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1. Overseas co-ops to get boost (co-ops=co-operation) The Auckland Star, Jan.18, 1992 2. Dow rises as techs selling hits NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) (techs=technology shares) The Wall Street Journal, Sept.8, 2001 3. EEC Warns Nuke Arms Spread (Nuke=Nuclear) The Montreal Star, Jan.9, 1992 4. Fed expected to make a half-point cut in rates (Fed=the Federal Reserve) The Financial Times, Oct. 2, 2001 为了节省篇幅,这种节缩词不仅在标题中使用,而且还出现Fra Baidu bibliotek 新闻报道中.这类词有时很难在词典中查到.现再将一些常 见报端的这类节缩词分类举出,供查考:
SALT=strategic arms limitation talks (限制战略武器会谈) SDI=strategic defense initiative(战略防御措施) TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language([为外国学生设置的英语水平考试] 托福) E.g. 1 World Shocked as Top Soccer Star Gets AIDS (AIDS=acquired immunity deficiency syndrome获得性免疫缺乏 综合症,既“艾滋病”) The Toronto Star, Nov. 25, 1991 2. PC, fax sales expected to soar (pc=personal computer) The Asian Wall Street Journal, Jan. 10, 1992 3)表示人们职业或职务的名称。如: DJ=disk jockey (音乐节目主持人) DINKS=double income, no kids(双收入、无子女的夫妻/丁克族) MP=member of parliament (议员) TP=traffic policeman (交通警察)
1. Use acronyms (initials) as many as possible: 大量使用首 字母缩略词。主要分为三类: 1)组织机关等专有名词的简称。如: EEC=European Economic Community UNESCO=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization CPPCC=Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference NPC = National People’s Congress Two sessions 1. IMF to recruit new members (IMF=International Monetary Fund) The Financial Times, Feb. 2,1992 2. EU, China closer to deal on Beijing’s WTO entry (EU=the European Union; WTO=the World Trade Organization)
流感 冰箱 侦探 罪犯 全国的 民族主义(者)的 直升机机场 汽车旅馆 国际的 部门 商业的;(电视)广告 委员会 评论家;批评家 英联邦
5)不规则裁剪词: bike—bicycle 自行车 mike—microphone 话筒 pram—perambulator 婴儿车;童车 co-ed—woman student at a college(男女同校的) 女学生 Aussie—Australian 澳大利亚的 bookie—bookmaker 编者 hanky—hankerchief 手帕 telly—television 电视
Eg. 1. Aussie PM sacks ‘gentle’ treasurer (PM=Australian Prime Minister) The Australian Financial Review, Dec. 2, 1991
2. Rally calls for more black MPS (MPS=members of parliament) The Vancouver Sun, Feb.2, 1992 值得注意的是,标题中出现的缩写词,不外乎为一般读者所熟悉的或颇感陌 生的;不论是常见的还是陌生的,它的全称一般均能在消息正文的第 一段即导语中找到,读者只需将标题中的缩写词与导语中的具体内容 加以对照,意思就会明白的.例如: Eg. 1. US refuses ME talks date change WASHIONTON-The US administration on Thursday turned down Arab requests for setting a new starting time for the Middle East peace talks. The Guardian, Dec. 6, 1991 初看这条标题无法理解的意思,对照导语,问题便迎忍而解了 Eg. 2. Alumnus Donates $1Million to SMU A Chinese-American doctor donated $ 1 million to the Shanghai Medical University as a special gift to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of his Alma Mater. The Shanghai Students’ Post, Oct.13, 1987 将标题中的SMU与导语中的全称一对照,不难琢磨出该标题的大意:上海医大 校友向母校捐赠 100万美元. alumni pl. alumna(pl.alumnae) alma mater 母校
代表 俄罗斯 秘书 地铁/潜水艇 保卫;捍卫 有经验的;高年资的 大学
大提琴 降落伞 浣熊 直升飞机 推土机 鳄鱼 地震 假发
3)截去头尾,保留中间: flu—influenza fridge/freezer—refrigerator tec—detective vic—convict 4)截去中间,保留首尾: nat’l—national nat—nationalist heliport—helicopter airport motel—motor hotel int’l--international dept—department com’l—commercial c’tee—committee cric—critic C’wealth—Commonwealth

1)留头去尾: ad—advertisement auto—automobile bach—bachelor biz—business celeb—celebrity champ—champion con—convict deli—delicatessen divi—dividend disco—discotheque doc—doctor dorm—dormitory exam—examination expo—exposition
rep—representative Russ—Russia sec—secretary sub—subway/submarine van—vanguard vet—veteran uni—university 2)截头留尾: cello—violoncello chute—parachute coon—racoon copter—helicopter dozer—bulldozer gator—alligator quake—earthquake wig—periwig
More acronyms indicating names of organizations: APEC=Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation() ASEAN=Association of Southeast Asian Nations CIA=Central Intelligence Agency 2)常见事物的名称。 ABM=anti-ballistic missile (反弹道导弹) DJI=Dow-Jones Index (道.琼斯指数) EST=Eastern Standard Time (美国东部标准时间) GMT=Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治标准时间) IBM=International Ballistic Missiles(洲际弹道导弹) IELTS=International English Language Testing System(赴英 联邦国家英语水平测试/雅思) PR=Public relations (公共关系)
3。Use abbreviations / shortened words as many as possible:大量使用节缩词,即通过 “截头去尾”的方法将一些常用的名词、形容词 等截短或缩短,以便节省标题的字数。如: graduate-grad; hospital-hosp; billion-bn; percent-pc; cigarette-cig 等. 由于这类词常用, 所以虽经节缩(clipping or shortening)读者仍能一望便知原来的拼写:
广告 汽车 学士;单身男子 商业 名人,名流 冠军 罪犯 熟食店 红利 迪斯科舞(曲) 医生 宿舍 检查;考试 博览会
frat—fraternity 友爱;博爱 gas—gasoline 汽油 gym—gymnasium 体育馆;健身房 homo—homosexual 同性恋(的) Japs—Japanese 日本人 lab—laboratory 实验室 lav—lavatory 厕所 lib—liberation 解放 mag—magazine 杂志 memo—memorandum 备忘录 mod—modern 现代(的) pic—picture 图片;照片;电影 pix—pictures 电影 pro—professional 专业的;职业的 rail—railway 铁路