
Unit 3 Business EthicsI Teaching ObjectivesAfter learning Unit 3, students (Ss) are expected to develop the following academic skills and knowledge:II Teaching Activities and ResourcesReadingText ALead-inTeaching StepsAsk Ss to work in groups and complete the task in Lead-in. Then choose some groups to share their answers with the whole class.Answer Keys (Suggested Answers)1.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as a self-regulatingbusiness model that helps a company be socially accountable —to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. In other words, it is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large.2.Text AnalysisTeaching Steps1.OverviewAsk Ss to preview Text A before class. Or, allocate some time for Ss to read the text quickly in class. Then invite several Ss to summarize the main idea of Text A.2.In-Depth Analysis1)Show Ss the following words and ask them to contribute to the class as muchas possible with what they know about these words. Provide additional information in Supplementary Information when necessary.•economic system•free enterprise2)Explain some important language points in Language Support to Ss.3)Discuss with Ss the features of the two versions of Adam Smith’s theory bydoing Task 1 in Critical reading and thinking.4)Organize a group discussion about the questions from Task 2 in Criticalreading and thinking. Encourage Ss to think independently, critically and creatively and share their ideas with each other.Supplementary Information1.economic systemAn economic system is a system for producing, distributing and consuming goods and services, including the combination of the various institutions, agencies, consumers, entities that comprise the economic structure of a given society or community. It also includes how these various agencies and institutions are linked to one another, how information goes between them, and the social relations within the system.Two of the basic and general economic systems are market economy and planned economy. Market economy is an economic system in which businesses and individuals decide what to produce and buy, and the market determines quantities sold and prices, whereas planned economy is an economic system in which decisions regarding production and investment are embodied in a plan formulated by a central authority, usually by a public body such as a government agency.Although a planned economy may be based on either centralized or decentralized forms of economic planning, it usually refers to a centrally planned economy.2.free enterpriseFree enterprise refers to the system of business in which individuals are free to decide what to produce, how to produce, and at what price to sell.Language Support1.Most academics today subscribe to the following modified version of AdamSmith’s theory:…(Para. 2)In the text, the phrase “subscribe to”means “agreeing with or supporting (an opinion, theory, etc.)”(同意;赞成).e.g. I subscribe to the idea that voting is my civic duty.She subscribes to the theory that some dinosaurs were warm-blooded andothers were cold-blooded.It can also refer to “paying money to get (a publication or service) regularly”(订阅).e.g. I subscribe to several magazines.We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.2.These constraints take a number of different forms. …Another set ofconstraints …(Para. 3)Two recent examples dramatically illustrate these points. First, …(Para. 3) Classification is employed to organize things into categories with a single organizing principle, and give examples of things that fit into each category. Here are other commonly-used words and expressions for classification:•The first (kind/type/group/class/etc.) …; the second …; the third …•sort, classify, categorize …•category, group, class, kind …3.Saving the financial system required a bailout of the banks and otherfinancial companies, and that bailout imposed huge costs on the taxpayers, and also helped push the economy into a deep recession. (Para. 5)impose sth. on sb.:i) force something on someone把......强加于e.g. He always imposes his opinion on others.ii) levy a tax or duty征税e.g. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kindof food.Here is another usage of the word “impose”:impose on sb.:i) force oneself on others强加于人e.g. Thanks for your offer to help, but I did not want to impose on you.ii) take unfair advantage of 利用e.g. Don’t you think you are imposing on your neighbor when you use histelephone for half an hour?4.be true to one’He is always true to his word and focused on the big picture.Ninety days later, true to his word, the goldsmith brought the crown.5.To date, Buffett has contributed more than $6 billion, and over time he isscheduled to contribute additional stock that is now worth in excess of $40 billion. (Para. 7)in excess of: greater than, more than 超过e.g. Luggage in excess of 100 kg will be charged extra.This plane can reach speeds in excess of 1000 kilometers an hour.Answer KeysCritical reading and thinkingTask 1 / Overview1The original version:The invisible hand; Profit maximization; Free enterprise systemThe modified version:the wealth of its stockholders; the best economic system; constraints2Argument 11) a wide range of regulations are imposed2) assessing costs on companies; BP oil spillArgument 21) behave ethically; value and reputation2) Don’t Be Evil3) creative capitalism4) contributed more than $6 billionTask 2 / Points for discussion (Suggested Answers)11) Yes, I agree. Because:• Earning profit is the main aim of every economic activity. A business is an economic activity and hence, its main aim should be to earn profit.• Profit is a measure of eff iciency and economic prosperity of the business. This justifies the concept of profit maximization.• Economic conditions do not remain the same all the time. A business can retain its profit so that it can survive the adverse situations in the future. Profit gives protection against future risks and uncertainties.• Profit is the main source of finance for growth and expansion. Profit is essential for the business in order to invest in new business propositions.• Profitability is essential for fulfilling the social goals of the business. With profit maximization a business can do socio-economic welfare and follow its policies of corporate social responsibility.2) No, I don’t agree. Because:Business should do anything they can to make a profit, but never at the cost of human welfare and natural environment. Human welfare must be considered as important as profit making. A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product that contributes to happiness in all forms. As a matter of fact, the great value of a business should be morally associated with consumer’s satisfaction and safety. On the other hand, businesses of great value should not be blind to their moral obligations of protecting the natural environment.2 Yes, it is a very effective way for society to impose such regulations to prevent companies from engaging in practices that hurt society. For most businesses their ultimate goal is to make profits. It is true that most businessmen try to abide by the laws while making profits. However we have to admit that there are some who use every means to make as much money as possible, even regardless of the interests ofemployees, communities, and environment. Therefore, the regulations such as penalties and suspension for internal rectification should be imposed to deter companies from unlawful practices.3 Yes, having a good reputation with customers, suppliers, employees and regulators is essential if value is to be maximized. Business success is associated with many entities, such as customers, suppliers, employees and regulators. If customers are satisfied with your products and service, they will be loyal to your company. If suppliers provide you with qualified products, your business will operate well. If employees are treated well, they will work very hard and are willing to be part of your company. If regulators are certain that your company acts fairly and follows rules, your company will develop sustainably. All above depends on whether the business is continually operating with society’s interests in mind and maintaining a good reputation.Language building-upAnswer keysTask 1 / Specialized vocabulary11 纳税人2 自由企业制度3 股东4 经济体制5 市场力量;市场调节作用6 金融机构7 stock price 8 mission9 corporate motto 10 assets11 profit maximization 12 financial system21 financial institutions2 free enterprise system3 assets4 Taxpayers5 stockholder6 profit maximization7 economic system 8 market forcesTask 2 / Academic vocabulary1. principal2. dramatically3. academics4. maximization5. framework6. range7. compensate 8. transfer9. inadequate 10. constraintsTask 3 / Collocations1. subscribe to2. striving to3. imposing …on4. go out of business5. as a whole6. engaged in7. go hand in hand with 8. in excess ofTask 4 / Formal English1 insights2 subscribe to3 imposes4 adverse5 mission6 philanthropic7 donated 8 famedTranslation of Text A达到适当的平衡在1776年,亚当·斯密描述了一只“看不见的手”是如何引导企业追求利润的,而这只手会引导企业做出有利于社会的决策。

综合学术英语教程3 答案Unit 1 DefinitionKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with DefinitionReading1 Great Leaps in Modern Technology2. Technology, on the other hand, is more of an applied science. It is where tools and knowledgeare used for the study of a particular science. For example, the science of energy can have technology as its application. In the case of energy as a subject in science, solar panels can be used for a variety of technologies, an example of which are solar-powered lights.From the following website:/science/difference-between-science-and-technology/#ixzz37toZQcugTask 2 Understanding Lectures through DefinitionListening 11. phobia, hypnophobia, cynophobia, aerophobia2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F1. 1) Indigenous knowledge means knowledge belonging to the country, rather than beingbrought there from another country.2) All the list items will probably be included since the title is rather broad and general.3) For open discussion2. 1) International knowledge system.2) Knowledge capital, physical and financial capital.3) It contains the skills, experiences and insights of people, applied to maintain or improve their4) Medicine and veterinary medicine.5) It is considered the social capital, meaning an essential resource for survival and means ofsustenance and livelihood.6) a) It is inappropriate for new challenges or it adapts too slowly; b) The introduction offoreign technologies or development concepts that promise short-term gains or solutions to problems that they cannot sustain.7) Agriculture, animal husbandry and ethnic veterinary medicine, primary health care,preventive medicine and psychosocial care, saving and lending.8) A higher variance of traits, less susceptible to the frequent droughts, reduce risks.9) a) Indigenous knowledge is vital for its bearers; b) Become fully aware of its value andcontributions to the intended objectives; c) It is an integral part of global knowledge in its own right.10) An integration or combination of indigenous knowledge and foreign knowledge.Reading 2 Indigenous Knowledge3. 1) r. override 2) j. expertise 3) d. intimate 4) a. unanimous 5) g. intrusion6) u. dissemination 7) c. insights 8) l. susceptible 9) n. incorporating 10) f. vanish11) m. interaction 12) s. scenario 13) i. detrimental 14) p. implement 15) k. alleviation16) b. encompass 17) o. validate 18) h. impending 19) e. interweave 20) t. rational4. For reference:The two articles both employ definitions for the introduction of the terms and examples to validate each facet. Both use classifications, descriptions, comparison and contrast for further analysis. One big difference lies in the perspective to view the title, with the first a rather holistic discussion ranging from the status quo to the settlement of the existing problems and the second a partial focus on chiefly its applications.Reading 3 Ultrasonics5. 1) component 2) accumulate 3) spherical 4) navigate 5) fatigue6) harness 7) version 8) synonymous 9) inhibit 10) integrity11) uniform 12) detect 13) incidence 14) monitor 15) probe16) intensity 17) convert 18) proceed 19) visualize 20) inspect6. Attention: there is a mistake here, the first should be Para. KPara. K—e Para. B—a Para. C—c Para. D—f Para. E—hPara. F—d Para. G—j Para. H—i Para. I—b Para. J—g7. 1) E 2) F 3) Para. E 4) E 5) F 6) Para. H 7) Para. H 8) E8. For open discussionTask 4 Writing an Essay of DefinitionReading 4 Disruptive Technologies5. For reference only1) Natural breathing will be provided by the robot for the patient during surgery.2) The pressure will have to be reduced by us.3) All instruments need to be sterilized.4) For us, some physical and technical factors may be considered/ taken into consideration.5) If we make sustained efforts, there is a chance that the environment will be improved.6) Some specific demands of the scientific establishment have to be made.7) The presence of the country has been felt more than ever by the whole world.8) It seems that other explanations are hard to be found.9) The interaction between organism and environment is being perceived.10) The tests work most effectively if what will be measured can be most precisely defined. Integrated Exercises2. 1) component 2) integrity 3) mobilize 4) option 5) monitor 6) navigate 7) encompass8) compromise 9) incorporate 10) implement 11) impending 12) scenario3. 1) The survey encompasses social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.2) In some countries power is synonymous with corruption.3) The strike shut down many airports, but international f lights were unaffected.4) The scenery is beautiful but inaccessible to most ordinary travelers.5) The conflict deprived him of the means of livelihood.6) Such animals can withstand the extremes of weather.7) The rise in the time spent on the Internet is concomitant with the massive loss ofsociability.8) Many inventions such as gunpowder and the compass originated in China.9) The frequency of mining accidents has decreased over the past 10 years.10) The maximum number of places offered by the medical school for the applicants is 15. 5. 1) Scientists should warn people about PM 2.5 and the need to restrict their children’soutdoor activities to avoid even the minimal damage.2) The local government has implemented a development program for the mountain climbersto leave the surrounding region unaffected.3) We can reduce the risks to zero since we are sure of what risks they are running.4) To combat your anxiety, you should compel yourself to visualize a promising future inwhich a problem has already been settled.5) He holds that developed countries should be held accountable for economic growth on aglobal scale.6) Trash is not yet fully utilized, leading to overlooking the potential in it.7) A large number of females choose the option of personal finance to achieve control of theirown lives.8)The university has decided to invest in the project because it has many technicaladvantages over other similar ones.9) Trees can provide shelter for both man and animals, which we tend to overlook.10) We are trying to achieve a sound understanding of liberal arts courses, whichencompasses a wide range of subjects.Listening 2A. (1) F (2) T (3) T (4) F (5) T (6) T (7) TB. (1) Clouding computing is about the provision of computer resources like SaaS, PaaS, andinfrastructure provision while private computing isn’t.(2) 67.(3) Because the Industrial Revolution is not a thing, and it cannot be defined by some specificproducts. It is a transformation or a transition involving concepts, ideas, ways of production, changing attitudes, etc.(4) Because it is more than just technology, as the speaker further compares it to electricity,which has transformed from an innovation to much more of a utility service.(5) Ubiquitous.Listening 3A. (1) C (2) B (3) A (4) C (5) DB. compressed, whisper, external, pockets, panic, assembly, psychological, reflection,simultaneous, architecture, figure out, legitimate, instantaneous, clicking, addictedC. (1) B, C (2) CUnit 2 ClassificationKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Classification1. 1) Man-made or anthropogenic causes, and natural causes.2) Pollution (burning fossil fuels, mining coal and oil, etc.), the production of CO2 ( theincrease of population, the demolition of trees, etc.).3) CO2 is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.4) Classification helps us to determine and understand the relationship of the parts of asubject which is studied by us. Classification is made on the basis of a clear definition.5) In order to make a clear and logic classification, one needs to follow a principle ofclassification and go on with a system consistently. For example, the categories of classification should be mutually exclusive and no overlapping is allowed.Reading 1 Causes for Global Warming2. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel resource. It provides about one-quarter of the totalenergy the world uses, and 40 percent of the electricity generated worldwide is powered by coal. The steel industry also is greatly dependent upon this fossil fuel. Like other depletingsources of global energy, coal reserves are also on a steep decline. Moreover, coal is a greenhouse gas nightmare. Natural gas is comprised mostly of methane, although it also contains ethane, propane and butane. It is a convenient and efficient energy source. The major consumers of natural gas are the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. It is also used to generate electricity. Unlike other fossil fuels, natural gas is cleaner and causes less pollution. Like other fossil fuels, this resource is depleting rapidly.Task 2 Understanding Lectures through ClassificationListening 11. Unconscious motivation, unconscious conflict, the id, the ego, the superego, etc.2. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F3. Idea One: The existence of an unconscious motivationIdea Two: The notion of unconscious dynamics or conflictsecond, the concept of unconscious conflict. Freud believes that unconscious motivation might play an important role in a lot of situations, such as marriage, forgetting a person’s name, calling out the wrong name etc. In his view, there are three processes going on in the head, namely, id, ego and superego, which are in violent internal conflict. Id functions on “the Pleasure Principle”, while ego works on “the Reality Principle” and superego is the internalized rules of a society. Ego is in between id and superego.Task 3 Reading Classification ArticlesReading 2 Renewable Energy Sources—A Brief Summary1. 1) Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind,rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished).2)□√The purpose of using renewable energy sources.□√The classification of renewable energy sources.□√The examples of different types of renewable energy sources.□√The advantages and disadvantages of various types of renewable energy sources.□√The history of the use of different energy sources.□How energy is obtained from various sources.3) I would write:(1) The definition of the renewable energy.(2) The classification of the renewable energy.(3) The advantages and the disadvantages of various types of renewable energy sources. 2. 1) The signing of the Kyoto Treaty.2) It converts the sun’s rays into energy.3) The main demerit is that it is limited.4) Sailors, farmers and architects.5) The main advantage is that this doesn’t produce any by-products that can be harmful to theenvironment.6) Because the Earth’s crust continuously decays, replenishing the heat.7) They use the force of the water to push the turbine which in turn powers a generator thusgenerating electricity.8) It poses a problem for fish and aquatic plants on both sides of the dam.9) They contain no petroleum, and they are nontoxic and biodegradable.10) The Environmental Protection Agency.3. 1) j. evolution 2) s. solar 3) a. architect 4) l. geothermal 5) p. preserve6) b. biodegradable 7) r. radioactive 8) f. crusade 9) h. distribute 10) q. radiant11) i. domestic 12) t. validation 13) k. generator 14) d. capture 15) g. definitely16) n. install 17) e. consumption 18) m. harness 19) o. internal 20) c. bladeReading 3 Types of Pollution5. 1) voluntary 2) construction 3) contamination 4) eruption 5) regulation6) deforestation 7) yield 8) irrigation 9) confine 10) sewage11) hazardous 12) residential 13) vapor 14) decay 15) erosion16) disrupt 17) particulate 18) underground 19) concentration 20) combatadvancing constantly, thus enabling us to convert heat into electricity, which can be stored, ready for use.Task 4 Writing an Essay of ClassificationReading 4 Types of Sustainability5. 1) Declarative sentences are mostly employed in academic writing, despite the occasionalutilizations of interrogative sentences.2) To support the truths, reliable evidence is quoted by scholars in all disciplines.3) Much importance should be attached to the comprehension of the difference betweeneducation and training.4) A person who exposes himself to the sunlight for excessive time is susceptible to malignantmelanoma.5) Students doing temporary jobs display a better performance in their academic studies.6) American frontier is deeply rooted in many aspects of American character.7) The direct involvement of many a foreign country is evident in the process of US territorialexpansion.8) Parents need to equipped with much care and knowledge while raising a kid.9) Environment plays a vital role in the growth of plants.10) In the past, Beijing was ravaged by dust storms for 20 days annually.Integrated Exercises2. 1) motivation 2) demolish 3) symptom 4) combat 5) capture 6) distribute 7) assert 8) yield9) internal 10) emergence 11) adherence 12) disrupt3. 1) Internet access is av ailable in the students’ dormitory.2) If you can harness your energy, you’ll be rewarded with huge accomplishments.3) It has been confirmed that foul weather is highly hazardous for sea navigation.4) The governmental nuclear waste disposal plan aroused fierce protests from the localresidents.5) Extinction of this rare species of bird is foreseeable if effective measures are not taken.6) While delivering a public speech, a speaker must articulate his/her arguments.7) I highly esteem his current research on stem cells.8) A speaker cannot always secure the cooperation of the audience.9) The car industry of this country is sheltered by its government from foreign competition.10) Even a moderate elevation of blood pressure leads to shortened life expectancys.5. 1) The effective disposal of the recognized sources of pollution demonstrates to be of greataid in the elevation of people’s quality of life.2) Since the rapid evolution of technology, the lifestyles of the generations ahead of us willwitness a revolutionized change.3) Tapping heat from the Earth enables the residents of resource-poor regions to combat thepoor conditions.4) The downside of the practice of fertilizing the soil by burning straws is the fact that thereleased dusts and particles pose a serious problem for the health of the respiratory system.5) This campaign, organized by environmentally conscious individuals, has a measurableeffect on the general improv ement of all the people’s environmental protection awareness.6) The history of deforestation can date back to two millenniums ago, which has deterioratedconstantly in the modern times, leading to a huge loss of wildlife habitat.7) During the visit to Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), the tourists were amazed at how natureworks wonders, realizing that beauty is only sustainable if all of us care for the environment around us.8) Drug abuse is a general degradation of lifestyle, causing immediate health effects.9) Oil leakage in the mainstream river considerably decreases the quantity of drinkable water;what’s worse, the adverse effects are not confined to areas near the source.10) Luckily, the pollution inflicted by this accident will be effectively removed through naturalcycles, not having a negative impact on the environment.Listening 2A. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) FB. (1) The individual’s potential and the importance of growth and self-actualization.(2) The lower one.(3) By providing lunch breaks, rest breaks and sufficient wages to purchase essentials.(4) The love and belonging needs.(5) They are self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions ofother people, and interested in fulfilling their potential.C. This lecture is about Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, namely physiological needs,safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Physiological needs are the most basic and instinctive ones, which must be satisfied first. Safety needs refer to the needs for safety and security, also important for survival. Social needs include the needs for belonging, love and affection, the deprivation of which leads to unhappiness. Esteem needs reflect on personal worth, social recognition and accomplishment; if unmet, it may lead to inferiority complex. Self-actualization needs are at the highest level, meaning to realize a person’s full potential, capacities and talents.Listening 3A. (1) A (2) A (3) D (4) C (5) BB. classically, runny nose, sore throat, intrigued, initially, clinically, alludes to, building up,immune, alongside, shuffling, rip through, hospitalizationsC. (1) B C E(2) ①A B C ②A B ③A B ④A B ⑤A B C ⑥C ⑦A ⑧A ⑨A ⑩A CUnit 3 Comparison and ContrastKeys to the ExercisesTask 1 Familiarizing Yourself with Comparison and Contrast1. 1) Electric vehicles and gas vehicles.2) The energy they used, the distance, the cost and convenience.3) The electric vehicles and gas vehicles share some similarities: the appearance of musclecars, all the standard features and they even perform similarly. The differences are listedwriter structures his paragraph around points of comparison, moving back and forth between the subjects.5) The former one—list all similarities of the two subjects, then their differences.Reading 1 Electric Vehicles and Gas Vehicle2. What’s more, there is a health factor that affects both of them. Canned food loses some of theoriginal fresh food nutrients when stored, and also has to be tinned with many preservatives and chemical factors that prolong the shelf life and apparent freshness of the food but could become toxic if consumed too often. Fresh food, on the other hand, often comes straight froma farm and has all the nutrients Mother Nature intended for it. As we can see, fresh foodoffers many benefits that canned food lacks. Therefore, an informed diner should always choose to eat fresh. After all, we could all use to improve our health.Task 2 Understanding Lectures Through Comparison and ContrastListening 12. 1) T. What I’m just beginning to realize right now, is that we pay a huge price for the speedthat we claim is a big advantage of these computers.2) F. And they consume one and a half megawatts of power. So that would be really great, ifyou could add that to the production capacity in Tanzania. It would really boost the economy.3) F. Now, how much computation does the brain do? I estimate 10 to the 16 bits per second,which is actually about very similar to what Blue Gene do es. So that’s the question.4) T. So what we are doing right now with computers with the energy consumed by 1,200houses, the brain is doing with the energy consumed by your laptop.5) F. How does that compare with the way computers work? In the computer, you have all thedata going through the central processing unit, and any piece of data basically has to go through that bottleneck, whereas in the brain, what you have is these neurons.6) T. This is something that we’ve been working on for the last cou ple of years.3. 120,000 processors10 to the 16 bits per second1.5 megawatts10 quadrillion bits per second10 watts4. Although computers have strong power to process data, they still cannot compare to the brainof human beings in which an unbelievable number of neurons connect and react with each other so that a real net could be accomplished perfectly. The research on how the computer could be as powerful as a brain will continue going on.Task 3 Reading Comparison and Contrast Articles2. 1) Consumer perceptions of organic processes and products and those involvingbiotechnology.2) Health, environment, risk and ethics.3) No study has directly elicited comparable attitudes about organic and GM products andprocesses.4) The average participant slightly, but not strongly, agreed with the positively wordedhealth attributes (e.g., organic food is healthier), and disagreed with the negativelyworded health attributes (e.g., organic food is less healthy). The average response aboutthe healthfulness of GM foods was generally neutral.5) Both were thought to have higher levels of nutrients than traditional food.6) Generally, consumers perceive organic food production as environmentally friendly.7) Respondents perceived GM foods as possessing a higher level of risk than other classesof food.8) Social acceptability is one motive driving the purchase of organic food.9) Respondents did not have major ethical objections to GM food.10) Forty-five percent.Reading 2 Perceptions of Genetically Modified and Organic Foods and Processes3. 1) p. prevalent 2) a. perception 3) i. moderate 4) f. construct 5) q. advantageous 6) k. attribute7) c. organic 8) h. volume 9) l. nutrient 10) d. elicit 11) g. explicitly 12) b. warrant13) m. inherent 14) t. respondent 15) e. empirical 16) j. contradict 17) o. obesity18) n. cure 19) s. neutral 20) r. motiveReading 3 A Comparative Report of Organic Food vs. Genetically Modified Food5. 1) synthetic 2) manure 3) botanical 4) alter 5) regulation 6) compost 7) recommendation8) mineral 9) federal 10) potent 11) organism 12) network 13) transformation 14) normal\15) chemical 16) trace 17) negative 18) poll 19) facilities 20) modification7. 1) Para. A 2) E 3) F 4) E 5) Para. F 6) Para. I 7) Para. J 8) F8. My summary is: Fueled by health concerns, people have focused more on the origin of foodover the past decade; so to answer their questions, this report shows that organic foods are the best choice compared with genetically modified food.Task 4 Writing an Essay of Comparison and ContrastReading 4 Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald’s vs. Wendy’s1. B. W endy’s1) the Ultimate Chicken Grill2) small order of chiliMcDonald’s1) fruit yogurt parfait2) green apple slices (kid’s menu)3) healthier sandwich choices (such as McVeggie Burger, Chicken Fajitas, and WholeWheat Chicken McGrill)C. Presentat ion of food: At Wendy’s, not only are the meal options excellent, the presentationof healthy menu choices is superior.Wendy’s salads are large and fresh with only one hindrance: excess water at the bottom of the bowl.McDonald’s salads lack in appearance and freshness. These salads appear thrown together and often look wilted.D. Wendy’s:the first major fast food chain to offer fast food salad as a meal’s main course.McDonald’s: n ow also offers salads as a main course menu choice, in reaction to the popularity of Wendy’s salads.E. Meal variety, good presentation and several salad choices are all considered whenevaluating a fast food restaurant. With fast food restaurants such as Wendy’s and McDonald’s available, it is considerably easier for peop le to make healthier food choices.5. 1) None of his speech is imperfect in organization and wording.2) The manager will not miss the opportunity to accept the students’ proposals.3) Kevin did not deny he took risky bets and lied to cover them up but claimed his superiorswere not ignorant of his doing.4) It was told that their work needed to be improved as it wasn’t done well.5) It is not avoidable that the public won’t miss such scandals in the business world.6) Never will my parents be unready to help me out.7) Hardly did the idea of returning to his hometown stop recurring in his dreams.8) The islands failed to find that they were ready to fight against the outside intruders.9) It was not until failing to catch the last bus to the city late one night did Mike not knowwhat to do next.10) Never does he lose the optimistic confidence for life even though things don’t always gosmoothly.Integrated Exercise2. 1) accommodate 2) exhibition 3) consistent 4) negative 5) considerably 6) response7) version 8) regulation 9) capacity 10) alter 11) trace 12) involve3. 1) Older people are less likely to perceive situations negatively because they’re typicallymore tolerant.2) In most cases, the major reason for conducting an analysis, although not often explicitlystated, appears to be to justify taxpayer spending.3) The organization of the novel allowed readers to reconstruct the story by adding missingelements and arranging the sequence of the events.4) These skills are easy to learn and can add considerably to the overall enjoyment ofspending time out-of-doors.5) He was asked to refine his draft headline to make it clearer and more exact.6) It is inevitable that success in most work is evaluated by income.7) The rejection of the parents’ political and religious beliefs put their children in a difficultposition.8) It is well-known that the government will be consistent in its positions on civil rightslegislation.9) The public figures who are seeking to further their careers cannot make selections aboutthe publicity they desire.10) Considerable modification of the existing system is needed to increase efficiency.5. 1) An appropriate use of limited natural resources is advantageous for the Earth environmentwhere human beings live.2) The uncertainty over this region continues to grow; what is more unfortunate, people mayneed some time to adapt.3) Conventional notions holds that organic food is much healthier than genetically modifiedfood.4) The brand gown designed by Marina comes to accommodate the need for a number ofoccasions, including churches, dinners, business and other special occasions.5) There is a more prevalent concern that the shortage of this research is due to the overalllack of knowledge of AIDS groups and the difficulty of access to those groups.6) After being exposed to and weighing the information about those risks, US researcherssuggested that childhood obesity prevention should occur/happen as early as possible, as much as possible before birth.7) If this change is made, you are likely to run the risk of losing the audience and yourreputation.8) In the modern society, in rejection of the traditional stereotype that women need more careand tendance, many women assume/undertake the responsibility of raising a family.9) Since the 21st century, the short-term certificates are rapidly gaining popularity, especiallyfor non-white students.10) The research found that 75 percent of American teenagers always boast a healthyself-image.Listening 2A. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) TB. (1) When the speaker was 15 years old, he first discovered the good waste problem.(2) He grabbed hold of it, sat down, and ate his breakfast with pigs.(3) It gave him faith that the people do have the power to stop this tragic waste of foodresources and bring about that change.(4) 40 to 60 percent.(5) The best thing is to feed pigs with food waste, and then their meat will be turned back intofood.(6) “Feeding the 5,000” is an event the au thor first organized in 2009. They fed 5,000 peopleall on food that otherwise would have been wasted.C. Food waste has always been a tragic result for both humans and the food. People discardsome food may be just because of its wrong size or shape. These foods include not only vegetables and fruits, but also some animal products. The waste food ends up in pigs’ stomachs or landf ill sites. The author has gone to many corners of the world to spread the belief that food should not be wasted, for the resources on the Earth are limited and people should learn to share and cherish them. Excessive food waste could lead to serious outcomes for the environment.Listening 3A. (1) A (2) B (3) D (4) C (5) DB. difference, farmers, life, grass, roll, volunteer, close, fresh, know, community, actually, goC. (1) D (2) EBCDAUnit 4 CAUSE AND EFFECTKeys to the ExercisesTask 1Reading 11. 1) For essential hypertension, there are age and race, diet and lifestyle, obesity, diabetes, stress; insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, lack of physical activity, and chronic alcohol consumption. For secondary hypertension, there are kidney diseases, tumors or other abnormalities.2) For essential hypertension, the supporting evidences are“high blood pressure tends to run in families and is more likely to affect men than women. Age and race also play a role. In the United States, blacks are twice as likely as whites to have high blood pressure, although the gap begins to narrow around age 44. After age 65, black women have the highest incidence of high blood pressure”; the link between salt and high blood pressure is especially compelling. For secondary hypertension, the supporting evidence is“hypertension can also be triggered by tumors or other abnormalities that cause the adrenal glands (small glands that sit atop the kidneys) to secrete excess amounts of the hormones that elevate blood pressure”.3) To organize supporting details, the following three sequences can be adopted: —Chronological order;—Order of importance;—Categorical order.4) The common transitional words and phrases are: because, contribute to, also, the underlying cause, other factors, and the known causes.。
新核心综合学术英语教程 4 Unit 3 参考答案

Focusing on ReadingTask 11.G2. E3. C4. F5. A6. D7.J8. B9.L10.H 11. N 12. M 13. Q 14.K 15. I 16.R 17.O 18.PTask 21)The reasons are as follows”Firstly, students sometimes view academic dishonesty as a normal incidence and something ordinary. There are many reasons that they use to justify their cheating.Secondly, new techniques of cheating have been developed, including the use of high-tech tools, although the old ones are still dominant on campus, which makes it even more difficult for the faculty to identify.Thirdly, it is a common view to equate grades with the value of the student. Furthermore, grades are used to predict one’s future success. So some students tend to practice academic dishonesty with the aim of getting higher grades.Fourthly, little is known about the degree of academic dishonesty and no methods are devised to combat the problem. Besides, there are no strategies for deterring academic dishonesty for the faculty.Fifthly, honor codes are essential to reducing the level of cheating in colleges and should be established. However, their importance has been neglected.Last but not least, academic dishonesty is no longer a task of classroom management that can well be remedied by a single faulty with teaching responsibility. Administrators and professional organizations are expected to work together to maintain a healthy learning environment with a high level of trust between the faculty and the administration.2)Old techniques include bringing notes to class and having information written on water bottles,pens and gum wrappers. New techniques of cheating include using cell phones to get the information, communicate with others outside the exam room to obtain answers and searching answers on the web during an exam.Other forms include copying test responses from a classmate, taking exams for other people, failure to cite other people’s work, and purchasing research papers and presenting them as his/her work. Also actions such as breaking into the office or teachers files to access the test or answer key, sabotaging peers ongoing work or gaining illegal access to school computers to change official grades are all forms of academic dishonesty. (B)3)There are many reasons that students use to justify cheating: lack of time, poverty, uncaringinstructors, laziness, peer pressure, poor rile models, fear of failure and technology that has allowed cheating to be done easily. (C)Besides, research shows that a common view equates grades with the value of the student.Secondly, grades are used to predict one’s future success. This may cause the students to practice academic dishonesty.4)Studies show that honor codes were essential to reducing the level of cheating in colleges.Honor codes would be more successful when they were combined with a climate that emphasized the importance of academic integrity and an honor system that allowed for strong student involvement in the enforcement of academic integrity initiatives. Therefore, the administration should strive in the creation of the campus environment, seek the full support of all the college constituents, and ensure the implementation of the honor codes at theinstitution. (N)5)Academic fraternity means “all the people who work in academia.”It can stress integrity as a core institutional value that will shape the students’academic success.Task 31. a2. j3. W4. m5. k6. o7. v8. x9.n 10.b 11. u 12.y 13.d14. i 15. f 16. z 17. t 18.p 19. S 20. q 21. e 22. g 23. c 24. h 25. l 26. rTask 51)Another kind of academic dishonesty happens sometimes among researchers when they yieldto the temptation of making a series of great discoveries. So they invent false information to deceive others, and then publish them.2)Bouville(2010) held that the major reason for the students to avoid academic dishonesty wasto obey the rules and escape punishment. Cheaters may get high grades which they do not deserve, and this unfair advantage will tempt them to continue with this fraudulent behaviour.3)Third, in each department there should be experienced faculty members, acting as academicintegrity chairmen, who are responsible for contacting and offering help to their fellow colleagues. Lastly, for faculty members who have tackled the cases of academic dishonesty well, public thanks and admiration should be given to them for what they have done.Task 6Main idea: Students developed new techniques of cheating, while the old ones are still dominant on campus.Task 7In the area of education, academic dishonesty is a chronic problem. Students have developed new techniques of cheating, while the old ones are still dominant on campus. Cheaters follow dishonest practices because of many reasons. Prevention of academic dishonesty demands joint efforts from students, teachers and administrators, of which the students’ contribution is vital for they are the ones to be subjected to the penalties. For the teachers, they can adopt four strategies to maintain academic integrity and meanwhile make efforts to motivate the students. For the administrators, they should strive in the creation of a healthy academic climate and ensure the implementation of the honor codes.Task 8(omitted)Task 9(omitted)Task 10Academic DishonestyAcademic dishonesty occurs when a student uses or attempts to use unauthorized information in the taking of an exam; or submits as his or her own work themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, or other products prepared by another person; or knowingly assists another student in such acts or plagiarism. Such behavior is abhorrent to the university, and students found responsible for academic dishonesty face expulsion, suspension, conduct probation, or reprimand. Instances of academic dishonesty ultimately affect all students and the entire university community by degrading the value of diplomas when some are obtained dishonestly, and by lowering the grades of students working honestly.Examples of specific acts of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to:a) Obtaining unauthorized information. Information is obtained dishonestly, for example, bycopying graded homework assignments from another student, by working with another student on a take-home test or homework when not specifically permitted to do so by the instructor, or by looking at your notes or other written work during an examination when not specifically permitted to do so.b) Tendering of information. Students may not give or sell their work to another person who plans to submit it as his or her own. This includes giving their work to another student to be copied, giving someone answers to exam questions during the exam, taking an exam and discussing its contents with students who will be taking the same exam, or giving or selling a term paper to another student.c) Misrepresentation. Students misrepresent their work by handing in the work of someone else. The following are examples: purchasing a paper from a term paper service; reproducing another person’s paper (even with modifications) and submitting it as their own; having another studentdo their computer program or having someone else take their exam.d) Bribery. Offering money or any item or service to a faculty member or any other person to gain academic advantage for yourself or another is dishonest.e) Plagiarism. Unacknowledged use of the information, ideas, or phrasing of other writers is an offense comparable with theft and fraud, and it is so recognized by the copyright and patent laws. Literary offenses of this kind are known as plagiarism.One is responsible for plagiarism when: the exact words of another writer are used without using quotation marks and indicating the source of the words; the words of another are summarized or paraphrased without giving the credit that is due; the ideas from another writer are borrowed without properly documenting their source.Acknowledging the sources of borrowed material is a simple, straightforward procedure that will strengthen the paper and assure the integrity of the wri ter. The Student’s Guide to English 104 —105, provides guidelines to aid students in documenting material borrowed from other sources, as does almost every handbook on writing style.Academic dishonesty is considered to be a violation of the behavior expected of a student in an academic setting as well as a student conduct violation. A student found responsible for academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is therefore subject to the appropriate academic penalty; to be determined by the instructor of the course, as well as sanctions under the university Student Disciplinary Regulations.If an instructor believes that a student has behaved dishonestly in a course, the following steps are to be followed:1. The instructor should confront the student with the charge of dishonesty and arrange a meetingwith the student to discuss the charge and to hear the student’s explanation.2. If the student admits responsibility for academic misconduct, the instructor shall inform the student (a) of the grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred, and (b) how this incident will affect subsequent evaluation and the final grade. Because academic dishonesty is also a student conduct violation under Section 4.2.1 of the Student Disciplinary Regulations, the instructor must report the incident in writing to the Dean of Students.After investigating the incident and discussing it with the instructor, the Dean of Students, or his/her designee, will meet with the student and depending on the severity of the offense as well as on the student’s past conduct record, may handle the matter through an administrative hearing or schedule a hearing before the All University Judiciary (AUJ).This hearing, conducted according to the procedures outlined in the Student Disciplinary Regulations, is to determine the disciplinary action to be taken. In any case, the student’s academic adviser will be informed of the incident but may not insert any record of it in the student’s academic file.3. If the student claims to be not responsible for the alleged violation of academic misconduct, the instructor may not assign the student a grade for the work in question until the question of responsibility is resolved, unless circumstances require that an interim grade be assigned. The instructor shall consult with his or her department chair and report the incident in writing to the Dean of Students.The Dean of Students will refer the case to the Office of Judicial Affairs for investigation. After reviewing the report and completing an investigation, the Office of Judicial Affairs will file aformal complaint against the student if it is determined that there is cause to believe academic misconduct occurred. The case may be adjudicated through an administrative hearing or referred to a hearing before the All University Judiciary (AUJ) depending on the nature and severity of the violation as set forth in the Student Disciplinary Regulations.If the case is referred to the AUJ both the student and instructor will be invited to attend an AUJ hearing and present pertinent information. If the Administrative Hearing Off icer (in a minor case) or the AUJ (in a major case) finds the student responsible for the charge of academic misconduct, the instructor will inform the student (a) of the grade on the work in which the dishonesty occurred, and (b) how this incident will affect subsequent evaluation and the final grade. The Administrative Hearing Officer or AUJ will determine the appropriate disciplinary action with respect to the nature of the violation.If the Administrative Hearing Officer or AUJ finds the student “not responsible” for academic misconduct, the instructor will grade the student accordingly on the work in question and the student’s grade in the course will not be adversely affected. If th e student is found responsible the student’s adviser will be informed of the decision but shall not insert any record of the action in the student’s academic file.4. If a student either admits dishonest behavior or is found responsible for academic misconduct by the AUJ, the Off ice of Judicial Affairs (OJA) or AUJ may impose any of the following sanctions:a) Disciplinary Reprimand: An official written notice to the student that his/her conduct is in violation of university rules and regulations.b) Conduct Probation: A more severe sanction than a disciplinary reprimand, to include a period of review and observation during which the student must demonstrate the ability to comply with university rules, regulations, and other requirements stipulated for the probation period.c) Suspension/Deferred Suspension: The suspension is deferred subject to a definite or indefinite period of observation and review. If a student is found responsible for a further violation of the university Student Disciplinary Regulations or an order of a judiciary body, suspension will take place immediately.Def i niteThe student is dropped from the university for a specific length of time. This suspension cannot be for less than one semester or more than two years.Indef i nite:The Student is dropped from the university indefinitely. Reinstatement may be contingent upon meeting the written requirements of the AUJ specified at the time the sanction was imposed. Normally, a student who is suspended indefinitely may not be reinstated for a minimum of two years.d) Expulsion: The student is permanently deprived of the opportunity to continue at the university in any status.5. A student accused of academic misconduct has the option to stay in the class or to drop the class if the drop is made within the approved time periods and according to the regulations established by the university. If the student chooses to drop the class, the student will be required to sign a statement of understanding that if the student is later found responsible for academic misconduct, then the student will receive an F for the course.6. Procedures for appeal of either the All University Judi ciary’s conduct decision or theinstructor’s grade are outlined in the Student Information Handbook.7. In instances in which the student admits responsibility or is judged to be responsible by OJA or the AUJ, a staff member of the Dean of Students Off ice will counsel the student in an effort to deter any further such incidents.8. Student records concerning academic dishonesty are maintained in the Dean of Students Office for a period of seven years, after which the file records are purged. These student records are confidential; nothing from them appears on a student’s academic transcript.9. In the event that an instructor is uncertain how to handle an incident of suspected academic dishonesty, the Dean of Students is available at any time to provide advice and assistance to the instructor in deciding a proper course of action to be taken.10. Students enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine are bound by an honor code. A chargeof academic dishonesty may be made by a student or instructor to the Interclass Honor Board chairperson according to the procedures outlined in the Honor Code, or the instructor may follow procedures outlined above. The Interclass Honor Board functions as the judiciary of the College of Veterinary Medicine for the allegations presented to it.Other violations related to academic misconduct may include subsection 4.1.11 Misuse of Computers and subsection 4.2.20 Unauthorized Sale of Others’Intellectual Works.These subsections are located in the Iowa State University Student Disciplinary Regulations under section 4 of the Conduct Code.</~catalog/2005-07/geninfo/dishonesty.html>Short reportAcademic dishonesty occurs when a student uses or attempts to use unauthorized information in the taking of an exam; or submits as his or her own work themes, reports, drawings, laboratory notes, or other products prepared by another person; or knowingly assists another student in such acts or plagiarism. Such behavior is abhorrent to the university, and students found responsible for academic dishonesty face expulsion, suspension, conduct probation, or reprimand. Instances of academic dishonesty ultimately affect all students and the entire university community by degrading the value of diplomas when some are obtained dishonestly, and by lowering the grades of students working honestly.Examples of specific acts of academic dishonesty include obtaining unauthorized information, tendering of information, misrepresentation, bribery, plagiarism, etc. Academic dishonesty is considered to be a violation of the behavior expected of a student in an academic setting as well as a student conduct violation.In Iowa State University, a student found responsible for academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is therefore subject to appropriate academic penalty or to be determined by the instructor of the course, as well as sanctions under the university Student Disciplinary Regulations. If an instructor believes that a student has behaved dishonestly in a course, ten steps are to be followed to handle the problem. The case of Iowa State UniversityResearch Paper WritingTask 1Background part:The introductionObjective:To give an overview of various forms of academic dishonesty, student responses to academic dishonesty when it occurs and the measures taken by the faculty and institutional administrator to prevent its occurrence in their institutions.Synthesis of different views on a particular field: For example, in the section “Forms of Academic Dishonesty,” in Para. B, there are opinions of both Jonson and Martin (2005) and Petress (2003), which are organized by transitional words, such as “Petress noted of other forms of academic dishonesty ...”Similarities or differences of outside sources:For example, in the section “Faculty and Academic Dishonesty”, when it comes to what the faculty should do to reduce academic dishonesty, there are various opinions from Para J to L. Perress (2003) holds that they should set role models for the students and implement the measures that will help prevent academic dishonesty. Whitley and Keith-Spiegel believe that they should be encouraged to form a statement concerning academic integrity in their syllabi and to discuss integrity concerns in their classrooms. Kibler notes four strategies to help the faculty to implement academic integrity. Cole and Kiss suggest that more efforts should be made to motivate the students by the teachers.Task 2a. The forms of cheating.Text 3 deals with students’ new and old techniques of cheating, together with researchers’ practices of academic dishonesty.Reading 1 focuses on academic dishonesty in online courses.Reading 1 gives more updated and reliable information.b. The reasons that students offer for their cheating.In Text 3 the reasons the students use to justify their cheating include: lack of time, poverty, uncaring instructors, laziness, peer pressure, poor role models, fear of failure and technology that has allowed cheating to be done easily. (Para. C)In Reading 1, the reasons are multifold because opinions vary. Some of the reasons are based on a student’s individual characteristics (Gerdeman 2001), some are relevant to peer inf luence or peers’acceptability of cheating (Stephens, 2007), while others have something to do with the existence of an honor code (McCabe, 2002). Meanwhile, there are other common reasons by Chiesl and Bunn, of which seeing other students cheat and the perception of the percentage of students who cheat are the most significant. (Para. I,J,K)Reading 1 gives more updated and reliable information.c. The definition of academic dishonesty.In Text 3, there is no specific definition of academic dishonesty.In Reading 1, the author believes that definitions of academic dishonesty across studies tend to be about the same. Using the scale of Don McCabe (2002), the author defines academic dishonesty from eight aspects. Other studies differentiate planned and panic cheating, e.g., Bunn, Caudill and Gropper (1992). In a comparative study of online versus on-ground academic dishonesty, Stuber- McEwen, Wisely, and Hoggat (2009) believe that there are seven forms. Stephens, Young, and Calabrese (2007) examined various forms of conventional and digital cheating. With regard toe-learning, Underwood (2003) and Rogers (2000) def ine the term respectively, while Howell et al (2009) reviews various forms of technological cheating. (Para.B, C, D, E, F, G)Reading 1Task 31) Serious and formal2) Angry and bitter3) Angry and ironical4) Angry and ironical5) Ironical6) Ironical7) Angry and ironical8) Angry9) Ironical10) Tranquil and formal11) Tranquil12) Tranquil and formal13) Formal and serious14) Formal and serious15) Expressing the speaker’s surprise and attitude against this16) Tranquil17) Expressing surprise, Ironical18) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of questions, Ironical19) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of questions, Angry and ironical20) “You” is used in the sentence to indicate people in general to appeal to their emotions, whichshortens the distance between the speaker and the readers21) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of questions22) Appealing to the readers’ emotions by the use of facts and questions. Expressing the speaker’sdisagreementTask 41) Which one is a stand-alone literature review and which one is a literature review as a partof the paper?Text 3 and Reading 1: stand-alone literature reviewReading 2: literature review as a part of the paper2) What similarities and differences characterize the three papers in terms of writing style?Similarities: All of them follow almost the same pattern, i.e., introduction, body, and conclusion.Differences: Text 3 and reading 1 synthesize other people’s research and f indings to draw the conclusion, while Reading 2 uses the author’s own research and f indings. Therefore, in Reading 2 there is the part of “Methods”, which explains in detail the participants, materials, and design and procedure. The first-person narration is used to describe the process, which makes it less formal than the other two papers.3) What are the objectives of the three papers respectively?Text 3: To give an overview of various forms of academic dishonesty, student responses to academic dishonesty when it occurs and the measures taken by the faculty and institutional administrator to prevent its occurrence in their institutions.Reading 1: Examine perceptions of academic dishonesty in online and face-to-face courses, and discuss methods to reduce academic dishonesty in online courses.Reading 2: To investigate participants’ attitudes toward cheating and the effects of academic motivation, self-eff icacy, and academic integrity on cheating behaviors.4) How many aspects or sections do the two stand-alone literature review contain respectively?What are they?ThreeIntroduction, body, and conclusion5) Is the order of those aspects in each literature review logic al? And what’s the relationship?Yes.The literature review consists of three aspects: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction part may tell the reason one is writing a review; the signif icance of the topic; the scope of the review; the organizational pattern of the review. The body will have a clear classif ication and synthesis of one’s reviewed readings in terms of chronological order or importance order. The conclusion should have a summary of the main agreements and disagreements in the literature and then any gaps or areas for further research. At last one’s overall perspective on the topic should be dealt with.6) How do the two authors illustrate their arguments in each section? Do they use their own research and f i ndings or synthesize other people’s research and f i ndings?By synthesizing other people’s research and f indings.No.Reading 2Task 51) indicate, is, identified, tend, will be2) predicted, was, have suggested, are, showed, appeared, were, wereTask 6A chimera is an individual composed of cells with different embryonic origins. The successful isolation of f ive human embryonic stem cell (HESC) lines in 1998 increased scientists’ ability to create human/non-human chimeras and prompted extensive bioethics discussion, resulting in what has been dubbed “the other stem cell debate” (Shreeve 2005). The debate about chimeras has focused on five main arguments. The Unnaturalness Argument explores the ethics of violatingnatural species boundaries. The Moral Confusion Argument alleges that the existence of entities that cannot be definitively classified as either human or non-human will cause moral confusion that will undermine valuable social and cultural practices. The Borderline-Personhood Argument focuses on great apes and concludes that their borderline-personhood confers a high enough degree of moral status to make most, if not all, chimeric research on them impermissible. The Human Dignity Argument claims that it is an affront to human dignity to give an individual “trapped” in the body of a non-human animal the capacities associated with human dignity. Finally, the Moral Status Framework maintains that research in which a non-human animal’s moral status is enhanced to that of a normal adult human is impermissible unless reasonable assurances are in place that its new moral status will be respected, which is unlikely given the motivations for chimeric research and the oversight likely to be provided.These arguments provide different rationales for restricting chimeric research and have different implications for the range of chimeric research that will be deemed unethical.</entries/chimeras/#Int>Task 71) Which sentences provide the background of the paper?Academic dishonesty is a problem that has been plaguing colleges and universities for generations. An investigation of any institution today will certainly reveal some forms of academic dishonesty.2) Which sentences form the literature review?Researchers of academic dishonesty vary in their reports of how many students cheat in college.3) What is the main limitation of the previous studies that the author mentioned?However, most research on academic dishonesty has relied primarily on self-reports of cheating behaviors.4) What’s the objective of the paper?The purpose of the study is to investigate participants’ attitudes toward cheating and the effects of academic motivation, self-efficacy, and academic integrity on cheating behaviors.5) What are the methods that the author will use?The present study includes an empirical portion in which participants are put in a situation in which cheating may be to their advantage.6) What is the author’s hypothesis?The hypothesis is that participants would be most likely to cheat when they are offered a monetary reward for success.Task 8Introduction 11) an introduction of the topic and its background2) a review about the previous studies3) the limitation of the previous studies4) a gap for the signif icance of the study5) the hypothesis of the author6) the objective of the paper7) the methodologyIntroduction 21) an introduction of the topic and its background2) a review about the previous studies and the limitation of the previous studies3) the limitation of the previous studiesTask 91) A2) B3) E4) C5) D6) FTask 10This paper details the strategies used for curbing academic dishonesty in online courses.Task 11Biologists have long known of patterns of inheritance, and eventually of inheritance mechanisms, that go beyond genetic inheritance (Jablonka & Lamb 2005; Sapp 1987). Two fundamental types of arguments led to this conclusion: arguments based on observations regarding patterns of inheritance, and arguments concerned with the localization of hereditary factors inside cells. Arguments of the first kind were based on hereditary relations and inheritance patterns that fail to conform to the rules ofMendelian inheritance (e.g., maternal inheritance). If Mendelian inheritance patterns are the result of the way the chromosomes in the eukaryotic cell nucleus behave, non-Mendelian heredity must depend on separate inheritance processes, mechanisms, or systems (Beale 1966; Sager 1966). Second, there were observations of hereditary phenomena that seemed to depend on factors residing in the cytoplasm of cells, rather than their nucleus, where the genetic material is localized. The interpretation of these observations was highly contested (Darlington 1944; Sapp 1987). Today, we know that some of these observations are related to the (maternal) inheritance of organelles residing in the cytoplasm, such as the mitochondria and chloroplasts, organelles which carry their own DNA. This however does not encompass all the mechanisms which underlie cytoplasmatic inheritance. Paradigmatic work on cytoplasmatic inheritance done by Sonneborn, Beale, Nanney, and their colleagues in the 1950s and 1960s, was concerned with patterns of inheritance in unicellular organisms, and in particular the protist genus Paramecium. It was suggested that the self-sustaining regulatory loops that maintain gene activity or inactivity in a cell would persist through cell division, provided the non-DNA components of the system (many of which reside in the cytoplasm in eukaryotic microogranisms) were shared among daughter cells. In this way, alternative regulatory phenotypic states would be inherited. Among the properties whose inheritance was studied were mating-type variations, serotype variations, and the structural or “surface inheritance” of ciliary structures. Remarkably, microsurgical changes to the ciliary structures on the surface of Paramecium cells are inherited by offspring. The stability of induced characters once the stimulus was removed (called “cellular memory”) and the number of generations characters were maintained varied widely.However, the results indicated that long-term stability and heritability need not be the result of changes to the DNA sequence (Nanney 1958).During the 1950s to 1970s a growing set of observations indicated that determined and differentiated states of cells are transmitted in cell lineages. These observations concerned studies of Drosophila imaginal discs by Ernst Hadorn; Briggs and King’s cloning experiments with amphibians; Mary Lyon’s work on X-chromosome inactivation; and work establishing the in vitro clonal stability of cultured cell lines. Eventually, the term epigenetic inheritance came to refer to hereditary variation that does not involve changes to the DNA sequence.The brief account of some of the early work on unicellular organisms given above illustrates some。

A Task 1 Listen and Take Notes Task 2 Listen for Details
B 5. Is the governmental legislation effective and why?
It is not effective because the drivers will use the hands-free model, which is also dangerous.
of competing cars on a racetrack in the
case of a caution period such as an
obstruction on the track. During a
caution period the pace car enters the
track ahead of the leader. With few
T__h_i_s__n_e_w__s__r_e_p_o__r_t_i_s__a_b_o_u__t_d__r_iv__in__g__w_h__il_e__t_a_l_k_i_n_g__o_n__a__ c__e_l_l _p__h_o_n_e__.____________________________________________
Background Information New Words and Expressions
pace car
prescribed course
driving simulator

学术综合英语参考答案unit3学术综合英语参考答案Unit 3Part I: Vocabulary and Structure1. The correct answer is "innovative," which means introducing new ideas or methods.2. "Catalyst" refers to a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed.3. The term "paradigm" is used to describe a set of concepts or principles that form a theoretical framework of a branch of knowledge.4. "Ecosystem" denotes a community of living and non-living components that interact with each other in a particular environment.5. "Ethical" concerns moral principles that dictate right and wrong behavior.6. "Sustainable" refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.7. "Biodiversity" is the variety of life on Earth, encompassing all plants, animals, and microorganisms, their genetic variations, and the ecosystems they form.8. "Pollutant" is a substance that contaminates the environment, making it harmful or impure.9. "Conservation" is the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife.10. "Renewable" describes resources that can be replenished naturally and sustainably over time.Part II: Reading ComprehensionA. True or False Questions1. True. The passage states that the use of renewable energy sources can reduce reliance on fossil fuels.2. False. The text mentions that while renewable energy can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it does not completely eliminate them.3. True. The passage highlights the importance of researchand development in advancing renewable energy technologies.4. False. The text indicates that while renewable energy is abundant, it can be inconsistent, requiring storage solutions.5. True. The passage discusses the potential for renewable energy to create jobs and stimulate economic growth.B. Multiple Choice Questions1. C. The passage mentions that solar power is a clean and inexhaustible source of energy.2. B. The text explains that wind turbines convert windenergy into electricity.3. A. The passage states that hydroelectric power isgenerated by the movement of water.4. D. The text describes bioenergy as energy derived from organic material.5. E. The passage mentions that geothermal energy is heatfrom the Earth's interior.C. Fill in the Blanks1. photovoltaic cells2. carbon footprint3. intermittency4. energy storage5. grid integrationPart III: Cloze Test1. sustainable2. innovative3. paradigm4. ecosystem5. pollutants6. ethical7. biodiversity8. renewable9. conservation10. catalystPart IV: Writing TaskIn this section, you are asked to write an essay on the topic of "The Importance of Renewable Energy in the 21st Century." Your essay should cover the following points:- The increasing demand for energy and the challenges of relying on fossil fuels.- The benefits of renewable energy sources, such as solar,wind, and hydroelectric power.- The role of technology in advancing renewable energy solutions.- The economic and environmental implications of a transition to renewable energy.- The need for policy support and public awareness to promote the adoption of renewable energy.Sample Essay:The 21st century has ushered in an era of unprecedented energy demand, driven by global population growth and industrialization. Traditional fossil fuels, while abundant, present significant challenges, including environmental degradation and the potential for resource depletion. In contrast, renewable energy sources offer a sustainable alternative that can help mitigate these issues.Renewable energy, derived from the sun, wind, and water, among other sources, is inexhaustible and clean. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, wind turbines harness the power of the wind, and hydroelectric dams utilize the force of flowing water. These technologies not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also decrease our dependence on finite resources.Advancements in technology have made renewable energy more efficient and cost-effective. Innovations in energy storage and grid integration are addressing the intermittency of renewable sources, making them more reliable and accessible. Furthermore, the transition to renewable energy is aneconomic opportunity, with the potential to create new jobs and stimulate growth in the clean energy sector.However, the shift to renewable energy requires robust policy support and public awareness. Governments must enact incentives for renewable energy development and implement regulations that reduce the environmental impact oftraditional energy sources. Public education campaigns can also play a crucial role in fostering a societal understanding of the benefits of renewable energy and encouraging its adoption.In conclusion, the importance of renewable energy in the 21st century cannot be overstated. As we face the dual challenges of energy scarcity and environmental sustainability, renewable energy offers a promising path forward. With continued innovation, policy support, and public engagement, we can harness the power of the sun, wind, and water to build a cleaner。

Unit3 TrafficVocabulary Development [P80-81]A:1.They asked him to leave. In other words, he was fired.他们让他离开。
2.The United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in this area.联合国军队在这片区域执行停火协议。
3.The amount will be paid to everyone regardless of whether they have children or not.无论他们是否有孩子,支付给每个人的金额是相同的。
4.Your paper does not address the real issues.你的论文没有解决主要的问题。
5.How many vehicles were involved in the crash yesterday?昨天的事故涉及多少辆车。
6.She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria.她感到焦虑接近歇斯底里的状态。
7.The new technology can be applied to farming.新的技术能够应用于农业。
8.What do these results suggest to you?这些结果对你有怎样的建议?9.He has six previous convictions for theft and burglary.他有六个前科有关于偷盗和入室抢劫。
10.We'll send you the copy as soon as it becomes available.一旦我得到它我会给你一个复印版本。
B:1.This incident was not without importance in the following development of events. (subsequent)这个小事在随后的事件发展中很重要。
综合学术英语教程Unit 3

• learn about ancient China’s contribution to modern science;
• research “Four Great Inventions”, “The Genius of China” and “The Nobel Prize” on the Internet and find reliable information;
—Karl Marx
about China’s Science and Technology
• The four inventions do not necessarily summarize the achievements of science and technology in ancient China. The four inventions were regarded as the most important Chinese achievements in science and technology, simply because they had a prominent position in the exchanges between the East and the West and acted as a powerful dynamic in the development of capitalism in Europe. As a matter of fact, ancient Chinese scored much more than the four major inventions: in farming, iron and copper metallurgy, exploitation of coal and petroleum, machinery, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, porcelain, silk, and wine making. The numerous inventions and discoveries greatly advanced China's productive forces and social life. Many are at least as important as the four inventions, and some are even greater than the four.
unit 3大学综合英语3翻译

1. In the house where I grew up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night. I don't know if that was a local term or if it is universal; "on the latch" meant the door was closed but not locked. None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.小时候在家里,我们的前门总是夜不落锁。
R T 2. Those days are over. In rural areas as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked, even for part of an evening.那样的日子已经一去不复返了。
R T 3. Suburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable than well-patroled urban streets. Statistics show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities. At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.在许多方面,郊区和农村甚至比巡查严密的城市街道更易受到攻击。
Unit3 Do Traffic Tickets Save Lives 课文翻译

Unit3 Do Traffic Tickets Save Lives A课文翻译(学术综合英语教材(研究生课程)P75)交通罚单能救命吗?研究显示交通罚单能救司机的命李∙戴哎,这可怜的交警。
如果- - 年内那么多人死于非典的话,大家很可能会恐惧得发疯了,然而我们对交通事故死亡率却习以为常了。
另外,还有2 500万人因交通事故永远残废了,而且他们当中——包括死去的——很多是孩子。
学术英语综合unit3business ethics答案

学术英语综合unit3business ethics答案1、I saw the boy _______?the classroom. [单选题] *A. enter intoB. enter(正确答案)C. to enter intoD. to enter2、It is my _______ to meet you here. [单选题] *A. pleasure(正确答案)B. pleaseC. pleasedD. pleasant3、83.The school is? ? ? ? ? ? ?the hospital. [单选题] *A.withB.intoC.ontoD.opposite(正确答案)4、7.—________ is the Shanghai Wild Animal Park?—It’s 15km east of the Bund. [单选题] *A.WhoB.WhatC.WhenD.Where (正确答案)5、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night6、Reading()the lines, I dare say that the government are more worried than they admitted. [单选题] *A. behindB. between(正确答案)C. alongD. among7、46.The pants look cool.You can ________. [单选题] *A.try it onB.try on itC.try them on(正确答案)D.try on them8、They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers. [单选题]*A. droveB. would driveC. were to driveD. had driven(正确答案)9、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on10、How I wish I()to repair the watch! I only made it worse. [单选题] *A. had triedB. hadn't tried(正确答案)C. have triedD.didn't try11、--All of you have passed the test!--_______ pleasant news you have told us! [单选题] *A. HowB. How aC. What(正确答案)D. What a12、_______ is on September the tenth. [单选题] *A. Children’s DayB. Teachers’Day(正确答案)C. Women’s DayD. Mother’s Day13、79.On a ________ day you can see the city from here. [单选题] *A.warmB.busyC.shortD.clear(正确答案)14、The Titanic is a nice film. I _______ it twice. [单选题] *A. sawB. seeC. have seen(正确答案)D. have saw15、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)16、There _______ some milk in the glass. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. haveD. has17、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need18、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until19、He studied harder to _______ his reading skills. [单选题] *A. improve(正确答案)B. rememberC. memorizeD. forget20、68.—How ________ apples do you want?—I want two kilos. How ________ are they?—They are 5 yuan. [单选题] *A.much; manyB.many; much(正确答案)C.many; manyD.much; much21、21 In a few years' time, there ________ thousands of trees on the hill. [单选题] *A.will haveB.will be(正确答案)C.are haveD.have22、John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for _____ two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. another(正确答案)C. the otherD. others23、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that24、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way25、She is a girl, _______ name is Lily. [单选题] *A. whose(正确答案)B. whoC. whichD. that26、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] *Attention (正确答案)B. watchC. careD. notice27、Don’t read in bed. It’s _______ your eyes. [单选题] *A. good atB. good forC. bad atD. bad for(正确答案)28、The office building will be _______ a library. [单选题] *A. turned onB. turned upC. turned into(正确答案)D. turned off29、_____ rooms are both large and comfortable. [单选题] *A. Jack's and Jane's(正确答案)B. Jack and Jane'sC. Jack's and JaneD.Jack and Jane30、It seems slow for children to become _____ ,while adults often feel time flies. [单选题] *A. growns-upsB. growns-upC. grown upsD. grown-ups(正确答案)。
学术英语 综合 Unit 3 PPT

Unit 3
Text A In-depth analysis
1. Contribute as much as possible what you know about the following: • optimism • pessimism
Unit 3
Text A Supplementary information
Unit 3
Unit Objectives
6. Researching • Independently locate and study a variety of resources (articles, books, videos, etc.) to know more about the study of psychology 7. Academic language and discourse • Know what is collocation • Acquire some specialized vocabulary in psychology • Understand the differences between comparison and contrast • Comprehend stylistic differences between formal and informal English and acquire some formal expressions
Unit 3
Text B Text Analysis
4. Do Task 2/ Critical Reading and Thinking/ Text B in groups of 4-5 to discuss whether it’s almost impossible not to judge an individual by their appearance in today’s society.

Unit 1Language building-upTask 1/Specialized vocabulary1. 饲料经销商;饲料批发商2. 为他自己的收益而工作3. 技能与劳动力4. 制造塑料5. 私人交易6. 包装并定价7. 无形之手1. priced2. labor3. transactions4. gain5. labor; manufactured6. invisible hand7. distributorTask 2/Signpost language1. Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked for many gifts, for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for peace privilege of having been born, or having become —American(Line 2, Para.1).2. And yet, isn't there something wondrous, —something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4)3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one, —or more likely, a few dozen—waiting. (Line 3, Para.6)Task 3/Formal English1. very many2. buying or selling3. a large group of4. more huge5. understand6. troubledUnit 2Language buildingTask 1:Part 1:1)无形之手;2)自由企业制度3)股东4)经济体制5)开发产品和服务6)市场力量;市场调节作用7)金融机构8)严重衰退9)破产10)mission11)stock price12)corporate motto13)assets14)maximize profits 15)financial systemPart 2:1)market forces2)financial institutions 3)free enterprise system 4)deep institutions5)invisible hand6)stockholder7)profit maximization 8)economic system Task 2:1.and;2.Another;3. also;4. Not only;but;5. otherTask 31. understanding;2. agree with;3. forces…to be accepted;4. bad5. purpose6. charitable ;7. given;8.famous.Unit 3Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1) 充满敬畏与感激;2)与外部世界隔离3)陷入绝境4)易感抑郁5)恢复体能6)界定性特征7)暂时的挫败8)不因挫败而心烦意乱9)竞选权位10)吹着欢快的曲调Part 2:1)bout 2)validated3)squabble 4)aptitude5)platitude 6)debilitate7)reassuring 8)undermine9)ruminate 10)martialTask 2:1.contrasting;2.in contrast;3. However;4. different;5. on the other hand6. in the opposite way7.howeverTask 31. full of;2. becomes alert and energetic3. keeping thinking about4. been left in hopelessness5. likely to suffer from6. not disturbed7. saying something that people are quite familiar with8. officially approvedUnit 4Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. green movement2. protected areas3. extinction of animals and plants4. wild fish stocks5. make clean power6. save resources7. 培育生物多样性8. 控制污染9. 阻止对生态体系的破坏10. 扩大清洁产业11. 集体世界观12. 生态经济Part 2:1. Embedding a narrative that moves us on from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people is an essential part of this reframing. (Para.6)If such a narrative is to gain practical effect, then looking after nature must urgently be seen as not only an environmental challenge, but also an economic one. (Para.7)The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating keys words such as narrative, nature.2. So long as we continue to travel in two directions at once, promoting environmental goals on the one hand while on the other directly contradicting that with measures to achieve more economic growth, the longer we will fail to make real progress. (Para.7)When it comes to economics and ecology there is plenty of good thinking already done. (Para.8) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating key words such as economic, economics.Task 3 Formal language1. unchangeable; increasing2. control3. effort; charitable4. pleasant detail5. complicated6. change7. Changing8. importantUnit 5Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. having a mind2.behave as if you understand3.what and how we know4.inside;reflectsMentalist Dbehaviorist BEpistemologist Aphenomenologist CPart 21. psychological2.spiritual3.behaviour4.phenomenologist5.perplexity6.mentallyTask 2:…,classified…This class of…The class of……a less severe label…The huge classTask 31. what we imagine about computers today2.we have broken the distinction between ???3.for the sake of convenience so that it is easier to refer to the first type of response4. you have the same reason for thinking that M had a mind.5. (The reason you believe your mother has a mind is based) not on your prejudice6. as groundless as believing that computers have mindUnit 6Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. 数学化,数字处理2. 计算机辅助设计3. 统计4. 基因组学5. 运筹学6. 优化组合7. 概率8. 数据库Part 2:1. database2. CAD3. statistics4. probability5. optimization6. genomics7. mathematization8. Operations researchTask 2:1. Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extended from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:…(Line 1,para.8,Text A)2. Admittedly this is rather vague, but it will clarify a bit as I go on and mention a few of the manyexamples that Baker gives:…(Line 8, para.10, Text A)Task 3 Formal language1. exists2. included3. explained4. model5. get6. environment7. knowledgeable person; in which8. until now9. fix ideas of (caution) in one’s mindUnit 7Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. -h2.-f3.-a4.-j5.-i6.-b7.-d8.-g9.-c10.-ePart 2:1. To achieve professional development isimportant as a means to the end of becoming an expert and gaining more flexibility and independence2. Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction3. An employee's work orientation is shaped in the first instance by their understanding of “what work is about”4. The government is trying to introduce new measures to create a better social safety net and encourage better worker pay5. Money has been used as the incentive of many intelligence contests in TV programTask 2:1. The present perfect tense(现在完成时)emphasizes that people’s conception about what money can bring them has changed greatly2. The tense switches from the present to the past to manifest that an example is given3.The tense switches between the present and the past to produce a comparison of different interpretations of a “calling”in different timesTask 3 Formal language1. pour heart and soul into :spare no efforts,try one's bestwhat will stimulate\encourage a worker to try his best in making good products?2. lure:temptationgrueling:working exhaustedlyPeople are no longer so tempted by the dream of becoming rich by working exhaustedly 80 hours a week for several years in a humble position3. lowly job:humble jobrecrafted:turnedHe might be doing a humble job,but he would turn it into a great mission4. entails:requiresA career requires more devotion to work5. contributing to:being beneficial toconnotation:implicationPeople who regard their work as a calling\great mission think that what they do helps serve the public and brings benefits to our society,and therefore it's quite proper to say that a mission\calling implies something similar to religious beliefsUnit8Task 1 Specialized vocabulare1. cultural tradition 文化传统2. social stability 社会稳定3. distinct identity 鲜明特色4. edge effect 边缘效应5. organic evolution 有机界进化6. mutual respect 相互尊重7.political correctness 政治正确性anic evolution2. mutual respect3. Edge effect4. social stability5. political correctness6. cultural tradition7. distinct identityTask 2 Signpost language1. Through; through; through2. not just; but3. first4. second5. next6. final7.not only; but alsoTask 3 Formal English1. develop2. combined3. skillful performers4. obvious5. friendly6. getting rid of7. combine8. changed9. imagine10. a large number ofUnit 9Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 D 医疗2 J 基因分型3 F 内窥镜检查4 A 生物技术5 H 诊断6 C 分子的7 I 治疗方案8 E 医生9 G 外科医生的;手术的10 B 胶囊1 diagnosis2 surgical3 Biotechnology4 healthcare5 protocols6 molecularTask 2 Signpost language1 known as2 referred to as3 call4 describe5 meanTask 3 Formal English1 increases2 marked3 arrival/ coming4 replaced5 move away6 filledUnit 10Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 b2 k3 f4 j5 g6 i7 e8 c9 h10 a11 d1 syntactic patterns2 Language faculty3 neural system4 underlying logic5 evolutionary adaptation6 formal instruction7 mental organ8 natural selectionTask 2 Signpost language1 for2 led to3 because4 Therefore5 Therefore6 because; because7 SoTask 3 Formal English1 explanation/interpretation; impacts2 is present all over; analyze/explain/interpret。

学术英语unit1,unit3,unit4,unit9课文翻译Unit 1 Text A神经过载与千头万绪的医生患者经常抱怨自己的医生不会聆听他们的诉说。
奥索里奥夫人 56 岁,是我的病人。
她锻炼不够多,最后一次DEXA 骨密度检测显示她的骨质变得有点疏松。
以下是整个 20 分钟看病的过程中我脑海中闪过的念头。
我需要和她谈谈每天吃五种蔬果、每天步行30 分钟的事。
我是不是应该再加一种降血压的药?药片多了是否让她困惑?更好地控制血压的益处和她可能什么药都不吃带来的风险孰重孰轻?骨密度 DEXA 扫描显示她的骨质有点疏松。
大学综合英语3 Unit3

Unit Security
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
vulnerable: adj. exposed to danger or attack; unprotected
Unit 3 Security
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
tranquil: adj. calm, quiet and undisturbed Visitors like to stay in this hotel because it is beautiful and located in a tranquil lake area. 家中的温馨气氛是非常重要的。尽你所能去创造一个宁 静和谐的家。
Unit 3 Security
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
on the latch: (of a door) closed but not locked Let yourself in; the door is on the latch.

DoTrffic Tickets Sve Lives?Study Shows Trffic Tickets CouldSve Drivers ’ LivesL ee Dye Pity the poor trffic cop. He ’s the lst guy you wnt to see in your rerview mirror when you ’ re speeding down the highwy. Why isn’t he out looking for murderers insted of niling drivers for minor infrctions of the lw?交通罚单能救命吗?研究显示交通罚单能救司机的命李·戴哎,这可怜的交警。
他为什么不去抓那些杀人犯,却在这儿为了一点儿芝麻大的交通违规对司机们穷追不舍?Well, ccordingto mjor reserch project by scientists in CndndCliforni, tht copjustmight be sving your life. Or the life of someone else.然而,根据加拿大和加利福尼亚科学家们的一项重要研究,那位 JC 也许恰恰是在救你的命,或者救别的什么人的命。
The reserchers hve found tht trffic ticket reduces driver’s chnce of beinginvolved in ftl ccident by whopping 35 percent, t lest for few weeks. The effect doesn’t lst long, however. Within three tofour months, the ledfoot is bck on the pedlnd the risk of killing yourself or someone else is bck up to where it ws before tht copstred you in the eye nd wrote out tht expensive cittion.研究者们发现一张交通罚单能让司机至少在几周内遭遇重大车祸的概率降低 35% 。
新时代大学学术英语综合教程上册Unit 3 identity

新时代大学学术英语综合教程上册Unit 3 identity1、It is reported()three people were badly injured in the traffic accident. [单选题] *A. whichB. that(正确答案)C.whileD.what2、84.There is a big tree? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?the house and the river. [单选题] * A.between(正确答案)B.inC.overD.of3、We can’t go out ______ school nights. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. by4、It' s a pity that we have to stay at home when we are having()weather. [单选题] *A. so fineB. so fine aC. such fine(正确答案)D. such a fine5、31.That's ______ interesting football game. We are all excited. [单选题] *A.aB.an(正确答案)C.theD./6、The red jacket is _______ than the green one. [单选题] *A. cheapB. cheapestC. cheaper(正确答案)D. more cheap7、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] * A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because8、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher9、I passed the test, I _____ it without your help. [单选题] *A.would not passB. wouldn't have passed(正确答案)C. didn't passD.had not passed10、28.The question is very difficult. ______ can answer it. [单选题] * A.EveryoneB.No one(正确答案)C.SomeoneD.Anyone11、My English teacher has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. storiesB. suggestions(正确答案)C. messagesD. practice12、-Do you have tickets for Friday? -Sorry, we've got _____ left. [单选题] *A. eitherB. none(正确答案)C. no oneD. neither13、This girl is my best friend, Wang Hui. ______ English name is Jane.()[单选题] *A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her(正确答案)14、-We’ve spent too much money recently–well,it isn’t surprising. Our friend and relatives_______around all the time [单选题] *ingB. had comeC. were comingD have been coming(正确答案)15、36.This kind of bread is terrible. I don't want to eat it ______. [单选题] *A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer16、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told17、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners18、John had planned to leave, but he decided to stay in the hotel for()two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. the otherC. another(正确答案)D. others19、It is an online platform _____ people can buy and sell many kinds of things. [单选题] *A.whenB. where(正确答案)C.thatD.which20、Alice is fond of playing ____ piano while Henry is interested in listening to ___ music. [单选题] *A. the, /(正确答案)B. the, theC. the, aD. /, the21、_______ your parents at home last week? [单选题] *A. IsB. WasC. AreD. Were(正确答案)22、Julia’s on holiday in Shanghai _______. [单选题] *A. in a momentB. after a momentC. at the moment(正确答案)D. at any moment23、( ) --------Please take my seat here.-------- __________________________. [单选题]*A. That is nice of you(正确答案)B. I think it is my seatC. No, you sit hereD. I don’t think it’s a good seat.24、—Does your grandpa live ______ in the country?—Yes. So I often go to visit him so that he won’t feel ______. ()[单选题] *A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely(正确答案)25、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon26、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)27、He either watches TV _______ reads books in the evening. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. toD. so28、Jack would rather spend time complaining than_____the problem by himself. [单选题] *A.solve(正确答案)B.solvedC.solvesD.to solve29、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)30、37.It’s fun _________ a horse with your best friends on the grass. [单选题] *A.to ride (正确答案)B.ridingC.ridesD.ride。

大学英语综合教程U n i t3参考答案-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Key to Unit 3Text A Public Attitudes Toward Science课前预习Directions: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following expressions.1.享有特权的少数人 a privileged minority (Para.1, L.6)2.大多数民众the vast minority of population (Para.1,L.8)3.将时钟拨回到从前put the clock back to an earlier age (Para.2, L.1)4.阻止未来的进一步发展 prevent further advances in the future (Para.2, L.3)5.带来技术的发展bring about advances in technology (Para.2, L.6)6.压制新生事物suppress anything new (Para.2, L.10)7.人的积极极性和创造力 human initiative and inventiveness (Para.2, L.10)8.延缓变化的速度slow down the rate of change (Para.2, L.12)9.确保方向正确的变化ensure the changes in the right direction (Para.3,L.2)10.在一个民主社会in a democratic society (Para.3, L.3)11.做出明智的决定make informed decisions (Para.3, L.5)12.对科学抱着矛盾的态度 be in two minds about science (Para.3, L.7)13.生活水平的稳步提高the steady increase in the standard of living (Para.3, L.8)14.科幻小说science fiction (Para.3, L.17)15.利用这种兴趣harness this interest (Para.4, L.1)16.以一种枯燥乏味的方式 in a dry and uninteresting manner (Para.4, L.6)17.认识其与世界的联系see its relevance to the world (Para.4, L.7)18.通俗读物popular books (Para.4, L.11)19.倾向于做某事tend to do sth. (Para.5, L.1)20.科学概念scientific concepts (Para.5, L.4)21.用文字和图表表述convey sth. by words and diagrams (Para.5, L.4)22.提供基本框架provide the basic framework (Para.6, L.1)23.阐明新的发展put across new developments (Para.6, L.8)24.小部分人 a small proportion of the population (Para.6, L.10)25.科学奇迹scientific wonders (Para.6, L.12)26.负有教育民众的重任have a responsibility to educate the public (Para.6, L.16)27.娱乐民众entertain the public (Para.6, L.16)28.危机四伏be filled with dangers (Para.7, L.1)29.接触外星文明contact an alien civilization (Para.7, L.2)30.充分相信have sufficient faith in sth. (Para.7, L.4)巩固应用I. Directions: Now you’ve learned Text A in detail. Let’s check how much you’ve learned from it! Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure you use expressions from the text.1.Whether you believe it or not (信不信由你),we were left waiting in the rainfor two hours.(Para.1, L.1)2.We saw /viewed this event as a turning point (把这件事看作是一个转折点).(Para.1, L.4)3.I can’t afford a car, so I guess I will have to do without (就只好不用了) . (Para.1,L.7)4.Forget all about it and look to the future; you can’t put the clock back (让时光倒流). (Para.2, L.1)5.He can’t see, nor could he hear (他还听不见) until a month ago. (Para.2, L.3)6.I have come to realize (逐渐意识到) that what I have done is misguided.(Para.3,L.7)7.As was mentioned in my last letter (正如上封信中所提到的),I’ll be back inOhio in June. (Para.3, L.15)8.I am wearing twice as much as I usually do (是平时穿的两倍) because of thecold weather. (Para.4, L.14)ter, I’ll prove what you say wrong (证明你所说的是错的). (Para.7, L.5)II. Language FocusEx. I. Translate the following English expressions into Chinese and Chinese into English.1.The line of products will be highly profitable.这个行业的产品将十分有利可图(P.67-I-3-3)2.regain health 恢复健康 (P.68-II-1)3.the right attitude towards science 对科学的正确态度 (P69-Cloze 1- L.1)4.the proportion of the population that………人口的比例 (P.69-Cloze 1-L.9)5.make discoveries that have practical value 做出具有实际应用价值的发现(P.69-Cloze 2- L.5)6. a glass wire 光纤 (P.70-Cloze2-L.7)7.endless number of new discoveries 无穷无尽的新发现(P.70-Cloze 2- L.10)8.in a space station in orbit around the earth 在一个围绕地球轨道运行的空间站(P.70-Cloze 2- L.17)9.扔掉这些旧椅子get rid of these old chairs(P.66-I-1-5)10.及时的帮助timely help (P.66-I-1-9)11.做出精确的预言make accuratepredictions (P.67- I-3-3)12.对……迟疑不决be undecided about(P.68- II-2)13.山区the mountainousregion (P.68-II-3)14.缺少,不足be undersuppliedwith (P.68- II-3)15.提出……的要求作为demand... as… (P.68-II-5)16.在做某事上有困难have difficulty (in) doingsth. (P.68-II-7)17.总的来说on balance (P.69-III-2-4)18.优点多于缺点Strengths outweighweaknesses. (P.69-III-2-4)19.对……怀疑be distrustful ofsth. (P.69-Cloze 1-L.2)Ex. II. Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure to use expressions from the exercises.1.As pace of life quickens (随着生活的节奏加快), things tend to change fast in thecity. (P.66-I-1-4)2.The decision on the new project is made on the basis of scientific study (在科学研究的基础之上). (P.67-I-3-2)3.We have succeeded because we had the foresight to invest in new technology(投资于新技术的先见之明). (P.68-II-6)4.Only a minority of people support military action. The majority are for a peacefulsolution (赞成和平解决). (P.69-III-2-1)5.Applicants who meet our job requirements (符合我们的工作要求) are accepted,those who fall short (不符合条件的) are rejected. (P.69-III-2-2)6.As is shown by history (正如历史所表明的), local clashes may lead to a globalwar. (P.69-III-2-5)III. Language EnhancementEx. I. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.1. 无论你是否相信,我们的家乡在过去的十年间发生了许多变化,而且在未来的十年里变化会更多。

Before Reading
Reading Comprehension
R-C- Detailed Reading
VAf2ter Reading
2. The United Nations troops e__n_f_o_r_c_e__d_ a ceasefire in this area.
Before Reading
Reading Comprehension
R-C- Detailed Reading
VAf2ter Reading
Vocabulary Development
Before Reading
Reading Comprehension
R-C- Detailed Reading
VAf2ter Reading
Vocabulary Development
address enforce infraction
border on apply to suggest
nail turn up
whopping prior to
sporadically whim
prod crash
fatality subsequent
1. This incident was not without importance in the following development of events.
fatality subsequent
10. A 9-year-old boy was killed in an accident involving a stolen car last week.
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Do Traffic Tickets Save Lives?Study Shows Traffic Tickets Could Save Drivers’ LivesLee Dye Pity the poor traffic cop.He’s the last guy you want to see in your rearview mirror when you’re speeding down the highway. Why isn’t he out looking for murderers instead of nailing drivers for minor infractions of the law?交通罚单能救命吗?研究显示交通罚单能救司机的命李·戴哎,这可怜的交警。
他为什么不去抓那些杀人犯,却在这儿为了一点儿芝麻大的交通违规对司机们穷追不舍?Well, according to a major research project by scientists in Canada and California, that cop just might be saving your life. Or the life of someone else.然而,根据加拿大和加利福尼亚科学家们的一项重要研究,那位警察也许恰恰是在救你的命,或者救别的什么人的命。
The researchers have found that a traffic ticket reduces a driver’s chance of being involved in a fatal accident by a whopping 35 percent, at least for a few weeks. The effect doesn’t last long, however. Within three to four months, the lead foot is back on the pedal and the risk of killing yourself or someone else is back up to where it was before that cop stared you in the eye and wrote out that expensive citation.研究者们发现一张交通罚单能让司机至少在几周内遭遇重大车祸的概率降低35%。
The bottom line, according to the research published in the June 28 issue of The Lancet, is that traffic tickets save lives. Maybe thousands of lives, every year. Yet traffic laws are enforced sporadically, almost as if by whim, partly because people just don’t like traffic cops, and there are lots of other things for the government to spend money on than enforcing highway safety laws.根据6月28日发表在《柳叶刀》上的研究,最根本的一点就是交通罚单能救命。
然而交通法规只是零星地被实施,就像心血来潮似的,部分原因是人们不喜欢罚单,而且除了实施高速公路安全法,政府部门还有很多其他地方要花钱The Grim StatisticsThat attitude needs to be changed, according to Donald A. Redelmeier of the University of Toronto and Robert J. Tibshirani of Stanford University. Both men are medical researchers, and this isn’t the first time they’ve taken a hard look at highway safety. Their 1998 study caused a stir when they link ed cell phone usage to traffic accidents. Now they’re back, saying traffic tickets are good for your health.无情的统计数据多伦多大学的热德尔美尔和斯坦福大学的提波施拉尼认为这种态度需要改变。
They were prodded into this project by some very grim statistics. Each year, more than a million persons die in traffic accidents worldwide. If that many people died of SARS in a year, the public response would probably border on hysteria, but we have come to accept traffic fatalities as away of life.In addition, another 25 million people around the world are permanently disabled by traffic accidents, and many of them -as well as the fatalities -are children.他们之所以参与这个项目是受到一些残酷无情的统计数据的驱使。
另外,还有2 500万人因交通事故永远残废了,而且他们当中——包括死去的——很多是孩子。
Taking It Easy After a Ticket?When Redelmeier and Tibshirani and fellow researcher Leonard Evans set out to see if traffic tickets really do any good, they found an enormous resource in the Canadian province of Ontario. The full driving record of every licensed driver there was made available to them, warts and all, giving the researchers a huge database of more than 10 million licensed drivers, 8,975 of whom were involved in a fatal accident during the 11-year period covered by the research, from 1988 through 1998.接到罚单处之泰然?当热德尔美尔、提波施拉尼和他们的共同研究人员伦纳德·伊凡斯研究交通罚单是否真能起到好作用时,他们在加拿大的安大略省发现了数量巨大的司机资料。
其中8 975个司机在此项研究覆盖的1988-1998共11年中曾出过重大交通事故。
“We looked at the month prior to a fatal accident, and the number of traffic convictions, and then the same month in the year before,” says Tibshirani, a statistician. “What we found was that there were fewer tickets in the month before a fatal accident than there were a year before, and that suggests there’s a protective effect of having a ticket.”统计学家提波施拉尼说:“我们看了一下出重大事故前一个月的交通罚单数和前一年同一个月的罚单数,发现出重大事故前一个月的罚单要比前一年同一个月的罚单少,这说明罚单有保护作用。
”In other words, when the number of citations went down, the number of fatal accidents went up the following month, and when the number of tickets went up, the number of fatal accidents dropped the following month. The analysis shows that fatal accidents declined by 35 percent because of citations.Apparently, people just drove more cautiously following a traffic citation, but that only lasted a maximum of four months, the researchers say. After that brief respite, it was back to business as usual for most motorists.换言之,当罚单数下降时,重大事故率在接下来这个月就会上升;而当罚单数上升时,重大事故率在接下来这个月就会下降。