商洛市 简介







Shangluo is located in the southeast of Shaanxi Province between the north latitude of 33°2′30″and 34°24′40″, and between the east longitude of 108°34′20″~111°1′25″, with Qinling Mountains to the south, at the junction of the two provinces, Hubei and Henan. Shangluo owns a structure of the complex topography, known as "eight-Hill, one river and a farmland". There are Qinling Mountains, the Python Mountain, the Liu Mountain, the Uighur Mountain, the new Mountain and Yun Mountain. The mountains and valleys are arranged with interaction. In topography, the northwest is higher and the southeast is lower. Mountains extend from the northwest to the southeast as a palmate distribution. The main rivers, Dan River, Luo River, Jinqian River, Qianyou River,

Xun River spread across, and the branches are densely covered, breaking down horizontally the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.

In the northern part, climate is within the warm temperate zone, in the southern part, subtropical zone. Its local conditions and social customs, both characterize the wilderness of the north, and attractiveness of the southern part of China. What a beautiful place with the scenery as beautiful as a painting. It’s administrative areas cover one district and six counties with a total area of 19,292 square kilometers and the resident population of 2,430,000.

Shangluo is abundant in natural resources, known as “the salad bowl of the northern and southern plants, the storehouse of the northern and southern biological species”and the national famous “store of the natural medicals”. Shangluo is famous for raw lacquer, oil tung, walnut, Chinese chestnut, grape, persimmon, auricularia auricular, especially a large quantities of waln ut, the Chinese chestnut and persimmon.

The history and culture of Shangluo has a unique characteristic, receives the Qin culture to be just positive, gathers gently beautifulness of the Chu culture. There are different kinds of drama, such as Shaanxi Opera, the Hua drum, the chanting tales, two yellow (Hubei opera), as well as folk songs, worker's chant and so on.

The heritage scenic, the natural landscape and the humanitarian spots of Shangluo are richly colorful, which enrich latent superiority for the development of the traveling industry. The road of Shangluo (also called the ancient business

road) is one of the main road, “the Qin Chu pharynx and larynx”, a crucial road from Chang’an to the southeast and the area of Yellow River. The scenic sites are the Laojun Mountain, Muwang Mountain, Niubeiliang Mountain, the Jingsixia canyon and so on
