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2003年10月英语(二)答案一B B A B DA B D C A二B C A B AD B B C D三C AD B CB D DC AC BD C A四、将下列汉语单词译成英语。
(共20分) 36.分析v.a_ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:analyze37.简历;摘要n.r_ _ _ _ _正确答案:resume38.私有的;私立的;a.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:personal39.转移;替换n./v.s_ _ _ _正确答案:shift40.担保;保证v.e_ _ _ _ _正确答案:ensure41.追赶;寻求v.p_ _ _ _ _正确答案:pursue42.坦率地;直率地ad.f_ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:frankly43.相当地;公正地ad.f_ _ _ _ _正确答案:fairly44.误导;带错路;v.m_ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:mislead45.主题;主旋律n.t_ _ _ _正确答案:theme46.网状物;网络n.n_ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:network47.联合;工会n.u_ _ _ _正确答案:union48.功能;作用n.f_ _ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:function49.雇佣;使用v.e_ _ _ _ _正确答案:employ50.伤残的a.d_ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:damaged51.目标;进球n.g_ _ _正确答案:goal52.永恒地;经常地ad.c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:constantly53.鼓舞v.i_ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:inspire54.无价值的;无用的a.w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:worthless55.自由(权)n.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _正确答案:liberty五、将括号内的各词变为适当的形式。

一、词汇(V ocabulary)(30 points, 1 point for each)I. Match the words from Column A with the definitions from Column BA B1. effective a. see clearly,prove something true2. counter b. a machine that carries people or things from place to place3. inattentiveness c. change of voice in level4. product d. an out-dated idea or expression5. identify e. a table where people are served in a shop,bank,hotel,etc.6. vehicle f. something Produced in a factory or on a farm7. cliché g. in a pleasant or encouraging way8. strengthen h. having a noticeable effect9. inflection i. giving no attention10. favorably j. make something strong or strongerII. Study each sentence carefully and choose A,B,C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase.1. …but suspicion fell on Islamic militants who have been waging violent campaign to overthrow the secular Egyptian Government.A. continuing inB. beginning inC. engaging inD. struggling in2. Harry Paulinanas,23,also from Sydney,said he was still stunned hours afterthe attack.A. surprisedB. shockedC. worriedD. unconscious3. The windscreen and five of its windows had been shattered by the gunfire.A. brokenB. scatteredC. shotD. blown away4. Inside,scores of Egyptian officials shouted orders and questions as they herded a crowd of frightened tourists into the restaurant.A. looked afterB. feededC. droveD. took5. As they filed by,they passed a bottle of water still intact that lay in a pool ofblood.A. untouchedB. completeC. brokenD. undamaged6. Her frail legs were covered with shrapnel and glass wounds.A. injuredB. frontC. brokenD. weak7. Radical groups have in the past targeted foreign tourists in an effort to cripple the country…s tourist industry.A. aimed atB. directed towardsC. shot atD. made a goal of8. The spate of shootings had appeared to be easing recently…A. relaxingB. weakeningC. feeling at homeD. becoming less tight9 … however,with attacks mainly confined to tourists visiting the south of the country.A. limited toB. connected withC. held ontoD. shut up10. The pilgrims caught up in yesterday…s attack had started their journey in Athens and continued to Jerusalem before arriving in Cairo.A. captured byB. stopped byC. held up withD. involved inIII. Scan through Reading Passage 1 and find the words which have the same or similar meanings to the definitions below.Note:The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs inthe Reading Passage.1.- (1)something that can not be explained or understood2.- (1)power and skill,esp. to do,think,make etc.3.- (2)send over some distance4.- (3)direct the course of5.- (4)an instrument for showing direction6.- (5)exactly correct7.- (6)find the size,length,amount,etc.8.- (7)change in position or direction9.- (8)trust10.- (8)beyond what is usual or necessaryReading Passage 11. Science seems to be getting closer to answering a very old mystery. Homing pigeons can be taken hundred of miles from their home. When they are let go to fly again,they find their way home. Because of this special ability to find home,pigeons have been used as messengers for hundreds of years.2. Today people even keep homing pigeons for racing as a sport. The birds are shipped to some chosen place a few hundred miles away. Then all of them are let go together. The winner is the bird that goes home first. A good racer can make it home 500 miles away in a single day.3. The mystery of the homing pigeon is in how it navigates and how it finds home. It may be taken away in a covered-up cage,even a cage that is turned round and round to purposely mix up any sense of direction. To get home,it must fly over the country that it has never seen before.4. Suppose this were to happen to you What would you need to find your way home (besides a good pair of legs)I think I would ask for a compass,which always points north,to help find direction. I would want a map. If a map shows where my home is,then I can use the compass to point me in the direction toward home. What we are talking about shows the two parts of the problem of the homing pigeon. Much of the study of homing pigeons leads to the idea that pigeons need the same kinds of information. They need to know how to tell direction and they need something like a map to tell which direction is toward home.5. The first part seems to be pretty well answered,and we know of two ways that pigeons tell direction. First,they use the sun. Just getting rough direction from the sun is easy. It rises somewhere toward the east and sets somewhere toward the west. Getting accurate directions from the sun take more care. Y ou need to pay attention to the time of the year. Then you need to watch the path of the sun closely at each hour of the day. To tell direction accurately from the sun,a person need to know the exact time.6. All plants and animals that have been studied carefully (including the human )seem to have built-in clocks. These biological clocks,as they are called,usually are not quite exact in measuring time. However,they work pretty well because they are reset each day,maybe when the sun comes up.7. Do pigeons use their biological clocks to help them find direction from the sun We can keep pigeons in a room lighted only by lamps. And we can time the lighting to make their artificial days start at some different time form the real outside day. After a while we have shifted their clocks. Now we take them far away from home and let them go on a sunny day. Most of them start out as if they know just which way to go,but choose a wrong direction. They have picked a direction that would be correct for the position of the sun and the time of day according to their shifted clocks.8. We have talked about one of the more complex experiments that leads to the belief that homing pigeons can tell directions by the sun. What happens when the sky is darkly overcast by clouds and no one can see where the sun is Then the pigeons still find their way home. The same experiment we talked about has been repeated many times on sunny days and the result was always the same. But on very overcast days those clock-shifted pigeons are just as good as normal pigeons in starting out in the right directions. So it seems that pigeons also have some extra sense of directions to use when they cannot see the sun.二、阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(30 points, 1 point for each)I. All the statements are closely related to Reading Passage 2. Skim over this passage and decide whether they are True or False. Write a “T” before true statements and an “F” before false ones.1. The first American astronaut to walk in space must have performed this feat in 1965.2. Before walking in outer space,astronauts have to learn how to control the movements of their bodies in an environment completely different form that on earth.3. Sputnik is the name of the first man-made satellite launched in space in 1858.4. According to the article,one of the reasons that a satellite can make a complete revolution round the earth in a much shorter period of time than the moon is that a satellite travels closer to the earth.5. It was probably in 1960 that the first spaceship containing a man was launched into space and made a short but successful flight.Reading Passage 21. The whole world seemed to be black,black nothingness. The sky was black with bright,shining stars that never twinkled. The sun,a white,burning disk,seemed to hang in the black velvet of the surrounding heavens. This was the scene that spread before the eyes of the first astronaut who left his spaceship to walk in outer space. The name of the Russian astronaut who performed this feat was Leonov,and the date of his walk in space was March 18,1965. Several months later a similar feat was performed by the first American astronaut to walk in space. Both of these space walkers had spent months previous to their flight learning how to control their movements under the strange conditions which exist in space. Wearing their thick space suits,they learned to deal with an environment where there is neither weight or gravity,neither up nor down.2. We do not realize how much we depend on the earth…s gravity until we are deprived of it. Then our feet no longer stay on the ground,we float around in the air,and the slightest touch may send us drifting off in the opposite direction.3. In the laboratories where astronauts are trained for their journey,they are subjected toconditions that resemble those of flight. It takes time for them to prepare for the great changes that occur in space. When the spaceship leaves the earth at tremendous speed,the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. Later,when they leave the zone of the earth…s gravitation,they are unable to stay in one place. Simple actions,such as eating and drinking,become very difficult to perform. Y ou may get an inkling of what the astronauts have to deal with if you try to drink a glass of water while standing on your head or while just lying down.4. The beginnings of man…s conquest of space took place in 1958,seven years before Leonov‟s trip. The first successful launching of Sputnik demonstrated that it was indeed possible to send objects far enough out of range of earth…s gravity so that they would not fall back to earth. Rather,such objects could be forced to revolve about the earth,just as the moon does. However,while the moon is so far from earth that it takes it a month to revolve around the earth,man-made satellites,which are closer to earth,can make a complete revolution in a few hours.5. It was three years after the first satellite launching that a spaceship containing a man madea successful flight. The flight lasted less than two hours,but it pointed the way to future developments.II. Read Reading Passages 3 and 4. Read the two passages fast and answer questions 1—10 (Reading Passage 3)and questions 11-20 (Reading Passage 4)1. What is the primary purpose of the IWCA. To protect their whaling industry.B. To protect whales from extinction.C. To limit the number of whales that may be killed per year.2. Paragraph 2 implies that a large number of bowhead whales were killed in the nineteenth century because ______.A. they are slow swimmersB. they were abundant in the Bering SeaC. they are bigger and,therefore,better targets3. Why c an…t the IWC enforce its regulationsA. Because countries interested in commercial whaling founded theorganization themselves.B. Because it is only a conservationist group,which has no laws or armies.C. Because it is not so strong as those countries such as the United States,Japan and the Soviet Union.4. According to Paragraph 3 ______.A. the number of countries involved in commercial whaling had decreasedB. the IWC has been steadily increasing its quotasC. Japan and the Soviet Union support large cuts in whale quotas5. Japan and the Soviet Union hesitate to disregard the IWC regulations because ______.A. they want to preserve endangered speciesB. public pressure in the United States has had serious consequencesC. their national economies are dependent upon whaling.6. Which of the following statements is trueA. The bowhead whale is a new source of food for Eskimos.B. It took many years before the bowhead whale completely recoveredform its initial slaughter.C. Even minimal hunting may be devastating for the bowhead whale.7. The IWC failed to ban hunting of the bowhead whale mostly for the reasonthat ______.A. the United States government protested it loudlyB. the United States laws already limit the number of bowhead whales that may be killed per yearC. Alaskan Eskimos are strongly opposed to the ban8. The Pribilof Islands ______.A. are the year-round home of the northern fur sealB. were previously owned by RussiaC. were discovered by a Russian whaling ship9. The treaty signed in 1911 regarding the northern fur seal ______.A. restrict seal huntingB. bans female seal huntingC. resulted in the near extinction of the fur seal10. In this article,the author tells the reader ______.A. the consequences of whaling in AlaskaB. seal hunting on the Pribilof IslandsC. how man has endangered seals and whales11. In Paragraph 1,the author uses the term Bayesian analysis ______.A. to explain the complication of informationB. to state the importance of informationC. to show the difficulties to calculate information12. The best information given in Paragraph 3 is that ______.A. strategic planning is a less direct use of information,but is the mostimportant application in the business worldB. not used in the strategic sense,the information is often called intelligenceC. intelligence enables the researcher to recognize potential threats and opportunities.13. From the information given in Paragraph 4,decide which statements isNOT true.A. Information can help the researcher to recognize potential threats.B. Information can help the managers in decision making.C. Information can prevent the managers from breaking the law.14. The best information Paragraphs 1,2,3 and 4 give the readers is ______.A. about the advantages of informationB. about the two valuable applications of informationC. about the value and importance of information15. Which paragraphs discusses the essential application of informationA. Paragraphs 1 and 2B. Paragraphs 2 and 3C. Paragraphs 3 and 416. “ The sheer mass of available data makes research a frustrating task.” This statement ______.A. proves that too many data make research a hard jobB. implies that too many cooks spoil the soupC. show that too many data frustrate the research17. In Paragraph 8,the first sentence means that ______.A. the hardest thing is on what standard to assess the cost and benefits ofinformationB. the hardest thing is using what measurement to evaluate the benefits and costC. the hardest thing is how to make the benefits of the information worth their cost.18. “Another consideration is whether the information addresses a recurring problem or can be applied to other situations in the future.” This statements means that ______.A. people have to see if the information can speak to another problem in future.B. people have to think if the information can set itself to work at repeated problem and be used for future.C. people have to see if the information can arouse a repeated problem and be used for future.19. “Each researcher constantly weighs the costs and benefits of information,if only on an unconscious level.” The underlined part mean s that ______.A. the researcher often calculate the costs and benefits of informationB. the researcher often puts costs and benefits on informationC. the researcher often puts more emphases on information20. Paragraph 5,6,7 and 8 mainly discuss ______.A. the associated costs of informationB. the fragment and boundless resource of informationC. the costs and problems of informationReading Passage 31. As spring comes to the rough Bering Sea and the gigantic ice floes begin to melt,the water becomes alive with migrating animals. Both whales,the graceful giants of the deep,and sleek,gray seals can be seen swimming northward through narrow channels in the shifting ice. These animals,which have long been threatened by encroaching civilizations,may soon disappear from the Bering and other seas around the world unless protective measures are taken.2. For centuries whales,intelligent,air-breathing mammals,were abundant in the waters off the Alaskan coast;however,their isolated sanctuary was invaded by hunters in 1848 when an American whaling ship discovered the rich whaling area. During the next 60 years,whalers,in search of bone and oil,almost destroyed the entire whale population of the Bering Sea.Particularly harmed by the unrestricted commercial whaling were the slow-moving bowhead whales;so many of them were killed that the species never recovered. At present,the population of the bowhead is estimated at less than 3,000. According to many conservationists,it is the most endangered whale on earth.3. In an attempt to avoid the eradication of other whale species,countries interested in commercial whaling established the International Whaling Commission(IWC)in 1946. The IWC limits the number of whales that may be killed per year,and since 1973 the Commission has been steadily reducing its quotas. Today,only about seven countries still engage in commercial whaling. The reductions recommended by the IWC have brought loud cries of protest from countries with large whaling industries,especially Japan and the Soviet Union. These countries fear that their industries will not be able to survive such drastic cuts and that their national economies will suffer as a result. Although the IWC has no means of enforcing its regulations,since most whaling takes place in international water,the Japanese and the Soviets are reluctant to ignore them. Previous decisions to disregard whale quotas resulted in costly boycotts of Japanese and Russian products by American conservationists. The IWC would like to ban hunting of the endangered bowhead;however,this proposal has created a great deal of controversy in the United States due to strong protests from Alaskan Eskimos. The natives of Alaska resent the attempt to take away their hunting rights. For over 1,000 years,they have depended upon whales for the meat and raw materials necessary for survival in the Arctic. Present United States laws already strictly limit the number of whales that may be killed by each village;nevertheless,the population of the bowhead whale is critically low ― perhaps too low to survive even minimal hunting by the Eskimos4. Another animal of the Bering Sea that is faced with possible extinction is the northern fur seal,valued highly by hunters for its soft and durable fur. The Pribilof Islands,200 miles north of the Aleutian Islands off the Alaskan coast,are the seal…s summer breeding grounds. For centuries the isolated islands have been the annual goal for thousands of migrating fur seals,some coming from as far south as the waters off southern California. The seals were undisturbed by humans until 1786 when the islands were discovered by Gerasim Pribilof,a Russian fur trader. Recognizing the potential profit,Pribilof immediately sent his men ashore with orders to kill as many seals as they could skin during the summer. Over the next fifty years,Russian hunters proceeded to kill an estimated 80 percent of the northern fur seal population,reducing to about 600,000 a head that had probably numbered close to 3 million. This mass slaughter did not stop until the herd had decreased to the point where commercial hunting was no longer profitable.5. During the subsequent lull in hunting the seal population made a good,although temporary,recovery. By the time the United States bought Alaska,including the Pribilof Islands,from Russian in 1867,the seal herd had increased to around 2.5 million. This recovery resulted in a revival of hunting on the islands and at sea;however,fur hunters from around the world shot at the animals indiscriminately,killing even pregnant and nursing females,and onceagain the species neared extinction.6. In 1911,only 200,000 seals remained when the United States,Japan,Russian,and Canada signed a treaty that forbade the killing of female seals. The agreement,which is still being followed today,saved the northern fur seal from immediate extinction.7. In the United States, a growing public awareness of these endangered specieshas caused a drop in the demand for seal fur and a ban on the importation of whale products;nevertheless,this spring hunters around the world will kill thousands of seals and whales. The furs of the seals will appear in stores as sealskin coats and gloves,and the whales will be transformed into such diverse products as steaks,soap,pet food,glue,crayons,and suntan lotion. Concerned individuals and conservationist groups,such as Greenpeace,continue to argue that it is absurd to use endangered species for such products,especially when suitable alternatives exist. Consequently,they are demanding that further restrictions be imposed on whale and seal hunting in the hopes that the 200-year exploitation of these animals by civilization will come to an end and that seals and whales will once again be allowed to roam the seas undisturbed.Reading Passage 41. Information is generally esteemed as a valuable commodity ― knowing something is usually preferable to not knowing it. But beyond contributing to the individual…s fund of knowledge,why does information have such instinct worth Simply stated,information has the power to deduce uncertainty. The more we know about a situation,the more certain we are about possible outcomes. The more certainty we possess,the less risk we face in making decisions and planning for the future. Economists have even applied a technique known as Bayesian analysis to information problems,enabling them to assess the dollar value of knowledge in a given setting.2. Information essentially has two valuable applications:problem solving and strategic planning. Problem solving is the more obvious use ― applying information to specific decision-making situations. Research can unearth potential problems which might otherwise go undetected and help define their full scope. Information can reveal possible solutions to the problem,suggest variations to more obvious alternatives,determine what is physically possible,and discover what other people have done in similar situations. Furthermore,information help the decision-maker assess the probable outcomes of various alternatives,the advantages and disadvantages to each,and even whether the proposed solution has worked in the past. In summary,information can provide new ideas,verify what the researcher believes to be true,prevent costly mistake,and in the very best case,actually solve the problem at hand.3. Strategic planning is a less direct use of information,but is possibly the most important application in the business world. Information is an essential component of sound long-range planning. When used in this strategic sense,information is often called intelligence. Intelligence is gathered by collecting individual bits of data and piecing them together to form clear patterns.By its very nature,intelligence relies on sources outside the organization;it is generated by scanning the environment for useful information. Intelligence enables the researcher to recognize potential threats and opportunities before it is too late to do something about them. Change,whether political,social,economic,or technological,poses the greatest challenge to management…s ability to plan for the future. The use of information for strategic purposes largely determines whether the firm anticipates change,or is controlled by it.4. Scanning the environment supports strategic planning activities in many ways. Information can be used to evaluate the marketplace by surveying changing tastes and needs,monitoring buyers… intentions and attitudes,and assessing the characteristics of the market. Information is critical in keeping tabs on the competition by watching new product developments,shifts in market share,individual company performance,and overall industry trends. Intelligence helps managers anticipate changes in the legal and political environment,including the impact of proposed regulations,tax laws;and import restrictions. Business firms also need to scan the environment for economic conditions in the United States and abroad,including interest rates,foreign exchange rates,and economic growth. In short,intelligence can provide answers to two key business questions:how am I doing And where am I headed Information thus reduces uncertainty in both its applications. In decision making,information prevents the uncertainty of indecision. In strategic planning,it reduces the uncertainty of an unknown future.5. For all its value,information carries with it numerous problems and costs. To begin with,information is a boundless resource,and no one can acquire all the information needed. The sheer mass of available data makes research a frustrating task. Most information unearthed in a search is irrelevant to the user…s needs,as anyone who has ever researched a college term paper can testify. Furthermore,information is usually fragmented published piecemeal in a variety of sources and seldom found in precisely the required form.6. These difficulties are compounded by the time research can take. Few researchers have the luxury of unlimited time;the scope of a search is almost always determined by the deadline established for the project. Another frustrating problem is deciding how to begin. The less we know about a topic,the harder it is to proceed. A central paradox of information gathering is how to determine what is needed when the researcher has no clear understanding of what is available. Similarly,one often doesn…t know what information is lacking until it‟s actually needed,at which point it may be too late.7. These concerns are important,because information always has a cost associated with it. Whether the user hires a consultant,purchases expensive publications,or merely uses his or her own time to track down the answer,each method has a direct cost. Information also has such indirect costs as delayed decisions,wrong divisions,and foregone opportunities. Estimated cost can often be misleading;people frequently believe that insignificant questions will be simple to research,when the exact opposite is usually true. “Big questions” are often e asiest to answer because someone else has already taken the time to research them.8. The hardest question in business research is determining at what point the benefits of the information justify their cost. Benefits may be hard to assess,or may accrue long after the information is first obtained. Perfect information is preferable to imperfect;yet in real world settings,perfect information does not exist. Researchers must assess the reliability and accuracy of what they uncover and decide whether to accept it or pursue additional facts. At what point is continued searching no longer prudent As already suggested,time constraints canmake this a moot point. When time is not a factor,however,the most appropriate indicator is the magnitude of the consequences. The potential profit or loss to the organization is an excellent gauge of the information…s importance. Another consideration is whether the information addresses a recurring problem or can be applied to other situations in the future. In the real world,two other matters must be kept in mind. First,the problem at hand is usually not the only task vying for the researcher‟s attention;and second,the knowledge,skills and interests of the researcher also determine the path an investigation will take. In the final analysis,all these factors help determine how much research will be done. Each researcher constantly weighs the costs and benefits of information,if only on a unconscious level.III. Read Reading Passage 5 carefully and answer the following questions by choosing the best alternative (A,B,or C)under each. Think carefully and,if necessary,refer back to Reading passage 5 before you make your choice.1. In ancient caves we can expect to find _____.A. maps of battlesB. telegraphC. carrier pigeons2. Computer have greatly extended _____.A. the range of our sensesB. the power of our mindC. both a and b3. Computers are mainly used _____.A. to proceeds informationB. to accept informationC. to distribute information4. Computers can be divided into two general groups according _____.A. the types of information they acceptB. the types of information they can processC. the way in which they proceed information5. Hourglass is mentioned to illustrate the working mechanism of _____.A. digital computersB. analog computersC. neither A nor BReading Passage 5。
全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试英语阅读(二)试题课程代码:00596Ⅰ. Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)A B1. accrue3. eraseⅡ. Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A, B, C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each) OFF your soap or washing powder or dog food or whatever.A. transmissionC. distraction B. rudenessD. politeness12. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, a number of other European Laboratories, orbited a telescope.A. along withB. in the light of D. regardless ofC. in agreement withother items taken over or repossessed by the lenders.A. homogeneityC. responsibilitiesA. inaccessibleC. abundantA. increasinglyC. attributablyB. appropriateness D. probabilities B. insufficient D. extinguishable 15. Astrid and I kept talking and the man continued to swing and lurch over us, thanking us B. confidentially D. repeatedly 116. If the greenhouse effect produces lasting climatic change, national color preferences could A. changeC. renewtheir national economies will suffer as a result.A. sudden and severeC. clear and simpleA. on top ofB. slow and continuous D. far and wide B. instead of D. on behalf of B. happy D. greatly surprised 19. More people report they “feel”C. on the point of A. overjoyed C. sadⅢ. Directions: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)Note: The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.21. exact; accurate (1)22. statement explaining the meaning of a word or expression (1)23. general (1)24. to provide more details about something in order to make it clearer (1)25. to have or use something together with someone else (2)27. information, usually in the from of facts or statistics that one can analyze (2)29. to plan, prepare, decide on all the details of something (3)30. to change something into a different form (3)Passage 12SECTION 2 READING COMPREHENSION(40 points)IV. Directions: Skim Passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage andjudge whether they are True or False. Write the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)Passage 22.In contrast are the unusual, chronic, or exceptionally severe pains that require attention from a doctor, who can determine whether or not they require special care.Angina pectoris(pain of the chest) is a heart pain that lasts from two or three minutes to ten or fifteen. Identification is extremely important, because special drugs are needed for relief and the doctor’s understanding and advice may prevent recurrence of the condition.3.Only a doctor can recognize what are called referred pains. These originate at one point, but are felt at another to which they have been carried by the nerves. A person with continuous 331.Transient pains should usually be investigated.32.All chronic pains require special care.33.Angina pectoris would probably be classified as unusual.35.Pains can be useful as a signal of the presence of disease.36.Transient pains are different from referred pains.37.Pains can serve as an aid in the diagnosis of disease.38.A person with continuous pains is usually good-tempered.39.Chronic pains are felt some distance from their source.40.All chronic pains can be identified and treated.V. Directions: Read Passages 3 and 4 and choose the correct answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point for each)Passage 31.Every year a great number of babies and young children die or are injured in fires. One out of every five fires is caused by careless smoking or by children playing with matches and lighters. Don’t tempt children by leaving matches or lighter s around a room.2.Never leave a child alone in a house. In just a few seconds they could start a fire. Ora fire could start and trap them. A child will panic in a fire and will not know what to do. Unless a parent is around to help, a child may try to hide under a bed or in a closet. Home fire drills are a sound idea. The best way to stop panic in case of fire is to know what to do before a fire breaks out.5.Some people use a vaporizer or portable heater in a child’s room. If you do, be sure you 4place it out of reach. Be sure, too, that it is not placed too close to blankets or bedclothes.e care in the kitchen. It is not safe to let an infant crawl or a small child walk around the kitchen while you are preparing meals. There is danger of your tripping andspilling something hot on the child. There is even danger of a child pulling in a hot pot off the stove on to herself. Also, do not use tablecloths that hang over the table edge. Children can easily pull the cloth and whatever is on the table down. Be aware of these dangers and protect your child.41. The best title of the passage can be ________.A. Better Safe Than SorryC. Escape From FireB. How to Protect Children D. Be Careful in the Kitchen B. one out of five firesD. five out of ten fires 42. Careless smoking or children playing with matches and lighters causes ______. A. most deaths of children C. eight out of ten deaths in firesA. panickingB. not knowing what to doC. trying to hide under a bed or in a closetD. calling for help44. In para graph 2, the word “sound” is closest in meaning to ________.A. healthyC. sensibleB. safe D. thorough B. be prepared D. run away B. prevention D. putting out the fire B. flames D. blaze B. bedclothes D. space heaters 43. A child will probably do the following in a fire EXCEPT ______. 45. The best way to stop panic in the case of fire is to ________. A. call a neighborC. call a policeman A. panic 46. When caught in a fire, a person’s first thought should always be ________. C. escape A. smoke C. fuel 47. The real killer in a fire is _________. 48. Burns can be caused by _______. A. harmful toys C. blankets49. Which statement is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Never leave a young child alone at home.B. Burns can be very dangerous to children.C. Place heaters out of the reach of children.D. Do not work in a kitchen when a child is in it.50. From the passage, we can infer that _______.A. adults know how to handle fires5B. many children start fires in a houseC. some fire fighters are not well trainedD. adults are always very careful about fire.Passage 42. The way that seismic waves travel shows that the earth’s interior is far from uniform. The continents and the seabed are formed by the crust—a thin sphere of relatively light, solid rock. Beneath the crust lies the mantle, a very different layer that extends approximately halfway to the earth’s center. There the rock is the subject of a battle between increasing heat and growing pressure.3. In its high levels, the mantle is relatively cool; at greater depths, high temperatures make the rock behave more like a liquid than a solid. Deeper still, the pressure is even more intense, preventing the rock from melting in spite of a higher temperature.4. Beyond a depth of around 2,900 kilometers, a great change takes place and the mantle gives way to the core. Some seismic waves cannot pass through the core and others are bent by it. From this and other evidence, geologists conclude that the outer core is probably liquid, with a solid center. It is almost certainly made of iron, mixed with smaller amount of other elements such as nickel.5. The conditions in the earth’s core make it a far more alien world than space. Its solid iron heart is subjected to unimaginable pressure and has a temperature of about 9,000° F. Although scientists can speculate about its nature, neither humans nor machines will ever be able to visit it.51. The word “conflicting” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.A. controllingC. importantB. outdated D. opposing B. disagree with each other D. have found enough evidenceB. sound waves D. radio waves6 52. The geologists _________ about the nature of the earth’s interior. A. agree with each other C. are sure 53. Seismic waves are _________ . A. pulses of energy C. electromagnetic waves54. The way that seismic waves travel shows that ________.A. the interior of the earth is rockB. the interior of the earth is divided into different layersC. the interior of the earth is metal55. The word “there” at the end of Paragraph 2 refers to the ________.A. seabedC. mantle B. crustD. earth’s center56. What is true about the mantle?A. It is similar to the crust.B. It is a very thin layer of the earth.C. It is cooler as it goes deeper.57. The phrase “gives way to” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.A. runs alongC. turns intoA. mantleC. changeA. liquidC. solid B. rubs againstD. floats on B. core D. depth B. made of iron D. mixed with nickel 58. The word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to the _________. 59. The inn er core of the earth is NOT __________.60. Why does the author state that the earth’s core is “more alien” than space?A. Because government funds are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.B. Because scientists are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.C. Because the pressure and high temperature there prevent scientists from doing research.D. Because the earth’s core is made of elements that are dangerous to humans.Ⅵ. Directions: Passage 5 is taken from the TEXTBOOK. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 points for each)Passage 52. If population growth continues at its present pace, the future balance between food 75. Solar energy is available in various forms. Buildings can be heated and cooled by direct use of solar radiation, crops and trees, which are the most efficient converters of sunlight into energy, can be grown for their energy potential, wastes can be burned as fuel, sunlight can be converted into DC (direct current) electricity, electricpower can be derived from the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean (ocean thermal power), lastly, solar radiation can be converted to heat that will drive electric power generators (solar thermal power). Serious problems still remain as to transportation and storage of solar energy.7. Nuclear energy is produced in nuclear power plants. At these plants atoms of uranium are split, thus releasing masses of energy. Another source of energy under development is the nuclear fusion of certain atoms of hydrogen. This could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy.8. In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries.9. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor.10. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to level off. The rate of population growth is leveling off today in Western nations. This leveling-off eventually leads to static The 8Next 200 Years, says that a shift in priorities will have to occur for industrialized nations. No longer is the creation of money and jobs essential, it is rather the improvement of the quality of life that must be our concern. Today pollution is of major concern for industrialized nations. Environmentalists are worried about the relationship between industrial objectives and preserving the environment. In developing nations, however, the problem of pollution is ignored for the sake of development.11. The Western World will eventually move to a period of relatively low economic growth, coupled with a high rate of unemployment. A so-called welfare society will emerge. The unemployed in the new welfare society will be taken care of by the employed through generous contributions to the social welfare system.12. Political questions remain as to the world’s future. We can only speculate as to whether would greatly enhance world trade.61. If population growth continues at its present pace, how can people keep the balance between food demand and supply?A. People should increase the consumption of meat.B. People should increase the consumption of low protein food.C. People should turn to new dietary patterns.D. People should produce more crops.62. Trade growth will depend greatly on ___________.A. energy sourcesB. dietary patternsC. increased consumption of soybeansD. increased yields on existing croplands63. The oil crisis of 1974 caused ___________.A. countries to depend more on oilB. countries to find other energy sources to replace oil64. The problem with solar energy is that _________.9A. sunlight cannot be used directly for heating buildingsB. sunlight cannot be used to drive electric power generatorsC. it is difficult to transport and store solar energyD. it is difficult to convert sunlight into DC electricity65. Geothermal energy has not been exploited because ____________.B. it is not sufficient enoughC. little is known about exploratory technology66. Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 8?A. Third World countries export their mineral deposits so as to get foreign exchange.B. Workers in Third World countries emigrate to developed countries.C. Tourism will contribute much to the development of Third World countries.D. Some developing countries will absorb large numbers of foreign workers to work in their countries.67. Industrial nations show great concern for ____________.A. creation of new jobsB. pollution and environmental preservationC. high unemployment and low wagesD. the decreasing economic growth rate68. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 10?A. Western nations are facing economic saturation.B. Developing countries pay much attention to the problem of pollution.C. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to speed up.D. A welfare society will emerge in developing nations.69. In a welfare society ______________.A. people don’t need to work but can enjoy the welfare provided by their countriesB. more people will be laid off with the rapid growth of the economyC. rate of unemployment is very low due to low economic growthD. people who are out of work will be taken care of economically by their countries70. We can conclude from Paragraphs 12,13 and 14 that _________.B. the future of the international trade will depend on international consultation and cooperationC. there would be monetary cooperation between Western and Eastern European countriesD. future international liquidity reserves would influence growth in trade SECTION 3 QUESTIONS AND TRANSLATION (30 points)attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers. (15 points, 3 points for each)71. What energies will play a large role in the future?72. Which energy could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy?What energy is it classified as?73. Why is it the key point in future trade to develop the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations?74. Herman Kahn says in his book The Next 200 Years that a shift will occur for industrialized nations. What is the shift?75. What will happen if the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the future?Ⅷ.Directions: Translate the following sentences (taken from passage 5) in to Chinese and write the Chinese version in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (15 points, 3 points for each)76. Reduced consumption of meat, increased used of new high protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered.78. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations.79. A point of saturation sets in—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, but then how much further can it go ?80. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect.11121314。

(第 1~10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)1.A2.B3.A4.B5.A6.B7.C8.A9.C 10.A第二部分:阅读选择 (第 11~15 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子 (第 16~25 题,每题 1 分共 10 分)16.D 17.A 18.C 19.F 20.B21.F 22.D 23.A 24.E 25.C第四部分:填句补文 (第 26~30 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)26.E 27.A 28.D 29.F 30.B第五部分:填词补文(第 31~40 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)31.H 32.D 33.K 34.E 35.B36.L 37.I 38.F 39.C 40.A第六部分:完形补文(第 41~50 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)41. older 42. unfortunately 43. soltion 44. cards 45.profitable 46. successful 47.satisfied 48.found 49.looking d第七部分:短文写作某英文报社正在举办题为“My GoalforNext Yea 的征文活动,请你根据以下要点,提交一篇英语短文应便1.你明年的目标是什么?2.你打算如何实现这一目标?Goal for Next Year(参考范文)As the current year comes to an end, its time to reflect on our achievements and set new goals for the upcoming year. My goal for next year is to improve my time management skills. I want to be more organized and efficient in managing my time, both in my personal and professional life.By improving my time management skills, I aim to prioritize my tasks effectively, avoid procrastination, and make the most of each day. I plan to create a daily schedule and stick to it, allocating specific time slots for different activities and setting realistic deadlines for myself.With better time management, I believe I will be able to achieve a better work-life balance, reduce stress, and increase productivity. I am excited about this goal and look forward to the positive impact it will have on my overall well-being and success in the coming year.In conclusion, my goal for next year is to improve my time management skills. I believe that by doing so, I will be able to make the most of my time, achieve my objectives, and lead a more fulfilling and balanced life.自考英语经验技巧听力:听力考试前,先到文科楼的指定候考室等待,工作人员点名后,由他们带领考生到外国语学院语音室进行考试;考试题型有:单选、正误判断、填空、听写,题目来自于教材、VOA 新闻(慢速、标准均有),听说还有托福考试的题,我不太确定;语速有很快的,也有较慢的;我印象中,VOA慢速英语最慢,发音清晰,容易听懂;教材录音较快,但音质不好,听不太清楚;VOA标准语速的最快了,但是音质比教材好,如果集中精力仔细听,应该可以听明白;选择题和正误判断题只念一遍,填空念两遍,听写重复四遍,其中第一、四遍是整篇文章念到完,没有暂停,第二、三遍是一句话重复两次,句与句之间有暂停几秒钟,这时候要赶紧写,第四遍再核对;如果有可能,在考卷发下来后、开考之前,赶紧浏览一下题目,这样有助于听懂考试录音;听同学说今年的听写来自于教材,但是俺书没听完,不知是哪一篇,而且语速较快,没写全,很担心能不能过。

对答案!10月自考【英语二】试题及答案解析一、阅读判断1、A ,Few people will think about being green.对应文章中的 is unlikely that..,所以正确。
2、A,Two main choices when people look to their holiday.对应文章中的two choices;travel agencies和internet,所以正确。
3、C,People go to travel agencies and make their decisions directly.Travel agencies只是主要出行的选择之一,但文章并没有提及问题,所以未提及。
4、B,The main advantage of holiday online is convenience 而不是saving money,所以错误。
5、C,People go to travel agencies at lunchtime.文章只是说,一般人们去找 travel agencies,他们都很忙,比如lunchtime or weekend.而并未明确说明 people go to travel agencies at lunchtime.所以未提及。
6、C,Booking holiday by telephone requires less communicative skils.文章只是说电话预定会看不到图片或细节,并未提及communicativeskill,所以C未提及。
7、B,There are lots of 而不是limited choices at price comparison website,所以错误。
8、C,Travel agencies make the best use of price comparison website.文中并未提及两者的关系,所以未提及。

PART ONE(50 POINTS)Ⅰ. V ocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。
1.It makes good_to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.A. sense B.reasonC. suggestionD. advice2.If you are too_of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.A. respectiveB. detectiveC.protective D.effective.3.His intelligence will_him to get a scholarship to college.A. enableB. persuadeC. suggestD. employ4.The professor asked a question, and David_a good answer.A. put up withB. stood up forC.came up with D.looked down upon5.No sooner had we reached home_a violent storm broke out.A. whenB. thatC.until D.than6.People differ_one another_their ability to handle stress.A. from...to B.from...inC. for...inD. in...from7.They should try to_their usual inhibitions and join in the fun.A. send off B.lay asideC.take to D. turn off8.During the past two decades, research has_our knowledge of daydreaming.A. expandedB. emergedC. descendedD. conquered9.The students are required to_the main ideas of the article in their own words.A. symbolizeB. minimizeC.synchronize D. summarize10.The outline of rooftops and chimneys_against the pale sky.A. pulled outB. looked outC.held out D.stood outⅡ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有+个空白,每个空白有四个选项。

英语《二》试题及参考答案【自学考试(英语《二》)试题】:Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。
1. ________ Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high.A. DespiteB. In spite ofC. BecauseD. Although2. These little things aren't important ________ themselves, but put together, they can cause troubles.A. byB. inC. forD. at3. If there were any inhabitants of the moon, they would see our earth reflecting the light of the sun, again like a huge mirror ________ in the sky.A. hangB. hangedC. hungD. hangs4. When we call a word “learned,”we do not mean that it is used by learned persons alone, ________ simply that its presence in the English vocabulary is due to books and the cultivation of literature rather than to the actual needs of ordinary conversation.A. soB. sinceC. butD. for5. ________ is accepted as true often is relatively, and not absolutely, true.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. It6. I ________ awake for about two hours last night.A. lieB. liedC. laidD. lay7. In theory, every person will have ________ to an unlimited amount of information with the development of telecommunication satellites.A. entryB. accessC. entranceD. opening8. It is in Iran ________ the family members are involved in the wedding preparations.A. whereB. in whichC. thatD. from which9. I have never before met ________ as he is.A. so an intelligent personB. a so intelligent personC. so intelligent personD. so intelligent a person10. The role of the father in the traditional family was to provide ________ his family.A. forB. withC. upD. overⅡ. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。

1 全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试月高等教育自学考试英语写作基础试题课程代码:00597 全部题目用英文作答。
I.重写句子(15 points,1.5points each) Revise the following sentences according to the requirement. Example: The history of English words in the history of our civilization in many ways.(periodic sentence) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 1.I like roller-skating. I like ice-skating better.(compound sentence) 2.If you sit by the window facing the sun on a sunny winter day, you may feel nice and warm.(loose sentence) 3.Mary put the steak on the grill. The charcoal was burning evenly.(complex sentence) 4.His 4.His valuable valuable valuable papers papers papers were were were destroyed destroyed destroyed in in in the the the fire. fire. fire. Tom Tom Tom called called called the the the insurance insurance insurance company.(complex company.(complex sentence) 5.I asked my friend if we should tip the driver when the bus tour ended.(periodic sentence) 6.Your uncle married my aunt. He is rich. She is poor.(simple sentence) 7.Jerry is smart. He should be able to handle eighteen credits this semester.(compound sentence) 8.I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me make-up work to do, but the history teacher made me drop her course.(compound-complex sentence) 9.Jack applied for a job. He went for an interview. He was hired.(parallel structure) 10.Meet me in the courtyard for dessert when you finish doing the dishes.(periodic sentence) II.改写病句(15 points,3 points each) Correct the errors in the following sentences. 11.The rain might last for a while, clouds covered the entire sky. 12.In the evening we would swim in the lake and dancing afterward. 13.That woman just bought her dog a milk shake in a red skirt. 14.To pass the course, your term paper must be handed in on time. 15.Harry wouldn ’t make a good negotiator he doesn ’t have the patience. III.标出主题句(15 points,5 points each) 16.Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the choice in the blank. A.I eat a lot of homemade ice cream. B. Homemade ice cream is my favorite. C.I have a homemade ice cream maker. D.I miss homemade ice cream a lot. Answer:______________________________________ 17.Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence. Tornados Tornados form form form under under under very very very special special special weather weather weather conditions, conditions, conditions, and and and these these these special special special weather weather weather conditions conditions 20 25 233 masks masks for for for fun; fun; fun; they they they may, may, may, of of of course, course, course, also also also think think think they they they are are are disguising disguising disguising themselves, themselves, themselves, but but but chiefly chiefly chiefly their their motive is to experience the joy of saying “boo ” to someone. Soldiers wore masks for protection, in in ancient ancient ancient times times times against against against swords swords swords and and and battle-axes, battle-axes, battle-axes, in in in more more more recent recent recent times times times against against against poison poison poison gas. gas. gas. Bank Bank robbers robbers wear wear wear masks masks masks to to to disguise disguise disguise themselves, themselves, themselves, and and and though though though of of of course course course this this this disguise disguise disguise is is is a a a sort sort sort of of protection, protection, a a a robber robber robber’’s s reason reason reason for for for wearing wearing wearing a a a mask mask mask is is is fairly fairly fairly distinct distinct distinct from from from a a a soldier’s. soldier’s. soldier’s. All All of of these these reasons reasons so so so far far far are are are easily easily easily understood, understood, understood, but but but we we we may may may have have have more more more trouble trouble trouble grasping grasping grasping the the the reason reason reason that that primitive people use masks in religious rituals. Some ritual masks seem merely to be attempts to frighten frighten away away away evil evil evil spirits, spirits, spirits, and and and some some some seem seem seem merely merely merely to to to be be be disguises disguises disguises so so so that that that the the the evil evil evil spirits spirits spirits will will will not not know who the wearer is. The masks are usually made of paper. But most religious masks are worn with the idea that the wearer acquires, through a union with supernatural powers, a new identity, and thus in effect becomes —really becomes, not merely pretends to be —a new person. VI.写信(40 points)Write a letter to your friend accordingto the following situation: Y ou(Weiping) haven ’t heard from your friend(Zhijie) since the SARS outbreak. You tell him or her about yourself and the general situation in Beijing during that period. Since Beijing was taken off the list of SARS-infected areas, things have gradually come back to normal. You would encourage him or her to come for a visit in autumn, as it is the best season of the year.(150-200 words)______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2003年10月英语写作基础试题答案4 5 。

自考英语二试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. The book you gave me is ________ interesting one.A) aB) anC) theD) /答案:B2. ________ is a fact that he is good at English.A) ThisB) ThatC) ItD) There答案:C3. He is ________ to go to the cinema because he has to finish his homework.A) afraidB) sorryC) readyD) unwilling答案:D4. ________ the day went on, the weather got worse.A) WithB) WhileC) AsD) Since答案:C5. The teacher asked the students to stop ________ and________ to her carefully.A) talking; listenB) to talk; to listenC) talking; listeningD) talk; listen答案:A6. ________ the population of the city is increasing, the traffic problem is becoming more serious.A) IfB) ThoughC) BecauseD) As答案:D7. ________ the meeting room, he found that the door was locked.A) To enterB) EnteringC) To enter intoD) Having entered答案:B8. ________ the problem, he turned to his teacher for help.A) Being unable to solveB) Unable to solveC) Unable solvingD) To be unable to solve答案:B9. ________ the book is written is clear.A) WhoB) WhomC) WhatD) That答案:A10. ________ the teacher came in, the students stopped talking.A) BeforeB) As soon asC) WhileD) After答案:B二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The ________ (发生) of the earthquake was a great shock to the whole world.答案:occurrence2. ________ (尽管) he is very tired, he still works hard.答案:Despite3. She is ________ (害怕) of the dark.答案:afraid4. The ________ (重要的) of the meeting is to discuss the new project.答案:purpose5. ________ (由于) the heavy rain, the match was postponed. 答案:Due to6. The ________ (观众) were very excited when the famous singer appeared.答案:audience7. The ________ (结果) of the experiment was unexpected.答案:outcome8. The ________ (主要的) reason for his success is his hard work.答案:primary9. The ________ (目的) of education is to develop the students' abilities.答案:aim10. ________ (除非) it rains, we will go for a picnic.答案:Unless三、阅读理解(每题2分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。

全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:00600Ⅰ. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5point each)●Rumors 1 quickly that I was a FBI agent. I was 2 because I was not 3___ to return. Some people said I was either a federal agent or a 4 , for no 5 man, they said, returns to Watts by 6 .●Television 7 on advertising to an even greater 8 than newspapers, and since advertising is big business, advertising is by 9 Republican. Yet nowhere in network newscasts in network commentaries on current events have I 10 the intense partisanship, the often rabid 11 that colors the editorial 12 of the majority of newspapers in this country.●The chances had 13 to one in eight when the 14 clerk drew the second slip. He 15 his throat and 16 his pince-nez as though he had to make sure he was not 17 . “Ah, Monsieur Voisin,” he said with a 18 undecided smile, “May I join you?”●Some people believe that the time of death is 19 by God and that no man should ___20 the clock back on another. 21 if a patient’s philosophical views embrace __ 22 , it is not clear why the religious 23 of others should intrude 24___ his death.Ⅱ. There are 15 sentences from the textbooks, with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (15 points, 1point each)25. From the start of that campaign, I faced ________ hostility because of my sex.126. A beautiful woman came along and ________ her bunch of violets, and a little boy ran after to hand them to her, and she took them and threw them away as if they’d been poisoned.27. Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to ________ them with the shades of deeper meaning.28. If it be true that our thoughts and mental images are perfectly ________ things, like our books and pictures, to the inhabitants of the next world, then I am making for myself a better reputation there than I am in this place.29. Although I had to search, and did search, for the right words, I seemed to be making this descriptive effort almost against my will, under a kind of ________ from outside.30. ________ a man does not have to work so hard as to impair his vigor he is likely to find more zest in his free time than an idle man could possibly find.31. And so we are suddenly ________ a sickening situation in this country.32. With three job ________ from three of the most prestigious firms in the country, he did not need this interview, this firm.33. Disease-snobbery is only one out of a great multitude of ________, of which now some, now others take pride of place in general esteem.34. I once befriended two little girls from Esthonia, who had narrowly escaped death from ________ in a famine.35. There’s bound to be trouble ________ me every day of my life, because trouble it’s always been and always will be.36. It has been assumed that the youth of America has been in the ________ of the discovery of both the disease and the cure.37. Somehow we just don’t see how it is with other folks until —something ________.38. The figures are photocopied and distributed throughout the company to all the people and departments whose work is ________ selling.39. Her hands and her neck began to sweat. But she knew that no emotion was ________.Ⅲ. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions, Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.(15 points, 1 point each)40. As the living standard improves, the (A. span, B. length) of life is getting longer and longer.241. The poor emperor was forced by the usurper to (A. abandon, B. abdicate).42. I find it difficult to operate this computer. Can you (A. demonstrate, B. exemplify) it for me?43. The formal declaration of the news went four (A. documents, B. drafts) before it was submitted to the conference.44. I had a fantastic (A. stretch, B. stroke) of luck last weekend. I picked up a genuine Stradivarius violin for only $20.45. In the A-series football match, AC-Milan (A. beat, B. defended) all the other teams and became the champion as expected.46. The accountant (A. specializes, B. scrutinizes) the figures very carefully before commenting on them.47. On hearing that her best friend bought a fur coat, Susan felt (A. tempted, B. coaxed) to buy one, too.48. When the rescue party found the wounded young man, he was (A. keeping, B. clinging) on to the side of the broken boat.49. He (A. resigned, B. relinquished) all control over the company business to his son.50. The witness refused to (A. disclose, B. enclose) the identity of the man who supplied the information.51. Usually my brother is rather (A. reserved, B. conservative), but if you pick up a topic he is interested in, he will talk freely about it.52. The common (A. custom, B. practice) in English law is to consider someone innocent unless he is proved guilty.53. He was a highly (A. conscientious, B. conscious) teacher who took his duties seriously but he seemed to have neither the personality nor the ability to achieve further success.54. This group of young men felt a great sense of (A. inspiration, B. achievement) when they finally reached the top of the mountain.Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding four items: Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵand Ⅶ.Our Greedy Colleges1) Many of our colleges are at it again. As they have done annually for the past six years, they have begun to unveil tuition increases that far outstrip the inflation rate. Next year, tuition is expected to rise 6 percent to 8 percent –even though inflation during 1986 was about 1.8 percent. Yale’s president, Benno C. Schmidt Jr., attributes his university’s tuition hike in part to “continuing cutbacks of governmental support for student aid. ” This assertion flies in the face of the facts. Since 1982, money available through Federal student aid programs has increased every single year. Overall, Federal outlays for student aid are up 57 percent since 1980. Since 1980, inflation has been just 26 percent. That is why the former chairman of the Senate Budget3Committee, Pete V. Domenici, Republican of New Mexico, recently dismissed the claim of huge cuts in student aid programs as a “myth.”2) If anything, increases in financial aid in recent years have enabled colleges and universities blithely to raise their tuitions, confident that Federal loan subsidies would help cushion the increase. In 1978, subsidies became available to a greatly expanded number of students. In 1980, college tuitions began rising year after year at a rate that exceeded inflation. Federal student aid policies do not cause college price inflation, but there is little doubt that they help make it possible.3) At the same time that higher education has been cutting a bigger piece of the Federal pie, it has also received huge infusions of cash from state governments, from corporations, from foundations and from loyal alumni. The total increase in higher education spending from all these non-Federal sources is staggering. Spending for higher education now consumes about 40 percent of all money spent in America for education.4) It is by no means clear that the performance of many of our colleges and universities justifies this level of expenditure. As I said on the occasion of Harvard’s 350th anniversary, too many stude nts fail to receive the education they deserve at our nation’s universities. The real problem is not lack of money but failure of vision.5) Unfortunately, when it comes to higher education, this distinction is frequently lost Stanford University’s vague justification for increased charges –“new knowledge is inherently more expensive” –only underscores the lack of focus and purpose at some of our nation’s most prestigious universities.6) Higher education is not underfunded. It is under-accountable and underproductive. Our students deserve better than this. They deserve an education commensurate with the large sums paid by parents and taxpayers and donors.7) That our universities are places where students can receive a good education, or at least learn a lot, I have no doubt. But too often our universities leave education to chance – a good professor here and a great course there. There is too little real and sustained attention to education in the broader sense, to making sure that when our students leave after four years they leave as educated men and women.8) It is also false to assert, as some have, that the Reagan Administration’s student aid policies deprive disadvantaged students of the opportunity to attend college. In fact, the Administration4has consistently sought to redirect aid to the neediest students.9) Under the Administration’s fiscal 1988 budget proposal, all students presently receiving aid would continue to be eligible for the same dollar amount of aid. One in six of all college students would still be eligible to receive Federal grants. Those less needy would still have access to aid in the form of loans.10) One particular Administration proposal, Income Contingent Loans, represents the most serious attempt to improve student aid in 15 years. The loans would permit repayment schedules to be tailored to a student’s income. A graduate’s payments would never have to exceed 15 percent of his adjusted gross income, and he could have as long as necessary to repay.11) An advantage of t he Administration’s proposals is that they would help make colleges and universities accountable to the prime beneficiaries of their services – the students.12) Because students would pay a market-based interest rate, they would bear the true cost of borrowing the additional capital needed to finance tuition increases. Instead of insulating colleges and universities form such market forces, the Administration’s policies would make colleges and universities more readily accountable to them.13) Higher education clearly provides benefits to society in general. Recognizing this, the American people have generously provided the tax dollars, grants and highly subsidized loans necessary to support higher education. But the chief beneficiaries of a college education are the students. On average, college graduates earn $640,000 more over their lifetimes than nongraduates do. It is simply not fair to ask taxpayers, many of whom do not go to college, to pay more than their fair share of the tuition burden.Ⅳ. There are 10 incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (10 points, 1 point each)55. The author intends to _________.A. compare the inflation rate and tuition increasesB. criticize the federal government in cutting the financial aid in educationC. defend the federal government and accuse colleges of unnecessary and excessive tuition increasesD. criticize the low quality of higher education in the United States56. The author thinks that the colleges and universities can raise the tuition because they believe that _________.5A. there are Federal loan subsidiesB. every student can get Federal loan subsidies easilyC. governmental support for student aid becomes lessD. higher quality education needs more money57. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is true?A. Higher education gets all its financial support from the federal government.B. Higher education gets all its financial support from nonfederal sources.C. Higher education gets its financial support from various sources.D. Higher education gets most of its financial support from student tuition.58. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Colleges and universitie s in America can’t provide justifiable education.B. Colleges and universities can get enough financial support.C. Students should learn a lot more at colleges and universities.D. Students don’t learn what they deserve at colleges and universities.59. According to the author, the government has consistently ________.A. helped the disadvantaged studentsB. tried to re-distribute the financial aid to the students who need it mostC. offered financial aid to most students who need itD. spent enough money for the students who need it most60. From this article, we know that a graduate _________.A. is allowed enough time to repay the borrowed moneyB. has to take more than 15 percent of his gross income to repay the loanC. doesn’t have to pay an interestD. can put off the repayment as long as he/she likes61. In Paragraph 11, which of the following is the best to substitute for “accountable to”?A.devoted toB.responsible forC.suitable forD.desirable62. American people support higher education because _________.A.they can reduce the burden of colleges and universitiesB.they want to improve itC.the students can get benefits from itD.they can get benefits from it63. What is implied by the author?A.It is not fair to ask those who do not go to college to pay more than they should for highereducation.B.College graduates earn more than nongraduates do.6C. A person’s income is closely related to his or her education.D.Some nongraduates do not mind paying for higher education.64. The tone of this article is ________.rmativeB.ironicC.persuasiveD.narrativeⅤ. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest in meaning to the underlined part. (10 points, 2 points each)65. …they have begun to unveil tuition increases that far outstrip the inflation rate.A.that surpassB.that are much more thanC.that can compete withD.that are beyond66. This assertion flies in the face of the facts.A.agrees with the factsB.fails to face the factsC.finds its base in the factsD.is contrary to the facts67. They deserve an education commensurate with the large sums paid by parents and taxpayers and donors.A.an education which concentrates onB.an appropriate education designed according toC.an education in right proportion toD. a frist class education because of68. … that the Reagan Administration’s student aid policies deprive disadvantaged students of the opportunity to attend college.A.make it impossible for disadvantaged students to get college educationB.deny that disadvantaged students should have a chance to go to collegeC.offer unequal opportunities for disadvantaged students to gain college educationD.offer more opportunities for the advantaged students to attend college69. The loans would permit repayment schedules to be tailored to a student’s income.A.to be made in consideration of a student’s incomeB.to be changed by a student’s incomeC.to be adaptable to a student’s incomeD.to match a student’s income7Ⅵ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your translation on your answer sheet. (10 points, 2 points each)70.Federal student aid policies do not cause college price inflation, but there is little doubt that they help make it possible.71. Spending for higher education now consumes about 40 percent of all money spent in America for education.72. Stanford University’s vaguer justification for increased charges –“new knowledge is inherently more expensive”- only underscores the lack of focus and purpose at some of our nation’s most prestigious universities.73. But too often our universities leave education to chance – a good professor here and a great course there.74. Under the Administration’s fiscal 1988 budget proposal, all students presently receiving aid would continue to be eligible for the same dollar amount of aid.Ⅶ. Answer the following essay question in English within 80-100 words. Write your answer on your answer sheet. (10 points)Do you agree with the author that the American colleges are greedy and unaccountable? Why or Why not?Ⅷ. Translate the following into English and write your translation on your answer sheet. (18 points, 2 points each from 75 to 79, 8 points for 80)75.前事不忘,后事之师。

浙江省2003年10月高等教育自学考试英语写作试题课程代码:10053Task 1. Supply the missing introduction (20%)Directions: Study the following passage carefully and write an introduction in no more than 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.Various Kinds of Lectures____________Talks on current issues come first. Nowadays, even though college students concern much about events happening across the country and the globe, due to the lack of experience and limited vision, our views may not be mature. The well-read teachers speak on some hot domestic or international issues, such as the international significance of the return of Hong Kong and the re-election of Clinton. They present the latest information and facts from diversified sources, analyze them and give personal comments on them. Their interpretation is less dogmatic than what we hear over the mass media. The lectures on current issues and events attract most of the grades.Tips on English studies are closely related to our major courses. These lectures usually deal with a single aspect of the English language. For example, in the lecture entitled “The stress and stress shift in English,”the lecturer discussed the stress problems in English pronunciation and explained some basic principles on how to stress a two-yllable or a multi-syllable word. After attending the lecture, we feel more confident about the stress of English words. Likewise, several lectures on common errors in English usage clarified our confusion on synonyms. Lectures of this kind serve as complements to our academic courses and help to reinforce the knowledge we learn in class. Both the sophomores and freshmen are the frequent attendants of these lectures.As English majors, the better acquainted we are with the English and American society, the easier it becomes for us to learn the language well. Cultural notes are lectures providing diversified background information on western society. They cover a broad range of topics, including music, sports, religion, and etiquette and daily lives of the people in English-speaking countries. This kind of one-hour presentation enjoys great popularity among students. Once a lecture captioned “American Country Music”even created a sensation on the campus. The lecture room that evening was virtually packed. All the students remained fervently faithful even during the blackout in the middle of the lecture. Both the lecture and the music the teacher played refreshed us; not only did we get knowledge but also entertainment.10053# 英语写作试题第1 页共4 页Cultural notes are welcomed by both freshmen and grades.Short as they are, these lectures offer much background knowledge and information beyond textbooks, sharpening our language skills, deepening our understanding of western culture and society. Compared with the regular classes we have everyday, these mini lectures are more relaxing and more lively. As the attendance is not compulsory, we can choose the ones we are particularly interested in. Therefore, we concentrate better and get more out of the lectures. As a plus, they offer us a chance to taste different teaching styles of the speakers. Task 2. Write an outline (20%)Directions:Read the following passage carefully and try to compose an outline for the passage provided.Why I Came to CollegeWhy have I chosen to attend college? I have put this question to myself many times and in various forms during the past three and a half months which have constituted the first semester of my freshman year. Have I come because of the influence from my parents, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not just for one reason, but for many.Originally, my parents did influence my opinions about education in general. My mother, an elementary school teacher, was always proud of my academic successes, but she never really pushed me or demanded that I achieve excellent grades. However, from the beginning of my schooling, my parents seemed to assume that I would attend college, and by the time I reached high school, I had become accustomed to that idea as well.When I entered high school, I enrolled in the college preparatory program offered there, looking forward to college life. In truth, at that time I was more concerned about the challenges to be presented to me in high school than about thoughts of what would follow in college.However, as I proceeded further through high school into my junior and senior years, I became genuinely interested in many of the subjects which I was studying. Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus were the courses which held my interest most strongly and I felt that I wanted to continue to study those areas beyond the high school level. Up to that point in my life, I had always claimed that I wanted to attend college, but I never truly knew why.As my high school career drew to a close, I was beginning to recognize in myself a strong drive for knowledge. I knew that I would not be content to simply end my educational career with high school and enter the working world. I truly felt a need to continue learning in order to gain a better understanding of the world around me. My final decision to attend college seemed10053# 英语写作试题第2 页共4 页a natural one, and my choice of engineering as a field of study came easily as well, since the profession fit well with my academic preferences.The fact that I enjoy learning and gaining knowledge was the main reason for choosing to enter college, but I must admit that it was not the sole reason. In today's world, a college education has become almost essential if one wishes to compete in the job market. In the next several years, this trend will surely continue, with a bachelor's degree becoming almost indispensable if one wishes to find a respectable position, and a master's degree becoming highly desirable for advanced positions. Although it may sound materialistic, I felt that attending college was a practical and necessary step to ensure a secure future for myself and my family. I made my choice to study engineering primarily on the basis of my love of mathematics and the physical sciences; however, the fact that it is a well paying and respected profession did have some influence on my final decision to study engineering, rather than a pure science curriculum. Either field would have allowed me to study those subjects which hold my interest, but the decision to pursue the one which would ultimately be more profitable was not a difficult choice to make.A third reason that I am attending college is that I have always hoped that I could, in some way, make contributions to the world. I knew that a career involving science and technology would give me the best opportunity to do this. I also knew that in order to pursue such a career, I would be required to go through college. Hopefully, this will someday enable me to make contributions to the expansion of the frontiers of science, and in some way to benefit mankind.Finally, I chose to attend a diversified college, as opposed to a purely technical institute, because I feel that college should allow a person to grow in areas other than pure academics. It should also expose the student to a variety of social and political ideas, helping to expand his mental horizons. Attending Qinghua University has definitely allowed me to come into contact with a wide variety of lifestyles which could only be found together on a collegiate campus. Additionally, while I am able to major in a scientific field at Qinghua, I am able to simultaneously take courses which explore other fields of study and allow me to become a more diversified and well-rounded person. This overall gain of general knowledge, which is available only to college students, is another reason that I was lured toward the pursuit of a higher education.Thus, I came to college not for one reason, but for several different ones. It was something which I had planned, even without fully knowing why, for several years. It was certainly the next logical step in my educational career after the completion of high school.10053# 英语写作试题第3 页共4 页However, only in my final two years of high school did I actually begin to recognize in myself the inherent desire to obtain information and learning which pushed me toward college. I knew that a college degree would allow me to pursue the other goals which I had set for myself. 1 also knew that I wanted to become a more diversified person, and that a college education was the best means to attain that end.Why have I chosen to attend college? Sometimes I am unsure of the exact reason myself.I am sure, however, that it is what I should do and what I want to do with the next four years ofmy life.Task 3. Composition (60%)(with 250 words)Directions: Write an argumentative essay on the given topic:In your opinion, how serious is the problem of unemployment in your hometown? What type of people are unemployed? In a coherent essay, persuade your friends that unemployment is or is not a serious problem that should be solved in your hometown.______________10053# 英语写作试题第4 页共4 页。

(每小题1分,共10分)1. I'm wondering why he hasn't turned _____ at the meeting.A. downB. upC. outD. over2. _____, I couldn't get a job in this company.A. Try as I mightB. As I might tryC. Try though I mightD. I might try3. It is a well-known fact ______ a person will move in a circle when he cannot use his eyes to control his direction.A. thatB. ifC. whenD. whether4. _____, Mary went out with delight.A. With her homework doingB. With her homework doneC. Her homework was doneD. Done her homework5. Contrary ______ popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.A. onB. atC. againstD. to6. ______ the storm, we have to postpone the flight.A. Owing toB. Thanks toC. BecauseD. As7. By using both ears one can tell the direction _____ a sound comes.A. in whichB. from whichC. over whichD. with which8. When she worked with the government, she _____ the difficult task of monitoring elections.A. overworkedB. overtookC. underwentD. undertook9. Apparently, it wasn't an accident. Someone must have done it on ______.A. intentionB. determinationC. purposeD. reason10. The young doctor could not sleep at night, the worsening condition of a patient _____ him.A. disturbingB. disturbedC. being disturbedD. to disturb二、下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。

(本⼤题共25⼩题,每⼩题1分,共25分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer. (25 points)1. Things are known ______ when they unite with the oxygen of the air.A. to have burntB. to have been burntC. to burnD. burning2. This is the first time I ______ on an English-speaking soil.A. set my footB. have set footC. set my feetD. have set feet3. Hardly ______ any training in spoken English, he felt nervous when he was asked to interpret for the speaker.A. having hadB. did he haveC. has he hadD. had he had4. ______ in a traffic jam, the newspaper reporter got to the murder scene only an hour later.A. To catchB. CaughtC. CatchingD. Having caught5. I like living in this city even if ______ else does.A. anyoneB. somebodyC. someoneD. nobody6. The job ______ by the time he comes back.A. will have been doneB. will have doneC. is being doneD. has been done7. The old man was often seen sitting in the small bar drinking more than ______.A. is good for his healthB. his good health isC. was good for his healthD. his good health was8. I would say it is a point of style rather than ______ of grammar.A. thatB. thisC. a oneD. one9.“You cannot answer this question?”“______. I know very little about the subject.”A. YesB. NoC. All rightD. Never10. Jane walked out of the house without ______ a word to her mother.A. as little asB. so much asC. less thanD. more than11. Physics is the present-day equivalent of what used to be called natural philosophy, from ______ most of present-day sciences arose.A. thatB. whatC. allD. which12. ______ you decide to take up, you should do your best to make it a success.A. WhateverB. If onlyC. WheneverD. Unless13. She is not ______ a musician than her brother.A. more asB. more ofC. much asD. much of14. In Washington, D.C. Philips ______ important information about atomic fission from the Library of Congress.A. exchangedB. possessedC. maintainedD. obtained15. Her friends liked her ______ for not pretending what she is not.A. all the wayB. all overC. all the betterD. all the less。

2003年10月全国高等教育自学考试英语二试题I. Vocabulary and Structure (10points , 1 point for each item)1. I'm wondering why he hasn't turned _____ at the meeting.A. downB. upC. outD. over2. _____, I couldn't get a job in this company.A. Try as I mightB. As I might tryC. Try though I mightD. I might try3. It is a well-known fact ______ a person will move in a circle when he cannot use his eyes to control his direction.A. thatB. ifC. whenD. whether4. _____, Mary went out with delight.A. With her homework doingB. With her homework doneC. Her homework was doneD. Done her homework5. Contrary ______ popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.A. onB. atC. againstD. to6. ______ the storm, we have to postpone the flight.A. Owing toB. Thanks toC. BecauseD. As7. By using both ears one can tell the direction _____ a sound comes.A. in whichB. from whichC. over whichD. with which8. When she worked with the government, she _____ the difficult task of monitoring elections.A. overworkedB. overtookC. underwentD. undertook9. Apparently, it wasn't an accident. Someone must have done it on ______.A. intentionB. determinationC. purposeD. reason10. The young doctor could not sleep at night, the worsening condition of a patient _____ him.A. disturbingB. disturbedC. being disturbedD. to disturbII. Cloze Test (10points, 1 point for each item)Sometimes people find really wonderful things when they are not looking _11__ them. One example was John Colter. Colter was a mountain man who lived 12 in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. He loved to walk in the mountains, but one day in 1803 he saw a strange __13__. Water was shooting high into the air and _14 _ into a green pool. It was a natural water fountain. Colter found other pools of blue water. Some of the pools were hot. The chemicals in the water made a beautiful color, _15 _ they also made it smell bad. 16 there were large, clear lakes and spectacular waterfalls on cold, clear mountain rivers. Colter was excited, so he told 17_ about the place. __18_, the other people did not believe him. They thought that he was a dreamer, a fool. 19 they saw these wonders, they too were excited. Today the place Colter 20 is known as Yellowstone Park.11. A. forward B. for C. upon D. into12. A. along B. alive C. alone D. lonely13. A. sight B. site C. glimpse D. glance14. A. fall B. falling C. to fall D. falls15.A. but B. and C. thus D. so16. A. Nearly B. Near C. Next to D. Nearby17. A. the other B. others C. another D. each other18. A. Then B. However C. Therefore D. Consequently19. A. Since B. Before C. After D. While20. A. initiated B. invented C. created D. discoveredIII. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item)Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Albert Einstein had a great effect on science and history. An American university president once commented that Einstein had created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. It may be some time before the average mind understands fully the identity (特性) of time and space and so on —but even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something larger than ever thought before.By 1914 the young Einstein had gained world fame. He accepted the offer to becomea professor at the Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin. He had few duties, little teaching and unlimited opportunities for study, but soon his peace and quiet were broken by the First World War.Einstein hated violence. The misery of war affected him deeply, and he sat unhappily in his office doing little. He lost interest in his research. Only when peace came in 1918 was he able to get back to work,In the years following the First World War, honors were increasingly heaped on him. He became the head of the Kaiser Whilhem Institute of Theoretical Physics. In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize for Physics, and he was highly honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism (纳粹主义) when he was driven from Germany because he was a Jew.21. The first paragraph is mainly about _____.A. a new outlook of the universeB. the feelings of an American college presidentC. the change in human thought caused by EinsteinD. the difficulty in teaching Einstein's theory22. From the second paragraph, we know Albert Einstein ____.A. enjoyed world popularityB. was the head of an academyC. was a famous teacherD. enjoyed studying wars23. Which of the following statements about Einstein is true?A. He achieved more than any other scientists in history.B. Our ideas about the universe differ from one another because of him.C. He kept working until peace came in 1918.D. His research practically stopped during the First World War.24. In the years following the First World War, _____.A. Einstein began to be accepted even by ordinary menB. more and more honors were granted to EinsteinC. Einstein became the head of the Prussian Academy of ScienceD. Einstein was not honored in Germany until the rise of Nazism25. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _____.A. Albert Einstein was interested in nothing but scienceB. Einstein was forced to serve in the German armyC. Einstein made a lot more breakthroughs in his research after the First World WarD. his reputation was ruined because of NazismPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Could you imagine your parents choosing your husband or wife for you? And can you imagine not setting eyes on him or her until your wedding day? This situation is common in India, the Middle East and many parts of Africa. Marriage customs around the world often differ from our own. We don't realize that people in other places often get married in very different ways — and with different motives.In many countries, marriage is a practical matter. A marriage provides a safe and stable home for the husband and wife. It also joins two families, which benefits the couple's parents and makes them happy. Marriage also brings children, making sure the couple will be taken care of in old age. Because a marriage is important for the whole family, some cultures don't let young people choose whom to marry. Just as there are many different reasons for marriage, there are also many different wedding rituals. Every culture has its own ways of bringing good luck to the happy couple. In a typical Western wedding, the bride seeks good luck by wearing "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue." Something old represents the past. Something new represents success in the future. Something borrowed reminds the bride she can get help from her friends and family. And something blue reminds her to be true to her husband.In Poland, one wedding tradition is not only lucky, but also very practical. The wedding guests pin money to the bride's dress while she is dancing. The money is meant to bring kick and to help the young couple build their new life. In Bermuda, the young couple plants a tree in the yard of their new home. Once they move in, they take good care of the tree and make it grow. The planting of the tree is a good metaphor (比喻) for marriage. A truly good marriage is something that grows with care.26. Which of the following statements DOES NOT support the idea that marriage isa practical matter?A. The couple may have a safe and stable home through their marriage.B. The parents had better help their children choose whom to marry.C. A marriage benefits the couple's parents and makes them happy.D. A marriage brings children who will take care of the couple when they are old.27. The word "rituals" (para.3, line 2) means _____.A. formsB. customsC. traditionsD. ceremonies28. In a typical Western wedding, the bride wears something blue to ________.A. seek good luckB. represent the pastC. represent success in the futureD. remind her to be true to her husband29. Although cultures differ in different countries, one thing in common when a young couple gets married is that _____.A, people wish them to take care of each otherB. people wish them to get practical benefits from the marriageC. people wish them to have good luck in their new lifeD. people wish them to make money at the wedding ceremony30. Which of the following statements best summarizes the subject of this passage?A. People across the world get married in different ways and for different reasons.B. Every culture has its own ways of bringing good luck to the young couple.C. A truly good marriage is something that grows with care.D. In many countries, marriage is a practical matter.Passage ThreeQuestion 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.While popular in the U.S., the April Fool's Day tradition is even more prevalent in European countries, such as France and Great Britain. Although the roots of the traditional tricking are unclear, the French and the British both have claims onthe origin of the celebration.One theory holds that the first April Fool's Day was on April 1 of the year when King of France instituted (设立) the new calendar. This new system placed the day that had formerly been the first day of a new year on April 1. Many people were reluctant to adjust to the new calendar and continued to celebrate New Year's Day on what had become the first day of April. Thus, they became the first April fools. An English story about the day, however, holds that it began sometime during the 1200s. At the time, King John of England was in the habit of making a road out of nearly every path he walked regularly. The citizens of one particular farm village were aware of this. To avoid having their green pastures (牧场)disturbed with one of king's roads, they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their countryside. The king sent a group of messengers (信使) to inform the villagers that they must remove the barrier. Upon hearing that the king was planning to do this, however, the villagers developed a plan of their own. When the messengers arrived, they found what appeared to be a community of mad people, with people behaving in a strange manner, throwing things and running around wildly. The messengers, alarmed at what they found, reported to King John that these people were so mad as to be beyond punishment. So, the villagers saved their farmland by tricking the King. In Great Britain, tradition only allows April Fool's tricks from midnight to noon on April 1. Those who try to play tricks in the afternoon become the fools themselves.31. Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?A. April Fool's Day is more popular in the U.S.B. April Fool's Day is more popular in France and Great Britain.C. No one is sure where the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day originated.D. The celebration of April Fool's Day originated from both France and Great Britain.32. According to the second paragraph, many people continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1, because _____.A. they knew nothing about the new calendarB. they didn't want to accept the new calendarC. they wanted to receive gifts from their friendsD. they wanted to become the first April fools33. The word "holds" (para.3, line 1) means "_____",A. supportsB. conductsC. containsD. believes34. The third paragraph tells how the citizens of one particular farm village in England saved their farmland by ______,.A, building a fence B. throwing things to the messengersC. tricking the kingD. lighting with the messengers35. What is the main idea of paragraph three?A. How the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day originated in Great Britain.B. How the citizens of one particular farm village saved their land from the king.C. King John of England wanted to make a road through one particular farm village.D. In Great Britain, tradition allows April Fool's tricks from midnight to noon. PART TWO (50 points)IV. Word Spelling (10 points , 1 point for two items)36. 分析v. a_ _ _ _ _ _ 37. 简历;摘要n. r_ _ _ _ _38. 私有的,私立的 a. p_ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 转移;替换n./v. s_ _ _ _40. 担保;保证 v. e_ _ _ _ _ 41. 追赶;寻求v. p_ _ _ _ _42. 坦率地;直率地 ad. f_ _ _ _ _ _ 43. 相当地;公正地 ad. f_ _ _ _ _ 44. 误导;带错路 v. m_ _ _ _ _ _ 45. 主题;主旋律n. t_ _ _ _46. 网状物;网络 n. n_ _ _ _ _ _ 47. 联合;工会n. u_ _ _ _48. 功能;作用n. f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49. 雇佣;使用v. e_ _ _ _ _50. 伤残的 a. d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51. 目标;进球n. g_ _ _52. 永恒地;经常地ad. c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 53. 鼓舞v. i_ _ _ _ _ _ 54. 无价值的;无用的 a. w_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 55. 自由(权) n. l_ _ _ _ _ _V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point for each item)56. It was imperative that students ______ (finish) their papers before July 1st.57. So far, Irving ____ (live) in New York City for ten years.58. The patient _____ (send) to another hospital before we got there.59. The __________ (far) away we get from the earth, the thinner the air becomes.60. With apples at 25 cents a pound, we couldn't resist ____ (take) four pounds.61. Coffee delays the body clock in the morning, and _____ (advance) it at night.62. When ________ (give) the chance, it is quite possible for him to fulfill the task withinten days.63. I'll be only too pleased _ ___ (help) out those who are in difficulty.64. Television is another major instrument of communication, ____ (permit) us to see as well as to hear the performer.65. It is high time that we _____ (take) firm measures to protect our environment. VI. Translation from Chinese into English (15 points, 3 points for each item)66. 我工作了一整天,所以你来看我时,我很疲倦。

英语二03年真题答案1、( ). The old man enjoys ______ stamps. And now he has1300 of them [单选题] *A. collectB. collectedC. collecting(正确答案)D. to collect2、21.Design a travel guide for Shanghai! ________ the competition and be the winner! [单选题] *A.JoinB.AttendC.EnterD.Take part in (正确答案)3、_____ rooms are both large and comfortable. [单选题] *A. Jack's and Jane's(正确答案)B. Jack and Jane'sC. Jack's and JaneD.Jack and Jane4、Betty works as a waitress to earn money for her education. [单选题] *A. 服务员(正确答案)B. 打字员C. 秘书D. 演员5、13.________ it rains heavily outside, Lily wants to meet her children at once. [单选题]*A.IfB.Although (正确答案)C.WhenD.Because.6、--_______ I borrow these magazines?--Sorry, only the magazines over there can be borrowed. [单选题] *A. MustB. WouldC. May(正确答案)D. Need7、He couldn’t ______ the maths problem without your help. [单选题] *A. work out(正确答案)B. work atC. work forD. work with8、For more information, please _______ us as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. confidentB. confidenceC. contact(正确答案)D. concert9、The manager isn’t in at the moment. May I _______ a message? [单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. makeC. haveD. keep10、Before you quit your job, ()how your family will feel about your decision. [单选题] *A. consider(正确答案)B. consideringC. to considerD. considered11、--What are you going to be in the future?--I want to be _______ actor. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /12、Our campus is _____ big that we need a bike to make it. [单选题] *A. veryB. so(正确答案)C. suchD. much13、It is an online platform _____ people can buy and sell many kinds of things. [单选题] * A.whenB. where(正确答案)C.thatD.which14、The secretary was asked to_____of the waste paper on the desk. [单选题] *A.disappearB.dispose(正确答案)C.declareD.got rid15、Guilin is _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. famous for(正确答案)B. interested inC. fond ofD. careful with16、—Where ______ you ______ for your last winter holiday?—Paris. We had a great time. ()[单选题] *A. did; go(正确答案)B. do; goC. are; goingD. can; go17、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] *A.movieB.matchC.sale(正确答案)D.concert18、I run out of money. Could you _______ me some?[单选题] *A. lend(正确答案)B. sellC. borrowD. buy19、My brother often does ______ homework first after school.()[单选题] *A. heB. his(正确答案)C. sheD. her20、I’m _______ I must be leaving now. [单选题] *A. afraid(正确答案)B. thinkC. thoughtD. free21、Some people were born with a good sense of direction. [单选题] *A. 听觉B. 方向感(正确答案)C. 辨别力D. 抽象思维22、This seat is vacant and you can take it. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 没人的(正确答案)C. 舒适的D. 前排的23、I hope Tom will arrive _______ to attend the meeting. [单选题] *A. in timesB. on time(正确答案)C. at timesD. from time to time24、English is very important in our daily life. Never _______. [单选题] *A. give up itB. give it up(正确答案)C. give away itD. give it away25、Mary _______ Math. [单选题] *A. is good at(正确答案)B. do well inC. is good forD. is good with26、He doesn’t smoke and hates women _______. [单选题] *A. smokesB. smokeC. smokedD. smoking(正确答案)27、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How28、I want something to eat. Please give me a _______. [单选题] *A. bookB. watchC. shirtD. cake(正确答案)29、He studied harder to _______ his reading skills. [单选题] *A. improve(正确答案)B. rememberC. memorizeD. forget30、Where have you _______ these days? [单选题] *A. been(正确答案)B. beC. isD. are。

全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题课程代码:00088一、单词或短语的英汉互译(共10分)(一)将下列词语译成中文(5分)1.foreign-trade zones2.cost effectiveness3.investment demand4.capital-output ratio5.the cost of production(二)将下列词语译成英文(5分)6.关税壁垒7.供求机制8.存货占用成本9.营销商10.无形贸易二、词汇应用和语法结构(共30分)(一)语汇应用(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子11.The flight to Paris was()because of fog .A. delayedB. deposedC. divertedD. rejected12.He()our returning home as soon as possible.A. advisedB. interestedC. persuadedD. suggested13.Only hotel guests have the()of using the private beach.A. occasionB. possibilityC. privilegeD. habit14.Nobody can explain the()of this commonly-used expression.A. beginningB. starting-pointC. causeD. origin15.Your usual teacher has lost his voice and ()I am taking his place today.A. besidesB. neverthelessC. howeverD. therefore16.The old lady doesn’t like any visitors. Yesterday she was annoyed by the()of a stranger.A. intrusionB. instructionC. inferenceD. inflation17.He didn’t go into detail on the subject. He spoke in()A. commonB. regularC. generalD. ordinary18.The social security system provides()for retired citizens.A. wagesB. profitsC. rewardsD. pensions19.When they asked me to make a speech, I was at a()for words.A. lackB. desireC. failureD. loss20.As he had no friends or relatives in the town, the traveler tried to find a()somewhere.A. lodgeB. landingC. lodgingD. stay21.My sister()her shorthand ability by taking notes in shorthand during lectures.A. keeps upB. keeps inC. keeps onD. keeps with22.A()fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.A. pensionB. publicC. welfareD. relief23.The man’s()was described as impatient in contrast to his wife’s.A. featureB. personalityC. markD. property24.This newspaper provides more foreign news than()news.A. presentB. practicalC. domesticD. native25.I like this classical music, but I can’t remember who()it.A. composedB. designedC. inventedD. created(二)语法结构(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子26.()is of no consequence to me.A. He goes or staysB. Whether he goes or staysC. Whether he go or staysD. He goes whether he stays27.The lawyer questioned the witness about()A. what knew heB. What did he knowC. he knewD. what he knew28.He()on this essay for twenty minutes, but he has written only a hundred words.A. workedB. will be workingC. has been workingD. would have workednny had an advantage()his mother in that he was well-educated.A. forB. onC. overD. toward30.The present population of this city is three times()it was ten years ago.A. whatB. sinceC. thatD. as31.()the land is fertile, there is usually a large population.A. AlthoughB. WhereC. WhetherD. There32.You don’t need()for his permission every time you want to leave the room.A. to askB. askC. askingD. being asked33.So badly()in the car accident that he had to stay in the hospital for treatment.A. did Peter injureB. Peter injuredC. Peter was injuredD. was Peter injured34.He congratulated them()what they had achieved.A. onB. atC. forD. about35.I should say Henry is not()much a writer as a reporter.A. thatB. soC. thisD. as36.()in this business, you have to be adaptable.A. SucceedingB. Having succeededC. To succeedD. To have succeeded37.I would have come sooner but I()that you were waiting.A. didn’t knowB. haven’t knownC. hadn’t knownD. knew38.He came to me last night to apologize for not doing what he()A. ought to doB. should doC. ought to be doingD. ought to have done39.To our great disappointment, neither of the toys()to the children.A. appealB. appealsC. are appealingD. is appealed40.The particles in the atom are too small()A. seeingB. seenC. to be seenD. for seeing三、改错(共10分)下面句子中有A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。

十月自考英语二试题及答案一、阅读理解(共20分,每题4分)1. 文章主旨题阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。
In recent years, the popularity of online learning has surged. Many people are now turning to the internet for their educational needs, as it offers flexibility and convenience that traditional classroom settings cannot match. However, critics argue that online learning lacks the personal interaction and immediate feedback that are essential for effective learning.问题:文章主要讨论了什么?A. The benefits of online learning.B. The drawbacks of traditional classroom learning.C. The rise in online learning and its advantages.D. The need for personal interaction in learning.答案:C2. 细节理解题根据短文内容,回答以下问题。
The text mentions that online learning offers "flexibilityand convenience." What does this imply about traditional classroom settings?A. They are less flexible and less convenient.B. They are more expensive.C. They offer more personal interaction.D. They provide immediate feedback.答案:A3. 推理判断题Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. Online learning is becoming the only option for education.B. Critics believe that online learning is completely ineffective.C. The author is neutral about the effectiveness of online learning.D. The author strongly advocates for traditional classroom learning.答案:C4. 词义猜测题Based on the context, what does the word "surged" most likely mean in the first sentence?A. Decreased.B. Stopped.C. Increased rapidly.D. Fluctuated.答案:C5. 观点态度题What is the author's attitude towards online learning?A. Positive.B. Negative.C. Neutral.D. Critical.答案:C二、词汇与语法(共20分,每题2分)6. The company's profits have ________ by 20% this year.A. risenB. raisedC. liftedD. grown答案:D7. She is one of the most ________ students in her class.A. intelligenceB. intelligentC. intellectualD. intellect答案:B8. The experiment was not a success; on the contrary, it wasa ________ failure.A. completeB. totalC. entireD. full答案:A9. He was too ________ to understand what was happening.A. amazedB. surprisingC. astonishedD. surprising答案:C10. The new policy will ________ effect from the beginning of next month.A. go intoB. come intoC. enter intoD. put into答案:B三、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)11. Once a person has made a decision, it is often difficult to ________ them change their mind.A. convinceB. ensureC. remindD. allow答案:A12. The young man showed great ________ in solving the complex problem.A. patienceB. wisdomC. courageD. strength答案:B13. Despite the heavy rain, the construction work was________ on schedule.A. heldB. keptC. carriedD. taken答案:B14. The scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for his________ contributions to medical research.A. valuableB. worthyC. significantD. expensive答案:C15. It is essential that the agreement is read and ________ carefully before signing.A. examinedB. reviewedC. checkedD. inspected答案:B四、翻译(共20分,每题10分)16. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文。

I. Complete the sentences with the best choice. (20 points. 1 point for each) 1. Ten minutes ______ an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.A. seemedB. to seemC. seemD. seems 2. He often stopped at the sound of his own steps and was afraid to look _____ his shoulder.A. roundB. backC. overD. beyond 3. _________ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.A. Dissatisfying thoroughlyB. To dissatisfy thoroughlyC. Being thoroughly dissatisfiedD. To be thoroughly dissatisfied 4. _______ you are familiar with the author‘s ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.A. Now thatB. Ever sinceC. So thatD. As long as 5. I remember it vividly as if it _____ tonight.A. isB. wereC. beD. had been 6. The thread breaks ______ it is weakest.A. whereB. whichC. thereD. while 7. The company raised the fare ______ 40%.A. withB. toC. fromD. by 8. He was honest and faithful, and industrious and ______.A. economicB. economyC. economicalD. economics 9. A new difficulty has ______.A. risenB. raisedC. liftedD. arisen 10. During the wartime, ordinary people are _______ food and clothing in order to supply the growing armies.A. kept out ofB. equipped withC. deprived ofD. in terms of 11. Food was short, his vegetable garden became less a hobby than a ______, helping feed not only his own household but his neighbors as well.A. necessityB. wealthC. wantD. condition 12. Good manner depends _______ on how we look at ourselves _____ on how we look at other people.A. not so much…asB. not as…asC. so much…asD. as much…as 13. It‘s too expensive for me. I can’t ______ it.A. spendB. costC. affordD. pay 14. There are a lot of mistakes in this exercise, I‘ll have to ____ it again with you.A. come throughB. get overC. get throughD. go over 15. In this type of school there is an emphasis _____training boys to be independent.A. onB. forC. byD. at 16. Joan must be ______ because she can‘t understand my words until I repeated them over and over again.A. hard to hearB. hard of hearingC. difficult to hearD. difficulty of hearing 17. There was a good _____ of the countryside from the front of the bus.A. sightB. viewC. sceneD. scenery 18. Some of the English words ______ English society, culture and literature.A. connectB. associated withC. connect withD. are associated with 19. “I‘m going to the museum tomorrow.” “Would you let ______ with you?”A. me goB. me to goC. that I goD. me going 20. Mary‘s father approved of _____ in the United States for another year in order to work toward her M.A.A. her to stayB. her stayingC. she stayingD. she to stay Ⅱ。
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2003年10月全国高等教育自学考试试题英语(二)Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。
1.We feel it a pity that he didn’t live up to _____________had been expected of him.A.which B.all what C.what D.that2.As a painter, Ted was very ___________ about the colors he used.A.specific B.special C.peculiar D.particular3.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election _____________ he has the support from the party-faithful.A.in that B.in which C.for which D.for that4.The doctors are ___________ about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.A.at a stretch B.at a loss C.at random D.at length5.Workers seldom commit acts of violence, because they can put their aggression into their work, ___________it physical like the work of a smith, or mental like the work of a scientist.A.were B.was C.being D.be6.Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions; others ___________ under pressure.A.fall out B.fall apart C.fall back on D.fall in with 7.I have no idea what’s standing ___________ accomplishing our goals and objectives.A.in the way of B.on the way toC.by way of D.in one’s way of8.He will not make a ___________ on LaSane’s side of the conversation.A.statement B.reference C.comment D.note9.Never before ___________ so rapidly developing as it is today.A.has our country been B.our country has beenC.has been our country D.our country hasn’t been10.In some big cities in America, there are three or four elementary schools and secondaryschools, ___________.A.with each within one’s walking or cycling distanceB.each within one’s walking or cycling distanceC.it is within one’s walking or cycling distanceD.with each that is within one’s walking or cycling distanceⅡ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。
Eye contact is important, because too little or too much eye contact may cause communication problems. It is important in relationships because it helps to show closeness, attention and influence. 11 with facial expressions, there are no specific rules 12 eye behavior 13 that it is considered rude to stare, especially 14 strangers. It is, 15 , common for two strangers to walk toward each other, 16 eye contact, smile and perhaps even say “Hi!”The strangers may immediately look 17 and forget that they even had any contact. This type of glance does not mean much; it is simply a way of acknowledging another person’s 18 . In a conversation too little eye contact may be seen negatively because it 19 lack of interest, inattention and even mistrust. The relationship between mistrust and lack of eye contact is shown directly in the expression, “Never trust a person who can’t look you 20 the eye.”11.A.Like B.As C.Likely D.Together12.A.governing B.govern C.governed D.being governed 13.A.besides B.beside C.except D.except for14.A.for B.at C.to D.in15.A.moreover B.furthermore C.but D.however16.A.make B.to make C.making D.made17.A.down B.up C.away D.out18.A.absent B.present C.absence D.presence19.A.conveys B.conceals C.conducts D.consists20.A.to B.in C.at D.out ofⅢ.Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 points for each item )从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。
Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Young people often wonder at the large number of employers who do not respond to their applications for jobs. They say that despite enclosing return envelopes they hear nothing at all or , at best , an impersonal (无人情味的) note is sent declaring that the post for which they applied has been filled. Applicants often suspect that job vacancies are set aside for friends and relatives and that advertisements are only put to prevent this accusation(指责). Many of them are tired of writing away and feel that if only they could obtain an interview with the right person their application would meet with success.Not to acknowledge applicants’ letters is impolite and there seems little excuse for this, yet even sending brief replies to the many who apply takes much time and money. That so-called return envelope may not have been stamped by the sender, and an office manger under the heavy workload may be reluctant to send off long letters of explanation to disappointed job-hunters. A brief note is all that can be managed and even that depends on the policy of the firm. But the difficulty is reasonably easy to remove with a little goodwill.21.It can be inferred from the first paragraph that applicants have good reasons to believe that the posts they apply for_______________.A.are only for the purpose of advertisementB.are reserved for friends and relativesC.are not there at allD.are not good enough to satisfy their needs22.Many job-hunters think that they can get a job if_______________.A.they write more letters of applicationB.they find the right personC.they have more successD.they can get an interview23.The chief reason for a manager not to acknowledge applicants’letters is that _________________.A.it takes a lot of time and money B.it takes a lot of troubleC.it requires a lot of efforts D.it requires a lot of energy24.The author thinks that a letter to an applicant should be_______________.A.a long one B.a short oneC.a brief one with a little goodwill D.one with full explanation25.What is the major complaint of job-hunters?A.They have no chance to see the manager.B.Their letters of application often get no response.C.Job advertisements are totally a lie.D.Writing application letters takes up too much of their time.Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Let’s look at another example of how people’s communication patterns differ: the way people converse. Some foreigners have observed that when Americans carry on a conversation, it seems as if they are having a Ping-Pong game. One person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. If one person doesn’t return the ball, then the conversation stops. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. If either person talks too much, the other may become impatient and feel that he is dominating the conversation. Similarly, if one person doesn’t say enough or ask enough questions to keep the conversation going, the conversation stops.Many North Americans, are impatient with culturally different conversation styles simply because the styles are unfamiliar. For example, to many North Americans it seems that some Latin Americans dominate conversations, or hold the ball too long. Speaking of her co-workers from several Latin American countries, one North American woman said, “I just find it difficult to cut in. They seem to take such a long time to express themselves. They give you a lot of unnecessary details.”When she talked with them, she became tense, because she found it so hard to participate. Yet she also noted that when they talked to each other, nobody seemed uncomfortable or left out.The North American woman didn’t know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listening and breaking in are very different. She had been taughtto listen politely until the other person finished talking. (Once again, there are gender (性别) differences; it has been observed that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men. )When the North American woman did what was “natural”or “normal”for her (i. e. , listen politely without interrupting), she was not comfortable in the conversation with the Latin Americans. The result was that she became more passive in her conversations with her co-workers. The differences between the unspoken rules of conversation of each cultural group interfered with their on-the-job relationship.26.When North Americans converse together, each one of the group is supposed to_______________.A.participate in the talk B.play Ping-Pong gamesC.interrupt the speaker D.dominate the conversation27.When North Americans converse with the Latin Americans, the North Americans would feel_______________.A.involved B.left outC.comfortable D.relaxed28.To the North Americans, the Latin Americans are_______________.A.polite B.communicativeC.dominant D.familiar29.We can infer from this passage that_______________.A.people from different cultures cannot communicate with each otherB.different conversational styles may affect people’s relationshipsC.men are more talkative than womenD.North Americans’ conversational habits are better than those of Latin Americans’30.The best title for this passage is_______________.A.Different Conversation Styles B.Different Conversation TopicsC.Different Conversation Processes D.Different Conversation EffectsPassage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.When your parents advise you to “get an education”in order to raise your income, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to providemanpower for your society, but not so much that you prove an embarrassment to your society.Get a college degree, if possible. With a B. A. , you’ll have a good start. But now you have to slow down. If you go for a master’s degree, make sure it is an M. B. A. , and only from a first-rate university. Beyond this, the famous law of diminishing returns (报酬递减率) begins to take effect.Do you know, for instance, that long distant truck drivers earn more per year than full professors? Yes, the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $ 24, 000, while the full professors managed to earn just $ 23, 030.A Ph. D. (博士) is the highest degree you can get. Except for a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, if you pursue such a degree in any other field, you will face a dim future. There are more Ph. D. s unemployed or under-employed in this country than in any other part of the world.If you become a Ph. D. in English or history or political science or languages or—worst of all —in philosophy, you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for our needs, mind you, but for our demands.Thousands of Ph. D. s are selling shoes, driving cars, waiting on tables, and endlessly filling out applications month after month. They may also take a job in some high school or second-rate college that pays much less than what the doorkeeper earns.You can equate (同等看待) the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you.31.Your parents advise you to “get an education”partly because they want you_______________.A.to gain more knowledge B.to earn more moneyC.to get a degree D.to free yourself from embarrassment32.From the second paragraph, we can infer that both B. A. and M. B. A.are_______________.A.professions B.jobsC.college degrees D.academic disciplines33.According to the author, _______________.A.a high degree helps you greatly in finding a satisfactory jobB.a high degree does not necessarily help you to find a satisfactory jobC.the higher degree you get, the more money you can makeD.the higher degree you get, the dimmer future you will face34.The author would advise you to specialize in the fields of _______________ for a doctor’s degree.A.physics or chemistry B.English or historyC.political science D.philosophy35.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.Well-educated professionals sometimes earn less than truck drivers.B.It’s easier for those who specialize in the fields of physics and chemistry to find a job. C.Some Ph. D. graduates work as shop assistants, car drivers, waiters or waitresses, because they cannot find a suitable job.D.Your Ph. D. degree will make your country embarrassed.Ⅳ.Word Spelling (10 points, I point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。