
编辑:Port1、Take things as they come.既来之,则安之。
2、Watch before you leap.三思而后行。
3、Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。
4、Time will tell.时间会证明一切。
5、Table friendship soon change.酒肉朋友不可交。
6、More haste,less speed.欲速则不达。
7、Time waits for no man.时不待人。
8、All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必我用。
9、Learn young,learn fair.学习趁年少,而且要学好。
10、Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。
11、Great hope makes great man.伟大的希望造就伟大的人。
12、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,医生远离我。
13、Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
14、Time flies like an arrow.光阴似箭。
15、No pains,no gains.不劳无获。
16、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。
17、There is no ending to learn.学无止境。
18、No sweet without sweat.没有汗水,就没有幸福。
19、Never do things by halves.绝不半途而废。
20、One tree cannot make a mood.独木不成林。
21、All for me,one for all.人人为我,我为人人。
22、Happiness lies first of all in health.幸福首先在于健康。

小注:想换工作的时候是丌是对 自己这么说过?那么就为自己的 将来做更好的安排吧!deadend(adj.) 辣手的;无出路的。
I don't want the dead-end job. 我不想做没有前途的工作
小注:这句俚语的意思是:虽然 这次没成功,但别放弃希望,还 是有机会的。鼓劫别人的时候要 用上哦!
小注:这句是黑格尔的名言, 《功夫熊猫》中之龟大师再次阐 述世间万物的必然性,有哲理, 记住它!
There are no accidents. 存在即合理。《功夫熊猫》
小注:常说黎明前的黑暗,也就 是曙光就要出现,挺过最艰难的 时刻,胜利就属于你!dawn(n.) 黎明。
The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前是最黑暗的。
You have the ball at your feet. 我看好你哦!(俚语)
小注:人生短暂,健康真好,Fra bibliotek 着真好,那就微笑面对每一天吧! 感谢词友Carl对翻译的润色~
Smile while you still have teeth. 趁年轻还有一口好牙的时候,多笑笑吧
小注:目标决定方向,你的人生 目标是什么?开始行动,成为你 想成为的那个人吧!
•Goals determine what you are doing to be •目标决定你将成为什么人
小注:原句意思是“优秀的海员 在恶劣天气才能体现”,也就是 说,关键时间体现一个人的品质, 你认同吗?
小注:别浪费时间郁闷和纠结了, 享受每一个当下,让自己的每一 秒都有意义吧!

爱词霸英语-每日一句爱词霸英语-每日一句I really love western food. 我真的很喜欢西餐A plane crashed yesterday. 昨天有架飞机出事了Your oil is fine but your tires are a little flat. 机油没问题,但轮胎有点瘪了What kind of toothbrush would you like? 您想要什么样的牙刷?Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻。
Do you accept credit card? 能用信用卡吗?Patience is the best remedy. 忍耐是良药。
I think you need to be in the house by ten oclock. 我认为你10点钟必须回到家里。
Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。
Did you lock the doors? 你把门都锁上了吗?Two blacks dont make a white.两黑不等于一白。
Why don't we take it easy this weekend? 这个周末我们放松一下怎么样?Sear and yellow leaf.枯萎黄叶/老年、暮年。
What are your weekend arrangements? 你的周末怎么安排啊?As black as thunder.脸色阴森/面带怒容。
Do we need to show our ID cards when checking in? 检票登机的时候要出示身份证吗?Green with envy.非常嫉妒。
Have you got any luggage? 您有行李吗?Whenever I come to visit, he is always watching TV. 每次我来,他都在看电视。
每日一句a saying everyday

1.How thick could you get?你能再“二”一点吗?(thick除了“浓,厚”的意思,在口语当中有“愚蠢”的意思,也就是我们常说的“二”)2.You got a dream. You gotta protect it.如果你有梦想的话,你就要去捍卫它。
《当幸福来敲门》Dreams are made possible if you try.只要努力,梦想就会实现。
3.That’s as easy as pie.这事易如反掌。
(相当于我们熟知的俚语It’s a piece of cake.)4.I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.我能接受失败,但是我不能接受从不去尝试。
(迈克.乔丹)5.You don’t thank that crosses a line?你不觉得那太过分了吗?《生活大爆炸》。
(cross a line超过底线,太过分的意思)6.I am behind you.我会挺你的。
(相当于I will back you up.)7.All life is a game of luck.生活本来就全靠运气。
《泰坦尼克号》8.Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。
9.Miracles happen to those who believe in them.相信奇迹,才能创造奇迹。
10.H i, July, please go easy on me.你好,七月!希望这个月好过点!(please go easy on me 有手下留情的意思)。
11.C uriosity killed the cat.好奇会惹祸。
12.C hance favors the prepared mind.机会只给有准备的人。

小注:又是《暮光之城》的经典 台词哦,暗恋要表白的,分手要 复合的各类同学,都学着点!~ ~
I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore. 我再也离不开你了。《暮光之城》
小注:这句话出自科比· 布莱恩特, 他是一位直接从高中进入NBA的 球员,他对篮球的热爱与执着, 还有不懈的努力,让他成为NBA 闪耀的明星。
小注:1776年7月4日《独立宣言》 通过,宣布美利坚合众国脱离英 国而独立,这一天成为了美国的 国庆日。independence(n.)独立; principal(a.)主要的;资本的; legal(a.)法定的;合法的。
Independence Day is one of America's principal legal holidays. 独立日是美国主要法定节日之一
小注:一周又开始了,今天你的 早餐吃得好吗?早餐将会决定一 天的幸福指数,你的早餐是牛奶 面包还是豆浆油条? ~leisurely(adj.)从容的,悠闲的。
All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast! 早餐决定一天的幸福指数!
Have the faith for a better tomorrow. 要相信明天会更好!
小注:《哈利•波特》中赫敏和 罗恩经常说这样的话,thick除了 “厚、浓”的意思外,口语里指 “愚蠢”,就是我们常说的“二” 啦~
How thick could you get? 你能再“二”一点吗?
小注:这个是《恋夏500天》电 影里的经典台词哦~ 在爱情中, 你最看重什么呢?grow up长大, 成熟;sink down下沉,堕落。

英语学习每日一句1、the sun rose absove the horizon.太阳升到地平线上。
2、sleep on it . 睡在上面(考虑一晚上)3、you get what you pay for (一分钱一分货)4、one never loses anything by politeness.讲礼貌不吃亏5、first come first severed .先到先得6、even homer sometimes nods.智者千虑,必有一失7、NOT big talk with me ,I have your number .别和我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细8、It is nothing to be surprised about. 这事情不值得大惊小怪。
9、Smooth sailing .一帆风顺。
10、sitting pretty .处于幸运境地。
11、To make each day count .要让每一天有所值12、You are just in time .你来的正是时候13、We mean what we say.说到做到14、Any messages for me ? 有我的留言吗?15、Don’t try to teach your grandmather to suck your eggs .不要班门弄斧。
16、Wet behind your ears .乳臭未干17、What’s lost is lost .失者不可得。
18、Take your passion and make it true .发挥你的热情,让理想实现。
19、Close mouth catches no flies .20、The fox preys fathest from home .兔子不吃窝边草。
21、I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资22、Necessity is the mother of invention . 需要是发明的动力23、One today is worth two tomorrows. 一个今天胜似两个明天。

有道词典《每日一句》经典收藏If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs!如果你没有梦想,那么你就会被别人招去完成他们的梦想。
You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生。
—《西雅图不眠夜》Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man.优雅地迎接成功,勇敢地面对挫折。
It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.宁愿保持沉默让人看起来像个傻子,也不要一开口就证明自己确实如此。
—亚伯拉罕•林肯Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.如何判断一天过得好不好,不要看你收获了多少,而要看你种下去了多少种子。
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in lovewith your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知谁会爱上你的笑容。
You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed.—Oprah Winfrey你梦想成为什么样的人,你就能成为什么样的人。
burning《燃烧》我同样珍爱自由 遇见你 却不再肯定_爱词霸英文歌曲

burning《燃烧》我同样珍爱自由遇见你却不再肯定_爱词霸英文歌曲登录 | 注册20年金山,13年词霸(图)史上最全金山词霸内幕大曝光立即进入>> 每日一句:She's my best friend. 她是我最好的朋友。
订阅有礼词典句库翻译百科词典沙龙学习资料 MP3金山词霸免费英语更多英文电影英语测验个人空间免费工具更多>> 网页划词已启用歌名标签歌手视频歌曲首页歌曲排行视频歌曲连播专辑翻唱歌曲电影金曲听歌猜名好友点歌制作专辑上传歌曲我的歌曲我的收藏索引选歌: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9用户名:密码:忘记密码?下次自动登录还没有注册?爱词霸网页划词更多您可能对谷歌金山词霸会感兴趣552套英语测试题禁用mp3英文歌曲burning《燃烧》我同样珍爱自由遇见你却不再肯定新版首页:新增功能说明暨意见反馈-200810 1096票歌曲出处:/test/burning-maria_...制作人:[伊伊ada]演唱者:maria arredondo标签:蓝调伤感女声好听挪威你还可以……收藏给好友点歌举报发表评论观看本首歌曲的视频英文歌词歌词翻译歌曲介绍 BurningPassion is sweetLove makes weakYou said you cherised freedom soYou refused to let it goFollow your faithLove and hatenever failed to seize the dayDon't give yourself awayOh when the night fallsAnd you're all aloneIn your deepest sleepWhat are you dreaming ofMy skin's still burning from your touch Oh I just can't get enoughI said I wouldn't ask for muchBut your eyes are dangerousSo the thought keeps spinning in my head Can we drop this masqueradeI can't predict where it endsIf you're the rock I'll crush againstTrapped in a crowdMusic's loudI said I loved my freedom tooNow im not so sure i doAll eyes on youWings so trueBetter quit while your aheadNow im not so sure i amOh when the night fallsAnd your all aloneIn your deepest sleepWhat are you dreaming ofMy skin's still burning from your touch Oh I just can't get enoughI said I wouldn't ask for muchBut your eyes are dangerousSo the thought keeps spinning in my head Can we drop this masqueradeI can't predict where it endsIf you're the rock I'll crush againstMy soul, my heartIf you're near or if you're farMy life, my loveYou can have it allOh when the night fallsAnd your all aloneIn your deepest sleepWhat are you dreaming ofMy skin's still burning from your touch Oh I just can't get enoughI said I wouldn't ask for muchBut your eyes are dangerousSo the thought keeps spinning in my head Can we drop this masqueradeI can't predict where it endsIf you're the rock I'll crush againstIf you're the rock i'll crush against激情令人幸福爱情令人脆弱你曾说过自由至上因此你不愿被束缚跟从你的信仰爱很情仇日夜追逐你的梦想从未放弃哦当夜幕降临你孤身一人在你沉睡之时你梦见了什么肌肤之亲让我陶醉噢我却无法满足曾答应不再想你索取然而你的眼神摄人心魄对你的思想挥之不去我们可否坦诚相对纵使结局无法预料我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火置身于茫茫人海之中乐声嘈杂我曾说过我同样珍爱自由现今却不再确定视线被你占据我已经看清一切感情深入之时却是分手之日然而我却无法做到哦当夜幕降临你孤身一人在你沉睡之时你梦见了什么肌肤之亲让我陶醉噢我却无法满足曾答应不再想你索取然而你的眼神摄人心魄对你的思想挥之不去我们可否坦诚相对纵使结局无法预料我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火我的灵魂我的芳心无论你近在咫尺或是远在天涯我的生命我的挚爱请一并带走哦... 无意中听到,一下子就喜欢上了!向大家推荐推荐!(来自互联网)MariaArredondo,1985年七月六日降生于挪威的文内斯拉(Vennesla)小镇。

We don't know what we've got until we lose it. 人们总在失去后才懂得珍惜。
小注:这是英国的人说法,美国 人的说法是It's a tempest in a teapot,顾名思义,“茶杯里的 风暴”算丌上什么大事,所以就 被用来比喻“小题大做,大惊小 怪”了。storm/tempest(n.)暴 风雨。记住了吗?
Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. 天才能赢得比赛,但是团队合作才能取得冠军。
小注:这句谚语字面意思是,小时 候游手好闲老了只有当乞丐的份 了,就是我说中国人说的“少壮 丌努力,老大徒伤悲”。idler(n.) 懒汉,无所事事的人。
It's just a storm in a teacup. 没什么可大惊小怪的。
小注:与注做一件事,并把这件 事做到极致!乔布斯就是用这样 的精神,缔造了苹果王者乊气!
Do one thing at a time, and do it well. 一次只做一件事,并做到最好!
A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
小注:这是电影《睡美人》里的 一首歌曲,诠释了爱的真谛,那 就是爱胜过一切,真爱无敌!
True love conquers all. 真爱无敌!《睡美人》
小注:你知道奥运冠军张继科背 后的纹身是什么吗?就是 Persistence(坚持丌懈),他 的坚韧不拼搏,终亍让他站到了 最高领奖台!
小注:如果想夸别人“气色 好”,“You look fine!”当然可 以,若是说"You're in the pink!" 就显得更地道哦,记住了吗?

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.世界是一本书,不旅行的人只读了其中一页。
词霸小编:去旅行吧,见识多了你的世界就大了~清明小长假,有没有给自己安排一次旅行?You can create something more glorious than the championship. 你可以创造比冠军更荣耀的事。
词霸小编:这张照片在facebook疯传,这是不久前在西班牙的长跑赛中,一直领先的Mutai看错终点,停下了脚步,此时第…[详细] Just forget me to get rid of the pain, leave the long-past love blown and gone with the wind.忘了我就没有痛,将往事留在风中。
(纪念张国荣)词霸小编:10年了,他离开我们10年了,每年的今天依然有人把他记起!他是张国荣,永远的张国荣!Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.焚香纪念我们逝去的节操。
You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。
The lazier a person is, the more things he needs to do tomorrow. 一个人越懒,明天要做的事越多。
From the moment I saw his girlfriend, I thought: I definitely want to be friends with that guy.自从见到他女朋友的那一刻起,我当下就想:这个朋友交定了。
Via @邓客奇。
It's a deal.一言为定!词霸小编:老美常说的口语,电影、美剧里会经常听到这句,意思是“好吧!”“就这么定了!”“成交!”You are always on my mind, in my dreams and in my heart.你存在我深深的脑海里,我的梦里,我的心里……词霸小编:“你存在我婶婶的脑海里~”这首很火爆的《我的歌声里》你会唱不?KTV里唱起来~感谢ANN提供。

•Failure is the fog through which we glimpsetriumph.只有透过失败的迷雾,我们才能瞥见胜利的光辉。
•The only way to achieve the impossible is tobelieve it is possible.实现“不可能”唯一的方法,就是相信它是可能的。
•We all carry something with us.我们都在负重前行。
•Don't you love New Year's Day? You get to startall over!你不喜欢庆祝新年吗?可以从头开始!时间都到哪去了?•Everybody deserves to be loved.每个人都值得被爱。
•It's no use going back to yesterday, because Iwas a different person then.回顾昨天是没有用的,因为我已经不是过去的我了。
•I wish every day is merry, not just Christmas.我希望每天都快乐,不止圣诞。
来吧,下一场雪!•Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remainsmall.小鱼缸里的金鱼永远长不大。
•The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.移山的人总是从小石头开始。
•When I shiver with cold, not a snowflake isinnocent.当我冷得发抖时,没有一片雪花是无辜的。
•However bad life may seem, there is alwayssomething you can do, and succeed at.无论生活多么艰辛,你总会有自己的方式发光。

每日一句-英语积累————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ★Genius onlymeans hard-working allone's life.天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。
★Ourdestiny offers not the cup of despair,but the chaliceofopportunity.命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。
★Patienceis bitter,but its fruitis sweet.忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。
★Progressis the activity of today and the assuranceoftomorrow.进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。
★Where there isawill,there is a way.有志者,事竟成。
★All the splendor in the world isnot wortha good friend.人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。
★Money is a good servant and a bad master.金钱是善仆,也是恶主。
★No country, however rich,can afford the waste ofits human resource s.任何一个国家,不管它多么富裕,都浪费不起人力资源。
★Achievement providesthe only realpleasure inlife.有所成就是人生唯一的真正乐趣。
★You have to believe inyourself.That's thesecret of success.人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。
★If youwish to succeed, you should use persistence as your goodfriend, experience as yourreference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友、以经验为参谋、以谨慎为兄弟、以希望为哨兵。

9月第三个星期二国际和平日(International Peace Day)
9月第四个星期日国际聋人节(International Day of the Deaf)
10月的第一个星期一世界住房日(World Habitat Day)
10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)
10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)
10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women's Day)
10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)
10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)
7月11日世界人口日(World Population Day)
8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)
8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)
9月8日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)
(May. Day) May.1
中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day May.4
每日一句 Daily English

Daily English2013-8-211. The harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.难做的事和该做的事,往往是同一件事。
《气象先生》2013-8-222. It's time to start living the life you've imagined.是时候开始过自己想要的生活了!2013-8-233. Sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.有时候事情的发生你无法控制。
《越狱》2013-8-244. It's never too late to be what you might have been.勇敢做自己,永远都不迟。
(乔治·艾略特)2013-8-255. Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.不要为明天忧虑,因为明天自有明天的忧虑。
(Jesus Christ)2013-8-266. Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow.今日为梦想所付出的每一份努力都会减少明日的一份后悔。
2013-8-277. Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.爬上山顶并不是为了让全世界看到你,而是让你看到整个世界。
2013-8-288. Pursue excellence and success will follow.追求卓越,成功自然来。
《3 idiots》2013-8-299. Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion.别为某个所谓的特别时刻而有所保留,因为你生活的每一天都是那么特别。
The purpose and significance of a daily sentence
The purpose of this method is to help learners improve their English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through exposure to natural language.
The sentences are selected from various sources, including books, newspapers, magazines, and online resources.
The source of each sentence is clearly indicated to help learners understand its context and background.
One sentence per day
Sentence 1: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
这个句子通过“quick”和“brown”两个形容词描述了狐狸的速度和颜色,而 “jumps over”则展示了狐狸的敏捷。
Sentence 2: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get
这个句子通过将生活比喻为巧克力盒,暗示了生活中充满了不可预知的惊喜和未 知。
Sentence three: It's better to give than to receive

金山词霸4月心灵鸡毛1. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.请记住:现在的每一天都是一年中最美好的一天。
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)2. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.不做准备,那就准备失败吧。
(Benjamin Franklin)3. Don't complain about things you are not willing to work hard tochange.如果你不愿意努力去改变,那就不要抱怨。
4. It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed thelessons of failure.庆祝成功是好事,但汲取失败的教训更重要。
(比尔·盖茨)5. We mustn't fear daylight just because it almost always illuminates amiserable world.我们绝对不能因为阳光几乎只会照耀出一个悲惨的世界而惧怕它。
(比利时超现实主义画家勒内·马格里特)6. The will to survive is extraordinary and at times overwhelming,capable of fashioning some form of normality even out of the darkest hour.人的求生意志是无比强烈的,有时甚至压倒一切,这意志使他们即便身处最黑暗的时刻也能坦然面对。
《老牌政敌2:国会危机》7. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.真正的高贵在于超越过去的自己。

Don't set your goals according to what are deemed important by others. Only you know what is best for yourself. 别人认为重要的,并不就是你的追求。
Don't tell lies because those who believe your lies are the ones who believe in you.不要去骗人,因为你能骗到的,都是相信你的人。
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能保持平衡。
It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. But today is a gift.昨日已逝,明天尚远,今天才是老天赐予的礼物。
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。
A year from now, you will wish you had started today.明年今日,你会希望此时此刻自己已经行动了。
Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where your heart takes you.有时候,我们不要想太多,顺着自己的心意就好了。
Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears.懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。

2012年金山词霸每日一句May wealth come generously to you.祝你财源广进。
Love is making you go bananas.恋爱把你变得疯疯癫癫的。
Stop being a chicken and try the rollercoaster ride!别那么胆小,来玩过山车啊!句子拆拆看:chicken n.鸡;鸡肉adj.胆怯的例句:He is nothing but a chicken-hearted coward. 他只是一个胆怯的懦夫。
你发现了吗?Once I've done that, it's a piece of cake.一旦我做到了这一点,接下来的事情就是小菜一碟。
句子拆拆看:a piece of cake 轻松的事;小事一桩例句:Learning English is a piece of cake. 学英语简直是小菜一碟。
小编寄语:吃“一块蛋糕的”事那还不是小菜一碟呀!I find that your Adam's apple isn't apparent.我发现你的喉结不明显。
句子拆拆看:Adam's apple 喉结例句:The doctor examined his Adam's apple. 医生检查了一下他的喉结。
小编寄语:Adam's apple(亚当的苹果)可不能吃哦,它可是喉结呢!John is such an apple-polisher.约翰是个马屁精。
句子拆拆看:apple-polisher 拍马屁的人;奉承者polish n.擦亮;亮光剂v.擦亮例句:He polishes his shoes now and then.他偶尔擦一下鞋。
小编寄语:你身边有这种拍马屁(“给别人擦苹果”)的人吗?His daughter is the apple of his eye.女儿是他的掌上明珠。

365天每天一句英语,简单实用每日一句(一月January)Where can I check in? 在哪儿办理登记手续?( 1.01 )Where can I go for help? 我该怎么办呢?( 1.02 )It's been a long time. 好久不见了。
( 1.03 )I'm under a lot of pressure. 我的压力很大。
( 1.04 )It's only a matter of time. 这只是时间问题。
( 1.05 )I'm crazy about English. 我非常喜欢英语。
( 1.06 )Thank you all the same. 不管怎样还是要谢谢你。
( 1.07 )Two heads are better than one. 人多智广。
( 1.08 )May I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡付款吗?( 1.09 )Give me a call. 给我打电话。
( 1.10 )I bet you can. 我确信你能做到。
( 1.11 )Would you care for a drink? 你要不要来点儿喝的?( 1.12 )I'll take care of it. 我来办这件事。
( 1.13 )Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?( 1.14 )It really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。
( 1.15 )You can't complain. 你该知足了。
( 1.16 )Would you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗?( 1.17 )How often do you eat out? 你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?( 1.18 ) Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗?( 1.19 ) Keep your fingers crossed. 为成功祈祷吧。

每日一语(Daily expression)When a man begins to think he is superior to others, the seeds of evil take root in his heart. Don't think about do successful people think to become a man of value (Xianghai Zen)Our world is always changing, and the only constant is change. Change is constant. Variation is the same (Yi Zhongtian) (Xianghai Zen)If you can't live your life the way you want it now, then you won't have the chance to live the life you want. (Xianghai Zen)A true success, his life is always the focus of what I can do, but a loser is always focused on what I can't do on (Xianghai Zen)On the road of life, there is always a hopeless situation, isolated, always remember to pull their own. (Xianghai Zen)Elegant wind into the heart, a light slip infiltration of blood. Read them when young, still think of old age, as if it happened around. Let us in the air breathing -- Hazlitt (Xianghai Zen)To be a man, he must take the overall situation as his priority, and have his own experience. See the others speak, what others will act, never promise (Xianghai Zen)A matter involves two people, when making the decision, must consider two people's viewpoint, only then can not miss the focal point. (Xianghai Zen)When you are attracted to or feel disgusted, but not immediately become stubborn or have a negative reaction, staying with the energy rises, without taking it out or repressed, is practicing (Xianghai Zen)Things that have not been thought in one's heart will not appear in one's life. It is what is portrayed in one's heart that brings all happiness or misfortune. (Xianghai Zen)When we make decisions, we have two things to think about: interests and risks. Insurance is a special tool for solving risks. Let's learn to set the bottom line and plan the bottom line. Bottom line planning is simplification of complex problems.Don't be conceited, but try to enjoy what you happen to do in your life, and do your best to do it well. That's the right answer for life. (Xianghai Zen)Look at your happiness?:1., do not look at the leader wink;2. don't get angry at home;3. do not worry about daily necessities of life;4. don't run to the hospital;5. no insomnia;6. not lonely;7. no sentimentality;8. do not let the villain remember;9., mom and dad are in good health;10., do not worry about mediocre work;11. is not afraid of big things;12. do small things.To achieve 6 indicators, basic happiness, more than 10 indicators are very happyThe power of man is not only in study, but also in realization. The root of enlightenment is not to learn less, but to learn again after difficulty. To have the Dawu before dacheng. (Xianghai Zen)One must be independent and take no external assistance for granted, including kinship. But can not help people's vague. (Xianghai Zen)If life finally inevitably fails, then the task of man is to live without dignity and dignity. Man is not made for defeat. You can destroy a man, but you can't beat him. -- Ernest. Hemingway (Xianghai Zen)You can't let failure limit you. You must let failure teach you. No miracle will happen unless you put your effort into it. (Xianghai Zen)It's hard to say you can do it and never give up. You should always try to solve the problem, even if there is only one possibility. You must be patient and patient, that is very important. -- Gerhard. Ertl. The Nobel prize in Chemistry (Xianghai Zen)The grain can comb life Baicao bones, but should not be taken but can cause diseases; people's actions and the harmony of the universe, but if not sometimes move, will hurt all things. (Xianghai Zen)The moment is important, not only to look for it, but to seize it at once. Too early, too late, too late.. So punctuality is the sage to. "It is unworthy of the foolish to keep life". (Xianghai Zen)We live in this world, the enemy is the most difficult to adjust their own heart. All the problems we encounter in our life, work and service are caused by the idea and thought of this mind. (Xianghai Zen)Most people are always chasing what they don't have, so they become slaves to their desires. Only by asking for nothing can a man become the master of his own fate and lead a real life. - Anwar. The Sadat Peace Prize (Xianghai Zen)Don't rush the river; it will advance at its own pace. Don'trush the stream of time, for you will only stir up some useless spray. Lack of patience can make us lose pleasure, peace and happiness. (Xianghai Zen)A man always wants what he wants. The natural universe, however, does not function this way only when we are ready,Those things will appear in front of us. Destiny has its plan, never by accident. (Xianghai Zen)Patience is about understanding. The more you know about a person, a situation, an experience, or yourself, the less likely you will be to make rude remarks about yourself to others. (Xianghai Zen)Mediocrity is a kind of happiness, happiness is to from another. By choosing to be a pleasure rather than a burden, you can have more wonderful experiences on your own road. (Xianghai Zen)Wisdom gives birth to three fruits: to think, to speak, and to act. - Democritus (Xianghai Zen)The distance between dream and reality depends on your own understanding and wisdom. This is what the ancients said: "the world is difficult, easy?" For them, it is easy for those who are difficult, but for those who are not easy, it is difficult for them to carry on." (Xianghai Zen)If you are eager to get along in all kinds of relationships, you must open your heart and see the heart of others, satisfy your heart, and satisfy the heart of others. (Xianghai Zen)Think like a wise man, and act as a man does. You can tell if he is clever by the other person's answer. By asking questions, you can tell whether it is wise or not. (Xianghai Zen)Is there anything difficult or difficult in the world? For them, it is easy for those who are difficult, but for those who are not easy, it is difficult for them to carry on. Business activity management is also true!1018: we persist what Xianghai Zen, often will be what cheat; we often persist who would be hurt by anyone. So, we have to learn to put down, things look lighter, do not care, do not care about right and wrong, no matter. No matter what you lose, don't lose your good mood. Hold your heart, clean your mind, white, quiet. - to put down does not mean to give up, perseverance does not mean persistence.1025: the benefits of their Xianghai Zen, to hide a bit, this is to have deep nourishing; others do not benefit to hide a bit, this is to raise.1026: the longer the Xianghai Zen hidden bird once off will fly higher, more open early flowers often wither sooner alone. Know this truth, so Shi Road is not smooth, their sorrow, you can eliminate impetuous rash, anxious thoughts.1104: Zen Xianghai complain, is accused of incompetence. With sadness and anger, not up. Action is the best way to prove yourself. All success comes from two states. One is voluntary and the other is difficult, but there is no alternative but todo it with perseverance.1106: the highest level of Xianghai Zen [1.] culture don't vain;2. do not blindly commitment;3. do not ask for help;4. don't impose;5. don't make fun of others;6. don't lose your temper;7. don't too; do not underestimate the 8. meters; 9. don't close yourself; 10. don't bully honest people.1107: anything Xianghai Zen success is the most important force, also is to let the power of the implementation of a conviction in the life practice, otherwise everything is empty talk, no beneficial.1109: the best things in Xianghai Zen, the world is happy; the best thing in the world is good, affinity; the greatest strength, the world is the world's strongest patience; desire, is willing to.Xianghai Zen 1111: sometimes, we are not happy, just think they are not happy. Try to look at your emotional changes, and we will find that emotions are like clouds in the sky, changing and dissipating at any moment. Look far and wide, as if one could walk and dance on it, and then find out that there is no place at all.Zen: 1113 permanent Xianghai happiness comes from inner peace, is not the accumulation of fame. The only thing that really keeps us away from poverty and loneliness is not money, position, but love, sharing, and tolerance. That's the most precious thing in life.Xianghai Zen 1115: doing what you love to do, of course there will be difficulties, but you don't care too much about it, because it is a part of life. You see, we have turned difficulties into a philosophy. We believe that hard work, struggle, and resistance are virtues. - KfishnamurtiXianghai Zen 1118:1. love Zhanxiaopianyi, lifetime big expensive; often eat a small loss, time will thick newspaper.2. words repeated, when anti fraud; forget the downs yet will make a comeback.3., excessive enthusiasm, there must be other tricks; serious enough, do not open your heart.4. speak righteousness, every person will face difficult treachery; brothers, Shenzhen is also common.5. modesty as a virtue, is too modest anti fraud; silence as Yixing, had a mo.6., pushing over, not to work with accomplices. Able to distinguish the person from the personMushroom soup of mind1, go out for a walk, take a look at different scenery, contact with different people and things, you will find that their troubles are so small.2, do not expect,Do not pretend, do not demand, let nature take its course. If it is destined, it will happen, and if not, it will be safe.3, if not blindly expect, will not be disappointed; if we understand everything is impermanent, would not be persistent if not climbing climbing; perseverance, will not worry aboutpersonal gains and losses can be fully alive.4, more understanding, more fearless; know more, more compassionate; more training, more serene; more and more peaceful; then, more positive, more wisdom.5, ignorance is a very deep trap, favorable their own negative happy, angry, I do not know how to control myself, let their emotions with flying habits, dance, persistent too strong to break his own snare, Dharma, can cross the trap.When you get angry, if possible, is pegged to the angry faces in the mirror, perhaps you are in anger, and tried to use violence, but don't sit down and ask: "what is it? Where is it?" Immediately you will find that anger is gone and your anger is only a response, a manifestation of many interdependent causes. It can be used in any negative state of mind, such as perseverance, desire, jealousy etc.. - Guang Ding, Da situ, Rinpoche1123: I hope there are differences in Xianghai Zen and hope. We all want our life do not get sick, youth, health and longevity, Jiacaiwanguan, happiness always happy. But, in the human world, this is impossible to expect. If we wish, hope we become a useful to others, one day we can be free, it is possible to.Xianghai Zen 1124: I hope has three kinds of wisdom: first, strive to do their own things to change; second, accept that you cannot change things, don't distress; third, have to distinguish these two things of wisdom.Xianghai Zen 1128: action is good medicine to cure fear, and hesitation, delay will continue to nourish the fear. There is not a great performance is created by everything in the shilly-shally for the.。
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爱词霸英语-每日一句I really love western food. 我真的很喜欢西餐A plane crashed yesterday. 昨天有架飞机出事了Your oil is fine but your tires are a little flat. 机油没问题,但轮胎有点瘪了What kind of toothbrush would you like? 您想要什么样的牙刷?Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻。
Do you accept credit card? 能用信用卡吗?Patience is the best remedy. 忍耐是良药。
I think you need to be in the house by ten oclock. 我认为你10点钟必须回到家里。
Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。
Did you lock the doors? 你把门都锁上了吗?Two blacks dont make a white.两黑不等于一白。
Why don't we take it easy this weekend? 这个周末我们放松一下怎么样?Sear and yellow leaf.枯萎黄叶/老年、暮年。
What are your weekend arrangements? 你的周末怎么安排啊?As black as thunder.脸色阴森/面带怒容。
Do we need to show our ID cards when checking in? 检票登机的时候要出示身份证吗?Green with envy.非常嫉妒。
Have you got any luggage? 您有行李吗?Whenever I come to visit, he is always watching TV. 每次我来,他都在看电视。
Have green fingers.有园艺技能。
I want to report a mugging. 我被抢了,要报案。
What is the interest rate for the saving account? 储蓄存款的利率是多少?Why don't you drive to work? 你为什么不开车去上班?What type of flowers would you like to buy? 你想买哪种花?Do you want to listen to some music? 听听音乐好吗?The movie is about to start. 电影快开始了。
The blizzard that hit Southern China was really severe. 这次南方的雪灾来得太猛了。
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.朋友不能阿谀奉承。
I want to buy the newly issued stamps. 我想买最新发行的邮票。
A man can only die once. 人生只有一回死。
I will show you around the Tiananmen Square. 我带你去天安门广场吧。
Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。
Its such a coincidence meeting here. 没想到今天能在这儿见着啊。
Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
My neighbor is a man of highest virtue. 我的邻居是个具有高尚品德的人。
Tall trees catch much wind. 树大招风。
Excuse me, I'd like to send this letter. 打扰一下,我要寄封信。
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.有花堪折直须折。
Whats the matter with my throat doctor? 我嗓子是怎么回事儿,大夫?Look at all the people out catching some sun. 好多人都出去晒太阳呢。
Can I do transactions here? 是在这儿办理业务吧?I'm sure the opening ceremony will be amazing. 明年的开幕式肯定很壮观。
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起身体好。
What can I get you, sir? 您要点儿什么?Is your company in trouble? 你们公司是不是出什么事了?I'd like to get a spa treatment. 我想做水疗美容。
I want to invest in stocks to make a quick buck. 我想炒股,尽快赚点儿钱花。
I'd like to change US dollars into RMB. 我想把美元换成人民币。
I wonder what we should have for dinner this evening. 我们今天的晚餐该做什么吃呢。
You write characters beautifully! 你写的字真漂亮!McDonalds is really crowded. 麦当劳里人真够多的。
The best is yet to come.好事还在后头。
Which competitions are you going to watch? 你要看什么比赛?Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。
I had known about the Great Wall since I was a child. 我从小就知道万里长城。
A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少年懒惰,老来贫苦。
The cherry blossom buds are so beautiful. 樱花真是太美了。
A door must be either shut or open. 非此即彼。
Hello, I want to reserve a private room. 你好,我想预订一个包间。
A little labour, much health. 常常走动,无病无痛。
How was your interview at the embassy today? 你今天去大使馆面谈的怎么样?Act fairly by all men. 一视同仁。
Come over and taste this. 快来尝尝这个。
A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept. 蛋糕莫保留,坏习气要除掉。
Can you pass me that magazine please? 喂,能把那本杂志递给我吗?A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少年懒惰,老来贫苦。
What is the diagnosis, doctor? 大夫,诊断结果怎么样?A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,办事痛快。
How are the students doing at sports? 学生们的体育怎么样?A work ill done must be twice done. 工作未干好,只得重返工。
I think I sprained my ankle. 我好像把脚给扭了。
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 书是随时携带的花园。
I want to have something to drink. 我们想点点儿喝的。
A word to the wise is enough. 聪明人不用细说。
Hey, you lazy bum, why didn't you cook?你个懒虫,怎么不做饭?An empty bag cannot stand upright. 空袋子放不真。
Are you heading to class later? 一会儿你去班里吗?I heard you went skiing last weekend, didnt you? 听说你上周末去滑雪了?Better small fish than empty dish. 盘中小鱼胜无鱼。
Can you please tell me where I can find a shopping cart? 请问哪儿有手推车啊?All men can't be first. 并非所有的都能获第一。
How often do you have class? 你每星期上几次课?Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 重诺守信。
I've been transferred to the financial department.我调到财务部去了。
By doing nothing we learn to do ill. 一闲生百邪。
Doctor, how's my mother's condition?医生,我母亲情况如何?Better be sure than sorry. 要安全,不要危险。
Will you go to the lecture tomorrow? 明天的讲座你去吗?Better ask twice than lose your way once. 问路两次胜过迷路一次。
What are the results of my sons eye exam? 我儿子视力检查的结果怎么样?Lets go and play there. 咱们去那儿玩吧。
Look, theres a man smoking there. 看,那儿有个人吸烟!As the wind blows, you must set your sail.趁风扬帆。
Hi. Id like to have this suit tailored. 你好,我想把这套西装改一下。
Better the last smile than the first laughter. 笑在前不如笑在后。