



受控文件产品规格书Product Specification锂离子电池Li-ion BatteryName 名称:磷酸铁锂电池Model 型号:IFP1565150AD10AhType 类型:Power Battery 动力型Approval批准Checked审核Draft制定History of Revision受控文件规格书修订记录Date日期Contents内容Remarks备注2019-04-29First Issue受控文件Contents 目录1.Scope 试用范围 (4)2.Parameters for Battery主要技术参数 (4)3.Battery Performance and Test 电池性能检查及测试 (5)3.1 Appearance and Structure 外观和结构 (5)3.2 Measurement Apparatus and Requirements 测试设备要求 (5)3.3 Standard test condition 标准的测试条件 (5)3.4 Standard charge 标准充电 (5)3.5 Common Performance 产品的常规性能 (6)3.6 Safety and Reliability Performance 产品安全性和可靠性 (7)3.7 Rest Period 搁置时间 (8)4.Storage and Others 贮存及其它事项 (8)4.1 Long Time Storage 长期贮存 (8)4.2 Others 其它事项 (8)5.Battery Size Draft 电池外形尺寸图 (8)Appendix (9)1.Charging充电 (9)1.1 Charging Current 充电电流 (9)1.2 Charging V oltage 充电电压 (9)1.3 Charging Temperature 充电温度 (10)1.4 Prohibition of reverse charging 禁止反向充电 (10)2.Discharging 放电 (10)2.1 Discharging Current 放电电流 (10)2.2 Discharging Temperature 放电温度 (10)2.3 Over-discharging 过放电 (10)3.Store 贮存 (11)4.Handling Instructions 电池的注意事项 (11)Shenyang King Power Tech. Co. Ltd1.Scope 适用范围This specification is made for lithium ion battery which type is IFP1565150AD10Ah. And the product is manufactured by Shenyang King Power Tech. Co. Ltd.本规格书适用沈阳国科金能科技有限公司生产的IFP1565150AD10Ah锂离子可充电电池。

梅德隆 12V 100Ah 磷酸铁锂电池组 使用说明书

梅德隆 12V 100Ah 磷酸铁锂电池组 使用说明书

Mainland Energy Conversion Ltd.电话: +852 2366 9610使用说明书LiFePO4 磷酸铁锂电池组12V/100Ah 系列:• 由于身体,感官或精神方面的能力不足或是因经验不足而无法安全使用本电池组的人,不得在没有技术人员的控制或指导的情况下使用。

• 本电池组不适合儿童使用,有机会危及生命。


• 时刻远离易燃气体、溶剂或蒸汽。

时刻确保空气流通,避免明火或火花,切勿焚烧电池组,以免引起爆炸事故! • 请严格遵守充放电指示,并仅使用具合适规格或充电模式之充电器进行充电。

• 请确保正负极端子上的螺丝时刻锁紧,并仅使用具电绝缘功能的螺丝刀。

• 使用前请确保正负极做好电气绝缘。

• 切勿打开或拆开电池组。


• 拆装电池组可能会导致电芯间的短路,从而引致火花、有害气体泄露、电解液体泄露,甚至爆炸。

• 如发生明显的损坏或故障,例如:变形的外壳、电解液泄漏或出现任何奇怪气味,请停止使用电池组。


• 请勿接触有害的电解液。


• 避免太阳直接照射电池组或存放于超过40°C 的温度。



• 被动散热• 經电镀及喷粉处理的铁制外箱• 在放电深度达 80% 状态下,>2000 次循环 • 过充、过放自动保护机制 • 在高低温环境下自动关闭 • 先进的蓝牙APP 显示电池状态•LED 指示灯显示电池容量和错误的警告1.充电端子 / 放电端子2.LED 指示灯 (LED 4 to LED 0)IP65电池组配备智能电池管理系统 (BMS),以确保稳定和高效率的充电及放电表现。




Shandong RealForce Enterprises Co., Ltd.型号:F100
如有任何问题请即时电话联系:1596 1818 038


2-1 电池组规格参数
标称电压 3.2V
标称容量100Ah 0.3C充电1C放电
标称充电电流30A 充电截止电压 3.65V
最大放电电流300A <30S
放电截止电压 2.00V 内阻0.8mΩ正、负极
重量 3.58kg 尺寸(L*W*H)166*65*261mm 防水等级IP56 工作温度范围-20~50℃
储存环境湿度 5%~90%
外壳材质ABS+PC 三.外观及包装

Dynamis 磷酸铁锂电池使用手册说明书

Dynamis 磷酸铁锂电池使用手册说明书

Handling Precautions and Guideline for Lithium Iron Phopshate (LF) batteriesGeneral1. The customer is strongly advised to contact DYNAMIS in advance in case the application or operating conditions of the battery will differ from those specified in the specification sheet. Additional testing may be necessary to verify the suitability of the particular cell type for the intended use.2. DYNAMIS will take no responsibility whatsoever for any accident due to use of the battery other than specified by DYNAMIS.3. Improvements or changes for the proper use and handling of the cell will be forwarded to the customer in cases necessary.Handling1. Charge1.1currentChargeThe maximum charging current specified is not to be exceeded during use.Application of a higher current than that may cause damage to the cell withrespect to electrical or safety-related performance. Unusual heat generationor leakages may be a result of over charge.voltageCharge1.2A maximum charge voltage of 3.65 V per cell is recommended by DYNAMIS.At voltages higher than 3.8 Vpc damages may occur and result in the same likedescribed in 1.11.3 Charge temperatureThe recommended temperature range of the specification shall not be exceeded.charge1.4ReverseReverse charging is strongly prohibited. DYNAMIS recommends a polarity checkof the cell before assembly or connection to a charging device. Reverse chargemay cause serious damage of any kind to the cell.2. DischargecurrentDischarge2.1The discharge current specified by DYNAMIS is not to be exceeded due topossible damage to the cell. The damage will result in reduced capacity and/orunusual heat generation.temperature2.2DischargeThe recommended temperature range of the specification shall not be exceeded.2.3dischargeOverThe cell shall not be discharged to lower voltages than specified (cut-off voltage).Deeper discharge than that will result in reduced cell performance and may causedamage to the cell.Over discharge also occurs if the self-discharge is not compensated duringlong periods of storage time. For cases like this, the OCV of the cell is to bechecked. For voltages lower than 3.1 V re-charge is recommended.For optimum performance, discharge cycles to the specified end voltageare preferred in terms of cycle numbers achieved..3. Protection Circuit Module (PCM)3.1 The use of a PCM is recommended for all types of LF batteries in order toprotect the cell and enable best performance with respect to the application.3.2 The over-charge protection function shall stop charging if the voltage exceedsvalue.recommendedthe3.3 The over-discharge prevention shall work to minimize dissipation current to avoida drop of the cell voltage below 2.3 Vpc or less. The protection function shallmonitor each bank of a LF battery pack and control the current.4. StorageThe storage conditions specified shall not be exceed in order to assure proper cellfunction and prevent the battery from damages.5. Handling Advice5.1 The performance of mechanical, thermal and electrical treatments describedin the respective specification is not to be exceeded. Damages of any kindmay result in different hazards as described in the MSDS.5.2 LF batteries can be damaged by application of heat of any kind. This mayresult in emission of gas and/or electrolyte. Do not overheat.5.3 The LF batteries are to be protected against any possibility of short-circuit.The very high currents generated by short-circuit may cause severe damages,heat generation and emission of gas, smoke and/or fire.6. Advice for battery pack design6.1 Fixation inside a battery pack is to be achieved.No cell movement shall be allowed inside the pack.6.2 The design of the pack shall be appropriate not to emit heat in case of leakagesmishaps.todue6.3 The PCM is to be protected as good as possible from eventual contact withelectrolyte.leak6.4 The common state of good practice is necessary in all kinds of design of abattery pack, e.g. proper insulation of wiring and layers, sufficient spacingbetween different voltage patterns and so on.6.5 The PCM design shall be made with respect to the case of leaked electrolytetouching the circuit patterns. Short circuits must be prevented by cover material.7. Battery pack assembly7.1 Shocks, high temperature or contact with sharp edge tooling shall not be appliedduring battery pack assembly.7.2 Soldering or welding of wires etc directly on LF contacts is to be avoided.Temperatures above 80 °C will cause damages to the cells.8. Further8.1 Disassembly of cells is strongly prohibited.8.2 Dumping of LF cells and batteries into fire, water or other conductive liquidsprohibited.stronglyis8.3 Damaged cells shall be prevented from any further use.8.4 Mechanical damages can occur during transport. If damages like leakages,smelling of electrolyte or other abnormal features are found the particular cellshall not be used anymore.8.5 After the use of LF cells the appropriate way of disposal has to be followed.。



磷酸铁锂电池组规格书LiFePO4 Battery Specification Model : TB12125F-SC-M108B深圳市拓邦锂电池有限公司 / SHENZHEN TOPBAND BATTERY CO.,LTD 地址: 深圳市 宝安区 石岩街道 梨园工业区 拓邦工业园, 邮编:518108.Address: Topband Industrial Park, Liyuan Industrial Zone, Shiyan street, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China, Postcode:518108. 网址/ Web :修订记录Modified Record1. 概述/ General Information本规格书适合于深圳市拓邦锂电池有限公司研制的TB12125F-SC-M108B电池组,描述了其外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及使用注意事项.This specification defines the performance of rechargeable LiFePO4 battery packTB12125F-SC-M108B manufactured by SHENZHEN TOPBAND BATTERY CO.,LTD, describes the type, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the battery pack.2. 电池技术规格/ Battery Specification(@ 25±5℃)3. 电气性能及测试条件Electrical Characteristics & Test Condition测试条件Testing Conditions: Ambient Temperature: 25±5℃; Huminity:45%~75%.标准充电:在CC(0.33C)/CV(14.6V)模式下充电至过充保护或电流减小至0.05C,然后静置1h。

磷酸铁锂电池 18650-1500-3.2V中文规格书 蒋合你好

磷酸铁锂电池 18650-1500-3.2V中文规格书 蒋合你好

产品规格书产品名称:锂离子电池产品型号:HTCF18650-1500mAh-3.2V制订:周会审核:李涛批准:目录1. 适用范围 (3)2. 型号 (3)3. 外观及尺寸 (3)4. 主要技术参数 (3)5. 性能曲线 (4)6. 安全性能 (5)7. 环境适应性能 (6)8. 标准测试环境 (6)9. 储存及其它事项 (6)10. 电池使用操作注意事项 (6)1. 适用范围本产品规格书描述了海特电子集团有限公司(以下简称海特电子)生产的锂离子电池产品性能指标。

2. 型号HTCF18650-1500mAh-3.2V3. 外观及尺寸项目尺寸(mm)直径(Ф)18.2±0.1高度(H)64.8±0.44. 主要技术参数序号项目标准备注1 标称容量1500mAh 0.5C,(本型号1C电流值为1500mA)2 容量范围1450~1550mAh 0.5C3 标称电压 3.2 V4 交流内阻≤60mΩ加PTC型5 充电条件截止电压 3.65±0.05V 以0.5C恒流充电至3.65V,恒压充电至电流降至0.01C截止截止电流0.01C6 放电截至电压 2.5V7 循环性能2000次1C充电/1C放电,容量保持率≥80%,100%DOD8 最大持续放电电流 4.5A9 脉冲放电电流10A,5s10 工作温度充电:0°C ~ 55°C;放电:-20°C ~ 60°C11 储存温度-20°C ~ 45°C12 电池重量42g (约)5. 性能曲线18650-1500mAh-3.2V电池0.5C充放电曲线22.容量/mAh电压/V充电放电18650-1500mAh-3.2V 不同倍率放电曲线22.容量/mAh电压/V0.1C 0.2C 0.5C 1C 2C 3C18650-1500mAh-3.2V不同温度放电曲线(0.5C)11.522.533.540300600900120015001800容量/mAh电压/V60℃30℃10℃0℃-10℃-20℃-40℃6.安全性能序号项目测试方法标准1 过充性能电池标准充电后,测量电池的初始状态,电池状态正常时,以3C 电流充电至10.0V ,然后转恒压充电至截至电流0.01C 时终止。






该公司最新推出的 lfmp 体系 l600 启晨电芯及电池包,采用了掺杂了锰的磷酸铁锂,号称续航可达 1000 公里。

该电池系统能量密度达到 190wh/kg,实现了 240wh/kg 的质量能量密度和 525wh/l 的体积能量密度。











比亚迪47ah磷酸铁锂规格书比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池规格书1. 电池概述比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池是一种高能量密度、长寿命、环保无污染的新型动力电源。



2. 电池参数比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池的主要参数如下:- 额定容量:47Ah- 额定电压:3.2V- 最大充电电流:23.5A- 最大放电电流:47A- 充放电温度范围:-20℃~60℃- 存储温度范围:-20℃~45℃- 自放电率:≤2%(30天)- 电池重量:约2.8kg3. 充电性能比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池具有良好的充电性能,可以支持高速充电。



4. 放电性能比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池的放电性能优异。



5. 循环寿命比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池具有较长的循环寿命。



6. 安全性能比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池具有出色的安全性能。


7. 环保性能比亚迪47Ah磷酸铁锂电池是一种环保无污染的动力电源。




















LD-4850P 铁锂电池产品手册-V2.2.20150921X

LD-4850P 铁锂电池产品手册-V2.2.20150921X

北京联动天翼LD-4850P磷酸铁锂电池产品手册 北 京 联 动 天 翼 科 技 有 限 公 司版权 © 北京联动天翼科技有限公司. 2015. 版权所有.非本公司同意,任何组织和个人不得摘抄、复制本文件部分或全部内容,不得以任何形式传播。





除非另有约定,本文档仅作为一个指南,所有陈述信息和建议不构成任何明确的保证联系信息:地址:北京市海淀区地锦路9号院15号楼电话:0086 10 52801688传真:0086 10 52801699目录一.产品介绍 (3)二.电池安装过程注意事项 (4)三.磷酸铁锂电池组规格参数表 (6)四.电池运输过程注意事项 (9)五.电池存储过程注意事项 (9)六.电池组附件 (9)附表:常见电缆载流量对照表 (10)安全说明对设备进行任何操作前请阅读安全须知。










江苏海基新能源股份有限公司JIANGSU Higee ENERGY CO.,LTD.磷酸铁锂电池规格书LFP/AG BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS********************产品型号MODEL NO.HJLFP48173170E-120Ah 3.2V制作日期DATE:2019-07-06e 客户物料编码Customer Part No.e规格书审批项Approved编制Higee Prepared By审核Higee Checked By批准Higee Approved By客户确认Customer Checked By请签名盖章确认后回传我司Please signed and returned one copy to Higee.Address(地址):中国·江苏省江阴市云亭镇建设路55号No.55,Jianshe Road,Yunting Town,Jiangyin City,Jiangsu Province,China Postcode(邮编):214400Website(网址):Tel(电话):(+86-0510)88012005Fax(传真):(+86-0510)88012020目录Catalogue术语定义Term definition (4)1.适用范围Scope (6)2.产品说明Product instruction (6)3.外观Appearance (6)4.产品能指标Product performance (6)4.1电芯基本参数Battery specific rating (6)4.2.电池性能Performance (6)5.产品寿命终止管理Product life ending manage (8)6.应用条件Applying condition (8)7.安全防范Safe guard (10)8.免责声明Liability declaration (11)9.风险警告Danger warning (12)10.电芯图纸Battery drawings (13)更新记录Updating record版本Version描述Description日期Date承认状态Status A/00新制定作废A/01增加电芯循环曲线2018-08-09作废B/00更改版式2019-07-06受控客户要求Custom requirement型号Model:HJLFP48173170E-120Ah磷酸铁锂电池版本Version:1.0要求客户写出他们的需求信息并提前与海基沟通。



报告编号./Report No.:PNS20121954 01021材料安全数据表Material Safety Data Sheet产 品 名 称: 磷酸铁锂电池Name of Products: Lithium iron phosphate Battery Fortress Power LLC委 托 单 位: Applicant:检测人Tester审核人Reviewer批准人Approver项目工程师 / Project Engineer主管工程师 / Chief Engineer主管工程师 / Chief Engineer广东联鼎检测科技有限公司GUANGDONG UTL CO., LTD.1.Identification of the product and supplier (产品和厂商信息)样品名称Name of goods 磷酸铁锂电池Lithium iron phosphate Battery样品型号Type/ModelEVault Max规格Rating51.2V, 360Ah, 18.5KWh委托单位Commissioned byFortress Power LLC委托单位地址Commissioner address505 Keystone Rd Southampton, PA 18966, US生产厂地址Manufacturer address 惠州仲恺高新区东江高新科技产业园东兴片区东新大道113号Dongxin Road 113, Dongjiang High-Tech Industrial, Zhongkai District, 516055 Huizhou, Guangdong Province, China鉴定依据Inspection according to 联合国《关于危险品货物运输的建议书》UN “Recommendations on the TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS”紧急联系电话Emergency telephone call +86-755-27651888接样日期 / Receiving date: 2021-02-04签发日期 / Date of issue: 2021-05-06position Information (成分/组成信息)化学成分Chemical Composition化学式Chemical Formula重量百分比Weight(%)CAS编号CAS Number磷酸铁锂/ Lithium IronPhosphateLiFePO432-3815365-14-7 六氟磷酸锂/ LithiumHexafluorophosphateLiPF6 2.5-4.5 21324-40-3 铜/ Copper Cu 9-137440-50-8 石墨/ Graphite C24X1216-207782-42-5 铝/ Aluminium AI 13-177429-90-5 其他/ Others -- 17-23--3.Hazards Identification (危险性概述)爆炸危险性Explosive risk 该物品不属于爆炸危险品This article does not belong to the explosion dangerous goods易燃危险性Flammable risk 该物品不属于易燃危险品This article does not belong to the flammable material氧化危险性Oxidation risk 该物品不属于氧化危险品This article does not belong to the oxidation of dangerous goods毒害危险性Toxic risk 该物品不属于毒害危险品This article does not belong to the toxic dangerous goods放射危险性Radioactive risk 该物品不属于放射危险品This article does not belong to the radiation of dangerous goods腐蚀危险性Mordant risk 该物品不属于腐蚀危险品This article does not belong to the corrosion of dangerous goods其他危险性other risk 该电池瓦时率为18.5KWh,属于第九类危险品货物。

磷酸铁锂电池 LP90100160F 产品规格书说明书

磷酸铁锂电池 LP90100160F 产品规格书说明书

Discharge 放电
最大放电电流 Cut-off Voltage
20000 2.000±0.005
mA V
Operation Charge 充电温度
0 ~ 45

2.9 Temperature
工作温度 Discharge 放电温度
-10 ~ +60

1 month 1 个月(贮存期)
L1 L
M N+-源自WT4. Appearance 外观
It shall be free from any defects such as remarkable scratches, breaks, cracks, discoloration, leakage, or middle deformation. 电池表面无划伤、裂纹、脏点、锈蚀、变形、变色、漏液等缺陷,中间无翘起。
1C5A 放电容量
High temp. discharge
Discharge Time≥54min
5.1.2 capacity 高温性能
Low temp. discharge
Discharge Time≥3h
5.1.3 capacity 低温性能
Test Instructions 测试方法

磷酸铁锂电池 9

磷酸铁锂电池 9

磷酸铁锂电池 9.6v规格书
1. 电池型号:磷酸铁锂电池 9.6V
2. 标称电压:9.6V
3. 公称容量:XXX(单位:mAh)
4. 公称能量密度:XXX(单位:Wh/kg)
5. 电池净重:XXX(单位:g)
6. 最大充电电压:10.8V
7. 最大充电电流:XXX(单位:A)
8. 最大放电电流:XXX(单位:A)
9. 充电截止电压:8.4V
10. 放电截止电压:6.0V
11. 循环寿命:XXX(单位:次)(特定放电深度下的循环次数)
12. 充电温度范围:0~45℃
13. 放电温度范围:-20~60℃
14. 储存温度范围:-20~45℃
15. 默认充电电流:XXX(单位:A)
16. 充电方法:恒流恒压充电;充电截止条件为恒流充电电流达到设定截止电流,并且电池电压达到截止电压。

17. 放电方法:恒流放电;放电截止条件为电池电压达到设定截止电压。

18. 安全保护功能:过充保护、过放保护、过流保护、短路保护、高温保护等。

19. 形状尺寸:XXX(单位:mm)
20. 电池极性:正极(+)、负极(-)
21. 适用领域:广泛用于电动工具、电动车辆、太阳能储能系统等领域。


RFE润峰 磷酸铁锂电池产品规格书F220(中文简)

RFE润峰 磷酸铁锂电池产品规格书F220(中文简)

Shandong RealForce Enterprises Co., Ltd.
如有任何问题请即时电话联系: 1596 1818 038


2-1 电池组规格参数
项 目 标 准
备 注
标称电压 3.2V 标称容量 220Ah
0.3C 充电1C 放电
标称充电电流 66A
充电截止电压 3.65V
标称放电电流 220A 最大放电电流 660A <30S
放电截止电压 2.00V 内 阻 0.8m Ω
重 量 7.0kg
尺寸(L*W*H )
防水等级 IP56 工作温度范围 -20~50℃ 存储温度范围
储存环境湿度 5%~90%
执行标准 QC/T743-2006



目录一、适应围 (3)二、电池的维护和保养 (3)三、使用注意事项 (3)四、运输注意事项 (4)五、贮存 (4)六、常见故障判断 (5)七、电池的基本参数 (5)八、产品示意图 (6)九、典型充放电曲线图 (7)十、不同温度下的放电曲线图 (7)十一、不同倍率放电曲线图 (9)一、适应围本产品说明书适用于XX提供的磷酸铁锂电池产品,同时本说明书提供的产品符合:Q/SHB004-2010 企业标准的各项要求(标准以中华人民国储能蓄电池标准GB22473-2008和即将下发的新标准草稿为基础制定)。

二、电池的维护和保养(1) 按照安装手册完成电池的安装后,在电池首次放电前,应先将电池充满电,然后再使用。


(2) 当电池电量不足时,应及时充电,这样将有益于延长电池寿命。



(3) 电池应安装在空气流通、干燥、清洁的环境中;充电时应避免火源、易燃物品接近并断开负载(关闭用电设备)。

(4) 电池的工作环境温度为5~40℃(最佳工作环境温度为15~35℃),若在此温度围之外,电池性能发挥可能会有所变化,直观表现是电池容量变化,或者设备运行时间变化,这是正常现象。

(5) 不能使用有机溶剂清洗电池外壳。


(6) 电池是消耗品,电池的寿命是有限的。




(1) 轻拿轻放避免剧烈震动。

(2) 不要将电池及其配件浸入水或其他液体中,并注意防潮。

安能(ENERSYS) 2V 3Ah 磷酸铁锂 电池说明书

安能(ENERSYS) 2V 3Ah 磷酸铁锂 电池说明书

Instruction Sheet Visit us at ImportantPlease read this manual immediately on receipt of the battery before unpacking and installing. Failure to comply with these instructions will render any warranties null and void.Any data, descriptions or specifications set forth herein are subject to change without notice. Before using the product(s), the user is advised and cautioned to make its own determination and assessment of the suitability of the product(s) for the specific use in question and is further advised against relying on the information contained herein as it may relate to any general use or indistinct application. It is the ultimate responsibility of the user to ensure that the product is suited and the information is applicable to the user’s specific application. The product(s) featured herein will be used under conditions beyond the manufacturer’s control and therefore all warranties, either express or implied, concerning the fitness or suitability of such product(s) for any particular use or in any specific application, are disclaimed. The user expressly assumes all risk and liability, whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, in connection with the use of the information contained herein or the product itself.HandlingPowerSafe ® SBS XL batteries are supplied in a charged condition and are capable of extremely high short circuit currents. Take care to avoid short-circuiting terminals of opposite polarity.2 AM-SBSXL-IS AA June 2019Keep flames awayIn case of accidental overcharge a flammable gas can be released through the safety vent.Discharge any possible static electricity from clothes by touching an earth connected part.ToolsUse tools with insulated handles.Do not place or drop metal objects on the battery.Remove rings, wristwatch and articles of clothing with metal parts that may come into contact with the battery terminals.1. ReceivingUpon the receipt of the shipment, check the contents for damage and against the packing slip. Immediately inform EnerSys ® of any damaged or missing items. EnerSys is not responsible for shipment damage or shortages that the receiver does not report to the carrier.2. Storage2.1. Storage Conditions and TimeIf a battery cannot be immediately installed it should be stored in a clean, cool and dry area. During storage monoblocs, lose capacity through self-discharge. High temperatures increase the rate of self-discharge and reduce the storage life.The chart to the right shows the relationship between Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) and storage time at various temperatures.California Proposition 65 Warning - Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.cause irritation or severe burns. Causes damage to central nervous system, blood and kidneys through prolonged or repeated exposure if ingested or inhaled. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system, and skin. May form explosive air/gas mixture during charging. Extremely flammable gas (hydrogen). Explosive, fire, blast or projection hazard.Obtain special instructions before use. Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat drink or smoke when using this product. Avoid contact during pregnancy/while nursing.OR SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Rinse skin with water/shower. IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing. Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If exposed/concerned, or if you feel unwell seek medical attention/advice. Store locked up, in a well-ventilated area, in accordance with local and national regulation. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local and national regulation. Keep out of reach of children.The maximum storage times before a refresh charge is required and recommended OCV audit intervals are:Batteries must be given a refresh charge when the OCV approaches the equivalent of 2.10 Volts per cell (Vpc) or when the maximum storage time isreached, whichever occurs first.50 (10)481259 (15)341268 (20)2412 77 (25)17686 (30)12695 (35)8.53104 (40)63AM-SBSXL-IS AA June 2019 32.2. Freshening ChargeCharge the module or string of modules at a constant voltage equivalent to 2.27Vpc with current limited to 10A per 100Ah nominal capacity for a period of at least 24 hours, but with a maximum of 48 hours. Use temperaturecompensation as indicated in Section 5. Start monitoring the charging current 21 hours after initiating the freshening charge. The charge is complete when the current stabilizes. Current stabilization is defined as three current readings at least one hour apart within five percent of each other. Do not charge in an air tight enclosure.Completing a freshening charge according to the instruction will reset the storage OCV audit interval and suggested maximum storage time. If voltage drops below 2.10Vpc contact EnerSys for instruction.3. Battery LocationBatteries must be installed in accordance with local/national laws, regulations and standards. The battery compartment/room must have adequateventilation to limit hydrogen accumulation to a maximum of 1% by volume. Please contact your EnerSys ® representative for further advice on this topic.4. InstallationPowerSafe ® SBS XL batteries can be installed on their base or horizontally on their longest side.Each monobloc is supplied with the terminal/connector fasteners.On each monobloc the positive terminal is identified by a “+” symbol. Install the batteries in accordance with the instructions and/or layout drawing, taking care to ensure correct terminal location and polarity.Connect the blocs with the connectors and fasteners provided. Torque the fasteners to the value indicated on the product label.Place the insulating covers in position immediately after tightening the fasteners.5. OperationOptimum performance and service life are achieved at a temperature of 68°F (20°C) to 77°F (25°C). The operating temperature range is -40°F (-40°C) to 131°F (55°C) with short term excursions to 149°F (65°C) permissible.5.1. Standby / Float OperationConstant voltage chargers are recommended. The charging voltage should be set at the equivalent of 2.29Vpc at 68°F (20°C) or 2.27Vpc at 77°F (25°C). The minimum charging voltage, at any temperature, is 2.21Vpc. The recommended float voltage temperature compensation is as follows:5.2. Charging CurrentDue to the very low internal resistance PowerSafe SBS XL batteries will accept unlimited current during recharge but for cost and practical purposes in float applications where recharge time to repeat duty is not critical, the rectifier current can be limited to the load plus 0.1C 8 Amps.5.3. DischargingBatteries must not be left in a discharged condition after supplying the load but must immediately return to recharge mode.Failure to observe these conditions may result in greatly reduced service life. 5.4. Accidental Deep DischargingFor optimum operation the minimum voltage of the system should be related to the duty as follows:In order to protect the battery it is advisable to have system monitoring and low voltage cut off.Deep discharge will produce a premature deterioration of the battery and a noticeable reduction in the life expectancy of the battery.5.5. Effect of TemperatureThe temperature has an effect on the battery capacity. With increased operating temperature capacity increases, likewise with decreasing temperature thecapacity decreases. Temperatures exceeding 95°F (35°C) will increase the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of this battery.6. MaintenanceIn practice, the user usually specifies the maintenance schedule based on site criticality, location and manpower. However, the following may be used as a suggested maintenance schedule. Typically, the maintenance frequency for standard Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries is scheduled every 6 months but as a result of the increased design life inherent with thePowerSafe SBS XL battery range this interval frequency can be extended to deliver additional TCO benefit, particularly during the early period of service (as the battery approaches 80% of the intended service it would be beneficial to increase the frequency of maintenance).Keep a logbook to record values, power outages, discharge tests, etc.• Measure the battery string voltage. If necessary, adjust the float voltage to the correct value. •Measure individual bloc voltages. After 12 months of operationblocs should be within stated tolerance of the average voltage value as specified in the Instruction Manual.• Check the ambient temperature in the immediate environment.• Inspect for contamination by dust, loose or corroded connections. If necessary, isolate the string/bloc and clean with a damp soft cloth. Warning: Do NOT use any type of oil, solvent, detergent, petroleum-based solvent or ammonia solution to clean the battery containers or lids. Thesematerials will cause permanent damage to the battery container and lid and will void the warranty.6.1. State of Health MonitoringA load test should be carried out typically once a year.Capacity discharge testing is considered as the only true guide to state of health but can be complimented by the use of Ohmic measurement trending e.g. Conductance.•A discharge test should only be carried out on a fully charged battery.1h ≤ t ≤ 5h 1.70V 5h ≤ t ≤ 8h 1.75V 8h ≤ t ≤ 20h1.80V50 (10)59 (15)68 (20)77 (25)86 (30)95 (35)104 (40)Recommended 2.33 2.31 2.29 2.27 2.25 2.23 2.21Minimum2.312. the battery is fully recharged before capacity testing and always complete a full discharge test (partial discharges can lead to false assessment of state of health). Capacity tests must be performed in accordance with IEEE Standard 1188.Best practice is to define the discharge test based on the application in terms of the load, autonomy or what is practical. The load and end of discharge voltage should be based on published performance literature. Depending on the operating temperature, a compensation correction factor may be required.Log individual bloc voltage throughout the duration of the test at regular intervals.Following the capacity test the battery should be fully recharged by commissioning or float charging.6.2. Ohmic MeasurementsThe correct way to use Ohmic readings is as a trending tool over time to detect potentially weak or troublesome blocs in a VRLA battery string in float service. When the string is first installed and stabilized, a set of “initial” Ohmic readings should be taken. Since at this time there may still be some significant variations cell to cell in state of charge, separator acid content, recombination efficiency, gel stability, etc. it is not unusual for these initial readings to be about ± 50% around average. If there were some monoblocs that exceed this, it would be judicious to equalize charge the string and do a capacity test.After the string has been in service for about six months, the previous mentioned variations tend to normalize. At this point another set of Ohmic readings should be taken and considered the “baseline” readings. At this point, the monoblocs should be within about ± 30% of average string readings. These individual cell “baseline” readings will serve as a reference for trending purposes for comparison to readings taken later in life. On a yearly basis, Ohmic readings should be taken, recorded and compared to the baseline readings.If a monobloc Ohmic reading should vary more than 50% from the baseline value, the cell/battery should be further evaluated to determine the cause.A performance or capacity test should be part of this evaluation.7. DisposalPowerSafe® SBS XL batteries are recyclable. Scrap batteries must be packaged and transported in accordance with prevailing transportation rules and regulations. Scrap batteries must be disposed of in compliance with local and national laws by a licensed or certified lead acid battery recycler.Please call EnerSys® at 1-800-538-3627 for recycling assistance.EnerSys World Headquarters 2366 Bernville Road Reading, PA 19605, USA Tel: +1-610-208-1991 /+1-800-538-3627EnerSys EMEAEH Europe GmbHBaarerstrasse 186300 Zug, SwitzerlandEnerSys Asia152 Beach Road#11-08 Gateway East BuildingSingapore 189721Tel:+65 6416 4800© 2019 EnerSys. All rights reserved. Trademarks and logos are the property of EnerSys and its affiliates unless otherwise noted. Subject to revisions without prior notice. E.&O.E.A M -S B S X L -I S A A J u n e 2 0 1 9。

IFR 26650-3000mAh-3.2V -磷酸铁锂电池规格书超详细版

IFR 26650-3000mAh-3.2V -磷酸铁锂电池规格书超详细版

地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区金荔科技园4栋TEL:86(0)*************FAX:86(0)*************DATE: 2015/10/24Cylindrical LIFEPO4 BatterySpecification圆柱型磷酸铁锂电池规格书MODEL/型号: IFR 26650-3000mAh 3.2VPrepared By/Date 编制/日期Checked By/Date审核/日期Approved By/Date批准/日期冯时春/2015.10.24Customer Approval 客户批准Signature确认Date日期Company Name:公司名称:Company Stamp:客户印章:--- 保密文件---地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区金荔科技园4栋TEL:86(0)*************FAX:86(0)*************DATE: 2015/10/24Amendment Records (修正记录)Edition (版本) Description(记述)Prepared by(编制)Approved by(批准)Date(日期)A First Publish 冯时春2015/10/24地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区金荔科技园4栋TEL:86(0)*************FAX:86(0)*************DATE: 2015/10/241 Scope(适用范围)This specification is applied to the reference battery in this Specification that manufactured by Yinkai Power Technology Co., Ltd.本说明书适用于本书中所提及的银凯动力科技有限公司制造的电池。

2 Product Specification(产品技术规格)Table 1 (表1)No. (序号)Item(项目)General Parameter(常规参数)Remark(备注)1 Rated Capacity(额定容量)Typical(标称容量)3000mAh Standard discharge(0.2C5A)after Standard charge(标准充电后0.2C5A标准放电)Minimum(最小容量)2850mAh2 Nominal Voltage(正常电压)3.2VMean Operation Voltage(即工作电压)3 Voltage at end ofDischarge(放电终止电压)2.5VDischarge Cut-off Voltage(放电截止电压)4 Charging Voltage(充电电压)3.65V5 Internal Impedance(内阻)≤30mΩInternal resistance measured atAC 1KH Z after 50% charge(半电态下用交流法测量内阻)The measure must uses thenew batteries that within oneweek after shipment and cyclesless than 5 times(使用出货后不到一个星期及循环次数少于5次的新电池测量)6 Standard charge(标准充电)Constant Current 0.2C5AConstant Voltage 3.65V0.01 C cut-off(持续电流:0.2C5A持续电压:3.65V截止电流:0.01 C)7 Standard discharge(标准放电)Constant current 0.2C5Aend voltage 2.5V(持续电流:0.2C5A截止电压:2.5V)地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区金荔科技园4栋TEL:86(0)*************FAX:86(0)*************DATE: 2015/10/24Continuous the table 1 (续表1)No. (序号)Item(项目)General Parameter(常规参数)Remark(备注)8 Fast charge(快速充电)Constant Current 0.5CConstant Voltage 3.65V0.01 C cut-off(持续电流:0.5C持续电压:3.65V截止电流:0.01 C)9 Fast discharge(快速放电)Constant current 0.5Cend voltage 2.5V(持续电流:0.5 C截止电压:2.5V)10 Maximum ContinuousCharge Current(最大充电持续电流)1.0 C11 Maximum ContinuousDischarge Current(最大放电持续电流)1.5 C12 Operation TemperatureRange(工作温度范围)Charge(充电): 0~45℃60±25%R.H.Bare Cell(电池储存湿度范围)Discharge(放电): -10~60℃13 Storage TemperatureRange(储存温度范围)Less than 1 year: -20~25℃(小于一年:-20~25℃)60±25%R.H.at the shipment state(出货状态时的湿度范围)less than 3 months: -20~40℃(小于3个月:-20~40℃)Less than 7 day : -20~65℃(小于7天:-20~65℃)14Cell Dimension(单体电芯尺寸)High/高度:66.2±0.3 mmInitial Dimension(初始尺寸)Diameter/直径: 26.0±0.25 mm地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区金荔科技园4栋TEL:86(0)*************FAX:86(0)*************DATE: 2015/10/243 Performance And Test Conditions (电池性能及测试条件)3.1 Standard Test Conditions(标准测试条件)Test should be conducted with new batteries within one week after shipment from our factory and the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise specified, test and measurement shall be done under temperature of 23±3℃and relative humidity of 45~85%. If it is judged that the test results are not affected by such conditions, the tests may be conducted at temperature 15~30℃and humidity 25~85%RH.测试必须使用出厂时间不超过一个星期的新电池,且未进行过五次以上的充放电循环。



一、适应范围 (3)二、电池的维护和保养 (3)三、使用注意事项 (3)四、运输注意事项 (4)五、贮存 (4)六、常见故障判断 (5)七、电池的基本参数 (5)八、产品示意图 (6)九、典型充放电曲线图 (7)十、不同温度下的放电曲线图 (7)十^一、不同倍率放电曲线图 (9)一、适应范围本产品说明书适用于XX提供的磷酸铁锂电池产品,同时本说明书提供的产品符合:Q/SHB004-2010企业标准的各项要求(标准以中华人民共和国储能蓄电池标准GB22473-2008和即将下发的新标准草稿为基础制定)。


在电池完全充放电 3〜5次后,电池即可达到最大容量。
















48v磷酸铁锂说明书摘要:1.48v 磷酸铁锂概述2.48v 磷酸铁锂的性能特点3.48v 磷酸铁锂的使用方法和注意事项4.48v 磷酸铁锂的维护和保养5.48v 磷酸铁锂的适用范围和市场前景正文:48v 磷酸铁锂是一种高性能的锂离子电池,具有高能量密度、长寿命、环境友好等优点,广泛应用于电动汽车、储能系统、电动工具等领域。

一、48v 磷酸铁锂概述48v 磷酸铁锂电池是由正极材料为磷酸铁锂,负极材料为石墨的锂离子电池。


二、48v 磷酸铁锂的性能特点48v 磷酸铁锂电池具有以下性能特点:1.高能量密度:48v 磷酸铁锂电池的能量密度高,能够提供更多的电力,满足设备的电力需求。

2.长寿命:48v 磷酸铁锂电池的寿命长,循环寿命可以达到2000 次以上,使用寿命可以达到10 年以上。

3.环境友好:48v 磷酸铁锂电池使用的正极材料为磷酸铁锂,不含有有害物质,对环境无污染。

三、48v 磷酸铁锂的使用方法和注意事项在使用48v 磷酸铁锂电池时,需要注意以下几点:1.48v 磷酸铁锂电池应当存放在干燥、通风的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境。

2.在使用48v 磷酸铁锂电池时,应当注意电池的电压和电流,避免超过电池的最大电压和最大电流。

3.48v 磷酸铁锂电池应当定期充电,保持电池的电量在20% 到80% 之间。

四、48v 磷酸铁锂的维护和保养为了延长48v 磷酸铁锂电池的使用寿命,需要定期对电池进行维护和保养,包括:1.定期充电:48v 磷酸铁锂电池应当定期充电,保持电池的电量在20% 到80% 之间。

2.检查电池:定期检查48v 磷酸铁锂电池的电压和电流,确保电池的正常使用。

3.更换电池:当48v 磷酸铁锂电池的使用寿命到达后,需要及时更换电池,避免电池损坏。

五、48v 磷酸铁锂的适用范围和市场前景48v 磷酸铁锂电池具有高能量密度、长寿命、环境友好等优点,广泛应用于电动汽车、储能系统、电动工具等领域。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

一、适应范围 (3)
二、电池的维护和保养 (3)
三、使用注意事项 (3)
四、运输注意事项 (4)
五、贮存 (4)
六、常见故障判断 (5)
七、电池的基本参数 (5)
八、产品示意图 (6)
九、典型充放电曲线图 (7)
十、不同温度下的放电曲线图 (7)
十一、不同倍率放电曲线图 (9)
本产品说明书适用于XX提供的磷酸铁锂电池产品,同时本说明书提供的产品符合:Q/SHB004-2010 企业标准的各项要求(标准以中华人民共和国储能蓄电池标准GB22473-2008和即将下发的新标准草稿为基础制定)。

(1) 按照安装手册完成电池的安装后,在电池首次放电前,应先将电池充


(2) 当电池电量不足时,应及时充电,这样将有益于延长电池寿命。



(3) 电池应安装在空气流通、干燥、清洁的环境中;充电时应避免火源、

(4) 电池的工作环境温度为5~40℃(最佳工作环境温度为15~35℃),

(5) 不能使用有机溶剂清洗电池外壳。


(6) 电池是消耗品,电池的寿命是有限的。




(1) 轻拿轻放避免剧烈震动。

(2) 不要将电池及其配件浸入水或其他液体中,并注意防潮。

(3) 应避免电池组正负输出端短路。

(4) 禁止拆卸电池。



(5) 禁止将废旧电池投入火中,否则会产生爆炸等危险事故。

(6) 如果出现电池损坏、变形、电解液泄漏或闻到异味及其他不正常现


(7) 电池更换。


(8) 禁止私自拆卸。


(1) 电池组适应于汽车、火车、飞机等运输方式,但在运输过程中应避免

(2) 电池组要用绝缘防震材料包装,并标识有易碎字样的标贴,避免途中

(3) 应使电池组极柱向上,并标识好向上标贴,切勿倒放、侧放等。

(4) 电池组在运输装卸过程中一定要轻拿轻放,切勿随意抛掷,避免碰撞。


(6) 不可与易燃、易爆及尖锐的金属物品等混合运输。




