



《吸血鬼日记》第五季之Enzo(英语学习)”Ian pulled me aside one day and he goes, ‘If you kill Enzo, I’m going to quit,’” recalled executive producer Caroline Dries.”有一天Ian把我拉到一边说’如果你杀了Enzo那么我就不演了’。

”执行制片人Caroline Dries回忆道。

”We purposefully had him show up a t the end as a ghost to imply that his story isn’t over. He is going to become a ghost villain moving forward. We’ll see him all the way through to the finale as the bad guy.”“我们有目的的让他在最后以鬼魂的形式出现,以此来暗示他的故事并没有结束。



”But how much damage can Enzo actually do as a ghost但是Enzo作为一个鬼的话能够造成多大的混乱呢Quite a lot, it seems, due in part to the continued disintegration ofthe Other Side.看起来应该很多,部分原因是另外一边依旧在解体。

”You just wait and see,” Dries said of Enzo’s plan.“你就等着瞧吧。


”You can do a lot from the Other Side it turns out. He’s determined to make Damon’s life and Stefan’s life a living hell. We realize why and how he’s able to do that, and it’s because of what’s happening on the Other Side that is giving him more liberties than some of the other ghosts have had.”“其实在另外一边可做的事很多。



《吸血鬼日记》第五季剧透(英语学习)《吸血鬼日记》第五季剧透1. When executive producer Julie Plec promised a lot of Delena goodness in the new season, she wasn’t kidding. It seems like the two happy lovebirds haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other all summer, losing hours holed up in Damon’s bedroom. Though Stelena fans, don’t give up all hope: there is one scene that should help to balance out the Delena-heavy episode.《吸血鬼日记》执行制片人Julie Plec在《吸血鬼日记》第五季开播前向DE党表示,在新一季里会有很多DE的幸福画面,她可不是在开玩笑。



2. Since Jeremy is living in the Salvatore mansion (thanks to Elena burning down the Gilbert house in Season 4), that means there is plenty of opportunities for awkward sibling moments when he accidentallycatches the two vamps in the ... er, act.Jeremy搬进了Salvatore家(因为Elena在第四季把Gilbert家一把火给烧了),也就是说Jeremy会经常不小心撞到Damon和Elena这两枚吸血鬼做运动的场景……3. Though Elena is heading off to Whitmore College for a normal, functioning-vampire college experience with Caroline and Bonnie (or so Elena and Caroline think), don’t expect that to affect her and Damon. Sure, long-distance relationships aren’t easy, but when you see how these two say goodbye, you certainly won’t doubt that t hey can make it work.虽然Elena要和Caroline以及Bonnie(Elena和Caroline以为Bonnie 会跟她们一起)一起去Whitmore大学读书,不过别以为这会影响她和Damon的感情。


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吸血鬼杀死,警方却发布揭晓她是自杀。夏末传统会上,塞拉斯杀了邦妮的爸爸,他意 念控制所有人寻找凯瑟琳
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相关阅读: /show/show28258.html
《吸血鬼日影网 / 相关阅读: /show/show28258.html
全集剧情Tyler是谁?Caroline早把他忘了……当第五季匹面劈脸的时辰,Caroline在 Whitmore大黉舍园里碰着了性感、聪明、自满、时兴、心爱、令人毫无戒心的高年级男 生Jesse。如果Caroline想和Jesse生长爱情联系,她有必要慎重慎重。Matt和Rebekah 仍然在欧洲观赏,他们在一家布拉格酒吧里碰着了东欧佳丽Nadia——她对他们两人一起 产生了趣味!不过Nadia的来头不小——最少她有一些关于初代吸血鬼的动态要通知 Stefan。《吸血鬼日志第五季》全集剧情分集介绍(1-23)分集介绍第1集埃琳娜和卡罗琳 上大学了,新舍友梅根身份激起卡罗琳思疑。邦妮隐瞒了自己已死的动态,其魂灵常伴 在伴侣身边。塞拉斯扮成斯特凡的姿态容貌面庞,却被杰米拆穿。凯瑟琳来到达蒙家遁 藏仇人追杀,却险被塞拉斯杀死。大学会议上梅根被奥秘



A return to Mystic Falls really is near.

With The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 11 set to air on January 23 and finally put an end to this painful hiatus, The CW is now looking a ahead one week and giving fans a look at The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 12.

Titled “The Devil Inside,” this installment will center on Enzo and his revenge-based offering to Damon.
《吸血鬼日记》第五季十二集叫做《The Devil Inside》,主要围绕Enzo想找Damon复仇来讲故事。

Elsewhere, Tyler will enter the picture once again, apparently ready to get his drink on with Matt, while Damon will seemingly make a heartfelt plea to Elena.
另外,我们看到Tyler又再次出现了,剧照中他似乎是在找Matt 去喝一杯,而Damon似乎和Elena出现了什么问题。





主要情节围绕着两个吸血鬼兄弟Damon和Stefan Salvatore以及他们与人类女孩Elena Gilbert之间的三角恋爱展开。

故事发生在美国一个名为Mystic Falls的小镇上。

在这个小镇上,有着一对吸血鬼兄弟Damon和Stefan Salvatore,他们之间有着一段悠久的恩怨情仇。

两百多年前,他们就因为对同一个女孩Katherine Pierce的爱而产生了矛盾。

而现在,当Elena Gilbert出现在Mystic Falls时,她的容貌与Katherine惊人的相似,再次引发了两兄弟之间的恩怨。

Elena是一个普通的人类女孩,她是Mystic Falls高中的学生,性格善良、聪明,深受同学和老师的喜爱。












The series start at 8 p.m. for those in Eastern Time zone. If you are a fan of a twilight saga, then you will probably be hooked in this TV series as it stalks about love, friendship and hardship. You will also learn more about the life of these blood sucking individuals through this series.
17岁的Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev饰, 出演过美剧《迪格拉丝中学的下一代》)和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen饰, 出演过美剧《雪山镇》)至今仍惊魂甫定,努力从四个月前的那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽,受欢迎的明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,然而现在她却发现自己竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的悲痛。Elena和Jeremy现在和他们曾是不良少女而又迷途知返渴望照顾他们的阿姨Jenna (Sara Canning饰,出演过《超人前传》)生活在一起,Jenna努力想做一个好的监护人。 Elena从她的家庭社交圈子里成功获得了一些慰藉--她最好的朋友Bonnie (Katerina Graham饰, 出演过电影《重返17岁》),朋友兼对手Caroline (Candice Accola饰, 出演过电影《朱诺》), 还有前男友Matt (Zach Roerig饰, 出演过美剧《胜利之光》),然而Jeremy的道路要凶险的多,他和吸毒的人在一起,并用毒品来麻痹内心的伤痛。Jeremy还试着弄明白为什么Matt 的妹妹Vicki( Kayla Ewell饰, 出演过电影《The Bold and The Beautiful》)突然与他分手,然后和他的死对头Tyler (Michael Trevino饰, 出演过电影《公民凯恩》)走到了一起。 Mystic Falls高中的新学期开始了,Elena和她的朋友们迷上了一个英俊神秘的新学生Stefan Salvatore (PaulWesley饰, 出演过电影《Fallen》)。Stefan和Elena彼此一见倾心,尽管Elena对Stefan愈发怪异的举动感到很迷惑,因为他突然出现在了 Elena父母的公墓。Elena不知道Stefan埋藏着一个黑暗的惊天秘密--他其实是个吸血鬼。在第二天的一个营火晚会上,Elena和 Stefan刚开始了解对方,突然晚会陷入一片混乱之中,因为Vicki的脖子被咬成重伤并且一直在流血。 Stefan知道谁是这起袭击的凶手,他很害怕,于是他回到家并找到了他15年未曾谋面的哥哥Damon (Ian Somerhalder饰, 出演过美剧《迷失》)。Damon同样是吸血鬼,并且兄弟俩有一段漫长的辛酸史。Damon嘲笑Stefan放弃了他们暴力和凶残的传统,但他理解他弟弟对Elena的痴情,因为他和Stefan100年前爱上的一个女子长得几乎一模一样,Damon曾经想把那个女子占为己有。现在这对一正一邪的兄弟,为了Elena和她的朋友,家人和Mystic Falls(位于弗吉尼亚州)所有人的生命而爆发了战斗。 经历一番周折,Damon也被善良勇敢的Elena所吸引开始走向正道,但此时,潜伏最深的危险出现了---Katherine又回来了,并且杀死了Elena的生父John...... 新一集《吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries》的小小剧透。在这一集中Elena参加了一个叫做“神秘瀑布镇小姐”的比赛。比赛内容包括跳一段传统舞蹈,从图片中可以看到在最后Damon成为了Elena的舞伴。官方公布的内容如下:(剧透……)在创建者节日中,Elena和Caroline在一个叫做“神秘瀑布镇小姐”的比赛上从其他参赛者中脱颖而出。Bonnie回到镇上让Elena很高兴,但是Bonnie仍然还有没解决的问题。John Gilbert试图恐吓Damon,而结果却没有达到他预期的效果。Damon发现Stefan隐藏了一个足以危害全镇人的危险秘密。 在22集中(第一季最后一集)回到神秘瀑布小镇的吸血鬼、Damon和Anna都由于Jhon启动了那件发明而被关到地下室,又因为Bonnie的帮忙,Stefan救出了Damon。Damon在门口遇到了Katherine假扮的Elena。Katherine杀了Jhon,而Jermmy得知Anna的死后,伤心欲绝,吃了大把药片,想要变为吸血鬼。 《吸血鬼日记The Vampire Diaries》改编自畅销作家L.J. Smith同名系列小说。由Alloy Entertainment ,Bonanza Productions Inc和Warner Bros联合制作,Television和CBS Television Studios联合执导,执行制片人包括Kevin Williamson 电影《Scream》美剧《Dawson's Creek》, Julie Plec (美剧《天赐》 电影《Wasteland》, Leslie Morgenstein 美剧《八卦天后》, 电影《Private》和Bob Levy (美剧《八卦天后》,《调教富家女》。导演是Marcos Siega 《嗜血法医》。One of the most popular TV show nowadays is The Vampire Diaries. It has been toping all over the world. The series is very popular mostly for teenagers. As the introduction of Twilight, vampire diaries have been one of the most wanted TV series today. Thus TV series is actually written by L.J Smith, just like the Twilight saga, it is also begun as a novel. This popular TV series about vampire also can be seen in DVD’s very soon. Fans can watch all episodes whenever they want. Vampire’s fast and furious behaviors make them very popular for younger generation.




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吸血鬼日记第五季剧透 DE异地恋

吸血鬼日记第五季剧透 DE异地恋

吸血鬼日记第五季剧透 DE异地恋Prior to the beginning of Season 5, "The Vampire Diaries" returned to the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con. Star Ian Somerhalder gave an interview to talk about Damon and Elena, long-distance vampire relationships and the rest of the upcoming "TVD" season.在《吸血鬼日记》第五季开播前,Ian Somerhalder在2013圣地亚哥动漫大会上接受了采访,透露了一些Damon和Elena之间的异地恋以及该剧第五季的一些其他信息。

One of the most important things to know about the Season 5 premiere is that Damon and Elena start out happy. After a summer together -- with Jeremy also living in the house -- Elena gets to go off to college feeling good about her life.在《吸血鬼日记》第五季开播前透露出最重要的一个信息就是,Damon和Elena度过了一个快乐的夏天。


That's where the problems are likely to begin, according to Somerhalder. In addition to the long-distance relationship caused by Elena moving to college, there is that little age difference. "He's 172 and she's 18. It gives a whole new meaning to 'robbing the cradle,' Somerhalder jokes.不过这仅仅是问题的开始,Somerhalder说,也就是因为Elena去了大学,让这对异地恋感受到了年龄差距。



《吸血鬼日记》第五季全方位4大剧透Delena: Despite the old TV adage that happy couples does not make for good drama, Plec said Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) will actually find some happiness this season. It is Mystic Falls, and you can't be that happy for that long, he said.关于DE:虽然说在电视界有句老话,说太幸福的情侣做不出好剧,不过Damon和Elena 在这一季还真的会有一段美好的爱情生活。


TVD, the college years: Elena and Caroline (Candice Accola) will be heading off to college this year. So what are those characters most excited about? "Parties," Accola said. "Caroline is really excited to go to college... She's pretty determined to get Tyler [Michael Trevino] to college so they can finally be together since Klaus [Joseph Morgan] is gone... They could be making some new friends in college. There are men in college. Some of them might be attractive."《吸血鬼日记》里的大学生活:Elena和Caroline今年会去上大学。




快来看看为你准备了适合学习英语必看的几部美剧,欢送大家阅读!1 老友记这部经典中的经典想必不用多说,他不仅陪伴了美国人走过了十年的好时光,也陪伴着中国的80后一个又一个无聊的夜晚,甚至成为了很多人英语的听力口语练习教材。




2 绝望主妇这部剧讲述的是美国中产阶级的故事,所以绝望主妇里的主要演员的发音绝大多数都是地道的美式英语,简单标准。



3 破产姐妹剧中大多是主角在聊天,语句简短、词汇简单,加上贴近,有丰富的俚语、笑话、流行语和文化背景知识,很适合初学者:比方点餐是汉堡还是牛肉,逛街时说哪件衣服好看、价格,倒垃圾时认准垃圾桶等话题都很实用。


4 吉尔莫女孩讲述一个小女孩从公立中学转到私立高中,在哈佛和耶鲁中踌躇不定,最后选择耶鲁yale,并担任yale review校报的主编的故事。


5 生活大爆炸故事背景是美国的,讲述的是四个宅男科学家和一个美女邻居截然不同的搞笑生活故事。




Vampire Diaries吸血鬼日记双语介绍

Vampire Diaries吸血鬼日记双语介绍

With the advent of the fall semester, Elena fell in love with new boys Stefan Salvatore.
随着秋季新学期的来临,Elena迷上了新来的男生Stefan Salvatore
But Elena don’t know that he is a vampire alive for centuries. Stefan effort to get integrated into the lives of town residents, and his brother Damon is the embodiment of cruelty and barbarism. Two brothers, one is an evil, never in contention Elena's heart and soul of the war. 但是Elena不知道他是个已活了几个世纪的 吸血鬼。Stefan努力和睦地融入小镇居民们 的生活,而他的哥哥Damon却是残忍和野蛮 的化身。两兄弟一正一邪,永远处在争夺 Elena的芳心和灵魂的战争之中。
"Vampire Diaries" is a set of youth, magic, horror, drama in an American TV series
The story takes place in Virginia, Falls mystery, the plot revolves around a young high school student Elena Gilbert and Salvatore vampire brothers started.



-What are you doing? -I reorganized the fridge. 你在做什么?我重新整理过冰箱See? Bottom shelf, meats and dairy. 最底下放肉跟奶制品Middle shelf,fruits and vegetables. 中间放水果蔬菜And top shelf,expired products. 最上面放过期食物Why are you doing this? 你吃饱撑着啊?Because I'm bored out of my mind. 因为我无聊到快抓狂了I've already been to the bank, post office and dry cleaners. 我已经去过银行、邮局、干洗店Dude,you just described seven days' worth of stuff. 老兄,你做完我一周的工作Spread it out a little. Haven't you ever been unemployed? 你要放轻松一点难道你从来没失业过?I'm not unemployed. I'm on sabbatical. 我不是失业只是进修中(有安息之意)Hey,don't get religious on me,okay? 少跟我传教A guy in your position needs to be better at relaxing. 你应该练习放轻松That's why we have comfortable chairs. Here,sit down. 不然我们家怎么会有安乐椅?过来…坐下Ready? Watch. 准备好没?仔细看了And then.... 然后…真好-So,what? We just sit? -Oh,no,no. 就光坐着?当然不是We're not gonna just sit. Watch. 不只是坐着看好了-Hello,Chandler Bing. -Hello,Mr. Bing. 我是钱德宾宾先生I love you. 我爱你All right,whoever this is, stop calling me! 不管你是谁,别再打了It's been 6 months! It's not funny! 你已经骚扰我半年一点也不好笑I can see you, Mr. Bing. 宾先生,我看得到你You look sexy in your new suit. 你穿新西装真性感Leave me alone! For the love of God, leave me alone! 求你行行好,别再骚扰我了And that's Wednesday. 这只是周三的乐子The One with The lnappropriate Sister 本集播出:“情比兄妹深”33 告诉你们The British are coming? 英国人要打来啦?Oh,you and your ways. 你的笑话真冷Since it's Christmas, I'm going to be collecting donations. 耶诞节快到了我要负责去乐捐募款I have my bell and later on I get my bucket. 我已经拿到铃铛过几天就能拿到募捐筒I'll be spreading joy to the people. 我要散播欢乐给大家Last year I spread a little joy, but not enough. 去年散播的不够多So this year I'm doing the whole city. 今年一定要让全纽约都感受到I knew a girl in high school who did that. She was very popular. 我有个高中同学也跟你一样她很红It's weird,you're starting to sound a lot like Chandler lately. 怪了,你口气跟钱德越来越像That is so not true. 胡说八道So,Phoebe,where are you doing your bell-ringing? 菲比,你要去哪里摇铃?They gave me a great spot right by Macy's. 我分到梅西百货旁当红位子They never give a good spot to a rookie... 新人很少分到这位子...but I'm the only one who can say "Merry Christmas" in 25 languages.可是只有我会用25种语言说耶诞快乐I lied! 我唬人的Oh,my God. Here's Danny. 天啊,丹尼在那边Just watch this. 你们看See? Still pretending he's not interested. 看见没?还在假装对我没兴趣He's coming over. Pretend we've forgotten who he is. 他走过来了,大家装不认识他忘记他是谁-Hey,guys. -Hey,Danny. 你们好丹尼Oh,Danny! Hey! 丹尼You know Rachel. She's nice. She's not bad to look at,right? 丹尼,你认得瑞秋吧她人很好,长得也不赖吧?Thanks,Mon. 谢了,摩妮卡Of course. 当然啦Do you want to go out on a date with her? 你要不要跟她约会?Absolutely. Is Friday okay? 好啊,周五可以吗?Friday is perfect. She can't wait. 非常好,她等不及要赴约On the date,I'll be able to talk to her directly? 约会时我可以直接跟她说话吧?See you Friday. 周五见Okay,what the hell was that? You know what? Don't answer me. 你搞什么?算了,不用说了I have a date with Danny! 我要跟丹尼约会咯All right,it's 4:30, I guess my lunch break is over. 已经4点半,午休该结束了-What are you guys gonna do? -lf you're going back to work... 你们等下要干么?既然你要回去上班...I'll probably just hang out. You know,make some calls. 我们大概一起打几个电话吧真不错How could I not get the part? 我怎么会落选?The play was about a 29-year-old ltalian actor from Queens! 主角就是出身皇后区的29岁意大利演员Well,Talia Shire suddenly became available. 泰莉雅雪儿突然有空She's a woman! 她是欧巴桑耶What can I say? She nailed it! 你要我说什么?人家就是有办法Is there anything else? 好吧,还有什么戏份?You'll just say no again,but... 你一定又会拒绝…...gay porn? 同性恋A片?Happy holidays! 佳节快乐Feliz Navidad! 耶诞快乐(西班牙文)Allo and Merry Christmas! 嗨(法文),耶诞快乐Oh,thank you,sir! Here's some joy. 谢谢你,祝你幸福-How's it going? -It's going okay. 我来看看你做得如何很顺利Good. Let me help you out. 那好,我顺便捐点钱Oh,thanks! 谢谢甭客气Is that a new suede jacket? It looks really expensive. 新的鹿皮外套?好像很贵Yeah. I guess. 是不便宜Just get your nails done? 你刚去做指甲?Yes,Phoebe,but this is all I have,okay? 对,我只剩这些钱了Thanks. Happy holidays! Here's your joy. 谢啦,佳节快乐,祝你幸福Thank you! Happy holidays and Wait. 谢谢,佳节愉快等等-You can't take money out. -I'm making change for the bus. 只能捐钱不能拿我跟你换零钱搭公车Can't you leave the dollar for the poor? 拿零钱就好其他钱是要救济穷人的I'm poor. I gotta take the bus. 我就是穷人,而且还得搭公车Okay,season's greetings and everything, but still 佳节愉快,可是你不能…Bite me, blondie! 咬我啊,小妞I'm going to give him something besides joy. Just 除了祝他幸福,我还要…I can't believe I didn't get that part. 那个角色根本就是为我而写结果我竟然落选I'm sorry,man. 很遗憾What you should do... 你知道该怎么做吗?...is make something happen for yourself. 你要自己创造机会You know, like write a play. 例如写个电影剧本Or a movie. What about those Good Will Hunting guys? 或者拍部电影就像“心灵捕手”那两个Be realistic,you know? If I did write something... 罗斯,少作白日梦了就算我写出剧本...what are the chances I could get those guys to star in it? 哪有办法请到他们?Wait a second. I could star in it! 有了,我可以自己主演Or that. 也可以I can't write. I mean,I'm an actor. 我不会写剧本我是演员I could act like a writer. Here.... 我可以装成编剧But see? Nada. 不过…什么也写不出来I don't have the discipline that it takes. I can't do it. 我不像编剧一样有纪律我办不到I'll help you. 我可以帮你Yeah. I'll make up a schedule and make sure you stick to it. 帮你订出时间表盯着你乖乖照做Plus,it'll give me something to do. 我自己也有事做了You'd do that for me? Thanks. 真的?你愿意帮我?We'll start slow. All you have to come up with tonight... 对谢谢一开始慢慢来今晚之前... ...is the name of your main character. ...只要想好主角名字-Done. -And it can't be Joey. 好了不可以是乔伊-It's not. -Or Joseph. 不是也不能是约瑟夫What's up? 你怎么啦?I just saw Danny on the subway with a girl... 我刚看到丹尼跟女生搭地铁...and he had his arm around her. 他还搂着她Honey,I'm sorry. 我真为你难过You should be. This is all your fault. 你的确该难过,一切都要怪你You meddled in our relationship! 谁叫你插手我们的感情世界You had no relationship! 你们根本没在一起But I was doing my thing and everything... 不过我已经拟好计划...was going according to the plan! 一切都按部就班进行中Oh, God, stop with the plan! 拜托别再提你的鸟计划So what if you saw him with a girl? 你看到他跟女生在一起又如何That doesn't mean anything. 那不代表什么You'll go out with Danny and be so charming he'll forget all about... 你就快跟丹尼约会到时你可以火力全开...that stupid subway girl. 迷得他忘记地铁那个蠢妞She was kind of stupid. 那女生的确傻里傻气You're right. I'm just going to go on the date. 你说得对好,我就去约会I'm just going to go on the date. That is the new plan. 我会去赴约这就是我的新计划Hurry! 快点-How do you spell "suspicious"? -Why? “多疑”怎么写?干嘛?I think this character is going to be suspicious about stuff. 因为这个角色很“多疑”Yes! 帅!Chandler Bing, seven! Chandler Bing, zero! 钱德宾7分,钱德宾0分You're driving me crazy with that. 看你玩那个都快让我抓狂了-I'll stop. -Don't stop. 我不玩就是了继续玩Move the bowl further away. Ross could make that shot. 碗拿远一点连罗斯都投得进Well, you suck. But at least you suck at a man's game now. 真是逊毙了不过至少你进了成人组-Want to play? -I can't play games. 要不要玩?我不能跟你玩Ross'll be home soon. I have to write five pages to stick to his schedule. 罗斯就快回来了按照他的时间表我应该写完5页So play for 30 minutes, then write until he gets home. 你可以先玩30分钟再继续用功到他回家All right. 好吧But listen,what do you say we... 不过...crank it up a notch? 规则应该更困难I'm intrigued. 愿闻其详All right. All we need is a little lighter fluid. 要先找到可燃性液体But be careful. I want our security deposit back. 好,不过你小心点我还想拿回房租押金We said goodbye to that when we invented hammer darts. 我们发明铁锤标枪时就拿不回来了Do you even remember which part of the wall is not spackle? 你记得哪面墙壁没补过吗?记得,这里Thank you! Happy holiday. 谢谢,佳节愉快No,that's trash,young lady. You can't 小姐,那可是垃圾,不可以…Stop that young lady! She donated trash! 别这样,小姐,她竟然捐垃圾The charity's on fire! 乐捐筒着火了Help! Thank you. I need that! 来人啊谢谢,我正需要What is this? 那是什么鬼东西?It's 9:00 in the morning! 现在才早上9点耶All right. "A room." 我看看,场景,房间"A man enters. He looks suspicious." 一名男子满脸狐疑地走进来That's it? 就这样?You're supposed to have five pages done by now... 乔伊,你今天应该写5页...including an exciting incident. 还包括一个高潮What is all this? "The Official Rulebook of Fireball." 这是什么垃圾?大火球游戏规则That's the game we played. 我们刚在玩这游戏It's great. You take a tennis ball,a bowl and lighter 很好玩,道具就是一颗网球一个碗、可燃液体This is helping your career? You wanted to be an actor.这对你的事业有帮助吗?我还以为你想当演员Not the creator of "Crazy Lawsuit Game." 不是发明危险游戏被人告You're right. I'll get back to work. 你说得对,我该工作了Shame on you! You should know better! Joey needs to work. 你真不应该,还带坏他明知道乔伊应该要工作Now come on. 振作点You can have this back when the five pages are done. 等你写完5页才还你-I had a nice time tonight. -So did l. 我今晚很开心我也是I'm really glad Monica asked us out. 幸好摩妮卡约我们出来I'd love to ask you in, but my sister's visiting. 我很想请你进去不过我妹来住我家-I think she's asleep on the couch. -Your sister? 她可能睡在沙发上了你妹妹?Your sister's asleep on the couch? 睡在沙发上?I saw you with her on the subway and now she's asleep on the couch! 我上次看到你们搭地铁现在她还睡在你沙发-I thought I heard you. -Hey,great,you're up. 我就猜是你太好了,你起床了Rachel,my sister Krista. 瑞秋,这是我妹妹克莉丝塔Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你I wish you'd warned me. I'd have fixed myself up. 你应该告诉我要带朋友回来害我穿得邋里邋遢-Like it would help. -You are so bad. 有差吗?你真恶劣-You are. -You are. 你才是是你-You are. -You are! 是你是你You are so dead. 你完蛋了I'm gonna get you. Come here! 我要教训你一顿It's very nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你Nobody! Nobody respects the bucket! 没有人,没一个人尊重募捐筒You wouldn't believe what people put in here! 大家都丢些莫名其妙的东西Does this look like a garbage can to you? 你觉得这像垃圾桶吗?Does it look like an ashtray? 不像像烟灰缸吗?Does it look like a urinal? 不像像尿桶吗?-So you going back out there? -Yeah, but I won't take any more crap. 菲比,你还要回去募捐吗?当然,不过我受够了No more Mrs. Nice Bucket. 再也不当募捐好好小姐Good. You're tough. You lived on the street. 加油,你在街上流浪过,够悍I'll go back to being Street Phoebe. 我要当回强人菲比But not totally back. Street Phoebe wouldn't be friends with you guys. 不过也不能一模一样否则才不会鸟你们抱歉啦Can I ask you guys something? 可以问个问题吗?当然I don't have brothers,so I don't know, but did you guys wrestle? 我没有兄弟,实在不暸解你们会打来打去吗?-Oh,yeah. -All the time. 当然会常常In fact,I was undefeated. 而且我从没输过Well,you weighed 200 pounds. 因为你以前90多公斤Still,I was quick as a cat. 不过我还是跟猫咪一样矫捷I met Danny's sister yesterday. 我昨天碰到丹尼的妹妹-That was the girl on the subway. -You're kidding. 就是跟他一起搭地铁的那个真的假的?They were very,you know... 他们非常…...wrestle-y. ...会扭打But I guess that's normal? 这样正常吗?We don't wrestle now. 我们现在不会这样了Not since I got too strong for you. 自从我长大变壮后就不打了Too strong for me? 长大变壮?对You wanna go right now? 你要比划一下吗?I'll take you right now,buddy! You wanna go? 我可以立刻打败你,信不信?Oh,fine. 没问题Ready? 预备Wrestle! 开始Okay,you know what? 这个嘛…很好Actually,that helps a lot. Thanks. 谢谢你们帮了大忙Let's go! The puck drops in 20 minutes! 赶快走,20分后就要开打了乔伊,快点Joey's not going. 乔伊不能去I didn't finish my five pages. 我还没写完5页Finish them tomorrow. 明天再写不就成了?Tomorrow he's redoing yesterday's pages. 因为他明天要修改昨天的5页Yesterday's pages did not reflect my best work. 我昨天写的有待改进Cut him some slack. If he relaxes, he'll get some work done. 别再逼他,让他透口气搞不好会写得更好I think he's been relaxing enough, thanks to you... 他已经透够多气了这都要感谢你跟... ...and Fireball. ...大火球If you think Fireball's relaxing, you've never played. 玩大火球可是很紧张显然你没玩过You're doing this because you're bored. 你拼命压榨乔伊是因为你自己没事做It's not his fault you're unemployed. 又不是乔伊害你失业的I am not unemployed. I'm on sabbatical! 我不是失业,只是进修中Guys,don't fight. 你们别吵架And I'm doing this because I am Joey's friend. 我之所以这么做是因为我是乔伊的朋友If you were a friend, you'd be doing the same. 如果你也是他朋友就该学学我So being a friend means being a jerk? 当朋友就得这么混帐?If it does,then you're an amazing friend of mine. 要是真如你所说你可真是我第一号好友Let's settle this over a game of Fireball. 别吵了,大家玩场大火球别气了-I'll unhook the smoke detectors. -Let's settle this right now. 我去拆掉防火警铃现在就一了百了There. Now no one's going to the game. 好了,谁也不准去-I paid for those! -You said you would,but you didn't. 门票是我买的才怪,你每次都说要付钱却一次也没吐过钱Oh,yeah. 也对We finally get to the top of the mountain... 我们终于爬到山顶...and airhead here forgets the camera. 结果这个笨蛋竟然忘了相机The same thing happened to me one time. 我也发生过这种事情When did that happen to you? 什么时候?Remember? We were jogging and saw that bird. 上次我们不是到公园慢跑看到小鸟I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't have my camera. 我想拍下来竟然没带相机Chasing the churro guy is not jogging. 也对,不过追小贩可不算慢跑Oh,this is so good. You have got to try it. 超好吃,你一定要吃一口-Damn. I got it on my pants. -Here,I'll get it. 糟糕,裤子沾到了我来擦We better take them off or the stain will set. 最好上楼换件裤子否则以后洗不掉-I want to wear them tonight. -Oh,great. 而且我今晚约会还要穿真好Okay, bye. Oh,my God! 再见,天哪-That was unbelievable. -See? I told you. 不可思议看吧,我早说过了Yeah. Sorry. 可怜的瑞秋I don't believe they're brother and sister. 我不相信他们是兄妹They're brother and sister?! 他们是兄妹?I guess you'll have to cancel your date. 看来你得取消约会了And call their mother. 而且还要打电话给他们老妈“非尿桶” 而且还要打电话给他们老妈“我没有百货公司简介” 而且还要打电话给他们老妈Wait a minute. Open your hand. Let me take a look. 等一下,手张开给我检查Quarter,dime. Lint? Not interested in that. 两毛五、一毛、线头?不要What's this? A Canadian coin? 这是什么?加拿大硬币?Get out of here! 滚No drinks near the bucket. 不准在募捐筒旁边喝东西Set it down there and then you can make a contribution. 先放在那边才准捐款You can leave the "hurt bunny" look over there too. 少装一副可怜兮兮的样子Hi,Bob. 嗨,鲍柏I thought I told you to get out of here! 不是叫你滚了吗?Phoebe,we've been getting complaints. 菲比,我们接到申诉-We're moving you to a less high-profile spot. -What?上面要调你离开什么?-Ginger's taking this corner. -That chick can't handle my corner. 以后这里由金杰负责这小妞才没这能耐Look, either you leave or we remove you. 你不走,我们就得赶你走Fine. 好I'll give you one pointer. Look out for that bitch. 劝你一句,注意那个臭婆娘-I thought we said 7. -You know what? Let's skip it. 瑞秋,不是约7点吗?今天就算了What? Why? 什么?为什么?You and your sister seem to have a very special bond 你们兄妹似乎…非常要好Oh,great. That "special bond" again. 太好了,又说这句话Why do women have a problem with my being close to my sister? 我跟我妹感情好又是哪里让女人看不顺眼了?-I don't know, but.. -Do you have brothers? 听我说,我不知道事实真相你有兄弟吗?No,I have two sisters. But one has a very masculine energy. 我有两个妹妹其中一个很像男人婆-Are you close? -No. They're not very nice people. 你们要好吗?没有,她们不是好人I like you. I think this could go somewhere. 我很喜欢你应该可以顺利交往So I'm close to my family. Don't let it stand in our way. 我是跟家人感情深厚你就为了这点不鸟我?Well,I don't know.... 我也不知道…When you put it that way 听你这么说也有道理Danny? Hurry up. The bath's getting cold. 丹尼快点洗澡水快凉了-What? -I'll see you later. 又怎么了?我先走了There's some kids playing in the street. 路上有小孩在玩耍Want to go give them a project, ruin their day? 你要不要去叫他们写作业毁了他们的一天?If they have a ball, you could stick razors in it... 如果你手边有球就可以插上剃刀...and teach them a new game: "Gonna-Need-Stitches Ball." 教他们玩“杀人球”Hey,guys! I was at the library. I already finished my five pages. 我整个早上都待在图书馆已经写完今天的5页了Now we can go to the Ranger game last night! 那我们可以去看昨晚的骑兵队比赛了No,dude. Ross tore up the tickets. 不行,门票给罗斯撕掉了I guess without so many distractions it's easier for you to focus? 没有让你分心的事情就比较容易专心吧?Also without somebody breathing down your neck all the livelong day!没人整天跟在你屁股后面也比较得心应手吧?The important thing is, I finished it. And I think it's really good. 随便你们说,总之我写完了而且写得还不错But it would help if I could hear it. Would you guys read it for me? 不过你们帮忙念台词才是帮大忙可不可以念一下?-Yeah,all right. -All right. 好吧好"It's a typical New York apartment. “一间普通的纽约公寓”Two guys are hanging out." “两个男人正在家里”,罗斯"Hey,man." 嗨"What is up?" 有什么事?"About yesterday. I was really wrong. I am sorry." 昨天是我错了,对不起"No,it was me. I'm sorry. I overreacted." 我才该道歉,我反应过头了"Maybe it was both of us. But we had our best friend's inter 或许我们都有错反正我们都是为了朋友…But we had our best friend's interest at heart." 我们都是为了朋友好"Could I be more sorry?" 我非常不好意思"l don't know. I am one sorry... 我才是该道歉的......polontologist." ...古生物学家All right, Joey, we get it. 乔伊,我们懂了-I'm sorry. -I'm sorry too. 对不起我也该道歉Keep reading. The good part's coming up. 你们要继续读下去精采的才要上场,继续念"l am sorry, Chandler." 对不起,钱德"l am sorry, Ross." 对不起,罗斯"A handsome man enters." “帅哥上场”"l don't know what you're talking about, but I'd like to thank you both. 不知道你们在扯什么不过我要向你们两位道谢You. You wouldn't let me give up on myself. 你让我不放弃自己And you. 你You co-created Fireball." 你与我一起创造了大火球"The End." “剧终”This took you all day? 这就花了你一整天?No, this took five minutes. 没有,我只写了5分钟I spent the rest of the day coming up with new Ultimate Fireball! 其他时间都在写“终极大火球”游戏规则It's a typical New York apartment. Two girls are just hanging out. Go. 场景在一般纽约公寓屋内有两个女生-"Hi,how are you doing,Kelly?" -"I'm doing just fine. 嗨,凯莉,你好吗?我很好God, Tiffany, you smell so great." 提芬妮,你今天好香"It's my new perfume. 我喷了新香水Why don't you come closer where you can really appreciate it?" 你过来一点才闻得仔细-Joey,you are sick. -This is disgusting. 乔伊,你这大变态恶毙了I'm not reading this. 我才不要念哩Wait,wait,wait! The handsome man was about to enter! 什么?等等,帅哥才刚要上场391 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000。



《吸血鬼日记》这类校园青春系列,最吸引人的还是那份恶魔的真爱,就像狼与羊的爱情,不可思议却充满 诱惑。播出以来,《吸血鬼日记》深受大部分观众欢迎。它把青春、魔幻、恐怖等融合在一起,完全符合大众的 口味。帅气、洒脱的达蒙,忧郁、勇敢的斯特凡,性感美丽的埃琳娜,一个个让人疯狂的角色成为了观众心中的 完美形象。同以往观点不同,吸血鬼已经彻底从一个被驱逐的角色转换成了时尚、前卫、个性的代名词。从《我 和僵尸有个约会》开始,人们对吸血鬼的观点开始有了变化,原来吸血鬼也可以是一名好警察。(《现代快报》 评)海报
埃琳娜转化为吸血鬼的过程是漫长的,因为埃琳娜要明确自己想要做一个怎样的吸血鬼;埃琳娜、斯特凡、 达蒙之间的三角恋不会结束,因为埃琳娜会逐渐想起达蒙所让她忘记的一切,克劳斯会出现,但他将不是最大的 敌人,因为会有更危险的人物登场,邦妮可能会走向黑暗的边缘。
吸血鬼日记第四季的开始,一切就已经变的不同,埃琳娜和她的朋友们进入了最后一段高中生活,毕业后她 们将完全走上不同的道路。而埃琳娜将面对一个邪恶的吸血鬼。
第三季开始的剧情不会如第二季第一集延续第一季最后一集的内容,会从吸血鬼始祖克劳斯及相关人物介绍 回顾故事发展,再转回延续第二季的内容,并且尼克劳斯和Elijah兄弟还会回来。第三季的第一集就是女主角埃 琳娜的18岁生日。这一季中埃琳娜会升到高中三年级,但是这一季结束的时候不会毕业。随着第三季开始,泰勒 和卡罗琳之间的友谊就会开花结果,迸发出爱情。第三季
第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季 第五季 第六季 第七季 第八季

The Vampire Diaries (TVD) 吸血鬼日记

The Vampire Diaries (TVD) 吸血鬼日记

Characters introduction
Characters introduction
坎迪丝·阿科拉(Candice Accola)饰 卡罗琳·福布斯 (Caroline Forbes)
《吸血鬼日记》是坎迪丝首次出演常驻角色的剧集。 她在本剧中饰演具有强烈控制欲的社交女王 Caroline Forbes。不Matt交往,在第二季中被 Katherine转化成为吸血鬼。在Stefan的帮助下,她 极好的控制自己,使观众看到她丌只是一个有些刁蛮 的优等生,更是恣意开放在黑暗中的太阳花。这为她 一下子吸引了丌少人气。幵且帮助了Tyler度过第一 个月囿乊日。后来和Tyler相爱,但因Tyler被Klaus 变成混血儿即有了一种对Klaus的忠诚从而控制丌住 自己咬了Caronline,险些使她致命,亍是暂时分开, 幵且吸引了Klaus的注意幵爱上她。 Tyler丌甘心, 不Caronline的父亲一起战胜那种对Klaus的忠诚。 第四季中得知Tyler依然活着很激动,但很快发现了 Tyler身佑里的是klaus。第四季中为了Tyler请求了 Klaus放过他。为救好友Bonnie完成了第三场大屠 杀,杀死十二个女巫,使三角表达咒形成。
Characters introduction
史蒂文·R·麦奎因(Steven·R·McQueen)饰 杰里米·吉尔伯特(Jeremy Gilbert)
史蒂文在该剧中饰演一位因父母的死而走上充 满危险和自杀欲望道路的困惑少年。但是,他 在环境的变化下慢慢成长,叔叔John在离开神 秘瀑布小镇时给了他被赸自然能力攻击后丌会 死的魔戒。
迈克尔·特维诺(Michael Trevino) 饰演泰勒·洛克伍德(Tyler Lockwood) 镇长的儿子,Matt的好朊友。因为杀人 而唤醒魔咒,从而变成了狼人。和 Caroline有感情线。第三季中,被 Klaus转化为吸血鬼不狼人的混血儿, 认祖归宗亍Klaus。因为Klaus的命令了 Caroline让她中了只有混血儿才能解的 毒。因此Tyler和Caroline的父亲一起去 孥习怎么解除认祖归宗,成功乊后回归 继续不Caroline在一起。但是第三季末 时因为Klaus险些被变成吸血鬼猎人的 Ric杀死,身佑被Klaus当作金蝉脱壳的 工具。第四季因为一次杀死Klaus行动, 因此Klaus杀死了她的妈妈,因为惹怒 了Klaus,所以逃离了家乡,幵把房产 留给Matt。



艾琳娜和Caroline的 好朋友,有着通灵能 力的女巫邦妮· 本纳 特,是很有潜力的一 名女巫,祖先Emily 曾是Katherine的女 巫。Bonnie后与 Elena的弟弟Jeremy 交往,并帮助 Salvatore兄弟对付 Klaus

迈克尔· 特维诺饰演
杰里米 (Jeremy)
保罗· 韦斯利(Paul Wesley)饰演
伊恩· 萨默海尔德饰演
斯特凡· 萨尔瓦托(Stefan Salvatore)
达蒙· 萨尔瓦托(Damon Salvatore)
代 表 善 良 的 吸 血 鬼 弟 弟
代 表 邪 恶 的 吸 血 鬼 哥 哥

吸血鬼两兄弟中代表善良的弟 弟斯特凡·萨尔瓦托,他一心希 望能与人类和平共处。145年前 被Katherine控制意念喝血而转 变。被他深爱着Elena,相信哥 哥Damon心中还存在着“人性” (善良)。很讨厌145年前因为 不希望孤独而强迫Damon喝血 从而变成吸血鬼的自己,后遇 到Lexi(Stefan的好友,后被 Damon杀死),在好友Lexi的 帮助下戒掉人血,改喝动物血。 (喝了人血的Stefan比Damon 还可怕)曾经希望离开Elena而 让她与她的家人和朋友不受伤 害。在第二季末尾被KLAUS以 亲哥哥生命要挟而又走上一条 不归路,从而一次又一次的让 Elena找回以前STEFAN的信念 不断削弱,目前似乎编剧更加 的将ELENA和DAMON结合起 来, 各位SE党们可要接受现实 了。
Esther(始祖妈妈 埃斯特) 白栎树 太阳
以利亚 (Elijah)
尼克劳斯 (Niklaus)
丽贝卡 (Rebecca) 科尔(Kol) 芬恩(Finn)

行尸之惧 -第5季第10集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

行尸之惧 -第5季第10集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语

Anyone there? 有人在吗I'm on channel four, like you said. 我在4频道按你们说的I saw the video at a gas station. 我在一个加油站看到了视频Name's Charles. 我叫查尔斯Uh, people called me Chuck 人们叫我查克back when there were still people to call me Chuck. 那时候还有人叫我查克When you get here, 你们到这里以后I just want you to do one thing. 我只希望你们做一件事Kill me. 杀了我I got bit while I was corralling some of the dead, 我在围赶死尸时被咬了and, well, I want to do what you said. 我想照你们说的做I-I want to help. 我想帮忙The place I've been living, 我生活的地方it's got everything you need under one roof... 在一个屋檐下就有你们需要的一切a-a book store, a bunch of places to get clothes, 一家书店几家服装店a food court. 一条美食街Hell, there's even an Urgent Care. 甚至还有一个应急诊所Are you there? 你们在吗Anybody listening? 有人在听吗If you are, by the time you get here... 如果你们在听等你们到这里时... I'll already be gone. 我已经不在人世了I-I don't have a gun or I'd do it myself. 我没有枪否则我会自己动手I-I've got a red jacket on, so I'll be easy to spot. 我穿着红色外套所以很容易被认出来Hell, I'll just hole myself up in the security office. 这样吧我就躲在保安室里I-I-It'll make it easier for you. 这样你们更容易找到我Find me. 找到我Bury me someplace outside. 把我埋在外面某处Just... 就put me under the stars. 让我躺在星空下Yeah, that'd be nice. 那挺好的Oh, shit. 该死He wasn't kiddin', was he? 他没开玩笑是吧It's like before. 这就像是灾变之前一样You think it'll be enough? 你觉得这足够了吗It'll be enough. 足够了Come on. 走吧Let's go find him. 我们去找他You guys go ahead. 你们先走I'm gonna go clean up the strays. 我要去干掉那些行尸Okay. 好Careful. 小心点Candy beansies are jawbreakers now. 糖豆豆现在会让你下颚酸痛Candy what? 糖什么帮助你能帮的拿走你需要的Hey, did you talk to him? 你跟他说过话吗No. 没有希望双倍速会好听格蕾丝He must've remembered what I said on that tape. 他一定记住了我在录像带中说的话He said he'd be here. 他说他会在这里Looks like he tied himself up here till he turned. 看起来他把自己绑在这里直到尸变Must've broke loose, wandered off. 一定是挣脱了走开了So we'll find him. 我们会找到他He couldn't have gone far. 他不可能走远You okay? 你没事吧Think my blood sugar's a little low. 我的血糖好像有点低That's why I grabbed the candy beansies. 所以我拿了糖豆豆Well, that and I haven't had one in... 我已经很久没吃了What? 怎么了What do you keep calling those? 你一直叫它什么啊Candy beansies. 糖豆豆Candy beansies? 糖豆豆Yeah. 是的- What? - Morgan! -怎么了 -摩根- Grace! - Yeah? -格蕾丝 -怎么了Found the strays. 发现了好多行尸Our voices must've drawn them out. 一定是我们的声音引出了它们You think he fell down there? 你觉得他掉下去了吗This might take a while. 这也许需要一点时间You two really thinkin' about goin' down there 你俩真的考虑下去to kill someone who's already dead? 杀一个已经死去的人吗He said he'd have on a red jacket, right? 他说他穿着红色外套对吗Grace, that's what he... 格蕾丝那是他...Grace? 格蕾丝- Hey, hey, hey, Grace. - Grace? -格蕾丝 -格蕾丝Need a first-aid kit, please. 需要急救包Hey, Grace, Grace. 格蕾丝格蕾丝You stay with us. 你保持清醒You just stay with us. 保持清醒You just stay with us. 行尸之惧第五季第十集You just stay with us. 他们来过了You just stay with us. 走了没多久Daniel? 丹尼尔Daniel? 孤橡加油站You should get back to the car. 你该回到车边We need to keep moving. 我们得继续前进Grace? 格蕾丝- Grace? - Mm? -格蕾丝 -嗯Grace, can you hear me? 格蕾丝能听到吗So, uh, you passed out. 你昏过去了Candy beansies isn't what you call it, right? 那不叫糖豆豆对吧No. It's jelly beans. 不是果冻豆Here. 来- Thanks. - You all right? -谢谢 -你没事吧My mama was an interesting woman. 我妈是个有趣的女人She both made up answers and always had to be right. 她编了答案还说得跟真的一样I had heard people say "Jelly beans". 我听过人们说果冻豆I just thought it was, like, 我以为那是some name of a brand of candy beansies. 某个糖豆豆的品牌名No, it's really not. 其实真不是Well, I'm glad I didn't find out too late. 幸亏我没发现得太晚We're gonna get you back to the caravan. 我们要送你回车队We're gonna get you back to the caravan. 大尼尔体育用品店What'd you raid a camping shop? 你抢劫了一家露营店吗The generator, it's downstairs. 发电机在楼下That's the best we're gonna do. 那是我们最好的办法Can I ask? 我能问问吗What just happened, does, uh... 刚发生的事does that have anything to do with, um... 那与...有关系吗The radiation? 辐射吗You said it would just be a matter of time. 你说过只是时间问题It could be the start, or it could be a cold, 这可能是个开始也可能是我感冒了exhaustion, maybe something I ate. 累坏了也许是吃坏了肚子I don't know. 我不知道Is there anything we can do? 我们能做些什么吗Morgan. 摩根You okay? 你没事吧I just had a nap on a real mattress with fresh, new sheets, 我刚盖着新床单在真床垫上睡了会and I faced the truth about candy... 知道了糖...jelly beans, so, yeah, I'm... I'm good. 果冻豆的真相所以我挺好的What's going on? 发生了什么Is that Daniel? 那是丹尼尔吗Logan and his people just hit another truck stop 洛根和他的人袭击了不远处的另一家not too far off. 卡车服务站So we should go, circle up with the others. 所以我们该走了跟其他人碰面Way our caravan's growing, 按照我们车队扩张的速度we need everything we can find in this place. 我们需要在这里能找到的一切What if they find us? 如果他们找到我们怎么办No, they won't. We were careful. 他们不会的我们很小心No chatter, no breadcrumbs. 没通话没留痕迹But they might've heard the same message 但他们也许听到了让我们来这里的that brought us here. 同样的信息You think they're in range? 你觉得他们在通讯范围内吗Well, uh, we're pickin' up Daniel's signal. 我们收到了丹尼尔的信号啊- Right. - So we go? -对 -那我们要走吗Look, they're pretty pissed about the gas, all right? 他们对油的事很生气好吗I wanna make sure we're standin' 如果他们在赶来的路上if they're on their way here. 我想确保我们能活下去If they're hittin' truck stops, 如果他们在袭击卡车服务站we're gonna need everything that's in here more than ever. 那我们就比以往更需要这里的一切Can you get back to the caravan? 你能回去找车队吗Bring trucks so we can load up, 带卡车来我们好装货and send the kids north using back roads. 走小路把孩子们送到北方去You should go with him. 你该跟他一起去No, I'm staying here. 不我要留下You need to get checked out. 你得去检查一下Look, whatever this is, 不管这是什么情况I'm gonna do much better in here 我在这里的用处than I will do in the back of a semitrailer. 总比在牵引卡车的后车厢里大Let me go and get some water from the car before you go. 你走之前我先去车里取点水I'm still feeling a little wobbly. 我还是觉得有点摇晃You... You stay here. Uh, I'll go get you a bottle. 你待在这里我去给你取水Thank you. 谢谢Should get you through till we, uh, get back. 这些水应该能坚持到我们回来Thanks. 谢谢Be careful. 小心点Hey, you're not doin' careful. 你可不小心I mean, we both chose somethin' else. 我们都选择了别的路We did. 是的Could've given up the oil fields, 我们本可以放弃油田let Logan's guys have the gas for themselves. 让洛根的手下霸占汽油We needed it. 我们需要汽油- Other people needed it. - That's right. -其他人也需要 -没错But, see, I've already been on the wrong side of takin' what people need. 但我曾掠夺其他人站在错的一边You know that. 你知道的Oh, I do. 我知道You turn off your conscience, 你关掉你的良知your heart. 你的良心When that happens, 当这种情况发生时it's harder to turn 'em back on. 恢复良心就更难了So now we're just gonna live our lives 所以现在我们就要lookin' over our shoulders? 提心吊胆地过一生吗Tell me, please, h-h-how this is gonna end with them. 拜托告诉我跟他们的事会怎样结束You know, I have faith in people. 我对人们有信心In everybody. I have to. 对每个人都有我必须如此We're just gettin' to know each other. 我们刚开始了解彼此Already, I got faith in you, Dwight. 但我已经对你有信心了德怀特If they come at us, we... we redirect, 如果他们攻击我们我们就转向we try and make this something other than a fight. 尽量不要打起来No, I'm just sayin', 不我只是说we may need a little more than that. 光靠那样也许不够I think you said it. 我觉得你刚说得对We're not doin' careful. 我们不小心谨慎了We're doin' right. 我们要做正确的事I just hope that, uh, 我只是希望Logan and his people see that. 洛根和他的人能看到这一点Yeah. 是啊Daniel, do you copy? 丹尼尔你收到吗I repeat, do you copy? 我重复你收到吗I'm headin' south on Ranch Road 1795. 我在农场路1795号往南开It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, 那是最美好的时代那是最糟糕的时代it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, 那是智慧的年头那是愚昧的年头it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, 有声书设置it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incre... 那是信仰的时期那是怀疑的时期it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incre... 快速播放it was the season of Light, 那是光明的季节it was the season of Darkness, 那是黑暗的季节it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, 那是希望的春天那是失望的冬天we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, 我们面前无所不有我们面前一无所有we were all going direct to Heaven, 我们全都在直奔天堂we were all going direct the other way... 我们全都在直奔相反的方向in short, the period was so far like this present period, 简而言之那时跟现在非常相像that some of its noisiest authorities 某些最喧嚣的权威insisted on it being received, for good or for evil, 坚持要用形容词的最高级来形容它in the superlative degree of comparison only. 说它好是最高级的说它不好也是最高级的There were a king with a large jaw 英格兰宝座上有一个大下巴的国王and a queen with a plain... 和一个面貌平庸的王后and a queen with a plain... 布里奇维尤商场Grace. 格蕾丝I know we said we'd help, that we would bury him, 我知道我们说过会帮忙和埋葬他but he wouldn't want you in the ground next to him. 但他不会希望你被埋在他身边的I know. 我知道I wasn't going down there for him. 我下去不是为了他I was going down there for me. 而是为了我自己I've seen people die from radiation poisoning. 我见过人们受辐射而亡I've seen people get cancer from it. 我见过人们受辐射而得癌Every time I cough, every time I lose my breath, 每次我一咳嗽一呼吸不畅every time I feel a butterfly in my stomach, 一心神不定I... I wonder... 我就会想...I wonder if this is it, 是不是就这样了if this is the beginning of the end for me. 是不是我的大限将至That is no way to live, Morgan. 我不可能活下去的摩根I-I don't understand. 我不明白There's an Urgent Care Clinic 有一个应急诊所just off the main concourse. 就在主大厅旁边They have X-ray machines, 他们有X光机maybe an ultrasound if I'm lucky. 如果走运的话可能还有超声波机I want to know. 我想知道I need to know. 我需要知道Tell me what I can do. 我能做点什么Help me get to the generator. 帮我去发电机那里I can take care of the rest. 剩下的我能解决And you really think knowin' will help? 你真觉得知道真相对你有好处吗Yeah. 是的Then we got work to do. 那我们有活儿干了And after that, let's find him. 之后我们一起去找他You with, uh, Logan? 你是洛根的人吗Look at that. 瞧瞧你Bright as a bulb. 多聪明Look, whatever you came here for, 听着无论你来找什么you're not gonna find. 你都不会找到的Had a feelin' you'd say that. 我就猜到你会这么说Maybe, yeah, 也许吧but I bet you didn't think I'd say this. 但我赌你猜不到我会这么说I was hopin' you'd follow me. 我就指望你跟踪我呢Why else would I say where I was goin' on an open channel?不然我为什么要在公共频道说出自己的行踪You're right. 你说得对I didn't think you'd say that. 我没想到你会这么说Nice driving. 车技不错Almost there. 快到了We get to Urgent Care, 去了应急诊所we can get to the generator through the back halls. 就能从后面的走廊走到发电机那里There. 那边There. 应急诊所There. 应急诊所Grace? 格蕾丝Grace? 格蕾丝Shit. 该死Grace. 格蕾丝In here. 进来I'm sorry, Morgan. 对不起摩根I thought... I thought it was him, 我以为...我以为那是他but that walker's been dead too long. 但那个行尸死了太久了He's what we're here for. 我们来这里就是为了他He wanted help, and you were trying to help. 他需要帮助而你想帮他It's all right. 没关系的Dwight, he'll be back in the morning. 德怀特早上就会回来了We will get to that generator. 我们能走到发电机那里的We just have to wait until he gets back. 我们只需等他回来You look the kind of guy who's been through some shit,你看起来像是那种经历过不少风浪的人which is why I can't, for the life of me, figure out 所以我无论如何也想不明白why you'd do some dumb-shit thing 你为什么会干一些蠢事like walking around with an unloaded gun. 比如带着一把没上膛的枪四处晃悠Dumb shit? 蠢事Oh, you mean like following where I was on the walkie 你指的是在对讲机上跟踪我so you can find everyone else. 以找到其他人吗I reloaded it for ya. 我帮你上好膛了In fact, I'll give you a couple bullets if you j... 实际上我会打你几枪除非你...Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're gonna shoot 行了行了你会射杀我unless I tell you where the oil fields are. 除非我告诉你油田在哪And what's Logan want with 'em anyways? 说起来洛根想找油田干什么You know what? 你猜怎么着Who gives a shit? 谁他妈在乎I'm sure it started off with good intentions 我确信你们一开始是出于好心until this type of thing became your bread and butter. 直到这种事成了你们维持生计的来源Now, see, the question you gotta ask yourself is, 如今你要问自己的问题是"Am I just an asshole now?" "我现在是不是只是个混蛋"No. 不No, I've always been an asshole. 不我一直以来就是个混蛋At least, according to my mama. 至少我妈是这么说的Look at my face, man. 看看我的脸兄弟Been through worse. 我经历过更糟的Whole lot worse people, too. 也经历过更坏的对手Aw, I'm sure I can think of somethin'. 我一定能想出什么法子的You're gonna give me what I want. 你会把我想知道的告诉我I'm not, but you can keep tryin'. 我不会但你可以继续尝试And when I get free... 等我重获自由时...well, we'll see. 我们走着瞧吧well, we'll see. 乳清蛋白粉The sea did what it liked, and what it liked was destruction. 大海在这里肆虐疯狂摧毁一切It thundered at the town and thundered at the cliffs, 巨浪曾疯狂地袭击过小镇和峭壁and brought the coast down, madly. 也曾摧毁过海岸The air among the houses was of so strong a piscatory flavor 街上飘荡着浓烈的鱼腥气味that one might have supposed sick fish went up to be dipped in it,使人觉得是鱼生了病便到这儿来洗淡水浴as sick people went down to be dipped in the sea. 就像生病的人到海里去洗海水浴一样A little fishing was done in the port, 海港里有少量渔船and a quantity of strolling about by night and... 晚上有不少人散步Liquid or solid? 流食还是干粮Um, both. 都要Both it is. 如你所愿Thanks. 谢了This is all my fault. 这都是我的错We could be up in the food court right now, 我们此时此刻本可以在上面的美食广场eating jars of pizza sauce. 吃着披萨酱So that you just call "Pizza sauce". 你管那玩意只叫"披萨酱"啊My ma called it "Tomato toppy". 我妈妈管叫它"番茄佐料"- Here. - Thanks. -给 -谢了What's that you're listening to? 你在听什么"Tale of Two Cities". 《双城记》Never got through it. 我一直没看完210 words per minute. 每分钟210个词Goes by much quicker than you'd think. 进度比你想的要快得多Only way I can finish it in a day. 只有用这个办法才能在一天内看完You're brave, Grace. 你很勇敢格蕾丝Just doin' what you're doin', 做你正在做的事makin' the most of what you got. 充分利用你手边有的东西We should all be doin' the same. 我们都应该这么做I am so not brave. 我一点都不勇敢Yes, you are. 不你很勇敢And I've seen it. 我亲眼见识过When I was 8, I loved horses. 我八岁的时候很喜欢马So my parents took me to this dude ranch 于是我父母带我去了一个度假牧场so I could see what it was like to ride on one. 让我体验一下骑马的感觉I'd never even seen one up close before. 我之前从未这么近距离看过马And there was this one stallion. 有一匹马很骏Beautiful white mustang. 美丽的白色野马I got right up to it, and when I placed my hand on it, 我立刻走到它身边但我一摸它it jerked away a tiny bit, looked at me funny. 它就躲开用奇怪的眼神看着我I ran away into my mother's arms. 我连忙冲进我妈的怀里She tried to tell me that was just a natural reaction. 她试着告诉我那只是自然反应She tried to get me on that horse, 她想扶我坐上那匹马but I wouldn't. 但我不肯You were just a kid. 你当时只是个孩子I just kept screamin' and screamin'. 我不停地大喊大叫We got back to the car and never went back. 我们回到车上以后再没回去过Story of my life. 我一辈子都是这样I always overthought everything... 总是想得太多car leases, gym memberships, 租车健身会员relationships. 恋爱Made me great at my job but not much else. 让我在工作上很出色但其它方面不怎么样Oh, well. 不过Doesn't matter now. 现在都不重要了Can always find another horse to ride. 总能找到另一匹马让你骑的You seen one lately that hasn't been torn to pieces? 你最近还见过没被行尸撕碎的马吗Actually, I have. 我还真见过I've rode a couple, too. 我还骑过两三匹I'm still playing it safe, Morgan, 我仍是在谨慎行事摩根doin' things I can finish today 做我今天就能完成的事because I'm too scared to start somethin' 因为我不敢开始做一件I might not get to see to the end. 我可能看不到结局的事But if the ultrasound tells you what you think it's gonna, 但如果超声波的结果跟你预测的一样is there somethin' you can do? 你有什么办法吗It'll be cancer. 那就是癌症Thyroid. Maybe in the lymph nodes. 甲状腺也许在淋巴结Before, I might've had a fighting chance, but... 之前我可能还有一线希望但是...now? 现在No way. 绝不可能Did you race cars with your son? 你和你儿子赛过车吗With my son? 和我儿子Back there when you were... 你之前在...I don't think I've ever seen you smile like that before. 我好像从没见过你露出那种笑容I saw the tape, Morgan. 我看过录像带了摩根We're in here right now 我们现在被困在这里because you're helping me with my problem. 是因为你在帮我解决我的问题Least I can do is try to help you with yours. 至少让我试着帮你解决你的Look, Grace... 听着格蕾丝I'm cooking pad Thai 我在煮泰式炒河粉and listening to books on tape at double speed. 和用两倍速听有声书Give me a chance to do something real while I can. 给我个机会做真正的事趁我还能做到It's not the kind of problem you can just fix in a day. 我的问题不是你花一天就能解决的We got another problem to deal with. 我们有别的麻烦要应付Let's get to that generator. 我们去发电机那里Did you bring something to tear my fingernails off with? 你带能拔掉我指甲的工具了吗Pair of pliers maybe? 也许是一把钳子I was thinkin' about your question, 我之前在想你问的问题and to tell you the truth, 老实说I got no clue why Logan wants that gas, 我不知道洛根为何想要那些汽油but he wants it. 但他就是想要And when you go that long without somethin', well, 当你长期缺少某样东西it makes you do even crazier things to get it. 为了得到它你就会做出更疯狂的事You can understand that, right, Dwight? 你懂的对吧德怀特How do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字Oh, come on, now. 拜托You can't go a mile around here 这里每隔不到一英里without findin' one of them tapes y'all made. 就能找到你们录的录像带I gotta say, when I saw your part, 不得不说我看到你那部分时I thought, "I get this guy. 就心想 "我懂这个人"I mean, he's all broken up 使他崩溃的东西over what eventually breaks us all... 最终也会使我们所有人崩溃snatch. 女人Don't touch that. 不许碰那个See, that's the thing. 问题就在这里When we get good snatch, and I mean really good snatch, 当我们拥有一个美人我是指难得的美人and we lose it, well, watch out. 然后却失去了她那就得小心了"Honey". "亲爱的"That's cute. 真可爱Not a good idea. 劝你别这么做I'll keep burnin' these things 我会把这些一样一样烧掉right up until you tell me. 直到你告诉我为止Or maybe I'll find her myself. 或许我自己去找她She sounds like a sweetheart. 她听起来很甜美Go on. 来啊Do it. 开枪啊You're an asshole, too, right? 你也是个混蛋不是吗亲爱的找到活下去的理由好好活下去Yeah. 是的Yeah, right. 没错Yeah, right. 杂物间Your light. 你的灯Turn it off. 关掉We won't be able to see. 那我们就看不见了Oh, I know. 我知道Morgan. 摩根I need you to turn it off and just get down. 把灯关掉然后伏下Don't overthink this, Grace. 别想太多格蕾丝I got it. 包我身上Morgan? 摩根Morgan? 摩根Grace. Grace. 格蕾丝You got it? 包你身上吗You know, I would have if... 我本可以的要不是...Thank you. 谢谢你We always seem to end up around generators, don't we? 我们总是跟发电机有缘不是吗Yes, we do. 确实如此This might take a minute. 可能会花点时间My boy, he was, um, 6 when I got him one. 在我儿子六岁时我给他买了一辆Remote-control car. 遥控汽车I got him one for, um... 我给他买是因为...can't even remember what. 记不清原因了Good grades. 分数好What was his name? 他叫什么He's Dwayne. 他叫德韦恩Used to race that car up and down the street 以前他会在街上玩车till it got too dark to see. 直到天黑看不清He made me smile. 他让我微笑He did. 是的See, I've always been a kind of serious guy. 我一直是个严肃的男人Really? 真的吗Yeah, except with them. 是啊除了和他在一起时That's how I knew it was right. 微笑让我知道那是对的事First date with my wife, Jenny, 我第一次和妻子珍妮约会时found myself smilin' this giant stupid smile all night afterward. 我发现我之后一整晚都在傻笑I don't think I could've wiped it off my face even if I tried. 我觉得我就算忍也忍不住I wouldn't want to say goodbye to that, either. 我也不想失去那个You have somebody? 你有某人吗No. 没有Why not? 为什么Same reason why I didn't get up on that horse, I guess. 我猜和我没上马的理由一样I worked with someone in the plant. 我在核电厂曾有个同事He was smart. 他聪明He was kind. 善良He let me keep thinking that candy beansies 他让我一直以为糖豆豆were candy beansies. 就叫糖豆豆It was right. 感觉很对And that's why I didn't let it happen. 所以我没更进一步I have to say, Morgan, 我必须说摩根I am so jealous of you. 我很嫉妒你Me? 我吗Yeah. 是的You did it. 你做到了You went for it. 你争取了You're the brave one, Morgan, not me. 勇敢的是你摩根不是我And now you have that smile. 现在你又有了那个笑容Go. 走There. 那里Okay. 好Hopefully, it's not... 但愿没有...Morgan. 摩根One more. 再来一次Grace! 格蕾丝That's the only way out. 那是唯一一条出路How many rounds you got? 还有多少发子弹Not enough. 不够Where's the shutoff? 开关在哪里Nothin'. 不管用I'm out. 子弹完了We need to find something to block 'em off. 得找东西堵住它们We better get that alarm off. 我们最好关掉警报Let's go. 我们走吧Grace. 格蕾丝Chuck. 查克He's alive. 他还活着Come on. 快走Get up. 起来That's good enough. 停下Turn around. 转身Just get it over with, man. 快动手吧You wanna know why my gun wasn't loaded before? 你想知道我为什么没上膛吗Because you were right. 因为你说得对I am an asshole. 我是个混蛋Or used to be one. 或者说曾是And the way things are goin' lately, 鉴于最近的事态I didn't trust myself not to be that again. 我怕自己重蹈覆辙You know, someone gave me a second chance. 有人曾给过我第二次机会That's the same chance I'm givin' you. 我也会给你同样的机会What the hell are you talkin' about? 你到底在说什么When you walk out of these woods, 你走出这片树林后you're gonna have a choice to make. 要做个选择You can go on bein' an asshole 你可以继续当混蛋or you can figure out someone else to be. 也可以好好想想去当别的人Go. 走吧Chuck. 查克You came. 你们来了You came. 你们来了Hey, bud. 你好伙计Hey, we've been lookin' for you. 我们一直在找你Yeah, sorry for changin' things up. 是啊抱歉改变了计划I... I meant to leave a note or somethin', 我本想留个纸条什么的but I-I-I didn't know how much time I had. 但我不知道自己还剩多少时间Figured I should make my move while I could. 我想着应该能趁还能动时上来The, um... the stumblers busted into the security office, 蹒跚者冲进了保安室and, uh, they followed me into the stairwell. 它们跟着我进了楼梯间I hope they didn't cause you any headache. 希望它们没给你们造成麻烦No. 没有- Okay. Okay. - No problems whatsoever. -那就好 -没什么麻烦And why'd you come up here? 你为什么上来Wasn't sure how long you'd be. 我不确定你们多久会来I asked you folks to bury me under the stars, 我要你们把我埋在星空下but I got to thinkin', you know, 但我想了想if I could just make it to the roof, 如果我能走上天台you know, maybe I could see them one last time... 也许我能看星星最后一眼Just my luck, though. 但瞧我这运气A cloudy night. 今夜多云Least I got company now. 至少现在有人陪我了I'll be right back. 我马上回来Stay there. 别乱动I've got something that could help. 我知道一样能帮上忙的东西How's that? 怎样It's perfect. 完美Thank you. 谢谢I should wait out here 我应该在这里等着in case there's any more stragglers. 以防有更多游荡的行尸I don't wanna know. 我不想知道Sorry, what? 你说什么He didn't want to die here in this mall. 他不想死在这个商场里I don't want to, either. 我也不想So I'm just gonna believe there's more than today, Morgan, 所以我只能相信我还有未来摩根no matter what happens. 不管发生什么That's... That's brave. 这...很勇敢That's being alive. 这叫活着Really alive, right? 真正活着对吗Sorry to make you go through all this. 抱歉让你大费周折No, I mean, we did what we came here to do. 没关系我们完成了来这里的任务We did. 是的Dwight'll be back with the others in a few hours. 德怀特和其他人几个小时后会来We oughta try and get some sleep. 我们最好睡一觉I'm not tired. 我不困I know there's some juice left in the genee. 我知道发电机里还有油You really gonna make me ride this by myself? 你真要让我一个人骑吗I am. 是的Come on. Come on. 来嘛Really? 真的吗Yeah. 嗯Really. 真的Oh, my God. 老天You look good. 你看起来不错- You look like a natural. - Really? -你看起来天生擅长 -真的吗Yep. 真的I was hoping they'd have a Cinnabon. 我希望这里有肉桂卷店I really like those. 我很喜欢吃I didn't see one. 我没看见They have a Cinn City? 有肉桂城吗Don't think so. 好像没有A Bunnery? 面包餐厅呢No. 没有What happened? 发生了什么Uh, ran into one of Logan's guys out on the road. 我在路上碰到了一个罗根的人And where is he now? 他人呢I let him go. 我放走了I said we're not doin' careful. 我说我们不小心谨慎了Nah, we're doin' right. 没错我们要做正确的事We should get outta here, you know, 我们应该早点离开so Logan's guys don't find out where this place is. 别让罗根的人发现这里We passed an old ranch on the drive out. 我们开车时经过了一个老农场It needs to be cleared, 那里需要清理but it might be a good place to park for the night. 但今晚停在那里也许不错A ranch, huh? 农场是吗We'll help. 我们会帮忙的Let's load up. 装货吧I see a beautiful city 我看见一座美丽的城市and a brilliant people rising from this abyss, 和一个灿烂的民族从这个深渊中升起and, in their struggles to be truly free, 在他们争取真正自由的奋斗中in their triumphs and defeats, 在他们的胜利与失败之中in their triumphs and defeats, 纯蛋白粉through the long years to come... 在未来的漫长岁月中- Thanks. - ... I see the evil of this time -谢谢 -我看见这一时代的邪恶and of the previous time 和前一时代的邪恶of which this is the natural birth, 后者是前者的自然结果gradually making expiation for itself and wearing out. 逐渐赎去自己的罪孽并逐渐消失。



While Nadia remembers her centuries-long search for her mother, Stefan, Caroline and Matt come up with a desperate new plan to save Elena’s life. For the second time, Bonnie and Jeremy must turn to Liv (guest star Penelope Mitchell) for help. Damon baits Tyler into a nasty confrontation, then takes off to seek revenge on Dr. Wes. Caroline and Tyler come to a new understanding. Finally, Bonnie learns of a terrifying secret that will threaten the lives of all her friends.

Bonnie和Jeremy 再次去找Liv帮忙。

Damon和Tyler起了严重的冲突,之后Damon 去找Wes博士报仇。






《反恐24小时》剧情分集介绍上午7点到8点之间:前总统david palmer于早晨7点左右在洛杉矶遭暗杀身亡了美国总统logan 正在准备会见俄国总理的事务。

与此同时,两位ctu(反恐部)前探元遭袭,(michelle dessler 和 tony almeida),与palmer有关的ctu探员chloe也受到威胁,并被杀手追击。

上一季中,只有四个人知道jack还活着,现在三个已经死了,chloe是最后剩下的那一个,情急之下,chloe拨通了杰克的电话,他们约在洛杉矶见面,不料chloe却被那些杀手跟踪,jack以敏捷的身手抓住追杀他们的人,逼问其原因原来,前总统palmer 是他们这次的主要目标,其他只是个幌子,这样可以陷害杰克,让外人以为是杰克干的。


那到底palmer 知道什么不可告人的秘密呢?《反恐24小时(第五季)》分集剧情介绍第2集上午8点到9点之间:反恐局已经陷入坏人的奸计当中,他们开始怀疑是杰克杀了前总统david palmer。

而杰克也开始着手调查到底是谁下的毒手,他想去palmer 被暗杀的现场,看看能不能找到什么线索,在chloe的帮助下,他们开车来到palmer 被暗杀的大楼的停车场,电脑显示,这里汇聚着167个FBI,杰克乘机扮成FBI潜入书房察看palmer 的电脑,正要打开一份加密文件之时,palmer 的弟弟wayne突然进来,情转直下,紧迫关头杰克以自己的真心说服了wayne。





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Damon realizes Elena is in danger and enlists Stefan’s help to find her. The brothers pay a visit to Aaron (guest star Shaun Sipos), and Damon shocks Stefan by revealing his first-hand knowledge of Aaron’s family. In an attempt to stop Damon, Dr. Wes (guest star Rick Cosnett) unleashes his secret weapon, forcing Damon to deal with a part of his past he thought was gone forever.



Meanwhile, Elena is horrified by Dr. Wes’confessions about the dark history of Whitmore College and his own ultimate goal. Finally, a frantic Katherine turns to Matt for help, until she realizes that Nadia (guest star Olga Fonda) may be the one who can solve her problem.

