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Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

2.超级市场很近,我家就在它附近。The supermarket is very near. My house is near it.

3.别坐在门口。Don’t sit near the door.

4.学校里有图书馆吗?Is there a library in the school?

5.那个拐角处有一间旅馆吗?Is there a hotel on the corner?


Could you tell me the way to the police station?

Can you tell me how to get to the police station?

7.你知道去电视台的路吗?Do you know the way to the TV station?

8.到黄山宾馆怎么走?How can I get to Huang Shan hotel?


Where’s your house? It’s a white house with a small garden and near the bank.


Just go straight and turn left. The hotel is down Bridge Street on the right.

11.我等在这里就是为了见你。I wait here just to see you.

12.汽车转向北开。The car turns to the north.

13.他沿着街道行走。He walks down the street.

14.琳达家前有一条大马路。它非常繁忙。There is a big street in front of Linda’s house. It’s very busy.

15.我坐在教室的前部,但有人做在我的前面。I sit right in the front of the classroom, but someone sits in front of me.

16.两张床中间有一张桌子。There is a table between the two beds.

17.她在五、六点钟之间回来。She comes back between five and six o’clock.

18.房子隔壁有一座花园。There’s a garden next to the house.

19.彼得紧挨着保罗坐在沙发上。Peter is sitting next to the Paul on the sofa.

20.我最喜欢的城市是北京其次是巴黎。Beijing is my favorite city next to Paris.

21.学校在我们家对面。The school is across from our house.

22.他做在我的对面。He sits across from me.

23.她住在我们大街对面。She lives across the street from us.


Don’t walk across the street now. Look, there are some taxis going through it.

25.他们横穿这条河。They go across the river.

26.银行从上午9点到下午5点营业。The bank is open from 9:00 AM to 5 PM.

27.超市在晚上22点关门。The supermarket is closed at 10:00 PM.

28.下午街上通常很安静。The streets are usually quiet in the afternoon.

29.饭前要讲手洗干净。Wash your hands clean before a meal.

30.保持身体清洁。Keep yourself clean.

31.我不想说出这件事情。I want to keep quiet a bout it.

32.我母亲在办公室工作。My mother works in an office.

33.我们的办公室在市中心。Our office is in the center of town.


Welcome your friends to my home. Thank you very much. You’re welcome.

35.他在聚会上玩得很愉快。He has a good time at the party.

36.我们晚饭后出去散步。We go out for a walk after dinner.

37.她每天带着狗在公园里散步。She takes the dog for a walk in the park every day.

38.步行穿过中心大道上的公园。Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue.

39.我不知道这部影片的开头是什么。I don’t know the beginning of the film.

40.参观花园从这儿开始。This is the beginning of the garden tour.

41.这座古城有许多可供参观的地方。There are a lot of places to visit in the old city.

42.我晚上常常很晚才回到家。I often arrive home late in the morning.

43.他们常常打车去那儿。她常打的去银行。They often go there by taxi. She often takes a taxi to the bank.

44.她们就要抵达上海了。They are arriving in Shanghai.

45.晚会上我们玩得开心极了。We have great fun at the party.

46.当你经过商店时,能买到水果。You can buy some fruits when you pass the shop.

47.如果你饿了,你会从超市里买一些食物。You can buy some food in supermarket if you are hungry.

48.简正从桌子那儿往窗户走。Jane is walking from the table to the window.

49.约翰经常去爬山。John often climbs up the hill.

50.他希望她会赢。He hopes she will win.

51.大家都希望有个好的成绩。Everyone hopes for a good grade.

52.我希望今年夏天参观巴黎。I hope to visit Paris this summer.

53.那个女孩正站在小汽车前面。The girl is standing in front of the car.

54.大桥街是一个很有趣的地方。Bridge Street is a good place to have fan.

55.我希望你旅途愉快。I hope you have a good trip.

56.你开心吗?我每天都很开心。Do you have fan? Yes, I have a good time very day.

57.我礼拜一走路上学。I walk to go to school on Monday.

58.在我的课桌里没有书。There is no book in my desk.

There aren’t books in my desk

There isn’t a book in my desk.

59.教室里有48名学生。There are ninety students in the classroom.

60.中国地图;世界地图;在地图上。A map of china, a map of world, on the map.

61.咱们去看电视吧。Let’s go and watch TV!

62.咱们看看大象吧。Let’s have a look at the elephants.


Let’s see the pandas first. Why? Because they’re very cute.

64.多么可爱的小宝宝啊!她是一个聪明的女孩。What a cute little baby! She is a cute girl.


Why do you want to see the lions? What do you think of the lion? Well, I think it’s an ugly animal.

66.你们为什么喜欢去那里?因为那里有很多动物。Why do you like go there? Because there are many animals.

67.这个地区有一种蛇,它有几分可怕。There is a kind of snake in this area. It’s kind of scary.

68.你今天还想看看其它什么动物?What other animals do you want to see today?

69.你还喜欢其它什么动物?我还喜欢猫。What other animals do you like? I like cats, too.
