verb; to accept or overlook behavior without criticism or censure.24. Congruent: Adjective; of equal measure; consistent.25. Construe: Verb; to interpret or explain.26. Contrite: Adjective; feeling regret for having done wrong.27. Contumacious: Adjective; rebellious; disobedient.28. Culpable: Adjective; deserving blame or censure.29. Cynical: Adjective; distrustful of human motives; sarcastic.30. Deference: Noun; respect.31. Deride: Verb; to ridicule or mock.32. Desecrate: Verb; to treat with disrespect, especially to abuse something sacred.33. Desolate: Adjective; deserted; lacking inhabitants.34. Despondent: Adjective; feeling hopeless; dejected.37. Discernment: Noun; the ability to make fine distinctions.38. Discredit: Verb; to bring into disrepute; to dishonor or disgrace.39. Disinterested: Adjective; impartial; not influenced by personal motives or biases.40. Dissolute: Adjective; lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasure.41. Dissonance: Noun; a lack of agreement; inconsistency.42. Ebullient: Adjective; cheerful and full of energy.43. Eclectic: Adjective; made up of elements gathered from a variety of sources.44. Edict: Noun; a proclamation issued by a ruler or other authority.45. Edify: Verb; to instruct or improve, usually morally or spiritually.46. Efface: Verb; to erase; to make unnoticeable or forgettable.47. Engender: Verb; to bring about; to cause.48. Enigma: Noun; a puzzle or riddle; something mysterious or difficult to understand.49. Ephemeral: Adjective; lasting a very short time.51. Equivocal: Adjective; ambiguous or unclear in meaning.52. Erudition: Noun; deep knowledge or learning.53. Esoteric: Adjective; intended for or understood by a select group.54. Evanescent: Adjective; soon passing away; fleeting.55. Exigency: Noun; an urgent situation requiring immediate action.56. Expiate: Verb; to make amends for; atone.57. Extol: Verb; to praise highly.。

以下是一些常见的英文高级词汇:1. Adventure - 冒险;奇遇2. Anxiety - 忧虑;焦虑3. Apologize - 道歉;谢罪4. Appearance - 出现;露面;容貌5.Appointment - 约会6. Appreciate - 欣赏;感激7. Audience - 观众;听众8. Baggage - 行李9. Bamboo - 竹子10. Behaviour - 行为;举止11. Blam - 责备;责怪12.BLEED - 出血;流血13. Boring - 乏味的;无聊的14. Breathing - 呼吸15. Businessman - 商人;企业家16. Camera - 照相机;摄像机17. celebrate - 庆祝18. Centigrade - 摄氏度19. Century - 世纪;百年20. Certificate - 证明;证明书21. Chainstore - 连锁店22.Cheek - 面颊;脸蛋23. Chemistry - 化学24. Classical - 传统的;古典的25. Climate - 气候26. Clinic - 诊所27. College - 学院;专科学校28. Comfortable - 舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的29. Comment - 评论30. communicate - 交际;传达 (感情,信息等)31. compare - 比较;对照32. composition - 作文;作曲33. conceited - 骄傲自满的34. condition - 条件;状况35. conference - (正式的) 会议;讨论36. congratulate - 祝贺37. contented - 甘愿的;满意的38. content - 内容39. convenient - 便利的;方便的40. counter - 柜台;结账处41. countryside - 乡下;农村42. cousin - 堂 (表) 兄弟;堂 (表) 姐妹43. crazy - 疯狂的44. crowded - 拥挤的45. curious - 好奇的;奇异的46. daily - 日常的;每日的47. ad - 每天;日报48. damage - 毁坏;损害49. dawn - 黎明;拂晓50. deadline - 最后期限;截止日期这些词汇都是英语中较为复杂和常用的词汇,掌握它们对于提高英语水平和拓展词汇量都有很大的帮助。

高中英语写作常用高级词汇1解决: Solve。
deal with。
cope with。
be convinced。
be firmlyconvinced。
be fully convinced 10保护:Protect。
baneful evil。
clear up。
take away。
XXX15导致:Lead to。
bring about。
result in。
spark off。
conduce to。

1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片11.bacteria n. 细菌12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排14.candidate n. 候选人15.campus n. 校园16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递19.transplant v. 移植20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的33.boundary n. 分界线,边界34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车)35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的37.vain n. 徒劳,白费38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行work n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流51.tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的52.trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹53.torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨54.wander vi. 漫游,闲逛55.wax n. 蜡56.weave v. 织,编57.preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会64. battery n. 电池(组)65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. career n. 生涯,职业68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. vertical a. 垂直的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. exterior n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. petrol n. 汽油76. petroleum n. 石油77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽79. decent a. 像样的,体面的80. route n. 路;路线;航线81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟82. sake n. 缘故,理由83. satellite n. 卫星84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度85. temple n. 庙宇86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,87. tend vi.易于,趋向88. tendency n.趋向,趋势89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端90. undergo v. 经历,遭受91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学101. organ n. 器官,风琴102. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩103. expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出104. expend v. 消费105. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费106. expense n. 开销,费用107. expensive a. 花钱多的;价格高贵的108. expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀109. expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀110. private a. 私人的,个人的111. individual a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体112. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的114. personnel n. [总称]人员,员工;人事部门115. the Pacific Ocean 太平洋116. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋117. the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋118. the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质a. 酸的;尖刻的122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢123. balcony n. 阳台124. calculate vt. 计算,核算125. calendar n. 日历,月历126. optimistic a. 乐观127. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的128. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的129. export n. 出口(物)v. 出口,输出130. import n. 进口(物)v. 进口,输入131. impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用132. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰133. religious a. 宗教的134. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者135. video n. 电视,视频a. 电视的,录像的136. videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把...录在录像带上137. offend v. 冒犯,触犯138. bother v. 打搅,麻烦139. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍140. internal a. 内部的,国内的141. beforehand ad. 预先,事先142. racial a. 人种的种族的143. radiation n. 放射物,辐射144. radical a.根本的;激进的145. range n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动146. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑147. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立148. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期149. hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道150. hook n. 钩vt. 钩住151. adequate a. 适当地;足够152. adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获155. valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的156. valley n. 山谷,峡谷157. consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的158. continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的159. continual a. 不断地,频繁的160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增161. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采162. explore v. 勘探163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的165. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的166. removal n. 除去,消除167. render vt. 使得,致使167. render 解释比较长,可要仔细体会啊!1. render sth(for sth) ;rendersth (to sb) give sth in return,or exchange,or as sth which is due 给予某物作为报偿或用以交换;回报;归还render homage,obedience,allegiance,etc.表示敬意、顺从、效忠等:a reward for services rendered 服务的酬金render good for evil 以德报怨render insult for insult 以侮辱对侮辱render sb a service/render a service to sb 为某人服务render help to disaster victims 向灾民提供援助render thanks to God 感谢上帝2. present or send in (an account)for payment 递交或开出(帐单):account rendered $50 开出50美元的帐单3. cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition 使(某人[某事物])处于某种状况:rendered helpless by an accident 因出事故而束手无策Your action had rendered our contract invalid.你们的这种做法导致双方的合同失败。

1. Abate.- 发音:[əˈbeɪt]- 词性:动词。
- 释义:减轻;减少;缓和。
例如:The storm began to abate.(风暴开始减弱。
)2. Aberrant.- 发音:[æˈberənt]- 词性:形容词。
- 释义:异常的;脱离常规的;畸变的。
例如:His aberrant behavior worried his parents.(他异常的行为让他的父母担忧。
)3. Abjure.- 发音:[əbˈdʒʊə(r)]- 词性:动词。
- 释义:发誓放弃;公开放弃(信仰、意见等)。
例如:He abjured his former beliefs.(他发誓放弃以前的信仰。
1. Beguile.- 发音:[bɪˈɡaɪl]- 释义:欺骗;使陶醉;使高兴。
例如:He beguiled her into giving him all her money.(他骗她把所有的钱都给了他。
)2. Bellicose.- 发音:[ˈbelɪkəʊs]- 词性:形容词。
- 释义:好战的;好斗的。
例如:The bellicose nation was always looking for an excuse to start a war.(这个好战的国家总是在寻找发动战争的借口。
)3. Bereft.- 发音:[bɪˈreft]- 词性:形容词。
- 释义:丧失的;被剥夺的;失去亲人的。
例如:He was bereft of all hope.(他失去了所有的希望。
1. Cacophony.- 发音:[kəˈkɒfəni]- 词性:名词。
- 释义:刺耳的声音;不和谐音。
例如:The cacophony of the traffic made it hard to think.(交通的嘈杂声让人难以思考。
)2. Capricious.- 发音:[kəˈprɪʃəs]- 释义:反复无常的;任性的。

高级英语词汇总结(一)1:intermitten t: adj. stoppi ng and starti ng oftenover a period of time, but not regula rly 断断续续的;间歇的They saw the interm itten t flashe s from a lighth ouse.他们看见了灯塔发出一闪一灭的光。
2:havoc: n. a situation in whichthereis a lot of damage, destru ction or disorder 大损坏;大破坏;浩劫The earthq uakehas made greathavocof the city.地震给这个城市造成了巨大的破坏。
3:punchy: adj. of a speech, song, etc. 演说、歌曲等 having a strong effect becaus e it expres ses someth ing clearl y in only a few words简洁有力的;言简意赅的;简炼的The articl e is writte n in his usualpunchy style.4:onerous: adj. needin g greateffort; causin g troubl e or worry费力的;艰巨的;令人焦虑的This is the most onerou s task I have ever undert aken.这是我承担过的最艰巨的任务。
5:sanguine: adj. cheerf ul and confid ent aboutthe future充满信心的;乐观的(sangui ne aboutsth.)He is not very sangui ne aboutour chance s of succes s.他对我们成功的机会不太乐观。

1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent= well-to-do = well-off3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top= outstanding4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous:5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental = baneful =undesirable6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound= wholesome8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic= vigourous =animated11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prent = pervasive★高频动词:1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur7. 认为:think = assert = hold = claim = argue8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten★高频名词:1. 影响:influence= impact2. 危险:danger = perils =hazards3. 污染:pollution = contamination4. 人类:human beings= mankind = humane race5. 老人:old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens6. 幸福:happiness = well-being7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8. 教育education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11. 责任:responsibility = obligation= duty = liability12 能力:ability = capacity = power= skill13. 职业:job = career = employment = profession14. 娱乐:enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment15. 孩子:children = Offspring = descendant = kid★高频短语:1. 充满了:be filled with = be awashwith = be inundate with = be saturated with2. 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for3. 从事:embark on= take up = set about = go in for4. 在当代: in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age5. 大量的: a host f = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of。

1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent= well-to-do = well-off3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top= outstanding4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous:5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental = baneful =undesirable6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound= wholesome8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic= vigourous =animated11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = prent = pervasive★高频动词:1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur7. 认为:think = assert = hold = claim = argue8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten★高频名词:1. 影响:influence= impact2. 危险:danger = perils =hazards3. 污染:pollution = contamination4. 人类:human beings= mankind = humane race5. 老人:old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens6. 幸福:happiness = well-being7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers8. 教育education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents10. 优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue11. 责任:responsibility = obligation= duty = liability12 能力:ability = capacity = power= skill13. 职业:job = career = employment = profession14. 娱乐:enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment15. 孩子:children = Offspring = descendant = kid ★高频短语:1. 充满了:be filled with = be awashwith = be inundate with = be saturated with2. 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for3. 从事:embark in = take up = set about = go in for4. 在当代: in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age5. 大量的: a host f = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of。


英语高级词汇200个1.access/ ‘ækses/ n.接近;通道,入口2.accidental/ æksi’dentl/ a.偶然的;非本质的3.accommodate/ ə’kɔmədeit/ vt.容纳;供应,供给4.accommodation/ ə,kɔmə’deiʃən/ n.招待设备;预定铺位5.accordance/ ə’kɔr:dəns/ n.一致;和谐;授予6.accordingly/ ə’kɔr:diŋli/ ad.因此,所以;照着7.account/ ə’kaunt/ n.记述;解释;帐目8.address / ə’dres/ n.地址;演说;谈吐9.adequate/ ‘ædikwit/ a.足够的;可以胜任的10.advisable/ əd’vaizəbl/ n.明智的;可取的11.age/ eidʒ/ vt.变老12.alloy/‘ælɔi,ə’lɔi/ n.合金;(金属的)成色13.aluminium/ ælju’minjəm/ n.铝14.anchor/‘æŋkə/ n.锚vi.抛锚,停泊15.anticipate/ æn’tisipeit/ vt.预料,预期,期望16.apparatus/ ,æpə’reitəs/ n.器械,仪器;器官17.appetite/‘æpitait/ n.食欲,胃口;欲望18.appliance/ ə’plaiəns/ n.用具,器具,器械19.applicable/‘æplikəbl/ a.能应用的;适当的20.article/‘a:tikl/ n.条款;物品21.assemble/ ə’sembl/ vt.集合,召集;装配22.assembly/ ə’sembli/ n.集合;集会;装配23.assure/ ə’ʃuə/ vt.使确信;向…保证24.atom/ ‘ætəm/ n.原子;微粒;微量25.attribu te/ ‘ætribju:t/ vt.把…归因于n.属性26.automobile/‘ɔ:təməbi:l/ n.汽车,机动车27.auxiliary/ ɔ:g’ziljəri/ a.辅助的;附属的28.bang/ bæŋ/ n.巨响,枪声;猛击29.barrel/‘bærəl/ n.桶;圆筒;枪管30.battery/‘bætəri/ n.电池;一套,一组31.bay/ bei/ n.湾;山脉中的凹处32.beam/ bi:m/ n.梁;横梁;束,柱33.behalf/ bi’ha:f/ n.利益,维护,支持34.bind/ baind/ vt.捆绑;包扎;装钉35.biscuit/ ‘biskit/ n.(英)饼干;(美)软饼36.blade/ bleid/ n.刀刃,刀片;叶片37.blend/ blend/ vt.&vi.&n.混和38.bold/ bəuld/ a.大胆的;冒失的39.bolt/ bəult/ n.螺栓;插销vt.闩门40.bond/ bɔnd/ n.联结,联系;公债41.bounce/ bauns/ vi.反跳,弹起;跳起42.bow/ bau/ n.弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬43.brand/ brænd/ n.商品;烙印vt.铭刻44.brow/ brau/ n.额;眉,眉毛45.brown/ braun/ n.褐色,棕色46.brush/brΛʃ/ n.刷子,毛刷;画笔47.bulk/ bΛlk/ n.物体,容积,大批48.bundle/‘bΛndl/ n.捆,包,束;包袱49.bureau/‘bjuərəu/ n.局,司,处;社,所50.cabbage/‘kæbidʒ/ n.洋白菜,卷心菜51.cabinet/‘kæbinit/ n.橱,柜;内阁52.cable/‘keibl/ n.缆,索;电缆;电报53.capable/‘keipəbl/ a.有能力的,有才能的54.capacity/ kə’pæsiti/ n.容量;能力;能量55.cassette/ ka:’set/ n.盒式录音带;盒子56.cause/ kɔ:z/ n事业57.cease/ si:s/ vi.&vi.&n.停止,停息58.ceiling/‘si:liŋ/ n. 天花板,顶蓬59.chalk/ tʃɔ:k/ n.白垩;粉笔60.chamber/‘tʃeimbə/ n.会议室;房间;腔61.channel/‘tʃænl/ n.海峡;渠道;频道62.chapter/‘tʃæptə/ n.章,回,篇63.chill/tʃil/ vt.使变冷n.寒冷64.chimney/ ‘tʃimni/ n.烟囱,烟筒;玻璃罩65.chin/ tʃin/ n.颏,下巴66.choke/ tʃəuk/ vt.使窒息;塞满67.chop/tʃɔp/ vt.砍,劈;切细vi.砍68.circuit/‘sə:kit/ n.电路;环行;巡行69.circumference/ sə’kΛmfərəns/ n.圆周,周长,圆周线70.circumstance/‘sə:kəmstəns/ n.情况,条件;境遇71.civilize/‘sivilaiz/ vt.使文明;教育72.clap/ klæp/ vi.拍手vt.拍,轻拍73.claw/ klɔ:/ n.爪,脚爪,螯74.cock/ kɔk/ n.公鸡;雄禽;旋塞75.collapse/ kə’læps/ vi.倒坍;崩溃,瓦解76.collar/ ‘kɔlə/ n.衣领,项圈77.collision/ kə’liʒ(ə)n/ n.碰撞;冲突78.colony/ ‘kɔləni/ n.殖民地;侨居地pel/ kəm’pel/ vt.强迫,迫使屈服ponent/ kəm’pəunənt/ n.组成部分;分;组件pose/ kəm’pəuz/ vt.组成,构成;创作pound/ kəm’paund/ n.化合物;复合词prise/ kəm’praiz/ vt.包含,包括;构成84.conceal/ kən’si:l/ vt.把…隐藏起来85.concrete/ ‘kɔnkri:t/ n.混凝土;具体物86.condense/ kən’dens/ vt.压缩,使缩短87.congress/ ‘kɔŋgres/ n.大会;国会,议会88.conjunction/ kən’dʒΛŋkʃən/ n.接合,连接;连接词89.consent/ kən’sent/ n.同意,赞成vi.同意90.contempt/ kən’tempt/ n.轻蔑;藐视;受辱91.contest/ kən’test,‘kɔntest/ vt.争夺,争取;辩驳92.convention/ kən’venʃən/ n.习俗,惯例;公约93.conventional/ kən’venʃənl/ a.普通的;习惯的94.conversely/ ‘kɔnvə:sli/ ad.相反地95.conversion/ kən’və:ʃən/ n.转变,转化;改变96.convert/ kən’və:t,‘kɔnvə:t/ vt.使转变;使改变97.coordinate/ kəu’ɔdinit/ vt.使协调,调节98.copper/ ‘kɔpə/ n.铜;铜币,铜制器99.cord/ kɔ:d/ n.细绳,粗线,索100.corporation/ kɔ:pə’reiʃən/ n.公司,企业;社团101.corridor/ ‘kɔridɔ:/ n.走廊,回廊,通路102.council/ ‘kaunsil/ n.理事会,委员会103.crawl/ krɔ:l/ vi.爬,爬行104.creep/ kri:p/ vi.爬行;缓慢地行进105.crown/ kraun/ n.王冠,冕;花冠106.crude/ kru:d/ a.简陋的;天然的107.crush/ krΛʃ/ vt.压碎,碾碎;镇压108.crust/ krΛst/ n.面包皮;硬外皮109.crystal/ ‘kristl/ n.水晶,结晶体;晶粒110.cultivate/ ‘kΛltiveit/ vt.耕;种植;培养111.curve/ kə:v/ n.曲线;弯vt.弄弯112.dairy [‘dɛəri] n.牛奶场;乳制品113.damp [dæmp] a.潮湿的,有湿气的114.dare [dɛə] vt.&aux.v.敢;竟敢115.daring [‘deərɪŋ] a.大胆的,勇敢的116.deal [di:l] n.买卖;待遇vt.给予117.deceit [di’si:t] n.欺骗,欺诈118.deceive [di’si:v] vt.欺骗,蒙蔽,行骗119.decent [‘di:sənt] a.正派的;体面的120.deck [dek] n.甲板;舱面;层面121.deduce [di’dju:s] vt.演绎,推论,推断122.define [di’fain] vt.给…下定义;限定123.delegation [delɪ’geɪʃən] n.代表团124.democracy [di’mɔkrəsi] n.民主,民主制125.democratic [demə’krætik] a.民主的,民主政体的126.demonstrate [‘demənstreit] vt.说明;论证;表露127.dense [dens] a.密集的;浓厚的128.density [‘densiti] n.密集,稠密;密度129.deposit [di’pɔzit] vt.使沉淀;存放130.derive [di’raiv] vt.取得vi.起源131.descend [di’send] vi.下来,下降;下倾132.despise [dis’paiz] vt.鄙视,蔑视133.de tect [di’tekt] vt.察觉,发觉;侦察134.detection [di’tekʃən] n.察觉,发觉;侦察135.devise [di’vaiz] vt.设计,发明136.dew [dju:] n.露,露水137.diameter [dai’æmitə] n.直径138.diligent [‘dilidʒənt] a.勤勉的,勤奋的139.dimension [di’menʃən] n.尺寸,尺度;面积140.discard [dis’kɑ:d] vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃141.discharge [dis’tʃɑ:dʒ] vt.释放;排出n.释放142.discipline [‘disiplin] n.纪律;训练vt.训练143.disclose [dis’kləuz] vt.揭开,揭发;透露144.dishonour [dis’ɔnə] n.不光彩;丢脸的人145.disorder [dis’ɔ:də] n.混乱,杂乱;骚乱146.disposal [dis’pəuzəl] n.丢掉,处理,销毁147.dispose [dis’pəuz] vi.去掉,丢掉;销毁148.dispute [dis’pju:t] vi.争论,争执n.争论149.distress [dis’tres] n.忧虑,悲伤;不幸150.ditch [ditʃ] n.沟,沟渠,渠道151.dock [dɔk] n.船坞;码头;船厂152.donkey ['dɔŋki] n.驴;笨蛋153.drain [drein] vt.排去;放水n.耗竭154.drama [‘drɑ:mə] n.一出戏剧,剧本155.dramatic [drə’mætik] a.引人注目的,戏剧的156.drip [drip] vi.滴下;漏水n.水滴157.durable [‘djuərəbl] a.耐久的,耐用的158.duration [djuə’reiʃən] n.持续,持久159.dwelling [‘dwelɪŋ] n.住处,寓所160.earnest/ ‘ə:nist/ a.认真的,诚恳的161.echo/ ‘ekəu/ n.回声,反响vi.重复162.elaborate/ i’læbərit/ a.复杂的;精心制作的163.elastic/ i’læstik/ n.松紧带a.有弹性的164.element/ ‘elimənt/ n.成分;要素;元素165.eliminate/ i’limineit/ vt.消灭,消除,排除166.embrace/ im’breis/ vt.拥抱;包括;包围167.emerge/ i’mə:dʒ/ vi.出现,涌现;冒出168.emit/ i’mit/ vt.散发;发射;发表169.emperor/ ‘empərə/ n.皇帝170.enforce/ in’fɔ:s/ vt.实施,执行;强制171.equation/ i’kweiʃən/ n.方程(式);等式172.equivalent/ i’kwivələnt/ a.相等的;等量的173.era/ ‘iərə/ n.时代,年代;纪元174.erect/ i’rekt/ vt.建造;使竖立175.evolution/ i:və’lju:ʃən/ n.进化,演化;发展176.evolve/ i’vɔlv/ vt.使进化;使发展177.exceed/ ik’si:d/ vt.超过,胜过;超出178.exceedingly/ ik’si:diŋli/ ad.极端地,非常179.excess/ ik’ses,‘ekses/ n.超越;过量;过度180.excessive/ ik’sesiv/ a.过多的,极度的181.exclaim/ iks’kleim/ vi.呼喊;惊叫182.exclude/ iks’klu:d/ vt.把…排除在外183.exclusively/ iks’klu:sivli/ ad.专门地184.excursion/ iks’kə:ʃən/ n.远足;短途旅行185.execute/ ‘eksikju:t/ vt.将…处死;实施186.executive/ ig’zekjutiv/ a.执行的n.执行者187.exert/ ig’zə:t/ vt.尽(力),运用188.express/ iks’pres/ n.快车,快递189.fabric/ ‘fæbrik/ n.织物,纺织品;结构190.faculty/ ‘fækəlti/ n.才能,能力;系,科191.fair/ feə/ n.定期集市;博览会192.fan/ fæn/ n.扇子,风扇vt.扇193.fatigue/ fə’ti:g/ n.疲劳,劳累194.feasible/ ‘fi:zəbl/ a.可行的;可能的195.feedback/ ‘fi:dbæk/ n.回授,反馈,反应196.filter/ ‘filtə/ vt.过滤n.滤纸197.fleet/ fli:t/ n.舰队;船队,机群198.nursery/ ‘nə:səri/ n.苗圃199.nut/ nΛt/ n螺母200.nylon/ ‘nailən/ n.尼龙,耐纶。
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1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)The way you and I approach today, and each day, is crucial.我们对待今天以及每一天的式都是至关重要的。
Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable.无论在工作中还是在家里,目标都是从事个人重大的并且令人愉快的活动。
mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) Music has been called the universal language.人们称音乐为世界的语言.Happiness is ubiquitous, may fall short of demand.幸福无处不在,可还是供不应求.3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)He has received ample praise for the work he did.他所做的工作,使他获得了广泛的赞美。
This place has plentiful material resources.这地的物质资源是丰富的。
4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。
The children cling to their father for more pocket money.孩子们粘着爸爸,要他再给些零花。
5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)Focus in the person who are talking with you,ignore something else.把全身的注意力都集中在与你谈话的人身上,忽略其他。
6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)His house is adjacent to mine.他的寓所与我的相毗连。
It is certain that virtue adjoins pride on one side.好的品德常会引人走向骄傲自满的一面,那是不假的。
7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)He wooed and won her.他向她求爱成功而结婚。
Older people may seek their own friends rather than become too emotionally dependent on their children.老年人可以找自己的朋友而不会在情感上太依赖他们的子女。
8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)We need to make precise estimate beforehand.我们需要事先作出准确的估计.I don't know the exact date.我不知道确切的日子。
9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)I had only an obscure view of it.对这事我仅有一种模糊的想法。
10.top=peak, summitSales have reached a new peak.销售额已达到了新高峰。
He attain the summit of his ambition.他达到了追求的最高目标。
petitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)Tom and I were rivals for the job.汤姆和我是这次求职的竞争对手。
Never underestimate your opponent.千万不要低估对手。
12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)We condemned him for his bad conduct.我们责备他行为不检点。
13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)But from my perspective, it still was not good enough.但是从我的角度来说它还不是很好。
Has the matter been viewed from his standpoint?这事已从他的立场加以观察了吗?14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputationThe old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.历史悠久的牛津大学和剑桥大学仍然享有很高的声望。
He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly.他因反复说谎而败坏了自己的名声。
15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establishThey erected their tent at the foot of the mountain.他们在山脚下支起了帐篷。
I want to establish myself in the team.我想要尽快确立自己在队的位置。
16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makespeople feel ashamed or stupid)He felt humiliated when the teacher scolded him in front of the whole class.老师在全班同学面前批评他使他感到羞辱。
plain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)And householders generally grumble a lot if they have to pay extra to have their rubbish collected.假如居民们不得不支付额外费用用于垃圾收集,他们会抱怨很多。
18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamentalToday, he is still bubbling with new ideas and radical initiatives.今天,他依然能够冒出新的想法和激进的倡议。
The wisdom of human society to develop fundamental.智慧是人类社会得以发展的根本。
19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe) If where depressed when alleviate with the simplest way the mood?如在郁闷的时候以最简单的式缓解心情?20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compelAfter a period of time,her mother coerces her into attending piano lessons.经过一段时间后,她母亲强迫她去上钢琴课。
I should assign you your share of labour, and compel you to accomplish it.我要把属于你的那一份劳动分配给你,并且强迫你完成它。
21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)He tried to magnify the part he played in the battle.他想夸大他在那场战斗中所起的作用。
plex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details) Although the problem is intricate and complex, it can be solved very quickly with an electronic computer.虽然问题虽然复杂难解,但用电子计算机很快就能解出。
23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/herHis childhood was repressed and solitary.他的童年是压抑而孤独的。