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比较状语从句表达人或事物的属性或特征的不同程度。主要运用于形容词和副词的原级、比较级及最高级的句子之中。原级:as…as(和……一样),not so(as)…as …(和不一样);比较级:more…than(更);最高级:The most…in/of,the + 形容词+est…of/in。




Our classroom is as big as theirs. 我们的课室跟他们的一样大。

I hope you like it as much as I do. 我喜欢你跟我一样喜欢它。


The speed of sounds in water is about four times as great as in air.声音在水中的速度是空气中的4倍左右。

This book is twice as thin as that one. 这本书的厚度是那本书的二分之一。

2.not so / as ···as(不像···那样,不如)。第一个as/so是副词,在主句中作状语,修饰其后的形容词/副

词;第二个as是连词,引导从句。not so…as比not as…as用得比较普遍。例如:

It is not as easy as you think. 事情并不像你想的那么容易。

The work did not go so smoothly as we hoped. 这工作并不像我们希望的那样顺利。


1. 形容词/副词的比较级+than+被比较的对象。表示两个人或事物在某(些)方面的差别。than是连词,


Man grows fast er than the planet he inhabits. 人类成长的速度远比他居住的星球快得多。

注意:①从句中的主语(名词)如果与主句中的主语一致,为了避免重复,常用that代替不可数或某可数名词,用those代替可数复数名词,用one或ones代替可数名词。例如:The result of this experiment is better than that of the last one. 这次实验的结果要比上次好。

The students in our class are more diligent than those in their class. 我们班的学生比他们班的学生用功。



We have produced even more coal this year than we did that year. 我们今年出产煤要比去年出产得更多。

She drives better than her husband does. 她开车开得比她丈夫好。



Tom is no less diligent than peter. 汤姆用功不比彼得差。(汤姆和彼得同样用功)

He feels no better today than he did yesterday.他今天的感觉不比昨天好/他今天的感觉跟昨天同样不好。

②“ not more than” 不如… (前者不如后者)

Jack is not more diligent than John. 杰克不如约翰勤奋。

3.句型the···the···(越···越···)。即:从句:the + 比较级···,主句:the + 比较级···The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance. 我们越学习,就越发现自己无知。


The longer the treatment is delayed, the worse the prognosis will be. 延误治疗的时间越长,预后越差。三.最高级

1. The most…in/of

This book is the most interesting of the three. 这本书是三本中最有趣的。

2. the + 形容词+est…of/in

This road is the busiest street in our city. 这条路是我们城市最繁忙的街道。

3. one of the + 名词(复数)….之一(用于最高级)

Tom is one of the best students in our school. Tom是我们学校最好的学生之一。


1.He looks ___ _______ ___ a brick wall. (nervous)

2.Drive ___ _______ ___ you can. (safe)

3.His new boss is much ______ ______________ ______ his last. (interesting)

4.The car is running less _____________ ______ it used to. (smoothly)

5.You are ____ _____ ___________ person I’ve met. (annoying)

6.We’ll drive a bit ________ _______ you do, so we’ll get there first. (fast)

7.I like Jack and Tom, but I think Jack is ____ ________ of the two. (nice)

8.You’re far _____ __________ ______ I am. (tolerant)

9.Is your mother any _____ ____________? (relaxed)

10.She’s _____ _______ __________ of the Smith girls. (sensible)

11.Could you come _____ _________ ______ you usually do.

12.Honey is just about ____ _________ _____ sugar. (sweet)

13.Doesn’t Alice look a bit ____ _________ he did last week? (unhappy)

14.What is ______ _________ joke you have ever heard? (funny)
