2013届牛津英语第一轮复习课件 Module5 Unit3(1)

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December 5, 2020
legally. adv. 合法地 illegal adj. 非法的
December 5, 2020
6、 consequence n.
①[C]结果,后果后接(for) sb./sth. ◆Nobody can tell what the consequences may be.
③He regards this as a very favour.
December 5, 2020
④谁是你特别喜欢的作家? __________________________________________________
④Who is your favourite writer?
①Which colour do you favour? / What is your favourite colour?
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②学生赞成改革。 __________________________________________________
December 5, 2020
◆He has decided to go abroad to study with the intention of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns. 他抱着提高英语,回来后找一份更好的工作的念头而 决定出国学习。
◆We helped him with good intentions. 我出于好意帮助他。
December 5, 2020
intend vt. 想要;打算
December 5, 2020
6、 legal adj. ①与法律有关的,法律的 ◆I want to choose legal profession if I am accepted by the
December 5, 2020
favourable adj. 有利的;给人印象好的;赞同的,支持 的;优惠的 favourite adj. 特别受喜爱的 n. 特别喜爱的人或事;得 到偏爱的人 in favour (of sth./sb. ) 支持,赞同 in sb.'s favour 对某人有利 ask a favour of sb. 请某人帮个忙 do sb. a favour帮某人一个忙
December 5, 2020
3、 favour ①n. 帮助,恩惠;赞同,支持;偏袒,偏爱 ◆Could you do me a favour and pick up Tom from school tomorrow? 明天你能帮我个忙去学校接汤姆吗? ◆The suggestion of closing the factory has found favour with many local people. 关闭这个工厂的建议已经得到许多当地人的支持。 ◆As a mother, she showed no favour to any child. 作为母亲,她没有偏袒任何一个孩子。
December 5, 2020
4、 intention 目的;企图;意图
◆I have no intention of disclosing (打探) your privacy. 我不想打探你的隐私。
◆It is our intention(purpose, aim) to help the poor children who can't afford their education. 我的本意是帮助那些不能够支付教育费用的贫困儿童。
has gone up.
①has adopted/adopted ④adoption
December 5, 2020
2、 exact adj. 确切的,精确的; 精确无误的,精密的
◆It was difficult to tell her exact age. 很难看出她的准确年龄。
没有人能说出可能的后果。 ②[C]重要(性), 重大 ◆This matter is of great consequence to all of us.
December 5, 2020
M5—U3. Reading. mp3
December 5, 2020
1、 adopt vt. 收养;采用
◆She adopted a child whose parents were dead. 她收养了一个父母双亡的孩子。
◆The government decided to adopt the plan. 政府决定采纳这个计划。
December 5, 2020
句型探究 1. definition; using 2. because of; were praised 3. desperate 4. wish;so that 5. in order to;stop
December 5, 2020
1. On the one hand,these kids are anxious for parental love,but on the other hand,they hesitate about being adopted.
M5·Unit 3 Science and nature(1)
December 5, 2020
1. exactly 2. anxious; anxiously 3. criminal 4. originally; origin 5. hungry 6. nutritious 7. rely;reliance 8. accuracy; accurately; inaccurate 9. Actually 10. agricultural 11.permit
◆She is in her midthirties — thirtysix to be exact. 她三十五六,准确地说是36岁。
◆The scholar is an exact thinker. 这位学者思维缜密。
December 5, 2020
exactly adv. 准确地
◆You haven't changed at all — you still look exactly the same.
◆We adopted several measures to deal with the disease. 我们采取了一些措施来对付这种疾病。
DΒιβλιοθήκη Baiducember 5, 2020
adoption n. 采纳,采用,收养 adopted adj. 领养的,采纳的 adapt 改编;使适应
December 5, 2020
December 5, 2020
1. anxieties 2. majorities 3. frightening
December 5, 2020
1. toy with 2. push ahead with 3. be/get burnt on 4. follow in one’s footsteps 5. take sth into consideration 6. genetically modified 7. food chain 8. on the one hand 9. point of view 10. for sale 11. the other day 12. on one’s part 13. in favour of
你一点也没变,还是和从前一模一样。 exactly speaking=to speak it exactly 准确地说 ◆Exactly speaking, I really don't like cloning.
准确地说,我不喜欢克隆。 类似的还有:strictly speaking, frankly speaking, honestly speaking, broadly speaking等。
用adopt或adapt的适当形式完成句子 ①Our school ____________ a new teaching method lately. ②They are not my real parents; I am ________. ③He tried hard to ________ himself to the new conditions. ④Since the ________ of the new working method, production
university. 如果我被大学录取了,我想要选择法律专业。 ◆If our interests are endangered, we had better take/seek legal
advice. 如果我们的利益受到威胁时,我们最好寻找法律咨询。 ②法律允许的,合法的
Cloning human embryos is not legal (illegal) in many countries.在许多国家克隆人类胚胎是违法的。
December 5, 2020
4、 anxiety n.
①焦虑,挂念 [U] [C][(+about/for)] ◆The mother was filled with anxiety about her daughter's
health. 母亲为女儿的健康忧心忡忡。 ②焦虑的原因;令人焦虑之事 [C][(+to)] ◆That is a great anxiety to me. 那是一件使我深感焦虑的事情。 ③渴望 [C][(+for)][+tov.] ◆Their anxiety to go was obvious. D他ece们mbe想r 5, 2去020的急切心情是显而易见的。
I am all in favor of equal pay for equal work. 我完全赞成同工同酬。
December 5, 2020
用favour的适当形式翻译下列各句。 ①你偏爱哪个颜色? __________________________________________________
②The students were in favour of reform.
December 5, 2020
③他将这视为极大的恩惠。 __________________________________________________
December 5, 2020
3、 favour ②v. 较喜欢,选择;优惠,特别照顾,偏袒;有助于,有 利于 ◆Our teacher favours Mary. 我们的老师偏爱玛丽。 ◆Fortune favours the brave. 幸运眷顾勇者。 ◆The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants. 温暖的气候对多种热带植物有利。
anxious adj. 焦虑的,挂念的(+about/at/for) 对……感到焦虑 I'm anxious about her safety. 我对她的安全担心。 The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us. 闹水灾的那一星期是使我们大家都焦虑不安的 日子。
2. They turned up their music very loudly with the intention of interfering with my work.
3. They seemed to argue with us,but it turned out that we still needed to discuss many details/ but we turned out to many details to discuss.