人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练12.【Unit 3 Period 4】及答案解析

人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练12.【Unit3Period4】及答案解析Ⅰ.阅读理解ANow,we know that if we do not get enough vitamins,we are at risk of developing a number of diseases.As a result,vitamin supplements(补品),though expensive,are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins from the foods they eat.But contrary to what many people think,medical experts have found little evidence that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease.In fact,medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful.For example,too much vitamin E can cause bleeding.People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors,as some vitamins can produce harmful side effects when mixed with medicines.Experts,however,do say that sometimes vitamins can help prevent disease.People who know they lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements.Some older adults,for example,may not have enough vitaminB-twelve.This is because,as people get older,their body loses its ability to take it from foods.Also,people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin from sunlight.Different vitamins are found in different foods.Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil.It is also in the yellow partof eggs.Sweet potatoes,carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A.Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods,like fruits.Vitamin K can be found in pork products.In fact,for most people,a balanced diet can ensure enough of the vitamins our bodies need.So,it is important for us to eat a mixture of foods every day to ensure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need.【语篇概述】本文是说明文。
人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练5.【Unit 2 Period 1】及答案解析

人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练5.【Unit2Period1】及答案解析Ⅰ.阅读理解APoetry is one of the important art forms of literature,and is an easy way to express your feelings.Moreover, everyone understands it in their own way.Some find relief in poems;some read them simply for peace;some read poems for simple artistic pleasure.There are some special features of poetry,which make it quite different from other forms of literature.First of all,poems have rhythmic patterns.Generally most parts of a poem follow the same form of rhythm.Poems may have rhyme,but they don’t have to.The lines are neatly arranged together so that they express a particular feeling or emotion.There can be various types of poems but according to the pattern or the form,there are mainly three types:Lyrics(抒情诗):The lyric mainly concentrates on human thoughts and emotions rather than a story.Lyrics always bear song-like appeal.These are mainly short poems.Popular lyric poem forms are the elegy(挽歌),theode(颂歌)and the sonnet(十四行诗).William Shakespeare,Edmund Waller and Keats are some of the greatest lyric writers of all times.Narrative poems:This type of poetry tells a story.Narrative poems are usually long poems.Epics(史诗)and ballads fall under this type.Some of the greatest epic poets are John Milton,Dante,Edgar Allan Poe,Alexander Pope, William Shakespeare,etc.Dramatic poems:Any drama that is written in verse is a dramatic poem.These poems generally tell a story. Black verse,dramatic monologues and closet drama belong to this type.William Shakespeare,Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson are some of the great dramatic poets.Whatever the form is,one thing,which cannot be denied,is that poetry is one of the most powerful tools to express our feelings.【语篇概述】本文主要讲了诗歌的一些特点以及诗歌的几个类别。

⼈教版⾼中英语选修6课本练习答案Unit1课内练习答案(P3Ex.1)P3Ex.31F2T3T4T5T6TP4Ex.11superb2aim3ridiculous4faith5evident6conventional7gallery8abstract9technique10sculptureP4Ex.2possess a great deal By coincidence adopt attempted On the other hand predict详解:翻译:《这些作品是凡⾼的真迹吗?》最受欢迎的艺术风格在西⽅国家就是印象派,许多⼈想拥有⼀幅印象派作品并且不惜花巨资去买⼀幅,巧合的事是,⼀些采⽤印象派画法的画家也可以画出不为⼈知的“杰作”,有⼀位画家,奥托?沃森,⽤凡⾼的风格作画并且迅速赚了很多钱,许多评论家都觉得它是凡⾼的真迹,⼀⽅⾯,⼀些评论家发现了,另⼀⽅⾯,⼀些评论家好奇是否有许多“杰作”被挂在画廊上,⼀位膜拜凡⾼作品的⼈说:“如果这种杰作的数量超过200,我也不会惊奇.”于是有⼈预⾔下⼀幅“杰作”在什么地⽅什么地点会被发现?P5Ex.21W2F3W4F5.If he had right to choose his holiday,he would go to Mexico.6.If I were not allergic to shellfish,I would enjoy eating them.7.If the marble statue were not big for her garden,the housewife would8.If we knew more about the disease,we would be able to treat the patients very effectively.P5Ex.31were would make2were would be3were would be4could would paint5were would help6could take7knew would send8could9were would be 10would come couldP7Ex.21.John2.Susan3.He wants to see art from all over the world,including some from China.4.Visit the Frick Collection in the morning andthe Metropolitan Museum of art in the afternoon.5.They suggest that Susan go back in the afternoon fromthe Metropolitan Museum of art to the hotel if she has had enough.John and Gao Yan stay at the museum till it closes.6.She thinks a monkey could paint better pictures than modern artists.7.The Whitney first and then the Guggenheim.Workbook练习答案(P41Ex.1)1vase2paints and brushes3book4wall hangingP41Ex.21.Xiao Wei2.It was too expensive.3.Mrs Hang would probably have known what to get Mr Hang.4.At first he liked the book but later he thought the wall hanging would be best.5.(略)P42Ex.11exhibition2impression possession3civilization realization4professional conventional5preference difference6evident permanent7fragrant distance8controversial industrialP42Ex.2cafédistrict avenue shadow typical bunch painting fragrant signature reputationP42Ex.31.Although I am not a scholar in contemporary art,the idea of going to the exhibition appeals to me.2.Do you know that geometry was used to plan paintings in traditionalWestern art?3.The civilization of Egypt attracts tourists from all over the world.4.Clay vases are fragile and so should be handled with care.5.I have not only seen the great sculptor in the flesh,but also watched him carve a marble figure.6.You said you live in the west district.Will you be specific?Which avenue or street?7.The visual effect of Renaissance wall paintings is still impressive today. P43Ex.12.I wish I were taller enough to play basketball.3.I wish you could come.4.He wishes he could/was able to visit us next week.5.He wishes he could draw well.6.I wish I could go to Paris with you.7.He wishes his grandma would get better.P43Ex.31.run away as fast as I could2.tell him how much I admired him3.make greeting cards for all my friends4.enjoy drinking it every morning5.lived in Sydney……go to the opera all the timeP44Ex.2352614P44Ex.315000-3000BC2First century AD3Tang Dynasty4Yuan Dynasty5&620th centuryUnit2课内练习答案(P11Ex.1)1.Some simple forms of English poems.2.Nursery rhymes,list poems,the cinquain,haiku and Tang poems.3.(略)4.Most probably Poems D,F,G,H.5.(略)P12Ex.12.high sky pie my fly shy lie tie sigh3.sing ring wing thing king fling string4.today away say play lay tray may bay/doc/70c52c381cb91a37f111f18583d049649b660e8a.html ce race face case chase place space 6.true too shoe canoe blueP12Ex.2nursery contradictory rhymed forms pattern conveyed minimum translations ran out of cottageP12Ex.31B2A3B4A5AP13Ex.1Poem CP13Ex.21E2A3D4B5CP13Ex.31.had paid,would not have missed.2.would lend,had3.won,would spend4.didn’t write,would spend5.were,would take it easy6.had been,would have feltP14Ex.11.略2.Yes.3.Yes.4.略P15Ex.21.Lucy2.Pitt3.Jack4.the24th of the monthP15Ex.31.by going for a hike in the countryside and then sitting quietly by himself2.by surrounding herself with familiar things in her own house3.possibly by listening to his favorite music though he has never written poetry beforeP15Ex.4going plan to do will intend to I’ll I’m going to I’m looking forward toWorkbook练习答案(P48Ex.1)1.Lily,Chelsea2.Lily,ChelseaP48Ex.21----2、42----1、53----3、62.A Lily B Wu Zhe C ChelseaP48Ex.31---32---13---2.P49Ex.11.flexibility able ability2.translate education educate3.transform relaxation relax4.sorrow faithful faith5.darkness ill illness6.salty wind windy7.endless care careless8.warmth wide widthP49Ex.2bride bridegroom scholarship exchange eventually championship pi anist diploma librarian sponsor violinist sparrow P50Ex.31.In the second section of the report many concrete problems are mentioned,and they must be solved at once.2.He’ll prepare a special drink for you that is made up of fresh fruit juice, yoghurt and eggs.3.You’ll get better more quickly if you take it easy for a while.4.If Emily had not teased the cat,the beautiful vase would not have been knocked over.5.He loves poems,in particular Tang poems.6.I would like to try out that new Sichuan restaurant round the corner.7.There is bare minimum of furniture in that cottage.8.She is afraid of snakes.When she sees one,she always lets out a scream.9.Do not forget to put in a compass when you load the box for expedition. P50Ex.41B2C3E4A5D1B2C3A4E5DP50Ex.11D2A3E4B5CP51Ex.21.If Shirley didn’t eat too much salty food,she would not get high-blood pressure.2.If she had known how to convey her feelings well in a poem,I wouldn’t have helped her.3.If there had not been a lack of concrete evidence,Clive wouldn’t have been released.4.If she hadn’t read many beautiful poems,her writing skills wouldn’t have gradually improved.5.If the poem had had an appropriate ending,she would have won the competition.6.If he hadn’t worked hard for a long time,he wouldn’t have translated the Chinese poem into English eventually. P51Ex.31.you had been interested in me2.we would go on a trip around the world3.there were no wars on this planet4.her English would have improved a lot by now.5.I’d go parachuting6.he had been a year olderP53Ex.11F2T3T4F5T6T7F8FP53Ex.2cinquain haiku list poemBen nature the students in her classUnit3课内练习答案(P19Ex.1)A.1physically addicted to nicotine2.addicted through habits3.mentally addictiedB.1.do terrible damage to heart and lungs2.have difficulty in becoming pregnant3.be unfit4.smell terribleC.1.other people dislike the smell2.the cigarette smoke can do harm to non-smokersD.be unable to enjoy sportP20Ex.11quit tough2accustomed to3ashamed(of her)4breathless5desperate6(The)alcoholic(effects)7strengthen(your muscles)8pregnant9disappointed10decide onP20Ex.21cigarettes2alcohol3effects4adolescents5tough6stress7due to8addicted to9mental10quit11unfit12withdrawalP21Ex.21.It is difficult to give up smoking.2.It seems that+原句(S⼩写)3.Most people believe改为It is believed that4.Don’t try改为It’s no use trying5.It is astonishing that+原句6.You are not allowed改为It is illegal7.It is wonderful that+原句(M⼩写)8.The night was dark and stormy改为It was a dark and stormy night9.It is likely that+原句(Y⼩写)10.You have改为It is necessary for youP23Ex.21F2T3F4T5F6TP23Ex.1横排:2、4、5、8P23Ex.21.don’t have to do anything you don’t want to2.drink orange juice or something instead3.have something to eat before you go out,like rice or noodles4.don’t take it5.teach you get my CD player and start practicing now Workbook练习答案(P55Ex.1)O:StudentS:headaches,tired all the time,not sleeping and eating wellP:stressP:1Do some tests to rule out anything physical(make sure there is nothing seriously wrong)2Discuss ways to relaxP56Ex.11of2about3with4to……for5with……about/for6with/for7about8about/by9with10at/byP56Ex.21.I felt awkward hearing my uncle praise smoking and hoped that others would make their own judgement and not follow his example.2.The boy felt ashamed of his behavior.He fainted when the doctor put a needle in his arm and took out some blood.3.When Jack threw away his last packet of cigarettes,he immediately began to feel like a non-smoker.4.The specialists are considering a proposal to ban the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to adolescents.5.In spite of the cold,he jumped into the river and pulled the fallen boy out of the water.He took a great risk but the survival of the boy made him feel extremely happy.6.It is illegal for parents to decide to have an abortion because they do not like the sex of their unborn baby.I am so angry that this prejudice against female children continues even today.7.Due to the sponsor of CHARTS(China AIDS Roadmap Tactical Support)project,many famous people like Pu Cunxin has been active in the campaign against HIV/AIDS.8.Some sentences in the texts which cause students’comprehension difficulties are further explained in the notes of the appendix at the end of the textbook.P56Ex.41un fair---unfair necessary----unnecessary2dis able---disabled honest---dishonest3ir regular---irregular rational---irrational4il legal---illegal considered---ill-considered5im possible---impossible patient---impatient6in active---inactive accurate---inaccurateP57Ex.11haven’t written2have been3get/are getting4have not been5seems6have been doing7getting8was shocking9was suffering10told11won’t be12seem13said14was15would get16didn’t take17Do18know19spend20do21study22is23isn’t24have worked25stop26take27watch28have29started30is31get32feel33have34is35is36will take/am going to take 37study38write39haveP58Ex.21c2f3d4a5g6e7bP58Ex.21.worry a little be careful about worrying too much2.relaxed became ill headaches didn’t sleep well didn’t feel like eating was tired3.went to the doctor learned about stressP58Ex.31.The doctor told Li Yue to keep a balance in her life between work and relaxation.2.Li Yue says you could become ill.3.Li Yue suggests that the students have fun,keep in touch with friends and do some exercise every day.P60Ex.11.It provides care and support for people suffering from HIV/AIDS and trains young people to teach other people about AIDS.2.Volunteers who come from a similar group and are about the same age.3.Because they are being taught by people very much like themselves.4.In the past it was mainly drug users and people who had been carelessly transfused who were becoming infected with AIDS.Today,an increasing number of young people are becoming infected through sexual activity.5.The government believes that if they do not act quickly to stop the spread,the number of people in Chinainfected byHIV/AIDS could be as high as10million by the year2010.Unit4课内练习答案(P27Ex.1)1.Sophie Armstrong.Earth Care.2.Dr Janice Foster,Charles Keeling,George Hambley.3.There are some very different attitudes among scientists towards this issue.Some think the effects will be terrible,while some others believe that we should not worry about it.4.The first graph shows the temperature increase of one degree Hahrenheit between1860to2000.The second graph shows the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere from1957to1997.5.Global warming/the warming of the earth.P27Ex.21T2T3F4T5T6FP28Ex.1trend1fuel2state2consume1glance2P28Ex.21data,kept on2quantities,run out3build up,catastrophe4come about5consequence6phenomenon7graph8per9even if10resulted inP29Ex.21.It is+划线部分+that/who+warned…….2.It is+划线部分+that+gives……3.It is+划线部分+that+much……4.It is+划线部分+that+consume……5.It is+划线部分+that+carbon……6.It is+划线部分+that+low-lying……7.It is+划线部分+that/who+have……8.It is+划线部分+that+scientists……9.It is+划线部分+that+the level of the sea could rise in the years aheadbecause of global warming.10.It is+划线部分+that+in the future……P31Ex.2Fossil:1.produce carbon dioxide2.cheap and concentrated form of energyWind:1.clean 2.not practical:need huge areas of land to provide enough energyEnergy:1.clean 2.not very practical with present technology Nuclear:1.does not produce carbon dioxide 2.dangerous P31Ex.41factories2energy3problem4global5developed6developing7developing8dioxide9blameWorkbook练习答案(P62Ex.2)1an organization by kids for kids;concerned with the environment2four students in Australia;in19963to draw attention to the environment4The horse that Saved the World5to explain why it is better for the environment if we walk to school,ride bikes or go by busP62Ex.32∨6∨1planted trees2developed activities that reduce,reuse and recycle waste3planned ways to reduce recycle and reuse plastic bagsP63Ex.11.I think our conference was very successful on the whole.professor Brown’s presentation was warmly received.2.There is a wide range of energy sources:coal,oil,natural gas,water power,nuclear power and so on.3.Since your bicycle is broken,you can use mine,so long as you take care of it.4.Sue often buys food at the nearby store and heats it in the microwave forlunch.Then she drinks a can of coke to refresh herself and goes back to the office.5.I would like to thank Mr Smith on behalf of the school for his work as a scholar,an engineer and educator.6.She is opposed to war,cruelty to animals,racism and so on with a commitment to help all living things.7.His programme has been passed smoothly because most of the representatives in the conference subscribed to it.8.In recent years,the winter temperature in this region tends to go up,and one of the main reasons which have resulted in this consequence is the air pollution.9.His main contribution to our country is that he suggested on controlling population growth.10.The chairman of the conference stated that though the people at present are in disagreement on some issues,they are in agreement with each other on environmental protection.11.The existence of line in outer space is still a mystery.12.Experts said that the global temperature would show a tendency to increase.P64Ex.21mild2circumstance3flood4catastrophe5steadily6casual7average8widespread9electrical10motor11advocated12put up with13kept onP64Ex.11.It was in1996that the first children’s conference on the environment was organized in Australia.2.It is children that/who run Millennium Kids.3.It is on the Internet that you can find out more about Millennium Kids.4.It is at the yearly conference that the young people decide which projects they want to concentrate on.5.It is plastic bags that Millennium Kids is asking us to reduce,reuse and recycle.P65Ex.21987ian Kierman competed in a round-the-world He was shocked at the pollution in the ocean1989Clean-up Day for Sydney Harbour40,000volunteers; collected old car bodies,plastics,glass bottles,cigarette butts 1990the first Clean Up Australia Day300,000volunteers2001Clean Up Australia Day most common kinds of rubbish:cigarettebutts,glass bottles and plastic bags1993the first Clean Up the World Day30million volunteers in80 countries2001Clean Up the World Day40million volunteers in128 countries;cleaned streets,beaches,river banks and parksP67Ex.2Little is a serious environmental problem.Cigarette butts are small but bad for the environment.1Over1600billion cigarettes are smoked each yearin China.Many of the butts become littler.2.4.5trillion butts are littered every year in the world.3.Butts spoil the beauty of the environment.4.Butts contain toxic chemicals.These get into the watersupply.these decrease the quality of the water andendanger living things.5.Butts take up to5years to break down,so the toxicchemicals add up to a great amount.Plastic bags are a danger to the environment.1.Plastic bags are made from non-renewable resources.Ifthey are not recycled,these resources are lost to us.2.In China,2billion plastic bags are used every day.Manyof these become litter.3.Plastic bags last from20to1,000years in theenvironment.4.They can travel long distances in the air and water.Theyare in rivers,parks,beaches and oceans.5.Plastic bags kill up to one million seabirds,100,000seamammals and countless fish each year worldwide.6.After the animal breaks down,the plastic bag becomesfree and can kill another animals.The environment would be less polluted if we cleaned upcigarette butts and plastic bags.The best solution would benot to smoke or use plastic bags at all.Unit5课内练习答案(P35Ex.1)1.Volcanologists study volcanoes so that they can warn people when the volcano is going to erupt and so save many lives.2.Mount Kilauea is in Haiwaii.3.The lava flows down the mountain and can cover up or burn villages in its path.The rocks that erupt from the volcano usually don’t damage anything because no one lives near the carter.4.The night that was caused by the red-hot rocks and gas that erupted from the volcano.5.The scientists needed to get samples of the lava so they could study them.6.The author was wearing special protective clothing that made it difficult to walk.7.The writer finds their beauty and their potential to cause great damage very impressive.P36Ex.11the questionnaire2alongside3The scientists were evaluating the experiment.4made my way5has potential6appointed7equipment8diagramP36Ex.21volcano2erupt3ash4lava5eruption6fountain7waves8absolute9burned to the groundP37Ex.21Having taken2Having given3Having bought4Having spent5Having arrivedP37Ex.3句⼦开始到划线部分结束替换为:1.Having experienced/doc/70c52c381cb91a37f111f18583d049649b660e8a.html ing3.Waking up4.Having stopped5.Having spent6.Having never seenP37Ex.41Having arrived2Standing3Having taken4Having rested5Having heardP38Ex.2A Frank GoreB Jane SmallC Sarah TangP38Ex.3横⾏:15years10years20years2Alaska Hawaii New Zealand3After collecting a sample of lava When back on dry land After the trembling she became excited and forgot to be frightened P38Ex.41Jane2Sarah3Sarah4Jane5Jane6Frank7Sarah8FrankWorkbook练习答案(P69Ex.1)1c2e3g4d5a6f7dP70Ex.11fog2rainbow3appreciation4documents5arrows6guarantee.P70Ex.21panic2anxious3actual4unconscious5tremble6waves7absolutelyP70Ex.31.Glancing through the newspaper,I found a news report about a typhoon in Guangdong.2.When I realized the precious necklace had gone,I panicked.3.House construction varies from country to country.However,in China you can find many diverse styles.4.He was unconscious after being shot and falling off the balcony.5.The novelist wrote a wonderful short story about a candidate who wanted to become President of theUnited States.6.After playing basketball you’ll sweat a lot.If you bathe,I guarantee that you will feel much more comfortable.7.“Thunderstorm anxiety”is common among dogs,and some dogs tremble with fear under the owners’beds during thunderstorms.8.The pilot came out of the plane in his flying suit and boots,with his helmet under his arm.P71Ex.12.Watching the volcano erupt,John became worried about his safety.3.Knowing the children were bored,I tried to make my talk interesting.4.Knowing the view from the top of the mountain was absolutely fantastic, asue encouraged her friends to make the steep climb.5.Gathering all my courage,I ran back into the burning house to rescue the baby.。
2021-2022学年人教版高中英语选修六习题:Unit 2 Poems 2.2 Word版含答案

SectionⅡ—LearningaboutLanguage,UsingLanguage, SummingUp&LearningTip一、用所给词的适当形式填空1Had it not been for the PLA(中国人民解放军),we (be able to) overcome the flood.答案:wouldn’t have been able to2The picture exhibition bored me to death;I wish I (not go) there. 答案:had not gone3If you (not see) the film last night,you wouldn’t be so sleepy (now). 答案:hadn’t seen4They talked as if they (read) this poem.答案:had read二、汉译英1你的言行应当与整个班级相适宜。
(be appropriate for)答案:Your words and actions should be appropriate for the whole class.2握紧你的伞,免得它被风吹走。
(hold on to)答案:Hold on to your umbrella so that it won’t be blown away.3猎人无意间发觉山谷底有一池清水。
(by chance)答案:The hunter by chance discovered in the bottom of the valley lay a pond of clear water.4下雨天小树苗比较简洁成活。
(be likely to) 答案:The little trees are more likely to survive on the rainy day.5我多么期望每个家庭都住上带有秀丽花园的大房子啊!(wish)答案:How I wish every family had a large house with a beautiful garden!★三、完形填空Reading and writing 1 is a very personal experience.Poets use language as a way of 2 their feelings,whether positive ones of love,happiness and hope,or negative feelings like 3 and fear.Poems can describe the beauty of nature,a person,a dream or a memorable event.Most 4 have tried writing poetry at some time,for example at school.For children,it is a good way to explore language and have 5 with words as well as to express themselves.But teachers and psychologists have found another use for poetry as a form of therapy(治疗) to help people with problems. 6 are benefits for people of all different backgrounds and ages.Writing poetry can help people deal with 7 in their lives—death or feelings of sadness,drug or alcohol problems or serious illness.By writing down your feelings, 8 can learn to understand yourself better and give yourself a voice if you feel you are being ignored.A poem might be a way of telling someone something when you do not feel able to talk about it 9 .And just because people are 10 or having difficulties in their lives,it doesn’t mean they have lost their sense of humour.Poems 11 as therapy can be funny too,as laughter is also considered to be very good medicine.Students at a special school in Dudley,in England,read and write poems 12 .Their reason for writing poems is not just to 13 creative.All of them have problems.Some of them have long-term 14 conditions,such as cancer,while others have personality disorders or psychological problems.By writing poems students are growing 15 self-confidence.The poems provide a channel through 16 they can communicate with the world,and express their feelings.They 17 help them to recognize and explore their problems and to develop a positive attitude to life.But the poems are helping 18 people,too.The school has collected some of the students’ poemsand published them in a book which is 19 to raise funds for a local hospital.The book has proved very popular,giving students 20 sense of achievement.1A.poem B.the poemsC.poetD.poetry答案:D解析:poem表示“诗”,是可数名词,表示“诗”的类别时,应用apoem,thepoem或poems。
高中英语人教版选修6练习:单元回顾3 word版含解析 .pdf

单元回顾Ⅰ. 重点词汇1. due to 由于;归功于;预定⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ be due to do sth. 预期做某事;预定要做某事be due to sth./sb. 归因于某事;欠某人……be due for sth. 应有;应得到2. accustom v t . 使习惯于⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧be accustomed to 习惯于(状态)accustom oneself/sb./sth. to... 使……习惯于…… 3. effect n . 结果,效力⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ have little/no effect on 对……几乎没有/没有影响come into effect 生效,开始实施take effect 生效,奏效be of no effect 无效,无用4. strengthen v . 加强;巩固;使坚强,变强 ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ strengthen sth. 加强……strength n . 体力;力量;力气build up one's strength 增强实力5. ashamed adj . 感到惭愧或羞耻的⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ be ashamed of (doing ) sth. 因(做了)某事而感到羞愧be ashamed to do sth. 因难为情而不愿做某事;耻于做 某事be ashamed that... 对……感到内疚6. stress n . 压力,重音 v t . 加压力于……,使紧张 stress the importance of 强调……的重要性7. ban n . 禁令,谴责 v t . 禁止,取缔⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧a ban on sth. 关于……的禁令ban sb. from (doing ) sth. 禁止某人做某事 8. addicted adj . 入了迷的,上了瘾的 be addicted to 对……有瘾,沉溺于……9. desperate adj . 绝望的,拼命的be desperate for sth. 渴望得到某物10. awkward adj . 笨拙的局促不安的11. withdraw n . 收回,撤退12. abnormal adj . 畸形的,异常的13. unfit adj . 不健康的,不合格的14. prejudice n . 偏见,成见15. judgement n . 看法,判决,判断Ⅱ. 重点短语1. decide on/upon 选定;对……作出决定 ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ decide to do sth. 决定做某事decide +that 从句 决定……decide for yourself 自己决定2. get into 染上(坏习惯等);陷入;养成(习惯) ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧ get (sth.) across (to sb.)(使某事为人)理解get around/about 四处走动,消息传开,活动get in 进入;收割;插话get over 克服(困难)3. feel like doing 想要做……4. in spite of =despite 不顾,不管5. ⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧take risks/a risk 冒险at risk 处境危险,遭受危险6. be accustomed to 习惯于……Ⅲ. 重点句型1. so/such...that 引导的结果状语从句2. It is/was+被强调的部分+that3. whenever引导的让步状语从句Ⅳ. 单元语法——it的用法1. it用作人称代词2. it用作非人称代词3. it用作引导词。

人教版高中英语必修6内容全解话题素材——艺术好词1.appreciation n. 欣赏2.inspiration n. 灵感;启发3.vivid adj. 栩栩如生的;鲜艳的4.works n. 著作;作品5.typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的6.on exhibition 在展示中7.sense of beauty 美感8.work of art 艺术作品9.under the influence of 受……的影响10.break away (from) 脱离;放弃11.enrich one's life 丰富某人的生活12.for sale 待售13.show one's talent for... 展现对……的天赋14.shape one's character 塑造某人的品格15.art_gallery 画廊;美术馆佳句1.Both his paintings and his passion for art have_given_me_endless_inspiration. 他的画作和他对艺术的热爱都给了我无尽的灵感。
2.The exhibition gives local artists an_opportunity_to_display_their_works.这次展览为当地艺术家提供了展示自己作品的机会。
3.As_for art, there are so many great artists that_I_just_admire.关于艺术,有那么多我崇拜的艺术家。
[精美语篇]Dear John,I have good news to tell you. A famous Shaoxing Opera, Butter fly Lovers, will be put on in Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 p.m. on August the fifth. I know you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially the local operas. I hope this opportunity will not only make you happy, but also satisfy your interest in Chinese operas. If you can come, I suggest we have a look at the Museum of the Traditional Opera near the theater after the performance. There, I believe, you can know the history of many Chinese operas, which can increase your knowledge about Chinese culture.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua高频单词1.faith (n.) 信任;信心;信念→faithful (adj.) 忠实的→faithfully (adv.) 忠实地2.typical (adj.) 典型的;有代表性的→type (n.) 种类;类型(v.) 打字3.consequently (adv.) 所以;因而→consequent (adj.) 作为结果的;随之发生的→consequence (n.) 结果;影响4.aim (n.) 目标;目的(vi.&vt.) 瞄准;(向某方向)努力→(反义词)aimless (adj.) 无目的的5.evident (adj.) 明显的;明白的→evidence (n.) 证据6.possess (vt.) 拥有;具有;支配→possession (n.) (尤作复数)所有;财产7.predict (vt.) 预言;预告;预测→prediction (n.) 预言;预测→predictable (adj.) 可预见的→predictor (n.) 预言者8.exhibition (n.) 展览;陈列;展览会→exhibit (vt.&vi.) 陈列;展览9.civilization (n.) 文明;文化;文明社会→civilize (vt.) 使文明;使开化→civilized (adj.) 文明的;开化的10.preference (n.) 喜爱;偏爱→prefer (vt.) 宁愿;更喜欢11.visual (adj.) 视觉的;看得见的→vision (n.) 视力;视觉;洞察力→visually (adv.) 视觉上地;真实地12.contemporary (adj.) 当代的;同时代的(n.) 同辈人;同代人13.technique (n.)技术;方法;技能→technical(adj.)技术的;工艺的;与技术有关的14.coincidence (n.)巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合→coincident (adj.)巧合的15.adopt (vt.)采用;采纳;收养→adoption (n.)收养;采取→adopted (adj.)收养的,领养的16.attempt (n.)努力;尝试;企图(vt.)尝试;企图→attempted (adj.)未遂的17.appeal (vi.)有感染力;呼吁;求助(vt.)将……上诉(n.)呼吁;恳求→appealing (adj.)有吸引力的重点短语1.concentrate_on集中2.as_well_as 也;还;而且3.by_coincidence 巧合地4.in_the_late_19th_century 在19世纪晚期5.a_great_deal 大量6.lead_to 导致7.scores_of... 大量的……8.on_the_other_hand (可是)另一方面9.in_the_flesh 活着的;本人10.have_a_preference_for 偏爱11.appeal_to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣12.lie_in 在于;位于热点句型1.It is/was+adj.+that...(主语从句)But it_was_evident_that (很显然) ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.(教材P2)2.without短语用于含蓄虚拟条件句Without_the_new_paints (没有新的颜料) and the new technique, we would_not_be_able_to_see (就不能看到) the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.(教材P2)3.表语提前引起的倒装句Among_the_painters (在那些画家中) who broke away from the traditional style of painting were_the_Impressionists (是印象派画家),who lived and worked in Paris.(教材P2)4.On the one hand..., on the other hand...“一方面,另一方面……”On_the_other_hand (另一方面), some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.(教材P3)5.would rather do... than do... “宁愿干……而不愿干……”Many art lovers would_rather_visit (宁愿参观) this small art gallery than (而不参观) any other in NewYork.(教材P6)巩固训练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
高中英语选修6人教版单元测试及答案人教高中英语选修6-Unit 1~2课时练习及解析

人教版高中英语选修六Unit 1~2 课时练习Ⅰ.单项填空1.—Which do you perfer,the Impressionist paintings or the paintings of modern art?—________.A.Don't mention itB.I'd prefer the formerC.It's my pleasureD.It's none of your business解析:根据问句可知答语应为:我更喜欢前者。
答案:B2.The film 2012 ________ that there will be a disaster on the earth in 2012.Do you believe so?A.expects B.appealsC.unfluences D.predicts解析:根据题意及从句的时态可知应选predict“预测”。
答案:D3.Johnson had no choice but to have his baby ________ because of his financial problems.A.adopted B.adoptC.adapted D.adapt解析:句意:由于经济原因,约翰逊没有别的选择,只有让别人收养他的孩子。
由于his baby和adopt之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾语补足语。
答案:A4.—Was she badly hurt?—Yes,each time she moved her leg,she ________ a cry.A.broke out B.took outC.let out D.kept out解析:let out意为“发出,放走”。

2017—2018人教版英语选修六Unit 5习题及(解析)答案人教版选修六Unit Five The power of nature一、语法填空(一)单句语法填空1.After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide ________ (accommodate) for the homeless families.2.The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any direct ________ (solve).3.After living in Quanzhou for five years, she had developed an ________ (affect) for the city.4.The police are trying to find out the ________ (identify) of the woman murdered in the bathroom.5.The Harry Potter books enjoy great ________ (popular); they are in great demand in this city.参考答案1.accommodation2.solution3.affection4.identification 5.popularity(二)短文语法填空(2017高考选练)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个或者3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
(2017·成都第一次诊断)Over 2,200 years ago, Chengdu was threatened by frequent floods. Li Bing, together with his son, decided to construct an irrigation system on the Minjiang River, __1__ (prevent) flooding. __2__ having a long study and a lot of hard work by the local people, the great Dujiangyan Irrigation System was completed. Since then, the Chengdu Plain __3__ (be) free of flooding and the people have been living peacefully and wealthily.It is the __4__ (old) and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world. It is also __5__ wonder in the development of Chinese science. The project consists of three important parts, namely Yuzui, Feishayan and Baopingkou, which were __6__ (science) designed to control the water flow of the rivers throughout the year.There is a glorious bridge called the Anlan Cable Bridge crossing the Minjiang River above Yuzui, __7__ you can clearly see the entire system. The great __8__ (construct) originally started before the Song Dynasty. At that time, the body of the bridge was constructed with wooden blocks and the handrails (扶手) were made of bamboo. Recently the wood and bamboo have been replaced with steel and concrete to guarantee the security of __9__ (visit) from home and abroad. Seen from afar, the bridge looks like a rainbow __10__ (hang) over the river.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了成都都江堰水利工程的建造过程、世界地位、历史价值以及该工程的现状。
人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练13.【Unit 4 Period 1】及答案解析

人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练13.【Unit 4 Period 1】及答案解析Ⅰ. 阅读理解AGlobal warming is the process of earth’s atmosphere heating up. Over the last 100 years, the average temperature ofearth’s atmosphere has gone up 1 degree Fahrenheit. The weather has not changed exactly the same way in every area of the planet. But scientists think that the rise in average temperature is already affecting the earth’s climate.Many scientists now believe that global warming is caused by cutting down trees, producing more trash, and polluting the environment and so on. Many scientists believe that the biggest cause of global warming is new human technologies that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The greenhouse effect is not new. Certain gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, make it hard for he at energy to go into space. In the past, the climate didn’t change much because nature produced just the right amount of greenhouse gases to deal with it. Today, most scientists are pretty sure that the rising temperature can’t be blamed on nature. Ever si nce the industrial revolution in the 1700s, humans have relied on machines for daily life. And many of those machines give off a lot of greenhouse gases. An increase in the release of greenhouse gases from human activities is throwing nature off balance.The climate is a very complicated thing, but many scientists agree that the rising atmospheric temperature has already damaged the environment. Sheets of ice, called glaciers, are melting in Antarctica and other parts of the globe. As glaciers break off and melt into the oceans, they are adding warm water to the oceans and causing the sea level to rise.Over the past 100 years, the sea level has risen 6~8 inches around the world. That means land along the coasts is beginning to disappear under water. Bigger and warmer oceans are also adding to other weather problems caused by pollution in the atmosphere. Some places have received more rain, others have had bigger storms and a few areas in the world have experienced unusual droughts.【语篇概述】本文主要讲述了全球变暖的原因及影响。

高中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit 5 The power of nature Section C Using Language题组ⅠⅠ.单项填空1. She to think what might have happenedto him.A. shookB. trembledC. quakedD. shivered2. He was in after the tennis match.A. the sweatB. a sweatC. sweatD. sweats3. Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious.The gifted student who is bored is anstudent.A. outstandingB. intelligentC. anxiousD. ordinary4. swept through the swimmers as theycaught sight of a huge shark approaching threateningly.A. DepressionB. ExcitementC. IntensityD. Panic5. “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!”Themother shouted, with clearly in her voice.A. angerB. rudenessC. regretD. panic6. The doctor saw at a that the child hadgot the measles.A. gazeB. glimpseC. glanceD. gleam7. Attitudes towards our connectedness as a societyacross generations.A. varyB. ariseC. spreadD. exist8. A culture in which the citizens share similar religiousbeliefs and values is more likely to have laws that represent the wishes of its people than is a culture where citizens come from backgrounds. A. extensive B. influentialC. diverseD. identical9. On hot days we used to in the riverwhen we were young.A. go bathingB. going bathingC. go bathedD. going bathed10. I wrote him a letter to show my of histhoughtfulness.A. achievementB. agreementC. attentionD. appreciation11. The Car Club couldn’t to meet thedemands of all its members.A. ensureB. guaranteeC. assumeD. confirm12. Working hard is a of great success.A. signB. signalC. guaranteeD. supposition13. The hopes, goals, fears and desires widelybetween men and women, between the rich and the poor.A. alterB. shiftC. transferD. vary14. to frighten the poor man, MrsRichards quickly hid under stairs.A. Not anxious aboutB. Anxious notC. Being not anxiousD. Not being anxious for15. We have a one-year on our car.A. licenceB. guaranteeC. conservationD. safety16. My sister and I have ideas on how todecorate the house.A. irregularB. diverseC. irrelevantD. resistant17. —I called you last night, but nobody answered it.What were you doing then?—It must have been when I was .A. on bathB. on a bathC. in bathD. in the bath18. They went to the teacher fear andtrembling to tell that they had broken a window. A. on B. atC. inD. for19. Everyone at me and I stood there witha red face.A. glancedB. staredC. glaredD. looked20. People appreciate with him becausehe has a good sense of humor.A. to workB. to have workedC. workingD. having worked21. My mother always gets a bit if we don’t arrive when we say we will.A. anxiousB. ashamedC. weakD. patientⅡ.完成句子1. The ages of the students in our class(从16岁到19岁不等).(vary)2.(最令人欣赏的地方)in Wuhan is the Yellow Crane Tower.(arouse)3. Good education(不能确保毕业生好的工作), for practice ability is more important.(guarantee)4. The crowd(听到枪炮声后惊慌失措).(panic)5. You’d better(浏览一下问题)before the listening test starts.(look)答案与解析Ⅰ. 1. B 句意:她想到他可能遇到的情况就十分担心。
人教版高中英语选修6课后习题 Unit 1 Section Ⅱ

Many art lovers this small art gallery any other in New York.2.他死于1919年,留给美国人民一笔艺术财富。
He died in 1919, a large sum of art treasurethe American people.3.与她的朋友不同,她更偏爱抽象艺术。
Unlike her friends,sheabstract art.4.我们呼吁所有学生为那些因为贫困而即将辍学的孩子捐些钱。
We all the students to contribute some money to those who will have to drop out for being poor.5.云台山是一个非常值得一游的景点。
Yuntai Mountain is an attraction whichis .6.这本书涉及了包括艺术在内的五个方面的话题。
art,the book five topics.7.他急匆匆赶到火车站,结果发现火车已经离开了。
He hurried to the station that the train had left.8.我们要在教室里开会而不是在报告厅。
We’ll have the meeting in the classroomlecture hall.二、完形填空I’m sitting at the airport watching people in the last minutes before their loved ones arrive or depart.A woman is running in circles trying to gather family members together for a 1 .When the final moment comes before 2 ,she wraps her arms around her son,giving him a 3 hug that should protect him until he 4 .I sit with a book in my hands,waiting for my turn to leave 5 because the ones I love have a different 6 from mine.I think of other departures and arrivals.I 7 seeing my daughter.I wrapped myself around her as if she’d been 8 .That year she was in her first year at university,coming home for the first time.Today my flight is two hours late.When my flight is 9 called,I gather my book and luggage. 10 there is no one to seeme off,I do not 11 to see where I have come from. 12 ,I think of my husband at work 13 if I have left yet.As I head towards the plane,I find myself 14 yet another arrival and departure.That year,my 91-year-old grandfather died.After returning from his funeral,I arrived at the airport 15 .My husband of only a year was waiting at the gate to take me in his arms.Because of my tears, 16 was looking at us,but I didn’t 17 .Life needs the important 18 ,all the time.I wish that all the people who went on a 19 could come back to find someone 20 them.I also wish they could leave with someone to see them off.1.A.lecture B.goodbyeC.dinnerD.party,回忆起与女儿和丈夫的温馨往事,意识到人生中需要欢聚与离别这些重要的时刻。
人教版高中英语选修6课后习题 Unit 1 Section Ⅲ— Grammar

the English examination,I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.2.如果明天他打电话的话,我就告诉他。
If he me tomorrow,I would let him know.3.要是我昨天陪你去就好了。
I wish that I with you yesterday.4.这肉尝起来似乎已经坏了。
This meat tastes as if it bad.5.如果过去天气好的话,现在庄稼长得就会更好了。
If the weather finer,the cropsstill better.6.她努力工作,仿佛从不知疲倦。
She hard every minute as if she nevertiredness.7.要是早点儿修一下,这辆拖拉机就不会出故障了。
,the tractor would not have broken down.8.如果他们真的能够找到一条通向房间的路,或弄清楚那堵墙后面到底是什么就好了。
If only they a way to get to the room,or whatever it was behind the wall.二、阅读理解OPENINGSANDPREVIEWSAnimalsOutofPaperYolo!Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph,in which an origami(折纸术)artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio.Merri Milwe directs.In previews.Opens Feb.12.(West Park Presbyterian Church,165 W.86th St.212-868-4444.)TheAudienceHelen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan,about Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty years.Stephen Daldry directs.Also starring Dylan Baker and Judith Ivey.Previews beginFeb.14.(Schoenfeld,236 W.45th St.212-239-6200.)HamiltonLin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Aleilton,in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story.Thomas Kail directs.In previews.Opens Feb.17.(Public,425 LafayetteSt.212-967-7555.)OntheTwentiethCenturyKristin Chenoweth and Peter Gallagher star in the musical comedy by Betty Comden and Adolph Green,about a Broadway producer who tries to win a movie star’s love during a cross-country train journey.Scott Ellis directs,for Roundabout TheatreCompany.Previews begin Feb.12.(American Airlines Theatre,227 W.42nd St.212-719-1300.)1.What is the play by Rajiv Joseph probably about?A.A type of art.B.A teenager’s stud io.C.A great teacher.D.A group of animals.RajivJoseph定位到AnimalsOutofPaper部分,根据本段中的“...inwhichanorigamiartistinvitesateenagetalentandhisteacherin toherstudio.”可知,这部戏剧是关于折纸艺术的。
人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练1.【Unit 1 Period 1 Word】及答案解析

人教版高中英语选修六课后阅读训练1.【Unit1Period1Word】及答案解析Ⅰ.阅读理解AWatercolor is the oldest paints known.It dates back to the early cave men who discovered they could add lifelike qualities to drawings of animals and other figures on the walls of caves by mixing thenatural colors found in the earth with water.Fresco(壁画),one of the greatest of all art forms,is done with watercolor.It is createdby mixing paints and water and applying these to wet plaster(灰泥).Of the thousands ofpeople who stand under Michelangelo’s heroic ceiling in the Sistine Chapel,very few know that they are looking at perhaps the greatest watercolor painting in the world.The invention of oil painting by the Flemish masters in the fifteenth century made fresco painting go downhill, and for the next several centuries watercolor was used mainly for doing sketches(草图)or as a tool for study.It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters put back watercolor as a serious art form.The English have a widely-known love for outdoor and also small private pictures.The softness of watercolor had a remarkably strong attraction for them.The popularity of watercolor continued to grow until the twentieth century.The United States passed England as the center for watercolor,producing such well-known watercolor artists as Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth.【语篇概述】本文主要介绍了水彩画的发展历程。
人教版高中英语选修6课后习题 Unit 4 Section Ⅲ— Grammar

Unit4GlobalwarmingSectionⅢ—Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、对画线部分进行强调1.He began his medical research after he got financial help.research.2.He didn’t mention his own plan until the end of the letter.own plan.3.Why didn’t you attend the birthday party of your best friend?the birthday party of your best friend?4.The culture,rather than the language,made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.was the culture,rather than the language,that made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.二、阅读理解Finding fish is going to get harder as climate change continues to heat the world’s oceans.A new study finds that warming seas over the past 80 years have reduced the sustainable catch of 124 species of fish and shellfish.A sustainable catch refers to the amount that can be harvested without doing long-term damage to the health of populations of some species.Overfishing has made that decline worse,researcherssay.Overfishing refers to catching so many fish that the size ofthe population falls.In some parts of the world,such as the heavily fished Sea of Japan,the decrease is as high as 35 percent.That’s a loss of more than one in every three fish.Researchers examined changes in 235 populations of fish and shellfish between 1930 and .Those fish populations spread far apart across 38 ocean regions.Temperature changes vary from one ocean site to another.But on average over that time,Earth’s sea-surface temperatures have risen by about half a degree Celsius.On average,that warming has caused the sustainable catch to drop by 4.1 percent,the study found.About 8 percent of the fish and shellfish populations the team studied saw losses as a result of the ocean warming.However,about 4 percent of some populations increased.That’s because certain species hav e thrived in warmer waters.One example is a kind of black sea fish.It lives along the northeastern L.S.coast.As warming continues,these fish will reproduce faster until they reach their limit.About 3.2 billion people worldwide rely on seafood as a source of food.That means it’s urgent for commercial fishing fleets andregulators to consider how climate change is affecting the health of all of those fish in the sea.1.What does the new study discover?A.Overfishing is to blame for fish health.B.Warming seas cause fewer fish and shellfish.C.Seafood matters to people’s health worldwide.D.The living regions of fish and shellfish are different.“Anewstudyfindsthatwarmingseasoverthepast80yearshavereducedthe sustainablecatcho f124speciesoffishandshellfish.”可知,新的研究发现,海水升温导致鱼类和水生有壳动物减少。
高中英语选修6人教版单元测试及答案人教高中英语选修6-Unit 3~5课时练习及解析

人教版高中英语选修六Unit 3~5 课时练习Ⅰ.单项填空1.Nowadays,the children ________ the habit of turning on the television as soon as they come back from school.A.get off B.get acrossC.get through D.get into解析:get into the habit“养成习惯”。
get off“离开,动身”;get across“讲解清楚”;get through“用完,通过”。
答案:D2.I don't like ________ you speak to her.A.the way B.the way in thatC.the way which D.the way of which解析:way作先行词且在其后定语从句中作方式状语时,定语从句的引导词可以用that 或in which,也可以省略引导词。
答案:A3.The project had to be abandoned largely ________ a lack of government funding.A.according to B.due toC.in the name of D.in the eyes of解析:句意:这个项目不得不被放弃的主要原因是政府的资金短缺。
according to“根据”;due to“因为,由于”;in the name of“以……的名义”;in the eyes of“在……眼中”。
答案:B4.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has been ________?A.given out B.put outC.held up D.used up解析:give out“用完,筋疲力尽”;put out“扑灭(火等)”;hold up“阻挡,举起”;use up“用完,用光”。
人教版高中英语选修6课后习题 Unit 1 Section Ⅰ

1.—What’s your biggest (目标) in ten years? —Getting a good job in a big city.2.—Tom was late again.—Yeah,it’s (典型的) of him to keep everybody waiting.3.—This method proves to be effective.—Well,I think more and more students will (采用) it soon.4.—Can you pass the examination on the first (尝试)?—Of course.You know,I have been preparing for it for a long time.5.He (预测)that they would save(大量的)water by using the new equipment.But(另一方面),he added,the equipment would cost(大量的钱).money二、阅读词汇复习Reading部分的词汇,写出画线部分的汉语意思。
During the Spring Festival,my father and I visited an art gallery 1. ,where we saw many paintings and sculptures 2. by world-famousartists.These works show that people in different ages show different faith 3. and ideas in art.Forexample,painters during the Renaissance 4.tried to paint people and nature as they really were.Besides,rich people during this period wanted to possess 5.their own paintings,so they could decorate their superb 6.palaces and great houses.We have also learned that painters can use different techniques 7. ;some even draw in a ridiculous 8.way.美术陈列室;画廊 2.雕塑 3.信念 4.文艺复兴时期 5.拥有;具有 6.卓越的;杰出的7.技术8.荒谬的;可笑的三、用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空1.All of us make an attempt to win the English competition.2.He is better now.Don’t worry about him.3.Their research has a drug which can prevent this disease.4.Cathy a princess when she wore the dress.5.The prisoner his guards.6.It’s hard for us to find the way the small village.7.She has valuableinformation .8.I have seen the film times.So I don’t want to see it.9.My remarks were not you.10.If he doesn’t finishing the task ahead of time,give him more encouragement.四、根据汉语提示完成句子1.The students (非常尊敬) their history teacher.2.The workers worked hard(试图完成这项任务)before July.3.Jack was always(第一个到校的学生).4.I (对她很有信心) and she won’t let me down.5. (没有你的帮助),I would not have passed the examination.6. (巧合的是),John and I both ended up at Yale.7.Teamwork is required in order to(实现这些目标).8.We can’t (拥有)that house if we fail to reach an agreement with them.五、阅读理解A(全国Ⅰ高考)You’ve heard that plastic is polluting the oceans — between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year.Butdoes one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does.He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage,forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.At the beginning of the year,the artist built a piece called “Strawpocalypse,” a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves,frozen mid-crash.Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups,the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam.In a piece from ,Von Wong wanted to illustrate(说明) a specific statistic:Every 60 seconds,a truckload’s worth of plastic enters the ocean.For this work,titled “Truckload of Plastic,” Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic,which were then tied together to look like they’d been dumped(倾倒) from a truck all at once.Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.1.What are Von Wong’s artworks intended for?A.Beautifying the city he lives in.B.Introducing eco-friendly products.C.Drawing public attention to plastic waste.D.Reducing garbage on the beach.,但是塑料吸管或者塑料杯是否也有影响呢?艺术家本杰明用塑料废物做成了艺术作品,引起公众对塑料垃圾的注意。

2017—2018人教版英语选修六Unit 4习题及(解析)答案人教版选修六Unit Four Global warming一、语法填空(一)单句语法填空1.—Why not buy a second-hand car if you don't have enough money for a new one?—That's a good ________ (suggest).2.I wrote him a letter to show my ________ (appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.3.My first ________ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.4.You'd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future________ (refer).5.John has grown up and changed beyond ________ (recognize).【参考答案】1.suggestion2.appreciation3.impression4.reference 5.recognition(二)短文语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
(2017·贵州普通考试)When a woman took the seat beside me on a plane, I __1__ (feel) unhappy. She had to lower herself slowly, squee zing her body into the small space. “My name is Kelly. I'm from Canada. Where __2__ you from?” She waved a hand in front of myface.“China,” I said as I shook her hand unwillingly. Kelly kept talking to me. She was very thoughtful. When we __3__ (serve) drinks and meals, she made sure that I had enough room in my seat. “I don't want to make you __4__ (comfort) with my elephant size!” she said sincerely. I couldn't help letting down my guard. As we talked, I was surprised by her wise __5__ (word). She had read many books and was very smart. I asked her if she ever thought about __6__ (lose) some weight. “Aren't you worried about the diseases that come with being overweight?” “Not at all. I eat __7__ (health) food and walk regularly,” She said.“I believe in my heart, the people who get diseasesare the ones who worry. You see advertisements from exercise centers that read, ‘Free yourself from your extra baggage, so you are free to be __8__ (you).’ You're free only __9__ you're comfortable with who you are!” I s uddenly realized that Kelly was__10__ most beautiful and clever woman I had ever met in my life.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者乘坐飞机时起初对旁边胖胖的女乘客没有好感。
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人教版英语选修六Unit 4习题及(解析)答案人教版选修六Unit Four Global warming一、语法填空(一)单句语法填空1.—Why not buy a second-hand car if you don't have enough money for a new one?—That's a good ________ (suggest).2.I wrote him a letter to show my ________ (appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.3.My first ________ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.4.You'd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future________ (refer).5.John has grown up and changed beyond ________ (recognize).【参考答案】1.suggestion2.appreciation3.impression4.reference 5.recognition(二)短文语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
(2017·贵州普通考试)When a woman took the seat beside me on a plane, I __1__ (feel) unhappy. She had to lower herself slowly, squeezing her body into the small space. “My name is Kelly. I'm from Canada. Where __2__ you from?” She waved a hand in front of myface.“China,” I said as I shook her hand unwillingly. Kelly kept talking to me. She was very thoughtful. When we __3__ (serve) drinks and meals, she made sure that I had enough room in my seat. “I don't want to make you __4__ (comfort) with my elephant size!” she said sincerely. I couldn't help letting down my guard. As we talked, I was surprised by her wise __5__ (word). She had read many books and was very smart. I asked her if she ever thought about __6__ (lose) some weight. “Aren't you worried about the diseases that come with being overweight?” “Not at all. I eat __7__ (health) food and walk regularly,” She said.“I believe in my heart, t he people who get diseasesare the ones who worry. You see advertisements from exercise centers that read, ‘Free yourself from your extra baggage, so you are free to be __8__ (you).’ You're free only __9__ you're comfortable with who you are!” I suddenly r ealized that Kelly was__10__ most beautiful and clever woman I had ever met in my life.【解题导语】本文讲述了作者乘坐飞机时起初对旁边胖胖的女乘客没有好感。
3.were served考查时态和语态。
we与serve是逻辑上的动宾关系,且结合全文的时态可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填were served。
二、根据下列句子意思用所给词的首字母或所给汉语填空1. Although we are burning coal in huge q , we will not run out of it for centuries.2. There’s evidence to suggest that child abuse is not just a recent (现象).3. Global warming will have serious c for the environment.4. Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into e .5. Paul tried to sound c but I could tell something was worrying him.6. There is no point in a improved public transport unless we can pay for it.7. Vitamins are essential for healthy (健康成长).8. Sleep (使恢复) the body.9. It is difficult for a teacher to give (个别的) attention to children in a large class.10.The electricity industry (消耗) large amounts of fossil fuels.1. quantities2. phenomenon3. consequences4. existence5. casual6. advocating7.growth8. refreshes9. individual 10. consumes三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
It was the old lady’s birthday. She got up early to be ready for the post. From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street,and a little boy,Johnnie,__1__her letters from the ground floor on the rare__2__when anything came.Today she was sure there would be something.Myra__3__forget her mother’s birthday,even ifshe__4__wrote at other times. Of course Myra was busy,but?__5__,Enid,the daughter the old lady loved most,died two years ago. Since then Myra had been to see her mother three times,but her husband,Harold,never.The old lady was eighty today. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps-perhaps Myra might come. After all,eighty was a__6__birthday,another decade lined or tolerated just as you chose to look at it.__7__Myra did not come,she would send a present. The old lady was__8__of that. Two spots of colour__9__her cheeks. She was__10__like a child. She would enjoy her day!Now,she stood by the window,__11__.The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle. Her heart beat__12__.Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate. Then clatter (咔嗒声),clatter up the stairs. Johnnie knocked at her door. He had got her post-four envelopes. Three were unclosed cards from old friends. The fourth was closed,in Myra’s writing. The old lady felt a sharp painof__13__.There was no parcel for her!Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post. That was it. It would come later by parcel post. She said to herself. She must be__14__.Almost__15__she tore the envelope open.__16__in the card was a piece of paper. Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday- Buy yourself something nice withthe__17__,Myra and Harold. The cheque moved quickly to and for in the air to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lady__18__to pick it up. Her present!Her__19__present!With__20__fingers she tore it into little bits.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。