第412-01章恒温控制适用车辆: 2007.50 蒙迪欧目录页次规格规格 ......................................................................................................................................... 412-01-3说明与操作加热与通风……………………………………………………………………………………………….412-01-4鼓风机马达……………………………………………………………………………………………….412-01-4热交换器…………………………………………………………………………………………………412-01-4蒸发器…………………………………………………………………………………………………….412-01-4恒温控制风箱综述………………………………………………………………………………………412-01-5气流—除霜出风口……………………………………………………………………………………….412-01-6气流—中央出风口/B柱上的通风出口………………………………………………………………….412-01-7气流—足部区域……………………………………………………………………………...................412-01-8控制组件…………………………………………………………………………………………………...412-01-9控制装置,恒温控制—装配有手动温控的车辆…………………………………………………..412-01-9控制装置,恒温控制—装配有自动温控的车辆…………………………………………………. 412-01-9控制装置、恒温控制-装配有用触摸屏操作的DVD导航系统的车辆…………………………….. 412-01-9恒温控制模块-装配有用触摸屏操作的DVD导航系统的车辆…………………………………….. 412-01-10恒温控制风箱综述-装配有手动温控的车辆………………………………………………….. 412-01-10恒温控制风箱综述-装配有自动温控的车辆………………………………………………….. 412-01-11太阳负荷传感器/车内温度传感器-装配有自动温控的车辆……………………... .412-01-12空气分配和滤清………………………………………………….. ……………………………………412-01-13粉尘滤清器………………………………………………….. …………………………………………. 412-01-13空气分配、组合仪表………………………………………………………………………………….. 412-01-13空气分配、乘客厢…………………………………………………………………………………….. 412-01-14空调……………………………………………………………………………...................................... 412-01-15制冷回路……………………………………………………………………………................................ 412-01-15功能……………………………………………………………………………....................................... 412-01-16综述-空调系统……………………………………………………………………………................... 412-01-17检修蒸发器……………………………………………………………………………........................... 412-01-17电子制冷剂压缩机控制阀……………………………………………………………………………....412-01-18拆卸与安装恒温控制风箱…………………………………………………………………………..…412-01-19空调(A/C)压缩机-2.0L Duratec - HE(MI4)/2.3L Duratec - HE(MI4)…………...(34 626 4)412-01-21鼓风机马达……………………………………………………………………………………….412-01-22 鼓风机马达电阻器-左驾、车辆装配有:手动温控……………………………………………….412-01-24环境空气质量传感器—车辆配备冷藏箱………………………………………………(34 674 0)412-01-27 中央调气器空气出口温度传感器………………………………….....…….....…….....…….....……..... 412-01-29 足部区域空气出口温度传感器-车辆上未装配有:导航系统………………………………………412-01-31 进气口混合风门执行器-车辆上配备有冷藏箱………………………………….…….…….…….412-01-32 驾驶员侧温度混合风门执行器…………………………………………………………………………412-01-34 乘客侧温度混合风门执行器-车辆上装配有冷藏箱……………………………..……..……..…….. 412-01-40 粉尘滤清器-左驾………………………………………………………………………………………412-01-42 恒温控制总成-车辆上装配有:手动温控,车辆上未配备导航系统………………………412-01-43 恒温控制总称-车辆上装配有:自动温控,车辆上未配备导航系统…………..…………….412-01-44 贮液干燥器………………………………………………………………………………………………412-01-46 空调(A/C)压缩机至冷凝器出口管线………………………………………………………………412-01-48冷凝器至蒸发器管线…………………………………………………………………………………….. 412-01-50蒸发器出口管线………………………………………………………………………………………….412-01-52恒温控制模块……………………………………………………………………………………………. 412-01-54蒸发器…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 412-01-56冷凝器…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 412-01-58空调(A/C)压力传感器…………………………………………………………………………………412-01-61恒温膨胀阀……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 412-01-62鼓风机马达电阻器—左驾,车辆配备双自动温控……………………………………………………412-01-63除霜出风口/进气口混合风门执行器—左驾……………………………………………………………412-01-64蒸发器温度传感器………………………………………………………………………………………412-01-70加热丝—车辆配备自动温控,不配备电子辅助加热…………………………………………………412-01-71进气混合风门执行器—车辆不配备冷藏箱……………………………………………………………412-01-79加热丝—车辆配备手动温控,不配备电子辅助加热…………………………………………………412-01-80分解和组装恒温控制风箱-车辆配备自动温控………………………………………………………..…..….. 412-01-88恒温控制风箱-车辆配备手动温控…………………………………………………………..….. 412-01-93规格说明与操作加热与通风恒温控制风箱由鼓风机马达,粉尘滤清器,热交换器,蒸发器(安装于配备空调(A/C)的车辆上),电子辅助加热器(如有配备)以及各种空气偏转风门构成。
节303-03B 发动机冷却—2.0L EcoBoost (149kW/203PS)-MI4/2.0L EcoBoost (177kW/240PS)-MI4车辆应用:2008.50Mondeo 页码内容规格303-03B-2规格.........................................................................................说明和操作303-03B-3发动机冷却(部件位置)......................................................................诊断和测试303-03B-4发动机冷却..................................................................................303-03B-4检查与验证..................................................................................303-03B-4症状表.......................................................................................303-03B-7组件测试....................................................................................一般步骤303-03B-10(24 122 0)冷却系统放油、加油和放气...................................................303-03B-12冷却系统放油和真空充气...................................................................拆卸和安装303-03B-14(24 001 0)恒温器壳体....................................................................303-03B-15(24 404 0)冷却液泵.......................................................................303-03B-17(24 254 0)散热器.........................................................................303-03B-19(24 222 0)冷却风扇电机和防尘罩........................................................303-03B-1发动机冷却—2.0L EcoBoost (149kW/203PS)-MI4/2.0L EcoBoost (177kW/240PS)-MI4303-03B-1润滑油、油液、密封胶和粘合剂规格项目WSS-M97B44–DMotorcraft Super Plus 防冻剂防冻剂在下列条件下凝固保留液体至防冻剂大约百分比(体积)比重(如果冷却液中无其他添加剂)–37°C (–35°F)–25°C (–13°F)50%在+15°C 时1.061冷却系统再填充容量L (升)说明6,2冷却系统和加热器冷却系统压力规格压力千帕(磅/平方英寸)说明138(20)散热器压力测试135至155(19.6至22.5)冷却液膨胀箱盖释放压力规格发动机冷却–部件位置E128359123456978说明项目冷却器1带支架的散热器风扇2冷却液膨胀水箱3冷却泵4说明项目恒温箱5冷却液连接器-涡轮增加器6ECT(发动机冷却液温度)传感器7冷却液分配管8机油冷却器9说明和操作发动机冷却通用设备用福特许可的诊断系统或扫描工具检索故障代码检查与验证1.核实客户的问题。
蒙迪欧致胜十大常见疑难故障维修2010年11月10日 17:26来源:易车网蒙迪欧致胜在国内上市已经有一段时间了,作为伟大的007座驾之一,在国内也受到了众多车主的追捧。
乘员防护-主动 501-20A-00
发动机冷却- 2,0 l 柴油发动机 303-03C-00
防抱死控制- 牵引力控制
乘员防护-被动 501-20B-00
发电机与调节器 414-02-00
防抱死控制- 牵引力控制与电 子稳定性控制
燃油供应与控制- 1,8 l 与 2,0 l 303-04A-00
燃油供应与控制- 2,5 l 303-04B-00
燃油供应与控制- 2,0 l 柴油发动机 303-04C-00
组合仪表与仪表板照明 413-00-00
组合仪表 413-01-00
喇叭 413-06-00
时钟 413-07-01
起动系统 303-06-00
第 5 章-车身与涂装
后视镜 .............................................. 501-09-00-1 座椅 ................................................. 501-10-00-1 玻璃、框架与摇窗机构 ......................501-11-00-1 仪表板与控制台 ............................... 501-12-00-1 门把、门锁、锁闩与进入系统 .......... 501-14-00-1 刮水器与洗涤器 ............................... 501-16-00-1 天窗开启板....................................... 501-17-00-1 主动乘员防护 ................................. 501-20A-00-1 被动乘员防护 ................................. 501-20B-00-1
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Applications sorted by Motorcraft Part Number
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1820KKKDISCONNECT 4LINE FITTINGS AND DRAIN OILFIGURE 21820SSDISCONNECT FAN ELECTRICAL CONNECTORDISCONNECT HARNESS RETAINERFIGURE 3Disconnect the fan connector and the harness retainer. (Figure 3)1820NNNx 3x 3CUT ZIP TIEBRACESFIGURE 41820TTREMOVE FOURCOOLER DUCTING BOLTSCOOLER DUCTINGFIGURE 5Support the duct and cooler assembly. Remove the four bolts and then the cooler ducting from the vehicle. (Figure 5)FANFIGURE 6Remove and discard all foam attached to the ducting. (Figure 7)REMOVEFOAMFIGURE 71820OOOFIGURE 81820WWENLARGE SIX CLUTCH COOLER MOUNT HOLESTO 6MM (15/64 IN)ADD FOUR 6MM (15/64 IN)HOLES FOR FAN SHROUD MOUNT USINGNEW BRACKETFIGURE 9a FIGURE 9b11.Enlarge the six clutch cooler mount holes shown in Figure 9a to 6 mm (15/64 in) and then add fourmore 6 mm (15/64 in) holes using the new fan mount shroud bracket shown . (Figure 9b )1820PPPFIGURE 1013.Attach fan to fan shroud and ducting. (Figure 11)a.Mount fan to shroud using four M6x16 (HG7Z-0440-AF) fasteners. Apply Motorcraft® TA-25-BThreadlock and Sealer to the four fasteners.b.Slit the rubber grommet (HG7Z-8124-A). Run fan wiring through rubber grommet and install inthe lower outboard corner.c.Mount shroud to ducting using four M6x14 (W500012) fasteners and four M6 (W701152) nuts.•Torque to 88 lb. in (10 Nm).4xAPPL Y TA-25-BTHREADLOCK ANDSEALER4x1820YYFOAM STRIPS ON DUCTINGFOAM STRIPS ON CLUTCH COOLERFIGURE 12•Attach two 350 mm long foam strips to the clutch cooler.x 2FIGURE 1315.Install the clutch cooler to ducting using two short outer M6x14 (W500012) fasteners and washernuts. (Figure 13)•Torque to 88 lb. in (10 Nm).10 mm Fir Tree Wrapwith 9 mm WasherFIGURE 14DUCTING ANDCLUTCHCOOLERINSTALL FOURCLUTCH COOLERDUCT BOLTSFIGURE 15Position the fan on the gear set cooler. Apply blue Loctite® and install the four M5 fasteners. Figure 16)1820QQQFIGURE 161123M6X25 (W500015) FIGURE 17a1820CTSPACERORIENTATIONSPACERORIENTATIONLOWER COOLERBRACEUPPER COOLERBRACE FIGURE 17bTRANSMISSIONFLUID COOLERLINESFIGURE 181820EEEAUXILIARY JUNCTIONBOX POSITIVEBATTERY CABLE COVERAUXILIARY JUNCTIONBOX POSITIVE BATTERY CABLEFIGURE 20x213x421820FFFLocate and remove the inline fuse near the AJB positive cable. Open the abrasion tape with a seamripper, scissors or a razor blade to find both ends of the fuse holder. Once identified, cut the fuse holder out at both ends and remove and discard the fuse holder. (Figure 22)1820HHHINLINE FUSE NEAR AJB POSITIVE CABLERAZOR BLADESEAM RIPPER INLINE FUSE NEAR AJB POSITIVE CABLEFIGURE 22AJB aside. (Figure 21)1820GGGAUXILIARY JUNCTION MOUNTING BRACKETBOX MOUNTING TABSFIGURE 211820RRRacb123FIGURE 2427.Confirm the splice S77 and identify the individual wires. (Figure 24)1.Remove the AJB cover and remove the transmission control module (TCM) fan relay.2.Identify the TCM fan relay middle pin terminal.3.Measure continuity from the TCM fan relay middle pin terminal to:a.the S77, if continuity is confirmed cut off splice and separate the three wires.b.each of the three S77 wires.c.cut back the wire that still has continuity to the AJB to avoid confusion later. Position the other 2 wires aside at this time.ALTERNATOR SENSOR BRANCHAJB POSITIVECABLE1820IIITHREE WIRE SPLICE (S77)LOCATIONTHREE WIRE SPLICE (S77)FIGURE 23a FIGURE 23b1820SSSFIGURE 25ing a pick tool remove the AJB middle section pin terminal locking bar as shown. (Figure 26) PICK TOOL USEDTO RELEASEBOTH SIDE TABS1820TTTFIGURE 261820VVVBACK SIDE VIEWFIGURE 28Position the AJB over to view the back side. Identify pins 2-8 and 2-13 and remove the jumper wire1820UUUUSING A POCKET SCREWDRIVER RELEASE TABS HEREFIGURE 271820XXXBACK SIDE VIEWFIGURE 3033.Remove the wire from pin 2-17 and position out for access later. (Figure 30)1820WWWBACK SIDE VIEWFIGURE 291820ZZZ35.Slide the RJB onto the bracket. (Figure 32)1820YYYbcFRONT OF VEHICLEFIGURE 311820AC14 GAUGE JUMPER WIRETCMPR WIREFIGURE 3437.Route jumper wire along existing harness towards the red wire, where the outboard side of the in-linefuse was removed in step 25, and cut to length. Access the TCMPR wire as needed and cut back both wires insulation and position a shrink tube over the jumper wire. Splice/solder the jumper wire to the TCMPR WIRE. Position heat shrink tubing over the splice and heat up to seal. (Figure 34)•Tape length of wire to existing wiring harness.1820AB14 GAUGE JUMPER WIREFIGURE 331820AEL TCMC1 WIRE FROM NEW RJBTCMC1 WIREPREVIOUSL Y REMOVED FROM THE AJB PIN 2-1739.Route the TCMC1 wire from the new RJB to the AJB. Cut off the gray/orange wire terminal end thatwas removed from the AJB in step 33. Cut back both wires insulation and position a shrink tube over the new RJB TCMC1 wire. Splice/solder the two wires together. Position heat shrink tubing over the splice and heat up to seal. Tape the TCMC1 wire to the existing wiring harness.(Figure 36)FIGURE 36FIGURE 351820ADS77 SPLICE HEADING TOWARDS THE DRIVERS SIDE OF THE VEHICLE :SPLICE TO ENGF1 WIRE:S77 SPLICE HEADING TOWARDS THE DRIVERS SIDE OF THE VEHICLE :SPLICE TO GRF1 WIRE:S77 SPLICE PREVIOUSL Y CUT BACK TO ELIMINATE CIRCUIT FROM AJBFRONT OF VEHICLE1820AFFIGURE 3742.Align Install the AJB middle section pin terminal locking bar. (Figure 38)1820AGFIGURE 381820AIBATTERYPOSITIVE EYELETBATTERYPOSITIVE EYELETGOING TO THE RJB FIGURE 4044.Install the battery positive eyelet and the 10 gauge red wire with eyelet from new RJB onto the AJBbattery positive post and install retainer. (Figure 40)•Torque to 106 lb. in (12 Nm).1820AHFIGURE 39(Figure 39)TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW 1820AJNEW TRANSMISSIONCLUTCH OIL COOLERFAN WIRING HARNESSFIGURE 411820AK48.Install the RH engine bay shroud. (Figure 19)49.Connect the battery. Refer to WSM , Section 414-01.50.Check the clutch transmission fluid level and the gearset transmission fluid level and fill as necessary.Run the vehicle and check for fan operation and any signs of leaks.51.Install the three far left retainers into the lower to upper rear bumper cover. (Figure 1)52.Install the left rear inner quarter panel splash shield and pin-type retainers. Refer to WSM ,Section 501-08.NOTE: The gearset and clutch use different fluids. Be sure to use the correct fluid when filling thegearset or clutch.Refer to: T ransmission Fluid Level Check - Clutch (307-01 Automatic T ransmission - 7 Speed DualClutch T ransaxle, General Procedures).Refer to: Transmission Fluid Level Check - Gearset (307-01 Automatic Transmission - 7 Speed DualClutch Transaxle, General Procedures).53.Install the rear diffuser. Refer to WSM , Section 501-19.1820ALGEAR SET COOLERFAN ELECTRICALCONNECTOR ORIGINAL WIRINGHARNESS CONNECTORFOR THE COOLER FANCLUTCH COOLER FANELECTRICAL CONNECTOR NEW WIRING HARNESS LABELED D684FIGURE 43。
TIRE MAINTENANCEMake sure you inflate this vehicle’s tires and monitor the treads for wear. Check tire pressure using a tire gauge and tread wear at every fuel fill-up. You can find the recommended tire pressure on the label inside the driver’s side door or door pillar. Your vehicle may include a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), but this is NOT a substitute for manually checking tire pressure. See your Owner’s Manual for additional information.Tires degrade over time depending on many factors such as weather, storage conditions, and conditions of use (load, speed, inflation pressure, etc.) experienced throughout the life of the tires. In general, tires should be replaced after six years regardless of tread wear. Heat caused by hot climates or frequent high-loading conditions, however, can accelerate the aging process and may require you to replace the tires more frequently. You should replace your spare tire when you replace the road tires or after six years due to aging even if you never used it.Do not use replacement tires with lower load-carrying capacities than the original tires. For example, a passenger van or cutaway vehicle equipped with “E” load rated tires must use “E” load-rated tires as replacements. Exceeding any vehicle weight or load-rating limitation could result in serious damage to the v ehicle, loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover and/or personal injury.Note: Replacement tires with a higher limit than that of the originals do not increase the payload capacity. See your Owner’s Manual for more information. Please store this safety guide inside the vehicle along with your Owner’s Manual materials.September 2019First PrintingLitho in U.S.A. (U.S.)ford.ca (Canada)LC2J 19B146 AAQUICK REFERENCE SAFETY GUIDEThis information card providessupplemental safety tips for driving your vehicle. Please refer to your Owner’s Manual for additional important safety information.You should operate passenger vans and cutaway vehicles at a safe speed, which in some conditions may be less than the posted speed limit.All passengers must wear safety belts.• P assengers can dramatically reduce their riskof being killed or seriously injured in a crash bywearing their safety belts.• O rganizations that own passenger vans andcutaway vehicles should have a written safetybelt use policy.• D rivers should be responsible for enforcingthe policy.Drivers must be well-rested, alert and maintain a safe speed for weather and road conditions. Drivers should keep their eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel.Drivers must be especially cautious on curved roads and maintain a safe speed to avoid running off the road.If the vehicle’s wheels proceed off of the roadway, gradually reduce speed and steer back onto the roadway when it is safe to do so. Avoid abrupt maneuvers to return the vehicle to the roadway.Your vehicle may be equipped with advanced driver assist technologies. Remember that even advanced technology cannot overcome the laws of physics. It’s always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions.In the event of a flat tire or tread separation, gradually slow down the vehicle and avoid abrupt maneuvers. Because passenger vans and cutaway vehiclesare substantially longer, wider and heavier than cars, they:• R equire more space and additional relianceon the sideview mirrors for changing lanes.• D o not respond as quickly to abruptsteering maneuvers.• Require additional braking time and distance.An organization that owns an extended length passenger van or cutaway vehicle should select one or two experienced drivers to drive the vehicle on a regular basis.DRIVING。
412-00恒温控制系统-一般信息适用车型:2001 Mondeo主题页码诊断与测试恒温控制系统.................................................................................................................................. 412-00-2工作原理.................................................................................................................................... 412-00-2检查与确认 ................................................................................................................................ 412-00-2自检(仅针对配置电子自动温度控制空调系统的汽车)................................................................... 412-00-2定点测试.................................................................................................................................... 412-00-5一般程序弹簧锁式接头........................................................................................................... (34 639 1) 412-00-26空调(A/C)离合器空气间隙调整................................................................................. (34 628 6) 412-00-28空调(A/C)系统抽空与充加........................................................................................ (34 620 2) 412-00-29冷冻油添加.............................................................................................................. (34 621 1) 412-00-32电子检漏.................................................................................................................. (34 620 7) 412-00-33显像染色检漏........................................................................................................... (34 620 5) 412-00-34真空检漏.................................................................................................................. (34 620 3) 412-00-35空调(A/C)系统冲洗 .................................................................................................. (34 818 1) 412-00-36污染制冷剂处理....................................................................................................... (34 620 9) 412-00-39规格规格.............................................................................................................................................. 412-00-40润滑、油液、密封剂与粘接剂 .................................................................................................. 412-00-40制冷剂容量(当充加时) .............................................................................................................. 412-00-40冷冻油容量 .............................................................................................................................. 412-00-40空调系统冷冻油添加(当更新组件时) ....................................................................................... 412-00-40空调系统(A/C)离合器............................................................................................................... 412-00-40拧紧力矩.................................................................................................................................. 412-00-40恒温控制系统有关线路图与连接器信息,参阅线路图单元:41200。
-1蓄电池连接盒(BJB)PCM 模块继电器节气门全开(WOT) A/C 继电器A/C 压缩机离合器 二极管柴油发动机柴油发动机2,0 I 柴油发动机动力控制 模块(PC M)汽油发动机双压力开关 1) 正常压力 2) 高压汽油发动机动力控制 模块(PC M)中央连接盒 (CJB)A/C 压缩机循环开关 1) 压力增加 2) 压力减少A/C 离合器电磁阀-2 手动A/C蓄电池连接盒(BJB)中央连接盒(CJB)中央连接盒(CJB)暖气鼓风机继电器暖气鼓风机马达暖气/A/C控制模块暖气鼓风机串联电阻器暖气/A/C控制模块暖气鼓风机开关0) 关闭1) 低速, I2) 中速, II3) 高速, III4) 最高速, IV-3主灯开关暖气/A/C 控制模块地板出风温度 传感器暖气/A/C 控制 模块数据链路插口 (DLC)暖气/A/C 控制 模块手动A/C再循环风门马达 除雾模式执行器手动A/C-4手动A/C暖气/A/C控制模块空气温度模式执行器仪表板/地板模式执行器蓄电池连接盒(BJB)中央连接盒(CJB)中央连接盒(CJB)暖气鼓风机继电器暖气鼓风机控制模块主灯开关电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块数据链路插口(DLC)自动A/C中央连接盒(CJB) 电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块日照传感器地板排出温度传感器左侧室内温度传感器电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块除雾模式执行器再循环风门马达-8自动A/C 自动A/C-9 自动A/C电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块空气温度模式执行器仪表板/地板模式执行器中央连接盒(CJB) 蓄电池连接盒(BJB)主灯开关0) 关闭1) 驻车2) 近光灯9) 脉冲宽度模块14) 外盖照明15) 按钮照明(部分)手动A/C暖气/A/C 控制模块电子自动温度控制(EATC)模块牵引力控制系统(TCS)解除开关(部分)组合仪表6) 照明选档杆单元4) 照明语音/导航控制单元配备导航系统音响司机侧座椅加热器开关前点烟器(部分)尾门/掀盖释放开关乘客侧座椅加热器开关危险警告闪光器开关(部分)风窗玻璃加热器开关后风窗玻璃加热器开关左位驾驶中央连接盒(CJB)司机侧前车窗(多功能)控制开关左后车窗控制开关3) 照明右后车窗控制开关3) 照明乘客侧前车窗控制开关3) 照明组合仪表与仪表板照明413-00-00 413-00-00-4 右位驾驶中央连接盒(CJB)司机侧前车窗(多功能)控制开关3) 照明右后车窗控制开关3) 照明左后车窗控制开关3) 照明乘客侧前车窗控制开关3) 照明蓄电池连接盒(BJB)主灯开关0) 关闭1) 驻车2) 近光灯9) 脉冲宽度模块中央连接盒(CJB)组合仪表4) 发动机冷却水温度6) 照明20) 前预热指示灯/阻风23) 结冰警告0°C24) 结冰警告4°C42) 检查发动机70) 灯光ON数据链路插口(DLC) 数据链路插口(DLC)组合仪表10) 燃油表14) 低油压61) 低燃油指示器发动机电子控制未使用油箱单元1) 燃油泵2) 燃油表传感器油压开关0) 低油压1) 正常油压汽油发动机-3 蓄电池连接盒(BJB)组合仪表7) 左方向指示灯8) 右方向指示灯36) 安全带指示器通用电子模块(GEM)-116 -4组合仪表 12) ABS13) 低制动油位/手制动 88) 电子制动力分配(EBD)制动油位开关 0) 正常 1) 低ABS 控制模块未使用手制动开关0) 制动完全释放 1) 制动作用-5组合仪表 2) 气囊 3) 充电 5) 车速表汽油发动机通用电子模块(GEM)速度控制模块气囊防护控制 模块(RCM)组合仪表2) 气囊3) 充电5) 车速表2,0 I柴油发动机动力控制模块(PC M)气囊防护控制模块(RCM)未配备燃油式进气加热器配备燃油式进气加热器通用电子模块(GEM)通用电子模块(GEM)进气温度(I AT)传感器进气加热器中央连接盒(CJB)主灯开关0) 关闭1) 驻车2) 近光灯方向指示器开关0) 中性位置1) 远光灯2) 头灯闪光器配备日间行驶灯中央连接盒(CJB)综合仪表9) 远光灯方向指示器开关10) 显示模式开关远光灯继电器中央连接盒(CJB)413-06-00 413-06-00喇叭-1蓄电池连接盒(BJB)喇叭继电器配备单喇叭配备双喇叭时钟弹簧喇叭高音喇叭低音喇叭方向盘/速度控制开关0) 休止1) 鸣响413-07-00 413-07-00时钟-1中央连接盒(CJB)主灯开关组合仪表时钟1) 报警”ON”指示器LED汽油发动机动力控制模块(PC M)蓄电池连接盒 (BJB)点火开关 0) 关闭 1) 附件 2) 运转 3) 起动主灯开关 0) 关闭 1) 驻车 2) 近光灯9) 脉冲宽度模块中央连接盒 (CJB)中央连接盒 (CJB)通用电子模块 (GEM)左牌照灯组合仪表右后灯总成蓄电池连接盒 (BJB)主灯开关 0) 关闭 1) 驻车 2) 近光灯 3) 脉冲宽度模块中央连接盒 (CJB)中央连接盒 (CJB)左牌照灯通用电子模块(GEM)右后灯总成组合仪表中央连接盒(CJB) 蓄电池连接盒(BJB)组合仪表57) 车门未关紧时钟通用电子模块(GEM)左后车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开左前车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开右后车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开右前车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开左位驾驶中央连接盒(CJB)蓄电池连接盒(BJB)时钟组合仪表57) 车门未关紧通用电子模块(GEM)右前车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开左后车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开右后车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开左前车门未关紧开关1) 车门关闭2) 车门打开右位驾驶中央连接盒 (CJB)时钟组合仪表36) 安全带指示器数据链路插口(DLC)通用电子模块(GEM)气囊防护控制 模块(RCM)司机侧安全带 扣环开关警告如无维修手册指导,切勿试图诊断或排除气囊电路故障。
Index141Customer assistanceGETTING ROADSIDE ASSISTANCETo fully assist you should you have a vehicle concern,Ford Motor Company has a complimentary roadside assistance service hotline.The service is available:•24-hours,seven days a week•through the warranty period of three years or60,000km(36,000 miles),whichever comes firstTo purchase roadside assistance coverage beyond this period through the Ford Auto Club,contact your Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.Roadside assistance will:•mount the spare if you have a flat tire•jump-start the battery if it becomes discharged•unlock the vehicle if you are locked out•bring fuel if you run out•tow the vehicle if you are stranded.Even non-warranty related tows, like accidents or getting stuck in the mud or snow,are covered(some exclusions apply,such as impound towing or repossession).Daily rental units are not eligible for roadside assistance.Additional roadside assistance coverage is unavailable in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.Using roadside assistanceComplete the roadside assistance identification card(found in the Owner Guide portfolio in the glove compartment)and place it in your wallet for quick reference.To receive roadside assistance,call1-800-241-FORD.Should you need to arrange assistance for yourself,Ford Motor Company will reimburse a reasonable amount.To obtain information about reimbursement,call1-800-241-FORD.FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLANYou can get more protection for your new car or light truck by purchasing a Ford Extended Service Plan(Ford ESP).Ford ESP is the only extended service program with the Ford name on it and the only service backed by Ford Motor Company.2Customer assistance Ford ESP is an optional service contract,backed and administered by Ford.It provides:•protection against repair costs after your Bumper to Bumper Warranty expires;and•other benefits during the warranty period(such as:reimbursement for rentals;coverage for certain manintenance and wear items).You may purchase Ford ESP from any participating Ford Motor Company dealer.There are several Ford ESP plans available in varioustime-and-mileage combinations.Each plan can be tailored to fit your own driving needs,including reimbursement benefits for towing and rental. (In Hawaii,rules vary.See you dealer for details.)When you buy Ford ESP,you receive peace-of-mind protection throughout the United States and Canada,provided by a network of more the5,100participating Ford Motor Company dealers.Repairs performed outside the United States and Canada are not eligible for ESP coverage.This information is subject to change.Ask your dealer for complete details about Ford ESP coverage.GETTING THE SERVICE YOU NEEDAt homeFord Motor Company has authorized Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealerships to service your vehicle.Ford strongly recommends taking your vehicle to the selling dealership because they have a vested interest in your continued satisfaction.You may,however,take your vehicle to any authorized Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.Your dealer has factory-trained technicians and the latest diagnostic equipment to ensure your new vehicle is serviced properly.Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealerships also carry genuine Ford parts and accessories,providing you with original equipment reliability.If you are not satisfied with the service you receive at the dealership, speak with the service manager.If you are still not satisfied,speak with the owner or general manager of the dealership.In most cases,your concern will be resolved at this level.3Contacting the Dispute Settlement BoardAway from homeIf you are away from home when your vehicle needs service,or if you need more help than the dealership could provide,contact the Ford Customer Assistance Center to find an authorized dealership to help you:Ford Motor CompanyCustomer Assistance Center300Renaissance CenterP.O.Box43360Detroit,Michigan482431-800-392-3673(FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired:1-800-232-5952)Please have the following information available when contacting Ford Customer Assistance:•your telephone number(home and business)•the name of the dealer and the city where the dealership is located •the year and make of your vehicle•the date of vehicle purchase•the current kilometers(mileage)of your vehicle•the vehicle identification number(VIN)listed on your vehicle ownership licenseIf you still have a complaint involving a warranty dispute,you may wish to contact the Dispute Settlement Board.A warranty dispute must be submitted to the Dispute Settlement Board before taking action under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act,or to the extent allowed by state law,before pursuing replacement or repurchase remedies provided by certain state laws.This dispute handling procedure is not required prior to enforcing state created rights or other rights which are independent of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act or state replacement or repurchase laws.THE DISPUTE SETTLEMENT BOARDThe Dispute Settlement Board is:•an independent,third-party arbitration program for warranty disputes •available free to owners and lessees of qualifying Ford Motor Company vehicles4Contacting the Dispute Settlement Board The Dispute Settlement Board may not be available in all states.Ford Motor Company reserves the right to change eligibility limitations,modify procedures and/or discontinue this service without notice and without incurring obligations.What kinds of cases does the Board review?The Board reviews all warranty performance complaints on Ford, Mercury and Lincoln cars and Ford and Mercury light trucks under the new vehicle limited warranty that have not been resolved by either a dealer or Ford Motor Company,except those involving:•a non-Ford product•a non-Ford dealership•a vehicle sales transaction•request for reimbursement of consequential expenses.Expenses incidental to the warranty complaint being reviewed are eligible for consideration•items not covered by the new vehicle limited warranty•items covered by a service contract•alleged liability claims•property damage where the damage is significant when compared to the economic loss alleged under the warranty dispute•cases currently in litigation•vehicles not used primarily for family,personal or household purposes (except in states where the Dispute Settlement Board is required to review commercial vehicles)Complaints involving vehicles in which applicable new vehicle limited warranties have expired at receipt of your application are not eligible. Eligibility may differ according to state law.For example,see the unique brochure for California and Wisconsin purchasers/lessees.How does the Board work?The Board consists of:•three consumer representatives•a Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealer5Contacting the Dispute Settlement BoardConsumer candidates for Board membership are recruited and trained by an independent consulting firm.Dealers are chosen because of their business leadership qualities.What the Board needsTo have your case reviewed you must complete the application in the DSB brochure and mail it to the address provided on the application form.Your application is reviewed and,if it is determined to be eligible,you will receive an acknowledgment indicating:•the file number assigned to your application•the toll-free phone number of the DSB’s independent administrator Your dealership and a Ford Motor Company representative are asked to submit statements at this time.To review your case properly,the Board needs the following information:•legible copies of all documents and maintenance or repair ordersrelevant to the case•the year,make,model,and Vehicle Identification Number(VIN)listed on your vehicle ownership license•the date of repair(s)and kilometers(mileage)at the time of occurrence(s)•the current kilometers(mileage)•the name of the dealer who sold or serviced the vehicle•a brief description of your unresolved concern•a brief summary of the action taken with the dealer and Ford Motor Company•the names(if known)of all the people you contacted at the dealership •a description of the action you expect to resolve your concernShould your case NOT qualify for review,a letter of explanation will be mailed to you.Oral presentationsIf the involved vehicle is within36months and36,000miles of the warranty start date,you have the right to make an oral presentation before the Board.Indicate your choice to do so on the application.Oral presentations may also be requested by the Board.6Customer assistanceMaking a decisionBoard members will review all available information related to the complaint,including oral presentations,if necessary.They then arrive at a fair and impartial decision,decided by a simple majority vote. Because the Board usually meets only once a month,some cases may take longer than30days to be reviewed.The Board makes every effort to resolve each case within40days of receiving the consumer application form.After a case is reviewed,the Board mails you its decision letter.The Board also provides a form on which to accept or reject the Board’s decision.The decisions of the Board are binding on the dealer and Ford, but not on consumers who may elect to pursue other remedies available to them under state and federal law.Decisions of the Board may be presented as evidence by any party in subsequent legal proceedings that may be initiated,where allowed by law.To Request a DSB Brochure/ApplicationFor a brochure/application,speak to your dealer or write to the Board at the following address:Dispute Settlement BoardPO Box5120Southfield,MI48086-5120GETTING ASSISTANCE OUTSIDE OF THE U.S.Before exporting your vehicle to a foreign country,contact the appropriate foreign embassy or consulate.These officials can inform you of local vehicle registration regulations and where to find unleaded fuel. If you cannot find unleaded fuel or can only get fuel with an anti-knock index lower than is recommended for your vehicle,contact a district or owner relations office before you leave the U.S.The use of leaded fuel in your vehicle without proper conversion may damage the effectiveness of your emission control system and may cause engine knocking or serious engine damage.Ford Motor Company is not responsible for any damage caused by using improper fuel.Using leaded fuel may also result in difficulty importing your vehicle back into the U.S.If your vehicle must be serviced while you are traveling or living in Central or South America,the Caribbean,or the Middle East,contact the7Customer assistancenearest Ford dealership.If the dealership cannot help you,write or call:FORD MOTOR COMPANYWORLDWIDE EXPORT OPERATIONS1555Fairlane DriveFairlane Business Park#3Allen Park,Michigan48101U.S.A.Telephone:(313)594-4857FAX:(313)390-0804If you are in another foreign country,contact the nearest Ford dealership.If the dealership employees cannot help you,they can direct you to the nearest Ford affiliate office.If you buy your vehicle in North America and then relocate outside of the U.S.or Canada,register your vehicle identification number(VIN)and new address with Ford Motor Company Export Operations.8Customer assistance FOR INFORMATION ON ORDERING SERVICEPUBLICATIONS,CONTACT:U.S.RESIDENTSCALLHELM,INCORPORATED1-800-782-4356Monday-Friday8:00A.M.-6:30P.M.ESTFor Credit Card Holder Orders OnlyCANADIAN RESIDENTSCALLFord Motor Company of Canada,Ltd.1-800-387-4966Monday-Friday8:00A.M.-6:30P.M.ESTFor Credit Card Holder Orders Only9AccessoriesFORD ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLEFord has many quality products available from your dealer to clean your vehicle and protect its finishes.For best results,use the following or products of equivalent quality:Ford Custom Clearcoat PolishFord Custom Silicone Gloss PolishFord Custom Vinyl ProtectantFord Deluxe Leather and Vinyl CleanerFord Extra Strength Tar and Road Oil RemoverFord Extra Strength Upholstery CleanerFord Metal Surface CleanerFord Multi-Purpose CleanerFord Premium Car Wash ConcentrateFord Triple CleanFord Ultra-Clear Spray Glass CleanerA wide selection of accessories is available through your local authorized Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.These quality accessories have been specifically engineered to fulfill your automotive needs;they are custom designed to complement the style and aerodynamic appearance of your vehicle.In addition,each accessory is made from high quality materials and meets or exceeds Ford’s rigid engineering and safety specifications. See your dealer for complete warranty information and availability.Not all accessories are available for all models.SafetyAnti-theft wheel lug-nutsRemote keyless entryStyled wheel protector locksVehicle security systemComfort and convenienceAir conditionerCargo liner(soft)Cargo netCargo shadeDoor edge guardsEngine block heater10AccessoriesTravel equipmentConsoleConsole armrestFour seasons base rackFour seasons rack adapters•Bike adapter•Ski adapter(three pair)Heavy-duty batteryMulti-sport removeable rackMulti-sport rack adapters•Bike adapter•Ski/snowboard adapter(4pair)•Ski/snowboard adapter(6pair)•Watersport adapterSpeed controlSoft luggage coverTrunk mount luggage rackProtection and appearanceequipmentCarpet floor matsChemicals and paintsCleaners,waxes,and polishesFlat splash guardsFull front end coversLubricants and oilsMini-maskMolded splash guardsMolded vinyl floor matsRear decklid spoilerSide window air deflectors11AccessoriesStep/sill platesSuper seal rustproofing(unavailable in Canada)Super seal undercoating(unavailable in Canada)Super seal fabric protector(unavailable in Canada)Touch-up paintFor maximum vehicle performance,keep the following information in mind when adding accessories or equipment to your vehicle:•When adding accessories,equipment,passengers,and luggage to your vehicle,do not exceed the total weight capacity of the vehicle or of the front or rear axle(GVWR or GAWR as indicated on theSafety compliance certification label).Consult your dealer forspecific weight information.•The Federal Communications Commission(FCC)regulates the use of mobile communications systems—such as two-way radios,telephones,and theft alarms—that are equipped with radiotransmitters.Any such equipment installed in your vehicle shouldcomply with FCC or CRTC regulations and should be installed only by a qualified service technician.•Mobile communications systems may harm the operation of your vehicle,particularly if they are not properly designed for automotive use or are not properly installed.When operated,such systems may cause the engine to stumble or stall.In addition,such systems may be damaged or their performance may be affected by operating your vehicle.(Citizens band[CB]transceivers,garage door openers,and other transmitters with outputs of five watts or less will notordinarily affect your vehicle’s operation.)•Ford cannot assume responsibility for any adverse effects or damage that may result from the use of such equipment.12Ordering additional publicationsORDERING ADDITIONAL OWNER’S LITERATURETo order the publications in this portfolio:Make checks payable to:HELM,INCORPORATEDP.O.Box07150Detroit,Michigan48207or order toll free:1-800-782-4356Monday-Friday8:00a.m.-6:00p.m.EST,for credit card holder orders only13Accessories (10)Customer assistanceaway from home (4)Customer Assistance Center,Ford(U.S.) (4)Dispute Settlement Board...........4Extended Service Plan,Ford. (2)Ford Dispute Settlement Board..4 Order forms,service information (9)Roadside assistance (2)Index 14。
福特蒙迪欧导航功能说明书一、产品概述本机型三俊电子股份有限公司生产的是专用于福特(ford)车系的蒙迪欧(mondeo)致胜车的机型.1、tv功能:可按要求选用analog tv(双制式)/cmmb/dvb-t/isdb/atsc的其中一种;2、收音功能:fm/am接收,可按要求设置适用不同国家,可按客户要求加装rds(radio datasystem)功能;存储30个电台频率,可自动向前/向后搜索电台,可手动向前/向后微调接收频率;3、多媒体回放功能:ipod音频专用接口,手机蓝牙音乐,三洋(sanyo)协议多碟机箱接口,u盘,tf卡,直径12cm光碟(dvd/svcd/vcd/oko/cd-rom/cdda/hdcd)或换为mp5解码核芯板(支持更多格式的流媒体播放);尽情享受视听娱乐;5、其它功能:4路(前左/前右/后左/后右)25w功放输出,1组音视频输入,1组(4路音频/2路视频)输出,1路cdc视频输入,1路后视频(ntsc/pal)输入,acc/小灯/倒车/手刹输入检测,自学习型按键接线(方向盘按键),收音天线控制线,功率放大器控制线。
产品外观如图1所示:图 1二、功能特征说明1、产品特征说明(1)面板按键/触摸屏/红外遥控,灵活多样的操作方式;(2)美观大方的图形触摸界面;(3)采用标准双锭安装尺寸机箱,国际通用;(4)与原车匹配的dc12v(可在10.5-15v工作)低压直流输入, 安装方便;(5)专车专用的面板外观,与原车完美协调;(6)可选配与原车接口同样的配套连接线,安装简单;(7)可接收多制式模拟电视(pal/secam/ntsc,可选其中两种)信号,实现45 ~ 860 mhz 范围内全频道模拟电视信号的接收;或者接收(cmmb/dvb-t/isdb/atsc可选其中一种)的数字电视信号,功能灵活配置,紧跟全球电视发展趋势;(8)支持pal,ntsc制式的音视频信号(av)输入,很方便的连接其它娱乐设备;(9)独立的视频(支持pal,ntsc制式)信号输入,连接车载后视摄像头,安全倒车;(10)提供英文、简体中文图形触摸界面,也可按客户要求提供其它语言图形触摸界面。
2014-2020 Ford 品牌汽车产品维修手册说明书
![2014-2020 Ford 品牌汽车产品维修手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0c8750049a6648d7c1c708a1284ac850ad0204e6.png)
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Fuel Tank Filler Hose
Fuel Tube
High Pressure Fuel Pump
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Intake Manifold
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Exhaust Manifold (Right Hand)
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2001款福特蒙迪欧车身一般维修手册 200125 Mondeo维修手册目录发动机-18L 和20L 303-01A第1篇一般信息发动机冷却 303-03燃油供应和控制 18L 或20L 发动机303-04A服务信息附件驱动 303-05一般信息100-00起动系统 303-06识别代码100-01发动机点火-18L 与20L 303-07A顶升100-02发动机排放控制 18L 或20L 303-08A 噪音振动与不平顺100-04 进气分配与滤清 303-12燃油蒸发排放 303-13第2篇底盘发动机电子控制 303-14自动变速器悬架自动变速器 307-01悬架系统-一般信息204-00变速器的冷却 307-02前悬架204-01自动变速器外部控制 307-05后悬架204-02排气系统车轮与轮胎204-04排气系统-一般信息 309-00传动系燃料系统前驱动半轴205-04燃油系统-一般信息 310-00制动系统燃油箱与燃油管 310-01制动系统-一般信息206-00加速控制-除柴油发动机型汽车310-02A前盘式制动器206-03巡航控制 310-03后盘式制动器206-04驻车制动206-05液压制动系统206-06 第4篇电气助力制动206-07空调控制系统防抱死控制 206-09A恒温控制系统-一般信息412-00防抱死控制-牵引力控制 206-09B空气分配与过滤412-01转向系统暖气与通风412-02A转向系统-一般信息211-00辅助加热412-02B动力转向211-02空调412-03转向杆系211-03控制组件412-04转向柱211-04仪表与警告系统仪表板照明413-00第3篇动力系仪表413-01发动机发动机系统-一般信息303-0002200125 Mondeo Taiwan喇叭413-06 第5篇车身与涂装时钟413-07信息与讯息中心413-08 车身仪表与警告装置413-09 车身系统-一般信息 501-00倒车辅助413-13 前端车身板件 501-02蓄电池与充电系统车身关闭装置 501-03充电系统-一般信息414-00 内饰板与饰件 501-05蓄电池414-01 后视镜 501-09发电机与稳压器414-02 座椅 501-10娱乐系统玻璃窗框与机构 501-11娱乐系统-一般信息415-00 仪表板与控制台 501-12音响单元415-01 把手锁闩锁与进入系统 501-14天线415-02 刮水器与洗涤器 501-16扬声器415-03 天窗开启板 501-17视听系统415-07 保险杠 501-19照明乘员安全防护-主动式外部灯光417-01 乘员501-20A内部灯光417-02 乘员安全防护-被动式501-20B日间行驶灯417-04 车身维修-一般信息501-25A电气配置车身维修-防锈501-25B模块通讯网络418-00 车身维修-塑料件维修501-25C模块设置418-01 车身维修-漏水501-25D电子设备组车身维修-风噪音501-25E主动防盗系统 419-01A 车身维修–免喷漆凹陷去除501-25F被动防盗系统 419-01B 车身维修 - 噪音振动与不平顺 501-25G导航系统-VNR 419-07A 车架与固定座导航系统-RNS4 419-07B 整体式车身副车架与固定座 502-00多功能电子控制模块419-10 全车架与车身固定座502-02未获福特汽车公司Ford Werke AG 的事先书面许本手册中的图文说明和规范在手册获准印刷时均为可不得以任何电子或机械的形式包括照相录有效资料为配合持续发展与改进的方针福特汽车影或以任何检索系统翻译或复制本手册的任何部公司保留在不事先通知的情况下随时终止车型生产分修改规范或设计的权利尽管已尽可能使本书臻于完整与正确但对于本手册中的任何错误或疏漏本公司不承担任何责任02200125 Mondeo Taiwan501-00-1 车身系统-一般信息501-00-1501-00 车身系统-一般信息适用车型2001 Mondeo主题页码说明与操作车身 501-00-2诊断与测试车身系统 501-00-3检查与确认 501-00-3故障现象表 501-00-3定点测试 501-00-3组件测试 501-00-3规格规格 501-00-4润滑剂油液密封剂与粘接剂 501-00-4022001 2001 Mondeo501-00-2 车身系统-一般信息501-00-2说明与操作车身022001 2001 Mondeo501-00-3 车身系统-一般信息501-00-3诊断与测试车身系统检查与确认1 操作系统以确认顾客的问题故障现象表2 直观检查是否有明显的机械或电气损坏的迹象3 如果所观察或提出的问题的明显原因已经发定点测现则在进行下一个步骤之前必须先将该原因修正如果可能的话4 若问题无法清楚地看到则需再确认故障现象与组件测试参阅WDSFDS 2000022001 2001 Mondeo501-00-4 车身系统-一般信息501-00-4规格润滑剂油液密封剂与粘接剂项目022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-1 前端车身板件501-02-1501-02 前端车身板件适用车型2001 Mondeo主题页码说明与操作前端车身板件 501-02-2拆卸与安装通风罩格栅 43 230 0 501-02-3翼子板 44 252 0 501-02-4一般程序发动机盖调整 41 213 0 501-02-8规格规格 501-02-13拧紧力矩 501-02-13022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-2 前端车身板件501-02-2说明与操作前端车身板件022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-3 前端车身板件501-02-3拆卸与安装通风罩格栅 43 230 0022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-4 前端车身板件501-02-4拆卸与安装翼子板 44 252 0拆卸注意此程序用于拆卸右侧翼子板拆卸左侧翼子板的程序与此相同1 拆卸前保险杠有关信息请参阅501-192 拆卸前照灯有关信息请参阅417-013 将汽车顶起并支撑有关信息请参阅100-024 拆卸车轮与轮胎有关信息请参阅204-045 拆卸翼子板上的挡泥板1 拆卸固定螺丝2 拆卸固定螺栓两支3 拆卸塑料固定座三个固定座6 拆卸翼子板前方固定螺栓022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-5 前端车身板件501-02-5拆卸与安装续7 拆卸方向灯电气连接器8 拆卸翼子板前隔音板022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-6 前端车身板件501-02-6拆卸与安装续9 从 a 柱上拆卸翼子板内部固定螺栓与翼子板底部固定螺栓10 从 a 柱上拆卸翼子板顶部固定螺栓11 拆卸翼子板边缘螺栓与翼子板护栅开口处的螺栓022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-7 前端车身板件501-02-7拆卸与安装续安装1 依照拆卸的相反程序安装022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-8 前端车身板件501-02-8一般程序发动机盖调整 41 213 01 拆卸水箱护栅2 注意发动机盖必须在闩锁拆卸之后调整3 注意确认风窗玻璃刮水器是在停止位置拆卸刮水器臂提起护盖4 拆卸通风罩饰板022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-9 前端车身板件501-02-9一般程序续5 拆卸共鸣箱与隔音板释放固定夹6 从车身固定座铰部位拆下塑料固定夹放松车身固定座铰链固定螺栓利用车身孔的中央位置锁紧两侧的固定螺栓7 放松发动机盖铰固定螺栓到以手指就可转动为止8 校正发动机盖调整发动机盖使翼子板的边缘与发动机盖的边缘对齐检查左侧与右侧翼子板的间隙线是否平均必要时校正翼子板左侧与右侧的间隙宽度必须一致打开发动机盖与压下发动机盖时左侧与右侧的间隙必须相同022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-10 前端车身板件501-02-10一般程序续9 锁紧两边的发动机盖铰链固定螺栓10 心使用适合的木块支撑发动机盖以避免发动机盖关闭拆卸发动机盖撑杆释放发动机盖撑杆两边的固定夹11 放松车身固定座铰链固定螺栓并将铰链移到最上面的位置锁紧固定螺栓直到铰链固定到位置上12 压下发动机盖的后端来将发动机盖的高度调到翼子板的高度022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-11 前端车身板件501-02-11一般程序续13 锁紧发动机盖后铰链两边的固定螺栓以消除任何移位安装固定夹到两边以预设铰链张力14 安装发动机盖撑杆15 旋入及旋出缓冲止挡橡胶来调整发动机盖前部使与翼子板及前照灯齐平16 注意所有的调整必须在安装闩锁之前完成安装发动机盖闩锁发动机盖闩锁安装后必须使发动机盖关闭时无应力产生并且在左边与右边的间隙必须相等022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-12 前端车身板件501-02-12一般程序续17 安装发动机盖隔音板与共鸣箱18 安装通风罩饰板19 注意确认风窗玻璃刮水器马达在停止位置安装风窗玻璃刮水器臂固定护盖20 安装水箱护栅022001 2001 Mondeo501-02-13 前端车身板件501-02-13规格拧紧力矩说明 Nm lb-ftlb-in翼子板挡泥板固定螺栓 3 – 27翼子板挡泥板固定螺丝 3 – 27翼子板前方固定螺栓7 – 62翼子板内部到 a 柱固定螺栓 7 – 62翼子板内下到 a 柱固定螺栓 7 – 62翼子板内上到 a 柱固定螺栓 6 – 53翼子板边缘螺栓7 – 62翼子板护栅开口处螺栓25 18 –发动机盖铰链到护栅开口处 8 – 71风窗玻璃刮水器臂固定螺母 22 16 –发动机盖铰链到车身固定螺栓 25 18 –发动机盖铰链到发动机盖固定螺栓 25 18 –022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-1 车身关闭装置501-03-1501-03 车身关闭装置适用车型2001 Mondeo主题页码一般程序行李箱盖调整 501-03-2规格规格 501-03-7拧紧力矩 501-03-7022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-2 车身关闭装置501-03-2一般程序行李箱盖调整一般设备4mm 厚的板子1 放松行李箱盖碰锁板固定螺栓2 拆卸行李箱盖开口防水条3 拆卸行李箱盖缓冲止挡器022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-3 车身关闭装置501-03-3一般程序续4 拆卸行李箱盖支撑杆5 调整行李箱盖铰链使行李箱盖铰链对准到车身固定螺栓在铰链孔的中央6 放松行李箱盖与铰链的固定螺栓7 注意确认行李箱盖位于完全关闭的位置在行李箱盖外侧端与后翼子板之间插入4mm 厚的边片来校正行李箱盖8 拆卸4mm 厚的板子022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-4 车身关闭装置501-03-4一般程序续9 心在打开行李箱盖的同时注意勿移动铰链打开行李箱盖并锁紧行李箱盖到铰链的固定螺栓10 放松行李箱盖铰链到车身的固定螺栓11 注意确认行李箱盖在完全关闭的位置在行李箱盖铰链部位往下压使行李箱盖低于后翼子板流线2 mm12 心打开行李箱盖时确认行李箱盖铰链没有移位打开行李箱盖并锁紧行李箱盖铰链到车身固定螺栓022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-5 车身关闭装置501-03-5一般程序续13 安装行李箱盖支撑杆14 安装行李箱盖缓冲止挡器15 安装行李箱盖开口防水条16 完全关闭行李箱盖17 打开行李箱盖并锁紧行李箱盖撞锤板固定螺栓022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-6 车身关闭装置501-03-6一般程序续18 注意确认行李箱盖在完全关闭的位置检查并确认行李箱盖的校正022001 2001 Mondeo501-03-7 车身关闭装置501-03-7规格拧紧力矩说明 Nm lb-ftlb-in车门止挡器到车门柱固定螺栓 23 17 –车门止挡器到车门固定螺栓 6 – 53车门撞锤板固定螺栓28 21 –车门铰链固定螺栓35 26 –行李箱铰链固定螺栓23 17 –后厢盖铰链固定螺栓11 8 –022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-1 内饰板与饰件501-05-1501-05 内饰板与饰件适用车型2001 Mondeo主题页码拆卸与安装A 柱饰板 43 616 0 501-05-2顶衬 43 612 0 501-05-4前车门饰板 501-05-16后车门饰板 501-05-19规格规格 501-05-22拧紧力矩 501-05-22022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-2 内饰板与饰件501-05-2拆卸与安装A-柱饰板 43 616 0拆卸有侧边扰流板的汽车1 注意A-柱饰板使用固定带固定在 A-柱的顶端拆卸 A-柱饰板时必须先将固定带与 A-柱饰板分离拆下A-柱饰板无侧边扰流板的汽车2 拆卸A-柱饰板安装有侧边扰流板的汽车1 检查 A-柱饰板与固定带若 A-柱饰板或固定带有破损现象则将损坏的零件更新2 警告确认A-柱饰板的固定带正确地安装到A-柱饰板上若未遵照指示会造成人员受伤安装A-柱饰板022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-3 内饰板与饰件501-05-3拆卸与安装续无侧边扰流板的汽车3 安装A-柱饰板022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-4 内饰板与饰件501-05-4拆卸与安装顶衬 43 612 0一般设备至少一公尺长的适合引线拆卸所有汽车1 拆下蓄电池负极线其它有关信息请参阅414-012 拆卸 A-柱饰板其它有关信息请参阅本章节A-柱饰板右驾驶汽车3 从手套箱上拆开缓冲器1 打开手套箱可找到缓冲器2 从缓冲器顶部压下使与手套箱分离4 完全打开手套箱将手套箱两侧往中央挤压使手套箱止挡器释放022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-5 内饰板与饰件501-05-5拆卸与安装续5 拆卸手套箱分开铰链左驾驶汽车6 拆卸仪表板下饰板1 拆卸仪表板下饰板固定螺丝2 释放仪表板下饰板固定夹所有汽车7 从中央连接盒 CJB 上拔开室内灯光线束的电气连接器8 系上一条适合的引线到室内灯光线束的电气连接器上022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-6 内饰板与饰件501-05-6拆卸与安装续9 拆开A-柱上的室内灯光线束10 从A-柱上将室内灯光线束拆下11 穿过仪表板将室内灯光线束拉出直到电气连接器与连接的引线露出12 撬开乘客座辅助握把的外盖使固定螺丝露出并拆下辅助握把022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-7 内饰板与饰件501-05-7拆卸与安装续13 移动前安全带肩部高度调整器到最低的位置14 从 B 柱上拆开车门防水密封条15 从 B 柱上拆卸 B 柱上饰板并将饰板移到一边1 从 B 柱下饰板上拆开固定脚2 拆卸螺丝盖3 拆卸固定螺丝16 拆卸遮阳板17 撬开外盖使螺丝露出并拆卸遮阳板固定夹022001 2001 Mondeo501-05-8 内饰板与饰件501-05-8拆卸与安装续有电动天窗开启板的汽车18 拆卸天窗开启板的防水密封条所有汽车19 拆卸顶置式控制台有关信息请参阅501-1220 拆卸车内后视镜电气连接器如配备有电动天窗开启板的汽车。