
传感器仿真软件使用说明书The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December13, 2020THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件使用说明书THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件 ................. 错误!未定义书签。
................. 错误!未定义书签。
实验二金属箔式应变片――半桥性能实验 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。
实验三金属箔式应变片――全桥性能实验 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。
实验四直流全桥的应用――电子秤实验 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。
实验五交流全桥的应用――振动测量实验 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。
实验六扩散硅压阻压力传感器差压测量实验 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。
实验七差动变压器的性能实验 ............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
实验八动变压器零点残余电压补偿实验 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。
实验九励频率对差动变压器特性的影响实验 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。
实验十差动变压器的应用――振动测量实验 ..................... 错误!未定义书签。
实验十一电容式传感器的位移特性实验 ............................. 错误!未定义书签。
实验十二容传感器动态特性实验 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
M5600 U5600 无线压力传感器软件手册说明书

M5600/U5600 Software Manual Wireless Pressure TransducersContents1 Introduction Description 32 Manual Smartphone/Tablet Software Installation and Operation Manual 33 Manual Windows Version Software Installation and Operation Manual 44 Protocol Software Protocol Specification 161 IntroductionThe M5600 and U5600 pressure transducers use standard 2.4GHz wireless communication tag. The long battery life and integration design make these transducers a perfect fit for many industrial and commercial applications including marine, residential, campers, water, hydraulic, irrigation, pool, medical and sprinkler systems, or anywhere you would need to monitor pressure without the need for wires.By installing the Windows® version software on your PC or embedding the wireless signal in your integrated system, you can monitor pressure and temperature in real time.2 Smartphone/Tablet Software Installation1. Download and install the “TE Sensor Tag” app for iOS or Android™ from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.2. Install the battery into the transducer.3. Turn on standard 2.4GHz wireless communication tag for smartphone/tablet.4. Run “TE Sensor Tag” app on smartphone/tablet and it will start searching for the transducer.5. Select the transducer (M5600 or U5600) found by the app to pair it to your smartphone/tablet.6. Once paired, the pressure and temperature charting will begin automatically. Data is collected every 5 seconds (programmed for bestbattery life).3 Windows Version Software Installation and Operation Manual Hardware & System Requirement∙PC with USB serial port support∙USB Dongle: BT900-US∙Operation system: Windows XP, Windows 7 or above∙Microsoft .NET Framework4.0 or aboveDongle Installation and Programming1. Insert the USB Dongle (BT900-US) into the USB socket of the PC.The PC will install the related USB drivers automatically.2. After installing FT232R USB UART, open the PC’s Device Manager and check if the USB Dongle has the port number assigned asbelow (COM5 in this example):If not assigned, then it is necessary to install the FTDI FT232 USB Serial Converter Driver following instructions from the below link: https:///tutorials/how-to-install-ftdi-drivers/windows---in-depthVerify COM port is assigned to the Dongle in the Device Manager before proceeding to the next step.3. Copy Window’s client software “TESS-M5600_U5600_Software.zip” to the PC and unzip it. Double-click to run UwTerminal in folder:TESS 5600\UwTerminal\. User interface should display as below:4. Click “Accept” to enter the configuration interface. Select the proper COM port where the Dongle is installed and leave the others atdefault settings.Then click “OK” to enter the command-line interface:5. Input “at &F *” (at space &F space *) and press “Enter”. The screen will display “ FFS Erased, Rebooting…”Close the window by clicking the “X” at the upper right corner.6. Run “BT900UartFwUpgrade.exe” in folder: TESS 5600\BT900_9.1.10.3 to update the firmware. Follow these steps: Press “OK” →specify the correct COM port →press “OK” → press “Start Upgrade” → let it run until finish →pressing “Quit.”7. Remove the USB Dongle and re-insert, repeat above steps 3 & 4.Input “at I 3” and press “Enter,” displaying “” which is the latest version of the firmware.Input “at &F *” and press “Enter.” Screen will display “FFS Erased, Rebooting…”Input “at+dir” and press “Enter.”8. Right-click inside the window and click “load precompiled BASIC”After the “Open” window pops up, select “smartZ.umc” in folder “TESS 5600\” and press “Open”Text will scroll and after 1-2 minutes, it will display “DONE.”Close the “UwTerminal” window. Remove the USB Dongle and re-insert.Monitoring Software Operation Manual1. Double-click to run TESS 5600 for Windows in folder: TESS 5600\source\bin\Release\. The client software user interface shoulddisplay as below. Certain explanations can be found when moving the cursor onto the words.More explanations are provided as below:2. Ensure the Port Name matches the COM number in the Device Manager. Click the “Start” button, and then a “Scan” window will popup to search for available wireless devices. Double-click the MAC number matching the target device to select it.3. The software will start receiving and recording data on battery level and real-time pressure and temperature.Clicking the “Stop” button will stop the data taking process.4. When “Data Logging” is enabled and the interval set, a “Save“ window will pop up. When clicking the “S tart” button, all data will besaved in the folder appointed by the user (default: \\TESS\\data\\) as a *.dat file which can be opened with MS Excel.The “Date Time“ column can be formatted to display seconds as shown below:4 Software Protocol SpecificationUUID for the M5600/U5600 is available, which allows the user to compile their own program to recognize the sensor’s wireless signal and detect pressure, temperature and battery capacity.T is a 16 bits signed word, equals 0x7FFF if erroneous.P, Pmin and Pmax are 32 bits signed words, equal 0x7FFFFFFF if erroneous.T is a temperature value with 0.01°C resolution.P, Pmin and Pmax are pressure values with 0.1Pa resolutionCONVERSIONTemperature (°C) = T / 100Pressure (Pa) = P / 10Pressure (Psi) = P / 10 / 6894.7Battery Service:0% to 100% represents a supply voltage from 2.0V to 3.0V with 1%/bit resolution. STATUSNORTH AMERICA EUROPE ASIAMeasurement Specialties, Inc., a TE Connectivity company 45738 Northport Loop West Fremont, CA 94538Tel: +1 800 767 1888Fax: +1 510 498 1578************************MEAS France SAS,a TE Connectivity company26 Rue des Dames78340 Les Clayes-sous-Bois, FranceTel: +33 (0) 130 79 33 00Fax: +33 (0) 134 81 03 59************************Measurement Specialties (China) Ltd.,a TE Connectivity companyNo. 26 Langshan RoadShenzhen High-Tech Park (North) Nanshan District,Shenzhen, 518057ChinaTel: +86 755 3330 5088Fax: +86 755 3330 5099************************/sensorsolutionsAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc.Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.Microsoft, Encarta, MSN, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Android and Windows are trademarks of their respective owners.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by TE Connectivity is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.Measurement Specialties Inc., a TE Connectivity company.Measurement Specialties (MEAS), American Sensor Technologies (AST), TE Connectivity, TE Connectivity (logo) and EVERY CONNECTION COUNTS are trademarks. All other logos, products and/or company names referred to herein might be trademarks of their respective owners.The information given herein, including drawings, illustrations and schematics which are intended for illustration purposes only, is believed to be reliable. However, TE Connectivity makes no warranties as to its accuracy or completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. TE Connectivity‘s obligations shall only be as set forth in TE Connectivity‘s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale for this product and in no case will TE Connectivity be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising out of the sale, resale, use or misuse of the product. Users of TE Connectivity products should make their own evaluation to determine the suitability of each such product for the specific application.© 2016 TE Connectivity Ltd. family of companies All Rights Reserved.Rev 02016/04/05。

无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2014年12月1日目录1. 简介 (1)1.1. 背景 (1)1.2. 软件运行环境 (1)1.3. 使用场景 (2)1.4. 试用版使用限制 (2)2. 安装 (2)2.1. 双击安装程序 (2)2.2. 安装向导 (3)2.3. 选择安装目录 (3)2.4. 选择是否建立开始菜单和创建快捷方式 (4)2.5. 安装 (4)2.6. 安装完成 (5)2.7. Atos-SensorSim快捷方式 (5)2.8. 安装目录中的文件夹 (7)2.9. Atos-SensorSim主界面 (7)3. Atos-SensorSim使用 (8)3.1. 网络管理 (8)3.1.1. 生成网络 (8)3.1.2. 查看生成网络的拓扑 (8)3.1.3. 修改生成网络的节点默认通信半径 (9)3.1.4. 显示网络节点属性 (9)3.1.5. 修改网络节点属性 (10)3.1.6. 增加网络节点 (10)3.1.7. 删除网络节点 (11)3.1.8. 网络显示缩放 (12)3.1.9. 保存生成的网络 (12)3.1.10. 打开保存的网络文件 (13)3.1.11. 创建网络文件分组 (13)3.1.12. 删除网络文件分组 (15)3.1.13. 删除网络文件 (16)3.2. 无线传感器网络算法管理 (18)3.2.1. 显示系统目前导入的算法 (18)3.2.2. 开始算法演示 (18)3.2.3. 停止算法演示 (19)3.2.4. 显示算法运行的节点分布 (20)3.2.5. 显示算法的网络链接信息 (20)3.2.6. 显示算法的网络链路质量信息 (21)3.2.7. 显示算法运行过程中经过的路线 (21)3.2.8. 显示算法的查询结果信息 (22)3.2.9. 调节算法演示的运行速度 (22)3.2.10. 单步执行算法 (23)3.2.11. 查看算法运行参数 (24)3.2.12. 查看算法运行过程中发生的事件 (24)3.2.13. 查看算法运行过程中发生事件的数据通信量 (25)3.2.14. 查看算法运行过程中发生事件的能量消耗 (25)3.2.15. 查看算法运行过程中的总能量消耗 (26)3.2.16. 快速查看算法运行过程 (26)3.2.17. 创建算法分组 (27)3.2.18. 删除算法分组 (29)3.2.19. 删除算法 (31)3.3. 无线传感器网络实验管理 (31)3.3.1. 显示系统中已保存的实验 (31)3.3.2. 查看实验 (32)3.3.3. 查看实验网络 (32)3.3.4. 查看实验算法 (33)3.3.5. 运行实验 (33)3.3.6. 创建实验分组 (34)3.3.7. 删除实验分组 (35)3.3.8. 删除实验 (37)无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册1.简介1.1. 背景由于传感器网络及其算法的复杂性,传感器网络中的绝大多数算法的性能无法通过理论分析得到。

传感器信号仿真系统用户手册湖北汽车工业学院汽车工程系2010年05月3日目 录一系统概述 (1)二系统硬件使用说明 (2)2.1系统基本结构概述 (2)2.2系统电源状态指示 (2)2.3系统工作状态指示 (3)2.4RS-232串行通讯接口 (3)2.5MC9S12XDT256最小应用系统 (4)2.6系统外部接口1 (4)2.7系统外部接口2 (4)2.8系统外部接口3 (5)2.9系统外部接口4 (5)2.10系统外部接口5 (6)2.11系统外部接口6 (6)三ABHS软件使用说明 (8)3.1软件安装 (8)3.2用户身份验证及注册 (9)3.3参数设置 (10)3.4在线编程功能 (12)3.5写标定值功能 (13)3.6示波器功能 (23)四HEV调试功能 (25)4.1通讯参数设置 (25)4.2启动检测功能 (26)4.3开关量信号控制 (27)4.4模拟量信号控制 (27)4.5脉冲量信号控制 (28)4.6输入信号检测 (28)4.7CAN网络调试 (29)五发动机硬件在环仿真功能 (30)5.1通讯参数设置 (30)5.2启动检测功能 (31)5.3开关量信号检测 (32)5.4模拟量信号检测 (32)5.5脉冲量信号检测 (21)5.6输入信号检测 (21)5.7发动机类型选择 (214)六CAN+通用调试 (36)6.1通讯参数设置 (36)6.2启动检测功能 (37)6.3开关量信号控制 (38)6.4模拟量信号控制 (38)6.5脉冲量信号控制 (39)6.6开关量输入信号检测 (39)6.7模拟量输入信号检测 (40)6.8脉冲量输入信号检测 (40)6.9CAN总线调试 (41)七系统MAP标定 (42)八系统外部接口定义 (58)8.1HEV调试模块外部接口定义 (58)8.2发动机硬件在环仿真模块外部接口定义 (60)8.3CAN+通用模块外部接口定义 (62)一、系统概述传感器信号仿真系统用于模拟各类型车辆常用传感器信号,一般配合其他目标控制系统使用,是汽车电子技术应用中理想的离线调试工具,尤其适合于复杂控制系统的初步开发、设计应用及控制策略的分析和验证。

XY2型应变传感器模拟器使用说明书(1.03版)第一章技术参数目录第一章技术参数 (1)1.1 型号 (1)1.2 技术指标 (1)1.3 仪表外型 (2)第二章工作原理 (5)第三章使用操作方法 (7)3.1 仪器的功能 (7)3.2 接线方法 (8)3.3 键盘 (10)3.4 键功能说明 (11)3.5 模拟器的操作 (12)3.5.1 按步长逐级输出 (12)3.5.2 按输入值输出信号 (12)3.5.3 按设定范围逐级输出信号 (13)3.5.4 由上位机控制模拟器的输出 (14)3.5.5 改变激励电压范围 (15)3.5.6 设置工作参数 (15)3.5.7 测量温度 (17)3.5.8 编程功能 (18)3.5.9 运行用户程序 (19)第四章设置与校准 (20)4.1 零点校准 (20)4.2 满程校准 (21)4.3 线性校准(考虑是否保留) (22)4.4 温度特性和电压影响校准 (24)4.5 激励电压校准 (26)4.6 外接直流电源电压校准 (28)目录4.8 设置通讯功能 (29)4.9 调整对比度 (31)4.10 检查参数 (31)4.10.1 外接电源状态 (32)4.10.2 零点DA码 (32)4.10.3 满量程DA码 (32)4.10.4 零点温度影响 (33)4.10.5 满量程温度影响 (33)4.10.6 激励电压影响 (33)4.10.7 激励电压计量参数 (34)4.10.8 共模电压计量参数 (34)4.10.9 非线性修正值 (34)第五章编制用户程序 (35)5.1 XY2的用户程序指令系统 (35)5.2 键盘编程方法 (37)5.3 计算机编程 (39)5.4 计算机编程语法 (45)5.5 程序实例 (45)第六章错误提示信息 (59)第七章使用注意事项 (60)第八章常见故障的排除............................. 0亲爱的用户:在使用仪表前,敬请认真阅读使用说明书。

MetriPerception软件使用说明书挚感(苏州)光子科技有限公司 OmniSensing(Suzhou) Photonics Technology Co., Ltd目录1.背景介绍 (4)2.软件说明 (5)2.1说明 (5)2.2 操作过程说明 (5)2.3软件使用环境说明 (5)2.4软件使用界面介绍 (6)2.5常用操作程序 (10)3.软件操作 (12)3.1准备阶段 (12)3.1.1初始化 (13)3.1.2设备自检 (14)3.1.3信号自动调整 (14)3.1.4传感器温度读取 (15)3.2测试阶段:瞬时位移测量和振动测量 (16)3.2.1 准备测量 (16)3.2.2 保存/加载数据 (19)3.2.3 测量数据显示和屏幕分析 (20)1.背景介绍挚感光子研发的精测型激光同轴传感器(见图1)是基于集成光学芯片技术和独有的FMCW信号调制/解调原理,同时采用光学相干的检测方案。
2.软件说明2.1说明本界面程序配合挚感(Mx-G 通用型(PN:Mx01501U1新界面程序来适应于其他产2.2 操作过程说明Mx 系列激光同轴传感器的MetriPerception 用户软进行自检,自检大约2-3何强反光物体。
传感器在未程中,传感器指示灯将转自检结束后,传感器测物体必须在产品定义的测测量精度范围内,传感器指体定位准确,使得传感器处2.3软件使用环境说明Mx 系列激光同轴传感器硬盘启动,硬盘已包含所有挚感(苏州)光子科技有限公司研发生产的激光501U1),Mx-H 增强型(PN:Mx10001U1)。
程序支持的产品系列以本说明书为准传感器通过USB 可方便的连接到用户的上位机用户软件,即可与传感器连接。

【关键词】Proteus仿真技术, 传感器教学, 应用案例分析, 优势, 操作步骤, 实验效果评价, 应用效果分析, 研究方向, 总结1. 引言1.1 背景介绍传感器技术作为现代科技领域的重要组成部分,在控制工程、电子信息等领域发挥着关键作用。
1.2 研究意义二千字研究意义内容输出:传感器在现代科技领域中扮演着至关重要的角色,它们能够感知并获取各种环境信息,为智能系统的运行提供基础数据支持。
THSRZ-2型 仿真软件使用说明书分析

目录THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件 (2)实验一属箔式应变片――单臂电桥性能实验。
(3)实验二金属箔式应变片――半桥性能实验 (5)实验三金属箔式应变片――全桥性能实验 (6)实验四直流全桥的应用――电子秤实验 (7)实验五交流全桥的应用――振动测量实验 (8)实验六扩散硅压阻压力传感器差压测量实验 (10)实验七差动变压器的性能实验 (11)实验八动变压器零点残余电压补偿实验 (12)实验九励频率对差动变压器特性的影响实验 (14)实验十差动变压器的应用――振动测量实验 (15)实验十一电容式传感器的位移特性实验 (17)实验十二容传感器动态特性实验 (18)实验十三直流激励时霍尔式传感器的位移特性实验 (19)实验十四流激励时霍尔式传感器的位移特性实验 (20)实验十五霍尔测速实验 (21)实验十六霍尔式传感器振动测量实验 (22)实验十七磁电式转速传感器的测速实验 (24)实验十八压电式传感器振动实验 (26)实验十九电涡流传感器的位移特性实验 (27)实验二十被测体材质、面积大小对电涡流传感器的特性影响实验 (28)实验二十一电涡流传感器测量振动实验 (31)实验二十二光纤传感器的位移特性实验 (32)实验二十三光纤传感器的测速实验 (33)实验二十四光纤传感器测量振动实验 (34)实验二十五光电转速传感器的转速测量实验 (36)实验二十六PT100温度控制实验 (37)实验二十七集成温度传感器的温度特性实验 (38)实验二十八铂电阻温度特性实验 (39)实验二十九热电偶测温实验 (40)实验三十E型热电偶测温实验 (41)实验三十一热电偶冷端温度补偿实验 (42)实验三十二气敏传感器实验 (43)实验三十三湿敏传感器实验 (44)实验三十四转速控制实验 (46)THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件一、概述本仿真软件主要是针对THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置配套的上位机软件而开发的,与“物理”、“传感器技术”、“工业自动化控制”、“非电测量技术与应用”、“工程检测技术与应用”等课程的教学实验配套使用,提供了真正实验前的模拟实验。

5.0 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................... 9
3.0 Ranger 7 Simulator Operation ........................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Standard Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1.1 Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1.2 Toggle Switch Load Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1.3 EXC LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1.4 To Simulate a Larger Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件使用说明书THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件 (2)实验一属箔式应变片――单臂电桥性能实验。
(3)实验二金属箔式应变片――半桥性能实验 (5)实验三金属箔式应变片――全桥性能实验 (6)实验四直流全桥的应用――电子秤实验 (7)实验五交流全桥的应用――振动测量实验 (8)实验六扩散硅压阻压力传感器差压测量实验 (10)实验七差动变压器的性能实验 (11)实验八动变压器零点残余电压补偿实验 (11)实验九励频率对差动变压器特性的影响实验 (13)实验十差动变压器的应用――振动测量实验 (14)实验十一电容式传感器的位移特性实验 (15)实验十二容传感器动态特性实验 (16)实验十三直流激励时霍尔式传感器的位移特性实验 (17)实验十四流激励时霍尔式传感器的位移特性实验 (18)实验十五霍尔测速实验 (19)实验十六霍尔式传感器振动测量实验 (20)实验十七磁电式转速传感器的测速实验 (22)实验十八压电式传感器振动实验 (24)实验十九电涡流传感器的位移特性实验 (24)实验二十被测体材质、面积大小对电涡流传感器的特性影响实验 (26)实验二十一电涡流传感器测量振动实验 (28)实验二十二光纤传感器的位移特性实验 (29)实验二十三光纤传感器的测速实验 (30)实验二十四光纤传感器测量振动实验 (32)实验二十五光电转速传感器的转速测量实验 (34)实验二十六 PT100温度控制实验 (34)实验二十七集成温度传感器的温度特性实验 (36)实验二十八铂电阻温度特性实验 (36)实验二十九热电偶测温实验 (38)实验三十 E型热电偶测温实验 (38)实验三十一热电偶冷端温度补偿实验 (39)实验三十二气敏传感器实验 (40)实验三十三湿敏传感器实验 (41)实验三十四转速控制实验 (43)THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件一、概述本仿真软件主要是针对THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置配套的上位机软件而开发的,与“物理”、“传感器技术”、“工业自动化控制”、“非电测量技术与应用”、“工程检测技术与应用”等课程的教学实验配套使用,提供了真正实验前的模拟实验。
仿真软件的使用说明 ewb5 12

元器件参数设置:选定该元件,从右键弹出菜单中选Component Properties 可以设定元器件的标签(Label)、编号(Reference ID)、数值(Value)和模型参数(Model)、故障(Fault)等特性。
说明:①元器件各种特性参数的设置可通过双击元器件弹出的对话框进行;②编号(Reference ID)通常由系统自动分配,必要时可以修改,但必须保证编号的唯一性;③故障(Fault)选项可供人为设置元器件的隐含故障,包括开路(Open)、短路(Short)、漏电(Leakage)、无故障(None)等设置。
删除和改动:选定该导线,单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单中选delete 。
(3)电路图选项的设置Circuit/Schematic Option对话框可设置标识、编号、数值、模型参数、节点号等的显示方式及有关栅格(Grid)、显示字体(Fonts)的设置,该设置对整个电路图的显示方式有效。

无线传感器网络仿真软件用户手册2014年 12月 1日目录1. 简介 (1)1.1. 背景 (1)1.2. 软件运转环境 (1)1.3. 使用处景 (2)1.4. 试用版使用限制 (2)2. 安装 (2)2.1. 双击安装程序 (2)2.2. 安装导游 (3)2.3. 选择安装目录 (3)2.4. 选择能否成立开始菜单和创立快捷方式 (4)2.5. 安装 (4)2.6. 安装达成 (5)2.7. Atos-SensorSim 快捷方式 (5)2.8. 安装目录中的文件夹 (7)2.9. Atos-SensorSim 主界面 (7)3. Atos-SensorSim 使用 (8)3.1. 网络管理 (8)3.1.1. 生成网络 (8)3.1.2. 查察生成网络的拓扑 (8)3.1.3. 改正生成网络的节点默认通讯半径 (9)3.1.4. 显示网络节点属性 (9)3.1.5. 改正网络节点属性 (10)3.1.6. 增添网络节点 (10)3.1.7. 删除网络节点 (11)3.1.8. 网络显示缩放 (12)3.1.9. 保留生成的网络 (12)3.1.10. 翻开保留的网络文件 (13)3.1.11. 创立网络文件分组 (13)3.1.12. 删除网络文件分组 (15)3.1.13. 删除网络文件 (16)3.2. 无线传感器网络算法管理 (18)3.2.1. 显示系统目前导入的算法 (18)3.2.2. 开始算法演示 (18)3.2.3. 停止算法演示 (19)3.2.4. 显示算法运转的节点散布 (20)3.2.5. 显示算法的网络链接信息 (20)3.2.6. 显示算法的网络链路质量信息 (21)3.2.7. 显示算法运转过程中经过的路线 (21)3.2.8. 显示算法的查问结果信息 (22)3.2.9. 调理算法演示的运转速度 (22)3.2.11.查察算法运转参数 (24)3.2.12.查察算法运转过程中发生的事件 (24)3.2.13.查察算法运转过程中发惹祸件的数据通讯量 (25)3.2.14.查察算法运转过程中发惹祸件的能量耗费 (25)3.2.15.查察算法运转过程中的总能量耗费 (26)3.2.16.迅速查察算法运转过程 (26)3.2.17.创立算法分组 (27)3.2.18.删除算法分组 (29)3.2.19.删除算法 (31)3.3.无线传感器网络实验管理 (31)3.3.1.显示系统中已保留的实验 (31)3.3.2.查察实验 (32)3.3.3.查察实验网络 (32)3.3.4.查察实验算法 (33)3.3.5.运转实验 (33)3.3.6.创立实验分组 (34)3.3.7.删除实验分组 (35)3.3.8.删除实验 (37)1.简介1.1. 背景因为传感器网络及其算法的复杂性,传感器网络中的绝大部分算法的性能没法经过理论剖析获得。

10、在流程 图控制模块 中选择条件 判断模块, 双击后设置 轨迹变量==1 (让机器人 检测左边轨 迹探头是否 有信号)。
11、选择输 出模块中高 速电机模块, 双击后设置 左、右电机 速度分别为0、 10。(让机 器人检测到 左边探头有 信号后靠左 边行走)。
12、选择流程 控制模块中条 件判断模块 (添加在左侧 探头没有信号 即否一边), 双击后设置轨 迹变量==2(在 左边探头没有 信号时,让机 器人检测右边 探头是否有信 号)。
2、在数字 传感器模块 中选择声音 传感器(让 机器人能听 到周围的掌 声)。
3、在流程 图控制模块 中选择条件 判断,双击 条件判断设 置声音变量 ==1(使机 器人判断有 没有掌声, 声音变量为 1代表有声 音,为0代 表没有声 音)。
4、当机器人 听到声音后 (即条件判 断成立): ①机器人 左转30度面 对观众,选 择输出模块 中转向模块 (设置转动 速度为-10、 转向角度为 30)。
②在添加弹 出对话框中, 选择色带, 再选择圆环, 同样单击添 加后在仿真 演示区点住 鼠标左键拖 动,然后松 开手即可。
③在添加弹 出对话框中, 选择传感源, 再选择声源, 单击添加后 在仿真演示 区点住鼠标 左键拖动, 然后松开手 即可(添加 两个)。
2、在工具栏 中选择仿真, 单击,将机 器人托到仿 真演示区后, 单击鼠标左 键,此时机 器人就开始 运行程序, 在仿真环境 演示。
4、当机器人听到 声音后(即条件判断 成立): ② 单击工具栏中新 建子程序,在子程序 名中写下music,确 定后,进行对机器人 演唱的歌曲编辑(子 程序通常是在一个程 序中多次使用某个相 同的小程序时,为了 简化程序而设立的)。
4、当机器人听到声 音后(即条件判断成 立): ③ 选择输出模块 中音乐模块,双击后 编辑预先给机器人备 好的歌曲。(音乐编 辑:节拍选择框中的 选项为复选项,它可 以同时选择多项,其 节拍所得值为选中节 拍之和,其他选项都 为单项)。

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■将相机、照明、处理器小型化、一体化 ■即使是光泽面、金属面,也能立即获得清晰明亮的图像 ■可在设定控制台“触摸式操作器”上简单操作 ■即使要增加检查点,也可简单增设,并最多可连接8套传感器
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一、系统概述 (4)1、配套实验仪器: (4)2、微机: (4)3、主要功能: (4)4、操作系统平台和开发语言: (5)二、软件安装与删除 (6)1、安装 (6)2、删除 (11)三、软件使用说明: (13)1、窗口说明: (13)2、实验操作: (24)3、图形拉伸放大功能: (31)4、软件标定: (32)一、系统概述1、配套实验仪器:与本软件配套使用的是实验仪是浙江高联科技开发有限公司生产的传感器实验仪。

传感器3D虚拟仿真软件使用说明书12020年4月19日TianhuangTeaching Apparatus天煌教仪版本号:V1.0传感器及应用系列传感器3D虚拟仿真软件使用说明书天煌教仪浙江天煌科技实业有限公司CONTENTS 目录1.系统配置(推荐) (3)1.1 硬件运行环境 (3)1.2 软件运行环境 (3)2.系统构成 (3)2.1系统框架 (3)2.2系统简介 (4)3.使用操作 (4)3.1软件启动 (4)3.2传感32020年4月19日器 (5)3.2.1湿敏传感器主界面 (5)3.2.2产品说明界面 (6)3.2.3零件展示界面 (7)3.2.4装配演示界面 (8)3.2.5原理展示界面 (9)42020年4月19日5 2020年4月19日 使用说明书1.系统配置(推荐)1.1 硬件运行环境机型:PC 及兼容机;CPU 类型:Intel 酷睿双核 以上;RAM(内存)大小:1G 以上;HD(硬盘)空间:剩余空间 1G 以上;光盘驱动器:16 倍速以上;推荐显示分辨率与色彩:1280×1024 16 位色以上;独立显卡:512M 以上显存。
1.2 软件运行环境Windows XP 、Windows Vista 、Windows 7 .如有不清楚的地方请直接发E-mail 至或拨打电话 2.系统构成2.1 系统框架《传感器3D 虚拟仿真》软件系统框架如图2-1所示。
6 2020年4月19日图2-1 《传感器3D 虚拟仿真》软件系统框架结构2.2系统简介本系统采用全3D虚拟仿真技术,界面生动美观、易学易用,以此提高老师教学和学生学习的趣味性,加深学生对知识的理解和运用。

Accurate Timing in Sensor Network Simulation Muhammad Hamad Alizai, Olaf Landsiedel, Klaus WehrleDistributed Systems GroupRWTH Aachen{hamad.alizai, ndsiedel, klaus.wehrle}@rwth-aachen.deABSTRACTAccuracy, speed and scalability are the basic requirements of sensor network simulation. To comprehend the accurate behavior of resource constrained embedded systems such as sensor nodes it is important in simulations to model the time-dependent behavior of the system. In this paper we present our extensions of TOSSIM [2] – a widely used event-driven simulation environment for sensor networks – to enable its simulation models to capture the time-accurate behavior of sensor networks by exhibiting timing and interrupt properties of the platform dependent source-code. By mapping the device specific code with the simulation model, we can derive the timing of functional code blocks. As result of such a mapping it is possible to determine the time when a certain code block gets executed and the time the execution takes, eliminating the need of expensive cycle-accurate instruction level simulators with limited speed and restricted scalability.1.INTRODUCTIONSimulation indisputably remains one of the most important tools for analyzing, evaluating and validating system design. The importance of simulation is further aggravated for systems having an embedded nature, high deployment costs, or possessing unobservable fast interactions yet important to validate the system design. Sensor Networks with their distributed behavior, strenuous deployment requirements, constrained resources, and invisible and unpredictable interaction between the sensor nodes poses additional demands on their simulation.In the past few years a great deal of effort has been invested in the design and development of simulators for sensor networks to embrace the special requirements imposed by the highly distributed and dynamic nature of sensor networks. Unfortunately all these efforts have made compromises over different attributes of the simulation, for example, accuracy has been compromised over scalability and vice versa. SWAN [4], SensorSim [5], and SENS [6] are examples of sensor network simulators which compromise scalability over accuracy by using nonfigurative models of the sensor nodes. Such simulation models only contribute to quantify network delays, throughputs, packet collisions, power usage and the effect of several power management schemes [3]. However, these models do not reveal the timing and interrupt properties of applications, the operating systems, and hardware components.ATEMU [7] and Avrora [3] on the other hand are cycle-accurate instruction level simulators for sensor networks with the most expressive simulation models. Nevertheless, they compromise the scalability and performance/speed. ATEMU is 30 times slower than TOSSIM [3], and its poor performance limits its scalability to 120 nodes. Avrora shows better performance measures than ATEMU with reasonably good speed for small number of sensor network nodes but it is still 50% slower than TOSSIM. The performance measures of Avrora have been calculated on a 16 processor machine, not easily accessible to normal end-users and developers. Avrora exhibits typical performance bottlenecks of instruction level simulators when run on customary end-user machines, especially, when several avrora-monitors are enabled for detailed analysis of the sensor network behavior.Our goal is to provide time accurate simulation for sensor networks at the basic-block granularity (i.e. sequence of instructions with a single entry point, single exit point, and no internal branches) of the source code without compromising the speed and scalability, and hence eliminating the need to use expensive instruction level simulators. We extend TOSSIM to exhibit the timing and interrupt properties of sensor network code without destroying its performance and scalability advantages. 2.TOSSIMTOSSIM is an extremely fast sensor network simulator scalable to thousands of sensor network nodes. It compiles directly from the TinyOS source code into the simulation environment by adding an alternative compilation target. The fact that it compiles directly from the platform dependent source-code makes it more expressive than SensorSim, SWAN, and SENS. TOSSIM only requires to model the low level components responsible for hardware interaction such as low level access to timers, communication channels, sensors, and the radio. These low level components expose the real hardware and are placed at the Hardware Presentation Layer (HPL) of the TinyOS-2.0’s platform abstraction model [8]. TOSSIM also benefits from the event-based, component oriented programming model of TinyOS by translating the asynchronous-events and hardware interrupts into discrete simulator events which drive the simulation.TOSSIM’s level of detail was sufficient to measure packet losses, packet CRC failure rates, and the length of the send queue for up to 8,192 nodes [3]. However, TOSSIM’s compilation steps lose the fine-grained timing and interrupt properties of the code that are extremely important for a time-accurate simulation [3].We address these problems by exploiting the fact that TinyOS runs the same code (except the small platform dependent HPL layer) in simulation and on the sensor network hardware. This feature of TOSSIM enables to create a mapping between the platform dependent binary and the simulation code. We use Mica-2 as our target platform. Our method is to (1) analyze the platform dependent assembly program and compute the cycle count corresponding to each basic-block; (2) assign a priority number to every simulator event to enable TOSSIM to model the interruptand preemption behavior of the real hardware; (3) extend the C-source code generated by TOSSIM to (a) increment the simulation clock at the start of every source-code line by the cycle count information obtained in the first step, hence, enabling the TOSSIM to exhibit the timing properties of the code. (b) Re-schedule the TOSSIM event queue at the start of every basic-block on the basis of new timing information obtained, and also on basis of the assigned interrupt priority of each event in the simulation queue to model the masking and preemption properties of the hardware interrupts in the simulation infrastructure.Our approach is different from CPU-profiling approach in PowerTOSSIM[1] – an extension of TOSSIM for simulating the power consumption of sensor networks, which does offline processing to obtain the cycle counts for CPU power profiling. We, on the other hand embed TOSSIM with the information obtained from the assembly of Mica-2 motes to perform online adjustments in the simulation clock and event queue.3.TIME ACCURATE SIMULATIONThis section describes the details of the time accuracy related problems in TOSSIM and our approach to address these problems.3.1Timing DiscrepancyTOSSIM captures the TinyOS event-driven concurrency model at interrupt and task granularity [9], and it has a single queue both for the tasks and the events. The simulation is triggered by the events and the tasks in the TOSSIM event-queue which is sorted in the increasing time order. TOSSIM adjusts its simulation clock at the start of the execution of every event by assigning the time stamp of the recently popped event from the queue to the simulation clock. Events and tasks take zero execution time in TOSSIM as the simulation clock remains unadjusted during the course of execution; hence, TOSSIM loses the fine-grained time accuracy of the code. This imperfection of TOSSIM introduces even more problems, for example, TOSSIM is unable to differentiate between a task requiring a large number clock cycles to transmit several bytes over the radio from a task requiring few clock cycles just to blink an LED attached to the microcontroller pin or to report a timer fire.The execution time of an event or task may also affect the timing of next events or tasks in the queue as shown in Figure-1. For example, if TOSSIM is currently executing an event associated with high priority interrupt and there is an immediately scheduled task or event representing a low priority interrupt, then its execution time should be delayed – timestamp should be readjusted, at least until the execution of current event is finished. TOSSIM, because of its imperfection to track the system time during execution of an event, is unable to capture this priority based interrupt behavior of the hardware which masks the less priority interrupt or delays the execution of tasks while handling a high priority interrupt. Similarly, in TOSSIM the simulator events run atomically one after another, therefore, unlike on real hardware, interrupts cannot preempt one another [9]. On the other hand, long tasks – tasks requiring several clock cycles to execute, delay the execution of other tasks and can be preempted by events, but TOSSIM is unable to model such behaviors as show inFigure-2.3.2Our SolutionOur approach to solve this timing discrepancy involves three steps.3.2.1Basic-block MappingWe address the timing discrepancy of TOSSIM by enabling it to exhibit the timing properties of the code at the basic-block granularity. We achieve this by creating a mapping between the TOSSIM’s C-source code and the assembly of platform dependent code (Mica-2 in our case). Our mapping technique is similar to PowerTOSSIM.TinyOS uses the NesC compiler to compile the TinyOS component graph to a single C-source file, which in effect is then compiled into the binary for the specified target platform through appropriate C-compiler (i.e. gcc for TOSSIM and avr-gcc for Mica-2). We use the avr-objdump utility with appropriate options to obtain the assembly of Mica-2 platform which also contains a mapping of the assembly instructions to the original nesC source-code. We parse this assembly file to obtain the cycle counts corresponding to the basic-blocks of the source-code. On the other hand, we use the C-source file generated by the nesC compiler for the TOSSIM platform. The C-source file of TOSSIM also provides the mapping between C-source code and the original nesC source code, thus, enabling the mapping between the platform dependent assembly and the TOSSIM’s C-source file. Figure 1. TinyOS event handling and execution flowFigure 2. TOSSIM execution flowFigure 3. Block Diagram: Extending TOSSIM to capture time-accurate behavior of the systemWe parse the C-source file of TOSSIM using ANTLR’s [10] GNU-C grammar to perform source-to-source transformation. Our transformation includes (1) extending the C-source file by adding functions that increment the simulation clock and perform online adjustments in the TOSSIM Queue; (2) adding a call to these functions at the start of every basic-block. These transformations enable TOSSIM to exhibit the timing properties of application at the basic-block granularity. The whole process of extending the TOSSIM is shown in Figure- Rescheduling the TOSSIM Event QueueBy extending TOSSIM to incorporate the timing properties of the system at basic-block granularity also enables us to reschedule the TOSSIM queue and intensify TOSSIM even further to exhibit the interrupt properties of the hardware. We do this by rescheduling every event and task in the TOSSIM queue (hereinafter referred to as target event) whose time-stamp is less than the simulation clock time. Additionally, we assign interrupt priority numbers to every event in the TOSSIM Queue. Tasks are assigned zero interrupt priority. Rescheduling the event queue introduces two possibilities; (1) either the target event in the event-queue has an interrupt priority less than or equal to the current event or task being executed. In this case we increment the time-stamp of the target event by the amount of time needed to execute the current basic-block; (2) or the target event represents a high priority interrupt. In this case we interleave the execution of the current event or task (i.e. at the start of the basic-block) and start the execution of the target event in the queue with high priority.3.2.3 Hardware Component ProfilingThe NesC compiler, when compiling for TOSSIM, replaces the components at the HPL of platform abstraction architecture with their corresponding reimplementation for TOSSIM. Our transformations work very well when the TOSSIM is executing the platform independent part of the application code (i.e .common for TOSSIM and Mica-2 platform), and we achieve 100% basic-block mapping. But this basic-block mapping fails and we loose our granularity once the TOSSIM enters theexecution of its own reimplementation of hardware relatedcomponents. We address this problem by profiling the hardware related components. We observed that the behavior of these low level components, that expose the hardware, is static. For example, it always takes the same amount of cycles to turn an LED On or Off. It is also possible to do some manual mapping between the components that share the same algorithmic properties and execution flow but their execution time is not static. For example, TOSSIM has its own scheduler but its execution flow is analogous to the TinyOS Scheduler, nonetheless, execution time of the scheduler is not static because it performs some context switching as well as processes long queues of tasks. We do manual mapping between the TinyOS scheduler and the TOSSIM Scheduler to maintain the same basic-block granularity and timing resolutions that we desire to achieve.4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKIn this paper we discussed the importance of timing properties of the source code in simulations. We showcased a distinct technique and demonstrated how time-accurate simulation can be achieved using this approach as described in section-3.2. It enables to model the time-accurate behavior of the system at the basic-block granularity without using the non scalable and low performance instruction level simulators.We are still in the active development phase of our work. Intense evaluation is yet to be performed, though the initial results are very promising. We achieve a beyond 99% time accuracy with basic prototype applications like Blink and TestScheduler. We plan to rectify TOSSIM’s hardware models including timers and radio to model the original hardware accurately. TOSSIM is also unable to model the behavior of atomic statements – block of statement that run uninterrupted. Access to the application code at the basic-block level can also help in accurately modeling the atomic statement blocks in the code.5.REFERENCES[1]Victor Schnayder, Mark Hampstead, Bor-rong Chen, GeoffWerner Allen, and Matt Welsh. Simulating the powerconsumption of large-scale sensor network applications. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference onEmbedded networked sensor systems (SenSys) 2003, Nov.2003.[2]P. Levis, N. Lee, M. Welsh, and D. Culler.TOSSIM:Accurate and scalable simulation of entire TinyOS applications. In Proceedings of the First ACM Conferenceon Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) 2003,Nov. 2003.[3]Ben Titzer, Daniel Lee, and Jens Palsberg. Avrora: ScalableSensor Network Simulation with Precise Timing. InProceedings of IPSN'05, Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Los Angeles,2005.[4]J. Liu, D. Nicol, F. Perrone, M. Liljenstam, C. Elliot, and D.Pearson. 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THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件使用说明书THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件 (2)实验一属箔式应变片――单臂电桥性能实验。
(3)实验二金属箔式应变片――半桥性能实验 (5)实验三金属箔式应变片――全桥性能实验 (6)实验四直流全桥的应用――电子秤实验 (7)实验五交流全桥的应用――振动测量实验 (8)实验六扩散硅压阻压力传感器差压测量实验 (10)实验七差动变压器的性能实验 (11)实验八动变压器零点残余电压补偿实验 (11)实验九励频率对差动变压器特性的影响实验 (13)实验十差动变压器的应用――振动测量实验 (14)实验十一电容式传感器的位移特性实验 (15)实验十二容传感器动态特性实验 (16)实验十三直流激励时霍尔式传感器的位移特性实验 (17)实验十四流激励时霍尔式传感器的位移特性实验 (18)实验十五霍尔测速实验 (19)实验十六霍尔式传感器振动测量实验 (20)实验十七磁电式转速传感器的测速实验 (22)实验十八压电式传感器振动实验 (24)实验十九电涡流传感器的位移特性实验 (24)实验二十被测体材质、面积大小对电涡流传感器的特性影响实验 (26)实验二十一电涡流传感器测量振动实验 (28)实验二十二光纤传感器的位移特性实验 (29)实验二十三光纤传感器的测速实验 (30)实验二十四光纤传感器测量振动实验 (32)实验二十五光电转速传感器的转速测量实验 (34)实验二十六 PT100温度控制实验 (34)实验二十七集成温度传感器的温度特性实验 (36)实验二十八铂电阻温度特性实验 (36)实验二十九热电偶测温实验 (38)实验三十 E型热电偶测温实验 (38)实验三十一热电偶冷端温度补偿实验 (39)实验三十二气敏传感器实验 (40)实验三十三湿敏传感器实验 (41)实验三十四转速控制实验 (43)THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置仿真软件一、概述本仿真软件主要是针对THSRZ-2型传感器系统综合实验装置配套的上位机软件而开发的,与“物理”、“传感器技术”、“工业自动化控制”、“非电测量技术与应用”、“工程检测技术与应用”等课程的教学实验配套使用,提供了真正实验前的模拟实验。
(4)按顺序调节Rw2、 Rw3,将红色基准点调回原点位置(5)连接+5V电源线,调节Rw1,即再次调零。