
palworldsettings参数-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容主要介绍本篇长文的主题——"palworldsettings参数",以及围绕这个主题所展开的内容。
首先,将会从palworldsettings 参数的概念入手,对其整体结构和定义进行解释,以帮助读者更好地理解其作用。
Infocom 魔幻世界文库:魔术师与剑士说明书

Steven, 23 Oak Ridge, Tennessee
"ENCHANTER and SORCERER are great games. Can't wait for the next one!" Matt, 13 Akron, Pennsylvania
Born in Greater Borphee, 880 Attended G.U.E. Tech, 907-911 Favorite author: Bizboz Greatest skill: none known Double Fanucci handicap: 620
"When I was a boy, I was told that any Enchanter could become a Guildmaster. Now I'm beginning to believe it."
whole fish) Double Fanucci handicap: unmeasurable
"Magic doesn't have to be great to be useful, nor does magic have to be useful to be great."
"The Encyclopedia Frobozzica calls Double Fanucci a 'game played with cards.' I don't play games; I don't play anything."

《魔法世界》游戏系统全解析图文教程攻略不死魔法列表变形地表(Alter Terrain)简介:升起或下沉地形一个层级。
魔法阵(环):土壤不死魔法层级:4研发条件:暂缺魔法类型:地形改变魔法阻力:无使用花费:暂缺区域效果:单个方格持续:永久恢复光环(Aura of Restoration)简介:只要魔法还在发动,那么所有单位处于铸工的城市内就可以获得额外50%的自动恢复。
魔法阵(环):生命不死魔法层级:2研发条件:190点元素知识魔法类型:城市增益魔法阻力:无使用花费:90点魔法消耗区域效果:所有城市(铸工)持续:持久维护花费:2点魔法消耗黑色通道(Black Channels)简介:让作战队伍变成不死军团,而且给予他们不死作战单位的等级。
魔法阵(环):死亡不死魔法层级:4研发条件:680点元素知识魔法类型:作战单位增益魔法阻力:无使用花费:300点魔法消耗区域效果:单个作战队伍(包括友军)持续:永久赘肉(Burden of Flesh)简介:只要这个魔法还生效,那么敌人作战单位就不能够重生或自动恢复HP,并且他们遭受到-1的移动点惩罚。
魔法阵(环):不死魔法层级:9研发条件:暂缺魔法类型:全局增益魔法阻力:无使用花费:暂缺区域效果:所有作战单位(敌人)持续:维持维护花费:暂缺混乱通道(Chaos Channels)简介:目标作战单位会变成火属性为基础的召唤怪和获得一个随机的增益效果,额外+2装甲等级、飞行能力、每次攻击增加1d6额外火焰损害(此魔法对不死族和火焰召唤系的兵种无效)。
魔法阵(环):火焰不死魔法层级:2研发条件:190点元素知识魔法类型:作战单位增益魔法阻力:无使用花费:90点魔法消耗区域效果:单个作战队伍(包括友军)持续:永久掌控混乱(Chaos Mastery)简介:只要魔法仍在发动,那么所有铸工作战单位都可以获得“混乱通道”的效果。
Saints Row IV 游戏说明书

contentsWARNING: PHOTOSENSITIVITY/EPILEPSY/SEIZURESA very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, oranyone in your family, has an epileptic condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before playing. IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE use and consult your physician before resuming gameplay if you or your child experience any of the following health problems or symptoms: `dizziness ` eye or muscle twitches ` disorientation ` any involuntary movement `altered vision ` loss of awareness ` seizures or convulsion.RESUME GAMEPLAY ONLY ON APPROVAL OF YOUR PHYSICIAN.Use and handling of video games to reduce the likelihood of a seizure`Use in a well-lit area and keep as far away as possible from the television screen. `Avoid large screen televisions. Use the smallest television screen available.`Avoid prolonged use of the PlayStation ®3 system. Take a 15-minute break during each hour of play.`Avoid playing when you are tired or need sleep.Stop using the system immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: lightheadedness, nausea, or a sensation similar to motion sickness; discomfort or pain in the eyes, ears, hands, arms, or any other part of the body. If the condition persists, consult a doctor.NOTICE:Use caution when using the DUALSHOCK ®3 wireless controller motion sensor function. When using the DUALSHOCK ®3 wireless controller motion sensor function, be cautious of the following points. If the controller hits a person or object, this may cause accidental injury or damage. Before using, check that there is plenty of space around you. When using the controller, grip it firmly to make sure it cannot slip out of your hand. If using a controller that is connected to the PS3™ system with a USB cable, make sure there is enough space for the cable so that the cable will not hit a person or object. Also, take care to avoid pulling the cable out of the PS3™ system while using the controller.WARNING TO OWNERS OF PROJECTION TELEVISIONS: Do not connect your PS3™ system to a projection TV without first consulting the user manual for your projection TV, unless it is of the LCD type. Otherwise, it may permanently damage your TV screen.HANDLING YOUR PS3™ FORMAT DISC:`Do not bend it, crush it or submerge it in liquids.`Do not leave it in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat. `Be sure to take an occasional rest break during extended play.`Keep this disc clean. Always hold the disc by the edges and keep it in its protective case when not in use. Clean the disc with a lint-free, soft, dry cloth, wiping in straight lines from center to outer edge. Never use solvents or abrasive cleaners.control schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5main menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8huB menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Pause menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10heaDs-uP DisPlaY (huD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11inVentorY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12limiteD warrantYanD customer suPPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13© 2013 and published by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by Deep Silver Volition, LLC. Deep Silver,Saints Row IV™, Deep Silver Volition, LLC. and their respective logo are trademarks of Koch Media GmbH. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2013 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. DTS, the Symbol, and DTS and the Symbol together are registered trademarks of DTS, Inc. and all other DTS logos are trademarks of DTS, Inc. Portions of this software utilize SpeedTree RT Technology (© 2004-2013 Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.). SpeedTree is a registered trademark of IDV, Inc. All rights reserved. Wwise © 2006-2013 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the Open SSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit(/).NOTICESVideo output in HD requires cables and an HD-compatible display, both sold separately.Voice chat requires a headset, sold separately. Compatible with most Bluetooth and USB wired headsets. Some limitations apply.DualshocK®3 wireless controllercontrolsP laY s tation®3 sYstemStarting a game: Before use, carefully read the instructions supplied with the PS3™ computer entertainment system. The documentation contains information on setting up and using your system as well as important safety information.Check that the MAIN POWER switch (located on the system rear) is turned on. Insert the Saints Row ® IV ™ disc with the label facing up into the disc slot. Select the icon for the software title under [Game] in the PS3™ system’s home menu, and then press the S button. Refer to this manual for information on using the software.Quitting a game: During gameplay, press and hold down the PS button on the wirelessc ontroller for at least 2 seconds. Then select “Quit Game” from the screen that is displayed.To remove a disc, touch the eject button after quitting the game.Trophies: Earn, compare and share trophies that you earn by making specificin-game accomplishments. Trophies access requires a PlayStation ®Network account.saVeD Data for Ps3™ format softwareSaved data for PS3™ format software is saved on the system’s hard disk. The data is displayed under “Saved Game Utility” in the Game menu.control schemesMOVE / SELECT WEAPON <CROUCH B CAMERA >MELEE BASHN FINE AIM / SECONDARY ATTACK Q SPRINTW PRIMARY ATTACK E USE SUPER POWERR JUMP / (HOLD) SUPER JUMPS INVENTORYA RELOAD / (HOLD) PICKUP WEAPON/OBJECTF ACTION/ENTER VEHICLE / HOLD HUMAN SHIELD / THROW HUMAN SHIELDD SELECT TELEKINESIS / (HOLD) RECRUIT FOLLOWERSC SELECT BLAST / (HOLD) TAUNTZ SELECT BUFF / (HOLD) DISMISS FOLLOWERS V SELECT STOMP / (HOLD) COMPLIMENTX HUB MENU SELECT button PAUSE MENUSTART buttonon foot controlsW button Q buttondirectional buttonsLeft Stick Right Stick R button SELECT buttonSTART E buttonPS buttonSTEER / SELECT WEAPON <CAMERA >HORN N NITROUSQ BRAKE / REVERSE W PRIMARY ATTACK E ACCELERATE R DRIFT S INVENTORY A LOOK BEHINDF ACTION / EXIT VEHICLE D RECRUIT FOLLOWERS C CHANGE RADIO Z /X SCAN CURRENT VEHICLE V HUB MENU SELECT button PAUSE MENUSTART buttonDriVinG controlsSTEER <CAMERA>SECONDARY ATTACK Q TURN LEFT W PRIMARY ATTACK E TURN RIGHTR (PLANE) ACCELERATE / (HELI) UP S (VTOL) SWITCH FLIGHT MODEA (PLANE) BRAKE/REVERSE / (HELI) DOWN F ACTION / EXIT VEHICLE D RECRUIT FOLLOWERS C CHANGE RADIO Z /X SCAN CURRENT VEHICLE V HUB MENU SELECT button PAUSE MENUSTART buttonaircraft controlscontrol schemes (cont .)camPaiGn — Play the single player campaign.co-oP camPaiGn — Play the full single player campaign with a friend via LAN or PlayStation ®Network. You can drop in or out at will, giving you ultimate control over your campaign.DownloaDaBle content — View and purchasedownloadable content for Saints Row IV.eXtras — View the credits, options menu, or the digital manual forSaints Row IV.main menu maP – View a map of the Steelport Simulation, zoom in/out and filter activities, targets,stores, and gateways.uPGraDes – Buy upgrades with cache. New upgrades are unlocked when you level up.Phone – Call a car or one of your homies.Quests – Activate quests and check the status of challenges.music – Select radio stations or create your own mixtape.cache – Retrieve cache when the transfer meter is full.Powers – View your powers. select elements, and upgrade them with data clusters.camera – Take screenshots and share them with the Saints Row community.eXtras – Unlock cheats and view your stats.huB menusaVe Game – Save your current game.loaD Game – Load a previously saved game.oPtions – Adjust control options, view control schemes, change game difficulty and display or audio settings.co-oP – Invite a friend to your game and change your co-op settings.eXit to title screen – Quit the game and return to the main menu.Pause menuheaDs-uP DisPlaY (huD)1. MINIMAP – Shows GPS, nearby activities, targets, stores, gateways, enemies andreinforcements.2. WEAPON PALETTE – Shows your current weapon and powers.3. HEALTH – Shows your current health.4. SPRINT – Shows your current stamina.5. FOLLOWERS – Shows your current followers.5. FOLLOWERS1. MINIMAP2. WEAPON PALETTE4. SPRINT3. HEALTH1. RADIO – Change the radio station.2. WEAPONS – Select your weapon.3. POWERS – Select your powers.inVentorY1. RADIO3. POWERS2. WEAPONSlimiteD warrantY anD customer suPPortWarranty and Service InformationDeep Silver Inc. warrants to the original purchaser of its products for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase that the products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. The product is sold “as is”, without express or implied warranty of any kind, and Deep Silver is not responsible for any losses or damages of any kind resulting from use of the product. Deep Silver will for a period of ninety (90) days either replace defective product free of charge provided the defective product will be returned with dated proof of purchase to the store from which the product was originally purchased or Deep Silver will at its option repair or replace the defective product free of charge, when sent postage prepaid with a proof of purchase to our service center. This warranty shall not be applicable to normal wear and tear, and shall be void if the defect has been arisen through abuse, mistreatment, unreasonable use, or neglect.WARRANTY LIMITATIONSThis limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written, and no other representations or claims of any nature shall be binding on, or obligate Deep Silver. Any implied warranties applicable to Deep Silver products, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to the ninety (90) day period described above. In no event will Deep Silver be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from possession, use, or malfunction of this Deep Silver product. Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages. So the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights. You also have other rights that vary from state to state. Deep Silver cannot provide refunds or otherwise process returns for credit of any kind other than an identical product replacement. As the individual retail outlets set their own refund policy, product refund requests must occur at the place of purchase.REPLACEMENTSIn various cases, a replacement is not the best solution. Therefore before sending the product to us, please contact our Technical Support. Our Support Representatives will help you determine if a replacement is necessary or available. You further will need to first acquire an RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number to process your return or replacement. Without a valid RMA number we will not be able to process your replacement.RETURNSPlease return the product (please media only) along with (a) a copy of the original sales receipt showing the date of purchase,(b) a brief description of the difficulty you are experiencing, and (c) your name, address (please no PO boxes) and phone number to the below address. This 90-day warranty is rendered void if the product was damaged through misuse or accident (eg. scratches or cracks), or if you do not have a dated sales receipt. In these cases you are free to return the product (please media only) along with a check or money order for the amount of $5 (US Dollars) made payable to Deep Silver, a brief description of the difficulty you are experiencing, including your name, address (please no PO boxes), RMA number (please see Replacements), and phone number to the address below. We strongly recommend you use a traceable delivery method when sending products to Deep Silver. Deep Silver is not responsible for products not in its possession. NOTICE Deep Silver reserves the right to make improvements in its products at any time and without notice.WARRANTY ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION:We have put this product through rigorous tests and you shouldn‘t experience any problems. However, it‘s impossible to test everyconfiguration and should you experience any problems regarding this product, please go to support section. If you cannot find what you are looking for in the support section, then please find contact details below:Deep Silver, Inc.900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 103Larkspur, CA 94939Customer Support: 1-888-883-1505Email:**************************。

魔法世界-游戏系统图⽂解析 在《魔法世界》当中的每⼀幅地图内都会包含⼀定数量的、独特的世界结构,这些世界结构就是地图中会出现的⼀些建筑物、道具等。
世界结构列表(共57) 泰坦神殿(A l t a r o f t h e Ti t a n s) 作⽤:泰坦,曾经与古代的巫师领主签订了契约,在这个神坛上只要提供⾦⼦和魔法就可以得到治愈。
随机奖励:泰坦 古代战场(A n c i e n t B a t t l efie l d) 作⽤:⼀个古代的战场,在这⾥可以学习到⼀些古代的知识,能够让⼈脑洞⼤开。
随机奖励:经验 古代矿(A n c i e n t M i n e) 作⽤:这个矿可以持续使⽤,甚⾄它内部的矿物被耗尽。
随机奖励:快速传送 古代废墟(A n c i e n t R u i n) 作⽤:这些废墟全都是曾经被占领的。
随机奖励:魔法之环、神器、咒语、⾦⼦、魔法 ⼟匪营地(B a n d i t C a m p) 作⽤:⼟匪们都会坐落于此,并且在⼏英⾥范围内进⾏搜刮和抢劫活动。
随机奖励:囚犯、神器、⾦⼦ 洞⽳(C a v e) 作⽤:洞⽳都是⾮常深⽽且⿊暗,只能允许⼀⼩股部队进⼊。
随机奖励:神器、咒语、⾦⼦、魔法 圆形⼴场(C i r c u s) 作⽤:专业的战⼠帮助⼠兵提⾼他们的技能。
随机奖励:经验 城市(C i t y) 作⽤:城市是这块地图的活动界⾯。
随机奖励:新城市 受损的圣地(C o r r u p t e d S h r i n e) 作⽤:仪式术⼠曾经在这⾥进⾏⿊魔法,死灵族可以借助此地⽣产出负能量,⽽其他种族可以净化这⾥然后⽣产出能量。
数字ountry Fun Factory互动游戏用户手册说明书

trash to uninstall the program.
NOTE: Acceptance of the license agreement is required for installation of the software.
Installing the Software Via Web Download 1. Click on the file to be downloaded. 2. Press “Save” and specify the location where you would like to save
the file. 3. Double-click on the file named “PP537DL-Setup_Mac.zip.” 4. Double-click on the file named “PP537DL-Setup_Mac.” 5. The installer will automatically start, guiding you through the
冒险之旅的Beta和Bit Mini游戏说明书

Package‘BetaBit’August24,2023Title Mini Games from Adventures of Beta and BitVersion2.2Description Three games:proton,frequon and regression.Each one is a console-based data-crunching game for younger and older data scientists.Act as a data-hacker andfind Slawomir Pietraszko's credentials to the Proton server.In proton you have to solve four data-based puzzles tofind the login and password.There are many ways to solve these puzzles.You may use loops,datafiltering,ordering,aggre-gation or other tools.Only basics knowledge of R is required to play the game,yet the more func-tions you know,the more approaches you can try.In frequon you will help to perform statistical cryptanalytic attack on a corpus of ciphered mes-sages.This time seven sub-tasks are pushing the bar much higher.Do you accept the challenge?In regression you will test your modeling skills in a series of eight sub-tasks.Try only if ANOV A is your close friend.It's a part of Beta and Bit project.You willfind more about the Beta and Bit project at<https:///BetaAndBit/Charts>.Depends R(>=4.0.0)Imports digestSuggests XML,sp,raster,DALEX,ggplot2,ggthemesLicense GPL-2LazyData trueEncoding UTF-8URL https:///BetaAndBit/ChartsRoxygenNote7.2.3NeedsCompilation noAuthor Przemyslaw Biecek[aut,cre],Witold Chodor[trl],Katarzyna Fak[aut],Tomasz Zoltak[aut],Foundation SmarterPoland.pl[cph]12bash_historyMaintainer Przemyslaw Biecek<***************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-08-2420:40:06UTCR topics documented:bash_history (2)dataFSW (3)employees (3)EnglishLetterFrequency (4)food (4)frequon (5)FSW (6)guns (7)logs (7)proton (7)read_gpx (8)regression (9)top1000passwords (10)top100commonWords (10)varLabels (11)wikiquotes (11)Index12 bash_history The history of recently executed commands.DescriptionThe character vector of recently executed commands.Each element of the vector consists of com-mand’s name and command’s arguments separated with a space.Usagedata(bash_history)Formata character vector with19913elements.dataFSW3 dataFSW The data from the study of Polish upper-secondary schools students.DescriptionIt was conductedfirstly in the same time as PISA2009study,with use of the same cognitive tests and questionnaires as in PISA2009,but on a different group of students:first grade students of upper-secondary schools(in Poland most of the students in a regular PISA sample attends lower-secondary schools).The students who participated in thefirst wave of the study were followed in the2nd grade of upper-secondary school within the research program Our further study and work (Nasza Dalsza Nauka i Praca).Both studies were conducted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences.Formatdata frame:3796obs.of54variablesDetailsThe original data was changed a little,to betterfit the purpose of the game.employees The database with employees of Faculty of Electronics and Informa-tion Technology of Warsaw University of Technology.DescriptionThe dataset describing names,surnames and faculty employees’logins.Note that it is an artificial dataset that imitates real database.The subsequent columns in this dataset describe:•name.The name of an employee.•surname.The surname of an employee.•login.The login of an employee on the Proton server.Formata data frame with541rows and three columns.4food EnglishLetterFrequencyThe vector of letter frequencies in English.DescriptionThe vector with frequencies of26English letters.It is sorted by the frequency of usage.May be used to refine the transliteraton.Usagedata(EnglishLetterFrequency)Formata named vector with26elements.food The food data from Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en MilieuDescriptionThe Dutch institute Rijksinstituut voor V olksgezondheid en Milieu has compiled a database with ingredient information on more than2,200food products.The data in this package is only a pro-cessed fraction of the huge and very interesting NEVO database available at https://www.rivm.nl/documenten/nevo-online-versie.Formatdata frame:2207obs.of9variablesDetailsThe preprocessed data can be used to reproduce the charts from the book Wykresy od kuchni(Chart runners)https:///BetaAndBit/ChartsNote that data frames food,food_max,food_mini,food_all have product names in English,while food_pl,food_max_pl,food_mini_pl,food_all_pl have product names in Polish.frequon5Exampleslibrary("ggplot2")head(food)library("ggthemes")ggplot(data=food,aes(x=Energy))+geom_histogram(color="white")+facet_wrap(~Group)+labs(title="Energy value of the products",subtitle="per100g",x="Energy value",y="Number")+theme_economist()ggplot(data=food_mini,aes(x=Energy))+geom_histogram(color="white")+facet_wrap(~Group)+labs(title="Energy value of the products",subtitle="per100g",x="Energy value",y="Number")+theme_economist()ggplot(data=food,aes(x=Protein,y=Fats,color=Group,size=Energy))+geom_point()+scale_color_brewer(type="qual",palette="Dark2")+labs(title="Share of protein and fats",subtitle="per100g",y="Fats[g]",x="Protein[g]")+theme_gdocs()ggplot(data=food,aes(x=Group,y=Energy))+geom_rug(sides="l")+geom_violin(scale="width",aes(fill=Group))+geom_text(data=food_max,aes(label=Name),hjust=0,vjust=0,color="blue4")+geom_boxplot(width=0.2,coef=100)+coord_flip()+labs(title="Energy value distribution",subtitle="per100g")+theme_gdocs()+theme(legend.position="none")frequon The Frequon(Frequency Analysis)GameDescriptionThe frequon function is used for solving problems in the data-based game…The Frequon Game”. Usagefrequon(...)6FSWArguments...frequon function is called by different arguments,which vary depending on a problem that Bit is trying to solve.See Details in order to learn more about thelist of possible arguments.DetailsEvery time when some additional hints are needed one should add hint=TRUE argument to the frequon function.In this game you are in contact with a group of people that are going to stop terrorists.You can communicate with them through frequon function.In each call add subject parameter that will indicate which message you are answering.Add content parameter.It’s value should match the request.…The Frequon Game”is a free of charge,educational project of the SmarterPoland.pl Foundation. Author(s)•Katarzyna Fak-the idea and the implementation,•Przemyslaw Biecek-comments and the integration with the‘BetaBit‘package.Examplesfrequon()frequon(hint=TRUE)FSW The data from the study of Polish upper-secondary schools students.DescriptionIt was conductedfirstly in the same time as PISA2009study,with use of the same cognitive tests and questionnaires as in PISA2009,but on a different group of students:first grade students of upper-secondary schools(in Poland most of the students in a regular PISA sample attends lower-secondary schools).The students who participated in thefirst wave of the study were followed in the2nd grade of upper-secondary school within the research program Our further study and work (Nasza Dalsza Nauka i Praca).Both studies were conducted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences.Formatdata frame:3796obs.of54variablesDetailsThe original data was changed a little,to betterfit the purpose of the game.guns7 guns The three messages to be decoded.DescriptionThe messages to be decoded in the game‘frequon()‘.How to access it?You have tofigure out this by yourself.logs The history of logs into the Proton serverDescriptionThe dataset describing the history of logs:who,from where and when logged into the Proton server.The subsequent columns in this dataset describe:•login.The login of the user which logs into the Proton server.•host.The IP address of the computer,from which the log into the Proton server was detected.•date.The date of log into the Proton server.Rows are sorted by this column.Usagedata(logs)Formata data frame with59366rows and3columns.proton The Proton GameDescriptionThe proton function is used for solving problems in the data-based game…The Proton Game”.Solve four data-based puzzles in order to crack into Pietraszko’s account!Usageproton(...)Arguments...proton function is called by different arguments,which vary depending on a problem that Bit is trying to solve.See Details in order to learn more about thelist of possible arguments.8read_gpxDetailsEvery time when some additional hints are needed one should add hint=TRUE argument to the proton function.In order to get more information about a user on the Proton server one should pass action= "login",login="XYZ"arguments to the proton function.In order to log into the Proton server one should pass action="login",login="XYZ",password="ABC"arguments to the proton function.If the password matches login,then one will receive a message about successful login.In order to log into a server different from Proton one should pass action="server",host="XYZ"arguments to the proton function.…The Proton Game”is a free of charge,educational project of the SmarterPoland.pl Foundation. Author(s)Przemyslaw Biecek,<***************************>,SmarterPoland.pl Foundation.Examplesproton()proton(hint=TRUE)read_gpx Read GPX FileDescriptionReads data in GPX form.Examples of tourist routes saved in this format can be downloaded from mapa-turystyczna.pl.Usageread_gpx(path,name=NULL,uniform=TRUE,dx=25,span=0.1)##S3method for class gpx_fileplot(x,...,type="profile",color="magenta")Argumentspath path the the gpxfile with information about the routename name of the routeuniform if TRUE then route will be converted into a uniform grid of pointsdx if uniform is TRUE then dx is the grid sizespan if uniform is TRUE then span is smoothing parameterx routs to be plottedregression9...other parameterstype what should be plotted?’profile’for profiles,’difference’for derivative,’box-plot’absolute derivativecolor names of colors for linesAuthor(s)Przemyslaw Biecekregression The Regression GameDescriptionThe regression function is used for solving problems in the data-based game…The regression Game”.Usageregression(...)Arguments...regression function is called with different arguments,which vary depending on a problem that Beta and Bit are trying to solve.See Details in order to learnmore about the list of possible arguments.DetailsEvery time when some additional hints are needed one should add hint=TRUE or techHint=TRUE argument to the regression function.Technical hints will point out R packages and/or functions which might help you to solve the task while"normal"hints provide you with methodological advices.In this game you are helping Professor Pearson.You can communicate with him through the regression function.In each call include the subject parameter(indicating which task you are trying to answer)and the content parameter(providing information Professor Pearson is asking you for in a given task).Data used in the game comes from the study of Polish upper-secondary schoolsfirst grade students.It was conducted together with the PISA2009study using the same cognitive tests and question-naires as in PISA2009but on a different group of students(in Poland most of the students in a PISA sample attends lower-secondary schools).The students who participated in thefirst wave of the study were followed in the2nd grade of upper-secondary school within the research program Our further study and work(Nasza Dalsza Nauka i Praca).Both studies were conducted by the In-stitute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences.The original data was changeda little,to betterfit the purpose of the game.…The Regression Game”is a free of charge,educational project of the SmarterPoland.pl Foundation.10top100commonWordsValueFunction returns one of three possible values:•TRUE if you provided correct answer to a task,•FALSE if you provided wrong answer to a task,•NULL if function can’t identify task you wanted to answer.Author(s)•Tomasz Zoltak-the idea and the implementation,•Mateusz Zoltak-comments,contribution to hints,•Zuzanna Brzozowska-proofreading,•Przemyslaw Biecek-comments and the integration with the‘BetaBit‘package.Examplesregression()regression(hint=TRUE)regression(techHint=TRUE)top1000passwords The vector of1000most popular passwords.DescriptionThe character vector of1000most commonly used passwords.It is sorted by the frequency of password’s usage.First passwords in the vector are the most frequently used.Formata character vector with1000elements.top100commonWords The vector of100most common words in English.DescriptionThe character vector of100most commonly used words in English.It is sorted by the frequency of usage.May be used to refine the transliteraton.Usagedata(top100commonWords)Formata character vector with100elements.varLabels11varLabels The data frame containng labels of the variables from dataDNiP andDNiP datasets.DescriptionThe data frame containng labels of the variables from dataDNiP and DNiP datasets.Formatdata frame:54obs.of2variableswikiquotes List with quotes in18languages.DescriptionThe named list with18languages.Based on<https:///>.Usagedata(wikiquotes)Formata named list with18elements.Index∗datasetsbash_history,2dataFSW,3employees,3EnglishLetterFrequency,4food,4FSW,6guns,7logs,7top1000passwords,10top100commonWords,10varLabels,11wikiquotes,11and(guns),7bash_history,2 dataFSW,3employees,3 EnglishLetterFrequency,4 food,4food_all(food),4food_all_pl(food),4food_max(food),4food_max_pl(food),4food_mini(food),4food_mini_pl(food),4food_pl(food),4frequon,5FSW,6guns,7logs,7lyo(guns),7pcs(guns),7pistoale(guns),7plot.gpx_file(read_gpx),8proton,7read_gpx,8regression,9roses(guns),7top1000passwords,10top100commonWords,10varLabels,11wikiquotes,1112。

魔法世界-上⼿指南+魔法全解析 《魔法世界(Wo r l d s o f M a g i c)》主要的游戏操作将在世界地图上进⾏。
魔法世界图⽂攻略教程: ⼀、菜单/界⾯/操作 ⾸页菜单介绍 单⼈游戏:进⾏单⼈《魔法世界》。
单⼈游戏菜单 基本游戏选定 进⼊到单⼈游戏当中⾸先要进⾏的是基本游戏选定。
选择种族 玩家可以选择8个种族其中之⼀,分别是⿊精灵(B l a c k E l f)、龙⼈(D r a c o n i a n)、矮⼈(D r a w n)、灰精灵(G r e y E l f)、⾼⼈(h i g h m e n)、死灵法师(M y r o d a n t)、兽⼈(O r c)、逆神者(U n h a l l o w e d)。
Harry Potter 魔法世界英雄战争游戏说明书

Adv anced Wizards:After reading these rules, if you feel comfortable and are familiar with deck-building games, we recommend that you proceed directly to Game 3. Open the Game 1,Game 2 and Game 3 boxes, review the rules enclosed ineach, and start your adventure there.OverviewIn this cooperative game, you will take on the heroic role of either HARRY POTTER ™, RON WEASLEY ™, HERMIONE GRANGER ™ or NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ™ in order to defeat a series of evil threats.The Villains launch attacks against you in their attempts to conquer the wizarding world one Location at a time. This game is designed to be played over a series of seven increasingly difficultadventures, to defeat You-Know-Who once and for all.OBJECTIVEPlaying cooperatively as the Heroes, you win the game if you defeat all the Villains before they gain control of all the Locations,thereby securing the safety of HOGWARTS , for now...However, if the Villains manage to gain control of all of theLocations, you have lost the game!ContentsSet Up – p. 2 Gameplay – p. 6Additional Rules – p. 122-4 Players AGES 11+8 Villain Control tokensSort and Distribute contents as shown:Boxes for Games 2–79 Sorting CardsLEAVE IN BOX4 Health Trackers :Give one to each player . Place Health Tracker on the 10 space on your Player Board.Player Board (with Health Tracker)25 Influence tokens35 Attack tokens 34 Player BoardsP l a y e r B o a r d (w i t h H e a l t h T r a c k e r )Game BoardOpen the Game 1 Box and proceed to the next page.For your first game, you will not need the boxes for Games 2–7.Give one to each player .Hero deck4VILL AINDRA CO M ALF OY6MIRROR ERISED 2 2DIAGO N ALLE Y 12 HARRY POTTER ❶❷❸❺❻❶❷❸❹❺3 Villains 30 Hogwarts4 Turn Order & 4 Heroes2 Locations 10 Dark Arts sort and distribute game 1 cardsS E T U PLocationsVillain stackActive VillainDark Arts stackLeave empty for Game 1. The spaces will be filled in successive games.Shuffle and stack the square Dark Arts cards face down.Dark Arts cardsStack the oversized Location cards face up in the order indicated on upper-right corner.Location cardsShuffle and stack the oversized Villain cardsface down.For Game 1 there will only be one active Villain at a time. Reveal the top card face up in space below.Villain cardsDiscard Pile (face up)Shuffle and stack your Hero deck of 10 cards face down, then draw 5 cards. Choose your HeroPlace an oversized Turn Order and Hero card face up aboveyour Player Board.Turn Order & Hero cardsStarting Hero deckNote that each Hero has their own starting deck as indicated by the name in the banner .824434HOGWARTS ™ stack❹Each time is addedto the Location, activeHero loses 2 .Remove 1 from the Location.VILLAINDRACO MALFOY6™➊➋➌➍➎.ALL Heroes gain 1.4➊➋➌➍➎❻4 Starting Hero Decks of 10 cardsH ER M I O N EH A R R YN E VI L L ER O NSeparate out the 4 starting Hero decks, as indicated by the Hero names on the bottom (❻).Shuffle and stack the HOGWARTS cards face down.Place top 6 cards face up in the spaces below.HOGWARTS cardsYou are ready for your first game.Choose a Hero to go first. These rules are designed to be read as you play.**Advanced Wizards will need to complete set up as instructed in the Game 3 box before continuing with these rules.Information on VILLAIN Cards➊ Villain Name ➋ Game Identifier ➌ Villain Ability ➍ H ealth —the number of needed to defeat the Villain.➎ R eward —earned when the Villain is defeated.Information on HOGW ARTS Cards➊ Game Identifier ➋ C ard Type —either Ally, Item, or Spell. Some effects may reference these types.➌ Card Name ➍ C ard Effect —gained when you play the card.➎ V alue —amount of you mustspend to acquire it. Some effects may reference this.icon keyInfluence Villain ControlAttack Health6VILL AINDRA CO M ALF OY6LOCATION MIRROR ERISED 2 2LOCAT IONDIAGO N ALL EY 12❶❸Each time is added to the Location, activeHero loses 2 .Remove 1 from the Location.VILLAINDRACO MALFOY GAME 16™DARK ARTSAdd 1to the Location.HE-WHO-MUST- NOT-BE-NAMEDEXAMPLE: because a token was added to the Location, Harry (the active Hero) loses 2 Health, moving his from 10 to 8. (See Hero Health on page 13 for details.)GAMEPLA YEach turn consists of four steps.STEP 1. Reveal and resolve Dark Arts events.Look at the Location. It states how many Dark Arts events to reveal (❶).Dark Arts events have a variety of detrimental effects. One at a time, reveal and resolve Dark Arts events,placing the cards in a discard pile beside the stack (❷).If the Dark Arts stack runs out, shuffle the resolved cards to form a new stack.STEP 2. Resolve Villain abilities.Each Villain has an ability (❸). Some will happen each turn, and others will be triggered by Dark Arts events or other Villains.OBJECTIVEPlaying cooperatively as the Heroes, you win the game if you defeat all the Villains before they gain control of all the Locations, therebysecuring the safety of HOGWARTS–for now...However, if the Villains manage to gain control of all of theLocations, you have lost the game!G A M E P L A YEXAMPLE: this event instructs you to add one token on the Location card. (See Location Control on page 12 for details.)7HARRY POTTER HERO8 344D ARK ARTSHE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED34❷Proceed to the next page for the active Hero’s chance to play cards and take actions.VILL AINDRA CO M ALF OY6LOCATION MIRROR ERISED 2 2LOCAT IONDIAGO N ALL EY 12❸STEP 3. Play HOGW ARTS cards and take Hero actions.As the active Hero, you may do all of the following in any order you choose.• P lay cards to gain resources( & tokens) and generate effects.A s you play out cards, set them to the side to indicatethat they have been played. Tokens you gain arecollected on your player board. Cards and resources cannot be saved from one turn to the next, so it is advisable to use everything each turn.• Assign(Attack) to Villains.W hen the number of tokens assigned to a Villain equals its Health, the Villain is defeated! (See Defeating a Villain on page 12 for details.)• Use (Influence) to acquire new cards.T he six face up HOGWARTS cards are available to acquire and build a more powerful deck. You can acquire multiple cards as long as you have enough.I MMEDIATELY place any newly acquired cards in your Discard Pile (not in your hand) unless otherwise noted. Typically, you will not play new cards on the same turn you acquire them.W hen your deck runs out of cards, you will shuffle your Discard Pile to form a new deck including these newly acquired cards.EXAMPLE: your starting hand has a Firebolt, HEDWIG ™, and three Alohomora! cards.❶ P lay the Firebolt to gain a token. Since you are stillpretty healthy, play HEDWIG and choose to gain another token. Place them on your player board.❷ P lay your three Alohomora! to gain three tokens. Place them on your Player Board.❸ A ssign the two tokens to DRACO MALFOY ™. Y ou need four more to defeat him.❹ U se the three to acquire Reparo! from the available HOGWARTS cards. Immediately place the card in your discard pile.G A M E P L A Y9HARRY POTTER HERO8 344DARK ARTSHE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-NAMED334❶❹❷End your turn.HARRY POTTER HERO3VIL LAI NDR ACO MA LFO Y6LOCATION MIRROR ERISED 2 2LOCAT IONDIAGO N ALL EY 12❶❹❺❻❷STEP 4. END YOUR TURN.After playing cards, taking actions, and using tokens,do the following at the end of your turn. ❶C heck if the Villains have the required toControl the Location. If they Control it, remove the and discard the Location, revealing the next one in the stack.❷I f you assigned enough to defeat a Villain this turn, replace it with the next one from the Villains stack.❸R efill empty spaces for HOGWARTS cards.❹P lace all cards played this turn in your discard pile. You cannot save cards for your next turn.❺D iscard any unused and tokens. If you played cards that allow other Heroes to gain tokens, they DO get to keep them to use on their turn.❻D raw a new hand of five cards. ONLY shuffle your Discard pile to form a freshDraw Deck when you need to draw or reveal cards and your deck is empty.THE NEXT HERO’S TURNGame play will continue clockwise, with the next player, as the active Hero, taking the same 4 steps on their turn.See the following pages for more information on:Defeating a Villain–page 12Location Control–page 12Hero Health–page 13G A M E P L A Y108 344DARK ARTSHE-WHO-MUST- NOT-BE-NAMED45❸END OF GAMEThe game can end in one of two ways:The Heroes defeat ALL the VillainsCongratulations! You win, and ensure the security of HOGWARTS andthe wizarding world for another year. You have become most adeptand skilled wizards and bring pride and honor to your school! Whenyou are ready, proceed to the next game. Open the Game 2 box, andfollow the instructions enclosed.The Villains control ALL the LocationsIf the Villains manage to control ALL the Locations, you have lost.You are not yet ready to advance to Game 2 and need to hone yourwizarding skills. Reset the game to its starting configuration, and tryagain! (see Set Up on pages 2-5.)11Active Hero loses 1 .ALL Heroesgain 1 and 1 .VILLAIN GAME 1QUIRINUS QUIRRELL 6LO CA T IO N M IR R O R OF E R IS E D Ea ch tu rn re ve al 1 D ar k A rt s e ve nt .2 of 2GA ME 1LOCATION Each turn reveal 1 Dark Arts event.DIAGON ALLEY ™1 of 2GAME 1DARK ARTS HE-WHO-MUST- NOT-BE-NAMEDGAME 1Add 1 to the Location.Reward: Each Hero takes a token from the pile puts it on their Player Board. Each Hero also gains 1 Health moving their up one. Location Control *Some Dark Arts events and Villain abilities increase the amount of control the Villains have over the Location. When the Villains gain the required to control the Location, the Heroes have until the end of that turn to remove a either by playing a card or defeating a Villain.If at the end of the turn, the Location still has the required , the Villains gain control of it. Discard the controlled Location as the battle moves on to the next one in the stack. If the Villains gain control of ALL the Locations, the Heroes lose the game!If you need to add more on a Location than there are spaces, you get a reprieve, ignoring any additional that would be added this turn .* Advanced Wizards: You can add to the difficulty of any game by placing tokens on the first Location when setting up the game. For moderate difficulty, start with 1 on the Location or for a bigger challenge, start with 2 . Alternatively, add 1 to each Location when it is revealed, starting with the first one.Defeating a Villain When the tokens assigned to a Villain equal its (Health), the Villain is defeated! You immediately gain the reward listed on the Villain card, and place it in the discard space in the center of the board. Return the tokens assigned to the Villain back to the pile. At the end of your turn, replace the defeated Villain with the next Villain card from the top of the stack.Additional Rules A D D I T I O N A L R U L E S 12LOCATION MIRROR OF ERISED Each turn reveal 1 Dark Arts event.2 of 2GAME 1HARRY POTTER HERO❶❻❺❷❹❸Hero HealthSome Dark Arts events and Villain abilities cause your Hero to lose (Health) and some HOGWARTS cards allow you to gain . This is inidicated by moving your Health Tracker up or down on your Player Board. If you lose all your , you are Stunned and the following occurs. Note: It is possible to get Stunned on another Hero's turn. If more than one Hero is Stunned at the same time, each one does the following:❶ Y ou cannot lose (or gain*) any more this turn.❷D iscard any or tokens you may have saved onyour Player Board from other Heroes’ turns.❸ D iscard half the cards in your hand, rounded down.For example, if you have five cards, choose two todiscard. If a card has an effect generated by beingdiscarded you DO still get that effect. ❹A dd one to the Location.❺ I f it is your turn, you may still play cards and takeactions with whatever you have remaining afterbeing Stunned.❻ *At the end of the active Hero’s turn you haverecovered. Reset your Hero’sto its maximumvalue (10).D A R K A RT S A c ti v e H e r o l o se s 2 .E X P U L S O !Each time a Dark Arts event or Villain causes a Hero to discard a card, that Hero loses 1 .VILLAIN CRABBE & GOYLE 5D A R K A R T S Ac tiv e H er o l os es 1 an d di sc ar ds a ca rd .F LI P E N D O !LOCATION CARDSHERMIONE GRANGER STARTING CARDS HOGW ARTS CARDS HOGW ARTS CARDS14HOGW ARTS cards In the first few games, it is possible for the HOGWARTS stack to run out of cards to acquire. Continue playing with the remaining available HOGWARTS cards and the decks you have built until the end of the game.Drawing and Discarding cards Some cards, like the Crystal Ball , have the effect to “Draw a Card”. When you play these, always draw from your Hero deck. Additionally, if a card has an effect to “Discard a Card”, you may choose any card in your hand–not just from among the cards you drew. Other cards have an effect that only happens if you choose to discard them, not when you play them. For example: the Remembrall (Neville’s starting deck) gives the Hero 1 when it is played, but 2 when discarded to another effect. The effect on these cards triggers if you choose to discard them to a Villain, Dark Arts event, from being Stunned, or toanother HOGWARTS card, like the Crystal Ball .Placing Cards on top of your DeckThis is a good thing. Rather than having to wait until your Discard Pile is shuffled to gain access to a card, cards with this directive ensure that you will draw a newly acquired card on your next turn.Saving Influence and AttacksIf you gain or tokens on another Hero’s turn you may save them on your player board until your turn. At the end of your turn any tokens that you have not used must be discarded to their piles. Villains and Dark arts cardsAs the games progress in difficulty, many of the Villain abilitiesand Dark Arts events will have a compounding effect. Forexample: Flipendo! states, “Active Hero loses 1 and discardsa card.” Crabbe & Goyle have the ability, “When you discard acard lose 1 ”. The combined effect is the active Hero will lose2 and discard a card before taking actions.Storing the gameYou do not need to play all seven games at once.Included in the tray are nine sorting cards. Whenyou are ready to pack the game up use the dividersto sort the cards by type instead of by game. Thiswill make setting up your next game faster. Theadditional game rules can be stored in the pocketson the next page.Adv anced WizardsAfter reading these rules, if you are familiar with deck-building games, you may proceed directly to Game 3. Youwill open boxes for Games 1-3, review the additional rulesenclosed in each, and start your adventure there. You canalso increase the difficulty of each game by starting with1 or2 on the first Location.Reminders A D D I T I O N A L R U L E S 3DESIGNED & DEVELOPED BY:INVENTED BY:USAopoly is a trademark of Usaopoly, Inc. Invented and licensed by Forrest-Pruzan Creative.HARRY POTTER, characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of © and ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. (s16)Manufactured by USAOPOLY, Inc. 5607 Palmer Way Carlsbad, CA 92010.MADE IN CHINA. Colors and parts may vary from those pictured. CONTENTS:Game Board • 252 Cards (47 Small, 142 Regular, 63 Oversized) • 4 Dice • 7 Game Boxes • 7 Game Rules 4 Player Boards • 8 Villain Control Tokens • 70 Chip Pieces (35 Attack, 25 Influence, 4 Health, 2 Shield, 4 More)。
Timestamps, Lost Love 7 PE游戏指南说明书

S HOUT O UT!To all the developers who make these games possible and their immense talents! Please visit their page to check out their other games and support them to provide you with more games in the future!Motkeyzhttps:///motkeyzS TRATEGYThis guide will do its utmost to make sure your journey through the game as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions for each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.Warning!– This game has adult content, please make sure you are of legal age in your country.Stat Points[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.ContentsDay 11 (3)Day 12 (6)Day 11 Back (10)Day 12 (11)Day 11[Day 11 - Scene 1: Arrival]! Pro Tip:For faster travel between locations, use “Quick Navigation” (Press “Tab” to display) OR use the “Interior Map” (Press “N” to display); “Town Map” (Press “M” to display). Town Map1.Go to Bacon’sBacon’s House2.Go to House3.Go to ArcadeArcade4.Enter the Arcade[Day 11 – Scene 2: Heather Arcade]Heather’s BathroomNo Choices [Day 11 – Scene 3: Bacon Heather]Town Map5.Go to the CollegeCollege Hallway6.Click on Scarlet[Day 11 – Scene 4: Scarlet Tour]7.Follow John[Day 11 – Scene 5: School Shower]8.Click on Gym DoorGym9.Click on Veronika[Day 11 – Scene 6: Veronika Gym Reveal]College Hallway10.(Press “M”) Go to John’s PlaceJohn’s Place11.(Press “M”) Go HomeHome12.Go to the BarbershopVeronika’s Place13.Click on #1428 Door[Day 11 – Scene 7: Veronika Home Greet] BarbershopNo Choice. [Day 11 – Scene 8: Candice Meet]14.Click on 1428 DoorVeronika’s Place15.Spy on Nika[Day 11 – Scene 9: Veronika Masturbate]16.Click on Nika’s Bedroom Door (Second door on the left).17.Click on TV18.Click on Mask. (To the left of TV)19.Click on Veronika Kitchen Door (First door on the left).20.Click on Papers on Table (Post it Notes).21.Click on Veronika’s Fridge22.Click on Down Arrow23.Peep on Nika (Bathroom Scene). [Day 11 – Scene 10: Veronika Peep] BarbershopNo Choices [Day 11 – Scene 11: Candice Return]Town Map24.Go to Home25.Click on House26.Click on Sergio’s Wife[Day 11 – Scene 12: Lorraine Hot Tub] Heather & Gaz Dining Room27.No Choices [Day 11 – Scene 13: Heather & Gaz]Town Map28.Go to Beach (meet Candice).Beach29.Click on Deck (Or almost anywhere).30.Ice Ice Baby. (Your Choice).31.I’ll be back.Beach HouseNo Choices. [Day 11 – Scene 14: Masked on Beach]Note: Saving here is recommended.32.Choose One: A) Join. [Day 11 Beach Join True]B) Decline. [Day 11 Beach Join False]33.(Press “M”)Town Map34.Go to John’s PlaceJohn’s Place35.No Choices. [Day 11 –Scene 15: John’s House]Day 12Julia & JohnNo Choices. [Day 12 – Scene 1: Julia & John]36.(Press “M”)Town Map37.Go to HomeHome38.Click on Lorraine[Day 12 – Scene 2: Helping Lorraine]39.Click on Garage Door.40.Continue Clicking.41.(Press “M”)Town Map42.Go to CollegeCollege43.Click on DoorHallwayNo Choices [Day 12 – Scene 3: School Hallway]44.Click on Elevator.45.Click on 3. Dean’s Office.Dean’s OfficeNo Choices [Day 12 – Scene 4: The Dean]46.(Press “M”)Town Map47.Go to John’s Place.John’s Place48.Click on Hallway.49.Click on Bedroom.50.(Press “M”)Town Map51.Go to College.College52.Click on DoorHallway53.Click on Forward Arrow.54.Click on Stairs (Up Left Hallway) [Day 12 – Scene 5: Girls Hallway Gossip]55.Click on Down Arrow 2x.56.Click on Elevator.57.Click on 2 Library.LibraryNo Choices. [Day 12 – Scene 6: Girls Jasmine Library]College Library58.Click on Jasmine.59.Click on Down Arrow.60.Click on 1 LobbyHallway61.Click on Left Door (Teachers Den)Teachers Den62.Click Book on Table/Book on Coffee Table /Book on Water Cooler. (Books 1-3/6)63.Click on Down Arrow64.Click on Classroom in Hallway. (Across from Teachers Den closest to Elevator) Classroom65.Click Book on Desk /Click Book on top of Bookshelf to the Left. (Books 4-5/6) Hallway66.Click on Down Arrow.67.Click on Stairs (Up Left Hallway)68.Click on Forward Arrow.69.Click on Middle Left Door (Girls Bathroom)Girls Bathroom70.Click on The Drama Teacher.[Day 12 – Scene 7: The Drama Teacher]71.Tell her. (Your Choice)72.Click on Down Arrow.73.Click on Last Door.(Men’s Bathroom)Men’s Bathroom74.Click Book on Sink. (Book 6/6){Head back to College Library}College Library75.Click on Jasmine.[Day 12 – Scene 8: Jasmine Book Return]76.Agree (Your Choice)77.Click on Piper (Archway on right) [Day 12 – Scene 9: Piper Lollipop]78.Take a closer look. (Your Choice)•I'm willing to make this sacrifice for all men; How dare you trying to steal my virginity! (Your Choice)79.Head to Gym.(Door next to where girl’s bathroom was.)College Gym80.No Choices.81.Click Down Arrow 2x.Computer RoomNo Choices.82.(Press “M”)Town Map83.Go to Home.Home84.Click on House.85.Click on Door. [Day 12 – Scene 10: Lorraine Sunbath]Julia’s RoomNo. Choices. [Day 12 – Scene 11: Fun with Julia and Heather]86.(Press “M”)Town Map87.Go to John’s Place.John’s Place.No Choices. [Day 12 – Scene 12: Flashing Kate]88.(Press “M”)Town Map89.Go to the Arcade.Arcade90.Click on Door.91.Stay and try the Arcade Machine (Your Choice) Click on Arcade Machine.92.(Press “M”)Town Map93.Go to Veronika’sVeronika’s PlaceNo Choices [Day 12 – Scene 13: Love of Nika]Note: Saving here is recommended. As we do not yet know the impact of the decision.94.Choose One: A) Sleep in bed. [Day 11 Nika Path True]B) Sleep on couch.Time MachineNo Choice. [Day 12 – Scene 14: The Return]Day 11 BackTown Map95.Go to Park. [Day 11B – Scene 1: Aliza in the Park]Town Map96.Go to Barbershop.Town Map97.Go to Gaz.Town Map98.Go to Home. [Day 11B – Scene 2: Home Return and Julia Tease]Home99.Go to Bedroom100.Click on PC.101.Click on TV (In your room)102.Click on Veronica Door.103.Go to Bedroom.104.Click on Bed. [Day 11B – Scene 3: Maureen Phone and Julia Tease] 105.Nevermind. (Your Choice) [Day 11B – Scene 4: Risky Fun with Julia] 106.Creampie (Your Choice; if you choose mouth you have to kiss her after!) 107.Go to Bedroom (Click on Bed) [Day 11B – Scene 5: Meanwhile Nika]Day 12Home108.Click on Down Arrow.109.Go to Shower. [Day 12B – Scene 6: Julia Bathroom Help]110.Click on Down Arrow.111.Click on Kitchen.Town Map112.Go to Bacon.Bacon113.Click on Bacon’s House.114.Click on Bacon’s Door.115.Click on Gym.[Day 12B – Scene 7: Heather Gym Session]116.Help her. [Day 12B – Scene 8: Heather Stretch]117.Note: There is an alternate scene where Heather stretches with Bacon, but we did not take that path, as you miss out on an H Scene. Feel free to go back and find it if you must.IMO it is not worth it. [Day 12B – Scene 9: Heather Bacon Stretch]Police Station118.No Choices. [Day 12B – Scene 10: Police Station]Town Map119.Go to Maureen. [Day 12B –Scene 11: Maureen’s Special Gift]Maureen’s120.(Press “M”)Town Map121.Go to Bacon.Strip Club122.Kiss. [Day 12B – Scene 12: The Club]Town Map123.Go to Bacon124.Click on Bacon.Beach Arrival125.Check Beach House. [Day 12B – Scene 13: Beach Arrival]Beach Arrival126.Go to CollegeCollege127.Go to Gym128.Go to Teacher Den.Teachers Den129.Don’t tell.130.Go to Dean’s Office [Day 12B – Scene 14: Dean’s Office]Dean’s Office131.Dominate the Dean. (Your Choice)132.Go to Maintenance (Door before Bathrooms) [Day 12B – Scene 15: Peeping Showers] Maintenance133.Go to BeachMrs. Delington134.Go to ChocolaterieChocolaterie135.Hell now, maybe I can find something…136.Go to HomeHome137.Click on Garage Door138.Go to ChocolaterieChocolaterieThere are some fake endings you can get here, but they are not part of main story.Beach139.Peek on her. [Day 12B – Scene 16: Nika on the Beach]140.Go to Lounge141.Stay.142.Cum on Boobs. (Your Choice) [Day 12B – Scene 17: Back, Fun with Heather]143.Go to HomeHome144.Go to Veronika [Day 12B – Scene 18: Back, Nika Tells Past]145.Go to Bedroom (Go to Sleep) [Day 12B – Scene 19: Back, Nika Night Check]146.Go to VeronikaDay 13147.Go to Bathroom [Day 13 – Scene 1: Nika Bath]148.Tell her you love her.149.Go to Kitchen [Day 13 – Scene 2: Julia Kitchen]150.Don’t Cum [Day 13 – Scene 3: Julia Kitchen Part 2]151.(Press “M”)152.Go to BaconBacon153.(Press “M”)154.Go to HomeHome155.Go to Veronika [Day 13 – Scene 3: Nika Sex]156.Go to Bedroom157.Go to sleep.Day 14158.[Day 14 – Scene 1: Wake Up by Nika]159.[Day 14 – Scene 2: Molly Phone Call]Note:Since were know where pretty much everything is now I don’t be describing each click unless it’s a new location, unless I think it’s need like in the next choice for instance.160.Click on Down Arrow Twice161.Go to Bathroom. [Day 14 – Scene 3: Julia Bathroom Fun]162.Eat ass.163.Your choice.164.Help her. [Day 14 – Scene 4: Julia Anal Plug ]165.(Press “M”)166.Go to BaconBacon167.Click on Hallway168.Flirt [Day 14 – Scene 5: Heather Balcony BJ]169.[Day 14 – Scene 6: Heather Catches Bacon]170.Go to ChocolaterieChocolaterie171.Go to GroceryGrocery172.Go to ArcadeArcade173.Go to GazGaz174.[Day 14 – Scene 7: Gaz Sunbathing]Note: Saving here is recommended. As we do not yet know the impact of the decision.175.Choose one: A) Accept her love. [Day 9 Gaz Room True]B)Don’t accept her love.176.(Press “M”)177.Go to MaureenMaureen178.[Day 14 – Scene 7: Claire Sunbathing]179.[Day 14 – Scene 8: Nika and Monica Bus GF]180.[Day 14 – Scene 9: Nika and Monica Bus NoGF]181.Go to BaconBacon182.[Day 14 – Scene 10-16: Showcase Scenes] (Possible)183.Look at Miss Delington’s Boobs. (Your Choice)Note: Saving here is recommended, so you can see all scenes and we don’t know impact of decisions although it appears they have no long term affect as of now.184.Drink a shot with them. (Your choice, like I said I’d go back and try all of them.) 185.Go upstairs. (Again, I’d try all paths, I am)186.Skip (But that’s just me.)187.Facial. (Your Choice)188.Go over and Kiss Daz and Candice (Unless really want to do the other option) 189.Go to HomeHome190.Go to Julia’s Bedroom191.Try not to wake up her and…[Day 14 – Scene 17: Julia First Anal]192.Choose one A) Cum Inside•I love it!•It’s a bit too much.B) Cum on her back.193.Go to Kitchen [Day 14 – Scene 17: Kitchen Lingerie]Day 15 194.Go to the Door195.Outside [Day 15 – Scene 1: Nika Phone Call] 196.Go to Kitchen [Day 15 – Scene 2: Julia Kitchen Sex] 197.Your Choice.198.Check your phone.199.You can play Whack-a-Scut if you’d like.200.Go to JonesJones201.Go to BaconDay 16 Home202.Go to JonesJones203.Go to BaconBacon204.[Day 16 – Scene 1: Beach Pt 1]205.Go to StoreStore206.[Day 16 – Scene 2: Beach Pt 2]Saviving here is recommended if you want to see both scenes. (I personally just want solo.) 207.Choose one: A) Bacon Deserves it. [Day 13 Beach Team][Day 16 – Scene 3: Beach Team]B) I don’t feel like letting him join.[Day 13 Beach Solo][Day 16 – Scene 4: Beach Solo]208.Go to HomeHome209.Go to Basment210.Go to Room [Day 16 – Scene 4: Room Painting]211.[Day 16 – Scene 5: Julia & Maureen Threesome]Day 17212.[Day 17 – Scene 1: Nika and Monica Fun]Day 18213.[Day 18 – Scene 1: Julia FuckFest Montage]Day 19214.Go to Room [Day 19 – Scene 1: Nika Video Games]Note: You will only obtain #215 if you obtained [Day 11 Nika Path True].215.[Day 19 – Scene 2: Nika Sex]Note: As of this update R7 I will not be including the Scene Unlocks because they are in your phone and it’s redundant.216.Go to Bedroom.217.Let her clean it.218.Go to JonesJones219.Go to BarbershopDay 20Barbershop220.Go to MotelDay 21Motel221.Go to Queens DairyQueen’s Dairy222.Stare at Agne’s busty rack. (Your Choice)223.Accept invitation. (It’s not know if this will have consequences, so save here to be sure) 224.Elm Street.225.Go to ChocolaterieChocolaterie226.Go to BeachBeach227.Pull her away.228.Go to BarbershopBarbershop229.Go to MotelMotel230.Click on Motel231.Go to CollegeCollege232.Ask Scarlet about the trophy cupboard first.233.Click back Twice.234.Go to BarbershopBarbershop235.Go to HomeHome236.Go to BeachBeach237.Go to JohnJohn238.Go to CollegeCollege239.Go to Computer Room (Left Door) 240.Click Left Arrow241.Click on Elevator242.Go to Dean243.Go to Back to College244.Click on Right Arrow245.Go to Arcade。
INDIECRAFT 2020虚拟游戏展示会说明书

INDIECRAFT is hosted under the catchphrase "Game is Culture", the event is intended to discover and provide support to high quality indie games so that we can build a sound ecosystem for the gaming industry. This event was started as the SeongNam Indie Game Competition Step Up! Project in 2017, but the event was newly branded as INDIECRAFT to expand its scope beyond the game competition and to make a new beginning as a global game festival.About INDIECRAFT 20202017 SeongNam Indie Game Competition Step Up! Project History of INDIECRAFTVirtual Game ShowINDIECRAFT 2020K-GAME FESTIVALJuly 24nd (Fri)~26th (Sun) 10:00-18:00 (KOR time)July 22nd (Wed)~23rd (Thu) 10:00-18:00 (KOR time)B2B B2C Visit for registration (Due: 21th of July)Visit OnOffmix user-guide will be sent via email for those registered before the event. (Due: 20th of July)* Launcher can be downloaded from IndieCraft Virtual Game Show Homepage without prior registration from July 20th.for registration, launcher andB2B B2C Opening hoursHow to joinContactProgramB2BB2CThe first on-line virtual game show in KoreaA global gaming culture festival:8,000 domestic and international game publishers, investors, stakeholders, and usersA virtual platform will showcase the selected games on-lineso that visitors can enjoy exhibition-like experiencesReal-time consultation through Text / Voice Chat70 booths, including 60 selected games, sponsors, and other stakeholders.Lecture session from global game expertsOnline beads matching with publishers, investors,and game industry players through 'MeetToMatch'13:00 of 25th of July:the virtual game show will be live-streamed (featuring: Kim Seong-hoi aka Gencyclopedia)- Available on Twitch channel ‘TogetherLive’Event and lucky draw (QR code)- World image # event· Indiecraft Homepage : https://www.indiecraft.or.kr/· Indiecraft Virtual Game Show Homepage : https:/// · E-mail :*******************.krhttps:// https:///event/218533World Themes and LayoutLecture Session※ There is a limitation of concurrent users in a World, you may be placed in a waiting que. In that case, you can visit other World without waiting.※ The lecture session video is played during the B2B event(22nd-23rd) and you can listen to the same lecture in the conference room located in each World from 10:00 to 18:00. (Promotional video clips of game developers will be played during the B2C period).There are six themes of World waiting for you.· World A Best Game Zone · World B Mobile Game Zone Ⅰ· World C Community Zone · World D PC Game Zone · World E Mobile Game Zone Ⅱ· World F Global ZoneMegazone CloudKim Jeong-dong(Megazone)The future of game publishing:how to create your own cross-platform ecosystem Chris Hewish(Xsolla)Naver cloud platform / Game service platformLee Yong-hyun (Naver Cloud Platform)How Indies Become Independent With Xsolla Jayden Lee(Xsolla)Amazon Game Lift Lee Yong-joo(Megazone)Realistic content industry and cloud-based content authoring toolLee Tae-hyun(GoVR)World ATimeWorld BWorld C+00:05+00:30What is ID@XBOX?Chris Charla(Xbox)Naver cloud platform / Game service platformLee Yong-hyun (Naver Cloud Platform)Creator marketing strategyusing live streaming Park Seong-joon(EJN)Megazone CloudKim Jeong-dong(Megazone)Amazon Game Lift Lee Yong-joo(Megazone)What is ID@XBOX?Chris Charla(Xbox)World D Time World EWorld F+00:05+00:30Korean history RPG : Hero of anarchy Alchemist Games Inc. PUZZLE SUGAR Follow Me MMORPG in the WoodsRabbit Hole GamesReRoadLIBRA SYSTEMS Inc.CATRIXPlotrickBattleLiveDamBackCat Tail TaleDADASMIMIVR QuerenciaToyboxHero CraftGurisHumvDogs LegendIt GamesBecome A HeroPALPITOPALPITOPLAY MephistowaltzDOORIGNIS SOFT Inc.Battle of BlockUltramarineSoftKarma knightGame CanvasLazor ZoneLoremThe Last ChickenSelectionLENIMALSPixel UPBucket Squad : ZombiebustersStudio PuppeteerThe Return :Forbidden ThroneBearmask StudioLo-Fi RoomPixelated EnterpriseDurakaOdencat Inc.ZelleVisual LightWolf and Pigs:Out for VengeanceSponsorsMEGAZONEMegazone Cloud has the most number of game industry customers among the cloud MSPs in Korea. The company has contributed to the development and growth of indie games with its many yearsof digital business service experience.NAVER CLOUD PLATFORMIT specialist arm of Korea's No. 1 portal company Naver: providing Enterprise (B2B) cloud service: Naver Cloud Platform.ONE STOREMost well-known app market in Korea: favorable policies and programs for the gaming industry to support indie game developers.XSOLLAXsolla provides a range of solutions and services for game developers and publishers so that they can be connected to the global market.XBOXXbox provides player-centric offerings: enjoy gameplay on any devices and in any environments. EJNProviding a variety of services to help creators monetize.NC SOFTFor a world where we are connected with fun, NCSoft.UNITYUnity Technologies is a leader in real time3D development platform and is known for its Unity Engine.NEXONIt is a global game company that serves approximately 60 games in more than 190 countries around the world and has more than 1.4 billion users. JOYCITYFreeStyle Street Basketball 2:the No.1 one-line basketball MARBLESince its inception in 2000, Netmarble has been leading the Korean game market with thefirst-ever “publishing” business model in Korea. COM2USThe first mobile game company in Korea established in 1998, a globally renowned company with its excellent game contents and services.GoVRWe are all about VR: VR production, distribution, and training.SpringsomesSpringcomes has been developing and distributing mobile games over 157 countries across the world. We have been cooperating with quality game developers and partners to joint-publish game titles and grow the business together. MGrowthMGrowth connects ideas, technology, and experience to bring up the new value. GamepubGamepub's goal is to provide various types of games which many people can play with fun. The company's expertise encompasses key areas of the gaming industry such as marketing, operation, publishing, and development.Gamers FoundationThe Gamers Foundation is a non-profit corporation established in 2013 to promote the mutual growth of the game industry and to enhance the status of Korean game industry experts. KJ& Investment PartnersKJ& Investment Partners is a venture capital established in 2018 and has made dynamic growth since its inception.。

Package‘wordler’October12,2022Type PackageTitle The'WORDLE'GameVersion0.3.1Description The'Wordle'game.Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word.After each guess,the player is informed whichletters in their guess are either:anywhere in the word;in the rightposition in the word.This can be used to inform the next guess.Can be played interactively in the console,or programmatically.Based on Josh Wardle's game<https:///wordle/>.License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8URL https:///DavidASmith/wordlerImports crayonLazyData trueRoxygenNote7.1.2Depends R(>=2.10)Suggests rmarkdown,knitr,testthat(>=3.0.0)VignetteBuilder knitrConfig/testthat/edition3NeedsCompilation noAuthor David Smith[aut,cre],Gethin Davies[ctb]Maintainer David Smith<**************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-02-0109:20:02UTC12assess_guess R topics documented:assess_guess (2)count_freqs (3)have_a_guess (3)is.wordler (4)is_guess_correct (4)keyboards (5)new_wordler (5)play_wordler (7)print.wordler (7)print_instructions (8)qdap_dict (8)ubuntu_dict (9)update_letters_known_in_position (9)update_letters_known_in_word (10)update_letters_known_not_in_word (10)wordle_allowed (11)wordle_answers (11)Index12 assess_guess Assess a guess against the target wordDescriptionAssesses the guess in list game$guess(index from game$guess_count)against the target word in game$target.Usageassess_guess(game)Argumentsgame’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler).DetailsAdds the assessment to the corresponding list item in game$assess.This assessment should be considered as how the guesses should be displayed to the user and replicates the behaviour of the WORDLE game(https:///wordle/).For each letter in each guess,one of the following assessments are made:•’not_in_word’-the letter is not present in the target word(or has already beenflagged as ’in_word’earlier in the word).count_freqs3•’in_word’-the letter is in the target word.More specifically,thefirst instance of the letter inthe guess present in the word.Subsequent instances areflagged as’not_in_word’.•’in_position’-the letter is in the same position in the target word.Value’wordler’game object.count_freqs Get counts of each letter in the targetDescriptionGet counts of each letter in the targetUsagecount_freqs(xs,target)Argumentsxs,target we count the occurrences of each element in xs in targetValueNamed list of elements of xs with counts.have_a_guess Submit a guess word to a wordler game objectDescriptionIf x is a valid guess,it is added to game$guess and assessed against the target word.Incrementsgame$guess_count if a valid guess is made.Usagehave_a_guess(x,game,allowed_words=NULL)Argumentsx the guess.game’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler).allowed_words a character vector of valid words for the guess.x must be in this vector to be al-lowed.Defaults to words used by the WORDLE game online(?wordler::wordle_allowed)if not provided.4is_guess_correctValueA’wordler’game object.is.wordler Detects wordler objectsDescriptionDetects wordler objectsUsageis.wordler(x,...)Argumentsx an R object...additional argumentsValueReturns TRUE if x is a’wordler’object,otherwise FALSE.is_guess_correct Establish if guess is correct and set game state accordinglyDescriptionCompares the guess in game$guess(index from game$guess_count)with the corresponding target word in game$target.If the guess is equal to the target,game$game_won and game$game_over are both set to TRUE.Usageis_guess_correct(game)Argumentsgame’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler).ValueA’wordler’game object.keyboards5 keyboards Keyboard layouts for printing a wordler game at the console.DescriptionA list of keyboard layouts used to show letters known to be not in target word,in the target word,and in the right position in the target word.Each element must be a list having3items,each representing a row of a keyboard layout.UsagekeyboardsFormatA list of length1.Sourcehttps:///cfreshman/cdcdf777450c5b5301e439061d29694cnew_wordler Constructs a new object of class"wordler"DescriptionReturns a"wordler"object which holds the state of a wordler game as guesses are made.The returned object will have a target word which is selected from the default list unless provided in the target argument.Usagenew_wordler(target=sample(wordler::wordle_answers,1),game_over=FALSE,game_won=FALSE,guess_count=0,guess=lapply(1:6,function(x)unlist(strsplit("_____",""))),assess=lapply(1:6,function(x)rep("not_in_word",5)),keyboard=wordler::keyboards$qwerty,letters_known_not_in_word=character(0),letters_known_in_word=character(0),letters_known_in_position=character(0))6new_wordlerArgumentstarget the target word for the game.Defaults to a random selection from words used by the WORDLE game online(?wordler::wordle_answers)if not provided.game_over a logical indicating if the game is over.Defaults to FALSE.game_won a logical indicating if the game has been won.In other words,has the target word been correctly guessed.guess_count an integer representing the number of guesses made so far.Defaults to0.guess a list(of length6)of character vectors(each of length5)representing the guesses of the target word.Each element of the list represents one of six guesses allowed.Each guess defaults to c("_","_","_","_","_")to represent a guess not yetmade.assess a list(of length6)of character vectors(each of length5)representing an assess-ment of each letter in each guess.keyboard a list(of length3)of character vectors each representing a row of a keyboard layout used to visualise the game by print().Defaults to QWERTY layout.letters_known_not_in_worda character vector of letters known not to be in the target word.letters_known_in_worda character vector of letters know to be in the target word.letters_known_in_positiona character vector of letters known to be in the correct position in the targetword.DetailsThe wordler object is a list which has the following elements:•target-The target word.•game_over-A logical indicating if the game is over.Set to TRUE if either the word is correctly guessed,or all guesses are used.•game_won-A logical indicating if the game has been won(target word correctly guessed).•guess_count-The number of guesses made so far.•guess-A list of guesses of the target word.•assess-A list of assessments of the target word.Note that this represents how the letters in each guess should be displayed when printing the game.•keyboard-A list representing the keyboard layout to be used when printing the game state.•letters_known_not_in_word-A vector of letters known not to be in the target word based on guesses made so far.•letters_known_in_word-A vector of letters known to be in the target word based on guesses made so far.•letters_known_not_in_word-A vector of letters known to be in the right position in the target word based on guesses made so far.ValueAn object of class"wordler".play_wordler7play_wordler Play a game of WORDLE in the consoleDescriptionStarts an interactive game of WORDLE in the console.Based on WORDLE(https://www./wordle/).Usageplay_wordler(target_words=NULL,allowed_words=NULL)Argumentstarget_words character vector of potential target words for the game.A word will be randomlyselected from this vector as the target word to be guessed.Defaults to words usedby the WORDLE game online(?wordler::wordle_answers)if not provided.allowed_words character vector of valid words for the guess.Guess must be in this vector to beallowed.Defaults to words used by the WORDLE game online(?wordler::wordle_allowed)if not provided.ValueNo return value.Starts interactive game in console.print.wordler Prints a wordler game to the console.DescriptionPrints a wordler game to the console.Usage##S3method for class wordlerprint(x,...)Argumentsx’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler)....additional argumentsValueNo return value.8qdap_dict print_instructions Prints instructions to play a wordler game in the consoleDescriptionPrints instructions to play a wordler game in the consoleUsageprint_instructions()ValueNo return value.qdap_dict Allfive-letter words from the Nettalk Corpus Syllable Data Set.DescriptionA dataset containing allfive-letter words from the Nettalk Corpus Syllable Data Set as returned byqdapDictionaries::dictionaries().Usageqdap_dictFormatA character vector of length2488.Sourcehttps:///package=qdapDictionaries/ubuntu_dict9 ubuntu_dict Allfive-letter words from the Ubuntu dictionary.DescriptionA dataset containing allfive-letter words from Ubuntu dictionary‘/usr/share/dict/words‘.Usageubuntu_dictFormatA character vector of length4594.Sourcehttps:///update_letters_known_in_positionEstablish which letters are known to be in the correct position in thetarget wordDescriptionFor all items in game$guess,establishes the letters which are now known to be in the correct posi-tion in the target word.These are present as a character vector in game$letters_known_in_position in the returned object.Usageupdate_letters_known_in_position(game)Argumentsgame’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler).ValueA’wordler’game object.10update_letters_known_not_in_word update_letters_known_in_wordEstablish which letters are known to be in the target wordDescriptionFor all items in game$guess,establishes the letters which are now known to be in the target word.These are present as a character vector in game$letters_known_in_word in the returned object.Usageupdate_letters_known_in_word(game)Argumentsgame’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler).ValueA’wordler’game object.update_letters_known_not_in_wordEstablish which letters are known to_not_be in the target wordDescriptionFor all items in game$guess,establishes the letters which are now known to not be in the target word.These are present as a character vector in game$letters_known_not_in_word in the re-turned object.Usageupdate_letters_known_not_in_word(game)Argumentsgame’wordler’game object(as generated by new_wordler).ValueA’wordler’game object.wordle_allowed11 wordle_allowed All words used to validate guesses by the original WORDLE game.DescriptionA dataset containing all words which are used to validate guesses by the original WORDLE game.Note that this does not include the words which can be answers.Theses are held in?wordle_answers.Usagewordle_allowedFormatA character vector of length10657.Sourcehttps:///cfreshman/cdcdf777450c5b5301e439061d29694cwordle_answers All words used as potential answers by the original WORDLE game.DescriptionA dataset containing all words which can be used as answers to the original WORDLE game.Usagewordle_answersFormatA character vector of length2315.Sourcehttps:///cfreshman/a03ef2cba789d8cf00c08f767e0fad7b/Index∗datasetskeyboards,5qdap_dict,8ubuntu_dict,9wordle_allowed,11wordle_answers,11assess_guess,2count_freqs,3have_a_guess,3is.wordler,4is_guess_correct,4keyboards,5new_wordler,2–4,5,7,9,10play_wordler,7print.wordler,7print_instructions,8qdap_dict,8ubuntu_dict,9update_letters_known_in_position,9 update_letters_known_in_word,10update_letters_known_not_in_word,10 wordle_allowed,11wordle_answers,1112。
法兰克林体育公司 高尔夫投掷游戏 产品说明书

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (4) Score Poles
Step 1
Remove the battery compartment lid from each target pole. Place 2 (1.5V) AAA batteries (not included) in each glow target pole. Note battery orientation. The negative (-) end of the battery should be placed against the spring in the battery compartment and on the lids. Replace the battery compartment lids.
Scoring: 3 points: A golf toss that lands on the top bar scores 3 points. 2 points: A golf toss that lands on the middle bar scores 2 points. 1 point: A golf toss that lands on the bottom bar scores 1 point.
Spring Lid
Two 1½V AAA Batteries
Negative End (-) Up
Positive End (+) Up
Requires 12 "AAA" (1.5v) size batteries (not included) Do not mix old and new batteries. Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
MAG Codex 5 系列游戏桌面商品说明说明书

Rule your gaming empirewith minimalist styleMAG Codex 5 series gaming desktop is designed for entrygamers, features Intel latest processor and the latest NVIDIARTX series graphics card, providing the best gamingexperience. Exclusive thermal solution with the best aircooling, promise the longer system performance, RGB lightingeffect design with tempered glass, show off your personallygaming style, MSI MAG Codex 5 series will lead the players toconquer the wonderful battles.Selling PointsUp to Windows 10 Pro (MSI recommends Windows 10Pro for business.)Up to Intel Core i7-11700 processorUp to MSI GeForce® RTX 3070™ graphicsBest air flow design to keep them at peak performanceDual side panel optional, choose your personal styleMystic Light RGB LED design to customize yourGaming PCEasy to upgrade - designed to upgrade yourcomponents with an easeHigh speed M.2 SSD, loading game in secondStandard component inside, keeping the system in thelatest statusUSB 3.2 Gen 2 with type C reversible designPicture and logos System I/O-Ports1.1x Headphones / 1x Microphone1x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C / 2x USB 2.0 Type A2.3.1x HDMI out4.1x VGA port (D-sub)1x Display port out5.6.2x USB 2.0 Type A / 1x PS/2 combo port7.2x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A2x USB 2.0 Type A / 1x RJ45 (1G LAN)8.9.3x Audio jacksSpecificationOperating Systems Windows 11 HomeCPU Number Intel Core i7-11700FCPU Clock 2.5GHzCPU Cores8TDP65WCache N/AThreads N/ACPU Cooler Air cooling 65WChipsets H510VGA IO Port HDMIx1, Display Portx3VGA MKT Name GeForce RTX 3070 VENTUS 2X 8G LHR GPU1 VRAM Size8GMemory Size32GB(16GB*2)Memory Type DDR4 SDRAMMemory Speed1600(3200)MHzModule Type U-DIMMMemory Slot(Total)2Memory Slot(Free)0Max Capacity Max 64GBSSD Interface PCIe GEN3x4 NVMeSSD Form Factor M.2-2280 M-KEYSSD Config1TB*1SSD Size1TBHDD1 Interface SATA GEN3HDD1 Form Factor 3.5 inchHDD1 Size2TB*1HDD1 RPM7200RPMODD(Type)N/AODD Height N/AODD Type N/AM.2 slots(Total)1M.2 slots(Free)02.5" Drive Bays(Total)22.5" Drive Bays (Free)2LAN Intel I219-VWLAN INTEL/AX210.NGWG.NVWLAN Version802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2+BTBT Version 5.2Audio Chipset Realtek ALC897Audio Type7.1 Channel HD AudioThunderbolt N/AUSB 2.0 Type A2USB 2.0 Type C NAUSB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A NAUSB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C1USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type A NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2 Type C NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type C NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type A NAAudio Mic-in1Audio Headphone-out1Audio Headphone-out (HiFiSPDIF)NAMic-inHeadphone-out combo NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type C (R)NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type A (R)NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2 Type C (R)NAUSB 3.2 Gen 2 Type A (R)NAUSB 3.2 Gen 1 Type C (R)NAUSB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A (R)2USB 2.0 Type C (R)NAUSB 2.0 Type A (R)4Thunderbolt (R)NARJ451WiFi Antenna NACard Reader NAVGA out1VR-Link NAHDMI out1x (v2.0)DP out1x (v1.4)mini DP in NAmini DP out NAPS21COM Port NADVI-D out NAAudio jack3SPDIF NAFlash BIOS Button NAPower500WPower Certification80PLUS BRONZEFormfactor ATXType POWER SUPPLYKeyboard Interface N/AMouse Interface N/APower Cord1AC Adaptor N/AWarranty Card1Quick Guide3User Manual N/AVESA Mount kit N/AKeyboard N/AMouse N/AOperating, Storage Temperature0° C ~ 35° C ; -20° C ~ 60° COperating, Storage Humidity0% ~ 85%;0% ~ 90%Regulatory Compliance FCC(Class B)CB/CEUL(CUL)BSMIVCCIRCM(C-Tick)Product Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)195mm x 514.8mm x 466mmProduct Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)195mm x 514.8mm x 466mmInside Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)N/AInside Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)N/A611 x 351 x 645Outer Carton Dimension Standard (WxDxH)(mm)Outer Carton Dimension Standard (WxDxH)24.06 x 13.82 x 25.39(inch)Weight (Net kg)TBDWeight (Gross kg)TBDLiter40LVESA size NAWarranty24monthsEntity MKT Name MAG Codex 5 11TD-1430EU-B71170F307832G2TS1TX11MAAH1 Color ID1/Black-Black-BlackEAN4719072975999。
Theme Park World 游戏指南说明书

ADDENDUMThis document is intended to help answer any questions that you might have about Theme Park World. It contains fully up-to-date information about the game and the manual, and should be used as reference in cases where you cannot find the information you require in the Manual or Ref Card.FAQ`s (Frequently Asked Questions)Q: I saved my park and continued playing. I then gained some Golden Tickets and Golden Keys. After loading my previously saved park I still have the same number of Golden Tickets and Keys, even though I did not have any when I saved. Also, if I go to another park I still have Golden Tickets to use. Why is this?A: The Golden Tickets and Keys are a global currency, i.e. you can win them in any park and spend them in any other park. Golden Tickets are used to uncover mystery items. Onceyou've uncovered a mystery item it's available to buy for cash, even if you load a previously saved park.Here's an example of why it works like it does:I'm in Halloween and I win a Golden Ticket. I then leave and go to Lost Kingdom. The state of my Halloween park is saved. I spend the Ticket in Lost Kingdom then return to Halloween but I have no Golden Ticket as I have spent it elsewhere. If the state of golden tickets was not saved as part of the global game rather than the local park I could then restart a Halloween park and re-win the same golden ticket, effectively giving me an infinite supply.Q:The manual refers to my staff going on strike if I have no staff rooms but I am unable to make them do so. What am I doing wrong?A:We decided to remove the strike feature as it proved somewhat confusing & frustrating to players. However, you will find that if you have no staff rooms your staff will become tired and won't clean your park, fix rides or entertain until they have been rested.Q: My Mechanics donÕt appear to go and maintain the rides, even though I have set their patrol areas to cover all the rides.A:Monitoring your rides is an important aspect of gameplay. You need to keep checking on your rides and to call for mechanics should they begin to break down. If a ride breaks down then a mechanic will be called automatically. The patrol area function allows you to make sure that there is always a mechanic near a ride. Otherwise it may take some time before a mechanic reaches a broken down ride.Q:The manual states that if you fail a challenge you wonÕt be offered it again. However,IÕve noticed that a challenge that I had previously failed has come up again later in the game?A:We decided that it would be fairer if failed or unaccepted challenges became available at a later stage.Q: In the Laying a Basic Roller Coaster section of the manual, it states that you can complete a circuit by clicking on the pylon on the left side of the ride or by clicking on the ride itself. Clicking on the ride itself doesnÕt seem to work.A: This has been changed Ð you need to click on the pylon on the left side of the ride in order to complete the circuit.Q:In the manual, it states that the Security Coverage and Guard Coverage is indicated in Green on the Map Screen but this doesnÕt seem to be the case.A: The colour was changed to White as it was easier to distinguish on the green Map.Q:Why would Scientists need to have their patrol areas set?A: You donÕt need to get the Scientists to patrol but it is a good idea to keep them in one place. It helps to separate them from the other staff and if you keep them near a staff room they can get there quicker when they need a rest.Q:The ÒAll Rides ScreenÓ lists the Jumps and Tunnels IÕve bought, but I canÕt repair them individually. Why not?A:The ÒAll Rides ScreenÓ displays Jumps & Tunnels to show you how many additional features you have in place on each ride. By repairing the main ride, you automatically fix any additional features.Q:The manual says that, when tracking a staff member or a visitor, right-clicking stops following the individual.A:This does function, but only if you have the Right Mouse Button scroll function ON. If you do not have this option selected, you can stop following the individual by clicking on the ÒXÓ on the Control Panel arm or by scrolling the park in the normal way.Q:I changed the Speed, Capacity and Duration of a ride and then called a mechanic. My changes were re-set. Why?A:You need to click on the tick button to confirm the changes before calling a mechanic. Q: When looking at the individual staff and visitor member pop-ups, there is a green aura around the picture of them.A:This may be a problem relating to your graphics card. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your card.Q:The pop-up help text is sometimes corrupted.A:Again, this problem may be related to your graphics card. Make sure you have the latest drivers for your card.Q: The ride ÒAztec MayhemÓ is sometimes called ÒSimulatorÓ and this is the same for other rides and sideshows. Why is this?A: ÒSimulatorÓ refers to the type of ride and ÒAztec MayhemÓ is the name of that ride. You can change a rideÕs name by bringing up the Rides window and clicking on the name of the ride.Q:When I published my park online the name that I gave my park was changed to ******* DinoPark. Why did it not show the full name that I gave it?A:Theme Park World features a word filter, designed to prevent use of offensive language on-line (e.g. swearing, racist/sexist remarks etc.). Such words will be replaced by asterisks (*). Try a different name for your park.BFE08901509Y1。

USING NORTH DEVON LAPTOP WITH BRIDGEMATES at BARNSTAPLE1 Plug in Bridgemate Server to USB port labeled Duplimate2 From Desktop on Laptop open PairsScorer3 Click on PAIRS EVENTS and then on CREATE NEW EVENTRename event if required and for Champ Pairs set Masterpoints to DistrictClick OK4 SELECT MOVEMENT and enter Number of tables & Movement type****Enter Missing Pair Number using Show Table Cards to check as required **** For Mitchell movements set one winner and arrow switches if requiredOR enter number for EW to ADD as number of tablesClick OK and Yes to confirm movement5 Go to BRIDGEMATE SCORINGCreate Database with YES to overwrite previous dataLaunch BCS with Reset Server ticked, YES to confirm6 Check players know their table numbers and give out BridgematesAny player who does not have their EBU number should give the scorer their name pair number and starting position on a visitor slip7 Enter Players not in database manually through Player tab on BCS screen8 Amend/enter scores manually using ENTER SCORE page on PairsScorerClick in score box to highlight & enter as contract tricks declarer eg 2d10wor as eg 60/40 for TD award as 0 if not playedor as A to arrowswitch where players failed to sit correctly.9 To finishRETURN from BRIDGEMATE SCORING and go to REPORTSDISPLAY ON SCREEN or PRINT if requiredTab to INTERNET FUNCTIONS for uploading to EBU and Website if online10 Shut down Scorebridge EXIT EVENT RETURN EXITWhen Server unplugged switch off battery Check all bridgemates returnedAt start if players enters a wrong table number TD can reset. Or more easily start another Bridgemate with correct number using TD pin to authorize if necessary.If table reports their number is already in use, overriding by TD from the correct table will reset the one started in error. This will also replace a failed bridgemate.From TD Screen at a specific table TD will most often0 Reset Bridgemate1 Award adjusted scores 4 or 40% Av - 5 or 50% Av 6 or 60% Av +2 Overview entered scores for a board enter Board Number3 Erase entry made in error Enter Board number4 To review status of Bridgemate to check for Round Boards or Pairs5 To check which boards have not yet been enteredFurther notes in Simple Guide to PairsScorer with Bridgemate II BM2ManualUsing Scorers with Bridgemate IITD Pin on Bridgemates is set to Bridgemate setup pin .。

游戏目标- 提高孩子的创造力- 增进团队合作能力- 促进角色扮演技巧的发展- 培养问题解决能力和决策能力游戏准备- 魔法魔杖:准备一些魔法魔杖道具,可以是装饰纸板或者木制材料制作而成,让孩子们在游戏中使用。
- 角色卡:为每个孩子准备一个角色卡,上面有他们的角色名称、特殊技能和任务目标等信息。
- 道具与道具卡:准备一些魔法道具,如魔法球、魔法书等,为每个道具准备一张道具卡,上面有道具名称和使用方法等信息。
游戏流程1. 分配角色:根据参与游戏的孩子人数,为每个孩子分配一个角色卡,并让他们熟悉自己的角色特点和任务目标。
2. 介绍游戏情境:简单介绍游戏的背景和情境,例如,魔法学院发生了一起神秘事件,需要孩子们合作解决。
3. 发放道具:根据游戏情境和任务需求,适时发放魔法魔杖和道具给孩子们。
4. 游戏开始:孩子们开始根据自己的角色和任务目标展开游戏,他们可以使用魔法魔杖和道具来解决问题和完成任务。
5. 团队合作:鼓励孩子们在游戏过程中进行团队合作,通过协作和沟通来解决问题和完成任务。
6. 游戏结束:当孩子们成功解决问题或完成任务时,游戏圆满结束。
注意事项- 游戏中的魔法魔杖和道具使用要安全可靠,避免出现意外情况。
- 监督孩子们的游戏过程,确保游戏秩序和安全性。
- 鼓励孩子们在游戏中尝试和发挥自己的创意和想象力。
LEGO DIMENSIONS 游戏软件说明书.pdf_1701886573.5296013

TM 712001x 131x 21x 342x 51x 61x1x2x 782x 92x1x 102x1x1x 111x2x1x 122x1x 131x1x144x1x1x 15LEGO DIMENSIONS Videogame software © 2015 TT Games Ltd. Produced by TT Games under license from the LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, NINJAGO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA,the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2015 The LEGO Group. BBC logo © BBC 1996. Doctor Who logo © BBC 2009. Dalek image © BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Cyberman image © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977. Licensed by BBC Worldwide Limited. ™ & © Universal Studios and U-Drive Joint Venture. ™ & © 2015 Fox. ™ & © Universal Studios and Amblin. © & ™ Valve. ™ & © WBEI. (s15). ™ & © Hanna-Barbera. (s15). All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.Logiciel de jeu vidéo LEGO DIMENSIONS © 2015 TT Games Ltd. Produit par TT Games avec l'autorisation de LEGO Group. LEGO, le logo LEGO, NINJAGO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA, lesconfigurations de la Brique et du Bouton, ainsi que Minifigure sont des marques de commerce ou des droits d'auteur de LEGO Group. ©2015 The LEGO Group. Logo BBC © BBC 1996. Logo Doctor Who © BBC 2009. Image Dalek © BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Image Cyberman © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977. Avec autorisation de BBC Worldwide Limited. MC et © Universal Studios et U-Drive Joint Venture. MC et © 2015 Fox. MC et © Universal Studios et Amblin. © et MC Valve. MC et © WBEI. (s15). MC et © deHanna-Barbera. (s15). Toutes les autres marques de commerce et droits d'auteur sont la propriété de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Tous droits réservés.LEGO DIMENSIONS Videogame software © 2015 TT Games Ltd. Producido por TT Games con licencia de LEGO Group. LEGO, el logotipo de LEGO, NINJAGO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA,las configuraciones Brick y Knob y la Minifigura son marcas de fábrica y/o derechos de autor de LEGO Group. ©2015 The LEGO Group. Logotipo de BBC © BBC 1996. Logotipo de Doctor Who © BBC 2009. Imagen de Dalek © BBC/Terry Nation 1963. Imagen de Cyberman © BBC/Kit Pedler/Gerry Davis 1966. Imagen de K-9 © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977. Con licencia de BBC Worldwide Limited. ™ & © Universal Studios y U-Drive Joint Venture. ™ & © 2015 Fox. ™ & © Universal Studios y Amblin. © & ™ Valve. ™ & © WBEI. (s15). ™ & © Hanna-Barbera. (s15). Todas las marcas comerciales y los derechos de autor son propiedad de sus respectivos titulares. Todos los derechos reservados.WB GAMES LOGO, WBIE LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. / LOGO WB GAMES, LOGO WBIE, BOUCLIER WB : MC et © de Warner Bros.Entertainment Inc. / LOGOTIPO de WB GAMES, LOGOTIPO de WBIE, ESCUDO de WB: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.(s15)THE LEGO MOVIE © The LEGO Group & WBEI. / LE FILM LEGO © The LEGO Group et WBEI. / LA GRAN AVENTURA LEGO © The LEGO Group & WBEI.© New Line. ™ & © SZC lic. to WBIE. / © New Line. MC et © SZC lic. à WBIE. / © New Line. ™ & © SZC con licencia de WBIE.(s15)™ & © DC Comics. ™ & © WBEI. / MC et © DC Comics. MC et © WBEI.(s15)。
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多平台覆盖技术支撑 产品的核心技术
近几年的客户端网游高成长的模式在这两年些许放缓了步伐……大家都寻找新市场契 机和方向时 而近2年基于手机3G网络的推广手机网游的发展也成为新的市场增长点 Iphone手机出现与高速成长,打破长久以来手机市场格局同时也带了一轮人们对手机完 全不一样的用户体验,改变了人们对手机的固有观念更新,影响将是深远的…… 同时基于Web2.0的SNS社区的模式也似乎在一夜之间的粗暴式的席卷全球。 基于以上因素移动互联网与桌面互联网出现了新的生机,我们也希望通过自己跨平 台的游戏娱乐项目能创造出奇迹的新产品
光复1559年,被推翻的雅斯库布不甘心于自己的失败,最后他带着自己的效忠者与部族逃亡了 与其有着血缘关系的血族领地的另一片大陆,而且建立他新的雅斯帝国而且确定了帝国首都暗影林地 区后,后在此地修建了暗影铁堡,实行者他的一贯专制。 光复1605年逃亡后的他又被仇恨占据了内心,为了能一血私仇,他不断的收买处于摇摆中的其 他部族和巫师成为黑巫师的复仇军团。在一次他亲自统领的战斗中,中了埋伏终被苏尼国“路德金-索 尔”将军的精锐部队绞杀且夺取了他手上的法老权杖……从此他的时代也被划上了句号。 失去帝王及法老权杖的雅斯帝国陷入内乱之中,再也无法发动大规模战争。当时势力最强的雅斯 库布的坚定拥护者黑巫师军团首领“奴卡多布”很清楚形势必须先平定内乱,修养生息……
顺序 1 2 标题 产品概念 市场产品用户分析 章节 产品的自身特征 游戏主体用户群特征
4 5 6
系统基本构成 玩家基本流程 世界观概念设计
各系统基本影响面 玩家升级时间消耗预估 基本概念、世界地图、故事背景……
适应用户群: 12-35岁之间对网络交友及游戏有兴趣不排斥的WEB与Mobile的互联网用户,我们会 最大程度上拓宽用户的适应范围…… 核心用户: 15-25岁之间喜欢魔幻故事题材、回合制RPG类游戏的玩家 15-25岁 WEB及Mobile平台休闲且具有互联网消费习惯的用户也是我们争取核心用户 游戏以已经被东西人们广泛接受的《哈里波特》里描述的魔幻世界概念为蓝 本进行一系列游戏加工再创作,来营造一个宏大的魔法世界,MMRORPG的典型游 戏构架,采用回合制战斗机制,玩家在既定的规则里,通过自己的角色在游戏里不 断的成长,探索,互动及战斗对抗中得到游戏的乐趣,各种类型的玩家都可以在游 戏中经营出一个属于自己的角色,通过玩家间的相互合作与冲突来演绎一段魔法世 界的史诗故事……
这个阶段的玩家在角色的成长性的需求会似乎被突然放空,对于升级也会产生疲惫和乏味感,这 个时候跟多需要让玩家在自己建立的虚拟社会关系寻找到更多的乐趣。我们要为他们的互通的战斗、 对抗、交流提供一个平台。让玩家自身有更多的发挥。这个时候我们提供规则与平台,以玩家需求为 主导,引导且创造玩家互动需要的更多的机会与方式……
这时候的玩家的成长已经进入了另一个阶段,本身可以学到主要技能和游戏方式都已经去尝试很 多了,而且成长起来了这个时候着重让他们开始建立自己的游戏社会的虚拟人际关系,与生活等其他 的技能辅助和更多的丰富上,也让自己的角色拉开与其他玩家间的差异变的更加饱满。
给他一个比较大成长性的诱惑,让玩家产生继续突破现有角色局限的需求得到满足,这个时候需 要更大程度上让玩家利用自己建立的游戏虚拟社会关系,玩家间小团队互动合作创造出更多大的成就。
发展虚拟交际 角色能力拓展 虚拟 社交拓展 突破阶段 阵营征战
穿 越
游戏以哈里波特的世界观概念为蓝本进行再加工与创作,世界是有同 时并行的2个世界共同存在着,只有有巫师资质的人才会带着魔法世界的使 命在巫师导师的引导下进入到魔法世界,一个完全不同于现实世界充满各 种奇异魔法的世界,在这个版本中我会展现一个可以触及的魔法世界。你 会是具有巫师资质的人吗?
光复1520年,哪里有压制那里就有抗争,作为第8位的法王候选人之一的索莱克。同时作为帝国 巫师光复军团的最高统帅,不能容忍雅斯库布的专政,四处暗藏的暗杀。他秘密的联合了魔法学院的 校长有“圣光大法师”之称的伊布卡罗,训练了一批能抵御黑魔法的巫师称为“光复者”,同时为了 能克制灵魂巫术也在魔法学院训练了一批称为“影侍者”的巫师加入到他的亲卫精锐巫师军团。为了 能有更大范围的支持者秘密找到总被雅斯库布凌辱的巨人部族将他们的精锐武士们加入到了军队先锋。 为了自由、平等、正义而战。酝酿着推翻雅斯库布的武力政变,光复1559年终于在各方面的准备都已 充足的情况下,在帝国首都苏尼丹尔城一场血雨腥风的武力政变,因雅斯库布肆无忌惮的暗杀法老院 反对者而触发了。最终以雅斯库布的逃亡结束了帝国的近200年的黑暗时代。重整帝国步伐开始了 光复1607年,在伊布卡罗的倡导下索莱克终于还了一个自由、平等的苏尼联众国国度的梦想。 只是由于原本对其他部族拉拢不够的原因始终没有能征服雅斯库布逃亡后占领的领地和效忠于他的部 族……。而后一个长期的共存而持续战争中索莱克最终未能完成统一而消灭战争的愿望,带着遗憾而 退位。而迎来一个新的时代!因绞杀雅斯库布且夺取了法王权杖而立功的新法王“路德金-索尔”感到 长期的战争新的苏尼联众国太需要重新的繁荣……最终放缓了战争的步伐。
曾经的魔法世界也是黑暗而混沌的世界,各个部族间长期的混战资源掠夺,法历500-530年之间, 由光明魔法的巫师们主宰苏尼部落逐步壮大形成苏尼国,成为当时一股不可忽视力量…… 法历1539年,巫师们建立的苏尼国已经经历的近一千多年的长治久安,空前繁荣。他们对于自我及 大自然的力量运用发挥到了一个高峰,为了能让魔法世界更加安宁,让各种族间的血腥分割与掠夺 战争落下帷幕。苏尼国法老院最终决定出兵征服处于野外独立领域的各个部族,结束长期的战争。 在苏尼国当时最具威望的军事首领那塔尔的统领下先后征服了巨人部落,精灵森林。为了自保人马 酋长国与妖精部落组成了联盟利用茂密森林的天然屏障抵抗巫师军团进攻由于准备也相对充分,防 守显得牢不可破……那塔尔最后利用他们之间存在以久的矛盾用智取的方式,离间且分裂人马与妖精 的联盟后,逐个击破最后先后归顺,国力空前。此刻处于相对封闭状态的血族们随着法历1500年300 年大轮换,最强最老法老王克文罗斯的休眠后,失去主心骨的血族在现任法老的领导下一直处于无 序混乱状态,最后法老王带领血族归顺于法历1552年,也同时贡献出了他们花100年才完全征服的狼 人部族,那塔尔最终完成了魔法世界苏尼帝国基础,而且最终被法老院推选为法王,一个统一而强 大的苏尼帝国诞生了~史称,光复元年执掌帝国235年…… 直到法历2902年,光复1350年。 苏尼帝国的法王候选人:雅斯库布经过一番斗智斗勇的权力之 争中得到老法王的垂青,最后凳位成为第7位法王。得势后他日益膨胀权力欲望促使他在即将退位时 却不愿就此放弃,为了获得永生,他让血族长老把他变成了吸血鬼与狼人的混血人类巫师,最终他 获得了永生。此时也冒出更多的反对者,权力欲望占满内心他就想要完全控制当时的最高权力机构 法老院,为了实现他永远的法王独裁之梦。他悄无声息的自己组建一个专门从事暗杀他的反对者组 织“嗜魔军团”他们专门修行的魔法正好是巫师完全相反的被当时极力抵制的而被禁用的黑魔法, 而且还会在自己的禁卫军里额外修行灵魂类的邪恶巫术。为了排除异己他会不断在利用手中权力对 反对者进行迫害,如果是顽固不化的反抗者他就会制造一起起令人发指的暗杀行动……整个帝国被笼 罩上了死亡的黑色气息。
新 手 阶 段 成 长 阶 段 拓 展 阶 段
游戏引导 初尝游戏 新手训练
10-20 20-40 40-50 50-55 55-59 60 ……
8h 20h 15h 20h 20h 5h ……
高 攻 高 高 防 暴 御 击
高 攻 高 高 防 暴 御 击
高 控 输 制 出 系 苏尼联邦
状 高 态 治 系 疗
高 控 输 制 出 系 雅斯帝国
状 高 态 治 系 疗
完整的MMRORPG回合制游戏架构下会有更多满足不同 玩家的玩法与机制
1. 由易到难的角色成长玩家全方面引导,不再让游戏玩家因上手太难 而失去耐心…… 2. 加入人物的人德、忠诚的社会属性,为了加强阵营玩家的归属感及 保护良性玩家的利益,维持好公平合理的游戏秩序。 3. 丰富的回合战斗方式及独立的阵法机制的引入 4. 各具特色的职业加大了职业的差异性。 5. 丰富宠物系统体验魔幻宠物进一步加强养成游戏的成就感。 6. 不同且多样的竞技系统 7. 引入不同类型的副本机制 8. 社区系统的引入SNS的概念增加玩家游戏的粘度 9. 活动系统让大家体验到魔法世界的运动刺激和魔法世界舞会的神秘