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GEA Cleaning Technology Cleaner processing means better productionTHE GEA GROUPGEA is one of the largest technology suppliers forfood processing and a wide range of other industries.The global group specializes in machinery, plants, as well as process technology and components. GEA provides sustainable solutions for sophisticated production processes in diverse end-user markets and offers a comprehensive service portfolio.GEA Cleaning TechnologyEfficient and effective delivery of cleaning media, combined with robust hygienic design, are the key characteristics of the state-of-the-art cleaning heads in the GEA Flow Components range.GEA Flow ComponentsGEA offers well-engineered process components and services to ensure smooth production processes in the handling of liquid products. We develop and produce a comprehensive product range which includes valve technology for all hygienic classes (Hygienic, UltraClean, Aseptic), hygienic pumps and cleaning technology. Through our extensive global sales network, GEA Flow Components services and products are available worldwide.Setting today´s global standards for efficient and effective production processes.GEA Cleaning TechnologyThe portfolio comprises different types of cleaning devices, such as orbital, rotating and static cleaners, to achieve the optimum cleaning result for different applications. Cleaning technology products can be found working successfully all over the world in numerous industries – from water treatment, chemical and brewing to food and pharmaceutical. Our sophisticated process components and services offer a comprehensive portfolio to support innovative engineering processes – wherever cleanliness is ofthe essence.GEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGY · 3PartnershipDeveloping partnerships and understanding the individual needs and requirements of our customers is very important to us. We as GEA share process knowledge, train staff and support operators. This allows our customers to optimize their cleaning processes.TechnologyTechnical innovations and extensive development programs keep GEA at the forefront of cleaning technology. This allows our customers access to one of the most advanced cleaning solutions.EconomyThe performance of GEA's cleaning technology is designed to reduce the consumption of energy, water, cleaning agents and time for an optimized cleaning process.Our MissionBetter production through cleaner processing generates effective plant operation.We focus on every detail to provide our customers with the greatest benefits that cleaning technology can offer. Flawless processes, safe products and effective plant operation make GEA the preferred partner for those who want to achieve more.Wine, Breweryand SpiritsChemical and BiochemicalPharmaceutical andPersonal CareTransportBeverage4 · GEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGYService and SupportWherever cleanliness is of the essence, GEA is of service through our accessible support and continual commitment.We start as we mean to go on – a supportive and committed partner for life. We get you up and running to ensure a smooth, seamless ongoing service for optimum productivity and safety. Our knowledgeable technical teams are always available to offer support.• Global support network • Cost-effective maintenance kits • Detailed workshop service manuals • Guaranteed spares commitmentPulp and PaperFood and DairyUtilities6 · GEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGYPrinciples of cleaningtechnologyIncreasing the mechanical element facilitatesreductions in the consumption of resources.The dynamic Sinner’s circle shows the interchange between the variouselements of cleaning to determine the best approach to any application.The percentage of the four elements that make up the circle will vary fromapplication to application and will have a direct influence on the liquidvolume shown at the center. The greatest area of influence can be achievedby magnifying the mechanical element.Increasing the mechanical element allows the other elements – chemical,temperature and importantly time and liquid consumption – to be reduced.Although impact is the key mechanical element, GEA’s philosophy oncleaning is to combine a number of additional forces to develop andincrease the overall cleaning power.Through the use of cutting-edge technology and innovative design, GEA’scleaners are able to harness these additional forces to increase cleaningefficiency.Keeping control of ongoing cost over energy, time per clean, chemicals andliquid volumes is vitally important to maximize production schedules andprocess profitability.GEA’s advanced cleaning technology provides efficient and repeatableperformance and keeps the total cost of ownership to a minimum, with anenhanced return on investment.DYNAMIC SINNER’S CIRCLETIMEThe time required to adequately achieve the level of cleaningTEMPERATUREThe temperature required to perform the cleaningMECHANICALThe force required to remove the soils(sheer, impact or friction)CHEMICALThe cleaning agent that is used to aid the cleaning processGEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGY · 7I W ater-soluble products with little or no tank adhesionIV E ncrusted or dry products with high adhesionIII S tubborn residues with medium tank adhesionII W ater-soluble products with low adhesionSoiling ClassificationsTo select the most efficient cleaners for any application it is important to understand and determine the four types of soiling classifications that are defined by GEA. Each classification requires an increase in mechanical cleaning power to effectively clean the vessel and optimize the use of the other elements within the Sinner’s circle.Actual definition of products within soiling classifications is extremely difficult due to the number of infinite conditions we are faced with during modern production processes.Soiling classifications determine the mechanical cleaning power required for effective cleaning.8 · GEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGYGEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGY · 9Soiling Classification IWater-soluble products or products that have littleor no adhesion to the vessel walls with a goodsurface finish.Soiling Classification IIWater-soluble solutions with low adhesion to thesurface of the vessel.Soiling Classification IIIStubborn residues with a stronger adhesion to thevessel walls. Ideally the product is still wet and cleaningcan be carried out before any drying takes place.Soiling Classification IVEncrusted or dry products with a higher adhesion tothe vessel wall.A s a general guide, the higher the soilingclassification the greater the mechanicalcleaning power that is necessary to achievean acceptable and economical clean.Different cleaning devices for different cleaning tasksCleaning tasks can be very diverse – they vary from basic wetting for water-soluble products to hard-to-clean encrusted dirt. Based on GEA’s long-standing experience we use soiling classifications to assist us to select the appropriate cleaning device for optimal cleaning performance.Our preferred solutions are:• Soiling Classification I – Static Cleaners • Soiling Classification II – Free Rotating Cleaners• Soiling Classification III – Controlled Rotating Cleaners• Soiling Classification IV – Index andOrbital CleanersS oiling Classification I – Rinsing Static Cleanersrequires a liquid distribution which delivers large volumes of fluid simultaneously over the complete vessel. Static spray balls offer very little mechanical force so they rely on the liquid running down the vessel walls to create surface friction or to dissolve the residues.• Minimal capital investment • No maintenance required• Large selection of spray patterns, materials andsurfacesS oiling Classification II – Low impactFree Rotating CleanersFree rotating cleaners are characterized by their fast rotation around a single axis. This rotation is driven by the liquid flow which produces a range of small to medium-sized fast moving droplets to produce a mechanical force on the vessel walls.• Extended life cycle with no servicing• Selection of spray patterns – 360, 180-T (towards) and 180-A (away) from the inlet •Compact effective designsGEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGY · 1112 · GEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGYS oiling Classification III – Medium impactControlled Rotating CleanersGEA’s controlled rotating cleaners use targeted flat or round jets to projectthe cleaning solution onto the vessel walls. These units operate at higherliquid pressures than traditional free rotating units but, because of theirdesign, maintain controlled rotation speeds. This enables these devices toimpact greater cleaning forces onto the vessel walls than the free rotatingunits. As the rotation is kept under control, the spray jets have an increaseddwell time, providing even more cleaning power. The controlled rotatingunits from GEA are an efficient and cost-effective solution for stubborn anddifficult to clean vessels.• Increased cleaning power with reduced rotational speeds• Effective cleaning with efficient jet design• Extended service life with the use of hydrodynamic bearingsSoiling Classification IV – High impact The extensive range of orbital and index cleaners from GEA offers high impact cleaning solutions for the most difficult to clean applications. Both cleaner ranges benefit from GEA ’s solid stream nozzle technology which optimizes spray jet projection andcleaning power onto the vessel walls.Orbital CleanersThe orbital cleaners work on two rotating axes, both horizontal and vertical, along a predetermined path creating a tight 3D matrix.• Reduced contamination risks with hygienic design • Cost-effective • High impact cleaning • Low service costsIndex CleanersGEA’s unique range of index cleaners provide highly effective cleaning performance through their piston operated index mechanism. The advantage of this type of cleaner is that large amounts of energy can be applied by this slow moving operation, directlyonto the vessel walls.• Design maximizes cleaning power to jets • Piston drive offers jam-free operation • Longer intervals between servicesGEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGY · 1314 · GEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGYProduct Selection GuideCleaning radius under optimum conditions0 m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4 m 5 m 6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 m14 m0 m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4 m 5 m 6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 m14 mP u l p & P a p e r U t i l i t i e s (B i o -) C h e m i c a l T r a n s p o r t F o o d & D a i r y P h a r m a / B ev e r a g e , W i n e B r e w e r y , D i s t i l l e r y P e r s o n a l C a r e * 180-A = 180° Away from the inlet, 180-T = 180° Towards the inletThe above selection guide is only provided as an assistance to the cleaner selection process.GEA's policy of continued improvement means that specifications may vary without prior noticeCleaner TypeMounting Options Coverage [deg] *Pressure[bar]Flow range [l/min]ATEXGEA CLEANING TECHNOLOGY · 1509/20 © G E A T u c h e n h a g e n G m b H . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . S u b j e c t t o m o d i fi c a t i o n s . P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y .GEA Tuchenhagen GmbH Am Industriepark 2–1021514 Büchen, GermanyTel +49 4155 49-0 Fax +49 4155 /germany“Engineering for a better world” is the driving and energizing principle connecting GEA ’s workforce. As one of the largest systems suppliers, GEA makes an important contribution to a sustainable future with its solutions and services, particularly in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. Across the globe, GEA ’s plants, processes and components contribute significantly to the reduction of CO 2 emissions, plastic use as well as food waste in production.GEA is listed on the German MDAX and the STOXX ® Europe 600 Index and also included in the DAX 50 ESG and MSCI Global Sustainability indexes.We live our values.Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versity。


科勒(中国)投资有限公司(200436) 上海市闸北区江场三路158号 TEL:021-26062000 FAX:021-21078900
科勒广州办事处(510620) 广州市天河区林和西路161号 中泰国际广场B1505室 TEL:020-38621160 FAX:020-38621161
科勒北京办事处(100016) 北京市朝阳区麦子店西街3号 新恒基国际大厦1168室 TEL:010-84580655 FAX:010-84583502
所秉持“可持续发展”的源头。 我们环保的目标是在2035年实现碳足迹和固体废物净排放量为零,这需要我们在当下就付诸行动。
Kohler Legacy
优于滤盒型无水小便器 无需定期更换滤盒,操作简单,易清洁。 科勒非滤盒型无水小便器每瓶密封油剂可用4-5年,而清洁剂可用1年,因此每年维护成本低于使用滤盒型的无水小便器。 科勒无水小便器日常清洁维护使用的密封油剂及清洁剂均可生物降解,对环境无毒无害无残留,比滤盒型无水小便 器更环保。 独特设计的管道,密封油剂隔离异味,避免了使用滤盒引起的因尿碱等残留物长期残存的异味。
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Why dry yourcompressed air?Compressed air contains oil, solid particles and water vapors. It is theinherent result of the compression process, which concentrates thenatural water vapors and particles in the air that surrounds us. Thisuntreated compressed air poses a substantial risk to your air system andend products. Its moisture content alone can cause corrosion in pipework, premature failure of pneumatic equipment, product spoilageand more. An air dryer is therefore essential to protect your systemsand processes.Refrigerant dryersby Atlas CopcoAtlas Copco’s refrigerant dryers provide the clean, dry air you need+) to expand the life of your equipment and ensure the quality of yourproducts. Our FD and FX dryers are designed in-house and tested usingthe most stringent methods. They meet or exceed the internationalstandards for compressed air purity and are tested according toISO 7183:2007.253614Controls the speed of the compressor to match your air demand and ensure the highest possible energy savings.1Opens the drain only when needed to eliminate unnecessary loss of compressed air during timed draining.4Counter-flow compact brazed plate or aluminum heat exchanger, with air-to-air side for optimum cooling efficiency and the lowest possible pressure drop.2®Touch controllerProvides advanced control and allows for remote monitoring.5Low velocity with high separation efficiency, even in low flow conditions.3Ensures plug-and-play installation.6VSD for superior energy savingsAtlas Copco’s in-house developed VSD technology matches your FD dryer’s power consumption to your production’s actual airflow. While a traditional refrigerant dryer can only be turned on or off, Atlas Copco’s FD VSD mirrors your production’s demand for compressed air as it fluctuates during the day, week or year. This ensures supreme energy savings as well as a stable dew point.Minimal environmental impactFD VSD dryers use the CFC-free R410A refrigerant, which has an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero. The refrigerant meets the strict F-Gas regulations and, due to its low powerconsumption, has an an outstanding TEWI (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) performance.Optimum performance and safety in all conditions• Hot gas bypass valve prevents freezing at lower loads.• The extremely reliable R410A rotary compressor provides the best performance with minimum environmental impact.Capillary tubes cope with all conditions – no moving parts for extra reliability.• Condenser with louvered fin technology for improved performance in dusty environments.Advanced remote monitoring and control• High-tech Elektronikon ® Touch controller with warning indications, dryer shutdown and maintenance scheduling. • Standard SMARTLINK remote monitoring to maximize air system performance and energy savings.Robust and compact design• Forklift opening for smooth transport. • Easy front and side panel access.• No bulky thermal mass heat exchanger needed to save on energy.FiltersIf your production requires higher levels of air quality andfiltration, UD + filters can be added on to your FD VSD dryer.Power consumptionVSD dryerFixed speed dryerSupreme energy efficiency• The FD offers a low pressure drop – typically below 0.2 bar/2.9 psi – and minimal energy consumption.• The compact brazed plate or aluminum heat exchanger was designed specifically to provide optimal pre-cooling and the lowest possible pressure drop.• The electronic no-loss condensate drain comes with a level sensor to open the drain only when needed, preventing unnecessary loss of compressed air.Comprehensive control and monitoring options• The Elektronikon ® Alpha controller displays the pressure dew point and relative humidity.• Remote alarm and start/stop control through voltage-free contact.• Additional features such as alarm history and standard remote visualization.Easy installation and long maintenance intervals• Small footprint thanks to an innovative all-in-one design. • Delivered ready for use, minimizing costly production downtime.Low environmental impactFD dryers use CFC-free refrigerants (R134A and R410A) with an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero.Counter-flow compact brazed plate or aluminum heatexchanger, with air-to-air side for optimum cooling efficiency and the lowest possible pressure drop.2condensate drainWith level sensor, backup manual drain and drain alarm.4separatorLasts longer thanks to limited vibrations, minimal moving parts, and reduced risk of leakage.1Reduces energy consumption and optimizes the pressure dew point at very low temperatures.5Low velocity with high separation efficiency even in low flow conditions.3Ensures stable pressure dew point and prevents freezing at lower loads.6connectionAllows for plug-and-play installation.8Eliminates the chance of moisture entering the compressed air system.7Reliable performance in tough conditions• Hot gas bypass valve prevents freezing at lower loads.• R134A piston compressor with high coefficient of performance (extremely reliableR410A rotary compressor for models FD 60-FD 95) provides the best performance with minimum environmental impact. Capillary tubes cope with all conditions – no moving parts for extra reliability.• Condenser with louvered fin technology for improved performance in dusty environments.3748152637481526Pressure dew point precisionThe FX comes in a wide range of sizes (7-300 l/s or 15-636 cfm) to offer a steady pressure dew point as low as +3°C/+37.4°F. Its easy to use digital display precision-measures and monitors the pressure dew point and dryer performance.Digital display• Pressure dew point: exact measurement and visual monitoring. • Status: refrigerant compressor and fan.• Alarms: high/low pressure dew point and probe failure.• Service warning.ReliableBuilt according to the stringent Atlas Copco standards, the FX is made of high quality, generously sized components.Hot environmentsHigh ambient temperatures can put your equipment to the test. The FX range offers several high temperature models that ensure dependable performance in conditions up to 46°C/115°F.Significant cost savings• Increased reliability and lifetime of tools and equipment.• Reduced pipe work leaks and thus a lower energy bill.• Less equipment breakdowns and operational interruptions.• Minimal chance of product damage as a result of moisture carryover.Sustainable refrigerantThe FX range comes with refrigerant that is compliant with F-Gas regulations to ensure the lowest possible carbon footprint and energy consumption.separatorNo chance of moisture entering the compressed air system.1Ensures stable pressure dew point and eliminates the possibility of condensate freezing.2Provides peace of mind through precise monitoring of pressure dew point.3connectionAllows for plug-and-play installation.4componentsFor straightforward servicing.5Offers high efficiency for better pressure dew point.6with integrated liquid separatorLasts longer thanks to limited vibrations, minimal moving parts, and reduced risk of leakage.8For a small footprint.7VSD:a game-changer in energy savingsWhen purchasing a refrigerant dryer, the main focus is usually on the initial cost. However, this only represents approximately 10% of the lifecycle cost of the dryer. Energy, maintenance and installation make up the bulk of your actual dryer costs. Direct and indirect (pressure drop) energy costs are the most important.Indirect energy costsIndirect energy costs are related to the extra energy your aircompressor must consume to overcome the pressure drop that takesplace in the air dryer. By design, Atlas Copco FD VSD dryers offer a lowpressure drop and efficient heat transfer – both of which contribute toFD VSD 100-300:Elektronikon ® Touch controller• 4.3-inch high-definition color display with clear pictograms and service indicator.• Internet-based dryer visualization using a simple Ethernet connection.• Automatic restart after voltage failure.• Built-in SMARTLINK online monitoring.• More flexibility: four different week schedules.• Graphical service plan indication.• Remote control and connectivity functions.SMARTLINK & Total ResponsibilityGet the most out of SMARTLINK as part of a Total Responsibility Plan. Step back, relax, and let our service engineers monitor your compressed air system. We know exactly when to serviceyour machines, diagnose any issues and be there on time to fix them.FD 5-95:Elektronikon ® Alpha controller• Exact measurement and visual monitoring of pressure dew point and ambient temperature.• High/low pressure dew point alarm.• Relative humidity indicator.• Energy saving mode.• Switch off at freezing alarm.• Alarm history and standard remote visualization.FX 1-16: Digital display• Pressure dew point: exact measurement and visual monitoring. • Energy saving mode.• Alarms: high/low pressure dew point and probe failure.•Service warnings.SMARTLINK: Data Monitoring ProgramSMARTLINK captures live data from your compressed air equipment and translates it in clear insights. At a glance, you can check uptime, energy efficiency and machine health.• Remote monitoring that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save energy and costs.• Provides a complete insight in your compressed air network.• Anticipates potential problems by warning you upfront.• Efficient service planning and parts handling to give you improved uptime.Advanced controlAtlas Copco’s refrigerant dryers are built to reliably and efficiently deliver quality air. But in the end, it’s all about how they perform on your work floor, meeting your individual needs and responding to your specific conditions. That is why the FD VSD, FD and FX come with comprehensive control options to allow you to get the best performance from your Atlas Copco dryer.Remote monitoringHow refrigerant dryers workA refrigerant dryer uses a refrigerant circuit and heat exchanger(s) to pre-coolair, refrigerate it to condense out moisture vapor, and then re-heat the air toAir circuit1Air-to-air heat exchanger: Incoming air is cooled downby the outgoing dry, cold air2Air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger: The air is cooled tothe required dew point by the refrigerant circuit. Thewater vapor condenses into water droplets3Integrated water separator: The moisture is collectedand evacuated by the electronic drainRefrigerant circuit4Refrigerant compressor: Compresses the gaseousrefrigerant to a higher pressure5Regulation device: The hot gas bypass valve regulatesthe dryer to prevent freezing at lower load conditions6Refrigerant condenser: Cools the refrigerant so that itchanges from a gas to a liquid7Refrigerant filter: Protects the expansion device fromharmful particles8Thermostatic expansion valve: The expansion processreduces the pressure and cools the refrigerant further9Liquid separator: Ensures that only refrigerant gasenters the compressorHot refrigerant gasCold refrigerant liquidExpanded refrigerant liquid2935 0868 41 © 2020, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e o r o b l i g a t i o n . R e a d a l l s a f e t y i n s t r u c t i o n s i n t h e。

使用说明书 可宝 SP600 吸尘湿拖一体机 可宝吸尘主机动力刷头附件

使用说明书 可宝 SP600 吸尘湿拖一体机 可宝吸尘主机动力刷头附件

使用说明书KOBOLD SP600 吸尘湿拖一体机可宝主机动力刷头附件SP600吸尘湿拖一体机德国设计 中国制造生产商:福维克家用电器制造(上海)有限公司上海市青浦工业园区崧泽大道8777号 B 厂房吸尘湿拖一体机扫描二维码关注福维克微信公众号本产品识别码序言恭喜您购买了可宝SP600(以下简称SP600)吸尘湿拖一体机!在配合可宝吸尘主机一同使用时,您会充分体会到SP600吸尘湿拖一体机的强大清洁能力且受益于其带来的的清洁卫生效果。

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若您将本机移交 给他人使用,请务必将此说明书一同附上。

3. SP600吸尘湿拖一体机必须与福维克原厂出品的可宝吸尘主 机一同使用,因此在使用过程中也需要遵循可宝吸尘主机的 相应操作说明和规定。

符号与标示在后续的说明文字中会出现下列符号和标示,请了解它们的确切含义:参阅福维克网站1. 2. 3. 用数字标示的操作说明23目录1 为了您的安全 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1 预期用途 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 危险警告 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.3 危险程度 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 开始操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.1 可宝SP600吸尘湿拖一体机 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.2 可宝SP600吸尘湿拖一体机附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.1 KOBOCLEAN可宝净清洁液 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.2 可宝MF600清洁布 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2.3 可宝MF600清洁布对各种地面的适用性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 2.3 接驳可宝SP600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.4 可宝SP600直立驻机模式的设定和解除 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 2.5 将可宝SP600准备就绪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 2.6 开启/关闭SP600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.7 自动湿润模式和干式清洁模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 2.8 用可宝SP600进行操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 2.9 使用完可宝SP600以后 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 日常维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.1 检查与清洁密封条 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.2 清洁储水盒 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 故障诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 丢弃处置与环境保护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.1 包装物丢弃 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 5.2 关于环境保护的信息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 保修及服务 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 6.1 产品保修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 6.2 服务承诺. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 6.3 个人隐私保护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 6.4 延保服务 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .457 技术参数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46部件对各种地面的适用性地毯类型可宝SP600吸尘湿拖一体机 圈绒地毯丝绒地毯–柏柏尔地毯厚织地毯(大于1.5厘米)轻薄地毯真丝地毯剑麻地毯–皮毛地毯手织希腊厚绒粗地毯疏织地毯长条交织纤维地毯(萨克森毛呢地毯)–硬地面类型密封/涂漆木地板(地板,镶木地板)++上油/蜡木地板++未密封/未处理的木地板•密封软木地板++上油/蜡软木地板 ·•未密封/未处理软木地板•复合地板++弹性地板(PVC,乙烯基,油毡)++石材地面(大理石,花岗岩,侏罗石灰岩,人造石)++1)多孔/精美天然石材(板岩,缸砖)+1)粘土地面(陶瓦,缸砖,粘土砖)++1)釉面砖和精炻器地面++未经处理的贴砖地面•粗糙水泥地面(冲洗混凝土)–++非常适合–不适合+适合•只能使用可宝MF600清洁布进行干式清洁,不能进行湿式清洁。


工作压力不致产生很大变化,以防干扰焚烧炉燃烧室内的气流情况。 J. 灰斗加热器 灰斗使用加热器是为了减少灰斗结露腐蚀和提高卸灰效果。装加热器的位置大约是在灰斗下部 的三分之一处。 灰斗的电伴热控制面板上有一个温度控制器,其最低设定点为 120℃,上限值为 140℃,高于 140℃即停止加热。控制器循环检测各个灰斗并指出低温的灰斗。 除尘器进口处的系统风管热电阻及灰斗电伴热每天需进行不少于二次的巡检,观察其是否正常 工作。
每行滤袋的上方要安装一根喷吹管,安装时要以滤袋为基准用随机附送的喷吹管定位模对喷吹 管定位,使喷吹管喷孔与滤袋中心互相对准。每根喷吹管通过一个靠近除尘器室框架的钢接头和外 部的气包相连,喷吹管的另一端固定在夹紧支架上,喷吹管面朝下的喷吹孔应该在喷吹管固定后和 滤袋、文丘里同轴。
要注意:滤袋和袋笼不应在室外保存。安装清理完毕后,各个分室和灰斗的检修门应该关闭不 再打开。滤袋装好后,不可以再在滤袋附近进行焊接、切割或打磨等作业。
2) 准备进入除尘器前,先打开上盖和灰斗人孔门,用大约两个小时时间散热并用强制 通风方式清除逗留的烟气。应注意:打开人孔门的时候不要站在近处,因为会有热 烟气冲出来。还要注意金属表面会很烫,应戴好手套;
3) 只在非进入不可的情况下才能打开灰斗检修门,更换滤袋则没有必要进入灰斗。开 启灰斗检修门前,须判断门的另一面是否有积灰。方法是: a. 如果感觉灰斗检修门没有箱体那样烫,那么就可能有积灰; b. 抽掉几条滤袋,吊个重物和灯下去用肉眼观察。
B.预启动检查清单 在袋式除尘器安装完毕开始运行前,应对以下内容进行仔细检查。以后在运行维护过程中进行 检查时,也可以以此清单为依据。
1. 滤袋 ⑴ 安装
a.滤袋的安装; b.袋笼的安装; c.在灰斗中检查滤袋长度和排列情况。 ⑵ 滤袋的萤光粉检漏 ⑶ 滤袋的预喷涂 a.预喷涂材料规格; b.预喷涂进行的步骤。 2. 管道 ⑴ 进去检查 a.导流板; b.联接和密封。 ⑵ 启动后的检查 a.飞灰的积聚。 3. 旁通阀 ⑴ 行程开关的机械装配; ⑵ 旁通阀的安装和密封; ⑶ 阀的远程操作; ⑷ 气缸磁控行程开关的远程指示; ⑸ 相应的失效方式和警告信号。 4. 输灰系统 ⑴ 要对卸灰阀作检查; ⑵ 运转检查。 5. 压缩空气系统 ⑴ 脉冲用气 a.压缩空气管路; b.设置调压阀;








目 录一.概述 …………………………………………………… 1 二.规格与技术参数 ……………………………………… 2 三.工艺流程及过程 ……………………………………… 3 四.各部件简介…………………………………………… 5 五.安装 …………………………………………………… 8 六. 运行前准备 …………………………………………… 10 七.运行与操作 …………………………………………… 11 八.日常维护 ……………………………………………… 12 九.故障排除 ……………………………………………… 13 十.交货技术条件 ………………………………………… 15 附图 工艺流程图安全准则一.概述微热再生干燥机是一种节能型吸附式压缩空气干燥装置,它的作用是通过吸附净化原理,清除空气中水份,从而达到干燥空气的目的.微热再生干燥机利用吸附剂多孔表面可选择吸附某些组分特性,把空气中水份吸附在吸附剂空穴中,从而清除空气中的水份.当吸附剂工作了一定时间后,吸附剂将达到饱和吸附平衡,需要用接近常压的高温干燥气体对吸附剂再生,以恢复吸附剂的吸附能力.由于吸附剂能吸附-再生循环使用,使得微热再生干燥机能连续安全可靠运行.微热再生干燥机采用的是变压、变温再生的工艺方法,它充分结合无热再生快速吸附,有热再生高温解吸特点,与有热再生相比,它采用较低再生温度对吸附剂进行再生,使得再生所需能耗有较大幅度下降,与无热再生相比,其再生后残余含水量非常低,大大提高了装置可处理能力,因此可以相应延长工作周期。

LG 吸尘器 V-CE681HAY 英文使用说明书

LG 吸尘器 V-CE681HAY 英文使用说明书

Model Language Page Size(W*H)Designer Designer Confirm Color(cover/body)Description Date No.Date Chage RecordChange content ECO No.123456789Weight 100g 2009.1.16V-CE681HAY.CRDPLGT 30MFL 579038062/1150 x 220(mm)Geyang Owner's manualMaterial Part No.English+Chinese ACTT 901721 add svc card description09.03.12 Ge Yang CUI.Y.TV-CE681HAY2V-CE681HAY220V~ 50Hz 1600W 1800W 350W 5.3Kg1.5L272mm x 414mm x 290mm毛刷、鸭嘴、尖吸嘴的使用集尘桶的拆卸/清理方法集尘桶、灰尘分离器的清理安装方法电机保护过滤器的拆卸/洗涤/安装方法排气过滤器的拆卸/清洁/安装方法申报故障维修的确认事项装相单灰尘分离器的清理方法清洗方法安装方法拆卸方法清洗方法安装方法拆卸方法清洗方法产品规格使用前注意事项吸尘器的组装与吸力调节部分名称与连接方法附件震动刷头使用方法与清洗方法使用方法清洗方法3457清洁寝具吸入口的清洁方法用水清洗吸入口,有可能导致振动器故障。












EcoFasten Solar Simple Seal产品指南说明书

EcoFasten Solar Simple Seal产品指南说明书

Compression Plate 2” X 2” Mill Aluminum
Cut Sheet - CP-22
877-859-3947 Committed to the Support of Renewable Energy © EcoFasten Solar® All content protected under copyrighMt. AAllTEriRghIAtsL:res6er0ve0d0. 0S7/e25ri/e20s12Mill Aluminum
Simple Seal
EcoFasten Solar
Simple Seal – Product Guide
Cut Sheets: Bracket Options - CP-SQ
Compression Plate 2" X 2" Mill Aluminum
5/16" 2"
3/8"+- ..0010 THRU ALL 7/8"±.01 X 82°, NEAR SIDE
877-859-3947 Committed to the Support of Renewable Energy © EcoFasten Solar® All conete-nmt paroilteinctfeod@undeecrocofapysritgehnt.sAoll lraigrh.tcsoremservedS.C07A/2L5E/2:0112:1
EcoFasten Solar
2 3/4"
4X R1/8"
1 1/2"
1 1/2"

林肯电子 LINCGUN PROMIG 清洁管型号操作手册说明书

林肯电子 LINCGUN PROMIG 清洁管型号操作手册说明书

LINCGUN ® PROMIG ™Para otros idiomas, visite nuestra página webwww.lincolnelectric.eu > Soporte > Manuales de instrucciones y repuestos UELE AGRADECEMOS QUE HAYA SELECCIONADO UN PRODUCTO DE CALIDAD DE LINCOLN ELECTRIC.Versiones refrigeradas por aire:Las pistolas LINCGUN ® PROMIG™ AMPS han sido diseñadas para cumplir con la especificación IEC 60974-7 para la soldadura con electrodo de acero utilizando los procesos GMAW (soldadura por arco metálico con gas) y FCAW (soldadura por arco con núcleo fundente) con protección de gas. Las pistolas LINCGUN ® PROMIG™ se guían manualmente y se refrigeran por aire o por agua (modelos con "W").Las pistolas LG PROMIG pueden conectarse a cualquier alimentador con conector EURO. Para alcanzar el mejor rendimiento, se recomienda utilizar estas pistolas con soldadoras, enfriadores y FREEZCOOL de Lincoln Electric.Utilice siempre piezas de desgaste originales.REPUESTOS CONSUMIBLESLINCGUN ® PROMIG ™ ManualW100000205W100000265W100000212W100000256W100000271W100000264W100000272W100000249W100000258W100000201W100000211W100000209W100000206W100000207W100000208W100000184W100000263W100000259PN.DescripciónW100000249LG PROMIG 230T/270 Soporte de cable C/W junta esférica W100000256LG PROMIG 230T/270 TAPÓN DE CARCASA DE TAPÓN DEPISTOLAW100000258LG PROMIG TERMINAL DE CABLEW100000259LG PROMIG TERMINAL DE CABLE MACHOW100000263LG PROMIG 230T/270 TORNILLO TAPÓN DE PISTOLA W100000264LG PROMIG 230T/270 TUERCA DE TAPÓN DE PISTOLA W100000271LG PROMIG TUERCA DE RETENCIÓN DE REVESTIMIENTO W100000272LG PROMIG DELTA-PT-WN5452-25X12-DIN50962-TX8DescripciónW100000184LG PROMIG 230/270 Pistola híbrida Cuerpo de tapón C/W Pasadores elásticosW100000202LG PROMIG 270 SOPORTE DE CABLEW100000209LG PROMIG Promig Asa pequeña W100000211LG PROMIG GatilloW100000213LG PROMIG 270 Tapón de pistola Carcasa Racor SoportegrandeW100000214LG PROMIG 270 Cuello de cisneW100000229LG PROMIG 270 Conj. cable coaxial x 3m W100000230LG PROMIG 270 Conj. cable coaxial x 4m W100000231LG PROMIG 270 Conj. cable coaxial x 5mW100000249W100000209W100000272W100000229W100000230W100000231W100000202W100000256W100000259W100000213W100000263W100000264W100000184W100000271W100000201W100000258W100000214W100000211W100000241W100000242W100000243W100000266W100000254W100000245W100000260W100000204W100000271W100000257W100000255W100000259W100000250W100000201W100000258W100000186W100000210W100000211W100000203W100000272W100000218W100000250W100000210W100000272W100000246W100000247W100000248W100000266W100000254W100000245W100000257W100000204W100000271W100000255W100000211W100000259W100000257W100000201W100000258W100000186W100000203W100000238Lincoln Electric IberiaAgnieszka Kujacz - KoralewskaDirectora de producto para equipos de pistolas de soldadura EMEARRetire y limpie periódicamente la boquilla, la punta de contacto y el difusor de gas. Reemplace la boquilla si está dañada. El uso regular de un compuesto anti-salpicaduras reducirá la adherencia de las salpicaduras y facilitará su eliminación. Limpie el revestimiento del cable después de usar aproximadamente 140 kg de electrodo. Retire el cable del alimentador de alambre y colóquelo directamente en el suelo. Retire la punta de contacto de la pistola. Con una manguera de aire y una presión parcial, sople suavemente el revestimiento del cable desde el extremo del difusor de gas.PRECAUCIÓNUna presión excesiva al realizar el encendido puede hacer que la suciedad forme un tapón. Flexione el cable en toda su longitud y vuelva a soplar el cable. Repita este procedimiento hasta que no salga más suciedad.。

Greenlee 电动敲击拔出系列产品说明书

Greenlee 电动敲击拔出系列产品说明书

WANT SPEED? TRY THE GREENLEE SPEED PUNCH® SYSTEM. WANT SELF CENTERING? SLUG SPLITTER® / SLUG-BUSTER® SC. WANT SIZE? LARGE-DIAMETER STAINLESS STEEL KNOCKOUTS. WANT THE WIDEST RANGE OF FAST, RELIABLE KNOCKOUTS?TRY GREENLEE.ContentsHydraulic Pump Accessories 10760TRUSTEDSINCE1862USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +1.815.397.7070MATERIAL NUMBER Holemaking Selection GuideSELECTION GUIDES61USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE += REPLACEMENT PART = ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLDRIVER TYPEDESCRIPTIONAVAILABLE DRIVER KITSBattery-Powered Driver (18V Li-Ion Battery)• Punch holes from any angle with the 360° rotating head• Punches up to 6" holes in 14 gauge mild steel and 2" holes in 14 gauge stainless steel• Slim, compact and lightweight design for reduced fatigue and easy control • Automatic retraction prevents damage to punch and die• One trigger controls all tool functions, no additional manual work required • LED light illuminates dark work areasSPEED PUNCH ® Punches Slug Splitter ® Punches Slug-Buster ® PunchesHand Pump Hydraulic Driver with Ram• Foot operation frees both hands to operate punch.• Powerful hydraulic ram develops 11 tons of hydraulic force• Punches up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm) mild steel with Greenlee Speed Punch ®, Slug-Buster ® and standard knockout punches and 10 gauge (3.5 mm) stainless steel with Greenlee Slug Splitter ® SC knockout punchesSlug Splitter ® SC Punches Slug-Buster ® Punches Standard PunchesFoot Pump Hydraulic Driver with Ram • Powerful hydraulic ram develops 11 tons of hydraulic force• Punches up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm) mild steel with Greenlee Speed Punch ®, Slug-Buster ® and standard knockout punches and 10 gauge (3.5 mm) stainless steel with Greenlee Slug Splitter ® SC knockout punchesSlug-Buster ® PunchesQuick Draw ® Hydraulic Driver • Quick Draw driver is perfect for fast, straight-on panel punching • Develops 8 tons of hydraulic force for easy punching• Punches up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm) mild steel with Greenlee SPEED PUNCH ®, Slug-Buster ® and standard knockout punches and 10 gauge (3.5 mm) stainless steel with Greenlee Slug Splitter ® SC knockout punchesSPEED PUNCH ® Punches Slug-Buster ® PunchesQuick Draw 90® Hydraulic Driver• Quick Draw 90 right-angle design allows greater versatility in tight spacesQuick Draw ® Flex Hydraulic Driver• Quick Draw Flex allows unlimited driver orientationManual Ratchet Driver• Unique punch profile splits slugs allowing easy slug removal• 1" Hex Ratchet Wrench allows use with both 3/8" (19.1 mm) and 3/4" (9.5 mm) draw studs• Slug-Buster ® Punches available in sizes up thru 2.52" (64.0 mm)• Standard round punches available up to 5 5/8" (144.1 mm)Slug-Buster ® PunchesSlug-Buster ® Metric Punches Standard Metric PunchesDRIVER TYPE DRIVE METHOD CAPACITYSIZE RANGE AVAILABLE SPEED PUNCH ®Hydraulic or Battery Mild steelup thru 10 gauge (3.5 mm) 1.115" through 2.416" dia. (28.3 mm through 61.4 mm)Slug Splitter ® &Slug Splitter ® SC Ratchet, Hydraulic or Battery Stainless steel or mild steel up thru 10 gauge (3.5 mm) .598" through 2.526" dia. (15.2 mm through 64 mm)Slug-Buster ® &Slug-Buster ® SC Manual, Ratchet, Hydraulic or BatteryMild steelup thru 10 gauge (3.5 mm) .492" through 2.52" dia. (12.5 mmthrough 64.0 mm)Standard RoundManual, Ratchet, Hydraulic or BatteryMild steel up thru 10 gauge (3.5 mm).500" through 6.375" dia. (12.7 through 161.9 mm)Knockout Punch Driver Selection GuideKnockout Punch Selection Guide62TRUSTEDSINCE1862USA CANADA INT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +1.815.397.7070LS1006. LED LightImproves visibility, illuminatesdark work areas7. POWERFUL 18V Li-Ion BatteryLong lasting and chargesin 30 minutes4563USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +Weight (driver with battery) 5.8 LBS(2.6 KG 4.7 LBS(2.1 KG Maximum Punch Force 11 T ons (130 kN) 6 Tons (60 kN)Max Round Punch Size –Mild Steel - 10GA 4" Conduit 2" Conduit Mild Steel - 12GA 6" Conduit -Stainless Steel - 10GA 3" Conduit 1-1/4" Conduit Stainless Steel - 12GA 4" Conduit -Lithium Ion Battery (2) 18V , 3.0 Ah (1) 18V , 1.5 Ah Charging Time30 Minutes15 MinutesReplacement Parts & Accessories for the LS100 & LS5064USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +1.815.397.7070Capacity Mild steel up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm)Application Mild steel, fiberglass and plastic enclosuresHole SizesConduit Sizes - Hole size is outside diameter of US conduit sizes. Example: 3/4" conduit size actually makes a 1-3/32" hole Pg Sizes - European standard pipe sizesISO Sizes - International Standards Organization pipe sizes OperationOperate with manual-hydraulic and battery-hydraulic drivers“No-thread” design eliminates cross-threading.Faster setup and disassembly.punch!23SECUREPUNCHSLIDE1* Compared to standard threaded punch & draw stud set-up and disassembly.off draw stud: The fastest punch system on the market today.SPEED LOCKQuickly secures the system in place – more holes, less time.NO THREAD PUNCH Easily slides on/off draw studRUGGED GROOVES Holds up on the job – no more damaged threadsWorks with existing hydraulic and battery-operated punch drivers65USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +Mild Steel SPEED PUNCH Knockout SystemStainless Steel SPEED PUNCH ® Knockout SystemOiltight SPEED PUNCH ® Knockout SystemMetric IS0-16 to ISO-63 SPEED PUNCH ® Knockout System• Available in ½" to 4" conduit sizes• Punch up to 10 gauge (3.5 mm) mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and plastic• Use with hydraulic and battery-powered drivers • Knockouts Made in the USA• Available in ½" to 2" conduit sizes• Punch up to 10 gauge (3.5 mm) stainless and mild steel • Use with hydraulic and battery-powered drivers • Knockouts Made in the USA• Available in 22mm & 30mm notched hole sizes• Punch up to 12 gauge (2.5 mm) mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and plastic• Use with hydraulic and battery-powered drivers • Knockouts Made in the USA• Available in 22mm & 30mm notched hole sizes• Punch up to 12 gauge (2.5 mm) mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass and plastic• Use with hydraulic and battery-powered drivers • Knockouts Made in the USASPEED PUNCH ® Knockout Kits for Mild Steel• Available in 1/2" to 4” conduit sizes• Punch up to 10 gauge (3.5mm) mild steel• Use with manual-hydraulic and battery-hydraulic knockout drivers• Knockouts Made in the USALS100L11SB4SPSee below for kit contentsSee page 68 for kit contentsSee page 69 for kit contentsSee page 69 for kit contents66TRUSTEDSINCE1862USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +1.815.397.7070SPEED PUNCH ® Knockout Kits with Battery-Hydraulic DriverFor more details on Greenlee's new LS100 and LS50 Knockout Drivers and Kits please refer to page 6567USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE += NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLSPEED PUNCH ® Knockout Kits with Manual-Hydraulic Driver For more details on Greenlee's new LS100 and LS50 Knockout Drivers and Kits please refer to page 6568TRUSTEDSINCE1862USACANADAINT’LFAX 800.451.2632FAX 800.524.2853FAX +1.815.397.9247PHONE 800.435.0786PHONE 866.384.8813PHONE +1.815.397.7070For more details on Greenlee's new LS100 and LS50 Knockout Drivers and Kits please refer to page 65SPEED PUNCH Knockout Kit for Stainless SteelLS100L11SSSP7307SP®= REPLACEMENT PART = ACCESSORY = BARE TOOL® Knockout Set - Oiltight Punches with NotchesSPEED PUNCH ® Knockout Set - METRIC• Pushbutton knockouts• Available in 22.5mm & 30.5mm notched hole sizes• Punch up to 12 gauge (2.5mm) mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass and plastic• Use with manual-hydraulic and battery-hydraulic knockout drivers• Oiltight SPEED PUNCH ® units include punch, die, draw stud and speed lock• Pushbutton knockouts• Available in 22.5mm & 30.5mm notched hole sizes• Punch up to 12 gauge (2.5mm) mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass and plastic• Use with manual-hydraulic and battery-hydraulic knockout drivers• Oiltight SPEED PUNCH ® units include punch, die, draw stud and speed lock7212SP-PB22U A B C D ESlug Splitter ® SC Ram and Hand Pump Hydraulic Driver Punch Kits SLUG SPLITTER ®SC KNOCKOUT KITS 7506 Punch Kit NOTE: See Slug Splitter ® SC knockout punch units on pages 71-72 for list of individual punches, dies and draw studs.SPECIFICATIONSOperation 7307/29528 - Quick Draw ®, Quick Draw 90® and Quick Draw ® Flex Hydraulic Drivers,Battery-Powered Drivers, 7646 and 7625 Ram-Type Drivers.744/29619 - Quick Draw ®, Quick Draw 90® and Quick Draw ® Flex Hydraulic Drivers,Battery-Powered Drivers, 7646 and 7625 Ram-Type Drivers.7506/30385 - Hydraulic Ram and Hand Pump included.All Kits Feature:• Slug Splitter ® SC (Self Centering) knockout punches with capacities up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm) stainless steel, refer to individual punch capacity ratings• Self-centering punch aligns itself on pilot hole• No need to draw crosshairs or line up die alignment marks7506 Kit Features• Fast, easy and simple to operate• Compact design makes this a perfect choice for use on construction sites andmaintenance jobs• Will also drive 751 Cable Cutter head• Powerful 11-ton hydraulic ram• 3-foot hose744 Punch Kit Designed for stainless steel applications 7308 Punch Kit (driver not included)= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLSlug is split in half as punching operation is completed.Split slugs fall free from the die and stud.Unique Slug Splitter ® SC punch design creases slug as the punch is drawn into the die.• Self-centering punch aligns itself on pilot hole (Slug Splitter ® SC)• No need to draw crosshairs or line up die alignment marks(Slug Splitter ® SC)• Unique punch profile also splits slugs for easier slug removal• Heavy-duty dies and stainless steel draw studs for longer life• Excellent abrasion resistance for punching fiberglass and plastic• Slug Splitter ® SC punch units consist of: punch, die and draw stud,check individual punch for specific capacity• Patent Pending for Self-centering Slug Splitter ® SCSPECIFICATIONSCapacityStainless steel up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm)Application10-gauge stainless steel, mild steel, fiberglass and plastic enclosures.Hole SizesConduit Sizes - hole size is outside diameter of US conduit sizes. Example: 1/2" conduit size actually makes a 7/8" hole.Pg Sizes - European standard pipe sizes.ISO Sizes - International Standards Organization pipe sizes.Operation Operate with battery, hydraulic or high leverage ratchet driver only.745H-3/4746 Ram shown with 745M-1-1/2= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOL®®7310SB= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOL®7625See Accessories Usage Chart on page 102= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLRAM AND FOOT PUMP HYDRAULIC DRIVER PARTS IDENTIFICATION (Match letters above to drawing.)7806SB Quick Draw ® Kit® KitSee Accessories Usage Chart on page 102= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOL®®®7238SB7237BB7235BB36690HOLE SIZECAT NO.UPC NO.DESCRIPTION CONDUIT & PIPE SIZE721-1/2317561/2" Conduit Size Punch 1/2"14722147221/2" Conduit Size Die 721-3/4317573/4" Conduit Size Punch 3/4"124AV 069723/4" Conduit Size Die 721-1315781" Conduit Size Punch 1"126AV 040111" Conduit Size Die 721-1-1/4317591-1/4" Conduit Size Punch 1-1/4"128AV 040131-1/4" Conduit Size Die 721-1-1/2317601-1/2" Conduit Size Punch 1-1/2"440AV 040611-1/2" Conduit Size Die 721-2317612" Conduit Size Punch 2"442AV 040632" Conduit Size Die 3196931969Pg-9 Slug-Buster Punch —3200232002Pg-9 Slug-Buster Die —3197031970Pg-11 Slug-Buster Punch —Slug-Buster ® Knockout Sets7216Slug-Buster ® Knockout Punches 0.492" to 2.520"• The contractor’s choice – worldwide• Unique punch profile also splits slugs for easier slug removal • Use with battery-powered, hydraulic, ratchet or manual drivers • Uses standard Greenlee dies and draw studs• Slug-Buster ® punches available in sizes up thru 2.52" (64.0 mm)• Knockouts Made in the USASPECIFICATIONS Capacity Mild steel up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm).Application Punch mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass and plastic.Hole SizesConduit Sizes- Hole size is outside diameter of US conduit sizes. i.e 1/2" conduit actually 7/8"Pg Sizes-European standard pipe sizes.ISO Sizes- International Standards Organization pipe sizes.OperationBattery, hydraulic, ratchet or manual drivers. When used with ratchet, hydraulic or battery drivers, buy the punch and die only; the draw stud is part of the driver kit.punch design creases slug as the punch is drawn into the die.punching operation is completed.the die and stud.SLUG-BUSTER ®KNOCKOUTSitself on pilot hole• No need to draw crosshairs or line up die alignment marks • Unique punch also splits slugs for easier slug removal • US Patent No. 6,973,729®10800• Can be used with most standard round Slug-Buster ® and Slug Splitter ® SC punches (except 1/2", 9/16", 5/8")• Can be used with non-round punches (adapter may be required)• 3-foot hose• Powerful 11-ton hydraulic ramSee Accessories Usage Chart on page 102= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLWrenches Sold Separatelyfor kits 737BB, 735BB and 7304BBNOTE: See Standard Round Knockout Punches on pages 91-92 for listing of individual punch units, punches, dies and draw studs.= BARE TOOL• Includes most popular sizes for industrial applications• Time-saving tool for maintenance, repair and operationapplications• Convenient steel carrying case• Ball bearing drive screw for easy manual operation or usewith ratchet and hydraulic drivers• Knockouts Made in the USASPECIFICATIONSCapacity1-1/4" Punch - 16 gauge (1.5 mm) mild steel.3/4", 1", and 1-1/8" Punches - 14 gauge (2.0 mm) mild steel.7/8" and 1-1/2" Punches 10 gauge (3.5 mm) mild steel.Operation Manual - Wrench not included.3986036687• Knockouts Made in the USADieNutEvery cut quick and clean...Just tip it out.Slug falls free in die.SPECIFICATIONSCapacity Mild steel up through 10 gauge (3.5 mm).Application Punch mild steel, aluminum, fiberglass and plastic.Hole Sizes Conduit Sizes - Hole size is outside diameter of US conduit sizes. Example:1/2" conduit size punch actually makes a 7/8" hole.Pg Sizes - European standard pipe sizes.ISO Sizes - International Standards Organization pipe sizes.Operation Operate with battery-powered, hydraulic, ratchet or manual drivers. Whenused with battery-powered, hydraulic, or ratchet drivers buy the punch anddie only; the draw stud is part of the driver kit.3037AVStandard Round Knockout Punches= BARE TOOLCounterNutPunch DieDrive Nut® designs.NutBall BearingDrive NutDraw StudKey Punches720 Keyway Punch• Eliminates time-consuming hand sawing and filing when making keywaysfor push-button switches• Use as a nibbler to make wider or deeper keyways• Punches 1/8" (3.2 mm) or 3/16" (4.8 mm) keyways for 7/8" (22.5 mm) or1-7/32" (30.5 mm) push-button holes• Canadian Patent No. 1,172,435SPECIFICATIONSOperation Manualdeeper keyways.cutting head.CAT./UPC NOPUNCH UNIT“D” PunchesDraw Stud Drive Nut Square Nut Draw Stud Ball Bearing Double “D” PunchesSquare and Special Square Punches** Sold as Unit only** Sold as Unit only*For use with with Hand and Foot Pump Hydraulic Drivers with Ram. For use with any Greenlee Hydraulic Driver or Battery-Powered Driver For maximum draw stud life, Greenlee recommends the use of battery or hydraulic drivers ** Sold as Unit only◊ For use with any Greenlee Hydraulic Driver or Battery-Powered DriverNut Drive Nut Electronic Connector Panel PunchesFor maximum draw stud life, Greenlee recommends the use of battery or hydraulic drivers* For use with with Hand and Foot Pump Hydraulic Drivers with Ram◊ For use with any Greenlee Hydraulic Driver or Battery-Powered Driver= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLReplacement Draw Studs for SPEED PUNCH ®7212SP22 – 3/8" (10 mm) x 4.77" (121 mm)DRAW STUDS FOR KNOCKOUTS7212SP13 – 3/8" (10 mm) x 4.7" (119 mm)7212SP11 – 3/4" (19 mm) x 4.8" (122 mm)7212SP12 – 3/4" (19 mm) x 5.63" (143 mm)7212SP14 – 3/8" (10 mm) x 3.8" (97 mm)7212SP21 – 3/4" (19 mm) x 5.8" (148 mm)7212SP23 – 3/4" (19 mm) x 5.0" (127 mm)7212SP24 – 3/8" (10 mm) x 3.8" (97 mm)7212SP31 – 3/8" (10 mm) x 4.9" (124 mm)7212SP32 – 3/8" (10 mm) x 4.0" (102 mm)Replacement Draw Studs for Manual Drivers00042 – 3/8" (9.5 mm) x 1-5/8" (41 mm)3026AV –1-1/8" (28.6 mm) x 7-1/2" (190 mm)1434AV 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 5-1/2" (140 mm)1675AV Draw Stud – 1/4" (6.4 mm) x 1-3/8" (35 mm)Replacement Draw Stud Selection GuideRefer to the ACTUAL SIZE PICTURES and information below when ordering a replacement draw stud. Sizes given are diameter X length.304AVBB – 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 2-15/16" (75 mm)249AVBB – 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 2-1/8" (54 mm)= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLReplacement Draw Studs for Hydraulic Drivers1614SS– 3/8" (9.5 mm)x 2-13/16" (71 mm)33967 (Adapter) – 3/4" (19 mm) x 3/8" (9.5 mm) internal Replacement Draw Stud Selection GuideRefer to the ACTUAL SIZE PICTURES and information below when ordering a replacement draw stud.Sizes given are diameter X length.60114 (Adapter) – 3/4" (19 mm)x 1/4" (6.35 mm) internal60167 (Adapter) – 3/4" (19 mm) x 1/2" (12.7 mm) internal1557AA– 1-1/8" (28.6 mm) x 3" (76 mm)7212AA1 – 1-3/8" (35 mm) x 2.65" (67 mm)Use with 7467212AA2 – 1-3/8" (35 mm) x 2.48" (63 mm)Use with LS1001557SS – 1/8" (28.6 mm) x 2.65" (67 mm)Use With Slug Splitter ®Punches20963 – 3/8" (9.5 mm) to 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 4.8" (122 mm)2113B – 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 5.38"(137 mm)29452 – 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 5-1/2" (140 mm)29451 – 7/16" (11.1 mm) x 4-1/4" (108 mm)31872 – 3/4" (19 mm) x 4-1/2" (114.3 mm)Replacement Draw Studs for Ratchet DriversReplacement Draw Studs for Hydraulic Drivers (continued)12099 – 3/4" (19.0 mm) x 4-3/4" (121 mm)12097 – 3/8" (9.5 mm) x 3-1/2" (89 mm)30227 – 7/16" (11.1 mm) x 3-5/8" (92 mm)Replacement Draw Stud Selection GuideRefer to the ACTUAL SIZE PICTURES and information below when ordering a replacement draw stud. Sizes given are diameter X length.= NEW PRODUCT= REPLACEMENT PART= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLReplacement Draw Studs for Special Shape Punches60166 – 1/2" (12.7 mm) x 4-5/8" (117.5 mm)60117 – 1/2" (12.7 mm) x 4-5/8" (117.5 mm)34421 – 3/8" (9.5 mm) x 3-1/2" (88.9 mm)60115 – 1/4" (6.3 mm) x 3-7/16" (87.3 mm)60118 – 3/4" (19 mm) x 6-3/4" (171.5 mm)Replacement Draw Stud Selection GuideRefer to the ACTUAL SIZE PICTURES and information below when ordering a replacement draw stud. Sizes given are diameter X length.For maximum draw stud life, Greenlee recommends the use of battery or hydraulic drivers.KNOCKOUT ACCESSORIES USAGE®= ACCESSORY= BARE TOOL• This tool punches 1-11/32" (34.1 mm) diameter holes in 16 and 18 gauge structural studs• Has the ability to punch holes in under 5 seconds• The ESP710L can take both time and hard work out of the stud punching process• 4" Throat Depth from center of punchPlumber Stud Punch• Punches 2-5/8" (66.7 mm) diameter hole in metal studs forprofessional-looking installation of 2" water, vent, and waste pipes • Two-speed lever action for fast, easy punching of 24 to 20 gauge thick metal studs• 2-1/8" (54 mm) throat width fits over most studs and channels• High strength alloy aluminum c-frame and handle provides lightweight tool for easy handling–10.6 lb. (4.8 KG)•Lever action punch retraction strips punch out of metal stud fast and easy Patent #6,647,630SPECIFICATIONS Actual Hole Size Weight Length Height Capacity2-5/8" (66.7 mm)10.6 LBS (4.8 KG 23-1/2" (596 mm)9-3/4" (247 mm)24-20 GA (0.9 mm)ESP710L11713• Automatically centers holes on standard studs• Conversion kit available to upgrade early models fromSPECIFICATIONS Capacity709 - 1-5/8" (41.3 mm) and wider studs. 20 gauge (0.9 mm) steel studs.710 - 2-1/2" (63.4 mm) and wider studs. 20 gauge (0.9 mm) steel studs.¨Bushings for Metal Stud Punches• Triple lock design holds bushing securely• Locks securely into metal studs from 24 gauge to 12 gauge (0.6 mm to 2.5 mm)• Helps protect wire insulation from sharp edges of metal studs • Makes pulling smooth and easy by preventing hang-ups of cable Manual Stud Punch• Punch up through 20 gauge (0.9 mm) steel studs in one stroke • Unique patented punch rolls the edge over for smooth installation of armored cable; cable won’t hang up• Contoured handle design gives better operator leverage and makes it possible to punch in tight places• Automatically centers holes on standard studsHeight Capacity4-1/2" (247 mm)24-20 GA (0.9 mm)709712A1000= REPLACEMENT PART = ACCESSORY= BARE TOOLHydraulic Hand Pump• Lightweight and portable, for use with Greenlee Punch Drivers• Versatile, operates in any position• Single speed• Rugged steel pump body/reservoir with cast aluminum handle• Has mounting holes for easy, permanent mountingSPECIFICATIONSOperation Manual – HandCapacity6,500 psi (448 bar), .0823 in³ (13 mm³) per strokeLength13" (330 mm)Width4" (102 mm)Height4" (102 mm)Hydraulic Foot Pump• Free both hands to position and hold the working tool• Foot activated release lever• Hold-down pin keeps pedal down for storage and transport• Angled base bar keeps the pump upright and stable• Includes 1/4" (6.4 mm) female coupler with dust capSPECIFICATIONSOperation Manual – FootCapacity6,500 psi (448 bar), .117 in³(19 mm³) per strokeLength16" (406 mm)Height Pedal down 6" (152 mm), Pedal up 12" (305 mm)MANUAL HYDRAULIC PUMPSNOTE: See next page to select the proper hydraulic hose for this pump.7671725Hydraulic Hose Units• High pressure hydraulic hose units for use with Greenlee hydraulic pumps • Equipped with couplers and dust caps05850NOTES。

海尔 LD-EQB 1.2升食物垃圾处理器 使用说明书

海尔 LD-EQB  1.2升食物垃圾处理器 使用说明书
2. 提示
为了排水系统畅通,请您在使用洗碗机之前确认处理器内无食物垃圾。 在不使用处理器的时候,请将水槽塞盖好,以防止厨具或其他物品掉入处理器。 正确的操作可以延长处理器的使用寿命。它可以处理所有常规的食物垃圾,但不 能粉碎或处理罐头、玻璃瓶子,瓶盖、陶瓷类、皮革、布、橡胶、线、蛤蛎壳、 羽毛等物。这些垃圾应丢入垃圾箱,不要使用处理器处理。 饭前、饭后使用处理器!备餐时打开处理器和冷水,将池内的蔬菜叶等清理干净。 饭后,可直接将食物垃圾投入处理器。 为保证处理器的工作效率,请将大块的食物垃圾切碎后再处理,如骨头、芒果核、 玉米棒心。这些垃圾的处理可能会延长处理器的工作时间。或者将这些垃圾丢到 垃圾箱或垃圾袋里。 水流量最好不低于 4 升/ 每分钟。
内置空气 开关的气 管接口
图示2 水槽 电源
固定 螺母
垃圾处理 器插头
注意:垃圾处理器插上电源后可能会运 行,请按下开关按钮让其处于关闭状态!
*注意:如果开关按钮在工作台面没有合适的安装孔,需要在工作台面或厨盆上钻一个 直径35mm的孔!
请将处理器的电源插头拔出或关闭电源开关,请用长柄的木勺或木棒来疏通 堵塞的处理器。在取出处理器内部的物体时,请使用长柄夹子或钳子。
为了减少特殊物品对处理器造成不必要的伤害 请不要将下列物品倒入处理器 a. 蛤壳和牡蛎壳 b . 管道清洁用品 c . 玻璃、瓷器或塑料、编织袋、塑料袋、毛发、木制品 d. 整根的大骨头 e . 金属,如瓶杯、听 罐或铝箔 f . 纤维类如玉米皮、竹笋皮,整根的玉米棒子 g. 各种鱼类的鱼鳞 h. 具有较强韧性的与拉伸性的垃圾,如橡胶瓶塞、生肉皮 i . 本产品适用于除上述类别物品(包括但不限于)以外的食 物垃圾,生活垃圾严禁放入。

Eco Clear 产品说明书

Eco Clear  产品说明书

Eco Clear ®target USE:Remember, always read, understand and complywith the label. Eco Clear and Nisus Corporation areregistered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. ©2017Nisus Corporation #EC-FL Y-0117SIMPLE ADD-ON BUSINESS TOHELP CUSTOMERS AVOID SEWER PIPE & SEPTIC TANK ISSUES WITH THIS SIMPLE SERVICESewerStreetPrivateArea whereClogs Occur PublicAreas WhereClogs OccurClogs in septic systemsClogs in sewer systemsClogs in plumbingAreas Where Clogs OccurSeptic Tank Areas WhereSeptic Clogs OccurDistributionBoxDrain FieldAPPLICATION INSTRUCTIONSEco Clear is a special blend of highly active, non-pathogenic bacterialcultures that work with or at very low oxygen. It is non-corrosive, non-hazardous and safe for all plumbing. Regular addition to plumbingpipes, septic systems and drain fields reduces hardened scum,reduces solids and helps maintain plumbing systems.Eco Clear’s natural bacteria produce enzymes that are scientificallyproven to break down household waste. Enzymes include Lipase (oils& greases), Protease (foods such as meat), Amylase (starches) andCellulase (paper, vegetables), NOTICERead and understand the entire label before using. Use onlyaccording to label directions. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Eco Clear is provided in powdered form packaged in easy-to-use 2-oz. water-soluble packets. Remove packets from container. Place one packet in each commode and flush. Water-saving toilets may require more than one flush. If toilet does not flush completely, wait 10 minutes and flush again. To treat up to 3 drains or sinks, dissolve one 2-oz. packet in one gallon of water. Shake well to mix. Pour into drain(s) or sink(s) using 1/3 gallon to one gallon of mixed solution per drain or sink. Continue monthly or quarterly applications to keep drain(s) flowing. May also be used in garbage disposals. If necessary, application can be repeated once per week for 4 weeks during a time when drain(s) are least active. Note: Eco Clear is a preventative product and will not open drains that are fully closed or clogged. Before buying or using this product, read Warranty Limitations and Disclaimer statement found elsewhere on this label. If terms are unacceptable, return unopened package to seller for full refund of purchase price. Otherwise, use by the buyer or any other user constitutes acceptance of the terms under Warranty Limitations and Disclaimer. Storage and Disposal Storage: Store in a cool, dry (preferably locked) storage area inaccessible to children and pets. Do not freeze. Disposal: If empty: Do not reuse this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain or in commode/toilet.First Aid If in Eyes IMMEDIATELY rinse eyes with water. Remove any contact lenses and continue rinsing eyes for at least 15 minutes. If irritation develops, get medical attention. If Inhaled Move to fresh air. If irritation occurs, get medical attention. If on Skin Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if an irritation/reaction develops. If Ingested Rinse mouth and throat and drink water to dilute. Ifsymptoms occur, seek medical advice. Warranty Disclaimer Manufacturer warrants that this product conforms to the chemicaldescription on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated onthe label when used in strict accordance with the directions, subject tothe inherent risks set forth below. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATEDHEREIN, MANUFACTURER MAKES NO OTHER EXP RESS ORIMP LIED WARRANTY AND EXP RESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHERWARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR P URP OSEOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.Inherent Risks of UseThe directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate andmust be carefully followed. It is impossible to eliminate all risksassociated with use of this product. Lack of performance or otherunintended consequences may result because of such factors as useof the product contrary to label instructions, abnormal conditions, thepresence of other materials, climatic conditions or the manner ofuse/application, all of which are beyond the control of theManufacturer. The buyer/user assumes all such risks.Limitation of RemediesThe sole and exclusive remedy for losses or damages resulting fromthis product (including claims based on contract, negligence, strictliability or other legal theories) shall be limited to, at Manufacturer’selection, one of the following:1. Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for product bought,or2. Replacement of amount of product used.Manufacturer shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting fromhandling or use of this product unless Manufacturer is promptly notifiedof such loss or damage in writing; and IN NO CASE SHALLMANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL ORINCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING WITHOUTLIMIT, HEALTH RELATED DAMAGES OR INJURIES.The terms of this Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Remediescannot be varied by any written or verbal statements or agreements.No employee or sales agent of Manufacturer or the seller is authorizedto vary or exceed the terms of this Warranty Disclaimer or Limitationof Remedies in any manner.100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA • (800) 264-0870Eco Clear and Nisus are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. • ©2009 Nisus Corporation #EC-SL-0510aSAFETY DATA SHEETHealth Emergencies: CHEMTREC® (800) 535-50531. PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATIONProduct Identity:Eco Clear®Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use: Bacterial treatment.Distributed By:Nisus Corporation100 Nisus DriveRockford, TN 37853Telephone:Phone: (800) 264-0870Fax: (865) 577-5825Emergency Phone: 800-535-5053 (INFOTRAC)SDS Date of Preparation: 01/12/162. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS Classification: This product is not considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) GHS Label Elements:Signal Word: Warning!Statements of HazardMay form combustible dust concentrations in air.Precautionary StatementsAvoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray.Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.Wear protective gloves and eye protection.SkinIF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Precautionary Statements – StorageNonePrecautionary Statements – DisposalDispose of contents/container in accordance withlocal/regional/national/international regulations.Hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC)Not applicableOther informationCauses mild skin irritationRepeated or prolonged skin contact may cause allergic reactions with susceptible persons.Interactions with Other ChemicalsNo information available3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSThis product is a wheat-bran based powder containing naturally-occurring viable bacterial cultures.4. FIRST AID MEASURESFirst aid measuresGeneral Advice: Show this safety data sheet to the Doctor in attendanceEye Contact: Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, also under eyelids. If symptoms persist, call a physician. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. In the case of skin irritation or allergic reactions, see a physician.Inhalation: Remove to fresh air.Ingestion :Rinse mouth immediately and drink plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed NoneIndication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNotes to Physician: None5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable Extinguishing MediaUse extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment.Unsuitable Extinguishing MediaCAUTION: Use of water spray when fighting fire may be inefficient. Specific Hazards Arising from the ChemicalNoneUniform Fire Code: NoneHazardous Combustion ProductsCarbon oxides.Explosion DataSensitivity to Mechanical Impact: NoSensitivity to Static Discharge: NoProtective equipment and precautions for firefightersAs in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus, pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal Precautions: Avoid contact with skin and eyes Environmental precautionsRefer to protective measures listed in Sections 7 and 8Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Containment Prevent further leakage orspillage if safe to do so. Cleaning up Pick up and transfer toproperly labeled containers. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handlingHandling: Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage: Keep container tightly closed.Incompatible Products: Strong acids and alkalis, and strong oxidizing agents may react with product and de-nature stable enzymes and inactivate bacterial cultures.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl ParametersExposure Guidelines: This product, as supplied, does not contain any hazardous materials with occupational exposure limits established by the region-specific regulatory bodies.Other Exposure Guidelines: Vacated limits revoked by the Court ofAppeals decision in AFL-CIO v. OSHA, 965 F.2d 962 (11th Cir., 1992) Appropriate Engineering ControlsEngineering Measures: Showers, Eyewash stations, Ventilationsystems. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/Face Protection: None required for consumer use. If powdergeneration is likely to occur, wear safety glasses and a dust mask.Skin and Body Protection: None required for consumer use.Repeated or prolonged contact: Wear protective gloves and protectiveclothing.Respiratory Protection: No protective equipment is needed undernormal use conditions. If exposure limits are exceeded or irritation isexperienced, ventilation and evacuation may be required.Hygiene Measures: Handle in accordance with good industrialhygiene and safety practices. Take off contaminated clothing and washbefore reuse. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State PowderAppearance TanOdor CharacteristicOdor threshold No information availablepH NoneMelting/Freezing Point No data availableBoiling Point/ Boiling Range NoneFlash Point NoneEvaporation Rate No data availableFlammability (solid, gas) NoneUpper/Lower flammability Limits No data availableVapor Pressure No data availableVapor Density No data availableSpecific Gravity No data availableWater Solubility DispersibleSolubility in other solvents No data availablePartition coefficient:n-octanol/water No data availableAutoignition Temperature No data availableViscosity No data available VOC Content (%) Negligible 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY ReactivityNo data available. Chemical StabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.Possibility of Hazardous ReactionsNone under normal processing. Hazardous PolymerizationHazardous polymerization does not occur.Conditions to AvoidDo not exposed to extreme temperatures for long periods of time.Close containers when not in use.Incompatible MaterialsStrong acids and alkalis, and strong oxidizing agents may react withproduct and de-nature stable enzymes and inactivate bacterialcultures.Hazardous Decomposition Products Carbon oxides. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONProduct InformationInhalation: Specific test data for the mixture is not available. Eye Contact: Specific test data for the mixture is not available. Skin Contact: Specific test data for the mixture is not available.Ingestion: Specific test data for the mixture is not available.Component Information: No information available.Information on toxicological effectsSymptoms: None known.Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects fromshort and long-term exposureSensitization: No information available. Mutagenic Effects: No information available. Carcinogenicity: Contains no ingredient listed as a carcinogen. Reproductive Toxicity: No information available. STOT – single exposure: No information available. STOT – repeated exposure: No information available. Chronic Toxicity: No known effect based on available information. Target Organ Effects: Skin. Aspiration Hazard: No information available. Numerical measures of Toxicity Not applicable 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Eco-toxicity, Persistence and Degradability, and Bioaccumulation This product is not expected to be dangerous to the environment with respect to mobility, persistency and biodegradability, bio-accumulative potential, aquatic toxicity, and other data related to eco-toxicity. Other adverse effects : None known. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION Disposal Methods This material, as supplied, is not a hazardous waste according to Federal Regulations (40 CFR 261). This material could become a hazardous waste if it is mixed with or otherwise comes in contact with a hazardous waste, if chemical additions are made to this material, or if the material is processed or otherwise altered . Consult 40 CFR 261 to determine whether the altered material is a hazardous waste. Consult with the appropriate State, Regional, or Local regulations for additional requirements. Contaminated Packaging: Dispose of contents/containers in accordance with local regulations. 14. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT Not Regulated Proper Shipping Name Not Regulated Hazard Class N/A TDG Not Regulated MEX Not Regulated ICAO Not Regulated IATA Not Regulated IMDG/IMO Not Regulated RID Not Regulated ADR Not Regulated ADN Not Regulated 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION International Inventories TSCA Complies DSL All components are listed either on the DSL or NDSL TSCA – United States Toxic Substances Control Act – Section 8(b) Inventory DSL/NDSL – Canadian Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances List US Federal Regulations SARA 313 Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain any chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372 SARA 311/312 Hazard Categories Acute Health Hazard Yes Chronic Health Hazard No Fire Hazard No Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard No Reactive Hazard No CWA (Clean Water Act) This product does not contain any substances regulated as pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 122.21 and 40 CFR 122.42)CERCLAThis material, as supplied, does not contain any substances regulated as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response and Liability Act (CERCLA) (40 CFR 302) or the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) (40 CFR 355). There may be specific reporting requirements at the local, regional, or State level pertaining to releases of this material.US State RegulationsCalifornia Proposition 65This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicalsUS State Right-to-Know RegulationsThis product does not contain any substances above threshold limits that are regulated by State right-to-know.16. OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS Rating:Health = 1 Flammability = 0 Physical Hazard = 0 Personal Protection = ESDS Revision History: 04/27/15: New SDS01/12/16: RevisedWARRANTY DISCLAIMERThe information, data and recommendations contained herein are believed to be accurate but may not be all inclusive and should only be used as a guide. The information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the product for his particular use and on condition that they assume the risk of the use thereof. With respect to this publication and the product related thereto, unless otherwise expressly provided by Manufacturer in writing, MANUFACTURER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY.Remedy/Liability LimitsThe exclusive remedy for losses or damages resulting from this publication or the related product (including claims based on contract, negligence, strict liability or other legal theories) shall be limited to, at Manufacturer’s sole election, one of the following:1. Refund of purchase price paid by buyer or user for productbought, or2. Replacement of amount of product used.Manufacturer shall not be liable for losses or damages resulting from use of this publication or handling or use of this product, IN NO CASE SHALL MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMIT, HEALTH RELATED DAMAGES OR INJURIES.The terms of this Warranty Disclaimer and Remedy/Liability Limits cannot be varied by any written or verbal statements or agreements. No employee or sales agent of Manufacturer or the seller is authorized to vary or exceed the terms of this Warranty Disclaimer or Limitation of Remedies in any manner.100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 USA • (800) 264-0870EcoClear and Nisus Corporation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nisus Corporation. ©2016 Nisus Corporation• #EC-SDS-011216a100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, T N 37853 USA800-264-0870。

科勒 K-24486T K-24487T K-21559T 废弃食物处理器使用说明书

科勒 K-24486T K-24487T K-21559T 废弃食物处理器使用说明书

FOOD WASTE DISPOSER 废弃食物处理器(厨余处理机)Operation Instructions使用说明书K-24486T/K-24487T/K-21559TKOHLER CHINA INVESTMENT CO., LTD NO. 158, JIANG CHANG SAN ROAD,JING’AN DISTRICT, SHANGHAI, PRC POST CODE: 200436科勒(中国)投资有限公司 上海市静安区江场三路 158 号 邮编:200436注意:在安装处理器之前,请务必阅读有关火灾、电击或人身伤害的安全说明!声明:在安装和使用本废弃食物处理器前,请务必阅读本手册,并遵循手册中的建议,以避免操作中可能出现的故障,如果您有任何问题,请与我们的分销商联系。


• 我们为您制造的废弃食物处理器是一台十分可靠的家电产品。




• 本产品符合 GB4706.1-2005。

• 本产品符合 GB4706.49-2008。

Note: Please be sure to read the safety instructions concerning fire, electric shock or personal injury before installing the disposal!Declaration: Before installing and using the food wastedisposal, please be sure to read the manual and adhere to the recommendations therein in order to avoid any malfunction possibly occurring during operation. If you have any queries, please contact the local distributor.Reminder: Please read the instructions carefully and retain them for use as necessary.• Our food waste disposal is a very reliable house-holdelectric appliance. The unique design of the product allows you to easily and freely clean up organic food waste produced in the kitchen before and after meals. Thedisposal is very easy to use. You just need to turn on the water, turn on the disposal and then place the food waste inside. Then the disposal will grind the food waste into very tiny particles and wash them down the drain pipes.• The product complies with GB4706.1-2005.• The product complies with GB4706.49-2008.警告:请务必阅读安全指南,以免发生事故和故障。

GEA SRone 牛栏清洁机器人说明书

GEA SRone 牛栏清洁机器人说明书

Strong – agile – tirelessfor perfect barn hygieneGEA Farm Equipment | Royal De BoerThe day when your boots stay cleanIf you‘re honest, aren‘t you secretly yearning forsomeone you can give the whole …dirty work“business to? Now you can, officially and without anyqualms – with the help of the SR one, your new toolfor keeping the barn clean effectively and effortlessly.The SRone is a robot designed specially to clean slattedfloors. It pushes and scrapes tirelessly, easily traversinglong passageways and connecting walkways besides gettinginto corners and edges to ensure clean, liquid manure freesurfaces. The SRone improves barn hygiene and providesthe basis for clean, healthy animals.You and your animals will benefit from the SRoneSuccessful milk production starts with barn hygieneGood hygiene standards in the barn lower infection pressure, prevent claws diseases and mastitis, and promote animal hygiene. This makes clean slatted floors essential for profitable milk production.The SR one cleans the floor for you as often asneeded to remove liquid manure – the habitat and nutrition source for pathogens, bacteria and insects – from the surface of the slats.You‘ll soon come to value it: healthy claws and clean udders simplify overall herd management.The result – healthy animals produce more milk and give rise to lower costs! Clean and dry claws thanks to thefrequent cleaning of the passageway surfaces(recommended 6-12 times per day)!Calm atmosphere in all areas of the barnThe SR one moves noiselessly between the animals without causing any agitation. Quite the opposite, the cows take to it right from the start. Flat and compact, the SR one moves smoothly under gates and carries out its work without supervision. The safety switch is particularly animal-friendly; as soon as the pushing is exceeded, it stops forward movement and starts an obstacle-avoidance manoeuvre.Clean paths mean fewer pathogensSRone, the animals are also pleased to see itIndependent, through and through Energy management at the charging stationThe SR one manages its energy and charging completely independently. With a running time of up to 18 hoursper day and a working speed of max. 5 m per minute, it can clean between 6,000 and 8,000 square metres of barn floor. Along fixed edges, which are installed in the barn when you buy the SR one, the slat robot cleans agilely in every corner. A minimum charge time of 6 hours, preferably overnight, completely recharges the batteries at the charging station and makes sure the SR oneis ready to start on the next day.Agile even in the smallest space Starts easily without any programming• Optimised barn hygiene in all slatted passageways •Healthy claws, well conditioned animals = reduced treatment costs• Extremely agile robot cleans corners, edges and angles• Able to handle loads of up to 100 kg with integral safety switchingSR one cleans up thoroughlyThe slat robot from GEA Farm Technologies is the ideal techno-logy for cleaning both main and connecting passageways, and in particular for completely cleaninig barn corners and edges.Over 500 kg dead weightensure a secure grip• Animal-friendly design ensures immediate acceptance by the cows= stress-free atmosphere in the barn • Low maintenance costs per working hour • Quick rubber lip replacement= only a few manual steps to remove the scraper • Saves work time and effortSR one Overview97-1453-010 / P S C 5005010199 / 9502020199 / S +L : d &d / D : S t u / 06. 2013 · P c t u r e s w i t h o p t i o n a l e x t r a s · W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e d e s i g n a n d fi n i s h d e t a i l s a t a n y t i m e .GEA Farm Technologies GmbHSiemensstraße 25 - 27, D-59199 BönenTel. +49 (0) 23 83 93 7-0, Fax +49 (0) 23 83 93 8-0GEA Group is a global engineering company with multi-billion euro sales and operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in 1881, the company is one of the largest providers of innovative equipment and process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX ® Europe 600 index.We live our values.Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versity。



济南达科力华机械设备有限公司(第五版)(提示:请妥善保管,以备急需,遗失不补!)电动调节阀产品手册书中国·山东电话:0531-6869 0668济南达科力华机械设备有限公司主要从事供热节能方面的技术及产品开发;水处理等行业和领域的技术研发、设备制造和工程实施、方案设计、技术服务等工作。











GEA Farm Technologies 牛棚清洁器电梯说明书

GEA Farm Technologies 牛棚清洁器电梯说明书

Barn CleanersFor Use in Tie Stall BarnsGEA Farm Equipment | Houleengineering for a better world GEA Farm TechnologiesGEA Farm Technologies Barn Cleaner ElevatorsWhen it comes to barn cleaner elevators, GEA Farm Technologies knows exactly what it’s all about! 100% steel construction makes these elevators tough, durable and effective in the evacuation of very thick manure from tied stall barns. The design and manufacturing elevators from the Houle product line the best in the market!GEA Farm Technologies cares about the quality of the environment and continuouslyworks to implement effective environmental management systems applicable in all facetsof the business.2 | Barn CleanersBarn Cleaner ElevatorsThe barn cleaner elevators offered by GEA Farm Technologies are designed to be the toughest on the market.Key Features⏹ 100% steel construction;⏹ Elevators are acid washed, prior to the primer coat resulting in better paint adhesion;⏹ All elevators are coated with a layer of epoxy primer and 2 layers of urethane paint making them resistant to extreme conditions;⏹ Standard 16“ (40,6 cm) loaded gutter depth;⏹ One-piece steel gutters act as a shield to protect the structural beam against the manure and the wear caused by the chain.Optional Equipment⏹ Choice of 1 or 2 safety hand rails;⏹8“ (20 cm) extension for loading gutter.H-2000 elevator with two safety hand railsOne-piece steel gutters act as a shield toprotect the structural beam against theGEA Farm Technologies | 3H-2000 Stationary or Suspended ElevatorKey Features⏹ Stationary elevators ranging from 10‘ to 30‘(3 to 9 m) with square support. Lengths availablein 5‘ (1,5 m) increments;⏹ Suspended elevators ranging from 35‘ to 55‘(11 to 17 m) with an A support. Lengths available in5‘ (1,5 m) increments.Stationary elevatorThe economical, ideal choice for small andmid-size farmsSuspended elevator with an ‘‘A’’ support4 |Barn CleanersGEA Farm Technologies |5 H-4000 Suspended ElevatorKey Features⏹ The upper section of the elevator can swing up to 35° by means of the two winches located at the bottom of the elevator. Depending on the length of theelevator, this rotation will stack manure between 18‘ and 23‘ long (5,5 to 7 m);⏹ Stacks up to 3 times more manure than the H-2000 elevator;⏹ Elevator lengths available from 40‘ to 75‘ (12 to 23 m) in 5‘ (1,5 m) increments;⏹Installed on a rectangular concrete base.The perfect solution combining savings Winches allowing the upper section of the elevator to swing upto 35°Top view6 | Barn CleanersH-8000 Rigid ElevatorKey Features⏹ Truss style support for greater strength;⏹ The upper section of the elevator swings up to 35° by means of the 2“ (51 mm) pivoting screw. Depending on the length of the elevator, this will stack manure between 18‘ and 23‘ long (5,5 to 7 m);⏹ Elevator lengths available from 45‘ to 75‘ (14 to 23 m) in 5‘ (1,5 m) increments;⏹ Drain plate included;⏹ Elevator support designed to ease access to the drive unit;⏹ Installed on a rectangular concrete base;⏹ Easy to install inside a building;⏹ Can replace most of the existing elevators.2’’ (51 mm) pivoting screw allows the upper section of the elevator to swing up to 35°Heavy-duty elevator without cable, requiresless maintenance and is easier to operateTop viewElevator support designedto ease access to the drive unit.GEA Farm Technologies | 7Drive UnitsKey Features⏹ Drives up to 500‘ (152 m) of chain;⏹ Heavy-duty #60 and #80 roller chains;⏹ Automatic releasing clutch in case of overload.High frame version also available for cross gutter.Key Features⏹ Drives up to 700‘ (213 m) of chain;⏹ Heavy-duty #60 and #80 roller chains;⏹ Double automatic roller chain tighteners;⏹ #80 chain is mounted on a larger diameter sprocket to reduce tension on the roller chain;⏹ Automatic releasing clutch in case of overload.High frame version also available for cross gutter.H-86 heavy-duty drive unit with high frame for cross gutterH-95 extra heavy-duty drive unit Shown with paddle cleanerH-86 heavy-duty drive unit H-95 extra heavy-duty drive unit8 |Barn CleanersDrive Units - Standard and Optional Equipment⏹ Quick tensionner mounted on drive unit frame when and shorter;⏹ Quick tensionner located close to the barn for 20‘ (6 m) elevators and longer;⏹ Motor base insulated to protect against stray voltage, mounted on hinges with spring loaded belt tensionner;⏹ Drive unit hood can be opened from either side;⏹ 2½“ (6,4 cm) main drive shaft mounted on greasable nylon bushings;⏹ Idler shafts made of high precision shaft material and mounted on greasable ball bearings;⏹ Double belt clutch pulley;⏹Roller chain tighteners made of UHMW plastic.Quick tensionner mounted onthe drive unit frameRoller chain tighteners made of UHMW plasticDrive unit hood can be opened from either sideQuick tensionner located closed to the barn (H-4000 suspended)Standard EquipmentGEA Farm Technologies |9 ⏹ Paddle cleaner with return controlled by a shock ⏹ Sprocket made of abrasion resistant steel and with a 2 1/2“ (6,4 cm) hub.7/8“ (22 mm) chainHook and eye chainPintle chain⏹installed in a cross gutter;⏹ Remote grease line kit to lubricate the main driveshaft and the pivot of the paddle cleaner.Paddle cleaner for 7/8’’ (22 mm) chainRemote grease line kitStandard EquipmentOptional EquipmentBarn Cleaner LayoutsThe barn cleaners system offered by GEA Farm Technologies can be adapted to suit your needs with a variety of layout options.Counter Clock Wise Rotation Cross Gutter Clock Wise RotationHold down post with shoe and litter deviator180° Corner10 | Barn Cleaners11 Chains and Corner Boxes7/8’’ (22 mm) Chain⏹ Links made of 7/8“ (22 mm)diameter steel rods;⏹ Uniform joint bearing surfaceeven when articulating;⏹ ¼“ (6 mm) thick rugged steelpaddles, 2“ X 2“ (51 mm X51 mm) or 2“ X 3“ (51 mm X76 mm);⏹ Easy to lubricate;⏹ Large wear shoe 1½“ X 3“ X3/8“ (38 mm X 76 mm X10 mm).Reverse Corner⏹ For 7/8“ (22 mm), pintle andhook & eye chains;⏹ Grooved shoe to guide thechain.Pintle Chain⏹ Heavy-duty centre link madeof heat treated forged steel withthicker material at wear point ;⏹ Paddle assembly allows you toreverse the forged links forlonger chain life;⏹ High carbon double steel pintle;⏹ ¼“ (6 mm) thick rugged steelpaddles, 2“ X 2“ (51 mm X51 mm) or 2“ X 3“ (51 mm X76 mm) ;⏹ Large wear shoe 1½“ X 3“ X3/8“ (38 mm X 76 mm X10 mm).90° Corner Box⏹ For 7/8“ (22 mm), pintle andhook & eye chains;⏹ 2“ (51 mm) greasable shaft;⏹ Optional tapered roller bearingsand seals.Hook & Eye Chain⏹ One piece heat treated forgedlink;⏹ Thicker material at wear point;⏹ ¼“ (6 mm) thick rugged steelpaddles, 2“ X 2“ (51 mm X51 mm) or 2“ X 4“ (51 mm X102 mm) ;⏹ Easy to lubricate;⏹ Large wear shoes 1¼“ X 3¼“ X½“ (32 mm X 83 mm X 13 mm).180° Corner Box⏹ For 7/8“ (22 mm), pintle andhook & eye chains;⏹ 2“ (51 mm) greasable shaft;⏹ Optional tapered roller bearingsand seals.GEA Farm Technologies |2002-4815-010 / P r i n t e d i n C a n a d a (V .04.14)W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d d e s i g n i n a l l c a s e s !GEA Group is a global engineering company with multi-billion euro sales and operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in 1881, the company is one of the largest providers of innovative equipment and process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX ® Europe 600 index.We live our values.Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versityGEA Farm TechnologiesGEA Farm Technologies Canada Inc.4591, boul. St-Joseph, Drummondville, Qc, Canada J2A 0C6Tel. +1 819 477 7444, Fax +1 819 477 5565 / /houle/enGEA Farm Technologies Inc. (Houle)1880 Country Farm Drive, Naperville, IL 60563 USA Tel. +1 800 563 4685, Fax +1 819 477 0486 / /houle/en。

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招商手册——一条绿色的致富之路!西安财诺网络科技限公司目录1.公司介绍 (3)2.前言 (4)3.项目介绍 (5)4.发展历程 (6)5.前景分析 (10)6.公司推荐 (13)7.优势分析 (14)8.性能对比分析 (15)9.食物垃圾处理机知识问与答 (17)10.建议零售价 (18)11.售后、扶持、市场支持 (19)12.赠品及配置清单 (20)开创处理细度“微时代”科林勒——全球最畅销的食物垃圾处理器科林勒cleaner科林勒团队组建于2010年近五年的时间里,专注垃圾处理器经营,不断摸索垃圾处理器如何才能与国内消费者的使用习惯以及中国式厨房的特点相结合,2013年科林勒团队与德国著名设团队强强联手率先在业内突破了5大技术难关,1,领先行业使用了三级研磨技术,使处理过的垃圾缩小到1mm解决了中国标准厨房下水管小容易堵塞的问题,2,领先行业采用优质ABS 工程塑料隔音罩,使工作噪音降到20-30分贝,不影响正常的休息,学习。

















【食物垃圾处理器发展史】◇由来食物垃圾处理器是美国威斯康星州的设计师兼发明家John W.Hammes 在1927年为他的妻子发明和设计的。





































