PET真题1-8 同义句转化汇总160道

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1.You can’t play Jotto unless there are at least two players.

You can only play Jotto ____________ there are at least two players.

2.You can play Jotto in a team or by yourself.

You can play Jotto in a team or on ____________ own.

3.I enjoy the game, and my parents enjoy it too.

I enjoy the game and so ____________ my parents.

4.My friend said that she had never played Jotto.

My friend said, ‘I ____________ played Jotto.’

5.What about playing the game now?

Shall ____________ the game now?

PET1 Test 2

1.Everyone in our family enjoys camping holidays.

In our family, all of us ____________ camping holidays.

2.Camping is cheaper than staying in a hotel.

Camping costs ____________ than staying in a hotel.

3.The campsite we’re going to is near the beach.

The campsite we’re going to is not too ___________ the beach.

4.The campsite has a swimming pool.

At the campsite ____________ a swimming pool.

5. I asked my friend if he wanted to come camping with us.

I asked my friend ____________ want to come camping with us?

1. It costs nothing to attend a state school.

It doesn’t cost ____________ to attend a state school.

2. City schools are usually larger than schools in the country.

Schools in the country are not as ____________ city schools.

3. Uniforms must be worn by children in some schools.

Children must ____________ uniforms in some schools.

4. Each class has about thirty children.

In each class ____________ are about thirty children.

5. Children can buy hot lunches at most schools.

At most schools ____________ possible for children to buy hot lunches.

PET1 Test 4

1. The phone was Max’s favourite present.

Max likes his phone more ____________ any of his other presents.

2. Max has never had his own phone before.

This is the ____________ that Max has had his own phone.

3. Max’s phone is very similar to his sister’s phone.

Mar’s phone is almost the same ____________ phone.

4. Max uses his phone for calling his friends and family.

Max uses his phone ____________ call his friends and family.

5. Max likes playing games on his phone, and all his friends do too.

Max likes playing games on his phone, and ____________ do all his friends.

1. Spielberg is one of Hollywood’s most famous directors.

Spielberg is more famous ____________ many other Hollywood directors.

2. Spielberg made his first film in the late 1950s.

Spielberg has made films ____________ the late1950s.

3. Spielberg writes films as well as directs them.

Spielberg not ____________ directs films but also writes them.

4. In many of Spielberg’s films, ordinary people do extraordinary things.

Many of Spielberg’s films are about ordinary people _________ extraordinary things.

5. Spielberg directed the film ET.

The film ET ____________ by Spielberg.

PET2 Test 2

1.Arriving in Montreal was really exciting for me.

I was very ____________ when we arrived in Montreal.

2.My uncle suggested going to the Mauricie National Park together.

My uncle said, ‘Why ____________ go to the Mauricie National Park?’

3.My uncle didn’t see any bears in the forest, but I did!

____________ bears in the forest, but my uncle didn’t!

4.One evening, we sang lots of songs around a campfire.

We spent one evening ____________ lots of songs around a campfire.

5. My favourite holiday photo is of me at Montagnais Lake.

The holiday photo like the ____________ is of me at Montagnais Lake.
