



精益制造系列英文资料Alright, here are a few paragraphs of informal and conversational English materials on lean manufacturing:1. Hey, talking about lean manufacturing? It's allabout getting rid of waste and making things more efficient. You know, cutting out all the fluff and just focusing on what really adds value. It's kind of like when you're cooking and you only use the ingredients you need – noextra salt or spices that don't belong.2. One of the coolest things about lean manufacturingis how it encourages everyone to be on the lookout for improvements. Like, if you're working on the assembly line and you notice a better way to do something, you can just say it! No big hierarchy or red tape. It's all about making things better, faster, and cheaper.3. Ever heard of kaizen? It's a big part of lean manufacturing. It's basically about making small,continuous improvements all the time. Like, instead of waiting for a big overhaul, you just make little tweaks and adjustments whenever you can. It's like fine-tuning aguitar – just a little bit at a time, but it makes a big difference in the end.4. And don't forget about the importance of teamwork in lean manufacturing. It's not just about one person being a genius and fixing everything. It's about everyone working together, sharing ideas, and supporting each other.。

精益生产培训资料What Is Lean Manufacturing and How Will It Help Skyman--with translation

精益生产培训资料What Is Lean Manufacturing and How Will It Help Skyman--with translation

What Is Lean Manufacturing and How Will It Help Skyman? 什么是精益生产?精益生产能给天人什么样的帮助?A Lean Company Demonstrates the Following一个推行精益生产的企业会做到:1.All actions are done according to an establishedprocess. Standards are developed and everyonefollows the standards.一切行为标准化、流程化:所有行为都应该有确定的流程。


2.The company continuously looks for improvement inall processes. This includes production but also allfunctions required to do business.寻求各个领域的持续改善,不仅对生产领域,同时也对所有工作开展相关的其它职能部门。

3.The standards are written down and all employeesknow the standards. Everyone tries everyday tomake improvements.所有标准应该书面制度化并且全体员工都指导标准,同时每个人都随时努力改进。

4.The company knows how to detect waste and has asolid process to solve the root cause of the waste.The employees can find a better way! Everyonehelps find the root cause of waste and eliminate it.企业知道怎么查出浪费点并对根本原因的分析有固定的流程。

Lean Manufacturing WK3精益生产3英文精品文档

Lean Manufacturing WK3精益生产3英文精品文档
• imbalanced work cycles –typically person with extra time will deviate
• intermittent work stoppages due to lack of parts or to perform additional tasks
Copyright © Futuris Automotive Interiors All Rights Reserved
one-piece flow
also known as “single piece flow” ideal state where items are processed and moved directly to the next process one piece at a time each processing step completes its work just before the next process needs the item and the transfer batch is one Takt Time:the heart beat of one-piece flow
Poke Yoke – Error Proofing
Copyright © Futuris Automotive Interiors All Rights Reserved
one – piece flow
•redesign work processes to achieve high value-added, continuous flow.
Copyright © Futuris Automotive Interiors All Rights Reserved



精益生产英文资料介绍General questions about lean operationsWhat is lean?Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be time, mate rials, efficiency or processes. It also means figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit of increased productivi ty gains that will increase a company’s a bility to compete more successfully.Why lean?Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sidel ines. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as companies steady themselves for the challenges and opportunities that await them.The truly lean company of today will be a survivor in the global battle for customers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewards are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resis t the necessary changes. Training will start you on the road to overcomin g this resistance and ultimately achieving a successful transition.Who participates in lean Operations?Eventually, everyone in the company is a participant in the quest for a lea n organization.Is lean applicable only to manufacturing?The concept includes many non-manufacturing areas such as purchasing, c lerical, office and technical. Also, these areas often contribute in making l ean achievements in manufacturing more successful.What organizations can benefit from lean projects?Every organization offers goods or services. This includes such diverse sec tors as merchandising, hospitals, banking, insurance, public utilities, gover nment, military, prisons, churches, schools and, of course, manufacturing.Can lean activities be started in more than one division at a time?Yes, it can be done, but starting in one division is preferable. The experie nce gained permits corrections and modifications to be introduced with les s fuss. In this way, any “bugs” can be eliminated before the concept is in itiated plant-wide.How should employees approach problems?They should approach problems with a positive attitude—one that says, “We can solve it!” Open discussion and use of various problem-solving too ls, in a positive and cooperative manner, will shed new light on any probl em.How important is it to establish objectives and milestones?Individuals or groups working on lean projects should be encouraged to es tablish an objective and develop a plan to achieve it. The plan is further broken into milestones so that progress can be constantly measured again st the plan. This information should be charted and posted for all to see and have it serve as a constant reminder.What if a lean project overlaps into other areas of an organization?That will happen, especially in the long run, but in the short run and parti cularly the early phases, it should be avoided. We are talking about chan ge and many people resist having to do and support new ways of doing t hings. When it is clear that a project is going to affect more than one are a, try to involve those who will be affected in coming up with solutions.Examples of measurements and results in a lean environmentMeasuring improvements in lean operation organizations requires the use of several traditional and many non-traditional measurements. The followi ng is an explanation of some frequently used measurements and examples of how they have been applied:Work in process (WIP)This is a measure of the amount of material which has left raw materials stock but has not yet become finished goods. Examples:•WIP cut from twenty-two days to one dayo Disc drives and tape storage•WIP on floor cut 67%o Electrical circuit breakersInventoryInventory consists of both raw materials and finished goods. Examples: •Finished goods inventory cut 92%o Large—size twist drills•Inventory turns up from 3.5 to 20o Motorcycle assemblyFloor space requirementsFloor space reductions result in lower costs for utilities, building maintenan ce and capital investment to meet expansion requirements. Examples: •Space reduced to one—third of original requirementso Computer printers•Floor space cut from 51,000 to 9,000 square feeto Computer logic unit•wcy506 (2006-8-13 13:08:15)Lead-TimeLead-time is the time which elapses between receipt of an order and the time the product or service is shipped to the customer. Examples:•Reduced lead time from 17 weeks to 1 weeko CAD/CAM equipment•Cut production lead time from 14 days to 2 dayso Defense weapons systemsFlow distanceFlow distance is the distance a part or document travels during themanufacturing process. Examples:•Flow distance cut from 1,100 to 180 feeto Diagnostic drug analyzer•Flow distance cut from 31,000 to 275 feeto Computer productsScrap and reworkScrap and rework reductions can represent huge savings. Examples:•Defects reduced 52%, number of inspectors cut from 75 to 6o Motorcycle assembly•Scrap and salvage cost reduced 54%o Electronic air cleanersProduct or model changeoverThe speed and frequency of product or model changeovers (set-ups) is an indication of the degree to which the organization can respon d to changing demands in the market place and its ability to efficie ntly reduce inventories by building only what is needed. Examples: •Reduced from one model changeover per month to several per dayo Self-propelled lawn mowers•Reduced time per changeover from 8 hours to 18 minuteso Cough dropsOther measuresProductivity:•Reduced paperwork by 70% (Kanban)o Hydraulic valves•Productivity, including yield, up 35%o Disc packs and discsJobs:•Number of job categories cut 95%o SemiconductorsEquipment:•Storage racks cut 67%o Circuit breakersTrainingWho provides the training?Leader training is commonly provided by the coordinator. The leade r trains the members, with help from the coordinator, as necessar y. Member training can be done all at once or a little at a time an d as needed.What are some of the techniques, expressions and concepts used by members of a lean team?First, team members must be familiar with problem-solving and pro cess control techniques such as: brainstorming, data gathering (sa mpling), Pareto analysis, cause and effect problem analysis, histogr ams, control charts, stratification, scatter diagrams, etc.Secondly, there are a number of techniques and expressions that s hould be familiar to lean practioners. Some examples include: •The 5S•Kaizen activities•Inventory reduction•SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)•TPM (Total Preventative Maintenance)•Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)•Waste Elimination•The Pull Concept•Just-In-Time•Cycle time reduction•Takt Time•Other items include-Lean production layout-Communication strategies and the “visual factory”What are the 5SThe 5S are initials of Japanese words that stand for several aspects of housekeeping. The comparable words in English are:•Sort-“What is not in use, throw it out”•Set-In-Order-“Rearrange the work area”•Shine-”Cleanliness is next to godliness”•Standardize-“Establish policy guidelines”•Sustain-“Keep 5-S activities from unraveling”Why would we start with cleaning and organizing the workplace? W ell, why not? It is not a daunting task. Actually, it is to everyone’s advantage to start with a clean slate, so to speak. Some degree of success is assured. Because the results of cleaning and organizing are so visible, ideas should abound as employees from one department observe what is happening in other departments around the plant.What are Kaizen activities?Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvemen t.” The improvements individually are usually small and incremental, but collectively dramatic. Masaaki Imai, a Japanese consultant, ha s popularized Kaizen as an important business strategy. He believe s the following six major systems should be in place in order to su ccessfully achieve a Kaizen strategy:•Total quality management•Just-in-time•Total productive maintenance•Policy deployment• A suggestion system•Team activitiesWhat is the importance of inventory reduction?Lead time can be dramatically reduced at a number of places in th e processing of orders.Work-in-progress (WIP) is a leading cause of long lead time. WIP c an include paperwork, raw materials, in-process inventory and even finished products.There must be a unified approach between management and operat ors on how to achieve inventory reduction.Office paperwork can be, and usually is, just as likely to hit “log ja ms” as the physical pro ducts are that are out in the shop.What is SMED?SMED stands for “Single Minute Exchange of Die.” If refers to the t ime it should take to set-up a machine to produce a part. In auto motive plants there are numerous instances where it would take th ree or four hours to do a set-up. However, after the application of lean techniques, the set-up time would be reduced to minutes!What is TPM?TPM stands for “Total Preventative Maintenance.” The goal of TPM is to maximize equipment effectiveness throughout the life of the eq uipment.The absence of a lean mentality is obvious when machine maintena nce is totally the responsibility of the maintenance specialists. The truth is that operators can contribute in keeping the equipment in good condition. TPM should involve everyone at all levels. The Lea n team can contribute to developing a maintenance system that th ey are a part of. The goal should be zero breakdowns.What is Poka-Yoke?Poka-yoke is a Japanese word meaning “mistake proofing.” Poka-yo ke devices can dramatically cut defects. A simple example is the th ree pronged electric plug-in. You can not plug it in wrong! There a re poka-yoke devices to detect errors that have been made. Other poka-yoke devices are designed to shut down the machine before it could create a defective part.•wcy506 (2006-8-13 13:09:59)•wcy506 (2006-8-13 13:11:01)The continuous improvement coordinatorWhat is the role of the continuous improvement coordinator?The coordinator is the individual responsible for successfully coordin ating and directing lean activities within an organization.What does the coordinator do?The duties of the coordinator include the following:•See to it that the policies of the steering committee are und erstood and are followed by everyone involved.•Establish an ongoing education and training program per the dictates of the steering committee. Personally conducts training an d/or arranges for competent instructors to do it.•Provides guidance and feedback to team leaders regarding t heir meetings and other activities.•Maintains awareness of world-class improvement strategies no matter where they are.•Monitors team progress and achievements.•Communicates team achievements to other groups througho ut the facility.What qualifications should the coordinator have?The coordinator has been described as a facilitator, catalyst, coach, innovator, promoter and teacher. The point is that it takes a speci al person to do the job right. The coordinator should be as comfort able talking to the president of the company as to the entry-level c lerical or factory employee.When should the coordinators be selected?When a definite decision is made to implement lean activities. The steering committee is also started at about this same time. Someti mes, the first task of the steering committee is to select the coordi nator.Who does the coordinator report to?Usually the coordinator is on the staff of a high-level company offic ial who strongly supports lean activities. In some instances, the co ordinator reports to the company president. In a factory, the coord inator usually reports to the director of manufacturing.The leader and membersWho is the team leader?Experience demonstrates that your lean activities will have a greate r chance of success when the supervisor is the initial leader. The l ean concept gains quicker acceptance when it fits into the existing organizational structure. The supervisor is already designated to pe rform a leadership role in that structure. If lean activities did not o perate within the existing organizational setup, it might be viewed by some as a competing organization.What are examples of duties preformed by the leader?•Prior to the formation of the team, the prospective leader m ust acquire skills and knowledge related to continuous improvement techniques.•Provides training in lean operation techniques to the team members.•Ensures that meetings are job oriented and do not drift into general “bull sessions.” Adheres to the meeting schedule. •Guides team projects to assure adherence to a logical problem solving process.•Encourage participation from all team members. •Coordinates closely with the continuous improvement coordi nator.Do continuous improvement teams develop leaders?Yes, These lean oriented teams provide the training and experience to make a good leader better. Team activity will also help identify members with leadership potential.What is the role of the team members?•Attend all meetings•Acquire knowledge of the various problem solving technique s by attending designated training sessions•Contribute suggestions for improvement•Select team projects•Communicate openly with co-workers who are not team me mbers about team projects•Help the team follow an agreed problem solving processIs there a relationship between the lean team and the job?Team members are people who normally work together. The projec ts they work on relate to the work they do.Improvement projectsHow are lean projects identified?Projects may originate from several possible sources, such as: •Suggestions from team members•Suggestions from their management •Recommendations by staff personnel•Suggestions from other teams•Suggestions from non-members.What if a project turns out to be too complex?Sometimes a team bites off more than it can chew. If so, the coor dinator can help by locating specialists who can assist the team.Does a lean team ever run out of problems?No. Members may occasionally think so, but a brainstorming sessio n usually identifies many problems that need immediate attention.RecognitionWhat kind of recognition is provided to the teams?Several forms of recognition are used. The practice varies from co mpany to company but includes:•Presentations to management•Write-ups in the organizati on’s activity report •Recognition in the company newspaper•Photos and other items posted on bulletin boards •Certificates•Trophies, pins, etc.。


精益生産 的特點是消除一切浪費,追求精益求精和不斷 改善。去掉生産 環節中一切無用的東西,每個工人及其崗 位的安排原則是必須增值,撤除一切不增值的崗位。精簡 是它的核心,精簡産 品開發設計、生産、管理中一切不 産 生附加值的工作,旨在以最優品質、最低成本和最高效 率對市場需求作出最迅速的回應.
水平的1/10; 4 工廠佔用空間—最低可減至採用大量生産 方式下的1/2; 5 成品庫存最低可減至大量生産 方式下平均庫存水平的 1/4; 6 産 品質量—可大幅度提升;:
精益生産 方式是徹底地追求生産 的合理性、高效性,能夠靈 活 術,地其生基産本適原應理各和種諸需多求方的法高,質對量製産造業品具的有生積産極技的術意和義管。理精技益55
前置時間(Lead time) 爲 此要消除中間停滯,實現“零”停
精益生産 方式的優越性及其意義: 與大量生産 方式相比,日本所採用的精益生産 方式的優越
性主要表現在以下幾個方面: 1.所需人力資源--無論是在産 品開發、生産 系統,還是工
其他部門,與大量生産 方式下的工廠相比,最低能減至1/2; 2 新産 品開發周期—最低可減至l/2或2/3; 3 生産 過程的在製品庫存最低可減至大量生産 方式下一 般
精益生產的目標: Q:ty,品質; C:Cost,成本; D:Delivery,交貨期;
其目標是精益求精,盡善盡美,永無止境的追求 七個零的終極目標。
“零浪費”爲 精益生産 終極目標,具體表現在PICQMDS 七個方面
爲 優化目標。
(2)對待庫存的態度不同 大批量生産 方式的庫存管理強調“庫存是必要的惡物”。 精益生産 方式的庫存管理強調“庫存是萬惡之源” 精益生産 方式將生産 中的一切庫存視爲“浪費”,同時 認爲 庫存掩蓋了生産 系統中的缺陷與問題。它一方面強 調供應對生産 的保證,另一方面強調對零庫存的要求,從 而不斷暴露生産 中基本環節的矛盾並加以改進,不斷降低 庫存以消滅庫存産 生的“浪費”。基於此,精益生産 提 出了“消滅一切浪費”的口號。追求零浪費的目標。 (3)業務控制觀不同 傳統的大批量生産 方式的用人制度基於雙方的“雇用”關 係,業務管理中強調達到個人工作高效的分工原則,並以 嚴格的業務稽核來促進與保證,同時稽核工作還防止個人 工作對企業産 生的負效應。 精益生産 源於日本,深受東方文化影響,在專業分工時強 調相互協作及業務流程的精簡(包括不必要的核實工作)


“every problem is an improvement opportunity”
LeanManufacturing源自精益生产4英文problem solving
traditional method of correcting problems •correct problems off – line in rework areas/bays •added layers of inspection •reluctance to identify problems & solutions not explored •problems continue, added cost to correct later •application of 6 sigma and SPC to solve problems
problem solving
•Problem Solving Process
•1.Define Problem
•plete root cause analysis
•3.Consider solutions through consensus
problem solving
plete root cause analysis •Analysis not clouded – no preconceived ideas of source of problem •Analysis continued until true “root” cause of problem are discovered •Multiple causes for problems – complete comprehensive analysis •Various problem solving tools available



精益生产介绍精益生产,英文:Lean Production(LP),其中”Lean”表示瘦的,少肉的;增加一点就多,取掉一点就少;最经济的点;“精”体现在质量上,追求“尽善尽美”、“精益求精”;“益”体现在成本上。






精益生产的特点:(1)拉动式准时化生产(Just in time )精益生产是一种流畅制造,是按照顾客的需求节拍来平衡我们的生产节拍,所以如何来平衡我们的生产节拍是我们追求的目标,在一个以顾客为本的制造价值流中,如何快捷高效的满足顾客,我们首推Push 体系,Push 体系实际是一种推动式生产,那是根据顾客的需求,直接安排生产,每道工序完成直接进入下一道工序,中间没有库存,没有等待,最后入库发货的一种没有停顿的生产方式,但这是在生产品种较少,生产批量较大的情况下进行的,也就是说是一种卖方市场的一种产物,但随着市场竞争的加剧,微利时代的来临,没有任何一家公司敢宣称自己的市场是卖方市场,这就要求每生产一种产品要考虑是否顾客需要,生产多少由顾客决定,什么时间生产由顾客决定,JIT (准时化生产)就应运而生,所谓JIT 就是说:在顾客需要的时间,根据顾客需要的量,生产顾客需要的品种。

Lean Production精益生产介绍

Lean Production精益生产介绍
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Flexible resources Cellular layouts Pull production system Kanban production control Small lot production Quick setups Uniform production levels Total productive maintenance Supplier networks
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Cells with Worker Routes
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Worker Routes Lengthen as Volume Decreases
waste, anything other than that which adds value to the product or service

Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Waste in Operations
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Lecture Outline
Basic Elements of Lean Production Benefits of Lean Production Implementing Lean Production Lean Services
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



体现精益生产的文献英文回答:Lean manufacturing is a production philosophy thatseeks to eliminate waste and improve efficiency. It isbased on the principles of just-in-time delivery,continuous improvement, and respect for people.Just-in-time delivery means that materials aredelivered to the production line only when they are needed. This reduces inventory costs and frees up space for other activities. Continuous improvement means that employees are constantly looking for ways to improve their work processes. Respect for people means that employees are treated with dignity and respect, and their ideas are valued.Lean manufacturing has been shown to improve productivity, reduce costs, and improve quality. It hasbeen adopted by many companies around the world, including Toyota, Nike, and Dell.中文回答:精益生产是一种生产理念,旨在消除浪费并提高效率。





精益生产的目标被描述为“在适当的时间(或第仪式间,the first time)使适当的东西到达适当的地点,同时使浪费最小化和适应变化”。



关键词:丰田汽车,精益生产,优越性,特点,企业一、丰田公司的精益生产方式精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本“丰田JIT(Justin Time)生产方式”的赞誉之称,精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急需产品(或下道工序急需的产品);益,即所有经营活动都要有益有效,具有经济性。









Lean Production Management Approach (English Version) IntroductionLean Production Management Approach, also known as Lean Manufacturing, is a systematic method that focuses on eliminating waste and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of production processes. It was first developed by Toyota in the 1940s and has since been adopted by numerous manufacturing industries worldwide. This document provides an overview of the Lean Production Management Approach and its key principles.Key Principles of Lean Production Management Approach1. Identify and Eliminate WasteOne of the core concepts of Lean Manufacturing is the identification and elimination of waste. Waste is defined as any activity or process that does not add value to the product or service. There are seven types of waste, also known as the 7 Wastes:1.Overproduction: Producing more than what is required by thecustomer2.Waiting: Idle time or delay between production steps3.Transportation: Unnecessary movement of goods or materials4.Overprocessing: Performing unnecessary or excessive work5.Inventory: Excessive stock that ties up capital and space6.Motion: Unnecessary movement of workers or equipment7.Defects: Products or services that do not meet customer requirementsBy identifying and eliminating these wastes, organizations can improve their productivity and reduce costs.2. Focus on Continuous ImprovementContinuous improvement is a fundamental principle of Lean Manufacturing. It emphasizes the need for organizations to constantly strive for better ways of doing things. This can be achieved through regular evaluation of processes, gathering feedback from employees, and implementing changes to optimize efficiency.3. Empowerment of EmployeesLean Production Management Approach recognizes the importance of involving employees in the improvement process. Employees are encouraged to contribute their ideas and suggestions for process improvement, and are provided with the necessary training and support to implement these changes. This creates a cultureof employee empowerment and encourages ownership and accountability for their work.4. Standardization of ProcessesStandardization is crucial in Lean Manufacturing to ensure consistency and reliability in production processes. By establishing standardized work procedures and guidelines, organizations can reduce variability and improve overall quality. Standardization also enables easier training and onboarding of new employees.5. Value Stream MappingValue Stream Mapping is a tool commonly used in Lean Manufacturing to visually map the flow of materials and information through the production process. This helps identify areas of waste and inefficiency, enabling organizations to develop strategies for improvement. By analyzing the entire value stream, from supplier to customer, organizations can optimize the flow of materials and information, ultimately improving lead times and customer satisfaction.6. Continuous FlowLean Manufacturing emphasizes the importance of achieving a continuous flow of production. This means eliminating bottlenecks and delays in the production process, ensuring that products or services flow smoothly from one process to another without interruptions. By achieving a continuous flow, organizations can increase throughput, reduce lead times, and improve overall efficiency.7. Just-in-Time (JIT) ProductionThe Just-in-Time (JIT) production approach is a key component of Lean Manufacturing. It involves producing and delivering products or services at the precise moment they are required, minimizing inventory and reducing the risk of overproduction. JIT production relies on effective coordination and communication between suppliers, manufacturers, and customers to ensure a seamless flow of materials and information.Benefits of Lean Production Management ApproachImplementing the Lean Production Management Approach offers several benefits to organizations, including:1.Increased efficiency and productivity2.Reduced waste and costs3.Improved product quality4.Shorter lead times5.Enhanced customer satisfaction6.Greater employee engagement and empowermentConclusionThe Lean Production Management Approach provides organizations with a systematic method to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their production processes. By identifying and eliminating waste, focusing on continuous improvement, empowering employees, standardizing processes, and implementing value stream mapping and just-in-time production, organizations can achieve higher productivity, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction. By adopting Lean Manu facturing principles, organizations can gain a competitive advantage in today’s ever-changing business environment.。



Kaizen Template (Operations) GBE-KPO-4-001-00 Rev.15
What is Standard WIP 什么是标准WIP • WIP means INVENTORY. INVENTORY is Basically ‘bad’.
Kaizen Template (Operations) GBE-KPO-4-001-00 Rev.15
3 Types of Standard Works 3种标准作业
Elements 要 素 Type 类型 Machine 机器 Man 人 Takt Time 节拍时间 Sequence 顺序 Standard WIP 标准在制品 Signal Trigerring 信号触发 Tools 工具 Examples 例子
Kaizen Template (Operations) GBE-KPO-4-001-00 Rev.15
How to start the Takt Time Calculation Based On Product and Process Design怎样根据产品和制程设计计算节拍时间
Step 2: Calculate Process Takt time Based on Product and Process Design
No Money 不投入更多金钱 No Space 不占用更多面积 No Manpower 不使用更多人力
Kaizen Template (Operations) GBE-KPO-4-001-00 Rev.15
Standard Work & Standard Combination Sheet 标准化作业 & 标准作业合并表



精益生产规范文件内容Lean production, also known as lean manufacturing, is a systematic method for eliminating waste within a manufacturing system. 精益生产,也被称为精益制造,是一种系统的方法,用于消除制造系统内的浪费。

It focuses on maximizing value for customers while minimizing waste, such as overproduction, waiting time, transportation, extra processing, inventory, motion, and defects. 它专注于最大化客户价值,同时最小化浪费,如过度生产、等待时间、运输、额外加工、库存、移动和缺陷。

One key aspect of lean production is the concept of continuous improvement, or Kaizen in Japanese. 精益生产的一个关键方面是持续改进的概念,或者用日语来说就是改善。

This involves making small, incremental changes to processes in order to improve efficiency and quality. 这涉及对流程进行小的、渐进式的变化,以提高效率和质量。

By constantly seeking to streamline operations and reduce waste, companies can become more competitive in the market. 通过不断寻求简化业务流程和减少浪费,公司可以在市场上变得更具竞争力。

精益生产(Lean Production)

精益生产(Lean Production)
27 h
生产要素的5MQS: Man(人) Machine(机器) Material(物料) Method(作业方法) Management(管理) Quality(品质) Safety(安全)
28 h
的 浪 费
人 的 浪 费
1. 行走的浪费 2. 监视的浪费 3. 寻找的浪费 4. 动作的浪费 5. 职责不清的浪费
零 停滞
交货期长、延迟交货多 缩短 顾客投诉多, 交货期 加班加点、赶工赶料
· 同步化、均衡化 · 生产布局改善 · 设备小型化、专用化
12 h
零目标 目的
忙于赶货疲于奔命, · 安全第一
7个“零”目标 零 事故
安全 保证
意识淡薄,人为事故 多
适品 ·适量 ·适时
平稳化 生产
适时化 生产
流线化 生产
安定化 生产
17 h
案例 松下电器大坂收音机工厂组装线
插件1 插件2 插件3
组装1 组装2
多数手工作业 面向生产线
2H工位轮换 自主质量改进 (多技能)
· 经济批量 · 物流方式JIT · 生产计划标准化 · 作业管理 · 标准化作业
· 探求必要库存的原因 · 库存规模的合理使用 · 均衡化生产 · 设备流水化
零 浪费
降低 “地下工厂”浪费严 · 整体能力协调

精益生产单词翻译(DOC 50页)

精益生产单词翻译(DOC 50页)

Drive and implement Lean manufacturing across the operations in order to eliminate waste, minimize inventory and maximize flow• Develop procedures in partnering with suppliers in order to achieve Lean manufacturing• Reducing system response time and ensure the production system was capable of immediately changing and adapting to market demands.• Required to collect and analyze data for determining an improvement strategy.• Facilitate and teach Lean manufacturing tools and techniques. Coach existing and new teams with Lean projects.• Ability to strategically prioritize and manage process improvement opportunities in alignment with business goals and objectives.• Working hand in hand with internal six-sigma expert in developing and drive Lean Sigma.• Acts as change agent to instill Lean Sigma culture throughout organization• Must have the ability to lead, work with teams, and understand team dynamics.OEE(Overall Equipment Effectiveness) --- 全局设备效率OEE = (Running time / Loading time) x (Actual Output / Theoretical output) x (Good Output / Actual output)世界级企业的全局设备效率OEE为85%或更好。



精益生产单词翻译目录1.精益生产的定义与背景2.精益生产中的重要概念–单线流水线生产–价值流图–构建质量–拉动生产–模块化设计3.精益生产的优势与实施挑战4.结论1. 精益生产的定义与背景精益生产(Lean Production),又称为精益生产流程、精益制造,是一种最大程度地提高生产力的生产管理方法。

它源自于日本的丰田生产系统(Toyota Production System,简称TPS),并在全球范围内得到广泛应用。





2. 精益生产中的重要概念单线流水线生产精益生产中的一个核心概念是单线流水线生产。













精益生产英文资料介绍1精益生产英文资料介绍General questions about lean operationsWhat is lean?Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be tim e, m aterials, efficiency or processes. It also m eans figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit o f increased productivi ty gains that will increase a company’s ability to com pete more successfully.Why lean?Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sidelines. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as com pa nies steady them selves for the challenges and opportunities that await them.The truly lean com pany of today will be a survivor in the global battle for custom ers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewar ds are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resist the necessary chan ges. Training will start you on the road to overcoming this resistance and ultim a tely achieving a successful transition.Who participates in lean Operations?Eventually, everyone in the com pa ny is a participant in the quest for a lean orga nization.Is lean applicable only to m anufacturing?The concept includes many non-m anufacturing areas such as purchasing, clerical, office and technical. Also, these areas often contribute in making lean achieve ments in manufacturing more successful.What organizations can benefit from lean projects?Every organization offers goods or services. This includes such diverse sectors a s m erchandising, hospitals, banking, insurance, public utilities, government, milit ary, prisons, churches, schools and, of course, m anufacturing.Can lean activities be started in m ore than one division at a tim e?Yes, it can be done, but starting in one division is preferable. The experience gai ned permits corrections and modifications to be introduced with less fuss. In thi s way, any “bugs”can be eliminated before the concept is initiated plant-wide. How should employees approach problems?They should approach problems with a positive attitude—one that says, “We can sol ve it!”Open discussion and use of various problem-solving tools, in a positive and cooperative m anner, will shed new light on any problem.How important is it to establish objectives and m ilestones?Individuals or groups working on lean projects should be encouraged to establish an objective and develop a plan to achieve it. The plan is further broken into m i lestones so that progress can be constantly m easured against the plan. This info rmation should be charted and posted for all to see and have it serve as a consta nt reminder.What if a lean project overlaps into other areas of an organization?That will happen, especially in the long run, but in the short run and particularly the early phases, it should be avoided. We are talking about change and m any people resist having to do and support new ways of doing things. When it is clea r that a project is going to affect m ore than one area, try to involve those who w ill be affected in coming up with solutions.Examples of m easurements and results in a lean environmentMeasuring improvements in lean operation organizations requires the use of sev eral traditional and m any non-traditional measurements. The following is an exp lanation of som e frequently used measurements and examples of how they have been applied:Work in process (WIP)This is a m easure of the amount of m aterial which has left raw m aterials stock b ut has not yet becom e finished goods. Examples:•WIP cut from twenty-two days to one dayo Disc drives and tape storage•WIP on floor cut 67%o Electrical circuit breakersInventoryInventory consists of both raw m aterials and finished goods. Examples:•Finished goods inventory cut 92%o Large—size twist drills•Inventory turns up from 3.5 to 20o Motorcycle assem blyFloor space requirem entsFloor space reductions result in lower costs for utilities, building m aintenance an d capital invest m ent to m eet expansion requirements. Examples:•Space reduced to one—third of original requirementso Com puter printers•Floor space cut from 51,000 to 9,000 square feeto Com puter logic unitwcy506 (2006-8-13 13:08:15)Lead-Tim eLead-tim e is the tim e which elapses between receipt of an order and the t ime the product or service is shipped to the custom er. Examples:•Reduced lead tim e from 17 weeks to 1 weeko CAD/CAM equipment•Cut production lead time from 14 days to 2 dayso Defense weapons system sFlow distanceFlow distance is the distance a part or docum ent travels during the m anuf acturing process. Exam ples:•Flow distance cut from 1,100 to 180 feeto Diagnostic drug analyzer•Flow distance cut from 31,000 to 275 feeto Com puter productsScrap and reworkScrap and rework reductions can represent huge savings. Examples: •Defects reduced 52%, number of inspectors cut from 75 to 6o Motorcycle assem bly•Scrap and salvage cost reduced 54%o Electronic air cleanersProduct or m odel changeoverThe speed and frequency of product or m odel changeovers (set-ups) is an indication of the degree to which the organization can respond to changi ng demands in the m arket place and its ability to efficiently reduce invent ories by building only what is needed. Examples:•Reduced from one model changeover per month to several per day o Self-propelled lawn mowers•Reduced tim e per changeover from 8 hours to 18 minuteso Cough dropsOther m easuresProductivity:•Reduced paperwork by 70% (Kanban)o Hydraulic valves•Productivity, including yield, up 35%o Disc packs and discsJobs:•Number of job categories cut 95%o Sem iconductorsEquipment:•Storage racks cut 67%o Circuit breakersTrainingWho provides the training?Leader training is commonly provided by the coordinator. The leader trai ns the m embers, with help from the coordinator, as necessary. Mem ber t raining can be done all at once or a little at a tim e and as needed.What are som e of the techniques, expressions and concepts used by m e mbers of a lean team?First, team members must be familiar with problem-solving and process c ontrol techniques such as: brainstorming, data gathering (sampling), Par eto analysis, cause and effect problem analysis, histograms, control chart s, stratification, scatter diagrams, etc.Secondly, there are a number of techniques and expressions that should be fam iliar to lean practioners. Som e examples include:•The 5S•Kaizen activities•Inventory reduction•SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)•TPM (Total Preventative Maintenance)•Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)•Waste Elimination•The Pull Concept•Just-In-Tim e•Cycle tim e reduction•Takt Tim e•Other item s include-Lean production layout-Communication strategies and the “visual factory”What are the 5SThe 5S are initials of Japanese words that stand for several aspects of ho usekeeping. The comparable words in English are:•Sort-“What is not in use, throw it out”•Set-In-Order-“Rearrange the work area”•Shine-”Cleanliness is next to godliness”•Standardize-“Establish policy guidelines”•Sustain-“Keep 5-S activities from unraveling”Why would we start with cleaning and organizing the workplace? Well, w hy not? It is not a daunting task. Actually, it is to everyone’s advantage to start with a clean slate, so to speak. Som e degree of success is assured. Because the results of cleaning and organizing are so visible, ideas sh ould abound as em ployees from one depart m ent observe what is happeni ng in other depart m ents around the plant.What are Kaizen activities?Kaizen is a Japanese word that m eans “continuous improvement.”The i mprovements individually are usually small and incremental, but collectiv ely dramatic. Masaaki Imai, a Japanese consultant, has popularized Kaiz en as an important business strategy. He believes the following six major system s should be in place in order to successfully achieve a Kaizen strat egy:•Total quality m anagement•Just-in-tim e•Total productive m aintenance•Policy deploym ent• A suggestion system•Team activitiesWhat is the im portance of inventory reduction?Lead tim e can be dramatically reduced at a num ber of places in the proce ssing of orders.Work-in-progress (WIP) is a leading cause of long lead time. WIP can incl ude paperwork, raw m aterials, in-process inventory and even finished pro ducts.There m ust be a unified approach between m anagement and operators o n how to achieve inventory reduction.Office paperwork can be, and usually is, just as likely to hit “log jam s”as the physical products are that are out in the shop.What is SMED?SMED stands for “Single Minute Exchange of Die.”If refers to the tim e it should take to set-up a m achine to produce a part. In autom otive plants there are numerous instances where it would take three or four hours to do a set-up. However, after the application of lean techniques, the set-u p tim e would be reduced to minutes!谢谢观赏What is TPM?TPM stands for “Total Preventative Maintenance.”The goal of TPM is to maximize equipment effectiveness throughout the life of the equipm ent. The absence of a lean m entality is obvious when machine m aintenance is totally the responsibility of the m aintenance specialists. The truth is that operators can contribute in keeping the equipment in good condition. TP M should involve everyone at all levels. The Lean team can contribute to developing a m aintenance system that they are a part of. The goal shoul d be zero breakdowns.谢谢观赏。

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精益生产英文资料介绍1精益生产英文资料介绍General questions about lean operationsWhat is lean?Lean operations involve the elimination of waste, whether it be tim e, m aterials, efficiency or processes. It also m eans figuratively tightening the belt in pursuit o f increased productivi ty gains that will increase a company’s ability to com pete more successfully.Why lean?Increased global competition will likely force all but the strong to the sidelines. Belt tightening and a lean mindset will enable the game to continue as com pa nies steady them selves for the challenges and opportunities that await them.The truly lean com pany of today will be a survivor in the global battle for custom ers and bottom line profits. The need for lean is obvious and the potential rewar ds are dazzling. There will be those who will probably resist the necessary chan ges. Training will start you on the road to overcoming this resistance and ultim a tely achieving a successful transition.Who participates in lean Operations?Eventually, everyone in the com pa ny is a participant in the quest for a lean orga nization.Is lean applicable only to m anufacturing?The concept includes many non-m anufacturing areas such as purchasing, clerical, office and technical. Also, these areas often contribute in making lean achieve ments in manufacturing more successful.What organizations can benefit from lean projects?Every organization offers goods or services. This includes such diverse sectors a s m erchandising, hospitals, banking, insurance, public utilities, government, milit ary, prisons, churches, schools and, of course, m anufacturing.Can lean activities be started in m ore than one division at a tim e?Yes, it can be done, but starting in one division is preferable. The experience gai ned permits corrections and modifications to be introduced with less fuss. In thi s way, any “bugs”can be eliminated before the concept is initiated plant-wide. How should employees approach problems?They should approach problems with a positive attitude—one that says, “We can sol ve it!”Open discussion and use of variousproblem-solving tools, in a positive and cooperative m anner, will shed new light on any problem.How important is it to establish objectives and m ilestones?Individuals or groups working on lean projects should be encouraged to establish an objective and develop a plan to achieve it. The plan is further broken into m i lestones so that progress can be constantly m easured against the plan. This info rmation should be charted and posted for all to see and have it serve as a consta nt reminder.What if a lean project overlaps into other areas of an organization?That will happen, especially in the long run, but in the short run and particularly the early phases, it should be avoided. We are talking about change and m any people resist having to do and support new ways of doing things. When it is clea r that a project is going to affect m ore than one area, try to involve those who w ill be affected in coming up with solutions.Examples of m easurements and results in a lean environmentMeasuring improvements in lean operation organizations requires the use of sev eral traditional and m any non-traditional measurements. The following is an exp lanation of som e frequently used measurements and examples of how they have been applied:Work in process (WIP)This is a m easure of the amount of m aterial which has left raw m aterials stock b ut has not yet becom e finished goods. Examples:•WIP cut from twenty-two days to one dayo Disc drives and tape storage•WIP on floor cut 67%o Electrical circuit breakersInventoryInventory consists of both raw m aterials and finished goods. Examples:•Finished goods inventory cut 92%o Large—size twist drills•Inventory turns up from 3.5 to 20o Motorcycle assem blyFloor space requirem entsFloor space reductions result in lower costs for utilities, building m aintenance an d capital invest m ent to m eet expansion requirements. Examples:•Space reduced to one—third of original requirementso Com puter printers•Floor space cut from 51,000 to 9,000 square feeto Com puter logic unitwcy506 (2006-8-13 13:08:15)Lead-Tim eLead-tim e is the tim e which elapses between receipt of an order and the t ime the product or service is shipped to the custom er. Examples:•Reduced lead tim e from 17 weeks to 1 weeko CAD/CAM equipment•Cut production lead time from 14 days to 2 dayso Defense weapons system sFlow distanceFlow distance is the distance a part or docum ent travels during the m anuf acturing process. Exam ples:•Flow distance cut from 1,100 to 180 feeto Diagnostic drug analyzer•Flow distance cut from 31,000 to 275 feeto Com puter productsScrap and reworkScrap and rework reductions can represent huge savings. Examples: •Defects reduced 52%, number of inspectors cut from 75 to 6o Motorcycle assem bly•Scrap and salvage cost reduced 54%o Electronic air cleanersProduct or m odel changeoverThe speed and frequency of product or m odel changeovers (set-ups) is an indication of the degree to which the organization can respond to changi ng demands in the m arket place and its ability to efficiently reduce invent ories by building only what is needed. Examples:•Reduced from one model changeover per month to several per day o Self-propelled lawn mowers•Reduced tim e per changeover from 8 hours to 18 minuteso Cough dropsOther m easuresProductivity:•Reduced paperwork by 70% (Kanban)o Hydraulic valves•Productivity, including yield, up 35%o Disc packs and discsJobs:•Number of job categories cut 95%o Sem iconductorsEquipment:•Storage racks cut 67%o Circuit breakersTrainingWho provides the training?Leader training is commonly provided by the coordinator. The leader trai ns the m embers, with help from the coordinator, as necessary. Mem ber t raining can be done all at once or a little at a tim e and as needed.What are som e of the techniques, expressions and concepts used by m e mbers of a lean team?First, team members must be familiar with problem-solving and process c ontrol techniques such as: brainstorming, data gathering (sampling), Par eto analysis, cause and effect problem analysis, histograms, control chart s, stratification, scatter diagrams, etc.Secondly, there are a number of techniques and expressions that should be fam iliar to lean practioners. Som e examples include:•The 5S•Kaizen activities•Inventory reduction•SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die)•TPM (Total Preventative Maintenance)•Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing)•Waste Elimination•The Pull Concept•Just-In-Tim e•Cycle tim e reduction•Takt Tim e•Other item s include-Lean production layout-Communication strategies and the “visual factory”What are the 5SThe 5S are initials of Japanese words that stand for several aspects of ho usekeeping. The comparable words in English are:•Sort-“What is not in use, throw it out”•Set-In-Order-“Rearrange the work area”•Shine-”Cleanliness is next to godliness”•Standardize-“Establish policy guidelines”•Sustain-“Keep 5-S activities from unraveling”Why would we start with cleaning and organizing the workplace? Well, w hy not? It is not a daunting task. Actually,it is to everyone’s advantage to start with a clean slate, so to speak. Som e degree of success is assured. Because the results of cleaning and organizing are so visible, ideas sh ould abound as em ployees from one depart m ent observe what is happeni ng in other depart m ents around the plant.What are Kaizen activities?Kaizen is a Japanese word that m eans “continuous improvement.”The i mprovements individually are usually small and incremental, but collectiv ely dramatic. Masaaki Imai, a Japanese consultant, has popularized Kaiz en as an important business strategy. He believes the following six major system s should be in place in order to successfully achieve a Kaizen strat egy:•Total quality m anagement•Just-in-tim e•Total productive m aintenance•Policy deploym ent• A suggestion system•Team activitiesWhat is the im portance of inventory reduction?Lead tim e can be dramatically reduced at a num ber of places in the proce ssing of orders.Work-in-progress (WIP) is a leading cause of long lead time. WIP can incl ude paperwork, raw m aterials, in-process inventory and even finished pro ducts.There m ust be a unified approach between m anagement and operators o n how to achieve inventory reduction.Office paperwork can be, and usually is, just as likely to hit “log jam s”as the physical products are that are out in the shop.What is SMED?SMED stands for “Single Minute Exchange of Die.”If refers to the tim e it should take to set-up a m achine to produce a part. In autom otive plants there are numerous instances where it would take three or four hours to do a set-up. However, after the application of lean techniques, the set-u p tim e would be reduced to minutes!What is TPM?TPM stands for “Total Preventative Maintenance.”The goal of TPM is to maximize equipment effectiveness throughout the life of the equipm ent. The absence of a lean m entality is obvious when machine m aintenance is totally the responsibility of the m aintenance specialists. The truth is that operators can contribute in keeping the equipment in good condition. TP M should involve everyone at all levels. The Lean team can contribute to developinga m aintenance system that they are a part of. The goal shoul d be zero breakdowns.精益生产应用案例-TPS介绍7 精益生产应用案例-TPS介绍应对金融危机,企业越来越注意“瘦身锻炼”,重点就在消除浪费、提高效率,一时间“精益生产”成了热门词,当上海市质量协会准备开展“精益生产”的专题会员研讨活动时,沪上制造业、服务业的企业都纷纷响应,近日,近百家企业在市质协的组织下,前往上海通用汽车有限公司,通过交流、参观的形式了解精益生产,传递精益生产的理念。
