1 依法设立,无严重违法失信记录;
2 聘用外国人从事的岗位应是有特殊需要,国内暂缺适当人选,且不违反国家有关规定的岗位;
4 法律法规规定应由行业主管部门前置审批的,需经过批准。
1 符合现行外国人在中国工作管理规定的外国人员;
2 从事临时性、短期性(不超过90 日)工作的外国人员;
四.在用人单位和申请人都满足以上条件后,用人单位需准备相关材料,前往相应部门,为聘 用的外国人员,办理《外国人就业许可证书》和《外国人就业证》,具体按以下流程办理:
1 外国人与雇主签定《聘用意向书》。
1) 拟聘用外国人原因的报告;Fra bibliotek2) 营业执照副本原件及复印件;
3) 外国人有效护照(签证)复印件;
4) 拟聘用意向书;
5) 拟聘用的外国人工作简历和任职资格证明;
6) 近期健康证原件及复印件;
7) 填写完整的《外国人就业申请登记表》一式2份;
8) 拟聘用的外国人二寸免冠近照2张;
9) 填写完整的《XX市劳动和社会保障局行政许可申请书》1份(须加盖单位公章)。
雇主到所属区商务局及市商务局审批核准后,可向拟聘用的外国人发出《工作签证邀请函》及《外国人就业许可证 》,办理《工作签证邀请函》,需提供以下材料:
第五条申请就业证的外国人应当具备以下条件:1. 具有完全民事行为能力;2. 具有合法护照或者其他国际旅行证件;3. 具有符合我国规定的工作能力和专业技能;4. 在我国境内无犯罪记录;5. 符合我国规定的其他条件。
第六条外国人就业证的申请程序如下:1. 用人单位向所在地的人力资源和社会保障部门提出申请;2. 人力资源和社会保障部门对申请材料进行审核;3. 审核合格的,颁发就业证。
第十一条外国人就业期间,不得从事以下活动:1. 从事与我国法律法规相抵触的活动;2. 从事与我国国家安全和社会稳定有关的活动;3. 从事与我国法律法规规定禁止的活动。
◆准备资料: ①填写审批表,需用电脑填写并打印,经法人代表本人签字并加盖公章
②出具详细申请报告,需用带有申请单位名称、地址、电话、传真的信笺纸,并用简体中文 打印。申请报告须详述邀请公司业务性质、被邀请外国人来华工作理由、拟工作职位、适合 该职位的理由、被邀请外国人的基本信息(姓名、性别、国籍、出生年月、护照号),加盖 单位公章。
②1寸彩色照片一张 ③授权委托书(委托联络员)
见样表: ④营业执照、组织机构代码(原件及复印件) ◆地址:塘尾派出所
二、各阶段具体准备资料 2、带外国人到皇岗口岸办理境外人员体检
◆注意事项: ①体检费:480元 ② 外国人护照原件 ③ 2张二寸彩色照片 ④到那边后拿号、填写申请表
③申办《外国人就业许可证书》的原因报告(原件一份,加盖公章;内容 要求详见网上政策问答)
④拟聘用的外国人从事该项工作的资格证明:相关学历证明、职业资格证书 (复印件、中文翻译件1份,验原件) 原单位推荐函或离职证明(如有,提供)
【2018-2019】外国人在中国就业管理规定英文版-精选word文档 (10页)
【2018-2019】外国人在中国就业管理规定英文版-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==外国人在中国就业管理规定英文版外国人在中国就业管理规定英文版RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGNERS IN CHINA(Promulgated jointly by the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of public Security,Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China on 22 January 1996)Chapter l General ProvisionsArticle 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and decrees for the purpose of strengthening the admiministration of employment of foreigners in ChinaArticle 2 The term "foreigners"in these Rules refers to the persons,who under the Nationality Law ont1e People's Republic of China, do not have Chinese nationality. The term "employment of foreigners in China" in these Rules refers to acts of foreigners without permanent residence status to engage in remunerative work within Chinese territory in accordance with it laws.Article 3 These Rules shall apply to employed foreigners within Chinese territory and their employers. These Rules shall not apply t。
外国人在中国就业管理规定(英文版)RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF FOREIGNERS IN CHINA(Promulgated jointly by the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of public Security,Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China on 22 January 1996)Chapter l General ProvisionsArticle 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and decrees for the purpose of strengthening the admiministration of employment of foreigners in ChinaArticle 2 The term "foreigners"in these Rules refers to the persons,who under the Nationality Law ont1e People's Republic of China, do not have Chinese nationality. The term "employment of foreigners in China" in these Rules refers to acts of foreigners without permanent residence status to engage in remunerative work within Chinese territory in accordance with it laws.Article 3 These Rules shall apply to employed foreigners within Chinese territory and their employers. These Rules shall not apply t。
外国人来华就业居留流程中英文对照Foreigners' Work Permit and Residence Permit Process in ChinaIntroduction:Foreigners who plan to work in China need to go through a series of procedures to obtain a work permit and a residence permit. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the process in both Chinese and English.简介:计划在中国工作的外国人需要经过一系列手续,以获得工作许可和居留许可。
1. Employer applies for Work Permit:用人单位申请工作许可:The employer in China should submit an application for a Foreigner's Work Permit (FWP) to the local Human Resources and Social Security (HRSS) department.中国的用人单位应向当地人力资源和社会保障(HRSS)部门提交外国人工作许可申请。
2. Employee provides necessary documents:雇员提供必要文件:The employee should provide the employer with the necessary documents such as passport, curriculum vitae, and relevant certificates.雇员应向用人单位提供必要的文件,如护照、简历和相关证书。
一、申请材料准备1. 护照:外国人需要提供有效的护照,并确保护照至少还有6个月的有效期。
2. 签证申请表:外国人需要填写并签署《中华人民共和国外国人签证申请表》。
3. 照片:外国人需要准备一张近期免冠彩色照片,背景为白色。
4. 居留事由证明:根据不同的居留事由,外国人需要准备相应的证明文件,如就业单位的雇佣合同、商务活动的邀请函、学习交流的录取通知书等。
5. 住宿证明:外国人需要提供在中国境内合法住宿的证明,例如酒店预订确认单、合同租房协议等。
6. 其他材料:根据个人情况和居留目的,可能需要提供其他相关材料,如健康证明、入境许可证等。
外国人在中国就业管理规定 英文
外国人在中国就业管理规定英文版 Chapter l General ProvisionsArticle 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and decrees for the purpose of strengthening the administration of employment of foreigners in ChinaArticle The term “foreigners” in these Rules refers to the persons,who under the Nationality Law of the People’s Republic of China, do not have Chinese nationality. The term “employment of foreigners in China” in these Rules refers to acts of foreigners without permanent residence status to engage in remunerative work within Chinese territory in accordance with the laws.Article These Rules shall apply to employed foreigners within Chinese territory and their employers. These Rules shall not apply to foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunitiesemployed by foreign embassies or consulates,or the offices of the United Nations and other international organizations in China.Article The labour administrative authorities of the people’s government of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and those at the prefecture and city level with their authorization are responsible for the administration of employment of foreigners in China. Chapter II Employment LicenseArticle The employer shall apply for the employment permission if it intends to employ foreigners and may do so after obtaining approval and The People’s Republic of China Employment License for Foreigners(hereinafter referred to as the “Employment License”).Article The post to be filled by the foreigner recruited by the employer shall be the post of special need,a post that cannot be filled by any domestic candidates for the time being but violates no government regulations. No employer shall employ foreigners to engage in commercialized entertainingperformance, except for the persons qualified under Article(3)of these Rules.Article Any foreigners seeking employment in China shall meet the following conditions:(1)1years of age or older and in good health(2)with professional skills and job experience required for the work of intended employment;(3)with no criminal record;(4)a clearly-defined employer;(5)with valid passport or other international travel document in lieu of the passport(hereinafter referred to as the “Travel Document”).Article Foreigners seeking employment in China shall hold the Employment Visas for their entry(In case of agreement for mutual exemption of visas,the agreement shall prevail.), and may wok within Chinese territory only after they obtain the Employment Permit for Foreigner(hereinafter referred to as the “Employment Permit”)and the foreigner residence certificate.Foreigners who have not been issued residence certificate (i.e. holders of F,L,C or G-types visas),and those who are under study or interim programs in China and the families of holders of Employment Visas shall not work in China.In special cases,employment may be allowed when the foreigner changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License secured by his employer in accordance with the clearance procedures under these Rules. Foreigners changes his status at the public security organs with the Employment License and receives his Employment Permit and residence certificate.The employment in China of the spouses of the Personnel of foreign embassies, consulates,representative offices of the United Nations System and other international organizations in China shall follow the Provisions of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Concerning the Employment of the Spouses of the Personnel of Foreign Embassies,Consulates and the Representative Offices of the United Nations System in China and be handled in accordance with the clearance procedures provided for in the second paragraph of this article.The Employment License and the Employment Permitshall be designed and prepared exclusively by the Ministry of Labour.Article Foreigners may be exempted from the Employment License and Employment Permit when they meet any of the following conditions:(1)foreign professional technical and managerial personnel employed directly by the Chinese government or those with senior technical titles or credentials of special skills recognized by their home or international technical authorities or professional associations to be employed by Chinese government organs and institutions and foreigners holding Foreign Expert Certificate issued by China’s Bureau of Foreign Expert Affairs;(2)foreign workers with special skills who wok in offshore petroleum operations without the need to go ashore for employment and hold “Work Permit for Foreign Personnel Engaged in the Offshore petroleum Operations in the People’s Republic of China”;(3)foreigners who conduct commercialized entertaining performance with the approval of the Ministry of Culture and hold “Permit for TemporaryCommercialized Performance”.Article 10 Foreigners may be exempted from the Employment License and may apply directly for the Employment Permit by presenting their Employment Visas and relevant papers after their entry when they meet any of the following conditions:(1)foreigners employed in China under agreements or accords entered into by the Chinese government with foreign governments or international organizations for the implementation of Sino-foreign projects of cooperation and exchange;(2)chief representatives and representatives of the permanent offices of foreign enterprises in China. Chapter III Application and ApprovalArticle 11 The employer when intending to employ a foreigner,shall fill out the Application Form for the Employment of Foreigners(hereinafter referred to as the”Application Form”)and submit it to its competent trade authorities at the same level as the labour administrative authorities together with the following documentations:(1)the curriculum vitae of the foreigner to beemployed;(2)the letter of intention for employment;(3)the report of reasons for employment;(4)the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job;(5)the health certificate of the foreigner to be employed;(6)other documents required by regulations. The competent trade authorities shall examine and approve the application in accordance with Articles and of these Rules and relevant laws and decrees.Article 1After the approval by the competent trade authorities,the employer shall take the Application Form to the labour administrative authorities of the province,autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government or the labour administrative authorities at the prefecture and city level where the said employer is located for examination and clearance.The labour administrative authorities described above shall designate a special body(hereinafter referred to as the”Certificate Office”) to take upthe responsibility of issuing the Employment License.The Certificate Office should take into consideration of the opinions of the competent trade authorities and the demand and supply of labour market,and issue the Employment License to the employer after examination and clearance.Article 1Employers at the Central level or those without the competent trade authorities may submit their application directly to the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities for the Employment License.The examination and approval by the competent trade authorities is not required for foreign-funded enterprises to employ foreigners,and such enterprises may submit their applications directly to the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities for the Employment License,bringing with them the contract, articles of association, certificate of approval, business license and the documents referred to in Article 11of these Rules.Article 1Employers with permission to employ foreigners shall not send the Employment License northe letter of visa notification directly to the foreigners to be employed and they must be sent by the authorized unit.Article 1Foreigners with permission to work in China should apply for Employment Visas at the Chinese embassies,consulates and visa offices, bringing with them the Employment License issued by the Ministry of Labour,the letter or telex of visa notification sent by the authorized unit and the valid passport or Travel Document.Personnel referred to in Article(1)of these Rules should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by authorized unit;personnel referred to in Article(2) should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification issued by the China National Offshore Oil Corporation;personnel referred to in Article9(3)should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification issued by the foreign affairs, office under the people’s gov ernment of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalitiesdirectly under the Central Government and the relevant documents of approval of the Ministry of Culture (addressed to the Chinese embassies,consulates or visa offices).Personnel referred to in Article 10(1)of these Rules should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by authorized unit and the documentation on projects of cooperation and exchange;personnel referred to in Article 10(2)should apply for the Employment Visas by presenting their letter or telex of visa notification by the authorized unit and the registration certification issued by the administrative authorities of industry and commerceArticle 1The employer should,within fifteen days after the entry of the employed foreigner, take to the original Certificate Office the Employment License, the labour contract with the said foreigner and his passport or Travel Document to receive his Employment Permit while filling out the Foreigner Employment Registration Form. The Employment Permit shall be effective only within the area specified by theCertificate Office.Article 1Foreigners who received their Employment Permit should,within thirty days after their entry,apply for the residence certificate with the public security organs bringing with them their Employment Permit. The term of validity of the residence certificate may be determined in accordance with the term of validity of the Employment Permit.Chapter IV Labour AdministrationArticle 1The employer and its foreign employee should,in accordance with law,conclude a labour contract,the term of which shall not exceed five years. Such contract may be renewed upon expiration after the completion of clearance process in accordance with Article 1of these Rules.Article 1The Employment Permit of the employed foreigner shall cease to be effective upon the expiration of the term of the labour contract between the foreigner and his employer.If renewal is required,the employer should,within thirty days prior to the expiration of the contract,submit an application to the labour administrative authorities for theextension of term of employment,and after approval is obtained,proceed to go through formalities for the extension of the Employment Permit.Article0 The foreign employee should,within ten days after obtaining the approval for extension of his term of employment in China or the change of his employment location or his employer, go through formalities for the extension or change of his residence certificate at the local public security organs.Article1 After the termination of the labour contract between the foreign employee and his employer,the employer should promptly report it to the labour and public security authorities,return the Employment Permit and the residence certificate of the said foreigner,and go through formalities for his exit from ChinaArticleThe wage paid to the foreign employee by the employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage in the locality.ArticleThe working hours,rest and vacation,work safety and hygiene as well as the social security ofthe foreign employees in China shall follow the relevant provisions of the state.ArticleThe employer of the foreign employee in China shall be the same as specified in his Employment License. When the foreigner switches employers within the area designated by the Certificate Office but stays in a job of the same nature,the change must be approved by the original Certificate Office and recorded in his Employment Permit. If the foreigner is to be employed outside the area designated by the Certificate Office or switch employer within original designated area while taking up jobs of a different nature,he must go through formalities for a new Employment License.ArticleFor foreigner whose res1dence status is revoked by public security organs due to his violation of Chinese law, his Labour Contract should be terminated by his employer and his Employment Permit be withdrawn by the labour administrative authorities. ArticleShould labour disputes arise between the employer and its foreign employee, they should be handled in accordance with the Labour Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Regulations of thePeople’s Republic of China on Settlement of Labour Disputes in Enterprises.ArticleThe labour administrative authorities shall conduct an annual inspection of the Employment Pemit within thirty days prior to the end of every year of employment of the foreigner.the employer should go through formalities of the annual inspection at the Certificate Office of the labour administrative authorities. The Employment Permit shall automatically cease to be effective when the deadline is passed. In case of loss or damage of the Emp1oyment Permit during the term of his employment in China the foreigner should promptly report it to the original Certificate Office and go through formalities for the issuance of the Employment Permit.Chapter V Penalty ProvisionsArticleViolatlon of these Rules,i.e. Foreigners who work without the Employment Permit or employers which hire foreigners without the Employment License, shall be handled by the public security organs in accordance with Articleof the Rules Governing the implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic ofChina on the Entry and Exit of Aliens.ArticleFor foreigners who refuse to have their Employment Permit inspected by the labour administrative authorities,change their employers and professions at will or extend their term of employment without permission, the labour administrative authorities shall withdraw their Employment Permit and recommend that their residence status be canceled by the public security organs. In case of deportation, the costs and expenses shall be borne by the said foreigner or their employers.Article0 For foreigners and employers who forge, alter, falsely use, transfer, buy and sell the Employment Permit and the Employment License, the labour administrative authorities shall take over the Employment Permit and the Employment License in question, confiscate the illegal proceeds and impose a fine between ten thousand and one hundred thousand RMB Yuan. In serious cases which constitute a crime, their criminal responsibility of the perpetrators shall be looked into by the judicial authorities.Article1 In case of abuse of power, illegalcollection of fees, and fraudulent practices on the part of official personnel of the Certificate Office or other department, they shall be investigated in accordance with the law for their criminal responsibility if crimes are committed, or they shall be subject to administrative disciplinary measures if the cases do not constitute a crime.Chapter VI Supplementary ProvisionsArticleThe employment in the mainland of the residents of Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macao regions of China shall follow the Rules for the Administration of the Employment in the Mainland of Residents of Tai Wan, Hong Kong and Macao.ArticleThese Rules do not apply to the employment of foreigners in China’s Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions.ArticleIndividual economic organizations and private citizens are prohibited from employing foreigners.ArticleThe labour administrative authorities of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulatetheir own rules for implementation of these Rules in conjunction with the public security and relevant authorities in the locality,and report it to the Ministry of Labour,Ministry of Public Security,Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for putting on record. ArticleThe Ministry of Labour shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules.Article3These Rules shall enter into force as of 1 May 1996.The Provisions Concerning the Employment in China of the Foreigners Who Have Not Yet Obtained Residence Certificate and Foreigners Who Study in China jointly promulgated by the former Ministry of Labour and Personnel and the Ministry of Public Security on October 198shall be annulled simultaneously.外国人在中国就业管理规定英文相关文章:1.公司管理规定英文版2.外国人出入境管理规定3.企业名称登记管理规定英文4.外国人来不及申请中国签证怎么解决5.事业单位网上名称管理规定6.一款国外很流行的英文简历模板。
外国人合法就业完整流程 Work Permit Process
营业执照副本原件、复印件 社保登记证原件、复印件 聘用协议或合同复印件(中文)(本人签名、盖公章) 个人简历和任职资格证明(中文,精确到月,无间断描述) 由原单位开具的2年以上工作经验证明原件
公司 公司 公司 个人 个人 个人 公司 个人 个人 个人 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 公司 个人 公司 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人
入境后体检 护照原件 《外国人来华工作许可证》原件及复印件 外国人就业登记表(盖公章) 营业执照副本原件及、复印件 劳动合同复印件(属境外单位派遣,应由境外派遣单位出具 外国人就业证 相应的证明,并注明聘用期限) 护照和签证的原件及复印件 体检证明原件 2寸护照照片2张(白、蓝底) 公司营业执照副本原件及复印件 外国人签证居留许可申请表(盖公章) 就业证原件及复印件 本人及家属的护照和签证的原件及复印件 派出所出具的住宿登记证明复印件 本人及随行家属的2寸蓝照片1张 随行亲属关系材料证明(结婚证) 体检证明 个人 个人 个人 公司 公司 个人 个人 个人 公司 公司 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人 个人
地点: 宣武区永内西街5号,北京 由北京市出入境检疫检验局出具 劳动力市场一楼大厅 或确认的健康证明 8:30-11:30,13:00-17:00
所需时间: 15个工作日 地点: 东城区安定门东大街2号 8:30-16:30
出生地为中国的申请人需提供户 口注销证明
由北京市出入境检疫检验局出具 或确认的健康证明 办理居留许可后48小时内
所需时间: 10个工作日 地点: 陶然桥东,北京市人保局1 层大厅 办公时间: 周一至周五 8:30-11:30, 13:00-17:00 5个工作日 所需时间: 7个工作日 地点: 东城区朝内大街190号 北京市商务局11号窗口 周一至周五 8:30-12:00, 13:00-17:30
办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-Immigration Check list
外籍办证申请文件清单检查Check list of permits application for Expat.一、新办New Applying就业许可审批Applying for Alien Employment License form6个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境1、营业执照(副本)或登记证、组织机构代码证、地税登记证、公司章程(如有)的复印件,并盖公章;2、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章;3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》一式两份(单位盖章);4、外国申请人的工作简历和其从事该项工作的资格证明(学历证书、职位资格证明需同时提供中文翻译原件,特殊工种的证书须经过本国公证机关公证,公证证明应为中文);5、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括单位和申请人基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被聘用人拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章;6、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;7、如属派遣人员,需提供公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;8、如外国申请人有在华工作经历的,需提供原单位公司信头纸打印的离职证明,并盖公章;9、按业务需要所要求的其他资料(以市公安出入境管理部门受理为准)。
6 working days (including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration1/ Copy of business license or registered certificate、organization code certificate、tax registered certificate、company constitution,and cover stamp;2/ Copy of foreigner’s valid passport(the person data), and cover stamp;3/Two copies of <Application for recruiting foreign worker in China>,and cover stamp;4/ The curriculum vitae of the foreigner and the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job(Chinese translated version is required);5\ The report of reasons for employment in detail,and cover stamp;6\ The letter of intention for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;7\ The letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;8\ If work experience in China, provide a company letter of leaving certificate and cover stamp;9\ Other documents required by police section.就业许可证书Applying for Alien Employment License7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---劳动局1、用公司信头纸打印用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括本单位基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被聘用人的拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章;2、用人单位的营业执照(副本)(分支机构的另需提供总公司营业执照(副本))或民办非企业登记证、组织机构代码证的复印件,并盖公章;3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》(经广州市公安局出入境管理部门审核批准并签署意见);4、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章;5、用公司信头纸打印用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名;6、外国申请人完整、详细的工作简历(包括就业单位名称,所在国家城市、起始时间、任部门和职位、具体工作内容等)和教育学历证书和其从事该项工作的职业资格证明复印件,(以上文件如为外文的,须同时提供中文翻译原件并公证确认);7、申请人健康状况证明(有广东国际旅行卫生保健中心出具,地址:广州市天河区天河北路龙口西路207号)(我司可协助办理);所需资料:(需时3个工作日)A.申请人护照原件和复印件(首页、最新签证页和最新入境章页);B.白底小一寸彩照8张;C.人民币700元(费用以实际的为准);D.体检当天不能吃早餐和喝咖啡。
1.Conditions for Legal EmploymentLegal employment refers to the situation where foreigners and domesticemployers have gone through all procedures for employment in China (mainly referto "Work Permit") in accordance with relevant regulations, and haveestablished labor relations in China according to the contents of the Work Permit declaration; In contrast, illegalemployment refers to the situation where a foreigner or an employer withinChina fails to go through all the procedures for employment in China orestablish and maintain a labor relationship within China according to thecontent of the Work Permit declaration.To distinguish legal employment from illegal employment, two elementsneed to be clarified,which arethe procedures of theestablishment of labor relations and the procedures of the duration of laborrelations. Failure to meet either of the two requirements will result inillegal employment. The main circumstances of illegal employment include butare not limited to: not working in the registered area (including those workingin the name of business travel for a long time across the area); not engagingin the registered work; working for several employers at the same time and notin compliance with legal conditions; where the foreign student of thework-study program fails to annotate the application of the residence permit; otherillegal situations.In addition, according to the provisions of Interpretation (IV) of the Supreme People’s Court ofSeveral Issues on the Application of Law in the Trial of Labor Dispute Cases,the people's court shall not support any party who asks to confirm theexistence of a labor relationship with an employing unit within the territoryof China when the work permit is not obtained in accordance with the law. Itcan be seen that "Work Permit" is a precondition for the discussionof the labor relations of foreign employees, and also an important factor forthe judicial judgment of the existence of the legal labor relations.The employing units of foreignersworking in China must be consistent with the units specified in their Work Permit.Where a foreigner changes his employer within the area designated by theissuing authority but still pursues his original occupation, he shall obtainthe approval of the original issuing authority and go through the formalitiesfor changing his Work Permit. If a foreigner leaves the area specified by theissuing authority for employment or changes his employer within the areaspecified by the original regulations and is engaged in different occupations,he shall re-apply for the new Wok Permit.2. Loss and Cancellation of Work PermitThe loss of the Work Permit or theunilateral cancellation by the employer will cause defects in the foreigners’legitimate employment. If the Work Permit is lost, the applicant shall, fromthe date of the loss of the permit or the date of discovery of the loss,publish the declaration on the andapply to the licensing authority for the replacement. If the Work Permit islost but the labor relation has been terminated, then the certificate number ofWork Permit can be directly used in the above system to apply for cancellation,the processing time is 5 working days, but a legal separation certificate isneeded.If the foreigner's Work Permit islost, the employer is not excluded to cancel his or her Work Permit by onlineoperation using the following information, i.e. the foreigner's Work Permit number,the system login account and password and a legal separation certificate etc.. Inthe meantime, many foreigners do not know that their Work Permits have been revokedalready and they were placed on the brink of illegal employment. Therefore,foreigners better take good care of their Work Permits and maintain a goodrelationship with their employers.3. Terminate the Labor Contract with the Employer within the Periodof ResidenceAfter the foreigner'sWork Permit is revoked, the employer needs to exchange the foreigner's ResidencePermit for a"Visitor Visa", which lasts for 30 days. The foreignercan find a new job within China within 30 days. During these 30 days, the newemployer can apply for the new Work Permit and exchange for the new Residence Permitfor the foreigner.If it is more than 30 days,the foreigners must leave China .Foreigners can stay until the last day oftheir Residence Permit if the employer has not applied for a new Visitor Visa.Here is a special reminder for foreigners to pay attention to the time to leaveChina.4. Social Insurance PaymentAccordingto the Interim Measures for the Participation in Social Insurance of ForeignersEmployed in China, the employer shall register social insurance for the foreignerswithin 30 days from the date of handling Work Permit. Where an employing unitor a domestic work unit infringes upon foreigner’s social insurance rights andinterests, the foreigner may also require the administrative department ofsocial insurance or the collection agency for social insurance to handle such illegalact according to law.5. Other TipsThe employershall not dispatch foreigners to work outside the area registered in the WorkPermit. If the employer does so, the foreigners should refuse such request. Dueto foreigners work outside the area registered in the WorkPermit, the localexit-entry administration bureau will impose a fine in accordance with the lawon illegal employment, and the foreigners’ credit records in China will beaffected to different degrees.Theforeigner who is engaged in teaching job, whose salary is calculated on thebasis of class hours, shall keep detailed record on his/her working hours andplace, in order to assure his/her labor will be paid off. When there is adispute with the employer, if it cannot be handled by himself/herself , it issuggested to entrust a lawyer to negotiate with the employer in a timely manneron behalf of his/her rights and interests.附中文:外籍人士在中国境内的合法就业一、合法就业的条件合法就业是指外国人及境内的用人单位依照规定办理了在境内就业的各项手续(主要是“就业许可证”),并按照申报时的内容在境内建立并维持劳动关系的情形;与此相对,非法就业则是外国人以及境内的用人单位未依照规定办理了在境内就业的各项手续,或者未按照申报时的内容在境内建立并维持劳动关系的情形。
外国人来华工作证办理材料流程英文回答:To apply for a work permit in China as a foreigner,there are several documents and steps that need to be completed. Here is the general process:1. Job Offer: First and foremost, you will need a job offer from a Chinese company or organization. This joboffer should include details such as your position, salary, and contract duration.2. Employer's Documents: Your employer will need to provide certain documents, including their business license, organization code certificate, and tax registration certificate. These documents prove that the company is legally registered and authorized to hire foreign employees.3. Application Form: You will need to fill out an application form for the work permit. This form requirespersonal information, such as your name, nationality, and passport details. It also asks for details about your job position and the company you will be working for.4. Passport and Visa: You will need a valid passport with at least six months of remaining validity. Additionally, you will need a valid work visa (Z visa) to enter China for employment purposes. The work permit application cannot be processed without a valid visa.5. Health Check: As part of the application process, you will need to undergo a medical examination at a designated hospital or clinic. The health check typically includes a physical examination, blood tests, and chest X-rays.6. Supporting Documents: Depending on your specific circumstances, you may need to provide additional supporting documents. These can include a copy of your highest degree certificate, a criminal background check, or a recommendation letter from a previous employer.7. Submission and Processing: Once you have gatheredall the required documents, you will need to submit them to the local authorities responsible for work permits. The processing time can vary, but it usually takes around 15-20 working days.8. Residence Permit: After your work permit is approved, you will need to apply for a residence permit within 30days of entering China. The residence permit allows you to legally reside and work in the country for the duration of your employment contract.It is important to note that the specific requirements and procedures may vary depending on the city or province you are applying in. It is advisable to consult with alocal immigration service or the relevant authorities for detailed and up-to-date information.中文回答:来华外国人申请工作证需要准备一系列的文件和步骤。
1.外国人就业许可证书(5个工作日)working permit license (5 working days)(1)一份《外国人就业申请表》(公司盖章)1 piece of application form (company sealed)(2)营业执照(复印件)公司盖章business license (copy) sealed by company(3)组织机构代码证(复印件)公司盖章company code (copy) sealed by company(4)批准证书(复印件)approval certificate (copy)(5)个人中文简历(公司盖章)Chinese resume (company sealed)(6)任职相关资格证明(具体需要解释)(需要中文翻译件)University degree copy or leaving last company certificate(7)护照(复印件)passport (copy)2. 外国人工作签证邀请函(5个工作日)工本费RMB20Z-visa Invitation (5 working days )Government fee RMB20请提供入境地地名,详细住址,传真号码,准备入境日期give us the information: the nation and city name where you will come from, the detail address there, fax number there, date for you want to enter China (we need the information for fill in the form)办理好第一和第二步手续后,请外国人带着护照原件,就业许可证书和工作签证邀请函去境外中国领事馆办理Z签证入境(注意Z签证入境有只能停留30天)境外手续均须自行办理。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Step 1, Alien Employment License(15 working days)
本人提供(可快递到青岛公司):Provide by self( delivery to Qingdao)
1. Valid Passport, Original and copy(Issue date, Valid date, valid pages of visa)
2. Health Check(Chinese and English) Hospital designated by Chinese Embassies or Foreign government
3. Foreigner resume record: Final degree, Complete working experience.
4. Top original certificates notarized by local notary organization.
5. Certificate of no criminal conviction: Authorized by Chinese Embassies
青岛公司提供:Provided by Qingdao
1. Application (provide by Qingdao)
2. Business license
3. Company code
4. Approval certificate
5. Chinese resume (company sealed)
6. University degree copy (company sealed)
7. Certificate of no criminal conviction: translations (Qingdao international business translation firm)
第二步:办理Z签证Step 2 apply for Z Visa
1. Alien Employment License (provide by self)
2. Invitation Letter (provide by Qingdao)
Step 3 Documents for Employment permit license (Apply in 15 days after entry, 5 working days)
本人提供:provide by Self
1. Alien Employment license (original)
2. Health Check
3. Passport (original and copy)
4. 3 pictures passport size
青岛公司协助办理:Qingdao Assist in
Transfer Health Check: Shandong entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau International Travel Health Care Center
Step 4 Residence Permit ( apply in 30 days after entry, 15 working days)
本人提供:Provide by self
1. Valid passport,original and copy (Including Pages of Visa)
2. Health Check
3. 1 pictures passport size, Alien Employment Permit original and copy
4. Registration Form for temporary residence (must get this in 24 hours after entry)
5. Tenancy Agreement, original and copy
6. Accompanying families should supply,
Official letter from employer,
Certificate of Marriage
Certificates for family relationship such as parents and children 7、境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证并出具加盖翻译公司印章的中
7. Any certificates issued by qualified foreign institution should be authorized by Chinese Embassies or consulates, also need to supply Chinese translations with Translate Firm seal.
8. If something needs to be verified, you need to provide personal income tax clearance
certificate for
last year.
青岛公司提供:Provide by Qingdao
1. Application Form for Foreigner Residence Permit
2. Official Letter from Employer
3. Business license (original and copy)
4. Approval certificate
5. Company code with Original and copy。