
1.don't just sit around.do sth.一看说这样话的就知到是管事的。sit around 闲坐着just sit tight.(留在原处,不动)i'll be back at five minutes.
2.mom,can Bill sleep over on saturday?比尔可以在我们家过夜么sleep over留在别人家过夜
3. i didn't mean to snap at you.snap at sb厉声对某人说话,对某人嚷嚷
it's a snap.=piece of cake=as easy as pie=that's no sweat at all
come on !snap out of it !振作一点
4.i got a sixty something.我考了六十几分
in the middle of sth?=are you busy?
5.for a song以极低的价钱
give sb a song and dance废话连篇
6.feel space out 觉得昏昏沉沉,注意力难以集中you didn't hear what i said.you are spaced out.(你有点魂不守舍)
7.why is he always so specical?他为什么总是与众不同?(求爱)男:you know you are so special to me .对别人说时,i can't live without her .she makes me feel so special.他让我觉得很特别
anything special?还有什么值得一提的事情么
8.put sb on the spot置某人与困境you put me on the spot here-i can't answer your question
9.watch your step.注意脚下step this way ,please!请走这边。这句话很有用啊!
10.i don't buy your story.我不信你那一套what's the story on sb?谁谁怎么了/谁谁的发展情况如何
11.美语中be on easy street意思是过舒服日子be out of street生活艰难
12.do your stuff.不要管闲事=mind your own business=go about your business
that's the stuff!这就对了!就是要这么做!that's the stuff!some more good hits like that and we'll beat them hollow(彻底)
13.don't sweat it 别着急、别担心
14.you are so sweet.你真的好温柔体贴(赞美别人的好句子)
15.sweet!太好了!---our team won the race!---sweet!=cool =neat=great=thumb up
16.take sth out on sb(因生气、失望)向某人发泄,在别人身上出气
don't take your frustrations out on me.你别把气出在我身上he took out his anger on the cat.
17.--no pains ,no gains.i should work hard to become a person with ability.
--now you are talking(你这就说对了)
look who is talking(你自己也这样,还说别人)
18.not that!不是那么回事
19.there you go.就这样了(付完钱后店员会说的一句话,表示赞同、赞赏别人也可用)---it's beautiful.i definitely will come back again.---there you go.
20.这句话也很实用,i think you are thinking of someone else.我觉得你是想到别人去了。用于别人认错人
21.(has the)cat got your tongue?你的舌头打结了么?=have you lost your tongue?用于老外半天答不上来你的问题,讥讽他一下!
22.i will fight tooth and nail!fight tooth and nail绝不认输,拼命抵抗
23. that's tough call 这是件难以决定的事
24.it's time we started making tracks我们得走了make tracks赶紧走
25.trip与众不同,别出心裁our photography professor is a trip.被绊倒被动用be/get triped up

主动trip over sth自己拌到某东西i got triped up by extension cord(延长线)=i trip over extension cord
26.turn sb on使谁谁着迷、激动、兴奋
27.who's up?轮到谁了?what's up?1.最近在忙什么=what are you doing2.what's new (in your life)?(与外国人聊天经常碰到的一个句子)
28.you wait!(骑驴看唱本——走着瞧)i'll tell my father when he comes home.
29. i'll walk you out.我带你出去
30.the noise is driving me up the wall.这种噪声快把我逼疯了up the wall=crazy=furious
ann's ideas are off the wall.be off the wall形容奇怪,不寻常或接近疯狂
i'll be climbing the wall until i get the exam results
31.my mouth is watering.我在流口水了(夸奖别人厨艺精湛最合适的话)
32.way to go !(前途无量的意味,郭海藻第一次见宋思明时,宋说前途无量,郭犯嘀咕的那句话应该可以译作way to go)=well done!=good job.hey man,that was a great presentation——way to go!
33.very well,i accept.(好吧,我接受。带点勉强的语气)very well ,if you insist.
34.老美会在自家庭院前办所谓的garage sale(如果在中国,不知道会不会被城管……)就是把家中很少用的到的东西来买。有人会在告示上写White elephant (来自泰国,国王把white elephant赐给他不喜欢的大臣,并规定不能让白象干活,只能让白象白吃白喝,引申为无用而又累赘的东西)sale
35.who's who即《名人录》who's who in the world世界名人录
who wants?谁想呢?谁稀罕?---lisa is such a big mouth and a big nose.i really don't want to work with her.---who wants?
36.take a wild guess.随便猜猜
37.hey!wise up!放聪明点好吗相对don't be stupid/don't be silly礼貌些Hey,grow up!有些主见好不
38.---who's with me?谁支持我?/who's on my side?---i'm with you
39.not a word!=be quite
40.pay overtime付加班费 double time双倍工资
41.get off on the wrong foot指某人一开始就没有给人好印象,一开始就把事情弄糟了i finally go a date with that new girl in class but i sure got off on the wrong foot with her:i had car trouble and got to her place almost two hours late
42.What is it with you?你是怎么了?
43.long shot 机会不大。(好像艾薇儿有一首歌的歌词写到it's a long shot.)
44.what gives=what happened=what's going on=what's this all about.i want to know what gives
45.i'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you我情愿明天就死掉,也不愿长命百岁与你擦肩而过
