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Unit 12Section A


(一) Important words and phrases:shake, kiss, bow, greet, custom, land,

relaxed,towards, shake hands, drop by, after all (二) Important sentences: 1) What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?

You’re supposed to kiss. You’re not supposed to shake hands.2) When were you supposed to arrive? I was supposed to arrived at 7:00. 3) You should have asked what

you were supposed to wear?







被邀请 6.对某事随意______ 7.有点晚______8.顺便访问_____


11.毕竟_______12.没有事先打电话____ 13.应该做某事______14.本应该做某事



Step1 情景导入:What do people do when they meet for the first time?

Step2 自主学习:

1a、Match the countries with the customs.

1c、2c Pairwork

Step3 合作互动:3a

Read the following opinions of a Colombian and a Swiss student

and fill in the chart .




( )1. She often makes plans ____others.

A. helps

B. helping

C. to help

D. help

( )2.Tom ate bread ______eating rice for breakfast .

A. instead

B. instead of

C. of D .but

( )3.The old man ______ten years ago.

A. dead

B. is dead

C. died

D. was died

( )4.What ____you ____to do before the last meeting ?

A. did, suppose

B. are, supposing

C. were, suppose

D. were supposed

( )5.The idea of “sunshine sport” makes it possible for kids to choose and do ____about

sport as long as one hour every day.

A. pleasant something

B. anything pleasant

C. nothing pleasant

D. pleasant anything

( )6. Without _______a word, the man left in a hurry.

A. to say

B. says

C. saying

D. said

( )7. Do you think ____useful to learn a foreign language ?

A. that

B. it

C. this

D. they

( )8. The foreigner will get used to ___with chopsticks soon.

A. eating

B. eat

C. ate

D. going to eat

( )9.He hurried home,_____ behind from time to time as he went .

A. looking

B. looked

C. being looked

D. was looking

( )10.--Is there _____in today’s newspaper? --No, there’s ______.

A.anything special; something unusual

B. anything special; nothing unusual

C.special anything ; nothing unusual

D. special anything ; unusual nothing

For several years ,Americans have enjoyed teleshopping ---watching TV and buying things by phone . Now teleshopping is starting in Europe. In a number of European countries ,people can turn on their TVs and shop for clothes , jewelry ,food, and many other things.

Teleshopping is becoming popular in Europe. The biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in 15 European countries , and in one year it can make about $100 million. In France there are two teleshopping channels .In Germany ,teleshopping was only on one channel for an hour every day last year. Now the government allow opening other channels for teleshopping ,including the largest
