疯狂英语突破对话Part 3 中级对话

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疯狂英语突破对话Part 3 中级对话
作者:CSCSCS 来源: 人人听力网 时间:09-07-28 [ 提示 :]双击单词,即可查看词义! ( QQ群:120852593)
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[00:00.00]喜欢,就把复制到QQ个人资料中!PART 3:INTERMEDIATE DIALOGUES
[00:04.05]1.I Can't Believe My Eyes
[00:03.05]A:I can't believe my eyes!
[00:02.05]B:Well,if it isn't Mike Li!
[00:01.05]A:Jim Wang!It's nice to see you again!It's been a long time.
[00:05.86]B:You know,Mike,I've been meaning to call you for a long time.I'm so glad I ran into you today.
[00:04.86]A:Me,too.How have you been doing?
[00:03.86]B:Super.How about yourself?
[00:02.86]A:Pretty good.I can't complain.
[00:01.86]B:So tell me,the last time I saw you,you were planning to go abroad to study,weren't you?
[00:00.86]A:Yes,I guess I was.But as it turned out,I changed my mind.I decided not to go after all.
[00:-0.14]B:Oh,really?But if I remember correctly,you were intent on going to California.Whatever made you change your mind?I thought you were accepted to Stanford.
[00:-1.14]A:Well,it's a long story,and I don't want to bore you with all the details.

[00:-2.14]But what it boils down to is that I decided that going to Stanford wasn't a very good idea.
[00:-3.14]I decided to go to Beijing University instead.I want to save my money and start my own business after graduation.
[00:-4.14]B:Really?That's very interesting.
[00:-5.14]A:And how about you?The last time we talked,didn't you tell me you were going to open your own restaurant and hotel?
[00:-6.14]B:That's right.I was.But things turned out differently than I expected.
[00:-7.14]A:But you seemed so determined to do that.What happened?
[00:-8.14]B:Well,it's very complicated,and I'm sure you don't want to know all the details.
[00:-9.14]But as it turned out,I decided that opening my restaurant just wasn't for me.So I decided to stay at my old job instead.
[00:10.14]A:Well,a lot sure has happened sice we last saw each other.
[00:11.14]B:You can say that again!You know,we should try to stay in touch.
[00:12.14]A:Yes,we should.Let's have lunch together sometime soon.
[00:13.14]B:That's a good idea.I'll call you.
[00:14.14]A:OK.Take care now.
[00:16.14]2.You Worry Too Much
[00:18.14]B:What's wrong?You look upset about something.
[00:19.14]A:You know...I'm getting a little worried about our English teacher.She should have shown up for class by now.It's not like her to be late.
[00:20.14]B:I wouldn't be concerned.She must have gotten stuck in traffic.Traffic has been terrible lately.
[00:21.14]A:I don't know.She might have...but then again,I'm not so sure.I'm afraid something must have happened.I just have a bad feeling that she's in trouble.

[00:22.14]B:Oh,come on now.Don't jump to conclusions.I'm positive she'll show up for class soon.You worry too much.
[00:23.14]A:I can't help it.It's just my nature.
[00:24.14]B:Look,there's Dr.Lee now.See,I told you not to worry.
[00:25.14]A:I'm so relieved!I guess you're right.I need to relax and not worry so much.
[00:26.14]3.Thanks for Filling Me In
[00:27.14]A:This seat taken?
[00:28.14]B:No,go ahead,be my guest.I haven't seen you before.Are you new in engineering?
[00:29.14]A:Yeah,I just switched my major from computer science-too much math!I couldn't take the pressure.
[00:30.14]B:Well,don't expect it to be any better here!What's your name,anyway?
[00:31.14]A:Sam.What's yours?
[00:32.14]B:Ben Jones,but everybody calls me "BJ".
[00:33.14]A:BJ,huh?Well,I'm not going to tell you what my nickname is!Oh,here comes the professor.What's this name,anyway?Scarey,or something like that?
[00:34.14]B:James Kerry.But we call him "Big Jim" because he's so short.
[00:35.14]A:To his face?
[00:36.14]B:No.Are you kidding?He has a bad temper.I know he wouldn't think it was funny.I think it's really funny.He is a little guy.He's not a bad teacher though.
[00:37.14]A:Well,that's good to know.Thanks for filling me in.
[00:39.14]4.I Can't Help You Out
[00:41.14]B:Hello,Tom.This is Don.How are you?
[00:42.14]A:Oh,hi,Don.Just great.How have you been?
[00:43.14]B:Fine.Listen,Jerry and I wanted I to go to a movie tomorrow night,but we don't

have a way to get there.If you drive,we'll buy the tickets.How about it?
[00:44.14]A:Well,it sounds like fun,but actually I've really got a lot of homework to do.
[00:45.14]B:Oh,come on,Tom.It'll be fun.It's only a few hours.It'll help you relax.You'll study better!
[00:46.14]A:I really can't.I've got an English exam on Monday and a book report due on Tuesday that I'm really getting nervous about.
[00:47.14]I don't think I'd enjoy it much.But thanks a lot for thinking of me.Sorry I can't help you out.
[00:48.14]B:Oh,don't worry about it.Maybe next time.Good luck on your exam.We'll be thinking of you!
[00:49.14]A:Thanks.See you.
[00:51.14]5.Thank You Very Much for Inviting Us
[00:52.14]A:Excuse me,Kim.It's getting late,so I'm afraid we'll have to be leaving.
[00:53.14]B:Oh,so early?It seems like you just got here!
[00:54.14]A:Well,I've got to get up and drive to the airport for an eight o'clock plane tomorrow.We've really had a wonderful time,Kim.Thank you very much for inviting us.
[00:55.14]B:Say,Sara,why don't we meet downtown for lunch some day next week?We could talk more then.
[00:56.14]A:I'd love to!
[00:57.14]B:I've heard the Hilton has delicious seafood.
[00:58.14]A:Oh!That sounds wonderful.I love seafood.
[00:59.14]B:I'll give you a call later on and we can decide the time.
[-1:-0.14]A:Well,it's been a fantastic evening.Again,thank you very much.
[-1:-1.14]B:It was my pleasure having you.
[-1:-2.14]A:I'll look forward to your phone call.

[-1:-3.14]B:Thanks again.Good night.
[-1:-4.14]A:Good night.
[-1:-5.14]6.Why Are You Mad at Me
[-1:-6.14]A:Hi.What's new?
[-1:-8.14]A:What's your problem?Why are you mad at me?
[-1:-9.14]B:What did you have to go and do that for?
[-1:10.14]A:Do what?
[-1:11.14]B:You know what I'm talking about.Why did you go tell Mrs.Lee how much money I'm going to make?Now she'll go and tell the whole world!
[-1:12.14]A:Well,I'm sorry.I didn't think it mattered.
[-1:13.14]B:It does matter!You know how she talks to everybody and their brother!Now the whole town will be asking me for money!
[-1:14.14]A:Well,I apologize.I guess I wasn't thinking.I got all excited.
[-1:15.14]B:Oh well,it's done now.I guess it doesn't matter that much,anyway.They were bound to find out eventually.Everybody in this town's always interested in gossip.
[-1:16.14]A:You know,it is a lot of money for a first job...
[-1:17.14]B:You think I'll be able to buy a BMW?
[-1:18.14]A:Well,I think you'd better wait and see how much is left after Uncle Sam gets his share!
[-1:19.14]A:Actually everybody is really impressed.
[-1:20.14]B:I guess it's not a big deal after all.
[-1:21.14]A:Anyway,I am really sorry.Next time I'll think before I speak.
[-1:22.14]7.I Can't Wait to Go
[-1:23.14]A:Hi,Kim.Long time no see.
[-1:24.14]B:I know.I just got back from Tokyo.
[-1:25.14]A:I know you travel a lot.I wonder,have you by any chance ever been to Beijing?
[-1:26.14]B:Yes,I have.Actually,I used to live there.Why?

[-1:27.14]A:I'm going there with my family for a vacation next month.Can you tell me what it's like there?
[-1:28.14]B:Well-uh...it's a very exciting place.As a matter of fact,it's probably one of the most exciting places I know.
[-1:29.14]A:How about the weather...and the people?
[-1:30.14]B:The weather at this time of year is usually cool,and in my opinion,the people there are very friendly.
[-1:31.14]A:It sounds like a wonderful place.
[-1:32.14]B:It is.I'm sure you'll have a good time there.
[-1:33.14]A:I can't wait to go.
[-1:34.14]B:Be sure to send me a postcard and take lots of pictures.
[-1:35.14]8.Are You Enjoying Your Stay Here
[-1:36.14]A:Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed.Is this your first visit to America?
[-1:37.14]B:No,this is my second visit.I first came to America in July,1999.
[-1:38.14]That time I was here on vacation-just sightseeing,but during that trip I decided that I would come to the United States and study English.
[-1:39.14]A:How long will you be here for this time?
[-1:40.14]B:I arrived in January and I'll stay until December,2002.
[-1:41.14]A:Are you enjoying your stay here?
[-1:42.14]B:Yes and no.Some things are much better than I expected but other things are not so good.
[-1:43.14]I enjoy my lessons very much but I sometimes find it difficult to practice my oral English.
[-1:44.14]American people are very kind but it seems they don't have time to talk with people from abroad.
[-1:45.14]A:Are you learning English for any particular reason?
[-1:46.14]B:Yes.At home in China I work in

advertising and many of the words we use are English,so I want to understand English better because that will help my job.
[-1:47.14]A:Did you learn English at home in China before you came to study English here?
[-1:48.14]B:Sure.When I was a student in China I studied English for six years.But that was a long time ago and in the meantime I forgot all my grammar.
[-1:49.14]So before I came to America I went to English classes for two hours each week for six months.
[-1:50.14]Now I study 20 hours each week and sometimes I have an extra lesson.
[-1:51.14]A:What do you miss most about China while you are here in America?
[-1:52.14]B:I miss real Chinese food.I miss my mother's cooking and of course I miss my whole family very much.
[-1:53.14]9.Welcome to Li Yang Crazy English Company
[-1:54.14]A:Hello.Welcome to Li Yang Crazy English Company.
[-1:55.14]B:Hello.And Good morning.I'm George Chen.
[-1:56.14]A:Nice to meet you,George.I'm glad you'll be working for us.We're like a big family here.We all work together as a team.
[-1:57.14]B:That's great.I'm eager to start.
[-1:58.14]A:Well,let me tell you about some of our policies and practices here.
[-1:59.14]B:All right.That will be a big help.I'm fresh out of college.
[-2:-0.14]A:We require all our employees to arrive for work on time and we insist that they keep their lunch hours to a reasonable length.
[-2:-1.14]B:I understand.That seems easy to follow.
[-2:-2.14]A:Employee character is very important to us.We expect everyone here at LYCE to be industrious,cooperative,honest and open-minded.

[-2:-3.14]B:I'm very glad to hear that.I think I possess all of those qualities.
[-2:-4.14]A:We also try to do the best we can for our employees.We feel obligated to provide a safe working environment,and we make every effort to listen to our employees' concerns.
[-2:-5.14]B:That's very admirable.That's also one of the reasons I wanted to work here.
[-2:-6.14]A:Now,perhaps you have some questions.Is there any additional information I can provide?
[-2:-7.14]B:Yes.As a matter of fact.I have a few questions.
[-2:-8.14]A:Certainly.Go ahead!
[-2:-9.14]B:Will I be required to have a medical examination before I start work?
[-2:10.14]A:Yes,definitely.But the company will cover the expense.
[-2:11.14]B:And would I have to go through special training or preparations for the job?
[-2:12.14]A:Yes,you would.Our company believes in employee training and self-improvement.
[-2:13.14]B:And would it be necessary for me to work on weekends?
[-2:14.14]A:No,that wouldn't be necessary.
[-2:15.14]B:And one more question:do employees here have to go through a probation period?
[-2:16.14]A:No,they don't.Once you are hired you have the same rights and great privileges as other employees.
[-2:17.14]B:I see.That's great.
[-2:18.14]A:Do you have any other questions?
[-2:19.14]B:No,I don't think so.You've been so helpful.
[-2:20.14]A:All right,I'm glad to hear that.
[-2:21.14]B:Well,I've probably taken up enough of your time.
[-2:22.14]A:We'll talk again soon.
[-2:23.14]B:I've enjoyed talking with you.Thank you very much.
[-2:24.14]A:You're very welcome.

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