光电传感器 HPX-EG系列 说明书

2010 Yamatake Corporation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED*1: 在密集安装状态下使用时,根据安装数量,使用环境温度会变化。
*2: 传感器类型ft 时无效*3: 请在符合保护等级要求的环境中使用。
■各部分的名称*1: 设定时,作为确定按钮使用子机类型的电源由与母机连接的接头提供。
*2: 在进行入光时 ON (LO),遮光时输出 ON (DO) 切换时,或取消操作时使用■输出输入回路与连接●NPN开路集电极输出●PNP开路集电极输出●针的配置①取下挿入侧接头上粘贴的封条。
■输出切换切换入光时输出ON (LO) 和遮光时输出ON (DO)①按[FUNC/CANCEL]按钮3秒以上。
②使用[+]或[-]按钮选择 LO/DO。
■① 按[+]按钮设定值增加,按[-]按钮设定值减小。

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• 本说明书中使用Windows 7和Mac OS X v10.6的屏幕截图和步骤进行说明。 如果您使用其他版 本的操作系统, 实际的画面和步骤可能不同。 • 取决于相机 / 摄像机型号, 画面和步骤也可能不同, 并且如本说明书的相关章节中所述, 可能无法 利用所有功能。 • 请在联机时使用本软件以有效利用自动更新功能。 请注意, 自动更新功能在脱机时无效, 这会妨 碍您获取已发布的任何新功能。
ImageBrowser EX
• EOS DIGITAL相机用户: 使用EOS Utility替代CameraWindow进行这些操作。 还请 参阅以PDF格式提供的 《EOS Utility使用说明书》 。 • 可通过选项卡和按钮颜色识别当前的部分—绿色为ImageBrowser EX, 蓝色为 CameraWindow。
基本操作 ................................................................................................................... 17
画面元素 ...................................................................................................................................... 17 切换显示模式............................................................................................................................... 21 浏览器区域任务 ........................................................................................................................... 22 属性窗口: 图像细节 ...................................................................................................................... 23 观看幻灯片播放............................................................................................................................ 24 播放短片...................................................................................................................................... 25 更新软件并获取新功能................................................................................................................. 26
KL-280G/H 吉隆中文说明书1.16

1.5 熔接机的待机界面说明 ……………………………………………………… 7
2 基本操作 …………………………………………………………………………8 2.1 电源模块说明 …………………………………………………………………8 2.2 交流供电操作 …………………………………………………………………8 2.3 电池供电操作 …………………………………………………………………9 2.3.1 电池电量检查………………………………………………………………9 2.3.2 电池充电 …………………………………………………………………10 2.3.3 电池使用注意事项 ………………………………………………………10 2.3.4 电池危险警告 ……………………………………………………………11 2.4 开机和关机 ……………………………………………………………………12 2.5 显示器亮度调节 ………………………………………………………………13 2.6 套光纤热缩管 …………………………………………………………………14 2.7 制备光纤端面 …………………………………………………………………14 2.8 放置光纤 ………………………………………………………………………19
附录 A 熔接机软件版本升级注意事项 …………………………………………77 附录 B 保修期限及条件 …………………………………………………………78 附录 C 联络方式 …………………………………………………………………79
南京吉隆光纤通信股份有限公司 1. 概述
感谢您选择南京吉隆光纤通信股份有限公司的产品。 本手册将详细介绍公司 最新产品 KL-280G/H 光纤熔接机的特点和使用方法。该机采用了高速图像处理 技术和特殊的精密定位技术, 可以使光纤熔接的全过程在 9 秒内自动完成。它外 形小,重量轻,而且操作简单,熔接速度快,熔接损耗小,特别适用于电信、广 电、铁路、石化、电力、部队、公安等通信领域的光纤光缆工程和维护以及科研 院所的教学与科研。为了更准确地完成熔接操作,请详细阅读本说明书。
HP 笔记本电脑 驱动器 说明书

驱动器用户指南© Copyright 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Microsoft 和 Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国的注册商标。
随 HP 产品和服务附带的明确有限保修声明中阐明了此类产品和服务的全部保修服务。
HP 对本文档中出现的技术错误、编辑错误或遗漏之处不承担责任。
第一版:2008 年 11 月文档部件号:501592-AA1产品通告本用户指南介绍大多数机型的常用功能。
目录1 取放驱动器2 使用光驱识别安装的光驱 (3)使用光盘 (4)选择正确的光盘 (5)CD-R 光盘 (5)CD-RW 光盘 (5)DVD±R 光盘 (5)DVD±RW 光盘 (5)LightScribe DVD+R 光盘 (5)蓝光光盘 (BD) (6)播放光盘 (7)配置自动播放 (8)更改 DVD 的区域设置 (9)遵守版权警告 (10)复制 CD 或 DVD (11)创建(刻录)CD 或 DVD (12)取出光盘 (13)3 提高硬盘驱动器性能使用磁盘碎片整理程序 (14)使用磁盘清理程序 (15)4 更换硬盘驱动器5 故障排除光盘托盘没有打开 (18)笔记本计算机检测不到光驱 (19)光盘无法播放 (20)光盘无法自动播放 (21)DVD 影片停止、跳过或无法正常播放 (22)在外接显示器上看不见 DVD 影片 (23)光盘刻录过程无法启动,或者在完成之前停止 (24)在 Windows Media Player 中播放的 DVD 没有声音或不显示图像 (25)必须重新安装设备驱动程序 (25)获取 Microsoft 设备驱动程序 (25)获取 HP 设备驱动程序 (25)iii索引 (27)iv1取放驱动器驱动器是容易损坏的计算机组件,取放时应格外小心。

GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONStandard OvenHP-280 Series PartsITEM PART #DESCRIPTIONQUANTITYCRITICAL SPACESAVERSTD20”26”11028197Steel Burner AssemblyTubular burner Shape Up to Nov./9711C 2298300Steel U Burner H280March 94/Canada Only (U Burner Shape)11C2^1028299Pilot Burner Assembly NaturalUsed Up To Nov. 1/9711C 14153002C-2 Pilot NaturalUsed From Nov. 1/9711C 1028298Pilot Burner Assembly LPUsed Up To Nov. 1/9711C 14153012C-2 Pilot PropaneUsed From Nov. 1/9711C 1028206Pilot Ori ce Natural (.021)11C 1028207Pilot Ori ce Propane (.011)11C3^1019418Thermocouple 18” Long (Screw In Type)Used Until Nov. 1/9711C 4518817Thermocouple 18” (Slip In Type)11C4GM2933/16” Aluminum TubingSold By The Foot1151415703Hi-Temp Valve Baso11C 1027000Auto Safety Valve11C61088286Ori ce Fitting Natural1C M9-35Large Ori ce 35 Size1C 1088298Ori ce Propane1C M9-52Large Ori ce 52 Size1C 1028983Ori ce Fitting Assembly Natural1C M9-42Large Ori ce 42 Size1C 14155XX Oven Ori ce Fitting W/O Hood1C M9-55Large Ori ce 55 Size1C71361000Ori ce Bracket1 1374200Ori ce Bracket 24” Oven181391600Oven Burner Rest SupportUsed Up To Nov. 1/97 (Tubular Burner Shape)11 2298500Oven Burner Rest Support H280Used From Nov. 1/97 (U Burner Shape)91082198L/H Bell Crank Assembly1101082199R/H Bell Crank Assembly1 1082196Oven Door Bell Crank 24”1111005800Door Spring12C129004700J Bolt2C 9004701Oven Door Spring Hook12C13A1082802Oven Door Hinge Link RT12C 13B1082803Oven Door Hinge Link LT C 14 GF2991/4-20 x 1/2 Shoulder Bolt12C * NOT ILLUSTRATED^ PHOTO AT ENDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONStandard OvenHP-280 Series PartsITEM PART #DESCRIPTIONQUANTITYCRITICAL SPACESAVERSTD20”26”159002200Oven Rack Chrome1 2117000Oven Rack Chrome Before 3/7/941 2301200Oven Rack Assembly After 3/7/941161438496Oven Bottom Assembly - H280/Sentry1 1369398Oven Bottom Liner GCE11713925007/17 Tube Safety To Ori ce11 181082001Lower Front Plate1 192297700Oven Rack Slide Assembly RH - NLA11 202297701Oven Rack Slide Assembly LH - NLA11IMPORTANT NOTES FOR THE OVEN RACK GUIDEBoth 3 position rack guides will have to be replaced, when changing to the new 4 position rack guide. Order Part # 4519545 Oven Rack Guide Kit which includes both racks (Rt & Lt). Mounting method is the same.20A451945Oven Rack Slide Assy LT/RT Kit (2 Racks Included)From Serial # 0410100109744,Implementation Date Nov. 05/041120B4518127Ove Rack Slide Assy LT/RT,From Serial # 0410100109744,Implementation Date Nov. 05/041 EachSide1 EachSide211005399Flue Body Assembly11221019010Pressure Regulator Natural11C 2127500Gas Regulator Propane 10”11C23CK137A Oven Door Assembly Kit H2861 CK137C Oven Door Assembly Kit H281241439796Oven Door Lining Enamelled1 1439795Oven Door Lining Enamelled125G03984-03-8Oven Door Insert AssemblyUntil Feb 27/011 G03984-04-8Oven Door Insert AssemblyFrom Feb 27/011261080714Oven Door Panel - SS1 1439902Oven Door Panel1279003701Handle L/H11C G3814-60L Oven Door Handle End11C289003700Handle R/H11C G3814-60R Oven Door Handle End11291589100Extruded Handle Bar 24-3/8”1 1589101Extruded Handle Bar 18.3751 1016700Oven Door Handle Chrome1301592000Handle Overlay 24-3/8” x 1/21/641 1592001Handle Overlay 18-3/8 x 1-21/6413115943001/4-20X1 1/4 HEX WSH RLL SCRW22 321082700Trunion Support22 331082700Harness Ring 7 GA341082500Oven Door Trunion22 351027600Leg Retainer 6” (Std.)44 361150502Bullet Legs44 * NOT ILLUSTRATED^ PHOTO AT ENDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONStandard OvenHP-280 Series PartsITEM PART #DESCRIPTIONQUANTITYCRITICAL SPACESAVERSTD20”26”371027800Swivel Caster Less Brake22 1027801Swivel Caster C/W Brake22381439300Oven Tubing Left11 391439500Oven Tubing Right11 40F22Screw – 10-24 x 9/1641F84Nut – 10-24 x 9/1642F158Washer – 11/16 OD x 13/16 ID x 1/16 FLA431095499Straight Connector 68-7C44F521Screw - 1/4-20 x 1” FLT HD54*1005598Oven Bottom USE 1438494Used Up to Nov./97 1438494Oven Bottom Assembly - GCEUsed From Nov./97* NOT ILLUSTRATED^ PHOTO AT END RECOMMENDED STOCK PARTS。
Lenovo ThinkAgile HX 系列产品说明说明书

ThinkAgile HX Certified Nodes Rapidly and confidently deploy HCI clustersOptimize Your HCI DeploymentWhen it comes to hyperconverged deployments, Lenovo offers flexibility so that customers can choose the model that best suits their business needs.Since 2014, Lenovo has collaborated with Nutanix to offer ThinkAgile HX Series, a best-in-class turnkey hyperconverged system that integrates, validates, and optimizes Nutanix’s industry-leading software with Lenovo's highly reliable platforms — including white-glove Lenovo deployment services.ThinkAgile HX appliances include a bundled Life of Device license, which remains with the appliance for its lifetime. For customers who prefer to provide their own Nutanix software licenses, Lenovo offers another choice: the ThinkAgile HX Certified Node, which includes:Fully validated configured and integrated hardware and firmware, certified with Nutanix softwarePreloaded Nutanix software for ready deployment, Nutanix term license obtained separatelyFlexibility to bring your own Nutanix term-basedlicense, transferable to other HX certified nodesFlexibility to provide your own deployment services or optionally use Lenovo Deployment Services Increase Simplicity and UptimeThinkAgile HX consolidates compute, storage, and virtualization software into simple building blocks, easily managed in scale-out clusters through a single interface. Achieve even simpler IT operations by using Nutanix Prism for one-click provisioning, insights, and firmware updates. Lenovo XClarity, a fast and intuitive resource management tool, can be used in concert with Prism.A successful hyperconverged deployment depends on reliable servers that ensure your business-critical workloads run without interruption. For 9 years running, Lenovo servers have ranked as the industry’s most reliable x86 platforms. Enhanced with faster processors and memory, Lenovo platforms hold more than 294 current performance world records, so you can run your workloads with blazing-fast speed. New refreshed HX series featuring the latest technological advancements in processing with 4th generation processors from Intel and AMD is now available with more cores and greater GPU density.With ThinkAgile HX Certified Nodes, you have the freedom to bring your own Nutanix term-based licenses while leveraging outstanding Lenovo reliability and performance plus Nutanix simplicity. Deploy yourHCI clusters rapidly and confidently with Lenovo.ThinkAgile HX 1U Eaglestream Certified Nodes - IntelThe 1U 1-node ThinkAgile HX 1U Eaglestream Certified Nodes is engineered for light-to-compute heavy workloads like business applications, VDI, optimized for remote office/branch office (ROBO) environments & databases. SpecificationsModel HX630 V3 ROBO Certified Nodes, 1U form factor HX630 V3 Certified Nodes, 1U form factor Target Audience Remote Office/Branch Office (ROBO)Small and Medium BusinessesProcessor1-2x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, orPlatinum processor, up to 350W 2x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor, up to 350WMemory64GB - 4TB64GB - 8TBDrive Bays4x 3.5" + 2x 2.5” (Optional)10x 2.5" + 2x 2.5” (Optional)Hybrid Configuration SSD: 2x 1.6 TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBHDD: 2-4x 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, 10TB, 12TB, 16TB, 20TBNot applicableAll-Flash Configuration SAS/SATA: 2-4x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB SAS/SATA: 2-12x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBNVMe: 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.2TB, 3.84TB, 6.4TB, 7.68TB 10GBASE-T2-42-825GbE SFP28 Ports2-42-8Hypervisors Supported Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix PrismFirmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)License Options Nutanix New Pricing & Packaging; (PnP)Deployment Services Lenovo Professional Deployment services availableWarranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warrantyThinkAgile HX 2U Eaglestream Certified Nodes - IntelThe 2U 1-node ThinkAgile HX 2U Eaglestream Certified Nodes is engineered for in memory databases, analytics, AI/ML, VDI, mission critical workloads.SpecificationsModel HX650 V3 Storage Certified Nodes, 2U form factor HX650 V3 Certified Nodes, 2U form factor Target Audience Big Data and High Capacity Mission critical workloadsProcessor2x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, orPlatinum processor, up to 350W 2x 4th Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor, up to 350WMemory64GB - 8TB64GB - 8TBDrive Bays12x 3.5"+4x 2.5" (Optional)24x 2.5"Hybrid Configuration SSD: 2-12x 1.6 TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBHDD: 4-12x 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, 10TB, 12TB, 16TB, 20TBNot applicableAll-Flash Configuration SAS/SATA: 2-12x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB SAS/SATA: 4-24x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBNVMe: 2-8x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.2TB, 3.84TB, 6.4TB,7.68TB10GBASE-T2-122-1225GbE SFP28 Ports2-122-12Hypervisors Supported Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix PrismFirmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)License Options Nutanix New Pricing & Packaging (PnP)Deployment Services Lenovo Professional Deployment services availableWarranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warrantyThe 1U 1-node ThinkAgile HX 1U Icelake Certified Nodes is engineered for light-to-compute heavy workloads like business applications, VDI, optimized for remote office/branch office (ROBO) environments & databases.SpecificationsModel HX1331 Certified Nodes, 1U formfactor HX2331 Certified Nodes, 1U formfactorHX3331 Certified Nodes, 1U formfactorTarget Audience Remote Office/Branch Office(ROBO)Small and Medium Businesses General virtualization and VDIProcessor1x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon®Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor,up to 270W 2x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon®Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor,up to 270W2x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon®Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor,up to 250WMemory64GB - 2TB64GB - 4TB64GB - 4TBDrive Bays4x 3.5" + 2x 2.5” (Optional)4x 3.5" + 2x 2.5” (Optional)10x-12x 2.5"SSD Options(Hybrid Config)2x 1.6 TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB2x 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB2x-4x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBHDD Options (Hybrid Config)2x or 4x 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, 10TB, 12TB,16TB2x or 4x 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, 10TB, 12TB,16TB4-10x 1TB, 2TB, 2.4TBSSD Options (All-Flash Config)2x, 4x or 6x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB,7.68TB2x, 4x or 6x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB,7.68TB2x-12x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB,7.68TBAll-NVMe Options none none2x,10x, 12x 1.6TB, 3.2TB, 3.84TB,6.4TB,7.68TBGPU0-1x single wide0-2x single wide0-2x single wide10GBASE-T2-62-62-625GbE SFP28 Ports2-42-62-6HypervisorsSupportedNutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix Prism Firmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)License Options Life of device (LOD) licenseDeploymentServicesLenovo Professional Deployment services available Warranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warrantyThe 2U 1-node ThinkAgile HX Certified Nodes are engineered for storage-heavy workloads (Big Data and enterprise applications) and offer a high-capacity model.SpecificationsModel HX5531HX7531 (+ SAP HANA)Workloads Big Data and High Capacity High Performance and DatabasesForm Factor2U2UProcessor2x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, orPlatinum processor, up to 220W 2x 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor, up to 270WMemory64GB - 4TB64GB - 4TBDrive Bays12x 3.5" + 4x 2.5” (optional)24x 2.5"SSD Options (HybridConfig)2x-6x, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB24x-8x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBHDD Options (HybridConfig)6x-12x 4TB, 6TB 6x-10x 8TB 8x 10TB, 12TB, 16TB8x-20x 1TB, 2TB, 2.4TBSSD Options (All-FlashConfig)2x-16x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB4x-24x 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBNVMe Options (All-FlashConfig)None0, 2x or 4x 1.6TB, 3.2TB, 6.4TB, 7.68TB GPU Options0 - 6x single wide or 2x double wide0 - 7x single wide or 2x double wide 10GBASE-T2-100-1025GbE SFP28 Ports2-160-16Hypervisors Supported Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix PrismFirmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)License Options Life of device (LOD) licenseDeployment Services Lenovo Professional Deployment services availableWarranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warrantyThe 4U 1-node ThinkAgile HX Certified Nodes are engineered for high-performance and mission-critical workloads, enterprise applications and in-memory databases (such as SAP HANA) and optimized for I/O intensive operation. SpecificationsModel HX7821 (+ SAP HANA)Workload Mission-Critical WorkloadsForm Factor4UProcessor4x 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Silver, Gold, or Platinum processor, up to 205WMemory384GB - 6TBDrive Bays24x 2.5"SSD Options (Hybrid Config)Up to 8x 480GB, 800GB, 960GB, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBHDD Options (Hybrid Config)Up to 20x 1TB, 2TB, or 2.4TB 2.5"SSD Options (All-Flash Config)Up to 24x 480GB, 800GB, 960GB, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB0, 2x or 4x 1.6TB, 3.2TB, 6.4TBNVMe Options (All-FlashConfig)GPU Options Not supported10GBASE-T2-1025GbE SFP28 Ports0-8Hypervisors Supported Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix PrismFirmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)License Options Life of device (LOD) licenseDeployment Services Lenovo Professional Deployment services availableWarranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warrantyThe ThinkAgile HX AMD 1U Certified Nodes, featuring the latest AMD EPYC processors, is available in a rack-dense 1U 1-node form-factor. It is packed with high memory and core density, making it perfect for virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), general virtualization workloads (business applications) and ROBO.SpecificationsModel HX3376 Certified Nodes, 1U form factor HX645 V3 Certified Nodes, 1U form factorWorkloads General Virtualization and Virtual DesktopInfrastructure (VDI)General Virtualization and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), ROBOProcessors1x or 2x AMD EPYC™ 7002 / 7003 SeriesProcessors, up to 64 cores, 240W 2x AMD EPYC™ 9004 Series Processors, up to 96 cores, 360WMemory64GB - 4TB64GB - 6TBDrive Bays Up to 12x 2.5" drivesUp to 4x NVMe drives (requires 2 CPUs)Up to 10x 2.5" + 2x 2.5" drivesUp to 4x NVMe drives (requires 2 CPUs)SSD Options (Hybrid Config)2x-4x 800GB, 960GB, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB,7.68TBNo hybrid config supportHDD Options (HybridConfig)44x-10x 1TB, 2TB, 2.4TB No HDD supportSSD Options (All-Flash Config)4x-12x 800GB, 960GB, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB,7.68TB22x-12x 960GB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBNVMe Options (All-FlashConfig)2x-12x 960GB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB0, 2, or 4x 1.6TB, 3.2TB, 3.84TB, 6.4TB, 7.68TB 10/25GbE SFP28 Ports0-62-4 25Gb ports via OCP + optional PCIe adapters License Options Life of device (LOD) license Nutanix New Packaging & Pricing (PnP) Hypervisors Supported Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix PrismFirmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)Warranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warrantyThe ThinkAgile HX AMD 2U Certified Nodes, featuring the latest AMD EPYC processors, is available in a rack-dense 2U 1-node form-factor. It is packed with high memory, dense storage and core density, making it perfect for mission critical workloads – Database & Enterprise applications, AI/ML, Development & Test & Data Protection.SpecificationsModel HX665 V3 Storage Certified Nodes, 2U form factor HX665 V3 Certified Nodes, 2U form factorWorkloads File & Object Storage, Data Protection,Development & Test VDI, Database & Enterprise Application, Development & Test, AI/ML, Messaging, Collaboration and Unified CommunicationsProcessors1x or 2x AMD EPYC™ 9004 Series Processors, up to96 cores, 360W 2x AMD EPYC™ 9004 Series Processors, up to 96 cores, 360WMemory64GB - 6TB64GB - 6TBDrive Bays Up to 12x 3.5"+4x 2.5" drives Up to 24x 2.5" drivesSSD Options (Hybrid Config)2x-4x, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TB No hybrid config support HDD Options (Hybrid Config)4x-12x 4TB, 6TB, 8TB 8x 10TB, 12TB, 16TB, 20TB No HDD supportSSD Options (All-Flash Config)2x-12x 800GB, 960GB, 1.6TB, 1.92TB, 3.84TB,7.68TB2x-16x 1.92TB, 3.84TB, 7.68TBNVMe Options (All-Flash Config)None0, 2, or 4x 1.6TB, 3.2TB, 3.84TB, 6.4TB,7.68TB10/25GbE SFP28 Ports2-4 25Gb ports via OCP + optional PCIe adapters2-4 25Gb ports via OCP + optional PCIeadaptersHypervisors Supported Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (preloaded), VMware ESXi (optional preload)Systems Management Hardware management via Lenovo XClaritySoftware management through Nutanix PrismFirmware upgrade via Nutanix Life Cycle Manager (LCM)License Options Nutanix New Pricing & Packaging (PnP)Warranty Support Lenovo 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year limited hardware warranty© 2023 Lenovo. All rights reserved.Availability: Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Lenovo is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors. Warranty: For a copy of applicable warranties, write to: Lenovo Warranty Information, 1009 Think Place, Morrisville, NC, 27560. Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services.Trademarks: Lenovo, the Lenovo logo, ThinkAgile®, and XClarity®are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo. Intel® and Xeon® are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Document number DS0046, published April 11, 2023. For the latest version, go to /ds0046.。
HP iPAQ 掌上电脑hx2000系列 说明书

119.4 x 76.6 x16.3 毫米(4.71 x 3.01 x 0.65 英寸)
164.4 克(5.8 盎司)
LED 1- 电源 LED 2- 无线
黄色 LED 指示灯(右侧)恒亮-设备中电池充电完毕 黄色 LED 指示灯(右侧)闪烁-设备中电池正在充电 绿色 LED 指示灯闪烁(右侧) -事件告警 / 提醒 蓝色 LED 指示灯(左侧)闪烁-无线功能启用
英特尔 ® PXA270 处理器 520 MHz
英特尔 ® PXA270 处理器 624 MHz
总计 128 MB 内存 (64 MB ROM 和 64 MB SDRAM) 高达 65 MB 用户可用内存, 包括 20 MB iPAQ 文件存储
总计 128 MB 内存 (64 MB ROM 和 64 MB SDRAM)
安全性 7 显示屏 规格 重量 指示灯
扩展 音频 HP 独有应用 1,2,5,6,7
设计特性 包装盒内容 保修
hx2100 系列 *
hx2400 系列 *
hx2700 系列 *
蓝牙,IrDA(SIR),USB 客户端,串行 RS232
Wi-Fi(802.11b),蓝牙,IrDA(SIR),USB 客户端,串行 RS232
电池 AC 电源
可拆卸 / 可充电 920 mAh 锂离子电池
可拆卸 / 可充电 1440 mAh 锂离子电池
可选购可拆卸 / 可充电 1440 mAh 或
可选购可拆卸 / 可充电 2880 mAh 增强锂离子电池。
2880 mAh 增强锂离子电池
AC 输入:100~240Vac,50/60Hz,AC 输入电流:最大 0.3A

上海支店 上海市浦东新区浦建路145 号强生大厦1802 室
邮编:200127 电话:021-50905580
北京支店 北京朝阳区朝阳门北大街乙12 号天辰大厦510 房间
邮编:100020 电话:010-65887571,7572
● STA 复位功能
STA 复位是根据当前的受光量,在规定的 STA 设定比 例中设置设定值。请以受光状态为(入光状态)基准进 行 STA 复位。例:与对照型光纤组合,并且处于无工 件状态时如果在更换光纤段时,变更了光纤的设置,或 者变更了 STA 设定比例,请执行 STA 复位。STA 复位 功能可以通过按钮操作进行,也可以通过外部输入信号, 或在电源投入时自动(选择可选 [0pt5]、[0pt6] 时) 进行。
键锁定时进行按钮操作,[lo ] 显示。键锁定时,可 以通过外部输入信号执行操作。
■ 外形尺寸图
单位 : mm
140 105
33.9 93.3
30.2 5.5 6.2 3.4 3.7 A
15.9 1
(35.2) 70.2
126 A : 标准型 11 省配线型母机 11.6
光电传感器 HPX-EG系列 使用说明书
非常感谢您购买山武产品。 为了正确、安全的使用产品,请务必阅读本使用说明书。 另外,请根据产品规格书确认产品的详细规格、外形尺寸等。
在订购及使用产品之际,请务必进入以下网站,浏览 “产品订 购注意事项”。 /products/order.html © 2010 Yamatake Corporation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

耐低温大豆品种(系)的筛选与研究盖志佳1,2 张敬涛1,2 刘婧琦2 蔡丽君2 杜佳兴2 陈 磊1(1黑龙江省农业科学院博士后科研工作站,哈尔滨 150086;2黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院,佳木斯154007)摘要:耐低温大豆品种的筛选不但有利于低温年大豆生产,提高大豆抗冷性,确保大豆稳产,而且有利于大豆免耕技术的推广。
1 材料与方法1.1 试验材料 试验于2017年在黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院三江平原主要作物育种栽培重点实验室进行。
戴尔 OptiPlex GX280 快速参考指南 型号 DHP、DHS、DCNE、DHM、DCSM.

Find It Here
Drivers and Utilities CD (also known as the ResourceCD)
Documentation and drivers are already installed on your computer. You can use the CD to reinstall drivers, run the Dell Diagnostics, or access your documentation.
September 2004
P/N P7068
Rev. A00
Finding Information for Your Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Front and Back Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Small Form-Factor Computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Small Desktop Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Desktop Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Small Mini-Tower Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mini-Tower Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
戴尔 OptiPlex GX280 系统用户指南.pdf_1700868583.7042124说明书

Dell™ OptiPlex™ GX280 系統使用者指南小型電腦小型桌上型電腦桌上型電腦小型迷你直立型電腦直立型電腦L啟管清安清密超系電Dell OpenManage用戶端儀器應用Dell OpenManage 用戶端儀器應用是一種可讓遠端管理程式 (例如 IT 助理程式) 執行以下作業的軟體:l存取有關電腦的資訊,例如電腦配有的處理器數量及其執行的作業系統l監視電腦的狀態,例如傾聽溫度探針發出的溫度警報或儲存裝置發出的硬碟機故障警報l變更電腦的狀態,例如更新其 BIOS 或從遠端關機如果系統安裝有 Dell OpenManage 用戶端儀器應用,並且該系統位于使用 IT 助理程式的網路中,則該系統為管理型系統。
若要獲得有關 Dell OpenManage 用戶端儀器應用的資訊,請參閱 Dell 支援 Web 站台 () 提供的「Dell OpenManage 用戶端儀器應用使用者指南」。
安全保護外殼侵入偵測此項功能 (如果已安裝和啟用) 可以偵測到外殼曾被打開,並向使用者發出警報。
若要變更 Chassis Intrusion (外殼侵入)設定,請:1.進入系統設定程式。
2.按下方向鍵以移至 System Security (系統安全性)選項。
3.按 <Enter> 鍵以存取 System Security (系統安全性)選項的快顯式選單。
4.按下方向鍵以移至 Chassis Intrusion (外殼侵入)設定。
5.按 <Enter> 鍵以選擇選項設定。
6.更新選項設定後再次按 <Enter> 鍵。
選項設定l On (開啟)—如果機箱蓋曾被打開,該設定將變更為Detected (偵測到),並且在下次電腦啟動期間,螢幕上將顯示以下警報訊息:Alert! ALERT! Cover was previously removed. (警報!機箱蓋先前曾被打開。
HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M282-M285 使用者指南说明书

四川农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告 - 修改

国内对西藏飞蝗的研究仅限于其形态特征、分布及其发生动态等。西藏飞蝗的发生规律 因地域的差别而有所差异,西藏飞蝗在西藏地区一年发生l代,以卵在土壤中越冬[5]。李庆等
[13] 李庆,吴蕾,杨刚,等.温度和紫外辐射胁迫对西藏飞蝗抗氧化系统的影响.生态学报,2 012,32(10) : 3189-3197. [14] 李周直,沈惠娟,蒋巧根,等.几种昆虫体内保护酶系统活力的研究.昆虫学报,1994,3 7( 4):399-403. [15] 孙亚真.乌骨鸡黑色素的测定及其理化性质研究.南昌大学硕士学位论文,2008.
有进化上的重要性,因为它们是保守的,特别是那些亲核性的基团,如巯基(-S~)和氨基(- N~2),使其获得抗生素特性。其三,黑色素光吸收和光衍射的特性,被利用在光受体的屏蔽 上并且被认为对爬行动物体温调节起到一定的作用。据报道鱿鱼墨黑色素具有体外清除自由 基螯合金属离子的特性[9],鱿鱼墨黑色素还可以保护动物的血清和肝脏中的SOD和CSH-PX 活性,使动物血清和肝脏中的MAD和脑脂褐质含量显著降低,起到防止自由基对集体脂质的氧 化和对细胞膜的破坏,从而抑制D-半乳糖所致的衰老,有效地清除体内堆积的自由基,使体 内自由基防护体系的功能得以恢复[10]。同时鱿鱼墨黑色素对皮肤细胞的生长和代谢具有一定 的促进作用,胸腺是T淋巴细胞分化成熟的中枢免疫器官,而在衰老中胸腺衰老较早,T细胞增 殖更新减慢,数量下降,免疫功能降低[11]。鱿鱼墨黑色素能有效防止免疫器官的萎缩,达到 延缓衰老的目的[12]。
惠普彩色laserJet Pro M280-M281多功能打印机系列产品说明书

Yes No Used for temporary storage
Power off printer
during the processing of jobs
and for applications running on
the OS.
Type (SRAM, DRAM, etc): Size:
Other Capabilities
Does the device employ any other method of communications such as a Modem to transmit or receive any data whatsoever? Yes No If Yes please describe below: Purpose: Specifications:
Does the device contain non-volatile memory (Memory whose contents are retained when power is removed)?
Yes No If Yes please describe the type, size, function, and steps to clear the memory below
The front USB host can accept print jobs, scan uploads, and can be used to upload printer firmware. Can any data other than scan upload be sent to the USB device)?
Name Hua, Lin-Lin(Helen)

Page 2FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)G280 SERIES RANGES(U.S. Built)Contents:G280 Ranges Oven Section, (Including ‘RC Convection Oven) .................................................Page 4 G280 Ranges Oven T op Section ................................................................................................Page 8 G280 Ranges Hot Top Section .................................................................................................Page 10 G280 Ranges Raised Griddle/Broiler Section ..........................................................................Page 12 G280 Ranges Valve Controlled Griddle Section .......................................................................Page 14 G280 Ranges Thermostatically Controlled Griddle Section ....................................................Page 16 G280 Ranges Exterior Finish Section ......................................................................................Page 18 G280 Ranges Backguard & Hi Shelves ...................................................................................Page 22 Revision History ........................................................................................................................Page 24FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)Page 3Page 4FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATION G280 Series RangesOvenITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PER OVEN 20”26”RCBASE11028197Steel Burner Only LP or Nat11121028299Pilot Burner Assy Nat111 1028206Pilot Orifice .021 Nat111 1028298Pilot Burner Assy LP111 1028207Pilot Orifice .011 LP11131019418Thermocouple11141586801Pilot T ubing11 1392500Pilot T ubing RC151027000Automatic Safety Valve (TS11)111 1415702Baso Safety Valve(Must Specify The Required Valve)111 1027499Male Connector11161088286Orifice Fitting Nat11 M9-35Orifice #35 Drill11 1088298Orifice Fitting LP11 M9-52Orifice #52 Drill11 1028983Orifice Fitting Nat1M9-42Orifice #42 Drill11028980Orifice Fitting LP1M9-55Orifice #55 Drill171392500Orifice T ubing111 81086203Compression Nut22291361000Orifice Support Bracket11 1374200Orifice Support Bracket110G6523-1-6Oven Bottom Air Plate22111082196Bell Crank Left11082198Bell Crank Left11121082199Bell Crank Right1 1082197Bell Crank Right1131005800Oven Door Spring122149004700J-Bolt(1/4”-20”X5”)19004701J-Bolt(1/4”-20”X3 1/8”)22151082802Hinge Link Right111 161082803Hinge Link Left11117GF299Bell Crank Bolt122 1386100Bell Crank Support2 1357301Bell Crank Support1182117000Oven Rack (Used Before 3/7/94)1 2301200Oven Rack (Used After 3/7/94) 3 1311100Rack Guide Left (Used After 3/7/94)1 1311101Rack Guide Right (Used After 3/7/94)1 1356600Rack Guide Clip (Used After 3/7/94)4 (Above 3 items - not shown - are removable)9002200Oven Rack (Used Before 3/7/94)12301201Oven Rack (Used from 3/7/94)1191438494Oven Bottom Assy1 2157098Oven Bottom Assy11411500Casing Bottom1* NOT ILLUSTRA TEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSPage 5FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATION G280 Series RangesOvenITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PER OVEN 20”26”RCBASE201357700Fireplate (RC Oven Only)1211386000Door Switch Shield (Used Before 9/27/93)1 1386001Door Switch Shield (Used After 9/27/93)1 1019600Door Switch 1221270301Inner Blower Wheel (Used to 10/30/90)1 231313098Air Baffle (Used to 10/30/90)1 241025360Outer Blower Wheel (Used to 10/30/90)1 251003031Motor 115V (Used to 10/30/90)1 261361299Air Baffle Support (Used to 10/30/90)2 271311398Motor Mount Assy (Used to 10/30/90)1 281321000Motor Mount Bracket (Used to 10/30/90)1291414199Switch Box Cover (Used up to 2/29/96)1 1414000Switch Panel Dual (RC 2 Model Only)1301358900Rocker Switch On-Off-On1 311006496Amber Pilot Light1 321027600Leg Retainer444 331150502Bullet Legs444341027800Caster W/O Brake222 1027801Caster W/Brake222351005399Flue Box Assy11 1413899Flue Riser S/W Assy136CK137Oven Door Assy - S/S - Std (consists of items 37 - 45, 47)11 CK202Oven Door Assy - S/S (consists of items 37 - 45, 47)1371439796Oven Door Lining GCE11 1439795Oven Door Lining GCE138G03984-03-8Oven Door Insert W/A11 G03984-04-8Oven Door Insert W/A1391439901Oven Door Panel S/S11 1368801Oven Door Panel 24” S/S1409003701Handle End Lt.111 G3814-60L Handle End Lt. (Old Style)111419003700Handle End Rt.111 G3814-60R Handle End Rt. (Old Style)111421591000Extruded Handle 11 1589101Extruded Handle1G03837-1-8P Handle (Old Style) NLA - Must Convert11431794201Spacer (New Style)2- Per Door 1016703Spacer (Old Style)2- Per Door441592000Handle Overlay11 1592001Handle Overlay1451120044Screw, T russhead (Used Sept. 86 to Jan. 88)222 9003300Hex Washer, HD thrd, Rolling Screw (Used From Jan. 83)222 1120416Alum. Padded Washer (Used to Nov 87)222461512200Repaired Channel Oversized2 1512201Repaired Channel Oversized2471082500Oven Door Trunnion222 481082001Lower Front Plate111 * NOT ILLUSTRA TEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSPage 6FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATION G280 Series RangesOvenITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PER OVEN 20”26”RCBASE491472300T op Insulation 28x23x2111 501472200Side Insulation222511081107Body Side L/H Painted111 1081109Body Side L/H S/S111 1081100Body Side R/H Painted111 1081104Body Side R/H S/S111521368700Burner Box Bottom111 1392200Burner Box Bottom111 1080915Burner Box Bottom111531082700Harness Ring222 541083001Trunnion Support222 Items 55 To 64 Are Available As Assembly # CK2485801552485801Motor (Effective 11/1/90)111 561311400Motor Pocket (Effective 11/1/90)111 571309072Cera Blanket (Effective 11/1/90)111 581669100Motor Pocket Insulation Board (Effective11/1/90) 111 591311300Motor Mount Plate (Effective 11/1/90)111 60G02952-01P Blower Wheel (Effective 11/1/90)111 612395999Air Baffle GCE (Effective 11/1/90)111 621361299Air Baffle Support (Effective 11/1/90)222 631031901Thumb Screws (Effective 11/1/90)222 641014500Blower Inlet Cover (Effective 11/1/90)111651019010Pressure Regulator Nat 1 - Per Range 2127500Pressure Regulator LP 1 - Per Range* NOT ILLUSTRA TEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSPage 7FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)Page 8FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATION G280 Series RangesOPEN TOPITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PER 12”SECTION11554197Top Grate Assy GCE (Used From 5/16/89)11372099Top Grate Assy (Old Style Used Before 5/15/89) 121689802Ring Grate 2 Pin (Used From 5/16/89)21361601Ring Grate 1 Pin (Old Style Used Before 5/15/89)231553700T op Burner Rear (Used From 5/16/89)11089200Top Burner Rear (Old Style Used Up To 5/15/89)141553800T op Burner Front (Used From 5/16/89)11089201Top Burner Front (Old Style Used Up To 5/15/89)151028002Air Shutter26G7804-280T op Pilot Lighter W/Flash T ubes171388900Top Lighter Support Assy181032617Steel T ubing 1/8”x17” 028191086199T op Pilot Valve Assy1101510403Y-Pilot W/Adj. 1/8 CC, 3/16 CC As Required 111562599T op Burner Valve Assy Nat (Used From 5/16/89)126878XX Top Burner Valve Assy (Old Style)1M8-46Orifice Nat #42F11562598T op Burner Valve LP (Used From 5/16/89)126878XX Gas Valve (Old Style) 1M8-55Orifice LP #55F 1121089100Valve Handle2131085999Oven Valve 1 - Per Oven 141089101Oven Valve Handle 1 - Per Oven15G03145-048Oven T-stat FDO (Used After 1983) 1 - Per Oven 1086700BJ Oven Control (Used 1980 And To End Of 1983) 1 - Per Oven16G02716-3Dial (For FDO T ype Thermostat Only)1G02725-16Dial Insert (For FDO T ype Thermostat Only)11086703Dial - BJ T ype1171090311Alum. T ubing 7/16x11” 032 “ 1 - Per OvenITEM PART #DESCRIPTION24”36”48”60”72”181664401Burner Rest122 1664402Burner Rest - 36” (Also Used On G283)121664403Burner Rest - 60”1 191084200Burner Rest Support Bracket22424 1664501Center Burner Rest Support1424 201085000Burner Box Front Channel 36”12 1085104Burner Box Front Channel 24”121085100Burner Box Front Channel 60”1 211017504Tube Nut 2 - Per Thermostat* NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSPage 9FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)Page 10FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATION G280 Series RangesHot TopITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PER 12” SECTION11363899Hot T op Plate W/A1 21014900Griddle Burner 1 31028002Air Shutter141092098Insert Burner Box 12”1 1728398Griddle Burner Rest Assy151007300Steel Pipe Plug 1/8”1 61028308Alum. T ubing 3/16”x8 1/2”1 71086597Pilot Adj. Valve 1/8”x3/16” CC NPT1826878XX Hot T op Valve Nat1 M8-46Hot Top Orifice Hood #461 26878XX Hot T op Valve LP1 M8-55Hot Top Orifice Hood #55191089100Valve Handle1101415300Burner Pilot Assy Nat1 1028206Pilot Orifice - Nat .0211 1415301Burner Pilot Assy - LP1 1028207Pilot Orifice - LP .011 1 M245Compression Nut 3/16”1 M246Compression Ferrule 3/16”1* NOT ILLUSTRA TEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATION G280 Series RangesRaised Griddle/BroilerITEM PART # DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY 24”36”11363999Raised Griddle W/A 24”1 1363797Raised Griddle W/A 24” - Rt. Side Drain (OPT)(Used up to 3/21/89)1 1363798Raised Griddle - Rt. Side Drain (Std)121091000Ceramic Radiants8831090500Broiler Grid Burner 33 1014900*Griddle H Burner (G285) 141028002Air Shutter34 51087401Pilot Lighter L/H (Used up to 9/13/95)1161087400Pilot Lighter R/H (OBS. Replace by Conv. Kits below)11 CK1144(NA T)Pilot T ube Conv. Kit (Used from 9/13/95)11 CK1145(LP)Pilot T ube Conv. Kit (Used from 9/13/95)11 1415300Pilot Burner Nat11 1028206Orifice Bell Nat .01811 1415301Pilot Burner LP1 1028207Orifice Bell LP .0111726878XX Top Burner Valve Nat33 M8-51Orifice #51 Drill Nat33 1087696T op Burner Valve LP33 M8-57Orifice #57 Drill LP33 26878XX“H” Burner Valve Nat1 M8-46Orifice #46 Drill Nat1 26878XX“H” Burner Valve LP1 M8-55Orifice #55 Drill LP181089100Valve Handle3491374904Valve Panel 24” R/G1 1296908Valve Panel 36” R/G1101085500Drain T ube1111414900Broiler Valve Shield11 1085700Broiler Burner Rest11121081999Broiler Side Lining Right11 131081998Broiler Side Lining Left11 141511200Broiler Back Lining11151090798Broiler Rack Drip Shield Assy (Consists of parts below)1090600Broiler Rack11 1090797Broiler Rack Drip Shield11161391900Grease Bucket Assy R/H Painted11 1391901Grease Bucket Assy L/H Painted11 1391902Grease Bucket R/H S/S11 1391903Grease Bucket L/H S/S11171391801Grease Bucket Support S/S (OPT)11 1391800Grease Bucket Support Painted (OPT)11181391701Grease Bucket Handle11191084707Broiler Box Side Lt. G/G11 1085401Broiler Box Veneer Lt. S/S11201084700Broiler Box Side Rt. G/G11 1084703Broiler Box Side Rt. S/S11* NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONG280 Series RangesValve Controlled Griddle TopITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY12”24”36”48”60”11092098Insert Box 12”111 1092099Insert Box 24”112221511899Grease Drain Tube1131014900Griddle Burner 12345 41028002Air Shutter12345 51007300Steel Pipe Plug 1/8”12345 610860001/8” NPT Adapter”12345 71028308Alum. T ubing 3/16”x 8 1/2”12345 81086597Pilot Adj. Valve Assy1234591415301Burner Pilot Assy LP12345 1028207Orifice Bell LP .01112345 1415300Burner Pilot Assy Nat12345 1028206Orifice Bell LP .01812345 M245Compression Nut 3/16”12345 M246Ferrule 3/16”123451026878XX Hi - Lo Valve LP12345 M8-55Orifice #55 F Drill1086589Hi - Lo Valve Nat12345 M8-48Orifice #48 F Drill11G02716-2Dial12345 G02725-2Dial Insert12345121363993Griddle Assy 12”11363994Griddle Assy 24”11363785Griddle Assy 24” Right Side Drain11363787Griddle Assy 24” Left Side Drain11363798Griddle Assy 36” Right Side Drain11363792Griddle Assy 36” Left Side Drain11363795Griddle Assy 48” Right Side Drain1 1363791Griddle Assy 48” Left Side Drain1 1363789Griddle Assy 60 W/Double Side Drain1131281999Front Splash Assy 12”11281998Front Splash Assy 24”11281997Front Splash Assy 36”11281996Front Splash Assy 48”1 1281995Front Splash Assy 60”1141391900Grease Bucket R/H Painted111 1391901Grease Bucket L/H Painted111 1391902Grease Bucket R/H S/S111 1391903Grease Bucket L/H S/S111151391801Grease Bucket Support S/S111 1391800Grease Bucket Support, Painted 111161391701Grease Bucket Handle S/S111 * NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONG280 Series RangesThermostatically Controlled GriddleITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY12”24”36”48”60”11092098Insert Box 12”111 1092099Insert Box 24”112221511899Grease Drain Tube1131014900Griddle Burner12345 41028002Air Shutter12345 510073001/8” Steel Pipe Plug12345 610860001/8” NPT Adapter12345 71028308Alum. T ubing 3/16”x8 1/2”12345 81086597Pilot Adj. Valve Assy1234591415301Burner Pilot Assy LP12345 1028207Orifice Bell LP .01112345 1415300Burner Pilot Assy Nat12345 F810-0126Orifice Bell LP .01812345101360200BJ T-Stat (after 8/90)12345 1092198Griddle T-stat Assy UN LP (Used Up To 7/90)12345 M8-55Orifice #55 F Drill12345 1092199Griddle T-stat Assy UN Nat (Used Up To 7/90)12345 M8-48Orifice #48 F Drill12345111224504Dial BJ Type (Used after 8/90)12345 G02716-2Dial (Used up to 7/90. For UN Therm. Only)12345 G02725-14Dial Insert (Used up to 7/90. For UN Therm. Only)12345121367899Griddle Assy 12”11367898Griddle Assy 24”11367799Griddle Assy 24” R - Side Drain11367798Griddle Assy 24” L - Side Drain11367797Griddle Assy 36” R - Side Drain11367796Griddle Assy 36” L - Side Drain11367795Griddle Assy 48” R - Side Drain1 1367794Griddle Assy 48” L - Side Drain1 1367791Griddle Assy 60” W/Double Side Drain1131281999Front Splash Assy 12”11281998Front Splash Assy 24”11281997Front Splash Assy 36”11281986Front Splash Assy 48”1 1281995Front Splash Assy 60”1141391900Grease Bucket Assy R/H Painted111 1391901Grease Bucket Assy L/H Painted111 1391902Grease Bucket R/H S/S111 1391903Grease Bucket L/H S/S111151391801Grease Bucket Support S/S111 1391800Grease Bucket Support, Painted111161391701Grease Bucket Handle S/S111171473499Bulb Clamp & Shield12345 1556600T - Stat Heat Shield 12”11556601T - Stat Heat Shield 24”1122* NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONG280 Series RangesExterior FinishSee Next Page For Stainless Steel FinishSECTION 7AITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY24”36”48”60”72”11397102Burner Box Side Lt. - Black1111121397100Burner Box Side Rt. - Black11111 1374300Burner Box Side Center Lt. - Black11 1374301Burner Box Side Center Rt. - Black1131081102Body Side Rt. Painted111 1081100Body Side Rt. Painted1141081106Body Side Lt. Painted111 1081101Body Side Lt. Painted1151374000Kick Panel Upper - 24” Painted11374002Kick Panel Upper - 36” Painted11374004Kick Panel Upper - 48” Painted11374006Kick Panel Upper - 60” Painted1 1374008Kick Panel Upper - 72” Painted161374100Kick Panel Lower - 24” Painted11374102Kick Panel Lower - 36” Painted11374104Kick Panel Lower - 48” Painted11374106Kick Panel Lower - 60” Painted1 1374108Kick Panel Lower - 72” Painted171081505Center Column S/S (Used on Painted & S/S Finish)11 1370103Center Column S/S (Used on Painted & S/S Finish)1* NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSGARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONG280 Series RangesExterior FinishStainless Steel FinishSECTION 7BITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY24”36”48”60”72”11397103Burner Box Side Lt. S/S11111 21397101Burner Box Side Rt. S/S31081113Body Side Rt. S/S111 1081104Body Side Rt. S/S1141081108Body Side Lt. S/S111 1081109Body Side Lt. S/S1151374001Kick Panel Upper - 24” S/S11374003Kick Panel Upper - 36” S/S11374005Kick Panel Upper - 48” S/S11347007Kick Panel Upper - 60” S/S1 1374009Kick Panel Upper - 72” S/S161374101Kick Panel Lower - 24” S/S11374103Kick Panel Lower - 36” S/S11374105Kick Panel Lower - 48” S/S11374107Kick Panel Lower - 60” S/S1 1374109Kick Panel Lower - 72” S/S181370500Valve Panel (G28)1-Per Range 1296900Valve Panel (G286)1-Per Range 1373900Valve Panel (G288)1-Per Range 1370600Valve Panel (G288S)1-Per RangeSECTION 7BITEM PART # DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY24”36”48”60”72”1296905Valve Panel (G284, G287)1-Per Range1374900Valve Panel (G283, G283)1-Per Range1374904Valve Panel Raised Griddle (G282, G283)1-Per Range1296904Valve Panel (G285)1-Per Range1296908Valve Panel (G285)1-Per Range1370800Valve Panel (G289)1-Per Range * NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSNOTESFORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)Page 21Page 22FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONG280 Series RangesBackguards & Hi ShelfITEM PART # DESCRIPTION QUANTITY24”36”48”60”72”11390100Upright Rt/Lt Painted22222 1390101Upright Rt/Lt S/S (Opt)2222221364900Shelf Support Lt. Std11111 1364902Shelf Support Lt. S/S (Opt)1111131364901Shelf Support Rt. Std11111 1364903Shelf Support Rt. Std (Opt)1111141390200SDHS T op 24” S/S11390201SDHS T op 36” S/S11390202SDHS T op 48” S/S11390203SDHS T op 60” S/S1 1390204SDHS T op 72” S/S151390300SDHS Front Panel 24” Painted11390301SDHS Front Panel 24” S/S (Opt)11390302SDHS Front Panel 36” Painted11390303SDHS Front Panel 36” S/S (Opt)11390304SDHS Front Panel 48” Painted11390305SDHS Front Panel 48” S/S (Opt)11390308SDHS Front Panel 60” Painted1 1390309SDHS Front Panel 60” S/S (Opt)1 1390310SDHS Front Panel 60” Painted (G283 SDHS Only)1 1390311SDHS Front Panel 60” S/S (G283 SDHS Only)1 1390312SDHS Front Panel 60” Painted (G285 SDHS Only)1 1390313SDHS Front Panel 60” S/S (G285 SDHS Only)1 1390306SDHS Front Panel 72” Painted 1 1390307SDHS Front Panel 72” S/S (Opt)161390500SDHS Back 24”11390502SDHS Back 36”11390504SDHS Back 48”11390508SDHS Back 60”1 1390510SDHS Back 72”171390400BG Front Panel 24” Painted11390401BG Front Panel 24” S/S (Opt)11390402BG Front Panel 36” Painted11390403BG Front Panel 36” S/S (Opt)11390404BG Front Panel 48” Painted11390405BG Front Panel 48” S/S (Opt)11390408BG Front Panel 60” Painted1 1390409BG Front Panel 60” S/S (Opt)1 1390410BG Front Panel 60” Painted (283 BG Only)1 1390411BG Front Panel 60” S/S (283 BG Only)1 1390412BG Front Panel 60” Painted (285 BG Only)1 1390413BG Front Panel 60” S/S (285 BG Only)1 1390406BG Front Panel 72” Painted1 1390407BG Front Panel 72” S/S (Opt)181390600BG Back 24”11390602BG Back 36”11390604BG Back 48”11390608BG Back 60”1 1390610BG Back 72”1* NOT ILLUSTRATEDRECOMMENDED STOCK PARTSPage 23FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)GARLAND PARTS IDENTIFICATIONRevision Histor yREV. # PAGE # ITEM # NOTE DATE 1814New Item Added to Drawing Jun 07/04 Page 24FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)NOTESFORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)Page 25NOTESPage 26FORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)NOTESFORM # G280 Parts (Rev 1)Page 27。

DatasheetHP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdwGet high-quality color , wireless two-sided printing, and smartfrom your phone. Get seamless connections and strong security designed to help detect andstop attacks.Dynamic security enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and those that work today may not work in the future. Learn more at:/go/learnaboutsuppliesFreedom to work anywhereTrusted HP quality and performanceStrong security, reliable connectionsFax capabilities available only on HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283cdw, HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdn, and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw. Wireless capabilities available only on HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M282nw, HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283cdw,and HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting Requires the HP Smart app download. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only. Compared to OEM mobile printing apps for the majority of top-selling inkjet & laser printers & all-in-ones for home & home office, priced less than or equal to $429.99 USD. Market share as reported by IDC CYQ2 2018 Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. Claim based on research of printer manufacturer’s mobile print apps and Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab hands-on testing and study commissioned by HP. See September 2018 report at /HPSmartApp Based on internal HP testing. Average timing estimate based on: 1) downloaded HP Smart app on mobile or desktop device, 2) setting up Smart Tasks shortcut, 3) scanning jobs which have more than 2-3 tasks associated with them (scan to email, save and rename, store to cloud, etc.). Average timing savings comparison based on using printer and desktop scan software to complete similar scanning tasks. Requires the HP Smart app download andsupported HP printer. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only. Compared to the majority of competing in-class consumer color desktop inkjet all-in-ones <$299 USD. Keypoint Intelligence - Buyers Lab 2018 research study commissioned by HP based on research survey of printer manufacturers’ published specifications, sustainability reports and press releases as of 12/15/2018 and not confirmed by lab testing.Market share as reported by IDC CYQ3 2018 Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker , CYQ3 2018 Release. The ability to automate work defined as having the capability to use the OEM mobile print app to create a multistep workflow on mobile device and have a shortcut appear on the app and/or on control panel of printer; and/or use intelligent Optical Character Recognition to name a scanned file based on the first few words of a document. For more details, see /HPOfficeJetPro HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology capabilities subject to printer and settings; may require a firmware upgrade. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. Supports both 5.0 GHz and 2.4 GHz using up to 12 non-overlapping channels vs only 3 non-overlapping channels for 2.4 GHz only. Supports 5.0 GHz band (up to 150 mbps) vs 2.4 GHz band (up to 72.2 mbps). Mobile device needs to be connected to Wi-Fi Direct® signal of a Wi-Fi Direct-supported AiO or printer prior to printing. Details at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi Direct® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. Based on the reduced energy use of HP LaserJet printers and cartridges with JetIntelligence introduced since 2015 compared to previous toner versions without JetIntelligence, using EnergyStar methodology.23mobility and security.An efficient, wireless MFP with fax for high-quality color and productivity.2 Save time with Smart Tasks in HP Smart app, and print and scan 3Get easy printing and scanning from your mobile device, with HP Smart – best-in-class mobile print app.3,4Eliminate steps in repetitive tasks with customizable shortcuts, with Smart Tasks in HP Smart app. Scan to the cloud, email, and more – in just a tap.3Organize documents 50% faster with Smart Tasks 5 – first mobile print app that automates scanning tasks.6Get notifications when printing, scanning, or copying from your mobile device, using HP Smart app.3Get high-quality color and peak printing performance with Original HP Toner cartridges with JetIntelligence.Breeze through tasks with automatic two-sided printing and a 50-page automatic document feeder.1Easily manage print, scan, copy, and fax tasks at the device with an intuitive touchscreen.1Help save energy with HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology and this ENERGY STAR® certified color laser MFP.7Help protect your data. Get strong security with real-time threat detection and software validation.Get faster , more reliable connections with dual band Wi-Fi®.8Easily share resources – access and print with wireless and Ethernet networking.2Connect your mobile device directly to your printer – and easily print without accessing a network.912345678910Data sheet | HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdwHP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw Technical specificationsFunctions / Multitasking supported Print, Copy, Scan, Fax / YesPrint speed black A4: Up to 21 ppm; First page out: As fast as 11.4 sec; Print speed duplex: Up to 12 ppm Print speed color A4: Up to 21 ppm; First page out: As fast as 14.1 sec; Print speed duplex: Up to 12 ppm Print resolution Black (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpi;Color (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpiPrint technology LaserPrint resolution technologies HP ImageREt 3600Print cartridges number 4 (1 each black, cyan, magenta, yellow)Standard print languages HP PCL6; HP PCL5c; HP postscript level 3 emulation; PWG raster; PDF; PCLm; PCLm-S; NativeOffice; URF Printer smart software features 2.7 in color touchscreen, Automatic 2-sided printing, Wireless printing, Ethernet networking, Wireless direct printing, HP ePrint, Apple AirPrint™, Mopria-certified, Google Cloud Print, HP Auto-On/Auto-Off technology,HP Smart App, Smart task shortcuts in HP Smart App, HP JetAdvantage Secure Print (Optional)Scan speedA4: Up to 26 ppm (B/W); 23 ppm (Color)Scan type / Technology Flatbed, ADF / Contact Image Sensor (CIS)Scan resolution Hardware: Up to 300 x 300 dpi (color and mono ADF); up to 1200 x 1200 dpi (Flatbed); Optical: Up to 300 dpi (color and mono ADF); up to1200 dpi (Flatbed)Scan file format JPG, RAW (BMP), PNG, TIFF , PDFScan input modes Front-panel scan, copy, e-mail, fax; HP Scan software; and user application via TWAIN or WIA Scan size maximum215.9 x 355.6 mm Flatbed: 215.9 x 297 mmScanner advanced features HP Scanning software; Scan-to-E-mail, network folder; 50-sheet Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) forunattended scanning of multiple pages; automatic scan cropping; Scan to Google Drive/Drop box (PC); Scan to FTP(PC); Scan to Microsoft One Drive, Share Point (PC); Save as editable file (text, PDF)Bit depth / Grayscale levels 8-bit (mono); 24-bit (color)/256Digital sending standard featuresScan to email; scan to folder; scan to USB driveCopy speed black A4Copy speed: Up to 21 cpm ;Copy speed Duplex: Up to 12 cpm Copy speed color A4Copy speed: Up to 21 cpm ;Copy speed Duplex: Up to 12 cpmCopy resolution Black (text and graphics): Up to 600 x 600 dpi; Color (text and graphics): Up to 600 x 400 dpiMaximum number of copies Up to 99 copiesCopier settings Number of copies; Reduce/Enlarge; Lighter/Darker; Optimize; Paper; Multi-page copy; Collation; Draft Mode;Image Adjustment; Set as New Defaults; Restore Defaults Copier resize 25 to 400%Fax speed Up to: 33.6 kbps (maximum); 14.4 kbps (default) / A4: 3 sec per page Fax resolutionBlack (best): Up to 300 x 300 dpi; ;Black (standard): 203 x 98 dpiFax smart software features Auto redialing, delayed sending, fax forwarding, TAM interface, distinctive ring detection, cover page wizard(Software only), block fax, billing codes, poll receive, fax activity reports, dial prefix setting Fax FeaturesFax memory: Up to 1300 pages; Auto fax reduction supported: Yes; Auto-redialing: Yes; Fax delayed sending:Yes; Distinctive ring detection supported: Yes; Fax forwarding supported: Yes; Fax phone TAM interface supported: Yes; Fax polling supported: Yes (receive only); Fax telephone mode supported: Yes; Junk barrier supported: Yes, CSID matching only (Caller ID not supported); Maximum speed dialing numbers: Up to 120numbers; PC interface supported: Yes; Remote retrieval capability supported: No; Telephone handset supported: YesStandard connectivity Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port; built-in Fast Ethernet 10/100/1000 Base-TX network port, 802.11n 2.4/5GHz wireless, Fax port, Front Host USBNetwork capabilities Yes, via built-in 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet; Auto-crossover Ethernet; Authentication via 802.11x Wireless capability Built-in 802.11 b/g/n; authentication via WEP , WPA/WPA2, or 802.11x; encryption via AES or TKIP; WPS; Wi-Fi DirectMobile printing capability HP Smart App; HP ePrint; Apple AirPrint™; Mobile Apps; Mopria™ Certified; Wi-Fi® Direct Printing Memory Standard: 256 MB DDR, 256 MB Flash; Maximum: 256 MB DDR, 256 MB Flash Processor speed 800 MHzDuty cycleMonthly A4: Up to 40,000 pages Recommended monthly page volume 150 to 2500Media types supported Paper (bond, brochure, colored, glossy, heavy, letterhead, light, photo, plain, preprinted, prepunched,recycled, rough), transparencies, labels, envelopes, cardstockMedia weight supported60 to 163 g/m² (Uncoated/Matte, recommended), however up to 175 g/m² Postcards and 200 g/m² HP Matte is allowed in the driver; 60 to 163 g/m² (Coated/Glossy, recommended), however up to 175 g/m²Postcards and 220 g/m² HP Glossy is allowed in the driver.Media sizes supportedLetter(216 x 280); Legal(216 x 356); Executive(184 x 267); Oficio 8.5x13(216 x 330); 4 x 6(102 x 152); 5 x 8(127 x 203); A4(210 x 299); A5(148 x 210); A6(105x148); B5(JIS)(182 x 257); B6(JIS)(128 x 182);10x15cm(100 x 150); Oficio 216x340mm(216 x 340); 16K 195x270mm(195x270); 16K184x260mm(184x260); 16K 197x273mm(197x273); Postcard(JIS)(100 x 147); Double Postcard(JIS)(147 x 200); Envelope #10(105 x 241); Envelope Monarch(98 x 191); Envelope B5(176 x 250); Envelope C5(162 x 229); Envelope DL(110 x 220); A5-R(210 x 148)Media Sizes Custom 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mmPaper handlingInput Capacities: 1-sheet in Tray 1; Up to 250 sheets (25 mm stack height) in Tray 2 Standard; Up to 15 mm (Recommended only 5 envelopes or less at a time)Auto document feeder capacity: Standard, 50 sheetsOutput Capacities: Up to 100 sheets (10 mm stack height) Standard; 10 mm stack height Duplex Options: Automatic (standard)Envelope feeder: No Standard paper trays: 2What's in the box7KW75A HP Color LaserJet Pro MFP M283fdw; HP LaserJet Black Introductory toner cartridge (~800 page yield); HP LaserJet Cyan Introductory toner cartridge; HP LaserJet Magenta Introductory toner cartridge; HP LaserJet Yellow Introductory toner cartridge (~700 color composite C/Y/M page yield) Installation guide; Power cord; USB cable; Phone CordReplacement cartridges HP 206A Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~1350 yield) W2110A; HP 206A Cyan LaserJetToner Cartridge (~1250 yield) W2111A; HP 206A Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~1250yield) W2112A; HP 206A Magenta LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~1250 yield) W2113A; HP 206X Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~3150 yield) W2110X; HP 206X Cyan LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2450 yield) W2111X; HP 206X Yellow LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2450 yield)W2112X; HP 206X Magenta LaserJet Toner Cartridge (~2450 yield) W2113X Product dimensions W x d x h: 420 x 421.7 x 334.1 mm; Maximum: 424 x 475 x 338 mm Product weight 18.7 kgWarranty featuresOne-year unit exchange warranty. Warranty and support options vary by product, country and local legal requirements. Go to /support to learn about HP award winning service and support options in your region.Energy efficiency compliance EPEAT® Silver; ENERGY STAR® qualifiedControl panel 2.7'' color graphic touch screen with 3 button at left side (Home, Help, Back)Display description 2.7'' color graphic touch screenSoftware included No CD (Software is not included In-Box) Downloadable Software only from ,/laserjet or Compatible operating systems Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection,USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista®: (32-bit only), 2 GB available hard disk space,Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows® XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only):any Intel® Pentium® II, Celeron® or 233 MHz compatible processor , 850 MB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows Server support is provided via the command line installer and supports Win Server 2008 R2 and higher. Apple®macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14)macOS Catalina(v10.15); 200MB HD; Internet required for download; USB. Linux (For moreinformation, see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printing). Unix (For more information, see )Compatible network operating systemsWindows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection,USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista®: (32-bit only), 2 GB available hard disk space,Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows® XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only):any Intel® Pentium® II, Celeron® or 233 MHz compatible processor , 850 MB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows Server support is provided via the command line installer and supports Win Server 2008 R2 and higher. Apple®macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14) macOS Catalina(v10.15); 200MB HD; Internet required for download; USB. Linux (For moreinformation, see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printing). Unix (For more information, see )Minimum system requirementsPC: Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internetconnection, USB port, Internet Explorer. Windows Vista®: (32-bit only), 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows® XP SP3 or higher (32-bit only): any Intel® Pentium® II, Celeron® or 233 MHz compatible processor , 850 MB available hard disk space, Internet connection, USB port, Internet Explorer 8. Windows Server support is provided via the command line installer and supports Win Server 2008 R2 and higher.; Mac: Apple® macOS Sierra (v10.12) macOS High Sierra (v10.13) macOS Mojave (v10.14) macOS Catalina(v10.15); 200MB HD; Internet required for download; USBPower Power supply type: Internal (Built-in) power supply; Power requirements: 110-volt inputvoltage: 110 to 127 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 3 Hz), 60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz); 220-volt input voltage:220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 3 Hz), 60 Hz (+/- 3 Hz)(Not dual voltage, product varies by part number with # Option code identifier); Power consumption: 361 watts (activeprinting), 7.8 watts (ready), 0.8 watts(sleep), 0.05 watt (Manual-Off), 0.05 (Auto-off/Manual-on), 0.06 watt(Auto-Off/Wake on LAN)AcousticsAcoustic power emissions: 6.4 B(A) (Mono), Simplex; 6.3 B(A) (Color), Simplex; 6.3 B(A)(Mono), Duplex; 6.3 B(A) (Color), Duplex; Acoustic pressure emissions: 50 dB(A) (Mono),Simplex; 50 dB(A) (Color), Simplex; 50 dB(A) (Mono), Duplex; 49 dB(A) (Color), DuplexOperating environment Operating temperature range: 10 to 32.5°C; Recommended operating temperature: 15 to27°C; Storage temperature range: -20 to 40°C; Non-operating humidity range: 0 to 95% RH;Operating humidity range: 10 to 80% RH; Recommended humidity operating range: 30 to 70% RHLearn more atIntroductory cartridges included, ~1350 page yield black and ~700 page yield color composite (C/Y/M). Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Power consumption values typically based on measurement of 115V device. Replacement 206A cartridge average composite (C/Y/M) declared yield ~1250 and average black yield ~1350 pages; replacement cartridge average composite (C/Y/M) declared yield ~2450 and average black yield ~3150 pages based on ISO/IEC 19798 and continuous printing. Actual yields varyconsiderably based on images printed and other factors. For details see /go/learnaboutsupplies. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798 and continuous printing. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. For details see /go/learnaboutsupplies HP SureSupply alerts you when your print cartridge is running low and helps you purchase online or locally through HP or a participating retailer. For more information, visit /go/SureSupply; only available with Original HP supplies; Internet access required. Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Energy Star value typically based on measurement of 115V device. HP recommends that the number of scanned pages per month be within the stated range for optimum device performance NotsupportingWindows® XP (64-bit) and Windows Vista® (64-bit); "Compatible Operating Systems" are not supported with INBOX software, but downloadable from online; Full solution software available only for Windows 7 and newer; Windows Server OS install driver only; Windows RT OS for Tablets (32 & 64-bit) uses a simplified HP print driver built into the RT OS; Linux systems use in-OS HPLIP software First Copy Out and Copy Speed measured using ISO/IEC 29183, excludes first set of test documents. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver , and document complexity.© Copyright 2019 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should beconstrued as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. ENERGY STAR and the ENERGY STAR logo are registered U.S. marks. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. AirPrint, iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.4AA7-6617ENL, November 2019382。

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5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸提高玉米幼苗抗低温性及其生理机制孙㊀阳㊀王㊀燚㊀曲丹阳㊀李㊀晶㊀焦㊀健㊀曹鑫波㊀顾万荣㊀魏㊀湜∗(东北农业大学农学院,哈尔滨150030)摘㊀要㊀低温是影响东北地区玉米生长发育的主要因素之一㊂5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)具有增强作物抗逆性的作用,近年来成为国内外的研究重点㊂为了探究ALA缓解玉米幼苗低温胁迫的生理机制及叶面喷施的最适浓度,选取 绥玉13号 为试验材料,叶面喷施不同浓度的ALA(0㊁10㊁20㊁30和40mg㊃L-1),在昼/夜温度为14ħ/5ħ的低温条件下培养48h,研究ALA对玉米幼苗生长㊁细胞膜稳定性㊁抗氧化酶活性及渗透调节物质的影响㊂结果表明:叶面喷施ALA能促进低温胁迫下幼苗生长,保护叶片细胞膜的结构与功能,增强细胞清除活性氧能力,提高渗透调节的能力;其中以喷施20mg㊃L-1ALA效果最佳,与对照相比均达到显著水平(P<0.05),幼苗株高㊁叶面积和鲜(干)重分别增加24%㊁23%和26%(24%),MDA含量和相对电导率减少38%和45%,SOD和POD活性增加37%和66%,可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量增加50%和45%;叶面喷施适宜浓度的ALA可以缓解低温胁迫对玉米幼苗的损伤㊂关键词㊀5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA);玉米;低温胁迫;幼苗生长;膜脂代谢;生理机制 十二五 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAD14B06)㊁东北农业大学青年才俊项目(14QC24)㊁2015哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项青年后备人才计划(2015RQQXJ04b)㊁黑龙江省青年科学基金项目(QC2015032)㊁国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD32B03)和国家自然基金项目(31401320)资助㊂收稿日期:2015⁃11⁃17㊀㊀接受日期:2016⁃04⁃06∗通讯作者E⁃mail:weishi5608@163.comEnhancedlow⁃temperatureresistanceandphysiologicalmechanismofmaizeseedlingsbyexogenousapplicationof5⁃aminolevulinicacid.SUNYang,WANGYi,QUDan⁃yang,LIJing,JIAOJian,CAOXin⁃bo,GUWan⁃rong,WEIShi∗(CollegeofAgronomy,NortheastAgri⁃culturalUniversity,Harbin150030,China).Abstract:LowtemperatureisoneofthemajorfactorswhichproduceadverseeffectsonmaizegrowthanddevelopmentinNortheastChina.5⁃aminolevulinicacid(ALA)canimprovethelowtemperatureresistanceofcrops.TheobjectiveofthisstudywastoinvestigatethephysiologicalmechanismofALA⁃enhancedlow⁃temperatureresistanceinmaizeseedlingsaswellastheoptimalfoliarsprayingconcentrationofALA.Thisexperimentwasconductedwithmaizecultivar Suiyu13 underdifferentconcentrationsofALA(0,10,20,30,40mg㊃L-1),atlowtemperatureof14ħ/5ħ(day/night)for48h.Plantmorphologicalgrowth,cellmembranestability,antioxi⁃dantenzymeactivityandosmoticadjustmentabilityweremeasured.TheresultsshowedthatfoliarsprayingofALAcouldpromotethegrowthofseedlingsunderlowtemperaturestress,protectthestructureandfunctionofleafcellmembrane,enhancetheabilityofthecelltoremovereactiveoxygenspeciesandimprovetheabilityofosmoticadjustment.Amongalltreatmentconcentra⁃tions,20mg㊃L-1ALAsprayingtreatmenthadthebesteffects.Comparedwiththecontrol,seed⁃lingheight,leafareaandfresh(dry)weightincreasedby24%,23%,26%(23%),themalon⁃dialdehyde(MDA)contentandrelativeelectricalconductivitydecreasedby38%and45%,SODactivityandPODactivityincreasedby37%and66%,solubleproteincontentandsolublesugarcontentincreasedby50%and45%,respectively,underthetreatmentof20mg㊃L-1ALA.Therefore,sprayingALAofappropriateconcentrationcanrelievethedamagecausedbylowtem⁃生态学杂志ChineseJournalofEcology㊀2016,35(7):1737-1743㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀DOI:10.13292/j.1000-4890.201607.011peraturestresstomaizeseedlings.Keywords:5⁃aminolevulinicacid(ALA);maize;lowtemperaturestress;seedlinggrowth;membranelipidmetabolism;physiologicalmechanism.㊀㊀低温冷害是黑龙江省常见的气象灾害,是影响玉米生长发育的一个重要的非生物胁迫因素(孟英等,2009;陈银萍等,2012),据统计,每3 4年会发生1次低温冷害,平均减产约13% 35%(李祎君等,2011)㊂玉米苗期遭遇低温,营养生长受到抑制,主要表现为干物质积累减少,株高㊁叶面积降低及各叶片出现时间推迟(关贤交等,2004)㊂低温胁迫下植物代谢产生具有较强氧化能力自由基,引起膜脂过氧化,破坏生物功能分子,进一步导致细胞受伤或死亡,更严重会导致整个植株死亡(Fadzillahetal.,1996)㊂植物本身具有各种保护系统用以减少低温带来的影响(Zouetal.,2006;Chinnusamyetal.,2007)㊂研究表明,低温胁迫下幼苗叶片通过提高可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖含量,维持较高的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)㊁过氧化物酶(POD)活性以减轻低温伤害(张玮等,2012;姚慧等,2014;张淑杰等,2014),低温胁迫会致使玉米幼苗相对电导率增加,膜透性增加(杨猛等,2012)㊂5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸(5⁃aminolevulinicacid,ALA),是一种广泛存在于植物㊁动物㊁真菌和细菌等生物机体活细胞中的非蛋白氨基酸,是所有生物体内卟啉化合成的关键前体(VonWettsteinetal.,1995)㊂低浓度时,ALA能够调节植物生长发育(Hottaetal.,1997),提高西瓜(康琅等,2006)㊁甜瓜(汪良驹等,2004)㊁黄瓜(尹璐璐等,2007)㊁油菜(张治平等,2014)和辣椒(刘涛等,2010;Ahmetetal.,2010)等植株的生长量,可溶性蛋白和可溶性糖含量,提高抗氧化能力,减少膜脂过氧化的伤害程度,提高幼苗抗冷性,具有类似于植物激素的调控效应(Royetal.,1998)㊂本试验研究了不同浓度ALA对低温冷害下玉米幼苗生长㊁保护酶活性和渗透调节物质代谢变化的影响,旨在探讨ALA提高玉米抗冷性作用机制及其浓度效应,为利用ALA缓解玉米幼苗期低温冷害提供理论依据㊂1㊀材料与方法1 1㊀试验设计试验以玉米品种 绥玉13号 为材料(黑龙江省农业科学院绥化分院提供),2015年5月于东北农业大学进行室外盆栽,培养盆直径20cm,高17cm,供试土壤为黑土㊂挑选籽粒饱满的试验种子于75%乙醇中浸泡10s后浸入2%次氯酸钠溶液中消毒5min,用蒸馏水反复冲洗并种于培养盆中㊂保留长势一致的植株,确保每个培养盆定苗6株㊂玉米幼苗生长至三叶一心时进行叶面喷施ALA处理,ALA浓度为10㊁20㊁30和40mg㊃L-1和清水对照,以吐温-20作展着剂,叶片正反面均匀喷施10mL,每个处理3次重复㊂24h后,将幼苗移入HPG⁃280HX型人工智能培养箱(北京东联哈尔仪器制造有限公司生产)中进行低温处理,光照时长为14h/10h(昼/夜),设置昼/夜温度为14ħ/5ħ,相对湿度为55%,低温处理48h,常温恢复48h后进行各项指标测定㊂1 2㊀测定项目与方法1 2 1㊀幼苗生长及鲜(干)重的测定㊀取低温处理并恢复的幼苗进行测量,每处理3株㊂株高:测量幼苗(叶片最高点的垂直高度)㊂单株叶面积:全展叶,叶长ˑ叶宽ˑ0.75;半展叶,叶长ˑ叶宽ˑ0.5㊂单株幼苗鲜(干)重:取幼苗地上部分,用清水冲洗表面杂物,再用蒸馏水冲洗干净,用滤纸吸干表面水分,分别称鲜重,105ħ下杀青20min,80ħ下烘干至恒重,称量干重㊂1 2 2㊀生理生化指标测定㊀丙二醛(MDA)含量的测定,采用硫代巴比妥酸显色法(李合生,2000)㊂相对电导率的测量,通过雷磁DDS⁃307A电导率仪进行测定,取新鲜叶,蒸馏水洗净吸干后剪成长约1cm正方形小块,放入三角瓶中,加入10mL蒸馏水,室温放置24h后测定电导率Lt,水浴锅中沸水浴20min后取出冷却至室温,测定电导率L0,用相对电导率表示细胞膜的相对透性,即相对电导率(%)=Lt/L0ˑ100%㊂超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的测定,采用Gisnnopolitis等(1977)与郝再彬(2004)NBT光照化学还原法㊂过氧化物酶(POD)活性的测定,采用愈创木酚法(郝再彬,2004),以每分钟A470变化0.01为1个过氧化物酶活性单位(U)㊂8371㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀生态学杂志㊀第35卷㊀第7期㊀可溶性蛋白含量的测定,采用李合生(2000)的考马斯亮蓝G⁃250染色法测定㊂可溶性糖含量的测定,采用蒽酮比色法测定㊂1 3㊀数据处理采用DPS7.05和MicrosoftExcel2007软件分析试验中所得数据,对各处理间的差异性采用LSD法进行方差分析㊂2㊀结果与分析2 1㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗株高㊁叶面积和鲜(干)重的影响低温胁迫下,植物生长受抑制,生长缓慢,生长量降低㊂由表1可以看出,经ALA处理,低温胁迫对玉米幼苗生长的抑制有所减弱,且在浓度为20mg㊃L-1时效果最显著,其株高㊁叶面积及鲜(干)重较对照增加24%㊁23%㊁26%和24%㊂低温下ALA处理后农艺性状数值整体呈现先上升后降低的趋势,5组处理幼苗生长情况相比,ALA浓度为20mg㊃L-1时生长情况最佳,对照生长抑制最大㊂综上所述,ALA处理部分缓解了低温胁迫对幼苗生长的抑制作用,提升了幼苗对低温胁迫的耐受能力,20mg㊃L-1ALA效果最佳㊂2 2㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗叶片丙二醛含量的影响丙二醛(MDA)是细胞毒性物质,在常温下植物体内含量较少,但遇逆境伤害时其含量会升高,并且随逆境程度的加剧不断增加(郭志强等,2008)㊂由图1可知,不同浓度ALA处理MDA含量均显著低于对照(P<0.05),与对照相比,减少13% 38%,且随ALA浓度的增加呈现先下降后升高的趋势,20mg㊃L-1ACA处理达到最低值㊂2 3㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗叶片相对电导率的影响质膜透性是衡量植物受逆境后细胞膜受损伤程度的重要指标,低温逆境使质膜透性发生改变或丧失,导致细胞内电解质大量外渗,因而相对电导率可显示细胞膜受损程度㊂由图2可知,不同浓度ALA处理后相对电导率均明显下降,分别减少了30%㊁45%㊁32%和22%,均达到显著水平(P<0.05),表明ALA可以减少电解质外渗,有效缓解低温胁迫对膜质的损害,且最适浓度为20mg㊃L-1㊂表1㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗株高㊁叶面积及鲜(干)重的影响Table1㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsonseedlingheight,leafarea,freshweightanddryweightunderlowtemperaturestressALA浓度(mg㊃L-1)株高(cm)叶面积(cm2)鲜重(g)干重(g)014.87ʃ0.76c54.46ʃ4.43e1.076ʃ0.13d0.106ʃ0.01c1018.93ʃ1.40ab61.76ʃ4.53cd1.184ʃ0.06cd0.116ʃ0.01bc2019.67ʃ0.29ab70.98ʃ0.57ab1.458ʃ0.06ab0.139ʃ0.01ab3017.10ʃ1.39b66.75ʃ1.97bc1.328ʃ0.11bc0.119ʃ0.01bc4017.33ʃ1.61b60.12ʃ1.62d1.129ʃ0.05d0.105ʃ0.01c图1㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下玉米幼苗丙二醛含量(MDA)的影响Fig.1㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsonMDAcontentunderlowtemperaturestress图2㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下玉米幼苗相对电导率的影响Fig.2㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsontherelativeelectricalconductivityunderlowtemperaturestress9371孙㊀阳等:5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸提高玉米幼苗抗低温性及其生理机制2 4㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗SOD活性的影响SOD是生物防御活性氧伤害的重要保护酶之一,SOD活性的升高可以有效缓解低温胁迫带来的伤害㊂由图3可知,与对照相比,低温胁迫下10 40mg㊃L-1ALA处理不同程度地提高了玉米幼苗SOD活性,且随着ALA浓度的升高,SOD活性呈现先升高再降低的趋势㊂低温胁迫后SOD活性较对照分别增加了34%㊁37%和13%,达到显著水平(P<0.05)㊂其中,ALA浓度为20mg㊃L-1的处理的SOD活性最高,较对照提升最多,说明ALA浓度为20mg㊃L-1的处理可以有效清除植株体内多余的活性氧㊂2 5㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗POD活性的影响POD是过氧化物酶,亦是作物内在重要的保护酶之一,通过清除自由基,在逆境胁迫下起保护作用㊂由图4可知,与SOD酶活性相似,20mg㊃L-1ALA处理幼苗POD活性最高为66%,10mg㊃L-1ALA处理和30mg㊃L-1ALA处理次之,分别增加了59%和37%,均达到显著水平(P<0.05)㊂说明ALA显著促进了低温胁迫下玉米叶片的抗氧化活性,有效增加玉米幼苗清除体内自由基的能力,从而减轻了低温胁迫造成的伤害㊂2 6㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗可溶性蛋白含量的影响可溶性蛋白具有亲水性,其含量的增加可束缚更多的水分降低渗透势,是植物细胞质中的重要渗透调节物质之一(Arndtetal.,2001)㊂低温胁迫的图3㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下玉米幼苗SOD活性的影响Fig.3㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsonSODactivityunderlowtemperaturestress幼苗能主动的调节适应,产生可溶性蛋白以维持细胞膨压,保证细胞正常功能的进行㊂由图5可知,受低浓度ALA处理能够产生更多的可溶性蛋白以适应低温,20mg㊃L-1ALA处理效果最佳,较对照增加了50%㊂30mg㊃L-1ALA处理和40mg㊃L-1ALA处理可溶性蛋白含量略低于对照,其原因可能由于30mg㊃L-1和40mg㊃L-1ALA浓度较高,抑制了可溶性蛋白的产生或对植株无影响㊂2 7㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗可溶性糖含量的影响可溶性糖也是重要的渗透调节物之一,在植物遭受逆境胁迫时大量合成,提高胞液浓度,维持胞内渗透势,保护膜系统稳定性;能降低冰点,提高原生质保护能力,保护蛋白质胶体不遇冷变形凝集㊂由图6可以看出,随ALA浓度的增加,可溶性糖含量呈现先上升后下降的趋势,20mg㊃L-1ACA处理达图4㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下玉米幼苗POD活性的影响Fig.4㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsonPODactivityunderlowtemperaturestress图5㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下玉米幼苗可溶性蛋白含量的影响Fig.5㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsonsolubleproteincontentunderlowtemperaturestress0471㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀生态学杂志㊀第35卷㊀第7期㊀图6㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下玉米幼苗可溶性糖含量的影响Fig.6㊀EffectsofALAindifferentconcentrationsonsolubleesugarcontentunderlowtemperaturestress到峰值,较对照增加了45%,达到显著水平(P<0.05)㊂3㊀讨㊀论3 1㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗形态指标和生物量的影响植物的生长发育与环境温度条件密切相关,当植物遭受低温胁迫时,其株高㊁叶面积及物质积累的增长都会遭受明显的抑制㊂叶片是植物进行光合作用的主要器官,叶面积的大小反映了植物受光情况;植物的干重是光合作用产物的积累,是植物生长状况的基本特征之一㊂本试验结果表明,低温胁迫明显抑制了玉米幼苗的生长,且经低温处理的幼苗,其株高㊁叶面积及鲜(干)重均显著低于正常条件下生长的幼苗㊂叶面喷施ALA后低温胁迫的玉米幼苗,其株高㊁叶面积及鲜(干)重均明显增加,说明了叶面喷施ALA能够缓解低温抑制植株生长㊂这与前人研究表明叶面施加ALA处理可显著缓解低温胁迫对作物的伤害,增加的植株叶面积及干重的结果一致(Wangetal.,2004;Ahmetetal.,2010)㊂表1结果显示,喷施不同浓度ALA对缓解幼苗低温伤害的作用效果存在差异,10 40mg㊃L-1ALA叶面喷施对植株株高㊁叶面积及鲜(干)重的作用情况出现峰值,峰值出现在浓度较低的20mg㊃L-1ALA处理,证明低浓度的ALA可提高作物抗逆能力,这与赵艳艳等(2013)对番茄幼苗的研究一致㊂3 2㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗叶片细胞膜稳定性的影响植物的细胞膜起调控细胞内外物质交换的作用,当膜受到损伤时,物质易从细胞中渗透到周围环境中,导致细胞电导率增大(罗宁等,2014)㊂多不饱和脂肪酸是植物细胞膜的主要脂肪酸,容易受活性氧攻击,产生脂质氢过氧化物的复杂混合物,其过度的过氧化反应会降低膜的流动性,并导致电解质的大量外渗㊂MDA是多不饱和脂肪酸过氧化作用的最终产物(Molleretal.,2007)㊂细胞膜系统是感受低温胁迫最敏感的部位,亦是植物受低温胁迫和抵抗低温的关键结构(李明玉等,2006)㊂MDA含量和相对电导率是逆境胁迫下细胞质膜受到伤害程度的指标㊂本试验表明,喷施不同浓度ALA后相对电导率都有所下降,表明低温胁迫对细胞膜系统有很大的伤害,而喷施ALA可以减轻这种伤害㊂正常条件下生长的幼苗MDA含量较少,低温胁迫会导致MDA含量大量增加,叶面喷施20mg㊃L-1ALA后,植株内MDA含量明显降低,说明低温使细胞膜受到活性氧攻击,引起膜损失,而ALA可以缓解膜质过氧化程度㊂Naeem等(2011)研究发现,盐胁迫下油菜叶面喷施外源ALA能够降低其MDA含量;沈奇等(2012)认为,低温胁迫下ALA处理的辣椒幼苗MDA含量呈现先升后降的趋势;而康琅等(2006)发现,ALA对低温胁迫下西瓜幼苗MDA含量没有影响㊂这可能因为ALA对植物受活性氧攻击具有缓解作用,但作用过程复杂,或者可由于作用对象不同,因不同作物品种有差异,所以施用ALA对植株MDA含量的影响需要进一步研究㊂3 3㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗抗氧化酶活性的影响低温胁迫对作物的影响包括膜损伤,降低细胞呼吸,升高脱落酸(ABA)的水平,并产生活性氧(ROS),当处于逆境胁迫作用下,植物本身的抗氧化系统能够产生抗氧化酶,阻止或减轻由活性氧导致的膜质过氧化(Farooqetal.,2009;Almeselmanietal.,2012)㊂SOD㊁POD是细胞内清除活性氧的主要保护系统,SOD位于叶绿体㊁线粒体㊁细胞质和过氧化物酶体中,作为防御第一线对抗活性氧(Liauetal.,2007),其主要功能是清除产生H2O2,从而维持体内的活性氧代谢平衡(周艳虹等,2003)㊂有研究表明,ALA能够提高盐胁迫下菠菜幼苗㊁低温胁迫下辣椒幼苗及正常生长条件下小白菜苗的抗氧化酶活性(Nishiharaetal.,2003;Memonetal.,2009;Ah⁃metetal.,2010)㊂本试验发现,喷施ALA后,SOD㊁POD活性显著上升,与对照相比,SOD活性最高上升了37%,POD活性最高上升了66%㊂ALA是亚铁1471孙㊀阳等:5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸提高玉米幼苗抗低温性及其生理机制血红素生物合成的前体,而POD是以亚铁血红素为辅基的酶类,ALA可能先转化为亚铁血红素,然后提高了玉米幼苗POD活性,清楚活性氧,维持活性氧代谢平衡,减少膜脂过氧化,维持膜系统的完整性,增强植株抗冷性㊂3 4㊀不同浓度ALA对低温胁迫下幼苗叶片渗透调节物质的影响可溶性蛋白与可溶性糖是植物体内的重要渗透调节物质(Sadeghipouretal.,2010),低温胁迫下,可溶性蛋白与可溶性糖含量增多,提高胞液浓度,降低胞液渗透势,防止细胞失水过多,减缓低温胁迫带来的伤害㊂据报道,叶面喷施ALA可显著增加植物可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖的含量(Xuetal.,2006)㊂可溶性蛋白含量亲水能力强,可以增加细胞的渗透势和功能蛋白的数量,有助于维持细胞正常的代谢,提高植物的抗逆性(刘大伟等,2010)㊂可溶性糖作为渗透调节物质,可保持植物受环境胁迫时的渗透压,还参与植物体内氧自由基的清除(栾晓燕等,2000)㊂本试验结果也表明,低温处理的玉米幼苗叶片中可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖的含量均显著高于对照,ALA处理后进一步提高了低温胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片中可溶性蛋白㊁可溶性糖的含量,说明ALA能够增强玉米幼苗抗低温胁迫的能力㊂此外,根据以上试验结果推测,叶面喷施ALA能够促进可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白合成途径中重要酶的合成或提高酶的活性,促进可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白的合成,使其含量维持在一个较高的水平上,增加了幼苗的渗透调节能力,进而提高了幼苗的抗低温性㊂综上所述,ALA可以有效地提高玉米幼苗抗低温性,缓解低温胁迫对幼苗生长的抑制,增加叶片中抗氧化酶的含量,调节其活性,增加渗透调节物质的含量,并减少MDA含量和相对电导率,消除或减轻氧化损伤㊂ALA用于玉米低温调控的最佳浓度为20mg㊃L-1㊂参考文献陈银萍,王晓梅,杨宗娟,等.2012.NO对低温胁迫下玉米种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的影响.农业环境科学学报,31(2):270-277.关贤交,欧阳西荣.2004.玉米低温冷害研究进展.作物研究,(5):353-357.郭志强,侯立白,李㊀霞,等.2008.抗低温助长剂对低温胁迫下玉米生长发育及生理生化变化的影响.玉米科学,16(3):82-85.郝再彬.2004.植物生理实验.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社.康㊀琅,程㊀云,汪良驹.2006.5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸对秋冬季大棚西瓜叶片光合作用及抗氧化酶活性的影响.西北植物学报,26(11):2297-2301.李合生.2000.植物生理生化试验指导.北京:高等教育出版社.李明玉,曹辰兴,于喜艳.2006.低温锻炼对冷胁迫下黄瓜幼苗保护性酶的影响.西北农业学报,15(1):160-164.李祎君,王远皓,张雪芬,等.2011.东北地区玉米低温冷害规律研究.自然灾害学报,20(6):74-80.刘㊀涛,郭世荣,徐㊀刚,等.2010.5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸对辣椒植株低温胁迫伤害的缓解效应.西北植物学报,30(10):2047-2053.刘大伟,段玉玺,陈立杰,等.2010.灰皮支黑豆抗大豆胞囊线虫3号生理小种的生理机制.大豆科学,29(3):471-473.栾晓燕,陈㊀怡,杜维广,等.2000.不同抗性大豆品种(系)感染SMV后可溶性糖和游离氨基酸的研究.大豆科学,19(4):356-361.罗㊀宁,魏㊀湜,李㊀晶,等.2014.低温胁迫对玉米苗期根系特征及电导率的影响.生态学杂志,33(10):2694-2699.孟㊀英,李㊀明,王连敏,等.2009.低温冷害对玉米生长影响及相关研究.黑龙江农业科学,(4):150-153.沈㊀奇,刘㊀涛,㊀徐㊀刚,㊀等.2012.ALA对辣椒低温胁迫下伤害的缓解效应.江苏农业学报,28(2):376-383.汪良驹,姜卫兵,黄保健.2004.5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸对弱光下甜瓜幼苗光合作用和抗冷性的促进效应.园艺学报,31(3):321-326.杨㊀猛,魏㊀玲,庄文锋,等.2012.低温胁迫对玉米幼苗电导率和叶绿素荧光参数的影响.玉米科学,20(1):90-94.姚㊀慧,夏㊀凯.2014.肌醇对玉米幼苗低温胁迫伤害的缓解效应.作物杂志,(4):133-138.尹璐璐,于贤昌,王英华,等.2007.5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸对黄瓜幼苗抗冷性的影响.西北农业学报,16(4):166-169.张㊀玮,黄树燕,吴继林,等.2012.低温胁迫对麻竹叶片和根系抗性生理指标的影响.生态学杂志,31(3):513-519.张淑杰,杨再强,陈艳秋,等.2014.低温㊁弱光㊁高湿胁迫对日光温室番茄花期生理生化指标的影响.生态学杂志,33(11):2995-3001.张治平,张丽丽.2014.5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸对油菜幼苗抗冷性和抗氧化系统的影响.江苏农业科学,42(2):52-55.赵艳艳,胡晓辉,邹志荣,等.2013.不同浓度5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)浸种对NaCl胁迫下番茄种子发芽率及芽苗生长的影响.生态学报,33(1):62-70.周艳虹,喻景权,钱琼秋,等.2003.低温弱光对黄瓜幼苗生长及抗氧化酶活性的影响.应用生态学报,14(6):921-924.AhmetK,YakupK,AliRD.2010.Enhancingchillingstresstoleranceofpepperseedlingsbyexogenousapplicationof5⁃2471㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀生态学杂志㊀第35卷㊀第7期㊀aminolevulinicacid.EnvironmentalandExperimentalBota⁃ny,67:495-501.AlmeselmaniM,DeshmukhPS,ChinnusamyV.2012.Effectsofprolongedhightemperaturestressonrespiration,photo⁃synthesisandgeneexpressioninwheat(TriticumaestivumL.)varietiesdifferingintheirthermotolerance.PlantStress,6:25-32.ArndtSK,CliffordSC,WanekW.2001.Physiologicalandmor⁃phologicaladaptationsofthefruittreeZiziphusrotundifoiainresponsetoprogressivedroughtstress.TreePhysiology,21:705-715.ChinnusamyV,ZhuJ,ZhuJK.2007.Coldstressregulationofgeneexpressioninplants.TrendsinPlantScience,12:444-451.FadzillahNM,GillV,FinchRP,etal.1996.Chilling,oxida⁃tivestressandantioxidantresponsesinshootculturesofrice.Planta,199:552-556.FarooqM,WahidA,KobayashiN,etal.2009.Plantdroughtstress:Effects,mechanismsandmanagement.AgronomyforSustainableDevelopment,29:185-212.GisnnopolitisCN,NriesSK.1977.Superoxidedismutases:I.Occurrenceinhigherplants.PlantPhysiology,59:309-314.HottaY,TanakaT,TakaokaH.1997.Newphysiologicaleffectsof5⁃aminolevlinicacidinplants:Theincreaseofphotosyn⁃thesis,chlorophyllcontent,andplantgrowth.Bioscience,Biotechnology,andBiochemistry,61:2025-2028.Liau,YJ,WenL,ShawJF,etal.2007.Ahighlystablecambi⁃alistic⁃superoxidedismutasefromAntrodiacamphorata:Ex⁃pressioninyeastandenzymeproperties.JournalofBiotech⁃nology,131:84-91.Memon,SA,HouX,WangLJ,etal.2009.Promotiveeffectof5⁃aminolevulinicacidonchlorophyll,antioxidativeenzymesandphotosynthesisofPakchoi(Brassicacampestrisssp.chinensisvar.communisTsenetLee).ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum,31:51-57.MollerIM,JensenPE,HanssonA.2007.Oxidativemodifica⁃tionstocellularcomponentsinplants.AnnualReviewofPlantBiology,58:459-481.NaeemMS,RasheedM,LiuD,etal.2011.5⁃Aminolevulinicacidamelioratessalinity⁃inducedmetabolic,water⁃relatedandbiochemicalchangesinBrassicanapusL.ActaPhysio⁃logiaePlantarum,33:517-528.NishiharaE,KondoK,ParvezMM,etal.2003.Roleof5⁃ami⁃nolevulinicacid(ALA)onactiveoxygen⁃scavengingsys⁃teminNaCl⁃treatedspinach(Spinaciaoleracea).PlantPhysiology,160:1085-1091.RoyC.Bind&M.Vivekanandan.1998.Hormonalactivitiesof5⁃aminolevulinicacidincallusinductionandmicropropa⁃gation.PlantGrowthRegulation,26:15-18.SadeghipourO,MonemR,TajaliAA.2010.Productionofmungbean(VignaradiataL.)asaffectedbynitrogenandphosphorusfertilizerapplication.JournalofAppliedSci⁃ences,10:843-847.VonWettsteinD,GoughS,KannangaraCG.1995.Chlorophyllbiosynthesis.PlantCell,7:1039-1057.WangJ,JiangWB,HuangBJ.2004.Promotionof5⁃aminolevu⁃linicacidonphotosynthesisofmelon(Cucumismelo)seed⁃lingsunderlowlightandchillingstressconditions.Physio⁃logiaPlantarum,121:258-264.XuF,ZhuJ,ChengS,etal.2006.Effectof5⁃aminolevulinicacidonphotosynthesis,yield,nutritionandmedicinalva⁃luesofkudzu(Puerariaphaseoloides).TropicalGrass⁃lands,44:260-265.ZouHW,WuZY.2006.GeneexpressionanalysesofZmPti1,encodingamaizePti⁃likekinase,suggestaroleinstresssignaling.PlantScience,171:99-105.作者简介㊀孙㊀阳,女,1991年出生,硕士研究生,研究方向为玉米高产栽培与逆境生理㊂E⁃mail:414575750@qq.com责任编辑㊀李凤芹3471孙㊀阳等:5⁃氨基乙酰丙酸提高玉米幼苗抗低温性及其生理机制。

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