

























软件工程课程设计报告( 2015 -- 2016 学年第一学期)课程名称:软件工程课程设计题目:学生宿舍管理系统院系:控制与计算机工程学院班级:组号:组长:组员:指导教师:设计周数:两周小组成绩:日期:2016 年1月8日《软件工程》课程设计任务书一、目的、要求通过软件开发的实践训练,进一步掌握软件工程的方法和技术,提高软件开发的实际能力,培养工程设计能力和综合分析、解决问题的能力。

具体如下:1.学习和实践在分析和设计计算机应用系统所需要的知识,包括面向对象的系统分析与设计,编码和测试方面的知识;2.熟悉自动化的软件开发工具Rational Rose,并将其运用于软件开发的全过程;3.进一步加强和提高软件工程文档的编写能力;4.培养协作能力和团队精神。

二、主要内容1.运用面向对象方法进行校园宿舍管理系统的需求分析与设计;2.建模语言采用UML,以Rational Rose为建模工具,进行系统的静态建模和动态建模;3.利用对象模型自动生成数据模型,自动建立数据库;4.使用hibernate技术以面向对象的方式编程管理数据库,前端使用html+css结合javaScript 进行设计,后台逻辑采用java来实现,整个系统采用了ssh框架来实现,使得各个模块低耦合,分层明确,提高了代码的重用以及二次开发;5.撰写课程设计报告。

三、任务分配四、进度计划序号设计内容名称完成时间备注1 分组及确定题目1个工作日2 初步的需求分析与设计建模, 确定实2个工作日现平台,并搭建环境3 详细的需求分析与设计建模2个工作日进行中期检查4 关键模块的实现与测试3个工作日5 编写课程设计报告1个工作日6 验收检查及评定成绩1个工作日五、设计成果要求1.建立系统分析模型与设计模型;2.初步建立系统原型,实现关键的功能;3.编写课程设计报告。



指导教师:日期:2015 年12 月25 日《软件工程》课程设计成绩评定一、指导教师评语二、成绩学号姓名成绩备注指导教师:日期:2015 年 1 月8 日摘要:学生宿舍管理是学校的一项重要工作,使用计算机技术来管理学生宿舍,不但可以节省时间、人力和资源,更能全面有效地掌握学生的基本情况,及时获取最新的准确资料和信息,加强对来访人员的管理,优化宿舍内部信息的公示,提高报修物品的处理效率,督促学生提高宿舍的卫生质量,重点监控学生缺寝情况,为同学们营造一个良好、舒适、安全的宿舍环境,从而提高生活质量。



《软件工程》课程设计报告题目:酒店管理系统一.1.1 系统介绍 (3)1.2 系统设计目标 (3)1.3 开辟与运行环境 (3)1.4 系统功能 (3)1.5 系统总体功能需求与性能需求 (4)1.6 业务流程分析 (4)1.7 人员分配 (4)2.1 数据字典 (5)2.2 需求规格说明书 (5)a) 登录模块 (5)b) 前台预定模块 (9)c) 前台接待模块 (11)d) 收银模块 (13)1.1 系统介绍酒店管理系统是一套功能强大而又简便实用管理管理软件,其实现功能包括客房预定系统、前台接待系统、前台收银系统、帐务系统、系统、管理者系统`、帐务报表、匡助信息等功能模块,实现了餐饮住宿娱乐企业日常营运全面自动管理,是餐饮住宿娱乐企业进行电脑信息化管理理想选择。

1.2 系统设计目标为酒店设计出一款现代化管理系统,可以完成酒店所有日常工作,包括客房预定、前台接待、账务结算等业务。



1.3 开辟与运行环境采用企业已经拥有硬件环境, windows XP 等 PC 机上安装PowerBuilder 9.0 进行开辟。

在客户端, windows 2000 ,windows XP, Vista, Windows7 等 PC 机上可以直接运行。

1.4 系统功能模块酒店管理系统客房前台前台系客历登录管理报表(图1 模块图)客房预定模块:提供个人预定、团体预定,预定未定处理,预售查询等功能,预定系统可随时查询 30 天以内酒店客房预售一览表,及可售房间数,可查询某间客房预定情况。



















确保软件能够在目标环境 中正常运行
提高软件的可维护性和可 扩展性
保证软件的安全性和稳定 性
自动化部署:通过脚 本和工具实现自动化 部署,减少手动操作 和错误。
版本控制:使用版本 控制系统(如Git) 来跟踪代码的变更和 部署历史。
需求分析:了 解用户需求, 避免后期频繁
团队协作:合 理分工,加强 沟通,避免信
进度控制:合 理规划时间, 避免项目延期
测试与调试: 及时发现并解 决问题,确保
Java:面向对 象,跨平台,
广泛应用于 Web开发、移 动应用等领域
Python:语法 简洁,易于学 习,常用于数 据分析、人工
C++:高效性 能,适用于系 统级开发和游
JavaScript: 前端开发必备, 用于构建交互 式网页和Web
任务:根据软件 工程课程设计要 求,完成一个实 际软件项目的需 求分析、设计、 编码、测试和维
要求:学生需按 照软件工程理论, 采用适当的开发 工具和技术,按 照预定的时间表 完成项目,并撰 写相应的文档和
功能性:满足用户需求和业务目标 性能效率:运行速度快,资源利用率高 可靠性:系统稳定,故障率低 可维护性:易于维护和升级 可扩展性:适应未来发展和变化
原型法:设计初步 的产品原型,让用 户提前体验并提出 建议和意见



●题目一: “教务管理系统之子系统——学院课程安排”●系统简介每个学期期中, 学校教务处向各个学院发出下各学期教学筹划, 涉及课程名称、课程代码、学时、班级类别(本科、专科、成人教诲、研究生)、班号等;学院教学主管人员依照教学任务和规定给出各个课程有关限制(如: 任课教师职称、上课班数、最高和最低周学时数等);任课教师自报本人授课筹划, 经所在教研室协调任可, 将教学筹划上交学院主管教学筹划人员, 批准后上报学校教务处, 最后由教务处给出下个学期全学院教师教学任务书。

●假设上述排课过程所有由人工操作, 现规定为上述过程实现计算机自动解决过程。

●限定条件(1)每位教师主授课程门数不超过2门/学期: 讲师如下职称教师不能承担学院定主课主讲任务。



(4)本系统输入项至少涉及: 教务处布置教学筹划, 学院教师自报授课筹划和学院定关于授课限制条件。

本系统输出项至少涉及: 教务处最后下达全院教师教学任务书和学院各个班级下各学期课程表(可以不含上课地点)。

●题目二: “学校教材定购系统”●系统简介本系统可以细化为两个子系统: 销售系统和采购系统销售系统重要工作过程为: 一方面由教师或学生提交购书单, 经教材发行人员审核是有效购书单后, 开发票、登记并返给教师或学生领书单, 教师或学生可以到书库领书。

采购系统重要工作过程为:若是教材脱销, 则登记缺书, 发缺书单给书库采购人员;一旦新书入库后, 即发进书告知给教材发行人员。


●技术规定和限制条件(1)当书库中各种书籍数量发生变化(涉及进书和出书)时, 都应修改有关书库记录, 如库存表或进/出库表。

(2)在实现上述销售和采购工作过程时, 需考虑关于合法性验证。

系统外部项至少涉及: 教师、学生和教材工作人员。

系统有关数据存储至少涉及: 购书表、库存表、缺书登记表、待购教材表、进库表和出库表。



软件工程课程设计软件工程课程设计题目:固定资产管理系统学院:数学与XXX专业:计算机科学与技术班级:计科学051学号:************学生姓名:XXX同组成员:XXX指导教师:XXX目录:一、可行性报告二、需求说明书三、总体设计说明书四、详细设计说明书五、程序源代码六、课程设计体会七、参考文献第一章可行性报告1.1 固定资产管理概述1.1.1 固定资产的定义根据财政部颁发的《企业会计准则-固定资产》中的定义,固定资产是指同时具有以下特征的有形资产:为生产商品,提供劳务,出租或经营管理而持有的;使用年限超过一年;单位价值较高。

1.1.2 固定资产的标准固定资产的具体标准主要有两个方面:时间标准和价值标准。



1.1.3 固定资产的分类按其经济用途分类,可以分为生产经营用固定资产和非生产经营用固定资产;按其所有权划分,可分为自有固定资产和租入固定资产;按来源渠道划分,可分为外购的固定资产、自行建造的固定资产、接受投资转入的固定资产、接受捐赠的固定资产、以非货币资金换入的固定资产、改建扩建新增的固定资产、盘赢的固定资产、融资租入固定资产;按使用情况划分,可以分为使用中的固定资产、未使用的固定资产和不需用的固定资产;按其经济用途和使用情况综合划分,可分为生产经营用固定资产、非生产经营用固定资产、租出固定资产(指经营性租赁)、不需用固定资产、未使用固定资产、土地、融资租入固定资产。

1.2 固定资产管理系统可行性分析及开发计划固定资产管理系统是一种对企业固定资产进行管理的软件系统,可帮助企业更好地管理和利用固定资产,提高企业的经济效益。




















1. 基于C++的学生信息管理系统设计要求设计一个能够实现学生信息的录入、查询、修改和删除的学生信息管理系统。


2. 基于Java的图书管理系统设计设计一个图书管理系统,实现图书的借阅、归还和查询功能。


3. 基于Python的商城网站设计设计一个简单的商城网站,包含商品列表、购物车、订单管理、用户管理等功能。


4. 基于的在线学习平台设计设计一个在线学习平台,包含课程内容的上传、浏览、下载和讨论功能。


5. 基于Android的旅游攻略应用设计设计一个旅游攻略应用,提供用户浏览不同地区的旅游景点、美食、酒店等信息,并支持用户进行评论和分享。


6. 基于iOS的健身计划管理应用设计设计一个健身计划管理应用,能够帮助用户制定健身计划、记录健身进度和查看健身建议。






























College of Computer Science & Technology2016 Software Engineering Practice Project2016.5.30 - 2016.6.24Course Registration RequirementsProblem StatementAs the head of information systems for Wylie College you are tasked with developing a new student registration system. The college would like a new client-server system to replace its much older system developed around mainframe technology. The new system will allow students to register for courses and view report cards from personal computers attached to the campus LAN. Professors will be able to access the system to sign up to teach courses as well as record grades.Due to a decrease in federal funding, the college cannot afford to replace the entire system at once. The college will keep the existing course catalog database where all course information is maintained. This database is an Ingres relational database running on a DEC VAX. Fortunately the college has invested in an open SQL interface that allows access to this database from college’s Unix servers. The legacy system performance is rather poor, so the new system must ensure that access to the data on the legacy system occurs in a timely manner. The new system will access course information from the legacy database but will not update it. The registrar’s office will continue to maintain course information through another system.At the beginning of each semester, students may request a course catalogue containing a list of course offerings for the semester. Information about each course, such as professor, department, and prerequisites, will be included to help students make informed decisions.The new system will allow students to select four course offerings for the coming semester. In addition, each student will indicate two alternative choices in case the student cannot be assigned to a primary selection. Course offerings will have a maximum of ten students and a minimum of three students. A course offering with fewer than three students will be canceled. For each semester, there is a period of time that students can change their schedule. Students must be able to access the system during this time to add or drop courses. Once the registration process is completed for a student, the registration system sends information to the billing system so the student can be billed for the semester. If a course fills up during the actual registration process, the student must be notified of the change before submitting the schedule for processing.At the end of the semester, the student will be able to access the system to view an electronic report card. Since student grades are sensitive information, the system must employ extra security measures to prevent unauthorized access.Professors must be able to access the on-line system to indicate which courses they will be teaching. They will also need to see which students signed up for their course offerings. In addition, the professors will be able to record the grades for the students in each class.GlossaryIntroductionThis document is used to define terminology specific to the problem domain, explaining terms, which may be unfamiliar to the reader of the use-case descriptions or other project documents. Often, this document can be used as an informal data dictionary, capturing data definitions so that use-case descriptions andother project documents can focus on what the system must do with the information.DefinitionsThe glossary contains the working definitions for the key concepts in the Course Registration System.CourseA class offered by the university.Course OfferingA specific delivery of the course for a specific semester – you could run the same course in parallelsessions in the semester. Includes the days of the week and times it is offered.Course CatalogThe unabridged catalog of all courses offered by the university.FacultyAll the professors teaching at the university.Finance SystemThe system used for processing billing information.GradeThe evaluation of a particular student for a particular course offering.ProfessorA person teaching classes at the university.Report CardAll the grades for all courses taken by a student in a given semester.RosterAll the students enrolled in a particular course offering.StudentA person enrolled in classes at the university.ScheduleThe courses a student has selected for the current semester.TranscriptThe history of the grades for all courses, for a particular student sent to the finance system, which in turn bills the students.Supplementary SpecificationObjectivesThe purpose of this document is to define requirements of the Course Registration System. ThisSupplementary Specification lists the requirements that are not readily captured in the use cases of the use-case model. The Supplementary Specifications and the use-case model together capture a complete set of requirements on the system.ScopeThis Supplementary Specification applies to the Course Registration System, which will be developed by the OOAD students.This specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability,performance, and supportability, as well as functional requirements that are common across a number of use cases. (The functional requirements are defined in the Use Case Specifications.)ReferencesNone.FunctionalityMultiple users must be able to perform their work concurrently.If a course offering becomes full while a student is building a schedule including that offering, the student must be notified.UsabilityThe desktop user-interface shall be Windows 95/98 compliant.ReliabilityThe system shall be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, with no more than 10% down time.PerformanceThe system shall support up to 2000 simultaneous users against the central database at any given time, and up to 500 simultaneous users against the local servers at any one time.The system shall provide access to the legacy course catalog database with no more than a 10 secondlatency.Note: Risk-based prototypes have found that the legacy course catalog database cannot meet ourperformance needs without some creative use of mid-tier processing powerThe system must be able to complete 80% of all transactions within 2 minutes.SupportabilityNone.SecurityThe system must prevent students from changing any schedules other than their own, and professors from modifying assigned course offerings for other professors.Only Professors can enter grades for students.Only the Registrar is allowed to change any student information.Design ConstraintsThe system shall integrate with an existing legacy system, the Course Catalog System, which is an RDBMS database.The system shall provide a Windows-based desktop interface.Use-Case ModelCourse Registration System Use-Case Model Main DiagramClose RegistrationBilling SystemClose RegistrationBrief DescriptionThis use case allows a Registrar to close the registration process. Course offerings that do not have enough students are cancelled. Course offerings must have a minimum of three students in them. The billing system is notified for each student in each course offering that is not cancelled, so the student can be billed for the course offering.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when the Registrar requests that the system close registration.1. The system checks to see if registration is in progress. If it is, then a message is displayed to the Registrar, andthe use case terminates. The Close Registration processing cannot be performed if registration is in progress. 2. For each course offering, the system checks if a professor has signed up to teach the course offering and at leastthree students have registered. If so, the system commits the course offering for each schedule that contains it.3. For each schedule, the system “levels” the schedule: if the schedule does not have the maximum number ofprimary courses selected, the system attempts to select alternates from the schedule’s list of alternates. The first available alternate course offerings will be selected. If no alternates are available, then no substitution will be made.4. For each course offering, the system closes all course offerings. If the course offerings do not have at leastthree students at this point (some may have been added as a result of leveling), then the system cancels the course offering. The system cancels the course offering for each schedule that contains it.5. The system calculates the tuition owed by each student for his current semester schedule and sends a transactionto the Billing System. The Billing System will send the bill to the students, which will include a copy of their final schedule.Alternative FlowsNo Professor for the Course OfferingIf, in the Basic Flow, there is no professor signed up to teach the course offering, the system will cancel the course offering. The system cancels the course offering for each schedule that contains it.Billing System UnavailableIf the system is unable to communicate with the Billing System, the system will attempt to re-send therequest after a specified period. The system will continue to attempt to re-send until the Billing Systembecomes available.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Registrar must be logged onto the system in order for this use case to begin.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, registration is now closed. If not, the system state remains unchanged.Extension PointsNone.LoginBrief DescriptionThis use case describes how a user logs into the Course Registration System.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when the actor wishes to log into the Course Registration System.1. The actor enters his/her name and password.2. The system validates the entered name and password and logs the actor into the system.Alternative FlowsInvalid Name/PasswordIf, in the Basic Flow, the actor enters an invalid name and/or password, the system displays an errormessage. The actor can choose to either return to the beginning of the Basic Flow or cancel the login, at which point the use case ends.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe system is in the login state and has the login screen displayed.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, the actor is now logged into the system. If not, the system state is unchanged.Extension PointsNone.Maintain Professor InformationBrief DescriptionThis use case allows the Registrar to maintain professor information in the registration system. This includes adding, modifying, and deleting professors from the system.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when the Registrar wishes to add, change, and/or delete professor information in the system. 1. The system requests that the Registrar specify the function he/she would like to perform (either Add aProfessor, Update a Professor, or Delete a Professor)2. Once the Registrar provides the requested information, one of the sub flows is executed.If the Registrar selected “Add a Professor”, the Add a Professor subflow is executed.If the Registrar selected “Update a Professor”, the Update a Professor subflow is executed.If the Registrar selected “Delete a Professor”, the Delete a Professor subflow is executed.Add a ProfessorThe system requests that the Registrar enter the professor information. This includes:- name- date of birth- social security number- status- department1. Once the Registrar provides the requested information, the system generates and assigns a unique idnumber to the professor. The professor is added to the system.2. The system provides the Registrar with the new professor id.Update a Professor1. The system requests that the Registrar enter the professor id.2. The Registrar enters the professor id. The system retrieves and displays the professor information.3. The Registrar makes the desired changes to the professor information. This includes any of theinformation specified in the Add a Professor sub-flow.4. Once the Registrar updates the necessary information, the system updates the professor record.Delete a Professor1. The system requests that the Registrar enter the professor id2. The Registrar enters the professor id. The system retrieves and displays the professor information.3. The system prompts the Registrar to confirm the deletion of the professor.4. The Registrar verifies the deletion.5. The system deletes the professor from the system.Alternative FlowsProfessor Not FoundIf, in the Update a Professor or Delete a Professor sub-flows, a professor with the specified id number does not exist, the system displays an error message. The Registrar can then enter a different id number or cancel the operation, at which point the use case ends.Delete CancelledIf, in the Delete A Professor sub-flow, the Registrar decides not to delete the professor, the delete iscancelled, and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Registrar must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, the professor information is added, updated, or deleted from the system. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.Extension PointsNone.Maintain Student InformationBrief DescriptionThis use case allows the Registrar to maintain student information in the registration system. This includes adding, modifying, and deleting Students from the system.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when the Registrar wishes to add, change, and/or delete student information in the system.1. The system requests that the Registrar specify the function he/she would like to perform (either Add a Student,Update a Student, or Delete a Student)2. Once the Registrar provides the requested information, one of the sub flows is executed.If the Registrar selected “Add a Student”, the Add a Student subflow is executed.If the Registrar selected “Update a Student”, the Update a Student subflow is executed.If the Registrar selected “Delete a Student”, the Delete a Student subflow is executed.Add a Student1. The system requests that the Registrar enter the student information. This includes:- name- date of birth- social security number- status- graduation date2. Once the Registrar provides the requested information, the system generates and assigns a unique idnumber to the student. The student is added to the system.3. The system provides the Registrar with the new student id.Update a Student1. The system requests that the Registrar enter the student id.2. The Registrar enters the student id. The system retrieves and displays the student information.3. The Registrar makes the desired changes to the student information. This includes any of theinformation specified in the Add a Student sub-flow.4. Once the Registrar updates the necessary information, the system updates the student information.Delete a Student1. The system requests that the Registrar enter the student id2. The Registrar enters the student id. The system retrieves and displays the student information.3. The system prompts the Registrar to confirm the deletion of the student.4. The Registrar verifies the deletion.5. The system deletes the student from the system.Alternative FlowsStudent Not FoundIf, in the Update a Student or Delete a Student sub-flows, a student with the specified id number does not exist, the system displays an error message. The Registrar can then enter a different id number or cancel the operation, at which point the use case ends.Delete CancelledIf, in the Delete A Student sub-flow, the Registrar decides not to delete the student, the delete is cancelled and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Registrar must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, the student information is added, updated, or deleted from the system. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.Extension PointsNone.Register for CoursesBrief DescriptionThis use case allows a Student to register for course offerings in the current semester. The Student can also update or delete course selections if changes are made within the add/drop period at the beginning of the semester. The Course Catalog System provides a list of all the course offerings for the current semester.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when a Student wishes to register for course offerings, or to change his/her existing course schedule.1. The Student provides the function to perform (one of the sub flows is executed):If the Student selected “Create a Schedule”, the Create a Schedule subflow is executed.If the Student selected “Update a Schedule”, the Update a Schedule subflow is executed.If the Student selected “Delete a Schedule”, the Delete a Schedule subflow is executed.Create a Schedule1. The system retrieves a list of available course offerings from the Course Catalog System and displaysthe list to the Student.2. The Select Offerings subflow is executed.3. The Submit Schedule subflow is executed.Update a Schedule1. The system retrieves and displays the Student’s current schedule (e.g., the schedule for the currentsemester).2. The system retrieves a list of available course offerings from the Course Catalog System and displaysthe list to the Student.3. The Student may update the course selections on the current selection by deleting and adding newcourse offerings. The Student selects the course offerings to add from the list of available courseofferings. The Student also selects any course offerings to delete from the existing schedule.4. Once the student has made his/her selections, the system updates the schedule for the Student using theselected course offerings.5. The Submit Schedule subflow is executed.Delete a Schedule1. The system retrieves and displays the Student’s current schedule (e.g., the schedule for the currentsemester).2. The system prompts the Student to confirm the deletion of the schedule.3. The Student verifies the deletion.4. The system deletes the Schedule. If the schedule contains “enrolled in” course offerings, the Studentmust be removed from the course offering.Select OfferingsThe Student selects 4 primary course offerings and 2 alternate course offerings from the list of availableofferings.Once the student has made his/her selections, the system creates a schedule for the Student containing the selected course offerings.Submit ScheduleFor each selected course offering on the schedule not already marked as “enrolled in”, the system verifies that the Student has the necessary prerequisites, that the course offering is open, and that there are noschedule conflicts.The system then adds the Student to the selected course offering. The course offering is marked as“enrolled in” in the schedule.The schedule is saved in the system.Alternative FlowsSave a ScheduleAt any point, the Student may choose to save a schedule rather than submitting it. If this occurs, theSubmit Schedule step is replaced with the following:The course offerings not marked as “enrolled in” are marked as “selected” in the schedule.The schedule is saved in the system.Unfulfilled Prerequisites, Course Full, or Schedule ConflictsIf, in the Submit Schedule sub-flow, the system determines that the Student has not satisfied the necessary prerequisites, or that the selected course offering is full, or that there are schedule conflicts, an errormessage is displayed. The Student can either select a different course offering and the use case continues, save the schedule, as is (see Save a Schedule subflow), or cancel the operation, at which point the BasicFlow is re-started at the beginning.No Schedule FoundIf, in the Update a Schedule or Delete a Schedule sub-flows, the system is unable to retrieve the Student’s schedule, an error message is displayed. The Student acknowledges the error, and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning.Course Catalog System UnavailableIf the system is unable to communicate with the Course Catalog System, the system will display an errormessage to the Student. The Student acknowledges the error message, and the use case terminates.Course Registration ClosedWhen the use case starts, if it is determined that registration for the current semester has been closed, amessage is displayed to the Student, and the use case terminates. Students cannot register for courseofferings after registration for the current semester has been closed.Delete CancelledIf, in the Delete A Schedule sub-flow, the Student decides not to delete the schedule, the delete iscancelled, and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Student must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, the student schedule is created, updated, or deleted. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.Extension PointsNone.Select Courses to TeachBrief DescriptionThis use case allows a Professor to select the course offerings from the course catalog for the courses that he/she is eligible for and wishes to teach in the upcoming semester.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when a Professor wishes to sign up to teach some course offerings for the upcoming semester.1. The system retrieves and displays the list of course offerings the professor is eligible to teach for the currentsemester. The system also retrieves and displays the list of courses the professor has previously selected to teach.2. The professor selects and/or de-selects the course offerings that he/she wishes to teach for the upcomingsemester.3. The system removes the professor from teaching the de-selected course offerings.4. The system verifies that the selected offerings do not conflict (i.e., have the same dates and times) with eachother or any course offerings that the professor has previously signed up to teach. If there is no conflict, the system updates the course offering information for each offering the professor selects (i.e., records the professor as the instructor for the course offering).Alternative FlowsNo Course Offerings AvailableIf, in the Basic Flow, the professor is not eligible to teach any course offerings in the upcoming semester, the system will display an error message. The professor acknowledges the message and the use case ends.Schedule ConflictIf the systems find a schedule conflict when trying to establish the course offerings the Professor shouldtake, the system will display an error message indicating that a schedule conflict has occurred. The system will also indicate which are the conflicting courses. The Professor can either resolve the schedule conflict(i.e., by canceling his selection to teach one of the course offerings), or cancel the operation, in which case,any selections will be lost, and the use case ends.Course Catalog System UnavailableIf the system is unable to communicate with the Course Catalog System, the system will display an errormessage to the Student. The Student acknowledges the error message, and the use case terminates.Course Registration ClosedWhen the use case starts, if it is determined that registration for the current semester has been closed, amessage is displayed to the Professor, and the use case terminates. Professors cannot change the courseofferings they teach after registration for the current semester has been closed. If a professor change isneeded after registration has been closed, it is handled outside the scope of this system.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Professor must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, the course offerings a Professor is scheduled to teach have been updated. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.Extension PointsNone.Submit GradesBrief DescriptionThis use case allows a Professor to submit student grades for one or more classes completed in the previous semester.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when a Professor wishes to submit student grades for one or more classes completed in the previous semester.1. The system displays a list of course offerings the Professor taught in the previous semester.2. The Professor selects a course offering.3. The system retrieves a list of all students who were registered for the course offering. The system displays eachstudent and any grade that was previously assigned for the offering.4. For each student on the list, the Professor enters a grade: A, B, C, D, F, or I. The system records the student’sgrade for the course offering. If the Professor wishes to skip a particular student, the grade information can be left blank and filled in at a later time. The Professor may also change the grade for a student by entering a new grade.Alternative FlowsNo Course Offerings TaughtIf, in the Basic Flow, the Professor did not teach any course offerings in the previous semester, the system will display an error message. The Professor acknowledges the message, and the use case ends.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Professor must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.Post-ConditionsIf the use case was successful, student grades for a course offering are updated. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.Extension PointsNone.View Report CardBrief DescriptionThis use case allows a Student to view his/her report card for the previously completed semester.Flow of EventsBasic FlowThis use case starts when a Student wishes to view his/her report card for the previously completed semester.1. The system retrieves and displays the grade information for each of the course offerings the Student completedduring the previous semester.2. When the Student indicates that he/she is done viewing the grades, the use case terminates.Alternative FlowsNo Grade Information AvailableIf, in the Basic Flow, the system cannot find any grade information from the previous semester for theStudent, a message is displayed. Once the Student acknowledges the message, the use case terminates.Special RequirementsNone.Pre-ConditionsThe Student must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.Post-ConditionsThe system state is unchanged by this use case.Extension PointsNone.。

















































1.项目:用结构化方法进行需求分析性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行需求分析目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统进行需求分析(2)写出需求规格说明书,分别给出系统数据模型(EDM)、功能模型(DFD)、动态模型(状态转换图) 。

(3) 两周内提交2.项目:用结构化的方法进行系统设计性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行概要设计目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统进行总体设计(2)写出系统总体设计方案,画出系统总体模块结构图(3)设计数据结构(关键库和表)(4)设计系统的几个主要界面(5)两周内提交3.项目:用结构化的方法进行详细设计性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行详细设计目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统中的个别重要模块进行详细(2)写出模块详细设计方案,画出模块流程图(3)对这些模块进行测试,写出相应的测试例(4)两周内提交4.项目:用面向对象方法进行需求分析性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行需求分析目标与要求:(1)用面向对象的方法对系统进行需求分析(2)写出需求规格说明书,分别给出系统的对象模型、功能模型(DFD)、动态模型。



















软件工程课程设计题目一、题目(分组任选一,每组题目不同,每组2-3人)1. 基于WEB的通用试题库组卷系统的设计与实现2. 操作系统精品课程网站设计与实现3. 基于Internet的毕业设计双向选题系统的设计与实现4.民航订票系统5.图书检索系统6.高校设备管理系统7.远程办公系统8. 邮件管理系统9. 手机电子点餐系统10.网络游戏管理系统11. 自选题。


二、本课程设计的基本步骤1.问题理解和分析(分析)充分地分析和理解问题本身,弄清要求做什么(What to do?)。


2.确定解决问题的方法(技术)主要是找到解决问题的主要思路,是怎么做(How to do?)。











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1.项目:用结构化方法进行需求分析性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行需求分析目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统进行需求分析(2)写出需求规格说明书,分别给出系统数据模型(EDM)、功能模型(DFD)、动态模型(状态转换图) 。

(3) 两周内提交2.项目:用结构化的方法进行系统设计性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行概要设计目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统进行总体设计(2)写出系统总体设计方案,画出系统总体模块结构图(3)设计数据结构(关键库和表)(4)设计系统的几个主要界面(5)两周内提交3.项目:用结构化的方法进行详细设计性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行详细设计目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统中的个别重要模块进行详细(2)写出模块详细设计方案,画出模块流程图(3)对这些模块进行测试,写出相应的测试例(4)两周内提交4.项目:用面向对象方法进行需求分析性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行需求分析目标与要求:(1)用面向对象的方法对系统进行需求分析(2)写出需求规格说明书,分别给出系统的对象模型、功能模型(DFD)、动态模型。

(3)两周内提交5.项目:用面向对象的方法进行设计性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行总体设计目标与要求:(1)用面向对象的方法对系统进行系统设计(2)写出系统总体设计方案,画出系统三种模型(3)给出系统数据结构和界面设计方案(4)两周内提交1、项目:用结构化方法进行需求分析性质:[设计]题目:对系统LMIS进行需求分析目标与要求:(1)用结构化的方法对系统进行需求分析(2)写出需求规格说明书,分别给出系统数据模型(EDM)、功能模型(DFD)、动态模型(状态转换图) 。

(3) 两周内提交需求分析:一、功能需求:读者管理(1)学生管理简述:学生信息管理,包括信息存入,信息查询,信息修改,信息删除;输入:学生信息处理过程描述,学生信息存数据库输出:操作成功或失败的提示信息(2)老师管理简述:老师信息管理,包括信息存入,信息查询,信息修改,信息删除;输入:老师信息处理过程描述,老师信息存数据库输出:操作成功或失败的提示信息借阅管理(1)学生管理简述:学生信息,包括学生姓名,学号,年级专业,借阅时间,借阅书籍编号;输入:学生姓名,学号,年级,专业,书籍编号,借阅时间;输出:学生姓名,学号,年纪,专业,书籍编号,借阅时间及归还时间,确认提示信息;(2)老师管理简述:老师信息,包括老师姓名,编号,办公室门号,所借书籍编号,借阅时间;输入:老师姓名,编号,办公室门号,所借书籍编号,借阅时间;输出:老师姓名,编号,办公室门号,所借书籍编号,借阅时间及归还时间,确认提示信息;还书管理(1)学生还书简述:学生姓名,学号,年级,专业,借阅书籍编号,借阅时间,归还时间;输入:书籍编号,学生姓名,学号,归还时间;输出:归还确认提示信息;(2)老师还书简述:老师姓名,编号,办公室门号,所借书籍编号,借阅时间,归还时间;输入:书籍编号,老师姓名,老师编号,归还时间;输出:归还确认提示信息;预约管理(1)学生预约简述:学生信息,包括学生姓名,学号,年级,专业,预约书籍编号,预约时间,借阅时间;输入:学生姓名,学号,年纪,专业,预约书籍编号及预约时间;输出:学生姓名,学号,年纪,专业,预约书籍编号及预约时间,借阅时间,确认提示信息;(2)老师预约简述:老师姓名,编号,办公室门号,所借书籍编号及预约时间,借阅时间;输入:书籍编号,老师姓名,老师编号,预约书籍编号及预约时间;输出:老师姓名,编号,办公室门号,所借书籍编号及预约时间,借阅时间,确认提示信息;书籍管理(1)书籍分类简述:书籍信息,包括书名,编号,作者,出版社,入库时间;输入:书名,编号,作者,出版社,本书,入库时间;输出:入库确认信息及分类表。

(2)书籍统计管理简述:书籍信息,库存量;输入:书名,编号;输出:书名,编号,作者,出版社,库存量;二、数据流图借书数据流程图办公室数据流程图三、IPO表四、数据字典读者信息数据字典图书信息记录数据字典借还书记录数据字典五、实体关系图工作人员实体描述借书证实体描述总E—R图2、项目:用结构化的方法进行系统设计性质:[设计]系统功能结构图题目:对系统LMIS进行概要设计运行环境运行平台:Windows XP/Windows 2007/Win 8 CPU: 以上内存:1Gb 以上硬盘:500 gb 以上二、系统功能图读者管理子系统图书管理子系统四、接口设计1、用户接口用户和管理员通过在输入窗口输入登录名和密码进入各个模块2、外部接口(1)图书管理模块为图书统计模块,和图书查询模块提供基础数据。















