



Jazz Dance is a highly artistic form of dance that expresses emotions and stories through the movement of the body and the rhythm of music. It is a unique art form that brings visual and auditory enjoyment to the audience.
Characteristics and Styles
Jazz Dance emphasizes the flexibility and freedom of the body, emphasizing improvisation and expression. It is usually accompanied by jazz or pop music, with a strong sense of rhythm.
Detailed description
Lindy Hop combines various dance elements, including Swing, Tap, and Charleston, and is known for its unique steps and movements. It emphasizes the flexibility and coordination of the body, as well as the interaction and improvisation with music.
The Importance of Jazz Dance
Cultural values



• 华尔兹舞(Waltz) 用w表示。也称“慢三步”。摩登舞 项目之一。舞曲旋律优美抒情,节奏为3/4的中慢板,每 分钟28~30小节。每小节三拍为一组舞步,每拍一步,第 一拍为重拍,三步一起伏循环。通过膝、踝、足底、跟掌 趾的动作,结合身体的升降、倾斜、摆荡,带动舞步移动, 使舞步起伏连绵,舞姿华丽典雅。是维也纳华尔兹(快三 步)的变化舞种。19世纪中叶,维也纳华尔兹传到美国, 当时美国崇尚舒缓、优美的舞蹈和音乐,于是将快节奏的 维也纳华尔兹逐渐改变成悠扬而缓慢、有抒发性旋律的慢 华尔兹舞曲,舞蹈也改变成连贯滑动的慢速步型,即今之 华尔兹舞。 • 舞林大会南贤俊—华尔兹《心动》.flv来自Dance Types
Classified in accordance with the characteristics of dance:
• First,A professional folk dance, classical dance, ballet dance ,modern dance, tap dance ,jazz dance; • Second, the international standard ballroom dance :1 Latin dance, (Rumba, samba, cha-cha, bull, cowboy ); 2, Modern dance (Waltz, Vienna, Tango, Quickstep, Foxtrot Dance ); • 3, fashion dance :Hip-hop ,disco ,rave ,Para Para dance ,cheer dance, dance Dance
• I like dancing, because I think the boy or girl dancing is cool, so today I will introducing some dance to you.



• Waltz (Waltz), also known as round dance, a dance form of self-entertainment. Waltz, that waltz was often referred to as the waltz. Waltz is a ballroom dance in the first, and it is very strong vitality of the self-entertainment dance form, also known as round dance. "Waltz" is originally from Goodwin Walzer, meaning "rolling", "rotate" or "sliding."
• Originated in sub-Saharan Africa, is the development of jazz dance into the 20th century, the product of 90 years, and its action is by a variety of walking, running, jumping combination and, through the head, neck, shoulders, upper limbs, trunk and other joints The flexion and extension, rotation, circling, shimmy, wave-shaped coherent combination of twisting and so on, each action has its own specific fitness effects, not only paid attention to upper and lower limbs, abdomen and back, head and trunk movement coordination also took note of the various parts of the composition of the various sectors independence movement. Transmission of 80 years in China, and gradually spread as fitness activities.



New Jazz基本简介
new jazz(中文翻译不是新爵士,它的全称是New York Jazz) 其实new jazz 就是现在我们现在一般在跳的爵士,只不过pose点比较多 以前可能是有了舞蹈,再找音乐,但是新潮爵士则是有音乐,再配合去编 舞,像各式音乐MTV。 NEW JAZZ早期是在美国纽约由芭蕾所演化过来的。。。 创造出了芭蕾融合HIP-HOP的街舞魅力 其实NEW JAZZ的特色也可以说成是JAZZ加上HIP-HOP的一种舞```` NEW JAZZ的特色就是:身体的延展。NEW JAZZ的每一个动作都有固定的角 度跟摆的方式 跳NEW JAZZ的时候作手的动作的时候会有无限延伸的感觉,这种感觉就像 是有人正在拉你的手一样 目前跳NEW JAZZ 的主要有:珍妮·杰克逊,安室奈美惠, 蔡妍。李孝利, 天舞(韩国组合天上智喜中一员),BOA的舞蹈也有一部分是NEW JAZZ. 珍 妮·杰克逊和安室奈美惠是世界上说的两位跳NEW JAZZ不错的艺人,newjazz是早期在美国纽约由芭蕾所演化过来,但是它透过Janet Jackson的「IF」 MTV中,才逐渐让人发现芭蕾融合Hip Hop得街舞魅力。 而安室奈美惠是亚洲区的代表。安室奈美惠,诸如此类的舞蹈产生,之后才 开始有NewJazz自己独特的舞蹈风格和名词。 目前我们国内的jazz dancer多是女生, 跟舞者在跳NEW JAZZ的妩媚感觉 可以说有很大的关系。new jazz也就是power jazz,每一个动作都要求要有 爆发力,带有野性,但它和hip-hop里的new jazz是有区别的。

• • • 在爵士乐的曲调中,除了从欧洲传统音乐、白人的民谣和通俗歌曲中吸取的成分之外, 最有个性的是“布鲁斯音阶”(关于这种音阶的结构,我们将在有关布鲁斯的部分专 门介绍),而爵士乐的和声可以说是完全建立在传统和声的基础之上,只是更加自由 地使用各种变化和弦,其中主要的与众不同之处,也是由布鲁斯和弦带来的。 爵士乐在使用的乐器和演奏方法上极有特色,完全不同于传统乐队。自“爵士乐 时代”以来,萨克斯管成为销售量最大的乐器之一;长号能够奏出其他铜管乐器做不 到的、滑稽的或是怪诞的滑音,因而在爵士乐队中大出风头;小号也是爵士乐手偏爱 的乐器,这种乐器加上不同的弱音器所产生的新奇的音色以及最高音区的几个音几乎 成了爵士乐独有的音色特征;钢琴、班卓琴、吉他以及后来出现的电吉他则以其打击 式的有力音响和演奏和弦的能力而占据重要地位。相反,在传统乐队中最重要的弦乐 器(小提琴、中提琴、大提琴)的地位相对次要一些;圆号的浓郁音色在管弦乐队中 是很迷人的,但是对于爵士乐队来说,它的气质太温顺了,几乎无人使用。在管弦乐 队中,每件乐器在音色和音量的控制上都尽量溶入整体的音响之中,在爵士乐队中却 恰恰相反,乐手们竭力使每一件乐器都“站起来”。 与传统音乐比较而言,爵士乐的另一大特征是它的发音方法和音色,无论是乐 器还是人声,这些特征都足以使人们绝不会将它们与任何传统音乐的音色混淆。这些 特殊之处大多来源于用乐器或人声对美洲黑人民歌的模仿。如果我们有机会听到真正 的黑人田间歌曲和灵歌,就会发现那些由粗嘎到圆滑、由窒闷到响亮、由刺耳到柔美、 由野蛮到抒情的大幅度的变化是多么地富有特色、动人心魄。而在爵士乐中,更加入 了非歌唱的吼声、高叫和呻吟,突出了这种感觉。除此以外,特殊的演奏和演唱技巧 也是造成特异效果的重要手段,在这些技巧中最常用的是不同于传统观念的颤音。我 们知道,所谓颤音是音高(有时也可能是力度)的有规律的变化造成的;比如小提琴 上的揉弦,就是利用这种变化而产生富有生命力的音响效果。


Street dance
Street dance is an term used to describe dance styles that evolved outside of dance studios at more everyday spaces such as streets, school yards and nightclubs. They're often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with the spectators and the other dancers.
Hip-hop Breaking Poppin Jazz Locking Free style
Hip-hop is a folk dance, originating from the AfricanAmerican youth is African-American "hip-hop culture" (Hip-Hop) part. As a result of this dance in the streets, in any instrument in the venue, so called hip-hop, and is highly participatory, and competitive performance.
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A style of dancing in which energetic manuevers are performed,especially emphasizig the use of arm movements usually to le



Refers to the sliding movement in dance, usually used to express a smooth and elegant feeling.
Describe dance techniques
Describe a dance performance
Cutting, one of the dance movements, where dancers use their feet to make cutting movements on the ground or in the air.
D é velopp é

Dance movements
Dance from different countries
Dance in the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom has a rich history of dance, including traditional dance forms such as Morris dance and modern dance styles like contemporary dance and ball
Jazz Dance: Jazz dance, originated in early 20th century America, emphasizes improvisation and individual expression.
Modern Dance, which emerged in the early 20th century in the United States and Europe, emphasizes emotional expression and free improvisation.



Rhytem type dance
external dance
Move on the ground
• become more confident
• more perfect figure
• pursure happy
• full of excitement and energetic
Part 2
partner constantly —— strenuous
Part 3
Pole dance
America 19th century construction
workers (props, to climb,
dance while singing
hot, sexy confident performing art
fashionable fitness lose weight build body
Part 4
Swan Lake
the most classic dance
The word "ballet" comes from the Italian word "ballare,.".
a form of entertainment for Italian royalty
• Powerful music
• Majestic、bold、 heroic、 inspiring
• Men——matador women——red cloak
• Tap dance • America • Cheerful、lively、light • Changes with dancing
Latin dance



Michael Joseph Jackson pushed the development of
mechanical dance.
Michael Jackson(1958.82009.5)is an American singer, writer, dancer, performer, musician, humanitarian and the charity founder.
Rhytem type dance
external dance
Move on the ground
• become more confident
• more perfect figure
• pursure happy
• full of excitement and energetic
Part 2
The most representative •ance of love • romantic, gentle, graceful,
• Mexico • Cheerful、lively
partner constantly —— strenuous
Part 3
Pole dance
America 19th century construction
workers (props, to climb,
dance while singing
hot, sexy confident performing art
and lovely、 rhythmic、neatly • Penguins • Men follow women



2003年1月 参加荷兰样板戏《中国》的拍摄,该
片最终在荷兰荣获最佳舞蹈奖; 2003年10月 荣获首届健力宝《爆果汽杯》全国 街舞电视大奖赛流行集体冠军; 2004年8月荣获第二界全国电视街舞大赛总决赛 流行街舞集体冠军、最佳表现奖,男单亚军 ; 2004年全国电视街舞大赛获得第一名 ; 2005年荣获上海举办的HIP-HOP精英赛《BEAT FLAVER FUNKY STLYE》的冠军; 2005年荣获河南郑州HIP-HOP精英赛《THAT’S MY WAY》的POPPIN 冠军、LOCKIN冠军; 2005年“双星杯”全国电视街舞大赛男单第一; 2005年 KEEP ON DANCING VOL2 POPPIN 1V1 冠军; 2006年8月黄景行荣获“Keep on dancing VOL3”POPPIN 1V1部份的冠军;
2006年国际街舞大赛 黄景行夺冠 2006 KOD亚洲街舞大赛POPPING BATTLE冠军 2008 UK-BBOY世界决赛亚军 2009 KOD5 poppin battle 冠军 2010 Juste debout 中国赛区 冠军 2010 KOD6 poppin battle 亚军 2011 Juste debout 中国赛区 冠军 2011 Funk in Shanghai vol.2 冠军 2011 KOD7 poppin battle 四强 2011 Last One Stands poppin 冠军 2012 Juste debout 中国赛区 冠军 2012 KOD8 Poppin Battle 亚军
• Locking this movement is developed from a funny cartoon characters, called Rerun. He often do funny dancing, hands and feet move very fast, but between actions, he will have a short pause, or lock. • In the 1970 s, at a nightclub in Los Angeles, a black dancer called Don Campbell invented the Locking. They quickly make a lock (Locking) and pointing and so on, accompanied by clapping (hand slaps) and splits techniques to interpret its own unique style. • Basic actions include: lock , twirl, punch ,point, scuba, shuffle, skeet rabite, scoo be doo whichaway , split and so on



Dance can let you become more confidents with more perfect figure. Relative to other sports, exercise is not great than dance, which pay more attention to the movement process of interest. dance is to pursue happy, full of excitement, and energetic dance, therefore, everyone
Part 2
爵 士
It’s not girls’ exclusive.In fact,boys dance Jazz first! It’s very sexy 。 The most famous is Reggae.It’s girls’ exclusive!It depend on moving the arm, waist and hips twisting Fra bibliotekhe main.
It uses hand,head and body rotation on the ground to finish different kinds of action.Of course, great power and many skills are neccessary.
It use of parts of the body muscles and joints,follow the beat of the music. Add your own imagination, step to create amazing. The popin types are more difficult! Michael Jackson is the leader of popin!



hip-hop是源自于街头的 一种文化,也泛指rap (说唱乐)。hip-hop 文化的四种表现方式包 括m-cing(有节奏、押 韵地说话后来演变成 rap)、b-boying(街 舞)、dj-ing(玩唱片 及唱盘技巧)、graffiti writing(涂鸦艺术)。 因此rap(说 唱 乐)只 是hip-hop 文化中的一 种元素,要加上其它舞 蹈、服饰、生活态度等 才构成完整的hip-hop文 化。另外,亦衍生出嘻 哈时装、嘻哈语等文化。 有人争论第五元素bbox,或者街头篮球。
Locking 是在约70年代 时位于洛杉矶的一家夜 总会里Don Campbell发 明了这种即兴发挥的独 特舞步。Locking 就是 身体做一些很快的动作, 然后在某一个动作时候 突然停住 ,最主要的关 键在于手部的旋转与定 住。 锁舞是 old school 的一支, 比 breakin' 还 早出现, 发源于美国洛 杉矶, 是种非常强调干 净俐落的舞蹈, 因为舞 蹈中 锁 的手势, 和突 然 定格 的舞感类似锁 的功用,所以称为锁舞。
Байду номын сангаас
2.Popping 3.Locking
是一种以个人 风格为主的技 巧性街舞舞种, 也是街舞中最 早的舞种,起 源与美国70年 代的布朗克斯 区。比较值得 注意的是,早 期跳BREAKING 的舞者多为西 班牙语裔美国 人,而非裔美 国人,然而他 们当初偏好的 音乐风格却大 大影响至今嘻 哈音乐。
POPPING属于街舞,一 般的POPPIN包括了肩膀、 胸部、手臂、腿部等等。 有时Waving(电流)也 被现在的舞者融汇在 POPPIN的范围里。 LOCKING也称为锁舞, 以转手及锁住的动作为 主,产生令人眼花缭乱 的美感及力道感。当今 的POPPIN没有Old School 和New School的 区分,都是属于Street Dance的舞种。


Jazz dance is a rapid and rich move feeling of rhythm type dance, belongs to an external dance, unlike the classical ballet or modern dance 。 爵士舞是一种急促又富动感的节奏型舞蹈,是属于一 种外放性的舞蹈,不像古典芭蕾舞或现代舞。
Theatrical Jazz Dance 舞台式爵士舞
Theatrical Jazz dance and Street Jazz dance lay stress on the physical location of the mobile
It was invented in America.And the man who dance it are called B-boy,of course the girl who dance it are called B-girl.
Jazz dance including many kinds, like
Tap Dance 踢踏舞 Theatrical Jazz Dance 舞台式爵士舞 Modern Jazz Dance 现代爵士舞, Street Jazz Dance.街头爵士舞
Tap dance focous on the sensitivity of its skills. 踢踏舞注重在灵敏度的技巧 上。
general norms of dance
Can be said that a
personalized hip-hop
u become more confidents with more perfect figure. Relative to other sports, exercise is not great than dance, which pay more attention to the movement process of interest. dance is to pursue happy, full of excitement, and energetic dance, therefore, everyone22



PasoDoble (斗牛舞)
Jive(牛仔舞) Hip-hop(街舞)
Foxtrot (狐步舞)
It is standed by the letter F. It was originated from American in the 19th century. The dancing music is lyric and fluent.
Quickstep (快步舞)
Standed by the letter Q. One of the modern dance. With a strong bouncing feeling, it is a kind of brisk and joyous dance, also stem from American, it received world attention in the 19th century
What dancing brings?
Popular Dance
Quickstep (快步舞) Rumba (伦巴舞) Cha-Cha-Cha(恰恰舞) Samba (桑巴舞)
PasoDoble (斗牛舞), standed by the letter P. another item of Latin dance with a powerful and sturdy Spanish march(进行曲). Jive(牛仔舞), standed by the letter J . also defined as the Latin dance family. possessing a cheerful rhythm,it comes from american,which was at frist called tap dance(踢踏舞) that west cowboy(西部牛仔)was dancing.since the in vogue of jazz music during the 50s,jive was being improved



• How do you feel about jazz?
• • • • • Definition History Classification Advantages Question
New words
• ensemble [ɑn‘sɑmbl] 乐团,剧团
• Jazz Music :a. A style of music, native to America, characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations on basic tunes and chord patterns and, more recently, a highly sophisticated harmonic idiom. • b. Big band dance music. • Jazz dance:Any of various dances characterized by the use of improvisation and influenced by rhythms and techniques of jazz music.
• Traditional • Until the mid 1950s jazz dance referred to the dance styles that originated from the African American vernacular(地方的 ) dance of the late 19th century to mid-20th century. • Modern • After the 1950s pioneers such as Katherine Dunham took the essence of Caribbean traditional dance and made it into a performing art.
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action :
Do the action, you will become more beautiful! And I learn ~ ~
Jazz dance including many, many dance, for example:
查尔斯登舞 (Charleston),西迷 舞(Shimmy),琳蒂 舞(Lindy)等均盛行一 时,后来更布吉乌吉 (Boogie-Woogie)和 吉特巴(Jitterbug)
Jazz dance music performance with jazz feelings, also with or follow other dance skills; As in footwork and action, the application of the ballet action position and principle, the sensitivity of the tap dance skills, modern dance contraction of the body and relax, Latin dance and a hip and Oriental dance move position in the upper body, and so on.
二 in of the jazz dance Jazz dance is the extension of the African dance, the slaves to native American, and gradually formed in the evolution of the localization, the popularization of dance.
The benefits of the jazz dance dance can let you become more confident with more perfect figure. Relative to other sports, exercise is not great jazz dance, which pay more attention to the movement process of interest. Jazz dance is to pursue happy, full of excitement, and energetic dance, therefore, it was no veneer, everyone can fully display ourselves, "love how to how to", the pursuit of real totally released their state. Confident自信的 Figure 图 Process 过程 Pursue追求 Excitement兴奋 Energetic精力充沛 Released 释放
When the jazz improvisation and dance in the rhythm and lively jazz riffs with "dance" under the form, those black, white dancers will be improved and the basic step change, in addition and inspire the innovation of insight to increase the inspiration hip swinging, shoulder jitter and other parts of the body of the independent movement.
1 the traditional jazz, such as musical such as musical "cats" is the dance of traditional jazz. 2 ballet jazz, like dancing communities. Jumping or kick. 3. popular jazz, is now we generally jumped in jazz dance, jazz dance is the product of development in the ninety 4. Latin jazz, is by the international standard dance evolution.