




词汇量测试共100道题,分为6个级别词汇量的计算方法:Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=?(注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系)Level 11.sure A.治疗B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识2.feather A.两者都不B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识3.poor A.贫穷的B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识4.housework A.建房B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识5.bread A.面包B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识6.sugar A.糖B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识7.onto A.到…之上B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识8.manager A.饲料槽B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识9.unit A.点B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识10.ignore A.打鼾B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识Level 211.financial A.最终的B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识12.immigrant A.移民B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟E.不认识13.roller A.酿酒厂B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识14.ambition A.环境B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识15.hydrogen A.氦B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识16.pine A.松树B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐E.不认识17.surplus A.此外B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识18.fireman A.失业者B.消防员C.狙击手D.纵火犯E.不认识19.outset A.摆放B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识20.confusion A.迷惑B.传播C.灌输D.大量E.不认识Level 321.reliance A.义务B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹E.不认识22.collide A.碰撞B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔E.不认识23.sniff A.僵直的B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识24.shaft A.工艺B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识25.cordial A.走廊B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的E.不认识26.foul A.灵魂B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的E.不认识27.idiot A.笨蛋B.习语C.闲混D.偶像E.不认识28.inertia A.内部的B.无活力C.妨碍D.间隔E.不认识29.stall A.安装B.闲逛C.凳子D.畜栏E.不认识30.prone A.有倾向的B.促进C.宣布D.敏捷的E.不认识31.shabby A.阴暗的B.松弛的C.褴褛的D.贪婪的E.不认识32.exotic A.异国风味的B.色情的C.神经病的D.外因的 E.不认识33.cumulative A.刺激性B.同化C.清晰的D.累积的E.不认识34.corpse A.庄稼B.汇编C.尸体D.兵团E.不认识35.bishop A.平台B.主教C.鱼竿D.商店E.不认识Level 436.explicit A.剥削的B.驱逐的C.明确的D.附加的E.不认识37.dynamite A.动力的B.炸药C.氢弹D.王朝E.不认识38.idealist A.理想主义者B.现实主义者C.唯物论者D.虚无主义者E.不认识39.benevolent A.青少年B.低下的C.无知的D.慈善的E.不认识40.downfall A.落后B.垮台C.谷底D.市中心E.不认识41.extinct A.卓越的B.不同的C.明显的D.灭绝的E.不认识42.reptile A.两栖动物B.爬行动物C.哺乳动物D.脊椎动物E.不认识43.canteen A.食堂B.瓦罐C.糖果D.腌制E.不认识44.hiker A.劫机犯B.绑架者C.徒步旅行者D.登山者E.不认识45.fragile A.易碎的B.易怒的C.坦诚的D.狂乱的E.不认识46.indefensible A.固若金汤的B.不可原谅的C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的E.不认识47.lime A.石灰B.四肢C.羔羊D.羊肉E.不认识48.adventurous A.广告的B.新兴的C.喜欢冒险的D.原创的E.不认识49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒 C.支架 D.杠杆 E.不认识50.sway A.席卷B.摇晃C.膨胀D.打旋E.不认识51.respectful A.受人尊敬的B.表示尊敬的C.各自的D.回顾的E.不认识52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序B.断代的C.逆序的D.按字母顺序 E.不认识53.scalar A.标量B.矢量C.位图D.矢量图E.不认识54.ruthless A.违法的B.残忍的C.虚幻的D.混乱的E.不认识55.paraphrase A.释义B.比较C.空头D.跳伞E.不认识Level 556.ballast A.爆炸B.虚夸C.导火索D.压舱物E.不认识57.corroborate A.搭配B.合作C.证实D.详细说明E.不认识58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人B.脑残的人C.脑力激荡D.注意力不集中的人 E.不认识59.halter A.缰绳B.制动装置C.离合器D.马蹄铁E.不认识60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的 C.可笑的 D.荒谬的E.不认识61.rearmament A.援军B.解除武装C.重置装备D.后备力量E.不认识62.trek A.艰辛的路程B.轨道C.踪迹D.路线E.不认识63.rasp A.竖琴B.匆忙C.粗锉刀D.皮疹E.不认识64.barrister A.律师B.障碍C.美发师D.炮药桶E.不认识65.testator A.测试人员B.见证人C.品酒师D.立遗嘱的人 E.不认识66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病B.阑尾炎C.附录D.肺炎E.不认识67.quixotic A.顽固的B.不实际的C.愚忠的D.势利的E.不认识68.maniac A.疯狂的B.冷静的C.残忍的D.忧郁的E.不认识69.transposition A.运输B.位置互换C.传播D.传染E.不认识70.stamina A.疯狂B.绝望C.苦难D.耐力E.不认识71.woe A.誓言B.悲哀C.愤怒D.哭泣E.不认识72.prod A.调查B.序言C.有倾向的D.戳、刺E.不认识73.arrears A.贫欠款B.后方C.空地D.面积E.不认识74.forefront A.最前方B.额头C.前足D.前景E.不认识75.malign A.雄性的B.高大的C.有害的D.无知的E.不认识Level 6 76.tauten A.淘气B.拉紧C.唆使D.奚落E.不认识77.athletics A.抽象艺术B.神学C.美学D.体育运动E.不认识78.volubility A.自愿B.环绕C.喋喋不休D.旋转E.不认识79.fosse A.苔藓B.护城河C.浮渣D.总的E.不认识80.decorticate A.装饰B.煎药C.漂泊D.剥皮E.不认识81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的 C.思念的 D.长久的E.不认识82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱 C.钩针编制 D.螳螂 E.不认识83.purblind A.漩涡的B.愚钝的C.流动的D.默默的E.不认识84.remonstrance A.抗议B.回忆C.传奇D.汇款E.不认识85.decrepit A.堕落的B.收到C.欺骗D.破旧的E.不认识86.outmaneuver A.失控B.以计谋胜过C.操作失误D.退出E.不认识87.tepefy A.使微热B.为…典型C.磁化D.使钝化E.不认识88.apocrypha A.佛典B.箴言C.伪经D.咒语E.不认识89.ringlet A.耳环B.卷发C.耳坠D.耳垂儿E.不认识90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的 C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不认识hermost A.恒温的B.最下面的C.热固性D.冷血的 E.不认识92.sibilant A.姐妹的B.四肢的C.齐名的D.发滋滋声的E.不认识93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮 C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不认识94.eugenic A.优生的B.遗传的C.引起过敏的D.卤素的E.不认识95.lien A.外星的B.扣押权C.亚麻布D.逗留E.不认识96.invective A.无礼B.忤逆C.刺激D.咒骂E.不认识97.liberated A.手工的B.危险的C.放纵的D.上方的E.不认识98.precipitation A.沉淀物B.预期C.预防D.占据E.不认识99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的 C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不认识100.wrack A.残骸B.没用的人C.愤怒的D.海藻E.不认识答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A031—040 C A D C B C B A D B041—050 D B A C A B A C A B051—060 B D A A A D C D A B061—070 C A C A D B B A B D071—080 B D A A C B D C B D081—090 A C B A D B A C B D091—100 B D A A B D C A C D【您的真是词汇量就在这个测试结果上下200—300左右浮动当发现英语专业的学生词汇量逊色于某些非英语专业的学生时,无需惊讶……】常见考试的词汇要求(仅供参考):中考1500—1600高考3000—3500CET4 4000—4500CET6/考研5500—6000TEM4 6000—7000SAT 10000+TEM8 10000—12000GMAT 12000+IELTS/TOFEL 8000—15000+GRE 20000+1-10 b d a c a a a d b e 8*180=1440 11-20 b, a, d, c, b, a, d, b, b, a, 8*280=2240 21_30 b, e, e, e, a, e, a, e, e, e, 3*73=279 31-40 e, b, d, e, e, e, b, e, e, b,41-50 e, a, a, c, e, a, a, a, e, e 6*170=1020 51-60 a, a, e, e, a, e, e, e, e, c,61-70 e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e,71-80 e, a, e, e, d, e, e, e, e, e,evel 6 e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e,。



英语词汇量自测表1 amid A爱心B 敌意C 之中D 公分2 beautiful A美丽 B 整洁 C 无私D 友善3 breeze A清扫B 微风 C 慢走D 轻快4 companion A同伴B 竞争C 对手D 组合5 die A消失B 进入C 离开D 死亡6 expand A收缩B 挤压 C 进攻D 扩展7 formal A前者B 形式C 形成D 正式的8 greet A问候B 节日C 过渡D访问9 horn A角 B 尾 C 头D 臂10 invite A邀请B 导致C 产生D竞争11 lock A关上B 锁上C 封闭D位于12 mistake A拿走B 荣誉C错误D胜任13 oar A桨B 木头C 小船D码头14 peace A平息B建设C和平D繁荣15 prisoner A战败者B囚徒C胜者D伤员16 quarter A1/5 B 1/4 C 1/3 D 1/B17 reject A驳斥B 提倡C 同意 D 明显18 rude A初次B粗鲁C同情D原谅19 serious A细心B严肃C勤奋D好奇20 strike A摸B 抱C 打击D 赎回21 anxious A盼望B 饥饿C担心D 过饱22 bear A站立B蹲下C 快走D忍受23 cat A熊猫B 猫C 虎D 狗24 connect A连接B流动C 导电D 发射25 dedicate A进攻B 参加C计划D献身26 dispute A妥协B争吵C解决D仇视27 endure A忍受B进行C替代D加工28 far A近B远C上D下29 founder A走私者B律师C建立者D功臣30 grand A宏大B遥远C深刻D优美31 hire A订购B发货C雇佣D 批发32 intense A优美B快速C激烈D稳固33 lazy A费力B尽心C冷淡D懒34 mass A小批B 精英C大众D 大块35 numb A麻木的B敏感C动感情D逆向的36 pack A包上B 打开C 突出D受到37 punish A奖励B惩罚C批评D入选38 remark A评论B落选C表扬D谴责39 scream A细语B 尖叫C 啼哭D 低诉40 visual A听觉的B 味觉的C视觉的D 抵触的41 arrive A离开B到达C进入D报到42 blow A砍B吹C杀D 冲43 careless A粗心B粗大C粗枝D 粗糙44 critical A体贴B 担心C 很重要D 驳斥45 distance A很远B 近C 走完D 距离46 enjoy A职责B观看C欣赏D不喜欢47 flow A交换B流动C卖D飞行48 guard A守卫B释放C批准D关闭49 impulse A注入B冲动C排出D思考50 kingdom A法庭B王国C政府D幼儿园51 lend A借出B借入C 归还D 罚款52 major A市长B 主要的C 度量D仆人53 nominate A命名B 班长C 提升D 提名54 penetrate A便士B 穿透C 养老金D 流过55 preserve A损坏B 主持C 按压D 保存56 resign A辞职B 流行C 登记D 统治57 sacred A神秘的B 神圣的C 神仙D 崇拜58 slip A滑动B 落下C 快走D 偷窃59 stagger A摇晃走B大步走C 快走D 滞留60 tidy A潮流B 高潮C 整洁D 老虎61 amaze A震惊B和谐C业余D阿门62 associate A多种B 脱离C 联结D 说明63 brush A残忍B 假定C刷去D 扣环64 chicken A厨房B 冷盘C裂缝D小鸡65 context A上下文B 争辩C 大陆D 连续66 deny A否认B 依靠C 驱逐D 离开67 drip A滴B 驱使C 落下D 淹没68 faction A因素B 派系C工厂D行为69 gain A步行B雇佣C 拦截D获得70 hike A快跑B离去C步行D偷71 interval A插入B 质问C 里面D 间歇72 leak A漏B树叶C跳D许可73 missile A射击B导弹C使命D绕过74 offensive A防守B攻击性C即席D 彩排性75 picnic A野餐B 吃惊C 游泳D远足76 proportion A规模B 比例C 部分D 剩余77 response A回答B 负责C 回答D支撑78 shudder A收缩B 破坏C 尖叫D 颤抖79 steam A蒸汽B 水分C 洪水D 盐水80 tone A吨B 工具C 变化D 音调81 abstract A绝对B 吸收C 上面D 抽象82 blend A搅拌B 接受C 混合D 空白83 check A制止B 责备C 高兴D 夹页84 contingent A联接B大陆C 意外的D 巧合85 delude A要求B 有味的C 欺骗D 延缓86 elevate A升高B进入C 表扬D电梯87 fever A纤维B 肥沃C 狂热D 铁镣88 gainsay A获得B 否认C声称D 重申89 hare A兔B 雇佣C 愈合D 快逃90 identify A身份B 识别C 同样D 寻找91 jettison A放弃B 保存C 展出D 古董92 mason A皮匠B 工匠C 石匠D 大厦93 nimble A狡猾B 敏捷C 跳D 快读94 participate A预料B 参加C 准备D 献身95 reveal A隐藏B 复仇C 崇拜D 显示96 safe A保险B 砂石C 卖D 盐97 shore A商店B 河岸C 大叫D 出示98 swear A发誓B 扫 C 穿上D 磨损99 threaten A快速 B 威胁C 晃动D 象征100 wealth A花圈B 焊接C 财富D 联邦101 account A账目B 计数 C 走近D 增加102 attack A来临B 进入C 攻击D 退却103 bosom A胸怀B 开花C 边际D 兴盛104.choke A. 窒息B. 选择C. 走火D. 包扎105.core A. 角落B. 木塞C. 核心D. 分离106.delete A. 派遣B 存心C.删除D. 延缓107.enclose A包围B 打开C 密码D 披露108.forthright A正确的B 直率C 优良D准时109.harness A急速的B粗鲁C马具D 丰收110.impinge A撞击B 破坏C恳求D胁迫111.jest A玩笑B 喷射C宝石D嫉妒112.muffle A走私B 包裹C混乱D掩护113.occupy A占领B范围C打击D 撤退114.pertain A有关B保留C 保守D演讲115.poultry A鱼B 狗C 猪D 家禽116.ration A比例B 缺乏C 评估D配合117.slender A树枝B 颤抖C苗条D投降118.startle A吃惊B开始C闪烁D熄灭119.tame A太晤士B 脾气C 驯服D探戈120.uphold A高峰B支持C保养D振奋121.agent A议程 B 代理人C 年龄D对手122.axe A轴B 公理C 斧D 轮123.bridle A简单B 带来C 脆D 控制124.cleave A清洁B 劈开C 委托人D悬崖125.curl A卷曲B 黑发C 金发D 治疗126.document A照片B 编辑C 文件D复印件127.enterprise A成功B 涉及C 事业D恳求128.forefather A祖母B 祖父C 祖先D 近亲129.gust A猜B 一阵风C 快跑D 迸出130.infectious A影响B 感染C 进入D 听觉的131.leisure A悠闲B 很慢C 有节奏的D 不变的132.marble A行进B 钻石C 大理石D宝石133.neutral A核子B 中性的C 神经的D巢134.parallel A平行B 决不C 段落D天国135.queer A正常的B 争吵C A/D D 古怪136.rigid A登记B 发冷C 呆板的D严厉的137.shape A形状B 边C 羞愧D 不稳的138.split A漂移B 劈开C 发光D溅139.temporal A短暂的B 脾气的C风暴D气候140.urge A驱使B冲动C向上D根基141.abandon A要求B 放弃C获得D热爱142.agitate A买B 卖C 推销D鼓动143.batter A炮击B 拳击C 耳光D照亮144.bountiful A贫乏B 丰富C优良D超越145.bubble A泡B 风声C 噪声D哭声146.censure A统计B批评C记录D没收147.cipher A理解B封闭C密码D帐单148.covert A盯看B 觊觎C 无兴趣D反对149.desultory A无用的B 无意义C散漫的D敏捷的150.duel A决斗B 双重C 独唱D 高音151.ecstasy A愤怒B尽情C狂喜D勤奋152.emaciate A扩展B 消退C 消瘦D成长153.eternal A无限的B 喜爱的C 受尊敬D 无名的154.fanciful A短暂的B 空想的C 有益的D中肯的155.flunk A成功B 退却C 不及格D 表扬156.gelatinous A水质的B 闪光的C无常的D粘胶性157.grumble A抱怨B 诉讼C 审讯D 泄漏158.harbinger A宣布B预示C通知D释放159.idolize A崇拜B讨厌C空想D复原160.inaugurate A进行B 完成C开始D中断161.jelly A糕点B水果C果子冻D篡改162.kettle A桶B锅C水壶D 匙163.knuckle A打击 B 关节 C 园块D 事物the A车床B小船C平台D钻机165.levy A平展B收税C罚款D逃税166.locate A边长B 周长C 找出D 当地167.mangle A挤压B 弄伤C 搅动D 聚集168.metropolis A政治学B 经济学C 大城市D大学169.mourn A纪念B 哀悼 C 评述D 贬低170.nocturnal A冬眠B 夜间的C 早起的D 精力好171.obviate A明显B 发生C 消失D 排除172.overwhelm A超重B 压倒C 狂喜D 胜利173.pastoral A田园的B 城市的C 海上的D 山上的174.penance A耐心B 好奇C 慎重D 悔罪175.poke A捅B 挤C 压D 挑176.propel A妨碍B 看齐C 推进D居住177.racket A球拍B平台C吊车D重机枪178.rogue A枝条 B 流氓C 滚动D 火箭179.sabotage A建设B 投资C分红D破坏180.segregate A聚集 B 部分 C 分离D 煮沸181.shun A回避B追求C热心D认真182.sift A叹气B包围C精选D 记号183.sodden A草皮的B 浸透了C 钠D 软化184.statute A塑像B 地位 C 身材D 法规185.tag A标签B 战术C 触觉D 滑车186.tease A饥饿B 进入C 逗弄D 传播187.thrust A插入B 挤压C 移交D 页188.tremor A闪电B 急变C 肿大D 颤动189.twirl A涉及B 转动C 搓D 风暴190.umpire A裁判B 不公正C 公正D不匹配191.uniform A多变B 稳定C 均匀D 多形192.unravel A竞争B 解开C 不可匹敌D 不真实193.vacate A发掘B 搬出C 波浪D 徒劳194.vile A乡村B 坏人C 可耻的D 活力195.waist A顶端B 腰部 C 哭D 工资196.whack A重打B 连击C 偷袭D 杀死197.wield A保护B 盾牌C 焊接D 挥动198.yap A裂缝B 狗叫C 一击D 哈欠199.yolk A控制B 蛋黄C 年轻D 瑜珈200.zenith A持续B 顶点C 兴趣D 热心计算公式:(答对数目—答错数目/3)*50如答对A65个(A65-35/3)*50=7665。



明亮的,灿烂的 拿来,带来,取来(brought,brought) 英国,不列颠 英国人的 兄,弟 棕色(的),褐色(的) 刷子,毛笔,画笔 建筑;造(built,built) 建筑物 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑烧伤;晒伤 公共汽车 商业,生意,事物 忙的,繁忙的 但是 黄油 买 经;由 再见 卷心菜,洋白菜 蛋糕,饼,糕 称呼,叫喊,打电话给电话,通话 照相机 (夏令)营野营,宿营 可能;能够 加拿大 加拿大人 取消 蜡烛 糖果 便帽,军帽 首都 汽车,小汽车 纸牌,卡片 介意,在乎,关心 小心的;仔细的 粗心的,大意的 胡萝卜 携带;搬运;运送 动画片,卡通;漫画 猫 接住;捉住 引起 庆祝 中心
注意,关心 八月 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母 澳大利亚 澳大利亚人 秋天,秋季 避免,躲开,逃避 清醒的 离开 婴儿,幼畜 回(原处);向后 背景 坏的;有害的,不利的;严重的(worse,worst) 书包 球 气球 竹子 香蕉 银行 棒球 主要的;最重要的 篮子 蓝球 浴室,盥洗室 海(河、湖)滩 豆,豆科植物 熊 美丽的,漂亮的 因为 变得;成为(became,become) 床 卧室 牛肉 之前,以前 开始,着手(began,begun) 守规矩,行为 行为,举止,表现;运转情况,反应 在...后面 相信,认为 钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物 在..下面;低于 在..旁边
/əˈtenʃ(ə)n/ /ɔː'gʌst/ /ɑːnt/ /ɔːs'treɪlɪə/ /ɔːs'treɪlɪən/ /'ɔːtəm/ /əˈvɒɪd/ /ə'weɪk/ /ə'weɪ/ /'beɪbi/ /bæk/ /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ /bæd/ /bæg/ /bɔːl/ /bəˈluːn/ /bæm'buː/ /bə'nɑːnə/ /bæŋk/ /'beɪsˌbɔːl/ /'beɪsɪk/ /'bɑːskɪt/ /'bæskɪtbɔːl/ /ˈbɑːθruːm/ /biːtʃ/ /biːn/ /beə/ /biː/ /'bjuːtəfəl/ /bɪ'kɔːz/ /bɪˈkʌm/ /bed/ /'bedrʊm/ /biːf/ /bɪ'fɔː/ /bɪˈɡɪn/ /bɪˈheɪv/ /bɪˈheɪvɪə/ /bɪ'haɪnd/ /bɪ'liːv/ /bel/ /bɪ'ləʊ/ /bɪ'saɪd/


36.manufacture a. 制造业 b. 规矩 c. 原稿 d. 手工劳动
37.similarly a. 同样地 b. 同时地 c. 相似地 d. 相关地
38.correction a. 收集 b. 通讯 c. 改正 d. 误差
39.responsible a. 反应的 b. 合成的 c. 迅速的 d. 负责的
52.screen a. 屏幕 b. 尖叫 c. 袖子 d. 擦伤
53.population a. 流行 b. 污染 c. 比例 d. 人口
54.research a. 寻找 b. 救援 c. 研究 d. 储备
55.century a. 水银 b. 世纪 c. 比率 d. 百分比
32.conscious a. 有良心的 b. 意识到的 c. 真心的 d. 一致的
33.collapse a. 碰撞 b. 积累 c. 合作 d. 崩溃
34.consume a. 浪费 b. 包含 c. 假设 d. 消耗
35.beam a. 胡子 b. 光束 c. 蚕豆 d. 海滩
40.sudden a. 坚固的 b. 突然的 c. 不悦的 d. 急促的
41.legal a. 人为的 b. 可变的 c. 法定的 d. 自然的
42.current a. 正确的 b. 适宜的 c. 电器的 d. 流行的
43.graph a. 照片 b. 图表 c. 抓住 d. 时间表
16.aim a. 射击 b. 胳膊 c. 瞄准 d. 武器
17.card a. 马车 b. 信纸 c. 卡片 d. 小册子
18.leader a. 领袖 b. 铅笔 c. 读者 d. 编辑
19.grass a. 玻璃 b. 青草 c. 庄稼 d. 油脂



英语词汇量自测表[TR-P-WANGHAO-20031007]英语词汇能力自测 8700Test Your Own Vocabulary Competence in English[节选自上海译文出版社《英汉大词典》(陆谷孙主编)附录三; Reproduced for educational purpose only.]说明:本测试含10种各有60词的测试表。



Test No. 1Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. abroad 11. abandon 21. abridge 31. abhorrent 41. abscissa 51. aboulia2. binoculars 12. ballot 22. aggregate 32. amorphous42. badinage 52. bifurcate3. daily 13. chaos 23. biscuit 33. crustacean 43. cartel 53. caracole4. expedition 14.contraband24. credulous 34. declivity 44. demon54.chalybeate5. horizon 15. excavate 25. duodenal 35. emaciated 45. dendrite 55. croton6. jangle 16. fatigue 26. grueling 36. foible 46. exordium 56. dysphoria7. limit 17. laboratory 27.industrious37. galaxy 47. inchoate 57. halitosis8. postulate 18. maverick 28. meager 38. heretical 48. moraine 58. python9. ratio 19. purchase 29. nomadic 39. igneous 49. rubric 59. ortolan10. stroke 20. shuttle 30. occidental 40.nomenclature50. soutane 60 quadratTest No. 2Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. alter 11. beverage 21.biography31. actuate 41. antinomy 51. apocalyptic2. barometer 12. cardinal 22. dandruff 32. bravura 42. carronade 52. cartouche3. distinct 13. demolish 23. domicile 33. comatose 43.deleterious53. dorsal4. festival 14. gratify 24. facet 34. geld 44.hebdomadal54. elvan5. grotesque 15. humdrum 25. impunity 35.hieroglyphic45. infusoria 55. filemot6. harpoon 16. impulsive 26. lore 36. hybrid 46. linage 56. isomer7. matinee 17. memorial 27.mercenary37. iconoclast 47. medusa 57. misogamy8. reign 18. parallel 28. phantasm 38. maelstrom 48. myrmidon 58. noumenon9. software 19. terminate 29. restive 39. mufti 49. paradigm 59. schizophrenia10. waste 20. vivacious 30. taboo 40. resurgent 50. topology 60. velleityTest No. 3Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. explosion 11. bigoted 21.cosmopolitan31. ecology 41. aneroid 51. bisque2. impatient 12. hatchet 22. diverge 32. laconic 42. burlap 52. circadian3. kangaroo 13. impact 23. interpose 33. linden 43.echinoderm53. decuman4. pirate 14. javelin 24. lateral 34. maxilla 44. henry 54. elixir5. prowl 15. landmass 25. nook 35. paragon 45. interfacial 55.isomorphous6. referee 16. nebulous 26. porous 36. prolixity 46. jeton 56. obelisk7. slant 17. primitive 27. rampant 37. redolent 47. paregoric 57. parataxis8. solo 18. renown 28. territory 38. séance 48. rachitic 58.sexagenarian9. unique 19. tradition 29. venereal 39. timbre 49. syncretism 59. tanagra10. weary 20. urban 30. yeoman 40. vellum 50. tanager 60. urticantTest No. 4Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61.belfry 11. besiege 21. aquiline 31. archive 41. bergamot 51. ablegate2. bulge 12. bronze 22. botanist 32. beriberi 42. brevier 52. algorism3. outlaw 13. gorge 23. cauldron 33. cornice 43. deemster 53. balsam4. package 14. import 24. furtive 34. denary 44.homologous54. bezel5. pillage 15. judo 25. initiate 35. gratuitous 45. lamina 55. leat6. rental 16. ledger 26. jaded 36. hertz 46. largo 56. mittimus7. riddle 17. limpid 27.kaleidoscopic37. hiatus 47. pantheon 57. myopic8. swerve 18. penetrate 28. limelight 38. medial 48. refulgence 58. perforate9. vanish 19. resort 29. mutual 39. pellagra 49. savoury 59. prunella10. varnish 20. yoke 30. stratagem 40.valetudinarian50. triolet 60. zoosterol Test No. 5Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. ballad 11. abyss 21. adaptable 31. calculus 41. aclinic 51. Babbittry2. canoe 12. bale 22. capsule 32. eczema 42. banshee 52. corrugate3. external 13. canyon 23. daub 33.gargantuan43. illation 53. demitasse 4. influx 14.exterminate24. embargo 34. ibid. 44. keelson 54. gault5. lame 15. hub 25. garbage 35.laissez-faire45. lachrymal 55. hypnotism6. magazine 16. lizard 26.infrastructure 36. literati 46.martingale56. jejunum7. martyr 17. obvious 27. liberate 37. neurology 47. newton 57. knap8. nexus 18. password 28. memento 38. obloquy 48. occipital 58. limnology9. patriot 19. rhythm 29. naturalize 39. patois 49. petrology 59.mithridatism 10. patrol 20. stoppage 30. oblivion 40. rabid 50. ratlin(e) 60. umbilicalTest No. 6Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. anthill 11. absurd 21. acoustics 31. botulism 41. chamfer 51.chameleon2. climate 12. collapse 22. bicker 32.cutaneous 42.eschatology52. deadlight3. container 13. extortion 23. bludgeon 33. diocese 43. giaour 53.enchiridion 4. endeavour 14.generation24. dinosaur 34. distrait 44. imprest 54. geodic5. immediately 15.immigrate25.extemporaneous35.encyclical45. lapidate 55. jokul6. jingle 16. jealous 26. garbled 36. gamma 46. nadir 56. laches7. optimum 17. mature 27. lichen 37. lacerate 47. oblate 57. maud8. rhyme 18. raid 28. mattock 38. mandate 48. samphire 58. pedicular9. signal 19. satellite 29. outshine 39.methylene49. satrap 59. spandrel10. tank 20. slipshod 30. perimeter 40. nacelle 50. ubiquity 60.vasospasmTest No. 7Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. humbug 11.autobiography 21. alloy 31.agoraphobia41. agnostic 51. acarpous2. ivy 12. concerto 22. brevity 32. barograph 42.boulevardier52. charade 3. legend 13. extinct 23. 33. 43. canticle 53. demersaldeportation concatenation4. magnet 14. gladiator 24.hinterland 34.demography44.homophone54. eclampsia5. nickname 15. deputy 25.inscrutable 35. hierarchy 45. lacustrine 55.gonorrhoea6. probably 15. hooligan 26. linage 36. in vitro 46.marionette56. masochism 7. ripple 16. lanky 27. mortgage 37. megrim 47. natterjack 57.orthodontist 8. situation 18. magistrate 28. omen 38. olfactory 48. Paleozoic 58.pseudonymity 9. tattoo 19. nozzle 29. persecute 39. radian 49.pentathlon59. ret10. vague 20. offend 30.repertoire40. risque 50. reticle 60. sachemTest No. 8Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. batter 11. barbed 21. dabble 31. bodkin 41. apercu 51. crucian2. chest 12. chemistry 22. exhaust 32.clairvoyance 42. bleb 52.deuteragonist3. engineer 13. exception 23. filtrate 33. dirigible 43.decorticate53. encaustic4. funnel 14.fascinating24. garnish 34. epitome 44. gauss 54. hysteroid5. horn 15. gibberish 25.indifferent35. histrionic 45. involute 55. immortelle 6. mean 16. hydrogen 26. keel 36. logarithm 46. lambent 56. karma7. outrun 17. liter 27.metronome 37. panegyric 47.peculation57.metamorphosis8. pinpoint 18.microscope28. naive 38. rowel 48. recidivist 58. peen9. remove 19. shield 29. patronize 39. simpatico 49. semiotics 59. regelate10. search 20. suburb 30. reinforce 40. stricture 50. voodoo 60. serendipityTest No. 9Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. badger 11. brewer 21. breaker 31. chicanery 41. ablaut 51. chiliad2. capture 12. charity 22.cumbersome 32. gratis 42. belvedere 52.disembogue3. fresh 13.generosity23. detention 33. holocaust 43. diminutive 53. gemmule4. hiss 14. idol 24. foyer 34. lethargic 44. gelation 54. idolum5. ire 15. lathe 25. humane 35. 45. 55. logo。



您的词汇量究竟有多大?大学英语 4 级水平(4000 词汇量)测试说明:该组词汇从 4 级高级词汇中精选,遮住下面的对应中文意思,说出每个单词的主要意思即可。

测试完请参考答案算出答对的题数n, 再用公式(n/40) *2000+2000 算出自己的词汇量。

比如,您答对的正确题数为30 题(n=30),则您的词汇量为(30/40)*2000+2000=3500。

1. amateur 2. utilize 3. legislation 4. subsequent 5. barrier 6. collapse 7. inflation 8. recruit 9. abandon 10. withstand11. justify 12. moisture 13. halt 14. seminar 15. tropical 16. episode 17. frustrate 18. humble 19. accelerate 20. nuisance 21. stripe 22. rigid 23. demonstrate 24. realm 25. vibrate 26. saint 27. optical 28. accumulate 29. initiative 30. tremendous 31. grind 32. stale 33. penetrate 34. temporary 35. sophisticated 36. dump 37. fatigue 38. sensitive 39. quotation 40. synthetic 1.业余爱好者 2.利用 3.立法,法规 4.随后的,后来的 5. 障碍,栅栏 6.倒坍,崩溃7.通货膨胀8.招募(新兵),吸收新成员9.抛弃10. 经受,承受11.证明---正当,为---辩护12.潮湿,湿气13.停止14.研讨会15.热带的16.(一连串事件中的)一个事件,(连续剧的)一集17.挫败,使沮丧18.谦逊的,低下的,粗陋的19.加速,促进20.令人讨厌的人或事物21.条纹22.严格的,坚硬的23.演示,示范24.领域,王国25.振动,摇摆26.圣人,圣徒27.光学的,眼睛的28.积聚,堆积29.主动性,首创精神30.巨大的31.磨碎,碾碎32.不新鲜的,陈腐的33.渗入,透入34.暂时的,临时的35.世故的;复杂的36.倾倒,倾销37.疲劳38.敏感的39.引语;报价40.人造的,合成的大学英语 6 级水平(6000 词汇量)测试说明:该组词汇从 6 级高级词汇中精选,遮住下面的对应中文意思,说出每个单词的主要意思即可。


• 85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到 C.欺骗 D.破旧 的 E.不认识
Level 6
• 86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过 C.操作 失误 D.退出 E.不认识
• 87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型 C.磁化 D.使 钝化 E.不认识
• 88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言 C.伪经 D.咒语 E.不认识
• 45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的 C.坦诚的 D.狂 乱的 E.不认识
Level 4
• 46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的 C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不认识
• 47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢 C.羔羊 D.羊肉 E.不认 识
• 48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的 C.喜欢冒 险的 D.原创的 E.不认识
• 中考
• 高考
• 4级
• 6级/考研 5500—6000
• 专4
10000+ 10000—12000
12000+ 8000—15000+
• 37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药 C.氢弹 D.王朝 E.不认识
• 38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者 C.唯 物论者 D.虚无主义者 E.不认识
• 39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的 C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不认识
• 40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台 C.谷底 D.市中心 E.不认识




词汇量测试共100道题,分为6个级别词汇量的计算方法:Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=?注:为了确保测试结果真实对自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系)Level 11.sure A.治疗B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识3.poor A.贫穷的B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识4.houseworkA.建房B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识5.bread A.面包 B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识6.sugar A.糖 B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识9.unit A.点 B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识10.ignoreA.打鼾 B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识Level 211.financial A.最终的B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟 E.不认识13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐 E.不认识17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不认识19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播C.灌输D.大量 E.不认识Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹 E.不认识22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔 E.不认识23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的 E.不认识26.foul A.灵魂 B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的 E.不认识27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语C.闲混D.偶像E.不认识28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力C.妨碍D.间隔E.不认识29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛C.凳子D.畜栏E.不认识30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促进C.宣布D.敏捷的 E.不认识31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的C.褴褛的 D.贪婪的 E.不认识32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的C.神经病的 D.外因的 E.不认识33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化C.清晰的 D.累积的 E.不认识34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编C.尸体D.兵团 E.不认识35.bishop A.平台 B.主教C.鱼竿D.商店 E.不认识Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的C.明确的 D.附加的 E.不认识37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药C.氢弹D.王朝E.不认识38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者C.唯物论者D.虚无主义者E.不认识39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不认识40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台C.谷底D.市中心 E.不认识41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的C.明显的 D.灭绝的 E.不认识42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物C.哺乳动物 D.脊椎动物 E.不认识43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐C.糖果D.腌制 E.不认识44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者C.徒步旅行者 D.登山者 E.不认识45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的C.坦诚的 D.狂乱的 E.不认识46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不认识47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢C.羔羊D.羊肉E.不认识48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的C.喜欢冒险的D.原创的E.不认识49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒C.支架D.杠杆E.不认识50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃C.膨胀D.打旋E.不认识51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的C.各自的 D.回顾的 E.不认识52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的C.逆序的D.按字母顺序E.不认识53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量C.位图D.矢量图E.不认识54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的C.虚幻的D.混乱的 E.不认识55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较C.空头D.跳伞E.不认识Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸C.导火索D.压舱物E.不认识57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作C.证实D.详细说明E.不认识58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人C.脑力激荡D.注意力不集中的人E.不认识59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置C.离合器D.马蹄铁E.不认识60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的C.可笑的D.荒谬的 E.不认识61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装C.重置装备D.后备力量 E.不认识62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道C.踪迹D.路线E.不认识63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙C.粗锉刀D.皮疹E.不认识64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍C.美发师D.炮药桶E.不认识65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人C.品酒师D.立遗嘱的人 E.不认识66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎C.附录D.肺炎 E.不认识67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的C.愚忠的D.势利的 E.不认识68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的C.残忍的D.忧郁的E.不认识69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换C.传播D.传染 E.不认识70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望C.苦难D.耐力E.不认识71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀C.愤怒D.哭泣E.不认识72.prod A.调查 B.序言C.有倾向的D.戳、刺E.不认识73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方C.空地D.面积E.不认识74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头C.前足D.前景E.不认识75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的C.有害的D.无知的E.不认识Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧C.唆使D.奚落E.不认识77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学C.美学D.体育运动 E.不认识78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕C.喋喋不休D.旋转E.不认识79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河C.浮渣D.总的E.不认识80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药C.漂泊D.剥皮E.不认识81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的C.思念的 D.长久的 E.不认识82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱C.钩针编制D.螳螂E.不认识83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的C.流动的 D.默默的 E.不认识84.remonstrance A.抗议 B.回忆C.传奇D.汇款E.不认识85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到C.欺骗D.破旧的 E.不认识86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过C.操作失误D.退出E.不认识87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型C.磁化D.使钝化E.不认识88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言C.伪经D.咒语 E.不认识89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发C.耳坠D.耳垂儿 E.不认识90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不认识hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的C.热固性 D.冷血的 E.不认识92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的C.齐名的 D.发滋滋声的 E.不认识93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不认识94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的C.引起过敏的 D.卤素的 E.不认识95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权C.亚麻布D.逗留E.不认识96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆C.刺激D.咒骂 E.不认识97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的C.放纵的 D.上方的 E.不认识98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期C.预防 D.占据 E.不认识99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不认识100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人C.愤怒的 D.海藻 E.不认识答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A031—040 C A D C B C B A D B041—050 D B A C A B A C A B051—060 B D A A A D C D A B061—070 C A C A D B B A B D071—080 B D A A C B D C B D081—090 A C B A D B A C B D091—100 B D A A B D C A C D【真实词汇量就在这个测试结果上下200—300左右浮动当发现英语专业的学生词汇量逊色于某些非英语专业的学生时,无需惊讶……】常见考试的词汇要求(仅供参考):中考1500—1600高考3000—3500CET4(非英语专业考生)4000—4500CET6/考研5500—6000TEM4(英语专业考生) 6000—7000SAT (SAT全称Scholastic AssessmentTest,简称:美国高考。





因为词表之中没有给出中文解释,所Longman 2200aabilityaboutaboveabroadabsenceabsentacceptacceptableaccidentaccordanceaccordingaccording toaccountacheacidacrossactactionactiveactivityactoractressactualaddadditionaddressadjectiveadmirationadmireadmitadmittanceadultadvanceadvantageadventureadverbadvertiseadvertisementadviceaffair afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against ageagoagree agreement aheadaimairaircraft airforce airport alcohol alikealiveallallow almost alone along aloud alphabet already also although altogether always among amount amuse amusement amusing an ancient andanger angle angry animal ankleannoyance another answerantanxiety anxiousany anyhow anyone anything anywhere apart apparatus appear appearance apple appoint approval approve arch areaargue argument armarmorarmsarmy around arrange arrangement arrival arriveartarticle artificialasash ashamed asideaskasleep association atatom attack attemptattendance attention attract attractive aunt autumn average avoid awake away awkward babyback background backward backwards bacteria badbagbake balance ball banana bandbankbarbare barrel base basket bathbathe battlebebeak beam beanbear beardbeat beautiful beauty because become bedbeebefore beg begin beginning behave behavior behind beliefbelieve bell belong below belt bend beneath berry beside besides best better between beyond bicycle bigbillbindbirdbirth birthday bitbite bitter black blade blame bleed bless blind block blood blow blue board boat bodyboilbone book boot border born borrow both bottle bottom bowels bowlboxboy brain branch brass brave bread breadth break breakfast breast breath breathe breed brick bridge bright bring broad broadcast brother brown brush bucket build building bullet bunch burial burn burst burybus bush businessbutbutter buttonbuybycagecake calculate calculator callcalm camera campcan candlecap capital captaincarcard cardboard care careful careless carriage carrycartcase castlecatch cattle causecell cement cent center centimeter central century ceremony certain chain chair chairperson chalkchange character chargecharmchasecheapcheatcheck [cheque] cheekcheer cheerful cheese chemical chemistry chestchickenchiefchild childhood children chimneychin chocolate choice choose church cigarette cinemacirclecircular citizencity civilization claimclassclaycleanclearclerkclevercliffclimbclock clockwork closeclothclothing cloudclubcoastcoatcoffeecoincoldcollar collect college colorcomb combination combine come comfort comfortable command committee common companion company compare comparison compete competition competitor complain complaint complete compound computer concern concerning concert condition confidence confident confuse connect conscience conscious consider consistcontain contents continue continuous contract control convenient conversation cookcool copper copycordcorncorner correctcostcotton cough could council count country courage course courtcovercow coward cowardly crackcrash cream creature creep cricket crime criminal cropcross crowdcruel cruelty crushcry cultivatecupboard curecurl current curse curtain curve custom customer cutdaily damage dance danger dangerous dare daring darkdate daughter daydeaddealdear death debt decay deceit deceive decide decimal decision declaration declare decorate decoration decrease deep deer defeat defend defense degree delay delicatedeliver demand department depend dependent depth descend describe description descriptive desert deserve desirable desiredeskdestroy destruction detail determination determined developdevildiamond dictionarydiedifference different difficult difficultydigdinnerdipdirect directiondirtdirty disappoint discourage discouragement discover discoverydishdismiss distance distantditchdivision do doctor dog dollar door doorway dot double doubt down drag draw drawer dream dress drink drive dropdrown drug drum drunk dryduckdull during dust duty each eagerearearly earn earth east eastern easyeatedge educate education effect effective effort eggeightheitherelasticelbowelectelection electric electricity elephantelseemploy employer employment empty enclose enclosure encourage encouragement endenemyengine engineer Englishenjoy enjoyment enoughenter entertain entertainment entrance envelope equal equality escape especially establish establishment even eveningeventeverevery everyone everything everywhere evilexamination examine example excellent except exchange excite excited exciting excuse exercise exist existence expect expensive experience explain explanation explode explosion explosive express expression extreme eyeeyelidfactfactoryfailfailurefaintfairfairyfaith faithfulfallfalsefame familiar family famous fancyfarfarm farmerfarmyard fashion fashionable fast fastenfatfatefather faultfavor favorable favorite fear feather feed feel feeling feelings fellow female fence fever fewfield fiercefifthfight figurefillfilmfindfinefinger finishfire fireplace firmfish fisherman fitfivefixflagflame flashflatflight float flood floor flour flow flower flyfold follow fond foodfool foolish foot football footpath footstep for forbid force forehead foreign foreigner forest forget forgive fork form formal former formerly fort fortunate fortune forward forwards four fourth fox frame free freedom freeze frequent freshfriendly frighten frightening fromfrontfruitfulfillfullfunfuneralfunnyfurfurnish furniture furtherfuturegaingamegaragegarden garmentgasgasoline [petrol] gategathergeneral generous gentle gentlemangetgiftgirlgivegladglassglorygluegogoatgodgoldgoldengoodgood-bye goodsgoverngrace graceful gradual graingram grammar grand grandfather grandmother grass grateful gravegraygreatgreengreet greeting griefgrieve ground groupgrow growth guard guessguest guidance guideguiltgunhabit habitual hairhairyhalfhall hammer hand handkerchief handle hang happen happy hard harden hardly。




500单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 hopeless11 note2 morning12 now3 playground13 miss4 please14 green5 tell15 angle6 businessman16 disagree7 grandpa17 noise18 die9 card19 textbook10 could20 oil700单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 pig11 either2 comfortable12 jacket3 fog13 walk4 affect14 way5 afterwards15 popular6 reading16 across17 empty8 though18 fruit9 smoke19 care10 forever20 abroad1000单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 avoid11 southern2 aunt12 thought3 uncomfortable13 examine4 under14 unit5 familiar15 amount6 favourite16 clothes7 attitude17 main8 schoolboy18 golden9 safe19 suggestion10 spaceship20 sugar1500单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 forbid11 beyond2 tasteless12 blood3 pity13 eager4 native14 warmth5 breakthrough15 accountant6 agricultural16 smooth7 unwilling17 research8 relationship18 poet9 quick19 escape10 burn20 equal2000单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 thorough11 society2 Christian12 govern3 medical13 fortune4 freeway14 drug5 frog15 widespread6 carbon16 outline7 delight17 terrify8 refuse18 nest9 repeat19 strange10 sorrow20 mask2400单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 enthusiastic11 tube2 coach12 twist3 consistent13 wipe4 accelerate14 whale5 beneficial15 cash6 tap16 trade7 visa17 tense8 zoom18 tend9 nuclear19 branch10 truck20 valley2900单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号汉语意思1 tyre/tire11 construction2 prayer12 memorial3 enlarge13 harbo(u)r4 slim14 nationwide5 minibus15 dip6 ceremony16 association7 thermos17 flee8 steak18 comb9 acquaintance19 tendency10 academy20 globe3200单词认识量测量表:序号汉语意思序号1 pillow11 satellite2 maximum12 salute3 ambassador13 staff4 anchor14 stain5 pianist15 autonomous6 clerk16 basin7 claw17 greengrocer8 interpreter18 sneeze9 bridegroom19 symphony10 scar20 coincidence3410单词认识量测量表:序号序号汉语意思1 punctuation 11 criterion2 brewery12 appetite3 sausage13 apron4 centigrade 14 category5 arithmetic 15 bungalow6 appendix16 consultant 7 burden17 component 8 cassette18 buffet9 premier19 bureaucratic 10 chorus20 burglar2400单词认识量测量表答案:1、a.热情的,热心的2、n.教练,马车,长途车3、a.一致的,始终如一的,连续的4、v.(使)加速,加快5、a.有利的,有帮助的,有用的6、n.(自来水煤气等的)龙头7、n.签证,背签8、v.快速移动,迅速前往,猛涨9、a.原子核的,原子能的,核动力的10、n.卡车,运货车;车皮v.装车11、n.管,管状物12、v./ n.使弯曲,转动13、v.摖;摖净;摖干14、n.鲸15、n.现金,现钞v.兑现16、n.贸易vt.用……进行交换17、a.心烦意乱的,紧张的18、v.往往会,常常就,倾向,趋于19、n.树枝,分枝,分公司,分店,支部20、n.山谷2900单词认识量测量表答案:1、n.轮胎2、n.祈祷3、v.扩大4、a.苗条,纤细的5、n. 小型公共汽车6、n.典礼,仪式,礼节7、n.热水瓶8、n.牛排,肉排,鱼排9、n.熟人,(与某人)认识10、n.专科学院,(美)私立学校11、n.建造,建筑物12、n.纪念馆13、n.港口14、ad.全国范围内的,全国性的15、vt.浸,蘸,把……放入又取出16、n.协会,社团,联系17、v.逃走,逃跑18、n.梳子v梳19、n.倾向,偏好,性情20、n.地球仪,地球3200单词认识量测量表答案:1、n.枕头2、a.n.最大量(的);最大限度(的)3、n.大使4、v./n.锚,抛锚5、n.钢琴家6、n.书记员,办事员,职员7、n.爪8、n.翻译9、n.新郎10、n.伤疤,伤痕11、n.卫星12、v,n,敬礼13、n.全体职工(职员)14、n.污点,污渍15、a.自治的,自主的16、n.水盆,脸盆17、n. ( 英)蔬菜水果商18、v.打喷嚏19、n. 交响乐20、n 巧合,巧事3410单词认识量测量表答案:1、n.标点符号2、n.啤酒厂(公司)3、n.香肠,腊肠4、a.摄氏的5、n.算术6、n.附录,阑尾7、n.(义务,责任的)重担,负担8、n.绷带9、n.首相;总理10、n.合唱曲,歌咏队11、n.标准,准则12、n.食欲,胃口13、n.(机场的)停机坪14、n.类别,种类15、n.平房16、n.顾问17、n.组成部分,部件18、n.自助餐19、a.官僚的20、n.入室窃贼。



Vocabulary Size Test词汇量测试Please select the correct definition of the target word. 请选出以下单词的正确释义。

First 10001. see: They saw it.a. cutb. waited forc. looked atd. Started2. time: They have a lot of time.a. moneyb. foodc. hoursd. friends3. period: It was a difficult period.a. questionb. timec. thing to dod. book4. figure: Is this the right figure?a. answerb. placec. timed. number5. poor: We are poor.a. have no moneyb. feel happyc. are very interestedd. do not like to work hard6. drive: He drives fast.a. swimsb. learnsc. throws ballsd. uses a car 7. jump: She tried to jump.a. lie on top of the waterb. get off the ground suddenlyc. stop the car at the edge of the roadd. move very fast8. shoe: Where is your shoe?a. the person who looks after youb. the thing you keep your money inc. the thing you use for writingd. the thing you wear on your foot9. standard: Her standards are very high.a. the bits at the back under her shoesb. the marks she gets in schoolc. the money she asks ford. the levels she reaches in everything10. basis: I don't understand the basis.a. reasonb. wordsc. road signsd. main partSecond 10001. maintain: Can they maintain it?a. keep it as it isb. make it largerc. get a better one than itd. get it2. stone: He sat on a stone.a. hard thingb. kind of chairc. soft thing on the floord. part of a tree3. upset: I am upset.a. tiredb. famousc. richd. unhappy4. drawer: The drawer was empty.a. sliding boxb. place where cars are keptc. cupboard to keep things coldd. animal house5. patience: He has no patience.a. will not wait happilyb. has no free timec. has no faithd. does not know what is fair6. nil: His mark for that question was nil.a. very badb. nothingc. very goodd. in the middle7. pub: They went to the pub.a. place where people drink and talkb. place that looks after moneyc. large building with many shopsd. building for swimming8. circle: Make a circle.a. rough pictureb. space with nothing in itc. round shaped. large hole9. microphone: Please use the microphone.a. machine for making food hotb. machine that makes sounds louderc. machine that makes things lookbiggerd. small telephone that can be carriedaround10. pro: He's a pro.a. someone who is employed to find outimportant secretsb. a stupid personc. someone who writes for a newspaperd. someone who is paid for playingsport etc Third 10001. soldier: He is a soldier.a. person in a businessb. studentc. person who uses metald. person in the army2. restore: It has been restored.a. said againb. given to a different personc. given a lower priced. made like new again3. jug: He was holding a jug.a. a container for pouring liquidsb. an informal discussionc. a soft capd. a weapon that explodes4. scrub: He is scrubbing it.a. cutting shallow lines into itb. repairing itc. rubbing it hard to clean itd. drawing simple pictures of it5. dinosaur: The children were pretending tobe dinosaurs.a. robbers who work at seab. very small creatures with humanform but with wingsc. large creatures with wings thatbreathe fired. animals that lived an extremely longtime ago6. strap: He broke the strap.a. promiseb. top coverc. shallow dish for foodd. strip of material for holding thingstogether7. pave: It was paved.a. prevented from going throughb. dividedc. given gold edgesd. covered with a hard surface8. dash: They dashed over it.a. moved quicklyb. moved slowlyc. foughtd. looked quickly9. rove: He couldn't stop roving.a. getting drunkb. traveling aroundc. making a musical sound throughclosed lipsd. working hard10. lonesome: He felt lonesome.a. ungratefulb. very tiredc. lonelyd. full of energyFourth 10001. compound: They made a new compound.a. agreementb. thing made of two or more partsc. group of people forming a businessd. guess based on past experience2. latter: I agree with the latter.a. man from the churchb. reason givenc. last oned. answer3. candid: Please be candid.a. be carefulb. show sympathyc. show fairness to both sidesd. say what you really think4. tummy: Look at my tummy.a. cloth to cover the headb. stomachc. small furry animald. thumb5. quiz: We made a quiz.a. thing to hold arrowsb. serious mistakec. set of questionsd. box for birds to make nests in 6. input: We need more input.a. information, power, etc. put intosomethingb. workersc. artificial filling for a hole in woodd. money7. crab: Do you like crabs?a. sea creatures that walk sidewaysb. very thin small cakesc. tight, hard collarsd. large black insects that sing at night8. vocabulary: You will need more vocabulary.a. wordsb. skillc. moneyd. guns9. remedy: We found a good remedy.a. way to fix a problemb. place to eat in publicc. way to prepare foodd. rule about numbers10. allege: They alleged it.a. claimed it without proofb. stole the ideas for it from someoneelsec. provided facts to prove itd. argued against the facts thatsupported itFifth 10001. deficit: The company had a large deficit.a. spent a lot more money than it earnedb. went down a lot in valuec. had a plan for its spending that used alot of moneyd. had a lot of money stored in the bank2. weep: He wept.a. finished his courseb. criedc. diedd. worried3. nun: We saw a nun.a. long thin creature that lives in theearthb. terrible accidentc. woman following a strict religiouslifed. unexplained bright light in the sky4. haunt: The house is haunted.a. full of ornamentsb. rentedc. emptyd. full of ghosts5. compost: We need some compost.a. strong supportb. help to feel betterc. hard stuff made of stones and sandstuck togetherd. rotted plant material6. cube: I need one more cube.a. sharp thing used for joining thingsb. solid square blockc. tall cup with no saucerd. piece of stiff paper folded in half7. miniature: It is a miniature.a. a very small thing of its kindb. an instrument for looking at very smallobjectsc. a very small living creatured. a small line to join letters in handwriting8. peel: Shall I peel it?a. let it sit in water for a long timeb. take the skin off itc. make it whited. cut it into thin pieces9. fracture: They found a fracture.a. breakb. small piecec. short coatd. rare jewel 10. bacterium: They didn't find a single bacterium.a. small living thing causing diseaseb. plant with red or orange flowersc. animal that carries water in lumps onits backd. thing that has been stolen and sold toa shopSixth 10001. devious: Your plans are devious.a. trickyb. well-developedc. not well thought outd. more expensive than necessary2. premier: The premier spoke for an hour.a. person who works in a law courtb. university teacherc. adventurerd. head of the government3. butler: They have a butler.a. man servantb. machine for cutting up treesc. private teacherd. cool dark room under the house4. accessory: They gave us someaccessories.a. papers giving us the right to enter acountryb. official ordersc. ideas to choose betweend. extra pieces5. threshold: They raised the threshold.a. flagb. point or line where something changesc. roof inside a buildingd. cost of borrowing money6. thesis: She has completed her thesis.a. long written report of study carried outfor a university degreeb. talk given by a judge at the end of a trialc. first year of employment after becominga teacherd. extended course of hospital treatment7. strangle: He strangled her.a. killed her by pressing her throatb. gave her all the things she wantedc. took her away by forced. admired her greatly8. cavalier: He treated her in a cavalier manner.a. without careb. politelyc. awkwardlyd. as a brother would9. malign: His malign influence is still felt.a. evilb. goodc. very importantd. secret10. veer: The car veered.a. went suddenly in another directionb. moved shakilyc. made a very loud noised. slid sideways without the wheels turning Seventh 10001. olive: We bought olives.a. oily fruitb. scented pink or red flowersc. men's clothes for swimmingd. tools for digging up weeds2. quilt: They made a quilt.a. statement about who should get theirproperty when they dieb. firm agreementc. thick warm cover for a bedd. feather pen3. stealth: They did it by stealth.a. spending a large amount of moneyb. hurting someone so much that theyagreed to their demandsc. moving secretly with extreme care andquietnessd. taking no notice of problems they met 4. shudder: The boy shuddered.a. spoke with a low voiceb. almost fellc. shookd. called out loudly5. bristle: The bristles are too hard.a. questionsb. short stiff hairsc. folding bedsd. bottoms of the shoes6. bloc: They have joined this bloc.a. musical groupb. band of thievesc. small group of soldiers who are sentahead of othersd. group of countries with a commonpurpose7. demography: This book is aboutdemography.a. the study of patterns of land useb. the study of the use of pictures toshow facts about numbersc. the study of the movement of waterd. the study of population8. gimmick: That's a good gimmick.a. thing for standing on to work high abovethe groundb. small thing with pockets for holdingmoneyc. attention-getting action or thingd. clever plan or trick9. azalea: This azalea is very pretty.a. small tree with many flowers growing ingroupsb. light material made from natural threadsc. long piece of material worn by womenin Indiad. sea shell shaped like a fan10. yoghurt: This yoghurt is disgusting.a. dark grey mud found at the bottom ofriversb. unhealthy, open sorec. thick, soured milk, often with sugar andflavouringd. large purple fruit with soft fleshEighth 10001. erratic: He was erratic.a. without faultb. very badc. very polited. unsteady2. palette: He lost his palette.a. basket for carrying fishb. wish to eat foodc. young female companiond. artist's board for mixing paints3. null: His influence was null.a. had good resultsb. was unhelpfulc. had no effectd. was long-lasting4. kindergarten: This is a goodkindergarten.a. activity that allows you to forget yourworriesb. place of learning for children too youngfor schoolc. strong, deep bag carried on the backd. place where you may borrow books5. eclipse: There was an eclipse.a. a strong windb. a loud noise of something hitting thewaterc. the killing of a large number of peopled. the sun hidden by a planet6. marrow: This is the marrow.a. symbol that brings good luck to a teamb. soft centre of a bonec. control for guiding a planed. increase in salary7. locust: There were hundreds of locusts.a. insects with wingsb. unpaid helpersc. people who do not eat meatd. brightly coloured wild flowers 8. authentic: It is authentic.a. realb. very noisyc. oldd. like a desert9. cabaret: We saw the cabaret.a. painting covering a whole wallb. song and dance performancec. small crawling insectd. person who is half fish, half woman10. mumble: He started to mumble.a. think deeplyb. shake uncontrollablyc. stay further behind the othersd. speak in an unclear wayNinth 10001. hallmark: Does it have a hallmark?a. stamp to show when it should be used byb. stamp to show the qualityc. mark to show it is approved by the royalfamilyd. mark or stain to prevent copying2. puritan: He is a puritan.a. person who likes attentionb. person with strict moralsc. person with a moving homed. person who keeps money and hatesspending it3. monologue: Now he has a monologue.a. single piece of glass to hold over hiseye to help him to see betterb. long turn at talking without beinginterruptedc. position with all the powerd. picture made by joining letterstogether in interesting ways4. weir: We looked at the weir.a. person who behaves strangelyb. wet and muddy place with waterplantsc. old metal musical instrument playedby blowingd. thing built across a river to controlthe water5. whim: He had lots of whims.a. old gold coinsb. female horsesc. strange ideas with no motived. sore red lumps6. perturb: I was perturbed.a. made to agreeb. worriedc. very puzzledd. very wet7. regent: They chose a regent.a. an irresponsible personb. a person to run a meeting for a shorttimec. a ruler acting in place of the king orqueend. a person to represent them8. octopus: They saw an octopus.a. a large bird that hunts at nightb. a ship that can go under waterc. a machine that flies by means ofturning bladesd. a sea creature with eight legs9. fen: The story is set in the fens.a. a piece of low flat land partly covered bywaterb. a piece of high, hilly land with few treesc. a block of poor-quality houses in a cityd. a time long ago10. lintel: He painted the lintel.a. beam across the top of a door or windowb. small boat used for getting to land froma big boatc. beautiful tree with spreading branchesand green fruitd. board which shows the scene in a theatre Tenth 10001. awe: They looked at the mountain with awe.a. worryb. interestc. wonderd. respect 2. peasantry: He did a lot for the peasantry.a. local peopleb. place of worshipc. businessmen's clubd. poor farmers3. egalitarian: This organization is veryegalitarian.a. does not provide much informationabout itself to the publicb. dislikes changec. frequently asks a court of law for ajudgementd. treats everyone who works for it as ifthey are equal4. mystique: He has lost his mystique.a. his healthy bodyb. the secret way he makes other peoplethink he has special power or skillc. the woman who has been his loverwhile he is married to someone elsed. the hair on his top lip5. upbeat: I'm feeling really upbeat about it.a. upsetb. goodc. hurtd. confused6. cranny: We found it in the cranny!a. sale of unwanted objectsb. narrow openingc. space for storing things under theroof of a housed. large wooden box7. pigtail: Does she have a pigtail?a. a long rope of hair made by twistingbits togetherb. a lot of cloth hanging behind a dressc. a plant with pale pink flowers thathang down in short bunchesd. a lover8. crowbar: He used a crowbar.a. heavy iron pole with a curved endb. false namec. sharp tool for making holes in leatherd. light metal walking stick9. ruck: He got hurt in the ruck.a. hollow between the stomach and thetop of the legb. noisy street fightc. group of players gathered round theball in some ball gamesd. race across a field of snow10. lectern: He stood at the lectern.a. desk made to hold a book at a goodheight for readingb. table or block used for churchsacrificesc. place where you buy drinksd. very edgeEleventh 10001. excrete: This was excreted recently.a. pushed or sent outb. made clearc. discovered by a science experimentd. put on a list of illegal things2. mussel: They bought mussels.a. small glass balls for playing a gameb. shellfishc. large purple fruitsd. pieces of soft paper to keep theclothes clean when eating3. yoga: She has started yoga.a. handwork done by knotting threadb. a form of exercise for the body and mindc. a game where a cork stuck with feathersis hit between two playersd. a type of dance from eastern countries4. counterclaim: They made a counterclaim.a. a demand made by one side in a lawcase to match the other side's demandb. a request for a shop to take backthings with faultsc. an agreement between twocompanies to exchange workd. a top cover for a bed 5. puma: They saw a puma.a. small house made of mud bricksb. tree from hot, dry countriesc. very strong wind that sucks upanything in its pathd. large wild cat6. pallor: His pallor caused them concern.a. his unusually high temperatureb. his lack of interest in anythingc. his group of friendsd. the paleness of his skin7. aperitif: She had an aperitif.a. a long chair for lying on with just oneplace to rest an armb. a private singing teacherc. a large hat with tall feathersd. a drink taken before a meal8. hutch: Please clean the hutch.a. thing with metal bars to keep dirt outof water pipesb. space in the back of a car used forbags etcc. round metal thing in the middle of abicycle wheeld. cage for small animals9. emir: We saw the emir.a. bird with two long curved tailfeathersb. woman who cares for other people'schildren in Eastern countriesc. Middle Eastern chief with power inhis own landd. house made from blocks of ice10. hessian: She bought some hessian.a. oily pinkish fishb. stuff that produces a happy state of mindc. coarse clothd. strong-tasting root for flavouring foodTwelfth 10001. haze: We looked through the haze.a. small round window in a shipb. unclear airc. cover for a window made of strips ofwood or plasticd. list of names2. spleen: His spleen was damaged.a. knee boneb. organ found near the stomachc. pipe taking waste water from a housed. respect for himself3. soliloquy: That was an excellent soliloquy!a. song for six peopleb. short clever saying with a deepmeaningc. entertainment using lights and musicd. speech in the theatre by a characterwho is alone4. reptile: She looked at the reptile.a. old hand-written bookb. animal with cold blood and a hardoutsidec. person who sells things by knockingon doorsd. picture made by sticking many smallpieces of different colours together5. alum: This contains alum.a. a poisonous substance from acommon plantb. a soft material made of artificialthreadsc. a tobacco powder once put in thenosed. a chemical compound usuallyinvolving aluminium6. refectory: We met in the refectory.a. room for eatingb. office where legal papers can be signedc. room for several people to sleep ind. room with glass walls for growing plants 7. caffeine: This contains a lot of caffeine.a. a substance that makes you sleepyb. threads from very tough leavesc. ideas that are not correctd. a substance that makes you excited8. impale: He nearly got impaled.a. charged with a serious offenceb. put in prisonc. stuck through with a sharp instrumentd. involved in a dispute9. coven: She is the leader of a coven.a. a small singing groupb. a business that is owned by the workersc. a secret societyd. a group of church women who follow astrict religious life10. trill: He practised the trill.a. ornament in a piece of musicb. type of stringed instrumentc. way of throwing a balld. dance step of turning round very faston the toesThirteenth 10001. ubiquitous: Many weeds are ubiquitous.a. are difficult to get rid ofb. have long, strong rootsc. are found in most countriesd. die away in the winter2. talon: Just look at those talons!a. high points of mountainsb. sharp hooks on the feet of a hunting birdc. heavy metal coats to protect againstweaponsd. people who make fools of themselveswithout realizing it3. rouble: He had a lot of roubles.a. very precious red stonesb. distant members of his familyc. Russian moneyd. moral or other difficulties in the mind4. jovial: He was very jovial.a. low on the social scaleb. likely to criticize othersc. full of fund. friendly5. communiqué: I saw their communiqué.a. critical report about an organizationb. garden owned by many members of acommunityc. printed material used for advertisingd. official announcement6. plankton: We saw a lot of plankton.a. poisonous weeds that spread veryquicklyb. very small plants or animals found inwaterc. trees producing hard woodd. grey clay that often causes land to slip7. skylark: We watched a skylark.a. show with aeroplanes flying in patternsb. man-made object going round the earthc. person who does funny tricksd. small bird that flies high as it sings8. beagle: He owns two beagles.a. fast cars with roofs that fold downb. large guns that can shoot manypeople quicklyc. small dogs with long earsd. houses built at holiday places9. atoll: The atoll was beautiful.a. low island made of coral round asea-water lakeb. work of art created by weavingpictures from fine threadc. small crown with many preciousjewels worn in the evening by womend. place where a river flows through anarrow place full of large rocks10. didactic: The story is very didactic.a. tries hard to teach somethingb. is very difficult to believec. deals with exciting actionsd. is written in a way which makes thereader unsure of the meaning Fourteenth 10001. canonical: These are canonical examples.a. examples which break the usual rulesb. examples taken from a religious bookc. regular and widely accepted examplesd. examples discovered very recently2. atop: He was atop the hill.a. at the bottom ofb. at the top ofc. on this side ofd. on the far side of3. marsupial: It is a marsupial.a. an animal with hard feetb. a plant that grows for several yearsc. a plant with flowers that turn to facethe sund. an animal with a pocket for babies4. augur: It augured well.a. promised good things for the futureb. agreed well with what was expectedc. had a colour that looked good withsomething elsed. rang with a clear, beautiful sound5. bawdy: It was very bawdy.a. unpredictableb. enjoyablec. rushedd. rude6. gauche: He was gauche.a. talkativeb. flexiblec. awkwardd. determined7. thesaurus: She used a thesaurus.a. a kind of dictionaryb. a chemical compoundc. a special way of speakingd. an injection just under the skin8. erythrocyte: It is an erythrocyte.a. a medicine to reduce painb. a red part of the bloodc. a reddish white metald. a member of the whale family9. cordillera: They were stopped by the cordillera.a. a special lawb. an armed shipc. a line of mountainsd. the eldest son of the king10. limpid: He looked into her limpid eyes.a. clearb. tearfulc. deep brownd. beautifulThe EndThank you for your time!11。




词汇量测试共100道题,分为6个级别词汇量的计算方法:Level 1答对的题目数×180 + Level 2答对的题目数×280 + Level 3答对的题目数×073 + Level 4答对的题目数×170 + Level 5答对的题目数×192 + Level 6答对的题目数×192=?(注:为了确保测试结果真实对得起自己凡是不确定的词汇请选择E选项凭猜测的正确答案与真是词汇量无关系)Level 11.sure A.治疗B.确信的C.纯粹的D.诱惑力E.不认识2.feather A.两者都不B.天气C.皮革D.羽毛E.不认识3.poor A.贫穷的B.门C.地板D.粗野的人E.不认识4.housework A.建房B.工地C.家务活D.家庭作业E.不认识5.bread A.面包B.面条C.水果D.甜点E.不认识6.sugar A.糖B.醋C.雪茄烟D.饥饿E.不认识7.onto A.到…之上B.到…里C.此外D.依然E.不认识8.manager A.饲料槽B.乘客C.邮递员D.负责人E.不认识9.unit A.点B.直到…才C.单位D.套装E.不认识10.ignore A.打鼾B.忽视C.点燃D.可耻的E.不认识Level 211.financial A.最终的B.财政的C.结束D.有限的E.不认识12.immigrant A.移民B.流动的C.不流动的D.留鸟E.不认识13.roller A.酿酒厂B.角色C.冷却器D.压路机E.不认识14.ambition A.环境B.救护车C.雄心D.歧义的E.不认识15.hydrogen A.氦B.氧C.氢D.氯E.不认识16.pine A.松树B.葡萄酒C.矿坑D.进餐E.不认识17.surplus A.此外B.超级的C.惊喜的D.剩余E.不认识18.fireman A.失业者B.消防员C.狙击手D.纵火犯E.不认识19.outset A.摆放B.外接装置C.开始D.安置E.不认识20.confusion A.迷惑B.传播C.灌输D.大量E.不认识Level 321.reliance A.义务B.信赖C.宽慰D.遗迹E.不认识22.collide A.碰撞B.巧合C.滑行D.滑翔E.不认识23.sniff A.僵直的B.东西C.全体员工D.嗅…味道E.不认识24.shaft A.工艺B.草稿C.箭杆D.气味E.不认识25.cordial A.走廊B.珊瑚C.心脏的D.真挚的E.不认识26.foul A.灵魂B.污秽的C.折叠D.高尚的E.不认识27.idiot A.笨蛋B.习语C.闲混D.偶像E.不认识28.inertia A.内部的B.无活力C.妨碍D.间隔E.不认识29.stall A.安装B.闲逛C.凳子D.畜栏E.不认识30.prone A.有倾向的B.促进C.宣布D.敏捷的E.不认识31.shabby A.阴暗的B.松弛的C.褴褛的D.贪婪的E.不认识32.exotic A.异国风味的B.色情的C.神经病的D.外因的 E.不认识33.cumulative A.刺激性B.同化C.清晰的D.累积的E.不认识34.corpse A.庄稼B.汇编C.尸体D.兵团E.不认识35.bishop A.平台B.主教C.鱼竿D.商店E.不认识Level 436.explicit A.剥削的B.驱逐的C.明确的D.附加的E.不认识37.dynamite A.动力的B.炸药C.氢弹D.王朝E.不认识38.idealist A.理想主义者B.现实主义者C.唯物论者D.虚无主义者E.不认识39.benevolent A.青少年B.低下的C.无知的D.慈善的E.不认识40.downfall A.落后B.垮台C.谷底D.市中心E.不认识41.extinct A.卓越的B.不同的C.明显的D.灭绝的E.不认识42.reptile A.两栖动物B.爬行动物C.哺乳动物D.脊椎动物E.不认识43.canteen A.食堂B.瓦罐C.糖果D.腌制E.不认识44.hiker A.劫机犯B.绑架者C.徒步旅行者D.登山者E.不认识45.fragile A.易碎的B.易怒的C.坦诚的D.狂乱的E.不认识精品文档46.indefensible A.固若金汤的B.不可原谅的C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的E.不认识47.lime A.石灰B.四肢C.羔羊D.羊肉E.不认识48.adventurous A.广告的B.新兴的C.喜欢冒险的D.原创的E.不认识49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒 C.支架 D.杠杆 E.不认识50.sway A.席卷B.摇晃C.膨胀D.打旋E.不认识51.respectful A.受人尊敬的B.表示尊敬的C.各自的D.回顾的E.不认识52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序B.断代的C.逆序的D.按字母顺序 E.不认识53.scalar A.标量B.矢量C.位图D.矢量图E.不认识54.ruthless A.违法的B.残忍的C.虚幻的D.混乱的E.不认识55.paraphrase A.释义B.比较C.空头D.跳伞E.不认识Level 556.ballast A.爆炸B.虚夸C.导火索D.压舱物E.不认识57.corroborate A.搭配B.合作C.证实D.详细说明E.不认识58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人B.脑残的人C.脑力激荡D.注意力不集中的人 E.不认识59.halter A.缰绳B.制动装置C.离合器D.马蹄铁E.不认识60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的 C.可笑的 D.荒谬的E.不认识61.rearmament A.援军B.解除武装C.重置装备D.后备力量E.不认识62.trek A.艰辛的路程B.轨道C.踪迹D.路线E.不认识63.rasp A.竖琴B.匆忙C.粗锉刀D.皮疹E.不认识64.barrister A.律师B.障碍C.美发师D.炮药桶E.不认识65.testator A.测试人员B.见证人C.品酒师D.立遗嘱的人 E.不认识66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病B.阑尾炎C.附录D.肺炎E.不认识67.quixotic A.顽固的B.不实际的C.愚忠的D.势利的E.不认识68.maniac A.疯狂的B.冷静的C.残忍的D.忧郁的E.不认识69.transposition A.运输B.位置互换C.传播D.传染E.不认识70.stamina A.疯狂B.绝望C.苦难D.耐力E.不认识71.woe A.誓言B.悲哀C.愤怒D.哭泣E.不认识72.prod A.调查B.序言C.有倾向的D.戳、刺E.不认识73.arrears A.贫欠款B.后方C.空地D.面积E.不认识74.forefront A.最前方B.额头C.前足D.前景E.不认识75.malign A.雄性的B.高大的C.有害的D.无知的E.不认识Level 676.tauten A.淘气B.拉紧C.唆使D.奚落E.不认识77.athletics A.抽象艺术B.神学C.美学D.体育运动E.不认识78.volubility A.自愿B.环绕C.喋喋不休D.旋转E.不认识79.fosse A.苔藓B.护城河C.浮渣D.总的E.不认识80.decorticate A.装饰B.煎药C.漂泊D.剥皮E.不认识81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的 C.思念的 D.长久的E.不认识82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱 C.钩针编制 D.螳螂 E.不认识83.purblind A.漩涡的B.愚钝的C.流动的D.默默的E.不认识84.remonstrance A.抗议B.回忆C.传奇D.汇款E.不认识85.decrepit A.堕落的B.收到C.欺骗D.破旧的E.不认识86.outmaneuver A.失控B.以计谋胜过C.操作失误D.退出E.不认识87.tepefy A.使微热B.为…典型C.磁化D.使钝化E.不认识88.apocrypha A.佛典B.箴言C.伪经D.咒语E.不认识89.ringlet A.耳环B.卷发C.耳坠D.耳垂儿E.不认识90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的 C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不认识hermost A.恒温的B.最下面的C.热固性D.冷血的 E.不认识92.sibilant A.姐妹的B.四肢的C.齐名的D.发滋滋声的E.不认识93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮 C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不认识精品文档94.eugenic A.优生的B.遗传的C.引起过敏的D.卤素的GRE 20000+E.不认识95.lien A.外星的B.扣押权C.亚麻布D.逗留E.不认识96.invective A.无礼B.忤逆C.刺激D.咒骂E.不认识97.liberated A.手工的B.危险的C.放纵的D.上方的E.不认识98.precipitation A.沉淀物B.预期C.预防D.占据E.不认识99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的 C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不认识100.wrack A.残骸B.没用的人C.愤怒的D.海藻E.不认识答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A031—040 C A D C B C B A D B041—050 D B A C A B A C A B051—060 B D A A A D C D A B061—070 C A C A D B B A B D071—080 B D A A C B D C B D081—090 A C B A D B A C B D091—100 B D A A B D C A C D【您的真是词汇量就在这个测试结果上下200—300左右浮动当发现英语专业的学生词汇量逊色于某些非英语专业的学生时,无需惊讶……】常见考试的词汇要求(仅供参考):中考1500—1600高考3000—3500CET4 4000—4500CET6/考研5500—6000TEM4 6000—7000SAT 10000+TEM8 10000—12000GMAT 12000+IELTS/TOFEL 8000—15000+精品文档1-10 b d a c a a a d b e 8*180=1440 11-20 b, a, d, c, b, a, d, b, b, a, 8*280=2240 21_30 b, e, e, e, a, e, a, e, e, e, 3*73=279 31-40 e, b, d, e, e, e, b, e, e, b,41-50 e, a, a, c, e, a, a, a, e, e 6*170=1020 51-60 a, a, e, e, a, e, e, e, e, c,61-70 e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e,71-80 e, a, e, e, d, e, e, e, e, e,evel 6 e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e,精品文档。

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英语词汇能力自测Test Your Own Vocabulary Competence in English[节选自上海译文出版社《英汉大词典》(陆谷孙主编)附录三; Reproduced for educational purpose only.]说明:①、本测试含10种各有60词的测试表。



Test No. 1Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. abroad 11. abandon 21. abridge 31. abhorrent 41. abscissa 51. aboulia2. binoculars 12. ballot 22. aggregate 32. amorphous 42. badinage 52. bifurcate3. daily 13. chaos 23. biscuit 33. crustacean 43. cartel 53. caracole4. expedition 14. contraband 24. credulous 34. declivity 44. demon 54. chalybeate5. horizon 15. excavate 25. duodenal 35. emaciated 45. dendrite 55. croton6. jangle 16. fatigue 26. grueling 36. foible 46. exordium 56. dysphoria7. limit 17. laboratory 27. industrious 37. galaxy 47. inchoate 57. halitosis8. postulate 18. maverick 28. meager 38. heretical 48. moraine 58. python9. ratio 19. purchase 29. nomadic 39. igneous 49. rubric 59. ortolan10. stroke 20. shuttle 30. occidental 40. nomenclature 50. soutane 60 quadratTest No. 2Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. alter 11. beverage 21. biography 31. actuate 41. antinomy 51. apocalyptic2. barometer 12. cardinal 22. dandruff 32. bravura 42. carronade 52. cartouche3. distinct 13. demolish 23. domicile 33. comatose 43. deleterious 53. dorsal4. festival 14. gratify 24. facet 34. geld 44. hebdomadal 54. elvan5. grotesque 15. humdrum 25. impunity 35. hieroglyphic 45. infusoria 55. filemot6. harpoon 16. impulsive 26. lore 36. hybrid 46. linage 56. isomer7. matinee 17. memorial 27. mercenary 37. iconoclast 47. medusa 57. misogamy8. reign 18. parallel 28. phantasm 38. maelstrom 48. myrmidon 58. noumenon9. software 19. terminate 29. restive 39. mufti 49. paradigm 59. schizophrenia10. waste 20. vivacious 30. taboo 40. resurgent 50. topology 60. velleityTest No. 3Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. explosion 11. bigoted 21. cosmopolitan 31. ecology 41. aneroid 51. bisque2. impatient 12. hatchet 22. diverge 32. laconic 42. burlap 52. circadian3. kangaroo 13. impact 23. interpose 33. linden 43. echinoderm 53. decuman4. pirate 14. javelin 24. lateral 34. maxilla 44. henry 54. elixir5. prowl 15. landmass 25. nook 35. paragon 45. interfacial 55. isomorphous6. referee 16. nebulous 26. porous 36. prolixity 46. jeton 56. obelisk7. slant 17. primitive 27. rampant 37. redolent 47. paregoric 57. parataxis8. solo 18. renown 28. territory 38. séance 48. rachitic 58. sexagenarian9. unique 19. tradition 29. venereal 39. timbre 49. syncretism 59. tanagra10. weary 20. urban 30. yeoman 40. vellum 50. tanager 60. urticantTest No. 4Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61.belfry 11. besiege 21. aquiline 31. archive 41. bergamot 51. ablegate2. bulge 12. bronze 22. botanist 32. beriberi 42. brevier 52. algorism3. outlaw 13. gorge 23. cauldron 33. cornice 43. deemster 53. balsam4. package 14. import 24. furtive 34. denary 44. homologous 54. bezel5. pillage 15. judo 25. initiate 35. gratuitous 45. lamina 55. leat6. rental 16. ledger 26. jaded 36. hertz 46. largo 56. mittimus7. riddle 17. limpid 27. kaleidoscopic 37. hiatus 47. pantheon 57. myopic8. swerve 18. penetrate 28. limelight 38. medial 48. refulgence 58. perforate9. vanish 19. resort 29. mutual 39. pellagra 49. savoury 59. prunella10. varnish 20. yoke 30. stratagem 40. valetudinarian 50. triolet 60. zoosterolTest No. 5Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. ballad 11. abyss 21. adaptable 31. calculus 41. aclinic 51. Babbittry2. canoe 12. bale 22. capsule 32. eczema 42. banshee 52. corrugate3. external 13. canyon 23. daub 33. gargantuan 43. illation 53. demitasse4. influx 14. exterminate 24. embargo 34. ibid. 44. keelson 54. gault5. lame 15. hub 25. garbage 35. laissez-faire 45. lachrymal 55. hypnotism6. magazine 16. lizard 26. infrastructure 36. literati 46. martingale 56. jejunum7. martyr 17. obvious 27. liberate 37. neurology 47. newton 57. knap8. nexus 18. password 28. memento 38. obloquy 48. occipital 58. limnology9. patriot 19. rhythm 29. naturalize 39. patois 49. petrology 59. mithridatism10. patrol 20. stoppage 30. oblivion 40. rabid 50. ratlin(e) 60. umbilicalTest No. 6Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. anthill 11. absurd 21. acoustics 31. botulism 41. chamfer 51. chameleon2. climate 12. collapse 22. bicker 32. cutaneous 42. eschatology 52. deadlight3. container 13. extortion 23. bludgeon 33. diocese 43. giaour 53. enchiridion4. endeavour 14. generation 24. dinosaur 34. distrait 44. imprest 54. geodic5. immediately 15. immigrate 25. extemporaneous 35. encyclical 45. lapidate 55. jokul6. jingle 16. jealous 26. garbled 36. gamma 46. nadir 56. laches7. optimum 17. mature 27. lichen 37. lacerate 47. oblate 57. maud8. rhyme 18. raid 28. mattock 38. mandate 48. samphire 58. pedicular9. signal 19. satellite 29. outshine 39. methylene 49. satrap 59. spandrel10. tank 20. slipshod 30. perimeter 40. nacelle 50. ubiquity 60. vasospasm Test No. 7Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. humbug 11. autobiography 21. alloy 31. agoraphobia 41. agnostic 51. acarpous2. ivy 12. concerto 22. brevity 32. barograph 42. boulevardier 52. charade3. legend 13. extinct 23. deportation 33. concatenation 43. canticle 53. demersal4. magnet 14. gladiator 24. hinterland 34. demography 44. homophone 54. eclampsia5. nickname 15. deputy 25. inscrutable 35. hierarchy 45. lacustrine 55. gonorrhoea6. probably 15. hooligan 26. linage 36. in vitro 46. marionette 56. masochism7. ripple 16. lanky 27. mortgage 37. megrim 47. natterjack 57. orthodontist8. situation 18. magistrate 28. omen 38. olfactory 48. Paleozoic 58. pseudonymity9. tattoo 19. nozzle 29. persecute 39. radian 49. pentathlon 59. ret10. vague 20. offend 30. repertoire 40. risque 50. reticle 60. sachemTest No. 8Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. batter 11. barbed 21. dabble 31. bodkin 41. apercu 51. crucian2. chest 12. chemistry 22. exhaust 32. clairvoyance 42. bleb 52. deuteragonist3. engineer 13. exception 23. filtrate 33. dirigible 43. decorticate 53. encaustic4. funnel 14. fascinating 24. garnish 34. epitome 44. gauss 54. hysteroid5. horn 15. gibberish 25. indifferent 35. histrionic 45. involute 55. immortelle6. mean 16. hydrogen 26. keel 36. logarithm 46. lambent 56. karma7. outrun 17. liter 27. metronome 37. panegyric 47. peculation 57. metamorphosis8. pinpoint 18. microscope 28. naive 38. rowel 48. recidivist 58. peen9. remove 19. shield 29. patronize 39. simpatico 49. semiotics 59. regelate10. search 20. suburb 30. reinforce 40. stricture 50. voodoo 60. serendipity Test No. 9Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. badger 11. brewer 21. breaker 31. chicanery 41. ablaut 51. chiliad2. capture 12. charity 22. cumbersome 32. gratis 42. belvedere 52. disembogue3. fresh 13. generosity 23. detention 33. holocaust 43. diminutive 53. gemmule4. hiss 14. idol 24. foyer 34. lethargic 44. gelation 54. idolum5. ire 15. lathe 25. humane 35. monograph 45. homogeneity 55. logo6. ladle 16. orderly 26. juggernaut 36. pinnace 46. morpheme 56. oroide7. mermaid 17. orient 27. kernel 37. ramify 47. pis aller 57. quintan8. parade 18. quest 28. lineal 38. scrutineer 48. psephology 58. raptatorial9. rear 19. routine 29. objective 39. tangential 49. regulus 59. scatology10. swindle 20. summit 30. sorcery 40. unction 50. sawder 60. triumvirate Test No. 10Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. battery 11. crag 21. bristling 31. burnous 41. caucus 51. calamary2. collage 12. dwindling 22. devious 32. cadenza 42. eurhythmic 52. eparch3. drowsy 13. easterly 23. entangle 33. debenture 43. habeas corpus 53. fleur-de-lis4. forecast 14. hilt 24. graffito 34. flense 44. ichor 54. grangerize5. guilty 15. impetuous 25. precipitous 35. franklin 45. jussive 55. jacquard6. jellyfish 16. instinct 26. scramble 36. habiliment 46. limen 56. levigate7. mention 17. pike 27. summons 37. ignis iatuus 47. nescience 57. marsupial8. proverbial 18. regulation 28. territorial 38. jocund 48. obit 58. nepenthes9. result 19. verge 29. unkempt 39. mutability 49. querimonious 59. obtest10. screen 20. warehouse 30. vindicate 40. plebeian 50. thalassocracy 60. thusly。
