

新能源车和燃油车英语作文Electric vehicles, also known as new energy vehicles, are becoming increasingly popular due to the growing concern over environmental pollution and the depletion of fossil fuels.新能源车,也称为电动车,由于对环境污染和化石燃料枯竭问题的日益关注,正在变得越来越受欢迎。
Compared to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, electric vehicles are considered more environmentally friendly because they produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.与传统的汽油车相比,新能源车被认为更环保,因为它们产生零排放,减少了空气污染和温室气体的排放。
In addition to being more environmentally friendly, electric vehicles also offer lower operating costs and maintenance costs, as electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline and electric motors have fewer moving parts compared to internal combustion engines.除了更环保之外,新能源车还提供更低的运营成本和维护成本,因为电力一般比汽油便宜,而且电动机比内燃机有更少的运动部件。

美国的新兴汽车制造商,Tesla Motors,推出了该公司首部电池电力车,名为Tesla Roadster。
截至2010年底,通用汽车公司计划推出备受赞誉的V olt混合动力汽车,而克莱斯勒公司最近已经宣布同样的计划正在进行之中。

二、“新能源汽车”的翻译笔者最初开始关注“新能源汽车”的翻译是因为著名双语网站中外对话的一篇文章《中国电动车普及长路漫漫》,该文章将“新能源汽车”译为alternative-fuel vehicle。
1.New energy vehicle/cars这是直接以“新能源汽车”为关键词搜索到的译法。
例如:The improvement of energy efficiency and emission reduction as well as the industrialization of new energy vehicle are very urgent for China's automobile industry.———《China Daily》另外,中国知网收录的相关论文几乎全部使用了该种译法。

混合动力汽车英语作文In the realm of automotive technology, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have emerged as a viable solution for bridging the gap between traditional fossil fuel-based vehicles and fully electric vehicles. HEVs, a blend of conventional internal combustion engines and electric motors, offer a balanced approach to address the dual challenges of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.The fundamental principle behind HEVs lies in the intelligent integration of multiple power sources. Typically, a hybrid vehicle is equipped with both a gasoline or diesel engine and an electric motor, along with a rechargeable battery pack. The engine and motor work together seamlessly, alternating or combining their power outputs to maximize fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. One of the key advantages of HEVs is their ability to recoup energy during deceleration or braking. This regenerative braking system converts kinetic energy into electrical energy, which is then stored in the battery for later use. This not only enhances the overall efficiency ofthe vehicle but also contributes to extending the range before the need for recharging or refueling.Moreover, HEVs provide a smoother and quieter driving experience compared to traditional vehicles. The electric motor, which is typically quieter than a combustion engine, takes over during low-speed driving or acceleration, significantly reducing noise pollution. This aspect is particularly beneficial in urban areas, where noise pollution is a significant concern.From an environmental perspective, HEVs significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Although they still rely on fossil fuels, the efficient use of both the engine and the motor results in lower overall emissions compared to traditional vehicles. As battery technology improves and becomes more cost-effective, the proportion of electric power used in HEVs is expected to increase, further reducing the environmental impact.The adoption of HEVs also presents economic benefits. While the initial purchase price of a hybrid vehicle may be higher than a comparable gasoline-only model, the long-term savings in fuel costs and reduced maintenance expensesoften offset this initial investment. Additionally, as governments worldwide increasingly adopt policies to promote sustainable transportation, tax incentives and other financial support for HEVs are becoming more common. However, it is worth noting that HEVs are not without their challenges. The complexity of the hybrid system leads to higher manufacturing costs and potential reliability issues. Additionally, the disposal and recycling of battery packs at the end of their lifespan pose environmental challenges that need to be addressed.Despite these challenges, the future of HEVs looks promising. As technology continues to evolve and battery costs decrease, hybrid vehicles are expected to become more affordable and widely adopted. Moreover, the increasing awareness of environmental issues and the demand for sustainable transportation solutions are driving the development of more efficient and eco-friendly hybrid systems.In conclusion, hybrid electric vehicles represent a significant step forward in the transition to a more sustainable transportation system. By efficiently combiningthe power of internal combustion engines and electric motors, HEVs offer a balanced approach to addressing the challenges of energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. While they may not be the ultimate solution, hybrid vehicles are a viable interim step in the journey to a fully electric future.**混合动力汽车:可持续交通的未来**在汽车技术领域,混合动力汽车(HEV)已经成为连接传统燃油汽车与全电动汽车之间差距的可行解决方案。
学号 20110351442015届本科生毕业论文设计题目电动汽车燃料电池技术的研究作者姓名指导教师所在学院职业技术学院专业(系) 机械设计制造及为其自动化班级(届) 2011 级完成日期2015 年 5 月 4 日电动汽车燃料电池技术的研究摘要随着能源紧缺和环境污染问题的日益严重,社会对汽车的高效、清洁、经济和安全性提出了更高要求。
关键词:电动汽车;燃料电池;经济性;效率The electric car fuel cell technology researchAbstractWith the increasingly serious problem of energy shortage and environmental pollution, social on the car's efficient, clean, economic and security of proposed higher article introduces the current and urgent need to address the problem, fuel electric vehicle development prospects of fuel cell vehicle history, electric vehicle classification, fuel cell electric vehicle technology, fuel battery, fuel cell technology, analyzes the key techniques needed to be resolved in the development and application of fuel cell electric vehicle. It is pointed out that the fuel cell as a kind of new energy, to its high efficiency and zero pollution has attracted more and more attention. Fuel cell electric vehicle and its technology has been more and more widely application and development.Keywords:Electric vehicle ;Fuel cell ;Economy ;Efficienc目录1 绪论 (1)绪论综述 (1)燃料电池车的历史 (2)2电动汽车的分类 (3) (3)................................................................. (错误!未定义书签。
中文The State of the Art of Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Vehicles

这种外接充电式混合动力车可以在纯电力操作模式下驾驶30 - 60公里。

关键词:纯电动赛车,电机,电池,底盘总布置ABSTRACTThis paper introduces in detail the design methods and the guiding ideology, the content of this design is a college student equation of pure electric car design. Pure electric car is powered by car power, with the motor driven wheel driving, conform to the requirements of road traffic and safety regulations of the vehicle. Because of less environmental impact compared with the traditional cars, its prospect is widely, but the current technology is not mature. With the computer and electronic products continue to open-class ride, electric car technology has matured and improved, making driving safer, convenient, flexible and comfortable. Now, the electric car from the ordinary consumer from very far, only a few people in a hurry fashionable it. Electric cars can really traditional fuel vehicles to compete in the future automotive market will eventually be electric cars and smart cars are replaced. This is only a matter of time that day will come for.In the design process, first is to the selection of motor and battery, in order to make the car won the highest speeds, I chose the motor and battery after calculation. After chooses the electrical machinery and the battery, is same with the design fuel oil automobile chassis, and simultaneously synthesizes the electric automobile the unique feature, to the automobile transmission system, the travel system, the steering system, the braking system carries on analyses and the design. In the car chassis design process for electric vehicles, it is important to pay special attention to the different parts of the electric vehicles and fuel cars. The electric car’s drive train I designed is very simple. motor and reducer connected directly with chain transmission, so the layout of the whole chassis is free.KEY WORDS: electric car, electromotor, the battery, the chassis layout目录第一章大学生方程式赛车介绍 (1)§1.1 FSAE 赛车起源 (1)§1.2 FSAE 赛车现状 (2)§1.2.1 赛车现状 (2)§1.2.2 我校赛车现状 (2)第二章纯电动汽车 (3)§2.1 纯电动汽车的发展 (3)§2.1.1 电动汽车电池发展 (3)§2.1.2 电动汽车行业发展 (4)§2.1.3 中国汽车驶入“无油”时代 (4)§2.2 汽车优点 (5)§2.3 发展现状 (6)§2.3.1 发达国家现状 (6)§2.3.2 中国现状 (8)§2.4 电动车的未来发展方向 (8)§2.5 大学生方程式纯电动赛车发展状况 (10)第三章赛车总体设计 (11)§3.1 赛车总体设计概述 (11)§3.1.1 总体设计要求 (11)§3.1.2 总体设计目标 (11)§3.1.3 整车结构 (12)§3.1.4 总体设计进度概述 (13)§3.1.5 课题的意义 (14)§3.2 赛车总体设计的一般顺序 (15)§3.3 赛车各系统设计 (17)§3.3.1 悬架系统设计 (17)§3.3.2 转向系统设计 (18)§3.3.3 制动系统设计 (18)§3.3.4 车架设计 (19)第四章赛车主要参数的初步确定 (21)§4.1 主要参数 (21)§4.1.1 主要技术参数 (21)§4.1.2 电动机的选择 (21)§4.1.3电动车电池面临的主要问题 (24)§4.1.4电动车电池的选择 (25)§4.1.5 轮胎的选择 (26)§4.2 赛车主要设计参数的确定 (27)§4.2.1 性能参数的计算 (27)§4.2.2 整车尺寸参数 (28)§4.3.3 主要技术参数 (29)第五章赛车动力性分析 (30)§5.1 行驶稳定性计算 (30)§5.2 动力性计算 (31)第六章赛车的底盘总布置 (33)§6.1 整车布置的基准的确定 (33)§6.2 赛车布置 (33)总结 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (38)。

Ignition SystemThe purpose of the ignition system is to create a spark that will ignite the fuel-air mixture in the cylinder of an engine. It must do this at exactly the right instant and do it at the rate of up to several thousand times per minute for each cylinder in the engine. If the timing of that spark is off by a small fraction of a second, the engine will run poorly or not run at all.The ignition system sends an extremely high voltage to the spark plug in each cylinder when the piston is at the top of its compression stroke. The tip of each spark plug contains a gap that the voltage must jump across in order to reach ground. That is where the spark occurs.The voltage that is available to the spark plug is somewhere between 20,000 volts and 50,000 volts or better. The job of the ignition system is to produce that high voltage from a 12 volt source and get it to each cylinder in a specific order, at exactly the right time.The ignition system has two tasks to perform. First, it must create a voltage high enough (20,000+) to across the gap of a spark plug, thus creating a spark strong enough to ignite the air/fuel mixture for combustion. Second, it must control the timing of that the spark so it occurs at the exact right time and send it to the correct cylinder.The ignition system is divided into two sections, the primary circuit and the secondary circuit. The low voltage primary circuit operates at battery voltage (12 to 14.5 volts) and is responsible for generating the signal to fire the spark plug at the exact right time and sending that signal to the ignition coil. The ignition coil is the component that converts the 12 volt signal into the high 20,000+ volt charge. Once the voltage is stepped up, it goes to the secondary circuit which then directs the charge to the correct spark plug at the right time.The BasicsBefore we begin this discussion, let’’s talk a bit about electricity in general. I know that this is Before we begin this discussion, letbasic stuff, but there was a time that you didn’’t know about this and there are people who need basic stuff, but there was a time that you didnto know the basics so that they could make sense of what follows.All automobiles work on DC (Direct Current). This means that current move in one direction, form the positive battery terminal to the negative battery terminal. In the case of the automobile, the negative battery terminal is connected by a heavy cable directly to the body and the engine block of the vehicle. The body and any metal component in contact with it is called the ground. This means that a circuit that needs to send current back to the negative side of the battery can be connected to any part of the vehicle’’s metal body or the metal engine block.be connected to any part of the vehicleA good example to see how this works is the headlight circuit. The headlight circuit consists of a wire that goes from the positive battery terminal to the headlight switch. Another wire goes from the headlight switch to one of two terminals on the headlight bulb. Finally, a third wire goes from a second terminal on the bulb to the metal body of car. When you switch the headlight on, you are connecting the wire from the battery with the wire to the headlamps allowing battery current to go directly to the headlamp bulbs. Electricity passes through the filaments inside the bulb, then out the other wire to the metal body. From there, the current goes back to the negative terminal of the battery completing the circuit. Once the current is flowing through this circuit, the filament inside the headlamp gets hot and glows brightly. Let there be light.Now, back to the ignition system, the basic principle of the electrical spark ignition system has not changed for over 75 years. What has changed is the method by which the spark is created and how it is distribute.Currently, there are three distinct types of ignition system. The mechanical ignition systemwas used prior to 1975. It was mechanical and electrical and used no electronics. By understanding these early system, it will be easier to understand the new electronic andcomputer controlled ignition system, so don’’t skip over it. The electronic ignition system started computer controlled ignition system, so donfinding its way to production vehicles during the early 70s and became popular when better control and improved reliability became important with the advent of emission controls. Finally, the distributor less ignition system became available in the mid 80s. This system was always computer controlled and contained no moving parts, so reliability was greatly improved. Most of these systems required no maintenance except replacing the spark plugs at intervals from 60,000 to over 100,000 miles.Let’’s take a detailed look at each system and see how they work.LetThe Mechanical Ignition SystemThe distributor is the nerve center of the mechanical ignition system and has two tasks to perform. First, it is responsible for triggering coil to generate a spark at the precise instant that it is required (which varies depending how fast the engine is turning and how much load it is under). Second, the distributor is responsible for directing that spark to the proper cylinder (which is why it is called a distributor).The circuit that powers the ignition system is simple and straight forward. When you insert the key in the ignition switch and turn the key to the Run position, you are sending current from the battery through a wire directly to the positive (+) side of the ignition coil. Inside the coil is a series of copper windings that loop around the coil over a hundred times before exiting out the negative (-) side of the coil. From there, a wire takes this current over to the distributor and is connected to a special on/off switch, called the points. When the points are closed, this current goes directly to ground. When current flows from the ignition switch, through the windings in the coil, then to ground, it builds a strong magnetic field inside the coil.The points are made up of a fixed contact point that is fastened to a plate inside the distributor, and a movable contact point mounted on the end of a spring loaded arm. The movable point rides on a 4, 6, or 8 lobe cam (depending on the number of cylinder in the engine) that is mounted on a rotating shaft inside the distributor. This distributor cam rotates in time with the engine, making one complete revolution for every two revolutions of the engine. As it rotates, the cam pushes the points open and closed. Every time the points open, the flow of current is interrupted through the coil, thereby collapsing the magnetic field and releasing a high voltage surge through the secondary coil windings. This voltage surge goes out the top of the coil and through the high-tension coil wire.Now, we have the voltage necessary to fire the spark plug, but we still have to get it to the correct cylinder. The coil wire goes from the coil directly to the distributor cap. Under the cap is a rotor that is mounted on top of the rotating shaft. The rotor has a metal strip on the top that is in constant contact with the center terminal of the distributor cap. It receives the high voltage surge from the coil wire and sends it to the other end of the rotor which rotates past each spark plug terminal inside the cap. As the rotor turns on the shaft, it sends the voltage to the correct spark plug wire, which in turn sends it to the spark plug. The voltage enters the spark plug at the terminal at the top and travels down the core until it reaches the tip. It then jumps across the tip of the spark plug, creating a spark suitable to ignite the fuel-air mixture inside that cylinder. The description I just provided is the simplified version, but should be helpful to visualize the process, but we left out a few things that make up this type of ignition system. For instance, we didn’’t talk about the condenser that is connected to the point, nor did we talk about the system didnto advance the timing. Let’’s take a look at each section and explore it in more detail.to advance the timing. LetThe Ignition SwitchThere are two separate circuits that go from the ignition switch to the coil. One circuit runs through a resistor in order to step down the voltage about 15% in order to protect the points from premature wear. The other circuit sends full battery voltage to the coil. The only time this circuit is used is during cranking. Since the starter draws a considerable amount of current to crank the engine, additional voltage is needed to power the coil. So when the key is turned to the spring-loaded start position, full battery voltage is used. As soon as the engine is running, the driver releases the key to the run position which directs current through the primary resistor to the coil.On some vehicles, the primary resistor is mounted on the firewall and is easy to replace if it fails. On other vehicles, most notably vehicles manufactured by GM, the primary resister is a special resister wire and is bundled in the wiring harness with other wires, making it more difficult to replace, but also more durable.The DistributorWhen you remove the distributor cap from the top of the distributor, you will see the points and condenser. The condenser is a simple capacitor that can store a small amount of current. When the points begin to open the current, flowing through the points looks for an alternative path to ground. If the condenser were not there, it would try to jump across the gap of the point as they begin to open. If this were allowed to happen, the points would quickly burn up and you would hear heavy static on the car radio. To prevent this, the condenser acts like a path to ground. It really is not, but by the time the condenser is saturated, the points are too far apart for the small amount of voltage to jump across the wide point gap. Since the arcing across the opening points is eliminated, the points last longer and there is no static on the radio from point arcing.The points require periodic adjustments in order to keep the engine running at peek efficiency. This is because there is a rubbing block on the points that is in contact with the cam and this rubbing block wears out over time changing he point gap. There are two ways that the points can be measured to see if they need an adjustment. One way is by measuring the gap between the open points when the rubbing block is on the high point of the cam. The other way is by measuring the dwell electrically. The dwell is the amount, in degrees of cam rotation that the points stay closed.On some vehicles, points are adjusted with the engine off and the distributor cap removed. A mechanic will loosen the fixed point and move it slightly, then retighten it in the correct position using a feeler gauge to measure the gap. On other vehicles, most notably GM cars, there is a window in the distributor where a mechanic can insert a tool and adjust the points using a dwell meter while the engine is running. Measuring dwell is much more accurate than setting the points with a feeler gauge.Points have a life expectancy of about 10,000 miles at which time have to be replaced. This is done during a routine major tune up, points, condenser, and the spark plugs are replaced, the timing is set and the carburetor is adjusted. In some cases, to keep the engine running efficiently, a minor tune up would be performed at 5,000 mile increments to adjust the point and reset the timing.Ignition CoilThe ignition coil is nothing more that an electrical transformer. It contains both primary and secondary winding circuit. The coil primary winding contains 100 to 150 turns of heavy copper wire. This wire must be insulated so that the voltage does not jump from loop to loop, shortingit out. If this happened, it could not create the primary magnetic field that is required. The primary circuit wire goes into the coil through the positive terminal, loops around the primary windings, then exits through the negative terminal.The coil secondary winding circuit contains 15,000 to 30,000 turns of fine copper wire, which also must be insulated from each other. The secondary windings sit inside the loops of the primary windings. To further increase the coils magnetic field the windings are wrapped around a soft iron core. To withstand the heat of the current flow, the coil is filled with oil which helps keep it cool.The ignition coil is the heart of the ignition system. As current flows through the coil a strong magnetic field is build up. When the current is shut off, the collapse of this magnetic field to the secondary windings induces a high voltage which is released through the large center terminal. This voltage is then directed to the spark plugs through the distributor.Ignition Timing The timing is set by loosening a hold-down screw and rotating the body of the distributor. Since the spark is triggered at the exact instant that the points begin to open, rotating the distributor body (which the point are mounted on) will change the relationship between the position and the position of the distributor cam, which is on the shaft that is geared to the engine rotation.While setting the initial or base timing is important, for an engine to run properly, the timing needs to change depending on the speed of the engine and the load that it is under. If we can move the plate that the points are mounted on, or we could change the position of the distributor cam in relation to the gear that drives it, we can alter the timing dynamically to suit the needs of the engine.Ignition Wires These cables are designed to handle 20,000 to more than 50,000 volts, enough voltage to toss you across the room if you were to be exposed to it. The job of the spark plug wires is to get that enormous power to the spark plug without leaking out. Spark plug wires have to endure the heat of a running engine as well as the extreme changes in the weather. In order to do their job, spark plug wires are fairly thick, with most of that thickness devoted to insulation with a very thin conductor running down the center. Eventually, the insulation will succumb to the elements and the heat of the engine and begins to harden, crack, dry out, or otherwise break down. When that happens, they will not be able to deliver the necessary voltage to the spark plug and a misfire will occur. That is what is meant by “Not running on all cylinders cylinders””. To correct this problem, the spark plug wires would have to be replaced.Spark plug wires are routed around the engine very carefully. Plastic clips are often used to keep the wires separated so that they do not touch together. This is not always necessary, especially when the wires are new, but as they age, they can begin to leak and crossfire on damp days causing hard starting or a rough running engine.Spark plug wires go from the distributor cap to the spark plugs in a very specific order. This is called the is called the ““firing order firing order”” and is part of the engine design. Each spark plug must only fire at the end of the compression stroke. Each cylinder has a compression stroke at a different time, so it is important for the individual spark plug wire to be routed to the correct cylinder.For instance, a popular V8 engine firing order is 1, 8, 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 2. The cylinders are numbered from the front to the rear with cylinder #1 on the front-left of the engine. So the cylinders on the left side of the engine are numbered 1, 3, 5, 7while the right side are numbered 2, 4, 6, 8. On some engine, the right bank is 1, 2, 3, 4 while the left bank is 5, 6, 7, 8. A repairmanual will tell you the correct firing order and cylinder layout for a particular engine.The next thing we need to know is what direction the distributor is rotating in, clockwise or counter-clockwise, and which terminal on the distributor caps that #1 cylinder is located. Once we have this information, we can begin routing the spark plug wires.If the wires are installed incorrectly, the engine may backfire, or at the very least, not run on all cylinders. It is very important that the wires are installed correctly.Spark PlugsThe ignition system system’’s sole reason for being is to service the spark plug. It must provide sufficient voltage to jump the gap at the tip of the spark plug and do it at the exact right time, reliably on the order of thousands of times per minute for each spark plug in the engine.The modern spark plug is designed to last many thousands of miles before it requires replacement. These electrical wonders come in many configurations and heat ranges to work properly in a given engine. The heat range of a spark plug dictates whether it will be hot enough to burn off any residue that collects on the tip, but not so hot that it will cause pre-ignition in the engine. Pre-ignition is caused when a spark plug is so hot, that it begins to glow and ignite the fuel-air mixture prematurely, before the spark. Most spark plugs contain a resistor to suppress radio interference. The gap on a spark plug is also important and must be set before the spark plug is installed in the engine. If the gap is too wide, there may not be enough voltage to jump the gap, causing a misfire. If the gap is too small, the spark may be inadequate to ignite a lean fuel-air mixture also causing a misfire.The Electronic Ignition SystemThis section will describe the main differences between the early point & condenser systems and the newer electronic systems. If you are not familiar with the way an ignition system works in general, I strongly recommend that you first read the previous section The Mechanical Ignition System.In the electronic ignition system, the points and condenser were replaced by electronics. On these systems, there were several methods used to replace the points and condenser in order to trigger the coil to fire. One method used a metal wheel with teeth, usually one for each cylinder. This is called an armature. A magnetic pickup coil senses when a tooth passes and sends a signal to the control module to fire the coil.Other systems used an electric eye with a shutter wheel to send a signal to the electronics that it was time to trigger the coil to fire. These systems still need to have the initial timing adjusted by rotating the distributor housing.The advantage of this system, aside from the fact that it is maintenance free, is that the control module can handle much higher primary voltage than the mechanical point. V control module can handle much higher primary voltage than the mechanical point. Voltage can oltage can even be stepped up before sending it to the coil, so the coil can create a much hotter spark, on the order of 50,000 volts that is common with the mechanical systems. These systems only have a single wire from the ignition switch to the coil since a primary resistor is not longer needed. On some vehicles, this control module was mounted inside the distributor where the points used to be mounted. On other designs, the control module was mounted outside the distributor with external wiring to connect it to the pickup coil. On many General Motors engines, the control module was inside the distributor and the coil was mounted on top of the distributor for a one piece unitized ignition system. GM called it high energy ignition or HEI for short.The higher voltages that these systems provided allow the use of a much wider gap on the spark plugs for a longer, fatter spark. This larger sparks also allowed a leaner mixture for betterfuel economy and still insure a smooth running engine.The early electronic systems had limited or no computing power, so timing still a centrifugal and vacuum advance built into the distributor.On some of the later systems, the inside of the distributor is empty and all triggering is performed by a sensor that watches a notched wheel connected to either the crankshaft or the camshaft. These devices are called crankshaft position sensor or camshaft position sensor. In these systems, the job of the distributor is solely to distribute the spark to the correct cylinder through the distributor cap and rotor. The computer handles the timing and any timing advance necessary for the smooth running of the engine.The Distributor Ignition SystemNewer automobiles have evolved from a mechanical system (distributor) to a completely solid state electronic system with no moving parts. These systems are completely controlled by the on-board computer. In place of the distributor, there are multiple coils that each serves one or two spark plugs. A typical 6 cylinder engine has 3 coils that are mounted together in a coil pack””. A spark plug wire comes out of each side of the individual coil and goes to the “packappropriate spark plug. The coil fires both spark plugs at the same time. One spark plug fires on the compression stroke igniting the fuel-air mixture to produce power while the other spark plug fires on the exhaust stroke and does nothing. On some vehicles, there is an individual coil for each cylinder mounted directly on top of the spark plug. This design completely eliminates the high tension spark plug wires for even better reliability. Most of these systems use spark plugs that are designed to last over 100,000 miles, which cuts down on maintenance costs.参考文献:[1] 王欲进,张红伟汽车专业英语[M]. 北京:北京大学出版社,中国林业出版社,2007.8,55—67点火系统点火系统的作用是产生点燃发动机气缸里可燃混合物的火花。

新能源车和燃油车英语作文The world is constantly evolving, and the transportation industry is no exception. As concerns about the environment and the depletion of fossil fuels grow, the demand for more sustainable modes of transportation has become increasingly pressing. Two of the most prominent options in this regard are electric vehicles (EVs) and traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. Both have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the decision to choose one over the other often depends on individual needs and preferences.Electric vehicles, with their zero-emission technology and reliance on renewable energy sources, have emerged as a promising solution to the environmental challenges posed by traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. These vehicles are powered by electric motors that draw energy from rechargeable battery packs, eliminating the need for gasoline and significantly reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation.One of the primary advantages of electric vehicles is their energy efficiency. Electric motors are inherently more efficient than internalcombustion engines, converting a larger proportion of the energy stored in the battery into kinetic energy to power the vehicle. This translates to lower fuel costs and a reduced environmental impact. Additionally, the ability to recharge the battery at home or at designated charging stations eliminates the need for frequent tripsto the gas station, providing a more convenient and hassle-free driving experience.Moreover, electric vehicles are renowned for their impressive acceleration and smooth, quiet operation, offering a more enjoyable driving experience compared to their gasoline-powered counterparts. The instant torque provided by electric motors allows for rapid acceleration, often outperforming traditional vehicles in this regard. This, combined with the absence of engine noise, creates a more serene and comfortable driving environment.However, electric vehicles are not without their drawbacks. One of the primary concerns is the limited range of these vehicles, which can be a significant limitation for long-distance travel. While advancements in battery technology have steadily improved the range of EVs, many models still struggle to match the extended driving capabilities of gasoline-powered vehicles. This can be a significant deterrent for those who frequently undertake long-distance journeys or live in areas with limited charging infrastructure.Another challenge faced by electric vehicles is the time required for recharging. Whereas refueling a gasoline-powered vehicle can be accomplished in a matter of minutes, recharging an electric vehicle can take several hours, depending on the charging method and the vehicle's battery capacity. This can be inconvenient for those who need to travel long distances or have limited time to spare.The cost of electric vehicles is also a significant barrier for many consumers. While the upfront cost of an EV is often higher than a comparable gasoline-powered vehicle, the long-term savings in fuel and maintenance costs can offset this difference. However, the initial investment can be a deterrent for those with limited budgets or who are unsure about the long-term viability of electric vehicle technology.In contrast, gasoline-powered vehicles have long been the dominant mode of transportation, and they continue to offer several advantages that make them appealing to many consumers. The widespread availability of gas stations and the relatively short refueling time provide a level of convenience that is difficult to match with electric vehicles. Additionally, the extended driving range of gasoline-powered vehicles, often exceeding 300 miles on a single tank, makes them a more practical choice for those who frequently undertake long-distance travel.Another advantage of gasoline-powered vehicles is the familiarity and widespread availability of the technology. Consumers are generally well-versed in the operation and maintenance of internal combustion engines, and the infrastructure to support these vehicles is already in place. This level of familiarity and accessibility can be a significant factor for those who are hesitant to embrace new technologies or who live in areas with limited EV charging infrastructure.However, the environmental impact of gasoline-powered vehicles is a significant drawback. These vehicles emit harmful greenhouse gases and other pollutants, contributing to air pollution and climate change. As concerns about the environment continue to grow, the long-term viability of gasoline-powered vehicles is being called into question, and governments around the world are implementing policies and regulations to encourage the adoption of more sustainable transportation options.In conclusion, both electric vehicles and gasoline-powered vehicles have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Electric vehicles offer a more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient mode of transportation, with the potential for a more enjoyable driving experience. However, the limited range, lengthy recharging times, and higher upfront costs can be significant deterrents for some consumers. Gasoline-powered vehicles, on the other hand,provide the convenience of widespread availability, extended driving range, and familiarity, but they come at the cost of a larger environmental impact.As the world continues to evolve, the choice between electric vehicles and gasoline-powered vehicles will ultimately depend on individual needs, preferences, and the broader societal and environmental considerations. It is likely that a combination of both technologies, along with the development of new and innovative transportation solutions, will be necessary to meet the diverse transportation needs of the future.。

关键词插入式混合动力;混合动力电动汽车;二次电池的电池;1 介绍插入式混合动力电动汽车插入式混合电动车最近出现了有希望的替代方案,使用电要取代石油消费的车队相当一部分[1]。

Development of Integrated Motor Assist Hybrid System:Development of the ‘Insight’, a Personal Hybrid CoupeKaoru Aoki, Shigetaka Kuroda, Shigemasa KajiwaraHiromitsu Sato and Yoshio YamamotoHonda R&D Co.,Ltd.Copyright ©2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.Abstract :This paper presents the technical approach used to design and develop the powerplant for the Honda Insight, a new motor assist hybrid vehicle with an overall development objective of just half the fuel consumption of the current Civic over a wide range of driving conditions. Fuel consumption of 35km/L (Japanese 10-15 mode), and 3.4L/100km (98/69/EC) was realized. To achieve this, a new Integrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid power plant system was developed, incorporating many new technologies for packaging and integrating the motor assist system and for improving engine thermal efficiency. This was developed in combination with a new lightweight aluminum body with low aerodynamic resistance. Environmental performance goals also included the simultaneous achievement of low emissions (half the Japanese year 2000 standards, and half the EU2000 standards), high efficiency, and recyclability. Full consideration was also given to key consumer attributes, including crash safety performance, handling, and driving performance.Keywords:hybrid car,integration of the engine,efficient,environmental protection1 INTRODUCTIONTo reduce the automobile’s impact on society and the environm ent requires that it be increasingly cleaner and more energy efficient. The issues of energy conservation, ambient air quality, and reduction in CO2 emissions are increasing raised as global environmental concerns. One solution for dealing with these issues is the hybrid automobile. Honda has developed and introduced to several major markets worldwide the Insight, a new generation of vehicle design. The Insight combines a hybrid power train with advanced body technology features to meet an overall goal of achieving the highest fuel economy practical.The hybrid power train is a motor assist parallel configuration, termed IMA for ‘Integrated Motor Assist’. This power train combines a highly efficient electric motor with a new small displacement VTEC engine, a lightweight aluminum body, and improved aerodynamics to realize 3.4L/100km (CO2:80g/km) on 98/69/EC fuel economy. Low emissions performance was also targeted with emission levels achieving the EU2000.In addition to recapturing deceleration energy, the integrated motor provides high torque assist during typical urban driving accelerations. This allows a significant reduction in engine displacement and higher engine efficiency. Sustained hill climbing performance and high speed cruising capability are assured by a power-toweight ratio of approximately 56kW per metric ton. New engine technology includes the application of a new VTEC (Variable valve Timing and valve lift, Electronic Control) cylinder head design promoting high efficiency and fast catalyst activation, and a new lean NOx catalyst system which promotes lean burn combustion and a reduction in emissions. Extensive friction and weight reducing features are also applied.2 DEVELOPMENT TARGETS AND CONCEPTDevelopment was aimed at the achievement of extremely low fuel consumption. We set a target of twice the fuel economy of the current production Civic, Honda’s representative high fuel economy car at 7.0 L/100km (93/116/ EC). As a result, the Insight has the lowest fuel consumption in the world, among gasoline passenger cars.Exhaust emission performance often tends to be sacrificed for the sake of low fuel consumption. However, we also decided to match the low emissions performance achieved by other mass production cars. Consideration was also given to recyclability (another importantenvironmental issue), crash safety performance, and the basic car characteristics including handling and styling.Summarizing the above, our development targets were as follows:∙The best fuel consumption performance in the world∙Ultra-low exhaust emissions∙Superior recyclability∙The world's highest level of crash safety performance∙Advanced styling∙Practical features and responsive handling∙Comfortable two-seat configuration with personal utility space3 POLICIES FOR FUEL CONSUMPTION REDUCTIONIn order to establish the technical approach for achieving the fuel consumption target, we conducted a detailed analysis of the energy consumption of the base car, a Civic equipped with a 1.5 liter engine. We found that it was useful to divide the targeted efficiency gains roughly into thirds, as shown in Fig. 1, in order to achieve the low fuel consumption and numerous other above-mentioned goals. These divisions are as follows.∙Improvement of the heat efficiency of the engine itself∙Recovery of braking energy and employment of idle stop using a hybrid power plant ∙Car body technologies including reduction of weight and reduced aerodynamic and rolling resistance.Figure 1. Target of double the fuel economy of CIVICAiming to establish a benchmark for 21st century automobile power trains, we developed this new Integrated Motor Assist power train. This power train simultaneously achieves both extremely low fuel consumption of 3.4L/100km, and low exhaust gas emission performance, befitting a next-generation car.This paper reports on the newly developed IMA system, including the lean burn engine, electric motor, power control unit, battery technology, and exhaust emission control technology used in the "Honda Insight".4 AIM OF THE IMA SYSTEMWhile developing this next-generation IMA hybrid system, we incorporated as many currently achievable technologies and techniques as possible, in order to achieve the "world's lowest fuel consumption".The following four system development themes were established in order to meet this target.1.Recovery of deceleration energy2.Improvement of the efficiency of the enginee of idle stop system4.Reduction of power train size and weight5 OVERVIEW OF THE IMA SYSTEM5.1 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION – As shown in Fig. 2, the IMA system uses the engine as the main power source and an electric motor as an auxiliary power source whenaccelerating. Using a motor as an auxiliary power source simplifies the overall system and makes it possible to use a compact and lightweight motor, battery, and power control unit (PCU).Figure 2. IMA SystemA permanent magnet DC brushless motor is located between the engine and the transmission. When decelerating, the rate of deceleration is calculated for each gear and the PCU controls the motor to generate electricity (recover energy), which charges a nickel-metal hydride battery. When accelerating, the amount of auxiliary power provided (hereafter called "assist") is calculated from the throttle opening, engine parameters, and battery state of charge. The PCU controls the amount of current flowing from the battery to the drive motor5.2 RECOVERY OF DECELERATION ENERGY – Recovering deceleration energy through regeneration makes it possible to supplement the engine’s output during acceleration and reduce the amount of fuel consumed. In particular, minimizing the engine displacement is an effective means of reducing friction. Engine displacement reduction also has several other benefits, such as weight reduction and increased thermal efficiency. The IMA system effectively increases the amount of regeneration during deceleration by optimizing the engine and transmission specifications.5.3 REDUCTION OF ENGINE DISPLACEMENT – Reducing engine displacement is a very important factor in improving fuel economy of a hybrid drive train. However, modern automobiles have to perform over a wide dynamic range. Reducing thedisplacement is equivalent to lowering the basic performance characteristics of the car. As shown in the output characteristics graph in Fig. 3, the IMA system assists the engine in the low rpm range by utilizing the hightorque performance characteristic of electric motors. The motor can increase overall toruque by over 50% in the lower rpm range used in normal driving. Output in the high rpm range is increased by using a Variable valve Timing and valve lift Electronic Control (VTEC) engine. Thus sufficient peak power is assured and makes it possible to use a new, small displacement 1.0 liter engine.Figure 3.Engine speed (rpm) Output performance of IMA SYSTEMAssist from the electric motor while accelerating is a very efficient means of reducing the amount of fuel consumed.5.4 ACHIEVING LEAN BURN ENGINE OPERATION –Assist from the electric motor, based upon the throttle opening, creates quite linear torque characteristics. This, in turn, improves driveability. In addition, motor assist is also provided under moderate load conditions to broaden the lean-burn operating range, bringing out the full potential of the newly developed lean burn engine.5.5IDLE STOP SYSTEM – Stopping the engine rather than idling at stops is also an effective means for reducing fuel consumption. In order to restart the engine with the minimum amount of fuel consumption, the engine is quickly cranked to 600 rpm or more by the hightorque integrated motor before ignition occurs, as shown in Fig. 4. This makes it possible to minimize the amount of fuel consumed, in addition to the fuel saved by not running the engine at idle. There are many issues to be considered when performing idle stop. These include judging the driver's intent to stop, preparing for the restart, providing a smooth feeling of deceleration, and minimizing vibration of the car body when the engine stops.Figure 4.Time (sec) The number of cranking in the engine start。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系(院):电子与电气工程学院专业:电气工程及其自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:2007 HERE COME THE... CLEANER,GREENER CARS附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
一个由具有很大影响力的公司JD Power and Associates去年夏天对消费者的调查发现,让人吃惊的是有57%的受访者会考虑购买他们的下一个混合动力汽车,有49%的购车者会考虑E85乙醇动力汽车。

湖北文理学院毕业设计(论文)英文翻译题目在采用PWM逆变器下的变速感应电机驱动器中的传导性排放轴承电流的减少和鉴定专业机械设计制造及其自动化班级机制0911姓名杨成杰学号2009116140指导教师职称周立文(学校)冯南(企业)2013年5月10日┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊Minimization and identification of conducted emission bearing current in variable speed induction motor drives using PWM inverterAbstract. The recent increase in the use of speed control of ac induction motor for variable speed drive using pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter is due to the advent of modern power electronic devices and introduction of microprocessors. There are many advantages of using ac induction motor for speed control applications in process and aerospace industries, but due to fast switching of the modem power electronic devices,the parasitic coupling produces undesirable effects. The undesirable effects include radiated and conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) which adversely affect nearby computers, electronic/electrical instruments and give rise to the flow of bearing current in the induction motor. Due to the flow of bearing current in the induction motor,electrical discharge machining takes place in the inner race of the bearing which reduces the life of the bearing. In high power converters and inverters, the conducted and radiated emissions become a major concern. In this paper, identification of bearing current due to conducted emission, the measurement of bearing current in a modified induction motor and to minimize the bearing current are discussed. The standard current probe, the standard line impedance stabilization network (LISN)), the electronics interface circuits are used to measure high frequency common mode current,bearing current and to minimize the conducted noise from the system. The LISN will prevent the EMI noise entering the system from the supply source by conductive methods, at the same time prevents the EMI generated if any due to PWM, fast switching in the system, will not be allowed to enter the supply line. For comparing the results with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) standards, the graphs are plotted with frequency Vs,line voltage in dB μV,common mode voltage in dB μV and the bearing current in dBμA without and with minimizing circuits.Keywords. EMI;a.c.drives; bearing current.┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊1.IntroductionWith the development of power electronic devices like the insulated gate bi-polar transistor (IGBT), the power MOSFET and the advances in microprocessors, the ac induction motor is becoming popular in variable speed drives with PWM inverter circuits. Since the rise time and fall time of the IGBT are less than 200 nanoseconds, the dissipation loss across the device becomes very less and there by increases the performance of the circuit. However, due to the fast switching action of the device the dw/dt of the inverter output becomes large. This high dw/dX voltage transition coupled with parasitic stray capacitance in the system causes high frequency line to ground current or common mode current and hence bearing current; introducing large EMI in the system.In figure 1,Ilg (the magnitude of ground current) depends on the cable capacitance, machine capacitance,parasitic capacitance of the devices, the output voltage rise time (tr ise) and the system voltage, V oltage gets induced in the rotor shaft of the induction motor due to fast switching. This induced voltage generates circulating current and flows to the ground through the bearing resulting in an electrical discharge machining (EDM) action at the inner race of the bearing.Due to the EDM, the life of the bearing reduces. The common mode voltage Vng (figure 1) can be measured from the star point of the stator winding of the induction motor (IM) or connected node of three 1MO resistors to the ground in case of the IM connected in delta. The reasons for common mode voltage generation are already discussed.It is noted that the sum of sinusoidal balanced phase voltages in a 3-phase IM at the star point is equal to zero. Therefore,Vng=(Van+Vbn+Vcn)/3 ⑴Common mode current=Cdν/dt⑵┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊Where ‘C’ is the total capacitance of the system and V an,V bn and V cn are the voltages between the respective phases and the star point in the stator winding2.Existing conducted emission, bearing current identification and measurement methodsV arious methods have been proposed to reduce the conducted emission common mode voltage and the measurement of bearing current. An output reactor connected to the inverter out put reduces the dv/dt of the inverter output voltage, which in turn reduces the common mode voltage at the star point of the IM and the flow of bearing current. Wious configurations of L-C filter have been reported. The inductance ‘L,and capacitance ‘C’ are designed according to the permitted insertion loss for the given power rating of the inverter. The draw back of the filter method is the voltage drop across the filter.In the passive filter method, the transformer secondary should be isolated for its successful operation and this is not possible in many process/engineering industries. An active common noise canceller has been tried to eliminate the conducted emission common mode voltage produced by the PWM inverter. The active common noise canceller superimposes a compensating voltage applied at the star point. This has the same amplitude as the common mode voltage produced by the PWM inverter but has opposite polarity; hence the common mode voltage applied to the load is cancelled completely. However, this method is suitable only for low voltage/power applications due to the resistive current sensor.Julian proposed a filter circuit for reducing the common mode voltage.This filter circuit is based on current sensing and it operates a fast transistor amplifier for the current compensation. Significant attenuation of the common mode voltage occurs.The method presented in this paper is different from earlier methods. Here,the phase current is sensed by the individual current transformer (CT) and is suitable for any voltage level. Since the CT is used for sensing the phase current there is no voltage drop in the sensor there by there is no reduction of terminal voltage applied to the IM.In tiidr circuit, the primary winding of the transformer is connected in series in each of the phases. Since the circuit uses the transformer, there is voltage drop due to the phase current of the IM, hence the terminal voltage applied to the IM gets reduced. The circuit is also used to reduce the common mode voltage and the common mode current at the star point of the IM. But this circuit is useful for the low voltage and low power applications.In the present work,the standard LISN,the standard current probes are used and the results are compared without and with the common mode voltage reduction circuits for the PWM inverter used for variable speed ac IM drives.┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊Julian proposed a filter circuit for reducing the common mode voltage.This filter circuit is based on current sensing and it operates a fast transistor amplifier for the current compensation. Significant attenuation of the common mode voltage occurs.The method presented in this paper is different from earlier methods. Here,the phase current is sensed by the individual current transformer (CT) and is suitable for any voltage level. Since the CT is used for sensing the phase current there is no voltage drop in the sensor there by there is no reduction of terminal voltage applied to the IM.In tiidr circuit,the primary winding of the transformer is connected in series in each of the phases. Since the circuit uses the transformer, there is voltage drop due to the phase current of the IM, hence the terminal voltage applied to the IM gets reduced. The circuit is also used to reduce the common mode voltage and the common mode current at the star point of the IM. But this circuit is useful for the low voltage and low power applications.In the present work,the standard LISN,the standard current probes are used and the results are compared without and with the common mode voltage reduction circuits for the PWM inverter used for variable speed ac IM drives.┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊在采用PWM逆变器下的变速感应电机驱动器中的传导性排放轴承电流的减少和鉴定摘要由于现代电力电子器件的出现和微处理器的采用,交流异步电机的速度控制被广泛应用了,这种使用用于使用PWM逆变器的变速驱动器中。

New energy vehiclesNew energy vehicles is a new automotive product type, because the development time is not long, the technology is still not mature, so has not yet formed a widely accepted concept, but it certainly is new energy automobile is compared to the traditional fuel vehicles, the new energy vehicles, according to the definition of the scope of the concept size, there are two types of narrow and broad statement.Generalized: used in gasoline and diesel oil as power source of the car.Special: a non conventional vehicle fuel as the advanced technology of powercontrol and drive, the formation of technology has advanced principle, new technology, new structure of automobile.New energy vehicles, including fuel cell cars, hybrid cars, hydrogen powered cars and solar car etc..Hybrid electric vehicle is a vehicle equipped with more than two source:battery, fuel cell, solar cell,Turbine locomotive.The current hybrid vehicles generally refers to the diesel generator, plus battery cars.Advantages:Vehicle starting and stopping, driven only by the battery, do not reach a certain speed,The engine will not work, therefore, can make the engine has been maintained in the best condition, good dynamic performance, very low emissions, and the source and power are the engine, gas can only. Its principle is simply the motor and engine the reasonable arrangement of power output machine.Disadvantages:There are two sets of power,Management control system plus two sets of dynamic,Complex structure,Difficult,The price is high and long distance speed is not fuel-efficient.Pure electric vehicle is composed entirely of rechargeable battery (such as lead-acid batteries, nickel cadmium batteries, nickel hydrogen batteries or lithium ion batteries provide power source for car).Pure electric vehicle motor fuel to replace machine, low noise, no pollution,and by the use of electrical energy single, electric control system of hybrid electric vehicle is greatly simplified compared. Reduces the cost, the price also can compensate the battery. Pure electric vehicle is mainly used for the airport, community, courts and other places.Disadvantages: only in certain range, the market is smaller. The main reason is because of various categories, the prevailing prices high, life is short, the size and weight of the large, long charging time, serious shortcomings.Fuel cell vehicles refers to the hydrogen, methanol as the fuel, the current through the chemical reaction, depending on the electric motor driven vehicles. The battery power is through the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen, rather than through the combustion, directly into electrical energy.The chemical reaction process of fuel cell does not produce harmful products,therefore the fuel cell vehicle is a car without pollution, energy conversion efficiency of the fuel cell of high 2 ~ 3 times than the internal combustion engine, so the use of environmental protection and energy, fuel cell vehiclesand is an ideal vehicle.Household car is more and more, oil prices more and more expensive, every car company began to research and development of new energy vehicles.1.IntroductionChery since 2000 we have engaged in the research and development of the new energy vehicles, through more than ten years of independent innovation, the new energy vehicles business experienced three important stages of development; From 2001 to 2005, the company with the national 863 project for the carrier, joint top Chinese universities and research institutes, undertake and completed a number of national 863 electric vehicle research subject, the major projects in just3 years time, complete the ISG moderate hybrid and pure electric vehicles of the rational development model. From 2005 to 2008, approved by ministry of a "by national energy conservation and environmental protection automotive engineering technology research center", based on the basic completion of the new energy vehicles of the industrialization of the research and development, the establishment of a sound energy saving and new energy vehicle development system, the world first-class new energy test center, trial-produce center, in the electric car key components and core technology, the company has formed a set of key parts research, testing, application and industrialization of calibration ability, in the motor, motor drive system, DC/DC, advanced power battery, the battery management system, the vehicle controller, initially forming a batch production ability, have the new energy vehicles, the core technology of the calibration technology and experiment technology. New energy vehicles special vehicle accessories system, including: electric air conditioning, the electric steering (EPS), electric vacuum, electric heating, electronic brake system has been formed series products, with the bulk production ability. The first paragraph A5-BSG hybrid cars in 2008 listed in wuhu, batch, dalian city, as the taxi are greatly welcomed by customers, but also become henan, guangdong, xinjiang, shanxi, fujian, zhejiang and other private user's private cars. Moderate hybrid (ISG) car has entered the small batch production stage, which is DuoGe new energy vehicle demonstration pilot city, as the lease, the first choice of state-owned cars models. Miniature pureelectric vehicles and intermediate pure electric vehicles and miniature electric buses, pure electric taxies, pure electric bus industrialization development also has made a great progress. At the same time, we also pay more attention on high efficiency and energy saving the gasoline engine, the diesel engine technology, flexible fuel automobile technology, strong hybrid technology, fuel cell vehicle technology, comprehensive development, a number of technical are in the leading domestic level. Since 2009, the company launched a new comprehensive energy car large-scale industrialization and application, chery A5ISG, A5BSG, S11EV and S18EV has got a letter issued by the department work products in the country the announcement and saving energy and environmental protection products recommended directory; In January 2009, chery automobile company "energy conservation and environmental protection technology platform construction project" get "country" first prize progress prize in science and technology. In March 2010 the first batch of economical pure electric car delivery customers use and chery new energy vehicle technology Co., LTD. was set up, marked the new energy vehicle company opened a new chapter in the business2.Main discussion1. The advantages of new energy vehicles (strength) analysisThe state information center forecast, China's passenger car market growth situation will continue for at least a further 15 years, annual growth needs roughly equivalent to GDP growth in the 1.5 times or so. In 2009 a car into the family (middle-income families buy have ability). From the qualitative Angle, car market at least will also have 20 years of fast growth. If domestic GDP2020 years than in 2000, around 2020 words to quadruple our country will more than the United States, automobile demand will reach 20 million cars, as the world's largest car market.Since 1988, in fujian province, and become the largest of the special economic zone, the provincial capital of hainan province since the haikou city become haikou city won the top ten cities, and national environmental protection model city, national sanitary city, China excellent tourist city, national garden city, national historical and cultural city, a national civilization city advanced city, the work the comprehensive improvement of the urban environment, "China excellent city living environment prize" and so on the city reputation. Hainan consistent development of the island, environmental protection island is travel health island, new energy, cars are the city's another environmental and health. From the economic development prospects and haikou city car market development scale, in the city to see public transport, taxi, business, environmental sanitation and postal and other public service and other fields, new energy vehicles have a large market space.2.New energy vehicles disadvantages (weakness) analysis(1) the traffic congestion, chaos. Nearly five years motor vehicles and drivers haikou number to sustained growth, road traffic management brought unprecedented pressure. According to information, haikou city road 859 existing with a total length of 1797 km, motor vehicle ownership of 250000 vehicles per day, and are at a 200 rate, of which the amount of private cars is as high as 26%, to the current haikou is obviously can't meet the transportation network of motor vehicle driving demand. Second, the city center area road reconstruction speed slow, to the original road reconstruction is not form system engineering, special is ages ago, DuanTouLu neck road has not been effective reform. Constrain the other major trunk and disperse traffic volume ability. Again, there are pure state road traffic and the lagging problems, such as haikou existing parking lot for cannot accommodate next overmuch vehicles, lead to the driver in some sections on both sides of the parking. This makes originally not wide road become more narrow. There is traffic development, citizens behind haikou travel a single pattern, motorcycles, cars, etc, make travel has become the public preferred way material utilization rate reduced. If the road is sabafish intermediary haikou motorcycles and elegant demeanour car most serious place one of the flood. In the waiting by the shop, packed with motorcycles and elegant demeanour car. They ZhanDao rob guest, obstruct the other vehicles, normal traffic caused easily traffic jam. Haikou traffic police is insufficient, the control points, blind area, people's traffic, too weak, the bus lines concept overlap serious, site layout is not reasonable. Some sections of the serious traffic jam, especially holidays or rush, traffic is chaos.(2) for less than for parking. Data shows, at present, haikou has more than 160000vehicles auto possession, and with more than 20000 cars a year speed increases. The current haikou on an average day with more than 60 new car the road, in a day and added between so many parking obviously is not very practical. In the next few years, whether public or parking garage area will be more strained3.Wide range of reading up to dataHybrid cars advantage is: 1, the hybrid power may according to the average need after the power to determine the maximum power of internal combustion engine, right now in oil consumption is low, less pollution the optimal conditions work. Need high power internal combustion engine power shortage, the battery to supplement; Load for a little while and surplus power can power generation to recharge the battery, due to the internal combustion engine, the battery and sustainable work can constantly, so their trip and charging as ordinary cars. 2, for there is a battery, can be very convenient recycling braking, hill and idle when energy. 3, in the noisy city, can shut by internal combustion engines, battery, to achieve "drive alone zero discharge". 4, with internal combustion engines can be very convenient solve energy consumption of the air conditioning, heating, such as pure electric vehicle defrosting problems met. 5, can use the existing gas station come on, don't have to investment. 6, can let the battery to keep in good working condition, not happened, filling put, prolong the service life, and reduce the cost.Faults: long distance high-speed basic can't save fuel4.PresentationThe essay take about chery Hybird car in china.This kind of car is very useful for every family.because of Hybird car can save petrol .so it’s cheaper than other cars. Sometimes,this kind of cars can use electric it can protect environment also can control the climate change. This very accord with China's national conditions. In the future green cars are very popular to use in the world.翻译新能源汽车作为一种新的汽车产品类型,由于发展时间还不长,技术还不成熟,所以尚未形成一个被广泛认可的概念,但是肯定的是新能源汽车的提出是相对于传统燃料汽车而言的,目前关于新能源汽车的概念根据其定义范围的大小,有狭义和广义两种说法。
AbstrctElectric vehicle in energy saving, optimizing the energy structure, to protect the environment, to reduce carbon emissions, to optimize the industrial structure adjustment, increasing employment,optimize the allocation of resources plays a role. At the same time, the development of electric vehicle can drive battery technology, motor vehicle control technology and the development of technology. So the electric vehicle development in national economic development plays an important position. Electric power system for the efficiency of electric vehicle matching of optimization control, but also improve the power, economy and travel mileage, so the power system of electric vehicle matching have important significance.Subjects in the study of electric automobile components and the basic principle of work, and on the basis of the electric vehicle research and development status of power system, namely the battery, the motor and the research of the current situation of the controller technique. Power system are also studied the basic structure and working principle, and a kind of dynamic system model to match, mainly including the battery, motor and reducer, the controller, etc. Of the deceleration than matching. Based on different kinds of comparison and analysis of the storage battery selection, for different types of motor and comparative analysis, controller and motor speed reduced box selection, for different types of cases, after analysis of speed reduction speed selection box.Keywords: Electric vehicle; Power matching; Battery;Lithium iron phosphate目录第1章绪论 (1)引言 (1)课题研究的意义 (1)电动汽车国内外发展现状 (2)第2章电动汽车的结构和工作原理 (5)电动汽车的结构 (5)电动汽车的工作原理 (6)第3章电动汽车动力系统发展现状研究 (8)电动汽车动力系统组成原理研究 (8)电动汽车蓄电池技术现状 (9)电动汽车电机技术现状 (13)电动汽车控制器技术现状 (16)第4章电动汽车动力系统的匹配及选型研究 (18)电动汽车的整车参数及动力性指标 (18)电动汽车的整车参数 (18)电动汽车的动力性指标 (18)电动汽车的动力系统匹配任务 (18)电动汽车电机及控制器的匹配与选型 (19)电动汽车电机及控制器的总体匹配 (19)电动汽车电机及控制器的选型 (20)电动汽车蓄电池的匹配与选型 (20)电动汽车蓄电池的匹配 (20)电动汽车蓄电池的选型 (21)电动汽车减速箱与主减速器的匹配与选型 (22)电动汽车减速箱的匹配 (22)电动汽车减速箱的选型 (22)电动汽车主减速器的选型 (23)第5章总结 (24)本文主要内容 (24)展望 (24)参考文献 (26)致谢 (27)附录 (28)第1章绪论1.1引言18世纪80年代以来随着汽车的问世,汽车已成为人们生产和生活中不可缺少的生产和生活工具,成为现代社会文明的重要组成部分。
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2.1. 就业,经济欧洲运输行业是一个重要的经济部门,如下面的数据指出(为15欧盟成员国):14000万工人或雇员(即经济活动人口的10%),其中在运输服务小于600万,设备部门200万,运输有关的活动部门600万。
据估计,总共外部成本与这个的增加值有同样数量级,即225 亿欧元。
•旅客运输(Wh / passenger.kilometer):- 火车将用比汽车多15%到50%的初级能源;- 城际客车,比火车更轻,比或者将达到约70%能源消耗和42%的汽车消耗;图.1.机动车辆队,经合组织和世界其他地区,1990年至2030年[10,11]—飞机将是汽车60%,但是快速列车的300%(不包括高速列车),但飞机时间扮演一个重要的经济角色;—在城市,地铁很容易比汽车少50%的消耗;•货物运输质量和体积要考虑(Wh/ ton.kilometer):—内陆运输中,船的使用可以达到铁路的200%,因为它的柴油摩托化;—铁路运输将达到40-50%的公路运输量。
资料来源:Fossil fuel implications of climate change mitigation responses, Jonathan Pershing, InternationalEnergy Agency.其他预测甚至表明时间延迟的更短。
对于天然气的情况是相同的,但要有延迟较长时间(10 —20年的)。