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学科门类: 工 学 分类号: TN929 单位代码: 10293 密 级:
论文题目: 全光纤马赫-曾德尔干涉仪输出

硕 081606 谷朋飞
黄勇林 教授 光学工程
光纤通信与光波技术 二〇一一年四月十九日
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摘 要.....................................................................................................................................................I Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... II 目 录..................................................................................................................................................IV 第一章 绪论........................................................................................................................................1
研究生签名:_____________ 日期:____________
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英 文 题 目:Research on the Output Performance of ALL-Fiber
Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
主 题 词:导波光学,波分复用,级联马赫-曾德尔干涉仪,滤波器, 光分插复用器(OADM)
Keywords:Guided wave optics, WDM/DWDM, Cascaded Mach-Zehnder Interferometers, Filter, Optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM)

Key words: Guided wave optics, WDM/DWDM, Filter, Mach-Zehnder Interferometers, Cascaded,
Optical add/drop multiplexer (OADM)

研究生签名:____________ 导师签名:____________ 日期:_____________
南京邮电大学 硕士学位论文摘要
学科、专业:工 学 光学工程
研 究 方 向:光纤通信与光波技术

者:谷朋飞 硕 081606
指 导 教 师:黄勇林 教授

The result of the research of the paper show that the cascaded MZIs and the optical components based on MZIs will be found many potential applications in the fields of WDM system.
本文首先在传输矩阵理论的基础上,对单个马赫-曾德尔干涉仪的输出特性进行了详细的 推导。通过 Matlab 仿真讨论了干涉仪的耦合系数、臂长差、折射率等参数对干涉仪输出特性 的影响。为了改善干涉仪的消光比,采用了两种方法:一是在一端连上光纤全反镜二次干涉 的方法,构成高消光比的马赫-曾德尔型干涉滤波器,加上全反镜后其消光比改善了 21dB 左 右;二是采用在一端加上光纤光栅的方法,构成了一个单通道开关器件,从而大大改善了其 消光比。 其次,理论上推导了级联马赫-曾德尔干涉仪的输出特性,分析了级联对输出特性 的影响。利用级联,提出了频率间隔在 100GHz 以下滤波器设计的新方法。提出了基于 GA 算法分析级联的新方法,并将新提出的方法与理想滤波器、传输矩阵法所得滤波器进行了仿 真比较,得出的新方法有很大的优越性。最后,设计和分析了基于马赫-曾德尔干涉仪的新型 光分插复用器模型,即在干涉仪臂上加入光栅设计出马赫-曾德尔型 OADM 模型,并对设计 的 OADM 模型进行了改进,利用 Optiwave 软件对设计的 OADM 进行了功能仿真验证 ,证 实了设计的正确性。
First, based on the Jones matrix theory, strict theoretical analysis is taken on the output characteristics of MZI. MATLAB simulation is taken to discuss the effect of the coupling ratio, the length of arms, and the index of refraction to the output characteristics of MZI. In order to improve the extinction ratio, a fiber reflector is added to the end of interferometer, and by this way, the MZI can get a high extinction ratio interferometer. After adding the reflector, the extinction ratio of it increases 21dB or so. When changing the fiber reflector for a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) the MZI become to a single channel switch. Secondly, the output of cascaded MZIs is studied and the influence of cascade to the interferometer is also analyzed. A new algorithm which is called GA is proposed to analyze the cascaded MZIs. A new Multi-channel filter is designed the frequency spacing of which is below 100GHz. Compared the new method to the ideal way and transfer matrix analysis method, the GA algorithm is close to the ideal way. Finally, a new OADM model based on MZI is designed and analyzed. In order to design the new OADM FBGs are added to the arms of MZI, the improved OADM is also designed. Whether the design is right or not the function of the new OADM is validated by the software Optiwave. The emulation shows that the design is perfect.
研究结果表明,基于马赫-曾德尔干涉仪的光元器件以及级联马赫曾德尔干涉仪在 WDM 系统等领域将会有巨大的应用前景。

Байду номын сангаас
Optical filter is an indispensable component in optical communication and photoelectron fields. It has been widely used in wavelength locking, wavelength multiplexer/demultiplexer, wavelength routers, dispersion compensators, and gain equalizers etc. With the increasing number of channels and decreasing channel spacing in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) system, novel optical filters with excellent characteristics have become a leading trend presently. Particularly, the Mach-Zehnder Interferometers (MZIs) have attracted considerable attention in the WDM system, because of their excellent characteristics, such as simple structure, low insertion loss, multi-level series, comb and band-pass filtering etc.
光滤波器是光通信和光电子领域不可或缺的重要元器件,在波长锁定、波分复用/解复用、 波长路由、色散补偿、增益平坦等技术中都有广泛应用。随着波分复用(WDM)系统中信道 数的不断增加和信道间隔的不断减小,对滤波技术的要求也越来越高,因而研究新型高性能 光滤波器成为学科前沿课题之一。在众多滤波器中马赫-曾德尔干涉仪型滤波器由于结构简单、 可多级串联、以及具有梳状和带通滤波特性等优点,因而在 WDM 系统中备受关注。
1.1 光纤通信网的发展.................................................................................................................1 1.2 波分复用技术.........................................................................................................................3