
有一段青春,留作永恒。剪一段时光,放在最美的段落。好好保存留作永远,时间过去岁月的路过。只是多了一道曾经,流年一路改变了我们的模样。送走了我们的青春,留给了我们曾经。这样的夜别样的心情,倒影的年华。深夜想用文字表达我内心的段落,可是终究写不出整个心情。背着这些流年在岁月里流浪,终究没有安静的场所。来安放我这沉淀的一切,似乎不能放也不能放。因为只有装进心里,才最为合适。也没有地方比装进心里,更安全。就这样让这段流年,从此埋在心里。不再提起,让时间的尽头。留作无声的永恒, 有一段青春,埋葬的时间。总有一些人拼了命的,挽留最终还是留不住。总有一些话始终未能说出口,直至最后再也不必说出口。埋葬过去,我们有着太多的沉默。像是在时间的路刚好遇见,只是你装做什么也没看见。很多年过去了,我始终在这里执着。时间走过这里并没有,我想要的段落。也许下一段时光,会遇见一个更好的彼岸。流年划过陌路,我们终于渐行渐远。来不及说再见,也来不及为那段。往事而伤心哭泣,一切要走都是上天。许早准备好的,只待我们路过此地。 有一段悲伤,注定成为生命当中的曲子。一路离伤一路练习,秋天的落叶只能随风而去。走远的路人只能默默祝福,也许生命是一种选择。也是一种惜缘,一路顺着时间的痕迹。找到这个叫做岁月的尽头,一路的我们只是历经一次。流年就走散这么多的随行者,时间终告诉了我们。什么叫做流年,流年却告诉了我们。什么叫做永恒,独自站在黑夜的山峰。似乎自己与这个世界隔离一般,没有声音没有吵闹。是那么的凄凉。那么的安静,那些无声的岁月。只有宁静陪伴和这安静的夜, 珍惜的人,走过的路。我们跟着时间越走越远,身边的人身边的事。能留下来的才算是你的,一些路一些分别。时间终把那上错车的人,越送越远人生是一列车。走走停停,那里都是站,那里都有拥挤的人群。匆匆忙忙追追赶赶,一路的旅途有人坐错了车。有人坐过了站,似乎每一幕都在重演着。走过的路遇到的人,要走多久才能遇到直正对的人。这个世界真正能相遇的,真的太少。 有一段痛,我选择永远沉默。有些话选择不再提起,有些路选择安静走过。有些人有些情,有些时间注定。是陌路的相峰,有些人从我们生命路过。从不留下任何痕迹,有些人注定留下痕迹。但误以为别生活的悲剧,从来都没有停止过。只是换了种方式,换了个地点换了一批人。有些痛我们并不需要,向每一个人诉说。因为不是所有的痛都能说出口,有些伤真的是没有语言。可以表达只能用文字默默埋葬,这是我们的世界也是流年的见证。 最初的你,终经历一段落幕。变成坚强的自己,带上自己的梦。终于如愿以偿,记得最开始。你还是那个好笑的那一个,转眼时间走过。我们多了几份沉默,却少了几份语言。走在相识的最初,回想那么走远的画面。仿佛就在昨天发生的一样,无言以对历在那段时光。我们总以为我们还在,只是再次回到现在早已告秋还冬。路过你忧伤的心,最初的你。只是随着时间的沉淀而沉淀,我们曾写下的模样。只是再也找不到当初的那份勇气,只是再也翻不出那份。沉默已久的流年, 那些年,那些记忆。那些所历的每一幕。都是离别的痕迹,每一个夜上都是一个难眠的夜。有些事情,在经过了时间的沉淀之后。总会被遗忘在角落,而有些身影则相遇在风景无限的沧海。以为这样会一直走下去,当岁月划过。留下记忆的沧桑,是否会想起某个场景。触发埋藏在心底深处的泛黄,或许才明白。当初所谓的遗忘,也不过是暂时的失去记忆故事。流淌在回首之间,穾然才发现当初以为会一直。陪伴在身边的你,此时却早已不见了踪影。 有一段落幕,经历的时间始终是一个漫长的流年。在那些散落的人群中,依然没有半点音讯,无论是时光的离别。还是远去的祝福。相信那些从离别中,来回走过一遍的漂泊者。有一大半会胜过很多千言万语,漂浮中有很多语言是不需要发出声音的。也有很多无声的流浪只有喜欢安静的爱好者才懂,很多年过去了那些一起走过的人。说好一起经历风雨,一起走过流年直到出现最后的彩虹。生命终是一次旅途,那些出现的人终是走的走散的散。最后留下来的人,才会经得起岁月流逝。才会经得起时光静好,感谢那些所离别的时光。也感谢那曾埋过的年华。感谢我脚下那几个陌生的城市,也感谢那几年所执着过的年华。一:如果说…… 如果有一天我的双眼被世俗蒙蔽,我的心灵被贪念染尘,请你用水一样清澈的双眼,为我指引迷途,还原我最初的纯净。 如果,我不曾给过你温暖,即使你风一样的消失,我也绝不喊疼。 如果说,人生是一场电影。那么你注定只是我人生故事里一闪而过的情节。 如果有一天,我喜欢上了别人,请你不要怪我,那一定是你对我,不够好! 如果有一天,我不在和你联系,请你不要怪我,那一定是我不再需要你。 如果有一天,我把你忘记,请你不要怪我,那一定是我遇上了比你更好的,那个人。 时间会教我忘记你以及和你相处的时光。 二:风吹乱了我的头发,你,弄疼了我的心。 夜露太重,打湿了我的梦。夜色太浓,荒芜了我的情。 清冷的月,让我惆怅的心,那么疼。 不眠的夜。 那么就醒着吧,只有醒着,才能看得更清。 那么就笑着吧, 只有笑着,我才不会喊疼。 有些东西,即使喜欢,也要避而远之。就像咖啡,每次喝它都会让我疼。可还是会好了伤疤忘了疼,偶尔嘴馋喝上一杯。就像有些爱,是你不能碰的,一碰就成了心底念念不忘的伤。其实有些病只能自己控制,自己医。 即使疼痛,即使悲伤,也学会阳光般的微笑吧。 对自己微笑,对生活微笑,对挫折微笑。学会让自己在微笑里变得快乐。 当我们不快乐的时候,我们要学会控制自己的负面情绪,不要让负面情绪把我们控制。 不快乐的时候,那就记得冲着阳光微笑吧。也许笑着笑着,你就快乐了。 快乐着快乐着,你就真的笑了。 三:突然厌倦了文字,就像厌倦了想你。 人生就得自由的过,约束和烦恼,就让它随风去漂泊。 长路漫漫又蹉跎,不管是坎坷还是难过,咬咬牙努力的挣脱。 让阳光柔柔地洒落,温暖一下我微凉的心窝。 夜寂寂,月婆娑, 我只想明媚的笑着说,你不在,我也很快乐。 思绪打了结,挡住了文字的出口。 我,没有马良的画笔,绘不出想要的东西。 心情,是缠绕在指尖的藤蔓,被施了魔咒, 那些跌跌撞撞的文字,只能困在回忆里落寞生花。 我对你的爱,就如这热烈的红,哪怕深秋寂寂,也只为你,灼灼绽放。 这个清晨,把我最明媚的微笑送给你。把我最贴心的温暖送给你。请你一定要快乐。早安,晨风。早安,雨露。早安,阳光。早安,这尘世,以及这尘世里的你。 四:我想要的…… 我需要一次返璞归真的旅行 ,去卸载心上超重的负担。 甩开约束,忘记纷扰,远离伤痛,洗去心尘。 我需要一次自由行走的旅行,去看山看水看风情。去我想去的地方,看我想看的人,做我想做的事。 我需要一次忘我的旅行,开心的笑,痛快的哭,任性的疯,自由的呼吸。 没有念想,没有贪欲,没有生死离别,没有爱恨情仇。饿了吃 ,困了睡。不记得我是谁,更不记得你是谁。 说走就走吧…… 趁着夜色正浓,去赏月光锦。 趁着秋风正起,去听海浪声。 趁着蝶睡正酣,去闻百花香…… 走遍千山万水,看遍姹紫嫣红,唯有你是我看不厌的风景,忘不掉的心动。春风不及你温柔,桃花不及你多情,爱人不及你情深。你是天空流下的一滴泪,你是大地心中的一首诗,你是让我内心清澈柔润的一眼泉。 走累了,就择一处清幽稍做停歇吧。人生的旅途还很遥远,别急着赶路。坐下来喝杯茶吧。給疲惫的身体浇浇水松松土解解乏。 走累了,就选一处安静坐下来听听歌看看书吧,给颓废的心灵补补氧充充电减减压。稍做调整,让灵魂来一次放松的深呼吸。 走累了,别急着赶路,别错过身边人的温暖,路过风景的美好。 走累了,就随心所欲的坐下来稍作休息吧。不去看世人的眼光,不去想生活的繁琐,不去念情路的艰辛。只安静地听听划过耳边的风,看看飘过眼前的云,等等疲惫的心,疼疼心爱的人吧。
鲁科版小学英语四年级上册unit 7《Lesson 1 This is Jenny speaking》ppt课件

A: Hello! This is Lily speaking. May I speak to Lucy? B: This is Lucy speaking. A: Tomorrow is Saturday. Let’s climb the hill. B: OK. A: See you! B: See you!
old cold hold 握住,保留
Hello! This is Jenny speaking. May I speak to Li Ming? Hold on, please.
Li Ming, Jenny is calling.
I’m coming.
I’m coming.
I’m coming.
What have you learnt in this class?
Phone more friends and have a good weekend together.
Hello! This is Jenny speaking. May I speak to Li Ming?
May I come in?
May I use your pen?
May I have a look?
Hello! This is Jenny speaking. May I speak to Li Ming? Hold on, please.
I’m coming.
Sports Day is coming.
Sports Day is coming. Let’s do some training tomorrow.
do some training
人教版PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 B Talk 课件PPT

Let’s talk & Let’s play
Unit 1 My classroom(教学课件) Unit 1 Part B 第一课时
汇报人:XXX 时间:XXXXX
新课导入 新知讲解
PART.01 《01》
Warm up
Listen to a song 点击画面 播放视频
new classroom? Let’s watch and f点i击n画d.面 播放视频
What are they doing? They are cleaning the classroom.
Watch again, find the sentences “Let’s/ Let me …”.
(画出”Let’s/ Let me …”的句子)
1. 复习了单词:teacher’s desk, clean, help,掌握 了如何用这些单词表达打扫教室里的物品。
2. 学习了用句型Let’s/ Let me … 表达建议: — Let’s clean the classroom. — OK. — Let me clean the teacher’s desk. — Let me clean the windows.
2. help me you let
3. clean the let me desk teacher’s
____L_e_t__m__e__c_l_e_a__n__t_h_e___t_e_a_c_h_e__r_’__s_ desk.

street school library park restaurant supermarket (1) It’s big. There are many students and teachers
there. It’s a __sc_h_o_o_l__. (2) It’s a quiet (安静的) place. There are a lot of books
There are many trees and flowers. People can do exercise and take a walk there.
It’s big. It sells all kinds of things there. People can go shopping there.
Do you remember?
There’s a park beside Angel’s house. There are two restaurants near Angel’s house.
There be句型遵循就近原则。 There is + 单数名词 + 其他。 There are + 复数名词 + 其他。
some shops, a supermarket and some restaurants too. It’s busy. It’s a ___s_tr_e_e_t___.
单词: restaurant, park, supermarket 复习句型: 描述某处有某物 There is/are + 某物 (+ 其他)。
外研版四年级英语上册《Module2 Unit1》教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 三起点 英语 四年级 上册Learning goals 能听、说、认读单词:read, running, these, picture, take ✔ 能够运用句型:She likes reading.She’s reading a book.✔What are they doing?Do you like running?What are they doing ?Do you like reading ?What is Lingling doing?I like playing football. She likesplaying basketball. He likesListen, point and say.I like playing football. She likes playing basketball. He likes swimming. We like running.Listen, point and say.swimming. We like running. Listen, point and say.swimming. We like running. Listen, point and say.Watch the videoI like playing football.eg: She likes playing table tennis.We like playing basketball.主语+like(s)+动词-ing形式(+其他).Listen, point and find "-ing".Look at these pictures.This is my friend Maomao. She's reading a book.This is my friend Xiaowei. He's taking pictures.This is my sister Amy. She's watching TV.This is my little brother Tom.He's playing with a toy train.Listen and say.He’s___________.She’s____________.taking pictures reading a bookthese 这些picture照片read读,阅读She's reading a book.主语+be动词(am/is/are)+动词-ing形式(+其他).eg: I'm reading a book.You are running.take pictures照相Panpan FangfangWeiweiYuanyuanPanpan is taking pictures.Practise.Panpan FangfangWeiweiYuanyuanFangfang is reading a book.Panpan FangfangWeiweiYuanyuanWeiwei is playing with toy cars.Panpan FangfangWeiweiYuanyuanYuanyuan is watching TV.1.Look and choose.(1)I like ______ the flute ( 长笛).A. playB. playedC. playing (2) My brother _______ eating apples.A. likeB. likingC. likesC C2. Complete each sentence with the proper form of the given verb.(1) I am_________ (play) with a toy car.(2) My father is __________ (read) a book.(3) Amy is ___________(watch) TV.playing reading watchingDo and say.Two students in a group. One does actions and the other say sentences with the “-ing”.This is my classmate. He’s reading a book.Group workHe ’s tak ing pictures.She ’s read ing a book.He’s = He is She’s = She is1. Listen and read the text.2. Role-play.谢谢观看 Thank You。

1. 把本课let’s talk 读给家长听。 2. 四会本课重点词汇。
Unit 1 My classroom
人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册
Part B
师生一起复习上节课Let’s do 部分内容,同 学们模仿做动作。
Open the door. Turn on the light. Close the window. Put up the picture. Clean the blackboard.
( B )1. Let’s
the classroom.
A. help
B. clean
C. close
( C )2. Let
clean the blackboard.
B. my
C. me
( A )3. —
is the green chair?
— It’s near the window.
Unit 1 My classroom
人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册
Part A
师生对话: T:Hello! Welcome to our school!
Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you, too. T: How are you? S: Fine,thank you.
Group work
x √ x √
desk chair window
小喇叭朗读开始 了,点一点音箱,一 起学Let's check吧。

典例 I’d like some ____A____ and _______,please. A.fish; vegetables B.fishs; vegetables C.fish; vegetable
知识点 1 What’s for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?
考向 用法及答语:这是一个由what引导的特殊疑问句,
用来询问“晚餐吃什么” 句子结构是:What’s for +三餐名词(breakfast/ lunch/dinner)? 句中for 是介词,意为“(表示对象、 用途等)给,对,供”,直接回答食物的名称即可。
“天,这是……”老仆人大惊失色:“入侵者?” 他吓坏了。
叶青羽身形一闪,踏到了小虫的头顶,低头看了老仆人一眼,老仆人明白过来,战战兢兢地跳到小虫的背上,他心中难掩一片惊 涛骇浪,叶青羽竟然可以驱使入侵者为奴,这件事就是不可思议的事情。
这个年轻人族,到底是什么来历? 老仆人这个时候,心中好奇震惊到了极点。 他的心中,突然又有了一些其他的心思。 这时,小虫已经化作白色流光,在黑暗大地上驰骋了起来,速度快到了极点,瞬息就是数千里。 老仆人在小虫背上指路。 叶青羽盘坐于小虫头部,闭目静思。 又是半日后。
“前面就是混沌瀑布了,越过瀑布,就等于是真正进入了黑暗领域,那里面,很危险,到处隐藏着杀机,危险随时都可能降临。” 老仆人开口,指着前方的一片混沌迷雾道。
快快长大: dinner(正餐)
很多人以为dinner是指晚餐,其实传统来说dinner是 指中午或者晚上的正餐(最正式的一餐),have dinner是吃 正餐。但是在不同的国家有不同的说法,现在外国人一般 是把晚餐作为正餐,因为早上和中午都比较忙碌没时间认 真吃饭,只有到了晚上才精心准备丰盛的晚餐。
外研版四年级英语上册《Module 10 Unit 1》课堂教学课件PPT小学公开课

外研版 英语 四年级上册Module 10Unit 1 We have a big family dinner.第一课时第二课时第一课时What’s the song about?It’s about the Spring Festival.the Spring Festival 春节festival节日Listen and chant.the Chinese New Year春节中国的年份Happy New Year!Happy New Year!Happy _______________!Spring Festival!Spring Festival!Happy _____________!Chinese New Year Spring FestivalListen and fill.Happy New Year!Happy New Year!Happy Chinese New Year!Spring Festival!Spring Festival!Happy Spring Festival!Listen and chant with it.Listen, point and find “we…”Today is the Spring Festival.Happy New Year!Say it to each other!I have some presents for you! Look!What are they?apples pears oranges sweets peanutsSay and do.I like apples. I have apples.I like_______. I have _______.Let’s talk.What do you do at the Spring Festival?At the Spring Festival, we have sweets/peanuts/a big family dinner …a big family dinner 一顿团圆饭家,家庭Read and answer.1. What do we do at the Spring Festival?At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. And we have peanuts and sweets. We say, ”Happy New Year!”2. Is today the Spring Festival?No, it isn’t.Hello, Sam. Here’s a book for you.Oh, thank you! What’s it about?It’s about the Spring Festival.What’s the Spring Festival?It’s the Chinese New Year.At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.Oh, I see.Listen and find “we…”I see.我知道了。

The reason(原因)why
we are happy.
•1.Because we are back at
•2.Because I like school.
•3.Because we have new
•4.Because books are cool.
025北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:UNIT SEVEN WHAT IS NATURE-Lesson 25
026北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:UNIT SEVEN WHAT IS NATURE-Lesson 26
027北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:Lesson 27
010北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:UNIT THREE WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR-Lesson 10
011北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:UNIT THREE WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR-Lesson 11
012北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:Lesson 12
013北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:Lesson 13
014北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:Lesson 14
015北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:UNIT FIVE WHICH KIND WOULD YOU LIKE-Lesson 15
016北京版一年级起点小学四年级英语上册PPT课件:UNIT FIVE WHICH KIND WOULD YOU LIKE-Lesson 16
冀教版三年级起点四年级上册英语《Unit 1 The Clothes We Wear Lesson 1 》(一等奖课件) (3)

Show Time
What’s this? It is a skirt.
What’s this?
It is a sweater.
What’s this? It is a shirt.
What’s this? It is a T-shirt.
What are these? They’re
Lesson 1 Skirt and Trousers
shirt 衬衫
skirt 裙子
trousers 裤子
T-shirt T恤衫
sweater 毛衣
shirt 衬衣 skirt 裙子 trousers 裤子 T-shirt T恤衫 sweater 毛衣
She is wearing a white T-shirt and red trousers.
2.介绍你的三位朋友,写下他们 今天的着装。
What can you see from the words? It is a T-shirt. They’re trousers.
英语中的许多事物是有不可数和可数之分的,比如 meat,food,tea,juice不可数,book,pen,pencil等是可数 名词。 而可数名词又有单复数之分,比如我们说book是单 数,books就是复数。不过,在英语中,有些事物是 以复数存在的,比如裤子trousers,shoes。
this “这”(用于单数) This is a red shirt. these “这些”(用于复数) These are blue trousers.
How to describe one’s wearing? 如何进行描述某人的穿着?
四年级上册英语课件-Module 10 Unit 1 We have a big family dinner外研版

We have dumplings at the Spring Festival. What else do we do at the Spring Festival?
family 家庭 dinner 晚餐 We have a big family dinner.
New Year
Spring Festival
1. have 除翻译为“有”,还 翻译为“进行,吃,喝等”。 We have sweets and peanuts. 2. I see. “我知道了。” 相当于I know.
At the Spring Festival, we have apples, oranges and sweets.
Talk about Festival
Spring Festival Children Day Christmas Mid-Autumn Day …
At ____, We have _____. We say ________. We _____________.
And we have peanuts and sweets. We say, “Happy New Year!”
I like sweets.
Oh, I see.
I like peanuts.
Listen, point and find “We…”
Here you are. Happy New Year. Daming.
Summary 1. 词汇 family dinner year New year Chinese festival the Spring Festival peanut

clean 打扫 help 帮助 teacher’s desቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 讲台
句型新朋友 Let’s clean the classroom. 让我们打扫教室吧。 Let me clean the teacher’s desk. 让我打扫讲台。
Where is the green book ?
It is under the teacher’s desk.
Where is the kite ?
It is near the window.
Where is the picture ?
It is near the kite.
Where is the blue pencil box ? √ It is on the floor.
讲台te_a_c_h_e_r_’s desk floor_地__板___ 计算机_c_o_m_p_u_t_er fan__电__扇__ wall_墙__壁___
1.Let me __A__ the windows. A. clean B. cleans 2.Where is the ___B___ desk? A. teachers’ B. teacher’s
唱第一单元的歌 We have a new classroom
What’s in your classroom? Four walls and floor, Pictures and windows, and a yellow door!
译林版小学四年级上册英语精品教学课件 Unit5 Our new home 第1课时

They're under the desk.
Language points
—Where’s+单个物品(book, ruler...) ? —It’s+表示位置的介词短语(under the desk,
in your bag...).
—Where are+多个物品(bags, shoes...)? —They’re+表示位置的介词短语(in the box,
同学们可以学着 继续创编歌谣哦!
Let's learn
Home is where the heart is. 家是心之所在。
East or west, home is best. 东也好,西也好,还是家最好。
1.—Where’s my _c_lo_c_k__ ? —It’s in the living room.
Listen and fill
Su Yang: Mum, _w_h_e_r_e_ is my bag? Mum: _I_t_'_s__ in your _b_e_d_r_oo_m___. Su Hai: Mum,______ ____ my skirts? Mum: They'rewinhetrhee __ar_e___ _____,
wall, under the desk…
Let’s review
The cat is on the chair.
The cat is in the box.
Let’s review
u the chair.
The cat is behind the chair.

the usage method of the “Can you swim”.
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Say and act Look it and act the scene.
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Learn the letters Learn the letters in P9.
Free talk e.g: She can swim, can you swim?
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Make and say
Learn the rules in P7.
Finish the exercise on P7 and group work to work out
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Warm up
What do you think is the most important thing of the swim?
Warm up
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Teaching Aims
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1. To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe “Are you happy”. 2. To guess meaning from context. 3. The students are able to use the key words correctly.

Unit 1 Nice toeview.
Let’s learn.
What are they saying?
Let’s act.
Hello, Anne. Nice to meet you!
Hi, Anne. This is Helen.
Let’s have fun.
This is a house.
This is a red triangle
This is a green circle.
This door is a blue rectangle.
>>Presentation Let’s have fun.
>>Practice Let’s have fun.
It’s a square.
>>Presentation Look and say.
It’s a line.
>>Presentation Look and say.
It’s a dot.
Let’s learn.
>>Presentation Let’s Listen and Say.
Glad to see you!
>>Practice Make a dialogue.
Make a new dialogue with your partner.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. too.