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【公司各个部门的单词】1、营业部Business Office;2、人事部Personnel Department;3、人力资源部Human Resources Department;

4、总务部General Affairs Department;

5、财务部General Accounting Department;

6、销售部Sales Department。

【常吃却不知怎么说的蔬菜】1.lettuce 莴苣;2.carrot 胡萝卜;

3.spinach 菠菜;

4.eggplant 茄子;

5.bean sprout 豆芽;

6.green pepper 青椒;

7.celery 芹菜;

8.radish 萝卜;

9.pumpkin 西葫芦;10.garlic 蒜;

11.asparagus 芦笋;12.cauliflower 菜花;13.cabbage 甘蓝(洋白菜、卷心菜)

【“I”和“YOU”中添一个词,你想对TA说什么?】I forgive you=我原谅你,I bless you=我祝福你,I protect you=我保护你,I know you=我熟悉你,I need you=我需要你,I carry you=我陪你,I believe you=相信你,I see you=我懂你,I marry you=我和你结婚。

【各种water】1. distilled water 蒸馏水;2.hard water 硬质水;3. running water流水;4. surface water 地表水;5. waste water 污水;

6. soda water 汽水;

7. bubbly water (俚)香槟;

8. salt water 盐水;

9. fresh water 淡水;10. tap water 自来水;11. drinking water 饮用水【常见公共标识词汇】Wet Paint 油漆未干;No Smoking 禁止吸烟;No Photos 请勿拍照;No Parking 禁止停车;Keep Right/Left 靠左/右;Business hours 营业时间;Entrance 入口;Exit 出口;Push 推;Pull 拉;Shut 此路不通;Open 营业;Pause 暂停;Closed 下班;Fragile 易碎;(都很简单吧)

【吃的】snack food零食。raisin葡萄干;peanut花生;seeds瓜子;lollipop棒棒糖;sunflower seeds葵花籽;pumpkin seeds南瓜子;crisps 薯片;pistachio nut开心果;almond杏仁;腰果cashew;chestnut栗子;hazelnut榛子;mixed nuts什锦坚果;popcorn爆米花;ice cream 冰淇淋;marshmallow棉花糖;

【牛身上肉的词汇】stewing beef 小块的瘦肉;frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排minced beef 牛绞肉;leg beef 牛键肉;ox-tail 牛尾;ox-heart 牛心;ox-tongues 牛舌;barnsley chops 带骨的腿肉;shoulder chops 肩肉;porter house steak 腰上的牛排肉;chuck steak 头肩肉筋、油较多;

【我爱秒杀!】1. 团购group-buying 2. 秒杀seckilling 3. 网上购物online shopping 4. 第三方支付平台third party payment platform 5. 网上商城online shop/shopping mall 6. 电子转账electronic fund transfer

【可以这样表扬孩子】1. Wow 哇!2.Way To Go 就该这么做3. Super 极好4.You're special. 你不一般。5. Neat 真整洁6. Well done 做得好7. I knew you could do it. 我就知道你能做好。8. I'm proud of you. 我为你骄傲。

【描写相片类的词汇】:1. album 相册,纪念册2. eternal 永恒的,永久的3. authenticity 真实性,可靠性4. explicit 清晰的,清楚的5. archive 把……存档 6. evocative 唤起的;唤起情感的7. representative 典型的;有代表性的8. capture happy moments 捕捉


【动物的叫声的单词】狗bark/woof;猫mew/meow;海豚click;鸽子coo;鸭quack; 大象trumpet;苍蝇buzz;青蛙croak;山羊bleat;鹅cackle/gobble;母鸡cackle/cluck;猪grunt;驴bray;熊growl;鸟chirrup/hirp/tweet;蟋蟀chirp/creak;布谷鸟coo/cuckoo;母牛moo/low;骆驼grunt;甲虫drone

【人体器官英文】拇指-thumb;脚趾-toe;脸颊-cheek;舌头-tongue;指甲-nail;肘-elbow;肠-intestine;后颈-nape;手腕-wrist;脚踝-ankle;臀-butt;咽喉-throat;肌肉-muscle;肚子-belly;肚脐-belly button;乳房-breast;睫毛-eyelash;眉毛-eyebrow;腋下-underarm

做菜的单词:Slicing(片) ;Shredding (撕) ;Strapping (条);Grain-sized dicing (切粒);Dicing (切丁);Mincing (磨);Stir-frying (炒);Slippery-frying (熘) ;Quick-fry over high heat (爆); Precooking and then stewing (烩) ;Sauteing (煎) ;Steaming (蒸) ;Crisp frying with syrup (拔丝)

「狗狗的单词」domestic dog 家犬;hunting dog 猎犬;toy dog 宠物狗;yorkshire terrier约克夏梗;beagle 猎兔犬;dachshund 腊肠犬;poodle 贵妇犬;shih tzu 西施犬;shepherd dog 牧羊犬;pitbull terrier 比特犬;eskimo dog 爱斯基摩犬;dalmatian 斑点狗;samoyed 萨摩耶犬;husky 哈士奇

【超市英语】Red date 红枣;Agaric 木耳;Dried shrimps 虾米;Cashewnuts 腰果;Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用);dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用);Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做
