

DELL 名词说明

DELL 名词说明

4.定义说明: 4.定义说明: 定义说明 MRB:负责审查不合格品之材料/在制品/加工品/成品及 负责审查不合格品之材料/在制品/加工品/ 负责审查不合格品之材料 客户退回之产品,是一个跨部门组织. 客户退回之产品,是一个跨部门组织. 不合格品:当材料/半成品/成品离开原有可识别状态, 不合格品:当材料/半成品/成品离开原有可识别状态,移动 至另外区域后无法识别,即为可疑材料/半成品/ 至另外区域后无法识别,即为可疑材料/半成品/ 成品,全部视为不合格品. 成品,全部视为不合格品.
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Dell 名词说明
1.英文缩写: 1.英文缩写:ESD 英文缩写 2.英文全文 2.英文全文:Electrostatic Discharge 英文全文 3.中 3.中 文:静电气排出
4.定义说明: 4.定义说明: 定义说明 4.1无线静电腕不允许使用. 4.1无线静电腕不允许使用. 无线静电腕不允许使用 4.2所有半导体材料在制作/运送/ 4.2所有半导体材料在制作/运送/包装过程中要防止静 所有半导体材料在制作 电破坏. 电破坏. 4.3半导体的材料/设备/仪器/工具/ 4.3半导体的材料/设备/仪器/工具/治具及工作桌皆接 半导体的材料 之规定) 地(量测频度依QPA中ESD之规定) . 量测频度依 中 之规定
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Dell 名词说明
1.英文缩写: 1.英文缩写:GR&R 英文缩写 2.英文全文: 2.英文全文:Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility 英文全文 3.中 3.中 文:量具的再现性与再生性
4.定义说明: 4.定义说明: 定义说明
精密性(Precision) 精密性(Precision) 量测系统中之总变异 再现性 (repeatability;简称 rpt) (repeatability;简称 再生性 (reproducibility;简称 rpd) (reproducibility;简称



DELL Visor知识点几个视觉技术的区分VR:进入一个完全虚拟的世界AR:利用虚拟信息增强现实世界MR:虚拟与现实的深度融合什么是虚拟现实(VR)虚拟现实技术——利用电脑或其他智能计算设备模拟产生一个三维空间的虚拟世界,提供用户关于视觉、听觉、触觉等感官的模拟,让用户如同身历其境一般的奇妙体验。



1、易于穿戴和摘下的“上掀式”镜头可以帮助您在虚拟世界和现实之间快速切换2、采用Inside-out 追踪定位技术的摄像头传感器不再需要外部摄像头和定位3、良好的衬垫和耐用的头带舒适地贴合在您的前额上4、精良的面部衬垫使得眼镜佩戴者也能够舒适地体验5、重量平衡头带能够避免鼻子和面颊承受的压力6、线缆管理夹能够确保线缆始终置于头带后方以利于佩戴者更好地移动7、拨轮的设计能方便快捷地按照头部尺寸调节舒适度卓越的视觉效果1、DELL Visor具有单眼1440 x 1440的分辨率和90Hz的刷新率,360度全方位观看画面不失帧2、两块SHARP 2.89英寸LCD 液晶显示屏和菲涅尔透镜组通过锐利的聚焦和出色的景深,能够呈现清晰透亮的画面效果。



Dell 常用专有名词

Dell 常用专有名词

Acronyms for SEQ SSM Class General Acronyms4MEP – Machines, Materials, Measurements, Methods, Environment, People. General cause categories. Also known as 5M’s or 6M’s.AIAG – Automotive Industry Action Group.AMF – (Dell) Americas Manufacturing Facility. Includes factories located in Austin, Nashville, and North CarolinaAPCC – (Dell) Asia-Pacific Customer Center. Factory located in Penang, MalaysiaAVL – Approved Vendor List. Sometimes ASL (Approved Suppliers List). Some interchange with BOM (Build of Materials or Bill of Materials), but BOM is different than AVL/ASL.BC – Business Contract.BPI –Business Process Improvement. Dell’s Quality philosophy, which includes Six Sigma tools and practices, Lean Technology principles, and other aspects of Quality Improvement. BST – Business Strategy Team.CA – Corrective Action.CCC – (Dell) China Customer Center. Factory located in Xiamen, ChinaCE – Customer Experience.CIP – Continual (or Continuous) Improvement Process.COC – Center of Competency.COS – Continuity of Supply.CTQ – Critical to Quality, usually referring to characteristics of the product or process.CLCA – Closed Loop Corrective Action. A methodology of characterizing, containing, resolving and reporting special cause events in a process.DES/DID – Design-Induced Damage.DFSS – Design for Six Sigma.DFX (or DFx) –Design for X, often called “Design for Everything.” Types of X’es include: Cost, Quality, Reliability, Manufacturing, Test, Service, Six SigmaDVT – Design Validation Testing.E2E – End to End, referring to a type of process flowchart or map.EBST – Executive Business Strategy Team.ECN – Engineering Change Notification.ECO – Engineering Change Order.EICC – Electronics Industry Code of Conduct.EMF – (Dell) Europe Manufacturing Center. Factory located in Limerick, Ireland. Will include new factory in Poland in the near future.EOL – End of Life. The end of warranty obligations (typically the same as EOSL).EOPL – End of Production Life. Dell factory stops manufacturing.EOS – Electrical Over Stress.EOSL – End of Service Life. Dell stops servicing (typically when warranty period complete). ESD – Electro Static Discharge.EVT – Engineering Validation Testing.FA – Failure Analysis.FAI – First Article Inspection.FIFO – First In First Out.FMEA – Failure Mode Effects Analysis.FPM – Functional Process Manual.GB/BB – Green Belt / Black Belt. Levels of skill and knowledge attainment within Six Sigma; often refers to specific certifications.GR&R – Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility.HALT – Highly Accelerated Life Test.HASS – Highly Accelerated Stress Screen.IQA – Incoming Quality Assurance.IQC – Incoming Quality Control.JMP – Name of a powerful statistical program used in data analysis. Began as “Jon’s Mac Project” in 1989.LOB – Line of Business.MARCOM – Marketing Communication.MQT – Manufacturing Quality and Test, another title for the QMP.MRB – Material Review Board.MSA – Measurement System Analysis.MSE – Measurement System Error.MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures.NPI – New Product Introduction.NPO – New Product Operations.NPP – New Product Process; also used for New Product Plan.NPRR – New Product Readiness Review. A review sequence that is mostly replaced by Safe Launch.OBA – Out of Box Audit.OHSAS – Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series. A pair of standards, OHSAS 18001 and 18002, on OHS Management Systems (OHSMS).OPEX – Operating Expenses. Including headcount, travel expense, administrative expense, etc. OQC – Outgoing Quality Control.ODM – Original Design Manufacturer.ORT – Ongoing Reliability Test(ing).OSV – On-site Verification.PCN – Process Change Notification. Sometimes Product Change Notification, but not often. PDCA – Plan Do Check Act. An improvement methodology.PFG – Product Features Guide.PID – Process-Induced Damage, usually implying Dell process (but also widely used in industry). PG – (Dell) Product Group.PM – Program Manager.PMT – Process Maturity Testing.PO – Purchase Order.PRP – Phase Review Process.PWB – Printed Wiring Board. Also called PCB (Printed Circuit Board)QBR – Quarterly Business Review.QDS – Quality Data System.QMP – Quality Management Plan.QMS – Quality Management System.QPA – Quality Process Audit. Commodity specific tool/checklist at Dell.QS – Quality System.QSA – Quality Systems Audit. Standard (same for all commodities) tool/checklist at Dell. RACI – Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed. Four categories of job responsibility involvement.R&R – Roles and Responsibilities.RFI – Request for Information.RFQ/RFP – Request for Quote / Request for Proposal. No significant difference within the Dell WWP system, but may mean different things in other companies.RTS – Ready to Ship. Some places use Release to Ship.SCAR – Supplier Corrective Action Request. Typical supplier response is done through 5C Process; some suppliers use 8D Process.SEQ – Supplier Engineering and Quality. A department inside a company; Dell SEQ is part of WWP (Worldwide Procurement). Many other companies in the industry use SQE (Supplier Quality Engineering).SOW – Statement of Work.SPC – Statistical Process Control. Often interchangeable with SQC (Statistical Quality Control) in Dell SEQ documentation.SPRT – Sequential Probability Ratio Test.SSM – Supplier Selection and Management. A training class, and a key business process. STSM – Sub-tier Supplier Management. Used to refer to a Dell initiative, and also used to label a specific quality conformance audit & checklist. Standard (same for all commodities)tool/checklist at DellTGT – Target.VOC – Voice of Customer.VID – Vendor-Induced Damage.WW – Worldwide, or World Wide.WWP – Worldwide Procurement.Quality Metrics90FIR – FIR in the first 90 days after product shipment from Dell factory.AFR – Annualized Failure Rate.ARR – Annualized Return Rate.CND – Can Not Duplicate.DPPM – Defective Parts Per Million.FIR – Field Incident Rate. Field Failures. Typically measured in dppm.IFIR – Initial Field Incident Rate. FIR in the first 30 days after product shipment from Dell factoryLRR – Line Reject Rate. Failure rate in the Dell factory. Typically measured in dppm. MDR – Manufacturing Defect Rate; also seen as Materials Defect Rate. Obsolete metric; no longer used in Dell.NFF – No Fault Found.NTF – No Trouble Found.SVLRR – Sub-tier VLRR. Component failure rate in the 1st tier supplier factory.VIFIR – Verified IFIR.VFIR – Verified FIR.VLRR – Verified LRR.Quality StandardsISO-9000 – A family of standards which define the requirements for a Quality Management System. These standards are owned and maintained by ISO (International Standards Organization).QS-9000 – Quality System 9000. A quality systems standard specific to the automotive industry. Covers supplier requirements for production parts, materials, and services. Built on ISO9001:1994, with additional requirements.TL-9000 – Telecom 9000. A quality systems standard based on ISO 9000, with additional requirements for the telecommunications industry.TS-16949 – Technical Specification 16949. Built by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force) in collaboration with ISO. Originally designed to align the quality system requirementsof the U.S. automotive industry with the German, French, and Italian automotive industries.Job Titles and RolesFAE/FAS – Failure Analysis Engineer / Failure Analysis Support. A supplier role at a Dell site. GCM – Global Commodity Manager. A Dell role. Business role managing contractual and commercial relationship with suppliers.GCQM – Global Commodity Quality Manager. A Dell role with global quality responsibilities within a commodity.GQAM – Global Quality Account Manager. A supplier role with global quality responsibilities within a commodity.GSQE – See SQE.GSQM – Global Supplier Quality Manager. A Dell Role with global quality responsibilities. JQE/JQM – Joint Quality Engineer / Joint Quality Manager. A supplier role, dedicated to supporting Dell quality performance, at a supplier site.SEQ (previously SQE and may still exist in older documents) – Supplier Engineering & Quality (Supplier Quality Engineering). A Dell field engineering role, collaborating with suppliers. GCT – Global Commodity Team. A cross-functional team within Dell that manages a commodity’s business.。



本文由纷飞的温柔贡献 ******************************* <计算机专业术语大全(中 ̄英文版)> ******************************* AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port) -图形加速接口 Access Time-存取时间 Address-地址 ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 美国国家标准协会 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Async SRAM-异步静态内存 BSB (Backside Bus) Bandwidth-带宽 Bank -内存库 Bank Schema -存储体规划 Base Rambus -初级的Rambus内存 Baud -波特 BGA (Ball Grid Array)-球状引脚栅格阵列封装技术 Binary -二进制 BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) -基本输入/输出系统 Bit-位、比特 BLP-底部引出塑封技术 Buffer-缓冲区 Buffered Memory-带缓冲的内存 BEDO (Burst EDO RAM) -突发模式EDO随机存储器 Burst Mode-突发模式 Bus-总线 Bus Cycle-总线周期 Byte-字节 Cacheability-高速缓存能力 Cache Memory-高速缓存存储器 CAS (Column Address Strobe)-列地址选通脉冲 CL(CAS Latency )-列地址选通脉冲时间延迟 CDRAM (Cache DRAM)-快取动态随机存储器 Checksum-检验和,校验和 Chipset-芯片组 Chip-Scale Package (CSP)-芯片级封装 Compact Flash-紧凑式闪存 Concurrent Rambus-并发式总线式内存 Continuity RIMM (C-RIMM)-连续性总线式内存模组 CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semicomductor)-互补金属氧化物半导体用于晶体管 CPU (Central Processing Unit)-中央处理单元 Credit Card Memory -信用卡内存 DDR(Double Data Rate SDRAM)- 双数据输出同步动态存储器。



Service Tag服务编号 下两个工作日安排上门(周一 NBD(8*5) 派单,周三上门) 显示器内置监测 SALE PPID(Product UEFI BIOS中的硬件检测 Part Identification) 预装在电脑中的检测程序 Clear RTC Jumper 从官网点击运行的检测程序 显卡交火 4096*2160分辨率 格式化键盘的命令 安全问题 电池健康管理 有备件,有包装盒,说明书 等,全新的(专用工具包) 快速存储/启动(英特尔快速存 储技术) DELL Backup and Recovery(戴尔备份与恢复) 网卡物理地址 显示器上门 亚太区 上门工程师 客户关怀(非技术) 意外保险 主板加密芯片 处理媒体case部门 自动选part 4HR(24*7) PIOW4 CIS (carry in service) 6HR PSU PPG Rapod Dispatch SNP Quickset 3包客户 Spare Part CCC RUN Q CSR=CRU P/N SR TT
直接内存存取 芯片(可擦写/不可擦写) 中断 下三个工作日安排工程师上门服务(周一派单,周四上门) 实时时钟 加时上门服务(用户要求晚上和周末时间上门更换) 主机前面开关控制面板 子板 触控板两侧的区域 直流电源输入孔 系统过热 系统蓝屏 备件号 win8Home&Pro64位(系统备件号) win8单语言,英文版 Direct USB Key恢复U盘 标注 戴尔品质翻新机 整机更换 开箱物损 旧版录入系统 贸易管制 预装系统恢复U盘 快递
邮寄服务(பைடு நூலகம்保修部分零 件,提供送修服务) 上门
DMA(Directional Memory Access) ROM
意外保修服务 IRQ 下一工作日上门服务(节假 TBD(8*5) 日和双休不属于工作日) 销售 RTC(Real-Time Clock) 品编号(20位,英文+数字) N&WS 台式机 跳线 Cintrol Panel 四小时内安排工程师上门维 Daughter Board 修 4小时内邮寄给客户 Palm rest 用户自行送修 拨打电话后6小时内工程师上 门 背后电源诊断灯 完美屏的保修服务 不带备件,工程师直接上门 检测,现场来电申请备件 周边产品 快速设置 指个人用户 只有一个备件,不一定是全 新 中国地区 电话转接 用户自己更换备件 Part Number 整个case 提交给IT DC-IN System Overheat System Unstable Issue P/N win8H/P64 W8EM64,ENG DUSB Key Remark ARB WUR MWD DCS TCO DPK DLP



计算机术语大全1、CPU3DNow!(3D no waiting,无须等待的3D处理)AAM(AMD Analyst Meeting,AMD分析家会议)ABP(Advanced Branch Prediction,高级分支预测)ACG(Aggressive Clock Gating,主动时钟选择)AIS(Alternate Instruction Set,交替指令集)ALAT(advanced load table,高级载入表)ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit,算术逻辑单元)Aluminum(铝)AGU(Address Generation Units,地址产成单元)APC(Advanced Power Control,高级能源控制)APIC(Advanced rogrammable Interrupt Controller,高级可编程中断控制器)APS(Alternate Phase Shifting,交替相位跳转)ASB(Advanced System Buffering,高级系统缓冲)ATC(Advanced Transfer Cache,高级转移缓存)ATD(Assembly Technology Development,装配技术发展)BBUL(Bumpless Build-Up Layer,内建非凹凸层)BGA(Ball Grid Array,球状网阵排列)BHT(branch prediction table,分支预测表)Bops(Billion Operations Per Second,10亿操作秒)BPU(Branch Processing Unit,分支处理单元)BP(Brach Pediction,分支预测)BSP(Boot Strap Processor,启动捆绑处理器)BTAC(Branch Target Address Calculator,分支目标寻址计算器)CBGA (Ceramic Ball Grid Array,陶瓷球状网阵排列)CDIP (Ceramic Dual-In-Line,陶瓷双重直线)Center Processing Unit Utilization,中央处理器占用率CFM(cubic feet per minute,立方英尺秒)CMT(course-grained multithreading,过程消除多线程)CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor,互补金属氧化物半导体)CMOV(conditional move instruction,条件移动指令)CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computing,复杂指令集计算机)CLK(Clock Cycle,时钟周期)CMP(on-chip multiprocessor,片内多重处理)CMS(Code Morphing Software,代码变形软件)co-CPU(cooperative CPU,协处理器)COB(Cache on board,板上集成缓存,做在CPU卡上的二级缓存,通常是内核的一半速度))COD(Cache on Die,芯片内核集成缓存)Copper(铜)CPGA(Ceramic Pin Grid Array,陶瓷针型栅格阵列)CPI(cycles per instruction,周期指令)CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device,複雜可程式化邏輯元件)CPU(Center Processing Unit,中央处理器)CRT(Cooperative Redundant Threads,协同多余线程)CSP(Chip Scale Package,芯片比例封装)CXT(Chooper eXTend,增强形K6-2内核,即K6-3)Data Forwarding(数据前送)dB(decibel,分贝)DCLK(Dot Clock,点时钟)DCT(DRAM Controller,DRAM控制器)DDT(Dynamic Deferred Transaction,动态延期处理)Decode(指令解码)DIB(Dual Independent Bus,双重独立总线)DMT(Dynamic Multithreading Architecture,动态多线程结构)DP(Dual Processor,双处理器)DSM(Dedicated Stack Manager,专门堆栈管理)DSMT(Dynamic Simultaneous Multithreading,动态同步多线程)DST(Depleted Substrate Transistor,衰竭型底层晶体管)DTV(Dual Threshold Voltage,双重极限电压)DUV(Deep Ultra-Violet,纵深紫外光)EBGA(Enhanced Ball Grid Array,增强形球状网阵排列)EBL(electron beam lithography,电子束平版印刷)EC(Embedded Controller,嵌入式控制器)EDB(Execute Disable Bit,执行禁止位)EDEC(Early Decode,早期解码)Embedded Chips(嵌入式)EM64T(Extended Memory 64 Technology,扩展内存64技术)EPA(edge pin array,边缘针脚阵列)EPF(Embedded Processor Forum,嵌入式处理器论坛)EPL(electron projection lithography,电子发射平版印刷)EPM(Enhanced Power Management,增强形能源管理)EPIC(explicitly parallel instruction code,并行指令代码)EUV(Extreme Ultra Violet,紫外光)EUV(extreme ultraviolet lithography,极端紫外平版印刷)FADD(Floationg Point Addition,浮点加)FBGA(Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array,精细倾斜球状网阵包装)FBGA(flipchip BGA,轻型芯片BGA)FC-BGA(Flip-Chip Ball Grid Array,翻转芯片球形网阵包装)FC-LGA(Flip-Chip Land Grid Array,翻转接点网阵包装)FC-PGA(Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array,翻转芯片球状网阵包装)FDIV(Floationg Point Divide,浮点除)FEMMS:Fast EntryExit Multimedia State,快速进入退出多媒体状态FFT(fast Fourier transform,快速热欧姆转换)FGM(Fine-Grained Multithreading,高级多线程)FID(FID:Frequency identify,频率鉴别号码)FIFO(First Input First Output,先入先出队列)FISC(Fast Instruction Set Computer,快速指令集计算机)flip-chip(芯片反转)FLOPs(Floating Point Operations Per Second,浮点操作秒)FMT(fine-grained multithreading,纯消除多线程)FMUL(Floationg Point Multiplication,浮点乘)FPRs(floating-point registers,浮点寄存器)FPU(Float Point Unit,浮点运算单元)FSUB(Floationg Point Subtraction,浮点减)GFD(Gold finger Device,金手指超频设备)GHC(Global History Counter,通用历史计数器)GTL(Gunning Transceiver Logic,射电收发逻辑电路)GVPP(Generic Visual Perception Processor,常规视觉处理器)HL-PBGA 表面黏著,高耐热、轻薄型塑胶球状网阵封装HTT(Hyper-Threading Technology,超级线程技术)Hz(hertz,赫兹,频率单位)IA(Intel Architecture,英特尔架构)IAA(Intel Application Accelerator,英特尔应用程序加速器)IATM(Intel Advanced Thermal Manager,英特尔高级热量管理指令集)ICU(Instruction Control Unit,指令控制单元)ID(identify,鉴别号码)IDF(Intel Developer Forum,英特尔开发者论坛)IDMB(Intel Digital Media Boost,英特尔数字媒体推进指令集)IDPC(Intel Dynamic Power Coordination,英特尔动态能源调和指令集)IEU(Integer Execution Units,整数执行单元)IHS(Integrated Heat Spreader,完整热量扩展)ILP(Instruction Level Parallelism,指令级平行运算)IMM Intel Mobile Module, 英特尔移动模块Instructions Cache,指令缓存Instruction Coloring(指令分类)IOPs(Integer Operations Per Second,整数操作秒)IPC(Instructions Per Clock Cycle,指令时钟周期)ISA(instruction set architecture,指令集架构)ISD(inbuilt speed-throttling device,内藏速度控制设备)ITC(Instruction Trace Cache,指令追踪缓存)ITRS(International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors,国际半导体技术发展蓝图)KNI(Katmai New Instructions,Katmai新指令集,即SSE)Latency(潜伏期)LDT(Lightning Data Transport,闪电数据传输总线)LFU(Legacy Function Unit,传统功能单元)LGA(land grid array,接点栅格阵列)LN2(Liquid Nitrogen,液氮)Local Interconnect(局域互连)MAC(multiply-accumulate,累积乘法)mBGA (Micro Ball Grid Array,微型球状网阵排列)nm(namometer,十亿分之一米毫微米)MCA(Machine Check Architecture,机器检查架构)MCU(Micro-Controller Unit,微控制器单元)MCT(Memory Controller,内存控制器)MESI(Modified, Exclusive, Shared, Invalid:修改、排除、共享、废弃)MF(MicroOps Fusion,微指令合并)mm(micron metric,微米)MMX(MultiMedia Extensions,多媒体扩展指令集)MMU(Multimedia Unit,多媒体单元)MMU(Memory Management Unit,内存管理单元)MN(model numbers,型号数字)MFLOPS(Million Floationg PointSecond,每秒百万个浮点操作)MHz(megahertz,兆赫)mil(PCB 或晶片佈局的長度單位,1 mil = 千分之一英寸)MIMD(Multi Instruction Multiple Data,多指令多数据流)MIPS(Million Instruction Per Second,百万条指令秒)MOESI(Modified, Owned, Exclusive, Shared or Invalid,修改、自有、排除、共享或无效)MOF(Micro Ops Fusion,微操作熔合)Mops(Million Operations Per Second,百万次操作秒)MP(Multi-Processing,多重处理器架构)MPF(Micro processor Forum,微处理器论坛)MPU(Microprocessor Unit,微处理器)MPS(MultiProcessor Specification,多重处理器规范)MSRs(Model-Specific Registers,特别模块寄存器)MSV(Multiprocessor Specification Version,多处理器规范版本)MVP(Mobile Voltage Positioning,移动电压定位)IVNAOC(no-account OverClock,无效超频)NI(Non-Intel,非英特尔)NOP(no operation,非操作指令)NRE(Non-Recurring Engineering charge,非重複性工程費用)OBGA(Organic Ball Grid Arral,有机球状网阵排列)OCPL(Off Center Parting Line,远离中心部分线队列)OLGA(Organic Land Grid Array,有机平面网阵包装)OoO(Out of Order,乱序执行)OPC(Optical Proximity Correction,光学临近修正)OPGA(Organic Pin Grid Array,有机塑料针型栅格阵列)OPN(Ordering Part Number,分类零件号码)PAT(Performance Acceleration Technology,性能加速技术)PBGA(Plastic Pin Ball Grid Array,塑胶球状网阵排列)PDIP (Plastic Dual-In-Line,塑料双重直线)PDP(Parallel Data Processing,并行数据处理)PGA(Pin-Grid Array,引脚网格阵列),耗电大PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carriers,塑料行间芯片运载)Post-RISC(加速RISC,或后RISC)PPE(Power Processor Element,Power处理器元件)PPU(Physics Processing Unit,物理处理单元)PR(Performance Rate,性能比率)PIB(Processor In a Box,盒装处理器)PM(Pseudo-Multithreading,假多线程)PPGA(Plastic Pin Grid Array,塑胶针状网阵封装)PQFP(Plastic Quad Flat Package,塑料方块平面封装)PSN(Processor Serial numbers,处理器序列号)QFP(Quad Flat Package,方块平面封装)QSPS(Quick Start Power State,快速启动能源状态)RAS(Return Address Stack,返回地址堆栈)RAW(Read after Write,写后读)REE(Rapid Execution Engine,快速执行引擎)Register Contention(抢占寄存器)Register Pressure(寄存器不足)Register Renaming(寄存器重命名)Remark(芯片频率重标识)Resource contention(资源冲突)Retirement(指令引退)RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing,精简指令集计算机)ROB(Re-Order Buffer,重排序缓冲区)RSE(register stack engine,寄存器堆栈引擎)RTL(Register Transfer Level,暫存器轉換層。























品保总处 系统品质
缩写 QPA QSA SPC SQE 英文全称 Quality Process Audit Quality System Audit Supplier Quality Engineer 中文解析 品质过程稽核 品质体系稽核 协辅工程师 品质持续改善计划
品保总处 系统品质
缩写 AFR ARR 英文全称 Annualized Failure Rate Annualized Return Rate 中文解析 年度不良率 年度返品率
Defective Per Million
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
Global Quality Account Manager
品保总处 系统品质
缩写 英文全称 中文解析 量具重复性和 再现性 进料品质管制 GR&R Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility IQC Incoming Quality Control
Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制
IPQC In Process Quality Control 制程品质管制 QCIP Quality Continuous Improvement Plan
品保总处 系统品质
Design Validation Testing



常见专有名词, 缩写列表AGP : Accelerate Graphics Port 加速繪圖阜= 加速绘图阜PCI Bus: Peripheral Component Interconnect Bus 週邊元件裝置連接匯流排= 外围组件装置连接总线ISA Bus : Industry Standard Architecture Bus 工業標準架構匯流排= 工业标准架构总线Device 裝置= 装置Bridge 橋接器= 桥接器P2P = PCI to PCI BridgeH2P = Host to PCI BridgeP2I Bridge = PCI to ISA BridgeConfiguration規劃= 规划\配置VID : Vendor ID 製造商識別碼= Vendor ID 制造商识别码DID : Device ID 裝置識別碼= Device ID 装置识别码SVID : Subsystem Vendor ID 次系統製造商識別碼= Subsystem Vendor ID 次系统制造商识别码SSID : Subsystem System ID次系統系統系統識別碼= Subsystem System ID次系统系统识别码CPU : Central Processing Unit 中央處理單元= 中央处理单元L1 = Level 1L2 = Level 2L3 = Level 3Cache Memory : 快取記憶體= 高速缓存BIOS : Basic Input and Output System 基本輸出入系統= 基本输出入系统Main Board : 主機板= 主板Chassis : 機殼, 電腦主機外殼. 殼子= 机壳, 计算机主机外壳, 壳子Case : 機殼, 電腦主機外殼. 殼子= 机壳, 计算机主机外壳, 壳子Interrupt 中斷= 中断Register暫存器= 缓存器ROM : Read Only Memory 唯讀記憶體= 只读存储器PROM : Programmable ROM 可程式唯讀記憶體= 可程序只读存储器EPROM: Erasable PROM可抹除可程式唯讀記憶體= 可抹除可程序只读存储器EEPROM : Electronic EEPROM = 電氣式可抹除可程式唯讀記憶體= 电气式可抹除可程序只读存储器RAM : Random Access Memory 隨機存取記憶體= 随机存取内存SDR : Single Data Rate 單倍資料傳輸率= 单倍数据传输率DDR : Double Data Rate 雙倍資料傳輸率= 双倍数据传输率QDR : Quad Data Rate 四倍資料傳輸率= 四倍数据传输率RISC : Reduced Instruction Set Computer 精簡指令集電腦= 精简指令集计算机CISC :Complex Instruction Set Computer 複雜指令集電腦= 复杂指令集计算机PSB : Processo r System Bus 處理器系統匯流排= 处理器系统总线FSB : Front Side Bus 前端匯流排= 前端总线USB : Universal Serial Bus 通用序列匯流排= 通用序列总线SMBus : System Management Bus 系統管理匯流排= 系统管理总线SMM : System Management Mode系統管理模式= 系统管理模式APIC : Advance Programmable Interrupt Controller 進階可程式中斷控制器= 进阶可程序中断控制器ACPI : Advance Configuration & Power Management Interface進階規劃及電源管理介面= 进阶规划及电源管理接口PS/2 : Personal System 2KB = Keyboard 鍵盤= 键盘MS = Mouse 滑鼠= 鼠标Cursor = 游標= 光标Transistor電晶體= 晶体管TTL = Transistor – Transistor Logic電晶體電晶體邏輯= 晶体管晶体管逻辑F.F. : Flip Flop正反器= 触发器GART : Graphics Address Remapping Table 繪圖地址映對表= 绘图地址映对表O/D : Open Drain 開汲集=开汲集O/C : Open Collector 開集極= 开集极T/S : Tri-State三態= 三态S/T/S : Sustain Tri-State維持三態= 维持三态HT : Hyper Threading超執行緒= 超执行绪HT : Hyper Transport 超傳輸阜= 超传输阜PIO : Programmed IO = 可程式輸出入= 可程序输出入DMA : Direct Memory Access = 直接記憶體存取= 直接内存存取UDMA : Ultra DMADBI : Dynamic Bus Inversion 動態匯流排反向= 动态总线反向BSP : Bootstrap Processor 啟動處理器= 激活处理器AP : Application Processor 應用處理器= 应用处理器RTC : Real Time Clock 即時時脈= 实时时脉IO : Input and Output 輸出入= 输出入DRAM : Dynamic Random Access Memory 動態隨機存取記憶體= 动态随机存取内存SRAM : Static Random Access Memory 靜態隨機存取記憶體= 静态随机存取内存UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply 不斷電系統= 不断电系统Flash ROM 快閃記憶體= 闪存PnP : Plug & Play 即插即用= 即插即用ATA : Advanced Technology AttachmentSATA : Serial ATA (AT Attachment) = 序列ATA = 序列ATAPATA : Parallel ATA (AT Attachment) = 並列ATA = 并列ATANB : North Bridge 北橋= 北桥SB : South Bridge 南橋= 南桥Chipset : 晶片組= 芯片组FDD : 軟式磁碟機(軟碟) = 软式磁盘驱动器(软盘)Floppy : 軟式磁碟機(軟碟) = 软式磁盘驱动器(软盘)Floppy Disk軟式磁碟片(軟碟片) = 软式磁盘片(软盘片)Hard Driver : 硬式磁碟機(硬碟) = 硬式磁盘驱动器(硬盘)Controller 控制器= 控制器IDE: Integrated Drive ElectronicsIDE Controller = IDE 控制器= IDE 控制器FDC = Floppy Controller 軟式磁碟控制器= 软式磁盘控制器Memory Controller 記憶體控制器= 内存控制器Core Logic : 核心邏輯(指晶片組) = 核心逻辑(指芯片组)VGA :Video Graphic Adapter視訊繪圖裝置= 视讯绘图装置COM Port : Communication Port 通訊阜(Serial 序列阜) = Communication Port 通讯阜(Serial 序列阜)LPT Port : Local Printer Port (Parallel Port : 並列阜) = Local Printer Port (Parallel Port : 并列阜)OS: Operation System 作業系統= Operat ion System 操作系统H/W : Hardware 硬體= Hardware 硬件S/W : Software 軟體= Software 软件F/W : Firmware 韌體= Firmware 韧体IrDA : Infrared Data AssociationPAT : Performance Acceleration Technology = 效能加速技術= 效能加速技术ATAPI : Advanced Technology Attachment Packet InterfaceATA : Advanced Technology AttachmentIDE : Integrated Drive ElectronicsEIDE : Enhance IDEVRM : Voltage Regulator Module 電壓調節模組= 电压调节模块DIMM : Dual In-Line Memory ModuleSIMM : Single In-Line Memory ModuleDIP : 插件= 插件(双列直插式)SMT : Surface Mount Technology 表面黏著技術= 表面黏着技术SMD : Surface Mount Device表面黏著裝置= 表面黏着装置(贴片式)MOSFET : Metal Oxide Semiconductor Filed Effect Transistor 金屬氧化物半導體場效電晶體= 金属氧化物半导体场效晶体管CMOS : Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互補金屬氧化物半導體= 互补金属氧化物半导体DVMT : Dynamic Video Memory Technology 動態視訊記憶體技術= 动态视讯内存技术ESCD : Extended System Configuration Data = 延伸系統規劃資料= 延伸系统规划资料PLL : Phase Lock Loop 相鎖回路= 相锁回路PXI : PCI Extensions for InstrumentationProtocol通訊協定= 通讯协议GPIB : General-Purpose Interface Bus 通用介面匯流排= 通用接口总线EU : Exection Unit 执行部件IU : instruction unit 指令部件BU : bus unit 总线部件AU : Adress unit 地址部件MMU : 存储器管理部件BIU : 总线接口部件ALU : Arithmetical Logic Unit 算數邏輯單元= 算数逻辑单元FPU : Floating Point Unit 浮點運算單元= 浮点运算单元ISR : Interrupt Service Routine中斷向量服務常式= 中断向量服务例程T.P : Throttle Point 節流點= 节流点EDO : Extended Data Output 延伸資料輸出= 延伸资料输出FPM : Fast Page Mode 快速頁模式= 快速页模式PPM : Parts Per Million 百萬分之…= 百万分之….POST : Power On Self Test 開機自我測試= 开机自我测试IPMI : Intelligent Platform Management Interface 智慧平臺管理介面= 智能平台管理接口FRU : Field Replaceable UnitI2O : Intelligent Input/Output 智慧型輸出入= 智能型输出入PCB : Print Circuit Board 印刷電路板= 印刷电路板O.E.M. : Original Equipment Manufacturer客戶委託生産製造= 客户委托生产制造C.E.M. : Component Equipment Manufacturer客戶委託生産製造= 客户委托生产制造O.D.M. : Original Design Manufacturer客戶委託設計製造= 客户委托设计制造S.M.A.R.T. : Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology 自我診斷分析回報技術=自我诊断分析回报技术(硬盘) 1X : 一倍速= 一倍速2X : 二倍速= 二倍速4X : 四倍速= 四倍速8X : 八倍速= 八倍速Connector 連結器= 连结器Socke t 插座= 插座Header 排針= 排针Slot插槽= 插槽Resistor 電阻器= 电阻器Capacitor 電容器= 电容器Inductor電感器= 电感器Transient暫態= 瞬时VTT : Voltage Transient ToolScope : 示波器= 示波器ECC = Error Checking and Correction 錯誤檢查與修正= 错误检查与修正LPC = Low Pin CountPjM : Project Manager 專案管理師= 项目管理师PM : Product Manager 產品管理師= 产品管理师PE : Production Engineer 產品工程師= 产品工程师ICT : In Circuit TestATE : Auto Test EquipmentSchematic線路圖= 线路图Layout 佈線= 布线Simulation模擬= 仿真Waveform 波形= 波形GerberTiming Measurement: 時序量測= 时序量测Rising TimeFalling TimeHigh TimeLow TimeSkewFlight TimeGlitchMonotonicNon-monotonicForm Factor :AT : Advance Technology進階技術= 进阶技术ATX : Advanced Technology ExpandingMicro ATXFlex ATXNLXChipset Vendor 晶片製造商= 芯片制造商Intel 美商英代爾= 美商英特尔AMD 美商超微= 美商超微VIA威盛電子= 威盛电子SiS矽統科技= 硅统科技Ali = 揚智科技= 扬智科技OEM/OEM Customer : OEM/OEM客戶IBM 國際商業機器公司= 国际商业机器公司DELL 戴爾電腦= 戴尔计算机New HP (HP + Compaq) 惠普科技= 惠普科技NEC 日电SONYFujitsu Siemens 富士SDRAM : Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory CSA : Communication Streaming ArchitectureHWM : Hardware MonitorByte : 字节Word : 字DWord : Double Word : 双字Unit :m = 10^(-3) => mini-u = 10^(-6) => micro-n = 10^(-9) => nano-p = 10^(-12) = pico-K = 10^3 = Kilo-M = 10^6 = Mega-G = 10^9 = Giga-T = 10^12 = Tera-DMA direct memory access 直接内存存取模式Dvice Driver (设备)驱动程序LSI 大规模集成电路VLSI 超大规模集成电路。






1. 操作系统(Operating System)操作系统是一种系统软件,用来管理计算机的硬件资源和提供用户接口,使用户能够更方便地与计算机进行交互。

常见的操作系统有Windows、Mac OS、Linux等。

2. 文件系统(File System)文件系统是用来管理计算机硬盘上存储的文件和数据的一种系统。


3. 硬盘(Hard Disk)硬盘是计算机中用来存储数据的设备,它由一个或多个盘片组成,通过磁头在盘片上读写数据。


4. 内存(Memory)内存是计算机中用来临时存储数据和程序的存储器,它通常被称为RAM(Random Access Memory)。


5. CPU(Central Processing Unit)CPU是计算机的中央处理器,它是计算机的核心组件,用来执行计算机程序的指令。

CPU 的速度和性能直接影响计算机的运行速度和效率。

6. BIOS(Basic Input/Output System)BIOS是计算机的基本输入输出系统,它位于主板上,是计算机启动时加载的固件,负责初始化硬件设备和提供基本输入输出功能。

7. 显卡(Graphics Card)显卡是负责显示计算机屏幕上图像的设备,它通常包含一个或多个GPU(Graphics Processing Unit),用来处理图像数据和渲染图像。

8. 驱动程序(Driver)驱动程序是一种软件,用来控制计算机硬件设备的工作。



笔记本电脑专业术语■触摸屏电阻式触摸屏是在强化玻璃表面分别涂上两层OTI 透明氧化金属电层,两层之间用细小的透明隔离点隔开。




触摸板的是没有机械磨损,控制精度也不错,操作起来很方便,初学者很容易上手.■指点杆(Track Point)是由IBM发明的,目前常见于IBM和Toshiba的笔记本电脑中,它有一个小按钮位于键盘的G、B、H三键之间,在空白键下方还有两个大按钮,其中小按钮能够感应手指推力的大小和方向,并由此来控制鼠标的移动轨迹,而大按钮相当于标准鼠标的左右键。


■ 2.5G2.5代窝技术能够增加目前2.5G网络的可用带宽。

蜂窝运营商可以通过升级他们网络的软件就可使用2.5G 技术,而3G需要安装新硬件。


■ 3G模拟蜂窝是第一代移动通信技术。




■ Accupoint IAccupoint I,是传统鼠标指点杆Accupoint的升级,它在原鼠标左右键的上方添加了两个键以便支持滚动屏幕的功能。


■ ACPIACPI(Advanced Configuration Management)是1997年由INTEL/MICROSOFT/TOSHIBA提出的新型电源管理规范,意图是让操作系统而不是BIOS来全面控制电源管理,使系统更加省电。

DELL 常用备件缩名词 名词全称 中文

DELL 常用备件缩名词 名词全称 中文

接上表: DELL 常用备件缩名词 名词全称 中文
;; ;; ;;
MNL Manual 手册、指南
MCPHN Microphone 麦克风
MOTOR Motor 发动机
MSE Mouse 鼠标
OML Option Mod List 可选件列表
OEM Original Equip Mfg 原始设备制造商
TBALL Trackball 轨迹球
TRANS Transistor 晶体管
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 不间断电源
WARR Warranty 保修信息
WIRE Wire 电线
J Jazz DELL机箱类型
4HR 4 Hour Response 4小时响应
IDE IDE 主板的一种接口
MXT MaxTor 迈拓
QTM QuanTum 昆腾
WD WestDate 西部数据
1DROP One Drop 单头单口
STD Standard 标准
RSR Riser 扩展
CHI Chinese 中国
CRTV-SNDBLST Creative-Sound Blaster 创新声卡
PRC Presscor 处理器
CU Cumine 铜框
MT Mini Tower DELL机箱类型
S Low Profile DELL机箱类型
OPP Otiplex 商用机
DIM Dimension 家用机
F3 F3 3.5英寸规格
F5 F5 5.25英寸规格
ENCL Enclose 封装
EARPHN Earphone 耳麦



DELL词汇表--下订单的时候心里更有数戴尔的官网上抄的AC —交流电—一种电流形式。


ACPI —高级配置和电源接口—一种电源管理规范,使Microsoft® Windows® 操作系统可以将计算机置入待机或休眠模式,以节省分配给计算机所连接的每个设备的电能。

AGP —加速图形端口—一种专用的图形端口,它允许将系统内存用于与视频相关的任务。

因为视频电路与计算机内存之间的接口速度更快,所以AGP 能够提供圆润的真彩色视频图像。

ALS —环境光线传感器。

APR —高级端口复制器—一种对接设备,使您可以方便地将外部显示器、键盘、鼠标和其它设备与便携式计算机配合使用。

ASF —警报标准格式—一种标准,用于定义向管理控制台报告硬件和软件警报的机制。

ASF 为平台式设计,并且独立于操作系统。

BIOS —基本输入/输出系统—一种程序(或公用程序),用作计算机硬件与操作系统之间的接口。



Bluetooth® 无线技术—一种用于短程(9 m [29 英尺])联网设备的无线技术标准,启用该技术(蓝牙)的设备可以自动相互识别。

bps —位/秒—度量数据传输速率的标准单位。

BTU —英制热量单位—一种热量度量单位。

C —摄氏—一种温度度量方法,其中0°为水的冰点,100°为水的沸点。

CD —光盘—一种光学形式的存储介质,通常用于音频和软件程序。

CD-R —可记录CD —一种可记录的CD。

只能一次性在CD-R 中记录数据。


CD-RW —可重写CD —一种可重写的CD。

可以将数据写入CD-RW 光盘,然后再删除和覆盖(重写)。

CD-RW/DVD 驱动器—一种驱动器(有时称为组合驱动器),能够读取CD 和DVD 并向CD-RW(可重写CD)和CD-R(可记录CD)光盘写入数据。


Production Verification Test
New Production Readiness Review
Quarterly Business Review
Quality Management Plan
Verified Field Incidence Rate
Verified InitialFieldIncidence Rate
Verified Line Reject Rate
Business Process Improvement
Corrective Action(Report)
ContinuousImprovement Process
Closed-Loop Corrective Action
Out of Box Evaluate
Original Development Manufacturer
Original Equipment Manufacturer
Ongoing Reliability Testing



电子行业专业词汇术语GRR Gauge Repeatability Reproducibility 量测的再现性与再生性FPI First Piece Inspection 首件检查Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Audit 供货商品质审核1. QC : quality control 质量管理2. IQC : incoming quality control 进料质量管理3. OQC : output quality control 出货质量管理4. PQC : process quality control 制程质量管理也称IPQC : in process quality control .5. AQL : acceptable quality level 允收标准6. CQA: customer quality assurance 客户品质保证7. MA : major defeat 主要缺点8. MI : minor defeat 次要缺点9. CR :critical defeat 关键缺点10. SMT : surface mounting technology表面粘贴技术11. SMD :surface mounting device 表面粘贴程序SMC : surface mounting component 表面粘贴组件12.ECN : engineering change notice 工程变更通知13.DCN : design change notice 设计变更通知14.PCB : printed circuit board 印刷电路板15.PCBA : printed circuit board assembly装配印刷电路板16. BOM : bill of material 材料清单17. BIOS : basically input and output system基本输入输出系统18. MIL-STD-105E : 美国陆军标准,也称单次抽样计划.19. ISO : international standard organization 国际标准化组织20. DRAM: 内存条21. Polarity : 电性22. Icicles : 锡尖23. Non-wetting : 空焊24. Short circuit : 短路25. Missing component : 缺件26. Wrong component :错件27 . Excess component :多件28. Insufficient solder : 锡少29 . Excessive solder :锡多30. Solder residue: 锡渣31. Solder ball : 锡球32. Tombstone : 墓碑33 . Sideward:侧立34. Component damage :零件破损35. Gold finger:金手指36. SOP : standard operation process 标准操作流程37. SIP : standard inspection process 标准检验流程38 .The good and not good segregation :良品和不良品区分39. OBW : on board writer 熸录BIOS40 . Simple random sampling : 简单随机抽样41. Histogram : 直方图42 . Standard deviation : 标准差43. CIP : Continuous improvement program 持续改善计划44. SPC : Statistical process control 制程统制45 . Sub-contractors : 分包商46. SQE: Supplier quality engineering 47. Sampling sample :抽样计划48. Loader : 治具49. QTS: Quality tracking system 质量追查系统50. Debug : 调试51. Spare parts: 备用品52. Inventory report for : 库存表53. Manpower/Tact estimation 工时预算54. Calibration : 校验55. S/N :serial number 序号56. Corrugated pad : 波纹垫57.Takeout tray: 内包装盒58. Outer box : 外包装箱59. Vericode : 检验码60. Sum of square : 平方和61. Range : 全距62. Conductive bag : 保护袋63. Preventive maintenance :预防性维护64. Base unit : 基体65. Fixture : 制具66. Probe : 探针67. Host probe : 主探针68. Golden card : 样本卡69. Diagnostics program : 诊断程序70. Frame : 屏面71. Lint-free gloves : 静电手套72 .Wrist wrap : 静电手环73. Target value : 目标值74. Related department : 相关部门75. lifted solder 浮焊76.plug hole孔塞77. Wrong direction 极性反ponent damage or broken 零件破损79.Unmelted solder熔锡不良80.flux residue松香未拭81.wrong label or upside down label贴反82. mixed parts机种混装83. poor solder mask绿漆不良84. oxidize 零件氧化85.stand off height浮高86. IC reverse IC反向87.supervisor课长88. Forman组长89. WI=work instruction作业指导90. B.P. 非擦除状态91. Internal notification: 内部联络单92. QP :Quality policy质量政策93. QT: Quality target 品质目标94. Trend:推移图95.Paret柏拉图96. UCL: Upper control limit管制上限97.LCL:Lower control limit管制下限100. PPM: Parts per million 不良率101.DPU: Defects per unit 单位不良率102.Resistor: 电阻103.Capacitor:电容104. Resistor array : 排阻105. Capacitor array: 排容106. DIODE: 二极管107.SOT: 三极管108. Crystal:震荡器109.Fuse:保险丝110.Bead: 电感inductance 111.Connector:联结器112.ADM: Administration Department行政单位113. CE: Component Engineering零件工程114. CSD :Customer Service Department客户服务部115. ID: Industrial Design工业设计116.IE: Industrial Engineering工业工程117. IR: Industrial Relationship工业关系118. ME: Mechanical Engineering机构工程119. MIS :Management Information System信息部120. MM: Material Management资材121. PCC: Project Coordination/Control专案协调控制122. PD: Production Department生产部123. PE: Product Engineering产品工程124. PM: Product Manager产品经理125. PMC: Production Material Control生产物料管理126. PSC: Project Support & Control产品协调127. Magnesium Alloy:镁合金128. Metal Shearing:裁剪129.CEM:Contract Electronics Manufacturing电子制造服务企业EMS: Electronics Manufacturing Services130. ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划SCM+CRM+ERP+EAI=Network direct TM links procurement, production, Logistics and sales 采购,生产,后勤管理及市场营销的融合EAI: Enterprise application Integration 企业应用系统整合CRM: Customer Relationship Planning 客户服务规划SCM : Supply chain management 供应链管理131. OJT: On job training 在职培训132.Access Time: 光盘搜寻时间133. B2CEC:Business to consumer electronic commerce 企业对消费者的电子商务B2BEC:Business to business electronic Commerce 企业间的电子商务L:Copper Clad Laminate 铜箔基板135. Intranet: 企业内部通讯网路136. ISP: Internet Service Provider网络服务提供者ICP: Internet Content Provider网络内容提供者137. GSM: Global System for Mobile Communication 泛欧数字式行动电话系统GPS: 全球卫星定位系统138. Home Page: 网络首页139.Video Clip:影像文件140. HTML:超文标记语言141.Domainname: 网域名称142. IP: 网络网域通讯协议地址143.Notebook:笔记型计算机144. VR: Virtual Reality虚拟实境145. WAP: Wireless Application Protocol无线应用软件协议146. LAN : Local area network局域网络WW World Wide Web世域网WAN: Wide Area Network 广域网络147. 3C: Computer, Communication, Consumer electronic 计算机, 通讯, 消费性电子三大产品的整合rmation Supplier Highway:信息高速公路149.UPS:Uninterrupted power system不断电系统150.Processed material: 流程性材料151.Entity/Item:实体152.Quality loop:质量环153.Quality losses: 质量损失154.Corrective action:纠正措施155. Preventive action:预防措施156.PDCAlan/Do/Check/Action计划/实施/检查/处理157. Integrated circuits(IC):集成电路158.Application program: 应用程序159.Utilities:实用程序160.Auxiliary storage/Second storage:;辅助存储器161.Silicon chip:硅片162Diskette drive:软驱163.Display screen/Monitor:显示器164.Foreground:前面165.Montherboard:母板166.Mermory board: 内存板167.Slot:插槽168.Busata-bus/address-bus/Control bus: 总线/数据总线/地址总线/控制总线169.Plotter:绘图170.MPC:Multimedia personal computer多媒体171.Oscillator:振荡器172.Automatic teller terminal:自动终端(出纳)机173.Joystick port:控制端口174.VGA: Video Graphics Array显示卡175.Resolution:分辨率176.Register:寄存器177.ISA: Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准结构178.EISA: Extended Industry Architecture 扩展工业标准结构179.Adapter: 适配器180.Peripheral:外部设备181.Faxmodem:调制解调器181.NIC:Network interface card网络接口卡182. SCSI: Small computer system interface183.VESA: Video Electronic Standards Association184. SIMM: Single in-line memory module 单排座存储器模块(内存条) 185.Casing:外箱186.Aluminum:铝质187.Ceramic: 陶瓷的188.Platter:圆盘片189.Actuator:调节器190.Spindle:轴心191.Actuation arm: 存取臂192.Default code: 缺省代码193.Auxiliary port:辅助端口194.Carriage return : 回车195.Linefeed:换行197.Video analog: 视频模拟196.ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国信息互换标准代码198.TTL: Transistor- Transistor logic晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路199.Three-prong plug:三芯电插头200.Female connector:连接插座201.Floppy disk:软盘202.Output level: 输出电平203.Vertical/Horizontal synchronization: 场/行同步204.H(Horizontal)-Phase:行相位patible:兼容机206.Hardware Expansion Card: 硬件扩充卡207.Buffer:缓冲208.CRM:Customer relationship Management 客户关系管理209.WIP: Work in process半成品210.Waiver:特别采用211.CXO系列—CEO: Chief Executive Office 首席执政官;执行总裁COO: Chief Operating OfficeCFO: Chief Finance OfficerCBO: Chief Business OfficerCTO: Chief Technology OfficerCIO: Chief Information OfficerCGO: Chief Government Officer212. NASDAQ: 纳斯达克证券市场NASDAQ Automated Quotation system213.VC: Venture Capital 风险投资214. PDA: Personal Date Assistant个人数字助理PLA: Personal Information Assistant个人信息助理215. PPAP: Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan 生产性零组件核准程序216. FMEA: Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失效模式与效应分析217. MSA: Measurement Systems Analysis 量测系统分析218. QAS: Quality System Assessment 质量系统评鉴219. Cusum: 累计总合图220. Overall Equipment Effectiveness设备移动率221. Benchmarking: 竞争标杆Analysis of motion/Ergonomics动作分析/人体工程学222. Roka Yoke 防错法MCR: machine capability ratio 机器利用率223. Mistake Proofing 防呆法Taguchi methods田口式方法224, Vertical integration垂直整合Surveillance定期追踪审查225. EMS: Electronics Manufacturing Supply-chain226. Cause & Effects charts特性要因图227. Scatter: 散布图Fool-Proof System 防呆系统228. VE: Value Engineering 价值工程QFD: Quality Function Development 质量机能展开229. Arrow Chart 箭头图法Affiliate Chart亲和图法230. PDPC: Process Decision Program Chart System Chart系统图法231. Relation Chart 关边图法Matrix Chart矩阵图法232. Matrix Data Analysis 矩阵数据分析法234. Brain-storm 脑风暴法JIT: Just In Time:及时性生产模拟235. Deming Prize: 戴明奖Prototype技术试作236. BPM: Business Process Management 业务流程管MBO目标管理237. MBP:方针管理FTA:故障树分析QSC 服务质量238. IPPB: Information 情况planning策划Programming规划Budget预算239. EQ: Emotion Quotient:情商IQ: Intelligence Quotient:智商240. Implied Needs:隐含要求Specified Requirement:规定要求241. Probation:观察期Incoming Product released for urgent production 紧急放行242.Advanced quality planning 先进的质量策划243. AOQ: Average Outgoing Quality 平均检出质量AOQL: Average Outgoing Quality Limit 平均检出质量界限244.Approved Supplier List 经核准认可的供应商名单245.Attribute date 特征Benchmarking 基准点Calibration 校准246.Capable process工序能力Capability Index序能力指数Capability ratio工序能力率247.CHANG CYCLE TIME 修改的时间周期Continuous improvement 持续改进248. Control plans控制策划Cost of quality 质量成本249. Cycle time reduction减少周期时间250. Design of experiments 实验设计Deviation / Substitution偏差/置换251. ESD: Electrostatic discharge静电释放252. EH&S: Environmental, Health, and Safely 环境,健康.安全253. ESS: Environmental Stress Screening 环境应力筛选254. FMEA: Failure Mode Effect Analysis 失误模式效应分析255. First Article approval 产品的首次论证256. First pass yield 一次性通过的成品率257. First sample inspection第一次样品检验258. FMECA: Failure mode effect and critically analysis 失误模式,效应及后果分析259. Gauge control 测量仪器控制260. GR&R: Gauge repeatability and reproducibility 测量仪器重复性和再现性261. HALT: Highly Accelerated Life Test 高加速寿命试验262. HAST: Highly Accelerated Stress Test 高加速应力试验263. IN-CONTROL PROCESS 受控制工序264. INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE 工业平均数265. JIT (just in time) manufacturing (实时)制程266. Key characteristic关健特征267. Key component关健构件268. Life Testing寿命试验269. Lot traceability 批量可追溯性270. Material review board原材料审查部门MCR: machine capability ratio机械能力率271. NONCONFORMANCE不符合272. OUT-OF-CONTROL PROCESS失控工序273. Pilot Application试产(试用) 274. PPM: Parts per million百万分之一275. Preventive VS detection预防与探测Preventive maintenance预防维护276. Process capability index工序能力指277. Process control工序控制278. Process improvement工序改进279. Process simplification 过程简化280. Quality Clinic Process Chart (QCPC)质量诊断过程图281. Quality information system质量资料体系282. Quality manual质量手册283. Quality plan质量计划284. Quality planning质量策划285. Quality policy质量方针286. Quality system质量体系287. Reliability可靠性RUN Chart趋势表288. Skill Matrix技能表289. Statistical quality control (SQC)统计质量控制290. Teamwork 团队工作291. Total quality management全面质量管理292. Variable data变量数据293. Variation影响变量294. Value Analysis值分析295. Visual Factory形象化工厂296. Survey Instructions调查指引297. Profile 概况298. Improvement Plan改进计划299. Evaluation评估300. implementation实施301. Compliance符合302. Supplier Audit Report供方审核报告303. Site Audit现场审核304. Typical agenda典型的议事日程305. Internal and external failure costs内部和外部的失误成本306. Failure rate percentage 失误百分率307. Productivity (output / input)生产率(产出/投入) 308. Customer complaints 客户投诉309. Customer satisfaction indices 客户满意度指数310. Root cause analysis of failures失误根原分析品管中英文名词对照表Accuracy准确度Active主动Action评价.处理Activity活动Add加Addition rule加法运算规则Analysis Covariance协方差分析Analysis of Variance方差分析Appraisal Variation评价变差Approved承认ASQC美国质量学会Attribute计数值Audit审核Automatic database recovery数据库错误自动回复Average平均数balance平衡Balance sheet资产负债对照表Binomial二项分配Body机构Brainstorming Techniques脑力风暴法Business Systems Planning企业系统规划Cable电缆Capability能力Cause and Effect matrix因果图.鱼骨图Center line中心线check检查Check Sheets 检查表Chi-square Distribution 卡方分布Clutch spring 离合器弹簧Coining 压印加工Common cause 共同原因Complaint 投诉Compound factor 调合因素Concept 新概念Condenser 聚光镜Conformity 合格Connection 关联Consumer’s risk 消费者之风险Control 控制Control characteristic 管制特性Control chart 管制图Control plan 管制计划Correction 纠正Correlation Methods 相关分析法Cost down 降低成本CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善Creep 渐变Cross Tabulation Tables 交*表CS: customer Sevice 客户中心Cushion 缓冲Customer 顾客DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统Data 数据Data Collection 数据收集Data concentrator 资料集中缓存器DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心Decision 决策.判定Defects per unit 单位缺点数Description 描述Detection 难检度Device 装置Digital 数字Do 执行DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计Element 元素Else 否则Engineering recbnology 工程技术Entropy 函数Environmental 环境Equipment 设备Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数E Equipment Variation 设备变异Event 事件External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析Fact control 事实管理Fatique 疲劳FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析FPY 合格率FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制Full-steer完全转向function职能Gauge system量测系统Grade等级Gum-roll橡皮滚筒Health meter体重计Heat press冲压粘着Histogram直方图Hi-tech高科技hypergeometric超几何分配hysteresis磁滞现象Improvement改善Inductance电感Information信息Initial review先期审查Inspection检验Internal Failure内部失效,内部缺陷IPQC: In Process Quality Control制程品质控制IQC: Incomming Quality Control来料品质控制IS International Organization for Standardization国际标准组织Law of large number大数法则Link连接LCL: Lower Control limit管制下限LQC: Line Quality Control生产线品质控制LSL: Lower Size Limit规格下限Machine机械Manage管理Materials物料Measurement量测Median中位数Miss feed漏送Module,sub-system,sub-unit单位Momentum原动力Monte garlo method原子核分裂热运动法MSA: Measurement System Analysis量测系统分析Multiplication rule乘法运算规则NIST 美国:标准技术院Normal常态分布Occurrence发生率 system开,关系统Operation Instruction作业指导书Organization组织Parameter参数Parto柏拉图Parts零件Parts per million不良率Passive消极的,被动的Plan计划Pulse 脉冲Policy 方针Population 群体Power 力量,能源PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程品质保证Practice 实务Precision 精密度preemptive 先占式多任务Pressure 压缩Prevention 预防Probability 机率Probability density function 机率密度函数Procedure 流程Process 过程Process capability analysis制程能力分析图Process control and process capability制程管制与制程能力Producer’s risk生产者之风险Product产品Production生产Program方案Projects项目QA: Quality Assurance品质保证QC: Quality Control品质控制QE: Quality Engineering品质工程QFD: Quality Function Desgin品质机能展开Quality质量Quality manual品质手册Quality policy品质政策Random experiment随机试验Random numbers随机数Range全距Record记录Reflow回流Reject拒收Repair返修Repeatusility再现性Reproducibility再生性Requirement要求Residual误差Response响应Responsibilities职责Review评审Reword返工Robustness稳健性Rolled yield直通率RPN: Risk Priority Number风险系数sample抽样,样本Sample space样本空间Sampling with replacement放回抽样Sampling without peplacement不放回抽样Scatter diagram散布图分析Scrap报废Screw螺旋Severity严重度Shot-peening微粒冲击平面法Simple random sampling简单随机取样Size规格SL: Size Line规格中心线Slip滑动Stratified random sampling分层随机抽样SOP: Standard Operation Procedure标准作业书SPC: Statistical Process Control统计制程管制Special cause特殊原因Specification规范SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance供货商品质保证Stage sampling分段随机抽样Standard Deviation标准差Sum of squares统计表supplier平方和System供方systematic sampling系统,体系Statistical tables系统抽样Taguchi-method田口方法Technical committees技术委员会Test piece测试片Theory原理Time stamp时间戳印Time-lag延迟Title 题Torque转矩Total求和TQC: Total Quality Control全面品质控制TQM: Total Quality Management全面品质管理Traceablity追溯Training培训Transaction processing and logging交易处理Trouble困扰Up and down上和下UCL: Upper Control Limit管制上限USL: Upper Size Limit规格上限Validation确认Variable计量值Variance变异和Vector向量Verification验证Version版本VOC: voice of Customer客户需求VOE: Voice of Engineer工程需[转帖]电子行业相关的英语词汇-1 backplane 背板2 Band gap voltage reference 带隙电压参考3 benchtop supply 工作台电源4 Block Diagram 方块图5 Bode Plot 波特图6 Bootstrap 自举7 Bottom FET Bottom FET 8 bucket capcitor 桶形电容9 chassis 机架10 Combi-sense Combi-sense11 constant current source 恒流源12 Core Sataration 铁芯饱和13 crossover frequency 交叉频率14 current ripple 纹波电流15 Cycle by Cycle 逐周期16 cycle skipping 周期跳步17 Dead Time 死区时间18 DIE Temperature 核心温度19 Disable 非使能,无效,禁用,关断20 dominant pole 主极点21 Enable 使能,有效,启用22 ESD Rating ESD额定值23 Evaluation Board 评估板24 Exceeding the specifications below may result in permanent damage to the device, or device malfunction. Operation outside of the parameters specified in the Electrical Characteristics section is not implied. 超过下面的规格使用可能引起永久的设备损害或设备故障。

Dell 术语简介-常用

Dell 术语简介-常用

Dell 常用朮語簡介Acceptance Phase The final phase of the Phase Review Process during whichattainment of program goals is measured and learningexperiences are captured as part of the continuous processimprovement effort.ACD 1.Automated Call Distribution.2.Americas Customer Database. An externally maintaineddatabase of U.S. customer purchase history, promotionhistory, demographics and firmographics.AD Area Director.AD&D Application Development and Deployment.ALERT Problem alert and resolution if one is available.AES Automated Export (Compliance) System . A combination ofin-house development and third party software that allows Dellto check orders to ensure they are not being shipped to restrictedcountries.AFIR Annualized Field Incident Rate. (See FIR)AMF Obsolete term. See DAO.AML Approved Manufacturers List (equates to ASL).AOQL Acceptable Outgoing Quality Levels.A-P Asia-Pacific. The region of the world encompassing Asia,Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Island nations. Note: WithinDell, Japan is a separate region from A-P.AP/PO Accounts Payable/Purchasing.APCC Asia-Pacific Customer Center. Dell sales, support, marketing,and manufacturing center in Penang, Malaysia supporting theAsia-Pacific Region. APCC also manufactures products for DellJapan.APP Aggregate Product Plan. A Dell confidential document createdby a product line of business with regional involvement thatincludes (at a minimum) competitive analysis, key technologytrends, market segmentation analysis, product proposals andproduct roadmaps. The APP is used for business planningpurposes by product group and each region. Approved productproposals begin development by entering the PrP.AQL Acceptable Quality Level.ARB Asset Recovery Business.ARR Acceptance Readiness Review (SDLC).ARS Action Request System (REMEDY).AsiaPac Asia-Pacific. (see A-P)ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit. A chip designed for aparticular customer or system, typically from standard cellsand/or gate arrays. May ultimately be sold as a standard part.ASL 1.Approved Suppliers List.2.Applications Solutions Center.3.Americas Service Logistics.ASM Area Sales Manager.ASP Average Selling Price.BC Business Contract.BIST Built In Self Test.BOL Bill of Lading.BOM Bill of Materials. Describes a grouping of components or materialsthat are combined to create a single product. Example: Individualcomponents, along with a circuit board are combined to produce thefinal product - a CPU (or microprocessor) board, for instance. The Billof Materials lists all of the discrete components, including the emptycircuit board, and thereby creates a relationship between all the parts.BPI, bpi 1.Bits Per Inch.2.Business Process Improvement.Brand Manager As used in the PrP, the Brand Manager is the Regional marketingmanager.Brand Team(As used with the PrP). An ongoing team of people with day to daybusiness management responsibilities within a LOB. The brand teamprovides overall program direction, reviews and approves PFGs,reviews Business Contracts for approval by the executive team andapproves phase review exits for individual programs.Business Contract The output document from the planning phase of the PrP. BusinessContracts are managed by Program Management and represent acommitment to the company of expected program parametersincluding scope, schedule, resource requirements, quality goals andfinancial estimates. In particular, each Business Contact contains abusiness case and a bounding box. Further documentation andexplanation of these terms can be found in Dell's PrP handbook.CA 1.Corrective Action.2.Change Administration.CAC Client Assistance Center.CAPP Consolidated Aggregate Product Plan. A document that is thecombination of each of the four LOB APPs.CFT Cross Functional Team.CIFIR Combined IFIR. IFIR plun Missing and Wrong.CIP Continuous Improvement Process. A formal process used byDell and its Suppliers to share expectations and expertise, reducedefects, and apply lessons learned.CMI Communication Management Interface.CMIP Common Management Information Protocol. An OSI-basednetwork management protocol.CND Can Not Duplicate.COA Certificate of Authenticity.COB Close of Business.COGS Cost of Goods Sold.Confidential See Dell Confidential.Control Panel Part of the computer console that contains indicators andcontrols, such as the power switch, hard-disk drive accessindicator, and power indicator. See also indicator panel.Core Team(As used within the PrP.) A small project team, accountable toan LOB brand team, that is assembled to advance and manage aprogram through the PrP. The core team creates the PFG andbusiness contract and seeks approval for Phase Processdeliverables. The core team provides cross functionalmanagement for the project by communicating to andrepresenting their management chain, managing extended teams,resolving cross-functional issues and escalating risks and out ofbounds conditions upwards. Core team members head upextended teams and represent the extended team on the coreteam.COS Change of Status.CPI 1.Characters Per Inch.2.Continuous Process Improvement.CRD 1.Conceptual Requirements Document.2.Customer Requirements Document. A document used bythe portables group during the Profile Phase of the PrP.Functionally the same as a PFG.CS Core Services group within Dell's PG.CSD Customer Service Delivery. Group that offers telephone supportfor all hardware related problems with Dell systems.CSI Customer Server Integration.CSR Client Service Report.CSSE(Dell) Customer Support and Service Engineering within PG.Product OperationsDAO Dell Americas OperationsDAOT Dell Americas Operations Training.DARS Dell Accounts Receivable System.DCC 1.Dell Call Center.2.Design Characterization Complete.DCN Document Change Notice. Used to modify ISO documents. DCR Design Change Request.DCS 1.Dell Catalog Sales group in Dell Direct, U.S.A.2.Digital Cellular System.DellWare Software and Peripherals that are sold by Dell but not FactoryInstalled. A catalog of options is distributed each month.Desktop Desktop computer. As used at Dell, this may be a Dimension orOptiplex branded computer.DFA Design for Assembly.DFE Dell Far East. Dell's procurement office in Taiwan.DFM Design for Manufacturability.DFMA Design for Manufacturability and Assembly.DFO Dell Factory Outlet.DFR Dell Factory Repair.DFS 1.Dell Financial Services.2.Design for Service.DFT Design for Test.DFX Design for Excellence.DIMS Dell Inventory Management System.DMR Discrepant Materials Report.DMTF Desktop Management Task Force. A consortium of companiesrepresenting hardware and software providers, of which DellComputer Corporation is a member.DOA Dead on Arrival.DOMS Dell Order Management System.DOTTS Dell Order Tracking & Tactics System. (Subsystem of DOMS).DPI 1.Dots Per Inch.2.Dell Process IssueDPPM Defective Parts Per Million.DPS Dell Product Support System.DPU Defects per unit. The total number of defects per unit shippedthat were observed in the manufacturing process after receivingand inspection and before shipment. The only defects excludedare those that are observed and corrected by the same operatorwho created the original defect.DRAC Dell Remote Assistant Card.DSI 1.Days Sales Inventory.2.Dell shipping interface. An application that screensinformation transmitted via EDI from Dell's shippingpartner for format and completeness before presenting itto various Dell applications.DSO Days Sales Outstanding.DSP. 1.Dell Service Provider (formerly called TPMs).2.Discrepancy Shipping Process.3.Digital Signal Processing. Microprocessors designed tooperate on electrical waveforms, like voice and video.DSP chips can perform multiple functions, such aswavetable synthesis, data transmission and filecompression. Depending on the architecture, a DSP chipcan switch from one task to another or, in some cases,perform two tasks simultaneously. DSP functionalitycan be enhanced with software upgrades. However, thisis not the case with fixed-function DSPs.DSR Demand Supply RepositoryDSVI Dell Service Vendor Interface.DT Desktop PC.DTA Dell Troubleshooting Assistant.DVT Design Verification Test.E&O Excess and Obsolete (inventory).ECO Engineering Change Order-part of the release process at Dell.ECR Engineering Change Request.EDI Electronic Data Interchange.EDMS Electronic Document Management System.EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa.EMF European Manufacturing Facility. Dell's factory in LimerickIreland supporting the Europe, Middle East and Africa region.Employee Turnover The percentage of full time Dell employees, exempt andnonexempt, leaving service, either voluntarily or involuntarily. EMR Electro Mechanical Repair.EOL End of Life.EOP End of Production.EOQ End of Quarter.EOS 1.End of Sales. No more production of the product,however, service obligations remain.2.Electrical Over Stress.ESG Enterprise Systems Group. Dells product development group forservers and storage systems.EVT Engineering Validation TestExecutive Team(As used within the PrP.) An ongoing team of seniormanagement that understands, guides and approves major LOBdecisions, including APP and Business Contract.F/A Failure Analysis.FAI First Article Inspection.FIFO First In, First Out. A buffer that stores and forwards data itemsin the same order in which they are received.FIR 1.Field Incident Rate, a Dell measure of a product'squality, as observed by the customer.2.Finite Input Response.FIST Fully Integrated Systems Test.FMEA Failure Modes Effects Analysis.FOS 1.Front of Speaker.2.Front of Screen.FS Field service.FTS Functional Test System.FVSi Functional Verification System - improved.FY Fiscal Year. At Dell, the fiscal year runs from the beginning ofFebruary until the end of January. Thus February 1st 1998 is inthe first quarter of FY'99.FYI For Your Information.GAM Global Account Manager.GCO Dell's Global Compliance Organization.GCP Global Customer Programs. Dell's global program initiativeincluding GEP (Global Enterprise Program) and ICA(International Corporate Account Program.GIR Global Information Repository.Globalization The process of writing or modifying a software application tohandle multiple languages for other countries and locales from acommon software source code base. (See also Enable andLocalization).GRMS Gravity Room Mean Squared.HALT Highly Accelerated Life Test.HazMat Hazardous Materials.ICT In-Circuit Test.IFIR Initial Field Incident Rate. The percentage of service actionstaken on a Dell product that is covered by Dell's LimitedWarranty or by any Dell service agreement, within a 30 daycalendar period as measured from product invoice date.Implementation Phase The phase in the Phase Review Process following planning,during which the system is formally developed.IPO(Dell) International Procurement Office.IPS 1.Integrated Project Systems (project managementtraining vendor).2.International Product Support. The Dell support groupswithin each LOB that handle escalated support issues. IQA Incoming Quality Assurance.JIS Japan Industrial Standards.JQ Joint Qualification.JQP Joint Qualification Program.Launch Phase The second to last phase of the PrP, during which the productreaches RTS . The Launch Phase ends with FCS.LOB Line of Business. Each of the seven product areas withinproduct group, namely Dimension, Inspiron, Latitude, Optiplex,Servers, Portables, and Workstations.LRR Line Reject Rate. A measure of manufacturing quality equal to100% minus the first pass yield. Percentage of systems that failany of the functional tests such as Quick Test, Extended Test, orFinal Test and are routed to EMR.M/W, M&W Missing and Wrong. The percentage of systems received bycustomers that are incomplete, wrong or perceived wrong.Metric A measurement to monitor and demonstrate the achievement ofan objective, strategy or program. Metrics must be measurable,accessible, timely and linked to specific objectives.Missing and Wrong A component of IFIR, based on the percentage orders shippedwith missing, damaged, or incorrect parts, componenets, ordocumentation.MIS Management Information Systems.MPO(Dell's Microsoft Program Office.MPP Master Production Plan. Forecasts used to make manufacturing,procurement, and other decisions.MPR Material Purge Request. A request to remove all suspectscomponents/materials from a Dell manufacturing facility.MPS Master Production Schedule.MQE Manufacturing Quality Engineer (or Engineering).MRB Material Review Board.MRD Marketing Requirements Document. A product profilingdocument, now officially referred to as the PFG.MRP 1.Manufacturing Resource Plan.2.Material Requirements Planning(supports EMPACT). MSP Master Sales Plan. Forecasts that eventually feed the MPP.MTBF Mean time between failures.NAO North American Operations.NFF No Fault Found.NPI New Product Introduction.NPO Dell's New Product Operations.NSDCR Non-Service Dispatch Call Rate. The percentage of incomingcalls to the "Customer Service Delivery" group (technicalsupport + customer care) that do not result in a Field Incident, inrelation to the installed base.OBA Out of Box Audit. Percentage of units that are not produced tocustomer's requirements as specified in the traveler. These unitsare identified by an audit that has the following threecomponents: functional (system tested by customer diagnostics),cosmetic (per Dell cosmetic specification, order completeness(per traveler, DPS order, and associated BOMs).OBD Dell's Online Business Development group.OBE Out of Box Experience.ODM 1.Open Desktop Management.2.Original Development Manufacturer.OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer. A vendor that combineshardware and/or software from others, adds its own products,and sells the resulting combination to end users.ORT Ongoing Reliability Testing.PCN Part Change Notification.PD Dell Product Development group in Japan (preferred name isPG-J, or PG Japan).PDMS Product Data Management System.PDR 1.Preliminary Design Review (SDLC).2.Product Design Review (for software).PDS Parts Delivery Service.PG Obsolete term, see ESG and PSG. Previously referred to Dell'sProduct Group.Phase Review Process The structured planning, development and release process Delluses for new products.PID 1.Product Introduction Document - Dell internaldocument produced by CSSE describing servicestrategies and other related information for a newproduct.2.Project ID (identification number).Pilot Manufacturing test run required before reaching RTS. Testsmanufacturing process, completion of ECO s, and so on.PIP 1.Performance Improvement Plan.2.Product Identification Project.PM 1.Program Manager.2.Program Management.3.Project Manager.PMT Process Maturity Testing.PN Part Number.PNCR Part Number Change Request.PNR Part Number Request.PO Purchase Order.PPID Piece Part Identification. The bar code label that tracks Supplierpart numbers and serial numbers at manufacturing locations. PRR Production Readiness Review.PSG Personal Systems Group. Dell's product development group forsingle user systems including desktops, workstations, andportables.PTR Dell's Problem Tracking Report database.QBR Quarterly Business Review.QIS Quality Information System (Quality Control System). PPID barcode capture system.QMDS Quality Management Data System.QMR Quality Management Representative.QSA Quality Systems Audit. The highest level audit performed byDell to confirm that the Supplier has documented evidence of aquality system.Qualification Phase The fourth phase of the PrP during which functional activitiesare completed and verified to prepare the program forprogression to the Launch Phase.Quality Measurement of defects on a product that impact customers.R&D Research and Development.Reliability Test Tests such as shock and vibration, temperature and other teststhat assess and predict reliability.RFIR Repeat Field Incident Rate. The total percentage of serviceactions taken within a 7 calendar day period from any previousfield incident.RMA Return Material Authorization.RPN Risk Priority Number.RTM Ready To Manufacture.RTS Ready to Ship. Milestone for production readiness of a productachieved by SKU download to the factory. All developmentwork, validation and pilot(s) are complete. Material is available,manufacturing is trained. Can build (at least a minimal quantity)of revenueable units.RTV Return To Vendor.SCAR Supplier Corrective Action Request.SCM 1.Sales Configuration Management.2.Software Configuration Management.3.Strategic Commodity Manager.SI Systems Integration. A Dell semi-custom manufacturingcapability. Prefered term is now Dell PLUS.SPC Statistical Process Control.SQA 1.Software Quality Assurance.2.Supplier Quality Analyst.SQE Supplier Quality Engineering.SQI Supplier Quality Issue.Sr.Senior.STL, STLT Ship to Target Lead-time. The percentage of systems that areshipped within the target timeframe in a fiscal month. The targettimeframe is set by the regions and need not be the same foreach Line of Business.Supplier Quality Measured by Verified Line Performance, Verified FieldPerformance, and Field Replacement Rate and is expressed inDPPM.SW Software.T&M Time and Material.TBD To be determined.TCP 1.Terminal Communication Process.2.Transport Control Protocol.TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A system fortransferring information over a computer network. TCP/IP is theprotocol at the heart of the Internet.Telephony Communication, often two-way, of spoken information, bymeans of electrical signals carried by wires or radio waves. Theterm was used to indicate transmission of the voice, asdistinguished from telegraphy (done in code and usually calledcontinuous wave or CW transmission), radio teletypewriter(RTTY) transmission (also called FSK for Frequency ShiftKeying, the modulation scheme used by such machines), andlater, facsimile.TPM Obsolete term, see DSP. Previously referred to Dell Third PartyMaintainer.Traveller Hard copy of a customer order used by the production line. TTM Time To Market.TTR,TTRM Technology Transition Roadmap.TTV Total Time to Volume.UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. US Federal law mandates that allequipment used in a place of business be certified as safe by anNRTL. In addition, many local electrical and building codes andordinances require that products be certified by an NRTL.Because UL is one of the most widely recognized NRTLs in theUnited States, a majority of our large customers make ULapproval a mandatory requirement.VFIR Verified Field Incidence Rate.VIFIR Verified Initial Incidence Rate.VLRR Verified Line Reject Rate.WIP Work In Progress.WWOPS Dell Worldwide Operations.WWP WorldWide Procurement.WWSQE WorldWide Supplier Quality Engineer.。



Dell專有名詞IFIR:Initial Field Incident Rate. IFIR is the failure rate of a commodity within the first 30 days from product invoice date. IFIR is measured in Defective Parts Per Million (DPPM). Initial Field Incident Rate (IFIR) (within the context of this document) represents the number of verified technical failures at Dell’s customer site, divided by the number of hardware pieces of the same type shipped by Dell during the period the hardware fails occurred.FIR:Field Incident Rate. FIR is the failure rate of a commodity between the first 30 days from product invoice date and the end of the warranty period. FIR is measured in Defective Parts Per Million (DPPM). Field Incident Rate (FIR) (within the context of this document) represents the number of verified technical failures at Dell’s customer site, divided by the number of hardware pieces of the same type shipped by Dell during the period the hardware fails occurred.Production Release:Production Release is the primary milestone that concludes the DELL qualification cycle and constitutes approval for the supplier to start the manufacturing approval cycle and new product readiness reviews (NPRR).FCS:First Customer Ship: This milestone concludes the New Product Readiness Review and releases the product from Dell’s warehouses for delivery to Dell’s Customer.SQS:Supplier Quality Standard. This plan establishes the baseline quality program expectations that a Dell Supplier shall comply with.QMP:Quality Management Plan. This plan details the quality requirements necessary to ensure a product will meet the goals set for the product and that risks are identified and minimized.NPRR:New Product Readiness Review. This audit assesses the readiness of the suppliers ability to start mass production in relation to meeting Dell’s quality goals. Risks to Dell will be identified during this audit.QBR:Quarterly Business Review. This quarterly meeting evaluates the supplier performance against the following requirements: Quality, Cost Leadership, Continuity of Supply, Service, and Technology/Time to V olume.HALT:Highly Accelerated Life Test: 6 samples undergo a destructive regimen of extreme thermal cycling and abnormal vibration conditions in operational and non-operational modesMIT test:Monitor IFIR Test: 360 units accelerated Early Life Test aimed at identifying contributors to early life failures and implementing corrective action prior to launchA VL: Approved vendor listATE: Auto Test EquipmentCA: Corrective ActionCET: Customer Experience TestCIP: Continuous Improvement PlanCLCA: Closed Loop Corrective ActionDVT: Design Verification TestECN: Engineering Change NotificationEMI: Electro Magnetic InterferenceEVT: Engineering Verification TestFAI: First Article InspectionGQAM: Global Quality Account ManagerJQE: Joint Quality EngineerMRB: Material Review BoardMTBF: Mean Time between FailureMVT: Manufacturing Validation TestPDG: Peripheral Development GroupPMT: Process Mature TestPA: Preventive ActionPCN: Process Change NotificationPPID: Piece Part IdentificationPredecessor Product E&O: Predecessor Product End of life & obsolescence QPP: Quarterly Product PlanningQPA: Quality Process AuditQSA: Quality System AuditRTS: Ready to ShipRTV: Return To VendorSPC: Statistical Process ControlSQE: Supplier Quality EngineersSQS: Supplier Quality StandardOBA: Out of Box AuditWWSQE/RSQE: Worldwide SQE / Regional SQEHP 專有名詞POR: Plan of RecordDO: Design ObjectiveI/L: Investigation to LabAFR: Annualized Failure RateWPTR: Worldwide Product Tracking RecordPLC: Product Life CycleRFQ: Request for QuotationTQRDCE: Technology, Quality, Responsiveness, Delivery, Cost and EnvironmentCPE: Current Product EngineeringEC: Engineering ChangeECR: Engineering Change RequestSIA: Source Inspection AuditLENOVO專有名詞DV: Design VerificationSIT: System Integration TestSVT: System Verification TestVRR: Vendor Readiness ReviewSOVP: Start Of Volume ProductionIIPC: International Information Products(ShenZhen) Company ( 位於中國深圳特區 ) RTP: Research Triangle Park ( 位於美國的北卡羅來納州)PDD: Product Definition Document, this is IBM's product specMVP: Master Validation Plan, this is the test plan.SCRL: Standards Compliance Reference ListF/G: Final GoodsFOS: Front Of ScreenRFI: Request For InformationOthers:TAT: Turn around TimeTT: Telegraphic transferFRU : Field replaceable unitCLCA: Closed loop corrective actionASP: Authorized Service Provider。



PCS PRS CTN Pieces Pairs Carton 个(根,块等) 双(对等) 卡通箱
Purchasing Order
Manufacture Order
Basic input/output system
LABEL (include S/N label) 90贴纸
3合1 光碟
检查机台设备是否符合规格(外观/配备规 格/BIOS/ LCD亮点 是否正确)
Surface Mount Technology
Infrared Data Association 红外线数据标准协会
• B/T
Defect Part Per Million
• D/C • ID/C • SWR
Date Code Identification Code Special Work Request
生产日期码 (供货商)识别码 特殊工作需求
• L/N
• P/N • FPYR
Lot Number
Part Number First Pass Yield Rate
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Acronyms for SEQ SSM ClassGeneral Acronyms4MEP – Machines, Materials, Measurements, Methods, Environment, People. General cause categories. Also known as 5M’s or 6M’s.AIAG – Automotive Industry Action Group.AMF – (Dell) Americas Manufacturing Facility. Includes factories located in Austin, Nashville, and North CarolinaAPCC – (Dell) Asia-Pacific Customer Center. Factory located in Penang, MalaysiaAVL – Approved Vendor List. Sometimes ASL (Approved Suppliers List). Some interchange with BOM (Build of Materials or Bill of Materials), but BOM is different than AVL/ASL.BC – Business Contract.BPI –Business Process Improvement. Dell’s Quality philosophy, which includes Six Sigma tools and practices, Lean Technology principles, and other aspects of Quality Improvement. BST – Business Strategy Team.CA – Corrective Action.CCC – (Dell) China Customer Center. Factory located in Xiamen, ChinaCE – Customer Experience.CIP – Continual (or Continuous) Improvement Process.COC – Center of Competency.COS – Continuity of Supply.CTQ – Critical to Quality, usually referring to characteristics of the product or process.CLCA – Closed Loop Corrective Action. A methodology of characterizing, containing, resolving and reporting special cause events in a process.DES/DID – Design-Induced Damage.DFSS – Design for Six Sigma.DFX (or DFx) –Design for X, often called “Design for Everything.” Types of X’es include: Cost, Quality, Reliability, Manufacturing, Test, Service, Six SigmaDVT – Design Validation Testing.E2E – End to End, referring to a type of process flowchart or map.EBST – Executive Business Strategy Team.ECN – Engineering Change Notification.ECO – Engineering Change Order.EICC – Electronics Industry Code of Conduct.EMF – (Dell) Europe Manufacturing Center. Factory located in Limerick, Ireland. Will include new factory in Poland in the near future.EOL – End of Life. The end of warranty obligations (typically the same as EOSL).EOPL – End of Production Life. Dell factory stops manufacturing.EOS – Electrical Over Stress.EOSL – End of Service Life. Dell stops servicing (typically when warranty period complete). ESD – Electro Static Discharge.EVT – Engineering Validation Testing.FA – Failure Analysis.FAI – First Article Inspection.FIFO – First In First Out.FMEA – Failure Mode Effects Analysis.FPM – Functional Process Manual.GB/BB – Green Belt / Black Belt. Levels of skill and knowledge attainment within Six Sigma; often refers to specific certifications.GR&R – Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility.HALT – Highly Accelerated Life Test.HASS – Highly Accelerated Stress Screen.IQA – Incoming Quality Assurance.IQC – Incoming Quality Control.JMP – Name of a powerful statistical program used in data analysis. Began as “Jon’s Mac Project” in 1989.LOB – Line of Business.MARCOM – Marketing Communication.MQT – Manufacturing Quality and Test, another title for the QMP.MRB – Material Review Board.MSA – Measurement System Analysis.MSE – Measurement System Error.MTBF – Mean Time Between Failures.NPI – New Product Introduction.NPO – New Product Operations.NPP – New Product Process; also used for New Product Plan.NPRR – New Product Readiness Review. A review sequence that is mostly replaced by Safe Launch.OBA – Out of Box Audit.OHSAS – Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series. A pair of standards, OHSAS 18001 and 18002, on OHS Management Systems (OHSMS).OPEX – Operating Expenses. Including headcount, travel expense, administrative expense, etc. OQC – Outgoing Quality Control.ODM – Original Design Manufacturer.ORT – Ongoing Reliability Test(ing).OSV – On-site Verification.PCN – Process Change Notification. Sometimes Product Change Notification, but not often. PDCA – Plan Do Check Act. An improvement methodology.PFG – Product Features Guide.PID – Process-Induced Damage, usually implying Dell process (but also widely used in industry). PG – (Dell) Product Group.PM – Program Manager.PMT – Process Maturity Testing.PO – Purchase Order.PRP – Phase Review Process.PWB – Printed Wiring Board. Also called PCB (Printed Circuit Board)QBR – Quarterly Business Review.QDS – Quality Data System.QMP – Quality Management Plan.QMS – Quality Management System.QPA – Quality Process Audit. Commodity specific tool/checklist at Dell.QS – Quality System.QSA – Quality Systems Audit. Standard (same for all commodities) tool/checklist at Dell. RACI – Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed. Four categories of job responsibility involvement.R&R – Roles and Responsibilities.RFI – Request for Information.RFQ/RFP – Request for Quote / Request for Proposal. No significant difference within the Dell WWP system, but may mean different things in other companies.RTS – Ready to Ship. Some places use Release to Ship.SCAR – Supplier Corrective Action Request. Typical supplier response is done through 5C Process; some suppliers use 8D Process.SEQ – Supplier Engineering and Quality. A department inside a company; Dell SEQ is part of WWP (Worldwide Procurement). Many other companies in the industry use SQE (Supplier Quality Engineering).SOW – Statement of Work.SPC – Statistical Process Control. Often interchangeable with SQC (Statistical Quality Control) in Dell SEQ documentation.SPRT – Sequential Probability Ratio Test.SSM – Supplier Selection and Management. A training class, and a key business process. STSM – Sub-tier Supplier Management. Used to refer to a Dell initiative, and also used to label a specific quality conformance audit & checklist. Standard (same for all commodities)tool/checklist at DellTGT – Target.VOC – Voice of Customer.VID – Vendor-Induced Damage.WW – Worldwide, or World Wide.WWP – Worldwide Procurement.Quality Metrics90FIR – FIR in the first 90 days after product shipment from Dell factory.AFR – Annualized Failure Rate.ARR – Annualized Return Rate.CND – Can Not Duplicate.DPPM – Defective Parts Per Million.FIR – Field Incident Rate. Field Failures. Typically measured in dppm.IFIR – Initial Field Incident Rate. FIR in the first 30 days after product shipment from Dell factoryLRR – Line Reject Rate. Failure rate in the Dell factory. Typically measured in dppm. MDR – Manufacturing Defect Rate; also seen as Materials Defect Rate. Obsolete metric; no longer used in Dell.NFF – No Fault Found.NTF – No Trouble Found.SVLRR – Sub-tier VLRR. Component failure rate in the 1st tier supplier factory.VIFIR – Verified IFIR.VFIR – Verified FIR.VLRR – Verified LRR.Quality StandardsISO-9000 – A family of standards which define the requirements for a Quality Management System. These standards are owned and maintained by ISO (International Standards Organization).QS-9000 – Quality System 9000. A quality systems standard specific to the automotive industry. Covers supplier requirements for production parts, materials, and services. Built on ISO9001:1994, with additional requirements.TL-9000 – Telecom 9000. A quality systems standard based on ISO 9000, with additional requirements for the telecommunications industry.TS-16949 – Technical Specification 16949. Built by the IATF (International Automotive Task Force) in collaboration with ISO. Originally designed to align the quality system requirementsof the U.S. automotive industry with the German, French, and Italian automotive industries.Job Titles and RolesFAE/FAS – Failure Analysis Engineer / Failure Analysis Support. A supplier role at a Dell site. GCM – Global Commodity Manager. A Dell role. Business role managing contractual and commercial relationship with suppliers.GCQM – Global Commodity Quality Manager. A Dell role with global quality responsibilities within a commodity.GQAM – Global Quality Account Manager. A supplier role with global quality responsibilities within a commodity.GSQE – See SQE.GSQM – Global Supplier Quality Manager. A Dell Role with global quality responsibilities. JQE/JQM – Joint Quality Engineer / Joint Quality Manager. A supplier role, dedicated to supporting Dell quality performance, at a supplier site.SEQ (previously SQE and may still exist in older documents) – Supplier Engineering & Quality (Supplier Quality Engineering). A Dell field engineering role, collaborating with suppliers. GCT – Global Commodity Team. A cross-functional team within Dell that manages a commodity’s business.。
