



[超详细]大鼠[ 超详细]大鼠的解剖图谱1图Ⅷ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2 整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cervical vertebra4 颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10 指骨digital bone11 腰椎lumbar vertebra12 髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19 趾骨digital bone图Ⅷ-4 头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect 1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3 矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8 顶骨parietal bone9 额骨frontal bone10 鼻骨nasal bone11 鼻间缝internasal suture12 前筛孔preethmoid pore13 蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen14 门齿incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17 枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20 颞骨temporal bone图Ⅷ-6 下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect 4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone14 门齿incisor tooth17 枕骨occipital bone19 外耳道external acoustic meatus21 腭裂patoschisis22 臼齿molar tooth23 腭骨palatine bone24 翼孔pterygoid apertures25 破裂孔foramen lacerum26 枕大孔foramen magnum27 腭后孔posterior palatine foramen28 鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures29 卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen32 下颌联合mandibular symphysis33 颏孔mental foramen34 冠状突coronoid process35 下颌支ramus of mandible36 角状突process of horn37 下颌孔mandibular foramen38 翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39 髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-7 颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9 前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-8 前肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorlimb. Lateral aspect1 枢椎axis2 第4 颈椎4th cervical vertebra3 第6 颈椎6th cervical vertebra4 第1 胸椎1st thoracic vertebra5 第4 胸椎4th thoracic vertebra6 寰椎axis7 第3 颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8 第5 颈椎5th cervical vertebra9 第7 颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10 第3 胸椎3rd thoracic vertebral1 肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12 桡骨radius13 尺骨ulna 14 尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna15 掌骨metacarpal bone 16 肱骨头head of hurnerusl7 肘突cubital process 18 腕骨carpal bone19 指骨digital bone图Ⅷ-10 股骨前面The femur. 图Ⅷ-11 胫骨与腓骨前面The tibia Anterior aspect and fibula. Anterior aspect1 大转子greater trochanter2 股骨颈neck of femur3 第三转子third trochanter4 髌骨patella5股骨头femoral head6小转子lesser trochanter7 股骨体shaft of femur8 股骨内侧髁medial condyle of femur9 外侧髁lateral condyle10腓骨fibula11外踝lateral malleolus12 跗骨tarsal bone13 胫骨内侧髁medial condyle of tibia14 径骨粗隆tibial tuberosity15 胫骨tibiaI6 内踝medial mallcolus17 跖骨metatarsal bone18斜方肌trapezius muscle19臀浅肌glutoeus super(icialis muscle20 股直肌rectus femoris muscle21 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen22 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle23 肩斜方肌shoulder-trapezius muscle24 大圆肌teres major muscle25 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle26 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1 锁骨提肌levator clavicle muscle2 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle3 肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle4 臀浅肌gluteus suferficidlis muscle5 股直肌rectus femoris muscle6 腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle7 夹肌splenius muscle 8颈菱形肌rhomboideus cervicis muscle9胸菱形肌rhomboideus pectoralis muscle10 背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle11 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen12 股二头肌biceps femoris muscle13 半腱肌semitendinosus muscle3 肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle5 股直肌rectus femoris muscle11 腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 13半腱肌semitendinosus muscle14二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle15 二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle16 胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle17 肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle18 腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle19 股动、静脉femoral artery and femoral vein20 阴囊scrotum21 咬肌masseter muscle 22 胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle23 肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle24桡侧腕伸肌extensor carpi radialis muscle25指总伸肌extensor digitorum communis muscle26 尺侧腕伸肌extensor carpi ulnaris muscle27 胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle28 前锯肌serratus anterior muscle29 股内侧肌vastus medialis muscle30 耻骨肌pectineus muscle31 长收肌adductor longus muscle32 股薄肌gracilis muscle图Ⅷ-15 头、颈部侧面 The head and neck. Lateral aspect1 颞浅动、静脉 superficial temporal artery and vein2 眶上静脉 supraorbitalvein3 面横动、静脉 transverse facial artery and vein4 下颌缘神经marginalmandibularenerv 5 面后静脉posterior facial vein 6 面前静脉 anterior facial vein 图Ⅷ-16 口腔(1)The oral cavity (1)7 颈外静脉external jugular vein1 颞浅动、静脉 superficial temporal artery and vein2 眶上静脉 supraorbitalvein3 面横动、静脉 transverse facial artery and vein4 下颌缘神经 marginalmandibular nerve5 面后静脉posterior facial vein6 面前静脉 anterior facial vein7 颈外静脉 external jugular vein8 硬腭褶 fold of hard palate9 臼齿 molar tooth 10 门齿 incisor tooth 11 软腭 soft palate 12 舌根 root of tongue 13 舌体 body of tongue14 舌尖apex of tongue图Ⅷ-17 口腔(2)The oral cavity (2)1 喉口aperture of larynx2 舌根root of tongue3 舌尖apex of tongue 5 软腭soft palate7 臼齿molar tooth 4 硬腭褶fold of hard palate 6 会厌epiglottis8 舌体body of tongue图Ⅷ-18 脑与脊髓背面The brain and 图Ⅷ-19 脑与脊髓腹面The brain and spinal cord.Dorsal aspect spinal cordVentral aspect9 嗅球olfactory bulb1l 绒球flocculus13 腰膨大lumbar enlargement 15 大脑cerebrum17 脊髓圆锥courts medullaris 19 脑桥pons21 嗅束olfactory tract23 三叉神经trigeminal nerve 10 中央纵裂central longitudinal fissue12 颈膨大cervical enlargement14 外侧纵沟lateral longitudinal sulcus16 小脑(中央部)cerebellum (central part)18 脑垂体pituitary gland20 延髓myelencephalon22 视神经optic nerve图Ⅷ-20 磁共振冠状面定位像(1)The scout view of coronal images(1)图Ⅷ-21 磁共振冠状面定位像(2)The scout view of coronal images(2)1眼球eyeball2嗅脑rhinencephalon3大脑皮层cerebral cortex4 大脑镰cerebral faix5 鼻旁窦paranasal sinus6 纵裂longitudinal fissure冠状面T1加权像,颞颌关节线圈,SE 序列,层厚3.0mm,无间隔,TR=500rns,TE=20ms。



图Ⅷ-31左心房与左心室The left atrium and left ventricle11左心房left atrium12左心室left ventricle13肺动脉右支right branch of pulmonary artery14肺静脉pulmonary vein15前腔静脉precavalvein16肺动脉左支left branch of pulmonary art 7tery17后腔静脉postcaval vein18心中静脉 middle cardiac vein19头臂动脉brachiocephalic artery20主动脉弓aortic arch21乳头肌papillary muscles22左颈总动脉left common carotid artery23左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery24右前腔静脉right precaval vein25心外膜extracardium图Ⅷ-56前肢内侧面The anterior limb. Medial aspect图Ⅷ-57后肢内侧面(1)The posterior limb. Medial aspect(1)1腋神经axillary nerve 2桡神经radial nerve3头静脉cephalic vein 4正中神经median nerve5正中动脉median artery 6肌支muscular branch7尺神经ulnar nerve 8臂动脉brachial artery9胸长神经long thoracic nerve 10胸外侧动脉external thoracic arteryI1颈总动脉common carotid artery 12主动脉弓aorta arch13左心耳left auricle 14右心耳right auricle15食管esophagus 16胸主动脉thoracic aorta17腹壁浅动脉superficial epigastric artery 18腹壁浅静脉superficial epigastric vein 19隐动脉saphenous artery 20隐大静脉great saphenous vein图Ⅷ-52生殖器官(♂)(5)The genital organs(♂)(5)图Ⅷ-53腹主动脉及其分支The abdominal aorta and branches1 直肠 rectum2精囊seminal vesicle3 膀胱urinary bladder4前列腺prostate5精索spermatic cord6阴茎penis7 附睾epididymis8睾丸testis9膈diaphragm10后腔静脉postcaval vein11腹腔动脉celiac artery12肾动脉renal artery13右肾 right kidkey14前肠系膜动脉anterior mesenteric artery15精索内动脉internal spermatic artery16输尿管ureter17髂腰动、静脉iliolumbar artery and vein18髂总动脉common iliac artery19贮精囊vesicula seminalis20隐动脉saphenous artery21食管esophagus22膈下动脉inferior phrenic artery23肾上腺adrenal glands24肾上腺上动脉superior adrenal artery25左肾left kidney26后肠系膜动脉posterior mesenteric artery27髂外动脉external iliac artery28股动脉femoral artery29腹壁阴部动脉干arterial epigastro-pudendal trunk 30输精管ductus deferens1直肠rectum 2膀胱urinary bladder3肾kidney 4脂肪fat5精囊seminal vesicle 6前列腺prostate7阴茎penis 8附睾 epididymis9精索spermatic cord图Ⅷ-46生殖器官(♀)(1)The genital organs(♀)(1)图Ⅷ-47生殖器官(♀)(2)The genital organs(♀)(2)1小肠small intestine 2输卵管uterine tube 3脂肪fat 4胃stomach5子宫角horn of uterus 6直肠rectum7膀胱urinary bladder 8脾spleen9子宫体body of uterus图Ⅷ-44空肠、回肠与盲肠腹面观The jejunum, ileum and cecum. Ventral view图Ⅷ-45空肠、回肠与盲肠背面观The jejunum, ileum and cecum. Dorsal view1空肠jejunum2横结肠transverse colon3升结肠ascending colon4盲肠cecum5腹壁浅动脉superficial epigastric artery6隐动脉saphenous artery7隐大静脉great saphenous vein8肝liver9胃stomach10脾spleen11降结肠descending colon12 膀胱 urinary bladder13尾中动脉middle coccygeal artery14回肠ileum15盲肠尖apex of cecum16盲肠体body of cecum17盲肠基部base of cecum图Ⅷ-41腹腔器官(6)The organs in the abdominal cavity (6)图Ⅷ-42胃The stomach 图Ⅷ-43胃壁内面The wall of stomach. Inner surface1膈diaphragm2前腔静脉precaval vein3胸腺thymus4肺lung5心heart6肾上腺adrenal gland7肾kidney8肾门静脉renal portal vein9精索内静脉internal spermatic vein10髂腰静脉iliolumbar vein11膀胱urinary bladder12十二指肠duodenum13幽门pylorus14胃大弯greater curvature of stomach15食管esophagus16胃底fundus of stomach17胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach18胃体body of stomach19贲门pylorus20胃粘膜皮区cutaneous part of gastric mucous21胃粘膜腺区glandular part of gastric mucous1肝右中叶right middle lobe of l iver 2肝右外叶right lateral lobe of liver 3小肠small intestine 4大网膜greater omentum5结肠colon 6胸腺thymus7肺lung 8心heart9 膈 diaphragm l0肝左中叶left middle lobe of liver 11肝左外叶left lateral lobe of liver 12胃stomach13脾spleen 14附睾epididymis15睾丸testis 16阴茎penis17股动、静脉femoral artery and vein1肝右中叶right middle lobe of liver 2肝右外叶right lateral lobe of liver 3横结肠transverse colon 4大网膜greater omentnm5空肠jejunum 6剑突xiphoid process7肝左中叶left middle lobe of liver 8肝左外叶left lateral lobe of liver 9胃stomach 10脾spleen1l脂肪fat 12肝liver13胰pancreas 14结肠colon图Ⅷ-35胸主动脉The thoracic aorta1甲状腺thyroid gland 2迷走交感神经链vagosympathetic chain 3颈总动脉common carotid artery 4锁骨下动脉subclavian artery5无名动脉innominate artery 6前腔静脉precaval vein7后腔静脉postcaval vein 8 膈 diaphragm9颈动脉干carotid trunk 10臂神经丛brachial plexus11腋动脉axillary artery 12胸外侧动脉lateral thoracic artery13椎动脉vertebral artery 14肋颈动脉干costocervical trunk15主动脉弓aorta arch 16肺动脉pulmonary artery17胸主动脉thoracic aorta 18肋间动脉intercostal artery19食管esophagus图Ⅷ-33颈总动脉The common carotid artery图Ⅷ-34主动脉弓The aorta arch1舌动脉lingual artery2甲状腺thyroid gland3迷走交感神经链vagosympathetic chain4颈外静脉external jugular vein5颈总动脉common carotid artery6锁骨下动脉subclavian artery7无名动脉anonyma artery8主动脉弓aorta arch9颌外动脉external maxillary artery10耳前动脉anterior auricular artery11甲状腺上动脉superior thyroid artery 12颈动脉干carotiq trunk13腋动脉axillary artery14左心耳left auricle15前腔静脉precaval vein16面后静脉posterior facial vein17面前静脉anterior facial vein18臂神经丛brachial plexus19胸外侧动脉external thoracicartery 20椎动脉vertebral artery21肋颈动脉干costocervicaltrunk图Ⅷ-32右心房和右心室The right atrium and right ventricle4右心房right atrium5冠状沟coronary sulcus6右心室right ventricle7心尖cardiac apex8左颈内动脉left internal cartoid artery9左颈外动脉left external cartoid artery10主动脉弓aortic arch11左心房left atrium12左心室left ventricle13肺动脉右支right branch of pulmonary artery14肺静脉pulmonary vein15前腔静脉precavalvein16肺动脉左支left branch of pulmonary art 7tery17后腔静脉postcaval vein18心中静脉 middle cardiac vein19头臂动脉brachiocephalic artery20主动脉弓aortic arch21乳头肌papillary muscles22左颈总动脉left common carotid artery23左锁骨下动脉left subclavian artery24右前腔静脉right precaval vein25心外膜extracardium26肺动脉pulmonary artery 27心内膜endocardiurn28心肌层myocardium3右锁骨下动脉 right subclavian artery4右心房right atrium5冠状沟coronary sulcus6右心室right ventricle7心尖cardiac apex8左颈内动脉left internal cartoid artery9左颈外动脉left external cartoid artery10主动脉弓aortic arch11左心房left atrium12左心室left ventricle13肺动脉右支right branch of pulmonary artery 14肺静脉pulmonary vein15前腔静脉precavalvein16肺动脉左支left branch of pulmonary art 7tery 17后腔静脉postcaval vein1右颈内动脉right internal carotid artery 2右颈外动脉right external carotid artery 3右锁骨下动脉 right subclavian artery 4右心房right atrium5冠状沟coronary sulcus6右心室right ventricle7心尖cardiac apex8左颈内动脉left internal cartoid artery 9左颈外动脉left external cartoid artery 10主动脉弓aortic arch11左心房left atrium12左心室left ventricle图Ⅷ-27腹肌The abdominal muscle图Ⅷ-28胸、腹腔器官The organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities1腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle2 股动、静脉femoral artery. femoral vein3阴茎penis4阴囊scrotum5胸浅肌pectoral suferficialis muscle6腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen7股直肌rectus femoris muscle8股内侧肌vastus medialis muscle9耻骨肌pectineus muscle10长收肌adductor longus muscle11股薄肌gracilis muscle12半腱肌semitendinous muscle13咬肌masseter muscle14胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle15胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle16肩胛横肌transverses scapulae muscle17胸腺thymus18心heart19肺lung20 膈diaphragm21十二指肠duodenum22空肠jejunmn23 膀胱 urinary bladder24二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 25脾spleen26结肠colon27回肠ileum28股静脉 femoral vein29前列腺prostate1二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastrc muscle 2胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle3胸浅肌pectoral suferficialis muscle 4二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 5咬肌masseter muscle 6胸乳突肌stemomastoideus muscle7淋巴结lymph nodes 8肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle9桡神经radial nerve 10正中神经median nerve11背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle 12肩胛舌骨肌omohyoid muscle13腋神经axillary nerve 14胸深肌pectoral profundus muscle图Ⅷ-3头骨背面The skull.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-4头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect图Ⅷ-5头骨腹面The skull. Ventral aspect图Ⅷ-6下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8顶骨parietal bone9额骨frontal bone10鼻骨nasal bone11鼻间缝internasal suture12前筛孔preethmoid pore13蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen 14门齿 incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20颞骨temporal bone21 腭裂patoschisis22臼齿molar tooth23腭骨palatine bone24翼孔pterygoid apertures25破裂孔foramen lacerum26枕大孔foramen magnum27腭后孔posterior palatine foramen 28鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures 29卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen 32下颌联合mandibular symphysis 33颏孔mental foramen34冠状突coronoid process35下颌支ramus of mandible36角状突process of horn37下颌孔mandibular foramen38翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cervical vertebra4颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10指骨digital bone11腰椎lumbar vertebra12髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19趾骨digital bone。


图Ⅷ-31 左心房与左心室 The left atrium and left ventricle
பைடு நூலகம்
11 左心房 left atrium 12 左心室 left ventricle 13 肺动脉右支 right branch of pulmonary artery 14 肺静脉 pulmonary vein 15 前腔静脉 precavalvein 16 肺动脉左支 left branch of pulmonary art 7tery 17 后腔静脉 postcaval vein 18 心中静脉 middle cardiac vein 19 头臂动脉 brachiocephalic artery 20 主动脉弓 aortic arch 21 乳头肌 papillary muscles 22 左颈总动脉 left common carotid artery 23 左锁骨下动脉 left subclavian artery 24 右前腔静脉 right precaval vein 25 心外膜 extracardium



大鼠和小鼠解剖图谱图Ⅷ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cervical vertebra4颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10指骨digital bone11腰椎lumbar vertebra12髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19趾骨digital bone图Ⅷ-4头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect图Ⅷ-6下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8顶骨parietal bone9额骨frontal bone10鼻骨nasal bone11鼻间缝internasal suture12前筛孔preethmoid pore13蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen 14门齿 incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20颞骨temporal bone21 腭裂patoschisis22臼齿molar tooth23腭骨palatine bone24翼孔pterygoid apertures25破裂孔foramen lacerum26枕大孔foramen magnum27腭后孔posterior palatine foramen 28鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures 29卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen 32下颌联合mandibular symphysis 33颏孔mental foramen34冠状突coronoid process35下颌支ramus of mandible36角状突process of horn37下颌孔mandibular foramen38翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-7颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-8前肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorlimb. Lateral aspect1枢椎axis 2第4颈椎4th cervical vertebra3第6颈椎6th cervical vertebra 4第1胸椎1st thoracic vertebra5第4胸椎4th thoracic vertebra 6寰椎axis7第3颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8第5颈椎5th cervical vertebra9第7颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10第3胸椎3rd thoracic vertebral1肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12桡骨radius13尺骨ulna 14尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna15掌骨metacarpal bone 16肱骨头head of hurnerusl7肘突cubital process 18腕骨carpal bone19指骨digital bone图Ⅷ-10股骨前面The femur. 图Ⅷ-11胫骨与腓骨前面The tibia Anterior aspect and fibula. Anterior aspect1大转子greater trochanter2股骨颈neck of femur3第三转子third trochanter4髌骨patella5股骨头femoral headG小转子lesser trochanter7股骨体shaft of femur8股骨内侧髁medial condyle of femur9外侧髁lateral condyle10腓骨fibula11外踝 lateral malleolus12跗骨tarsal bone13胫骨内侧髁medial condyle of tibia14径骨粗隆tibial tuberosity15胫骨tibiaI6内踝medial mallcolus17跖骨metatarsal bone18斜方肌trapezius muscle19臀浅肌glutoeus super(icialis muscle20股直肌rectus femoris muscle21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle23肩斜方肌shoulder-trapezius muscle24大圆肌teres major muscle25肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle26前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1锁骨提肌levator clavicle muscle 2肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 3肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle4臀浅肌gluteus suferficidlis muscle 5股直肌rectus femoris muscle6腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle7夹肌splenius muscle8颈菱形肌rhomboideus cervicis muscle9胸菱形肌rhomboideus pectoralis muscle10背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle11腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 12股二头肌biceps femoris muscle13半腱肌semitendinosus muscle14二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 15二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 16胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle17肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle18腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle19股动、静脉femoral artery and femoral vein 20阴囊scrotum21咬肌masseter muscle22胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle23肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle24桡侧腕伸肌extensor carpi radialis muscle25指总伸肌extensor digitorum communis muscle 26尺侧腕伸肌extensor carpi ulnaris muscle27胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle28前锯肌serratus anterior muscle29股内侧肌vastus medialis muscle30耻骨肌pectineus muscle31长收肌adductor longus muscle32股薄肌gracilis muscle图Ⅷ-15头、颈部侧面The head and neck. Lateral aspect上静脉supraorbitalveine 7颈外静脉external jugular vein 1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerv 5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶上静脉supraorbitalvein3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerve 5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein7颈外静脉external jugular vein 8硬腭褶fold of hard palate9臼齿molar tooth 10门齿incisor tooth11软腭soft palate 12舌根root of tongue13舌体body of tongue 14舌尖apex of tongue图Ⅷ-18脑与脊髓背面The brain and 图Ⅷ-19脑与脊髓腹面The brain and spinal cord.Dorsal aspect spinal cordVentral aspect1 喉口aperture of larynx 2舌根root of tongue 3舌尖apex of tongue 4硬腭褶fold of hard palate 5软腭soft palate 6会厌epiglottis 7臼齿molar tooth 8舌体body of tongue 9嗅球olfactory bulb 10中央纵裂central longitudinal fissue 1l 绒球flocculus 12颈膨大cervical enlargement 13腰膨大lumbar enlargement 14外侧纵沟lateral longitudinal sulcus15大脑cerebrum 16小脑(中央部)cerebellum (central part ) 17脊髓圆锥courts medullaris 18 脑垂体 pituitary gland 19脑桥pons 20延髓 myelencephalon 21嗅束olfactory tract 22视神经optic nerve 23三叉神经trigeminal nerve图Ⅷ-20磁共振冠状面定位像(1)The scout view of coronal images(1)图Ⅷ-21磁共振冠状面定位像(2)The scout view of coronal images(2)1眼球eyeball2嗅脑rhinencephalon3大脑皮层cerebral cortex4大脑镰cerebral faix5鼻旁窦paranasal sinus6纵裂longitudinal fissure冠状面T1加权像,颞颌关节线圈,SE序列,层厚3.0mm,无间隔,TR=500rns,TE=20ms。



图Ⅷ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cervical vertebra4颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10指骨digital bone11腰椎lumbar vertebra12髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19趾骨digital bone图Ⅷ-4头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect图Ⅷ-6下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8顶骨parietal bone9额骨frontal bone10鼻骨nasal bone11鼻间缝internasal suture12前筛孔preethmoid pore13蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen 14门齿 incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20颞骨temporal bone21 腭裂patoschisis22臼齿molar tooth23腭骨palatine bone24翼孔pterygoid apertures25破裂孔foramen lacerum26枕大孔foramen magnum27腭后孔posterior palatine foramen 28鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures 29卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen 32下颌联合mandibular symphysis 33颏孔mental foramen34冠状突coronoid process35下颌支ramus of mandible36角状突process of horn37下颌孔mandibular foramen38翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-7颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-8前肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorlimb. Lateral aspect1枢椎axis 2第4颈椎4th cervical vertebra3第6颈椎6th cervical vertebra 4第1胸椎1st thoracic vertebra5第4胸椎4th thoracic vertebra 6寰椎axis7第3颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8第5颈椎5th cervical vertebra9第7颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10第3胸椎3rd thoracic vertebral1肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12桡骨radius13尺骨ulna 14尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna15掌骨metacarpal bone 16肱骨头head of hurnerusl7肘突cubital process 18腕骨carpal bone19指骨digital bone图Ⅷ-10股骨前面The femur. 图Ⅷ-11胫骨与腓骨前面The tibia Anterior aspect and fibula. Anterior aspect1大转子greater trochanter2股骨颈neck of femur3第三转子third trochanter4髌骨patella5股骨头femoral headG小转子lesser trochanter7股骨体shaft of femur8股骨内侧髁medial condyle of femur9外侧髁lateral condyle10腓骨fibula11外踝 lateral malleolus12跗骨tarsal bone13胫骨内侧髁medial condyle of tibia14径骨粗隆tibial tuberosity15胫骨tibiaI6内踝medial mallcolus17跖骨metatarsal bone18斜方肌trapezius muscle19臀浅肌glutoeus super(icialis muscle20股直肌rectus femoris muscle21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle23肩斜方肌shoulder-trapezius muscle24大圆肌teres major muscle25肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle26前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1锁骨提肌levator clavicle muscle 2肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 3肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle4臀浅肌gluteus suferficidlis muscle 5股直肌rectus femoris muscle6腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle7夹肌splenius muscle8颈菱形肌rhomboideus cervicis muscle9胸菱形肌rhomboideus pectoralis muscle10背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle11腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 12股二头肌biceps femoris muscle13半腱肌semitendinosus muscle14二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 15二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 16胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle17肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle18腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle19股动、静脉femoral artery and femoral vein 20阴囊scrotum21咬肌masseter muscle22胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle23肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle24桡侧腕伸肌extensor carpi radialis muscle25指总伸肌extensor digitorum communis muscle 26尺侧腕伸肌extensor carpi ulnaris muscle27胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle28前锯肌serratus anterior muscle29股内侧肌vastus medialis muscle30耻骨肌pectineus muscle31长收肌adductor longus muscle32股薄肌gracilis muscle图Ⅷ-15头、颈部侧面The head and neck. Lateral aspect上静脉supraorbitalveine 7颈外静脉external jugular vein 1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerv 5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein图Ⅷ-17 口腔(2)The oral cavity (2)图Ⅷ-18脑与脊髓背面The brain and 图Ⅷ-19脑与脊髓腹面The brain and spinal cord.Dorsal aspect spinal cordVentral aspect1 喉口aperture of larynx 2舌根root of tongue 3舌尖apex of tongue 4硬腭褶fold of hard palate 5软腭soft palate 6会厌epiglottis 7臼齿molar tooth 8舌体body of tongue 9嗅球olfactory bulb 10中央纵裂central longitudinal fissue 1l 绒球flocculus 12颈膨大cervical enlargement 13腰膨大lumbar enlargement 14外侧纵沟lateral longitudinal sulcus15大脑cerebrum 16小脑(中央部)cerebellum (central part ) 17脊髓圆锥courts medullaris 18 脑垂体 pituitary gland 19脑桥pons 20延髓 myelencephalon 21嗅束olfactory tract 22视神经optic nerve 23三叉神经trigeminal nerve图Ⅷ-20磁共振冠状面定位像(1)The scout view of coronal images(1)图Ⅷ-21磁共振冠状面定位像(2)The scout view of coronal images(2)1眼球eyeball2嗅脑rhinencephalon3大脑皮层cerebral cortex4大脑镰cerebral faix5鼻旁窦paranasal sinus6纵裂longitudinal fissure冠状面T1加权像,颞颌关节线圈,SE序列,层厚3.0mm,无间隔,TR=500rns,TE=20ms。



图Ⅷ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cervical vertebra4颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10指骨digital bone11腰椎lumbar vertebra12髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19趾骨digital bone图Ⅷ-4头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect图Ⅷ-6下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8顶骨parietal bone9额骨frontal bone10鼻骨nasal bone11鼻间缝internasal suture12前筛孔preethmoid pore13蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen 14门齿 incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20颞骨temporal bone21 腭裂patoschisis22臼齿molar tooth23腭骨palatine bone24翼孔pterygoid apertures25破裂孔foramen lacerum26枕大孔foramen magnum27腭后孔posterior palatine foramen 28鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures 29卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen 32下颌联合mandibular symphysis 33颏孔mental foramen34冠状突coronoid process35下颌支ramus of mandible36角状突process of horn37下颌孔mandibular foramen38翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-7颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-8前肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorlimb. Lateral aspect1枢椎axis 2第4颈椎4th cervical vertebra3第6颈椎6th cervical vertebra 4第1胸椎1st thoracic vertebra5第4胸椎4th thoracic vertebra 6寰椎axis7第3颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8第5颈椎5th cervical vertebra9第7颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10第3胸椎3rd thoracic vertebral1肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12桡骨radius13尺骨ulna 14尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna15掌骨metacarpal bone 16肱骨头head of hurnerusl7肘突cubital process 18腕骨carpal bone19指骨digital bone图Ⅷ-10股骨前面The femur. 图Ⅷ-11胫骨与腓骨前面The tibia Anterior aspect and fibula. Anterior aspect1大转子greater trochanter2股骨颈neck of femur3第三转子third trochanter4髌骨patella5股骨头femoral headG小转子lesser trochanter7股骨体shaft of femur8股骨内侧髁medial condyle of femur9外侧髁lateral condyle10腓骨fibula11外踝 lateral malleolus12跗骨tarsal bone13胫骨内侧髁medial condyle of tibia14径骨粗隆tibial tuberosity15胫骨tibiaI6内踝medial mallcolus17跖骨metatarsal bone18斜方肌trapezius muscle19臀浅肌glutoeus super(icialis muscle20股直肌rectus femoris muscle21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle23肩斜方肌shoulder-trapezius muscle24大圆肌teres major muscle25肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle26前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1锁骨提肌levator clavicle muscle 2肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 3肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle4臀浅肌gluteus suferficidlis muscle 5股直肌rectus femoris muscle6腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle7夹肌splenius muscle8颈菱形肌rhomboideus cervicis muscle9胸菱形肌rhomboideus pectoralis muscle10背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle11腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 12股二头肌biceps femoris muscle13半腱肌semitendinosus muscle14二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 15二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 16胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle17肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle18腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle19股动、静脉femoral artery and femoral vein 20阴囊scrotum21咬肌masseter muscle22胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle23肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle24桡侧腕伸肌extensor carpi radialis muscle25指总伸肌extensor digitorum communis muscle 26尺侧腕伸肌extensor carpi ulnaris muscle27胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle28前锯肌serratus anterior muscle29股内侧肌vastus medialis muscle30耻骨肌pectineus muscle31长收肌adductor longus muscle32股薄肌gracilis muscle图Ⅷ-15头、颈部侧面The head and neck. Lateral aspect上静脉supraorbitalveine 7颈外静脉external jugular vein 1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerv 5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶上静脉supraorbitalvein3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerve 5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein7颈外静脉external jugular vein 8硬腭褶fold of hard palate9臼齿molar tooth 10门齿incisor tooth11软腭soft palate 12舌根root of tongue13舌体body of tongue 14舌尖apex of tongue图Ⅷ-18脑与脊髓背面The brain and 图Ⅷ-19脑与脊髓腹面The brain and spinal cord.Dorsal aspect spinal cordVentral aspect1 喉口aperture of larynx 2舌根root of tongue 3舌尖apex of tongue 4硬腭褶fold of hard palate 5软腭soft palate 6会厌epiglottis 7臼齿molar tooth 8舌体body of tongue 9嗅球olfactory bulb 10中央纵裂central longitudinal fissue 1l 绒球flocculus 12颈膨大cervical enlargement 13腰膨大lumbar enlargement 14外侧纵沟lateral longitudinal sulcus15大脑cerebrum 16小脑(中央部)cerebellum (central part ) 17脊髓圆锥courts medullaris 18 脑垂体 pituitary gland 19脑桥pons 20延髓 myelencephalon 21嗅束olfactory tract 22视神经optic nerve 23三叉神经trigeminal nerve图Ⅷ-20磁共振冠状面定位像(1)The scout view of coronal images(1)图Ⅷ-21磁共振冠状面定位像(2)The scout view of coronal images(2)1眼球eyeball2嗅脑rhinencephalon3大脑皮层cerebral cortex4大脑镰cerebral faix5鼻旁窦paranasal sinus6纵裂longitudinal fissure冠状面T1加权像,颞颌关节线圈,SE序列,层厚3.0mm,无间隔,TR=500rns,TE=20ms。



Bibliographic Elements
– Authors (use et al. after 6 authors, if there areplete names should not be written. “et al” must be in italics)
• Websites or web pages /Homepage/Web site
– [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from: /.
1. et al written after 4 authors it should have been written after 6 or more authors 2. Full stop after the end of the article title 3. 2006, 118 :882-887 this should have been written as 2006;118:882-7. 4. Correct ref would be Haggstrom AN, Drolet BA, Baselga E, Chamlin SL, Garzon MC, Horii KA, et al. Study of infantile hemangiomas: Clinical characteristics predicting complications and treatment. Pediatrics 2006;118:882-7.
Authors of the chapter



图Ⅷ-1整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3颈椎cervical vertebra4颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10指骨digital bone11腰椎lumbar vertebra12髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19趾骨digital bone图Ⅷ-4头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8顶骨parietal bone9额骨frontal bone10鼻骨nasal bone11鼻间缝internasal suture12前筛孔preethmoid pore13蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen14门齿 incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus20颞骨temporal bone图Ⅷ-6下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone14门齿 incisor tooth17枕骨occipital bone19外耳道external acoustic meatus21 腭裂patoschisis22臼齿molar tooth23腭骨palatine bone24翼孔pterygoid apertures25破裂孔foramen lacerum26枕大孔foramen magnum27腭后孔posterior palatine foramen28鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures29卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen32下颌联合mandibular symphysis33颏孔mental foramen34冠状突coronoid process35下颌支ramus of mandible36角状突process of horn37下颌孔mandibular foramen38翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-7颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-8前肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorlimb. Lateral aspect1枢椎axis 2第4颈椎4th cervical vertebra3第6颈椎6th cervical vertebra 4第1胸椎1st thoracic vertebra5第4胸椎4th thoracic vertebra 6寰椎axis7第3颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8第5颈椎5th cervical vertebra9第7颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10第3胸椎3rd thoracic vertebral1肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12桡骨radius13尺骨ulna 14尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna15掌骨metacarpal bone 16肱骨头head of hurnerusl7肘突cubital process 18腕骨carpal bone19指骨digital bone图Ⅷ-10股骨前面The femur. 图Ⅷ-11胫骨与腓骨前面The tibiaand fibula. Anterior aspectAnterior aspect1大转子greater trochanter2股骨颈neck of femur3第三转子third trochanter4髌骨patella5股骨头femoral head6小转子lesser trochanter7股骨体shaft of femur8股骨内侧髁medial condyle of femur9外侧髁lateral condyle10腓骨fibula11外踝 lateral malleolus12跗骨tarsal bone13胫骨内侧髁medial condyle of tibia14径骨粗隆tibial tuberosity15胫骨tibiaI6内踝medial mallcolus17跖骨metatarsal bone18斜方肌trapezius muscle19臀浅肌glutoeus super(icialis muscle20股直肌rectus femoris muscle21腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 22背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle23肩斜方肌shoulder-trapezius muscle24大圆肌teres major muscle25肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle26前锯肌serratus anterior muscle1锁骨提肌levator clavicle muscle 2肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle 3肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle4臀浅肌gluteus suferficidlis muscle 5股直肌rectus femoris muscle6腓肠肌gastrocnemius muscle7夹肌splenius muscle 8颈菱形肌rhomboideus cervicis muscle9胸菱形肌rhomboideus pectoralis muscle10背阔肌latissimus dorsi muscle11腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 12股二头肌biceps femoris muscle13半腱肌semitendinosus muscle3肱三头肌triceps brachii muscle5股直肌rectus femoris muscle11腹外斜肌external oblique muscle of abdomen 13半腱肌semitendinosus muscle14二腹肌前腹anterior belly of digastric muscle 15二腹肌后腹posterior belly of digastric muscle 16胸骨舌骨肌sternohyoid muscle17肱二头肌biceps brachii muscle18腹直肌rectus abdominis muscle19股动、静脉femoral artery and femoral vein 20阴囊scrotum21咬肌masseter muscle 22胸乳突肌sternomastoideus muscle23肩三角肌shoulder-deltoid muscle24桡侧腕伸肌extensor carpi radialis muscle25指总伸肌extensor digitorum communis muscle 26尺侧腕伸肌extensor carpi ulnaris muscle27胸浅肌pectoral superficialis muscle28前锯肌serratus anterior muscle29股内侧肌vastus medialis muscle30耻骨肌pectineus muscle31长收肌adductor longus muscle32股薄肌gracilis muscle图Ⅷ-15头、颈部侧面The head and neck. Lateral aspect上静脉supraorbitalveine 7颈外静脉external jugular vein 1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerv5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein图Ⅷ-16口腔(1)The oral cavity (1)1颞浅动、静脉superficial temporal artery and vein 2眶上静脉supraorbitalvein3面横动、静脉transverse facial artery and vein 4下颌缘神经marginalmandibular nerve 5面后静脉posterior facial vein 6面前静脉anterior facial vein 7颈外静脉external jugular vein 8硬腭褶fold of hard palate9臼齿molar tooth 10门齿incisor tooth11软腭soft palate 12舌根root of tongue13舌体body of tongue 14舌尖apex of tongue图Ⅷ-17 口腔(2)The oral cavity (2)1 喉口aperture of larynx 2舌根root of tongue 3舌尖apex of tongue 5软腭soft palate 7臼齿molar tooth 4硬腭褶fold of hard palate 6会厌epiglottis8舌体body of tongue图Ⅷ-18脑与脊髓背面The brain and 图Ⅷ-19脑与脊髓腹面The brain andspinal cord.Dorsal aspect spinal cordVentral aspect9嗅球olfactory bulb1l绒球flocculus13腰膨大lumbar enlargement10中央纵裂central longitudinal fissue15大脑cerebrum12颈膨大cervical enlargement17脊髓圆锥courts medullaris14外侧纵沟lateral longitudinal sulcus19脑桥pons16小脑(中央部)cerebellum (central part)21嗅束olfactory tract18 脑垂体 pituitary gland23三叉神经trigeminal nerve20延髓 myelencephalon22视神经optic nerve图Ⅷ-20磁共振冠状面定位像(1)The scout view of coronal images (1)图Ⅷ-21磁共振冠状面定位像(2)The scout view of coronal images (2)1眼球eyeball2嗅脑rhinencephalon 3大脑皮层cerebral cortex 4大脑镰cerebral faix 5鼻旁窦paranasal sinus 6纵裂longitudinal fissure冠状面T 1加权像,颞颌关节线圈, SE 序列,层厚3.0mm ,无间隔, TR=500rns ,TE=20ms 。



图Ⅷ-1 整体骨骼侧面观The skeleton. Lateral View图Ⅷ-2 整体骨骼左前面观The skeleton. Left anterior view1肋骨rib2胸椎thoracic vertebra3 颈椎cervical vertebra4 颅骨cranium5肩胛骨scapula6肱骨hiimeius7桡骨radius8尺骨ulna9掌骨metacarpal bone10 指骨digital bone11 腰椎lumbar vertebra12 髂骨ilium13尾骨coccyx14股骨femur15髌骨patella16腓骨fubula17胫骨tibia18跖骨metatarsal bone19 趾骨digital bone图Ⅷ-4 头骨侧面The skull. Lateral aspect 1枕骨occipital bone2顶间骨interparietal bone3 矢状缝sagittal suture4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone7枕外嵴external occipital creat8 顶骨parietal bone9 额骨frontal bone10 鼻骨nasal bone11 鼻间缝internasal suture12 前筛孔preethmoid pore13 蝶腭孔sphenopalatine foramen14 门齿incisor tooth15下颌骨mandible16视神经孔optic foramen17 枕骨occipital bone18茎突styloid process19外耳道external acoustic meatus 20 颞骨temporal bone图Ⅷ-6 下颌骨侧面The mandible. Lateral aspect 4颧骨malar bone5上颌骨maxillary bone6前颌骨premaxillary bone14 门齿incisor tooth17 枕骨occipital bone19 外耳道external acoustic meatus21 腭裂patoschisis22 臼齿molar tooth23 腭骨palatine bone24 翼孔pterygoid apertures25 破裂孔foramen lacerum26 枕大孔foramen magnum27 腭后孔posterior palatine foramen28 鼻后孔posterior nasal apertures29 卵圆孔foramen ovale30鼓骨tympanic bone31舌下神经孔hypoglossal foramen32 下颌联合mandibular symphysis33 颏孔mental foramen34 冠状突coronoid process35 下颌支ramus of mandible36 角状突process of horn37 下颌孔mandibular foramen38 翼肌窝pterygoid fossa39 髁突condylar process图Ⅷ-7 颈椎与胸椎背面The cervical 图Ⅷ-9 前肢骨背面The bone of vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect图Ⅷ-8 前肢骨外侧面The bone of anteriorlimb. Lateral aspect1 枢椎axis2 第4 颈椎4th cervical vertebra3 第6 颈椎6th cervical vertebra4 第1 胸椎1st thoracic vertebra5 第4 胸椎4th thoracic vertebra6 寰椎axis7 第3 颈椎3rd cervical vertebra 8 第5 颈椎5th cervical vertebra9 第7 颈椎7th cervical vertebra 10 第3 胸椎3rd thoracic vertebral1 肱骨体shaft of humcrus 12 桡骨radius13 尺骨ulna 14 尺骨茎突styloid process of ulna15 掌骨metacarpal bone 16 肱骨头head of hurnerusl7 肘突cubital process 18 腕骨carpal bone19 指骨digital bone。


图Ⅷ-52 生殖器官(♂) (5)The genital organs(♂)(5)
图Ⅷ-53 腹主动脉及其分支 The abdominal aorta and branches
1 直肠 rectum 2 精囊 seminal vesicle 3 膀胱 urinary bladder 4 前列腺 prostate 5 精索 spermatic cord 6 阴茎 penis 7 附睾 epididymis 8 睾丸 testis 9 膈 diaphragm 10 后腔静脉 postcaval vein 11 腹腔动脉 celiac artery
12 肾动脉 renal artery 13 右肾 right kidkey 14 前肠系膜动脉 anterior mesenteric artery 15 精索内动脉 internal spermatic artery 16 输尿管 ureter 17 髂腰动、静脉 iliolumbar artery and vein 18 髂总动脉 common iliac artery 19 贮精囊 vesicula seminalis 20 隐动脉 saphenous artery 21 食管 esophagus 22 膈下动脉 inferior phrenic artery 23 肾上腺 adrenal glands 24 肾上腺上动脉 superior adrenal artery 25 左肾 left kidney 26 后肠系膜动脉 posterior mesenteric artery 27 髂外动脉 external iliac artery 28 股动脉 femoral artery 29 腹壁阴部动脉干 arterial epigastro-pudendal trunk 30 输精管
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5 面后静脉 posterior facial vein
7 颈外静脉 external jugular vein
6 面前静脉 anterior facial vein
图Ⅷ-16 口腔(1)The oral cavity(1)
1 颞浅动、静脉 superficial temporal artery and vein 2 眶上静脉 supraorbitalvein
8 颈菱形肌 rhomboideus cervicis muscle 9 胸菱形肌 rhomboideus pectoralis muscle 10 背阔肌 latissimus dorsi muscle 11 腹外斜肌 external oblique muscle of abdomen 12 股二头肌 biceps femoris muscle 13 半腱肌 semitendinosus muscle
图Ⅷ-15 头、颈部侧面 The head and neck. Lateral aspect
1 颞浅动、静脉 superficial temporal artery and vein 2 眶上静脉 supraorbitalvein
3 面横动、静脉 transverse facial artery and vein 4 下颌缘神经 marginale
16 肱骨头 head of hurnerus
l7 肘突 cubital process 19 指骨 digital bone
18 腕骨 carpal bone
图Ⅷ-10 股骨前面 The femur. Anterior aspect
图Ⅷ-11 胫骨与腓骨前面 The tibia and fibula. Anterior aspect
图Ⅷ-7 颈椎与胸椎背面 The cervical vertebra and thoracic vertebra.Dorsal aspect
图Ⅷ-9 前肢骨背面 The bone of anterior 1imb.Dorsal aspect
图Ⅷ-8 前肢骨外侧面 The bone of anterior
图Ⅷ-3 头骨背面 The skull.Dorsal aspect 图Ⅷ-4 头骨侧面 The skull. Lateral aspect
1 枕骨 occipital bone 2 顶间骨 interparietal bone 3 矢状缝 sagittal suture 4 颧骨 malar bone 5 上颌骨 maxillary bone 6 前颌骨 premaxillary bone 7 枕外嵴 external occipital creat 8 顶骨 parietal bone 9 额骨 frontal bone 10 鼻骨 nasal bone 11 鼻间缝 internasal suture 12 前筛孔 preethmoid pore 13 蝶腭孔 sphenopalatine foramen 14 门齿 incisor tooth 15 下颌骨 mandible 16 视神经孔 optic foramen 17 枕骨 occipital bone 18 茎突 styloid process 19 外耳道 external acoustic meatus 20 颞骨 temporal bone
图Ⅷ-13 整体肌背面观 The muscles. Dorsal view
1 锁骨提肌 levator clavicle muscle 2 肩三角肌 shoulder-deltoid muscle 3 肱三头肌 triceps brachii muscle 4 臀浅肌 gluteus suferficidlis muscle 5 股直肌 rectus femoris muscle 6 腓肠肌 gastrocnemius muscle 7 夹肌 splenius muscle
22 胸乳突肌 sternomastoideus muscle 23 肩三角肌 shoulder-deltoid muscle 24 桡侧腕伸肌 extensor carpi radialis muscle 25 指总伸肌 extensor digitorum communis muscle 26 尺侧腕伸肌 extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 27 胸浅肌 pectoral superficialis muscle 28 前锯肌 serratus anterior muscle 29 股内侧肌 vastus medialis muscle 30 耻骨肌 pectineus muscle 31 长收肌 adductor longus muscle 32 股薄肌 gracilis muscle
图Ⅷ-12 整体肌侧面观 The muscles. Lateral view
18 斜方肌 trapezius muscle 19 臀浅肌 glutoeus super(icialis muscle 20 股直肌 rectus femoris muscle 21 腹外斜肌 external oblique muscle of abdomen 22 背阔肌 latissimus dorsi muscle 23 肩斜方肌 shoulder-trapezius muscle 24 大圆肌 teres major muscle 25 肩三角肌 shoulder-deltoid muscle 26 前锯肌 serratus anterior muscle
图Ⅷ-5 头骨腹面 The skull. Ventral aspect 图Ⅷ-6 下颌骨侧面 The mandible. Lateral aspect
4 颧骨 malar bone 5 上颌骨 maxillary bone 6 前颌骨 premaxillary bone 14 门齿 incisor tooth 17 枕骨 occipital bone 19 外耳道 external acoustic meatus 21 腭裂 patoschisis 22 臼齿 molar tooth 23 腭骨 palatine bone 24 翼孔 pterygoid apertures 25 破裂孔 foramen lacerum 26 枕大孔 foramen magnum 27 腭后孔 posterior palatine foramen 28 鼻后孔 posterior nasal apertures 29 卵圆孔 foramen ovale 30 鼓骨 tympanic bone 31 舌下神经孔 hypoglossal foramen 32 下颌联合 mandibular symphysis 33 颏孔 mental foramen 34 冠状突 coronoid process 35 下颌支 ramus of mandible 36 角状突 process of horn 37 下颌孔 mandibular foramen 38 翼肌窝 pterygoid fossa 39 髁突 condylar process
1 喉口 aperture of larynx 2 舌根 root of tongue 3 舌尖 apex of tongue 5 软腭 soft palate 7 臼齿 molar tooth
4 硬腭褶 fold of hard palate 6 会厌 epiglottis 8 舌体 body of tongue
1 大转子 greater trochanter 2 股骨颈 neck of femur 3 第三转子 third trochanter 4 髌骨 patella 5 股骨头 femoral head 6 小转子 lesser trochanter 7 股骨体 shaft of femur 8 股骨内侧髁 medial condyle of femur 9 外侧髁 lateral condyle 10 腓骨 fibula 11 外踝 lateral malleolus 12 跗骨 tarsal bone 13 胫骨内侧髁 medial condyle of tibia 14 径骨粗隆 tibial tuberosity 15 胫骨 tibia I6 内踝 medial mallcolus 17 跖骨 metatarsal bone
limb. Lateral aspect
1 枢椎 axis
2 第 4 颈椎 4th cervical vertebra
3 第 6 颈椎 6th cervical vertebra 5 第 4 胸椎 4th thoracic vertebra 7 第 3 颈椎 3rd cervical vertebra
图Ⅷ-1 整体骨骼侧面观 The skeleton. Lateral View
图Ⅷ-2 整体骨骼左前面观 The skeleton. Left anterior view 1 肋骨 rib 2 胸椎 thoracic vertebra 3 颈椎 cervical vertebra 4 颅骨 cranium 5 肩胛骨 scapula 6 肱骨 hiimeius 7 桡骨 radius 8 尺骨 ulna 9 掌骨 metacarpal bone 10 指骨 digital bone 11 腰椎 lumbar vertebra 12 髂骨 ilium 13 尾骨 coccyx 14 股骨 femur 15 髌骨 patella 16 腓骨 fubula 17 胫骨 tibia 18 跖骨 metatarsal bone 19 趾骨 digital bone
8 硬腭褶 fold of hard palate
9 臼齿 molar tooth
10 门齿 incisor tooth
11 软腭 soft palate
12 舌根 root of tongue
13 舌体 body of tongue
14 舌尖 apex of tongue
图Ⅷ-17 口腔(2)The oral cavity (2)