中美关系 英文PPT

The difference of friendship conceptions between Chinese and AmericansNowadays, more and more Chinese students and visiting scholars, immigrants go to the United States for further study, teachingor work.In this context, we inevitably want to make friends with people in the United States, to understand their culture.So the understanding of the differences of friendship between Chinese and Americans can make their own quickly into the local culture.1the persistence of the friendshipIn China, friendship is strong, stable or even alifetime.While American friendship tend to be short, unstable and affected.In the eyes of the Chinese real friendship is to be able to withstand any test, and lasts a lifetime.And American society is one of the world's most mobile country, the liquidity makes Americans relationships relatively weak.So in the United States between friends if you don't meet not contact for a period of time, their friendship will soon wither and die.In addition, in the eyes of the United States, the concept of friendship may be broader, they will have friends at work, leisure vacation friend, and even a special friend.Somaybe at first time you get along with the American people will think he is very friendly ,but if you think he has treated you as a friend, you will be disappointed.Nice does not mean friendship, true friendship takes time and dedication, and this is what many Americans lack.2 Intimacy between friendsIn China, if two people are friends, it must be very familiar with between two people.They know each other’s family background, , interests, and even their own private life.In China the more two friends know each other's private affairs, two people seem more intimate.And this would have been unthinkable in the United States people's eyes, such behavior is regarded as impolite.We mentioned in the above American liquidity so doomed their friendship is relatively flat, seems to mean to keep a certain distance between friends, even if the good friend will not inquire about their privacy, not as the prerequisite of the become good friends.MostAmericans believe that friendship needs distance,so their money is relatively more clear,they concentrate on individual, equality and independence, and not too face-saving.3 the purpose of datingMaking friends itself is purpose in China, few people from the start to get benefits and benefit from each other.Chinese friends often based on a like-minded, have a common language, the purpose of making friends is relatively pure.In the United States, pragmatism is the unique beliefs, they think useful is ok, no use is not good.Such pragmatism naturally reflected in American.4 AdviceAccording to the friendship conception of Americans,we Chinese have to make change if we want to integrated into the American society.Followings are advice:1Don’t try to ask about Americans’private information.2Don’t demond too high to your American friend,they are usually individual and independent.3Try to show your value to your friends,and you will be popular.。

Trade War•唐纳德特朗普是美国商人、电视真人秀、政客、总统。
Donald trump is an American businessman, reality TV show, politician and President.•在商人期间,特朗普建造了办公大楼、酒店、娱乐、高尔夫球场和世界各地其他有名的建筑。
During his time as a businessman, trump built office buildings, hotels, entertainment, golf courses and other famous buildings around the world.•特朗普的精神问题有以下几点,推特治国、退出TTP、巴黎气候协定、伊核协议、联合国教科文组织等等。
Trump's spiritual problems include the rule of twitter, the withdrawal of the TTP, the Paris climate agreement, the Iranian nuclear agreement, UNESCO and others.•他的他经常性侵犯女性,以至于她们现在纷纷来起诉他。
He was so often sexually assaulting women that they are now suing him.•他指定他的女儿和女婿作为总统助理和高级顾问。
He appointed his daughter and son-in-law as presidential aides and senior advisers.•他上任24小时就推翻了奥巴马医保法案。
He overthrew obamacare within 24 hours of taking office.•发布禁止穆斯林入境指令和修建美墨边境墙。

一、中美关系I. The U.S.-China Relationship双方认为,两国领导人保持密切交往对确保中美关系长期健康稳定发展至关重要。
The United States and China agreed that regular exchanges between lea ders of the two countries are essential to the long-term, sound, and steady growth of U.S.-China relations. The two sides are of the view that the three meetings between the two presidents and other importan t bilateral exchanges this year have strengthened relations. Presiden t Obama invited President Hu to make a visit to the United States nex t year, and President Hu accepted the invitation with pleasure. Leade rs of the two countries will continue to maintain close communication through mutual visits, meetings, telephone conversations and corresp ondence.双方高度评价中美战略与经济对话机制的重要作用,认为对话为两国增进理解、扩大共识、减少分歧、寻求对共同问题的解决办法提供了独特的平台。

一.中美关系词汇:霸权主义hegemony友好/国事访问 a goodwill(a state, an official)visit联合国安理会the UN Security Council恐怖主义terrorism大使ambassador大使馆embassy外交关系diplomatic relations代表团delegation平等互利equality and mutual benefits达成一致reach consensus on恢复行使主权resume the exercise of sovereignty over……享有高度自治enjoy a high degree of autonomy中美联合公报Sino-US joint communiqué伸张正义,主持公道adhere to principles and uphold justice大局意识:overall situation务实精神:pragmatic spirit利益相关者: stakeholder国际关系的准则norms governing international relations国际阵营international camp国际社会international community国际地位international position国际惯例international practice国际公约international convention国际条约international treaty第一世界国家first-world country第二世界国家second-world country第三世界国家third-world country发达国家developed country发展中国家developing country欠发达国家less-developed country超级大国superpower; VIP(Very Important Power)公报bulletin联合公报communiqué备忘录memorandum上海公报Shanghai Communiqué和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence互相尊重主权和领土完整mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity互不侵犯mutual non-aggression互不干涉内政non-interference i n each other’s internal affairs平等互利equality and mutual benefit和平共处peaceful coexistence和平友好条约peace and friendship treaty防止核扩散条约nuclear nonproliferation treaty求同存异seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences 捍卫国家主权,领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity◆自改革开放以来,中国找到了一条适合自己国情的促进和发展人权的道路。

The Old Summer Palace was fired by 3,500 British troops and burned
for three days; this act is still considered a painful vandalism
This failure would continue to plague the Qing Dynasty as it encountered
increasing foreign pressures and internal unrest during the 19th century
The policies of the Thirteen Factories remained
Macartney's refusal to kowtow in the presence of the Qianlong Emperor
• The Macartney Embassy is historically significant because it marked a missed opportunity by the Chinese to move toward some kind of accommodation with the West.
1685 Michael Shen Fu-Tsung visits Britain and meets James II
• Michael Shen Fu-
• Shen Fu-Tsung met
Tsung resided in
The Changing Sino-American Relationship 中美关系变化

The decline in prices of assets, is often known as Asset Deflation.
Currency swap(互换货币)
A currency swap is a swap that involves the exchange of principal and interest in one currency for the same in another currency. It is considered to be a foreign exchange transaction and is not required by law to be shown on a company's balance sheet.
Deflation is a general decline in prices, often caused by a reduction in the supply of money or credit. Deflation can be caused also by a decrease in government, personal or investment spending. The opposite of inflation, deflation has the side effect of increased unemployment since there is a lower level of demand in the economy, which can lead to an economic depression. Central banks attempt to stop severe deflation, along with severe inflation, in an attempt to keep the excessive drop in prices to a minimum.
中美友谊的对比 英语ppt

Chinese expect friendships to be more lasting. Westerns expect friends to be independent. Different foundations for friendships.
• Westerns expect friends to be independent
Why? It’s because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together, so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving. A westerner will respond to a friend’s trouble by asking “What do you want to do?” The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution. Chinese friends give each other more concrete help. A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain. They give each other money and might help each other out financially

In September 2000, the largescale cultural activities“Line of Chinese culture in the United Stated” were held in New York.
On the trade front:
The development of China-US relations
— the milestone to open in 1972
The milestone to open in 1972
President Nixon and Chairman Mao Zedong
That’s all.
Thank you!
President Nixon and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai
From the point on,the bridge of the communication between China and the United States formally stood up.It opened up a new milestone in Sino-American relations.
Politically:Frequent exchanges of high-level visits
Culturally:Study and communication with each other
US violinist Isaac Stern came to China for a performance. The picture shows Madame Soong Ching-ling, Vice-Chairman of China, having a photo taken with Stern. 宋庆龄 On May 26, 1973, scientists in the United States delegation to visit the Great Wall in Beijing.

Good morning, I have been fortunate enough today to show you, because of time constraints, and I can only show some general content of the Sino-US relations,if you find something is not good,please forgive me. if you are interested in this topic ,welcome to talk about it with me after the class.As we all know,China is the world's largest developing country, the United States is the world's most developed countries, China is the world's largest exporter, the United States is the world's largest importer, so, Sino-US relations are very important.First, we take a look at the stage characteristics of the Sino-US relations, Sino-US relations is divided into three stages.First stage: the founding of New China to the early 1970s, and china and america have a full-scale confrontation in this period, this a hostility period.Phase II: In the early 1970s to the 1980s, during this period ,due to various reasons, the Sino-US relations achieved normalization,and china and america established diplomatic relations.Phase III: Since the reform and opening up, during this period China and the United States formed a strategic partnership, cooperation and friction is the topic in this period.let us take a concern about the first period, the period of hostilities, the founding of New China, the Communist Party defeated the Kuomintang which supported by the United States, China confirmed "one-sided" strategy. So,The next 20 years China has been treated with political hostility and diplomatic isolation, military threats by america. The most typical manifestation is the Korean War,here we see the video of the Korean War,in this video, Chairman Mao made ainspiring speech in the the last,from this video,not only we can get the history, but also can experience the indomitable spirit with china’s leader.But this period end of China coming back to the United Nations,this case also mean U.S. policy of isolating china failed,Look at this picture ,this is a very famous picture, called qiao’s laughing,", Qiao Guanhua is the head of the Chinese delegation, the picture recorded after the victorylet's look at the second stage of normalization of the Sino-US relations in the 1970s to 1980s, and do you know why the two sides are seeking to improve relations during this period? The first should be the failure of U.S. policy of isolating China, Second, during this period, the United States on the defensive in US-Soviet hegemony,the Soviet hegemonism was a direct threat to our country in that age, from a strategic consideration, the normalization of Sino-US relations is the needs to against Soviet Union, which also gave the Soviet Union a big suprise indeed, of course, this decision is also out of the needs of the Taiwan issue.Look at this picture , Premier Zhou Enlai and President Nixon,you know, this handshake across the world's widest oceans.And This is in the state banquet,Premier Zhou Enlai take food for Nixon .Here we look at the video section of Nixon’s china visiting. I do not know did you notice the scene when Nixon took the coat for Zhou Enlai, it’s a famous detail,Premier Zhou Enlai has a very strong personality, foreign guests who have been in contact with Premier Zhou will be impressed by his sincerity, which is also worthy of our Chinese diplomat to learn.Let’s come to the final stage, period since the reform and opening up, i devid this period into three stepsThe first step is the late 1970s to the late 1980s, this period is the first dacade after the normalization of Sino-US relations,the relations developed smoothly during this period, and vice-premier Deng Xiaoping visited the United States during this time. Here is a video of Deng Xiaoping's visiting to U.S..The second step of the late 1980s to the early 1990, United States began sanctionsduring this period, the collapse of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, China has also undergone a political storm, commonly known as the student movement. The United States believes that China's suppression of the counter-revolutionary rebellion is terrible, so america made sanctions against China.Incidentally, I personally do not agree with the student movement event, any historical event must have international and domestic background and underlying causes, and this incident precisely do not have.Ok,Return to the Sino-US relations, the third step, since the mid-1990s, the sanctions have no effect, the U.S. change the policy, cooperation accounted for the main line, such as China's accession to the WTO.Here is a video of China's accession to the WTO, Premier Zhu Rongji visited the United States.Actually,except these,i intended to show you Sino-US relations after U.S. President Barack Obama took office, such as trade friction, the United States to return to the Asia-Pacific strategy, but this problem is too complex to have the opportunity to be explained today.Why the Sino-US relations is so important and complex, only one word can describe,there is no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests!Ok,This is the entire contents of the speech today ,Finally, I want to do a summary with Chinese to end the speech,中国的进步和发展奔腾向前,浩浩荡荡,势不可挡。

美国对华政策与中 美关系展望
美国参与八国联军侵华,加强 对中国的经济和政治控制。
中美关系正常化,美国承认中 国,开展文化、教育、科技交 流。
美国对华的“门户开放”政策, 旨在保护美国在华商业利益。
美国对华实施遏制政策,支持 台湾,与中国大陆关系紧张。
这一时期美国摆脱了英国的殖民统治,建立了独立的联邦制 国家。
1775年,美国独立战争爆发,美国13个殖民地宣布脱离英国 独立。经过8年的战争,1783年英国承认美国独立。随后, 美国制定了宪法,确立了联邦制、三权分立等重要政治制度, 奠定了美国政治、经济发展的基础。
19世纪初,工业革命在美国爆发,推动了美国经济的快速发展和工业化进程。同 时,美国掀起了西进运动,大量移民向西迁移,开拓了新的领土和资源。这一时 期,美国经济发展达到了巅峰,成为了世界领先的工业大国。
美国历史上的重要 人物与事件
乔治·华盛顿是美国独立战争的主要领 袖,被誉为美国国父。
乔治·华盛顿出生于一个富有的种植园 主家庭,他领导大陆军在独立战争中 取得胜利,并最终促成美国独立。他 担任美国第一任总统,为美国政治制 度的建设奠定了基础。
中美两国经济相互依存, 未来需加强经济合作, 共同应对全球性挑战。

education concerns
rising health-care costs
economic dynamo
pollution family financial anxiety
magnetic-levitation train
America's advantages
• government----far less corrupt and far more stable 1. democratic politics 2. free press and open 3. transparent markets
• help relieve their increasingly congested roads and increasingly polluted air.
China's problems
• congestion • pollution • education concerns---not enough skilled workers • rising health-care costs---family financial anxiety
• the auther an incredible opportunity
• not preventing China from developing but preventing America from slowing down
• greatest advantage--differences of opinion (on politics,philosophy,faith) are respected as fundamental human rights.

The game in the Asia-pacific region
China and the United States on the special period of their game
Whether in the reform of China, or in election year suffered another long-term economic difficulties of the United States, both external environment is very sensitive to changes, lack of each other's trust. At the same time, the influence of the two foreign domestic factors increasingly diverse, complex, so our strategic countermeasures must be based on the real strategic intent upon accurately.
intellectual property rights of the war upgrade
• As the large quantities China's economic crisis, of and technology products high the United States patent and patent involved in commercial secret war litigation intensified China enterprise has also become the United States Commercial secret "dark patent, trade secret law war" development against the major object of litigation. American business secret means the strengthening of the legal protection The United States economic crisis start again "patent slaughter" movement

中美关系(英文)Sino-US relationsSino-American relations refers to the international relations between the United States and China. Most analysts have characterized present Sino-American relations as complex and multi-faceted, with the United States and China being neither allies nor enemies. At the same time, it is generally acknowledged that the nature of Sino-American relations will be a major factor in determining the state of the world in the 21st century.The history of relations between China and United States.The beginning of relations between China and the United States seems to be a beginning of inequality. Because the United States forced the Qing government to sign the unequal treaty which is the Treaty of Wangxia at 1844. This treaty not only put American trade on par with the British but also secured Americans' right of extraterritoriality.With the development of history, the relations between China and the United States have also developed. In the World War II, the two countries became ally, to deal with the common enemy named Japan. At the same time the United States government and people give us a lot of help about food, drugs, weapons, etc. By 1949, Mao established the People's Republic of China (PRC) on the mainland, while Chiang's ROC on Taiwan was considered as a government-in-exile for decades . For 30 years after its founding, the United States did not formally recognize the People's Republic of China. Instead, it maintained diplomatic relations with the Republic of China government on Taiwan, and recognized the ROC as the sole legitimate government of China. During this time, China and the United States even becomeenemies, we even have a war on the Korean peninsula.But both the Chinese and the Americans had issued feelers to try to improve the relations between these two major powers. By the Ping Pong Diplomacy, the PRC responded by inviting the American ping pong team to tour China. They opened the way to rapprochement of relations between China and the United States. From February 21 to February 28, 1972, President Nixon visited to Beijing, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. At the conclusion of his trip, the US and the PRC issued the ShanghaiCommuniqué, a statement of their s hared foreign policy views. In the Communiqué, both nations pledged to work toward the full normalization of diplomatic relations. The US acknowledged the PRC position that all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait maintain that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. The statement enabled the US and PRC to temporarily set aside the "crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations" - Taiwan - and to open trade and other contacts. The United States and the People's Republic of China announced on December 15, 1978 that the two governments would establish diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979.The major arguments between China and United StatesWith the globalization of economy, the relations between China and the United States is becoming more and more close, but which still have many differences. The major arguments are the Taiwan question and human rights.The first and foremost argument is the Taiwan question. The United States exports large amounts of weaponry to Taiwan and there is a great deal of sympathy for Taiwan partly because The United States government think it, unlike the PRC, is a pluralistic,liberal democracy and because of residual sympathy over the ROC's anti-communism during the Cold War. But in fact , there is only one China in the world which is the People's Republic of China. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, we will pay any price to safeguard the unity of the motherland. Therefore, U.S. support for Taiwan is meaningless.The United States maintains the view that China needs to improve its human rights in a wide array of fields, from the treatment of dissidents to the strict enforcement of its One child policy. China, however, argues that its human rights concerns are a strictly internal matter and should have no effect on trade or other bilateral relations. Because of this, there remain disputes over issues such as the treatment of political prisoners, the crackdown on Falun Gong, the rights of religious practicioners (particularly Chinese Christians), China's forced labor camp (laogai) network, torture, and widespread media and internet censorship. Additionally, the US remains concerns over reports of such practices as forced abortions and organharvesting, though these allegations are in contention. In return, Beijing has been publishing reciprocal reports on human rights in the United States, in which it urges the US to "look squarely" at its own problems, such as a high murder rate and jail population. The reports are issued by China's cabinet, the State Council, and list what it says are "a multitude of cases to show the serious violations of human rights both in and outside the US," according to state news agency Xinhua. It described alleged abuses including secret surveillance, police abuse, racial discrimination and wrongful convictions.The present conditions between China and United StatesThe current relationship between China and United Statesthat is a honeymoon period. Our country is in the period of rapid economic development, so we desire to have a peaceful ,prosperity international environment and economic environment. We sincerely hope that can develop good relations between China and the United States and spread more economic, military personnel, culture and education on the cooperation, so as to develop my country. Compared with China, the United States is the superpower country in the world. The United States government are more concerned with maintaining its national interests and supremacy. In the present stage of the United States to China's strategic policy basically maintain the status quo. As far as possible bring China to the United States as the leading international track and prevent China as a big country rise. In fact, the United States has never relax to monitor China. At the same time, the Taiwan issue is also the most sensitive issue that hinder the further development of relations between China and the United States. In recent years the United States to Taiwan export weapon quantity and lethality is enhanced step by step. However, after the 911 event, the American people are aware that without China, the United States will be not survival and the development. Therefore, the relationship between the United States and China is improving, so that they can take advantage of the Chinese in the Asia-pacific region to strengthen his interests, and help him in the war on terrorism.The future development between China and United StatesReview of the fifty years of the history of Sino-US relations,we have the sharpopposition and also have the sincere cooperation. After the cold war the relations between China and the United States have appeared many crisis, but relations between China and theUnited States did not break,and deepened. Its deep reason is that between China and the United States there are many common strategic interests. Therefore, we have the reason to say prudent optimism about the 21st century relations between China and the United States. Of course, the influence of the negative factors in relations between the two countries also is not allowed to be ignored, such as human rights, trade, sales and the Taiwan issue, etc. However, as long as both sides can stand in the height of the history with strategic vision to deal with the relations between each other, that relations between China and the United States will be along the track of healthy smooth progress.The significance of Sino-US relationsNowadays the relations between China and the United States in the world is the one of the most important bilateral relationships. China and the United States, one is the biggest developing country in the world,it has the rich labor resources, a significant cost advantages, broad market and limitless potential of development. The other is a country that has the most powerful economic in the world, scientific and technological ,at the same time it is the largest developed country. The relationship between the two countries that directly affects the development of world economy. In dealing with a lot of international affairs, relations between China and the United States having the effect that cannot be replaced.No permanent friends, only the interests of forever. We must handle well the relations between China and the United States, and we must seize the opportunities and meet challenges.My own opinion towards Sino- US relationIn my opinion, the relationship between China and the United States is complicated, so that we can not live without theother. We should be more widely in the field of cooperation, such as economy, culture, military and so on, so as to seek better development. But even in cooperation, we must have our own principles, for example, in the Taiwan issue and human rights issues. When the practices of the U.S.government provoke these principles, we should be given a certain degree of counterattack, of course, these counter-attack does not cause rupture of Sino-US relations.In short, the Sino-US relations should be developed firmly, because the world needs us!。
中美关系 英文PPT

Any remaining hope of normalizing relations ended when US and PRC forces began fighting against each other in the Korean War on November 1, 1950
improve bilateral ties
The United States did not formally recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) for 30 years after its founding. Instead, the US maintained diplomatic relations with the Republic of China government on Taiwan, recognizing it as the sole legitimate government of China.
1971 : Sino-US ping-pong diplomacy
In April, 1971 the athletes became the first Americans to officially visit China since the communist takeover.
In July 1971, Henry Kissinger feigned illness while on a trip to Pakistan and did not appear in public for a day. He was actually on a top-secret mission to Beijing to open relations with the government of the PRC

(1)美国将不断强大的中国视为实 现全球战略的潜在威胁。(地缘矛盾)
(2)美国将社会主义的中国视为实现全 球战略的重大障碍。(意识形态)
关注美国全球战略 关注战略实施手段 关注美国国内政策 (interest group)
通过经济、文化和人员往来,演化苏东社 会主义国家,复辟资本主义制度。
发展多样化军事力量,以核报复对付核打击, 以常规战争对付常规侵略,以特种战争对付第三 世界的“叛乱”。“两个半战争”
专题视角 理论视角 历史视角 格局视角
(一)中国 和平融入国际社会
(二)美国 大战略演变Grand Strategy
杜鲁门 艾森豪威尔 肯尼迪 约翰逊
在不放弃军事遏制的同时,利用苏联、 东欧改革的实际,采取多种手段,尤 其是以经济援助为诱饵,使苏东及其 他社会主义国家复辟资本主义,并进 而融入西方的政治经济体系。
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Empress of China
The Qing Dynasty opened the first modern official diplomatic relations in late 19th century.
Old China Trade
1842:First Opium War
1971 : Sino-US ping-pong diplomacy
In April, 1971 the athletes became the first Americans to officially visit China since the communist takeover.
In July 1971, Henry Kissinger feigned illness while on a trip to Pakistan and did not appear in public for a day. He was actually on a top-secret mission to Beijing to open relations with the government of the PRC
Any remaining hope of normalizing relations ended when US and PRC forces began fighting against each other in the Korean War on November 1, 1950
improve bilateral ties
American-Chinese relations had been conducted solely through trade
பைடு நூலகம்
Treaty of Wangxia
This treaty effectively ended the era of the Old China Trade, giving the United States as many trading privileges as other foreign powers
Part 2:
History of Republic of China and the USA relations
After the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, the United States government recognized the Republic of China (ROC) government as the sole and legitimate government of China despite a number of governments ruling various parts of China
establish diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979
China-US joint Communique
Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill at the Cairo Conference in 1943
alliance relation
History of People's Republic of China and the USA relations
Sino-US relations
Part one
History of Qing-USA relations
U. S. merchant ship Empress of China opened the chapter of friendly exchanges between our two peoples
The United States did not formally recognize the People's Republic of China (PRC) for 30 years after its founding. Instead, the US maintained diplomatic relations with the Republic of China government on Taiwan, recognizing it as the sole legitimate government of China.
Richard Nixon met with Mao Zedong in 1972
the US and the PRC issued the Shanghai Communiqué 上海公报
In the Communiqué, both nations pledged to work toward the full normalization of diplomatic relations.
World War II
A series of Neutrality Acts had been passed in the US with the support of isolationists who forbade American aid to countries at war. however, Roosevelt denied that a state of war existed in China and proceeded to send aid to Chiang