
1. - What are they doing now? B一They work in a bank.A. RightB. Wrong2. What do you think of your new job?• A一I think it is very difficult.A. RightB. Wrong3.- Excuse me ,whe时's the supermarket ,please? AIt' s next to the bank.A. RightB. Wrong4. - Are you free on Thursday? B一That ' s a good idea.A. RightB. Wrong5. - Could you sign the register ,please? A—Of course.A. RightB. Wrong第二某些词汇与构造(共计40分,每小题2分)6-25题:阅读下面句子,从A、队C三个选项中选出一种能填入空白处最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项字母符号。
6. I have sandwich fro lunch. AA. AB. anC. the7. I work with David in same company. BA. aB. theC. /8. He sometimes drinks coffee breakfast time. AA. atB. onC. in9. 如1 ark is responsible the international market. CA. inB. of forC. for10. We often have supper at home. BA. usB. ourC. ours11. I don't clean my son's bedroom. He has to do it CA. himB. hisC. himself12. 1 don't need coffee ,thanks. BA. someB. any c. /13. She a teacher in Shanghai last year. BA. isB. WasC. were14. - Does "am" afternoon? A一No ,it morning.. mean ,means B. means ,mean C. means ,means15. You like swimming ,but I _ BA. am notB. don'tC. doesn 't16. Pollyenjoys the guitar in a band in her free time. CA. playB. to playC. playing17. I' d like to 一一-一you to a party this Saturday. AA. inviteB. sendC. leave18. I am not feeling very wel l. to see the doctor. AA. needB. shouldC. would19. - you like a drink?Wine?Beer? B- A beer ,please.A. CouldB. WouldC. Should20. Rose is easy-going than Frank. CA. a lotB. muchC. more21. I am bad at spelling ,but he is than me. BA. badB. worseC. worst22. - are you from? CI'm from Nanjing.A. WhatB. WhenC. Where23. - will the meal take? CIt' 11 take two hours ,I think.A. How manyB. How muchC. How long24. - I' m enjoying the long summer evenings. Aam 1.A. SoB. NeitherC. Nor25. 一I 'm tired. Ataking a holiday?A. What aboutB. Why don' t you c. Would you like第三某些句型变换(共计15分,每小题3分)26-30小题:依照括号里提示或运用括号里词语改写下列旬子,并将答案写在答题纸上。

分.每小W2分)1一5 ■:眼豪对话内客迭择恰当的选项.L • Think you very much for helping me*A. You1 re welcome.氏It doe^n^t matter.C. No need.2. — Helk>« Lucy. How are you^—And you?A. Finj thank>>B. Yes. 1 «nuQ Glad to meet yoit3. — Help yourself to wme fish.A. It sounds nice.B. Thank you.C. Yrs. please.L — Good marrnng. Far Eas: Logtsncs Company. This ts bn FUnxue May I hdp you?N Good morning > Ms. Lin. Nice to meet ygK、E think yowC. Good morning. Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speakings5・—Herr ytro are t Sir.N All right. B L Yese here we arc. C・ Thank you very much.二•国汇与结构(共计30分.每小U2分)6-20 ■:AS下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中逸出一个茬填入空白处的■隹选项.6. There many people running tn the park every morning.A is & wereG are7. These police often the children across the streetsB. b elpBA. helpG is helping8. It u better to tell wo tn tone to net it .A. fix K h*ed<•'. fixmi9. Thr tm dsy display and tale finrsbed tomorrow^A. is R would beC. will be10. Yem er* planning to export this product to Europe•99A. don#t you H <rtn f l youC are youIL Markets arc the *y«tetn that tome people" • dem«nd» and >omc other peopled ,叩pbe,A reject* A meet»G brid<nI2« Small holo should be made in the cloth to let the moisture out.A< dry & waterproof:U wet)3. ! packing in wooden C*MS>A- prefer H getG think14. ril the remittance for you in our records.A. check in B・ check outC. check up15. There arr some visirnrs io our marketing department next week.A. come: B・ to romingC. cotning16. The woolen glavr^ should in twenty boxes.be packed 矗pMkC・ be packing\1. Bin the charge will be »nd it aho slows down delivery.A. marc vnluable B t cheaperC, higher18. I'd like to know what time we can get the container it is 泊the port・A. why B・ whenC< where19. The third part is the results.A. expect B・ rxpcctingC. expected20. 18 o( the EU members have rrplacrd thrir nnttonal currencies by Euro note* and troinn 2002.A. forB. at(\ flince三、何读埋11(共计40分•佃小H 4分)21-25 n:««T列斌文,从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个正•答案.Everyone hkr^ living in n rlran and comFonable environments If the cnvironntcni bad. it will nUcci our body, and make 眼not (ecl wrlL Somelirncji we mny be terribly ill At that time wc don't wnnt to work# find wc have to my in bed and rest AT home So the environment is very importAnt to u*.hS I he Kcrm lhai nwikrii 11s ill. There ftre germn everywhere^ 1 hey are very small and you can1! find them with your own eyes. You enn sec ihrm with n microscope. There m«y be hundreds of them nn • very a rnnll things Germs can Always be found tn diny water. When we look at dirty water under the mirroscopcr we shflll «cr them in iL Gernu can oiso be found in air and du»t f If you rut your linger> Home of the dust (rorn the floor mny go into it« and you will have much pAin in it. Somenmes thr Rtrm・ will gu into all ol your body. and you will have pnin everywhere.To kerp uw hralthy• we should try our best 10 make aur environment became cleaner and tKlicr. Thi» needs iiu to act together2L Thr writer u» that ・A. we like working when we are illB» we can f T (eel ill if the environment in badC. we feel well when the cnviranmcnt good22. Germu ire•A. very small things that you am'I see with yaur eye*H. the things that don't effect peopleC. thr thinR» that you enn find with your cytn23. Where can germt be found? They can be found.A. everywhereB. in air and dustC. only in dirty water24. How will you frel if Rcrni> go into the Huger that in cut?A. I will {cel nothing.H> I will feel termc.C・ 1 will feel painful.25. From the paiisBK^ we know that.A. rnvironrnrnt affect our lifeB t w<? don't need to improve our environmentC\ grrmn may make u» ill 26—30 8 :阅读下面的句子.根据文星内容进行判断.正确写“T”错误写“广。

L —Would you like a glass of wine?— ________ I don F t dnnk.Ae No, Thinks. R Ye>・ please.C. I don、like it.2. Excuse me< can you tel! me where the nearest bus stop is?—!f m sorry• 1 have DO idea. I _______________ .A< don f t know & am ■ stranger hereC am busy3> —Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu H UA from China?\ How do you do? & Yes. nice to meet you.C Thank you.K. —________ will st take me to walk there?—About ten minutes.A> How far R How longG How much5. —Would you please open this suitcase for me? I can't open «<•A. Oh. sorry to bother you* 玫Actimlly rm not sure-Q OK • let me see.二•司汇与结构(英计30分,每小是2分)120 ■:簿读下面的旬于.从人、B、C三个选项中透出一个催革入空白处的正确透项.并将答寰序号写在答通纸上・6r I __________ a teacher next term.A. will & will beG am1. Can you manAgc to deal ________________ i t?— Yes. ! can.A. with B•: forC from8. It u a __________ to shake hands when you Are introduced to a person-X custom H. customsC customer9. What the ____________ of your city?A. popular 氏pollutionC population!0> You knowt this bridge ______________ Hong Kong. Zhuhai *nd Macau«X comes B. connectsG likes11. One day they crossed the ______________ bridge behind the pahce«A. old Chinese stone Chinese old stoneC. old Mione Chinese12« This box ts ___________ that one-A- heavy than B. as heavy asC- heavier as13. I hope you'll ____________ working with u$ m the future.A・ enjoy R applyG achieve14. Tony has many Chinese _____________ .A. stamp & sumpsC a stamp15. Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke _______________ of the Langiuwi Sky BridgeA- good K wellC highly16. I'd like to have some big apples instead of ^mall _____________ .A< onei B> oneC. it\7. In learning a foreign language> one should First pay attennan ______________ speakingsA> to R within);Ci on1& The book __________ on th«s subjccT was written by an old female writer.A. referring B referring toG referred toI9・ Solir cookm< in i cooktng tnethcxL. convenience K convent tonC. convenient20. Li Lei la __________ ntudent in ourA* tall & the lallesiC» tsller三,•读理■(我计40分,每小■ 4分)21-25 ■:列蝎丈,从A.B.C三个携项中逸出一个正•客■,并将答零序号写在答■ 峨上.Ikiildtrig A H OUM costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you pl an to build ■ house. Your first ftrp will be to find a n<bt piece of Lmd Your choice will depend on many different things. You will prub&bly try to find ■ tumiy phcc* with pleaunt surrounding,《环境>ne«r and bus stops# not too far from your friends and the place where you work.Next ytrn will hiui • Rood builder* ■nd together with the builder you will work out .pl&d Thr builder will drw* lhe plm h will show the number of ruom»» their position and and other which muit be noticed> tuch as windows t doors* and electric outleti.The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your houte. He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks< the glass• and everything e!*e that mint be used in building the house luiter cm. when be turn to build• th is estimate( Hl W >tnu«t be corrected and revised (■fT)・Hit estimate is bawd on existing prices• but prices of such thing* may change• and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the bouse.When The builder gird hi> estimate. you may wish io change your plan. (You may also W)5h to change your build”, if hi» esnmatr is too high!) You my find that the bouse you wranied at first costs too much, ar that you am spend a little more And add *omethin< to your plan. The buikierS esumafe depends an the pkn. but the final pbm depends on the btdWer* a ednmare<2L The besi tide of this pas-agr is ______________ •A- Building n Houaic Cofts Much MoneyK Estimate U ImpartAntQ Planning a House22. The first th:nic for a person io build a bouse _______________ •A. to get xs much money as pos»blcB. to find A suitable piece of landC to work out a planZ3・ The phrawc ^draw thcphn^ in Pmmph 2 mc«n» --------------------------- •A.mAkinf ■ pteturc of ・ building or a roomIk making • phnCL workifyc out • plan24. When the builder starts io build ■ house, his entimjite will have to be corrected rcvtied berautc•h U wrongly worked out by ■ workmenf£ ihr future owner of the house thtnk» the estirruitc t・M> hifh that he cannot "hwJ the buildingc. the priett of building mBtr nah and thr expemes ol hbor may be different “cm the onginal pficet andespefuo2人Whit i» the rrhltonahip between the estimate and lKe plan?A. The pbn depend% cm the otimatCeK Thr plan hat nothing to do wilh the r»timate«C The eititnatc and the plan depend on each othet,25-w■:从A.HX三个遗单中透出一个正■备*•弁梅答修上.F AMACC 2HouMinK i・ the livinit placet for human betngM. As the population keep* climbing# people in the eity hi*c to face the reality thal housing t»in »hon tupply. To SQ I VC thia probtem> New York rny planners «re chaJlenxing traHition and >urtin« to design morr * micro umtK *M KU»・ a ho known M hovt«hMyle M aparimentB t u«uatly offer lc»e than 200 square (evf U8・ 5 square meter*) in area. Could you im^na living in 150 tqiiare feel (H square mrfert)9I hewr umt« utually hart only room lor • bed. • uble min^fridge and the basic living ettcntialt.Why h the micro «p«nmcut to appealing? The nrasone art rather »trAightforward. It w ped",lor single people who d on't have • lot of thing% It can Mto meet the nerd of people who are shori on cash but dctrrmihrd to live In their own pheca.Micro apflrimcntt arc very common in ciiie« like Tokyo and Hong Kong* where thcr* ■rw W many people hvin<. Now thia tiny housing A oJuitan b gaining ground in urban areas tn the U. SL • and Gina<UeThe micro afMrtmrnt t» «n expenment in simplicity in American culture So smotlxak K OET hit i»PAH of • hot trend in U. & real nute. Some people are proud of it. Some of them CM find the humor and (un in their ,null phccs. But not everyone it tn o( the rren(L26. Aceording to the the next big trend m U. & real estate t» _ .A< bi< house & micro apArtmentC> traditionul houseA> the population keep% dimbing t people in the city have to face the reality tlutA・hou“M M in short supply B. how»in K i» very BuHicicntC houtintf • luxury tfoodn28. Why i« the micro Apartment »o appe^hnA?A. h mrcta thr need of wmmne. 队h'・ vrry Mrangc«C h f> excellent.29. Micro upanmentii ure very common tn wmc cities like 一一—•A. BeijingB. UmknG Tokyo30・ How do people think of the nncru apartment?A. Everyone likrib It very much.H Some people think it humnrewn and fun.C Nat cvrrycnr t> in hvar ol the trend.凶.・趴共计20分.・小・4分)31—35i靖从以下A.B.C三个逸以中选出■佳■玫.并符鲁宴序号宫在籥.峨上•31. U you travel alone and want to know better Itmily bf« in Knuin. you*d better May 加B &皿A.如*你!tn・行.《!却谓更好的家取生活在英M. HiK r*英凶的家庭出溶•你■好呆在家里・Q 的居火生活.你可以住在H& &•J2. I*d love to tlure with you my new kitchenware.A.我稚耳策与休分早我的>WA.R我fll乐童仲你分享我的C.我!8乐■手场分配我的KHIU33. I have I CM and enjoy more.A.我有的不*•井且耳我的多.K技ff的做少.&!«•的史名.a我m村的更少.享受的e*.34. I'm <lad lo have thi> opportunity to cxrhangc ideas with you.X我fllAKWiSt机会相你们史快,见,a.我fRKJK■布凯会见购你们・C 机会施机体攵挨・35. The AAtan elephant can br timed and imined.A ♦册欢町成祓1M化.K «TiM■过的亚州假作常皿玺.G童洲敌可以即部定又瓣H.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)一•交除用幽(MI+抵分,<8小H2分)正•的iH句完成下列对话.并将答案序号富在答18蛾上。

1.-Excuse me, where is the post office?- Sorry, Fm new here.选择一项:A.What a pity.B.Thank you all the same.C.Good luck.正确答案是: B. Thank you all the same.2.-Hey, You look so pale. What's wrong?选择一项:A.It's none of your businessB.It doesn't matterC.I didn't sleep well last night正确答案是: C. I didn't sleep well last night3.-Do you mind if I smoke here?-____________You can go to smoke in the yard.选择一项:A.Yes. please.B.You'd better not.C.Never mind.正确答案是: B. You'd better not.4. ____________-My mother is retired. My father is a manager.选择一项:A.What are your parents doing right now ?B.Do your parents still work ?C.What do your parents do ?正确答案是: C. What do your parents do ?5.-Hello, Yang Lin speaking.-____________选择一项:A.I am Carol.B.This is Carol here.C.Do you know who I am?正确答案是: B. This is Carol here.二、词汇语法:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选择一选择一项中选出f 能填入空白处的最佳选择一选择一项。

1.―How are you getting along with your work?―___________________A.Nice to meet you.B.Quite well,thank you.C.I'm ill.[答案]B2.―Would it bother you if I talked to you for a minute?―___________________A.Not at all.B.No,I don't.C.Yes,please.[答案]A3.―Why are you so happy?―___________________A.No,I'm not happy.B.Oh,I finally got a position in a company.C.Pretty good.[答案]B4.―Would you like to have dinner with my family?―___________________A.No,I am busy.B.Yes,I like some books.C.Thank you.I'd love to.[答案]C5.―Could you tell me how to get to the Railway station, please?―___________________A.No, I couldn't.B.Certainly.You can take the No.1bus.C.Thank you all the same.[答案]B二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。

2021国家开放大学电大专科《英语听力⑴》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2149) Section OnePart \In Ihis section • you urc uoins to hear ten words. On vour uns^cr Sher! Ikk (/ ) lhe right vnselin r)tcb word. Yon will hear rnch word twice. (10 poinU)Pari BIn <hi> section. vou arr going【<, hear ten words. ChooM? the word you hear in each group andwrite A. B. C or D on yonr anvwer >bccl. oil will htrar meh word twice. (10 point5)11. A. start B. stood C. stool D・stock12. A. bull B. bam C. bomb D. born13. A. mark K noon C. not D. lord* A. Irani B. fool C. form D・31115. A. pot & pul C, pool D. part16. A. henr B. hut C. horse D. house17. A. should shoot (\ jUiark D. ishot18. A. whin H. wound C. wood D. hood19. A. card tw>k C> cock D. cool20. A. l«rgr R. lord G lock D. l ookSection I wnIn ihiM Methin < you are KO I RR lu hear 10 whorl dialoguet. After each dliil(»((ue> then? wre Zu ttatrnMMibk Decide whether the BUtemcnt h true( T) or false <F) and write your unvwcr on the Answer Sheet You will hoar cuch dla!h|:uc only once. (40 point*) Diahtiiue A2\. John、pnrent!* hnvr gut (our children.22. Suinn m John" younger ainicnDialo^ur U23. 丁he dinlogur S between u cuntontcr and a Rhop*aj»i»B»unt e2L Sijtr H is too amulL25. Vhr man m going to rent « house.26. There lei A »ubway sindon near the houne-Dialogue I)27. Don lives near a 虹hooL2M t Vhr rrnt i、rhr.ip.Dialogue K29. The woman will mkc the flight leaving nt 9^25.:“). The wonuin needs to hr «i the airport al L35.Dialo^utt F31. They are gon)K 2 hnve beef fur dinner.32. The mjin hkm pop mimir.Dialogue G33. The woman is RcinR to give u pnrxy>34. The man will come tD the party.Dialogue H35. Their mum aak* them tu stay at home,36. They will pfx)l>nhly go to the movies.Dialunut I37. They are probnbly (nthcr and dnughtrr.3& The daughter will be home before 7 pm.IhQlunue J39, The man in nut Ute.10, The man got up latc«Scrtlon IhrrcIn 【bls action* you are g<»ing to hciir three pa^gru. After nich passugc (here are questions Ch<XHc the best answer fur each question and write it <>a the Ann^cr Sheet. You will hear cnch patMigc twice. (20 pofnU)14 I. Tomorrow Pll get up early und .A. do nothingB. do morning excrcijien(\ sit around倡.Then I'll RO to the market ta.A. (k» »omc shoppingB. buy Rome clothesC. mrrt my wife13. Tomorrow is the ° Anniversary of our wedding.A. 60B. 40C.50Nnicl roornu arc booked mnnth< before Rummer*A. three B t twoC. fourt hen i* to dn At the ucAnide.A. a lotB. nothingC. Ihtle46< Many people mekv •A. a lot of friencUB. a I DI uf moneyC. « hiR noisePjiggc 317. In a self service reMtaurant • there la no•A. waiter R tableC. food48. pick(s) out the food you wnn< and put it on your imy.A. The waiterB. No oneC. You49. Yau can have A good ms! in miningA. 12 a 10C. 5SOe After you finish eatingt you•A. need to give a tip B t pay for the mealC. jtisi leaveSection FourIn thk section * you urc going to hear u passage. Fill in the hlankN as* you listen to the passa收. Write your answer on lhe Answer Sheet. You will hear the pussage twice. (20 points)In Febninry 1968. Wally Herbert Marled his journey 51) the Arcuc. He went with three men and 52> dogs. The dogs pidled pledges over the ice ond the sJcdgc^ 53〉lhe equipment* The men travelled slowly for 54) months. In the summer the ice rntltvd so they stopped 55)journey. 丁hey stayed on pietts ol ig The ice floated in the 56) and look them to the north. An aeroplane dropped 57) and equipment.《M April 6th. 58) »they renrhed the North Pole< Thenthey travelled to the 59)■ They moved quickly and reached land on 60) 29th.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Sccdon OnePart A(1() 1 point cucli)II. A 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. B16. C 17. A 18. C ID. A 20. B Section 1 w(»(40 ptilnU. 2 'p<iints each >2L T 22. F 23. T 2L ¥25. T26.T 27. F 2& T29. T 30. T31. F 32. *1 33. T 34. F 35. T36. F 37. T 38. F 39. E ・l().TSection Three(20 polttU* 2 point* each)41. BH 12. AVI. A43. C48. C41. H49. B板A50, CSection Four(20 |N»ln<M. 2 pdlnh tach)5L acroMA 52. jiomr53. carried 5L hvr/5 S5« their56. wAtcr 57. food 68, 1969 59. south 60< May。

2021国家开扩大学电大专科《综合英语(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2158)| . V (KMbular )and SlmclurcDirvdions : Bcnvuth each nt the following sentences, there arc rour choices marked A. B. C antD. ChfKtse the one thul bt^l completes the sentcnciL Mark your answer (»n the ANSWER SHEE1\ (20 points)1. 丁he result of the experiment was quite from what I expected.A. different away C MarneD. similar2. He grnduated from the university 10 years ago and still kept in with Severn classmates,A< toiwhB ・ track每 searchD. line3. Shr m«de up her to Ntart her own company>A. brainB. mindC. ideaD. thoughtL Shr could nota decision about what to wear in lhe party.A. doB. rnukeC. arriveD. decide5. On you fell me which place you?A. think over Be have out of mind C, have in the mind IX have in mind6. Sfw opened the door the fresh air to come in.A. ofB. forC. intoD. let1. Vigorous exercise helps prevent illness «nd z rm punantweighv contruLA. of ti. 9 C. withD- for8.you moved into the new *Noi ycu The room."9. A MibjcrlK thr nicchnnmm ol th©t cquiprncnl.A. whirh l hr re rcintiniH** to br intennr (irhntr Ik which contihuo tu be intenhr drbdtrA. has been paintedC. paints 玖 is puntedD. being paintedC nn which t! < <)ntinnr«< to hr inirnne drlmtrIl whftt cununueH to br ihtrfme (I C I MI I C!()• Ar anr times n ronuntir VIWHHI of thr hoinrlrM* wxndwz who lived rnrrfrrr I IVVR mid nnnwered to no one>A. there i・B・ there arcC. there were IX there wa»[| 4 SIluulkifiMl Dlnlnuue*DlrectlotiM: Chmxie A. H «r C to complete eneh conv«rvntion t using the nentcncvt bclow t Markyour un^rr <in the ANSWER SHEE I. (20 points)IL - Iki you •tlonu with your hrathrr1*A. Ns we hnvrh f t been there before.K I I)VK your pnrdon? Yem Arc pulling niy lw<?• Yz. mojit of the timc<12. Iki you mind niy upming ihr window? It f»MI hut ludny,A. Yew. you c?itn dcuH. Yr— H C I DCMO11 nuHirr t(\ No. mH nl nil.13. — Mny I help you find Mjmrthingt or nrr you |iE looking?A. 1 nrn trying io find xoructhing for my dmight"H. Nat dinner is nearly ready.C. I hnt righL TH hove th/H blue ont\1 >L May I «ivc you n hand?A.How nmny hnnch d“ you hwvc?Thnnk you. You nrr »(> kind.C. I don11 need n lift n<)WM(lny5.15. Iluvr you vimtrd Hong Kong?A. Sorry# I'm plAnnmK io RO to New York.H. No・ bui I*vc heard n 15 nn exciting city.C. Yes. ii a lohK wAy to my hometown.16. Have you been to Sydney?A. No. I(h<ln e t go therr last year.B. No< but 1 hope to go there sometime next year>C. No, I wouldn f t go with thenu1 7.— Let me help you get the books back.A. Ycs e I can RH them mywlLIk Pm nil set. Bui thnnks imyway.C. Reftlly? Could you tell mt why?18. Why dnn*! we go gel coffer somewhere?A. Thata Rood idgB. 11 vr lost a !ol of weight.C. Wr used to go there very often.1 r L — Could you tell me where the tissues arc. please?A. It S under a big tree in front of the art building.B. All the woy m the back, against the walLC. PH go to the store and get ytomc more.20. — W<n〔l 1 won f l be nble to moke it. I hnvr n dentist appointnienf at 3: 30 on Fndny<A. Could you po^ibly change it lo、onw olhrr dny。

国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204) 第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小HI 2分)1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight) t不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答宴写在答/纸上.L — Could I speak to Harry t please?—He 13 not in. I'm afraicLA. RightB. Wrong2. — Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9—Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is.A. RightB. Wrong3. — What arc your parents doing nghl now?— My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr.A. RifthiB. Wrong4. —Could you sign the register• pleaxe?—Of course.A, Right H. Wrong5. — How much doeA the fl«t cost a month?—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分伺it:与结构(共计30分.每小整2分)6-20 ff: K)读下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答JB蛾上写出所选的字毋符号/6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen.A. hasB. haveC> is having7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ .A. am notB. don'tC. doesn'i8. — _______ arc you from?—Pm from NanjingA・ What B. WhenC. Where9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. Have10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy.A. doingB. makingC. having11. She h心o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl.A. with H> forI2> People in London oftrn travel _________ n n hour to K()I O work every dny・A. m K 如C. (or13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn?A> her H・ hernCL nhe*«14. She liken playing the violin• but he . 一•A. 19 not Bt don'tC. docsn* l15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenLN rain H・ ruin*(.in nilning16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting,A> be beingC« are\7. I don f t need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanksA> «ny> Mtiy B. ony t »omeC> wmr f Rome18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friendsA. The»c. Thone B, Thi^. ThutC・ Here» I herc19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room.A< i> B. areC. have20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben.A> aitr»ciive tt more attractiveC. very attractiveK3K分句熨变揍(共计15分.每小・3分)21—25小・:■■框号里的提示改写下列句子,弁料菩髯耳在答上.2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. (aS A—22. She will accept a great chailenge«(改为含定句)Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> (用who 分舞同》25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. (JM wtul 对酵分H同)第四部分阅读理解(20分,每小BH分)26-30 18:阅或下列短文.从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系•并在答购纸上耳出所选的字毋符号.What should I do at M party In England7What do t do at the party?You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmea t holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc.You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t<?r> you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople don f t like the smell uf smoke inside.Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk.What do I do when I leave?1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^You should My " Thank you M to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy M h very nice to meet you.”2tk When you 日。

国家开放大学电大专科《人文英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:3895)盗传必究一■交际用语(共计10分,每小越z分)】一5 BL选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答岛纸上。
I. —What is your major?A. Li MeLR A freshmnn.C・ Educatioru2. —Mny I know your address?A. I have no idea.B. Sure. Here you arc.C. Sorry. Kvr forgotten.3. Hi* Tom• how's everything with you?—, and how are you?A. Don't mention itK Hm. not too badC. Thanks4. 1 cun show you around, if you like.A・ Goq)lcaM!*B> Sure. Thank you.C- ! don't like it at all.5. —Hi! Mow are you doing?A. Pm doing well-B. That's all right.C. How are you doing?二,uart:与培构(共计3。
分他小朋2分)6—约1|;闽或下而的句子,从A.IIJ三个选璃中选出一个赃堵入空白处的正■逸璃,并将答案序号可在答■!峨上.6・ She _ » tcnchrr in Shnn^hnt I ANI yearA・M B.wonC. were7. London IM CAPHA I al Hritmne nnd H m gmm city, toththe fl* thc«fC the* a& — i・ D M vid from?一I think hc f a nn Arnertenn. But I'm not yure.A. What K WhereC« How,Linienl Thr Imhy in the next room#' criat B. criedC i* cryinglu. I HIIW him• mid M MWM小hr wg roiiKht by the poher.A</SI I CA I H. stoleC. stolen11・ They !«)nir docinl work nt thr wrrkcrirls.A. drxjn U. didC. du】?•I hr highrr the? Irmpcruturr thr liquid rvnpdrttlcH.A. the Uwter B・ faiitcrG the nlowrrl:L Wv con f t «((<ird a hicyclts n canA・ <?ven if 11 tet nloneC let outLt 血win* Iu»e5« thie* is her ln»t chancr.A- l(...or B. Whcthrro.orC. Whrth<r..etir not15. The gunmnn »iood the theatre and uhoot at the tudimice inside. A. nt the front of B. in fronto((\ on frcmi of|6. Hr her n brnutiful hat on hrr next binhdHy.A. gives K in Koing to giveCt «nvcIT-八<itudrnr will probnbly ultrnd (cmr or five cmir^ durinw EchA. ncmenter B» seminarC・ M?A«onIB. Hr UNually from headneh^.A. endures R receivesC. suffers!9V The traffic accident three dny、ft go-人took place B. happensl\ was Dcrurrcd20. They must try to the boundarirM of knowlrdgr.A- extend Ek increase('• enrich三■«]读建麟(共脸分,每小题4分)21-25 «:««短文,从AJIJZ个选项中选出一个正碗答案,并将答案序号耳在答题纸上。

理工英语(1) 第一某些交际用语(10分)1. -- My mother is retired. My father is a manager. ( A ) A. What do your parents do?2. -- What time does the train leave? ( C ) C. At half past five.3. -- Excuse me,how do I get to the gym,please? ( A ) A. You take the number 66 bus from the supermarket.4. -- What does your sister look like? ( B ) B. She's tall and wears glasses.5. -- Would you like to go with us? ( A ) A. I'd love to.第二某些词汇与构造(40分)6. John is C only accountant in my son's company. C. the7. There B four children in the picture. B. are8. We often have B supper at home. B. our9. B Chris worried about the presentation last week? B. Was10. I sometimes go to the pub A Friday. A. on11. London is A capital of Britain,and it is great city,too. A. the,a12. Have you got B cream,please? B. any13. Lily and Lucy are C a picture-book in their room C. reading14. I have two brothers. One is a driver, C is a policeman. C. the other15.- B is the man near the bank? -- Oh,he is Tom. B. Who16. Which is B ,the Yangtze River or the Yellow River? B. longer17. I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to C a message? C. leave18. He goes to work A foot but comes back home taxi. A. on,by19. My aunt A for her friends at home. A. enjoys cooking20. B does the flat cost a month? B. How much21. Rose is C than Frank. C. much more easy-going22. He is a good student. He B early. B. always comes23.- I like documentaries on TV. -- So B I. B. do24. I C buy any wine. C. don't need to25. When A for London? A. is she flying第三某些阅读理解(20分)Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the………………………Yours faithfully,Jane Simson26. Jane Simson is a graduate from ( B ) B. Dangston University27. What would Jane like to apply for? ( A ) A. The post of Technology Sales Representative.28. What does Jane like very much? ( C ) C. She enjoys working in Business Technology29. Jane is good at speaking ( B ) B. French and German30. Why is Jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks? ( A ) A. Because she wants to get the job.It is Sunday morning. Mrs Brown is working in the kitchen. She is cooking the Sundaydinner. On Sunday the Browns (布朗一家)…………………………..(饭菜).31. The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday. ( B. Wrong )32. Mr Brown has a big family. ( C. Doesn't say. )33. Mr Brown doesn't go to work on Sunday.( A. Right. )34. Mr Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday. ( A. Right. )35. The family enjoy Mrs Brown's cooking.( A. Right. )第四某些翻译(30分)36.She workS in insurance——(在保险行业工作).37.You can't park in front Of the Office building——(在办公楼前).38.——Can l use the phone in the hall?I'm afraid not (恐怕不能).That’safaxmachineluseforwork.39. What would yOu 1ike to drink (想喝点什么),wineorbeer?40.YouneedtO reduce(your)temperature (退烧),肋youshouldtakesomeaspirins.41.He is not very tall and wears glasses.她个子不太高,带着眼镜。

国家开放大学电大专科《英语听力〔1〕》期末试题及答案〔试卷号:2149〕2022盗传必究Purl AIn ythm. you uro icoinu to hcur ten 《M your aiuucr whcvl Ikk (J ) Ihr rielil vowel In each word Vnu will heir rach wnrd twice. (ID |H>I II I H)In thb MCC IU HI t y«n arc tfi>lnn h> hrur leu wordn. ( I HMMC the word you hrur in ruth qroup nnd write A. B, ( nr I) <»n your utuwcr whret. You will hear tMch word twice. (lu polnln)I 1. A. afortn H. >ugnf C »un«Ih >tnrvc12. A. more K movr C. mop 1). rnnrch13. A. Imr It blur C・ I MIAFC I 1). butrhrr14. A. park !t pond C. punh I). part15> A. got K George 厂.Kood IX grew16. A. caunc H. car Q co»t f). I(x>k17. A. dl B. ol C. arm IX uwrIS. A. top K nharp (L put IX porter19. A. Uli H. fuiher C. loot 1). floor20. A. wrong K wno| C. wore T> wurtlSectionIn Ibis section, you .re going to hcur 10 short dm岫0 After each dhlogue. there -re E 心Mtng. Decide whether the .Element h true (T) or false (F) und write your «nnwer on tbr Amww Sheet. You will hr«r each dinl^guc only once. U points)Dialogue A21. Juhn f s parent* have got four children.22. Suwin is Juhn、younger sifter-Dialogue B23. There arc about 1200 studenu in TomS stchool24. Therr arc 40 tenchcrji in that schcxjl.Dialogur ('25. Jane has been living in San Francisco for 15 ysr、26. She wan born in San Francisco.Dialugut D27. Thr mon in ROing to rent u home.26. There is a subway station near the house.Dialogue E29. Thr num couldn't get into his homr after the pnrty.30> He finally Rot in by brcoking 而window.Dialogue F31. The dresx was a birthday present.32. Her birthday was last Saturday.Dialogue G33. Mnry b looking for M new house<34. She IR naw livin« with her family>Dtalogut H35. Motor-rncing is "citing,36. The man thinks it f a a dangrrou* 叩cmIHalugur I37. I hr nun t* tfoinK to book « table for I he evening.3& Hr la Iwioking for five proplr*Ihalo^uf J39, The wumiin in timkinR n 血IL40. I hr man nrrds to hnvc more money.Section llirrcln ,hh收山〞.>ou N rr KoinK lr» hear thrrt p心sg After wh pz■败tberv «rc 函quetUnne Choovr thr 屿 1 ・mscT for each qiiettinn and write It on thr Antwrr Sheet. Yon will hcur aidi pmnatc twice (20 polnlN) PnwiW I4 I. Il cotm *h perwon Mt5 ________________ ta hnvr lunrh in 5■岫& nothing46. Many peoplr make ____ 一 •A. a lot ol fncndu o lot of moneyC M liiK noi«rPu!i»MgV 347. Mr. Smith 、new hou«e is near ____________ •A. thv railway B- theC thr forrMi4& He invited _________ fo design the hounr.A, his best friendB> a famuuh pointer C. one of thr best «rchitectft 4乳 The houfte hm _________ •A. a swimming pool B> N lovely K ・rden C. nn mfturonce50. The house wa« _________ >A. burnt downB. robbedC. rebuiltSection FourIn thb section t you are going to hrur M pa^KHftc. Fill in I hr lilunks as you Iktcn In Ipa<uuiRc 4 Write your nn«wer on the Answer Sheet. You win hear the piavuigc twicc< (20 poinu)A. $1042. You can have ■ chcnp lunch in aA ・ restaurant hotelH. f&Brfood chainr You CMn hnvt n complete lunch nt an inexpensive price from $ 2. 50 to $A. 5. 50&3.5044. Beaple have to book liotel rcxiniAA. nincr _______ ihm holiday MAMS .H beforeC. after・15. There ism du at the iraside* A. 4 lotFire can help people in many Firr cnn heat 51) _________________ ,warm your houses, give light, and cook 52) __________ ・ However, firr i» always a rink. So, rememher 53) ___________ dry clothes in Irani of fire, or Irnvc itoves in the middle of &4) _________________ when! they on ecMly be knocked over. And don't forget to 55> the children wny From Vite.SmokinH may enuse fire. 56) ___________ . Sometimes 5?) ___________ fires enn burn (orests.Be direful with 58) ______ _ • and it will hdp 59) _________ _____ . Be srdem with ftre. and it will 60) ___ a disaslcr.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Serllon OnePart A()0 points t I point cuch)Purl B(I't I pnhil rnrh)1»L l\17-1) 1K.C 19- 2D-l w国家开放大学试题Sccthm Is〞(in |HiinK t 2 jxiinB ruvli)21. 122. V2J. 124. F盛r26. I-27. T28. T29.V30. T31. r32. V33. T31. b35. r36. I*37. T38. !•39.T m i-Srclian 1 hrrv|M»htU mrh)• U A12. H13. f H- B15. \16. n17. B I8.C19. B50. AS<Tth»n Kniir(2 " poinl!!, 2point* ruth)5 L water52. ftx)d53. m>l "・ ro<mi*S5. k< vp56. tuo57. big58. Grv S9» you6D・顷z。

国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2155)2022盗传必究Purl IQuctlkm^i I ID urr bnnrd on Paumgc I. (30 polnHi 3 points rsich> Pattagc I78 New RoodCanford27,K OctoberDear Helrnt1. You'll br pleaded ta hrnt I'm «i1 home mid I CC I HIH much belter 1 »nll Irrl rather waik and tired hut I'm 小Kind to be home. D®<! hon looked After rverylhing really well “ the flat wan fill spick und span whenI citmr bmk.2. Someone fr<im the office enmr ta nee me in howpttnL She told tne nof to KO H«CM*<> work until I (rrl up to it They^vr 睥t A•temp1 in to do my typing.3. It really nicr tu x" your IrttwrR. Thnnk you (or the curd you went mj too.Your fiithcr and I are ptc/iHcd you1 re ncttlmH down nt Univermfy find thm you* vrgot»omr nice friendsEnjoy younirU but work hnrd too.I43VCMinnQtic«tl(mi 1 —10 iRead PuftMittr I and then find u word/ phrase which rncunn the “me g each of the followInit The paragrnph In which I he wi>rd/phmtr appear* h indkiilcd In the bruckrU< Write your .n・wE(»n the answrr wheel.1. take care of(pirngraph 1)2« clcnn and tidy __ paragraph 1)3. be well enou|(h to (doing things) _ . _________________ (pamgraph 2 >4t A perRnn rmployed lor whurt period* of time ____ (pafftgraph 2)5t start living A normal life _______________ (p«ngr«ph 3)Kcud PttMURc I nRuin and then decide whether the rollowlnn «tatcmrnt» ure true or Mw.6. Thia IrUrr wnw wntten by Hrlrti1 * lullwr.1. HrlenS parents live in Canfordt8. Helenmother h Mtill very ill.9. Ilrlrn v ii mother ductn1! need to go bock fa work irnrurdmtrlyeIO t Hrirn e» finrrnifi are very P I CMNIM I to know thnt Hrlrn i» coming homePart IIHmd (he fullowinj: two pazgc carefully and thrn cboose the he*t answer to questions【1—20 accordIn >! to your understand inc of the Write your answers on Iht answer sheet. (30 points. 3 points each)IFa好2CHENGDU Chine” scicntints have drveloprd d computer tohwurr <iy»trm which CAR AUtomalically trnn?ilate Inrcrnet hlt-R into the Chinese Inn^iugn1 he jioftwnrr hm thv copacity to tranMlHic 150<000 Chinese characters p«r hour* with 8Q percent of fhr totnl convent cuNily underNUndahlc ufter the translntion proccD«e1 he rnojor problem hintknnH the development of the Internet in Chm<i is the langunKc Iwirrirr. Many ( hmrne users feel thnt their E BR I IM H\» inndEquate for oprrntmg the Intcrnrt t which In prrdnminnntly in Engl^h.Development of translattnn nohwnrr in purl of a high tech program introduced by the State Science /ind technology Cumminaton in the mid-l980»<I hr wftwnrc# jointly developed by a research inwtitute and 4 university in SuuthwrMt China \ Sichunn I^oviftcci runn in the WtndowM environ merit. Uwer* can ime A motinv to uchievc irwtnnt trAntloiionikt while mainuirnnK thr ortgiriAl format of doctirncrit^ or pictures.1 L The M monily uikcn from •A. R nrwjipjiper A ■ miigaxine「• A novel12. Which □( thr following phrnMes cftn he nurd to replace the word M hmder H in the?»eti tenet "The major problrm h indm ng thr dcvrlopmeni of the Internet in chitu in the IwnHunRe burner,”A. holding on H. holding toC< holding buck13. It can be infmni from thr fin usage Thai Inirmrt in mninly operated thmuKh 一.A* Chinrwe B, EnglishC. (termanH< Which of the following Mutrmrntfi is NOT true Nbouf iranshtton software?A. It IA pnrt ol a high tech pEHrAmmcB. h is developed by a reRcnrch inhtitute und a univerntty in BeljinK<「• It runn m the Windows environment15. Thr l mouMr t in the hit pcirugr«ph rrlcr« E •A. thr 侦mid of which thr CAI the HAtural rnrmyIk . kind of tnounc like toy for children(\ ihe device connected TO A enmpufer io control thr curjuirmovementPiigigr 3Change* In MvdlhmxiAllTHOKH A I IVE SC HOLARS place Chmo、wemi drvcloprnenf at the * lower rnnlium level9 compared to the rr?*t of the world, Chinn hn« gone through nrverni twi»ls and furns Aincc 1949. and many people1* livru h«Ve ehnnged lor better or wor«c N> a rrMult. However• today a gcncrfll imptovrmrni i» cvidrnu Siner 1978 in pnrticuUre muny people*n H(r-9tyk!i have improved at ・ gremer |wicr than in thr previous 30 yenrt-ChineM;hnvc not only inipravrd an their dirt• clothing• housing And the produce they UAC every dny. but their <h»pohublr income han aho greywn n«wrlL By thr rnd uf June 1995. rural and urban bunk Mavinga urnuuntcd io 3.545.& billion yunruFigDCT% ,how th*t Mince the 1990s fommimicAtionA equipments hou!ie$< npartnicnts iind rars have bugun to replace 「\‘ refregerntotw and wanhinK machines ( which in turn replaced hikes# watchrn And Mewing mnrhinr*i ni the beginning of the IDHOn) the Uruoi individual consumption According lo A cunKervntivc cstiinfttce Chinn han About 100• 000 privAtr car$ today. Seven ficrcrnl i)f urban rrnidetHA havr inMnllcd home phoncs< Thr Chi nr P OM! A nd rck^ommunivnnonw Minintry plnn^ 120 million new phone lintA for the year 20Q0. or H phone for every urbxn houBcliold. Todny (ax titAcltinrA. compuirrs und mubile phones /ire very common and Ucr a booming murket.Qiic%lhm» 16 一?0 nrc hwwd on 3.16. fhr peBangrmeetly uikrti (rom .A. « newNpMpcr I、n mAKAiineC・a novel17. The bcntenvc " China 屁gone through hevrrnl iwim nnd turns since 1949” m«y mean that .A. China his changed for better wince 1919Ik Chinn hm chnngrcl (nr wnr^c *inn 1949「•「hm/i ho* gonr through mnny upji And down®18. Which of the following 冶NOT amofig the lint of things that Chincne luve improved on?A# DieU B9 SchoolingsC. Money (or win%I9« According to the pAAMixr« which of thr following appeared the htest AA the rrnult of rcplflrrnirnf*A. ApArtmrntn.B. Woxhing machinesCt Watcher20. urban rcMdrntM have instfllled homr phonrs.A. 100.000B. 120 millionC. Seven pererni ofPart 111Directions $Head pnssa” 4 und then dreick whether the wtttlcmciiti uftcr It arc 1 Rlifc or Fal»e. On your answer sheet«Indicate T for TRUE or F for FALSE atnimt the number for each of itemw 21 30 for Che nn^went you choouc. (20 points, 2 polnli each)PafiAAge 4How to Unr London Telephone*1 Telephone CA IU in Britain arc in two clunneM:locul calh• nnd Irunk cu lh. Short divunce calls of up to about twenty milrn urr clnsiskcd HS local eallkt nnd all culh over longer distanceM are classed MM trunk tnlls.2 In Ixindoni telephones now hnvc Hll-fi«urr numbrrh which d<> not include nn cxchnnKc namet for cx/itnplr, O71-222-287O. If you ninkr a I OCA I telephone mil in Ixindon to n subscriber in London> you leave out thr 071 nnd dial only the leant ^cven figures of the number of the person whom you arc calling. To make o trunk adl to or from London• you dial all the fiRtirej i of the subscriber's number.3 The nnnie!i« addnnd telephone numbers of subscribers in inner London nre nt present printed in (our dirertorirSe There are sepnrntr chrectorieji for people whoMe name* begin with the letterfi A to D・E to K. L to R and S to Z. When you look up A pemon 1!i number in fhr telephone directory• you will find hin name on the left *idr of the column and hm telrphonc number on the n«ht 前dr.4 All call I HJXC* in London orr on the STI) which hnt now bi cn rxtcndrd toM H p/irtA of BritAin v I he letiers Sil) mnd for Sub^t ribcr Irunk Di filing. An<l on ihtA type of trlrphonr you can diol mnny long-diRiancc number* direct nn well ■,local numbers An STI) trlcphonr 1st ununlly Irec< and the coin*box ha» Mlr>tn for cottih. Io rnnke n CA IL you pick up the receiver mid dinl thr number beforeputting uny money into the coin baWhen fhr person whone number you ire nriKing Answers• there will be n 叩tml rapid tonr called thr pAytanc. Ai won m you henr ihifit you put your manry in rhe box. Thr pnytonc th en ntop^. ■nd you can «tart to *priik. To mnkr n trunk CA II by STD. you dud find the STD code numbrr (or thr town thnt you arc calling And then the number of the nubocrihcr. For rxAmpItt the SI L) cade number (or trunk calln from Landon tn Hrintol i\ 02721 if you telephone ・ perwn living in Bristol whose number i»Bristol 29402()> you would dial 0272 29402。

2021年7月3897国开电大专科商务英语1期末考试试题及答案2021年7月3897国开电大专科商务英语1期末考试试题及答案一、交际用语 1-5题:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。
1.―Oh,I am not feeling well.I've got a cold. ―___________________ A.Fine.How are you? B.Never mind.Take care. C.I'm sorry to hear that. C2.―Linda,you speak English very well. ―___________________ A.No,I don't think so. B.Thank you very much. C.Not goo d enough. B3.―Kate,could you answer the telephone,please? ―___________________I'll get it. A.OK. B.No,thanks. C.Yes,I could. A4.―Oh,but how long will it take to reach LA? ―___________________ A.It takes along way to reach LA. ually it takes around 12 days. is very far from here. B5.―Hello,David。
I haven't heard from you for along time.How have you been recently? ―___________________ A.That's all right.B.Longtime no see.C.Not bad,thank you. C 二、词汇与结构 6.The whole family_________enjoying the beautiful music now. A.are all B.all is C.all are A 7.―How many children_________in the picture? ―Three. A.are there B.is there C.have there A 8.We're sorry to tell you that your remittance_________yet.A.won't arriveB.hasn't arrivedC.doesn't arrive B 9.This story is about some American students_________learned business skills by operating their own banks. A.who B.which C.whom A 10.Now,we have enlarged and_________our domestic market and European market. A.consolidated B.merged C.purchased A 11.If you want to pay_________something in another currency,you have to change your money into the other money. A.in B.for C.back B 12.I'll get your RMB for you while you're_________these forms. A.filling out B.taking out C.working out A 13.The question_________we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team. A.which B.whether C.what B 14.Do you think you could cut it_________30%? A.by B.down C.at A 15.I have finished_________your project plan.A.readB.to readC.reading C 16.Prices may change quickly if supply or demand_________. A.changes B.change C.will change A 17.Actually, buyers are the group of people_________want to buy certain goods or services. A.they B.who C.which B 18.The next shareholder's meeting was_________at the end of this year.A.schedulededC.made A 19.A week ago,I sent him a statement_________the amount overdue. A.show B.showing C.showed B 20._________is very important that you don't make any mistakes when you calculate those figures. A.That B.WhatC.It C 三、阅读理解 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。

2021国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语1》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3895)-,交际用塔(共计M分.督小分)下面的小对话.选择恰当的答Of,并再答K序号写在答■纸上•L — Hi# Pm Melinda Smitht nine to meet you all hemA> Certainlytt Many thanksC Nice to meet you. too2.—Hu Melinda. Gin I make ■ brief intrcuiuctkin of the office work to you?、Thanks for callingR Thank you! It's very kind of youC Not coo b.d& —May I see your tickets > please?A- Sure& No. you can f tG No. they are mine4. —Why don't you come and join ua fox a <Unce?—•A・ I oin'te but thank youIk 1 should workSorry• l*d like to5. — Whot color would you like?A. You chooseB» 1 can f t decideC* I want the green one二•阊W与蜡构(我针30分小112分)6一2()■:湄R下面的句于.从A.B.C三个逸项中逸出一个能增入sett的・弁将答宴停号N在答1|雄上・6. Um ______ to do anything al your wor<LA・ real! R nchC rmdy7< Tilt tcachrr jihowrd the stuikritn the hboratory«A・ on K •<ground8. A wrll pb description can ・mwc?r A lot of qurntinnA from job >crkerKA> written A writeG wrote9. It is very important for UR ro find n __________ between work life and hemw hie.A< way & baUticeG bknk10. Do you undrrAtnnd ________ the rcacher Mid?A< what B- whmQ whyIL II will uke u» ___________ hour to get there-A. * H-.'twoC anI2> Plrote hand _________ your homework in time-A« on B. outC. inIX Cd lovr to have A break, but I can*: ___________ "化time now.A. spare 队叩血C. »pcak11- Within the tcamt a work plan can tel! each member what t» being ___________ andA do a didC deme “戚Hr Mid this would __________ c orapames (mtn creatinf new jobf>A. prevent Ek protectC prove成(>n our _______ wr were told that our room* h・d tux been rewrvccL、arH”! K am rd(L ArrivingI。

L —Would you like a glass of wine?— ________ I don F t dnnk.Ae No, Thinks. R Ye>・ please.C. I don、like it.2. Excuse me< can you tel! me where the nearest bus stop is?—!f m sorry• 1 have DO idea. I _______________ .A< don f t know & am ■ stranger hereC am busy3> —Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu H UA from China?\ How do you do? & Yes. nice to meet you.C Thank you.K. —________ will st take me to walk there?—About ten minutes.A> How far R How longG How much5. —Would you please open this suitcase for me? I can't open «<•A. Oh. sorry to bother you* 玫Actimlly rm not sure-Q OK • let me see.二•司汇与结构(英计30分,每小是2分)120 ■:簿读下面的旬于.从人、B、C三个选项中透出一个催革入空白处的正确透项.并将答寰序号写在答通纸上・6r I __________ a teacher next term.A. will & will beG am1. Can you manAgc to deal ________________ i t?— Yes. ! can.A. with B•: forC from8. It u a __________ to shake hands when you Are introduced to a person-X custom H. customsC customer9. What the ____________ of your city?A. popular 氏pollutionC population!0> You knowt this bridge ______________ Hong Kong. Zhuhai *nd Macau«X comes B. connectsG likes11. One day they crossed the ______________ bridge behind the pahce«A. old Chinese stone Chinese old stoneC. old Mione Chinese12« This box ts ___________ that one-A- heavy than B. as heavy asC- heavier as13. I hope you'll ____________ working with u$ m the future.A・ enjoy R applyG achieve14. Tony has many Chinese _____________ .A. stamp & sumpsC a stamp15. Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke _______________ of the Langiuwi Sky BridgeA- good K wellC highly16. I'd like to have some big apples instead of ^mall _____________ .A< onei B> oneC. it\7. In learning a foreign language> one should First pay attennan ______________ speakingsA> to R within);Ci on1& The book __________ on th«s subjccT was written by an old female writer.A. referring B referring toG referred toI9・ Solir cookm< in i cooktng tnethcxL. convenience K convent tonC. convenient20. Li Lei la __________ ntudent in ourA* tall & the lallesiC» tsller三,•读理■(我计40分,每小■ 4分)21-25 ■:列蝎丈,从A.B.C三个携项中逸出一个正•客■,并将答零序号写在答■ 峨上.Ikiildtrig A H OUM costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you pl an to build ■ house. Your first ftrp will be to find a n<bt piece of Lmd Your choice will depend on many different things. You will prub&bly try to find ■ tumiy phcc* with pleaunt surrounding,《环境>ne«r and bus stops# not too far from your friends and the place where you work.Next ytrn will hiui • Rood builder* ■nd together with the builder you will work out .pl&d Thr builder will drw* lhe plm h will show the number of ruom»» their position and and other which muit be noticed> tuch as windows t doors* and electric outleti.The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your houte. He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks< the glass• and everything e!*e that mint be used in building the house luiter cm. when be turn to build• th is estimate( Hl W >tnu«t be corrected and revised (■fT)・Hit estimate is bawd on existing prices• but prices of such thing* may change• and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the bouse.When The builder gird hi> estimate. you may wish io change your plan. (You may also W)5h to change your build”, if hi» esnmatr is too high!) You my find that the bouse you wranied at first costs too much, ar that you am spend a little more And add *omethin< to your plan. The buikierS esumafe depends an the pkn. but the final pbm depends on the btdWer* a ednmare<2L The besi tide of this pas-agr is ______________ •A- Building n Houaic Cofts Much MoneyK Estimate U ImpartAntQ Planning a House22. The first th:nic for a person io build a bouse _______________ •A. to get xs much money as pos»blcB. to find A suitable piece of landC to work out a planZ3・ The phrawc ^draw thcphn^ in Pmmph 2 mc«n» --------------------------- •A.mAkinf ■ pteturc of ・ building or a roomIk making • phnCL workifyc out • plan24. When the builder starts io build ■ house, his entimjite will have to be corrected rcvtied berautc•h U wrongly worked out by ■ workmenf£ ihr future owner of the house thtnk» the estirruitc t・M> hifh that he cannot "hwJ the buildingc. the priett of building mBtr nah and thr expemes ol hbor may be different “cm the onginal pficet andespefuo2人Whit i» the rrhltonahip between the estimate and lKe plan?A. The pbn depend% cm the otimatCeK Thr plan hat nothing to do wilh the r»timate«C The eititnatc and the plan depend on each othet,25-w■:从A.HX三个遗单中透出一个正■备*•弁梅答修上.F AMACC 2HouMinK i・ the livinit placet for human betngM. As the population keep* climbing# people in the eity hi*c to face the reality thal housing t»in »hon tupply. To SQ I VC thia probtem> New York rny planners «re chaJlenxing traHition and >urtin« to design morr * micro umtK *M KU»・ a ho known M hovt«hMyle M aparimentB t u«uatly offer lc»e than 200 square (evf U8・ 5 square meter*) in area. Could you im^na living in 150 tqiiare feel (H square mrfert)9I hewr umt« utually hart only room lor • bed. • uble min^fridge and the basic living ettcntialt.Why h the micro «p«nmcut to appealing? The nrasone art rather »trAightforward. It w ped",lor single people who d on't have • lot of thing% It can Mto meet the nerd of people who are shori on cash but dctrrmihrd to live In their own pheca.Micro apflrimcntt arc very common in ciiie« like Tokyo and Hong Kong* where thcr* ■rw W many people hvin<. Now thia tiny housing A oJuitan b gaining ground in urban areas tn the U. SL • and Gina<UeThe micro afMrtmrnt t» «n expenment in simplicity in American culture So smotlxak K OET hit i»PAH of • hot trend in U. & real nute. Some people are proud of it. Some of them CM find the humor and (un in their ,null phccs. But not everyone it tn o( the rren(L26. Aceording to the the next big trend m U. & real estate t» _ .A< bi< house & micro apArtmentC> traditionul houseA> the population keep% dimbing t people in the city have to face the reality tlutA・hou“M M in short supply B. how»in K i» very BuHicicntC houtintf • luxury tfoodn28. Why i« the micro Apartment »o appe^hnA?A. h mrcta thr need of wmmne. 队h'・ vrry Mrangc«C h f> excellent.29. Micro upanmentii ure very common tn wmc cities like 一一—•A. BeijingB. UmknG Tokyo30・ How do people think of the nncru apartment?A. Everyone likrib It very much.H Some people think it humnrewn and fun.C Nat cvrrycnr t> in hvar ol the trend.凶.・趴共计20分.・小・4分)31—35i靖从以下A.B.C三个逸以中选出■佳■玫.并符鲁宴序号宫在籥.峨上•31. U you travel alone and want to know better Itmily bf« in Knuin. you*d better May 加B &皿A.如*你!tn・行.《!却谓更好的家取生活在英M. HiK r*英凶的家庭出溶•你■好呆在家里・Q 的居火生活.你可以住在H& &•J2. I*d love to tlure with you my new kitchenware.A.我稚耳策与休分早我的>WA.R我fll乐童仲你分享我的C.我!8乐■手场分配我的KHIU33. I have I CM and enjoy more.A.我有的不*•井且耳我的多.K技ff的做少.&!«•的史名.a我m村的更少.享受的e*.34. I'm <lad lo have thi> opportunity to cxrhangc ideas with you.X我fllAKWiSt机会相你们史快,见,a.我fRKJK■布凯会见购你们・C 机会施机体攵挨・35. The AAtan elephant can br timed and imined.A ♦册欢町成祓1M化.K «TiM■过的亚州假作常皿玺.G童洲敌可以即部定又瓣H.试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)一•交除用幽(MI+抵分,<8小H2分)正•的iH句完成下列对话.并将答案序号富在答18蛾上。

2021国家开放大学电大专科《人文英语1》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3896)盗传必究一、交际用18 (共计I。
分.每小#2分)1-5 ■:选择正•的儡句完成下列篇话.笄轲答泰序号写在答■蛾上•L Hu Wang Xin t nice to meet you!— Hu Liu Hui«A- nice to meet you toa& how do you do?C.「m fine# thank you.2.— Srnt belts save lives.A. I won't put on my teat bclbEk I will put on my leaf beb>Q It,truc< I wg3< Tomorrow will b« fine. Shall we go out for ・ picnic?A< Sounds great !B. Good luck !C. Have funfL —Arc you ready to uke ・ nde in my new sports er?A. 1 don't like your tportf car>R Yest I uin9t wait.C No. I won1 r.5・一Whit*» lhe problem • H・rry?A. No problem.K I can T t remember where 1 left myC Not at alt二与德怕(共计30分.每小. 2分)6—20 ■:■IKTI的句孑.从A.B.C三个谊以中爆出一个16埴入空白处的正■逸琪•并料荟■序号耳在答■蛾上.6. The ca»e happened ____ Tur«iay afternoon.A. hi:It onC at .;• I got a pfe»ent t an iPad my l>m! frirnd-A. with K toU from& The •rbcxih informed the parent* I hr ruse immedtiitrly.io B- toC. of9. The trftin is running fifty miles•A< ・ti hour K th« hourC- ■ hour10. You Ml Fwive your own room.A. all ; & eachC bothIL WeU t I hmrd him he f d cover the afternoon ・hi”・A* say R MidC to12. The traffic accident three da” ago.A. wai happened K tooh placeC・WM occurredIX Soaal workers thould leirn how to <b^ peopleA< look ft look intoG Inok afterH> They>ome social work At the weekendsAd。
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国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204) 第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小HI 2分)1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight) t不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答宴写在答/纸上.L — Could I speak to Harry t please?—He 13 not in. I'm afraicLA. RightB. Wrong2. — Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9—Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is.A. RightB. Wrong3. — What arc your parents doing nghl now?— My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr.A. RifthiB. Wrong4. —Could you sign the register• pleaxe?—Of course.A, Right H. Wrong5. — How much doeA the fl«t cost a month?—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.A. RightB. Wrong第二部分伺it:与结构(共计30分.每小整2分)6-20 ff: K)读下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答JB蛾上写出所选的字毋符号/6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen.A. hasB. haveC> is having7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ .A. am notB. don'tC. doesn'i8. — _______ arc you from?—Pm from NanjingA・ What B. WhenC. Where9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings?A. Is thereB. Are thereC. Have10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy.A. doingB. makingC. having11. She h心o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl.A. with H> forI2> People in London oftrn travel _________ n n hour to K()I O work every dny・A. m K 如C. (or13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn?A> her H・ hernCL nhe*«14. She liken playing the violin• but he . 一•A. 19 not Bt don'tC. docsn* l15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenLN rain H・ ruin*(.in nilning16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting,A> be beingC« are\7. I don f t need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanksA> «ny> Mtiy B. ony t »omeC> wmr f Rome18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friendsA. The»c. Thone B, Thi^. ThutC・ Here» I herc19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room.A< i> B. areC. have20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben.A> aitr»ciive tt more attractiveC. very attractiveK3K分句熨变揍(共计15分.每小・3分)21—25小・:■■框号里的提示改写下列句子,弁料菩髯耳在答上.2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. (aS A—22. She will accept a great chailenge«(改为含定句)Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> (用who 分舞同》25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. (JM wtul 对酵分H同)第四部分阅读理解(20分,每小BH分)26-30 18:阅或下列短文.从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系•并在答购纸上耳出所选的字毋符号.What should I do at M party In England7What do t do at the party?You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmea t holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc.You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t<?r> you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople don f t like the smell uf smoke inside.Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk.What do I do when I leave?1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^You should My " Thank you M to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy M h very nice to meet you.”2tk When you 日。
io get n drink for yournclf • you Mhould____________ •A< tniroihice youthrlf firmK. a((rr to grt drinks (or other people in thr group《:. o*k (or pcrmtMion27. You should not tnlk About ___________ w ith new proplA. the town you are inB. trlrvision ytugnin^C. pcrwnnl qurntion^ nbiHit fatmly2H. Pc“plc dun'l like the •cncll ol srnokc inside# •(> you iihould _______________ •A. not Mmokc before you go to n punyB. go outside to »rnokcC. nmoke in thr kitchen211. _______ E drunk at A pnrty tA. Yau should neverB. OK toC・ You should Btiy »orry if you30> You My "h wn* very nice to meet you" when you ________________ .A. meet other MUEWIk leave the people yau hdkrd to At thr partyC. meet your hout^第五部分H谆(共计25分.每小n 5分)31-35 1!:将下列英文句子翻译成中文,并将告宴写在答88雄上・31. She doc>n * I like borrowing lhm.5 from othrr^32. I prefer watching TV to listening to IOUMC.33. Which supermarket would you like to go to?34. The trmprrAturc dornn *l go below 5 <kgrrt?H in 5pring here.35. It lakeA forty minultA TO «et (rum the airport to the city center by tnxi. 试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)第一郎分I. A 交际用it(QH 2分,共I。