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煤 炭 学 报V o.l 34 N o .7 2009年7月J OURNAL OF C H I N A COAL SOC I E TY Jul y 2009 文章编号:0253-9993(2009)07-0927-06
刘盛东1,2,吴荣新3,张平松3,曹 煜4
(11中国矿业大学深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,江苏徐州 221008;
21中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院,江苏徐州 221116;31安徽理工大学地球与环境学院,安徽淮南 232001;41安徽惠洲地下灾害研究设计院,安徽合肥 230088)
摘 要:应用自主开发的网络并行电法仪及其三维采集系统,对布置在矿井工作面不同巷道内的
中图分类号:P63113;TD745 文献标识码:A
收稿日期:2008-07-30 责任编辑:王婉洁
(2006CB202209) 作者简介:刘盛东(1962)),男,安徽潜山人,教授,博士生导师.E-m ai:l Li u s h engdong @1261co m Three -di m ensi onal parall el electric surveyi ng and its appli cati ons
i n w ater disaster exploration i n coal m ines
LI U Sheng -dong 1,2,WU Rong -x in 3,ZHANG P i n g -song 4,CAO Yu
4(11S t a te K ey La boratory o f D ee p G eo m ec han ics&Underground E ng ineeri ng,Ch i na University of M ining and T ec hnology ,Xu zhou 221008,Ch i na;21S c h ool of R esource and Earth S cie n c e ,China Universit y of M i n i ng and T ec hnology ,Xu zhou 221116,Ch i na;31School of Ea rt h and E nvironm ent ,Anhui Universit y o f S cie n ce&T ec hnology ,H ua inan 232001,Ch i na;41A nhu iH u i zhou In stit u te of Subterran e an Ca l am it y,H e fei 230088,C hina )A bstract :A sel-f developed net w ork parallel electric ity instrum ent and its survey acquisiti o n syste m w ere used to synchronously m easure curren t and voltage over whole electr odes arranged in the lane ways o f the m ine w ork face ,rea lized 3D electrical synchr onous survey of subsurface .Then the 3D resisti v ity str ucture of the covered area in the w or k i n g face w as obta i n ed usi n g 3D resistivity i n version technique .It is an effective geophysica lprospecti n g m ethod for t h e investigati o ns of hydro log ica l and eng i n eeri n g geo logy i n the w or k face .The techno logy breaks through the li m it of 2D m i n e electrical survey ,got the 3D apparent electrical data i n the base p late of the w ork face for the first ti m e .Applicati o ns in d ifferentm i n esw orki n g faces sho w tha t t h e w ater d isaster i n t h e base plate can be w ell located using the technique ,it o ffers accura te infor m ati o n f o r the m ine w ater disaster preventi o n and contro.l
K ey words :e lectric survey ing ;m i n e w ater d isaster ;net w ork para ll e l electric ity i n str um ent (NPE I);resisti v ity 长期以来,矿井电法勘探大都采用常规电法仪或高密度电法仪进行单巷的电测深法、电剖面法或高密度电法进行工作,取得单条巷道的二维垂向地电信息来推断巷道附近的岩层富水性[1]