
2023年执业兽医《畜牧兽医》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】常作为反刍动物的前胃兴奋剂和猪、犬催吐剂的内服药物是?A.浓氯化钠注射液B.硝氯酚C.洒石酸锑钾D.鱼石脂2.【单选题】属于季节性发情的动物是?A.牛B.猪C.兔D.山羊3.【单选题】临床上主要用于加速麻醉动物的苏醒和中枢抑制药中毒解救的药物是?A.戊巴比妥B.尼可刹米C.咖啡因D.氯丙嗪4.【单选题】县以上动物防疫机构在组织供应预防用生物制品前必须取得A.《兽药生产许可证》B.《兽药经营许可证》C.《兽用生物制品生产许可证》D.《兽用生物制品经营许可证》5.【单选题】下列哪项是作用于中枢神经系统的药物?A.盐酸普鲁卡因B.阿托品C.尼可刹米D.乙酰胆碱6.【单选题】吸收功能的好坏将直接影响机体的生命活动,下列哪项是主要的吸收器官?A.小肠B.大肠C.食管D.胃7.【单选题】县以上兽医行政管理机关对兽药经营企业的申请审查后,发给《兽药经营许可证》,这种行为属于A.行政确认B.行政许可C.行政监督D.行政奖励8.【单选题】我国新的草原法的实施时间是A.1985 年10 月1 日B.2002 年12 月28 日C.2003 年3 月1 日D.2004 年7 月1 日9.【单选题】下列哪项不是构成病毒的主要成分?A.核酸B.水分C.蛋白质D.脂质及糖类10.【单选题】下列哪项是主要作用于皮肤、粘膜的药物?A.过氧乙酸,苯酸B.新洁尔灭、利凡诺C.过氧化氢溶液,漂白粉11.【单选题】兽药房专业技术人员调剂处方时必须做到“四查十对” ,下列选项哪项不是所查内容?A.查药品B.查配伍禁忌C.查价格D.查用药合理性12.【单选题】动物检疫是一种A.技术行为B.政府行为C.职业行为D.经营行为13.【单选题】下列选项中哪项不是小肠运动的基本形式?A.钟摆运动B.集团蠕动C.蠕动和逆蠕动D.分节运动14.【单选题】根据我国有关法规的规定,药物饲料添加剂的管理按()的规定执行。

兽医英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of canine distemper?A. FeverB. Loss of appetiteC. Excessive thirstD. Hair loss2. The term "euthanasia" refers to:A. The study of animal diseasesB. The act of putting a suffering animal to restC. The practice of animal husbandryD. The process of animal vaccination3. What is the primary function of a veterinarian?A. To groom petsB. To diagnose and treat animal diseasesC. To breed animals for saleD. To train animals for performance4. Which of the following is a common parasitic disease in cats?A. RabiesB. Feline leukemiaC. HeartwormD. Ringworm5. The abbreviation "IV" in veterinary medicine stands for:A. IntravenousB. In vitroC. International VeterinaryD. Invasive Veterinary6. What is the purpose of a vaccine in veterinary medicine?A. To treat existing diseasesB. To prevent the occurrence of diseasesC. To control the spread of diseasesD. Both B and C7. Which of the following is NOT a method for controlling the population of stray animals?A. Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)B. Adoption campaignsC. HuntingD. Euthanasia8. What does the acronym "BVD" stand for in veterinary medicine?A. Bovine Viral DiarrheaB. Borderline Veterinary DiseaseC. Basic Veterinary DiagnosticsD. Biological Veterinary Disease9. The process of artificially inducing labor in animals is known as:A. OvulationB. ParturitionC. InductionD. Embryonation10. Which of the following is a type of diagnostic imaging used by veterinarians?A. X-rayB. UltrasoundC. ThermographyD. All of the above二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The veterinary medical examination of a pet is often referred to as a _______.2. The _______ is a common method used to prevent heartworm disease in dogs.3. Veterinarians often use a _______ to examine the internal structures of an animal.4. A _______ is a professional who specializes in the health and medical treatment of animals.5. The _______ is a contagious viral disease that affects both dogs and cats.6. In veterinary medicine, the term _______ refers to the surgical removal of an animal's reproductive organs.7. A _______ is a condition where an animal has ingested a foreign object.8. The _______ is a blood test used to determine the presence of antibodies.9. The process of _______ is used to determine the sex of an animal.10. Veterinarians may use _______ to treat wounds and prevent infection.三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. What are the key responsibilities of a veterinarian in a small animal clinic?2. Describe the process of a routine vaccination for a pet.3. Explain the importance of spaying and neutering in pet population control.4. What are the benefits of microchipping for pet owners and their pets?四、论述题(共40分)1. Discuss the role of a veterinarian in public health, including the prevention of zoonotic diseases and the promotion of food safety.(20分)2. Elaborate on the ethical considerations a veterinarian must take into account when deciding to perform euthanasia on a suffering animal.(20分)答案:一、选择题1. D. Hair loss2. B. The act of putting a suffering animal to rest3. B. To diagnose and treat animal diseases4. D. Ringworm5. A. Intravenous6. D. Both B and C7. C. Hunting8. A. Bovine Viral Diarrhea9. C. Induction10. D. All of the above二、填空题1. physical examination2. monthly heartworm preventative3. ultrasound4. veterinarian5. rabies6. sterilization7. foreign body ingestion8. serology9. sexing10. antibiotics三、简答题1. Key responsibilities include providing preventive care, diagnosing and treating illnesses, performing surgeries, and maintaining records of animal health.2. Routine vaccination involves selecting appropriate vaccines based on the pet's age, lifestyle, and risk factors, administering the vaccine, and monitoring for any adverse reactions.3. Spaying and neutering help control the pet population, prevent unwanted behaviors, and reduce the risk of certain health problems.4. Microchipping provides a permanent form of identification, aids in the return。

畜牧兽医资格证考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共50分)1. 以下哪个选项不是家畜传染病的特点?A. 传染性B. 流行性C. 季节性D. 遗传性答案:D2. 家畜寄生虫病的主要传播途径不包括以下哪项?A. 直接接触B. 食物传播C. 空气传播D. 土壤传播答案:C3. 家畜营养代谢病的主要病因是什么?A. 遗传B. 感染C. 营养失调D. 外伤答案:C4. 家畜繁殖障碍中,以下哪项不是导致不孕的原因?A. 生殖器官疾病B. 内分泌失调C. 环境因素D. 遗传因素答案:D5. 家畜常见病毒性疾病中,以下哪项不是病毒性疾病?A. 口蹄疫B. 蓝耳病C. 牛瘟D. 牛结核答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)6. 以下哪些因素可以影响家畜的生长发育?A. 遗传因素B. 饲养管理C. 环境因素D. 疾病答案:ABCD7. 家畜常见中毒性疾病中,以下哪些属于有机磷农药中毒?A. 敌敌畏B. 乐果C. 百草枯D. 草甘膦答案:AB8. 家畜寄生虫病的诊断方法包括哪些?A. 临床观察B. 实验室检查C. 流行病学调查D. 病理解剖答案:ABCD9. 家畜营养代谢病的预防措施包括以下哪些?A. 合理饲养B. 定期驱虫C. 补充营养D. 改善环境答案:ACD10. 家畜繁殖障碍的常见治疗方法包括以下哪些?A. 药物治疗B. 手术治疗C. 激素治疗D. 人工授精答案:ABC三、判断题(每题1分,共20分)11. 家畜传染病的防控措施中,隔离是最重要的措施之一。
(对)12. 家畜寄生虫病的预防措施中,定期驱虫是最有效的方法。
(对)13. 家畜营养代谢病的发生与饲养管理无关。
(错)14. 家畜繁殖障碍的发生与环境因素无关。
(错)15. 家畜中毒性疾病的预防措施中,避免使用有毒物质是最重要的。
(对)四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. 简述家畜传染病的防控原则。
NEW考 试 命 题A

湖南农业大学东方科技学院课程考核试卷课程名称:兽医专业英语课程号:D30526B3 考核时间:2007年月日试卷号:A考核对象:2动医05一、请按医学英语构词规则正确分解下列的复合词(本大题共10分,每小题2分)1.Intravascular 血管内的2.Immunochemistry 免疫化学3.Coccobacillary 球杆菌的4.Macromolecule 大分子的5.Superovulation 超数排卵二、请翻译以下短文(本大题共45分, 每小题15分,本题可使用英文词典)1.Brucella species are obligate parasites and each species has a preferred natural host that serves as a reservoir of infection. Brucellae have a predilection or ungulate placentas, foetal fluids and testes of bulls, rams, boars and dogs. B. abortus is excreted in bovine milk and can remain viable in milk, water and damp soil for up to 4 months.布氏杆菌是专性的寄生菌,每一种都有其作为感染源存在的最适自然宿主。
2.The need for and benefit from diagnosis of a sick animal or animals in a herd are obvious. But, what if the cow in the example were already dead? The need to protect the herd is still present, perhaps even more urgently because the cause can kill the others in the herd. The diagnostic examination entails the same collection of facts, but in this instance, the facts are collected from the animal carcass by postmortem(尸体检查)examination or necropsy(尸体剖检)..诊断一只或一群病畜的需求和好处是眼而易见的。

兽医专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is a common symptom of canine distemper?A) FeverB) Loss of appetiteC) Both A and BD) Neither A nor B2. The term "parvovirus" refers to a virus that affects:A) DogsB) CatsC) BirdsD) Humans3. What is the primary mode of transmission for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)?A) AirborneB) Direct contactC) Blood-sucking arthropodsD) Contaminated food4. The correct term for the surgical removal of the ovaries in female animals is:A) OophorectomyB) OrchiectomyC) CastrationD) Spaying5. Which of the following is a type of veterinary diagnostic imaging?A) UltrasonographyB) ThermographyC) RadiographyD) All of the above6. The abbreviation "CPV" stands for:A) Canine ParvovirusB) Chronic Pancreatitis VirusC) Canine PapillomavirusD) Canine Polyomavirus7. What is the purpose of a vaccine in veterinary medicine?A) To treat existing diseasesB) To prevent the occurrence of diseasesC) To enhance the immune systemD) To diagnose diseases8. The term "endemic" in veterinary epidemiology refers to:A) A disease that is constantly present in a particular areaB) A disease that is spreading rapidlyC) A disease that is new to a particular areaD) A disease that has been eradicated9. In veterinary medicine, the term "zoonosis" refers to a disease that is:A) Transmitted from animals to humansB) Transmitted from humans to animalsC) Unique to a particular speciesD) Caused by a deficiency in the diet10. Which of the following is a common treatment for heartworm disease in dogs?A) AntibioticsB) AntiparasiticsC) AnticoagulantsD) Antihistamines二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. The _______ is responsible for the regulation of thebody's water and electrolyte balance.2. The _______ is a type of bacteria that can cause mastitis in cows.3. A _______ is a surgical procedure to remove a portion of the intestine.4. The _______ is a blood test used to determine the presence of antibodies or antigens.5. The _______ is a common method for the artificial insemination of livestock.6. _______ is the study of the diseases of animals.7. The _______ is a vaccine that is given to prevent rabies.8. A _______ is a condition where an animal is unable to produce enough red blood cells.9. The _______ is a virus that affects the respiratory system of pigs.10. _______ is the process of identifying and treating health issues in animals.三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. What are the main differences between viral and bacterialinfections in animals?2. Describe the process of a typical veterinary physical examination.四、翻译题(每题15分,共30分)1. 将以下句子翻译成英文:- 疫苗接种是预防动物疾病的重要手段之一。

《畜牧兽医专业英语》考试试卷第 1 页 (共 2 页)装题订线内不答要一、从括号里选择恰当的词进行填空(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1. Meanwhile, the variety of activities on the web is broadening _ (on, at, in) an amazing rate.2. Beef production in 2008 will depend _ (on, in, to) grazing condictions and the number of heifers retained _ (with, for, of) breeding.3.All of these adjustments will exert downward pressure _ (on, in, with) feeder cattle prices, suggesting that more cattle could be fed in 2007.4. It is hard for him to come _ (on, in, to) terms with being unemployed.5. The ration fed certainly plays a role _ (in, into, for) maimtenance of health and well-being.6. It is an excellent job _ (on, at, in) terms of salary, but there arealso some big disadvantages.7. Every possible ways must be taken _ (in, into, on) account before taking actions.8. Being a production manager, he is most concerned _ (from, in, about) product quality.9. In their spare time, many peopleengage themselves _ (in, on, at) social work without asking _ (after, for, on) repayment.10. To predict that it will take _ (in, on, over) ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic.10.Being a production manager, he is most concerned _ (from, in, about) product quality.二、用下面的单词或短语填空,必要的地方可以改变其形式(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)1. The police offered a _ for any information about the band robbery.2. The new tax law will _ people with low income.3. Every child has a _ right to free compulsory(义务的) education in our country.4. A pipe is _ certain forms, it is made into solid.5. The lungs _ to supply the body with oxygen.6. The traffic was _ by an old man standing in the middle of the street.7. Make your own decision. Don ’t let others _ you.8. All businesses attempt to mixmize profits by _ sales and reducing cost.9. The girl found it difficult to _ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai.10. Doctors are trained to _ the symptoms(症状) of different diseases.11. Inexpensive goods are not necessarily of _ quality. 12. No way was found to _ the substance from the mental. 13. People are willing to have milk from the cows which _ grass. 14. This time, however, he _ the second question. 15. All those _ in the crime were put into prison...1. foot-and-mouth disease a. 家畜2. feeder cattle b. 免疫接种技术3. nutritional need c. 动物种类4. perform operation d. 传染病5. milk fever d. 药物治疗6. curative treatment f. 产乳热7. infectious disease g. 做手术8. animal samples h. 营养需要9. vaccination technology i. 架子牛 10. domestic animal j. 口蹄疫四、将下列句子翻译成中文(本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分)1. Mister White carefully controls fermentation. He does so by controlling the amount of salt, the amount of acid produced by fermentation and the amount of water in the cheese.2. Vaccines are environmentally friendly and increase animal welfare by preventing suffering caused by disease or by the consequent curative treatment.3. The choice of method to eliminate an animal infectious disease must take into account the biological and epidemiological characteristics of the infection, the available control techniques and the emergence of new4. When customers find out that a manufacturer produces only inferior or shoddy products that cheat them out of their money, they may become so angry that they will never purchase another of their products.5. Feeder cattle supplies outside feedlots and available to go on feed or into spring/summer grazing programs were up 1 ercent from a year ago.6. If you asked people today why they used the telephone to communicate with their friends or why they turned to the teleision for entertainment, they would look at you as if you were crazy.。

vet考试题及答案1. 以下哪个选项是兽医在处理犬类急性胃肠炎时的首要治疗措施?A. 立即给予抗生素B. 补充电解质和水分C. 进行血液检查D. 给予止痛药物答案:B2. 哪种疫苗是猫必须进行的基础免疫之一?A. 狂犬病疫苗B. 猫白血病疫苗C. 猫瘟热疫苗D. 猫疱疹疫苗答案:A3. 在兽医实践中,以下哪个药物不用于治疗心丝虫病?A. 伊维菌素B. 米尔贝肟C. 多拉菌素D. 阿莫西林答案:D4. 以下哪个症状不是犬细小病毒感染的典型表现?A. 呕吐B. 腹泻C. 咳嗽D. 发热答案:C5. 牛的乳腺炎可能由哪些原因引起?A. 细菌感染B. 病毒感染C. 真菌感染D. 所有以上选项答案:D6. 兽医在诊断马的跛行时,以下哪个检查不是必要的?A. 触诊B. 观察步态C. 血液检查D. 放射学检查答案:C7. 以下哪个选项不是兽医在处理宠物肥胖问题时的推荐措施?A. 增加运动量B. 控制饮食C. 给予高热量食物D. 定期体重检查答案:C8. 以下哪个药物是用于治疗宠物外寄生虫,如跳蚤和蜱虫的?A. 氟苯尼考B. 伊维菌素C. 多西环素D. 阿莫西林答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是兽医在处理宠物皮肤真菌感染时的常用治疗方法?A. 口服抗生素B. 局部抗真菌药膏C. 静脉注射抗真菌药物D. 肌肉注射抗生素答案:B10. 以下哪个选项是兽医在处理宠物慢性肾病时的首要治疗措施?A. 控制蛋白质摄入B. 给予抗生素C. 增加水分摄入D. 进行透析治疗答案:A。

-----------------------------------------------密-----------------------------封--------------------------线----------------------------------------------------------------- 姓名专业、年级学号考试日期2007—2008学年度第二学期 2005级动物医学专业《专业英语》课程试卷(B ) 注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己姓名、学号、专业名称写在指定位置;一、 选择填空,选出正确的词,将A,B,C,或D 填入相应的位置(15题x1分/题=15分) 1 The term metabolism, is used to refer to the all the transformation that occur in the body. A integration B protein C chemical and energy D messager 2 is one type of microorganism. A virus B proteins C carbonhydrates D lipid 3 Joints fall into categories. A three B small C two D four 4 The circulatory system transport to tissues all around the body. A only O 2 B O 2 and nutrients C only nutrients D wastes 5 The digestive system transport to tissues all around the body. A only O 2 B O 2 and nutrients C only nutrients D wastes 6 The respiratory system transport to tissues all around the body. A only O 2 B O 2 and nutrients C only nutrients D wastes 7 Cells communicate with each other via . A fats B proteins C sugars D chemical messengers 8 There are types of intercellular communication. A four B one C two D three 9 are main parts of the skeleton. A proteins and chemicals B joints and bones C blood D protein10 The exchange of O2 and CO2 is occurred in the organ:A brainB HeartC LungD bones11 is pumped by heart to circulate through the body.A nutritsB brainC bloodD hormone12 Blood flows through a closed system which is called .A bonesB lung systemC recognitionD circulatory system13 Brain belongs to .A digestive systemB circulatory systemC nervous systemD bones14 A diagnosis can be made based on .A body changeB subjective judgmentC symptoms of a disease and laboratory analysisD appraisal15 Structural disease is such kind of damage as .A deficiency of nutritsB a bone is brokenC bledD nervousbroken二判断题(15题x 1分/题=15分)1If the animal is stricken by bacteria, it is an infectious disease. ()2 A structural disease is caused by microorganisms. ( ) 3The skeleton is the basic framework of the body. ( ) 4The bone is key part of respiratory system. ( ) 5Metabolism refer to all the chemical and energy transformations that occur in the body. ( )6 Blood is a main part of nervous system. ( )7 Bird Flu is a caused by a kind of virus. ( )8 Functional disease is caused by short of nutrients. ( )9 A chronic disease runs a longer duration than a acute one. ( )10 virus is a type of nutrits. ( )11 the numbers of receptors increases in response to various stimuli.( )12 Cells communicate with each other via chemical messengers. ( )13 respiratory only refers to the absorption of O2 , not the removal of CO2 from the body.( )14 Hind limbs develop faster than fore limbs in growing animal. ( )15 The function of cartilage is a shock absorber and provides a wear-resistant surface.( )三匹配题(15题x 1分/题=15分) 将下列汉语和英语中的同义词选择配对,将序号填在横线上1 兽医学 a intercellular junctions2 传染病 b function3 受体 c v eterinary medicine4 循环系统 d circulatory system5 呼吸系统 e infectious disease6 蛋白质 f protein7 骨骼 g hormone8 细菌 h cell9 病毒 i sturcture10 血液 j receptor11 细胞 k bacteria12 功能 l blood13 结构 m virus14激素 n skeleton15 细胞间连接 o respiratory system四、英汉互译(10题x 2分/题=20分)1 Many of the receptors for chemicals messengers have been isolated.2 When calves develop pneumonia, appetite is usually poor, and the calf is dull and depressed.3 Cells communicate with each other through chemical messengers or hormones.4 The antibiotics can be used to treat and cure bacterial diseases.5 Infectious disease is so easily transmitted to susceptible animal.6 新生犊牛的肺炎症状不足以引起注意。

##农业大学15春畜牧兽医专科英语〔试题与答案〕1. They have invited me to the party__B ___is very kind of them.A. as.B. which.C. it.D. that.2. —Mary doesn’t seem to be what she was. —No.__C___so much in the war has made her more thoughtful.A. Seen.B. Her seeing.C. Having seen.D. To have seen.3. The student is_____18 years old, but what he said is___A__nothing worth listening to.A. nearly, almost.B. nearly, nearly.C. between, among.D. among, between.4. The best way to____C _this goal is to introduce new advanced technology.A. access.B. perform.C. achieve.D. plete.5. —Would you please find a world map which is drawn to a scale of___E__. —Yes, sir. Here you are.A. one out of ten thousanB.C. one in ten thousands.D. one to ten thousanF. one of ten thousands.6. ___B__smoking, he would not have got lung cancer.A. Was he given up.B. Had he given up.C. Did he give.D. If he gave up.7. Three years _B____, he bee a driver. A. late B. later C. lately D. more lately8. The offence _____B___ which he is going to be charged carries a heavy penalty. A. at B. with C. of D. on9. —Would you like to join us in playing the football game? —I’m sorry, but my homewor k___B __by now.A. hasn’t finishedB. hasn’t been finishedC. isn’t finishedD. won’t be finished10. —Where is my white shirt? — It’s in the washing machine. You have to wear___C _different one.A. any.B. the.C. a.D. other.11. —Do you like___D__here? —Oh, yes, the air, the weather and the way of life. Everything is so nice.A. this.B. there.C. that.D. it.12. —The baby looks hot and dry. —So__D___you if you had so high a fever. A. do. B. are. C. will. D. would.13. He has so few friends that his life is___B__. A. alone. B. lonely. C. along. D. long.14. Neither Linda nor her sisters__A___this movie before A. have seen. B. has been. C. see. D. have been seeing.15. —You look rather tired today. —__C___not to miss the 5:20 flight, I didn’t dare to close my eyes.A. Reminding.B. RemindedC. Being remindedD. Having reminded B16. The high building stands out__C___the sky. A. in. B. under. C. against. D. above.17. —Could you lend me that dictionary you__A___ me about when I telephoned you? —No, I am sorry, I can’t. I gave it to a friend.A. were telling.B. would tell.C. had toldD. had been telling.18. —Do you think the fish tastes __D___? —She cooked it _____, I think.A. good, goodB. well, goodC. well, wellD. good, well19. There are nine planets in the solar system,____C _are larger than our earth.A. some of that.B. some or them.C. some of which.D. some of them.20. The problems_ C____at the meeting tomorrow are really hard to solve.A. discussedB. to discuss.C. to be discussedD. discussing.21. Mr. Smith raises many __D___ on his farm. A. deers B. sheeps C. oxes D. chickens22. Meeting my aunt after all these years was an unforgettable moment,___B__I will always treasure.A. that.B. one.C. it.D. what.23. Be quiet___A__you should wake the patient . A. in case. B. so that. C. in order that. D. when.24. I feel even ___C__ now. A. bad B. well C. worse D. worst25. Don’t worry.__D___and I will plete the task you assigned to me.A. Another hour.B. An hour later.C. After an hour.D. In an hour.完型填空〔共 1 道试题,共 10 分。

畜牧科技英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a common livestock disease?A. Foot-and-mouth diseaseB. Avian influenzaC. Bovine spongiform encephalopathyD. Diabetes mellitusAnswer: D2. What is the primary purpose of artificial insemination in livestock?A. To increase the genetic diversityB. To control the spread of diseasesC. To improve the quality of offspringD. To reduce the cost of breedingAnswer: C3. What is the main advantage of using vaccines in livestock farming?A. To reduce the cost of treatmentB. To increase the yield of milkC. To prevent the spread of infectious diseasesD. To improve the taste of meatAnswer: C4. Which of the following is not a method of genetic modification in livestock?A. Embryo splittingB. Gene editingC. Artificial selectionD. CrossbreedingAnswer: C5. What is the primary reason for dehorning cattle?A. To improve their appearanceB. To prevent injuries to other animalsC. To increase their milk productionD. To make them easier to handleAnswer: B6. What is the main purpose of castration in male livestock?A. To increase their growth rateB. To improve their meat qualityC. To prevent aggressive behaviorD. To reduce the risk of diseaseAnswer: B7. What is the most common method of identifying individual livestock?A. TattooingB. Ear taggingC. MicrochippingD. Collar identificationAnswer: B8. What is the primary purpose of using growth hormones in livestock?A. To increase the rate of weight gainB. To improve the quality of milkC. To enhance the taste of meatD. To reduce the cost of feedAnswer: A9. What is the main reason for deworming livestock?A. To increase their appetiteB. To improve their overall healthC. To prevent the spread of parasitesD. To reduce the risk of diseaseAnswer: C10. What is the primary purpose of using antibiotics in livestock farming?A. To increase the yield of milkB. To prevent the spread of infectious diseasesC. To improve the quality of meatD. To treat bacterial infectionsAnswer: D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The process of artificially inducing ovulation inlivestock is known as _______.Answer: Superovulation2. The practice of keeping livestock in a confined space for the purpose of intensive farming is called _______. Answer: Confinement feeding3. The use of hormones to synchronize the estrous cycles of female livestock is known as _______.Answer: Estrus synchronization4. The process of artificially controlling the temperature and humidity of the environment in which livestock are kept is called _______.Answer: Environmental control5. The practice of providing additional feed to livestock during the winter months to compensate for the lack of natural forage is known as _______.Answer: Winter feeding6. The process of identifying the sex of an embryo before implantation is called _______.Answer: Sexing7. The practice of selecting and breeding livestock based on specific traits is known as _______.Answer: Selective breeding8. The process of artificially controlling the lighting conditions in which livestock are kept is called _______.Answer: Photoperiod control9. The practice of providing a balanced diet to livestock to ensure optimal growth and health is known as _______. Answer: Nutritional management10. The process of artificially controlling the breeding cycle of livestock is called _______.Answer: Reproductive management三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the importance of proper nutrition in livestock farming.Answer: Proper nutrition is crucial in livestock farming as it ensures the health and productivity of the animals. It supports growth, reproduction, lactation, and overall well-being. A balanced diet can also improve the quality of meat, milk, and eggs produced by the animals.2. Describe the role of vaccines in preventing livestock diseases.Answer: Vaccines play a vital role in preventing livestock diseases by stimulating the immune system to recognize and fight off specific pathogens. This helps to reduce the incidence of diseases, minimize economic losses due to illness, and maintain the health of the herd.3. Discuss the benefits of using growth hormones in livestock farming.Answer: The use of growth hormones in livestock farming can lead to increased weight gain, improved feed efficiency, andenhanced overall growth rates. This can result in higher profits for farmers and a more consistent supply of meat products for consumers.4. Explain the significance of genetic modification in livestock.Answer: Genetic modification in livestock is significant as it allows for the introduction of desirable traits such as disease resistance,。

Embryo Transfer
The process of transferring embryos from one animal to another
Vocabulary related to veterinary medicine and vaccinVeetserinary Diagnostics
Professional English vocabulary for animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
Vocabulary related to animal diseases
Infectious Diseases
Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Salmonellosis, Ringworm, Distemper
Learning Methods for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Professional English
• Specialized Textbooks: It is recommended to use English textbooks or translated materials that are specifically designed for animal husbandry and veterinary medicine to ensure accuracy and authentication of language usage
Professional English for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
• Overview of English for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

-----------------------------------------------密-----------------------------封--------------------------线----------------------------------------------------------------- 姓名专业、年级 学号考试日期------------------------------------------------装-----------------------------订-------------------------线------------------------------------------------------------------ 2006~2007学年第1学期期末考试 动物医学专业《专业英语》课程试卷(A) 注意事项:1、考生务必将自己姓名、学号、专业名称写在指定位置; 2、密封线和装订线内不准答题。
一、Word spelling (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分) Directions: In this part of the test you are required to write twenty English words on veterinary medicine according to the Chinese meaning and the part of speech. The first letter is given. 1. 肌肉 n. m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.胃肠的 a. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.循环系统 n. c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.淋巴的,淋巴管a.; n. l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5.呼吸道 n. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. 症状n s_ _ _ 7. 骨髓 n. m _ _ _ _ _ 8. 传染、感染 n i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 二、Specialized words and phrasestranslation (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)(第1页,共6页)Directions: In this part there are fifteen English words or phrases. You are required to translate them into Chinese.1.viscera n.2. mucosa n.3. digestive enzymes n.4.small intestine n.5. renal. a.6. urogenital system n.7. respiration n.8. aged animal n.三、True or false (本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) Directions: In this part there are five English sentences.You are required to choose the True or false that suit thesentence. Then write the corresponding answer in the bracket.1. The testes and ovaries secrete the same hormones, but in different amount.( )2. Only skeletal muscle has cross striation. ( )3. Left and right ventricles are two blood-pumps of the circulatory system.( )4. The composition of the fluid in the renal tubules is the same. ( )5. Digestion process involving the action of a large number of digestive enzymes, which is aided by the hydrochloric acid and bile. ( )四、Questions (本大题共3小题,每小题2分,共6分)(第2页,共6页)Directions: In this part there are some Chinese questions for specialized English. You are required to answer them in Chinese.1.科技英语的翻译标准是什么?2.科技英语的翻译过程分为哪几个阶段?3.专业术语的翻译方法有几种?五、Define the following words in English, also in Chinese(本大题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分)Directions: In this part there are some Englishterm words. You are required to explain them in both English and Chinese.⑴Hormone⑵Metabolism⑶Digestion⑽Diagnosis六、English sentence translation (本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)Directions: In this part there are five English sentences.You are required to translate them into Chinese.(第3页,共6页)1. The products of digestion and the vitamins, minerals, and water cross the mucosa and enter the lymph or the blood (absorption).2. The respiratory system consists of the gas-exchanging organs (the lungs and respiratory passages) and a pump that ventilates the lungs.3. In both sexes, the gonads have a dual function: the production of germ cells (gametogenesis) and the secretion of sex hormones.4. The circulation is controlled by multiple regulatory systems that function in general to maintain adequate capillary blood flow--when possible, in all organs, but particularly in the heart and brain.5. Animal breeders by careful selection can change the shape and size of the skeleton and thus the animal.(第4页,共6页)七、Passage translation (本大题共1小题,每小题20分,共20分)Directions: In this part there is an English passage. Youare required to translate it into Chinese.Disease may end in death or a full recovery, but the stock-owner needs to remember that a third possibility is a partial recovery. A permanent disability resulting from a disease may be unimportant, for instance the loss of a small part of the lung following pneumonia, but it may be highly important, for example when a breeding animal remains permanently sterile. The possibility of partial recovery is a matter requiring careful consideration when deciding the course of action with a sick animal, particularly with a protracted chronic disease.八、Chinese sentence translation (本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)Directions: In this part there are five Chinese sentences. You are required to translate them into English.(第5页,共6页)1. 循环系统是运输体系,其供给组织氧气和从肠道吸收的物质,将二氧化碳送回肺脏,并把其他代谢产物回送至肾脏。

1.-penia 缺乏deficiency, lacke.g leucopenia白细胞减少症erythropenia红细胞减少lymphopenia淋巴球减少症thrombopenia血小板减少症2. -uria 尿症urine conditione.g hematuria血尿症 albuminuria 蛋白尿3.-plegia 麻痹瘫痪stroke,paralysise.g thermoplegia热射病paraplegia瘫痪下身麻痹hemiplegia半身麻痹半身不遂4.-odynia paine.g cardiodynia心痛胸痛 hepatodynia肝痛 enterodynia 肠痛5.-algia paine.g Arthralgia 关节痛 Neuralgia神经痛 gastralgia 胃痛6.-malacia softening 软化e.g osteomalacia 骨软化 encephalomalacia 脑软化7.-ectasia or -ectasis 扩张 stretching, dilatation 膨胀扩张e.g nephrectasia肾扩张angiectasis 血管扩张bronchiectasis支气管扩张8.-emia 血症blood conditione.g leukemia白血病 bacteremia菌血症 septicemia 败血症 hypercholesterolemia血胆脂醇过多9.-orrhagia 出血discharge of bloode.g hemorrhage大出血gastrorrhagia 胃出血enterorrhagia肠出血 hepatorrhagia肝出血❖简单后缀-y:condition,act,process❖复合后缀-metry -otomy -ectomy -graphy-iatry -ology -pexy, -plasty-(o)rrhaphy -stomy -scopy -megaly10.-scopy 镜检examination,process of examining visuallye.g laryngoscopy喉镜检查bronchoscopy 支气管镜检查法gastroscopy胃镜检查colonoscopy结肠镜检查cystoscopy膀胱镜检查11.-ostomy 造口术process of making an opening into ora connection betweene.g colostomy结肠造口术 enteroenterostomy 肠肠吻合术 gastrostomy gastroenterostomy胃造口术12.-(o)rrhaphy缝术suturing,process of suturinge.g herniorrhaphy疝缝手术13.-plasty整形术surgical reshaping or repaire.g arthroplasty关节造型术 thoracoplasty 轮廓成形术osteoplasty骨整形术14.-pexy 固定术 a fixing or setting firmly in place by suturinge.g hepatopexy肝固定术 omentopexy15.-ology 学问学术 act or process of studyinge.g pharmacology药理学 pathology病理学 physiology 生理学16.-logist 专家师 one who studies and treatse.g urologist 泌尿科医师physiologist生理学者pathologist 病理学家17.-iatry or –iatrics healing 医师的医疗的药物的e.g Podiatry 足部医疗 psychiatry 精神病学18.-graphy 标记符号process of recordinge.g cardiography心动描记法pneumography 肺解剖学electroencephalography脑电图学19.-graph 图表曲线图that which recordse.g cardiograph心动电流图pneumograph呼吸描记器electroencephalograph 脑电图仪20.-gram 图the record itselfe.g cardiogram心电图pneumogram 呼吸描记图electroencephalogram 脑电波21.-ectomy excision,切除术process of cutting oute.g thyroidectomy甲状腺切除术cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术 appendectomy 阑尾切除术22.-otomy oncision切开术process of cutting intoe.g thyroidotomy 甲状腺切开术gastrotomy 胃切开术cystotomy膀胱切开术23.-metry 测定法measuremente.g dynamometry 动力测定术 pelvimetry盆骨测量24.-megaly 变大largee.g atriomegaly 心房肥大ventriculomegaly 巨脑室splenomegaly 脾肿大 hepatomegaly 肝肿大❖简单后缀:-e: an instrument or suffixes of noun.❖复合后缀: -scope -tome -cele -cyte25.-tome 切的刀instrument for cuttinge.g arthrotome 关节刀26.-cyte细胞noun marker,referring to a celle.g leukocyte包细胞 lymphocyte淋巴细胞 hepatocyte 肝细胞 lipocyte 脂肪细胞27.-cele疝突出膨大hernia,herniatione.g thyrocele 甲状腺肿hepatocele肝脏突出pneumocele肺彭出 omphalocele 脐突出28.-scope镜检instrument for viewinge.g laryngoscope 喉镜检bronchoscope气管镜检celioscope腹腔境 gastroscope 胃窥镜29.-itis 炎症inflammatione.g hepatitis肝炎 peritonitis腹膜炎 gastroenteritis肠胃炎30.-ist 专家one who specializes in----e.g gastroscopist胃镜医师enterologist肠病学家pathologist病理学家 neuropathist 神经病学家31.-or(er)refers to a doer, either a person or thinge.g incisor门齿,切牙32.-osis 症状 a condition, usually abnormal or pathologicale.g sclerosis 硬化症 hepatosis 肝机能病 gastrosis 胃病 nephrosis 肾病33.-oma 肿瘤swelling,tumore.g sarcoma 肉瘤恶性肿瘤 fibroma 纤维瘤 hepatoma 肝细胞瘤 lipoma 脂肪瘤34.-ism a condition, usually the result of a prior condition (先决条件)e.g embolism 栓塞栓子35.-(i)um refers to a part in relation to a whole, related toe.g pericardium 心包膜epigastrium腹上第一腹片bronchium 支气管44.-meter仪表instrument for measuringe.g thermometer 温度计体温计pulmometer 肺量计pulsimeter 脉搏计45.-(o)rrhea释放排放flow, dischargee.g diarrhea腹泻 gastrorrhea胃液分泌过多46.-lysis 溶解dissolution;decompositione.g Hemolysis 溶血 bacteriolysis 溶菌47.-pathy 病变disease, diseased conditione.g ophthalmopathy hepatopathy 肝病 gastropathy 胃病 nephropathy 肾病48.-blast 母细胞a cell that is undifferentiated, primitive, embryonice.g hemocytoblast 原始血细胞enteroblast成肠细胞fibroblast 成纤维细胞49.-centesis穿刺术surgical puncture to withdraw fluid enterocentesis thoracocentesise.g amniocentesis 羊膜腔穿刺术 abdominocentesis 腹腔穿刺术50.-clysis 灌肠打点滴washing, introduction of fluid for the purpose of irrigatione.g bronchoclysis 野马灌肠51.-ptosis 下垂症a falling, the dropping or sagging of an organe.g nephroptosis 肾下垂hepatoptosis 肝下垂gastroptosis 胃下垂 enteroptosis 肠下垂52.-ptysis 吐涎e.g hemoptysis 咯血 emptysis 吐血 pyoptysis 咯脓53.-(o)rrhexis破裂rupturee.g hepatorrhexis肝破裂54.-sclerosis 硬化症a hardeninge.g arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化hepatosclerosis 肝硬化nephrosclerosis 肾硬化55.-stasis 静止arresting,haltinge.g bacteriostasis 细菌抑制56.-stenosis狭窄a narrowing, a stricturee.g Arteriostenosis 动脉狭窄57.-emesis 呕吐e.g emetic 催吐要 antiemetic 止吐药Word Roots1. cor- or cardi(o)- 心的 heart--- cordiform 心形的---cordate心脏形的--- cardialgia 心痛 --- cardiogram心电图2. hepato- pref肝 liver--- hepatodynia 肝痛--- hepatoma肝细胞瘤--- hepatopathy肝病 --- hepatotoxin肝毒素3. pulmo- or pneumo- or pneumat(o)- 肺 lung or air--- pulmometry肺容量测定法--- pulmonitis 肺炎--- pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌 --- pneumonectasis 肺气肿--- pneumatolysis 肺气化 --- pneumatometer 肺活量计4. lien(o)- or spleen(o)-脾 splee--- lienitis 脾炎 --- lienectomy 脾切除--- splenotomy 脾切开术 --- splenomegaly 脾肿大5. ren(o)- or nephr(o)- kidney--- renin 肾索--- renography肾X线照相术---nephritis 肾炎 --- nephrolithiasis肾石病6. oro- or stomat(o)- mouth--- oropharynx 口咽--- oronasal口鼻的--- stomatology 口腔病学 --- stomatitis口腔炎7. labio- or cheil(o)- lip--- labiodental唇齿音--- labioplasty唇成形术cheilectropion唇外翻 cheiloschisis唇裂8. denti- or odonto- pref. tooth-- dentist--- dentiscalprum牙刮---odontoprosthesis 牙体修复术—odontoseisis牙松动9. linguo- tongue--- lingua舌—linguiform舌装的--- lingulate 舌装的--- linguodental舌齿音10. gingiv- or ulo- 牙龈 gum---gingivectomy龈切除术—gingivitis齿龈炎---ulorrhagia龈出血---ulorrhoea 龈糁血11. palato- or urano- 腭 palatine---palatitis腭炎---palatogram口盖图---palatograph腭动扫描器palatography腭位图的制作12. pharyngo- 咽 pharynxpharyngalgia咽痛pharyngocele咽囊肿pharyngoplasty 咽成形术pharyngoplegia咽肌麻痹13. laryngo- 喉 larynx,throatLaryngalgia喉痛laryngemphraxis喉阻塞laryngostenosis 喉狭窄laryngoxerosis喉干燥14. esophag(o)- 食管 esophagusEsophagectasis食管扩张esophagectopy食管异位esophagocele食管突出 esophagotomy食管切开术15. gastr(o)- stomachgastrin 胃泌激素gastrectasia胃胀gastroanastomosis胃吻合术gastroptosis胃下垂16. enter(o)-肠 intestineenterelcosis 肠溃疡enteremphraxis肠阻塞enterorrhagia 肠出血enterocolostomy 小肠结肠吻合术17. colo- or coli- or col- pref结肠. coloncolicodynia 结肠痛colimycin结肠霉素coloclysis结肠灌洗 colonorrhea粘液性结肠炎18.proct(o)- or archo-直肠 rectumProctectomy直肠切除术proctitis 直肠炎proctoscope直肠镜- proctoscopy直肠镜观察术19.ano-肛门 anusAnogenital肛门与生殖器的anorectal肛门直肠的anorectum肛门直肠部anoscope肛门镜20. vesico- or cysti- or cysto- 膀胱 bladderVesicotomy膀胱切开术cystirrhagia膀胱出血cystocele 膀胱彭出cystourethritis膀胱尿道炎21. thoraco- chest or 胸 thoraxThoracocyllosis胸畸形thoracicolumbar 胸腰的thoracoschisis 胸裂thoracoplasty胸廓成形术22. ventro- or coeli(o)- or laparo- 腹部 belly、 abdomen Ventrotomy剖腹术coelialgia腹痛Coeliorrhaphy腹腔缝术laparotome剖腹术23. bili- or chole-胆 bilebilichol 胆汁醇- biligenic生胆汁的cholecyst胆囊cholelithiasis胆石病24. oculo- or ophthalmo- eyeoculist 眼科医生oculomotor 眼球运动的ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹ophthalmoscope检眼镜25. lacrimo- or dacryo-眼泪 tearlacrimator 催泪物质-lacrimal 泪腺的lacrimatory agent催泪剂lacrimation 泪26. palpebro- or blepharo-眼睑 eyelidpalpebra 眼睑palpebral 眼睑的blepharochalasis 眼睑皮肤松弛症 blepharospasm眼睑痉挛27. kerato-角角质 horn or comeakeratectasia 角膜膨胀keratinase 角蛋白酶keratoplasty 角膜成形术keratosis角化症28.auri- or oto- earauriphone 助听器auristilla滴耳剂otorrhea耳液溢,耳漏otosclerosis 耳硬化症29.naso- or rhino- noseNasitis鼻炎nasopharynx 鼻咽rhinocleisis鼻腔闭塞rhinocnesmus 鼻痒30.broncho- or bronch- 支气管pref. bronchus; bronchialBronchiectasis支气管扩张bronchiolitis细支气管炎bronchorrhagia支气管出血bronchospasm支气管痉挛31. gonado- 生殖腺 seedGonadectomy性腺切除术gonadotrophin 促性腺激素gonadotrope 生殖腺32. andro- 男的雄性的 maleandrocentrism大男子主义androgen 雄激素andrology 男科学 androsterone 雄淄酮33. gyne- or gyneco- femaleGynecic女性的gynecium 雌蕊雌蕊群gynecologist 妇科医生gynecopathy 妇科病34. vagino- or colpo- 阴道 vaginaVaginectomy阴道切除术vaginotomy阴道切开术colpoptosis阴道下垂colporrhaphy阴道缝合术35. oophor- 卵巢 ovaryOophorectomy卵巢切除术oophorectomize切除。


畜牧兽医专业类英语测试1. 公猪是下面哪个词汇? [单选题] *boar(正确答案)pigletgiltsow2. 断奶猪是下面哪个词汇? [单选题] *weaner(正确答案)weaningpigletweaned3. 断奶重是下面哪个词汇? [单选题] *Weaning weight(正确答案)Birth WeightGrowing weight4. 多点式生产是下面哪个词汇? [单选题] *Multiple-site-production(正确答案)two sitethree site5. 自然通风是下面哪个词汇? [单选题] *Natura ventilation(正确答案)indoor ventilationMechanical ventilationroof ventilation6. 玉米是下面哪个词汇? [单选题] *corn(正确答案)sorghumwheat SRW groundsoybean meal7. "milk power"是下面哪个词组的英译? [单选题] *奶粉(正确答案)乳清粉乳糖豆奶粉8. "sugar"是下面哪个词组的英译? [单选题] *糖(正确答案)蔗糖葡萄糖乳糖9. "fish oil"是下面哪个词组的英译? [单选题] *鱼油(正确答案)猪油牛油棕榈油10. "rice"是下面哪个词组的英译? [单选题] *稻谷(正确答案)米糠小米小麦您目前从事的职业: [单选题] *○准备报考畜牧兽医专业学生○畜牧兽医相关从业人员○畜牧兽医专业教师、专家、学者○其他。

第一部分:单词英译汉1、(细胞因子)2、(聚合酶链反应()3、(荷尔蒙)4、(疏松结缔组织)5、(高致病性禽流感病毒)6、(全身麻醉)7、(作者索引)8、(发病;发病率)9、(鸡胚)10、(单克隆抗体)11、(多种维生素缺乏症)12、(肺动脉)13、(死亡数;死亡率[S1])14、(交叉保护)15、(淋巴球,淋巴细胞)16、(心肌)17、(靶细胞)18、(浆液;血清)19、(血液感染)20、(炎症;发炎)21、(新陈代谢)22、(磺胺抗生素)23、(静脉内的)24、(乳腺炎)25、(白细胞介素)26、(猪链球菌病)27、(药物相互作用)28、(庆大霉素)29、( )) (科学引文索引)30、(夹心酶联免疫吸附试验)第二部分:请将下列句子中下画线部分译成汉语1、, a .(并发症状)2、(抑制免疫力的)3、(混合感染)4、.(驱虫药)5、.(在试管内)6、, . (浓度)7、. (炙肉)8、I 6 . (抑制)9、, . (管理部门;行政机构,政府)10、18 (46%) . (确定的;确实的)第三部分:句子英译汉1、.抗体检测鸡传染性支气管炎病毒的酶联免疫测定血清中的禽未接种疫苗的羊群。
2、1998 .直到1998那个核糖核酸干扰的现象被发现3、,.细胞因子是由单核吞噬细胞有时被称为单核因子,而产生的淋巴细胞通常被称为淋巴因子。
4、.禽流感病毒也被孤立在许多国家进口关在笼里的鸟儿5、 2 (2).影响猪2型圆环病毒(2)感染对猪免疫功能。
6、K .维生素不吸收从小肠上部。
第四部分:句子汉译英1、广西大学动物科学技术学院预防兽医学教研室Guangxi University College2、广西禽流感病毒的分离和鉴定第五部分:请按照译文翻译格式将下文翻译成汉语(20分)。
J. 2006 ;84(1-2):59-62.奥斯特兽医荷兰J . 2006;84(1):59 - 62纽卡斯尔病抗体检测试剂盒S, S, T, K, A, Y.. Newcastle () , ®a .–. . : . , , . ,() . . a , a . , a , . ( ) . 15 ( ) . ,405-410.纽卡斯尔是一个经济上重要的疾病的国内火鸡。

6、While working in Kunming, he checked the weather each morning for months ________he realized it would be the same every day.A.when B.afterC.before D.since Array 7、What the country did _____ the international trade regulations, for which it was widely condemned.A.approved B.violated C.bothered D.interrupted8、The college examination is ________________ easier this year than I have expected. A.fairly B.quiteC.rather D.very9、----Can I park my car here?----Sure not, we don’t allow here.A.to parking B.park C.to park D.parking10、—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.—_________. Opposites sometimes do attract.A.I hope not B.I think soC.I appreciate that D.I beg to differ第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AStuttering(口吃) is a communication disorder(疾病) generally characterized by unconscious repetitions or pauses in the flow of speech. These repetitions and pauses can bake many forms, such as repetitions of parts of words (“li-li-like this”). Sometimes, there are moments when a sound or a period of silence is lengthened (“llllike this” or “l-ike this”).Stuttering can be classified into a number or communication disorders: neurogenic(神经性的) stuttering and psychogenic stuttering are associated with sudden onset (发作) and, as their names imply, with a specific known cause—either a problem in the makeup of the brain or a great psychological challenge. These disorders are comparatively rare and differ in terms of causes, symptoms and treatment from developmental stuttering. Developmental stuttering typically starts between the ages of two and a half and four. The onset of the disorder, which can be gradual or relatively sudden, generally occurs during the period of rapid development in achild’s language skills, motor skills, character, and social interaction.The cause of developmental stuttering are not well understood and various theories have Array been offered throughout the history of speech-language pathology (the study of the causes and effects of illnesses). The roots of stuttering have been believed to relate to a number of causes: emotional problems, neurological problems, improper reactions from caregivers and family members, language planning, and speech motor difficulties among others. These theories have shown the promise of explaining some characteristics of stuttering but no single theory has thoroughly described the experiences of people who stutter.Young children who have stuttered for only a short time have a high rate of natural recovery, though it is impossible to determine which children are most likely to recover and which are likely to continue stuttering. Most experts recommend early evaluation and treatment aimed at preventing the development of a chronic(慢性的) communication disorder.Speech-language pathologists disagree about which approach is best for older children and adults. Treatment options include training to change speech patterns, turning to doctors to minimize negative reactions, drugs, and electronic tools that improve fluency. Self-help and support groups also play an important role in recovery for many people who stutter. Many people who have taken stuttering treatment programs are able to make positive changes in their speech skills and communication abilities so they can communicate freely.1、If a small child begins to stutter, his or her parents should ________.A.give their family more time B.consult a doctor immediatelyC.wait for the child to recover naturally D.encourage the child to speak fluently2、What can we say about the approaches to treatment of stuttering?A.They prove to be useless for children.B.They are at the experimental stage.C.They produce positive effects.D.They work against each other.3、The main purpose of the text is to ________.A.describe recent research on stutteringB.show us the classification of stutteringC.explain the different forms of stutteringD.offer some basic knowledge of stutteringNo spacecraft will ever land on the sun. the sun is a flaming ball of gas that reaches thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. But next year, a ship from Earth will fly closer to it than any man made craft has flown before. The mission(任务)is a big development for scientists and, maybe, for everyone else.In September 2018, NASA plans to launch the Parker Solar Probe. After a journey of nearly 90 million miles, it will fly within 3.8 million miles of the sun. within two months of launching, the probe is expected to reach the sun’s corona(日冕). That’s the sun’s outer atmosphere of gases.Getting there won’t be easy. Designing a spacecraft tough enough to hold up to the sun’s heat has proved difficult. But that hasn’t stopped engineers from trying. Temperatures in the corona can reach millions of degrees. The probe will limit itself to regions where things get no hotter than 2,500oF. T hat’s still a heavy heat load for a spacecraft. But a 4.5-inch-thick heat shield(罩)will protect the probe’s camera and scientific instruments.NASA says the data the probe collects could provide knowledge into the physics of stars. Our sun is special to us. But as a star, it’s rather common. So the better we understand how it works, the better we understand all stars of its mass and color.Perhaps the most important is what the probe may show us about solar storms. During solar storms, charged particles stream through the solar system. They can disable communications satellites and shut down powder systems. One study has found that a very intense solar storm could cause up to $2 trillion in damage in the US alone. It could also black out the East Coast for a year.Understanding solar storms might allow us to predict them and protect ourselves. That could make even a mission with a billion-plus price tag one of NASA’s great bargains.1、What can we learn about the probe?A.It’ll fly closer to the sun that the p revious onesB.It’s the first man made instrument to fly to the sunC.It’ll get to the core of the sun in nearly two monthsD.It’ll fly about 3.8 million miles to reach the corona.2、What is the challenge for the engineers?A.Directing the probe to collect data Array B.Reducing the temperature of the probeC.Building a shield against the heatD.Limiting the probe to proper regions3、What might be the best title?A.Exploring the stars B.Getting close to the sunC.Designing a spaceship D.Protecting the earth4、Where does the value of the mission lie?A.Monitoring satellites B.Exploring solar energyC.Developing scientific instruments D.Forecasting solar storms第三部分语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.Ever since I was a boy I have loved and collected Native American stories. Their wisdom and love of nature have always 1 me. The one that I keep in mind, though, is the story of the two 2 .One night a wise elder man sat his 3 around a campfire and told him about the4 that goes on inside of all people. He said, “My child, the battle is5 two ‘wolves’ that live inside us all. One is fear, anger, hatred, self-pity, and unhappiness.6 is love, laughter, joy, hope, peace, kindness, and happines s.” The grandson7 this for a long time and then asked his grandfather which wolf would win. The elder8 said, “The one you really9 .”I think that most of the problems worldwide 10 from the fact that far too many of us often feed the 11 wolf. We let our fears 12 us. We react with anger. We hate those who are 13 from us. We allow our jealousy and judgment to 14 our lives. We do so many things to create unhappiness in our hearts when all we really want is to be 15 .We don’t have to feed the wrong wolf, 16 . We can choose love and joy. We can smile and sing. We can 17 our thoughts with happiness and kindness. We can 18 them with everyone, everywhere.Which wolf are you going to feed today? Which life are you going to 19 ? Fear andlove are the two greatest 20 in this world. Yet, only one can bring you joy and bring you Array back to God.1、A.depressed B.frightened C.disappointed D.impressed2、A.wolves B.hearts C.people D.emotions3、A.son B.friend C.grandson D.brother4、A.battle B.struggle C.spirit D.story5、A.within B.among C.for D.between6、A.The others B.The other C.Other D.Another7、A.agreed on B.called on C.reflected on D.checked on8、A.sadly B.angrily C.possibly D.simply9、A.feed B.challenge C.believe D.defeat10、A.benefit B.come C.take D.suffer11、A.fierce B.real C.gentle D.wrong12、A.hold B.help C.lead D.frighten13、A.different B.far C.free D.absent14、A.continue B.rule C.begin D.cheer15、A.calm B.safe C.happy D.busy16、A.whatever B.however C.still D.thus17、A.improve B.shape C.change D.fill18、A.share B.support C.supply D.spend19、A.describe B.stay C.live D.survive20、A.figures B.forces C.problems D.chances第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

兽医专业英语练习题第一部分:单词英译汉1、cytokines (细胞因子)2、polymerase chain reaction(聚合酶链反应(=PCR)3、hormone(荷尔蒙)4、loose connective tissue(疏松结缔组织)5、highly pathogenic avian influenza virus(高致病性禽流感病毒)6、general anesthesia (全身麻醉)7、author index(作者索引)8、morbidity(发病;发病率)9、chick embryo(鸡胚)10、monoclone antibody(单克隆抗体)11、polyavitaminosis(多种维生素缺乏症)12、pulmonary artery(肺动脉)13、mortality(死亡数;死亡率[S1])14、cross-protection(交叉保护)15、lymphocyte(淋巴球,淋巴细胞)16、myocardium(心肌)17、target cell(靶细胞)18、serum (浆液;血清)19、the infected blood (血液感染)20、inflammation(炎症;发炎)21、metabolism(新陈代谢)22、sulfonamide antimicrobials(磺胺抗生素)23、intravenous(静脉内的)24、mastitis(乳腺炎)25、interleukins(白细胞介素)26、streptococcosis suis (猪链球菌病)27、drug interactions(药物相互作用)28、gentamicin(庆大霉素)29、Science Citation Index( SCI)) (科学引文索引)30、sandwich ELISA(夹心酶联免疫吸附试验)第二部分:请将下列句子中下画线部分译成汉语1、In this paper, we report the effect of plasma change in a ewe with thissyndrome.(并发症状)2、Co-infection and interaction of different immunosuppressive viruses(抑制免疫力的)3、Co-infection and interaction of different immunosuppressive viruses(混合感染)4、Twenty-one Merino sheep which had been drenched with anthelmintics were used in this study.(驱虫药)5、Drug interactions may occur in vitro when incompatible drugs are mixed in thesame syringe or vial or when drugs are mixed in incompatible solvents.(在试管内)6、Avian influenza virus is shed in high concentrations in the feces and survives for long periods, especially in water at low temperature. (浓度)7、The featherless broiler is ready to go to market. (炙肉)8、Paramyxovirus I and infectious bronchitis virus A-6 were used as controlantigens. (抑制)9、Frequently, concurrent administration of more than one drug is needed toachieve therapeutic goals. (管理部门;行政机构,政府)10、18 (46%) of the flocks gave positive tests. (确定的;确实的)第三部分:句子英译汉1、Detection of antibodies against infectious bronchitis virus by enzyme linkedimmunosorbent assay in the serum of fowls from non-vaccinated flocks.抗体检测鸡传染性支气管炎病毒的酶联免疫测定血清中的禽未接种疫苗的羊群。
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第 1 页 (共 2 页)
1. Meanwhile, the variety of activities on the web is broadening _ (on, at, in) an amazing rate.
2. Beef production in 2008 will depend _ (on, in, to) grazing condictions and the number of heifers retained _ (with, for, of) breeding.
3.All of these adjustments will exert downward pressure _ (on, in, with) feeder cattle prices, suggesting that more cattle could be fed in 2007.
4. It is hard for him to come _ (on, in, to) terms with being unemployed.
5. The ration fed certainly plays a role _ (in, into, for) maimtenance of health and well-being.
6. It is an excellent job _ (on, at, in) terms of salary, but there are
also some big disadvantages.
7. Every possible ways must be taken _ (in, into, on) account before taking actions.
8. Being a production manager, he is most concerned _ (from, in, about) product quality.
9. In their spare time, many people
engage themselves _ (in, on, at) social work without asking _ (after, for, on) repayment.
10. To predict that it will take _ (in, on, over) ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic.
10.Being a production manager, he is most concerned _ (from, in, about) product quality.
1. The police offered a _ for any information about the band robbery.
2. The new tax law will _ people with low income.
3. Every child has a _ right to free compulsory(义务的) education in our country.
4. A pipe is _ certain forms, it is made into solid.
5. The lungs _ to supply the body with oxygen.
6. The traffic was _ by an old man standing in the middle of the street.
7. Make your own decision. Don ’t let others _ you.
8. All businesses attempt to mixmize profits by _ sales and reducing cost.
9. The girl found it difficult to _ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai.
10. Doctors are trained to _ the symptoms(症状) of different diseases.
11. Inexpensive goods are not necessarily of _ quality. 12. No way was found to _ the substance from the mental. 13. People are willing to have milk from the cows which _ grass. 14. This time, however, he _ the second question. 15. All those _ in the crime were put into prison.
1. foot-and-mouth disease a. 家畜
2. feeder cattle b. 免疫接种技术
3. nutritional need c. 动物种类
4. perform operation d. 传染病
5. milk fever d. 药物治疗
6. curative treatment f. 产乳热
7. infectious disease g. 做手术
8. animal samples h. 营养需要
9. vaccination technology i. 架子牛 10. domestic animal j. 口蹄疫
1. Mister White carefully controls fermentation. He does so by controlling the amount of salt, the amount of acid produced by fermentation and the amount of water in the cheese.
2. Vaccines are environmentally friendly and increase animal welfare by preventing suffering caused by disease or by the consequent curative treatment.
3. The choice of method to eliminate an animal infectious disease must take into account the biological and epidemiological characteristics of the infection, the available control techniques and the emergence of new
4. When customers find out that a manufacturer produces only inferior or shoddy products that cheat them out of their money, they may become so angry that they will never purchase another of their products.
5. Feeder cattle supplies outside feedlots and available to go on feed or into spring/summer grazing programs were up 1 ercent from a year ago.
6. If you asked people today why they used the telephone to communicate with their friends or why they turned to the teleision for entertainment, they would look at you as if you were crazy.。