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©午饭互助娱乐论坛-- READY TO(饭)- 午(饭) Q 驚弓之鳥/ 談虎色變 <~07W

A burnt child dreads fire. o=

見微知著/ 一葉知秋 s#tX7p

A feather shows the way the wind blows. G+s

意外之財/ 一筆橫財 Cdx&

a financial windfall ;

急風知勁草 J,:3|L

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 6J;[h

千里鵝毛 y<

A gift is cheap, but love is dear. 0,ObZS

錢能通神 f6&

A golden hammer breaks an iron door. Y,H w

小不忍則亂大謀 V#m*

A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. mU-

忙中有錯 D2uZZ

A hasty man drinks his tea with his fork. '8QXWv

少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲 ewV+v

A lazy youth, a lousy age. # E1y

百無一用是書生 h4UK2

A learned man is an idler who kills time by study. Z@o

星星之火可以燎原 kF

A little leak will sink a great ship. }ki

量小非君子 5|

A little pot will soon be hot. E@uu

新官上任三把火 G>|9

A new broom sweeps clean. =

滾石不生苔 F<+7,#

A rolling stone gathers no moss. :V

知恥近乎勇 {j@3d0

A sense of shame is the farthest thing from cowardice. dK 小洞不補,大洞吃苦 ~9v

A stitch in time saves nine. %

虎父虎子 d

A wise goose never laid a tame egg. \]Jg[

能者多勞 =4

Able men are always busy. o

四海之內皆兄弟 g8

All men are brothers. @K

殊途同歸/ 條條大路通羅馬 B 8HG

All roads lead to Rome. DAx|

一瓶不響,半瓶響叮噹 }\z

An empty wagon makes the most noise. bcy

冰凍三尺非一日之寒 PhQ

An oak is not felled at one stroke. umnx

上行下效 /:HP

As the old cock crows, the young one learns.



九牛一毛be a drop in a bucket ~

年高德邵be an statesman

花團錦簇be blanketed with flowers

琳朗滿目be eye-catching ~

淋漓盡致be in great detail; vividly and incisively

方興未艾be in the ascendant (福星高照,有旭日東昇之勢)

纖毫之細be minute

行雲流水be natural and spontaneous; like floating clouds and flowing water 喜優參半be/go through ups and downs

紅顏薄命Beauty is a fading flower.

秀色可餐Beauty is a feast in itself.

色即是空Beauty is but skin-deep.

東施效顰Being butcher, don't imitate the piper.

雜而不精Better be master of one than Jack-of-all-trades.

寧為雞口,不為牛後Better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven.

物以類聚Birds of a feather flock together.

血濃於水Blood is thicker than water.

恩將仇報Bring up a raven and it will peck out your eyes.



Call no man happy before he is dead.

老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼Charity begins at home.


Claw me and I'll claw thee.


Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.


Cry out wine and sell vinegar.


Curses come home to roost.



Death pays all scores.


Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.
