111零气发生器说明 书






3.点位布设3.1 定义环境空气质量评价城市点,是以监测城市建成区的空气质量整体状况和变化趋势为目的而设置的监测点,参与城市环境空气质量评价。


每个环境空气质量评价城市点代表范围一般为半径500 米至4 千米,有时也可扩大到半径 4 千米至几十千米(如对于空气污染物浓度较低,其空间变化较小的地区)的范围。


3.2 点位数量要求各个城市环境空气质量评价城市点的最少数量应符合表1 的要求。


表 1 环境空气质量评价城市点设置数量要求3.3 布设原则城市点的布设要保证点位具有代表性、可比性、整体性、前瞻性和稳定性的原则,其中代表性、可比性是质量控制的重点。






3.4 布设要求(1)位于各城市的建成区内,并相对均匀分布,覆盖全部建成区。



Model 111零气发生气使用手册•目录•一、概述 (1)二、工作原理 (2)三、使用与操作 (3)四、维护与保养 (4)五、故障诊断和排除 (4)一、概述•Model 111型零气发生器是空气自动监测系统中一台关键设备。



压缩机系统将空气压缩后输入到零气发生器中,零气发生器产生不含被测污染气体(如:SO2, CO, O3, NO, NO2 和 HC 等)的零气。

Model 111型零气发生器可以为各种空气自动监测系统提供足够稳定的零气。

二、工作原理图(一)是Model 111的气体流程示意图。

图一气体流程图图(二)是Model 111仪器组件的安装图(顶视图)。





•••三、使用与操作1、将空气机的出气口接到Model 111仪器的进气口,将Model 111仪器的出气口接到Model 146仪器的进气口,或接到Model 200SPC 仪器的零气口。


3、打开压缩机的输出阀门,调节聚结过滤器后面的压力调节器到 40-50psi。

4、打开Model 111仪器,仪器内部的冷却风扇将启动工作。


调节面板上的压力调节器到 30-40 psi,调节温度控制器到刻度盘上的375℃。

图(3)为Model 111仪器的面板图。

海天 800P-Z 多功能电热蒸汽发生器 操作手册说明书

海天 800P-Z 多功能电热蒸汽发生器 操作手册说明书

目录一、产品简介 (1)1.1产品型号命名规则 (1)1.2功能代号命名规则 (1)1.3产品铭牌 (3)1.4产品外观 (4)1.5技术规范 (8)1.6产品设计执行标准 (10)1.7安全事项 (10)1.8注意事项 (12)1.9日常检查和保养 (14)二、控制面板介绍 (15)2.1控制面板概述 (15)2.2控制面板及安装支架结构尺寸 (16)2.3控制面板操作说明 (18)2.4参数设置方法 (18)2.5功能码区内与区间的切换方法 (19)2.6面板显示内容介绍 (20)三、安装接线 (21)3.1外围接线图 (21)3.2变频器安装 (23)3.3接线 (23)3.4控制端子功能简介 (26)3.5主回路的电压、电流和功率的测量方法 (30)3.6功率回路推荐配线 (32)3.7保护导体(地线)的截面积 (32)3.8总体接线示意图 (33)3.9传导和辐射干扰对策 (34)四、简易操作与运行指南 (40)4.1产品基本知识 (40)4.2简易操作指南 (41)4.3基本控制运行指南 (44)五、功能参数 (50)5.1基本参数 (50)5.2运行控制 (60)5.3多功能输入输出端子 (69)5.4模拟量输入输出 (78)5.5多段速度控制 (84)5.6辅助功能 (89)5.7故障与保护 (94)5.8电机参数 (99)5.9通讯参数 (104)5.10PID参数 (105)5.11转矩控制参数区 (111)附录1 常见故障处理 (114)附录2 产品一览表及结构型式一览表 (118)附录3 制动电阻推荐选型表 (122)附录4 通讯手册 (123)附录5 供水系统参考连线图 (135)附录6 功能码速查表 (138)附录7 输入滤波器型号及尺寸 (169)升级记录: (174)敬告用户: (175)产 品 简 介一、产品简介本使用手册简要介绍了E800系列变频器的安装接线、参数设定及操作使用的有关事项,务请妥善保管。

Parker Balston 75-82S 爆破防护零气生成器说明书

Parker Balston 75-82S 爆破防护零气生成器说明书

For assistance, call toll-free at 800-343-4048These instructions must be thoroughly read and understood before installing and operat-ing this product. Modification of the unit will result in voiding the warranty. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Technical Services Department at 800-343-4048,**********************************************************.Forotherlocationsoutside North America, please contact your local representative.Please save product packaging for future use.The Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator is certified to operate in a Canadi-an Standards Association (CSA) Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C & D environment. The CSA logois displayed on the product label on the cover of the unit.The 75-82S will remove hydrocarbons from on-site compressed air to a total concentration of lessthan 0.1 ppm (measured as methane) at a capacity of 1000 cc/min (1). The Explosion-Proof Zero AirGenerator may be used to produce fuel air for a Flame Ionization Detector (FID) or as a zero refer-ence for any process instruments measuring hydrocarbon concentration.The Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator consists of an explosion-proofenclosure, two flame arrestors, a hydrocarbon catalyst module, and a 0.5 micron particulate filter.All internal components of the 75-82S are stainless steel to resist corrosion.Two versions of the Parker Balston Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator are available to meetworld-wide electrical power supply specifications. The systems available are compatible with120VAC/60 Hz and 220VAC/50 Hz. Please see the ordering information on page 4 of this bulletinfor further information.Parker Balston 75-82S, 75-82S-220 Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator ®System Description Installation, Operation and Maintenance (1) Note: The 75-82S-220 has a maximum flow capacity of 650 cm/min to meet rated hydrocarbonremoval to 0.1 ppm2Parker Hannifin Corporation Bulletin TI-7582S-KLocationTo prevent explosion and serious injury, the Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Gen-erator must be installed by a licensed electrician according to CSA, Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C & D regulations. All connecting wiring for the 75-82S must be rated for at least Class A service (220°F/105°C). In group B atmospheres, conduit runs must not exceed 2" (50mm) in size. To prevent ignition in group B and C atmospheres, all conduit runs must have sealing fittings connected within 1 1/2" of the enclosure. Keep cover tightly closed while the unit is in operation.All installation, operation, and maintenance activities for the Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator should be performed by suitable personnel using reasonable care.The Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator should be located near the instruments which are being supplied with zero air from the unit. Care should be taken to protect the unit from se-vere weather conditions. There is no limit to the distance between the generator and the point of use as long as the tubing material, cleanliness, and pressure drop are taken into consideration. The zero air generator must be located in an environment where the ambient temperature is between 40°F and 100°F(4°C and 38°C).The 75-82S is designed to be wall-mounted. The unit must be mounted in the vertical position as shown in Figure 2. Do not install the unit in the horizontal position or the integrity of the zero-grade air will be compromised. The mounting holes located at the rear of the unit should be used to secure the unit to a wall using National Electrical Code (NEC) and local building code guidelines. All mounting hardware should be adequately sized to hold the weight of the 75-82S in place when pressed Air - The compressed air inlet and outlet ports on the 75-82S are 1/4" NPT. The com-pressed air supply for the 75-82S should be clean, dry, and at a pressure and flow rate greater than re-quired at the point of use. If extra prefiltration is required, contact your local representative for product recommendations.Note: The hydrocarbon catalyst module can be contaminated by high concentrations of lead, sulfur, or phosphorous compounds, heavy metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, chlorofluorocar-bons, and long chain polymers. Care should be taken to avoid introducing these compounds into the Zero Air Generator. Specifically, assure that none of these compounds are stored near the inlet to the compressor supplying the system with compressed air. The intake for the com-pressor should be vented to the outdoors.Power - The electrical requirement for the 75-82S is 120 VAC/60 Hz, 0.5 amp. The electrical require-ment for the 75-82S-220 is 220 VAC / 50 Hz, 0.25 amp.Note: Do not install this product on a ground fault interrupt circuit (GFI). Generator electrical characteristics may cause the GFI to trip during operation.Tubing - The outlet port of the Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator is 1/4" female NPT and is located on the right side of the unit (see Figure 1). Tubing that is used downstream from the Zero Air Generator should be clean stainless steel or pre-cleaned refrigeration-grade copper tubing (1/4" O.D. x .030" wall ). Do not use plastic tubing downstream from the 75-82S. Outgas-sing from the plastic may contaminate the zero air. Use PTFE tape on all inlet and outlet NPT fittings. (Thread sealing compounds may contaminate the process stream.) All connections to the 75-82S should be suitable for use at 125 psig.If pre-cleaned copper tubing is unavailable, standard copper tubing may be cleaned by the customer. First, connect the tubing to a supply of clean inert gas (N 2, He). Next, initiate the gas flow through the tubing (5-10 cc/min.). Finally, heat the tubing with a propane torch, moving the flame at a rate of approximately 1/2 in./sec. in the direction of flow. This procedure removes waxes and oils used in the manufacture of the copper tubing.2002N-1B1-BX - If prefiltration of the compressed air is required, the Parker Balston 2002N-1B1-BX filter assembly (1/4" NPT) is ideal for removing oil, water, and particulate matter from the compressed air supply.IK76803 Installation Kit - The IK76803 Installation Kit includes all the fittings required to bring the 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator on line quickly and easily.72-130-V883 Pressure Regulator - To control the incoming air pressure to the zero air generator, Parker recommends the use of a pressure regulator. The 72-130-V883 is a pressure regulator with 1/2" NPT inlet and outlet ports, assembled with a 0-130 psig (0-9.3 barg) pressure gauge. For more information, please request the Analytical Gas Systems Product Catalog.W-FM7583 Flow Controller -To control the flow rate of air through the zero air generator, Parker rec-UtilitiesRecommended Accessories(see Figure 3)Figure 2 - 75-82S Mounting Dimensions and Orientation Figure 3 - 75-82S Recommended Installation Warning: Do not supply electrical power to the generator until the compressed air flow rate through the unit is at or near the rated capacity (1000 cc/min.). Operating the generator for ex-tended periods of time without compressed air will damage the heater within the catalyst module and void the warranty.Initiate the flow of compressed air to the generator and adjust the inlet pressure to the desired set-ting. The maximum inlet pressure is 125 psig. Set the flow through the generator to 1000cc/min. If the 75-82S output capacity is exceeded, the unit may not perform to specifications. It will take the 75-82S approximately 45 minutes to achieve the outlet purity specification of less than 0.1 ppm hydrocarbons. The Parker Balston 75-82S Explosion-Proof Zero Air Generator is designed to run continuously for 24 hours per day.Final Filter MaintenanceTo avoid explosion and serious injury, service must be performed by qualified service techni-cians. Disconnect the power, depressurize, and allow the 75-82S to cool for 2 hours before servicing any internal components.All maintenance activities should be performed by suitable personnel using reasonable care.The final filter cartridge should be replaced every two years or as needed to maintain flow char-acteristics. The final filter is located inside the 75-82S enclosure, downstream from the stainless steel cooling coil (see Figure 1). It is easily replaced using two 7/16" wrenches (or two adjustable wrenches). To remove the spent filter, simply use the wrenches (one as an anchor) to disconnect the filter from the tubing. Replace the spent filter with a new filter (P/N 75820) and re-assemble. Dispose of the spent filter according to local regulations.Replace the catalyst module every 2 years. Replacement of the module requires less than 30 minutes. Allow the generator to cool for 2 hours before changing the module. The only tools required are a flathead screwdriver and two 7/16" wrenches.1. Turn off the power to the generator and depressurize the unit. Allow the generator to cool for ommends the use of a high purity flow controller. The W-FM7583 Flow Controller is a flow meter and controller with 1/8" or 1/4" compression fitting ports. For more information, please requestthe Analytical Gas Systems Product Catalog.Recommended Accessories Continued4Parker Hannifin Corporation Bulletin TI-7582S-K Explosion-Proof Certification (CSA NRTL/C)Class 1, Division 1, Groups B, C and D Maximum flow rate1000 cc/min. (650 cc/min @220 VAC)Total hydrocarbon concentration<0.1 ppm (measured as methane)Min./Max. inlet pressure40 psig/125 psig Maximum inlet hydrocarbon content100 ppm (measured as methane)Maximum inlet air dewpoint10°F (5°C) above ambient Ambient Temperature40°F to 100°F (4°C to 38°C)Pressure drop at max. flow rate<8 psig Start-up time45 min.Electrical requirements120 VAC/60 Hz, 0.5 amp (220 VAC/50 Hz, 0.25 amp.)Shipping weight28 lbs. (13 kg)Physical dimensions 11"w x 7"h x 6"d (28 cm x 18 cm x 15 cm)75-82S (75-82S-220)System Specifications 1To activate your warranty go to /warranty registrations.2Order an Installation Kit (P/N IK76803).3Keep your product certification in a safe place.4Call the Technical Services Department at 800-343-4048, 8AM to 5PM Eastern Time with any **********************************************.The serial number for the unit is engraved on the bottom of the label on the front cover. For yourown records, and in case service is required, please record the following:DATE IN SERVICE SERIAL NO.Don’t Forget To:Serial Numbers Replacement Parts Optional Accessories DescriptionModel Number Installation KitIK 76803Prefilter Assembly 2002N-1B1-DX, 2002N-1B1-BXDescription75-82S 75-82S-220Replacement Catalyst module75398 75398-220 Final Filter Assembly 75820 758203. Use two 7/16" wrenches to disconnect the inlet and outlet compression fittings from the catalyst module.4. Install the new module, reversing the removal procedure (above). Tighten the 7/16" connec-tions to 1/4 turn past finger tight. (Hint: For ease of installation, connect the inlet fitting first.)5. Check the fittings for leaks.Final Filter Maintenance Continued Parker Hannifin (UK) Ltd Gas Separation & Filtration Division EMEA Dukesway, Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 0PZ United Kingdom Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division 4087 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 。


7.1 运输.................................................................................................................................................... 25 7.2 贮存.................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1 仪器外形简介................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 界面分布及对应功能图.............................................................................................................. 11 5.3 仪器显示界面说明 ....................................................................................................................... 12
5 操作说明 .................................................................................................................................................... 9

气体发生器的结构及产品特点 发生器如何操作

气体发生器的结构及产品特点 发生器如何操作

















































BCHP高纯度氮气发生器SPN-300A SPN-500A使用说明书

BCHP高纯度氮气发生器SPN-300A SPN-500A使用说明书

BCHP高纯度氮气发生器 SPN-300A / SPN-500A使 用 说明书北京中惠普分析技术研究所B C H P 受控文件敬告:1. 在使用仪器前请您认真阅读此说明书!2. 本仪器必须配有空气源为原料气才能工作。

3. 本仪器要以纯净并且压力恒定的空气为原料气。


4. 运输前请务必将电解液倒净!以免在运输途中腐蚀机箱及内部元件,造成仪器报废。

5. 若产品更新,仪器内部结构略有变化,恕不另行通知! 注意:1. 本说明书适用于SPN-300A型和SPN-500A型。

2. 在加电解液时请缓慢将电解液倒入储液桶内。


切勿缺水运行!3. 更换完过滤器中的填充物后,务必要将过滤器上盖拧紧,并将过滤器和过滤器底座拧紧,以免造成漏气。

4. 本仪器标称流量为最大产气量,不能长时间使用在最大流量,建议用气量不要大于最大产气量的1/2,否则会影响气体纯度,缩短电解池使用寿命!企业通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证产品通过国家分析仪器质量监督检验中心检测产品通过国家标准物质检测中心检测产品荣获部级科技进步二等奖产品中国专利号:94222810.3B C H P 受控文件目 录一、公司介绍 (1)二、产品概述 (1)三、仪器各部位名称 (2)四、仪器的安装与使用 (2)五、仪器的工作原理与特点 (5)六、主要技术参数 (7)七、仪器的成套性 (7)八、制造商的保证 (8)九、附图1 气路连接示意图 (8)十、附图2 仪器的故障原因与排查方法…………………………………9 B C H P 受控文件一、公司介绍 北京中惠普分析技术研究所成立于1994年,是目前国内规模最大的气相色谱仪器配套气源发生器的生产厂家之一,产品涵盖高纯度氢气、高纯度氮气、低噪音空气源等各种流量单体机及各种相关组合机。




氮气发生器Nitrogen Generator产品使用说明书Instructions上海衡拓发展实业有限公司产品使用说明书Shanghai Hunter Industry Development Co., Ltd.,1前言1.1主要用途及适用范围本文件主要用于氮气发生器的操作、使用和维修保养。


1.2工作条件1.2.1环境条件1)工作环境温度:15℃~36℃;2)工作环境相对湿度:60%~95%;3)大气:浅海、有盐雾;1.2.2电源1)用户提供一路电源:380V AC,3Φ,50Hz。




2.1.2主要性能参数1)进气压力: 1.0MPa2)进气流量:~1615m3/h(标况)3)出口氮气压力: 0.9MPa(产氮纯度≥ 97%)4)产氮流量:≥484m3/h(标况97%纯度)2.2系统设备和主要附件、仪表的规格、型号及性能参数2.2.1膜组件1)型号:NM-510F2)性能参数a)处理量:484m3/h(标况)b)纯度:97%2.3工作原理装置启动后,空压机出口的压缩空气先进入压缩空气储罐,然后进入旋风分离器、精密级过滤器进一步除油除尘除水,接着进入空气加热器(加热温度设定为40℃),这时满足一定压力、温度和清洁度要求的压缩空气最后进入膜分离组件,因膜对不同分子量的各种气体具有不同的渗透性和渗透速率,经过膜分离组件后,氮与绝大部分氧分离开来,富氧从膜分离组件侧边孔排出,而氮气从膜的另一端流出,经过调节阀调节流量与纯度后,满足设定纯度产氮纯度≥97%的标准氮气进入氮气储罐,而非标氮气直接经过打开的气动阀从废氮管道排出。







表1 站点仪器配置表二、运维管理服务要求(一)总体要求(1)空气自动监测子站、气象分析仪、所有相关空气质量监测设备及其它辅助设备(空调、稳压电源等)、电、网络和联网软件系统进行日常运行、维护、维修、质量保证和校准等技术服务工作。











(二)运行维护工作目标运维单位必须建立完善的运行维护工作规范与质量管理体系,确保提供及时、准确、有效的监测数据,子站的运行质量应达到以下指标:1、所获取的有效监测数据必须满足国家《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095-2012)中规定的污染物浓度数据有效性最低要求。



Precision Zero Air User ManualContentsChange History 3 How to use this manual 3 Introduction 4 Safety Notices 5 Symbols 5 Safety Notice to Users 5 Warranties and Liabilities 6 Technical Specifications 7 Environment 7 Inlet Conditions 7 Outlet Gas 7 Electrical Requirements 7 General 7 Unpacking 8 Contents 9 Unpacking Instructions 9 Installation 10 Generator Environment 10 General Dimensions 10 Air Purity 11 Rear Connections 11 Fittings Kit 12 Air In 12 Electrical Connection 13 Start-Up Sequence 14 IMPORT ANT DOCUMENT S15 Service Requirements 16 Service Schedule 16 Service Plans 16 Cleaning 16 Trouble Shooting 17Change HistoryRev. Comment Name Date12345How to use this manualThis manual is intended for end users and has been written so that it can either be read as a step by step guide to installation and usage; or as a reference document where you can skip to the relevant information.Please review each of the following sections carefully.Thank you for selecting Peak Scientific to meet your Gas Generation needs, should you require any further assistance or support please do not hesitate to contact Peak Scientific or the Peak Partner from which you purchased your Generator.IntroductionPrecision is a modular system with differing flow rates that allows you to add multiple generators as your gas and analysis demands change. The Precision Series will keep your gas flowing with consummate accuracy and reliability, whatever your needs, while fitting neatly into any lab space.The Precision Zero Air Generator provides hydrocarbon free air, suitable as a Flame Support Gas at Trace and Standard detection limits.Features include:•Suitable for Flame Support Gas at Trace and Standard detection limits •Generates Zero Air on demand from Compressed Air•Catalyst chamber to remove Hydrocarbons (as methane) to <0.05ppm •Minimum maintenance with only a filter change per annum.•Small and StackableWith the Precision Zero Air based on proven technology, it removes moisture and other gases to leave clean, dry, phthalate free Air.To ensure this Generator model meets our high expectations with regards to reliability and performance, we have tested this new model extensively at our manufacturing plant and with end users around the world to ensure reliability and longevity of the system.Safety NoticesSymbolsThis manual uses the following symbols to highlight specific areas important to the safe and proper use of the GeneratorSafety Notice to UsersThese instructions must be read thoroughly and understood before installation and operation of your Peak Precision Zero Air Generator. Use of the Generator in a manner not specified by Peak Scientific MAY impair the SAFETY provided by the equipment.When handling, operating or carrying out any maintenance, personnel must employ safe engineering practices andobserve all relevant local health and safety requirements and regulations. The attention of UK users is drawn to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Institute of Electrical Engineers regulations.If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment maybe impaired.AWARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure,process or similar, which if not correctly performed or adhered to, could causepersonal injury or in the worst case death. Do not proceed beyond aWARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood or met.A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure,process or similar, which if not correctly performed or adhered to, could cause damage to the Generator or the Application. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood or met.Caution, risk of electric shock. Ensure power to the Generator has been removed before proceeding.Warranties and Liabilities1.The Company warrants that it has title to the Goods.2.Subject to the provisions of this clause the Company warrants that theGoods shall comply in all material respects with any specification referred to in the Order Confirmation (as the same may be amended) and shall,subject thereto, be free from defects in material and workmanship for the lesser of a period of twelve months from the date of delivery or thirteen months from the date of dispatch from the factory.3.Save as provided in this clause and except where the Goods are sold to aperson dealing as a consumer (within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977) all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are hereby expressly excluded save to the extent they may not be lawfully excluded. When the Goods are sold to a consumer within the meaning of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 their statutory rights are not affected by the provisions of this clause.4.In the event of the Customer making a claim in respect of any defect interms of clause 2 hereof the Customer must.4.1.Reasonably satisfy the Company that the Goods have been properlyinstalled, commissioned, stored, serviced and used and withoutprejudice to the generality of the foregoing that any defect is not thedirect or indirect result of lack of repair and/or servicing, incorrectrepair and/or servicing, use of wrong materials and/or incorrect spareparts4.2.Allow the company to inspect the Goods and/or any installation andany relevant packaging as and when reasonably required by theCompany.5.Subject to the Company being notified of any defect as is referred to insub-clause 2 hereof within a reasonable time of it becoming apparent and subject always to the terms of sub-clause 4 hereof, the Company shall, in its option, replace or repair the defective Goods or refund a proportionate part of the Price. The Company shall have no further liability to the Customer (save as mentioned in sub-clause 6 hereof).6.The Company shall be liable to indemnify the Customer in respect of anyclaim for death or personal injury to any person in so far as such isattributable to the negligence or breach of duty of the Company or anyfailure by the Company to comply with the provisions of sub-clause 2hereof.7.Save as provided in sub-clause 2 hereof the Company shall not be liable inrespect of any claim by the Customer for costs, damages, loss or expenses (whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise) or indemnity in any respect howsoever arising including, but not by way of limitation, liability arising in negligence (other than pursuant to clause 6 above) that may be suffered by the Customer or any third party.2002/95/EC RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)Peak Scientific Instruments Ltd fully complies with its obligations towards the European WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) DirectiveTechnical SpecificationsEnvironment1500 3500 Min-Max Air Operating Temperature 5°C - 35°C / 41°F - 95°F Maximum Relative Humidity 70% Non-Condensing Maximum Altitude 2000 metresMin/Max Storage Temperature -20°C - 60°C / -4°F - 140°FInlet ConditionsMin/Max Air Inlet Pressure 6.2-10 bar / 90-145psi Minimum Air inlet Flow (l/min) 1.5 3.5 Minimum Air Quality ISO8573-1:2010 Class 1.4.1 Maximum Inlet CH4 Concentration 100ppm CH4Outlet GasMaximum Gas output Pressure 5.5/80 psi Maximum Outlet Flow Rate 1500cc 3500cc Start-up time 60 minutesOutlet CH4 Concentration <0.05ppmParticles <0.01µm Phthalates NONE Suspended Liquids NONEGas Outlets 1 x ¼” BSPPDrain Outlets NoneElectrical RequirementsVoltage 110 VAC ±10% 230VAC ±10% Frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz Current 110V 2A230V 1A Input Connection C14 PlugPower Cord C13 Socket to Local Connection Pollution Degree 2Insulation Category IIGeneralDimensions cm (inches) WxDxH 38.0 (14.9) x 54.0 (21.2) x 15.6 (6.14) Generator Weight Kg (lbs) 16 (35)Shipping Crate Dimensions cm(inches) 54.2(21.3) x 70.0(27.5) x 44.0(17.3) Shipping Weight Kg (lbs) 19 (41.9)UnpackingAlthough Peak Scientific take every precaution with safe transit and packaging, it is advisable to fully inspect the unit for any sign of transit damage.Check ‘SHOCKWATCH’ label for signs of rough handling prior to un-packing –Any damage should be reported immediately to the carrier and Peak Scientific or the Peak Partner from where the unit was purchased.Follow the unpacking instructions posted on the side of the crate. It will require one person to remove the unit from the shipping crate and lift the Generator onto the bench.Please save the product packaging for storage or future shipment of the Generator.After unpacking and a visual inspection, the unit should beplaced in a ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Careshould be taken not to obstruct the ventilation holes on theside of the unit. The Generator should be placed on a steadyand level base.Performance of the Generator (like all sophisticatedequipment) is affected by ambient temperatures. Prolongedoperation in temperatures exceeding 35°C will shorten the lifeof the unit.ContentsEach shipping box should contain the following: -Zero Air Generator¼” Teflon Tubing¼”x¼” & ¼”x⅛” Compression FittingsUK Mains CableEU Mains CableUS Mains CableInstallation Guide– Precision Zero AirUser Manual CD– Precision Zero AirUnpacking InstructionsThe Precision Zero Air generator weights approximately 16Kg, and as such should only be lifted using safe lifting practice.1.Remove the screws encircled in red around the bottom of the crate lidand lift upwards.2.Next, position your hands underneath the unit on either side, ready tolift.3.Ensuring your knees are bent and your back is straight, lift the unit tothe desired location.InstallationGenerator EnvironmentThe Generator is designed for indoor use only. It should be installed adjacent to the application(s) it is supplying. If this is not convenient then the unit can be sited elsewhere, however, consideration should be made of the lengths of pipe runs as pressure drops can result from extended runs of pipe.Performance of the Generator (like all sophisticatedequipment) is affected by ambient conditions. Note should also be taken to the proximity of Air Conditioning outlets. These can sometimes give rise to “pockets” of air with high relative humidity. Operation of the unit within such a pocket could adversely affect its performance. Consideration should also be given to the air flow around the unit. It isrecommended that an air gap of 75mm (3”) should bemaintained down both sides and at the rear of the unit. Please refer to the drawing below for the general dimensions of the unit.Maximum Ambient Conditions: 35°C (dry bulb) 70%RH (Max) Non-CondensingGeneral Dimensions54.0cm38.0cm15.6cmAir PurityThe Precision Zero Air Generator should be connected to an air supply that, as a minimum, meets ISO8753-1:2010 Class 1.4.1Class 1 ParticulateIn each cubic metre of compressed air, the particulate count should not exceed 20,000 particles in the 0.1 - 0.5 micron size range, 400 particles in the 0.5 - 1 micron range and 10 particles in the 1 - 5 micron size range.Class 4 WaterA pressure dew point (PDP) of +3°C or better is required and no liquid water is allowed.Class 1 OilIn each cubic metre of compressed air, not more than 0.01mg of oil is allowed. This is a total level for liquid oil, oil aerosol and oil vapour.Rear ConnectionsMains Cable ¼” CompressionFittingPowerSwitch⅛” CompressionFittingFittings KitSupplied in the Fittings Kit are all the fittings required to connect the Precision Zero Air Generator to the application. The contents of the Fittings Kit are as follows:1.⅛” Compression Fitting × 12.¼” Compression Fitting x 13.¼” Teflon Tubing x 2m4.C13 Mains Cable (UK) × 15.C13 Mains Cable (Euro) × 16.C13 Mains Cable (US) × 17.Installation Guide–Precision Zero Air × 1er Manual CD– Precision Zero Air × 1The Generator output port is located on the output panel at the rear of the Generator.It is recommended that PTFE tape is applied to the thread on the fittings to ensure a leak-tight fit.Air InAny doubts as to the suitability of your compressed air supply should be referred to Peak Scientific or any of their authorised partners.Electrical ConnectionConnect the Generator to an appropriate 110 or 230 volt single-phase supply, refer to the generator serial plate for input specification and ensure your supply matches the requirements.If the appropriate power cord is not supplied; a new plug, rated to at least 10 amps, can be fitted by a qualified electrician.This unit is classified as SAFETY CLASS 1. THIS UNIT MUSTBE EARTHED. Before connecting the unit to the mains supply,please check the information on the serial plate. The mainssupply must be of the stated AC voltage and frequency. EARTH/GROUND (E):- Green & Yellow or GreenLIVE (L)/PHASE (P):- Brown or BlackNeutral (N):- Blue or WhiteElectrical requirements are 110 or 230VAC nominal +/- 10% depending on chosen model. However, running continuously at voltages outwith this is not recommended. Extended periods at extremes can have a detrimental effect on the operation and life of the Generator.Start-Up SequenceSwitch the generator on using the power switch on the rear panel of the unit. The LED’s on the front panel will illuminate YELLOW for the start-up period.On completion of the start-up period, up to 60 minutes, the fascia will illuminate GREEN. The Generator is now ready to be used.IMPORTANTDOCUMENT SWarranty EntitlementT o register your generator for your warranty entitlement, send the completed form to Peak Scientific by:• Email***************************• Online /service-and-support/warranty_registration• • PhoneF ax+44 (0)141 530 4185+44 (0)141 812 8200PRODUCT WARRANTY REGISTRATIONCOMPANY:CONTACT NAME:ADDRESS:EMAIL ADDRESS:CITY/TOWN:GENERATOR SERIAL NUMBER: POSTCODE:COUNTRY:MODEL TYPE:TELEPHONE:INSTALLATION DATE (DD/MM/YYYY):Important Please Note:You have 1 month to register your Peak Scientific product from the date of shipment.If you wish to defer installation of your generator you must notify Peak Scientific within1 month of the shipment date. This can be done by emailing***************************Once registered the warranty will be honoured for a period of 12 months after the installation date.For any generators that remain unregistered the warranty will begin from date ofshipment.Thank you on behalf of Peak Scientific.Service RequirementsServicing and/or repair of the Generator should only be undertaken by a TECHNICALLY COMPETENT PERSON withthe Generator in a safely isolated condition.Due to the simplicity of the design and the small number of moving parts, the Precision Zero Air Generator will have a long and trouble free life. However as with all scientific and technical equipment it should be regularly inspected and serviced as below.Service ScheduleService PlansPeak Scientific offer two service plans. The Complete Service Plan, specifically designed for Generators operated in critical environments, also includes full breakdown cover, guaranteed response times and Generator upgrades if available. Our Standard Service Plan, covering the basic needs of our Generators, features special deals on spare parts and breakdowns.If you want to know more about our Service Plan options and how we ensure that your instrument can run with the maximum uptime and performance, please contact us at ******************************CleaningClean the outside of the Generator only using warm soapy water and a clean damp cloth. Ensure all excess fluid is thoroughly removed from the cloth prior to use.Cleaning should only be undertaken with the power switched off and the power cord removed from the rear of the Generator.Under no circumstances should any solvents or abrasive cleaning solutions be used as these can contain fumes that could be harmful to the Generator.Service interval ComponentPart No. Qty. 12 months Element Filter 0.01µm02-70111Trouble ShootingProblemPossible SolutionThe Generator will not switch on and the power switch does not illuminate.• Ensure power cord is plugged into the Generator and that the power socket is turned on. • Check the fuse in the power cord plug. • Contact your service provider. The fascia LED’s have not illuminated but the power switch is illuminated.•Contact your service provider.The instrument is reporting low pressure.• Check for leaks between the generator and instrument.•Contact your service provider.The fascia Yellowillumination does not change to green.• Contact your service provider.Peak Scientific UK Fountain Crescent Inchinnan Business Park InchinnanPA4 9REScotland, UK Peak Scientific NorthAmerica19 Sterling RoadSuite #1Billerica, MA 01862USAPeak Scientific India202, Amsri ShamiraOld Lancer LineOpp. St. Mary’s DegreeCollegeS.D. Road Secunderabad500 025, IndiaPeak Scientific AfricaPO Box 478Somerset Mall7137South AfricaTel: +44 (0)141 812 8100 Fax: +44 (0)141 812 8200 Tel:+1 866 647 1649Fax:+1 978 608 9503Tel: +91 40 2780 0663Fax: +91 40 2780 0663Tel: +27 (0)2185 16542Fax: +27 (0)8654 64473Peak Scientific Germany Herriotstrasse 160528 Frankfurt Germany Peak Scientific ChinaRoom 606 Building 1Lane 2277 ZuchongzhiRoadPudong New AreaShanghai201203, ChinaPeak Scientific MexicoSolon 352Col. Los Morales Polanco11530 Mexico, D.F.MexicoPeak Scientific AustraliaPO Box 65BelmontVictoria 3216AustraliaTel: +49 (0)69 677 33 490 Fax: +49 (0)69 677 33 200 Tel:+86 21 5079 1190Fax:+86 21 5079 1191Tel:+1 866 647 1649Fax:+1 978 608 9503Tel:+61 1300 965 352Peak Scientific Taiwan 4F.-6, No.736 Zhongzheng Rd. Zhonghe Dist.New Taipei CityTel:+886 2 8226 2383 Fax:+886 2 8226 9499 Peak Scientific BrazilPeak Scientific BrasilAv. Quieroz Filho1700 – torre Sunny-Conj.602São Paulo SP BrasilTel: +1 866 647 1649Peak Scientific Japan K.K.2-7-56, 2F Fuji Building 28Kita Aoyama, Minato-KuTokyo, Japan107-0061Tel: +81 3-6864-0468Peak Scientific Singapore3 Science Park Drive#03-14 The FranklinScience Park Drive 1Singapore, 118223Tel: +65-6777 1966Fax: +65-6777 1978。



Model 111 Flow Schematic 气路流程示意图
清洁剂( 清洁剂(分子筛) 分子筛) 空气压缩机 过滤器、 过滤器、汽水分离、 汽水分离、 压力调整
压力调节 拉出调节旋钮(解锁 ),左右旋转使压力 表指示为25~30psi , 推入旋钮(锁定)。
Compressor 空气压缩机
空气压缩机工作 压力 70~90psi。
空气压缩机输 出压力30~ 35psi。
日常排水阀 Drain daily
环境空气质量 环境空气质量自动监测仪器
撰稿人: 撰稿人:石勃 上海2014-04-11
可选配多种标准物质 自动计算钢瓶气和稀释气流量 存储多个校准浓度 数据存储和自诊断功能 流量测量准确度: ± 1%满量程 流量测量线性: ± 0.5% 满量程 渗透炉温度:30或35或45℃ 渗透炉温度稳定性: ± 0.1℃ 臭氧输出:6 ppm-Liters 臭氧发生器满足或超过美国环保局传递 标准要求



零气体发生器操作维护手册PERMAPURE目录 页码1. 介绍...................................................................................................................................... 2 2. 部件描述 (3)2.1 博纯干燥器 2.2 紫外线灯2.3 活性碳/氧化铝混合物 2.4 一氧化碳催化剂2.5 1μ微粒过滤器3. 启动程序………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44.维护4.1 活性碳/氧化铝 (5)4.2 终滤器............................................................................................................................ 6 4.3 保险丝更换................................................................................................................... 6 5. 备件及更换............................................................................................................................... 8 6. 规格. (8)图表 页码 图表1-ZAG 流程图解………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 图表2-博纯Nafion ®膜干燥器图解 (3)图表3-控制面板........................................................................................................................ 4 图表4-ZAG 性能曲线............................................................................................................... 4 图表5-电气原理图 (7)PERMAPURE介绍零气体发生器是一款操作简单,便捷和配备齐全的系统,能产生高纯度,零微粒的干燥气体,容量可达到18升每分钟。


i. 仪器如需运输时请将储液桶中的电解液用洗耳球吸干净。 注意:此仪器的电解池为桶状,在电解池内存有相当一部分 电解液,所以将储液桶内的电解液吸干净后,还要将仪器向 后倾斜90°,此时电解池内的电解液就会流到储液桶内,再 用洗耳球把储液桶内的电解液吸干净。然后将内盖装上后拧 上外盖,以免残留的电解液在运输时外溢,将整个仪器腐蚀 造成无法修复的后果。
五、仪器的工作原理与特点 1. 工作原理: a. 本仪器的工作原理是以电解法产生氢气,它以氢氧化钾水溶
液为电解液,以贵金属做电极,采用中惠普最新膜分离技术 将氢气和氧气彻底分离,并在电解池中采用了过渡族金属催 化技术,使产氢含氧量小于3PPM。 b. 本仪器程序控制采用了高灵敏度、模糊控制自动跟踪系统, 取消了稳压阀,实现了自动恒压、恒流、使压力稳定精度范 围小于0.001MPa,并可根据色谱仪所需氢气用量的大小实现 0-300ml/min(0-500ml/min)全 自 动 调 节,当 用 户 停 止 用 气 时,仪器自动停止产氢,因此杜绝了系统超压的现象。以保 证安全。
2. 仪器特点: a. 程 序 控 制 :仪器的全部工作过程均由程序控制。自动显示
压力、流量,自动恒压、恒流,氢气流量可根据用量实现 0-300ml/min(0-500ml/min)全自动调节。 b. 工 作 模 式 :可提供高、低压两种工作模式,可灵活运用在 不同状态,既可使氢气的压力、流量稳定,又可延长仪器的 使用寿命。 c. 产氢湿度低:采用了膜分离技术及有效的除湿装置,降低了 原 始 湿 度,采 用 多 级 吸 附,使 氢 气 湿 度 达 到 露 点 温 度 -56℃。 d. 操 作 方 便 :免运输钢瓶之劳,省搬运钢瓶之苦,使用时只 需打开电源开关即可产氢。可连续使用,也可间断使用,产 氢量稳定不衰减。 e. 安 全 可 靠 :配有安全装置,灵敏可靠。






以下是零气发生器的主要作用:1. 提供准确的参考气体零气发生器是一种高精度、高可靠性的气体发生器,它能够提供纯净的气体,从而使测量结果更加准确。



2. 保证准确的检测结果当气体检测系统运行时,如果测量仪器受到外部气体的干扰,就会导致检测结果的偏差,并可能会误导决策。



3. 有效地保护环境和人体健康零气发生器可确保气体检测仪器的准确性,从而保障环境保护和人体健康。



4. 提高工作效率使用零气发生器能够简化气体检测系统的校准过程,提高工作效率。




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Model 111


一、概述 (1)
二、工作原理 (2)
三、使用与操作 (3)
四、维护与保养 (4)
五、故障诊断和排除 (4)

Model 111型零气发生器是空气自动监测系统中一台关键设备。



压缩机系统将空气压缩后输入到零气发生器中,零气发生器产生不含被测污染气体(如:SO2, CO, O3, NO, NO2 和 HC 等)的零气。

Model 111型零气发生器可以为各种空气自动监测系统提供足够稳定的零气。

图(一)是Model 111的气体流程示意图。

图(二)是Model 111仪器组件的安装图(顶视图)。





1、将空气机的出气口接到Model 111仪器的进气口,将Model 111仪器的出气口接到Model 146仪器的进气口,或接到Model 200SPC 仪器的零气口。


3、打开压缩机的输出阀门,调节聚结过滤器后面的压力调节器到 40-50psi。

4、打开Model 111仪器,仪器内部的冷却风扇将启动工作。


调节面板上的压力调节器到 30-40 psi,调节温度控制器到刻度盘上的375℃。

图(3)为Model 111仪器的面板图。

5、半小时到一小时后温度控制器上的发光二极管指示灯将循环开关,使加热反应室的温度稳定,这时Model 111 仪器可以工作。


7、在实验室连续使用时,最好在Model 111仪器的进、•出口各串接一个干燥器,这是由于在实验室使用时,空压机工作时间比较长,机体发热,排出的气体遇冷凝结,水气较多,又因为气体中的水份对SO2有一定的吸附作用,使得零气的纯度不够。











更换Purafil的时候,先关闭111零气泵的输出阀使111的压力降到0.0 psig. 然后从仪器上取下Purafil过滤器换上新的Purafil。






