Political career
• 1950:campaigned for the seat of Dartford (大 福特区) • 1959: the House of Commons • 1970 to 1974 :minister of education and science • 1975 the first woman leader of Conservative Party • 1979 : the first woman in Britain to become prime minister • 1982 :Marvenus Island War • 1990: resign
Nationality Date of death
• earn a degree in chemistry at the University of Oxford • president of the student Conservative Association • a research chemist • a tax lawyer
• Margaret Hilda Roberts
• Grantham,Lincolnshire, (英格兰肯特郡格兰瑟 姆)
In 1951, she married a wealthy businessman, Denis Thatcher, with whom she had two children.
Negative comments
• Pompous authoritarian (高傲的独裁主义者) • welfare policy • unemployment来自Thank you!!!
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chairman Deng Xiaoping signed the Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong on behalf of their two Governments in December 1984
Brief introduction
• • • • • • Chinese Name: 玛格丽特.希尔达.撒切尔 Name: Margaret Hilda Thatcher Alias: Iron Lady Birth place: England, Grantham Birth date: October 13, 1925 graduated from University of Oxford with a Bachelor of science, master of Arts
• ……
The Iron Lady
The Path to Power
Political career
Story with China Hong Kong
• Mrs Thatcher was very persistent. She would not let go. She went on and on and on until through sheer exhaustion and exasperation others gave her most of what she wanted. • We have lost a great leader, a great prime minister and a great Briton.
• Mark • Offered financial help to a millitary coup(军事政 变) • Thatcher had to pay for the bail money(保释金)
• Following several years of poor health, Thatcher died on the morning of 8 April 2013 at The Ritz Hotel in London after suffering a stroke.
• She had been staying at a suite in the hotel since December 2012 after having difficulty with stairs at her Chester Square home.
neral election, the Conservatives came to power and Thatcher became prime minister.
• In the 1987 general election, Thatcher won an unprecedented third term in office.
President Reagan, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Nancy Reagan and Denis Thatcher of the United Kingdom walking
along the cross hall at the State Dinner.
Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.
-Margaret Thatcher
•There is no doubt that she is the most important political figures in modern history, by many people love and hate.
Famous quote
Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.
Thatcher celebrated her 80th birthday in London, on 13 October 2005.
Early political career
In the February 1950 and October 1951 general elections she campaigned for the safe Labour seat of Dartford, where she attracted media attention as the youngest and the only female candidate.
•Thatcher holds a life peerage as Baroness(男爵夫人) Thatcher, which entitles(赋予) her to sit in the House of Lords.
Some people praised Margaret Thatcher‘s overall economic reform to save the United Kingdom, and the success of Britain out of economic difficulties since the 1970s. Her radicalism(激进主义) in social affairs, has also
Key moments in Mrs. Thatcher's political career
In 1982, Argentina attacked the Falkland Islands
At that time, the "Iron Lady" closest advisers urged her not to go to war
In April 8, 2013, Mrs. Thatcher died. Aged 87. Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, British Prime Minister Cameron and other dignitaries to attend the funeral. Big Ben in silence to express condolences.
She was an her way in .
outsider , who fought
Mrs.Thatcher entered University of Oxford . Soon after, she joined the conservative association. At the age of 18, she said that "politics is to dissolve in my blood"
The Film《The Iron Lady》
Denis proposed to her
Margaret: I love you so much but... I will never be one of those women, Denis, who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband. Or remote and alone in the kitchen doing the washing up for that matter. Denis: We'll get a help for that. Margaret: No! One's life must matter, Denis. Beyond the cooking and the cleaning and the children, one's life must mean more than that. I cannot die washing up a tea cup. I mean it Denis, say you understand. Denis: That's why I want to marry you, my dear.
撒切尔夫人简介1. 早年生活与教育背景1.1 出生与成长撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)原名玛格丽特·赫勒·罗伯茨(Margaret Hilda Roberts),生于1925年10月13日,是英国历史上的标志性政治家之一。
1.2 教育背景撒切尔夫人在教育方面表现出色,她先后就读于格兰瑟姆的一所小学和一所女子高中。
2. 政治生涯的起步与崛起2.1 进入政界撒切尔夫人的政治生涯始于1950年代,当时她作为保守党成员参选议员。
2.2 政治观点和改革撒切尔夫人是一位坚定的自由市场资本主义者,她主张小政府、自由企业和个人责任。
2.3 第一位女性首相1980年,撒切尔夫人成功当选为英国第一位女性首相。
3. 撒切尔夫人的政治遗产3.1 经济改革和市场化撒切尔夫人的经济改革政策产生了深远而持久的影响。
3.2 对社会和文化的影响撒切尔夫人引入的改革政策不仅在经济领域有所影响,也改变了英国的社会和文化风貌。
British politics英国政治She came, she saw, she conquered她来过,领略过,征服过A great biography of an extraordinary life一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记Margaret Thatcher—The Authorised Biography,Volume I: From Grantham to the Falkland s. ByCharles Moore.《玛格丽特撒切尔授权传记,卷一:从格兰瑟姆市到福克兰群岛》作者:查尔斯摩尔IT HELPS to be lucky if you are a politician and Margare t Thatcher was luckier than most: luckythat she came to power when the old order was crumbling and lucky that her opponent s wereso feeble. Now she is proving to be lucky in death. Fi rst came a semi-state funeral that had theBritish establishment on bended knee and the British public out on the streets; now comesthe first volume of an authorised biography that may well turn out to be one of the great livesof modern times.政客运气总是比常人要好。
ConclLeabharlann sionI spent decades of good times with a great woman, all I can do is love and loyalty. . . ---Husband:Dennis Thatcher
我和一个了不起的女人度过了几十年美好 的时光,我所能做的一切就是爱和忠 诚。。。撒切尔夫人丈夫:丹尼斯
You can turn,but the lady is not for turning! 你们可以转变立场,但本夫人绝不回头!
Name:Margaret Hilda Thatcher(玛格丽特.希尔 达.撒切尔,October 13,1925-April 8,2013)
Alias:Iron Maiden
University:Oxford,a Bachelor of science , Master of Arts
Husband:Dennis Thatcher
Critics and supporters alike recognise the Thatcher premiership as a period of fundamental importance in British history. Margaret Thatcher accumulated huge prestige over the course of the 1980s and often compelled the respect even of her bitterest critics. Indeed, her effect on the terms of political debate has been profound. Whether they were converted to 'Thatcherism', or merely forced by the electorate to pay it lip service, the Labour Party leadership was transformed by her period of office and the 'New Labour' politics of Tony Blair would not have existed without her.
Margaret Thatcher 撒切尔夫人
She made a large amount of people lose their jobs and weakened the strength of the Labor Union.
Unemployment: from 2 million in1982 to 3.28 million in1986. She closed 20 mines in the country, which led to more than 20,000 miners losing their jobs and triggered a large-scale strike. But she refused to compromise, and even suppressed the strikers by force. Those miners had no job since then and had to live on unemployment benefits. Also, the Labor Union lost its er. 」
Never run with the crowd, go your own way
She was, for a time, the most unpopular prime minister on record. Her increasingly imperial style drove the Trade Union nearly mad and made the society once disordered She was a divisive figure, and the issues that she addressed continue to confront and divide. Etc.
Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.
Iron Lady
• • • • • • • Chinese Name: 玛格丽特.希尔达.撒切尔 Name: Margaret Hilda Thatcher Nickname: Iron Lady Nationality: British Birth place: England, Grantham Birth date: October 13, 1925 University one is graduated from University of Oxford with a Bachelor of science, master of Arts: • Husband: Dennis Thatcher Baron
凡是有不和的地方,我们要为和谐而努力;凡是有谬 误的地方,我们要为真理而努力;凡是有疑虑的地方,我 们要为信任而努力;凡是有绝望的地方,我们要为希望而 努力。
Classic sayings
If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.
“ Iron Lady ”(铁娘子)
Classic sayings
• Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope.
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, (née Roberts, 13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013) was a British politician who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century and is the only woman to have held the office.A Soviet journalist called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. As Prime Minister, she implemented policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism.Originally a research chemist before becoming a barrister, Thatcher was elected Member of Parliament (MP) for Finchley in 1959. Edward Heath appointed her Secretary of State for Education and Science in his 1970 government. In 1975, Thatcher defeated Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition and became the first woman to lead a major political party in the United Kingdom. She became Prime Minister after winning the 1979 general election.Upon moving into 10 Downing Street, Thatcher introduced a series of political and economic initiatives intended to reverse high unemployment and Britain's struggles in the wake of the Winter of Discontent and an ongoing recession.【卉翻译】玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔,撒切尔夫人(姓罗伯茨,1925年10月13日 - 2013年4月8日)是一位英国政治家,自1979年至1990年任英国首相,自1975年到1990年任保守党领袖,她是20世纪任职时间最长的英国首相,是党派领袖中唯一一名女性。
英国已故首相撒切尔夫人玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔(Margaret Hilda Thatcher,通称撒切尔夫人) 1925年10月13日出生于英格兰林肯郡格兰瑟姆市一个杂货店商人的家庭。
马岛战争和一个四分五裂的反对派为撒切尔在 1983 年的大选中 赢来压倒性胜利。 (1982 年 4 月 2 日,当时在国内摇摇欲坠的阿根廷军政府入侵 英属福克兰群岛(Falkland Islands,也被称为马岛)和南佐治亚岛 ( South Georgia) ,这是英国自二战之后首次遭到的入侵。撒切尔立 刻下令英国皇家海军夺回群岛。由此爆发的“马岛之战”以英国胜利 告终。 ) 1982 年 3 月,撒切尔同意政府拨款为英国战略核力量更新现代 化装备。 撒切尔夫人再次当选英国首相。第二次组阁(1983 年-1987 年) 她侥幸逃过了爱尔兰共和军设置在布莱顿的保守党大会的炸弹。 12 月 19 日在北京代表联合王国和时任国务院总理的赵紫阳签署 了《中英关于香港问题的联合声明》 。为香港回归中国奠定了坚实 的政治基础。英国政府在声明中承诺,1997 年 7 月 1 日把香港主权 归还给中国。 撒切尔和爱尔兰总理杰拉德在希尔斯堡(the Hillsborough)签署 了《英爱协定》 Anglo-Irish Agreement) ( ,英国政府首次让爱尔兰共 和国担任管理北爱尔兰的顾问角色。 撒切尔同意美军借用英军基地空袭利比亚。 民调显示, 此举遭到 国内三分之二人的反对。 撒切尔夫人在办公室赢得了前所未有的第三个任期。 但争议性的 政策, 包括人头税和她反对任何与欧洲更密切地结合起来, 保守党内 部分裂,从而导致一个领导力的挑战。 由于在保守党领袖的竞选中未能获胜,撒切尔夫人在连任首相 11 年之后宣布辞职。 (挥泪告别唐宁街 11 号。 ) 她同意辞职,继任保守党魁、首相为约翰·梅杰。 被英国女王册封为女男爵。 自 1993 年自 2000 年, 撒切尔夫人出任美国维吉尼亚州威廉斯堡 威廉与玛丽学院的名誉校长。 该校在 1693 年取得皇家特许状而成立, 是北美洲最古老的大学。 撒切尔夫人在极富争议的情况下, 探访她的好朋友,智利前独裁 者皮诺切特。当时他正在萨里被软禁,又面临被起诉刑讯逼供罪、 策 划刑讯逼供和策划谋杀。但撒切尔夫人仍表示两人是朋友。 撒切尔夫 人和皮诺切特两人都是扶轮社成员, 其中皮诺切特在福克兰群岛战争 中是撒切尔夫人的盟友。 同年, 她又向剑桥大学捐赠 200 万英镑,为一个以她为主席的企 业家研究学科成立基金。此外, 她又把自己保留的档案赠予该大学的 丘吉尔学院。 撒切尔与丈夫丹尼斯爵士赴马得拉群岛度假,但在庆祝 50 年金 婚纪念日时曾出现轻度中风。
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, (née Roberts, 13 October 1925 – 8 April 2013) was a British politician who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was thefirst female leader in British Conservative Party, is also the first female prime minister in British history, created for the three consecutive terms, a term of up to 11 years of recording female prime minister.. A Soviet journalist called her the "Iron Lady", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. As Prime Minister, she implemented policies that have come to be known as Thatcherism玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔,撒切尔夫人(姓罗伯茨,1925年10月13日- 2013年4月8日)是一位英国政治家,自1979年至1990年任英国首相,自1975年到1990年任保守党领袖,她是20世纪任职时间最长的英国首相,是党派领袖中唯一一名女性。
2012级英语师范3班 邱佳文 201203021329
Her childhood Her learning career and family
Her political career
Her later years
Latin and the law
She met Denis Thatcher, they got married in 1951, in 1953 the couple got a twin brother, were named for Carol and Mark.
Her political career
In 2001,she went on vacation with her husband, but when they celebrate their golden anniversary, she was caught in a mild stroke.
After that her memory declined rapidly.
Thatcher„s political philosophy and the policy known as the “ Thatcher doctrine ”(撒切尔主义). Finance : the implementation of monetary creed policy, compression public spending, lower taxes; economic system : large-scale privatization policy, reduce the economic activities of the government regulation; social policy areas, get rid of “ welfare state ” color, cut, control and reform the social welfare system. In addition, early in her as prime minister before, because of her high profile against communism, and by Soviet media dubbed the “ Iron Lady ”, the nickname has even become her main mark.
The lady who changed the world改变世界的女人ONLY a handful of peace-time politicians can claim to have changed the world. Margaret Thatcher, who died this morning, was one. She transformed not just her own Conservative Party, but the whole of British politics. Her enthusiasm for privatization launched a global revolution and her willingness to stand up to tyranny helped to bring an end to the Soviet Union.Winston Churchill won a war, but he never created an “ism”.和平时期以改变世界为己任的政治家为数寥寥。
The essence of that chrism was to oppose the status quo and bet on freedom—odd, since as a prim control freak, she was in some ways the embodiment of conservatism. She thought nations could become great only if individuals were set free. Her struggles had a theme: the right of individuals to run their own lives, as free as possible from the micromanagement of the state.撒切尔主义的本质是反抗现状,争取自由——这很奇怪,她是一个拘谨并且有强烈控制欲的人,体现了保守主义的某些特征。
下面店铺为大家带来双语励志故事:铁娘子撒切尔夫人,欢迎大家阅读!Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s longest-serving and only woman prime minister, has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke, prompting a flood of tributes from across the globe.玛格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)因中风去世,享年87岁,在世界各地引发了一阵哀悼浪潮。
Leaders lined up to pay their respects to the former prime minister, who revolutionised the UK economy during an 11-year tenure, as she rolled back the state and put in place some of the country’s most radical and controversial reforms.各国领导人纷纷向这位英国前首相表达敬意。
David Cameron, UK prime minister, described the former Conservative prime minister as the “greatest peacetime prime minister”.英国现首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)把这位前保守党首相称为“英国和平时期最伟大的首相”。
Margaret Thatcher,affectionately known as the Iron Lady,was a prominent figure in British politics during the latter half of the20th century.As the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister in the United Kingdom,she left an indelible mark on the nations history and the global political landscape.Born on October13,1925,in Grantham,Lincolnshire,Margaret Hilda Roberts,as she was originally named,was the daughter of a grocer and a devout Methodist.Her upbringing was modest,but her ambitions were anything but.She studied chemistry at Somerville College,Oxford,and was deeply involved in the Conservative Party from a young age.Her political career began in earnest when she was elected as a Member of Parliament for Finchley in1959.Thatchers rise to the leadership of the Conservative Party was meteoric.She became the leader in1975,a position she held until1990.Her tenure as Prime Minister,from1979to 1990,was marked by a series of radical economic and social reforms that came to be known as Thatcherism.These included the privatization of stateowned enterprises, deregulation of the financial sector,and a strong emphasis on individualism and freemarket principles.One of Thatchers most significant achievements was her role in ending the Cold War. Her staunch anticommunist stance and her close relationship with U.S.President Ronald Reagan played a crucial part in the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.Domestically, she is perhaps best remembered for her handling of the Falklands War in1982,a military conflict with Argentina over the disputed Falkland Islands.The British victory in the war boosted her popularity and solidified her image as a strong and decisive leader.However,Thatchers policies were not without controversy.Her approach to economic reform,particularly the closure of many coal mines and the subsequent social unrest, earned her the nickname The Milk Snatcher and Attila the Hen by her detractors.The poll tax,a uniform tax on every adult regardless of income,was another policy that proved deeply unpopular and led to widespread protests.Despite the controversies,Thatchers impact on British politics cannot be overstated.She was a trailblazer for women in politics,breaking through the glass ceiling and paving the way for future female leaders.Her legacy is a testament to her determination,resilience, and unwavering belief in her principles.Margaret Thatcher passed away on April8,2013,but her influence on British politics and the world stage continues to be felt.She remains a divisive figure,with some viewing her as a champion of freedom and economic prosperity,while others see her as a symbol ofinequality and social division.Regardless of ones perspective,it is undeniable that Margaret Thatcher was a transformative figure in British history,and her legacy continues to shape the political discourse in the United Kingdom and beyond.。
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After the meeting, Mrs. Thatcher came out in the Great Hall of the fall.
She is one of the dominant political figures of 20th century Britain, and Thatcherism continues to have a huge influence.
Had four visit to China, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chairman Deng Xiaoping signed the Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong on behalf of their two Governments in 19 December 1984,handing over Hong
Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.
-Margaret Thatcher
Iron Lady
• Following several years of poor health, Thatcher died on the morning of 8 April 2013 at The Ritz Hotel in London after suffering a stroke.
In 1951, she married a wealthy businessman, Denis Thatcher, with whom she had two children.
On that time, Thatcher was the youngest of the 1951 election, the Conservative Party candidate. Attending a political debate, she piano accompaniment, and four electors singing together.
• She had been staying at a suite in the hotel since December 2012 after having difficulty with stairs at her Chester Square home.
• In the 1979 general election, the Conservatives came to power and Thatcher became prime minister.
• In the 1987 general election, Thatcher won an unprecedented third term in office.
Margaret Thatcher
—— Britain's first female prime minister
Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on 13 October 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, the daughter of a grocer.
President Reagan and Prime Minister Thatcher talk on the patio outside the Oval Office.
10Βιβλιοθήκη ►China was the first communist state Thatcher had visited and she was the first British prime minister to visit China.
• In November 1990, she agreed to resign and was succeeded as party leader and prime minister by John Major.
President Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom reviewing troops on the south lawn during the arrival ceremony.
President Reagan, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Nancy Reagan and Denis Thatcher of the United Kingdom walking
along the cross hall at the State Dinner.