

Day1 A

Simon Dale didn't want to live in a city's apartment building.So he made up his mind to__51_ his own home in the countryside.He moved to Wales with his family and built a wooden eco-house.With the help of his father-in-law,a builder,he moved into a __52_ new home after only four months.__53_only cost $4,700 to build the house.

The eco-house is made of natural __54_.Simon Dale and his father-in- law_55__ into the side of a hill and then used the mud(泥土)and stone to make the walls.The floors are_56__ from wood from the nearby area.The design is open-plan.There is no central heating,__57_ there's a wood-burner and solar panels(太阳能电板)on the top_58__can provide power for lighting,music and computing.Drinking water is from a nearby spring.The fridge stays cool,thanks _59__air from under the ground.Simon Dale says,"We try to live in peace with the natural world."He has _60__ done his best to achieve that.


A famous scientist from the US says, “The world 61 hotter and hotter while the past

20 years, and it will get worse. The ice at the North and South Pole will melt slowly. If this happens, the sea 62_______ and may cover most or all of Singapore. This will make everybody 63______ to a safer country. ”

We know that the sun heats the earth. The heat from the sun hits the ground, and some of it 64______back into the sky. However, factories and cars produce a lot of CO2. When the gas rises into the sky, the heat from the sun 65_____ through it but the heat from the ground cannot. It stays near us in the sky and 66_______ the air hotter and hotter every year.

Scientists call this “greenhouse effect” because a greenhouse is a small glass building

which is hot inside. It67______ for growing plants in cool countries. Many countries 68______ about the greenhouse effect now. They are trying to stop factories and cars from 69_______ harmful gases into the sky. Scientists are not sure when the world will get much hotter. Some people say that the greenhouse effect 70______ already and has begun to affect the world’s weather.

As the saying go es, “A hero is known in the time of misfortune(不幸)”. Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong, who saved (51) __________ people’s lives in 2003.

In 2003, SARS broke (52) ________ in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world. Patients coughed a lot and got fevers. Hundreds of patients even died from the disease. Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So everyone was afraid of it. But Zhong was (53) _______ enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights to find the cause of the disease. And with his way of treating, many patients began to get (54) _________. Zhong finally won (55) _________ trust.

In early 2020, a disease called Novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) hit Wuhan. It spread (56) __________ around tens of thousands of Chinese people were infected (感染). Zhong, 84, led (57) __________ team to Wuhan to fight the illness. Zhong’s team took many (58) __________ to cure the patients with Novel coronavirus pneumonia. He advised people to wear masks, wash hands frequently (频繁地), stay at home and not to go to crowed places.

Zhong likes sports very much. (59) __________ he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and teaches young (60) __________ . “I am just a doctor.” Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.

Today I was so happy to find out that I did quite well in l ast week’s science exam. (61)___________ to Daniel. He (62)___________ me a new way of (63)___________ over lessons two months ago. It (64)____________the “map idea”.

Because of the map idea, I have learned how to remember the main idea of every lesson. And in my mind I (65)____________ a map of all the important facts I

(66)____________ to remember. It is really good and I can remember so much in that way.

I had never thought of changing my way of studying before. I was always complaining about (67)_____________a poor memory, but now my memory

(68)_____________ good because of the map idea. It has made me

(69)____________ much better. I realize the most important thing for students is learning how (70)____________ well.

And that is true. 51. ________ our environment is very important. World Earth Day was created in 1970 to raise people's 52._______awareness. 53. _____April 22, people around the world celebrate Earth Day.

Every year there is a special theme. The theme was “Trees for Earth “in 2016. Their goal is to 54. ________ 7. 8 billion trees by 2020.

That's a big goal, and you might wonder 55._______trees are so important. Well for one, they can help stop climate change. Carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)is a chemical in our atmosphere, but humans make too much of it. Each person makes about 2. 3 tons a year, which is 56._______ for the environment.

Well guess what! Trees take in carbon dioxide and improve air quality. Planting new trees is important because people cut down countless 57._________

According to Time, the total number of trees in the world has been almost cut in half since human civilization (文明)58. ________. So we need to plant more to replenish (补充)the ones we've lost. One tree can take in 48 pounds (21. 8kg) of carbon dioxide per year. And it's still one of the 59._______ and best ways to get rid of carbon dioxide.

But don't forget that you can also help the environment by cutting down on how much energy or 60.________you use every day. Every little bit helps!

I don’t think it’s my parents’ job 61.______ my homework. Since we have already

62.______ up, we cannot act like little babies and depend on our parents all the time. We must learn to be independent.

I remember when I was in Grade Three, my parents asked me to check my homework by myself. I didn't know what 63_____at that time, so I only 64. _________

But after that, I 65.________ used to checking my own homework in my studies. Checking homework by ourselves 66.________agood habit. It 67.________ us find mistakes in exams more easily; it can also save the teacher's time when checking our homework; and it can also let our parents 68._______less about our studies.

Some day in the future, Mom and Dad 69. _______us. So we should start to learn to do everything by ourselves and really 70.________how important independence is.

when article friend you respect act good in with what love

As a kid, it’s important for you to be healthy so you can grow51 and not have any health problems. Here’s an52 on how to stay in shape and be healthy as a kid.

Be 53 and get some exercise. Take part in sports, like football, baseball or soccer. If you can’t join 54 those sports for any reason, try finding some time to get out and ride your bike, run, or even play a game with _55____ .

Eat healthy foods. Try to eat less junk food, like French fries, hamburgers, and soda pop. Only eat 56 you’re hungry. If you eat too much _57__noticin g, you will not be confident of 58 . If you seem to be always hungry, try eating fruits or vegetables.

Be confident. You will always feel best about yourself if you believe in yourself. Remember, not everybody was made to be tall and thin. You may be tall and thin, but treat everybody with love and _59___ , no matter how he looks

Don’t get embarrassed (为难的) with yourself. Save some time for going out with friends.

Always remember that this passage may not work for you. Your parents still control 60 or how much you eat or what kind or and how much exercise you get.

do cover live cut burn come not be keep leave look protect

A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to live in Hong Kong, these trees 61____down and burnt. Now there is no forest _62__, though there are still some small areas _63__ by trees.We call these woods. Elephants, tigers and many other animals used to live in the thick forest.

When people came to live in Hong Kong, the animals began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and kept pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and __64_ them. They needed fire _65__ themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away from the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them. So _66__most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon died for the same reason.

You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong except in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different animals__67_ there. One of the most interesting of Hong Kong's animals is the barking deer(赤鹿). These are beautiful little animals with a rich brown coat .They _68__ like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet tall . They make a noise like a dog barking . There 69__ many barking deer left. So it is important for people _70_ wild animals.


What do American children think of Thanksgiving?

This is (51) ____ some of them wrote:

Thanksgiving is a holiday to say “Thank you”. It means eating turkey and having a special party with your family. Thanksgiving is a (52) ____ day.

---Annie, 6 years Thanksgiving is giving thanks to people that help you. I think(53)______it is a special holiday. You give thanks to your family and friends.

Lots of people have done things for me. Lots of people like to make (54)______ happy, like my mum.

Many have done things for me and made sure I was all right. I am (55) _____that people care about me.

I like to do nice things for (56) _______ people too. I hope to make them happy too.

---Jeremy, 10 years

I am thankful for having a really good mum who looks (57) ________ me so well. I am thankful for having good teachers (58) _______ they help me to try new things. I love all of them.

---Ryan, 7 years

Although I like Christmas (59) ________ of all the festivals. I think Thanksgiving is also one of the most important festivals. The first Thanksgiving was in 1621. Each year, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the (60) ________Thursday of November.

They all have different opinions about Thanksgiving, but they like them.

---Joss, 9 years



The programme (61)____________by the news reporter John Quinones 3 months ago. He said, “It is popular with many people — both the young and the old. It tests what people (62)___________ when they see someone in trouble. We (63)

____________ hidden cameras to record what will happen. Its purpose is to tell us (64)___________ people in need.”

Here is last week’s programme.

In a cake shop, one actor acted as a blind woman named Pamela and the other as the shop worker of the cake shop. The shop worker looked down upon (瞧不起) the blind. So when the blind woman came into the shop, bought a box of cakes and(65)____________ for it,the shop worker cheated(欺骗)her when he gave her the change (零钱). He only gave her 6 dollars instead of 34 dollars.

Would someone be brave enough to help the blind woman? Yes! A woman customer stopped the shop worker from (66)____________ the blind. Seeing this, several other customers joined in too and asked the shop worker to return the rest(剩余的)money to the blind woman.

At this time, John Quinones appeared. He explained, “We(67)____________ a programme called What would you do?.We have(68)___________ the experiment(试验) in 5 cities in the past 3 months. We are trying to calling on people to help the weak by doing this. Everyone should(69)___________ a hand when they see the weak in trouble. ” Then he interviewed the first customer who said that it (70)____________ necessary to give a hand to the people in need.

A psychologist(心理学家) said, “It’s difficult to take the first step to stand up. It needs courage.”

Day6 A(2018)


care, sun, for, how, happy, piece, because, they, well, never,if

Most people would stay away from bees while meeting them.

However, if your goal (目标) is to grow a beautiful and

productive (丰收的) garden, you will want to bring on the


How to attract (吸引) bees?

Plant! Plant! Plant! Plant not only vegetables but also colorful

flowers. Bees are attracted by colors and purple, yellow, white and blue are (51) _______ favorites. If possible, you should be (52)________ to plant different flowers for bees to choose from. Be sure to plant some flowers in (53) _______ areas. Bees like warm and bright places (54) _______ than cool and dark ones.

Another part of learning (55) _______ to attract bees is to always leave a place for wild grass or flowers near your garden. This is where bees can live comfortably and (56)_______ . You can also design a bee house (57)_________ the bees to live. To do this, you can use several (58) _______ of bamboo tied together. Place the house close to the ground (59) _______ bees prefer living close to the ground. Preparing such a place can make sure that they will enjoy and (60)________ want to leave.

Be sure to leave water around for them to drink. Once the bees are there and active, you will have a fruitful garden.



they (61) ________, they happened to pass by a river. They were tired and stopped there (62)________. Then the father asked his son to get him some water from the river.

Then the son walked to the riverside and he (63) ________ some women washing clothes there. Right at that moment, a bullock cart (牛) started crossing the river. As a result, the water became very dirty. “I mustn ’t take the dirty water to my father, ” he thought. So he came back and said, “Look, Father. A bullock cart (64) ________ the river now, so the water is dirty and it can ’t be dru nk.” Father said nothing.

After a while, the son (65) ________ to get some water again by his father. The water was still dirty, but he didn’t go back. He thought, “My father is so thirsty. I (66) ________ back water this time, even though it will take me a long time.” Then he sat there, waiting until the water was clean. He collected some in a bowl and took it back. “Oh, you are back at last. I (67) ________ for almost half an hour,” Father said. After

(68) ________ the water, he looked up at his son and said, “Now , (69) ________ about what made the water clean. You let it be and the water became clean on its own. It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed (打扰), just let it be, and it will calm down on its own.”

The son thought for a while and said, “Thank you, Father. I (70) ________ this forever.”

We can make best decisions when we stay calm.

Day7 A (2019 )

With its black-white coat, the animal is one of the most precious (最珍贵的) animals in the world. It is native to China, proudly called the (51) “__________ treasure”.

(52)__________ name is Panda. The name of “Panda” now refers to (指的是) the giant panda.

In China, (53)__________ the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army, the giant panda also attracts the world-wide tourists.

As the most famous animal of (54) __________, the giant panda appears in the logo(标志) of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). It also has

(55)__________ chances than other animals to be the mascot(吉祥物) of international games held in China. And it shows up as an actor on the big screen, such as Kung Fu Panda .

The giant

panda is regarded as the symbol of peace. In Japanese (56) __________ records, the Tang Dynasty sent a couple of bears and seventy pieces of fur as national gifts to Japan. The “(57) __________ bears” were giant pandas.

One female panda usually has (58) __________one baby, and it is not easy for wild pandas to have twins anyway. If you want to see them, you’d better go to Chengdu. Why? (59)__________ the main breeding(繁育) centers were built around this area. Certainly some city (60) __________ also have giant pandas, such as Beijing Zoo, Chongqing Zoo, etc.

The giant pandas are so lovely creatures(生物). More and more people become fans of them.



only because they have become parents.

Ding Rong, a teacher from the Fourth Middle School of Beijing, said, “Many parents either love their children too much or behave badly to them. They (61) _________little about home education and thus make mistakes.”Because of this situation, parents’ schools are badly needed.

“I (62) _________to school next month, and it will help me treat my children in a better way,”said Xiao Chengjun, a 40-year-old woman worker. “I decided to do it when I (63) _________ the question ‘Do you really know your child?’”

One pupil complained in a composition that his father always left so much smoke in the living room that he (64) _________ his homework there. Another wrote that his father often played mahjong(打麻将) at night while he (65)_________ . The noise always (66) _________ him up.

“It’s the father’s fault not to educate his son himself,” is an old saying. “But, it’s also the father’s fault if he (67) _________his son a bad example,” said Zhen Yan.

A parent said, “I (68) _________ in the parents’ school for one year. After (69) _________ the school, I know more about my child and she also understands me more.”

Do you think your parents know how (70) _________ you properly? Do you want them to enter parents’ schools?

to say "Thank you". You should say "Thank you"(52.)_____ others help you or say something kind . For example, when (53.)______opens the door for you, when someone says you have done your work well, when someone says you have bought a nice shirt, or your city is very beautiful, you should say "Tha nk you". “Thank you "is used not only between friends (54.)_______between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and (55.)________.

"Excuse me "is (56.)______politeness formula(准则). We use it as the same as "Thank you". When you hear someone say so behind you, you'd know that somebody wants to walk (57.)______ you (58.)______touching you. It is not polite to interrupt others (59.)_____they are talking. If you want to have a word with one of them, please say"Excuse me"(60.)_____,and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others. Let's say "Thank you "and" Excuse me" on the right occasions.



years. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While (62.)__________ in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.

Scientists have found out that the radiation (辐射) is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which (63.)_____ bad for their health. The harm of the radiation won't be found until their children even grandchildren (64.)___________.Some special medicine may work a little, but no really effective medicine has been (65.)__________ so far.

Space rubbish is also (66.)________ to be a great danger to spacemen. It's (67.)________that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish. An explosion (爆炸) in space in 1999 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4mm in size.

A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and (68.)________ some damage (损坏).

Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working to deal with space rubbish. Although space is really dangerous, it interests many people on the earth. In the near future, it may become possible for people (69.)________a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should do something (70.)_____ improve the space environment.


51-55build comfortable It materials dug

56-60 made but that to certainly

61-65 is getting; will rise; move; goes; can come

66-70 makes; is used; are worrying; sending; has started

Day 2 A

51.many 52.out 53.brave 54.better 55.people’s

56.quickly 57.his 58.measures 59.When 60.doctors

61.Thanks 62. taught 63. going 64. is / was called 65. can draw 66. need 67. having 68. has become 69. study 70. to learn

Day 3

51- 55 Protecting ;environmental ; On ;plant; why;

56-60 bad; trees; began; cheapest; water

61-65 to check grown; to do; cried; got

66-70 is; can help; worry; will leave; understand


51. well/better 52. article 53. active 54.in 55. friends

56. when 57. without 58. yourself 59. respect 60. what

61.were cut 62.left 63.covered 64.burned/burnt 65.to keep

66. did 67.living 68. look 69. aren’t 70. to protect


51. what 52. wonderful 53. that 54. me 55. pleased

56. other 57. after 58. because 59. best 60. fourth

61. was started 62. will do 63. use 64. to help 65. paid

66. cheating 67. are making 68. played 69. give 70. was


51.their 52 careful 53. sunny 54. better 55. how

56. happily 57 for 58. pieces 59. because 60. never

61. were traveling 62. to rest 63. saw 64. is crossing 65. was asked 66. must take 67. have waited 68. drinking 69. think 70. will remember Day 7

51. national 52. Its 53. besides 54. China 55. more 56. history 57. two58. only 59. Because 60. zoos

61. know 62. will return 63. was asked 64. couldn ’t do 65. was sleeping

66. woke 67. sets 68. have studied/have been studying 69. attending 70. to educate


51-55: widely; when; someone; but; wives;

56-60: another; past; without; while; first;

61-65: has learned; working; is; are born; found

66-70: thought; reported; caused; to spend; to help





5、若注定是过客,没何必去惊扰一盏灯。Tuesday, August 4, 2020August 20Tuesday, August 4, 20208/4/2020







2020年中考英语短文填空 Passage 1 (为什么蝙蝠是这么多病毒的源头) Bats tend to live in dark and wet places. There are all 1.____ of viruses. Bats always live in gr oups 2 .____ the viruses can have larger “playgrounds” to evolve (进化) and become more pow erful variants (变体). Bats are mammals (哺乳动物), just like humans. Our similar genes (基因) make it easier for 3.____ to become infected with the same viruses. When bats fly, their body temperature can reach as 4.____ as 40 C. This high temp erature can kill weak viruses, but 5.____ ones will survive (存活) and continue to evolv e. Bats have special immune (免疫的) systems 6.____ allow them to live with viruses without getting sick. Since they can fly, bats can spread viruses farther and more easily than other animals. Although wild animals carry many diseases, it doesn’t mean that we should view th em7.____ evil. Each species has a role in the ecosystem (生态系统) and all of them are important for keeping a good ecological balance. The 8.____ we should learn from viru s outbreaks is to respect and 9.____ animals and to live in harmony with them, instead 10.____ hunting, killing, or eating them. 答案 1. kinds 2. so 3. us 4 high 5.stronger 6. that/which 7. as 8. lesson 9. protect 10.of

(英语) 中考英语语法填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析

(英语)中考英语语法填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 There is a nice family living in Valladolid, a beautiful city in Spain.________father, Jose Garcia, is a tall and friendly man. He________(work)in a famous company. He married Teresa, a________(beauty) woman, ________dark eyes and light hair. She is a ________(teach) of a primary school. Jose and Teresa have three________(child): Susan, Rebecca and Juan. The________(old), Susan, is 24 years old. She's a doctor and busy with her work every day. She________(usual) goes to work at 8 a.m. and comes home after 7p.m. Rebecca, a beautiful girl with big dark eyes, is 19 years old and________(study)Chinese in the Canary Islands. Juan, a naughty 11-year-oldboy, dreams of________a great football player. They are a happy family.【答案】The;works;beautiful;with;teacher;children;eldest;usually;studies;becoming 【解析】【分析】文章大意:在西班牙美丽的城市瓦拉多利德,住着一个很好的家庭。何塞·加西亚娶了特蕾莎。她是一所小学的五年级教师。何塞和特蕾莎生了三个孩子:苏珊、丽贝卡和胡安。苏珊,24岁。她是个医生,每天都忙于工作。She早上8点上班,晚上7点回家。Rebecca,19岁,在加那利群岛学习中文。胡安,一个顽皮的11岁男孩,梦想着成为一名伟大的足球运动员。他们是一个幸福的家庭。 (1)句意:爸爸,何塞加西亚是一个高个子善良的人。father特指前文提到的住在瓦拉多利德承德市幸福家庭中的爸爸,因此使用定冠词,因为在句首,手字母t应大写,故答案是The。 (2)句意:他在一个著名的公司上班。本文的基本时态为一般现在时,所以本句也是一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词使用单三形式,故答案是works。(3)句意:他娶了一个叫做特蕾莎的长着黑色眼睛的妇女。beauty作定语修饰woman,应使用形容词beautiful,故答案是beautiful。 (4)句意:他娶了一个叫做特蕾莎的长着黑色眼睛的妇女、长着黑色眼睛作定语修饰woman,应使用介词with连接,故答案是with。 (5)句意:他是一个小学的老师。根据冠词a,可知后面单数可数名词,与teach相关的名词是teacher,老师,故答案是teacher。 (6)句意:何塞和特蕾莎有三个孩子。child孩子,可数名词,根据three可知应使用复数形式children,故答案是children。 (7)句意:最大的,苏珊24岁了。根据后文的叙述可知苏珊年龄最大,兄弟姐妹之间年龄最大使用eldest,故答案是eldest。 (8)句意:她通常八点上班。usual修饰go to work,应使用副词形式usually,故答案是usually。 (9)句意:长着黑色大眼睛的丽贝卡19岁了,在加那利群岛学习中文,文章的基本时态为一般现在时,主语Rebacca是第三人称单数,动词使用单三形式,故答案是studies。(10)句意:十一岁的胡安是一个淘气的男孩,他的梦想是成为一乐伟大的足球运动员。

最新 中考英语语法填空易错点汇总及练习测试题经典

最新中考英语语法填空易错点汇总及练习测试题经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 About ten years ago when I was at university, I worked at my university's museum. One day ________ I was working in the gift shop, I saw two old people come ________ with a little girl in a wheelchair (轮椅). As I looked closer ________ this girl, I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. She was ________ (wear) a little white dress. When the old people pushed her up to me, I was looking down at the desk. I turned my head and gave ________ (she) a smile. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, ________ (happy) smile I had ever seen. Just at that ________ , her physical handicap (生理缺陷)was gone. All I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just impressed me ________ almost gave me a completely new idea of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy university student and brought me into her world, a world of smiles and love. That was ten years ago. I'm a ________ (success) business person now and whenever I feel frustrated and think about the trouble of the world, I will think of that little girl and the unusual lesson about life that she ________ (teach) me. 【答案】when/while;in;at;wearing;her;the happiest;time/moment;and;successful;taught 【解析】【分析】文章大意:大学期间遇到的一个坐轮椅的小女孩,她的可爱的乐观的微笑改变了我的人生观。十多年以来,她的微笑始终激励着我。 (1)句意:有一天,我在礼品店工作时,看到两个老人带着一个坐轮椅的小女孩进来。分析句式结构可知,I was working in the gift shop是一个时间状语从句,要用when或while 来引导;第一空格故填when或while;因I was working in the gift shop,因此two old people需要进来,我才能看到。固定短语come in,进来,第二个空格故填in。(2)句意:当我走近这个女孩时,我发现她没有胳膊或腿,只有头、脖子和身体。根据后面语句I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. 可知,我近距离地看到了这个小女孩。固定短语look at,看到,故填at。 (3)句意:她穿着一件白色的小裙子。wear,穿,动词,根据前面的was可知,此句要用过去进行时,故填wearing。 (4)句意:我转过头对她笑了笑。she,人称代词主格,她;固定短语give sb. sth.给某人某物,人称代词作give的宾语要用宾格,故填her。 (5)句意:她给了我一个我所见过的最可爱、最快乐的微笑。happy,开心,快乐。根据语句中的the cutest与I had ever seen可知此空要用最高级,故填the happiest。 (6)句意:就在那时,她的生理缺陷消失了。固定短语at that time,at that moment,在那时,故填time或moment。 (7)句意:我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩,她的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象,几乎让我对生活的意义有了全新的认识。分析句式结构impressed me与almost gave me a,……是小


(英语)中考英语语法填空汇编专项训练及答案 一、英语语法填空汇编 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Friends are important to everyone, ________, some people may have trouble ________ (keep)their friendships. Here are some tips on how to make your friendship ________ (deep) and stronger. ★Be yourself. A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people. Though your identity (身份)is always changing, some of your personality will stay pretty much ________ same. Find out ________ those things are, think hard about who you want to be, and then show yourself ________ (honest) to the people around you. ★Avoid gossip (八卦). Friends shouldn't spread rumors (谣言) about other friends. If you've heard something bad about your friends, ________ (find) a proper way of asking them about it by ________ (you). If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, ask a trusted friend for advice. ★Protect your friends. Very often, somebody that you're not close to doubts one of your ________ (friend). It's important to find out both sides of the story, but it's also a good chance to show your friend that you trust him by telling him. ★Return the care. There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook, or a shoulder to cry on. A good friend will cheer you up when you're in trouble and listen patiently when your friend shares a problem ________ you. Be sure you are as helpful as your friend, because he will take notice and feel good you. 【答案】 however;keeping;deeper;the;what;honest;find;yourself;friends;with 【解析】【分析】大意:文章主要提出了使友谊变得深厚、坚固的四个建议。 (1)句意:然而,有些人可能在保持友谊上有麻烦。根据上文Friends are important to everyone 朋友对每个人都很重要,可知此处为转折,然而有些人可能在保持友谊上有麻 烦,应用转折连词however。故答案为however。 (2)句意:有些人可能在保持友谊上有麻烦。根据固定搭配have trouble doing sth.做某事有麻烦,可知此处应用动词keep的ing形式keeping。故答案为keeping。 (3)句意:这里有一些在如何使你的友谊更深厚、更坚固的提示。根据并列形容词比较 级stronger更坚固,可知此处应用形容词deep的比较级deeper。故答案为deeper。 (4)句意:尽管你的身份总是在改变,你的一些性格基本上会保持一样。根据形容词 same,一样的,可知此处应填定冠词the。故答案为the。 (5)句意:找到那些东西是什么。根据宾语those things,那些动词,可知应用疑问词what。故答案为what。 (6)句意:然后向你周围的人诚实地展示你自己。根据副词修饰动词,可知此处应用形 容词honest的副词形式honestly修饰动词show。故答案为honestly。 (7)句意:找到一个合适的方式问他们。根据下文If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, ask a trusted friend for advice. 如果你不确定如何和他们讨论,问一个你信任的朋友 要建议,可知此处应用动词原形引导祈使句表劝告。故答案为find。


17年短文填空I so know nervous Jimmy but happy with answer understand look much Nine-year-old Jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on "my family's ancestors(祖先)". The purpose was for kids to __66_ their family history. In search of some__67__for his task, Jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course _68___nothing about the reason why Jimmy asked such questions. When she was asked, "Granny, where did I come from?" his grandma was quite_69__. Why didn't he ask his parents? She had to be quite careful when talking _70__ a kid about such a subject. She wanted to buy some time, _71__ she replied. "Well, sweetie, the stork (鹳鸟)brought you." She said no_72__, hoping that the subject would be dropped until Jimmy's parents came back. "So, where did Mom come from?" "The stork brought her also." "Well, then where did you come from?" "The stork brought __73__too, sweetie." "All right, thanks, Granny." _74__ grandmother did not think anything more about his questions. Three days later, when she was tidying up and _75__at Jimmy's desk, she read the first sentence of his paper. " For three generations (辈)there have been no natural births in our family." 66. ______67. ______68. ______69. ______70. ______ 71. ______ 72. ______73. ______74. ______75. ______ 16短文填空always talk count I below friend or people send free


最新中考英语语法填空专项练习经典经典1 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 About ten years ago when I was at university, I worked at my university's museum. One day ________ I was working in the gift shop, I saw two old people come ________ with a little girl in a wheelchair (轮椅). As I looked closer ________ this girl, I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. She was ________ (wear) a little white dress. When the old people pushed her up to me, I was looking down at the desk. I turned my head and gave ________ (she) a smile. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, ________ (happy) smile I had ever seen. Just at that ________ , her physical handicap (生理缺陷)was gone. All I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just impressed me ________ almost gave me a completely new idea of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy university student and brought me into her world, a world of smiles and love. That was ten years ago. I'm a ________ (success) business person now and whenever I feel frustrated and think about the trouble of the world, I will think of that little girl and the unusual lesson about life that she ________ (teach) me. 【答案】when/while;in;at;wearing;her;the happiest;time/moment;and;successful;taught 【解析】【分析】文章大意:大学期间遇到的一个坐轮椅的小女孩,她的可爱的乐观的微笑改变了我的人生观。十多年以来,她的微笑始终激励着我。 (1)句意:有一天,我在礼品店工作时,看到两个老人带着一个坐轮椅的小女孩进来。分析句式结构可知,I was working in the gift shop是一个时间状语从句,要用when或while 来引导;第一空格故填when或while;因I was working in the gift shop,因此two old people需要进来,我才能看到。固定短语come in,进来,第二个空格故填in。(2)句意:当我走近这个女孩时,我发现她没有胳膊或腿,只有头、脖子和身体。根据后面语句I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. 可知,我近距离地看到了这个小女孩。固定短语look at,看到,故填at。 (3)句意:她穿着一件白色的小裙子。wear,穿,动词,根据前面的was可知,此句要用过去进行时,故填wearing。 (4)句意:我转过头对她笑了笑。she,人称代词主格,她;固定短语give sb. sth.给某人某物,人称代词作give的宾语要用宾格,故填her。 (5)句意:她给了我一个我所见过的最可爱、最快乐的微笑。happy,开心,快乐。根据语句中的the cutest与I had ever seen可知此空要用最高级,故填the happiest。 (6)句意:就在那时,她的生理缺陷消失了。固定短语at that time,at that moment,在那时,故填time或moment。 (7)句意:我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩,她的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象,几乎让我对生活的意义有了全新的认识。分析句式结构impressed me与almost gave me a,……是小


最新英语中考英语语法填空训练经典1 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 About ten years ago when I was at university, I worked at my university's museum. One day ________ I was working in the gift shop, I saw two old people come ________ with a little girl in a wheelchair (轮椅). As I looked closer ________ this girl, I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. She was ________ (wear) a little white dress. When the old people pushed her up to me, I was looking down at the desk. I turned my head and gave ________ (she) a smile. As I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, ________ (happy) smile I had ever seen. Just at that ________ , her physical handicap (生理缺陷)was gone. All I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just impressed me ________ almost gave me a completely new idea of what life is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy university student and brought me into her world, a world of smiles and love. That was ten years ago. I'm a ________ (success) business person now and whenever I feel frustrated and think about the trouble of the world, I will think of that little girl and the unusual lesson about life that she ________ (teach) me. 【答案】when/while;in;at;wearing;her;the happiest;time/moment;and;successful;taught 【解析】【分析】文章大意:大学期间遇到的一个坐轮椅的小女孩,她的可爱的乐观的微笑改变了我的人生观。十多年以来,她的微笑始终激励着我。 (1)句意:有一天,我在礼品店工作时,看到两个老人带着一个坐轮椅的小女孩进来。分析句式结构可知,I was working in the gift shop是一个时间状语从句,要用when或while 来引导;第一空格故填when或while;因I was working in the gift shop,因此two old people需要进来,我才能看到。固定短语come in,进来,第二个空格故填in。(2)句意:当我走近这个女孩时,我发现她没有胳膊或腿,只有头、脖子和身体。根据后面语句I realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and body. 可知,我近距离地看到了这个小女孩。固定短语look at,看到,故填at。 (3)句意:她穿着一件白色的小裙子。wear,穿,动词,根据前面的was可知,此句要用过去进行时,故填wearing。 (4)句意:我转过头对她笑了笑。she,人称代词主格,她;固定短语give sb. sth.给某人某物,人称代词作give的宾语要用宾格,故填her。 (5)句意:她给了我一个我所见过的最可爱、最快乐的微笑。happy,开心,快乐。根据语句中的the cutest与I had ever seen可知此空要用最高级,故填the happiest。 (6)句意:就在那时,她的生理缺陷消失了。固定短语at that time,at that moment,在那时,故填time或moment。 (7)句意:我看到的只是一个美丽的女孩,她的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象,几乎让我对生活的意义有了全新的认识。分析句式结构impressed me与almost gave me a,……是小


2019年中考英语短文填空专项训练50篇 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(一) Mrs.Goodwilllivedaloneinabigoldhouse.Shewastoooldtodoalotofcleaning,sothe housewasalways1. .Shewantedtosellthehouse,butnoonewouldbuyit. Mrs.Goodwillnever2. (use)theupstairs(二楼),soshedecidedtorentitoutto makesome money.Sheadvertised(登广告)inthenewspaperandrentedtheroomstothe 3. (one) personwhocalled. HewasayoungmannamedMick.Mickwastallandfat, andhehadlittlehair.Oneday,Mrs.Goodwill‘s 4. Hillarycametovisit.Whenshe sawMick,shewas 5. [sk e?d].―Mom,helookslikea criminal.Youmustbe h esaid. 6. (care),‖s Hillarydidn‘tvisit7.[?'gen]untilthreemonthslater.Whenshearrived,she couldn‘t8. hereyes.Thehousewascleanandbeautiful.Mrs.Goodwillwascooking inthekitchenandMickwas plantingsome 9. ['fla??s]inthegarden. Hillarywenttohermomandsaid,―Mom,yourhouselookssodifferent now.‖ ―Yes.Mick helped 10.alot,‖Mrs.Goodwillsaid.―He‘squitedifferent fromwhatyouthink–He is reallya kindboy!‖ 【参考答案】 (一)短文填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分) 1.dirty https://www.360docs.net/doc/7f19151914.html,ed 3.first 4.daughter 5.scared 6.cared 7.again 8.believe 9.flowers 10.me 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(二) Mr.andMrs.BrownwerefarmersinSouthAustralia.Theylivedthereformanyyears.They hadakangarooin1. family.ThekangaroowascalledLulu.Severalyearsago,Mr. Brown‘ssongaveLulutohim2. agiftforhis60thbirthday.SoonMr.Brownand LulubecamegoodfriendsandLuluoften3. (follow)himaroundthefarm. One daywhenMr.Brownwas workingonhisfarm,a4. ['hev?]treebranch(树枝) fellontopofhimsuddenly.Mr.Brownfelltothegroundanddidn‘t5.what happenednext.Lulu stoodnexttoMr.Brown‘sbody.Shestartedbarking(叫)anddidn‘tleave Mr. Brown.―She6. (sound)likeadog.Shebarkedand barked.Andshe didn‘t stop,‖sa id Mrs.Brown.After7.Lulu‘sbarks,Mrs. Brownquicklywentto seewhathad happened. ShesawMr.Brownlyingonthegroundand8. (send)himtothehospital rightaway.9. ['l?k?l?], Mr.Brownwassaved. ―Luluisgreat!‖sa idMr.Brown.―Sh esavedme!Sheisafriendlyandvery10. [ 'klev?]kangaroo.‖Aft er Mr.Brownleftthehospital,hetookLulueverywherehewent. 【参考答案】 (二)短文填空(共10小题;每小题 1 分,满分10分) 1.their 2.as 3.follows 4.heavy 5.know 6.sounded 7.hearing 8.sent 9.Luckily 10.clever 【2019年中考英语短文填空】(三) MostAmericansenjoy1.(move)fromplacetoplace.Theyseemunabletostayin oneplace2. alongtime.Researchsaysthat Americansmoveeveryfiveyearson average(平均). Besides their habit of moving, Americans like to travel. Most companies provide a


A:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的单词或短语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为1-10的相应位置。有个别单词的首字母已给出。 Although English is not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every day. English speakers are always making new words and we should be able to know 1 most words come from. Sometimes, however, no one may really know where 2 word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, 3 (especial) when they are not made 4 ham? About a hundred years ago, some men went to America from Europe. They came from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They did not speak good English, 5 they ate good food. Some Americans saw them eating round pieces of beef. They 6 never seen such a strang e way. They couldn’t help 7 (ask) the Germans what it was. The Germans did not understand the question and answered, “W e came from Hamburg.” One of these Americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea. He 8 his mind to do something new. He cooked some round pieces of the beef like what the men from Hamburg ate and sold it in quite a few 9 (country) around the world. Whether this story is true or not, it certainly is 10 (interest). B:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的单词或短语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为1-10的相应位置。有个别单词的首字母已给出。 One day, I was walking down Jackson Street to catch the bus when several tough guys jumped out and robbed me. They beat me, ___1___ (take) all my money and left me by the roadside ______ (die). Not long after, a man in my neighbourhood passed by. He saw me and said, “I’ll get some help. ” He left and ___3____ came back. A few hours later, a second man passed by. I knew he was going to help me because we went to __4___ same church. ___5___ he acted as if he didn’t know me and left. It was almost dark __6__ a third man came by. I didn’t know him. I though he was from the countryside because he dressed __7__ (difference). I didn’t think he was going to help me. But he saw me and felt sorry __8__ me. He called the police and then stayed with me, __9___(wait) for the ambulance. The next day, the doctor said to me, “__10__ was a good think that the man helped you. You were dying. Who was he—a friend?” I thought for a minute, and answered, “Yes, he was.” C:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的单词或短语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为1-10的相应位置。有个别单词的首字母已给出。 People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the past 300 years, there were so many changes in both places that now people can __1__ (easy) tell an English person from an American in __2__ way he or she talks. Many old words disappeared in England but __3__ (keep) in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got their water from __4__ they called either a “faucet”, “spigot”, __5__ a “tap”. All these words are still heard in different parts of America, but only “tap” is still common in England.
