U2000B U2001B U2000H U2001H
10 MHz 至 18 GHz 10 MHz 至 6 GHz
10 MHz 至 18 GHz 10 MHz 至 6 GHz
50 MHz 至 24 GHz
正常: 20 读数 / 秒 x2: 40 读数 / 秒 快: 110 读数 / 秒 缓冲 (50 读数): 1000 读数 / 秒
U2000 系列 USB 功率传感器是真 平均值的宽动态范围射频 / 微波功率传 感器,它基于 Szente 于 1990 年代发布 的双传感器二极管/衰减器/二极管对技 术 1。右图是说明该项技术的简化框图。
这项技术保证所选信号路径中的 二极管保持在平方律范围内 — 其输出 电流和电压正比于输入功率。二极管 / 衰减器 / 二极管组合可以产生与信号带 宽无关的宽动态范围复杂调制格式的平 均值。
最大 SWR
U2001A U2002A
U2004A U2000B U2001B U2000H U2001H U2002H
10 MHz 至 30 MHz 30 MHz 至 2 GHz 2 GHz 至 14 GHz 14 GHz 至 16 GHz 16 GHz 至 18 GHz
10 MHz 至 30 MHz 10 MHz 至 2 GHz 2 GHz 至 6 GHz
Agilent U2000系列USB功率传感器
为什么选择 Agilent 功率计和传感器?
高可靠性, 高性能解决方案
4. 专家评审
组织专家团队对用户投票结果 进行分析和评审,综合考虑各 项评选标准。
1. 收集数据
通过市场调研机构、行业协会 等渠道收集品牌信息、市场份 额、产品质量等相关数据。
3. 用户投票
对初步筛选后的品牌进行用户 投票,以了解用户对品牌的认 知和满意度。
5. 最终排名
根据专家评审结果,对十大品 牌进行最终排名,形成无线电 测量仪器十大品牌排行榜。
02 十大品牌排名榜
全球知名的测量仪器品牌,拥有 广泛的产品线,包括电能质量、 电源、电阻、电容、温度、压力 等测试测量仪器。
福禄克仪器在工业自动化、电子 制造、电力、通信等领域拥有广 泛的应用。
是德科技是一家全球领先的测量仪器 和解决方案提供商,服务于全球范围 内的客户。
安立是一家专注于无线通信测试的日本公司,产品线包括无线通信测试仪、频谱分析仪、网络分析仪 等。
是德科技的产品线包括示波器、信号 发生器、逻辑分析仪、频谱分析仪等 ,广泛应用于通信、电子制造、汽车 等领域。
罗德与施瓦茨是一家德国公司,专注于电子测量仪器和测试 系统的研发和生产。
罗德与施瓦茨的产品线包括频谱分析仪、信号发生器、网络 分析仪、接收机等,广泛应用于通信、航空航天、汽车等领 域。
1. 技术创新持续推动:随着科技的不断进步和创新, 无线电测量仪器领域将会不断涌现出新的技术和产品, 品牌需要保持持续的技术创新和研发能力。
Save/Recall6.专用“窗口”键和软键菜单Meas/Setup,Rel/Offset,dBm/W 7.专用“频道”键和软键菜单Frequency/Cal Fac,Zero/Cal。
8.频道输入插座CHANNEL9.功率参考输出插座POWER REF10.上下左右箭头键11.与菜单相关的键Prev和More键12.软键指显示屏右边4个未标字的键,它们是选择键。
Agilent E4418B功率计操作指导书 11
2005-10-05文件编号:BTI-PIE-002-011 文件名称:AgilentE4418B功率计操作指导书Rev.:A生效日期:Page 2 of 3 项目操作步骤操作方法操作要求备注事项4. 功率计归零、校准5. 保存4.Display键5.PRESETLoad键1. 频率设定“Ref CF”默认值是100%或最后一个值;使用面板上的上、下、左、右键修改“Ref CF”;按“%”确认;2. 将功率传感器接至面板上的“POWER REF”端口;3. 按下面板上的“Rel/Offset”键,按下屏幕上的软按键“Offset Off”,即把衰件偏置关闭;4. 按下面板上的“Zero/Cal”键,按下屏幕上的软按键“Power Ref On”,即把功率修正打开,按下“Zero”,等待功率归零后,再按“cal”校准仪器,校准完成;5. 按下屏幕上的软按键“Power Ref Off”,即把功率修正关闭;6. 按下面板上的“Rel/Offset”键,按下屏幕上的软按键“Rel off”;按“offset”输入offset值,该值由网络分析仪测出,按“offset on ”,即把衰减偏置打开;1.功率计归零、校准完成之后,按下面板上的“SAVE/RECALL”键, 按下屏幕上的软按键“SAVE”,遵照屏幕的提示,按下“CONFIRM”即可;2.如果需要更改所要保存的文件名,则按下屏幕上的软按键“EDIT NAME”,使用面板上的上、下、左、右键编写所需的文件名,编写完后,依次按下屏幕上的软按键“ENTER”、“SAVE”、“CONFIRM”即可完成保存。
3.如果需要直接调出文件,则按下面板上的“SAVE/RECALL”键, 使用面板上的上、下、左、右键选择所需的文件名,按下屏幕上的软按键“RECALL”即可。
安捷伦功率计使用手册第一章产品概述1.1 产品介绍安捷伦功率计是一款专门用于测试电力系统中功率、频率、功率因素等参数的仪器。
1.2 产品特点- 宽测量范围:覆盖从小功率到大功率的全范围测试。
- 高精度:采用先进的测量算法和精密的传感器,确保测量结果的高准确性。
- 大屏幕显示:采用液晶显示屏,显示清晰、信息丰富。
- 多种接口:支持USB、RS232等接口,便于数据传输和外部控制。
- 灵活性:支持多种测量模式和参数设置,满足不同测试需求。
1.3 适用范围安捷伦功率计适用于各种工业生产和实验室测试,包括但不限于电力系统、电机测试、电子产品的功率参数测试等。
第二章产品操作2.1 基本操作1)插入电源线并打开电源开关,待显示屏亮起后即可使用。
2.2 高级功能1)数据存储与传输:功率计可以存储和导出测量数据,通过USB或RS232接口连接到电脑进行数据传输和分析。
2.3 故障排除1)仪器无法开机:检查电源线和电源开关是否正常,确认电源是否接通。
第三章注意事项3.1 安全操作- 在测试前确保被测设备处于安全状态,不要在带电状态下进行连接和操作。
- 注意通风和散热,确保设备在合适的工作环境下使用。
3.2 保养- 定期清洁仪器表面和连接器,防止灰尘和杂质影响测试结果。
二、主要功能和特点1. 宽测量范围:覆盖从小功率到大功率的全范围测试,满足不同场景的测试需求。
2. 高精度测量:采用先进的测量算法和精密的传感器,确保测量结果的高准确性和稳定性。
3. 多种测量模式:提供多种测量模式,适用于不同类型的电路测试,提高测试的灵活性和效率。
4. 数据分析和记录:可连接至计算机进行数据分析和记录,方便用户进行后续处理和分析。
5. 简单易用的操作界面:操作界面设计简洁直观,易于上手,方便用户进行快速操作和设置。
6. 耐用性强:采用高品质的材料和工艺,确保仪器的耐用性和稳定性,降低维修和更换成本。
三、使用步骤1. 连接电路:将安捷伦功率计正确接入待测电路,确保电路连接无误。
2. 开机与设置:按下开机按钮,等待仪器启动并完成初始化。
3. 进行测量:在确认电路连接无误和参数设置正确后,开始进行测量。
4. 数据处理:如需进行数据分析或记录,可将数据导出至计算机进行处理。
5. 关机与保养:在完成测量后,按下关机按钮关闭仪器。
四、注意事项1. 在使用前请仔细阅读本手册并了解仪器的性能和操作方法。
2. 请勿在潮湿、高温或易燃环境下使用本仪器。
3. 在连接电路时请确保电源已关闭并遵循正确的接线顺序。
4. 如遇任何异常或故障情况,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务部门进行处理。
5. 为了保证测试的准确性和安全性,请使用配套的原装配件和附件。
技术参数•测量范围:-70 dBm ~ +44 dBm•频率范围:100 kHz ~ 110 GHz•功率分辨率:0.001 dB•不确定度:0.21 dB•输入阻抗:50 Ω特点安捷伦E4418B功率计具有以下特点:高精度该功率计的不确定度仅为0.21 dB,可以提供高精度测量结果。
宽频率范围安捷伦E4418B功率计的频率范围覆盖100 kHz至110 GHz,适用于广泛的射频信号测量需求。
长度>使用脉宽之 衰减盲区
利用一个外部的或已包含的用活动连接器连接的引入光纤 能帮助测得第一个活动连接器的插入损耗和反射系数
空气缝隙 (垂直)
表面接触 (垂直)
表面接触 (倾斜)
(二)E6000C/C特点 (三)E6000C/C操作介绍
– 光时域反射仪 – 背向散射
– –
– 光纤尾端
耦合器 激光器
活动 连接器
-faultlocationonnear-end terminalequipment
. Noiselevel(Peak)
-readyformeasurements quicker
-automaticmeasurement& analysisatthepushofONEbutton ->fastermeasurements
规格书测试条件合理选择,大于 1A
VF 测试-方法二
则需要选择 HC 通道) VfStart:开始电压
3.2 3.2 参数设置
VfStop:结束电压 VfStep:每个测试点电压间隔值
均有“Force”和“Sence”双孔,实 际内部相当于短路,即通过双线并 绕以降低测试误差; 应用 HC 模块时,下方 low 双孔默认 接地即可; 可看成将 HP/HC/HV 作为电源正极, GNDU1 作为电源负极
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
测试台说明: 2.2
2.2 接线模块
2.3 数据读取
▷ 点击“ ”启动测试;
完成测试后点击自动刻度; List Display 下拉数据,可以查看每个
Vr 下的反向漏电流 Ir,一般 Ir=250μA 时对应的最小 Vr 作为击穿电压
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
VF 测试 3.1
3.1 连线
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
▷ 点击“ ”启动测试;
VF 测试-方法一 List Display 下拉数据,可以查看每个
If 下的正向压降 Vf
3.3 数据读取
Agilent 安捷伦功率器件分析仪-操作指导说明
依 次 从 Application Test 选 择 PowerDiode,再选择 Ir-Vr 测试模块:
VR/IR 测试 2.2
安捷伦 功率计和功率传感器 选型指南说明书
是德科技功率计和功率传感器选型指南峰值功率测量8990B峰值功率分析仪N8262A P 系列模块化功率计N1911A/2A P 系列功率计E4416A/7A EPM-P系列功率计–5 ns上升时间/下降时间–160 MHz VBW–100 MSa/s 采样率–2 个射频通道和 2 个示波器通道–15 英寸 XGA 彩色触摸显示屏–1U 半机架高度–100 MSa/s 连续采样,单次- 30 MHz VBW–无线预置包括 WLAN、雷达和 MCPA–与 N1912A P 系列功率计的代码兼容–100 MSa/s 连续采样,单次 30 MHz VBW–包括时间选通和统计(CCDF)功率测量–无线预置包括 WiMAX™、HSDPA 和 DME–20 MSa/s 连续采样,5 MHz VBW–用于脉冲和统计分析的捆绑式分析仪软件–无线预置包括 GSM、蓝牙®和W-CDMA平均功率测量N1913A/14A EPM 系列功率计N432A 热敏电阻功率计–单通道、双通道或 4 通道测量–频率范围为 9 kHz 至 110 GHz,功率范围为–70 dBm 至 +44 dBm(取决于功率传感器)–测量速度高达 400 个读数/秒–代码可兼容传统的 E4418B/9B EPM系列、436A、437B 和 438A 功率计(43X 系列仅与选件 N191xA-200 兼容)–高精度(≤ 0.2% ± 0.5 uW),非常适用于1 mW 传输校准(与 478A-H75/H76 结合使用)–内置 6.5 位 ADC,无需使用外部数字万用表–数字彩色 LCD 显示屏和便于操作的界面便携式功率测量V3500A手持式射频功率计U2000 系列USB 功率传感器U8480 系列USB 热电偶功率传感器U2020 X 系列USB 峰值和平均值功率传感器U2040 X 系列 USB/LAN宽动态范围功率传感器–10 MHz 至 6 GHz的宽频率范围–宽动态范围(-60 dBm 至 +20 dBm)–绝对精度高达± 0.21 dB–带有背光灯的内置显示屏和集成功率传感器–内部的功率参考可在使用前进行自我校准–3 种供电方式(使用 AA 电池、USB 接口和交流电源适配器)––60 dBm 至 +44 dBm,9 kHz 至 26.5 GHz,平均功率测量,不需要使用功率计–利用 USB 连通性进行快速简单的设置–无需断开被测器件的连接,即可进行内部调零–DC 至 18/33/50/67/120 GHz–35 dBm 至 +20 dBm–测量速度高达 900 个读数/秒,功率线性度< 0.8%–实时测量不确定度特性––40 dBm 至 +20 dBm(峰值/选通),–45 dBm 至 20 dBm(仅限平均功率模式),50 MHz 至 18/40/50GHz–25,000 个读数/秒的测量速度(缓冲模式)–内部调零和校准–内置触发输入/输出–50000 个读数/秒(快速/缓冲模式)–USB 传感器10 MHz 至 6/18 GHz-70 dBm 至 +26 dBm–LAN 传感器10 MHz 至 6/33 GHz–-70 dBm 至 +20 dBm功率传感器峰值功率和平均功率传感器平均功率传感器N1921A/22A P 系列功率传感器N1921A/22A P 系列功率传感器N1921A/22A P 系列功率传感器E4410 和 E9300 E 系列功率传感器N8480 系列热电偶功率传感器848xD 系列和 E/V/W8486A 二极管功率传感器478A 热敏功率传感器关键特性针对制造业而设计–利用 P 系列功率计实现高达 100 MSa/s 的采样率和 1500 个读数/秒的测量速度, 从而显著提高生产效率–利用 U2040 X 系列宽动态范围功率传感器,实现 50,000 读数/秒的超快测量速度,以实现更高的制造吞吐量–代码可兼容传统功率计,可节省新代码开发的时间和精力 –后向兼容所有的传统功率传感器,以保护传感器投资 –广泛的平均功率和峰值功率传感器选择,适用于各种应用–以图形和表格格式显示 CDDF 统计测量结果,适用于无线元器件制造专为研发设计–校准因数储存在 EEPROM 中,可确保测量精度 –直观的用户界面可以快速进行设置–以图形方式显示 delta 测量数据,可以简化查看和分析 –迹线缩放有助于研究毛刺、过冲和上升/下降时间–对于 DME 、GSM 、EDGE 、WCDMA 、WLAN 和 LTE 等常见信号,利用内置无线和雷达预置,能够更快、更轻松地完成测试100 MSa/s 连续采样,确保不会遗漏信号毛刺时间选通峰值、专为安装、维护以及远程测量而设计–V3500A 和 U2020 系列、U8480 系列和 U2000 系列 USB 功率传感器具有重量轻和体积小的特点,为现场操作提供更多便利–轻巧型 U2049XA LAN 功率传感器可以通过 LAN 网络进行远程操作当您需要在道路上或基站塔中执行功率测量时,测量仪表的体积越小、重量越轻、数量越少,就会越有利于执行测量。
二、产品特性1. 支持直流和交流功率测量2. 高精度的功率测量能力3. 多种测量模式,适用于不同类型的电路测试4. 可连接至计算机进行数据分析和记录5. 简单易用的操作界面6. 耐用的外壳设计,适用于工业环境三、安全须知1. 在使用功率计前,请确保接线正确并接地良好。
2. 不要在高压环境下使用功率计,以免造成漏电或击电事故。
3. 注意防潮、防尘,避免将功率计放置在潮湿或灰尘较多的环境中。
4. 如发现功率计存在外部损坏或内部故障,应立即停止使用并联系售后维修。
四、操作指南1. 连接并打开功率计,确保电源及信号线连接正确。
2. 选择测量模式,可根据需要选择直流或交流功率测量。
3. 调整测量参数,如频率、电压、电流等。
4. 开始测量,并记录所需数据。
5. 测量结束后,关闭功率计并断开电源及信号线。
六、维护与保养1. 定期对功率计进行外观及内部的清洁,确保仪器的正常使用。
2. 避免碰撞、摔落及振动,以保证仪器的正常功能。
3. 如长时间不使用功率计时,请断开电源并妥善存放,避免灰尘积累影响仪器的使用寿命。
4. 如发现功率计有损坏或异常,请及时联系售后服务部门进行维修。
七、常见问题解答1. 问:功率计不能正常打开怎么办?答:首先检查电源线是否连接正确,其次检查电源开关和插座是否正常,如无法解决请联系售后服务。
2. 问:测量结果与预期不符怎么办?答:检查接线是否正确,电压、电流是否稳定,以及选用的测量模式是否正确。
3. 问:如何将测量数据导出到计算机?答:可以通过连接USB或LAN接口将数据导出到计算机,或者使用数据传输软件进行数据传输和记录。
Agilent-N9020A使用说明书功能测试XXXN9020A MXA操作手册1功能测试功能测试是对各种仪器参数的测试,这些参数对分析仪是否正常工作具有高度的信心。
随后的章节描述了以下功能测试:•“显示平均噪声级(DANL)”•“频次读数精度”•“二次谐波失真(SHD)•“50 MHz振幅精度”•“50 MHz振幅精度”•“频次相应(平展度)”•“频次相应(平展度)前置放大器开启”•“刻度保真度”•“BBIQ输入频次相应(仅BBA选项),每个功能测试包括:•测试限值(合格/分歧格尺度)•测试说明•测试所需的设备•显示如何连接设备的图•逐步说明•记录测量结果的一个或多个表格在执行功能测试之前1.确保你有合适的测试装备。
Pulsed Comp Test
EPM 系列
Sat Comms
802.11a/b/g product & component design &
宽频带通讯 其他
Point-to-point radio, Digital TV,
新一代 EPM
系列平均功率计 平均功率计
EPM-P 系列
P-Series P-系列
P-Series (LXI)
•U2000A •U2001A •U2002A •U2004A •U2000B •U2001B •U2000H •U2001H •U2002H
• N1913A N1914A
• 安捷伦的射频微波功率计和传感器的产品组合 • 市场细分 • 典型功率测量的种类 • 功率传感器技术概述 • 功率计和功率传感器组合的匹配 • 客户应用个案 • 为何选择安捷伦的射频微波功率计和传感器? • 答问时间
Type of Power Measurement
平均功率 脉冲功率 峰值包功率
N432热敏电阻 平均功率计
•测试平均功率 •多用作校准标准
P-系列功率传感器 - 二极管技术 N192XA: 功率的峰值和平均值测试;由 50 MHz 致40 GHz; 30 MHz视频带宽。
E-系列功率传感器 - 二极管技术 E441X: 动态范围 90 dB ; 正弦 波讯号。 E9300:动态范围 80 dB; 任何讯号的功率平均值测试, 带宽没有限制。 E9320: 功率的峰值和平均值测试,频率由50 MHz致 18 GHz; 5 MHz视频带宽。
注:InGaAs 铟镓砷红外探测器,标准相应波长范围为900nm—1700nm,扩展响应波长范围为400nm—900nm,1000nm—2500nm,具有灵敏度高、噪声低、低电容、良好的线性度。
2.禁止自动断电, 持续按下POWER 键3秒直到ON 和perm显示出来。
4.选择POWER键,Source键:进入设置参考,按下Abs/Rel然后持续按下Set Ref3秒(会产生3声蜂鸣)。
此时,只显示一个波长,可以按下功率计的- / +来对波长进行调节。
6.手动操作:打开仪器并选择波长、顺序按下POWER, Power Meter, -/+,若需要显示线性模式,按下dBm/w,若需要查看最大、最小值,重复按max/min,如需重置最大、最小值,按下max/min听到3声蜂鸣即可。
7.数据的存储:首先进入Power Meter或者Autotest模式。
如若清理所有保存的数据,同时按下RECALL 和CANCEL持续3秒,将显示clr,完成清理。
如果需要改变存储地点,,按SELECT -/+,进行设置。
查看记录,按下RECALL -/+,退出存储的数据,按CANCEL。
Agilent E4418B功率计操作指导书 11
2005-10-05文件编号:BTI-PIE-002-011 文件名称:AgilentE4418B功率计操作指导书Rev.:A生效日期:Page 2 of 3 项目操作步骤操作方法操作要求备注事项4. 功率计归零、校准5. 保存4.Display键5.PRESETLoad键1. 频率设定“Ref CF”默认值是100%或最后一个值;使用面板上的上、下、左、右键修改“Ref CF”;按“%”确认;2. 将功率传感器接至面板上的“POWER REF”端口;3. 按下面板上的“Rel/Offset”键,按下屏幕上的软按键“Offset Off”,即把衰件偏置关闭;4. 按下面板上的“Zero/Cal”键,按下屏幕上的软按键“Power Ref On”,即把功率修正打开,按下“Zero”,等待功率归零后,再按“cal”校准仪器,校准完成;5. 按下屏幕上的软按键“Power Ref Off”,即把功率修正关闭;6. 按下面板上的“Rel/Offset”键,按下屏幕上的软按键“Rel off”;按“offset”输入offset值,该值由网络分析仪测出,按“offset on ”,即把衰减偏置打开;1.功率计归零、校准完成之后,按下面板上的“SAVE/RECALL”键, 按下屏幕上的软按键“SAVE”,遵照屏幕的提示,按下“CONFIRM”即可;2.如果需要更改所要保存的文件名,则按下屏幕上的软按键“EDIT NAME”,使用面板上的上、下、左、右键编写所需的文件名,编写完后,依次按下屏幕上的软按键“ENTER”、“SAVE”、“CONFIRM”即可完成保存。
3.如果需要直接调出文件,则按下面板上的“SAVE/RECALL”键, 使用面板上的上、下、左、右键选择所需的文件名,按下屏幕上的软按键“RECALL”即可。
S p e C S H e e tkey feAtureSHigh accuracy, wide dynamic range and high power measurement capability (up to 26 dBm)Memory capacity of 1000 data items; enables data transfer to a PC via USB connectionUser-configurable pass/fail thresholds with LED indicator Over 40 calibrated wavelengths, and hold Min/Max power functionRechargeable batteriesError-free, time-saving test features: automatic wavelength switching, no offset nulling Low cost of ownership: three-year warranty and recommended calibration intervalfpm-600POWER METER2014GLOBALPORTABLE FIBER OPTIC T EST EQUIPMENTMARKET LEADERSHIPAWARDSuited for All Network typeSThe FPM-600 is a very powerful tool for the most demanding applications such as high-speed DWDM or CWDM network qualification.With more than 40 calibrated wavelengths, including all CWDM wavelengths, it allows for user-defined measurement wavelengths, using the interpolation method between calibrated points. Use its Hold Min/Max Power function to measure system power burst or fluctuations.error-free, time SA viNg teSt f eAtureSWhen used in combination with a FLS-600 Light Source in Auto-Switching mode, the power meter automatically recognizes the wavelength in use and switches to the proper calibration parameter. At the press of a button, you can store results for all wavelengths at once.fttx reAdyE XFO’s FPM-600 allows for the testing of passive optical networks (PONs) at 1310 nm, 1490 nm and 1550 nm, the three wavelengths recommended by the ITU-T (G.983.3) for PONs.at once.rugged A N d verSAtileLike all EXFO portable instruments, the FPM-600 is built for top ruggedness and versatility, perfect for the harshest test conditions. It features a keypad/LCD backlight, for easy operation in darker environments. What’s more, it is powered by a rechargeable battery.reportiNg SoftwAreThis new software tool enables you to produce professional-looking reports with comprehensive documentation. It also offers these functionalities:› T wo test files can be merged into one test report (see note no. 3)› P ass/fail thresholds that are active during download are automatically activated and displayed in the Report Viewer › O ne-touch storage of results for all wavelengths at once (see note no. 1)› U nit B configuration information can be input and documented (see note no. 2)› D ata transfer can be launched from the Report Viewer window (see note no. 3)› Apass/fail threshold can be set for an individual fiber or wavelength (see note no. 4)Optical Report Viewer: main w indow23Launchdata transfer and converter/mergerConfigure unit B information1Store test results for all wavelengths at onceOptical Report Viewer: main w indowSelect all or no results in a specific sectionApply a specific threshold to each fiber and/or wavelength and get a complete pass/fail status (not available with FasTesT results)4Notesa.Guaranteed unless otherwise specified. All specifications valid at 1550 nm and 23 °C ± 1 °C, with an F C connector.b.In C W mode; sensitivity defined as 6 x rms noise level.c.For calibrated wavelengths. Valid up to 20 dBm for FPM-602X.d.For power > –40 dBm for FPM-602, and > –25 dBm for FPM-602X.e.At 850 nm, 1300 nm, 1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550 nm and 1650 nm; for power > –50 dBm for FPM-602 and > –40 dBm (typical) for FPM-602X.f.For a variation of ≤ 0.06 dB at power levels ≥ –40 dBm for FPM-602 and ≥ –25 dBm for FPM-602X.S P E C I F I C A T I O N S aModel FPM-602FPM-602X DetectorGe GeX Power range (dBm) b 10 to –7026 to –55Wavelength range (nm)800 to 1650800 to 1650Calibrated wavelengths (nm)800, 820, 830, 840, 850, 860, 870, 880, 910, 980, 1270,Same calibrated wavelengths as the FPM-602, plus 10601280, 1290, 1300, 1310, 1320, 1330, 1340, 1350, 1370,1390, 1410, 1430, 1450, 1460, 1470, 1480, 1490, 1500,1510, 1520, 1530, 1540, 1550, 1560, 1570, 1580, 1590,1600, 1610, 1620, 1630, 1640, 1650Power uncertainty c ±5 % ± 0.1 nW±5 % ± 3 nWResolution (dB)±0.01 (10 dBm to –60 dBm)±0.01 (26 dBm to –45 dBm)Automatic offset nulling d Yes Yes Display units dB, dBm, WdB, dBm, WTone detection 270 Hz, 1 kHz and 2 kHz 270 Hz, 1 kHz and 2 kHz Auto-switching eYes Yes Warm-up period (min) f 0Data storage (items)More than 1000More than 1000Battery life (hours) (typical)7272Warranty and recommended recalibration interval (years)33Optical Report Viewer: main w indowO R D E R I N G I N F O R M A T I O NG E N E R A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N SSize (H x W x D)190 mm x 100 mm x 55 mm (7 ½ in x 4 in x 2 ⅛ in)Weight (with battery)0.48 kg (1.1 lb)Temperature operatingstorage–10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)–40 °C to 70 °C (–40 °F to 158 °F)Relative humidity0 % to 95 % noncondensingS T A N D A R D A C C E S S O R I E SUser guide, Certificate of Calibration, instrument stickers in six languages, A C adapter/charger, lithium ion battery, shoulder strap, carrying case, U S B cable.L A S E R S A F E T YIEC 60825-1:200721 CFR 1040.10LASER RADIATION A V O I D DIRECT EYE EXPOSURE CLASS 3R LASER P R O D U C T: 650 ±10 n mP o u t maximum < 5m W (into free space)。
Agilent EPM系列功率计高级测试设备租赁 - 阿吉兰技术有限公司说明书
1981Agilent EPM SeriesPower MetersThe standard just got better!• Fast measurement speeds (up to 200 readings per second)• Wide dynamic range sensors (-70 dBm to +44 dBm), sensor • Calibration factors stored in EEPROM • Rechargeable battery optionAgilent Technologies power meters have long been recog-nized as the industry standard for RF and microwave power measurements. Now, with our latest generation of power meters and sensors, Agilent provides totally updat-ed and exciting choices.The EPM series of power meters is comprised of:• E4418B single-channel power meter • E4419B dual-channel power meterand the E-series of power sensors (see table at left).The E-series power sensors are characterized by having their calibration factors, linearity, and temperature compensation data all stored in EEPROM and have a wide dynamic range. This series of power sensors only operate with the EPM power meters. For more informa-tion on the E9300 power sensors, refer to the Product Overview, 5968-4960E.Compatibility–Agilent protects your investmentOperates with 8480 series power sensors!Because Agilent understands the need to protect your investment in power sensors, the EPM series power meters have been designed to be fully compatible with the 8480 series power sensors.Works with 436A, 437B, and 438A code 1!The development of automatic test procedures, software generation, and verification are expensive tasks. To help protect your investment, we’ve designed the new E4418B power meter to be code-compatible with the 436A and 437B,and the E4419B to be code-compatible with the 438A. It’s therefore a quick and simple task to make many power meas-urements in an automatic test equipment (ATE) system using existing 436A, 437B and 438A code. This is achieved by softkey The Agilent EPM series provides a high degree of compatibility with 436A/437B/438A code. However, backwards compatibility can never be 100% guaranteed. For an application note on EPM series compatibility, visit our Web site at or ask your sales representative for litera-E4412A power sensor and E4413A power sensor.E4419B dual-channel power meter3... yet more useful functions ...SCPI compatible - EPM power meters conform to the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI).RS232/422 interface - both RS232 and RS422 serial interfaces can be used to remotely control the EPM series power meters.Limit testing - EPM series power meters can be configured to verify the power being measured against an upper and / or lower limit. Limit fail-ures are indicated on the power meter’s display and over the GPIB.Zero/cal lockout - can be enabled to prevent the EPM series power meter from making measure-ments until the connected sensor is zeroed and calibrated.Channel offset - EPM series power meters can be configured to compensate for signal loss or gain in your test setup.Designed for manufacturingFast speed means increased productivityFast measurement speed is essential in the high volume manufacturing of RF and microwave com-ponents and systems. Faster test time improves your productivity—letting you test more devices in less time. E-series sensors along with the E4418B power meter provide a FAST measurement mode that lets you make up to 200 readings per sec-ond. There’s also a x2 mode with the EPM series power meters and 8480 series sensor combination—doubling your speed compared to the 437B and 8480 series combination.No more slow range switch delays!A common problem with most power meters is the time delay that occurs when the power being measured crosses a range switch point. Range switching delays are either significantly reduced or eliminated when an EPM series power meter is used with an E-series sensor. This power meas-urement combination has only one fast range switch point across the entire dynamic range of the sensor.Height and width compatibility allows easy replacement in rackmount systems The EPM series power meters are the same height and width as the 437B and 438A—making them easy to substitute in rack-mount systems. The following options are available 2:E441xB-002- rear panel sensor input(s) withthe Power Reference Calibrator on the front panel.E441xB-003- rear panel sensor input(s) withthe Power Reference Calibrator on the rear panel.E441xB-908- rackmount kit for one instrument.E441xB-909- rackmount kit for two instruments.2These options are available for an extra cost.Rigorous environmental testing and high-reliability qualifies the EPM power meters for your most demanding measurement applica-tions.4Preset/localReturns the power meter to local control. If already in local, returns the power meter to the defaultcondition.Large LCD display High resolution display with back lighting pro-vides a wide viewing angle for all the dis-played data.SoftkeysProvide user menuselection.Rel:Relative mode uses displayed value as reference (when active).Offset:Display offset values from -99.99 dB to +99.99 dB can be set up.Meas setupAccesses the menus associated with the Measurement Setup (for example, selection of the digital or analog meter). Also accesses ratio measurements on the dual-channel power meter.Save/recall:Save and recall up to 10 instrument states.System/inputsAccesses the menus associated with the general power meter setup (for example, the GPIB address, sensor cal tables). Also accesses input offsets, averages,and other input data.Display keys Select the active dis-play window.Selectable single andsplit screen formats.dBm/WSelectable units of either Watts or dBm in absolute power, or percent, or dB for rel-ative measurements.5Easy to learn ... easy to useIncrease your productivity with an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use power meter.The EPM series has been designed with the user in mind. Hardkeys such as ZERO/CAL allow access to the most frequently used power meter functions.Softkeys provide measurement control through user selection. The high reso-lution LCD display (with backlighting), large characters, and split screens provide easy viewing of information.Rear panel features• DC recorder output, 0 to 1 Volt. The Agilent E4419B has two DC recorder outputs.•E441xB-002 provides rear panel sensor inputs with the power refer-ence oscillator on the front panel.•E441xB-003 provides parallel rear panel sensor inputs and moves the power reference oscillator to the rear panel.•GPIB connector for remote control of all functions.•RS232/422 connector for remote control.•Line power - universal input voltage range with NO range selection switches.•Ground connector - for those applications where you need a hard-wired connection between the power meter’s ground and a common ground.•Power meter conforms to CE and CSA standards.•Remote input / output - TTL logic level is output when a measurement exceeds a predetermined limit. TTL inputs are provided to initiate zero and calibration cycles.6Rugged and portable makes it ideal for field use The optional rechargeable battery (option 001),which provides up to 5.5 hours of continuous opera-tion, means you can use the EPM series power meters in a mains-free environment. The battery charges in less than three hours, during which time the meter can be used, and the charge level indicators keep you informed of the battery sta-tus at all times. The soft carry / operating case (34141A) makes it easy to use the EPM series power meter in installation and maintenance environments. Front and rear-panel bumpers protect the power meter from everyday knocks.A bail handle makes it easy to carry. The EPM series power meters are lightweight—weighing approximately 4kg (9 lb).The accessories available for the EPM series power meters are ideal for installation and maintenance situations.Designed for installation and maintenanceWide dynamic range allows high and low power measurements with a single sensorOne E-series CW sensor covers the range -70 to +20dBm, while the E9300 sensors operate from -60 to +44 dBm (25W), depending on the sensor. This wide dynamic range capability saves you time and money as you can measure both high (transmitter monitor points) and low (receiver) power levels using a single sensor. Often using just one sensor reduces the requirement for multiple sensor reconnections and the associated mandatory zero and calibration procedures.Stored sensor calibration factors for best accuracy and ease of useNow you no longer have to key in the sensor calibration factors to achieve optimum meas-urement accuracy. The E-series sensor calibra-tion factors (computed at our factory orAgilent Technologies Service Center) are pro-grammed into measurement points across the frequency range of the sensor and stored in EEPROM.At power-on, or when the sensor is connected,the calibration factors are automaticallydownloaded into the EPM series power meter.This eliminates measurement errors caused by wrongly keyed-in calibration factor data.Not all installation and maintenance environ-ments are temperature controlled. Therefore, it is important to have confidence in your power measurements over a wide temperature range.E-series sensors provide temperature correction information. This ensures that the best power measurement accuracy is maintained over the full 0 to 55˚C temperature range.Versatile display is suitable for your measurement needsIn the installation and maintenance environment, itis important to be able to see the power meter’sdisplay from a distance and in a variety of lightingconditions. The EPM series power meter has beendesigned to meet this need. Contrast adjustmentlets you set the brightness of the display.With the internal battery Option E441xB-0013installed, the LED backlight can be switchedoff to conserve battery charge levels. The back-light “timed” mode switches the backlight offafter 10 minutes of inactivity, again, to maxi-mize battery operation.The display’s wide viewing angle lets you readthe large characters and digits, or the analogpeaking meter, from a distance. You can dis-play both the digital and analog types of read-out using the meter’s split screen facility.The analog peaking meter helps you makeaccurate adjustments. User-defined upperand lower scale limits, either in dBm or Watts,allow you to control the sensitivity of thedisplayed adjustment.The E-series and 8480 series sensors can oper-ate with long sensor cables. Cable lengths upto 61 meters (200 feet) can be used in conjunc-tion with the 8480 series sensors. So, when youare inside a radio station or up a radio mast,those awkward transmitter and receiver adjust-ments are made easy using long sensor cables.3Available for an extra cost.The battery option and operatingcase bring Agilent’s power accuracyand ease-of-use to field applications.In subdued lighting conditions, youcan easily read the high resolutiondisplay.In this setup, the top half of the split displayshows the analog peaking meter while the bot-tom display shows the same measurement witha larger character size.7Designed for R&DOptimum measurement accuracy and repeatability means confidence in your power measurementsThe EPM series power meters maintain the high accu-racy standard set by the Agilent 437B and 438A—being designed to have excellent linearity.Instrumentation absolute accuracy, due to themeter electronics, is specified to be +0.02 dB inlogarithmic mode and +0.5% in linear mode—mak-ing this source of error a negligible part of theoverall measurement uncertainty.In RF and microwave power measurements, thelargest errors are caused by:• Sensor and source mismatch, and• Sensor frequency response, non-linearity,and temperature characteristics.To minimize the mismatch error, the E-seriessensors have a low VSWR specification. Toprovide comprehensive error correction, thecalibration factors, linearity and temperatureerror correction information are stored inEEPROM. Error correction is performed with-in the power meter. Frequency data is enteredby the user. Taking account of the signal level,the frequency being measured, and the tem-perature, appropriate correction values areapplied to the measurement. This error correc-tion process ensures optimum measurementaccuracy and repeatability over the full 0 to55˚C temperature range.User friendly interface for quick setup timesThe power meter has an intuitive user interface.Hardkeys for the most frequently used functionsand softkey menus simplify configuring the powermeter for your particular measurement needs. Toreduce repeated setup sequences, the SAVE/RECALLmenu allows you to save up to 10 instrumentconfigurations.With the E4419B, ratio and difference measurements can bemade. Here the upper half of the display shows the gain of aGSM amplifier while the lower half of the display shows the BChannel absolute power measurement in dBm.89Cables E441xB-004Delete power sensor cableAdditional cables 11730A Power sensor and SNS noise source cable,length 5 ft (1.5 m)11730B Power sensor and SNS noise source cable,length 10 ft (3 m)11730C Power sensor and SNS noise source cable,length 20 ft (6.1 m)11730D Power sensor cable, length 50 ft (15.2 m)11730E Power sensor cable, length 100 ft (30.5 m)11730F Power sensor cable, length 200 ft (61.0 m)AccessoriesE441xB-908Rackmount kit (one instrument)E441xB-909Rackmount kit (two instruments)34131A Transit case for half-rack 2U highinstruments34141A Yellow soft carry / operating case 34161A Accessory pouchE9287A 5Spare battery pack for the EPM power meterDesigned for R&DMore choice means the correct sensor for your applicationThe EPM series power meter’s compatibility with both the8480 series and E-series sensors provides R&D engineers with more choice:• The EPM series power meter and 8480 series sensor com-bination form a high precision, average power measure-ment system operating in the frequency range 100 kHz to 110 GHz (depending on the selected sensor) over a 50 dB maximum dynamic range.• The EPM series power meter and E-series sensor com-bination is ideal for measuring signals in the frequency range 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz, over a wide dynamic range,from -70 dBm to +44 dBm, (depending on the selected sensor).EPM power meter options 4PowerE441xB-001 Mains power and internal rechargeable batteryConnectorsE441xB-002 Parallel rear panel sensor input connector(s) and front panelreference calibrator connectorE441xB-003 Parallel rear panel sensor input connector(s) and rear panelreference calibrator connector Calibration documentationE441xB-A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration test data includingmeasurement uncertainties DocumentationA hard copy and CD version of the English language User’s Guide and Programming Guide is provided with the EPM power meter as standard. A selection can be made to delete the hard copy.E441xB-0B0 Delete manual setAdditional documentationSelections can be made for the localization of the User’s Guide and an English language Service Manual .E441xB-915 English language Service ManualE441xB-916 English language manual set (hard copy User’s Guide andProgramming Guide )E441xB-ABD German localization (hard copy User’s Guide and EnglishProgramming Guide )E441xB-ABE Spanish localization (hard copy User’s Guide and EnglishProgramming Guide )E441xB-ABF French localization (hard copy User’s Guide and EnglishProgramming Guide )E441xB-ABJ Japanese localization (hard copy User’s Guide and EnglishProgramming Guide )4With the exception of “delete” options, these are available for an extra charge.5Only for EPM series power meter with Option E441xB-001 installed.1011Service and supportTraceability to NISTAgilent’s power measurements are traceable to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST).Quality and reliabilityAgilent’s power meters and sensors are manufac-tured in ISO9002 registered facilities in accor-dance with Agilent’s commitment to quality.The reliability of these instruments is proventhrough extensive environmental testing.Warranty and extended warrantyIncluded with each EPM Series power meterand E-Series sensors is a standard one-yearreturn-to-Agilent service warranty. Supportoptions to extend warranty or cover periodiccalibrations are available. For more informa-tion, contact your local Agilent sales office.Literature referenceEPM Series Power Meters and E-seriesPower SensorsData Sheet5965-6382EEPM Series Power Meters and E-seriesPower SensorsConfiguration Guide5965-6381EFundamentals of RF and Microwave PowerMeasurementsApplication Note 64-1C5965-6630E4 Steps for Better Power MeasurementsApplication Note 64-4C5965-8167EE-Series E9300A Power SensorsProduct Overview5968-4960E Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifica-tions and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product oper-ation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabili-ties, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by con-tracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project manage-ment, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain depend-able measurement accuracy for the life of those products.Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test &measurement needs. 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只有在天馈线测量(CAT)和网络分析仪测量(NA)模 式下会用到校准功能。 N9912A一开机或按下仪表的 Preset 键,仪表就自动进 行校准。这种预先进行校准 (也称为 CalReady)把仪表 的测量基准面设置到 RF OUT 的连接器上。 在以下几种情况下,为了得到很准确的测量结果,需要 进行快速校准(QuickCa)或 O,S,L 校准: 环境温度有了非常显著的变化。 测量频率范围、分辨率、最小扫描时间、内部信号源 的功率发生了变化。 当使用稳相电缆或适配器与被测器件相连接的时候 (这些测量附件应该是高质量的部件) 。 按 Cal 5 键,然后按照所提醒的步骤进行操作。 在进行快速校准(QuickCal)当中,如果没有使用稳相 电缆或适配器,可以选择 Skip Load 。 Cal ON 显示在屏幕上的时候,表明预置的校准功能正在 对测量结果进行校准。 Cal ON Q 显示在屏幕上的时候,表明快速校准功能正在 对测量结果进行校准。 CAL ON U 显示在屏幕上的时候,表明 O,S,L 校准正在 对测量结果进行校准。 如果正在用内插算法对校准进行修正,屏幕上表示校准 的提示符号上会增加一个星号,例如 Cal ON* 在 CAT 或 NA 测量模式下进行 2 端口测量时,一定要进 行归一化校准(Normalization Cal)。
一个连接器的类型(例如 N 型)和极性(例如阳性)都符 合被测电缆要求的标准负载,测量时需要把这个标准负载 连接到被测电缆的一端。
已知电缆的长度和电缆的类型/型号,或者知道被测 电缆的单位长度的损耗 (dB/米) 和速度系数。
有时需要使用一根测量用的稳相电缆或适配器,用于把被 测电缆与 N9912A 相连接。 1.如果需要,把测量电缆(不是被测电缆)或适配器连接到 N9912A 的 RF OUT 端口上 2.按 Preset 键,然后选择 Preset 3.按 Mode 键,然后选择 CAT 按 Measure 1 键。 4.选择 Distance to Fault 5.按 Freq/Dist 键,然后选择 Stop Distance ,接着输入被测 电缆的长度 6.如果在测量的路径上有一个双工器或其它的滤波器,按 Freq/Dist 键,人工输入 Min Start (最低起始)和 Max Stop (最大截至)测量频率。否则,按 Meas Setup 键, 然后选择 Frequency Mode [Lowpass] 7.按 Cal 5 键,然后按照提示进行校准 8.取下任何不需要进行测量的部件或天线,然后在被测电缆的 一端连接一个标准负载。 9.按 Meas Setup 4 键,然后选择 DTF Cable Specifications . 10. 要么选择 Recall Coax Cable 或者选择 Velocity Factor 和 Cable Loss ,输入被测电缆的参数 11. 把被测电缆的起始端与 N9912A 相连,电缆的故障点距离 的测量结果就会显示在仪表的屏幕上
系统就绪软件 • 捆绑的合成仪器发现器与所有 LXI 兼容仪器协同工作 • 可从任何标准网络浏览器访问仪器网页 • 捆绑的功率计 GUI 与 P- 系列功率计兼容 • 捆绑的 IVI 驱动程序允许在您选择的环境中编程,
包括 Agilent VEE, LabView, C, C#, C++, Microsoft Visual Basic 和 MATLAB ® 后向兼容性 • 代码与 N1912A P- 系列功率计兼容
型号 • 单通道 N1911A • 双通道 N1912A
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部署测试系统更容易 减少测试系统建立成本 易于集成至现有系统 可从任何地方实现远地访问 和控制
远地编程能力 • SCPI 标准接口命令
*也可用其它命令编程, 见下面的系统就绪软件 • 10/100BaseT LAN 接口
MCPA 测试的范例设置
峰值功率和平均功率测量, 30 MHz VBW
P- 系列功率计的内部调零和校准
• 传感器中集成了直流参考源和开关电路 • 不需要用外参考源校准 • 不需要在校准源和测试夹具间连接/断开 • 减少测试时间、测量不确定度和连接器磨损
P- 系列功率传感器 (50 MHz 至 40 GHz; -35 dBm 至 20 dBm) E9320 E- 系列功率传感器 (50 MHz 至 18 GHz; -65 dBm 至 20 dBm) E4410 和 E9300 E- 系列功率传感器 (9 kHz 至 26.5 GHz;-70 dBm 至 44 dBm)
通过功率计 GUI 软件前面板 控制 N8262A 和查看测量
结果,就如同使用 P-系列 功率计的前面板。
P- 系列功率传感器 (50 MHz 至 40 GHz;-35 dBm 至 +20 dBm) E4410 和 E9300 E-系列功率传感器 (9 kHz 至 26.5 GHz;-70 dBm 至 44d Bm) 8480 系列功率传感器 (100 kHz 至 110 GHz;-70 dBm 至 44 dBm) N1918A 功率分析管理器软件
功率计间的代码兼容性减少重复编码的必要。不仅如此,所有 Agilent 功率计 都与之前的功率传感器兼容。
为满足所有实际应用需要,Agilent 提供众多的功率计和传感器选择 — 这些应 用包括无线通信,雷达脉冲测量,元件测试等。
无论您身处何处,安捷伦承诺向您提供对我们产品、应用和服务的 24 小时支持。
尺寸 • 1U 半机架高度
指标 • 30 MHz 视频带宽 • 100 MSa/s 连续采样率
测量类型 • 峰值, 平均值, 峰均比功率测量 • 时间选通和自由运行测量模式 • CCDF 统计分析 • 上升时间, 下降时间, 脉冲宽度 • 包括 WLAN, 雷达和 MCPA 的预定义配置
校准 • EEPROM 中的校准和校正因子
从 /find/io 选择高性能和可靠的 LAN/GPIB 变换器和网络 USB 集线器。
峰值功率和平均功率测量, 30 MHz VBW
用于紧凑的 ATE 系统
利用 LAN 的便利性,N8262A 的功率测量将不受地点和距离限制。
无论何时您需要查看或修 改 N8262A 的当前代理设 置,您都可在仪器的内置 网页上进行。
型号 • 单通道 N1911A • 双通道 N1912A
指标 • 30 MHz 视频带宽 • 100 MSa/s 连续采样率
测量类型 • 峰值, 平均值, 峰均比功率测量 • 时间选通和自由运行测量模式 • CCDF 统计分析,具有图形和表单格式 • 上升时间, 下降时间, 脉冲宽度 • 包括 WiMAX, HSDPA 和 DME 的预定义配置
峰值功率和平均功率测量, 30 MHz VBW
由于其 1U 半机架高度,N8262A 便于在任何场合部署测试系统。
1U 高度的 N8262A 能建立更小的测试系统, 更便于部署
易于集成至现有系统, 减少初始成本
N8262A 不需要昂贵的额外开销,从机架、系统控制器到电源都可利用您现有的测试系统。在网络探测到 N8262A 后,您就能从任何标准网络浏览器访问和配置它的设置,利用捆绑的功率计 GUI 软件前面板立即开始测量。由于仪器有 编程灵活性,您可使用熟悉的程序语言(包括 SCPI、 Agilent VEE 和 C),而避免使用陌生语言编程所花费的时间。
灵活的配置, 可上架或在现场独立使用 ........................................................................................................................... 16 用于外场测试, 良好的便携性 .............................................................................................................................................18
Agilent 功率计和 功率传感器
提供峰值功率和平均功率测量的 高性能解决方案
改变您的工作, 改变您的世界
长期以来, Agilent 功率计 一直被公认为是射频和微波测量
Agilent 功率计和传感器简介
高可靠, 高性能的解决方案
Agilent 功率计和传感器为您提供可靠的测试结果
适用于 MCPA 测试的宽视频带宽
在设计多载波功率放大器 (MCPA) 时,像 P-系列这样的宽带宽功率计能帮助您保证设备达到其最大功率指标。P-系 列功率计的 30 MHz 视频带宽允许在宽动态范围有多达 6 个 3G 载波。
• Tx 平均功率 (在猝发/时间选通模式)
峰值功率和平均功率测量, 30 MHz VBW
N8262A 前面板
电源 LED, 指示仪器通断
通道 A 和 B 传感器连接器
LAN LED, 指示仪器是否连接 到 LAN, 或 LAN 是否正在通信
Байду номын сангаас
功率参考 (0 dBm, 50 MHz)
DC 记录器输出(0 - 1 V)
进一步探索 Agilent 功率解决方案
用于紧凑的 ATE 系统 ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 用于有效捕获无线信号 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 用于测试复杂的调制制式 ................................................................................................................................................... 12
校准 • EEPROM 中的校准和校正因子 (P-系列和 E-系列
传感器和 N8480 系列) • 内部调零和校准 (P-系列传感器)* 见第 9 页
远地编程能力 • SCPI 标准接口命令 *也可用其它命令编程,见下面 • GPIB, LAN 和 USB 接口
系统就绪软件 • 捆绑的 IVI 驱动程序允许在您选择的环境中编程, 包
• P- 系列功率计 30 MHz 的视频带宽实现 WiMAX 信号捕获
• 通过自动触发释抑能力,您能在要求的固定 时间范围内捕获整个下行链路和上行链路 子帧猝发
• 自动显示时间选通峰值功率、平均功率和峰均比 测量结果,便于进行信号分析
可用表单和图形格式查看 CCDF 统计分析结果
系统就绪软件 • 捆绑的合成仪器发现器与所有 LXI 兼容仪器协同工作 • 可从任何标准网络浏览器访问仪器网页 • 捆绑的功率计 GUI 与 P- 系列功率计兼容 • 捆绑的 IVI 驱动程序允许在您选择的环境中编程,
包括 Agilent VEE, LabView, C, C#, C++, Microsoft Visual Basic 和 MATLAB ® 后向兼容性 • 代码与 N1912A P- 系列功率计兼容
峰值功率和平均功率测量, 30 MHz VBW
用于紧凑的 ATE 系统
Agilent N8262 P-系列模块式功率计
N8262A 是一款为支持基于LAN的ATE系统而设计的双通道、符合 LXI C 类标准的功率计。由于其超薄、半机架高的外 形,N8262A 不仅可以减小测试系统体积,而且更便于部署。
使用 P-系列的预设置,设置雷达信号测量又快又容易。使用自动标度和自动选通功能进一步简化对雷达脉冲的捕 获。通过自动选通设置“永远开”,当脉冲宽度变化时,选通自动地重新定位。
• 对于在一个或多个脉冲上的各项测量,可设置多达四种独立的时间选通 • 由于有达 40 GHz 的频率范围和 ≤ 13 ns 的上升/下降时间,
括 Agilent VEE,LabView, LabWindows, C, C++ 和 MATLAB
后向兼容性 • 代码与 EPM-P 和 EPM 系列功率计兼容
峰值功率和平均功率测量, 30 MHz VBW