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Part 1 Everyday Life

Everyday life is colorful. However, you won’t enjoy it if you can’t express yourself clearly. You can become the butt of a lot of jokes if you are not careful, which may not be a bad thing. But we all want to be as effec tive as we can. Let’s learn how to talk in English when we eat, drink and perform other daily tasks.

Topic 1 Meeting for the first time

Dialogue 1

Brian: Hi, I‘m Brian.

Amy: Hi, I‘m Amy.

Brian: Are you new here?

Amy: Yeah, I just got here yesterday.

Brian: I‘ve got to run. Nice to meet you.

Amy: Me too. Have a good one!

Brian: Bye!

Amy: Bye. Take care!

Dialogue 2

Brian: Hi, I‘m Brian.

Amy: Hi, I‘m Amy.

Brian: Nice to meet you. Let me show you around.

Amy: Thanks. I appreciate it. How long have you been here?

Brian: Three years. It seems like I got here yesterday. Time flies.

New Words and Expressions:

appreciate: 欣赏,感激。Have a good one:俚语,祝你愉快! Take care. 走好啊(小心啊)。Time flies. 时间过得真快!


在美国,第一次见面也可直呼其名,并没有什么不礼貌,反而让人感到你亲切易处。Additional Expressions:

Hi, there. 你好。 Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。I don‘t think we‘ve met before.我们好像没见过吧。Hi, beautiful day, isn‘t it? 嗨,天气真不错。Excuse me, but aren‘t you …? 对不起,你一定是…?Haven‘t we met somewhere bef ore? 我们是否在哪里见过?

Topic 2 Everyday Greetings

Dialogue 1

Brian: Hi, Amy. How are you doing?

Amy: Hi, Brian. I‘m fine.

Brian: I‘ve a 10 o‘clock meeting. Catch you later.

Amy: OK. See you!

Dialogue 2

Brian: Good morning, Amy!

Amy: Good morning, Brian!

Brian: How‘s everything?

Amy: Fine. How are you doing?

Brian: OK.

Amy: Just OK?

Brian: Yeah, just OK. Surviving.

Amy: That‘s all we need.

Dialogue 3

Brian: Hi, Amy.

Amy: Hi, Brian.

Brian: What‘s up?Amy: Not much. How about you?

Brian: Bored.

Amy: What‘s wrong?

Brian: I don‘t feel like doing much.

Amy: How about going dancing tonight?

Brian: Cool! What time?

Amy: Let‘s go at 8:00 o‘clock.

Brian: Super! See you later alligator!

Amy: After a while, crocodile!

New Words and Expressions:

survive: 残存,勉强度日。Catch you later. 一会儿见。

What‘s up? 怎么样?bored:很烦,表示一种心情。

See you later alligator! 和After a while, crocodile! 是―再见‖的玩笑说法。cool 和super: 表示―酷‖和―好极了‖。


OK 其实只是过得去的意思,并不是很好。在美国呆得越久,你就越感到―OK‖的用处很多。―OK?‖可以用来问―好吗?可以吗?‖还可以用来肯定别人的问话。另一方面,―不太坏‖实际是说―很好‖。

Additional Expressions:

How are you doing? 你好吗?How‘s everything? 一切还好吗?How are you getting along? 过得好吗/怎么样?Long time no see. How have you been? 好久不见,近来好

吗?Nice to see you again. It‘s been a long time. 好久不见了,见到你真高兴。Haven‘t seen you in ages! 好久没见到你了!Where have you been hiding? 你藏到哪里去了?

Topic 3 Formally Meeting People

Dialogue 1

Brian: Hello, Dr. Liu. Let me introduce you to Professor Brown.

Professor Brown, this is Dr. Liu, a visiting scholar with

Professor Adams.

Dr. Liu: Hello, Professor Brown, nice to meet you.

Pro. Brown: Nice to meet you too. I have heard a lot about you.

Dr. Liu: Really? Nothing bad, I hope.

Pro. Brown: Of course not. You made a lot of new equipments by


Dr. Liu: Yes. I programmed the equipments as well.

Pro. Brown: Great! We may need your help later on.

Dr. Liu: Sure. Just let me know when.

Pro. Brown: Thanks. I‘ll talk to you later.

Dialogue 2

President Li: John, please meet Mr. Huang, CEO of Huang Pu Group.

Mr. Huang, John is our senior V P(vice president).

Mr. Smith: Nice to meet you.

Mr. Huang: Nice to meet you, too.

Mr. Smith: How long was your flight?

Mr. Huang: Sixteen hours. I had little sleep last night.

President Li: Tell me about it. It takes a week to get rid of the jet lag.

New Words and Expressions:

visiting scholar: 访问学者。equipment: 仪器

program: 使…程序化。get rid of: 摆脱

jet lag: 乘飞机产生的时差。Tell me about it. 是啊。口语中表示肯定。

Tell me another. 我才不信呢!口语中表示否定。
