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国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语1》2021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204) 第一部分交际用语(共计10分.每小HI 2分)
1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight) t不恰当的选B (Wrong),并将答宴写在答/纸上.
L — Could I speak to Harry t please?
—He 13 not in. I'm afraicL
A. Right
B. Wrong
2. — Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9
—Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is.
A. Right
B. Wrong
3. — What arc your parents doing nghl now?
— My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr.
A. Rifthi
B. Wrong
4. —Could you sign the register• pleaxe?
—Of course.
A, Right H. Wrong
5. — How much doeA the fl«t cost a month?
—The cheapest one is on the tenth floor.
A. Right
B. Wrong
6-20 ff: K)读下面的句子.从A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答JB蛾上写出所选的字毋符号/
6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen.
A. has
B. have
C> is having
7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ .
A. am not
B. don't
C. doesn'i
8. — _______ arc you from?
—Pm from Nanjing
A・ What B. When
C. Where
9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings?
A. Is there
B. Are there
C. Have
10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy.
A. doing
B. making
C. having
11. She h心o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl.
A. with H> for
I2> People in London oftrn travel _________ n n hour to K()I O work every dny・
A. m K 如
C. (or
13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn?
A> her H・ hern
CL nhe*«
14. She liken playing the violin• but he . 一•
A. 19 not Bt don't
C. docsn* l
15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenL
N rain H・ ruin*
(.in nilning
16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting,
A> be being
C« are
\7. I don f t need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanks
A> «ny> Mtiy B. ony t »ome
C> wmr f Rome
18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friends
A. The»c. Thone B, Thi^. Thut
C・ Here» I herc
19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room.
A< i> B. are
C. have
20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben.
A> aitr»ciive tt more attractive
C. very attractive
2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. (aS A—
22. She will accept a great chailenge«(改为含定句)
Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)
24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> (用who 分舞同》
25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. (JM wtul 对酵分H同)
26-30 18:阅或下列短文.从AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系•并在答购纸上耳出所选的字毋符号.
What should I do at M party In England7
What do t do at the party?
You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmea t holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc.
You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t<?r> you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople don f t like the smell uf smoke inside.
Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk.
What do I do when I leave?
1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^
You should My " Thank you M to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy M h very nice to meet you.”
2tk When you 日。
io get n drink for yournclf • you Mhould____________ •
A< tniroihice youthrlf firm
K. a((rr to grt drinks (or other people in thr group
《:. o*k (or pcrmtMion
27. You should not tnlk About ___________ w ith new propl
A. the town you are in
B. trlrvision ytugnin^
C. pcrwnnl qurntion^ nbiHit fatmly
2H. Pc“plc dun'l like the •cncll ol srnokc inside# •(> you iihould _______________ •
A. not Mmokc before you go to n puny
B. go outside to »rnokc
C. nmoke in thr kitchen
211. _______ E drunk at A pnrty t
A. Yau should never
B. OK to
C・ You should Btiy »orry if you
30> You My "h wn* very nice to meet you" when you ________________ .
A. meet other MUEW
Ik leave the people yau hdkrd to At thr party
C. meet your hout^
第五部分H谆(共计25分.每小n 5分)
31-35 1!:将下列英文句子翻译成中文,并将告宴写在答88雄上・
31. She doc>n * I like borrowing lhm.5 from othrr^
32. I prefer watching TV to listening to IOUMC.
33. Which supermarket would you like to go to?
34. The trmprrAturc dornn *l go below 5 <kgrrt?H in 5pring here.
35. It lakeA forty minultA TO «et (rum the airport to the city center by tnxi. 试题答案及评分标准
I. A 交际用it(QH 2分,共I。
2. A
3. H
第二■分UOJE^tt 构(每IS 2分.共3。
6. A
10.1. 4
II. A 12.C 13. A 14.C I5.C
I6. A 17. B 1«. A 19. H 20. B 第三部分句员变襁(每HJ 3分,共16分)
2L Are thrrr it lot of problrnis in ihia curnpunyS management?
22. She won't accept ■ great chnllcttKe.
23. Ik wnnta to hrenk the rule.
24. Who arc they going io invite to their party?
25. What are you interrAtrd in?
2&B 27. C 28. H 29. A 30. B
32 .与听齿乐相比,我史肉我舀电视・