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A little child of Zhenhuan, Who has just grown up , Bred in an inner chamber, with no one knowing her.
甄家有女初长成, 养在深闺人未识。
But with graces granted by heaven and not to be concealed, At last one day was chosen for the imperial household.
天生丽质难自弃, 一朝选在君王侧 。
It was early spring. They bathed her in the FlowerPure Pool, Which warmed and smoothed the creamytinted crystal of her skin; And, because of her languor, a maid was lifting her When first the Emperor noticed her and chose her for his bride.
Empresses in the Palace 《后宫甄嬛传》
• The series is adapted from a novel of the same name by Liu Lianzi, and the story centers on the schemes between Emperor Yongzheng's concubines in the imperial palace during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). • 《甄嬛传》改编于流潋紫的同名小说,故事讲 述了清朝雍正皇帝后宫众嫔妃间的阴谋争斗。
Байду номын сангаас
这个中文都不懂 什么意思,英文 怎么译?
If wind sees their strong will , let such ordeal cease.
解读 这句诗是写梅花 的,意思是“北 风如果能够理解 道梅花的心意, 就请不要轻易地 摧残她。”甄嬛 借梅花喻自己, 希望有解意之 人,与之偕老。
• 几年前,后宫戏《甄嬛传》创下收视 奇迹,不但在中国赚得盆满钵满,更 是红遍日、韩以及整个东南亚。美版 《甄嬛传》片名被译成Empresses in the Palace(《宫中的女皇》),将原剧压缩 成6集,剪成符合美国人欣赏的电视电 影。但网友对于美版《甄嬛传》的台 词十分关心:“中国语言博大精深, 英文能翻译到位么?”
Anyway, your good will be appreciated.
解读 其实,倒也不 负恩泽换言之, 就是你的好意 我都懂。
正解 I am deeply grateful to your kindness.
Oh, my darling.
解读 承蒙圣恩主要表 达对皇上的感激 感恩之情。这里 就可以适当加强 感激程度,加上 一个类似“深深 的”的形容词来 修饰这种感激, 是合理的。
• 在这宫里,有利用价值的人才能活下去。要安 于被人利用,才有机会去利用别人。 • In the palace, if you have ability, you survive. If you survive being used, then you will have the chance to take advantage of others.
With her wits and talents, Zhen fights her way through and wins the emperor's affection, ultimately becoming the most powerful concubine in the imperial palace and ascending to unparalleled glory and wealth. However, she also becomes a woman with few true friends at her side, even after she is rid of all her enemies. 通过她的智慧和才能,甄嬛成功得到了皇帝的宠 爱。变成了后宫最有权利和最受宠幸的妃子,她 的荣耀和财富一时无人能及。然而,在击败所有 对手之后,她也树敌无数,几乎没有真心的朋友。
《中国日报》知名影评人周黎明巧译《甄嬛传》经 典句子
• 小主 • 娘娘 • 奴才
Your ladyship Your royal highness
Your unworthy servant
• 再冷也不能拿别人的血来暖自己。
• No matter how ruthless,you shouldn’t use another person’s blood to warm yourself.
Plot introduction 剧情简介
The pure and innocent 17-year-old Zhen Huan is chosen for the emperor's harem, and after entering the palace, she finds herself caught in the fierce infighting between the empress and the concubines. Realizing that the palace is actually a cruel and harsh place, Zhen has to learn to survive on her own, sometimes by unscrupulous methods. 单纯的17岁女孩甄嬛选为秀女,进入后宫 后,她发现自己陷入了后宫的激烈权利争斗 中。看清了后宫的尔虞我诈的真面目后,甄 嬛有时不得不使用卑鄙的手段来求得生存。
• 比如……
Yu Ting…………!!
贱人真是矫情 这真真是极好的 皇上万福金安 赏你一丈红
倒也不负恩泽 承蒙圣恩
bitch is so bitch.
Bitch is so bitching.
解读 bitch意指贱人。 后面的bitching 是名词动用。 当然还有很多翻 法,比如在愤怒 时也可直接说 You bitch, 言简意赅。此外 bitch是一个有 些夸张的词,也 有很多替代词, 比如low等。
this really really good enough.
That is really good.
解读 “真真是极好 的”是在传递 “还不错”的 意思。《甄嬛 传》里的人物 身份,决定了 她们势必说话 时会有些傲慢 矫情,用这样 干脆利落的句 子会比较好。
Hope you 10,000 lucky and safe with gold.
Good morning, your majesty.
解读 句子的本意是 “皇上,早上 好。”这个表 达方式在国外 很多宫廷电影 里都有。
Give you a 3.33333 metersred.
• 以色事人,能得几时好? • One who savors seduction,won’t last.
• 别人帮你,那是情分。不帮你,那是本分。 • You are blessed if others help you, but they are not obliged to.
• 不偏爱,懂节制,方得长久。 • No favoritism, no excesses, one will last
春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂; 侍儿扶起娇无力, 始是新承恩泽时。
Thank you !
Enjoy your slow torture to death.
解读 一丈红其实是 一种惩罚。而 华妃说话时故 意用了赏这个 词也可以看出 她的凶狠。所 以,翻译时可 以还原这种感 觉,用“请享 受我将你慢慢 折磨致死这个 过程。”
It is not negative Enze.