0.005 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 5070 100 200
图2 D型
C-029 >> 让 电 尽 其 所 能
20℃ 1.05 1.04 1.03
30℃ 1.00 1.00 1.00
40℃ 0.96 0.96 0.97
50℃ 0.80 0.92 0.87
脱扣类型 C、D
额定电流(A) 1、2、3、4、5、6、10、 15、16、20、25、32、 40、50、60、63
≤2000m 1
极数 1 2、3、4 1 2、3、4 1 2、3、4
t(s) 10
0.005 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 5070 100 200
让 电 尽 其 所 能 >> C-030
(2000-3000)m 0.9
≥3000m 0.8
55℃ 0.75 0.88 0.83
60℃ 0.70 0.84 0.80
表4 举例 额定电流10A产品在 2500m降容后使用 电流为:0.9×10=9A
德力西电气 DZ47s小型标准断路器产品样本2024 产品说明书
![德力西电气 DZ47s小型标准断路器产品样本2024 产品说明书](
抗震动(IEC/EN 60068-2-6)
抗湿热性(IEC 60068-2)
湿热 ℃ /RH
2 类 ,28 次循环 , 温度 55℃时,相对湿度 90%~96% 温度 25℃时,相对湿度 95~100%
℃ 30℃
使用环境温度(日平均温度≤ +35℃) ℃ -35℃ ~+70℃
注:该产品可拼装附件 OF,SD,MSN,MV,MN,MVMN,FF,FS,MO(有源型),MOWY(无源型)
■ 电气特性
额定绝缘电压 Ui (V)
最大工作电压 Uemax
1P+N 2P,3P,4P,3P+N
额定短路能力 Ic(n IEC/EN60898)
额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp (1.2/50)
具备 2 热磁脱扣 ■ ■ ■ ■
DZ47s 小型标准断路器
■ 机械特性
手柄 机械寿命 电气寿命 防护等级 抗机械冲击
■ 安装特性
接线端子形式 最大接线能力 最大极限扭矩
红色,移印指示 ON-OFF 位置
次 20000
次 10000 安装于配电箱内 :IP40 直接安装 :IP20 30g,3 次冲击 , 持续时间 11ms (无显著振动和冲击的地方)
DZ47s 小型标准断路器
■ 主要功能
■ 符合标准
GB/T10963.1 IEC/EN60898-1
■ 主要特性
额定电流(A) 额定频率(Hz) 极数 分断能力(kA)
■ 符合认证
小型断路器分断试验众所周知-----小型断路器通断试验对于DZ47-63 C32以上的规格,做运行分断6000A 时,其产品合格率是很低的;客观上讲试验条件是相当严酷的。
在试验波形图上的数据来看主要是:1.峰值电流过大,一般超出4000A2. 燃弧时间过长,一般超过5 ms 所以,要提高产品的合格率就要解决峰值电流过大和燃弧时间过长的问题。
要解决峰值电流过大的方案:1.提高脱扣反应速度(降低脱扣力)我们在试验中得出:脱扣力为0.4~0.55 N ,触头压力在4.5~5.5 N时比较理想( C 40 )要解决燃弧时间过长是比较复杂的:第一要作到如何避免产生过大的电弧第二如何让产生的电弧顺利的进入灭弧室第三选用品质优良的灭弧罩以达到良好的灭弧效果。
我们得出当----- 1.限制峰值电流在 3000 A 以下 2. 控制燃弧时间在3ms 以内产品合格的成功率最高。
目前我们最困难的是没有“超高速的摄像设备”无法试验比对找出理想的“引弧” “吸弧”“吹弧”“灭弧”设计工艺和机构;DZ47-63 C63产品经过我们不断改进内部结构,C63产品可以做到运行分断6000A,我们把峰值电流控制在4500 A 以下 ,燃弧时间在3ms-7ms之间,焦耳积分在68000A²S以下。
所以根据我们目前掌握的试验工艺数据来看,C63也只能做到合格率80 %左右。
真诚希望有这方面的专家来指点我们!!“PTC低压断路器限流技术”的研究1 引言传统的低压断路器,当触头分开后,通过熄灭分断过程产生的电弧来分断故障电流,所以分断过程中100%的能量由分断电弧消耗,这种方法影响了断路器分断能力的提高。
PEOPLE ELE. DZ47-63E 小型断路器 说明书
![PEOPLE ELE. DZ47-63E 小型断路器 说明书](
注:①冷态指试验前8h 内没有带负载。
②热态指试验从冷态开始1.13In 负载进行1h 后的状态。
+5过电流脱扣特性t<1h3序号脱扣类型额定电流In (A)试验电流 (A)脱扣时间t预期结果起始状态C.D C所有值所有值脱扣冷态124567≤63A ≤63A ≤32A >32At≤1h 1s<t<60s1s<t<120s t≤0.1s t<0.1s 不脱扣脱扣不脱扣脱扣冷态热态冷态1.13In 1.45In2.55In 5In 10In 10In20InD C D 冷态4.3 大气相对湿度,在最高温度+40℃时不超过50%,在较低温度时可以有较高湿度,例如在 +20℃时,相对湿度为90%,由于温度变化发生在产品表面的凝露应该采取措施。
4.4 断路器使用地点的污染等级为2级。
4.5 断路器的安装类别通常为Ⅱ、Ⅲ类。
5 技术数据5.1 断路器过电压保护值Uvo=280V ±5%。
5.2 过电流脱扣特性:断路器在正常安装条件和基准环境温度30 ℃ 下的过电流脱扣特性应符合下表的规定。
1 用途DZ47-63E 小型断路器(以下简称断路器)主要用于交流50Hz ,额定工作电压为230V ,额定电流至63A,额定短路分断能力不超过6 000A 的配电线路中,作为过载、过压和短路保护用,亦可作为线路不频繁通断操作与转换之用。
2 产品型号及其含义 DZ 47 - 63 E带过电压保护壳架等级额定电流(A) 设计序号塑料外壳式断路器3 产品分类3.1 按极数分类有:1P+N 。
3.2 按额定电流分有:1,3,6,10,16,20,25,32,40,50,63A 。
3.3 按额定工作电压分有:230V 。
3.4 按瞬时脱扣器分:有C 型脱扣型式和D 型脱扣型式两种C 型用于配电保护,D 型用于电动机保护。
4 使用的标准工作条件4.1 周围空气温度应不低于-5℃,不高于+40℃,且其24h 内的平均温度值不超过+35℃。
一、小型断路器型号小型断路器(英文名称:Miniature Circuit Breaker)又称微型断路器(Micro Circuit Breaker),适用于交流50/60Hz额定电压230/400V,额定电流至63A线路的过载和短路保护之用,也可以在正常情况下作为线路的不频繁操作转换之用。
DZ47-60A C20的空气开关,这是微(小)型断路器的额定电流标法,英文字表示磁脱扣(短路保护)的动作倍数,C一般用于普通配电(5-10倍),另外一种常见的是D型,用于起动电流较大(如电机)的电器(10-14倍)。
我家空气开关(dz47-63-c32/1p)老是无定时的跳闸浏览次数:443次悬赏分:0|解决时间:2011-3-27 20:42 |提问者:daiping6688我家是三室两厅一厨两卫一洗涮间的房子。
只有插座回路跳(不插任何电器的情况下也跳,而且室内总闸DZ47-63-C63/2P 会同时跳,电表箱总闸DZ47-63-C63/2P有时同时跳有时不跳)不管加不加用电器故障都是不定时出现,(跳闸时空气开关不发热),还是插座内有漏电处。
德力西 DZ47sZ直流小型断路器 使用说明书
![德力西 DZ47sZ直流小型断路器 使用说明书](
DZ47sZ-63DC MOULDED CASE CIRCUITBREAKERNA VIGATORSeriesUser ManualPlease read the product instructions carefully before the installation and use of the product, and keep those instructions properly for reference later.DZ47sZ-63 DC MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERUser ManualSafety NoticePlease carefully read this manual before the installation, operation, run, maintenance, and inspection of the product, and install and operate this product properly according to the product instructions.Danger:●It is prohibited to operate the circuit breaker with your wet hands;●t is prohibited to touch the conductive part during operation;●Make sure that the product is de-electrified during the maintenance and repair;●It is prohibited to use the short circuit method to test the product;Caution●The installation, maintenance, and repair shall be carried out by the qualified professionals;●When installation, connect the wires according to the wiring method shown in Fig. 5 and the “+” and “-” poles marked on the product properly to prevent reverse connection;●All characteristics of the product have been set in the factory, and the product cannot be disassembled without permission or adjusted at will during operation;●Confirm that the operating voltage, rated current and characteristics of the product meet the working requirements before use;●In order to prevent short circuit between the phases, the exposed wire or copper busbar at the terminal block shall be subject to the insulation treatment;●If found any damage or abnormal sound when unpacking, please stop the product and contact the supplier;●When scrapping the product, please dispose the industrial wastes properly. Thanks for your cooperation. About DZ47sZ-63 DC Moulded Case Circuit Breaker●About panelCheck the positive and negative poles,and connect the wires according to thewiring diagram!Fig. 1 Panel introductionLegends:1 Positive pole of circuit2 Terminal block3 Company logo4 Product model (DZ47sZ)5 Rated current (see Table 1)6 Setting current (see Table 1)7 Rated voltage and breaking capacity (see Table 1)8 Certification mark 9 Wiring indication 10 Terminal block 11 Positive pole of circuit breaker12 Reference standard 13 Use category 14 Rated impulse withstand voltageNormal Operation, Installation and Transportation Conditions●Normal operation and installation conditions(1)The upper limit of the ambient air temperature shall not exceed +60°C, the lower limit shall not exceed -20°C, and the mean temperature shall not exceed +35°C within 24 hours;(2)The altitude of the installation site does not exceed 2000m;(3)When the maximum temperature is +40°C, the relative humidity of the air does not exceed 50%; a higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperatures; for example, the relative humidity does not exceed 90% at +20°C. Special protection measures should be taken for condensation occurred occasionally due to temperature changes;(4)The external magnetic field near the installation site of the circuit breaker should not exceed 5 times of the geomagnetic field in any direction;(5)Installed in a medium without explosion hazard, and there is gas and dust sufficient to cause metal corrosion and damage to the insulation;(6)Installed in places where there is no obvious impact and vibration and no rain and snow attacks;(7)Pollution degree: Level 2;(8)Installation category: Class II, Class III;(9)The product shall be installed in a power distribution tank, distribution cabinet or box;(10)When wiring, the power supply end must be connected to the positive pole of the circuit breaker, the load end must be connected to the negative pole of the circuit breaker, and reverse wiring connection is not allowed;●Normal storage and transportation conditions(1) The lower limit of temperature is not below -40°C, and the upper limit does not exceed +70°C;(2) Relative humidity (at 25°C) does not exceed 95%;(3) Please handle the product gently during transportation, do not upside it down, and prevent it from violent collision as much as possible.Main technical performance parameters●The main technical parameters of the circuit breaker are listed in Table 1.Table 1 Main technical parametersSetting current Rated current In A Numberof polesRated voltageUe VRated breakingcapacity Icn kA(B)Ii=5.5In 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20,25, 32, 40, 50, 631 250V62, 3 500V(C)Ii=8.5In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13,16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 631 250V2, 3 500V● The overcurrent protection characteristics of the circuit breaker are listed in Table 2Table 2: Overcurrent protection characteristics of circuit breakers ReleasetypeRatedcurrent InATest current A Starting state Test time Expected results Remarks Referencetemp.(B) Ii=5.5In(C) Ii=8.5In≤631.05In Cold state t ≤1h No trip --+30+50o C(B) Ii=5.5In (C) Ii=8.5In 1.30In Followedby testt<1h TripThe current rises to the specified valuewithin 5s(B) Ii=5.5In 5.5Inx80% Cold statet ≤0.2s No tripTurn on theaux. switch, and connect thepower supply(C) Ii=8.5In 8.5Inx80%(B) Ii=5.5In 5.5Inx120% t<0.2s Trip(C) Ii=8.5In 8.5Inx120%● The protection characteristics curves of circuit breaker are illustrated in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3Fig. 2 B type thermal / electromagnetic tripcharacteristics curve Fig. 3 C type thermal / electromagnetic tripcharacteristics curveOutline and Installation DimensionsThe circuit is rail-mounted, and its outline and installation dimensions are shown in Fig. 4.Unit: mmFig. 4 Outline and installation dimensionsInstallation, Operation and Maintenance●Before installing circuit breaker:(1)Check whether the technical parameters on the label meet the use requirements;(2)Before use, the user should use a 500V megohmmeter to check that the insulation resistance between the poles (except for single pole), the poles and the shells, the poles and the mounting rails, and the inlet and outlet terminals of the circuit breaker should not be less than 5MΩ. If the insulation resistance is less than 5MΩ, stop the product and contact the supplier for replacement in time;(3)Close and open the circuit breaker several times and check whether the circuit breaker operating mechanism is blocked and whether the mechanism works reliably;(4)The reference temperature of this series of circuit breakers is +30+50°C. If there are multiple circuit breakers in the sealed box, the temperature of the box will increase accordingly, and the working current is 0. 8In;(5)The cross-sectional area of the connecting conductor should be adapted to the rated current of the circuit breaker, see Table 3;Table 3: Rated current and cross-sectional area of connecting wiresRated current A 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 610, 13 16, 20 25 32 40, 50 63Sectional area of wire mm2 1 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 Min. length of connecting wirem1 1 1 1 1 1 2(6) This series of circuit breakers is of the rail-mounted type, suitable for TH35-7.5 steel mounting rails;(7) When the ambient temperature changes, the rated current value shall be corrected accordingly. Temperature correction coefficients are listed in Table 4.Table 4 Table of temperature coefficients for rated currentRated current Rated current correction value A●Install the circuit breaker according to the wiring method shown in Fig. 5;1P single pole 2P 2 poles 2P 2 poles 2P 2 polesUn (Rated voltage)Lower inlet Upper inlet Lower inlet Upper inlet Lower inlet Upper inlet Lower inlet ApplyLoad3P 3 poles Lower inlet Lower inlet Lower inlet Lower inlet Lower inlet Lower inletUn (Rated voltage)Notes: (1) L+ is the positive pole of power supply, L- is the negative pole of power supply(2) ○+is the positive pole of circuit breaker, and ○-is the negative pole of circuit breaker(3) In the DC power supply, the "L-" is usually earthed, and the neutral pole "M" in the positive and negative power supply system is earthed.Fig. 5 Wiring methodUnpacking InspectionAfter unpacking, the user must check whether the product is intact, whether the exposed metal is rusty, and whether the product is defects due to poor transportation or storage. If found the above phenomenon, please stop the product, and contact the supplier timely for solution.Company’ commitmentThe free repair or replacement will be provided by the company for damage or abnormal operation of the product produced by our company due to poor manufacturing quality within 36 months from the date of the production under the premise that the user conforms to the operation and storage conditions and that the product is well sealed.A paid repair is provided when the warranty period expires. However, the paid repair is provided for damage caused by one of the following situations even within the warranty period:(1)Improper operation, maintenance, or storage;(2)Modification without permission, or improper maintenance;(3)Damage caused by falling off after purchase or occurred during the installation process;(4)Irresistible nature disasters such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, and abnormal voltages.If you have any questions, please contact the dealer or the company’s customer service department.Customer service hotline: 400-826-8008Ordering NoticePlease specify the following contents when ordering:a)Name, model and spec. of circuit breaker;b)Rated current and the number of poles of circuit breaker;c)Qty.For example, to order DZ47sZ-63 1-pole circuit, C type, rated current 20A, 1000 unit, please specify: DZ47sZ-63/1P, C20, 1000 units.Certificate DELIXI ELECTRIC LTD Name: DC Moulded Case Circuit Breaker Model: DZ47sZ-63The product passes the inspection, and is allowed to be shipped.Standard: GB/T 14048.2Inspector: Check 06Date of production: See the label in the inner boxDELIXI ELECTRIC LTDDelixi Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province P/C.: 325604 Tel: (86-577)6177 8888Fax: (86-577)6177 8000Customer service hotline: 400-826-8008The first edition of this User Manual was issued in May, 2018.。
正泰 DZ47-60 小型断路器
![正泰 DZ47-60 小型断路器](
表2DZ47-60 小型断路器2 型号及含义DZ 47-60壳架等级额定电流 设计序号塑料外壳式断路器DZ47-60小型断路器,主要用于交流50Hz,额定电压至400V,额定电流至63A的线路中起过载、短路保护作用,同时也可以在正常情况下不频繁地通断电器装置和照明线路,但不适用于保护电动机。
符合标准:GB 10963.1、IEC 60898-1,获得CCC认证。
1 适用范围表1参数值230V/400V AC(1P),400V AC(2P、3P、4P)1A、2A、3A、4A、5A、6A、10A、15A、16A、20A、25A、32A、40A、50A、60A、63A 1P、2P、3P、4P C型、D型见表2及图1、图2见表3见表4见表5见表6见表72.0N •m 见图3、图42级IP20Ⅱ、Ⅲ类技术参数项目额定电压额定电流极数瞬时脱扣类型脱扣特性温度补偿系数不同海拔修正系数机械电气寿命额定分断能力连接导线拧紧力矩外形尺寸及安装尺寸污染等级防护等级安装类别3 主要参数及技术性能试验a bce 型式C、D C、DC、D C D试验电流1.13In 1.45In2.55In 10In 16In起始状态冷态紧接着a项试验冷态冷态脱扣或不脱扣时间极限t≤1h t<1h1s<t<60s (In≤32A)t<0.1s 预期结果不脱扣脱扣脱扣脱扣附注电流在5s内稳定地增加终端电器让 电 尽 其 所 能 >> C-028通过闭合辅助开关接通电流项目机械寿命电气寿命寿命(次)40004000表5额定电流C1-C40C1-C40C50-C63C50-C63D1-D63D1-D63极数12、3、412、3、412、3、4电压(V)230/400400230/400400230/400400通断能力(A)600060004000400040004000表6不同海拔高度下使用电流的修正系数脱扣类型C、D 额定电流(A)1、2、3、4、5、6、10、15、16、20、25、32、40、50、60、63≤2000m1(2000-3000)m0.9≥3000m0.8举例额定电流10A产品在2500m降容后使用电流为:0.9×10=9A表4终端电器>>让 电 尽 其 所 能C-029 1-610-3240-631.脱扣特性曲线图(见图1、图2)5 外形及安装尺寸35277.56 订货须知6.1 订货时要标明下列各点:6.1.1 产品型号和名称,如DZ47-60小型断路器;6.1.2 瞬时脱扣型式和额定电流,如C25;6.1.3 断路器极数,如2P;6.1.4 订货数量,如50台。
一、小型断路器型号小型断路器(英文名称:Miniature Circuit Breaker)又称微型断路器(Micro Circuit Breaker),适用于交流50/60Hz 额定电压230/400V,额定电流至63A线路的过载和短路保护之用,也可以在正常情况下作为线路的不频繁操作转换之用。
DZ47-60A C20的空气开关,这是微(小)型断路器的额定电流标法,英文字表示磁脱扣(短路保护)的动作倍数,C一般用于普通配电(5-10倍),另外一种常见的是D型,用于起动电流较大(如电机)的电器(10-14倍)。
小型断路器进货检验、验收及确认检验规范版本A 编号Q/HZE-J07-232-2010一、目的与适用范围为了规范DZ47-63小型断路器的进货检验、验收及确认检验特制定本规程。
二、职责2.1 品管部负责编制本规程相关技术人员和体系管理员负责审核、会签最终由管理代表批准。
2.2 检验员负责按本规程进行进货检验、验收及确认检验相关工作。
2.3 生产部负责来货送检、具体试验不合格产品的退换货、及因不合格原因引起索赔等事项。
三、主要内容3.1编制依据 GB10963.1 电气附件家用及类似场所用过电流保护断路器第1部分用于交流的断路器 GB/T 2828.1 计数抽样检验程序第1部分按接收质量限AQL检索的逐批检验抽样计划相应小型断路器的产品图纸及技术要求。
3.2 检验分类检验分为进货检验和确认检验。
3.3 进货检验3.3.1 进货检验采用每批次抽检每批进货数为N应尽可能从不同的大、小包装中抽取样本样本数量为n 具体的抽样数见下面各条款的规定。
3.3.2 进货检验项目 a 外观 b 移印 c 关键尺寸 d 接线可靠性 e 安装可靠性 f 手动操作 g 延时特性—1.13In h 延时特性—1.45In i 延时特性—2.55In j 瞬时特性 k 工频耐压 l 包装。
3.3.3 外观3.3.3.1 抽样数为: N≤7 n N N≥8 n 8。 要求外露的塑料件应没有裂纹、色差、气泡、气孔、熔接痕、缩痕、料流痕、银丝、白印、杂色点、拉毛、飞边、色不均、翘曲、分层、损伤等缺陷整机表面应清洁、无损伤。
产品零部件应齐全符合产品图样要求。 检验在1m高40W日光灯下或自然光照条件下裸视力1.0以上目测距离1米、时间2秒钟观察到的缺陷为严重外观缺陷目测距离0.5米、时间3秒钟观察到的缺陷为一般外观缺陷目测距离0.3米、时间5秒钟观察到的缺陷为轻微外观缺陷。
001适用范围DZ47Z 系列小型断路器DZ47Z系列小型断路器适用于直流、额定电压为750V额定电流至63A及以下的电路中作为线路、照明及动力设备的过载与短路保护,也可在正常情况下作线路和设备的不频繁通断转换。
型号含义DZ 47 Z - □ / □极数壳架等级额定电流直流设计序号塑料外壳式断路器工作条件·海拔高度:安装地点的海拔不超过2000m。
·周围空气温度:周围空气温度上限为+40℃,24h内其平均值不超过+35℃,周围空气温度下 限为-5℃。
·大气条件:安装地点的空气相对湿度在最高温度为+40℃ 时不超过50%,在较低温度下可以 有较高的相对湿度,最湿月的月平均最低温度不超过 +25℃ ,该月的平均最大相对湿度不超 过90%对由于温度变化偶尔产生的凝露应采取相应措施。
002托电流时间-动作特性C型脱扣特性曲线(7~15In)图1 DZ47Z-63型断路器C型保护特性曲线接线方法2接线适用于25mm 及以下铜导线连接(见下表),接线方法用螺钉压紧接线,扭矩为2.0N·m。
001外形及安装尺寸图2 DZ47Z-63 小型断路器外形及安装尺寸订货须知订货时需注明断路器的型号、极数、额定电流、瞬时脱扣特性型式;例如:DZ47Z-63二极断路器,瞬时脱扣特性为C型,额定电流20A,数量1000台,则应写为:DZ47Z-63/2、C20、1000台。
按极数分:a.单极1Pb.二极2Pc.三极3Pd.四极4P按断路器瞬时脱扣器的型式分:a.C型(5In ~10In);b.D型(10In ~16In)。
常见的型号有:空气开关C型多用于照明保护,D型多用于电机保护DZ47-63/C5/5A DZ47-63/C6/6A DZ47-63/C10/10A DZ47-63/C15/15A DZ47-63/C16/16ADZ47-63/C20/20A DZ47-63/C25/25A DZ47-63/C32/32A DZ47-63/C40/40ADZ47-63/C50/50A DZ47-63/C60/60ADZ47-63/D5 DZ47-63/D6 DZ47-63/D10 DZ47-63/D15 DZ47-63/D16 DZ47-63/D20DZ47-63/D25 DZ47-63/D32 DZ47-63/D40 DZ47-63/D50 DZ47-63/D60空气开关DZ47-63/4P/C50 DZ47-63/4P/C63四:空气开关特性1.分断能力(见表1)2.DZ47-63空气开关过电流脱扣器保护特性(见表2)3.限流特性DZ47-63系列微型断路器具有高限流能力,从而最大限度的限制了短路所造成的破坏性能(见限流特性图)。
德力西 DZ47v小型标准断路器 说明书
![德力西 DZ47v小型标准断路器 说明书](
2、3、4 1+N 3+N
1、2、3、4、5、6、8、10、13、16、 1
20、25、32、40、50、63 10、13、16、20、25、32、40、50、63
2、3、4 1+N 3+N
额定电压 Ue V
230/400 400 230 400 230/400 400 230 400 230/400 400 230 400
接线扭紧力矩 N.m
电源端、负载端均为 2.0
f)本系列断路器为导轨安装方式,适用于 TH35-7.5 型钢安装导轨; g)当环境温度发生改变时,其额定电流值相应地予以修正,温度修正系数见表 4;
表 4 额定电流温度-35℃ -20℃ -10℃ 0℃ 10℃ 20℃ 30℃ 40℃ 50℃ 60℃ 70℃
4 5.08 4.89 4.75 4.67 4.48 4.24 4 3.98 3.52 3.25 3.22
5 6.35 6.21 5.98 5.83 5.77 5.42 5 4.85 4.57 4.19 4.05
6 7.62 7.33 7.05 6.84 6.62 6.30 6 5.64 5.42 5.06 4.86
d)本系列断路器的基准温度为 30 ℃,若多个断路器同时装入密封的箱体内,箱体
德力西 DZ47PLEY-63漏电保护断路器 英文说明书
![德力西 DZ47PLEY-63漏电保护断路器 英文说明书](
DZ47PLEY-63 Residual Current Operated Circuit-Breaker NAVIGATOR SeriesUser Manual Please carefully read this User Manual before installing and operating the product, and keep this manual properly for future referenceSafety NoticePlease carefully read this instruction before the installation, operation, run, maintenance, and inspection, and follow the contents of the instruction to properly install and operate this product.Danger:⚫Do not operate the circuit breaker with your wet hands;⚫Do not touch the energized parts during operation;⚫Mark sure that the product is de-energized during the maintenance and service;⚫Do not use the short circuit method for product testing;Caution:⚫The installation, maintenance and service shall be performed by the qualified professional;⚫Various characteristics of product have been set in factory and cannot be removed or adjusted without permission during operation;⚫Please confirm that the rated voltage, rated current, frequency and characteristics of the product meet the operating requirements before use;⚫When DZ47PLEY-63 mode adopts upper-inlet wiring method, the wire is led in from the top, and is led out from the bottom; when the lower-inlet wiring method is used, the wire is led in from the bottom, and is led out from the top; please follow the phase sequence when wiring connection, and tighten the wiring screws when the wire inserts into the connecting hole. The wire tightening torque is 2.5N.m to prevent the wire from looseness or being pulled out. The exposed copper wire cannot be out of the wiring terminal;⚫This product cannot provide the protection for electric shock hazard caused by simultaneously touching two lines of protected circuit;⚫With the protection grade IP20, this product has not dust-proof function; when used in a dusty place, this product shall be installed in a well closed terminal box;⚫If found damage or abnormal sound when unpacking, please stop the operation immediately and contact the supplier;⚫After the breaking, overload, or short circuit current fault, please eliminate the fault and then power on this product, otherwise this may affect the service life of the product.⚫Do not use the insulation resistance megger tester to test the insulation resistance between two phases of the power supply of the product circuit board;⚫This product shall be free from rain or water erosion or cannot be fallen off during the operation, storage or transport;⚫This product is not suitable for some special applications such as frequent starts of motor, electric heating equipment, high capacity cabinet, high inductive or high capacitive loads, or high temperature environment;⚫When scrapping the product, please dispose the product waste properly. Thanks for your cooperation.About DZ47PLEY-63 Residual Current Operated Circuit Breaker ● Panel IntroductionLegends:1 Inlet terminal2 Company Logo3 Product model4 Trip curve and rated current (see Table 1)5 Rated voltage and frequency6 Breaking capacity7 Reference standard8 Load end identification9 N pole identification 10 Reset button 11 Wiring diagram12 Rated residual making and breaking capacity, rated residual operated current, current leakage operating time13 Certification mark 14 Test button 15 Outlet terminalLegends:1 Outlet terminal2 Company Logo3 Product model4 Trip curve and rated current (see Table 1)5 Rated voltage and frequency (see Table 1)6 Breaking capacity7 Reference standard8 Load end identification9 N pole identification 10 Reset button 11 Wiring diagram12 Rated residual making and breaking capacity, rated residual operated current, current leakage operating time13 Certification mark 14 Test button 15 Inlet terminalPress before power-onPress once a monthLoad endLoad endPress before power-onPress once a monthNormal Operation, Installation and Transport Conditions●Normal Operation and Installation Conditions(1) Ambient air temperatureThe ambient air temperature is not higher than +70℃, and is not below -35℃, and the average value within 24 hours does not exc eed +35℃;Note: When the residual current operated circuit breaker is used in a place where the ambient air temperature is igher than +70℃ and below -35℃, please contact the manufacturer.(2) AltitudeThe altitude of the installation site does not exceed 2000m;(3) Atmospheric conditionsThe relative humidity of the atmosphere does not exceed 50% when the highest ambient temperature is +60℃, and a higher relative humidity is allowed at lower temperatures, such as 90% at 20℃. Protective measures shall be taken for condensation occasionally occurred due to temperature changes.(4) Installation conditionsThe external magnetic field nearby the residual current operated circuit breaker installation site shall not exceed 5 times earth magnetic field in any direction;The installation position shall be vertical, and the inclination angle at each direction shall not exceed 10°; installed at a place where there is no impact, vibration, and rain or snow erosion;TH35-7.5 steel mounting rail is used for installation.(5) Pollution level: Level 2;(6) Installation category: Class III;(7) Protection grade: IP20 (IP40 if installed in a power distribution box, a power distribution cabinet or tank).(8) For product with a N pole, please connect the zero line to the pole marked with N when wiring.● Normal Storage and Transport Conditions(1) Temperature: -40o C~+70o C;(2) Relative humidity (at 25℃):≤95%(3) During the transport, please handle the product gently, and do not upside it down, and prevent the product from harsh collision;Main Specifications and Technical Parameters ●Main technical parameters are listed in Table 1●Protection characteristics curve of circuit breaker are illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2Fig. 1 C type thermal/electromagnetic tripcharacteristics curve Fig. 2 D type thermal/electromagnetic tripcharacteristics curveStructure Features and Working PrincipleThis residual current operated circuit breaker primarily consists of zero sequence current transformer, electronic component board, release, contact operating mechanism, and plastic shell.The working principle is shown in Fig. 3. In case of electric leakage or personal electric shock in circuits, when the residual operating current reaches the set value of the operating current, a signal will be generated from the secondary coil of the zero sequence current transformer (induced voltage) to open the residual current operated circuit breaker after amplification by the electronic line, thereby cutting off the power supply for electric leakage protection.Residual current operated circuit breakerZero sequence current transformerTest resistanceElectronic componentboardTest buttonReleaseFig. 3 Working schematic diagram of this residual current operated circuit breakerOutline and Installation DimensionsThe outline and installation dimensions of DZ47PLEY-63 are shown in Fig. 4.Unit: mmFig. 4Product AccessoriesThere are six different accessories in the circuit breaker, including OF auxiliary contact, MX+OF shunt release, SD alarm contact, MV overvoltage release, MN undervoltage release, and MVMN overvoltage and undervoltage release. All accessories are installed on the left side of the product.Installation, Operation and Maintenance●Installation and Operation(1)Before installation, check whether the product marks is consistent with the working conditions.(2)Press the Reset button before power-on.(3)Before power-on, operate the residual current operated circuit breaker several times and check that its mechanism works flexibly and reliably without blockage.(4)The input end shall be connected to the power supply, and the output end shall be connected to the load.(5)The cross-sectional areas of the connecting wire are listed in Table 3.can work reliably.(7)When installation, insert the residual current operated circuit breaker into the mounting rail to fix the residual current operated circuit breaker on this rail without looseness or falling off. To remove the residual current operated circuit breaker, push the circuit breaker upwards to make the upper part of the circuit breaker leave from the mounting rail for removal, or pull the stop block downward for removal.The working reference temperature of the residual current operated circuit breaker is +30+50℃. When the ambient temperature changes, its rating shall be corrected. The temperature correction coefficients are listed in Table 4; if multiple residual current operated circuit breakers are all installed in a closed box, the temperature inside the box will rise, so that the rated current shall multiply by the derating coefficient 0.8.●MaintenanceAfter the residual current operated circuit breaker is running for some time, please check it regularly (monthly). In the power-on state, press the test button and check whether the residual current operated circuit breaker can work reliably. If failed to work normally, please stop the operation and replace it immediatelyFault Analysis and TroubleshootingThe fault analysis and troubleshooting of the residual current operated circuit breaker see Table 5.Table 5 Fault Analysis and TroubleshootingFault Cause SolutionMisoperation Misoperation caused bythe grounding of thezero line at the load sideof the residual currentoperated circuit breakerThe zero line at the load side ofthe residual current operatedcircuit breaker is grounded, whichmay cause misoperation when thenormal operating current passesthrough the grounded pointResidual current operated circuitbreakerIncorrect wiringConnect the ground wire to thezero line of the power side of theresidual current operated circuitbreakerResidual current operated circuitbreakerCorrect wiringMisoperation caused bythe leakage current andwire capacitance currentThe length of the wire layingagainst the ground at the load sideis too longThe residual current operatedcircuit breaker with a largerresidual operating current isselectedEarth leakage current of the wireat the load side increases due tothe reduction of the insulationReplace the wireFailure to operate Failure to operation iscaused by notconnecting the zero lineof the residual currentoperated circuit breakerOnly the phase line of theresidual current operated circuitbreaker is connected, but the zeroline is not connectedConnect the zero line at thepower sideUnpacking InspectionAfter unpacking, please check whether the product is intact, whether the exposed metal is rusty, and whether the product is defected due to poor transport or storage. If found the above phenomenon, please stop the product, and contact the supplier timely for solution.Company CommitmentUnder the condition that users follow the use and storage conditions and the product are well sealed, within 36 months from the production date, our company will provide repair and replacement service free of charge for any damage or abnormal operation due to poor manufacture quality. A paid repair will be provided if the warranty period expires. For any damage due to one of the following situations, a paid repair will be given even if within the warranty period:(1)Improper operation, maintenance, or storage;(2)Modified and improper repair without permission;(3)Damage due to falling off or found during installation after purchase;(4)Force majeure such as earthquakes, fires, lightning strikes, abnormal voltages, and secondary disasters; If you have any question, please contact the dealer or our company’s customer service department.Customer service hotline:400-826-8008Order NoticePlease specify the following items when ordering:1)Name, model and specification of the residual current operated circuit breaker;2)Rated current of the residual current operated circuit breaker;3)Residual operating current of the residual current operated circuit breaker;4)Number of poles;5)Qty.Example 1: To order DZ47PLEY-63 top inlet, C type, rated current 16A, rated residual operating current 30mA, 100 units.Please specify: To order DZ47PLEY-63 top inlet, C16, 30mA, 100 units.Example 2: To order DZ47PLEY-63 bottom inlet, C type, rated current 16A, rated residual operating current 30mA, 100 units.Please specify: To order DZ47PLEY-63 bottom inlet, C16, 30mA, 100 units.CertificateDELIXI ELECTRIC LTDDELIXI ELECTRIC LTDAddress: Delixi High-Tech Industrial Park, Liushi Town, Leqing City, Zhejiang P/C: 325604 Tel: (86-577) 6177 8888Fax: (86-577) 6177 8000Customer Service hotline: 400-826-8008The first edition of this manual was issued on Jan., 2020.。
改为 F=4±1N
B 头测试部位,使锁扣
脱位,此时测力计读 数为触头终压力; 开关闭合后,用针式 测力计顶在锁扣测力
A类 抽样 方案
扣 1.脱扣力:F≤0.8N;
目标实际测出 F≤1.0N
B 部位,轻力拨动使锁
1.直接人为的合分操作 5 次,手柄操作动作灵活,无卡滞、滑 B 人为进行关合与断开 50A
2. 依据作业指导文件准备相关的依据,如检验样品、检验图纸等。 3. 依照作业指导书逐项进行检验(检验项目可根据生产及现场情况提前或调后),并将检验结果
如实填写检验报告。 五、 检验项目及检验方法:
1. 外露塑料件无明显划痕、变形、色差,整机表面光洁,干
1. 产品测试前不进行湿热试验,试验期间不得出现击穿或闪
施加频率为 50Hz,基
频 例 行 全 抽检电压: 主触头断开,同一极进线与出线之间
耐 检 电 压 2000V/1min 主触头闭合,极与极之间
压 试
2500V/ 抽检电压:
A类 抽样 方案
顶呱呱 乐清市顶呱呱电气有限公司
标题 DZ47-63 系列小型断路器出厂抽样检验标准
文件编号 文件版本 A.0 页 码 第2页共6页
4. 产品移印标志内容检查依据《小型断路器标志移印图样》。
技术参数额定电流:1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,13 ,16,20,25,32,40,50,63 A 额定工作电压:230/400V AC分断能力符合标准:IEC60898-1 / GB10963.1符合认证:CCC,RoHS 认证脱扣特性B型曲线保护短路电流较小的负载(如电源、长电缆等)脱扣特性:瞬时脱扣范围 (3~5) InC型曲线保护常规负载和配电线缆脱扣特性:瞬时脱扣范围 (5~10) InD型曲线保护起动电流大的冲击性负荷 (如变压器等)脱扣特性:瞬时脱扣范围 (10~14) In361016202532405063136101620253240506313610162025324050631361016202532405063DZ47N1B3DZ47N1B6DZ47N1B10DZ47N1B16DZ47N1B20DZ47N1B25DZ47N1B32DZ47N1B40DZ47L1B50DZ47L1B63DZ47N2B1DZ47N2B3DZ47N2B6DZ47N2B10DZ47N2B16DZ47N2B20DZ47N2B25DZ47N2B32DZ47N2B40DZ47L2B50DZ47L2B63DZ47N3B1DZ47N3B3DZ47N3B6DZ47N3B10DZ47N3B16DZ47N3B20DZ47N3B25DZ47N3B32DZ47N3B40DZ47L3B50DZ47L3B63DZ47N4B1DZ47N4B3DZ47N4B6DZ47N4B10DZ47N4B16DZ47N4B20DZ47N4B25DZ47N4B32DZ47N4B40DZ47L4B50DZ47L4B63181818181818181818183636363636363636363636545454545454545454545472727272727272727272722P3P4PDZ47N1C3DZ47N1C6DZ47N1C10DZ47N1C16DZ47N1C20DZ47N1C25DZ47N1C32DZ47N1C40DZ47L1C50DZ47L1C63DZ47N2C1DZ47N2C3DZ47N2C6DZ47N2C10DZ47N2C16DZ47N2C20DZ47N2C25DZ47N2C32DZ47N2C40DZ47L2C50DZ47L2C63DZ47N3C1DZ47N3C3DZ47N3C6DZ47N3C10DZ47N3C16DZ47N3C20DZ47N3C25DZ47N3C32DZ47N3C40DZ47L3C50DZ47L3C63DZ47N4C1DZ47N4C3DZ47N4C6DZ47N4C10DZ47N4C16DZ47N4C20DZ47N4C25DZ47N4C32DZ47N4C40DZ47L4C50DZ47L4C63DZ47L1D3DZ47L1D6DZ47L1D10DZ47L1D16DZ47L1D20DZ47L1D25DZ47L1D32DZ47L1D40DZ47L1D50DZ47L1D63DZ47L2D1DZ47L2D3DZ47L2D6DZ47L2D10DZ47L2D16DZ47L2D20DZ47L2D25DZ47L2D32DZ47L2D40DZ47L2D50DZ47L2D63DZ47L3D1DZ47L3D3DZ47L3D6DZ47L3D10DZ47L3D16DZ47L3D20DZ47L3D25DZ47L3D32DZ47L3D40DZ47L3D50DZ47L3D63DZ47L4D1DZ47L4D3DZ47L4D6DZ47L4D10DZ47L4D16DZ47L4D20DZ47L4D25DZ47L4D32DZ47L4D40DZ47L4D50DZ47L4D63订货信息注:1.电流规格为2、4、5、8、13 A产品,接受定制,订货号参考编码规则2.若订购符合RoHS认证产品,请在订货号后加“R”小型断路器附件DZ47与断路器拼装示意图当得到信号后,触发与之拼装的断路器脱扣辅助触头基本形式:一常开,一常闭接线能力:1-4mm2导线OF、SD须拼装在断路器左侧,每只断路器左侧仅能拼装一个附件MX+OF拼装在断路器右侧,每只断路器右侧只能拼装一个附件订货信息OFMX+OF9918181818DZ47OFDZ47SDDZ47MX24DZ47MX48DZ47MX110DZ47MX230AC/DC12~24VAC/DC24~48VAC110~127VAC230~400VDZ47/CDB6系列—OF辅助触头/SD报警触头DZ47/CDB6系列—MX+OF 分励脱扣器小型断路器及隔离开关CDB6s 标准断路器DZ47标准断路器CDB2大电流断路器CDB2系列—OF辅助触头/MX+OF分励脱扣器CDB5隔离开关小型断路器及隔离开关CDB6s标准断路器/DZ47标准断路器/DZ47LE标准漏电保护断路器CDB3“相线+中性线”断路器/CDB3LE“相线+中性线”漏电保护断路器。
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a.C型(5In ~10In);
b.D型(10In ~16In)。
DZ47-63/C5/5A DZ47-63/C6/6A DZ47-63/C10/10A DZ47-63/C15/15A DZ47-63/C16/16A DZ47-63/C20/20A DZ47-63/C25/25A DZ47-63/C32/32A DZ47-63/C40/40A
DZ47-63/C50/50A DZ47-63/C60/60A
DZ47-63/D5 DZ47-63/D6 DZ47-63/D10 DZ47-63/D15 DZ47-63/D16 DZ47-63/D20
DZ47-63/D25 DZ47-63/D32 DZ47-63/D40 DZ47-63/D50 DZ47-63/D60
空气开关DZ47-63/4P/C50 DZ47-63/4P/C63