



文献出处:Croxton K.L The research of fresh food e-commerce logistics distribution modefJ]. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2017, 1(2): 13-24.原文The research of fresh food e-commerce logistics distribution modeCroxton K LAbstractWith the development of electronic commerce enterprise, from the Internet shopping has been gradually deep into the people’s life, so that people want to buy on the Internet to be assured that there is an increasing demand or iresh agricultural products. This rare agricultural socialization trend of consumption also offers fresh electronic commerce development opportunities, but now is the actual situation of fresh electronic commerce development is not very optimistic. For fresh food e-commerce,due to the particularity of fresh products, it requires the logistics distribution can be according to the requirements of the customer at the right time to provide enough fresh products,it is for the logistics service quality and time put forward higher requirements,delivery is not yet mature,distribution costs are high,low efficiency and service level is often difficult to guarantee,fresh products logistics distribution is a bottlenecK in the development of them.Keywords: fresh food e-commerce,distribution pattern,cold chain logistics, and risk control 1 IntroductionFarmers1markets and supermarkets is the traditional channels of city residents to buy fresh agricultural products, but with the development of social economy speed boost, the rhythm of people’s life in the city than ever also had obvious increase,’’workers•’ due to the limitation of working hours, often the problem is there are very few time at a farmers’ market or supermarket to buy fresh produce,even after work at farmers’ markets or supermarkets to buy the fresh agricultural products, can buy goods is not fresh. With the development of electronic commerce enterprise, from the Internet shopping has been gradually deep into the people's life, so that people want to buy on the Internet to be assured that there is an increasing demand of fresh agricultural products,especially for "workers' this is more urgent demand.B2C,C2C e-commerce business now more concentrated in the electronic products, clothing and completely processed food, for the present stage of basic logistics service can satisfy the requirements of web site with the customer.This article is mainly in the electronic commerce logistics distribution mode of fresh research aspects,based on fresh from the actual situation of electronic commerce and the close analysis of key element fresh food e-commerce,summarizes three different with general distribution mode of fresh food e-commerce logistics distribution mode, the characteristics of the pattern design is by fresh good cooperation from the electronic commerce information online and offline business, to reduce the fresh raw e-commerce product line the difficulty of the logistics distribution,thus make the enterprise to offline logistics cost is high,the efficiency is not high to make a good deal with the problem of.2 Literature reviewResearch of fresh agricultural products safety, F.S chwagele (2005) about the European fresh agricultural products traceability for the development of history,Europe for fresh food formulated laws and regulations, food companies are required to have their own traceability system, to ensure transparency in the whole process of the food production chain,can verify,is produced in Europe after the outbreak of a series of food safety accidents; Lists the Europe now use traceability technology,such as coding system EAN UCC (2002) - AIDC barcode, electronic data management system and RFID.K.E^ Belk, J.A. Scanga et al. (2005) to trace the history of the development of the American food, they think that the United States than in Europe and Japan in terms of food traceability backward,at the same time points out that the Carrefour and other large retail enterprises in the application of RFID technology played an important role, mainly adopts monomer great significance by IAID and group recognition AGID two methods on the meat recognition.Research of fresh agricultural products supply chain knowledge, RD abbene, P.G ay and N.S acco (2008) argue that produce raw materials from leave growers or meat slaughterhouse to the terminal consumer impact on the cost and quality of this process play a key role, so it is necessary for fresh agricultural products supply chain to do enough research. Omar Ahumada, J.R ene Villaobos (2009) argue that due to a series of public health problems, the supply chain of agricultural products will face more strict rules and close monitoring. In fresh agricultural products distribution,Ana Osvald,Lidija Zadnik Stirn (2008) of fresh vegetables distribution path optimization algorithm has made the research of vehicle,and according to the working time window,distribution vehicle travel time and vegetables perishable characteristics the impact on the cost distribution path model is put forward- Omar Ahumada, J.R ene Villaobos(2009) studied the fresh crop at harvest and distribution of two link planning problem,the model put forward by them to provide planted with maximum benefits.For research of Cold Chain logistics,Americans Albert,Braille (Albert Barrier) and the British J.A. laidi qi (J.A.R uddich) at the end of the 19th century has elaborated on the Cold Chain (Cold Chain) point of view. But,until 1940,cold chain point of view to the attention of the world.C-D Tarantilis (2002), such as the problem of distribution route between the fresh meat in multiple warehouse was studied,and the random search heuristic algorithm and threshold accepting algorithm to solve this problem, this problem has a lot to the benefits of economic benefits to the enterprise. Kuala Lumpur ikar etc. (2006) put forward during the cold-chain food sales and storage of food cold chain management quality has a great influence.R.M ontanari (2008) analyzed the impact of supply chain under the condition of perishable food quality,time, temperature control is a key issue, starting from the point of view of technology and management were put forward to solve the problem.Andrej Ovca etc. (2009) put forward the consumer need for perishable food from procurement to use the entire cold chain maintenance of cognitive deficiencies.Chaug - Ing Hsu (2011) developed a kind of temperature distribution of equipment model, using replaceable cool storage technology incubator to meet the needs of distribution network.2The analysis of fresh food e-commerce distribution factor2.1Frozen technicalFresh raw products in e-commerce logistics distribution of cooling fresh is fresh food e-commerce is very important link, fresh products in sales in the whole process of the entire cold chain is the necessary measures of keeping fresh of fresh products,fresh products cold chain in the whole process of the freezing technology includes two parts: one is the refrigeration; 2 it is fresh. Refrigeration is in raw products raw materials get to maintain product freshness after cooling process. Fresh products of refrigeration can be divided for refrigerated and frozen. Fresh on the application of the freezing technology, e-commerce is to control the quality of the good fresh product,also control the cost of logistics distribution. Refrigeration technology in fresh it is very important to the operation of e-commerce,fresh food e-commerce enterprise shall,on the basis of existing facilities development suited to their own refrigeration technology, such as fresh direct against their goods for distribution in car special renovation,so as to achieve the goal of economical and practical•2.2Distribution networkDue to the diversity of fresh food,a lot of fresh food is a regional restriction; second,cold-chain distribution network radius cannot too big; otherwise the cost is too high. Fresh products because of the high requirements for delivery and save the characteristics of short time, the traditional logistics network layout of general goods in a certain extent, not only can't satisfy people's needs, but also can cause a lot of resources allocation is not reasonable. Fresh distribution network of e-commerce involved have fresh product base,production and processing base, refrigerated warehouse,logistics center and distribution center, if use the third party logistics enterprise distribution, distribution network involves a fresh product base, production and processing base,refrigerated warehouse, third party logistics of the logistics center and distribution center. Cold-chain logistics network in each node, if can effective work in the entire network layout,will improve on the efficiency of cold chain logistics has a lot of help, cold-chain logistics network layout model is roughly divided into single economies of cold-chain logistics network,the area of cold-chain logistics network and cross-regional cold-chain logistics network.2.3Information systemFresh e-commerce logistics information system, it is fresh online operation and offline operation and efficient electricity with indispensable link, to ensure that the line of the cold chain run efficiently, in addition to cold storage facilities and advanced technology,also need to have advanced cold-chain information system for effective management. By computer hardware, computer software and information resources together,through the man-machine combination is known as the information system to handle the flow of information system, on the basis of the functions and features of logistics, the computer network technology, electronic data interchange (edit) technology and the information system applied to each link of logistics operation.Fresh e-commerce logistics distribution use of modern information technology has the following kinds: technology,electronic commerce is in the Internet open network environment,based on browser/server application,realize consumer online shopping, online transactions between merchants and online electronic payment of a new type of commercial operation mode. Supply chain management system, electronic order system, intelligent transportation systems, EPC system and bar code technology are fresh,common technology in e-commerce application. Supply chain management system, based on supply chain management thoughts as the instruction,will link each entity in the supply chain business through information,logistics,information flow, document flow, business flow and cash flow) of communication to achieve seamless connection system model. Intelligent transportation system,vehicle information, the road map and a fixed input of user information integration of computer algorithm, by using computer technology, sensor technology, artificial intelligence and other advanced technology effectively to integrate comprehensive application in the transport of goods, thus forming an accurate and efficient automatic transport system.3The problems of fresh food e-commerce logistics distributionFresh e-commerce distribution problem involves mainly by cold chain logistics, as a result of the limitation of hardware and software aspects overall situation,main problems are as follows:(1)The construction of infrastructure. Low temperature logistics now,refrigerated facilities is a lot of mechanical, refrigeration technology is relatively backward, the hardware facilities of lagging behind and modernization level of a serious shortage of professional cold chain vehicle, in ordinary loss is very big, in the process of transportation and delivery used logistics costs alone accounted for seventy percent of the cost of perishable goods,some infrastructure construction will not be able to provide security for the cold chain of food circulation system.(2)Frozen processing capacity is limited. Frozen processing is the main equipment of air cooler, frozen carcass meat, for example, in the air cooler is to together for frozen carcass meat flesh and bones, causing completely unnecessary waste, and the efficiency is not high. Although individual frozen processing have installed between advanced contact plate freezer, but is still a far cry from what to popularize and apply.(3)Transport facilities, loss are big. Transport infrastructure development, both railway and highway, whether on the proportion of vehicles or cold chain on the traffic. On the cold chain transport, railway cold-chain transport accounted for twenty percent of total food cold-chain transport and a half, but for railway freight volume is less than 1%.(4)The frozen storage and economic development does not match. Frozen storage of all aspects of the conditions are not enough to support the rapid development of cold chain logistics. Especially the construction of cold storage,both from layout of cold storage and cold storage capacity,is not conducive to the rapid development of cold chain storage. Cold storage more focused on the layout of the city, the origin of a serious shortage of cold storage; Common cold storage capacity can f tmeet the requirements of cold chain now. Cold storage refrigeration technology and,on the other hand,to the temperature control and monitoring technology in cold storage are comparatively large difference with international standards,the improvement of the need to a great extent.The cold chain logistics management lags behind. Cold-chain logistics needs through strict management to achieve the enterprise's management goal,but now management, due to lack of correct understanding of cold chain logistics, cold chain often appear in the ’’chain” phenomenon: broken from farm to the wholesale,fresh fruits and vegetables often railed to do preliminary cold treatment; In primary processing and sorting area without cryogenic environment.译文生鲜电子商务物流配送模式研究CroxtonKL摘要伴随着电子商务企业的发展,从网络上购物的方式已经逐渐的深入到了居民的生活中,以至于人们希望在网络上能够购买到放心的生鲜农产品的需求越来越大。



电子商务物流配送外文文献译文及原文Increased competitiveness in all industrial sectors sharpened by globalization and fall of global supply is forcing companies towards optimization of their business processes and new ways of mergers or partnerships with direct results in decreased business costs. With these strategic alliances new management strategies are formed as Clusters, Supply Chain Management (SCM), E-logistics, etc. Some authors are making references that logistic are “worth” 10% to 12% of GDP (Sahay, 2003). According to AMR research (Challenger, 2001), E-logistics has apotential of lowering costs by 10 %. On basics of these two references we can conclude that E-logistics can save our money for as much as 1.2% of GDP. Therefore it is not surprised that in last few years in high effective companies as Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Digital Equipment Corporation, Xerox, Dell and Benetton Group top management is favorable to Supply Chain and therefore E-logistics (Romano, 2003).There is collection of literature indicating the importance ofclusters and networks not only between firms, but along the value chain and across industries. The networks inherent in these clusters are integral for knowledge generation and diffusion, for technology transfer, for sharing risk and costs, for allowing firms to access new markets and opportunities and, finally, for building comparative advantage in the global market.Porter (Porter, 1990) defines clusters as geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, specialized suppliers, service providers, firms in related industries, and associated institutions. He proposed a model that provides conditions that have to be met for a firm to be internationally competitive and successful. This model focuses on four primary conditions which he arranged in a diamond-shaped diagram: factor conditions, demand conditions, structures of firms and rivalry and related and supporting industries. The "Related and Supporting Industries" feature of the diamond denotes the importance of clustering in developing international competitive advantage incorporating two features of a healthy cluster: the presence of vertical support through internationally competitive supplier industries which ensure cost-effective and speedy deliveries; and the presence of horizontal support in internationally competitive related industries to co-ordinate and share activities with and to stimulate local competition.In the article informatization of STLC will be presented through the project Modeling, Analyzing and Renovation, Standardization and Informatization of business processes of the Slovenian Transport Logistics Cluster which is performed by Business Informatics Institutein Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. With informatization have logistic compani es’ not just better connectivity with their customers and suppliers but also better performance andfaster responds. To achieve appropriate level of informatization STLC must invest in modern information technologies. One of possiblesolutions is use of internet with his costless policy and in last years high security as the most appropriate communication channel.For all logistic companies it is assumed to control global logistic chain of their customers and therefore are dependent on successful implementation of informatization technologies which leads to decrease of inventory costs, better customer retention, asset management, etc.增加对全球化和全球供应下降削尖所有工业部门的竞争力,迫使他们对优化业务流程和兼并或在降低经营成本的直接成果的伙伴关系的新途径公司。



文献出处:Ferrucci F, Bock S. Real-time control of express pickup and delivery processes in a dynamic environment [J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2014, 63: 1-14.原文Real-time control of express pickup and delivery processes in a dynamic environmentFrancesco Ferrucci ;Stefan Bock1. IntroductionDaily transportation services of express courier service companies are characterized by a highly dynamic environment in which the system situation frequently changes by the occurrence of various dynamic events. A key characteristic is that dynamically arriving requests have to be transported from pickup locations to delivery locations on the same day. Since it is highly desired that requests are fulfilled within given time windows, transportation activities are often carried out under high time pressure. Moreover, road networks are frequently congested and unreliable. Consequently, besides the arrival of new requests, traffic congestion and vehicle disturbances, i.e., slowdowns and breakdowns, have to be managed in real-time. Thanks to advances in information and communication technologies, information about dynamic events which is only available during the execution of the transportation service can now be utilized ( Larsen, 2000 and Giaglis et al., 2004). 1.1. ContributionsIn this paper, we propose a new real-time control approach for efficiently coordinating dynamic transportation services of express courier service companies. In order to provide practical decision support, this approach is based on an extended Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem (DPDP) that integrates various sources of dynamic events as well as several real-world aspects. We denote this new variant as the Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Real-Time Control (DPDPRC). It is specifically designed in order to efficiently control urgent real-world transportation services which are executed by express courier service companies. The main contributions of this paper are:•Consideration of various real-world aspects.The DPDPRC extends the DPDP by considering realistic aspects that are typical of the considered transportation services. Vehicles are heterogeneous in terms of capacity, personnel costs, travel speed, and route-dependent travel costs. Soft request time windows with variable lateness costs are integrated as well as legal driving time restrictions. The primary objective is to minimize lateness at request locations and the secondary objective is to minimize vehicle operating costs. Moreover, vehicles travel on a detailed real road network.•Dynamic environment comprising various types of dynamic events.Besides newly incoming requests, further dynamic events such as traffic congestion, vehicle slowdowns as well as vehicle breakdowns are integrated. The integration of these sources of dynamic events, which are common in real-world transportation services, ensures the practical applicability of the DPDPRC.•Real-time control and appropriate solution method.In the DPDPRC, transportation services are coordinated by a real-time control approach that handles the concurrency of tour plan execution and tour plan adaptation. In order to efficiently adapt the existing transportation plan according to the consequences of occurring dynamic events, a specifically designed Tabu Search approach is applied. Due to the resulting extended adaptability, many challenging scenarios with tight time windows and a large number of different types of dynamic events can be efficiently handled.• Generation of appropriate test instances.In order to evaluate the efficiency and practicability of the proposed approaches under different possible situations, various test scenarios with different types of dynamic events are generated. For this purpose, we propose new methods for generating problem instances of desired complexity. Furthermore, a new approach for simulating traffic congestion in road networks is introduced.The practicability of the proposed real-time control approach is evaluated by means of a comprehensive computational study.1.2. Literature reviewThe considered transportation services can be modeled as a variant of the Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) which is a generalization of the well-studied Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP, see Toth and Vigo, 2002 and Golden et al., 2008) and a special case of the General Pickup and Delivery Problem (GPDP, see Savelsbergh and Sol, 1995). Variants of PDPs have become a vital research area because of their practical relevance. A closely related problem that focuses on passenger transportation is the Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP, see Cordeau and Laporte, 2007, Cordeau et al., 2007, Paquette et al., 2013 and Kirchler and Wolfler Calvo, 2013). In the DARP, additional driving constraints and convenience objectives are considered.In the literature, approaches for static PDPs are distinguished from dynamic concepts. In approaches for static PDPs it is assumed that the problem data is known in advance with certainty (see, e.g., Nanry and Wesley Barnes, 2000, Lu and Dessouky, 2004 and Bard and Jarrah, 2009). Hence, on account of the absence of dynamic events, no plan adaptation is necessary during the execution of the transportation service. In contrast, real-time concepts can handle unexpected changes of the system situation caused by dynamic events (see Ghiani et al., 2003, Mitrovic-Minic et al., 2004, Mitrovic-Minic and Laporte, 2004 and Fabri and Recht, 2006). With regard to the focus of this paper, only real-time approaches are described in what follows. An overview about dynamic PDPs can be found in Berbeglia et al. (2010).While most approaches consider the arrival of new requests, other sources of dynamic events are also considered in selected research work. Modeling of traffic congestion is considered in the work of Fleischmann et al., 2004, Attanasio et al., 2007, Barcelóet al., 2007, Haghani and Yang, 2007, Cortés et al., 2008 and Bock, 2010. Moreover, vehicle disturbances are considered in Li et al., 2009, Li et al., 2009, Bock, 2010 and Mu et al., 2010.Recently, there have been a number of approaches that use stochastic knowledge about expected future request arrivals. While most approaches deal with dynamic VRPs (see, e.g., Bent and van Hentenryck, 2004, Ichoua et al., 2006, Hvattum et al., 2006, Hvattum et al., 2007, van de Klundert and Wormer, 2010 and Ferrucci et al.,2013), there are also approaches for DPDPs. Relocation strategies are used to reposition idle vehicles to areas in which future requests are expected (see Powell, 1988, Attanasio et al., 2007 and Ghiani et al., 2009). In Yang et al. (2004), a reoptimization approach which directly uses stochastic knowledge about expected future requests in the request assignment is presented. Moreover, different methods of generating stochastic knowledge are proposed. In Attanasio et al. (2007), stochastic knowledge is derived from historical data using a time series decomposition approach. Sáez et al. (2008) integrate stochastic knowledge generated from historical data using a fuzzy clustering method.With regard to modeling vehicle movements, only few approaches make use of a road network (see Fleischmann et al., 2004 and Bock, 2010), while an integration of road class-dependent vehicle costs is missing. Another approach which can be advantageous is vehicle en-route diversion. Using en-route diversion, a new request, which arrives close to the remaining route that a vehicle is currently taking to its next request, can be directly serviced. However, only few DPDP approaches in the literature make use of this possibility (c.f., e.g., Attanasio et al., 2007 and Branchini et al., 2009).Another important aspect of real-time control approaches is the simultaneity of plan adaptation and plan execution activities. However, although this is a prerequisite for approaches modifying complex transportation services in real-time, it can only rarely be found (see, e.g., Gendreau et al., 1999 and Ichoua et al., 2000 for dynamic VRPs, and Bock (2010) for a substantially extended DPDP). In particular, in order to provide practical decision support for urgent real-world transportation services of express courier service companies, extended DPDP approaches that cover this aspect together with the integration of different sources of dynamic events are lacking.1.3. OrganizationThe remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the considered problem. Section 3 describes the proposed real-time control approach and characteristics of the static problem instances which are solved during the execution of the transportation service. Section 4 presents the Tabu Search metaheuristic that isused in order to solve static problem instances. In Section 5, generated test instances and computational results are presented. The paper closes with a summary and an outlook on future work in Section 6.2. Problem descriptionIn the considered daily transportation service of an express courier service company, a set of requests has to be serviced by a fleet of vehicles. Each request consists of a good which needs to be transported from one pickup location to one delivery location. Each request location has a time window during which service is desired. Time windows are soft at the end so that service is also allowed after the end of a time window but this generates undesired lateness. Service of a request prior to the opening of the time window is not possible due to customer restrictions. However, a vehicle may wait at a request location before the start of the time window at no penalty. For each request the corresponding good that has to be transported possesses a specific one-dimensional weight. Consequently, tour plans have to comply with capacity constraints of vehicles.Besides new requests that dynamically appear over time, the dynamic nature of the situation arises from traffic congestion, vehicle slowdowns, i.e., vehicles travel at reduced speed, and from vehicle breakdowns. Since no information about dynamic events is known in advance, they have to be handled in real-time. Note that the duration of traffic congestion and vehicle disturbances is unknown. Hence, these dynamic events may or may not be revoked during the execution of the transportation service. Furthermore, transshipment of requests is not permitted. However, if a vehicle breaks down, requests that have already been loaded onto this vehicle can be picked up by other vehicles at the breakdown location.The express courier service company does not own any vehicles but contracts with third parties. Each vehicle has one driver and no initial vehicle usage costs occur. Note that the number of available vehicles is limited. Since different types of vehicles (e.g., cars or small vans) are used by the third parties, vehicles are considered to be heterogeneous with regard to loading capacity, personnel costs, travel speed, and route-dependent travel costs. Once a vehicle has been dispatched, an attempt is madeat finding further requests for the vehicle. However, if this is not possible, the vehicle returns to the depot. The express courier service company pays the costs for traveling back to the depot for each of the booked vehicles. Hence, each vehicle starts and ends its tour at the same depot. Vehicle operating costs comprise route-dependent travel costs and personnel costs for each booked vehicle until it has returned to the depot. Vehicles travel on a real road network and always use the fastest routes between locations. En-route diversion of vehicles is allowed. This enables re-routing of vehicles to another location while traveling to their next assigned location. Furthermore, driver deployments need to follow legal restrictions on driving time.Since a timely delivery of express goods is of exceptional importance, a hierarchical objective function is applied. The primary objective is to minimize the total lateness for each customer request location which is measured in minutes. Note that an adequate modeling of lateness costs requires a suitable operationalization of consequences of lateness-induced customer inconvenience. In what follows, by using a constant cost factor for each minute of generated lateness, we assume a linear increase of customer inconvenience as empirically derived and validated by Davis and Maggard (1990). Moreover, it allows for a direct comparison of the total lateness incurred at customer locations. However, note that, as is the case with every lateness penalty function, this linear lateness penalization has application-dependent pros and cons. Specifically, some customers may benefit at the expense of other customers that are serviced later. Nevertheless, a linear penalization does not lead to distortion while pursuing a minimization of average lateness, as is the case when applying over-linear lateness penalty functions. As the secondary objective, the minimization of vehicle operating costs is pursued.译文动态环境中快递分拣的实时控制和配送过程弗朗西斯科·费鲁奇;斯蒂芬·波克1引言快递服务公司的日常快递运输服务,其特点是高度动态的环境系统,经常会因为各种动态事件发生变化。

物流外文文献及翻译范文 ()

物流外文文献及翻译范文 ()

文献出处: Mahpula A. The Research of Regional Logistics Competitiveness [J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2015, 15(2): 30-34.原文The Research of Regional Logistics CompetitivenessMahpula AAbstractAt present, the development of logistics is the logistics demand rapid increase, the expanding market capacity, accelerates the construction of logistics infrastructure, third-party logistics fast growth the tendency, the whole logistics industry is developing in the direction of the information, globalization and specialization. At the same time, with the rapid increase of logistics demand, the development of the regional logistics more rapidly. Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existence and development of regional logistics is the premise of existence and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regional logistics. Regional logistics and regional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regional economic shape, size and industry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Regional economic integration can make the area and regional logistics incline to reasonable, adapt to reasonable layout of industrial structure, to reduce logistics cost, promote the development of regional logistics. On the other hand, the regional economic development is inseparable from the development of regional logistics and regional logistics to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the further development of regional economy. Therefore, the development of the regional logistics has become to improve the regional investment environment and industry development environment, expanding the scope of the regional influence, the key to enhancing regional competitiveness.Keywords : Regional logistics; Regional logistics competitiveness; Evaluation index 1 IntroductionThe rapid development of world economy and the progress of modern science and technology, the logistics industry as an emerging service industry, is developing rapidly in the global scope. Internationally, logistics industry is considered to be the economic development of the artery and 物流外文文献及翻译范文【最新资料,WORD 文档,可编辑修改】basic industry, its development degree become to measure a country's modernization degree and comprehensive national strength, one of the important marks is known as the "third profit source" of the enterprise, its role is more and more big, became the current after the IT industry, financial industry's hottest emerging industry a new growth point of national economy, and caused widespread social attention. Regional logistics is an important component of regional economy, is the important force in the formation and development of regional economy, it is to improve the efficiency and economic benefit in the field of regional circulation, improve the competitive ability of regional market, etc., plays a positive role in active. Behind the rapid development of modern logistics, however, there are still many problems; including logistics competitiveness level is lower than the level of logistics development is particularly prominent. Choosing logistics competitiveness development level evaluation index, since there is no uniform standard, can only use freight or freight turnover scale to measure logistics. Implementation of goods transport is the process of logistics spatial displacement at the center of the link, with the two indicators to measure logistics scale has certain scientific, but it can't reflect the outline of the regional logistics. Estimates of logistics demand, typically based on GDP and total retail sales of social consumer goods such as index of national economic accounting. This is just a simple measure of the macro level, the proportion of different researchers use different, ranging from teens to twenty percent, there are large difference between the results and gives theoretical analysis greater difficulties. At the same time, the logistics industry's economic statistical data shortage, there is no comprehensive logistics demand statistics, which made us qualitative understanding of the level of understanding of logistics.2 Literature reviewAbout the Core Competence theory, Core Competence (Core Competence) of the original intention is the Core skills or Core skills, this concept is in 1990 by the American strategic management experts made rahalad) and Britain's strategic management experts hamer (c. amel), refers to the enterprise organization of accumulating knowledge, especially about how to coordinate different production skills and integrate a variety of technical knowledge, and on the basis of advantage over other competitors unique ability, namely Core Competence is built on the basis of enterprise Core resources, is the enterprise intelligence, technology, products, management, culture and other elements in the reflection of comprehensive advantage in the market. At present there are three typical academic argument: the ability theory represented by Rossby and Christie's school; School represented by porter's theory of market structure;Represented by Werner Phil and Penrose's theory of resource school. Core competitiveness is value, the ability to integrated, uniqueness, extensibility and inherent characteristics.Related theory, the study of regional logistics, the logistics research of Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries, focus on the enterprise level, is committed to providing enterprise optimization strategy. And regional logistics system and competitiveness research, involved. According to literature review, the regional international logistics field of research mainly includes the following aspects: (1) from the perspective of multinational company research the global logistics resources configuration and coordination problems. Specific include logistics infrastructure, market competition mechanism and the problem of logistics supply chain operation. Such research quantification technology such as using the operational research tools, more for the global network of supply chain facility location positioning, and coordinate the factory more support, strategic distribution system design problem. This is an extension of the logistics enterprise level optimization study, the commonly used methods include mathematical analytical method, system simulation method and heuristic methods, etc. If only one method and graphical method solving the problem of the layout of the site; Mixed integer programming solve the problem of site selection of logistics center and logistics planning, etc.(2) from the perspective of urban economy and the environment, the research of urban traffic network Settings. For example Tanjguchietal from the city level, using a dynamic traffic simulation model, quantitative research economic growth, the transport demand, as well as the related road congestion and environmental pollution.(3) from the point of view of the city government, study its role in macro logistics development and utility. For example MeirJ. R and Senblatt, studied the global supply chain management in infrastructure financing, transportation and regional trading rules, corporate tax law of the government subsidies, and other effects of the main factors of global production and distribution network, etc.3 Introduction to the theory of regional logistics relatedThe definition of regional logisticsAcademic definition of regional logistics has not yet unified, a more accepted view is that regional logistics is the geographical environment in a certain area, with large and medium-sized cities as the center, based on the regional scale and scope economy, combined with effective logistics service scope, area inside and outside of all kinds of goods from the supplier to accept to effective entity flow; Is the transport, storage, loading and unloading, handling, distribution, packaging, circulation processing, information processing, such as integrated logistics activities, to service in the composite system of regional economic development. It requires the integration, theintegration of logistics management, namely to meet user needs for the purpose, to the goods, services and related information from the supplier to accept to the efficient flow of planning, execution, and control activities, is the organic unity of cash-flow, information flow and cash flow. Relationship of regional logistics subject, object and carrierRegional logistics has the characteristics of multi-level and multi-dimensional structure, its basic elements include logistics main body, object and logistics carrier, and the structure of the basic elements and their complete system, each element show different features, thus forming the function of the regional logistics. Regional logistics main body is directly involved in or specialized is engaged in the economic organization of regional logistics activity, including the owner of the goodsFlow, the third party logistics enterprise, storage and transportation enterprise, etc. Logistics is the supply chain logistics channels, the starting point and end point of connection in the whole course of the regional logistics activity plays a dominant and decisive role. Elements of the integrated logistics subject is the essential characteristic of modern logistics. Therefore, the elements of logistics as one of the main body, logistics has a decisive role in the development of logistics industry. Similar accumulation and regional economy industry, regional logistics also emphasizes the logistics main body accumulation, logistics main body in space is beneficial to promote the logistics activities of large-scale, intensive, body development, it is also a regional logistics park, logistics center, the objective basis of the formation of distribution centers, and regional logistics park, logistics center and distribution center determines the spatial structure of the regional logistics system.Regional logistics and regional economic relationsRegional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existence and development of regional logistics is the premise of existence and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regional logistics. Regional logistics and regional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regional economic shape, size and industry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Logistics is always accompanied by business flow, the more advanced the regional economy, manufacturing and trading more active, the logistics industry as a service industry will have a good customer base and market infrastructure, the greater the chance of large-scale development. On the other hand, the regional economic development is inseparable from the development of regional logistics and regional logistics to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the furtherdevelopment of regional economy. Thus, regional logistics and regional economy is the unity of interdependence. Regional economy is the premise and foundation of regional logistics development, is the dominant force in the regional logistics development; Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, is the regional economic support system, and serve the regional economy. Regional logistics development goal and strategy must obey and serve the regional economic development goals and strategies.4 Regional logistics competitivenessRegional logistics competitiveness refers to a certain space range (general administrative area as the border, across regions), the logistics industry are different from other areas of the assignment of resources was made in the advantage, the logistics enterprises, government policy support and industrial innovation ability, eventually embodied through regional internal benign competition will be more than all kinds of resources, the ability to effectively integrate to form a complementary and integrated ability system, reflect the regional comparison of competitive power in the logistics activity, reflect the size of the regional logistics service ability and the logistics industry development level of high and low. The competitiveness of the regional logistics is mainly composed of six basic elements constitute: social and economic development level, scale of logistics demand and supply condition of logistics, the logistics development of logistics industry in the enterprise information development level, development level, the macro environment.The social and economic development levelComprehensive social and economic development level reflects the regional logistics competitiveness level of social economic basis, is the guarantee of development of regional logistics competitiveness, to provide support for the sustainable development of regional logistics, from the other side also reflects the competitiveness of regional logistics development potential and power.The logistics demand scaleLogistics demand scale is mainly refers to the logistics services in the field such as production, consumption and circulation quantity and scale, to some extent, restricted by local resource conditions, it reflects a region, the demand for logistics service level and size: the size of the logistics demand, determines the size of the logistics market capacity, is the premise of existence and development of regional logistics industry and the foundation.Logistics supply conditionThe supply condition of logistics refers to the logistics infrastructure provided for the development of the logistics industry, all kinds of logistics technology and equipment, is engaged in the logistics services enterprises and the corresponding professionals such as the number and size of traffic capacity and regional situation, the comprehensive reflection of regional logistics supply capacity and service level, reflects the effect on the development of the logistics industry to promote and satisfaction, is the main factor of the formation and development of regional logistics competition.Logistics enterprise development levelLogistics enterprise comprehensive development level reflects the regional logistics main body's ability to provide logistics services and meet customer demand, embodies the subject of logistics operation level, mainly including the enterprise competition ability, profit ability and performance level, reflect a certain period of logistics enterprises in the area of the overall level of development, is the key factor for the formation of regional logistics competitiveness.Information development levelMainly refers to the regional information development level of information degree and the level of information technology. Logistics is based on information flow, logistics has become more and more rely on the whole process of access to information. Many logistics enterprises have established their own information management system as a crucial to the development of its core competitiveness, the development level of information is the one important factor for the formation of regional logistics competitiveness level.Logistics macro environmentMacro environment refers to the logistics industry development of logistics industry development planning, land use policy, tax policy, market access policy, talent training, such as the soft environment, affecting the development of logistics industry reflects the external environment for the development of the logistics industry to provide favorable conditions and the environment support.译文区域物流竞争力研究作者 Mahpula A摘要当前,物流的发展正呈现出物流需求快速上升、市场容量不断扩大、物流基础设施建设加速、第三方物流快速成长的趋势,整个物流产业正朝着信息化、全球化和专业化的方向发展。



文献出处: Tomas R. The planning and design of the logistics distribution system [J] The Journal of International Logistics, 2014, 15(6): 35-59原文The planning and design of the logistics distribution systemTomas RAbstractAt present, the development of world economy is trend to be globalization and regional integration. Especially under the push of information technology, logistics industry will become more competitive, how they are at a high level of customer service, lower logistics cost and create more value-added services, as well as what operation mode under the new form, is a very urgent and realistic problem. Set logistics, information technology and capital into one of the modern logistics distribution center, logistics distribution system in the increasingly fierce competition plays an important role. Practice proves that the logistics distribution system of goods transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, circulation processing, distribution, order processing and information processing work of unified management, can greatly reduce the work intensity of labor, reduce loss, improve inventory turnover, reasonable control inventory, accelerate the circulation of commodities, reduce the circulation cost, improve the satisfaction of social needs, give consumers more choice, to a virtuous cycle logistics system, so as to reduce costs for the enterprise, the enterprise can improve its core competitiveness.Key words: Logistics system; Distribution center; Planning and design; Operationsmanagement1 Introduction1.1 The basic concept of distributionDistribution is according to the customer order and time plan, the logistics node (warehouses, shops, cargo terminal, logistics center, etc.) after operation, sorting, processing, distribution, as well as to match a good process of the goods to the consignee. Distribution is a kind of special and comprehensive logistics activity form, is combined closely with the business flow and logistics. Distribution includes almost all of the logistics function elements, is an epitome of logistics or in a small range all logistics activities to complete the purpose of the goods delivered, Special delivery to carry on the processing activities. Its targets is safe, accurate and high quality services and lower distribution costs.1.2 Formation and developmentDistribution, so must be mentioned from the connotation and characteristics. Issued at the end of 1985, the Japanese Japanese industrial standard (JIS) logistics term "lieutenant general distribution is defined as:" send consignee goods from logistics point ".Rules in April 1998, wised university professor Dry Repair in his book "the logistics of ABC guide to distribution are discussed in detail:" from the point of origin to the consumer, between all into products, semi-finished products, hair goods and inventory are to be carried out in a planned way, unified management and implementation. Distribution is the cheapest and the best service delivery way, to the most effective professional raw materials, product arrived, the procurement,transportation, warehouse functions organically combined together."1.3 The natureAccording to the customer request, the goods in a timely manner to the customer, to reach the company the possession and control of the market. Distribution is a "match" and "send" in the form of organic combination. “Match" is assigned user, with time, with goods, vehicles and routes. “Send", refers to the delivery transport. Distribution is an advanced form of modern logistics. It not only brings to the suppliers and demanders reduce logistics cost and enjoy the excellent service directly benefit, but also will save social carrier time, ease traffic pressure, reduce the transportation pollution, protect the ecological environment, etc.2 The basic model of distribution system and functionSo-called distribution system, is composed of multiple mutually distinguishes interconnected units, materials for working object, to the flow of finished material entity for the purpose of organic combination. Distribution system as well as general system, input, transformation, output and feedback four big functions, through the input and output system and social environment to carry on the exchange, make system and environmental dependency and deposit, and the conversion is the system with the characteristics of the system function.2.1 Communication and cohesion functionDistribution service provides the bridge between the circulation and production. The organic link between supply and demand together, communicate information, exchange goods, we have to establish a stable base for sourcing and distribution.2.2 concentration, suction functionRely on the distribution center of sensitive and huge information network and powerful "regulator", "pump" the strength of the non-stop from material widely, suction source and centralization reserves, as the strength distribution.2.3 Coordinate and balance functionAccording to the market demand status and situation of prophase stimulation, to dynamic balance into the supply of goods, optimizing the allocation of resources, distribution scheme is determined, in preparation for the points to deliver goods, distribution.2.4 Distribution function of goodsThis is an important business activity distribution center. Varieties of according to customer's order, order time and delivery time requirements, sort sorting distribution, combining with the urban transportation regulations, distribution plan, make the most of the means of transport.2.5 loading and delivery capabilitiesRelying on powerful carrying capacity to "center", will have good quantity, quality, on time delivery of goods households' hands.3 The logistics distribution system planning and design3.1 PrincipleDistribution operation is using delivery vehicles of the user to place an order for goods from the manufacturer, production base, wholesalers, distributors or distribution center, into the hands of the user's work. Vehicle distribution service isdirectly in front of the service users, service quality had a greater influence on the efficiency and credibility of the enterprise. Therefore, in the logistics distribution system planning and design should pay attention to the following principles: Low speed. The so-called timeliness is to be delivered within a specified time. Low reliability. In good shape to have the goods sent to the hands of the user. Low service attitude. Delivery personnel is on behalf of the company's image in the interaction with the user. So we must treat the users with the best service, so as to maintain the company's image and credibility. When convenience. Convenient for users, be sure to delivery according to the requirements of customers. If for emergency delivery should try our best to meet the requirements. Low efficiency. Meet user requirements, not only the quality is better, and the price is reasonable. Through careful operation, reduce cost, cheap to users, allows users to feel real benefit.3.2 Overall planning and designThe real distribution management is very difficult. Distribution management influenced by many factors, such as order processing takes effort, to make the plan of distribution, it is difficult to choose distribution path, delivery efficiency is low, it is difficult to on time delivery, delivery performance evaluation benchmark is unknown, the driver and the working time of uncertainty, fatigue and loss in the process of distribution and damage to the goods, transport vehicles and the refrigerator refrigerator car in good condition, etc. So we must strengthen the planning and design of logistics distribution system. In the process of actual distribution at the same time, also is affected by many uncontrolled factors, such as the distribution of user area,road traffic network, traffic restrictions, delivery time requirements, traffic, vehicle, road construction, the user changes changes, etc. So we must set up a team of planning and design, overall planning and design of logistics distribution system.3.3 The specific planning and designLogistics distribution system planning and design is based on the change of external environment, selecting the best distribution route, combined with the change of internal environment configuration is suitable for vehicle and improve unit cubed out, prevent crisscross transportation, as far as possible reducing distribution error rate, improve circulation and processing, sorting, inspection, packaging, and other functions, to make it in the best working state, and worked out their performance appraisal index, etc. In this paper, we study the logistics distribution system consists of seven subsystems: information collection and processing, distribution plan, choice of distribution, distribution vehicle path planning, distribution, performance analysis, choice of distribution mode, distribution process design.4 Distribution process designDistribution is a comprehensive and integrated logistics. Distribution contains rich content. Look from the link, both contain the transport of goods, as well as harmony goods collection, storage, cargo, picking, fittings and other activities. Some goods distribution activities (e.g., production and distribution), and often accompanied by processing (such as log cutting saw, shear, glass steel suit cut, coal mixed assembly, components, etc.).How to make these activities optimization, efficient and coordinated operation, is our shipping process to consider the content of the planningand design.4.1 The order processing workDistribution began in customer's inquiry, business offer, then receiving orders, business ability to query the inventory status, loading and unloading cargo delivery day, packaging, circulation processing load capacity, load distribution, etc., design to meet customer needs and distribution operations. When business is constrained to delivery according to customer's request, the need to coordinate the business department. Because enterprise is not with the cargo receipt, at the time of order processing, need to check company to the customer credit evaluation. In addition also need to statistics the time the order quantity, shipment to arrange the delivery, distribution, application and quantity. Returns the data processing are also treated in this stage. Other business needs quotation calculation method, formulate customer order minimum quantity, order or order checkout deadline. The economic order batch purchase order or release bill of lading is put forward. On the stock inventory with purchase orders issued after the rush.4.2 Inventory management operationsInventory management assignments include lots of management and inventory control. Store block management including commodity put way in the area of the warehouse, and the size of the area, such as regional distribution planning; The process of making the goods in and out of the way of the warehouse (first in first out and last in first out); Goods required for handling tools, handling way; Storage area of position adjustment and change. Inventory control must be in accordance with thetime needed for goods delivery, warehousing and so on to make a purchase quantity and purchase time, and do purchase time warning system. Setting inventory count method, is responsible for the inventory checking list to print on a regular basis, and according to the content of the inventory listing inventory revised inventory accounts, inventory and produce inventory surplus, dish deficient statements. With lots of management include packaging containers and packaging container takes care of the maintenance.4.3 Replenishment and the homeworkIn order to satisfy the customer different types, different specifications and different number of goods demand, the enterprise must effectively sporting goods, shipment and plans. Statistical customer order can know goods real demand. In the delivery date, when the inventory to meet demand for delivery, can print out the stock picking orders according to the quantity demanded and the picking instructions, picking the regional planning layout, tool selection and staff seconded. Shipment cherry-pick only including cherry-pick homework, also be picked off store shelves, helps the picking out of stock, this includes the replenishment quantity and replenishment time formulation, replenishment job scheduling, replenishment operation staff seconded.4.4 Shipment job processingAfter finish goods cherry-pick and circulation processing operations, can delivery of goods. Shipping operation, including print shipping documents according to customer orders for customers, make shipment scheduling, printing batch deliveryreport, needed to address label on the shipment of goods and delivery checklist. By scheduling personnel decided to focus mode, choose goods set tools, seconded set the operation personnel, and decided to transport vehicle size and number. The warehouse management personnel or managers decided to shipment delivery area planning layout and the mode of delivery of goods.4.5 Distribution operationsActual distribution assignments include goods loading and distribution, complete these assignments require prior planning and distribution Area, arrange delivery routes, determined by the order of distribution routes to choose goods loading order, and in Commodity distribution on the way to track goods, control and deal with the distribution surprises on the way.译文物流配送系统的规划和设计作者:托马斯摘要当前,世界经济的发展呈全球化以及区域一体化趋势。



1. INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product t right place at the right time for the least cost. Faced with a rapidly changing envi revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shorteni product life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their trad assumptions.Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking the emphasis on the search for strategies that will provide superior value in compe Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement o a cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage. The importance of logistics an integration in the supply chain was argued by.China is a huge consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic grow over the past three years. Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by t of the world. As a result of China’s internal and external economic attributes, mos global consumer brands have established operations there. In particular in the autom many of the leading global O EMs including Honda, Toyota, G eneral Motors,industry,partnerships with local car Volkswagen and Ford have established joint-venturemanufacturers. Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011, Crld’s second largest auto market. In order to is expected to surpass Japan to become the wocompete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed. Such expansion however carried out in the context of a legacy environment.China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, u nder-developedstrategies.deployment of logisticsinfrastructure.This presents a challenge to efficientFurthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most gOEMs, is an emergent consideration in China. Finally, the conflicts that inevitably a the joint venture p artnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management experiences and methods from the OEMs. All these f actors increase thedifficulties in managing logistics by China’s local auto makers.2. The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2.1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of in general a re valued in the United States to take the following measures: F irst, thewarehouse will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of theintroduction of computer networks, on the loading a nd unloading, handling, custody,standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribu centers set up to promote the growth of chain-effective. United States chain stores variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesale-based, retail and warehouse-typethree types.2.2 Japan's modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developeddistribution channels, frequent, low-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects thecommon and set t he trend s ticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Governmentplanning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important ro the process of .2.3 European modern development of logisticsCountries in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the user's orders i naccordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distributi goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities. Germany's logistics industry of basic commodities from origin to distribution center, from the distribution cent sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of endcustomers. Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Ghas been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transport and high-center h ub to run ainformation network as a bridge t o a reasonable R69 distributioncomplete system.2.4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesbased on aallow flexibilitythe core economies of scale toRelying on high-tech tovariety of forms.3、China's 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3.1 The current situation of China's 3PLChina's 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers. With the warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary coveredreasons i n our country, theimportance a nd development. H owever, due to historicallong-standing emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the prominent in the following two aspects: the service delivery difficult to play a cent the process of distribution of the low level of modernization.China's 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the thre aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third ishave done very well, has a set o fforeign retailersAspects o f logisticsand distribution,efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory tu rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability. And domestic retailers i has just started, or have not yet started.3.2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to g play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial "chain" businesseslogisticscenter.and distributioncenters or use third-partynot set u p their own logisticsAlthough these companies have also established some of his own "chain" stores, but inoperating goods stores do not do "unified procurement, unified distribution, unified b which allows some commercial retail enterprises, "chain" seems to exist in name only. other has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use th logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effective distribution centers has not been effective, which in turn affected the procurement co integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution cent goods distribution ratio of unity is very low. Uniform distribution logistics center c achieved, i ndicating the store's commercial enterprises "unified p urchase" did not materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths.3.3 China's more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costthe distributioncenter, in Wal-Mart 8 5% of the commodities d istribution throughwhich 80% is through the "zero inventory" of the more complete form of the distributanddatabase. W al-Mart as a result of the use of the "Cross distribution"technology, sothat goods turnover in the Treasurysupply chain"auto-replenishment" ofdown to 2 days. And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflec retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution cos high. Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in China's size and speed in the short ter can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation.distribution Over the years t he practice has proved that t he multi-purpose logisticslow-cost supply h ub, as well as the use of information technology tocenter, intensive,reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply c hain m anagement is t he core oflarge-scalestrategy is to support t he retail giant s uper-conventional retail enterprisesretail and distributionbusinesses of the main development. T he face of large-scaledistribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the int of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation enterprises to expand the logistics for the entire enterprise supply chain collabora and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (inc consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partneThis is also a large-scaletimely r esponse t o sales d emand and timely r eplenishment.multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity o f the corecross-regional,competitive advantage.3.4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnethe development o f China'sindustry in restrictingThis is t he third-partylogisticsLogistics knowledge, especially in modernmost important o ne of the bottlenecks.but that its mainknowledge is f ar f rom being universal,integratedthird party l ogisticswarehousing services, notknow that it isprovide t ransportation andbusiness areas is tonew to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple tproducts s upply, connected w ith transport and storage of raw materials,semi-finishedservices,asproduction process, material flow, t he whole process of product d istributioncover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrat of systems.4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management"integrated management" is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers t office, life of a non-core b usiness areas o f the operation andproduction enterprises,to manage outsourcingas a Overall, as a business-orientedmanagement of integrationmanagement" of the suppliersto provide f ull-service by the special "integratedprojects,"Integratedmanagement" is not simply puts together the management of theprojects.business, but to improve management efficiency and reduce management costs as the cor combined with advanced information technology and network management features such asintegratedCompared with the general o utsourcing services,one organicallyintegrated.management has the following characteristics:(1) It is not a business, but a complete outsourcing business f rom the operation of themanagement integration of outsourcing;(2) Outsourcing i s not a core operation, but a comprehensive b usiness m anagement. Responsible for the entire business as a first-class suppliers, and its main task isunique resources to conduct a comprehensive knowledge management, the operation of thsuppliers to implement, s o in thespecific is it m anaged by the secondary a nd tertiarymanagement of outsourcing functions based on the specific operation of the outsourci (3) In the case of the most important first-level suppliers, other than remuneratio fixed service, its the only way to increase revenue for users to save costs as much as in order to share the proceeds of cost savings, rather than as general outsourcing as s mainly through an increase in turnover, that is, to increase spending to increase th own earnings. "Double bottom" principle of cooperation between the two sides can make stable and lasting.5 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choicetheory and the development of Summarized the latest of several foreign l ogisticsthird-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm choice to have the following three:(1)Lean Logistics Strategyour most extensive third-partylogisticsSincethe lag theory a nd practice of logistics,company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If yo reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry incompanylogisticsrestrictedfor o ur third-partyrole. Lean production theory o f logisticsprovides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the orig "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technol professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective a and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefitsfor enterprises tothe application inseek a new Management philosophy.Lean Logistics Lean Thinking isThe so-called Lean Logisticsdevelopment m ust reflect.management, logisticslogisticsmeans: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logis according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuin provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the proLean logisticsby itssystem is characterizedservices.increasing value added logisticslow cost, continuous i mprovement, d riven b y customer demand orientedhigh-quality,logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accu fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party log enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the exCoremanagement concept, the formation o f third party l ogisticsthird party l ogisticscompetitiveness.the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain alliance Third-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent becau their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistTherefore, third party l ogisticsfor s mall a ndparty l ogisticsindustry at a disadvantage.starting from their o wn resources to construct their o wn coremedium enterprises,features of a single third-party competence is t he key. As small and medium enterpriseand incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies b ased on thelogisticsstructure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity t for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Valbetween business and thethe interactionis the use of systems approach to investigateanalysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activi activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred tois t o assist theof supporting activitiesservice activities.and after-salesBasic activitiesrevenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of function support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party l chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enter general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics cothere is g enerally no commodityenterprisesThird-partyits own characteristics.logisticsproduction process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major compocompanies and thus b ecome the basic o peratingof a wide range of third-partylogisticsactivities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and market link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resour capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of sfunction n ot complete, l ack ofthe deficiencies,resulting in their o verall l ogisticsand comparative advantage i n some sectors of the value corresponding competitivenesschain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professioorganization andfunctions of specialized logisticslogisticscompanies and logisticscoordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantthrough thelinks t o explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises,reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(2)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategy Rapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, u modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-plogistics enterprise virtualization istheLarge third-partylogistics has a strong necessity.logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical bou extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhancstrength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means connection and coordination of temporary a nd dynamic alliance in the form of virtualtechnology as a means of electronic logistics.Integrated logistics virtualizationcommunication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified com of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organcapabilitieswith third-party logisticsVirtualizationgeographic three virtualization.enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different compan different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material andof social organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve t he optimizationresources)resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics orga always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-managchanges in the environmentand in accordance withflat network structure, its objectivesre-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regionallink the global logistics resources, removingInternetparty logistics network through thebarriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighb1 导言物流通常被认为是将恰当的产品以最低的成本,在恰当的时间送达恰当的地点。



1. INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product to the right place at the right time for the least cost. Faced with a rapidly changing environment, revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shortening of product life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their traditional assumptions.Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking was the emphasis on the search for strategies that will provide superior value in competition. Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement of both a cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage. The importance of logistics and its integration in the supply chain was argued by.China is a huge consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic growth over the past three years. Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by the rest of the world. As a result of China’s internal and external economic attributes, most of the global consumer brands have established operations there. In particular in the automobile industry, many of the leading global OEMs including Honda, Toyota, General Motors, V olkswagen and Ford have established joint-venture partnerships with local car manufacturers. Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011, China is expected to surpass Japan to become the wo rld’s second largest auto market. In order to compete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations are continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed. Such expansion is, however carried out in the context of a legacy environment.China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, under-developed infrastructure. This presents a challenge to efficient deployment of logistics strategies. Furthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most globalOEMs, is an emergent consideration in China. Finally, the conflicts that inevitably arise in the joint venture partnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management experiences and methods from the OEMs. All these factors increase the difficulties in managing logistics by China’s local auto makers.2. The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2.1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of goods in general are valued in the United States to take the following measures: First, the warehouse will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of the introduction of computer networks, on the loading and unloading, handling, custody, standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribution centers set up to promote the growth of chain-effective. United States chain stores have a variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesale-based, retail and warehouse-type three types.2.2 Japan's modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developed distribution channels, frequent, low-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects the common and set the trend sticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Government planning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important role in the process of .2.3 European modern development of logisticsCountries in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the user's orders in accordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distribution, the goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities. Germany's logistics industry formed of basic commodities from origin to distribution center, from the distribution center (and sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of end customers. Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Germanyhas been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transport and high-tech information network as a bridge to a reasonable R69 distribution center hub to run a complete system.2.4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesRelying on high-tech to the core economies of scale to allow flexibility based on a variety of forms.3、China's 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3.1 The current situation of China's 3PLChina's 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers. With the gradual warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary covered by the importance and development. However, due to historical reasons in our country, the long-standing emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea of the logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the issue more prominent in the following two aspects: the service delivery difficult to play a central role, the process of distribution of the low level of modernization.China's 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the three aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third is cash flow. Aspects of logistics and distribution, foreign retailers have done very well, has a set of efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory turnover rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability. And domestic retailers in this area has just started, or have not yet started.3.2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to give full play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to some large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial "chain" businesses are not set up their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics center. Although these companies have also established some of his own "chain" stores, but in factoperating goods stores do not do "unified procurement, unified distribution, unified billing," which allows some commercial retail enterprises, "chain" seems to exist in name only. The other has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effectiveness of distribution centers has not been effective, which in turn affected the procurement cost of an integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution center for goods distribution ratio of unity is very low. Uniform distribution logistics center can not be achieved, indicating the store's commercial enterprises "unified purchase" did not materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths.3.3 China's more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costWal-Mart 8 5% of the commodities distribution through the distribution center, in which 80% is through the "zero inventory" of the more complete form of the distribution database. Wal-Mart as a result of the use of the "Cross distribution" and "auto-replenishment" of supply chain technology, so that goods turnover in the Treasury down to 2 days. And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflects the retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution costs are too high. Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in China's size and speed in the short term if they can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation.Over the years the practice has proved that the multi-purpose logistics distribution center, intensive, low-cost supply hub, as well as the use of information technology to reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply chain management is the core of large-scale retail enterprises strategy is to support the retail giant super-conventional development. The face of large-scale retail and distribution businesses of the main distribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the integration of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation of retail enterprises to expand the logistics for the entire enterprise supply chain collaboration nodes and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (including consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partners), and atimely response to sales demand and timely replenishment. This is also a large-scale cross-regional, multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity of the core competitive advantage.3.4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel.This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks. Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems.4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management"integrated management" is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers to the production enterprises, office, life of a non-core business areas of the operation and management of integration as a Overall, as a business-oriented to manage outsourcing projects, by the special "integrated management" of the suppliers to provide full-service projects. "Integrated management" is not simply puts together the management of the business, but to improve management efficiency and reduce management costs as the core, combined with advanced information technology and network management features such as one organically integrated. Compared with the general outsourcing services, integrated management has the following characteristics:(1) It is not a business, but a complete outsourcing business from the operation of themanagement integration of outsourcing;(2) Outsourcing is not a core operation, but a comprehensive business management. Responsible for the entire business as a first-class suppliers, and its main task is to use itsunique resources to conduct a comprehensive knowledge management, the operation of the specific is it managed by the secondary and tertiary suppliers to implement, so in the management of outsourcing functions based on the specific operation of the outsourcing; (3) In the case of the most important first-level suppliers, other than remuneration in the fixed service, its the only way to increase revenue for users to save costs as much as possible in order to share the proceeds of cost savings, rather than as general outsourcing as suppliers, mainly through an increase in turnover, that is, to increase spending to increase the user's own earnings. "Double bottom" principle of cooperation between the two sides can make a stable and lasting.5 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choiceSummarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(1)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in China have restricted role. Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. It is produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy. Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application inlogistics management, logistics development must reflect. The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services. Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness.the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain allianceThird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage. Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key. As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. Value of the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities. Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities. Basic activities of supporting activities is to assist therevenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics. Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc. link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(2)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity. Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance theirstrength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics. Integrated logistics virtualization technology as a means of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service.Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization. Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environment re-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors. "1 导言物流通常被认为是将恰当的产品以最低的成本,在恰当的时间送达恰当的地点。



1、 INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product to theright place at the right time for the least cost、 Faced with a rapidly changing environment, revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shortening of product life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their traditional assumptions、Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking wasthe emphasis on the search for strategies that will provide superior value in competition、Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement of botha cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage、 The importance of logistics and its integration in the supply chain was argued by、China is a huge consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic growthover the past three years、 Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by the restof the world、 As a result of China’s internal and external economic attributes, most of the、 In particular in the automobileglobal consumer brands have established operations thereindustry, many of the leading global OEMs including Honda, Toyota, General Motors, Volkswagen and Ford have established joint-venture partnerships with local car manufacturers、 Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011,、 InChina is expected to surpass Japan to become the wor ld’s second largest auto marketorder to compete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations are continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed、Such expansion is, however carried out in the context of a legacy environment、China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, under-developed infrastructure、 This presents a challenge to efficient deployment of logistics strategies、Furthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most globalOEMs, is an emergent consideration in China、 Finally, the conflicts that inevitably arise inthe joint venture partnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management e xperiences and methods from the OEMs、All these factors increase the、difficulties in managing logistics by China’s local auto makers2、 The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2、1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of goodsin general are valued in the United States to take the following measures: First, the warehouse will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of the introduction of computer networks, on the loading and unloading, handling, custody, standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribution centers set up to promote the growth of chain-effective、 United States chain stores have a variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesale-based, r etail and warehouse-type three types、2、2 Japan's modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developed distribution channels, frequent, low-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects the common and set the trend sticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Government planning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important role inthe process of 、2、3 European modern development of logisticsCountries in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the user's orders in accordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distribution, the goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities、Germany's logistics industry formed of basic commodities from origin to distribution center, from the distribution center (and sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of end customers、 Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Germany has been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transport and high-techinformation network as a bridge to a reasonable R69 distribution center hub to run a complete system、2、4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesRelying on high-tech to the core economies of scale to allow flexibility based on a variety of forms、3、China's 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3、1 The current situation of China's 3PLChina's 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers、 With the gradual warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary covered by the importance and development、However, due to historical reasons in our country, the long-standing emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea of the logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the issue more prominent in the following two aspects: the service delivery difficult to play a central role,the process of distribution of the low level of modernization、China's 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the three aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third is cash flow、Aspects of logistics and distribution, foreign retailers have done very well, has a set of efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory turnover rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability、 And domestic retailers in this、area has just started, or have not yet started3、2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to give full play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to some large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial "chain" businesses are not set up their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics center、Although these companies have also established some of his own "chain" stores, but in fact operating goods stores do not do "unified procurement, unified distribution, unified billing,"、 The which allows some commercial retail enterprises, "chain" seems to exist in name onlyother has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effectiveness of distribution centers has not been effective, which in turn affected the procurement cost of an integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution center for goods distribution ratio of unity is very low、 Uniform distribution logistics center can notbe achieved, indicating the store's commercial enterprises "unified purchase" did not、materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths3、3 China's more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costWal-Mart 8 5% of the commodities distribution through the distribution center, in which 80% is through the "zero inventory" of the more complete form of the distribution database、Wal-Mart as a result of the use of the "Cross distribution" and "auto-replenishment" of supply chain technology, so that goods turnover in the Treasury down to 2 days、 And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflects the retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution costs are too high、 Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in China's size and speed in the short term if they can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation、Over the years the practice has proved that the multi-purpose logistics distribution center, intensive, low-cost supply hub, as well as the use of information technology to reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply chain management is the core of large-scale retail enterprises strategy is to support the retail giant super-conventional development、The face of large-scale retail and distribution businesses o f the main distribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the integration of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation of retail enterprises to expand the logistics for the entire enterprise supply chain collaboration nodes and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (including consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partners), and a timely response t o sales demand and timely replenishment、This is also a large-scalecross-regional, multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity of the core competitive advantage、3、4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel、This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks、Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated systemof systems、4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management"integrated management" is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers to the production enterprises, office, life of a non-core business areas of the operation and management of integration as a Overall, as a business-oriented t o manage outsourcing projects, by the special "integrated management" of the suppliers to provide full-service projects、"Integrated management" is not simply puts together the management of the business, but to improve management efficiency and reduce management costs as the core, combined with advanced information technology and network management features such as one organically integrated、Compared with the general outsourcing services, integrated management has the following characteristics:(1) It is not a business, but a complete outsourcing business from the operation of themanagement integration of outsourcing;(2) Outsourcing is not a core operation, but a comprehensive business management、Responsible for the entire business as a first-class suppliers, and its main task is to use its unique resources to conduct a comprehensive knowledge management, the operation of the specific is it managed by the secondary and tertiary suppliers to implement, so in themanagement of outsourcing functions based on the specific operation of the outsourcing; (3) In the case of the most important first-level suppliers, other than remuneration in thefixed service, its the only way to increase revenue for users to save costs as much as possible in order to share the proceeds of cost savings, rather than as general outsourcing as suppliers, mainly through an increase in turnover, that is, to increase spending to increase the user's own earnings、 "Double bottom" principle of cooperation between the two sides can make a stable and lasting、5 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choiceSummarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development ofthird-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(1)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services、 If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in China have restricted role、 Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities、 Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing、 Itis produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book、 Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy、 Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application in logistics management, logistics development must reflect、The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction、 The aim ofLean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services、Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system、 It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information、In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness、the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain allianceThird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage、 Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key、 As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics、 Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the、 Value analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantageof the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities、Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities、 Basic activities of supporting activities is to assistthe revenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other、 Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logisticsenterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics、 Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, d oes not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc、 link、 Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play、 Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities、Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses、(2)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development、Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity、Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance their strength、Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics、 Integrated logistics virtualization technology as ameans of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service、Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization、Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources、 Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environmentre-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics、 Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors、 "1 导言物流通常被认为就是将恰当的产品以最低的成本,在恰当的时间送达恰当的地点。



外文文献原稿和译文原稿Logistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance.Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company.According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.First, the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in: 1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their coreenergy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.2, cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of 1.18 percent, the average flow of goods from 7.1 days to 3.9 days, stock 8.2% lower.3, reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost advantages.4, enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use of third-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the competition.Second, The purpose of the implementation of logistics management The purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price atthe right time and suitable sites available to customers.Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspects of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. From this idea of the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits of mutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer se rvice purposes.Third, China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems in While third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, we reflow will also mean that the dismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great risk.2, lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in thecompetition.3, fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over to others, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will be exchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics companies. 4, the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to operate.5, to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational capability.Although some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by dependence. Fourth, China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business strategy.China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong, flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics enterprises.2, the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to customers. 3, network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regional branches of the density problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics enterprises.4, information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market position.Concentration and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development ofenterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.译文物流已广泛应用于经济领域中的英文单词“物流”,军事后勤保障的原意,在二战结束后的第二面。



物流配送中心外文文献原稿和译文北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)——外文文献原稿和译文外文文献原稿和译文原稿logistics distribution center location factors:(1) the goods distribution and quantity. This is the distribution center and distribution of the object, such as goods source and the future of distribution, history and current and future forecast and development, etc. Distribution center should as far as possible and producer form in the area and distribution short optimization. The quantity of goods is along with the growth of the size distribution and constant growth. Goods higher growth rate, the more demand distribution center location is reasonable and reducing conveying process unnecessary waste.(2) transportation conditions. The location of logisticsdistribution center should be close to the transportation hub, and to form the logistics distribution center in the process of a proper nodes. In the conditional, distribution center should be as close to the railway station, port and highway.(3) land conditions. Logistics distribution center covers an area of land in increasingly expensive problem today is more and more important. Is the use of the existing land or land again? Land price? Whether toconform to the requirements of the plan for the government, and so on,in the construction distribution center have considered.(4) commodities flow. Enterprise production of consumer goods as thepopulation shift and change, should according to enterprise's better distribution system positioning. Meanwhile, industrial products market will transfer change, in order to determine the raw materials and semi-finished products of commodities such as change of flow in the location of logistics distribution center should be considered when the flow of the specific conditions of the relevant goods.(5) other factors. Such as labor, transportation and service convenience degree, investment restrictions, etc.1北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)——外文文献原稿和译文How to reduce logistics cost,enhance the adaptive capacity andstrain capacityof distribution center is a key research question of agricultural product logistics distribution center(At present,most of the research on logistics cost concentrates off theoretical analysis of directfactors of logistics cost, and solves the problem of over-high logistics Cost mainly by direct channel solution(This research stresses on the view of how to loeate distribution center, analyzes theinfluence of locating distribution center on logistics cost(and finds one kind of simple and easy locationmethod by carrying on the location analysis of distribution center through computer modeling and the application of Exeel(So the location of agricultural product logisticsdistribution center can be achieved scientifically and reasonably, which will attain the goal of reducing logistics cost, and have a decision(making support function to thelogisties facilities and planning of agricultural product(The agricultural product logistics distribution center deals with dozens and even hundreds of clients every day, and transactions are made in high-frequency. If the distribution center is far away from other distribution points,the moving andtransporting of materials and the collecting of operational data is inconvenient and costly. costly(The modernization of agricultural product logistics s distribution center is a complex engineering system,not only involves logistics technology, information technology, but also logistics management ideas and its methods,in particular thespecifying of strategic location and business model is essential for the constructing of distribution center. How to reduce logistics cost,enhance the adaptive capacity andstrain capacity of distribution center is a key research question of agricultural product logistics distribution center. The so—called logistics costs refers to the expendituresummation of manpower, material and financial resources in the moving process of the goods(such as loading and unloading,conveying,transport,storage,circulating,processing, information processing and other segments. In a word。



物流配送路径英文文献(大全五篇)第一篇:物流配送路径英文文献物流配送路径英文文献[1]唐纳德 J.鲍尔索克斯,戴维 J.克劳斯.物流管理:供应链过程的一体化[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1999.[2]柳思维.省域经济与产业发展[M].北京:中国市场出版社,2005.[3]张开宏,刘明娟,阳政.红星颠覆行动破局长沙商业核心裂变[N].长沙晚报,2004-12-22.[4]严启明,韩艺萌.国际货物运输[M].北京:对外贸易出版社,1994:8.1.方美琪:《电子商务概论》,清华大学出版社,2002年版。















)第二篇:物流配送文献综述论文湖南农业大学课程论文学院:东方科技学院班级:11食科一班姓名:袁舟舟学号:201141905123 课程论文题目:物流配送文献综述课程名称:食品物流学评阅成绩:评阅意见:成绩评定教师签名:日期:物流配送文献综述——物品配送系统的现状与对策研究学生:袁舟舟摘要:现代是流通经济社会,物流的发展势在必行,越来越多的人开始注重现代物流,顺应社会现状的发展,物流体系逐步完善,但是也相应的存在亟待解决的问题,本文叙述了现代物流配送活动的起源,物流配送活动在我国以及其他国家的发展现状和前景,物流配送活动目前存在的问题和解决办法。



1. The Definition of LogisticsAfter completing a commercial transaction, logistics will execute the transfer of goods from the supplier( seller) to the customer( buyer) in the most cost-effective manner. This is the definition of logistics. During the transfer process, hardware such as logistics facilities and equipment( logistics carriers) are needed, as well as information control and standardization. In addition, supports from the government and logistics association should be in place.Three major functions of logistics(1) Creating time value: same goods can be valued different at different times. Goods often stop during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.(2) Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.(3) Distribution processing value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods. Like popular saying, ― cutting into smaller parts‖ is the most commonly seen dist ribution processing within logistics create added value for goods.2. Logistics is a new commercial area, developing from the traditional stage to a modern one. The main differences between these two stage include:(1) Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques. The goods transfer process starts with packaging, followed by transportation, storage and distribution. The whole process is operated under logistics standards. Based on the logistics base module of 600×400mm, from the logistics module of 1,200×1,000mm, and enlarge to the size of 2,591×2,438mm-the size of high×wide of the container. It can be adjusted to the standard sizes of containers for trains, trucks and ships. (2) Information technologies are most important for modern logistics. Bar Code, POS, EDI and GPS systems dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of the logistics activities. Internet further assists the market development, operation and management of the logistics industry.3.International LogisticsAn increasing number of companies are involving in international markets through exporting, licensing, joins ventures, and ownership. This trend should continue. With such expansion there is a need to develop worldwide logistics networks. Integrated logistics management and cost analysis will be more complex and difficult to manage.There are some future trends in internationalization:(1) More logistics executives with international responsibilities(2) Expansion of the number and size of foreign trade zones.(3) Reduction in the amount of international paperwork and documentation(4) More foreign warehousing is owned and controlled by the exporting firm(5) Increasing number of smaller firm(6) Foreign ownership of logistics service firms, e. g., public warehousing and transportation carriers.(7) Increasing multiple distribution channelsThe international transport and the international logistics are same things in some way. So, when the international trading involved, the firm must establish international logistics systems to provide the products and service demanded. The most significant development in international logistics will be the increasing sophistication information system adopted and independent departments to operate.4.Packaging.Packaging performs two basic functions–marketing and logistics. In marketing the packaging acts promotion and advertising. Its size, weight, color, and printed information attract customers and convey knowledge of the product. When firms are involved in international marketing, packaging becomes even more important. Products sold to foreign countries travel greater distances and undergo more handling operations. The logistics package is to protect the products during the process of logistics.Scrap disposal. The logistics process must effectively and quickly handle, transport, and store waste products. If they can be reused or recycled, logistics company should arrange and move them to the re–production and re–processing locations.Return goods handling. The handling of return goods is often called reverse distribution. Buyers may return items to the seller for a number of reasons. Most logistics systems are not good enough to handle such cases. In many industries, consumers return products for warranty repair, replacement, or recycling, reverse distribution costs may be very high. Reverse distribution will become more important as customers demand more flexible and favorable return policies.5.Third Part Logistics ( TPL)Third Part Logistics provides all the logistics services. They act as a bridge or facilitator between the first part( supplier or producer) and the second part( buyer or customer). The primary objectives of third part logistics providers are to lower the total cost of logistics for the supplier and improve the service level to the customer.Third Part Logistics have been growing rapidly. Cost reduction and demands for batter and cheaper services are the main drives behind the growth. A third part logistics provider will be in a position to consolidate business from several companies and offer frequent pick–ups and deliveries, whereas in–house transportation cannot. Other reasons are as follows:* The company does not specialize in logistics;* The company does not have sufficient resources;* Eager to implement better logistics operation or does not have time to develop the required capabilities in–house;* The company is venturing into a new business with totally different logistics requirements;* Merger or acquisition may make outsourcing logistics operations more attractive than to integrate logistics operations.6.Global LogisticsDeveloped countries often deal with globalization in two ways: to be more cost competitive with third world countries, and to look for new partners in other countries to manufacture components, subassemblies and even the final products. The second approach forces most developed countries to get into a new area called ― global logistics‖.Benefits of global operations include cheap raw materials and end products, lower labor cost, better quality, increased internal competition and better customer service. Some of the disadvantages are unreliable delivery, poor communication and longer time from design to finish production. Challenges are often cultural and linguistic differences, legal requirements, logistics suppliers or manufacturers, exchange rates.There are three major flows involved in global logistics: material flow, document flow and cash flow.7.Logistics into the FutureLogistics is changing at a rapid and acceleration rate. There are two reasons are its rapid growth:Firstly, pressure to change by the development of the system itself(1) High–speed computing and data transmission can instantly transmit and react to user demand(2) More flexible and accurate logistic planning and control through computers and data processing(3) Flexible computer facilities help problem solving and increase decisions accuracy(4) Awareness of total cost measurement and management accountingSecondly, pressures for changes from the wider economy.(1) Be flexible in handling markets of different sizes for better competition(2) There is increasing specialization in markets and growth in retailing.(3) Life cycles for products are shortening. Logistics systems need to be more efficient, faster and more flexible(4) Move from mass production towards flexible manufacturing system( FMS). These systems enable a company to switch production quickly from one product to another(5) Competitive pressures lead to more efforts to improve customer service.8.The process of logistical integration can be divided into four stages:Stage 1. Began in the early 1960s in the USA and involved the integration of all activities associated with distribution. Separate distribution departments were to coordinate the management of all processes within physical distribution management( PDM).Stage 2. PDM was applied to the inbound movement of materials, components, and subassemblies, generally known as ― materials management‖. By the late 1970s, many firms had established ― logistics department‖ with overall responsibility for the movement, storage, and handling of products upstream and downstream of the production operation.Stage 3. Logistics plays an important coordinating role, as it interfaces with most other functions. With the emergence of business process re–engineering( BPR) in the early 1990s, the relationship between logistics and related functions was redefined. ― System integration‖ occurred. Cross–functional integration should achieve greater results.物流的定义在完成商业交易之后,物流将以最低成本和最高效益的方式执行将商品从供应商(卖方)流转到顾客(买方)的过程。



物流外文文献翻译精选文档TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-外文文献原稿和译文原稿Logistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance.Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company.According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.First, the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in:1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their core energy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.2, cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of percent, the average flow of goods from days to days, stock % lower.3, reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost advantages.4, enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use of third-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the competition.Second, The purpose of the implementation of logistics managementThe purpose of the implementation of logistics management is to the lowest possible total cost of conditions to achieve the established level of customer service, or service advantages and seek cost advantages of a dynamic equilibrium, and thus create competitive enterprises in the strategic advantage. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problem, simply put, is to the right products to fit the number and the right price at the right time and suitable sites available to customers.Logistics management systems that use methods to solve the problem. Modern Logistics normally be considered by the transport, storage, packaging, handling, processing in circulation, distribution and information constitute part of all. All have their own part of the original functions, interests and concepts. System approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all the links as an integrated system for organization and management, so that the system can be as low as possible under the conditions of the total cost, provided there Competitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the system is not the effectiveness of their various local links-effective simple sum. System means that, there's a certain aspects of the problem and want to all of the factors affecting the analysis and evaluation. From this idea of the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in various areas of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the link between the benefits ofmutual influence, the tendency of mutual constraints, there is the turn of the relationship between vulnerability. For example, too much emphasis on packaging materials savings, it could cause damage because of their easy to transport and handling costs increased. Therefore, the systems approach stresses the need to carry out the total cost analysis, and to avoid the second best effect and weigh the cost of the analysis, so as to achieve the lowest cost, while meeting the established level of customer se rvice purposes.Third, China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems inWhile third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, we reflow will also mean that the dismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great risk.2, lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in the competition.3, fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over toothers, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will be exchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics companies.4, the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to operate.5, to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational capability.Although some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by dependence.Fourth, China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business strategy.China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong, flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics enterprises.2, the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to customers. 3, network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regionalbranches of the density problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics enterprises.4, information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market position.Concentration and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development of enterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.译文物流已广泛应用于经济领域中的英文单词“物流”,军事后勤保障的原意,在二战结束后的第二面。



物流管理专业外文翻译外文文献英文文献附录英文资料原文:From the perspective of modern logistics systems, storage is an important part of logistics is the logistics system, distribution center, hoping for effective logistics warehouse here, scientific management and control, so that the logistics system more smoothly, more reasonable to run. In this paper, the importance of starting from the warehouse, combining theory and practice, through an enterprise storage andlogistics activities in the "space" and "cargo space" to analyze how the activities in the warehouse through the "space" and "cargo space "management to improve storage efficiency, reduce storage costs.Case Background: Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. of a storage management. A Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. located in Guangdong Huizhou Jinyuan Industrial Zone, which was established in 1998, is a professional lighting devices and electrical equipment manufacturers, it is the industry's leading enterprises. With excellent product quality, excellent service, the access to the customer's extensive approval and praise. In order to adapt to the new form of strategic development needs, the Company's existing network of integrated customer relationship, across the country set up the 35 operations centers, improve the company's supply chain, logistics, warehousing and distribution systems and customer service system. The company is headquartered Total finishedgoods warehouse 3, namely a set of finished products warehouse, finished products and finished second group of three storage warehouses. They are based on different types of products in different product sub-warehouses: one product a warehouse on the first floor is to facilitate the shipment into, so it is relatively types of goods stored there are more point, such as lamp, lamp panel and so on. And all of the export goods are stored in a group. Finished second group is mainly warehouse track lights, metal halide lamp, T4 lamp, T5 lamp and light. The company's several light sources are stored in the warehouse two groups finished. Three major stored product warehouse specific grid lamps, ceiling lamps, track lights, and some other companies products.1 An analysis of warehouse storage spaceWarehouse storage system's main elements include storage space, goods, personnel and equipment and other factors. Storage is the storage of the core functions and key links, storage area plan is reasonable or not directly affect the operational efficiency of warehouse and storage capacity. Therefore, the effective use of storage space as warehouse management is one important factor of good or bad. The company'sproducts sell well. Frequency of a large warehouse storage, goods flow also great. The company's warehouse space layout is stored on theshelves of goods, three-dimensional space utilization is not high, sohe's warehouse is not very high degree of mechanization, storage, only forklifts, including hand trucks and electric forklift. Warehouse operation methods, generally with a forklift, rarely manpower for thereceipt of goods, which are materials used to send and receive cards, every time shipping and receiving cards will be done in the send and receive registration materials, so we usually check very convenient goods such as some of the follow-up results from the present work seems to still relatively high efficiency, operation is quite easy. So the whole way of operating the company's warehouse is quite reasonable. The warehouse usually because the storage space is often not enough and the goods stored in the work space position. Particularly in the sales season, the warehouse storage products especially crowded, working up inside people feel a little depressedfeeling. So not very reasonable storage operating environment. The warehouse, data storage costs a statistical look fairly reasonable, because it costs very little equipment, fixed storage cost is not very high, while the storage cost is the cost of the class structure, so storage costs are therefore not very high.Storage warehouse for storage of goods that is as functional space.Storage space = potential use of physical space + space + space + operations useless space. Physical space, which means the goods were in fact occupied the space. The company's warehouse, its physical space accounted for 75% of the warehouse; the potential use of space accounted for 10%; work space and accounts for about 10% as the company's warehouse mechanization is not high, so a small point of space does not work What effect, its security is also essential to meet the requirements intermittent; his useless space accounted for about 5%. Onthe whole, the warehouse space utilization is high, there is a little crowded phenomenon. Analysis: the relative reduction should be the use of some physical space to increase the number of intermittent operations such as space, safety of space use. In addition, space and vertical space from the plane of view, the level of space has been put to good use, but the use of vertical space is not high, it can be considered top shelf, or high-level automatic three-dimensional shelf, to make better use of vertical space.2 rack management analysisRack management refers to the goods into warehouse, on the goods handling, how to put, place, etc. where a reasonable and effective planning and management. The disposal of goods, how to place, mainly by the strategic decision taken by the storage of goods of a specific storage location, will have to combine the principles of location assignment related to the decision. The company's warehouse storage rack management approach is used in positioning guidelines to follow. Positioning refers to each type of storage or storage of goods are fixed for each cargo space, cargo space of goods can not be interoperable. Therefore, when planning cargo space, cargo space for each volume of goods shall not be less than the possible maximum amount in the bank. However, in actual operation, the positioning of different storage conditions generally done in accordance with appropriate adjustments, it will make changes based on the actual situation. Cargo space in the warehouse management in the work by the staff of the company, combiningtheory with practice, carried out positioning, fixed-point, quantitative management principles, therefore, Ta cargo-bit capability is not Quanbu Anzhaozuida conducted in the library volume positioning, as the company's products belong to relatively large seasonal variations in the product, if the maximum amount set in the library space utilization will fall to the warehouse, so wastage of resources.- As all the libraries in the digital warehouse are stored with the principles of positioning, in accordance with the current situation of the company's warehouse, all use the principle of positioning is not very reasonable storage should be in accordance with the different characteristics of products and storage requirements, the product classification For important product, a small number of products used variety store positioning. And because almost all of the company's products feature the same features they are not mutually exclusive, this product features from the point of view is they could be put together randomly.In addition, the company's warehouse management, distribution of cargo spaces You are also a number of principles: (1) FIFO principle, Ji is the ancestor of goods, first-out library library principles, the principles generally applicable to a short life cycle of goods. (2) the principle of facing channel, referring to the goods of the mark, name the face of passageways so that theoperator can easily simple identification, it allows the retentionof goods, access to easy and efficient manner, which is to the warehouseto be fluent in the basic principles of operation. (3) weight characteristics of the principle, meaning that according to the weight of different goods to determine the level of goods in the storage location of places. In general, the weight should be kept on the ground or the lower shelf position, light goods were kept in the upper shelf location. In the case of manual handling operations carried out when the people of waist height for the custody of heavy or large items, while above the waist height of the light used to keep the goods or small items. This principle, the use of the safety and shelf manual handling operations have great significance. According to this principle, the company's warehouse stocking on the use of the fruit picking type. In this way, the storage requirements of the company's present situation is very reasonable, but also for staff is also very convenient.In the specific cargo space management process, we can see that the above description: they still use more modern management methods and principles. These methods and principles. For most of the moretraditional business management for storage or a more scientific and reasonable. Of course, in the management of the process there will be issues, such as operation in practice, some operators do not pay attention, not careful, careless also makes some of the principles of our implementation is not good enough. In the company's product sales, and warehouse management appears cargo space confusion, some products will be stored in the operating channel and the secure channel, so that is not conducive to our operations, warehouse operations particularlyaffect the safety of personnel, there are security risks. Because these problems often are especially prominent when the season, so these problems, the author suggested that some of the goods stored in the open yard, but the time to do well in the storage protection. 3 proposed ABC Classified Management ApplicationsTo conduct an effective inventory management and control, we mustfirst sort of inventory, only then can we better manage the goods and control. Therefore, I analyzed that in the original storage facilities under the same conditions, using ABC classification of goods for the implementation and management. This can effectively use the original storage space and cargo space. Through the analysis of goods to identify the primary and secondary, classification queue. According to Barrett curve reveals the "critical few and minor majority" rule should be applied in the management. Therefore, in accordance with product value, sales, shortage cost, or order in advance of other indicators toclassify the product. A class of products which are the highest value of inventory, general inventory of its total inventory of 15%, while the value of it is accounted for 70% ~ 80%; B products are middle of the stock value of these species 30% of the total inventory value of the total value of 15% to 25%; while the C class product is the value of the bottom of the inventory, its value is only 5% of the total value, but it accounts for the total inventory stocks 55%. Storage can be classified by goods and different products for each type of different management strategies developed to implement different control measures. In themanagement process, the products for A to require warehousing products are all everyday to inspect and inventory, the operation should be careful, can significantly embodiment up such products other products Butong between, were the focus of management; on B products, managed by sub-key can be 2 to 3 days to inspect and inventory. At the same time,do not neglect the management of products on the C, C products every week to conduct an inspection and inventory.We know from the analysis, storage operations, "space", "cargo space" and its scientific and rational management is an important partof warehouse management, warehousing costs alsoaffect the cost of important factors. Through practical examples of some of the storagemanagement problem analysis and research, through analysis and study of these issues, so wehave deeper storage management to understand, storage has its own management principles, weshould abide by and seriously the implementation of these principles. When in use thecombination of theory and practice, so that our warehouse and our theory more in tune with theactual operation. Only the combination of theory and practice to our knowledge to the limits.中文译文从现代物流系统观点来看,仓储是物流的一个重要环节,是物流系统的调运中心,希望在仓储这里对物流进行有效、科学地管理与控制,使物流系统更顺畅、更合理地运行。



快递行业中英文对照外文文献翻译文献信息:文献标题:Why Customers Intend to Use E_press Delivery Services(客户为何打算使用快递服务)文献作者:S Setiyawati,B Haryanto文献出处:《Social Science Electronic Publishing》,20__,3(2):56- 81 字数统计:英文 2718 单词,15832 字符;中文 4805 汉字外文文献:Why Customers Intend to Use E_press Delivery ServicesAbstract The aim of this research was to better understand the effects of products quality, price reasonableness, brand image, and attitude towards customer&rs;s intention.This research was guided by four research questions: What product quality has a positive influence on e_press delivery services a positive attitude? What price reasonableness positive influence on attitude to use e_press delivery services? What positive effect on brand imagee_presses delivery services? What positive attitude influence on intention to use e_press delivery services? The methodology employed was survey of 100 customers plus in-depth interviews with courier service operators.Interviews and survey were conducted from August to October 20__.This research was used SEM techniques for data analyze.The results confirmed there was no relationship between products quality, price reasonableness and attitude.Furthermore, brand image has influence attitude.The mediating role effects of costumer&rs;s attitude for product quality, price reasonableness and brand image towards customer&rs;s intention offer new insight into antecedents on costumer&rs;s intention in a highinfluence.This study presents an original contribution to understanding brand image effect and its attributes either directly or through attitude towards customer&rs;s intention is determine.Keywords: Product Quality, Price Reasonableness, Brand Image, Attitude, Customer&rs;s Intention 1.Introductionpetitive advantage is likely to depend on market orientation, which means fosters behaviors that lead to customer&rs;s perception of superior value.Market orientation implies to customer&rs;s needs and delivering solutions and services that meet customer&rs;s needs, which indicates customer orientation.The phenomenon of attitude and intention to use e_press delivery service part of orientation to the customers is an interesting issue to be studied.Previous studies show inconsistency attitudes and intentions models relating to e_press delivery services (Li Petrick, 2021).This is due each study is based on the object and different settings.These conditions provide opportunities to design an alternative model capable of elaborating phenomenon to be observed.The alternative model is built based on five variables: products quality, price reasonableness, brand image, and attitudes which e_plain its influence on intention to use e_press delivery services.Thus, prediction models of individual behavior intention can bee_plained as follows: Product quality needs to be e_amined because these variables effectively to influence customer attitude (Stank et al.,20__3; Richey et al., 20__7; Rafid Jaafar, 20__7).However, different findings on influence customer behavior and product quality services performed by Mentzer et al.(20__1) indicating customer perceptions about product quality is very relative and changeable nature because of individual psychological influence.1.1.Problem StatementConceptualization of variables to be studied, namely: product quality, pricereasonableness, brand image and attitude influence intention to use e_press delivery services.To encourage practices this study addresses the follog questions:Is product quality has a positive influence on e_press delivery services a positive attitude? What price reasonableness positive influence on attitude to use e_press delivery services? What positive effects on brand image e_press delivery services? What positive attitude influence on intention to use e_press delivery services? 1.2.Research Objectives The general purpose of this study is to look at the effect of product quality, price reasonableness, brand image and attitude influence on intention.Especially, this study aims to figure product quality has apositive influence on attitude; price reasonableness positive influence attitude; brand image positive influence attitude; and attitude positive effect on the customers&rs; intent to use e_press delivery services.1.3.Research ContributionsThe contribution of this study is to offer a new roach that is more prehensive, namely elaborate dimensions of product quality, brand image, price reasonableness, and attitude to assess the e_tent of its significance to customer&rs;sintent to use e_press delivery services; contribute to the science of management.Especially to understand the effect of product quality, price reasonableness, brand image, attitude to assess the e_tent its significance to customer&rs;s intent on e_press delivery services.Then, show main factors that e_plain highest variation incustomer&rs;s intent on e_press delivery services pany will help policymakers to reform corporate marketing service significantly and qualified; a pioneer in customer&rs;s intent perspective to use e_press delivery services.The findings of study will fill chasms theoretical to e_plore role of attitudes that decide customer&rs;s intent to use e_press delivery services and mainstreaming for further studies in marketing services.2.Research Framework and HypothesesThe roach used in assessing the influence of attitudes and intentions of customers are TRA of Fishbein Ajzen (2021) and TPB developed by Ajzen (20__1) with adding the perceived behavioral control as a determinant of behavioral intention.Dimensions intention to behave customers essentially determined by three factors: a person&rs;s attitude toward behavior, the degree of social pressure one feels about the behavior and the degree of acceptance of control perceived in behavior.The third ponent of this belief interacts and be a decisive intention that determines a person&rs;s behavior.In a study of the influence of the attitudes and intentions of customers in using e_press delivery services, the proposed research model as follows: 2.1.Product Quality Positively Influence on Attitude Customers use e_press delivery services for reasons of timeliness submissions (Kannan Tan, 20__2; Cakravastia Takahashi, 20__4), at petitive prices (Bienstock Royne, 2021; Rahman, 20__6; Mentzer et al., 20__7) reliable, safety and shipment security (O_ford Economic Forecasting, 2021).Parasuraman et al.(20__5); Goode Harris (20__4) said that service quality is a significant predictor of attitudes (Cronin Taylor, 1992) affects intention to behave.Indicate that intentions better than customer&rs;s attitude towards products / services quality.The degree of intent describes customer state while attitude is perceived by degree assessment of products / services quality provided by providers.In accordance opinions by Fawcett et al.(1996); Colonna (1997) about product quality attributes this study used the Global E_press Association Standard (20__), namely: Global Reach; Reliability; Transparency; Speed and Security are predicted to affect positive attitude.Based on these results, products / services quality included in model and proposed the first hypothesis as follows: H1: Product quality positively influence attitude to use e_press delivery services.2.2.Price Reasonableness Positively Influence on AttitudePrice is an important variable for positive attitudes towarde_press delivery services formation.Prices give positive or negative consumer perception (Zeithaml, 1988; Gerrard Cunningham, 20__4) to assess a product, both products services, and goods.Colgate Hedge (20__1) conclude behavioral effect on the price of customer attitudes about products / services (Peng Wang, 20__6) price (e_pensive) and pricing policy cannot be trusted.Based on Imran et al.(2021) studied price reasonableness will be assessed by a customerin accordance with service quality, both significantly with a positive attitude.Different studies Chitty et al.(20__7) high-quality services would be considered good even pay more e_pensive than low-quality services so that services (Rahman, 20__6; Mentzer et al., 20__7) is difficult to reposition price.Basedon the research above, follog hypothesis is advanced: H2: Price reasonableness positively influence attitude to use e_press delivery services.2.3.Brand Image Positively Influence on AttitudeBased on research Aaker (20__4); Anisimova (20__7); BlombackA_elsson (20__7); Martenson (20__7); Da Silva Syed Alwi (2021)e_plained that brand image is customer attitudes perception when considering a particular brand, an image can be brand assured.The brand image role elaborating memories, belief and preference of customer&rs;s attitude toward a brand (Hsieh et al., 20__4; Karour Ahmadinejad, 20__).Keller Lehmann (20__3) e_plain that brand image and attitudeaffect customer&rs;s intention.Nguyen LeBlanc (1998) indicated attitude is more influential than a brand image on intention.Hsieh et al.(20__4) indicate the pany&rs;s brand perception big influence on buying behavior.Noted that brand image positively influence attitude and intention to use a particular product.Vahid Aidin (20__) indicating that it cannot predict actual behavior of products / services selection, due to various reasons, particularly situational reasons.Based on research above, follog hypothesis is advanced: H3: Brand image positively influence attitude to use e_press delivery services.2.4.Attitudes Influence on IntentionsAttitude consistently affect on intentions (Tarkianen Sundqvist, 20__5).Customers&rs; positive attitude tends to realize intention (Ajzen, 1991).Based on research (Rosenberg Hod, 1995; Fishbein Ajzen, 2021) attitude predisposes behavior.A multi-dimensional as hierarchical sequence model of cognitive, affective and conative (Rosenberg Hod, 1995).Chang (2021) is used to determine attitude effect by intention.Focus of this study aims to describe the model predictions about attitudes and intentions on e_press delivery services are to e_plain individual&rs;s desire degree to determine attitude on e_press delivery services customer.Based on research Anoraga (20_) indicate intention based one_perience and motivational factors influence behavior (Ajzen, 20__1).Intention described attitude directing behavior and subjective norms and refers to individual&rs;s perception that benefits against certain behaviors (Werner, 20__4) and increasing the intention to use the services.Results of research Webb Sheeran (20__6) indicate that the intention is the determinant of behavior, in addition to the PBC can predict directly to behavior or mediate relationship between intention and behavior.Based on these studies proposed hypothesis therefore is: H4: Attitude to use e_press delivery services mediates the relationship between product quality, price reasonableness, and brand image on customer&rs;s intention to use e_press delivery services.Based on these descriptions, research model on attitudes and intentions customers using e_press delivery services in Jakarta this basic framework can be arranged as shown in Figure 1 as follows: Figure 1.The conceptual model3.MethodsThe results are justified scientifically from source and truth, and then research methods are designed to provide a clear and structured basis instruments used to test a hypothesis.In order to achieve these objectives, this chapter will discuss scope, sling techniques, operational definition and measurement of variables, and statistical methods.3.1.The Scope of ResearchThis study was designed as an e_ploratory research to e_plain a phenomenon (Maholtra, 20__7).The research was conducted in Jakarta using survey techniques and data collected are cross-sectional.3.2.Sling TechniquesThe target population in this study is customers who intend to choose e_press delivery service for shipments / packages / documents in Jakarta chosen as study setting are e_pected to limit a scope of study so that results are relatively homogeneous.Non-probabilistic sle taken with follog criteria: (1) sle must have knowledge of courier / courier service / mail / e_press delivery services intended use; (2) Sle never use a delivery service and intend to use e_pressdelivery service at PT.Nugraha path Ekakurir (JNE) during August to October 20__.The determined number of sles of 100 respondents, thus meeting the minimum eligibility criteria for consideration data analysis aspects of Structural Equation Model / SEM (Hooper et al., 2021).3.3.Operational Definition and Measurement of Variables3.3.1.Product Quality Product quality is defined as an individual&rs;s perception of product superiority (Aaker, 1997).In this study variable product quality adopted from Global E_press Association (20__).Product quality variable was measured with dimension (a) Global Reach (knog its wide range) measured using five indications: (1) unlimited range; (2) reach to all corners; (3) a broad range; (4) reach to corner and (5) spread range; (b) Reliability (knog of reliable service) were measured using five indications: (1) timely service; (2) reliable services; (3) consistent; (4) tested services; (5) ministry assured.; (c) Transparency was measured using five indications: (1) service is transparent; (2) service is open; (3) services are easily tracked; (4) service is easily detected and (5) e_plicit service.(d) Speed (fast delivery) was measured using 5 indications (1) fast delivery; (2) timely delivery; (3) delivery smoothly; (4) delivery efficient and (5) delivery reliable.(e) Security was measured using five indications: (1) safe delivery;(2) delivery is guaranteed; (3) are not damaged; (4) shipment is not lost, and (5) shipments protected.Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.3.3.2.Reasonableness PricePrice is defined as an individual&rs;s quality perception.The price factor is a sacrifice that must be paid to get some product type (Zeithaml, 1988; Rahman, 20__6; Mentzer et al., 20__7).This variable was measured by using 5 price reasonablenessindicators (Karour Ahmadinejad, 20__): (1) reasonable rates; (2) reasonable rates; (3) affordable rates; (4) reasonable rates, and (5) usual fare.Each item wasmeasured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.3.3.3.Brand ImageBased on the earlier studies, the researcher determined that this variable was measured by using brand image attributes.Brand image is elaborating memories, beliefs and preferences of customer&rs;s attitude toward a brand.So the brand image is measured using 5 indications (Hsieh et al.20__): (1) popular brands image (2) superior brand image.(3) a good brand image.(4) brand image has a good reputation.(5) brand image has a good impression.Each item was measured using a 5-point scale Linkert from strongly disagree to strongly agree.3.4.Positive Attitude towards E_press Delivery ServicesAttitude is defined as a degree of evaluation like or dislike of a person against an object or product (Ajzen, 1991).This means that if a customer has a positive attitude towards a product, the customer tends to manifest intention.Attitude measure multi- dimensional (Rosenberg Hod, 1995) as a construct in a hierarchical manner described through a cognitive, affective and conative sequence.In this study, e_press delivery services attitude is measured by using a 5 attitude indications, namely: (1) Glad to e_press delivery services; (2) Likes to e_press delivery services; (3) e_cited to e_press delivery services; (4) Hy on the e_istence of e_press delivery services, and (5) Think positive to e_press delivery services.Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.3.5.Intention to use E_press Delivery ServicesIntention to use e_press delivery services (Fishbein Ajzen, 2021)is measure of confidence, motivation; attitudes to direct behavior, subjective norm; intention to act, and perception of behavioral control.This variable was measured by using 5 indications: (1) It will usee_press delivery services; (2) Want to use e_press delivery services; (3) Tendency to use e_press delivery services; (4) Willingness to use to use e_press delivery services; (5) Regarding use of these services in the future.Each item was measured using a 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.4.ConclusionInfluence between variables in structural equation modeling, in general, does not support the results of previous studies, such as product quality and price reasonableness is not consistent with thestudy (Cronin Taylor, 1992) that product quality perceived and services are predictors of positive attitudes and behavior intention antecendent subscribers.The findings further showed no consistent also with findings (Keaveney, 1995; Colgate Hedge, 20__1) that price reasonableness influence positive attitude customers.However, results of studies on price reasonableness in line with (Mittal et al., 1998; Karour Ahmadinejad, 20__) studies indicatingprice does not affect customer&rs;s purchase intention.The findings indicate that brand image positively influences attitudes.These results support previous studies (Aaker, 20__4) that quality perception shows superior differentiation of products or services and customers to the brand and think selectively used services.These results are consistent findings (Hsieh et al., 20__4; Karour Ahmadinejad, 20__) that brand image elaborating memories, beliefs and preferences of customer&rs;s attitude toward a brand, then brand image and perception of corporate image influence on intention and purchase behavior brand, in line with studies (Blomback A_elsson, 20__7; Ogba Tan, 2021; Matthiesen Phau, 2021) brand image influence positive customers attitude.Good customer perception will ear when the brand has a unique advantage / superior, good reputation, popular, nice and provide the best service (Aaker, 1997; Kotler Keller, 20__).This shows brand image directly describes product quality.The study showed mediating role attitudes towards an intention to use e_press delivery services to sharpen study (Rosenberg Hod, 1995) that a construct ofcognitive, affective and conative able to e_plain desireindividuals to determine a positive attitude.Construction positive attitude (Ehigie, 20__6) is a critical factor closely related to customer e_pectations, perceived services quality.Similar findings (Donio et al., 20__6; Brunner et al., 2021) which affect-laden of a brand that a positive attitude will enhance customer intention to use e_press delivery services.中文译文:客户为何打算使用快递服务【摘要】:^p本研究的目的是更好地了解产品质量、价格合理性、品牌形象和态度对客户意向的影响。



中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Research of Regional Logistics CompetitivenessAbstractAt present, the development of logistics is the logistics demand rapid increase, the expanding market capacity, accelerates the construction of logistics infrastructure, third-party logistics fast growth the tendency, the whole logistics industry is developing in the direction of the information, globalization and specialization. At the same time, with the rapid increase of logistics demand, the development of the regional logistics more rapidly. Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existence and development of regional logistics is the premise of existence and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regional logistics. Regional logistics and regional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regional economic shape, size and industry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Regional economic integration can make the area and regional logistics incline to reasonable, adapt to reasonable layout of industrial structure, to reduce logistics cost, promote the development of regional logistics. On the other hand, the regionaleconomic development is inseparable from the development of regional logistics and regional logistics to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the further development of regional economy. Therefore, the development of the regional logistics has become to improve the regional investment environment and industry development environment, expanding the scope of the regional influence, the key to enhancing regional competitiveness.Keywords: Regional logistics; Regional logistics competitiveness; Evaluation index 1 IntroductionThe rapid development of world economy and the progress of modern science and technology, the logistics industry as an emerging service industry, is developing rapidly in the global scope. Internationally, logistics industry is considered to be the economic development of the artery and basic industry, its development degree become to measure a country's modernization degree and comprehensive national strength, one of the important marks is known as the "third profit source" of the enterprise, its role is more and more big, became the current after the IT industry, financial industry's hottest emerging industry a new growth point of national economy, and caused widespread social attention. Regional logistics is an important component of regional economy, is the important force in the formation and development of regional economy, it is to improve the efficiency and economic benefit in the field of regional circulation, improve the competitive ability of regional market, etc., plays a positive role in active. Behind the rapid development of modern logistics, however, there are still many problems; including logistics competitiveness level is lower than the level of logistics development is particularly prominent. Choosing logistics competitiveness development level evaluation index, since there is no uniform standard, can only use freight or freight turnover scale to measure logistics. Implementation of goods transport is the process of logistics spatial displacement at the center of the link, with the two indicators to measure logistics scale has certain scientific, but it can't reflect the outline of the regional logistics. Estimates of logistics demand, typically based on GDP and total retail sales of social consumer goods such as index of national economic accounting. This is just a simple measure of the macro level, the proportion of different researchers use different, ranging from teens to twenty percent, there are large difference between the results and gives theoreticalanalysis greater difficulties. At the same time, the logistics industry's economic statistical data shortage, there is no comprehensive logistics demand statistics, which made us qualitative understanding of the level of understanding of logistics.2 Literature reviewAbout the Core Competence theory, Core Competence (Core Competence) of the original intention is the Core skills or Core skills, this concept is in 1990 by the American strategic management experts made (C.K.P rahalad) and Britain's strategic management experts hamer (c. amel), refers to the enterprise organization of accumulating knowledge, especially about how to coordinate different production skills and integrate a variety of technical knowledge, and on the basis of advantage over other competitors unique ability, namely Core Competence is built on the basis of enterprise Core resources, is the enterprise intelligence, technology, products, management, culture and other elements in the reflection of comprehensive advantage in the market. At present there are three typical academic argument: the ability theory represented by Rossby and Christie's school; School represented by porter's theory of market structure; Represented by Werner Phil and Penrose's theory of resource school. Core competitiveness is value, the ability to integrated, uniqueness, extensibility and inherent characteristics.Related theory, the study of regional logistics, the logistics research of Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries, focus on the enterprise level, is committed to providing enterprise optimization strategy. And regional logistics system and competitiveness research, involved. According to literature review, the regional international logistics field of research mainly includes the following aspects: (1) from the perspective of multinational company research the global logistics resources configuration and coordination problems. Specific include logistics infrastructure, market competition mechanism and the problem of logistics supply chain operation. Such research quantification technology such as using the operational research tools, more for the global network of supply chain facility location positioning, and coordinate the factory more support, strategic distribution system design problem. This is an extension of the logistics enterprise level optimization study, the commonly used methods include mathematical analytical method, system simulation method and heuristic methods, etc. If only one method and graphical method solving the problem of the layout of the site; Mixed integer programming solve the problem of siteselection of logistics center and logistics planning, etc.(2) from the perspective of urban economy and the environment, the research of urban traffic network Settings. For example Tanjguchietal from the city level, using a dynamic traffic simulation model, quantitative research economic growth, the transport demand, as well as the related road congestion and environmental pollution.(3) from the point of view of the city government, study its role in macro logistics development and utility. For example MeirJ. R and Senblatt, studied the global supply chain management in infrastructure financing, transportation and regional trading rules, corporate tax law of the government subsidies, and other effects of the main factors of global production and distribution network, etc.3 Introduction to the theory of regional logistics related3.1 The definition of regional logisticsAcademic definition of regional logistics has not yet unified, a more accepted view is that regional logistics is the geographical environment in a certain area, with large and medium-sized cities as the center, based on the regional scale and scope economy, combined with effective logistics service scope, area inside and outside of all kinds of goods from the supplier to accept to effective entity flow; Is the transport, storage, loading and unloading, handling, distribution, packaging, circulation processing, information processing, such as integrated logistics activities, to service in the composite system of regional economic development. It requires the integration, the integration of logistics management, namely to meet user needs for the purpose, to the goods, services and related information from the supplier to accept to the efficient flow of planning, execution, and control activities, is the organic unity of cash-flow, information flow and cash flow.3.2 Relationship of regional logistics subject, object and carrierRegional logistics has the characteristics of multi-level and multi-dimensional structure, its basic elements include logistics main body, object and logistics carrier, and the structure of the basic elements and their complete system, each element show different features, thus forming the function of the regional logistics. Regional logistics main body is directly involved in or specialized is engaged in the economic organization of regional logistics activity, including the owner of the goodsFlow, the third party logistics enterprise, storage and transportation enterprise, etc. Logistics is the supply chain logistics channels, the starting point and end point ofconnection in the whole course of the regional logistics activity plays a dominant and decisive role. Elements of the integrated logistics subject is the essential characteristic of modern logistics. Therefore, the elements of logistics as one of the main body, logistics has a decisive role in the development of logistics industry. Similar accumulation and regional economy industry, regional logistics also emphasizes the logistics main body accumulation, logistics main body in space is beneficial to promote the logistics activities of large-scale, intensive, body development, it is also a regional logistics park, logistics center, the objective basis of the formation of distribution centers, and regional logistics park, logistics center and distribution center determines the spatial structure of the regional logistics system.3.3 Regional logistics and regional economic relationsRegional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existence and development of regional logistics is the premise of existence and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regional logistics. Regional logistics and regional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regional economic shape, size and industry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Logistics is always accompanied by business flow, the more advanced the regional economy, manufacturing and trading more active, the logistics industry as a service industry will have a good customer base and market infrastructure, the greater the chance of large-scale development. On the other hand, the regional economic development is inseparable from the development of regional logistics and regional logistics to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the further development of regional economy. Thus, regional logistics and regional economy is the unity of interdependence. Regional economy is the premise and foundation of regional logistics development, is the dominant force in the regional logistics development; Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, is the regional economic support system, and serve the regional economy. Regional logistics development goal and strategy must obey and serve the regional economic development goals and strategies.4 Regional logistics competitivenessRegional logistics competitiveness refers to a certain space range (generaladministrative area as the border, across regions), the logistics industry are different from other areas of the assignment of resources was made in the advantage, the logistics enterprises, government policy support and industrial innovation ability, eventually embodied through regional internal benign competition will be more than all kinds of resources, the ability to effectively integrate to form a complementary and integrated ability system, reflect the regional comparison of competitive power in the logistics activity, reflect the size of the regional logistics service ability and the logistics industry development level of high and low. The competitiveness of the regional logistics is mainly composed of six basic elements constitute: social and economic development level, scale of logistics demand and supply condition of logistics, the logistics development of logistics industry in the enterprise information development level, development level, the macro environment.4.1 The social and economic development levelComprehensive social and economic development level reflects the regional logistics competitiveness level of social economic basis, is the guarantee of development of regional logistics competitiveness, to provide support for the sustainable development of regional logistics, from the other side also reflects the competitiveness of regional logistics development potential and power.4.2 The logistics demand scaleLogistics demand scale is mainly refers to the logistics services in the field such as production, consumption and circulation quantity and scale, to some extent, restricted by local resource conditions, it reflects a region, the demand for logistics service level and size: the size of the logistics demand, determines the size of the logistics market capacity, is the premise of existence and development of regional logistics industry and the foundation.4.3 Logistics supply conditionThe supply condition of logistics refers to the logistics infrastructure provided for the development of the logistics industry, all kinds of logistics technology and equipment, is engaged in the logistics services enterprises and the corresponding professionals such as the number and size of traffic capacity and regional situation, the comprehensive reflection of regional logistics supply capacity and service level, reflects the effect on the development of the logistics industry to promote and satisfaction, is the main factor of the formation and development of regional logisticscompetition.4.4 Logistics enterprise development levelLogistics enterprise comprehensive development level reflects the regional logistics main body's ability to provide logistics services and meet customer demand, embodies the subject of logistics operation level, mainly including the enterprise competition ability, profit ability and performance level, reflect a certain period of logistics enterprises in the area of the overall level of development, is the key factor for the formation of regional logistics competitiveness.4.5 Information development levelMainly refers to the regional information development level of information degree and the level of information technology. Logistics is based on information flow, logistics has become more and more rely on the whole process of access to information. Many logistics enterprises have established their own information management system as a crucial to the development of its core competitiveness, the development level of information is the one important factor for the formation of regional logistics competitiveness level.4.6 Logistics macro environmentMacro environment refers to the logistics industry development of logistics industry development planning, land use policy, tax policy, market access policy, talent training, such as the soft environment, affecting the development of logistics industry reflects the external environment for the development of the logistics industry to provide favorable conditions and the environment support.译文:区域物流竞争力研究摘要当前,物流的发展正呈现出物流需求快速上升、市场容量不断扩大、物流基础设施建设加速、第三方物流快速成长的趋势,整个物流产业正朝着信息化、全球化和专业化的方向发展。



仓储物流外文文献翻译中英文原文及译文2023-2023原文1:The Current Trends in Warehouse Management and LogisticsWarehouse management is an essential component of any supply chain and plays a crucial role in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of logistics operations. With the rapid advancement of technology and changing customer demands, the field of warehouse management and logistics has seen several trends emerge in recent years.One significant trend is the increasing adoption of automation and robotics in warehouse operations. Automated systems such as conveyor belts, robotic pickers, and driverless vehicles have revolutionized the way warehouses function. These technologies not only improve accuracy and speed but also reduce labor costs and increase safety.Another trend is the implementation of real-time tracking and visibility systems. Through the use of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags and GPS (global positioning system) technology, warehouse managers can monitor the movement of goods throughout the entire supply chain. This level of visibility enables better inventory management, reduces stockouts, and improves customer satisfaction.Additionally, there is a growing focus on sustainability in warehouse management and logistics. Many companies are implementing environmentally friendly practices such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and alternativetransportation methods. These initiatives not only contribute to reducing carbon emissions but also result in cost savings and improved brand image.Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have become integral parts of warehouse management. AI-powered systems can analyze large volumes of data to optimize inventory levels, forecast demand accurately, and improve operational efficiency. Machine learning algorithms can also identify patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive maintenance and minimizing downtime.In conclusion, warehouse management and logistics are continuously evolving fields, driven by technological advancements and changing market demands. The trends discussed in this article highlight the importance of adopting innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, visibility, sustainability, and overall performance in warehouse operations.译文1:仓储物流管理的当前趋势仓储物流管理是任何供应链的重要组成部分,并在物流运营的整体效率和效力中发挥着至关重要的作用。

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1. INTRODUCTIONLogistics is normally considered as nothing more than getting the right product to the right place at the right time for the least cost. Faced with a rapidly changing environment, revolutionary changes in technology, continued government deregulation, the shortening of product life cycle, proliferation of product lines and shifts in traditional manufacturer-retailer relationships, many organisations have had to rethink their traditional assumptions.Over the last ten years one of the most significant changes in management thinking was the emphasis on the search for strategies that will provide superior value in competition. Logistics management has the potential to assist the organisation in the achievement of both a cost/productivity advantage and a value advantage. The importance of logistics and its integration in the supply chain was argued by.China is a huge consumer market that accounted for a third of global economic growth over the past three years. Its development speed and potential cannot be ignored by the rest of the world. As a result of China’s internal and external economic attributes, most of the global consumer brands have established operations there. In particular in the automobile industry, many of the leading global OEMs including Honda, Toyota, General Motors, V olkswagen and Ford have established joint-venture partnerships with local car manufacturers. Auto sales in China rose by 76% in the year to July 2003 and by 2011, China is expected to surpass Japan to become the wo rld’s second largest auto market. In order to compete in the Chinese market share and satisfy increasing demand, these operations are continuously expanding their production volumes with astonishing speed. Such expansion is, however carried out in the context of a legacy environment.China spans a large geographical area with, in many parts, under-developed infrastructure. This presents a challenge to efficient deployment of logistics strategies. Furthermore, the involvement of third party logistics providers, favoured by most globalOEMs, is an emergent consideration in China. Finally, the conflicts that inevitably arise in the joint venture partnerships lead to delays in the introduction of western logistics management experiences and methods from the OEMs. All these factors increase the difficulties in managing logistics by China’s local auto makers.2. The overall development of foreign distribution Overview2.1 The United States of modern logistics developmentTwenty-first century from the 60s on wards, the rationalization of distribution of goods in general are valued in the United States to take the following measures: First, the warehouse will replace the old distribution center: The second is the management of the introduction of computer networks, on the loading and unloading, handling, custody, standardized operation, improve operating efficiency; Third, the common chain distribution centers set up to promote the growth of chain-effective. United States chain stores have a variety of distribution centers, mainly in the wholesale-based, retail and warehouse-type three types.2.2 Japan's modern logistics developmentOn logistics and distribution of wood with the following features: well-developed distribution channels, frequent, low-volume stock, logistics and distribution reflects the common and set the trend sticks, logistics and distribution cooperative, the Government planning in the development of modern logistics and distribution play an important role in the process of .2.3 European modern development of logisticsCountries in Europe, especially Germany, logistics refers to the user's orders in accordance with the requirements of positions in the logistics sub-goods distribution, the goods will be sent to the consignee with good activities. Germany's logistics industry formed of basic commodities from origin to distribution center, from the distribution center (and sometimes through more than one distribution center) arrive at the modern mode of end customers. Traveled in Germany, it can be said of the logistics and distribution in Germanyhas been formed to final demand-oriented to the modernization of transport and high-tech information network as a bridge to a reasonable R69 distribution center hub to run a complete system.2.4 the main reasons of logistics industry developing faster in developed countriesRelying on high-tech to the core economies of scale to allow flexibility based on a variety of forms.3、China's 3PL enterprises are facing a major obstacle to business3.1 The current situation of China's 3PLChina's 3PL enterprises: service radius of a small, low entry barriers. With the gradual warming heat logistics, urban logistics industry is also increasingly unitary covered by the importance and development. However, due to historical reasons in our country, the long-standing emphasis on production of a light flow, heavy flow to light the idea of the logistics, distribution of development in the not yet ripe at this stage, there is the issue more prominent in the following two aspects: the service delivery difficult to play a central role, the process of distribution of the low level of modernization.China's 3PL companies with foreign 3PL companies mainly in the gap between the three aspects: First, procurement capacity, and the other is logistics, and the third is cash flow. Aspects of logistics and distribution, foreign retailers have done very well, has a set of efficient logistics information system, which can effectively improve the inventory turnover rate, so as to enhance the return on assets and profitability. And domestic retailers in this area has just started, or have not yet started.3.2 distribution center lower the overall distribution, commercial chain failed to give full play to the advantagesFrom our point of view the existing commercial retail enterprises, in addition to some large, well-known commercial enterprises, the general commercial "chain" businesses are not set up their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics center. Although these companies have also established some of his own "chain" stores, but in factoperating goods stores do not do "unified procurement, unified distribution, unified billing," which allows some commercial retail enterprises, "chain" seems to exist in name only. The other has been established in their own logistics and distribution centers or use third-party logistics distribution center of commodities in commercial enterprises, the effectiveness of distribution centers has not been effective, which in turn affected the procurement cost of an integrated chain advantages, including outstanding manifested by the distribution center for goods distribution ratio of unity is very low. Uniform distribution logistics center can not be achieved, indicating the store's commercial enterprises "unified purchase" did not materialize, rather than a unified procurement chain has lost the core strengths.3.3 China's more enterprises are facing a major obstacle of the higher logistics costWal-Mart 8 5% of the commodities distribution through the distribution center, in which 80% is through the "zero inventory" of the more complete form of the distribution database. Wal-Mart as a result of the use of the "Cross distribution" and "auto-replenishment" of supply chain technology, so that goods turnover in the Treasury down to 2 days. And retail enterprises in China are in the 15-30 days, which reflects the retail , distribution enterprises, underdeveloped logistics system, distribution costs are too high. Rapid expansion of retail enterprises in China's size and speed in the short term if they can not form a qualitative edge is a dangerous speculation.Over the years the practice has proved that the multi-purpose logistics distribution center, intensive, low-cost supply hub, as well as the use of information technology to reorganize and upgrade the entire flow of the supply chain management is the core of large-scale retail enterprises strategy is to support the retail giant super-conventional development. The face of large-scale retail and distribution businesses of the main distribution center logistics requirements planning, focusing on how to reflect the integration of information flow in business flow, logistics, capital flow, so that the operation of retail enterprises to expand the logistics for the entire enterprise supply chain collaboration nodes and so that the whole positive and negative to minimize logistics cost of goods (including consumers, stores, logistics, distribution centers, headquarters, suppliers and partners), and atimely response to sales demand and timely replenishment. This is also a large-scale cross-regional, multi-format, chain retail enterprises have the capacity of the core competitive advantage.3.4 Lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel.This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks. Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it is new to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems.4 to enhance core competitiveness, the implementation of integrated management"integrated management" is the original English Integrated SupplyProcess, refers to the production enterprises, office, life of a non-core business areas of the operation and management of integration as a Overall, as a business-oriented to manage outsourcing projects, by the special "integrated management" of the suppliers to provide full-service projects. "Integrated management" is not simply puts together the management of the business, but to improve management efficiency and reduce management costs as the core, combined with advanced information technology and network management features such as one organically integrated. Compared with the general outsourcing services, integrated management has the following characteristics:(1) It is not a business, but a complete outsourcing business from the operation of themanagement integration of outsourcing;(2) Outsourcing is not a core operation, but a comprehensive business management. Responsible for the entire business as a first-class suppliers, and its main task is to use itsunique resources to conduct a comprehensive knowledge management, the operation of the specific is it managed by the secondary and tertiary suppliers to implement, so in the management of outsourcing functions based on the specific operation of the outsourcing; (3) In the case of the most important first-level suppliers, other than remuneration in the fixed service, its the only way to increase revenue for users to save costs as much as possible in order to share the proceeds of cost savings, rather than as general outsourcing as suppliers, mainly through an increase in turnover, that is, to increase spending to increase the user's own earnings. "Double bottom" principle of cooperation between the two sides can make a stable and lasting.5 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choiceSummarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(1)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in China have restricted role. Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. It is produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy. Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application inlogistics management, logistics development must reflect. The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services. Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness.the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain allianceThird-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage. Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key. As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-party logistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. Value of the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities. Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities. Basic activities of supporting activities is to assist therevenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics. Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc. link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(2)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity. Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance theirstrength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics. Integrated logistics virtualization technology as a means of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service.Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization. Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environment re-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors. "1 导言物流通常被认为是将恰当的产品以最低的成本,在恰当的时间送达恰当的地点。
